The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 31, 1878, Image 3

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    lit Bmntml
May SI, 1ST.
tFrom Ba!!y of Sunday, Kay 8.J
Colrtra WetWInfJ.
Not very often tlo we hava the pleasure of
writing np such an occurrence as this. Sev-
al years tgo Mr. and Mrs. Gsorge Hum
p'trey celebrated their gnlJen a editing in this
city, and they were fuUnwed shortly after
ward by Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, and now
comes Mr. and Mrs. Jos. E. Qeatly. They
now lira at Waterloo, but having been old
residents of Albany, and all their children
residing here, they carat ia yesterday and
celebrated their fiftieth anniversary of the'r
wadding at the residence of Judge Johns,
their son-in-law, last evening. A largo tram
br of invited guests were present, and all
enjoyed themselves very much. Jo. E.
Bjnlley wat born in Berkley county, Vir
gins, August f), 1S06. His wife, whose mai
den name was Sarah C. Frettyntan, was bora
April, 7,, 1S0S, in Ohio county, Virginia.
They were married at Alexandria, Pennsyl
vania, on the 25th of May, 1S23. They emi
grated form Pennsylvania to Ohio in 1S13,
and from there t Arkansas in 1S3S. In thi
year 1S53 they emigrai d to Oregon, and
ever since have resided in (Linn county.
Tjb have raised half a score of children.onlj
two of whom have died, and six were present
at the golden wedding last evening.
Asrlenltnral Coll rye.
The closing exercises at the Agricultural
College at Corvallis will this year be verj
entertaining. Oa Friday evening, May 31st,
an entertainment will be given by the pre
paratory department, and on the next even
ing another will be given by the. advanced
preparatory department. On Sabbath, Juut
2d, at 11 a. m. the baccalaureate sermon wil.
be delivered by Rev. T. B. White of Albany,
and on Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock an ad
dress will be delivered to the literary socie
ties by Judge Chenoweth. On Wedueaday a1
9:3) a. m., the literary exercises by the grad
uating class begin, which will be followed by
the conferring of degrees by President Arn
old. Following that will be an address t,
the class by Judge Burnett In the even
ing there will be a re-union of the Aluuini
and literary exercise, followed by a colla
tion at the hotel.
rime rial.
Jason Wheeler brought into onr office last
evening a sample bunch of tlax which
had been taken from the farm owned by the
Houston Brothers. The seed which produced
it had only been planted four wests before
this had been pulled, and these stalks were
alreay 1 feet high, and the whola field ol
160 acres will average as well as this specimen.
Out State carried off the first prise at the
Centenial for fine fiax, and it is only a ques
tion of time that her largest revenues will
be derived form its cultivation.
Welcome House.
Oar talented yoc :g friend, Thurston
Hackleman, accompanied by his lovely bride,
returned home yesterday from an Eastern
law school, and we are glad to hear that he
will hang out his shingle in his native city
of Albany.
A Severe Cat.
A day or two ago Dr. John EL Irvine was
cutting wood out in the country, and the ax
glancing, he split his left foot from the toes
nearly to the ankle. It was a very severe
cut, but under the care of Dr. E. O. Hyde,
Johnny is getting along finely.
From Daily ol Tuesday, May 58-J
Aw Entertainment.
A literary anil . dramatic entertainment
will be given at the College Chapc-l on Tues
day evening, June 11th, by the pupils at
tending that institution. The programme
will be varied, and all who may attend will
no doubt come away feeling well repaiJ'for
their trouble. The' adurUsion will be the
usual price.
Cesnmearement fcxereiscs.
The Commencement exercises at the Al
bany Collegiate Institute will this year occur
on the evening of Wednesday, June 12th,
and will consist of the reading of the two
graduating essays, an essay from Miss Mary
Finlayson, conferring of degrees, and the
Annual Address by Rev. J. A-Gruzan, the
whole to be interspersed with music
Election of Directors.
The stockhddera of the Grange Union, of
Albany, held their annual meeting last Mon
day ond elected the following Directors to
serve during thr ensuing year: S. A. Daw
son. M. H. Wilds, Mart. Miller, Strauder
Froman, G. F. Crawford, Alford Elevens,
ond Geo. F. Simpson.
ladies AM Society,
The next regular meeting of the Ladies'
Aid. Societiey of Albany will be held at the
residence of Mrs. Houk on Thursday after
Boon of next week. AU members ef the
Society, and others who take an interest in
such matters, are required to lo in attend
ance. From Daily of Wednesday, May r.
Still Another Eicankia.
And now we are informed that the ladies
of the Congregational Church are making
arrangements for having an excursion train
ran between this city and Srlem on the
Fourth of Jvly. This is one of tLe best
moves yet, as on that day Salem is to have a
mamniith celebration while our f'ity will
bare noes stall, and i Is excursion will
give ail who wish it a chance to show their
patriotism by going down there and joining
in the festivities. The time schedule, rates
ef passage, etc., will be given in due time.
Escaped Again.
We were a little too fast in eur item yes
terday about Logan. Before Sheriff Herren
arrived at Lebanon Logan had made his es
cape from his captors. In the evening as
Mr. Wiley was walking up the street with
him he sprang off to one side and sncceded
in running away, although several shots were
fired at him. Strenuous exertions are be
ing made to effect his capture, and if he is
again arrested he will very probably be
turned over to the Sheriff!
A Coal Be4 i.sad.
Advises from Brownsville inform as that
a coal bed was discovered in the foot hills
above that place a few days ago by Mr.
Fox, and that the coal will be equal to any
f Mni on this Coast. Horry up that narrow
gagua railroad and we will then throw away
our Wood stoves down here and born Browns
vim coaL ;
nesting of nincfclsnldert.
A j meeting of the stockholders of the
Aids! Fruit Preserving Co. is called for Sai-
iayj, J-za 9:h, a; their office is tiiU city.
From Dslly ol Thursday. Kay SO.)
Hease Breaking,
Last Tuesday evening while ths Council
Was in session a bey cams bursting in and
wanted the Marshal, saying that a man bad
broken into Dr. Harris's house up town. He
said that the Dr. had gone to Eugene and had
told him to watch over hi house in kin ab
sence. He had noticed a light in the house
and had gone over there aad found a man in
it "running" around, and the man would not
tell him who he was, and wouldn't leave the
n remises. After the bov had finished bis
story tho Marshal grasped his largo cane,
and with smiles illuminating his classic fea
tures in the expectation of large fees, he.
in comuanv with Policeman Watkins and
the boy, proceeded to tho house which was
being burglarised. Arriving there they tie.
ployed so as to surround the house, and
tien getting their "nippers" and shooting
irons ready they marched upon the enemy's
works. After effecting an entrance they
soon found the object of their search, and it
is a question in the mind of Watkins yet
as to which looked the most surprised the
Marshal, or Squire Wolverton. Yet the
burglar was none other than Square Wolver
ton. He says Dr. Hams lett him in charge
of the house and he has been sleeping there
aver since the Doctor left, and under the
circumstances the Marshal concluded to
make no arrest.
Moral When you go away from town do
not leave your prope-ty in the hands of
more than one person.
Canacll Proceeding.
The City Council met at their chamber last
Tuesday evening, and the Mayor being ab
sent the Recorder presided. Present Coun
cilmen, Monteith, Stewart, Brush and
The Committee on Current Expenses was
allowed further time in which to report upon
a bill from Phil Cohen.
Hon. R S. Strahan was appointed City
Attorney for the remainder of the current
Councilman Allin entered and took h
On account of the grading of First stteet
it was thougt best to lengthea and raise the
b.-idge near the corner of First and Baker,
a-l 1 the Marshall was instructed to have the
w rk done immediately.
The following bills were allowed : W. L.
Witkina, $S0; John Brash, $10 15; Jas A
Warner, $48; L. Senders, $23; J. W. Bald
win, $10 65.
ere steaeCeal.
BoVrt Earl was in our city yesterday and
had with him some speime'n of coal taken
from a vein which he discovered a short time
ago on the Calapooia, about IS miles above
Brownsville and 3 miles above McDowell's
mill. The vein was discovered at a point
where it cropped out on the bank of the Cal
apooia and is about one foot thick and twen
ty feet wide. It is the intention of Mr.
Earl to follow the vein back to the foot hills
and then sink a shaf c on it The cropping
do not seem to indicate that the coal will be
of as tine a quality as that found in the
Eist, but fully equal to any taken cut on
this coast.
A scrlptaml Dlsmsnan.
Bev. I. D. Driver and a gentleman named
Waggle had a discussion a few day ago on
the following question : "Does the bible
teach the doctrine of the endless punnishment
all tha finally impenitent of mankind?
The discussion lasted the greater part of
of three davs and resulted in a complete
triumph by Kev. Driver, Mr. Waggle failing
to come to time towards tha last of the dis
cussion. The latter gentleman was selected
by the Universal i3t Association of this State
to meet Rev. Driver in debate, and the Ad
vertiser says he made an utter failure.
gainrdaj's Excnrslaa.
That mnch-talked-of excursion to Portland
comes off to-morrow, and will no doubt be a
grand affair. There is much more comfort in
such an excursion as this will be than making
the round trip to Roseburg and back in one
day. Rem .mber that you will nave six hours
in Portland, and will arrive at home by 9
o'clock in the everting. The fare has been
put down to $2 for the round trip, so that all
can go. Don t buy tickes ami tuen tail to be
on hand promptly at 5 :30 to-morrow morning.
That would be a needless waste of money.
t.eller Lint.
The followine is the IM of letters remalntne
in the Post mc Albany, unn ewuniy, m-
vn mav as. 1K7-. tersor.s CAIIinK iwwiwe
letters must (five the date on wntcn tnev were
Adams, George Hasten, Mrs A
Baser, W W Harmon, Mrs Alles
Da via, Mrs Ella Howard, H H (2)
Flower, John Lorensen, George
Ferguson, Mis Mary Tnnell, Geo
l aiaer, vuarree af
Tke renting Stale Fair.
This year the Oregon State Fair will begin
on Thursday, October 10th, and will contin.
ue nntil Friday evening of the following
week. Arrangements have been made eo
that only half-fare tickets will be charged
from all points on the railroad to the fair
grounds, and the O. S. N. Co. have also
agreed to carry passengers at half the usual
A Sew St ere.
X. Baura informs ns that a new firm under
the name of Jackson & Co., from California,
will open out a dry dooda store on the 15th
of June in the building recently occupied by
him, one door above Foshay & Mason's.
This is the last vacant business house in
Albany, which speaks well for the rush of
oar community.
Street Improvement.
Work is now being rushed on all the
streets which were recently ordered imprev
e 1, except on First street, and they will all
be finished in a few days. The 15th of June
is the limit, and the Mifrshal will take
charge at that time and make all the improve
ments ordered.
A Fine ramyhlct.
We this week received a pamphlet contain
ing a list of premiums awarded at last year's
State Fair, and also the rules, regulations
and programme for the Fair to be held this
year. A. L. Stinson, of Salem, printed the
book, and of course it is a neat job.
At the Baptixt Charcn..
The regular monthly congregational meet
ing of the Baptists in this city will be held
at their church next Sabbath afternoon at 2
olock. Rev. E. C. Hill will hold relieous
services at the same place on Sabbath, both
in the forenoon and evening.
Samitel E. Young has added to his large
stock of dry goods, an assortment of ladies'
jnnslin underwear, to which he would call
the attention of the ladies of Albany. . They
will be sold for lees than ladies can buy .the
material aad make them for. Be sure to
a!' tr-'
(From Dully ol Friday, May II
mlRcit Enterprise,
Have you read 3. E. Young's new adver
tisement! Isn't it "way up"? A man eer
tainly ought to get a ponderous uatronaire
who will use as much printer's ink in talking
to me peopie large. Sam. always gets a
good share of the trade in this city, and cer
tainly desorves it Only a few years ago he
started into business in Albany on a (mall
capital, and by lieing fair and square in his
dealings, selling low, and keeping up a good
stock, ne is now reckoned asoneofour "solid
men, and his business is as good as the best
in ms mercantile establishment he neraonal.
ly superintends everything, and is assisted
ny ired rggart and Walter TurreU two mm,
tlemen whose politeness and affahUity daily
wm many irienaj wr themselves and the in-
stitution with which they are connected. Last
year a large warehouse was erected in the
rear of the store, which has been comuletelv
filled with the latest improved farm machine
ry, and this department has been placed un
der the exclusive control of Mr. John Alt
house, a gentleman with whom it is a pleas,
are to trade. We reccommend Mr. Youns'S
establishment, in all it departments, as one
of the best m our city. Read his adveatise-
ment and then call oa him. ,
Festival Te-Xlaht.
Den't forget that this evening is the time
set for the strawberry and ice cream festival at
the rooms of the Young People's Christian
Association. Reader, if you are a married
man, take your entire family, and if you are
single, don't be afraid to invade the sacred
precincts of somebody's home for the purpose
of procuring company to enjoy the affair
with you. If yoa are a married woman, go
after that husband of yours, aadnse all those
little arts, wiles and caresses, (rolling-pins
fiat-irons and broom-sticks) knowa so well
to you, and make him wash up and go with you
to night If you are a young ladywell,
if that is the ease, yoa will need no advice
of ours; you will succeed in "roping" some
unsuspecting young fellow in for the evenine.
Good exercises, music, refreshments, eta,
will be the programme for the evening, and
only the usual prices will be charged.
Base Ball at rertlana.
The Presbyterian excursion having been
postponed Rev. De Vore has extended an invita
tion to Linn Base Ball Club to accompany
them to Portland to-morrow, aad the boys
have accepted. Jos. Buchtel has picked out
nine of the old players dowa there and will
meet the "Linn's'' in East Portland and have
a friendly tilt with them, If our boys thould
have the good fortune to come out first best
in this contest it would be glory enough for
one day, for Buchtel will be very apt to get
as many as is possible of the old '.Pioneers"
aad professionals in his picked nine. Al
though Linn Base Ball Club hails from away
np here in the cow counties, the boys are up
to the average when it comes to playing, and
even if they should be beaten to-morrow, we
will veuih for it that their score will not be
far behind.
Brownsville Weolen Mill.
From the Advertitr we lrarn that these
mills will soon be in operation again, Tboe.
Kay, the Superintendent, having gone to San
Francisco to buy wool and supplies,
Bedarrn Bates fr Slaty Bays.
Through our combination and the large
stock of goods which we purchased in San
Francisco this spring, we have accumulated
A M am vara stsm-b
f Cleaning ann Bee CMd
of all description, which we will sell at
greatly rtdticed prices for the next tatg day.
Everybody will do we 1 to call and examine
oar goods and price.
Highest cash price paid for good merchant
able wool.
Don't forget the place.
As HisToaicat Fact. Every treat whe has been
steadily salline the Improved Homestead Bewine
Machine for three years, own his dweUiua- housa, haa
a rood account in bank, la eioar of debt, and has money
at imereat, the natural consequence of securing; a roud
agency f or superior goods at tha loweH prices. A food
6n-claat Savinf Machine, most oaefut reliable at all
timea, easy to understand and eantrol, the same ftixe
and does tha aame work aa any machine that sell at
Foca Tunes the price- There is no machine at any
price better, or that will do finer or more work, and
certainly none so low in price by many douara. The
Homwrua ts widely known and need in thousand of
families mute Eastern and Middle States, and dail3 he
eominr popular in the West, it will ear its eort aev
era! times oyer in one season, doius; the work of the
ramuy, or win ears lour or ure eouars a day tor any
man or woman wt sews for a livinr. It is the at wir
es machine made, is ready at all times to de it work,
makes the strongest and finest stitch yet invented.
ana n rally acknowledged as the Standard Family Hew
ina Machine. Price, comnlete for domestic um. S-20.
delivered at your door, bo matter how remote voa mav
reside. B usances permanent and honorable, with more
certain and rapid sales, and larger profits than any
other. Extraordinary liberr! offers made to local or
traveling agents where we have none established ; or,
if there is no scetit near you, send your order direct to
tne rectory. Address John H. Kendall a Co,, til
Broadway, New York. vl3nl"yl
A Challenge.
I would respectfully announce to the farm
en of Albany and vicinity that I have the
agency for YV. A. Woods Self-Binding Har
vester, the only successful self-binding har
vester ever introduced into the Oregon har
vest fields. I will also announce that I am
ready to meet in field trial any self-binding
harvester made, and in the contest submit
my machine to such tests as may be required
by a committee of practical farmers appoint,
ed by the Linn County Council, or other or
ganized body of practical farmers.
41m3 A. M. Hoop.
Is the whole history of medicine, ae preparation has
ever perfenaea such marvelluus enrea, er maintained
ae wioe a rapetauon, ee anal vanaav revioaaa,
which ia recozaised s the world's reneedy for all dis
sssns ef the throat and hours. Its leor eonttaeed se
ries at wonderful enrea ia all ehnvUes has Bade it
naireraslly known aa a safe and reliable areal to eaa-
ploy. Aaiaat ordinary eolds, which are the forerun
ners of more eerioae dieorde-a, it acta SBeedily aad
snrely, aJwavs reiievinsr eutferin;, and efsm aarina;
life. The protes ion it affords, by- its siaiely ase in the
throat anil icax disorders of cbud'en, makes it an ia
vaioable rejtedV, to he k--. a j-. ea hand hi every
hMae. No ,soa uta afford W be witboat it. aad
those who have enee used it sever will. Fro as their
knowledge of its composition and effects, Physicians
nee the Cssaar PscroaaL extensively ia their practice,
and Clsrgymso recommend it. It ia absorately certain
ia its remedial effects, and will always cure whets
cures are possible. Far sale by all coaler. 1
Form and Feature,
Unless associated with good theeh, are
shorn of half the attractions they may other
posaera. Hearing tills tact in mind,
use SOZODONT, which will prevent your
teeth from losing their whi'eness, and will
renderihem sdoUkis if sd
ored. The tint and hardness nf onral an
imparted to the (rums by this incomparable
preservative and beautifying agent, and
the breath is rendered fragrant as hontv
suckle by its use. It is sate, besides be
ing tffecuve. Sold by druggists.
Pain ting.
Smith & Norton having opened a shop in
Albany, are now nrerjared to dr. hm,. .
and ornamental painting, graining, kalaoriiin-
"J, giaziag, guaing, etc. House lining aad
papering will be done at reduced rates. All
work entrusted to their care either in the
city or country will receive prompt attention.
Their shop is on Ellsworth street, near the
f jrry landing. n29tf. E. Young has just received direct
from the manufacturers in the East a larca
invoice of those celebrated HolhrooktLud
low, Ladies', Misses' A Childrens' shoes.. He
is making special efforts to keep a first class
stock of Boots and Shoesand would call at
tention to his assortment, which is now more
eoBplete than ever. tlwe
at IE.
Albasv, May 28, 1S78.
To the Editor trf the Ortgonian :
In your issue of the 27th inst. some one
writing over the uom de plume of "Veritas,"
not content with hurling his shafts of invec
tive against (as he terms him) the "paid at
torney" of Bancroft ft Co., tries to leave the
impression upon your readers that lion, T.
J. St i ten, the nominee for Superintendent of
Public Instruction, was one of the ones who
advocated the introduction of tho ''Pacific
Coast Series" iuto oar public schools.
This insinuation was made either through
gross ignorance of the facts In the case, or in
tentionally, to place Mr. Stites iu a false po
sition in the eyef of the people of the State.
The last is the most natural conclusion, since
your correspondent claims to base nil his in
formation on "very reliable sources." In the
teal he displays in sounding the praia of
Prof. Powell, he evidently forgets thenrnif
reliable source of information attainable, and
contents himself with hearsay evidence
alone, I
This indeed seems a little strange hot to
say blameworthy in one who pretends to
feel such a deep interest in the cdut-ationn
affairs of the state. Why did not "Vcri
consult the records of the suwrintendeut (f
public instruction at Salem before he entered
upon the discussion of a subject of such im
portance to the pcopli? Had he put himself
to that trouble, he would have found his
"reliable sources" to the contrary notwith
standing that at the same time the law iu
passed introducing the Pacilio Coast Seriw
into our schools. Air, Stites was superinten
dent of Linn county; that the blank sent him
by th esuperiutendeut of public onslructiou
to be filled out with the series of books ht
preferred and desired, noirAcre made mention
of "Pacific Coast Series, but Mr. Stites (so
to speak) "reted unanimously" against then
introduction and use. This is a matter oi
record, but "Veritas," iu hi bliad zeal or
gross ignorance, forgets the tact and trust
merely to tne information of others.
Again e state for the edification of "Ver
itas," that Mr. Stites voted against the whole
Pacific Coast Series when the question came
before the superintendent of several counties.
As to the qualifications of Mr. Stites for the
office to which he has been nominated, we
have nothinst to say thev speak for them
selves in plainer and moreglowingterms than
we can command. The eminet success he
achieved as a principal and teacher, and the
universal satisfaction he gave the people of
unn county tutu as teacher and a school su
perintendent for many years are a sutticieut
guarantee of his ability to successfully man
age and promote the educational iuterests ol
toe State.
In conclusion we would snsirest to "Veri
tas" the propriety of examining the records
in future as being usually considered a source
of reliable information iu matters of public in
terest. LEWD.
Bens anel A bread.
Strawberries, three boxes for 50 cents.
It will soon be time to reap new potatoes.
J. II. Burkhart has been re-appointed No
tary Public by tiov. C'hadwiek.
Parson Waters, of Salem, now does the
heavy editorial work on the Vitily Jtiylstrr.
Washington street is eoinz to be oue of
of the prettiest streets in our city when
Goods at greatly reduced prices at For,
Baum k Co.'s for the next sixty davs. Ste
their advertisement.
A e understand that E. A. Parker is no
better, and that he is very apt to lose his
eye sight.
Excavations have commence, 1 on Foster's
brick block, and the work on the walls will
begin shortly.
Linn Engine Co. holds its next regular
meeting on Monday evening of next week.
and No. Ones have their meeting on the
following Thrsday evening.
R. S. Strahan has been appointed Notary
Public by Oov. C'hadwiek.
No man with a tneeham-ial eve can pav two-
bits for a box of strawWrries without won
dering why they didn't push the bottom
clear up to the top and be done ith it.
What precinct do you live iu! Be sure to
find out before you vote.
Willie Gray, of Salem, who ia traveling in
Europe with our own townev," liob. Fos
ter, writes some very 6ne descriptive letters
to the Anient Jieeora.
Now is the chance for vou to get clothing
or dress goods cheap. Look at the notice
put in by Fox, Baum & Co. this week.
We have received a copy of the n.,:iK
Guard, published at Eugenc.and we mQat 9t'y
it is as hue a little sheet as can be picked u,,
A fashion journal savs . "Volbini? will he
worn this summer by the fair sex except
longitudnal striped hose." Good bv! YW
are off to the rm Isl mis, where the womeu
! in addition to a red strina around the left
ancle, wear bracelets of sharks' teeth around
the waist and bshbone in the nose.
The whooping cough is growing beautiflly
less in this city, and the measles is number
ed among tne things that were.
e have bad a nice little rain and the
prospects for a large yield of grain is bettci
than ever before.
Y, e are under mnnv nhlimttionn to Mr
Townsend for a basket of luscious strawber
ries. They were very largc.sweet and finely
The American Exchange Hotel in Portland.
I I I . T' 1 . -
iMirncii ni xuesnay. uoxa, VIZ,UUu, on
which was a partial insurance.
Of course everylxxly.both male and female,
likes to dress well, and now that they can
do so cheaply they ought to be happy. For
further particulars look at the notice publish
ed this week by Fox Baum & Co.
The Centaur Liniments are of two kinds.
The White is for the human family; theYel
iow is for horses, sheen, and other animals.
Testimonials of the effects produced by these
I 1 I T" . - , J
roinarKnuie r reparations are wrappeil around
every oottie, and may be procu red ofanydrug,
gist, or by mad from the Office of i'his Cen
taur COMI-Axr, 46 Dey Street, New York
Uity I3:29yl
Tke Tickets.
Scan each name with care;
Punch every unfit there;
Do all yonr swapping f iir :
With Wheeler square
At Shedd.
Thus sbalt thou prosper.
Our advice to friends who are troubled
with rheumatism, is to try FrM's cele
brated Hambunr Tea. It is a very simple
remedy, but has done wonders iu many
bad cases of his terrib'e disease. -
WirJ,'.T.MSlv CAHTHnRV. n th Wh
of May, IS"8, atthe residence of vv'm. T, Csutli
orn.ttiiieni n cininly, by Kev. J. Bowcrsnx,
Ma. Alone A. Wii.LitMsox and M)Sj rxiA
A . CaCthorn both of Becton county .
tr Tlie National Gold Medal was awarded
ti Bradley a Rulofson forthe best Photographs
In t he rTntted Klates, and the Vienna Medl to
.h lvst. in Ihewortd. .
i MootKomeay eKf eet, San Francisco
O s week in your own town.
fir, outfit nve. Jfu
Rader. if vou want a busine.-is at. v, hub
Persons of either sex can make creat pay all the time
wic, wore, write lor particulars to 11. UALI.ETT 61 Co.
Portland, Maine
earner First and Ellsworth Albaar, Oresun.
Pfeiffer Bro's Props.
ThlsiiewBiiklisfltteduphl flrstdass stria. Table?
supplied with th best the market affunis. 8nni
Beds in every Ruam. A good Sample fioura fur Com
merciai Travelera.
aVFree Caaeh te and rram the Ilofel.X'l
tHBsTltm AWEB.
Scto, Mav 2S, ISTg
Editor Democrat:
llainit notion) a communication In your pa
per Mating to myei'lf.asklnz me rorsn answer
to certain questions therein propounded.
send you the following as mr answers therein,
nnu r?qUist that jou havs the fairness to nub.
iisn tne same :
I An not entlnrne hlnckmnlllnRi I wnrtted for
in- .-ii -turai oi tj. w. rtimiardMin at tun time
mi-nt limed In ymir paper, and nvor scratched
m "u nrrittmt ni nis Houriptv;
Aa to how nun h land 1 own on the Rnntlnin
riv.rr it ia no omra utialness.
I ii "scribed for the bridge what I Intended
to pay.
It ih not trui. that Dnn. Phillips Gave me
logo In I lie tiluhl or In the tiny time. In phi ha
Mint wi-re eriHik-d or atrxlitht, or In wnva that
wi n- iihtk or iiitii rwine, to rresinn Morris' pus
Inr,' In turn nut Phillips' oxen Hint Wf-r-h.'ld
for dfht. nor Is It trtlH that. I went th-r nntl
itirni'dfitit xnitl iixi-ii. i did not know Phillips
in-, n ii., ii.ii-,i. , nnvn iii-,irii ainee aeeinif
your romniiitili'ullmi In the IikmimjiiaT referred
to that about 211 vi'iira sun I'li-hlpa and Morris
mitl sum dltttiMi'ty In ri-giirtl to some oxen, mid
hut A. H. Morris rmi nil the enltlelii l. i-'.l 'rnb
tpv's ynl, vnki-il up and tin! to a post. 'Mils
Mr. Morris wHI r cillecls, as lie wnaonlya
boy then, nnd had to Muni to K"l theoaen.
I'ri'sttiii Mnrris.nnd niyai-u were ni iKhtxirs and
in-ipi ii men rti it' r lot ni-nr are.
I d-d mil atiliscrilie Inr IIih Jclf.Tson lirliliri
I Hr.-. d in pnv. nnd did pny, IJU ml to tha l.lh-
cn.v I'liureii, uecmise i mm to agreeo. rvol on
Hecoiini of nny fnra of a revolver.
1 linvr now anawred lh question naked,
and hiive found It not hard tndo.nnd wlllonly
ny In eoneliislon that I would linvn Ilki-d to
nnvi- awn ynur correspondent a name alK'ird
lo his Inquiry's.
Yours rsiiectfully, V. A. ratTf
Administrator's Notice
Ll the undersigned ha been duly ap-iwiluti-il
ad ml ii let rat or or the estate of F.
M. Nice, tlerea-ed, all per.ona havlnir
I'lalms asnlnat Bald estate, are rronlrnrl
to present i liein to the tinrterMifrned.wHh the
proper vouchers, within els mutitha from
the 80ih dv of Mar. A. I. IH7S. fo
ihe undersigned, at nivatorein Drowns-
viile, or lo J. K. vVeatheiford, at A I (.any.
v. tr. tAjotttrvt,
43w4 Adm'r.
Cosmopolitan Saloon.
J. A. Gilmour, Prop.,
On BrnatlaIMn afreet, between First and
L keit constantl y on hand, ami the tiiinty will al
wav hod Jack Bereaw ready to eater to their wants.
Hie annual alrv-tiim for a I'hief EiikI
iitf rami Aivsistmit Engineer of the A'.liaiiv
Klre Department, will take place at No. -'
Enume lluiioe, on Monday, the loth rlav
or June, 187. bet wee u the hours of 1 anil
7 o'clock p. in.
Albany, Oregon, May 22d, 17S.
P. H. Raymond, Fresmh-nt.
Set-rotary. d&iO
mronir h -ck, and will do any deliver
inir or othpr work entrusted lb tne with
diNai-h I came here to stay end etpect
inir to Btii-k m iIiim business, I solicit a fair
share of pat mnage.
vl3n40tf T. T DUGGER.
Dissolution Notice.
non Flottrine Mlll,llie Qrm of Klkina
Hi us. ia this day (iisilved lv mutual con.
ent. A 1 debt, of the firm will If romptl v
ettletl, and eranflsowint the !: firm a'e
iierenv notined lonpicar ami tii up at
uiiev nnu euiieroi tue umier'titfntM.
Lplnnn. Mav f. lST.
IIomt'0ntliir lliHiaii-
w Irani 2 to a, l borne lletfev-s and r-ur-
vry a Nei-ialiy.
The limisi Trettlng atallfen.
Western Chief,
Ike property ejfC. Mrajele forf lands
will stand tho ensuins? season at Albany, and ran be
seen by roiling ui.mi Alex. Shannon, at the Revere
ilouae. Tht chief will be let to marea for exo, three
wares for fr.
Ksl CHIEF Is s beautiful dark bay, 6 years
old, lu bands htfjb, and weighs 1JU0 &V. He Is of pure
fathtiiuler tuck, and although never put in close
training: makes fast time on the turf, aad is pronounc
ed by celebrcted horsemen ae one uf the best trotters
ia the Mtate.
PKIHilllEE: "Western Chief Is br old "Path
ander ;"' he by "Old Morrill -." he hv the "Jennhuin'
colt: he by "liullrush :" he hv "Justin Monran."
The dam of the "(lid Morrill" horse was by the
rsmujfion- norse; ne oy " f ance ; ' be by initioneu
Mesner-'Thuinixi' thus combiDiiur the Morjrau
and MeHsenrer stock.
Tor further particulars inquire at th Revere House
tor AL.C..Y. siiaiA.
NOTICK is horeby u l ven to Hie tax payers
of .School Oistrict No. 5 Linn county
Orpnon, that the IMiectors nf ssid l'listrici
will as a Board nf Equalization fur the
purpose oi correcting any errors that ma;
exist lit the aHsessmmit roll if said Dis
trl t, at the oflice of the Clerk f the D a
trict, I. H. Montanve, on Friday evening.
May 24, 187", at o'clock P. M.
All complaints and affidavits looking to
a uorrevtioii oi errors in satu roil must be
in writing and filed with tr-e t lork on or
!efurj i he hour fixed for said meeting,
lly order of the Board of Oirectors.
3wL Clerk of Kchool Dist. No. S.
We are agenls f r this most perfect, most
wonderful and most successful machine
ever put Iwloro the public. We eapeet to
enter ihe field of oninpeiilion on every op
portunity ottered durinir the harvest of
IKTH, and shall have all our armor on
ready to g've battle to all wh dare ineol
us. Wo Kunrantee every machine to do
tfiKxl work, under all circumstances, where
any machine inn auoresHfnlly opperaic
in, I fur ease of draft, simplicity auu dura
bility, to be surpassed by none.
rartners please call and examine sans-
ules. Harper's blix-k, corner Fir t and
K Uworih streets, Allmnv. Oregon.
13:30 For T. Cunningham & Co.
The Imported Percheron Horses !
IttVslsMaa 'sVi
s.w..' m a,
Will be at the stables of A. H. MARSHAL! ALBANY, Tharsdaya, Fridays and Sat-
urjayj : and Mot days, Tuesday i ana Wednesdays at ihe atablos of SOU KINO, COKVALUa.
Will be at tha stables of GAINES FISHER. 8ALKM. Mondays, Taesdaya, Wednesdays
and Saturdays, and at the stables of S. BKOWN, OERVAIS, Thursday, and Friday's ol each week.
I deem It unnecessary to give a minute description of these horses, ss it is now a settled fact that thsre fe a
breed or family of Urjre horse that show such an improvement on the common stock as the Pereheron : thi j .
proven by all those that have given them a trial, at work or as breeding animals, and could be certified by
hundreds of respectable parties in this Stave, Washington Territory and California, who have tested them.
b;rt fi'id rault or object to the P r.'hemn have a-t triei theia, or are intjrestsd in some other stock.
Tnnt-;5 i. s. tain coiis.
A(,rii , MJsv vltoM "W. C. MBTHB.
the Cirruit Court of the HtaU of Oregon,
in and for Linn County, VetobtT Term,
Narc'ssa Cartthern, PlalnlifT, v Geo.
W. Carother, Jjt-f -ndant.
Suit in equity for Divorce.
Tu Geo W. Carothers, the above named
Defendant :
In the name of the Stat of Oregon, you
ere hereby required lo appear a udanswei
the inniplaiut of the Plaiutifl in the above
entitled suit in the above entitled Court,
now on lile with the Clerk of said Court,
within ten flays from the date of Ihe ner
vine of this summons on vou, if served in
Linn County, Oregon, butlr served on toil
In any other County in said Mate, then
within twenty days from the dite of Ihe
service of this summons upon you, and il
served on you by publication, then you
are required to apiiear and answer said
complaint on or before the fir-t day of the
next revtilar term of said Court, to be be
gun and hotden t the Court House in the
city of Albany, in the County of Linn, in
said State of Oregon on the 4th Monday
cf October, A. D. IS78, to-wlt: on the 28th
flay of October, A. l. 1878, and vou are
hereby noU.ied that if vou fail to appeal
and answer said complaint as herein re
quired, the I'laiutitr will demand and
lake d. fault, decree and judgment or said
Court against you, as follows, to wit: That
the botuli, of matrimony now, and here
Ufore existing between vou and said
PlaiiititT, he forever dusulved and that
said l laiutifT bo forever divorced from
you, and aid that FlalutifTs maiden name,
to-wit: Narcissa Pearce, be restored to her,
auu mat siu natnttrr be given, granied
sou uecreea ny saia court tan care, etistod
and control of yours and Plaintiff's mi
n-ir children. Ibe fruits ef said marriage,
to wit: Anders, n Carol bera, Anna A. Car-
oiiiers. newion A. Carutners and Eider A
CaroLhrrs, he awarded lo Plaintiff and
that raid Plain! iff have judgment aicainst
yon for the costs and disbursements ol
this suit lo be taxed, and for such otbei
ami farther relief, as lo said Court may ap
l nr ju-t and equitable in the premises.
This service f this summons is made
on you liy publica ion, in accordance wit!'
the order therefor mails bv Hon. K p
Koise, Judge of said Court in chambers at
the City of Salem, Oregon, on tb rth day
Dated May 9th, 1878.
tH0w AU'y. for Plaint iff.
MTKat, rrmp.
LXoner of First and Hroadalblo f is., Albany
A large stock of fresh
imtiily taiotLitii:
kept constantly oa band.
. All kinds of
In their season.
DrllvcresI le any Par ef Ihe
sVree ef Charge
vi:li .ur.
Notice to
Farmers and Builders.
ky their mill, four miles below Lebanon,
on Hamilton Creek, 1,000,000 I eet of Ihe
very best quality or lumber, which they
are selling at very low prices.
Also in con rieo ion with the mill, they
Lave a planer and mouldinir machine,
and are prepared to furnish flooring, rus
tic, door and window frames, and niould-
ng of all kinds. Also fence pickets, rails
ana onse, Kept on nana.
ue sure to call on us before vou pur-
cuase. u. r . DKi ihhMiCK e co.
T Tean snake money faster at work fw us than at any-
U thins; else. Capital not required I we will start
IS a day at home made by the industrious.
l, noya ana rats wsutea everywnere
I. .Now in the time. Costly outflt I
Address Tans & Ce., Portland, slaioe.
Tin bah rst&jiituc Brum,
The leedina; Evenins; and Weekly newspaper west of
uh xtocay Mounts ins.
Is a twelve-pase journal, aad in proportion to its size
the otwapest paper in toe country.
TEKMs, (pastase free).
Daily, tli ; Weekly, S3 per year s parte ef a year 1
proportion. Bend poatai card tor specimen.
Sivifc.1at.W - Vl
ti ;zr. f
Conbitiii7 In part of the ftlriwinj; sperhdiiei: A Urge sstortiaent of
Belrctftd with gmt ca: 1' Km TrmncUco md the tut,
A. full &ai complete lias ol
FAuCY riOTIOFiS, LAD!E3' a CIIllDHEriS' muzzy.
A very desliublt aad atreiallj selected alock of
ladies FUEFiisiiiiio cooBsafsiusLM unoEiiivz:.:;
A f 'ill
CotriprUing the Uieai awl most det.ira.ble good in tha Catifrrn'iB n1 Eastern market", liidti- ing
thm ctit;ltratt-4 "Hiilbrook A Lvullow" make.
The newest ihsules in Wall Paper and a complete stock of
house Funr:iinr:c coocr.
The largest stock oi
CJ 2S2, E 2Z3 CD '
E'er shows in the City bought direct from the manufacttirorj in the East, and all new l:rtbl5 rittfra.
33170., xirxroe
A eotBJcte
Comistiof of
TllllESHtR Chief uf ail Threjho.-s.
SELF ijlNlltKUte aiinplest and tel made.
The world rmowne-4 CHAMPIOM BEAPEBSand
M0WK the most complete harvestm; mai-faine
adjutaMe reel, IUO- WHfcrXi with rouott wiuuu
iron spokes.
And all
Agricultural Machinery.
The Agricultural Warehouse is on Second street
near to Ans. Marshall's stable, where a full line of
Machinery is always on exhibition.
(Successors to Jebn Foaliay.)
Knbraeinf wrvjthinf mstxallj fund ia a SnA-efabH raUil drag eiUbUflhaient.
The tm k is rerr Inr od well ssle-L A new-i dv?pnt ki rcn ia tro&nsctioB with tbis depart nwet, wtwt
all ItM UbeA Eevstta-n magagtusw, factorials, etc., oui be procurcvJ.
-AN 3- ..
mcmrni'i't-i-rs HT
SALEM, - - - - - - OHECON.
A' so, every yariety of cemetery and other stone work done with neat . ami ilisj aV-b.
(special attention given to orders from anv part of the wale and M aiiivi;
ton Territory, by mail or otlierwixe, ami iromtly fur
warded. All work warranted.
A branck establishment is located at Albany and owiieJ liy tlie-Siscr llnis't.
Address all orders to A Suiger, Albany. Oreiron. J.-i;.-i I .
W. II. Ii Wit.
G-old and Silver Bought and Sold.
Drafts issued on Portland, San
Aaenta far tke Firms en's Fanel, Beyal aad CenneUesUl Fire Insurant roatnanle. nasi
the Ik art mrtae Lite.
yCall and see ns at W. H. Saber's oU etaail, Kaia
To the Farmers of Oregon:
Gentlemen: We have tlie pleasure of inform
ing you, we have on hand and for sale the following
deservedly popular line of Farm Implements: Gar
den City Clipper Plows; Cultivators and Harrows;
Farmers' Friend Grain Drills and Broad Cast Seed
ers, combined; Monitor Force Feed Seed Sower and
Cultivator, combined; Standard Newton Wagons;
Hacks and Swift and Stan dish Grain Cleaners; also
for the harvest of 1878, the justly celebrated Kc
Cormack Self Binding Harvester, which we stand
ready to warrant in every particular. Please call
and examine before purchasing. Descriptive circu
lars. FREE, on application.
Agent for T. Cunningham & Co.
Corner First and Broadalbin Sts., Albany, Or. nSO
stock of
line of
The TliJER KELF DIHMin:S i kri.'iriltT
RMvE. io siutLcity, strfcua'-h mu ilu.abu;t,Wi.h
Th? T.IOMAS SL'LKT HAT RiSE -tha -bait
H4Nt IILJH' KAUIS oj-de.
Thehnt'y releli-i'ea BATN WAOO.V with rjt.-et
Tfi'fr .F t,aQUiiieB.-w intent Oil Tate
with Bra-a Saew Ca;.i.
kuada of
VV. H. UtiL'ATlSS.
Francisco, New York and Europe
street, between Smith and Main, Har.-uixirg Onfea.