Friday, - Jaie SI, 17S. "llaa Ceaal BiaeO Amis?, Oregon, Jnn 13th, 1S78. Ia obedience to tho cH of Gen. M. V, Brawn, the Volunteer Company of Albany met at the Court House for ths purpose ef fecting a permanent organisation, ami was called to order by Major J. R Herren at 7 o'clock p. m. After stating the ohjsct of the meeting, a committee of t!u-ee was appointed to select a name fur th Cimtpany. After a few nomonU the eoatintttee returned and re sorted a as appropriate uma "The linn County Rifles, " which name was uaroiinjous ly adopted and the eoatmittee discharged. L. Bilyett, W. B. Barr. T. J. Cline, T. L. Unejer and l;. it. Hewitt Were appointed a emmittee of Bve to draft a system ef by. law for the government of the company, to report at the next meeting. Hit eleetioe. of officer resulted as follewt : N. B. Humphrey, Capt ; Mart Angel, let Lier.t ; C. H. Hewitt, 2nd Lieut; and Jot Charter, Orderly Largt., it being left to the Captain te appoint the ntra.centaiissiened of eera. Oa motion the Company adjourned till next Monday evening, tt 7$ o'clock, J. R. HsRt-.Rif, Free. O0, CSAHBERLAtTt, Sec'y. ' ' ' 1 .. A ee Mam tieae.' . . .' Laat Friday morning tho tolling bells an nounced toe death of one of Albany' earliest pioneers and most respected citizens. ' Df. J. P. Tate, after a lingering ilinee, at last mc enaibed to that fell destroyer, contemptioa. Joeeph P. Tate waa born in Green county, Ohio, Oct 30th, 1S22, graduated at the Mia mi Medical College, Columbus, Ohio,' aqd im mediately erwmaeneed the practice of hie pro fession, and sine, with eeareely an !atermi ion, hat panned bit feeble calling ef allevi ating the sufferings of hit fvllow men, ' and winning by hit kind and generous 'manner hosts of frienda wfca sincerely aaoam with hit afflicted ramify. : Py the. death of Dr. Tate the medical profession has ' lost one of sneet able practitioners, society an upright and conscientious citisan, and hit family a kind husband and loving father. It can be truly said that a good man has gone. Poaot to his ashes. Vae. Frtk at ftalens. Salem proposes to eelebarate the national anniversary ia good style, with ail tho stride and circumstances of glorious patriotism. We haro received the programme for the day, and among other attractions not a mili tary parade and drill, trial ef steam and hand fro engines, boat raee, base ball, etc. Liberal premiums are offered successful com petitors. In tho evening there will bo a magnificent display of firework, and a grand ball, under the management of Alert Hook and Ladder Company, at Beed't Opera Hoose. Following an the offers of the day : President, Got. S. F. Chad wick ; Orator, Hon. Hwoo Etxds ; Reader, Geo. W. Belt; Chaplain, Rv. S. C, Adams ; Marshal, J. M. Patterson. At Albany is not goingte cele brate, a goe.dly number of oar citizen will at the Capital. Tae Creel epmblle. Th atoamehip Great ErhUc, recently parchased by P. B. Cornwall, for the Port land and San Francisco rente, has arrived at Portland. She has been fitted np fortius route at an expense of $40,000, and is regard ed by marine surveyor who have examined her since being refitted to be as sound in the hall as she waa the day she was launched. The vessel is 27S feet long ores all, CO feet in tho beam and 32 feet depth of hold. Her , register is 3,000 tons. . She has three decks and an orlop deck and four water-tight com' partments, Her engines are nominally 2,000 kors power, but will work up to an equiva lent of 3,000 horses. The diameter of her slimier is 105 inches and tho stroke of pU tea twelve ftfet The aeuemmodatinna for passengers are of the aw.-t ample and elegant aharacter. txritlaa. Indian war sews has been the principal topic of conversation during the past week or two, and the air has been heavy with rumors of the most saagninary character. First, Moses sras oa the war-path; second, seme of Joseph's band who had essaped into Britrnh America had returned and Were kicking up a row j third, that the sapply of sriiskym Pendle ton was running short, and in eionsequenco the Umatilla Indians were becoming beister- o is, and altogether tho ."intelligent gentle- bb jest from the Indian country" has been doing a Son risking ia the eiusmina- tien of the most atepeadous lies ever invent ed. The neat is bad enough, trithont any of this bloody ornamentation. . j ' " Tfces tew 'Croeswallu. zer years we navaaaa trouble sa winter with ear old-fashioned crosswalks, they be lag so Oat that tho mud would accumulate apoa them to a to reader them almost im y ews m as ism tae orosa walks being put down this year would reme dy tke evil. They are roundiug upon the top and the rains trill very probably keep them washed clean. E. B. Davidson has the contract of constractiag them and from ap- oarancst w judge he is doing fine job, ratal Accident, ' From the Harnsbarg Nude we leam that a yoang man named Brings, employed at a mill in tluit city, met with an accident last week by which he lost his life. It ieems he had occasion to thr-- off a Uit from a pully which was running it high spsed, and U deicg so ha waa casght by the belt and thrown some distance, his head striking a post, awing him instantly. Fame? Stack. W. a Myer's Shetland mare Mollie step, pod onto the scales with her celt a few days ago, and fairly mads the old Fairbanks groan aader the immense weight of 50 pounds of horse fleeh. Mollie is five years old, weighs 4161 pounds, and stands 3 feel, 5 inches high, and ths colt was a bay EUey, 2 days eld, SO inches high, and weighed 4?J pounds. TalwMe stare Killed. Last week a valuable uia.. , wperty of Mr. D. t. Lnpor, which U-i iea turned in to an eaelfare to graz. eras attacked by a cow belonging to E6. S. G. Irvine and so badly gord that ah died in a short time. This it a seriocs misfortune, as th mare was a valuable animal, and highly prized by Mrs. Laper. Cougar Killed. Last Monday Chas. and Geo. MeaJey killed two large cougar near Lower Soda, that had heea diniag on Mr. Mealey'a sheep for sevcr al weeks paet The largest of this fcraoeof kitteat asuurtd 9 ftet asd 4 inch. - TH County Court at Its last tenioit trans. acted the following business t Estate of A. Caroibert, deceased, R, Salt' marsh, makes return of salt of real property Heard and tale confirmed. Nancy L. Farriah, doee?.5J, return f tale of persons property, Osisndsr Farrisn, adm., return of tale f person id pror srty. Salt heard and oouarmed. Ordered tkst Friday, Sth day of Jaly,a$t. o'clock p. at, btap- psiTited for heeriag objections te final settle ment " : ' Kstate of. F M. Rice, L-ceAd, I O. Coshow, adm., Slcs inventory verified and thawing that the property has teen appraised tt $13, 112. 54.-- Examined smt appraised by court and charged to admr. It was further ordered that certain property be set apart to the widow and minor children. ' - Estate f guardianship of William J. Vawlor, a minor, Joseph IL Lane, guardian, files petition for sale of real property. Order ed that notice be given, and that Wednesday, 3rd day of July, at 1 o'clock p. m; bo set for hearing ol the tamo. . - Estate of Henry Myer, deceased, J. A. Crawford, adm.t presents first account Ap proved and allowed, - . . ;-v . . ; In the matter of tho co-partnership estate of Honck k Meyer, A. j Crawford, adm., present first account. . Approved and allow ed. ; ,: . , 5 . ,., BsiatS of Agnes N. Davis, deceased, exe cutor filet final account Ordered tiiat Tues day, 16th dy of August, at J o'doek p. to., be appointed for hearing objection and settle ment of the same. .,,.,.!, Estate and guardianship el Martha J. Hit- dreth, David J. Hildrelh and William H. HUdreth, minors, O. W. Taylor, f guardian, presents accounts filed this day. . Examined, approved and allowed, , .) t .? V, ; Estate of Job White, deceased, . admr. pre sents final account In the matter of F. F. WrijrH tor assign ment of dower ia real property, it J. Aver Ul, Jesse Barr and Z. B. Moss Commission ers. Make report ; accepted and eonf rtaed. Kstate of WUlis E. Jackson, deeeased, this oastter having been continued to this time Thtadmr., thhsigh bin j called, failed to appear, and the objectors appeared by at torneys. The Court then procoeded to hear th natter. : . " Estate of F. M. Bice, deeeased, admr. pre sents petition for sal of personal property. Ordered that stale be mad on credit of six months for all sums over1: five doBaraj that ram and under on cash ia hand, and be made at private sale. Estate and guardianship of Annie Willtrt and Eliza Willert, minors, David Prater, gnardisa, present account. Examined and allowed; ordered that guardian be discharged from his trsst as guardian of Annie Wil lert Estate of Jeremiah Ralston, deceased, exe cutors present first account Examined and allowed. Estate of A. J. Beard, deeeased, ordered that Samuel ClaypooJ be, appointed appraiser, is place of Joseph Nixon, who is absent Estate of Job White, deceased, on ' this 10th day of June, 1878, on petition of Hiram Smith, admr., for sale of real - property'.- Or dered that citation k issued to the widow and heirs to appear in this court cn Wednes day. 3d day of July next, at 1 o'clobk p. m.. to f how came, etc , Estate and guardianship of Thomas T. Bas- kett and ether minors, a this 12th day of June 187$, on petition of J. W. Corapton. ' Ordered that he be appointed guardian and letters be issued on his siring bonds and sureties in the turn of 2,000. Trial r Mf-Rtstlii aVarveettW We, the undersigned farmer of Linn eoua- ty, attended a trial of self -binders os the farm of Chas. Libbey, three miles below Jef ferson, June 17th, in which the Wood, Mc Connick and Osborne were regreuated, all doing fair work; but it it justice to say that the McCormick excelled the others ia sepa rating the bandies from the loose straw, and ia binding anil delivering the same in a neat, seuare and workmanlike manner, and far w of draft, durability, simplicity and nice adjustment of all parts, wt consider it unsur passed by any we hare seen. We have each purchased a McCormick, and cheerfully rec ommend tho same te farmers needing any thing ef the kind. -. . C. 8. itrLtnr, S. MafcHT. - Craace Besetatioa), At a meeting of th Lion County Business Council, P. of H., held Jane 10th, the follow ing preamble and resolutiea was adopted : Whskeas. Certain warehousemen ef Linn wtitv. Oreoott,' have sold or rented their wharves to tht O. S. K. Co. to the exclusion of the landing and discharging of freight by other or opposition beats navigating the Willamette river, therefore, be it RaoUi, Bv tho Lisa county Business Council, P. of H., that the Patrons of Has bandary be requested not to store their pro duce with say such warehousemen, but pat ronize those who keep their wnarreo opea to any or all steamers running oa said nver. 11. c i'OwaXL, see y. t tin. of Jaly BaU. For those who want to celebrate th 4th of July at home, without enduring tho fatigae of a trip to Salem, Ad. Edgar, of th Com' sock House, propers giving a grand ball. Th best of music has been engaged, an ex eellent cupper will be provided, sad th tia'ieta have been put at the extremely low price of $3, including aspppcr. There has been several very pleasant parties already given at the Gemstocb House, and it is ths intention to give a ball oa the 4th jrhtch will be equal (jo any in the State Of course good crowd will bo ia attendance. . ae Hero rarsrtenate. T. J. Blake, th Bohemias, who made this city hi headquarters for aom time, was eon vieted for the crime of forgery in the circuit court at Portland, and last Monday sentenced to tke penitentiary for two years. ., Blake is a man of good education, a graduate' of a London Medial College, and a few years ago sras a fine talker and writer, but recently his time and talents have been devoted t-tbe securing and consumption of bad whisky-..' aUckotl sT a aUrso. While workine in Van Vacter'a black. smith shop last Friday Jas. Hatcher had the misfortune to receive aaevemkiek from a horse on the -ight leg, just below the knee, which laid open the flesh for about two inches, in fitcting quite an ugly and painful wound, but Jim, who is a plucky boy, was around again in a day or two, looking not much worse for tho accident Anether Ampatatlea. Fred Bogart, the unfortunate fireman, who waa injured at the time of the accident to the express train, near the machine shops, has submitted to another amputation, making the third operation which ha been perform' . .- ..... I j ' " the f sriner's frlta. Th0Urn Self-BlsJIng Harvester at n ai la th field whan proptrij oportUd. niteompact, timpl tad dsrable, tad will b doing good work when other machines art . Th neodtt arm can b threaded by th drvar without leaving hit teat while the machine la ia motion, and it hat many other tdvanUget over all othr machines of Itt class which will more fnlly appear whea farmer costs to work it ia tho field. Os borne & Co. have, daring the past twenty-two years, constantly watched, and experimented, improved and rebuilt, invent ed and sought new combinations, antil In the Oaborn Self.Binding Harvester they hav s machine that has successfully solved the problem, and satisfied the world that th cutting and binding of grata at on opera, tion by machinery is not only possible, but that the work dono is la every wy more satisfactory than can be done by haad. Tht Self.Binding Harvester is sure to be a favorite with farmers' wives, as it is an efficient ally against the header, with its accompanying army of men, who thrust themselves down at her table during harvest, and compel her to provide food, tick or welL Thit machine exterminates them a it by magic, and never complains of being tired or hungry. J. J. Brown is agent in this city. Read the adv. ia another eeluma. ' tBKst.AsV byrns West lake, Esq., who, accompanied by his family, has been "doing" California tor some mouths, came ap last week, looking as though the climate of California agreed with him. Senator John H. Smith was ia the city last Monday and favored us with a calk 1 Mrs. Cottle, of California, mother of Mrs. J. K. Weatherford, it visiitiog friend ia thit city. , Billy Mansfield returned from a two weeks' tojonra at Sodaville last Tuesday. President Arnold and Wilson Baybura, of Corvallia, were ia th city daring th week Hon. W. a Kewbury, Mayor of Portland! favored as with a call but Wednesday. Dr. T. W. Harris, of Eugene, psid Albany a visit during the week. ' We regret to announce that Mrs. E. H Griffin is seriously ill. Mist Libbie Halbreok retarned from a fear weeks' visit to Walla Walla last Wednesday eveninjr. Mrs. Edith Wtstlaka arrived from Mod-jc county, California, yesterday oa a visit to re la tires in this ocunty. Craad Ledge omren. Following are the officer! of the Grand of Lodge LO.G.T. of Oregon, elected to serve during the ensuing yesr: G. W. C T. W. B. Dunbar, of Silverton. G. W. Coua, Miss Sue Joplin, Astoria. O. W. V. T. Mrs. Julia Simpson, Port land. Grand Seo'y W. & James, Portland. ' Grand Treat. J. E. Houston, Junction. G. W. Chap. O. W. Dimick, Hubbard. A. O. Sec'y Chas. H. Reed, The Dalles. O. Mar. W. T. Riches, Turner. G. D. Mar. Mis Louisa MeXultv, The Dalles. . O. Guard Mia S. D. Cocklercas, Resc burg. U. Sent D. R Taylor, Portland. O. Mess. W. II. O Donald, Portland. A Cftallnic. I would respectfully announce to the farm era of Albany and vicinity that I have the agency for W. A. Woods' Self-Binding Har vester, the only- sueeessful self -binding har- ester eves introduced into the Oregon har vest fields. I will also announce that I am ready to meet in field trial any aelf-binding harvester made, and in the contest submit my machine to such tests as may be required by a committee of practical farmers sppoint ed by the Linn County Council, or other or ganized body of practical farmers. im A. M. Koop. , aT for tae Voseodes. Last Tuesday morning a trio ef Albany gentleman, Wia. Peters, Ed. Clark and Claib H. Stewart, ye local of the Durorkar, left as for a couple of week' sojourn in the vicinity of Fish Lake, and wo suppose that during that period the mortality among tht w,-t;-j . t I bounding deer, asoaataia grouse and a wV . led beauties of the lake will be very great They will of course return Isdea with substantial tostimoiuahi of their skill with th gun and rod. rtetwve. Luia Base Ball Club hav received the cab inet photograph taken ly Buehtel after their ueoesafal contest with the picked Portland nine, aom week lines. It is a good picture of the boys, but oneef them, familiarly known amoug Pew-Jay a "S. B.," look as though hs had been for some tim without wood. water or grass. , AMeaUea, tieaUesuea. Don't forget to call at the ttoro of Ignat Fox before making your purchases of gents and boys furnishing goods, stationery, cigars, tobacco, notions, etc Bear ia mind that h wishes to make room for a largo fall stock, and for the next sixty days will sell at prices to defy competition. " . .. Kellgteas services. Rev. T. J. Wilson, of Hslsey, will preach at the United Presbyterian church next Sab bath, morning and eveaiag. Divine service will be held in St Peter's Episcopal Church next Sunday evening, at 7 :du o clock. tMUMtrrrmt v-.r4r. We acknowledge the receipt of an iavita. tion to be present at the Commencement Ex ercises of tbs . State . University, at Eagene City, on the 20th and 21ts inst i Th exer cises this year were unusually interesting, and w regret our inability to ho preseut tSodejM lady' Book. Tka July namber Of this popular magaaia has arrived, and our fair readers will find it unusually interesting, it being filled with charming stories, sketches, poems, etc.,. be tides several large and handsome fashion plates. - Hettee to Teachers. There will be a public examination of teach' era X th ofHc ef th County School Super. inieadcnt oa Saturday, June 20, 1873, com mencing at 9 o'clock a. m. L. Butiu, " . ; ' School Superintendent , CaaapaecUa . ' There will bo campmseting at Crabtree camp grounds. Forks of Santiam, commenc ing next Friday. These grounds have been muck improved recently, and aow afford ex cellent facilities for campers. Commissions for the officer of th Linn sfcaaty PiSst laT Arrivd .'1LL.L-I1IIJ.XAU A Hot Weather Boataaee. As the tprtar wort en asd thrwathsr t t All Sttltrtnrlj sultry and dtd btngsd hot, Tht 1st Mr. Brown declared hs'd net Be melted to death In that dry foods stars, And hsnce hesoneluded hs'd wear ne mors The uadsrsh'.rt a trst had wors. sncsb A little cold In his delicate lunf , A llttl sobs; by the church choir sub(- A Uttl eorpie toths rrarsrard bniBx. ae and Aoread. Read new adds. Are you a soldier t Circuit Court next Monday. Aro you going to the coast? Farmer are praying for rain. Albany is improving very fast. Salem is afflicted with burglars. Indication! of rain. Let it cdini'. Low prices again to San Francisco. , Considerable travel over the railroad. Mountain and coast parties organising. Catnptneetlng in progress near Harrison rg. Tho ferrotype gallery has gone to Corval- lis. Lumber ia now floated down the Setitiam canal. Read the Pari letter on first psge of tTis issue. District school will Adjourn ens v etk from to-dsy. Mcllwaiu's new brick will soon te cetn pleted. Dog dsys are drawing near. Trot out your dog poetry. Plenty of amtnement oa the tapis for the coming 4th. Cherries, blackberries and other small frait ia market. Grading on First street is being rapidly pushed forward. ' School boys and girls ars hsppy; vacation it near at hand. Wej learn that Lebanon will celebrate the 4th of July. Good. Salem has a sproting club, with Wilbur F. Cornell as President TLro brick business bouses in count of ereetion on First street. Th Harrisburg sag! is preptcisg to screech on the eoming 4th. The printers' picnic at Vancouver laat Sat urdjy was a grand affair. Th apparatu for hanging up hose, in Ko. On' bell tower it completed. Seveaty-nv men enlisted in the Linn Ooaaty Bifloe, and more coating. "Unci Totn' Cabin" wat given at tho Opera House laat Tuesday evening. The Albany urchin new disporteth in ths limpid waters of the Calapeoia, and it happy. Many men think they are tupporing a newspaper, whea ia fact they only ewe tke printer. Only aboat thirty persons went on tits ex cursion train to Turner campineeting Isst Snndsy. The Boulon family arrived in the city last Friday, but for om cause did not favor as with an exhibition. Secure your partner and ticket for the 4th of July ball at the Comstock Hows. 9e adv. in another column. Workmen are busily engsged excavating for the new Odd Fellows' Temple, and brick layers will coranwncs soon. Some half-doaen of the Lebanon belles chartered a hack last Sunday and escorted themselves to Sodaville. Several of our citizens have been in attend ance at the Grand Lodge, L O. G. T., whkh has bcea in session st Portland this week. Lj aside ths (Tsnful eSsiar, t"oM it arsu with ttndw e!; Brui( you out th lines duster, Stuch the tOM thinf U nr. A brakemaa named Uuess, who fur a while acted as baggage-master ou the express train, had hia hand badly crush! while coupling cars last Monday. Work has ccauut-nced Oil Foster's biiik building, on First street. Clark A Ia is, th contractors, propose to rash things as rap idly as possible. The Democrat family is under obligations to R. N. Arnutroug, Esq., for a bountiful tupplv of cherriM from bis royal Orchard in the part of the city. The large warehouse at the depot will be haudioaitly fitted up and decorated for the 4thcf July dance. Supper will be giveu in dining hall of the Comstock House. Several persons went to Eugene yesterday to be present at Commencement of State Cni .. . ., .. , , , versity. Among them we noticed Gov. Chad wick, A. Bush and others from Salem. A fashionable -bonnet can now be had for f 1.80 or less. That is all right , It it from $6 to 120 worth of trimming that strikes tks packet book in a sors place these hard times. Sodaville was well patronixed last Sunday. Everybody who could secure a carriage, bug gy, wagon, cart, or any other conveyance left the dusty city and spent the day at that fa vorite resort The picnic Mason is upon as, when the young man, by decorating hi kat with a wreath of oak-leaves, will eeek t attract public attention from, th) custard pi oa the oat of hi pantaloons. Mr. Geo. Hushes, of Portland has been engaged to manufacture and display the fire- srrok in Salem oa the 4th. It will be re membered that he had charge of that part of th proceedings in thit city. C. D. Simpson ha been enlarging aad gen. erally repairing his warehouse, at the foot of Ellsworth street, greatly increasing his facil ities for storing grain, aad now has one of the largest warehousoa in the valley. Beginning to-morrow at tho Fanners' and Mechanics' store, a complut clearing out tale, previous to moving to larger premises. ill stock will bs told regardless of cost Cash buyers, call early and secure bargains,. It is when a man is carrying a pound of honey on ous arm, and a bag of eggt on the other, and leading a bull-dog with a string, and attempt to brash a fly off his ear, that he feels no . dsn can be ait expert in all things. VATever hug a girl ia tight-fitting' corset, is the warning of an cfMuuige. Tes, to be sure ; but then, you know er er hew is a tellow to know, you know, just er well. how do you find how they fit before you be gin bagging, anyhow ? Tuesday evening Rev. J. A. Cruras d livered the annual address bf ore the Lam oia and Eutaxrian literary societies of the State University.' Mr. Cruzan it a graceful and polished peaker, and no doubt made an in' tensing and entertaining address. Hon. W. Fu Dunbar, of Silverton, Marion county, has just been re-elected for the fifth term as Grand Worthy Chief Templ-ir of tbs i. O. G.-T. This is a deserved compliment to Mr. Dunbar and a most judicious selection on the part of the Grand Lodge, Tc-dsy the Odd Fellows of Salem take pleasure excursion to Rossburg. Every arrangement is being made td iiunre its suc cess ia vry particular, and th Odd Fel lows of that town ara noted for making their aadertakings. a complete success. We. need some money end we feel assured that all that ia necessary is to mention the matter aad those who owe as for advertising and oa subscription Will come to the rescue. Tht amount each one owes us it assail, but in th aggregate it- Exotyits to considerable. Shtrman, Hyde Si Co., of San Franciseo, have tent us a fin ttrio-comio song called "The Fidgety Wife,"by Von Roehow. This h the best tosg we have seen for Concerts or Entertainments, and will surely "bring down th bouse" everytitne. ; The price marktd it BOO. Mothers should be very earofal to see that thr daughteri are well wrapped up while sitting out on the piazza to tee "the satellites si Mra. A coat tlcere, of course, is good as far at it goes, and, to tell the tratu, it goes as far as it esn, but at best it can cover only about so much territory. There is a Turkish allegory which tells as that every tutu hat two augelt one oa hit right and another on his left and that they record the good and evil that is done If thit be true, that left-handed tmgcl is prttty busy in these days, aad the right-handed one may at well go off oa a vacation. Sugar cured hams, very choice, country butter, only th very best, tho finest teas and coffees, the best stock of sugars in town, ths place to get your camping outfit, lot of fresh vegetables, more of tlit syrup, and every thing yon cast want ill the grocery line; at HafTcndea Bra's. i 121 First street, Iffc ou here no cash, bring fresh egg, which are taken at par. ... ' The dlh at Bewaart. . Our jovial friend Peter Abbey, of th Bay View House, Newport, has made arrange ments for giving a grand ball ou ths evening of the 4th. If any body can afford a good time to the devotees of Terpsichore, Abbey can, and any of our citixens who go to the coast about timo should not fail to at tend. rariet Fever Still Begin. Swekt Hone, June 18th, 187a SJHer .Democrat1 .- I send yoa this note to inform yon of the death of throe Inure children ia this neighbor hood one of H. Eekennan' and two of E. R. Abbott's all of scarlet fever, which still continues to rsge. Wsl n. Brow. etel Change. Th Exchange hotel has again changed hand, Mr. E, Murray having sold out and retired from business. The new proprietor, Mr. A. Bridges, of Benton county, will re furnish the house throughout ; . S. A. Fanning has closed up the Albany House, for want of sufficient patronage. Letter List. The follnwlns Is the list of letters remaining In th Pnst Office, Alba nr. fjnn rmintv. Ore- iron, nn 20, 187. IVrsons eelMns for these letters must sire the date on whlehthey were Sdvertiaed Ambler, Mia Alice Fenn, Mrs Adslia E Foss, W H Lark in, John Martin, Joe. P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. tlalrk Tins. Last Monday when a call was issued for recruits for the Indian war in lass than three hour after the roll was prepared 51 of Al bany's citixens had subscribed their name, and stood ready to ttart for ths front on short notice. This w call na . k work. Beat it who ean. KlBe Teatnt There is some talk among mmlers of the military company of organising a rille tivstn. A good move, as the company already num bers amoog its n!.m!ri ov;jr-.l tscf-Heiit shots. Breaahead tlsmu,. Just rcceivtid direct from th miu' iavoice of ii.i facturers, another hxza Celebrated BEOAMtran uel E. Younjr'. Fecit cans sad jars, granitu iron and tin ware, bottle-wax and camp furniture, told on the bed rock by ' W heeler. at Shedd. MABKIBB). BROOKS RAINWATER. At the rasldenMW U,a bridt's father, ia Bsnten eoaatv, Orseon, m the ldih inn., or t. n. v. mil, MR. josTra Brooes and MtM MATiksa nunrvarBK. DERRICK RAMTOif At the reaylenwi of Vr Rate Root, Wall Walla on the id dur ol June, Is's. be Rer. H. W. Enrn, Ma Ceo. W. Drnt.cs, ot w -ton, Orafue, te li liiiaiii aunta, at Aibanr, Ore-oB. MOTLET llctAOAN. In Coresllis. t th rni. ene ol the bridt's rerents, on June 10th, ISTS, br E. Ilnlrau, Coentr Juan. Ms. O. V. HotLar. d Albanr. sad Mis Mar HeLim. f CorralUa, A.i UisroaicAl, Fact. Krarr arent who has hmo steadily selling th Improved t K llosicntead Kevin? a rood aocunt in bank, is eler of debt, and baa moner unum iut iniw twv, mm umb dwelling Douse, Has at interest, the natural oanwauenceof securing food arencv lor superior (nods at tka lowsn prim. A od first-class Sewina Machine, moat useful irJiabl at all lima, easr to andervtand and control, the same sue and don lh tarn work a any machine that sell st For Tins the price. There Is no machine at aay price better, or that will do finer or more work, aod osrtainl) none so low In price by many dollara, Tiw uoMraTKAD n wtoeiv Known and used tn UiouaanSs of buniltea in th Eastern and Middle rllatea, n UUy be coming popular in th Went. It will save iu coat aov. oral time over in one season, doing- the work ol the family, or will earn lour or bvo dollars a day lor any man or woman wba aewa for a Urtng. It is ths strong-, ea machin Made, u ready at an tiinas to do Its work, mata the strongest and finest rtitch jot inrented, and ia fully acknowledged as the Standard Family Sew ing Machine. Price, compiet for domestic we, S30, deli vered at your door, no matter how remote you my roAid. Businee permanent and honorable, with more oertain and rapid sales, and larger profits than any other. Extraordinary liberal offers wade to local or traveling agents where we hare nont established ; or, if there is bo ajreitt near roe, send your order direct tn ww laeiory. Atama Jonil II. Kendall Co,, Broadway, New York. vlSjilfyl Bedared Bate for Mxty Boys. - Through our combination and the large stock of goods which wo purchased in San Francisco this spring, wo have accumulated A XABXOTU hTOTK of Clotataa-aad Dreaa od of all description, which we will sell at greatly reduced price for tht next titty days. Everybody will no well to c:ill and examine ourgocxln and prices. j Iligheat cash price paid for good merchani able wool. Don't forget the placa. VOX BAUM A CO. Er DKivErsAt, accohd. Ann's Cunisilc Pitts ars the best ol all purgatives for family use. They are the product of long, laborious, and successful ebemloal investigation, and tbeir extensive use, by Physician in tneir practice, ana ny an civuizea nation, pr rorce them th bent and roost effectual purjntive rill that medical sclent's can devie. Beiuz purely vcretable no harm ean aria tram thoir use. Iu Intrinsio value and curativo powers no other Pill can be oempared with. them, and every person, knowing their virtues. will employ them, when needed. They keep the sys tem In perfect ardor, and maintain in healthy action the whole machinery ol life. Mild, searching and ef fectual, thvy ars specially adapted to the needs of th digestive apparatus, detangenienu of which they pre vent ana cure, u umciy taiten. l ney ar tne nest ana safest Dhvwio to cramov lor children and weakened constitutions, where a mild, but effective, cathartic is roquireu. r or sale oy au aruginsta, a Polish tUe Youngsters' Teeth With SOZODONT, and when they grow up their mouths will be garnished with sound and handsome ones. The foundation of many a toothache is laid in childhood by neglect, and it is very important to the well-being of either child or adult that the teeth should be well taken care of. Bad teeth are no fit masticators of the food, anil brf.-xl dyspepsia Make 'ham white and strong, therefore, with SOZODONT. a preservative of supreme excellence and purity. Use it without delay. The Centaur Liniments ttre of two kinds. The White is for the human family; the? el. low is for horses, sheep, and other animals. Testimonials of the effects produced by these remarkable Preparations are wrapped around every bottle, and may be procured ol any drug, out. or by mail from the Office of wt CaN hob Compact, & Dey Street, New York City . 13:iWyl f SiSSXlSSi sssies.s 04i s 0 H ! I !lii!ll Sjn'6-. 88tJ5tJ8' SSSSicSS,? Smith k. Knrtrm hn Alltano. km imv Mr....-1 . . . J , . 1. .. : j , " ' " J. ... . .V'UIV, M and ornamental painting, g reining, kslaornin- gmaiuji, giiuing, etc. itou"!0 lining and papering will be done at reduced rates. All Work ntrtlfitd tr iltnip ,.arw 11um, in SKa city or country will receive prompt attention. ocir auup u ob cuswortu street, near tne i,,'ij. .... ... xii.'M, '"Ths National dold Medal was warded to BradUoy a Rnlofson forthe h-t PliotofTspbs 1 a ' i'ni"-o r.mrn, las las TWHSSUttUU to ihe hest In theworlfl. OMnsUnnPsy etlreet. b Franstw ADYEETISEMENT8. 03 C3 W " a 03 O o w e3 5- it 03 o O It, ' ' a, it - ; "S ' at --- 0 fit -:. o o rn C3 43 o o 43 a, e, 5- H t X c m-. a -m as B a 2e5 SI a o C , , B 15- J! Hi a4 r3 B pi 03 o c3 . o o u O O cm O 0 Guardian's Sale. JbTOTlCB TH HEREBY GIVEN THAT i li by vlrtne of an order lssotvl eat rf tlte County Coart of the rJmts of Oreson In nnd for tbs County of Marion, on ths 1 Itla day of May. 1878. the tinder.linied. g lardtsn cf the persons and estates of Henry u. Itowiand, Warynret K. Row land, Charles . Kowland, Eddie L. Itow Uud, Mali;j V. Kowland and Arinia M Rcwlsnd, ui nnrs residing in said Mailea County, will sell at publraauctien on Mnn. day, Junoitth, 1S78, at 2 o'clock, p.m., at Ihe Court Hooae door ia Linn County, Oregon, all the lisfbt, this and interest of sal minors in nnd to-tb -JoikiniDg de scribed parrels of land SHtnhsd la Mid Linn County, u-wit s Commencini! at a point cn the eaal side of the donation lncd claim of Aleisnder Kirk. IMS ohainsyeuJh frosn the southeast corner of a lot deidu l aad eonverpd by Alexander Kirk to tbc Sieth odlut K(hcopl Church la Town-ihSf 14 suutn or nnnire a wesi oitno wutstiietw Meridian, in the County of Linn and State of Oregon, and runniny; tbcrs south 12 roosj tnonce west is rods and 10 links thence north 12 rods: thence cast IU rods and 10 liuk to plac of hecinnlmr, and containing one acre, more or less. Also eoQjBiencinit at the southwest cor ner of Peter Kesling's land, then rua nina eoxt S8 rods to tha sontiwast onTner of naid KesliiiK'a land: thenre Eontb42V rod-: thonro went 2S rods; north 4S4 rods to place of beginning, and containing eight scrss. more or less, kituated in Sotiou a Totvnsblp 14, 8 R 2 W. i Also, beginning at the N E corner of tb S K quarter of section 6 in T 15, S R S W, of Willamette Meridian, tboiK aodth 63.- onaln to laud ownod by Phillips; then want SO chains: nnr!U 27K chains; thenea weBt 2u chains; thenoe north i.7H chains to tho center of said section ft thw mtt a chiUnt to riaotl of bcuinnlnir. -1 - jtiso, uoginuing at a siaHo 60 rods W of tno a a corner ol section 27, T 15, S It 4 W of Willamott Meridian nud running thence north It rods; thane west S3 roils tuenoe south Si rods; the-oes oast 23 rods te place ui K.rgmuiiJv wiMuuuog uve aree, more or less, - " . . r ANo, lot No. 5 in block No. tlln the town of North Brownsville: and also, beginning at the S W corner of lot No 6 iu block No. 9 in the town of North Brownsville and running thence north on tae went Una of said lot, BO test- thenoe east 105 foot to the oast line oi ssta lot: thence south along the east line of said lot to the H K eorner thereof; thence west on the smith, line of said lot to piece or beginning. - i The interests of fca'Jd minors in said land to be sold ua aforesaid, being a six eighth Interest ia and te the whole of said laud, subject to a life interest of W IT. Rowland in two-thirds thereof, end a life interest of Margaret Hiarp in one third llioreof, said sale to be for United State gold ooJa, and on the following terms, yy. it , vuv ujiiu uunu, uu Liits uainnce in two equal deferred payments of ou and two year drawiag interest at the rats ol ton percent, per annum, and secured by urua iuurE;c uu iiim premises sola. - -- j . V. R. HVDE, Ouardian.! ' May 24th, 1878. -. t . , w42w4 Albany Bath House. 1-sHI CNDERSIGSED W013XD KESrECt . fnllv tnt'orra the eitiiens of Albaavantl vi.. unit; that I havatahen eharge of this Establish-1 minL and. he bwrin .l..n .Anma I trwtsitsnuon-to tiewMies, espeets t saie si ihose who may favor ns with tkolr pstrossj ronsgewi UsTtsg baretolort aarried oa nottucg sat . j . ..; JTlrst-Gl&ss HaJrDrsssing Saloons,' Vfa exrcts te give entire atisftetion to all jaChlldien asd Lailics' Hair "neatly eat mil sbamooeed. ,. . JOS WTtBBEB. i 2 . 1 3HX). ZET"SS. Coiifraetor, BaiHcr aad AreMfect. Albany, 'Oregon. ALL modern architoctqze- and bunding of any and all descriptions promptly attended to. : Drafts, plans and spectnetv OAr.lUEL IfTOULf) CALL me ATTKimoM or AXAAKr IF MOCK OK GENERAL . MERCHANDISE, CeneMng is part mi Um faUowlnf speelaltke: A large assortment f ' m :STJU1.E LllD FAKCY CRY C0QD0, r jlz svioctod with grant cars 1 Asa Frucieao aaj Ik Han. . ; '- . A fU ac9 eoaplett tin ef - '" wa. faficy noTicns, lasizs c c:.LDnK.!V ;:cfny. A very desirahi and uiyia.i a wmm a villi! vassa wt aaw waw K lull cEfiTs ladies' a cniLDiiEfist coots iSmzis, tlMprisiag the latest and most d-lrafc' goos m the Cslifornl and Kasura sauhsla, Uiusimt th eclobratod r'Holirok Ludigw" icalu!. . , .., t Th newest ahads ia WaB HOUSE FUtlfiSSSlinC " O JQ. ICS' Escr shown in the CUy bought dltset front the raanatietarors In tha Eait,'aai 13 r'-v tni li-iiil; ne.:t3t - . . . A.i4so ..... v -, IV; A eeiaplete Agricultural J Cossistla; et Ti sen'i'oe BCtTALO riTT8 CKALLEXGEa TilHESllEe-Chlat of til Thresbsrs. Theocleiirated MAE.SH RAftrESTTK ant r KT. SELF BlMitR the staple and best mad. The world reaswned rBAMPIOH E.kpef!!l and MOW EES the. mi eomfaete harrcsutig onehli: WHEEl.EB'S TWO-HORSB TSRAD POWER with TBKEaBKH ami CUAXEJL. ; . ... .' . . HAIKBS- Hl!fOLC CE.4B lir.AfJFRS tAlh eaaent sdjiutable reel, IRoS tvatEW with ronad amrajht rra suskc-s. AndsOhiada ef f i Agricultural .Machinery.: The A eri cultural Warehouse is on Second street near to Ana. Marshall's stable, where a full line, of LlachineTy is always on FIRST . AND SECOND STREETS ALDAfiY, O. P. MASOJS. FOSHAY - - (Succewsors to John Fosliaj.) . " DEALEK9 IX , '. DRUGS, B00K8, STATIONERY,. ETC., A LAROB AK0 D R U GS AFJ D , bwibradas; ererrthiBr asaauy tend Is first-class reta drag- estalBitautv . '. tnuimtr . . ' HOOKS AND STATIONERY, Th stork Is retry lmi And well selected. A naws djpot is 19 ran ia ooaneUos vnih U4 deinrbitt, m fcll Ue Ifcteet EaterTi ingasiives, wetoriUa, etc, Ofto be prow red. - WHEN YOU COME TO ALBANY CALL AND SEE US 13n37tf f SALEM MARBLE WORKS. 4 anBBBaBBnBBaSBfBHfMBA HnfJ ' ' -DEALER IN- O N U KIENT Si TA B LETS HTiAD STOITES, ITALIAH SALSM, t AfiD r A'so. every variety ef cemetery and other stone worfc done with ceataess and dT.h. ' i ...... : ,A MrmMaaVMrt ArtltA4 Wachinrl - ton Territory, b nail or otherwise, and promptly for- i warded. All work. .warranted. ...... s ALBANY, BRAWCH HOUSE. A branch establishment ia located AUUrtHS Ul (MVCWS l A. OM!St i W. ILB-BKR. BABER & - AND DKALZRS I" F0nlCf1il!.D DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. Gold and Silver IJoxiglat and Bold Drafts issued on Portland, Ean Francisco, New York aad Europe AGENTS FOR - WALTER A ; WOOD'S; jf CELEBRATED . AGRICULTURAL : MACHINERY. WOtD'l HARVESTER SELF BIXBEB, , . ( H - HEstEBS, MOWERS. KE.1PERS ASD , , , i " .-..'.'.. THE U BELLC VaeT, ' Aceeit far th rtrcsMStS Fmsut. Be-jret aad Cetutetseat Fire laswranee Cssnqtaase aaa ttse Karta raeiae U"e. ... - - - ' - . . .--, ryCU ood see s at W. K Babw' oU stand, YimMmi, feetveea Ssith and itain, narRaNjj,- ORgca To the Farmers of Oregon: Gentlemen: We have the pleasure "of irif brm. ling you, we have "on hand aeservecuy popuiax uaow nana xmpiemenxs: liar den City Clipper Plows; Cultivators and Harrows: Titn ta tlmanll flfni-n Tavnlle. w.i T J ft a. rt 3 Farmers jJeTiena urain - -r J. HTii T7I uiH, cuiuujLueu, xiAuiiiutji jc uiuu tju Deeu oower ana Cultivator, combined; Standard Newton Wagons; Hacks and Swift and Stan dish Grain Cleaners; also for the harvest of 1878, - the justly celebrated Mc Connack Self Binding. Harvester, which we -stand ready to warrant in every particular. Please call and examine before purchasing. Descriptive circu lars, FREE, on application. , ; ' EUGENE BUCHANAN, , . Agent for T Chiriningham & Co. Corner First and Broadalbin Sts., Albany, Or. ..nSO E. YOLTJQ r astd vitusiTT.To nrs ujtas iXiy ejTEygiv aaiafcillv eelsatsd stack of w w w w . mm stock el l?afior and owB.eic s'clt 'A C00D5. i i wooi vrvnr.jxji -- -1 . - , - 0..-'-t,0 iioa of Implements, The TiniR SELF DHCHAROWO WJLITHAT &AKES. fe tisspbstty, streogth and doraaauif.wtta out a rival . Th THOMAS- 8ULKT HAT IUS-lie txas HA.N0 VmW MAKK mad. . , , , - ...... The BARSES BEVOtVTKO EAKt" HORSE HAT r-ORKS. THERE i I FOUB 8PBIXO WAOOSa The justly celehratad BAI3 WAOOH with fateat SKEIN liHT.VEtt,a3dthaaew Fafrset Oil tuba wtth Era aervw Caa. . -. , . exhibition. F'iWt jeas raaajtT- d MASOPJ : txxcrxc. FBESU STOCK OJ" r.iEDICITJES i 4. LsiallOLE,' ' .OREGON. at Albany and owned hy the Staipsr lisus . .v8. ... - " J - , 17. 0oV5Tn COUNTISS, and for sale the foUowins jjruis ana srna.n uses saeri. fs -i ri i n -i