The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 17, 1878, Image 3

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    917 17, IS78.
Tie Ttlepkoae.
Last Sabliath the greatest invention, next
ta telegraphy, of tho age tho Telephone
was put ia experimental operation in Oregon.
The telephspU line between Tortland and
Eosuburg was utilised for the purpose, and
the experiment proved a complete and r
markaWe snceesa. . There were three offices
where the aottnd was taken, viz : Portland,
Albany and Rosebnrg, and the testa made by
a large class of curious pimple at each station
prored conclusively that this great discovery
would be of vast benefit to people within it
reach. Superintendent Lamb at Portland,
Mr. C. B. Flummer at Albany and Dr.
Hamilton at Rosebnrg were the chief engi
neers of the concern, and the way they and
their friends passed, "by word of month,"
friesul'y greetings, snng songs of praise and
rendered instrumental solos on various in
strument!, which were hoard distinctly at
the stations whre taken, perfectly astonish
ed even the favored few who had tho oppor-
taoity of "taking it in." Several of the
loading citiiens of Albany stosd in Dr.
Plummer's office at Albany and freely eon
versed with their friends at Portland and
Rossburg, while ladies exchanged greetings
and gossiped of the ve; .her and fashions at
at their respective localities. - It was indeed
amusing to hear one lady at Albany, after
having been introduced to a lady at Portland,
asy, "How is the weather down there?" and
the answer come promptly and distinctly
back, "Oh, it is a lovely day here; how is it
at Albany?"
This is indeed a most remark abl a stride in
in the line of science and invention, and when
perfected will, we are satisfied, be utilized
to the exclusion of the more enmbroaa and
expansive mode of telegraphy now in vogue.
To Mr. Pinmmer sad his gentlemanly as
sistants at the telegraph office, v e are in
debted for a rare treat on this, the occasion
of the introduction of telephone ia Oregon.
Board T Fire Delegate.
The new Board of Delegates of the Al
bany Fire Department met at No. Is hall
last Monday evening and organized. As
will be remembered both companies returned
the same persons who had served them dur
ing the past year, viz : From X o. Ones, T.
S. Mealey, L. X. Liggett and C. H. Stewart.
From So. Twos, Eugene Buchanan, Y. H.
Huston and P. H. Raymond. The election
of officers resulted a-l- follows: President,!,
N. Liggett; Secretary, tt'Tt' " tlw "Kjplj afterward, there was not one in the whole
Treasurer, Eugene Buchanan Tie I : ,it I
appointed the following 3taivliiSc-.vnK!nte-.
Jai'c-argq. H. Stewart, " ETBachanan
and P. H. Raymond. .
Finance W. H. Huston, T. S Mealey
and C. H. Stewart.
Suks T. S. Mealey, C. H. Stewart and
P tL Raymond.
i Cerfirni? P. H. Raymond E. Buchan
an and TV. H. Huston.
L. X. Liggett, L. C. Rice aid L. H. Moa
tanye were appointed to act as judges at the
' Department election on the 10th of June,
and Linn Engine House was selected as the
voting place.
.1 Special Term.
The question of petitioning for a special
term of Circuit Coart for this eounty is be
ing talked of among onr county officers and
the legal fraternity, and is looked upon with
favor by a great many. The-e are already
five canaidates for the penitentiary lying in
our jail, three of whom have plead guilty,
and the testimony against the other two is so
strong that they might as well adopt the
same line of action. Besides these cases
' there are quite a number of others which
would be brought up at the same time. We
could not say whether the special term would
be a matter of economy to the county or not,
but if those who are posted in such affairs
think it would be, let us have it by all
The Severe Utsn.
This house, although only having run a
few months, is getting to be a very popular
resort for travelers, on account of the clean
liness of the house, and the extremely good
tables, loaded with everything the market
affords. Another attraction is the comfort
able spring beds found ia every room in the
house. The third story is now finished and
furnished, and the proprietors have room for
a few more boarders. Look at their card
which we publish this week.
Frosa Site MoHBfii-n.
Dave Froman is just back from the
saoanUixs, having been up as far as Upper
Soda. He reports the roads very bad from
Whisky Springs to Lower Soda, but for the
remainder of the distance they are ia very
good order. Two teams have already made
tie trip to the Lakes, and rery little if any
snow was found en the route. Deer were not
rery numerous at Upper Soda, and he did
ot get a single shot, but he captured a fine
lot of fish.
Ba4U Mistaken.
Daring the past week the report was cur
rent upon onr streets that George Hughes,
Ned Gates and Bob Knox had been hang by
"vigilanters" in Montana for horse stealing,
bat a letter has since been received ia this
city from Hughes in which he says nothing
about his being in the spirit land, and we
esrtainly think he ought to know a little
about the aakir if thtr was anything of it
A l ine Establishment.
One of the nicest little establi? 'imeats in
this city is that kept by Hoffman & Kentoa,
one door below Webbe; oai-ber shop. They
ke;p soda water, lemonade, ginger ale, Peru
vian beer, etc. , as well as a full stock of
tobieco, cigars, confectionary, eta During
the coming season they will have ice cream,
strawberries and cream and other delicacies.
The City Cwicil.
The City Council mat last Tuesday even
ing. Fresent Coancilmen Brush and Stew
art, and the Recorder and Marshal were in
attendance. A quorum not being present,
the Council adjourned to meet last evening,
and as we went to press before any business
had been transacted the proceedings will not
appear until our next issue.
Cesmepelitast - i'. .-a.
This is the name -a new saloon just
opsned ont on BroacU-bian street, text doo:
to the Albany house, and is owned by J. A.
Gilmore. The finest liquors and cigars that
can be had are kept for sale, and Jack Ber
caw is always on hand to cater to the wants
customers. See their adv.
Evangelical Church.
Divine service at this church next Sabbath
at 11 a. m. acul70p. a. Sabbath School
Sic ta' Excarsloa.
B'ight and early last Friday morning onr
city was astir, and at 8 o'clock the City of
Salem, loaded down to the guards with living
freight, (teamed away from onr wharves for
Corrallis. In due tune the boat arrived at
its destination and onr people were met at
the wharves and welcomed by near the en
tire population of oar sistei-city. After the
excursionist gained terra jima a prose
sion was formed, and after marching around
considerably the immense crowd was collect
ed together in the grove in the Court House
block. The audience was then regaled by
fine addresses from Judge Chenoweth, W.
3. McFadden, and others, and also had the
opportunity of hearing some soul-inspiring
music from the Corvallis and Albany bands.
In this way time flew by fast until the 6th
order of exercises cams around. This was
"jrrnb," and well did the Corvallis folks up
hold their reputation for hospitality in pro
viding refreshments for our people. Many
of the excnrsion'sts had taken along with
them small commissary outfits, but their
Corvallis bretherea would not allow a single
Albany basket to be opened, but packed every.
body off to the tables they had prepared and
then treated their guests in such a manner
as to make more than one button fly from its
place on the . waist-band. In fact our folks
were fed in such a wholesale manner that it
was with intense satisfaction that the heard
"Toasts," announced as the 7th order of ex-
ercises, knowing that they would then have
an opportunity of sitting down and recover
ing the strength they had lost in working
their jaws. After quite a number of neat
little speeches had been made the firemen
"manned the ropes" on Linn's steamer and
repaired to a cistern on Main street for prac
tice. Steam was soon np and the "Little
(riant" threw two as pretty streams of water
as ever a fireman looked at. Aftor this was
over theJCorvallis "Hooks" came out and
gave the people an exhibition of what they
could do, and we must say they are as well
up in their work as any hook and ladder
company we have ever seen. "Big Six"
was then "manned" by nearly every red
shirted fellow in each department, and
though she is a big ungainly looking thing,
her action seemed to be very good when the
brakes were well rilled, The valves were oat
of order and for soma little time nothing
could be got ont of her but wind, but finally
the water started, and then two lengths of
hose burs ted and she was housed, with
out our folks getting a goed . opportunity of
seeing what she could do. At the close of
the drill all the firemen conereirated at the
Hooks hall and had a centime love feast.
and when eur boys started for the boat ahort-
crowd that did not feel that Corvallis was
not only fully entitled to the Yaqnina
Railroad, but also the West Side Road, the
Northern Pacific, the Atlantic Cable, Santi-
a Canal, and "everything else that could be
bestowed upon them by the intelligent peo
ple of the L nited States. After eur engine
was put aboard, all the excursionists had been
gathered in, the boat started for Albany and
arrived in good time. Thus closed one of
the most pleasant days ever experienced by
any person in our excursion party- Every
thing passed off just as pleasantly as possible,
and that day can never be mentioned to Al
banians without causing them to remember
with what princely hospitality they were en
tertained by their red-shirted boys of their
sister eity.
Wheat Thieves.
Last week we had a local about three hog
thieves, and this week we will have to
write one about wheat thieves. A short
time ago Charles Logan, Duran Boggs
and a young man named Eslick stole about
sixty bushels of wheat from a granary belong
ing to a gentleman named Churchill, living
near Tangent. The wheat was hauled to
Corvallis and sold to Mr. Bell, and very soon
after the owner of it found out about -the
whole affair. Young Eslick and Logan were
arrested firat, and the former turned State's
evidence and mads it so warm for his late
companion that he was bound over under the
sum of $.300. When Boggs heard the matter
was leaking out he made himself scarce, but
was finally captured at a shingle camp np on
the Mohawk. Last Tuesday he had his trial
and was bound ever, his bonds being put at
$300. It is not likely that either one of the
parties will be bailed out, and will probably
have to lie in jail until next October. Eslick
says Boggs and Logan are members of a regu
larly organized band of young thieves who
have been practicing their nefarious business in
this and Benton counties for some time, and
other events seem to substantiate his state
ment. Last Sabbath some persons obtained
search warrant and instituted a search at
the residence of Mrs. Boggs, and in a trunk
belonging to young Logan they found several
pieces: of clothing which were fully identified
hx''. been stolen a short time ago at
Corvallis. Truly we have some enterprising
young men in our midst.
Cane te Eagene.
Our fellow townsman Dr. T. W. Harris
left this week for Eugene, at which place he
intends going into partnership with his un
cle, Dr. T. W. Shelton, in selling drugs and
medicines, and also in practicing medicine.
Dr. Sholton started this week for San Fran
cisco to lav ia a mammoth stock for the new
store, and Dr. Harris on his arrival in Eugene
will make the necessary preparations for the
reception of the stock. Dr. Harris is a grad
uate of several first-class medical colleges
and occupies a front rank in the prjfessoin,
as can be testified to by his many patients
in this vicinity. He is a good business man,
a close financier, and will undoubtedly con
tribute a great deal towards making the new
enterprise a perfect success.
services at H. V- Church, gsath.
Rev. Klyce, of St Paul's M. E. Church,
South, of this city, informs us that he has
taken a school for the summer months at
Muddy Station, and consequently will not
be present in Albany every Sabbath. Rev.
John Powe'l will fill his'pulpit next Sabbath,
in the morning; on the 26th inst, Prof.
Emerv, of Corvallis, will hold religious ser-
vices at the same time and place, and on the
first Sabbath in June Rev. Klyce will be
here himself.
A .11 In Inter C tuning.
The Calvary Society of this city has been
without a minister for sometime, but have
at last secured one for the remainder of this
year. His name is Revr W. B. Floyd, and
for some time past he has been supplying a
Congregational mission in Chicago. He will
probably arrive during the coming week, and
services may be expected at the Calvary
Church one week from next Sabbath.
Farmers, Sfrclwaies and WarVingmra.
You are respectfully requested to call and
examine the last consignment of home-made
pauts at the Farmers' aud Mechanics' store.
They are cheaper and superior te either East
era or California goods, being made from the
finest Oregon wool. 41 w2
County Court.
The May torrn of the County Conrt which
was in sessina last wsok transacted the follow,
inj business :
rROBaTg oooitr.
Tho first scoount of the executrix of the
state of John Baker was presented and ap
proved. The second account cf the administrator
of tho estate of Esra Stout was presented
and approved.
Jas. K. Weatherford was appaintod guar
dian ad litem of the minor hairs of David
Presley. ' , i
In the application of Mrs. F. F. Wright
for dowery, J. N. Rice, Jesse Barr and Z. B.
Moss were appointed to mako tho allot
ment, and J. K. Weatherford was appointed
guardian ad Ulan of tho minor heirs.
Sarah A. Hayes was appointed guardian of
Frank R. and Gertrude Hayes, miuers,er
duties to commence when the Court approves
hor bonds, which are placed at 6,000.
A sale of certain real e tats was ordered
in the estate of David Presley. Terms U.
S. gold coin, one-third down on day of sale,
one-third in six months, and tho remainder
in nine mouths.
Estate of J. D. Ray settled."
Final account filed in the estate of W. H.
Baskett, and Tuesdav, July 3d, 1378, set for
final settlement
Final account rendered in the estate of
Emmet Simons, which showed that $239.fi5
then remained in the hands of the adminis
trator. It was ordered that this amount be
distributed among the creditors at the rate
of 28 cents on the dollar, and that tho ad
ministrator be discharged on his filing receipts
of claimants.
J. N. Duncan was appointed guardian o-i
litem of the minor heirs of Eli B. Moore,
The administratrix of tho estate of Geo.
R. Helm filed her third account, which was
A sale of real property was ordered ia the
estate of Eli B. Moore, sale to be on the
premises. Terms one-third down and bal
ance in six months.
In the estate and guardianship ef the
Eslick heirs the objections were overruled
and account settled.
commissioners' cocbt.
In the matter of the application of Wm.
Tetherow for county road, the reports of the
vuwers and surveyors were read and con
firmed and the road established.
In the matter of application of Wm. H.
McBride for a eounty road, it was ordered
that the report, plot and survey be recorded
and the road established.
W. L. Coon applied for a change ia a
county road, and the matter was continued
to hear proof that the road had been open
ed. L D. Miller applied for conntv road, and
X. P. Payne, l3om Walker L. C. Marshall
were appointed to assess damages to each
R. H. Barnett was appointed supervisor of
Road District Xa 42.
Tyler Jackson, Supervisor of Road Dis
trict Xo. 17, was allowed 1,000 feet of lum
ber for his district
L. C. Marshal, Supervisor, was allowed
2,500 feet of lumber for his district.
The citizens of Lebanon precinct were or
dered to elect two Justices of the Peace at
the general election in June of this year.
H. D. Burkhart, having bid the lowest,
was given the contract for furnishing wood
to the county officers, bis bid being fl.45
per eard.
John Luper was authorized to purchase
6,000 feet of lumber for nse in bis district
L. Has brook and others applied for a
county road, and the matter was continued '
until the next term.
In the matter of the retnrn of the delin
quent tax list for the year 1377 and settle
ment with the Sheri This matter having
been postponed to this term of Court for f ur
ther.examination and consideration, and the
Conrt now having further examined and con
sidered the said return of the -Sheriff ef this
county, the Ceuit finds that there is an
error in the account of unpaid taxes on said
list to the sum of $64.78, and that the
amount of unpaid taxes thereon is the
sum of $17,037.41 instead of (17,102.19. It
is ordered that there be placed to the credit
of the Sheriff of this county, on account of
the tax roll of 1877, the sum of ?31,379.2S,
taxes collected and paid over to the Treas
urer, and the sum of 17,034.41 delinquents
so returned to this Court, and tiie further
sum of $483 on amount doubly assseso.1.
The boundary of East Albany preciuct t, as
changed so that that precinct will include
the east half of the Court House block, and
the place of voting was changed from Linn
Engine House to the Court House.
The following bills were allowed :
D B Rice, 81 70; L H Montanye, So; A M
Mania, $2 50; Isaac Bates, J2 90; A J Carey,
$1 30; Wm Brenner, $2 30; G Thillips,
f I 90; Henry Hewell, 2 50; J L Miller,
9 60; E J Duly, ?13 30; J R Herren, $44.
50; J R Herren, $84 10; J R Herren, $97 60;
J R Herren, $2 50; J R Hersen, 10; John
Cleland, $25 25; W O Palmer, $2; P B Bal
timore, $2; G Parriah, $2; John Althouse,
$2; Wm. Ralston, $2; Cooper Turner, 2;
Wm Briggs, $20; S A Julius, $75; J K
Charlton, $13; B R Holt, $18; Barton Phil
lippi, $2 70; Jos Henderson, $2; Hugh Lee,
$2; J B Coney, $2; W K McBride, 52; T J
Wilson, $2; H Bryant, $12; I X Smith, 2;
J X Smith, $2; John McCoy, $2; H Bryant,
S; Milt Houston, $2; Jason Whcler, 2;
Mart Payne, $2; I O Wilier, $2; H Bryant,
$3; Dr Henton, $6; James A Pearl, $5; A
Coadra, $1; F M Kiler, $1; O P Cerkow, $1;
I X Warmoth, $1; Lewis Long, $1; H R
Powell, $1; E G Spsrry, ?1 50; Mrs F M
Rice, $1 60; Wm Smith, $1 CO; I M Miller,
$5; Ed Piper, $3 50; F W Grover, $3 80;
Dr Boaghton, $3; Dr Ashton, $3; T j Stites,
$62; T J Stites, $123; T J S ites, $144 75;
OW Wrr.jr, ill 40- T r Bilyey, $53; J
M Fronl :, -, O W Warren, $5 60; Fhil
Grigsby, $10 08; W J Mathews, $3; Russle
Duncan, $2; W Johnson, $26 30; David
Lewis, $4 60; Mart V Brown, $32; John
Eoshay, $10 93; Col Van CIcve, S30; W P
Smith, $20; E J Sommerville, $7 25; Wm
McCloud, $15; C E Wolverton, $3 85; Willie
Hopkins, $2 70; Cortez Butcher, $2 70;
Perry Miller, $2 70; Willie Buckner, $2 70;
E T T Fisher, $2 70.
Brenght Home for Burial.
Yesterday noon Prof. R. K. Warren, of
Portland, brought up the remains of his little
son Bertie, for burial in the cemetery in this
city. Quite a number of friends met tho fu
neral party at the depot, and went with
them to the cemetery where the little boy was
laid quietly at rest by the side of his mother,
who had proceeded him to the spirit land.
Bertie was a bright little boy, about 7 years
old. He died last Tuesday night of dipthe-
Csiag East.
Mrs. John Monteith and hor daughter
Minnie leave this city to-day fer the East, on
a visit to her relatives. Mrs. M. does not
know how long she will remain back there,
but we think she and Minnie will be glad
enough to oome back to their Webf oot home
nsxtSpriAg. ' ,
Hume and ibroaa.
Ara yoa giinj ta Paloasa?
Whiteakor aud Hinss at ths Cou t nouao
to-day. '
Tho public sohools adjourn to-day tor the
Not an accident occurred oa the Corrallis
The caravan of CDunty caavasaors starts
out next Monday.
Don't forget that Bro. Da Vore's excursion
comes off to-morrow.
."Honest John" Whitakor and Rev. nines
will speak here to-day.
non. Jno. H. Smith of Harrisburg, one of
tho next State Senators from Linn, is i:l ths
Have yon seen thoss extra cliaoios, auj
tried that best browned Java coffee at Red-
field's r
A match game of base ball will ba played
at tho grova to-d y Linn's against a picked
A largo iuvoice of baby wa;ns has just
boen received at S. E. Young's and will be
sold low.
Charley Cartwright, of Salem, camo np
last Tuesday evening and spent a fuw days
in our city.
Services will be held at St Fetera Episco
pal Church next Sabbath morning, May 10ta,
at 11 o'cloc't.
Mrs. Capt. Humphrey went down to Polk
county last Friday on a visit to hor fi iands
and relatives.
Sol Hirsch, tha worUingmaa's candidate
for the Senate ia Maltnomah, called on us
List Wednesday.
Hon. A. H. Brown, our efficient State
Treasurer, passed up the road yostarday
southward bouad.
If you have egjs, prepareto sell thcin now.
Haffendon Bro's, want thorn gad will pay
yoa the highest cash price.
Dick Wilson and his party failed to get
started for Palou38 last Friday, but got off
the first of the present week.
A Sabl-at'i School Convention, undsr the
anspiees of tlio Evangelical Association, is to
convene nt Salem next Tuesday.
Anybody sass Corvallis now and Albany
will knock the chip off his shoulder quicker
than yon conld say Jack R ibinson.
Frank Head, formerly of this county, who
broke jail at The Dalles a short time ago,
was captured at Portland last weci.
One of ths neatest butcher shops we hare
ever seen was opened out this weak by J. L.
Harris. Look at his card then go and see
Geo. Robinson's saloon is aain oa wheels.
He bought part of the Cheadle properly cn
Front street, and his saloon will be taken to
that place.
T. L. Duggcr is doiug a very fair business
in the delivery line, but still he is not satis
fied and wants mora. Try him and sec how
you like his new rif.
Judge X. W. Garretsen, of Portland, gen
eral ageaffor the Nurth western Life Insur
surance Company, has been in our city dur
ing the week oa business.
Messrs. M. A. Miller of Lebanon and
Chaa. Williams of Brownsville have gone to
Tho Dalles to go into the drug business. We
wish tlie boys all eucc?s.
Last S.-.tur-lay the streets of our city were
crowded so that they bore somo resemblancs
to Broadway. It had rained and all the
farmers came ia to do tradiujj.
Rev. A. M. Achoson and his mother came
dawa to Albany last Tuesday. He returne.1
home tho same day, but Sirs. Acheson ill
remain ia the citv for several davs.
Oscar Blount has been apiwinted dopnty
postmaster ia this city. lis is a g.o I boy
and we dfa't think RayjionJ coald have
made a belter choice cf tn assistr-a'.
Tom Houston is a father a.jsin. It is a
girl this time, and Tom is n; an 1 able to
run aronud with coal oil, mn anl epirits of
turpentine and kiops ths child comr-rtab!e.
One of the finest furnisliod fireman's halls
in the valley belong to tlu "Hooks" at Cor-
va'.lii. It beats anything of tho kind ia this j
city, and wc don't blame tlie b.'Vs f.T Wing i
proud cf it
Myer Harris ia well fixed r.t Corvalli, j
he has ue of ths neatest Ftoriathat place, '
and is doing a fine business. Re is one ef
the b'ys, and deserves a good patronage if j d-es. j
Mrs. J. D. Xe'snn died ia this city last
Monday uilit aud oa Wednesday was taken j
to Corv.slli3 frr burial. Her husband i3 over !
'in Eastrra Oregon building a bridge across'
" c P t'hntes.
Ourianicr, Watty Monteith, leaves for;
his nnele's residence up at Latham this week, j
on a vhit, aad during his absence the Dem
ocrat will be delivered to the city patrons
by Tommy Monteith.
Van Vector has bought the two oorner
lots on First and Montgomery, and is having
them straightened out We rather think
those Chinamen who are doing the work are
playing a losing game.
Work was been suspended on Mcll wain's
building for the present on account of the
failure of tho supply of brick. Another
kiln will ce burned and ready for delivery
in a week or ten days.
Judge Piper is back from Pendleton where
he took a very prominent part in conducting
the defenso of a man who was charged with
the crime of murder. He was successful and
his cliant is now free.
A few days ago Custer sold that fine bay
team of his which ba has been running to
St. Charles bus, to some Portland gentleman.
It was a maniticient team and will look well
oa the streets of the metropolis.
Libbie llalbrook, who has been doing the
composition oa the local department of this
paper for several years," started for Walla
Walla yesterday ou a visit to her mother.
She will remain up there about six weeks.
One of the buildings for the preparation of
flax has already been erected by AVhceler &
Kice. They are now having " a pea-stock
built and ditch dug from the Caual, aud will
be ready for business by t'uo tima the flix
enters the market
We regret to learn of tho sad misfortune
that has overtaken the family of our worthy
friend, Hiram Eckennan, of Sweet Horae.
Last Sabbath throe of bis children died of
scarlet fever, aud at last account three others
were very sick.
Tho bids for! the carpenter work on the
Odd Fellows' Templo were opened a few
days ago, but there was such a marked dif
ference in the bids that all were rejected, as
some of the bidders evidently did nut under
stand the specifications.
Bob. Foster writes from Liverpool, under
date of April 17th, and says he ia getting
along Caely and having lots of fun. In com
paring pricea in that country with those in
Oregon he says he gets lodging and two
meals at a first-class hotel for 75 cents, and
it only coats a half cent to got thoir boots
blacked. Whew ! you couldu't got a boy to
spit for that price in Oregon. .
While at Corvallis last Friday we had the
exquisite pleasure of taking dinner with Thos.
Graham the Democratic candidate fur Coun
ty Treasurer of that county. If the people of
Benton county could test his hospitality as we
did at that time be would have no opposition
next June, but then if they were to do so
and sliould have appetites equal to ours, we
doubt whether the Treasurer's oince fur a
lifetime would fully, compensate him for the
jes of "grab." -
Oar Flense.
Following is tho programme of exercises
for tho pioaie givon to-day by Albany Engine
Co. No. 1 1
OiTicers and fircmsn will meet promptly at
jno. j s house at 9:30 a. ra.
At 10 a. m. sharps the procession will
form oa Fourth street ia front of tho Court
nou3e, tho right of paluma rastinj oa Ferry
street in the follow ing order :
1st. Xational colors.
4 th.
Brass Band.
Olflncrs of the Day.
Firemen from Abroad.
Albany Firo Dupartmont
Down Ferry to Third strant; up Third to
ajhinjjfon; dowa Washingtoa to First ;
dawn Fir;t to Lyon; up Lyoa to Soveuth
thouco to Hacklcmas's GK3VK, where the
following exercises will be had :
1st Musio by tho Band.
4 th.
Prayer by Chaplain.
Music by tho Band.
ncsiu CISSUR.
C!h. Mtiuis by the Band.
7th. M lypole Dance by twelve ladies and
gentleman, under direction of Mr. Geo. Kai-
8:li. Vobiataer Touts, Em ball, cro
q'let, cto.
nr.EMEs's EriLL.
Ij tliu city at 5 p. m.
At the Pacific Opera House in tho evening.
foFFrcERj or ras duv
President, Mart V. Brow.-i.
Chaplain, Rev. J. Boiver3 jt.
Orator, D. M. Conley.
. Chief Marshal, J. R. Herrsn.
Aid, Jos. Xixon.
Kotrl Irani the TurSu.
A goatleman just over from the Forks
gives us the following items :
Fanners are just finishing np seeding, and
oar iaformnut says a little of the best form
ing he has seen in our county this season has
been done over there.
Tho roads are rery good oa the way to
Scio, with the exception of a few bail mud
holes tliis side of the ford.
A yonng emigrant put in aa appearance at
John Riley's last week, and doesn't show
any intention of looking for a better location.
The emigrant was a loy of average weight,
and he and his mother are getting along finely.
Everybody seems to be happy over there
in the expectation of the early completion of
the bridre over the Santiam .it the Rose Fer-
Politics are beginning to boil np a little.
and yoa may look oat for about 200 Demo
cratic majority ia Canada.
Should be Frawnrd D?mn.
It irtnfurtunate that the slight misunder
standing between tho base ball clubs of Eu
gene and Albany has been so greatly magni
fied as to become the subject of scurrilous
ncwnpaper tlang; cud the Dr.siocitAT most
emphatically and unequivocally denounces
the manner ia which this unpleas.-nt affair
was brought about, both on tlie t rt of the
other Albany jiapera as well r. t.- Il-tne
Jonrnt!. That was a bruetul nut -::!!
attack upon ths fair f;::.s:- of v,r cry and
our fir-emeu in the J?:! l;i a:; 1
we eqaallv eciad;ni-i I j uirir t i it i:i t ii-
itWtrof last Tuesday. Hr'Tv- is t.o of
such thing aud biili:!.- v' t'.c a; t'ue p-.ipw-i a
both sides have indc!g"l in, naJ ws iw sat
isfied that the good jvopls t-f b.t! eitk-a will
join with us in discountsnaiscuv s:rl f.nwn.
in'i down such whole-sale calu:.:-'.'
Tlie following resolutions were miopte-1
unanimously at a special mertiug bold by
Linn Engine Co. No. 2 but Tuesday even
ing :
amiiferjory of the trruninij f their Eticme, bf na ex
enrin t 'o.-T;iHi-. acti.i-iii br Aiiianv Eu-e
C-1. Xo. I, 3 th3 etsam.'r ''iltr cf Erilem", Ti4
WhesJ'as. T trerc rf?-ifri bv tha C-rr-&'-li F r
Ieprt,iw:it with trae ftnamoa courtesy; he it
R-.-ihilre.i, Tiiit we ten.tsr oar heart thank! in the
r?orr!Iis Kire OifTrtai.Hnt &u.i citizens f..r th ho; ji
ta!ity with whi'.-h we were received, and the tua-ir aits
of kiatine eh'.wu us while io tbst city.
Unsolved, Tust we tender our heartj that'.ka to tTis
o;Uracf the i-teimer "City of Saletu" fur tbe efforts
they uei t; m.nke it p!a&L3t rr all oa brard, aad for
the r wa'.eiifv.luejs aui cure to prevent act-iietits.
!ti 'iTisl. Tnit to tender ir hearty than to Al
bany jine vt. ?t. 1 f..r turoin out ia u?iif rm at:J
h'.-il'U!g Co t&ks our exfur?i jit a succeM.
Geo. W. UvssiiAf'.r, 1
L. C. Rti'lt, ; C-rji.
Jit W. Dl.rsB, )
TUdhc Atlases.
Several of tho artists under the employ
of Edgar Williams 4 Co., are now engaged
ia Bketching different farm-houses in this
county for lithographic views in their atlas
of Lias county. Of course those view3
cost something, bnt our rich farmers can
well afford it, and nothing will make the
atlas look so well as some of tho fine views
which can be found in our county. Orders
for ' iews have already been received from J op.
Hamilton, the Shearer Brothers, D. Mill
holland, D. P. Potter, B. B. Grimes and
others, aud the canvassers have not yet left
tlie upper part of the county.
.1 Challenge.
I would rcspavtfuliy extuottneo to the farm
ers of Albany and vicinity that I have the '
agency for V. A. Woods' ilclf-Biuding Har-1
vester, tae only successful self-binding har
vester ever introduced into the Oregon har
vest fields. I will al?o anuouncn that I am
ready to meet in field trial any self-binding
harvester made, and hi the content submit
my machine to such teats as may io required
by a committee of practical farmers appoint
ed by tho Liua County Conncil, or other or
ganized body of practical farmers.
41aiS A." M. Kobr.
We wish to direct the attention of our
readers to tho "add'' of ilarper Av Co. ia
this week's paper. They hare just received
a large stock of goods aud will sell very
cheap to prompt paying enstomors. Induce
ments ara given out to th?38 who buy for
e -sb, though time will be givca until after
harvest. Oo and sea them, and eeo -ii they
don't soil as cho-.p 03 tho very cheapest.
If you are troubled with Titter or Ring
Worm use Baker's Solution. i
If yonr hair is falling off, use baker's
For cleaning silks, valvets, ribbons or
cloth, use Baker's Solution.
Try a bottle of Baker's Solution. If it
docs not give entire satisfaction your money
will bo refunded.
Headquarters for Baker's Solution at the
Farmora' and Mechanics' store.
'--Ii from California.
E. A. Froeland and family this week re
turned from Ukiah, California, where they
had resided for several months, Ed. don't
seem to hava a very good opinion of the
Golden State, and ia this particular he re
sembles nearly every other Oregoaiaa who
goal dawn there and remains awhile.
. Ths Democratic candidates for the respect
ive Legislative and County offices will ad.
dress the citizens of Linn county at ths fol
lowing times and places :
Tancout, Monday, May 20.
Shedd, Tuesday, May 21.
Ilalsey, Wednesday, May 22.
Harrhibur?, Thursday, May 23.
Brownsville, Friday, May 24.
Brush Creek, Saturday, Slay 2..
sweet llomo, Monday, May 27.
Lebanon, Tuesday, May 28.
.Scio, Wednesday, May 29.
Miller's, Thursday, May 30.
Albany, Friday, May 31.
The Republican candidates are invited to
bo proscnt and join in the discussion.
Sakiug to begin promptly at 1 r. M.
&rvlees at the I . P. Church.
There will bo no services at the U. P.
Church in this city during the foronooa of
next Sabbath, but in the evening Rev. A.
M. Atcheson, of Orleans, will deliver a ser
mon. Sabbath School at the nsual hour
2:80 p.m.
Odb advice to friends who are troubled
with rheumatism, is to try Frefce's cele
brated Hamburg Tea. It is a very simple
remedy, but has done wonders in many
bad cases of this terrible disease.
The La of the rnfttrtaaate Jadkls' Bank
rupt btaelu
The hut of the bankrupt stock of L. M.
Jadkins, now selling at J. J. Brown's store.
is going off rapidly at auction in the evenings
and at private said during tho day. Some of
oar people are taking advantage of the forced
sale and are Laying in a large supply of goods
at their own pricea. We naderstand the
entire stock is about closed out, and to-morrow
evening will be the last auction. .
Beams te Let.
Ar.y ouo desiring rooms on First street
can get them no w by calling on Mrs Cheadle.
Three of them hare recently been occupied
by W. R. Henry, and three more are up
stairs in the samo building. w
VYh Vull a WatrhT
A Sue gold watch and chain will be raf
fled for at the Bank Exchange Saloon on
Saturday evening of next week at 7 o'clock.
Tickets entitling the holder to one chance in
:!:a ra3o will be sold for $3,00 each, and
ouly fifty will be disposed of. The watch
and chain caa be seen at J. H. Taylor's sa
loon, and tickets can be had at the same
place. 41w2
Samuel E. Young has just received direct
from the manufacturers in the East a large
iuvoice cf those celebrated Holbrtok A Lud
low, Ladies', Misses' & Children r s.Jk. He
is making special efforts to keep a first class
stock of Boots and .Shoes and woald call at-
j tention to his assortment, which is now more
complete than ever. 41w4
Form and Feature,-
Unless associated with good theeh, are
shorn of half the attractions they may other
wise posses. Bearing this fact in mind,
uxe SuZODONT, which will prevtnt your
! teeth from losins their whiteness, and will
! render them spotless if specked and disco! -'
ored. Tbe tint and bardnena of cotal are
imparted to the gums by this incomparable
1 preservative and beautifyinic asrent, and
ths breath Is rendered fratrrant as hone T-
srti-kle by its use. It is safe, besides be-
i:i; effective, sold by druggists.
i.ttr alien!
; CI.; itycr, especially grangers, farmers,
; clnbs, country or city folks. Through the
c ii'5id3tin .f tho well known firms of N.
: I'vitm aiid O. Fox k. Brothers, of Albany,
ii'1-.v Fox, Daum A Co., and by combining
' their two stocks, together with the large
i amount of goods bought for cash this spring
ut San Francisco, we pleasure in inform
I .ng the public that we now have the masn
' moth store of Albany, and the largest stock
' of general merchandise kept in a country
; e'we this side of San Francisco. We there
' i'-ro tuke pleasure in informing the public in
j trencral. that oitr aim is to sell coeds at the
lowest figures, especially for cash. Please
call and examine our mammoth stock of
goods before purchasing elsewhere, and you
will be convinced that we mean business.
j n ll's Vsorr.vstE Sk-iliak Hair Rr.vfwts is a Aden
tlfi.j eotubiitatian of some of tbe nywt powerful rostora.
! lire sweats in the vegetable kincdora. It restores
s-mv hair to its original color. It makes tbe scalp
- mte ana clean, it cures auvimi ana otmen, am!
fill n-cut of the hAir. It furciKheH the nutritive prin
ciple hf which tha hair is nourished and supported.
It makes the h-ir moist, soft, and gloss, and is nnsur
awd as a hsir-dressinr. It is the 004 economical
t.r9tarattoii ever offered to the public, as its effect re
itiaiu a lone time, making only an occasional applicft
tiou necessary. It itt recommended and u-ed by emi
nent medtat men, and officially endoned by the State
Aay&r of Massachusetts. For sale by an (tester. S
Smith & Norton having opened a ehop in
Allauy, are new prepared to do hoase, sign
aul painting, graining, kalsomin
ing, glaziug, gilUing, eta House lining and
papering will be done at reduced rates. All
work entrusted to their care either in the
city or country will receive prompt attention.
Their shop is on Ellsworth street, nrar the
ferry landing. n29tf.
The Centaur Xiinisents are of two kinds.
Tho White is for tho human family ; theYel
law is for horses, sheep, and other animals.
Testimonials of the effects produced by these
remarkable Preparations are wrapped around
every bottle, and may be procured of any drng-
!8t. or by mail from tne umce ot ihi les-
TAUtt ConrASr, 46 Dey Street, New York
City 13:29yl
I be Tlrkcta.
Ecan each name with care ;
Fnnch every unfit there;
Do nil yonr swapping fair:
Tith Wheeler square
At Shedd.
Thus shall- thon prosper.
CsiBua, Caskets.
F. S. Punning has reocived a large lot of
roscweod caskets from Sab Francisco. They
are the handwtnest, cheapest and best in the
valley, and can be bad in half an hour after
the order is received. Remember that they
are of all sizes and rery cheap.
Hack for Bale.
Any person wanting a good, strong, light
covered hack, can get one at a bargain by ap
plying at ruffendea Bro s. grocery in this
tar The National Gold Medal was awarded
to Prndley Rnlofson forttae bt Photographs
iu mo uniMta Butws, auu ine v lenna Aieuai to
Me opsi in ineworm.
42 Montsomeay Htieet. Ban Franetaco
ECMBAU0I1 GOLTRA. On Sabbath eveninsr, at
the ratuence ot the bnde s parents in this city, by Kev.
u. d.i-oweii, Ma. itAMiKt . ttuatuvau ami iiiza ad
jheA. OobTRA.
CamplimenU received in the shape of s large quan
tity of luscious oaks. Well, Dan., here's to the health
ot you aad your fair bride. . May you live long and
happily together, and never meet a ware of trouble
during your Journey through life. '
BRU2JNEMEE MACBEE. On the 13 Ji taut., a)
the Evangelical Faraonaire. in this city, by Ker. J.
Bowersox, Ma. John BKCXsuxa and Miss tuii
JUCBEE txjlu oi tills eounty.
USHER. U Bodaville, April S, 1S73, Alta, only
oMuynhirof K. U aad Jeuiiw v. usaer monuui
ana e aas.
oo a o . c-
S 3 ' s S "S Z ji -
-1 1 -r 1
tf 3 tf.3 1
t S'E.a.2.? S
S5 3iSij-'
The Imported Perciieron Horses !
vrni be at the stables of A. H. MARSHAL!
sriAjra ; aad Mosda, Ta-iays and Wodaes&iys at the
Will be at tha stables of OAISESFlSriEK.
aai Ssturdaja, ani at tha staMss of S. BROWS, ti EK V.V18, Thursday, aad Krulajj A caca" va ji.
1 deem It ttimncnsarT to gire a minute dc?cri;.ti n of Tiie hTrssei, a? it ii n'.w a sctUei fct t't there is !:
breed or family of tare hirsaj that sho sui ai" tm-roei?nt on. th3 c ntToa eMci a, tlie ivrvlier : t!. .,
proren by ail thoM that hare given them a trial, at work or a bro::-:;- anting. a:i cul'.J Ik c-!'u.i:.1 ti li"
humtreds of refctable parties in this Stat. Wa-.bij,;T:.u Territory and Ca!;i.jria, win Lre te:i '-f,.;i. 'ih ji
uut nna tauti or ouject w tne rerctier-sn Dace biAt
1 fcKMS WtS I . B- M1B I Ol-S.
April 8, is:. rli3d
D. r. MASOX.
(Successors to John Foshay.)
. ob rk t.t. TT'sras,
Kabraitnr ererrthrir oitully fotmi ia s a.-jvdass mtiil dru aM'jt,-. -.-. -I
Ft IX USE )F '
Tbe trt'-Jt is Tery kre nJ w.;:I pcrt?i- A mw JTot ia si k raa ia oaaa&Aioa wizYi ttii djrrtirvSat, nbt
aU the Eastern mixxzhic, picdriols, etc, caa be j-ronu?d.
A.'so, every rsriety f eemetery an-1 oilier stone work done with Ben' n?-s at;: di ij sv
Special atremlon jtivento orders from anv partff the state aii'l Walt: jj;
iob lerntory, dv mail or ottierwisB, and pronspuy i ir
warti -i. All work wsrrsated.
A LB A 11 Y,
A brancii etblishment ia loeatd at
Address all orders to A Staigor, Albany,
W. H. B.bbr.
G-old nntl Silve2- ISouglit tuatl gHoltl.
Drafts issued on Portland, San
imh tar the Flreaien's rand, KvaJ
the ,ortta 1'ariAe Lie.
iTCall and see as at W. n. Eaber's old atani, M v.n street, b-iwecn omith and ii..rrlu- -
TlinS'yl -
To the Farmers of Oregon:
Gentlemen: "We have the pleasure of inform
ing you, we have on hand and for sale tho f olloTrins
deservedly popular line of Farm Implements: Gar
den City Clipper Plows; Cultivators and Harrows;
Farmers' Friend Grain Drills and Broad Cast Seed
ers, combined; Monitor Force Feed Seed Sower and
Cultivator, combined: Standard Newton .wagons:
Hacks and Swift and Stan dish Grain Cleaners; also
for the harvest of 1878, the justly celebrated lie
Cormack Self Binding Harvester, which we stand
ready to warrant in every particular. Please call-
and examine before purchasing, uescnptivo circu
lars, FREE, on application.
Agent for T. Cunningham ; Co.
Corner First and Broadalbin Sts., Albany, Or. n30
O A XJ iUa -
oitnin RA.Atiasti ef Furniture, such ft
ii x oner
FRED. GRAFF, First Street, Albany, Oregon.
n I n tq i:
SO. 11 f-:.tns&Y h 1 .:::5:r.
Treat all run in nt 8?rU Uif ir
f e!? of i V- t i e,r )-.C: v . ?
.: u'i to at ui! thermf-ivf ( th.t .'::- p h-"-i
v'.v" r.jJ .-.Mile aiu.r tl w.Zsr-.w. b. : i.-: v .
M'i if v. :;i emraas! To t tfeu 0 ) ' r Vt,-y 3
of Sn;:r'3 'jmss r prj dy. e kttv icui-i jr
el-it Mer u iun he U3: iruii j a.ri 1 it; 3 u car e-
sunDi.r.-.icru :t:v.
T:t rt re'fw ax hn K"o nf ;7:.rt'--Tvc vr.ry -
der, t,'-n sw-iiiwiiy ! by & hit!!!, &iwr-z,ir-,iy. -.f
aori-c;.;': an.l r a.?irsr):n-j of ihj ;:i a i-,w.v,.--r
the ia'.i:ii r..f::ut tr. d eyafi::.-.:':' i::-
unnrarv t-,r--::s & ropy ftin.i:o;anfc il! ottn ,t i- .-
and fo-r.urift s-naii parti ?!. or sM-htwa w.Ii a,--.-i ,
or tijfl ef'I'ir v.iu lw of a. th:u it: : 1 k . . R?.;r
raif t 1 tlark and t:rr;d ao'sar&iieij. 1 112 re srn ra . v
ir.vfi Kho die of t?i3sdif!i'jaivy uiVf r..ttJ t: iz-.-x -i,
vhivh h tns t&vtvA &:e vi !teni;:il v:'- it:n it I-;:. ; .
w:h jpiarBJitee a jtert-mi cure in all c.w,
hoiitfiv r tM-t!i m f tne (.-yo-vn-.i-irv j.
io---.:s If) to 4 and ti ,: rt. t'n.rM 1
toll a. ti. :iis'il.i.-n ir'jc. i ij.r ftx .i:ji::ii;jf
tmd advice, $i.
CbJ au.J address,
13:S7yl Ko. it Koaruy i -i., Sou r.-anciscr.
the sis FRixnsco nrtLETi.x,
The loai-nij Ereniny and We-'-kJp ncTrjaper tA ui
the Ilocj Mountains.
tbe wEEKtT
li tTeiT'jwe jo?trrral, and n pr.rtl m to i'.t a.z
tlu ciitapast jiajer in tiie country. - .
THUS 'fpasfcase free),
Daity. -'ecir, f fr jeer: iri (A s yar 1
prtTK-rtin. l3iiu -xt5! card Lr Brxrtijra.
A LP..1XY. Tfaar-SlavK. I'rklave aad Sal
rfajles oi SOL. KINO, COKVaLI.
SAf.KM. Mortdar. Tufk!avn. 'edacxlar-.
laei, or are ujtere:eJ at ouwr iit-v .
-rT C. 2iI2i!'Sr33K.
r r a r"? "? O
M uaw ILa e-x
imii-I i itJ J
a ft
tiiX tijj ica
Albany and ewaed bv the Sl.iisrer Rros'n.
Oregon. l.iiiiyl
Francisco, New York and Earcpa
sJ t onnetlri Fire Isjtnrance Cars i:i:c... a4