ADVERTISEMEHTS, ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS, ad VERTisr:2ii:xs. ADVKI1TISEMENTS, ' t -r -w - w -n T Friday, - May 3, 1S79. tim CO. CE"CCRATiS TICKET. For State Senator, Jcdgb JOHN BURNETT. For Representatives, Hos. JOHN T. HUGIIES, Dr. H. GREEN, Wtm. BURGETT. For County Judge, W. S. McFADDEN. For County Clerk, WILL. T. WEBBER. For Sheriff, JOS. D. JOHNSON. For County Treasurer, THOMAS GRAHAM. For Assessor, JACOB MODIE. For County Commissioners, J. P. PRIEST, HUGH HERRON. For Surveyor, J. W. WEBBER, For School Superintendent, ' (V acant.) For Coroner, Dr. J. R, BATLET. SPEC1.1L SOTH Es. CAI1D. To all who are suffering from the errors and mdlscref eons oi Toum, nervous weakness, earlj" dertiy, loas a, manhood, Ac, 1 will send a recine that will care yoa t'KEE OK CH AUG EL This jfreat remedy was discover ed by a missionary in Smth America. Send a salf -addressed etveiipe to the Bkv. Joseth T. Ixmas, fit ioq D, Bihii House, Sew York Oiv. vi31n4yl Certificate of Partnership NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the undersigned have formed a part nership for the purpose of transacting tre business of wholesale and retail dealers in general merchandise in the city of Albany, County of Linn, and State of Ojegon, un der the firm name of FOX, BAUM & CO., and that the names of all parties interested in snch partnership are hereto annexed together with their places of residence Signed Otto Fox. Sao Francisco, Cal by Sttr. Fox, his attorney in tact. N. Baum, Albanv, Or., Sigmcxd Fox, Albany, Or. State of Oregon. ) County of Linn. 58 On the 3d dav of AcriL I3TS. bef.m m. a Notary Public within and for said coun ty, personally came t he within named Otto Fox, by Sigmnnd Fox. his attorney in fact. N. Bnurn, and Simnnd Fox, personally known to me, to be the identical person deM-ribed in and who executed the above certificate of partnership, and eacn ac knowledged to mo that they executed the same freely for the uses and purposes therein named. - ' Witness mv hand and notarial S .t I seal this 3d dav of April, 1873. SEtt i J. H. BUBKtlART, ' ' Notary Public. All notes and accounts, due the late firm of O. Fox & Bro. will b payable at the old place of business to Sig. i'ax, who repre sents said firm, and who will also settle all the liabilities of said firm. O. FOX BRO. Al! notes and accounts due If. Banm will be payable to himself alone at the place of bnMness of Kax, Baum &. Co. and all his liabilities w ill r?l settled bv hint at the sa ma place. X. BALM. We, and each of ns, cordially thank the public for the very liberal patronage they have bestowed upon us heretofore at our different places of business, and having formed a partnership under the firm name of Fes:, Baum & Co.. and being better able than ever before to supply the wantsof the people in onr lnie, we would respectiully ask for a fair sharo of their-ptro -age. . O. FOX A BRO, 33w4 x. baum. Administrator's Notice. 1VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Andrew Carothers, deceased, in pursuance of an order of the County Court ef Linn County, Oregon, duly made and entered of record at the April term of sd Court, in the year IS7S, will, on the Uth day of May, 1S78. at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the Court House door la Linn County, Ur-tron, t-ell at public auction to the highest bidder the following described real property owned by A. Carothers, deceased, at the time of lits death, to-wit: The undivided one half of lot one(l) in block seven (7) In the City ol Albany, in Linn County, Oregon, as the same is designated and described on the plats and surveys of said Cily on record in the office of the County Clerk of Linn County, Oregon. Tkk'ms of bale. Gold eoin, one half cash in band and the baWnce cm a credit of six months, withont interet. JASON WHEELFR, 33 vl Administrator. McCORMACK'S SELF BIOIM HA1VES1ERS We are agents f. r this most perfect, most wonderful and most successful machine ever put belore the public. We expect to enter the field of competition on every op portunity offered during the harve.-t of 1878, and shall have all our armor on ready to give battle to all wh dare meet us- We guarantee every machine to do good work, under all circumstances, where any machine can (successfully opperate and for ease of draft, simplicity and dura- v:i:.. . t . j . unity, to ue surpassed oy none. Farmers please call and examine sans ples. Harper's blo:k, corner Fir t and E lsworth streets, Albany, Oregon. EUGENE riUCHANAX, 13:36 For T. Cunningham & Co. OREGON MARBLE -AND STONE WORKS. The undersigned are prepared to manufacture MenamcntH, Tombs Head-stones, Slantles, Table Tops, Wash Stands, Etc, Etc ki"s cemetry work done in marble, free 2t?L"IIi?i AU work done i" Srst class ninner and at the lowest rates. Tihop in Frank Wood's building, on the corner of Second and Ellsworth streets. corner or 13:32 CLARK & HALTEH. ALBANY FARMERS' CO. Stockholder's Meeting. A' HOU1F.I1S of the Albany Fanners' Conroanv th.t there will 1..- a meeting of the Skh0ldeTs ot iid Company at the,r office, in the eitv l Aifcai-T on TeT day, the 21t day oi May, 178, at the hmr?V -tfclock p. M.of said day,' for the p.nTelu seven Directors to serve during the ensuing vearnd for I he transaction of any other but-ineas tlmt may le gaily come before the mooting. ' FuU reportu will be presented of business transac tions. A general attendance of the Stockholders desired If. H. WILDS, President. 1. Maksfirld, Secretary. n37w3 GEO. RICHARDS. WAGON AND CASEIAGE IAKEE. Ellsworth, bet. First and Second. Prepared to do an kinds of renairin" in bis line. FiUtaf wheel made s specialty. ' vUa3ij 1 The Gentlemen Readers of this Paper are invited to call on L. E. BLAIEJE and examine all the Latest Styles in Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, for men, bovs 1 children at his Popular Clothing House, 112 First St., Albany, Oregon. CITY DRUG STORE. Corner First and Ellsworth Streets. ALBAXV. OBECOS. R. SALTJIARSU has again purchased the City Drug Store, havingjurchased the entire Interest rf C- W. SHA.W, successor to A. Carothers & Co. Ho a now receiving a splendid new stock, which, added to the former, renders it verv com plete in all the different departments. Feeling assured that all can be suited, both in mantity and prices. Mr. Saltmarsh oor dii tly invites his old friends and custom ers to give him a call. PRESCRIPTIONS will receive immedi ate and careful attention, at all heurs, day and night. PURE WIXES AND LIQUO'lS for medicinal purposes vl3nl2tf JOHN CONNER'S BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE 4LB IXT, OREGOX. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. SUBJECT TO CHECK AT SIGHT. Utertit Aligned oalimc Drpotiti la Coil. KXCHAXGK ON PORTLAND, 8AS FRAX C15C0, and NEW YORK, for sale at lowest rates. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTED rt-Bsnking boors, 8 a. v. to 4 . Refer to H. W. CORBETT, HEXRT FAILIXa. W. 8. LADD. CONSUMPTIVE Positively Cured All sufferers from this diecase that are anxious to be enred should try Ir. Kfnrr Olebmtcd C'on samrilve Pwttm. These Powder are the oniy prerarati li knovrn trtat will cure OllHBinptioa and a!l diseases of the Thml and ft. tines indeed, so strolls' t? oar faith in them, and also to convince yon that thoy are no humbn?. -we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, post paid, a frr Trial Ba. We don't want your money until yoa are perfectly satitfied ot" their curative powers. If your life is worth saving, don't delay in giving- these Powders a trial, as they will surely cure you. Price, for large box, SS.OO, sent to any part of the United States or Canada, by mail, on receipt of price. Address, ash & Eton hi s. 13:2yl SCO Fcirox Street, Beookltx, Jf. T. FITS EPILEPSY, FALLING SICKNESS, Permanently Cared no iNmbix-by one month- nRxe ef Dr. feonlard'a Celebrated Infallible fr it Powders. To e n vince sufferers that these powders will do all we claim for them, we willl send them by mail, pout paid a free Trial box. As Dr. GiKtlard is the only physciaa that has ever made thi? di-swe a special study, and as to our knowledge thouan ls have been permanently en red by the use of th-o powders we w tilsnnranlee a pervna ent - ure in every ease, or rei'und yn all mnnev expemied. AH sufferers should yive the Powders an early trial, and be convinced of their curative powers. Pri'--?, for large box, 3.Q0, or 4 boxes f.r 10.00, rent by liiiiil t any part of United States or Canada on re ceipt ;A price, or by express, C. O. I. Address, ASQ & ROB B INS. 13:20! dQO Fcxtox SntBKT, Brooklyx, N. Y. GREAT REDUCTION! C1ECURE AN AGENCY O and M er SIM per week. HOMESTEAD g20 SEWING $20 MACHINE. For Domestic uss. With Table andFixtnreB compleVsonly $20 A perfect and unequaled, large, strong and durable Machine constructed elegant and solid, from the best material with mathematical precision, for constant Fam ily use or manufacturiug purposes. Always ready at a moment's notice to do its day's work, never out of or der, and will last a generation with moderate care ; easy to understand and manage ; light, smooth and swift running, like the well-regulated movement of a fine watch ; yimple. Compact, liricient and Reliable, with ail the valuable improvements to be found in the high est priced Machinos, warranted to do the same work, the same way, and as rapid and smooth as a $75 Ma chine. An acknowledged triumph of ingenious mechan ical skill, essentially the working woman's friend, and far in advance of all ordinary Machines, for absolute Strength, Reliability and general usefulness ; will Hem, Fell, Tuok, Seam, V"'", Bind, Braid, Cord, Gather, Ruffle, Shirr, Plait, Fold, Scollop, Roll, Embroider, Kun up Breadths, Ac., with wonderful rapidity, neat ness and ease, sews the strongest lasting stitch equally tine and smooth through all kinds of goods, from cam bric to several tbieknessess of broadcloth or leather, with fine or coarse cotton, linen, silk or twine. Gives perfoct satisfaction. Will earn its cost several times over in a season fci the work It does, or make a good riviyg for anv man or woman who desires to use it for that purpose ; works so faithful and easy the servants wi t? niht "7 n damaire. Prfce of Mach ine H v ,"e' fU'Ly ""Wed for family work, 20. Half La, Cover, Side Dhawshs axn Cabikct sVtlss rTmYnsflylowr,'t,!- Safe delivery gu, anUsed, free from damage . Explanatory pamphletsil lustrated with engraving of the aiveral JSf of MI chines, reference, variety of sewhur, tc, mailed freT Cmifidewaal terms vriith liberal rnduceme'nS ,n pris mg Clergyman, Teachers Business Hc. TravelSg or Local AgenU, He who desire exclusive Agendo! farnished on smiliostun. Address John H. Sendall i. Co., 421 Broadway, t.ew York. vUnlTyl 0 K Cr. Snowftike, Pamask, etc., no alik Xtl wi'.hnams, 10cts,assauCardU.4F;assaa7N. T J E. SORBIN & CO. Importer and dealer! In WINE AND LIQUORS, CIGARS MSO TOC&CCO- Acesti for Jeasa Moon Co. R. and Rys Whiskies, ofTel for sale Fine whiskies from 12.00 to te.OO a gallon, bottles from (tt cents lo $1.50 Fine French brandy from (2.75 to 113.90 a gallon. In bottles from 75 eta. to ti.SO. Fine Uld Port Wine from M to (4.00 a cat ion. In bott les from tfi ets. to $2.00. Fine Sherry Wine from 160 to $W.0u a gal i t .. (mm r. , m -i mi Holland Ola S.0t a gallop. In botles from 75 s. to i.ou. All kinds of Wine, Bitten and Cordials. Claret one dollar a eallon or '& cts. a bottle, Liquors In pints and half pint asks for travelers ana omen. SAMPLE ROOMS attache J to OUR STORE. CIGARS & TOBACCO, By the box or pound, cheap. First 8tnet, sear BroadalblK. Albany A Card and Prospectus. Havlnr onened a free Intelligence Offlon. for the pur pose of assisting newcomers to oar Htate 1y all possible means at my comnianu, wnere are Kept niea oi au leadirur newwapers published in Orecnn and Washmrr- ton Territory, 1 have also determined to establish a land journal, to be called THE OREGON AND WASHINGTON LAND REGISTER, The object of which is to bring Land Owncs and Real Estate Areata Into closer communication with the thousands of Immigrants who are artivmg In this city with a view to the ultimate purchase of lands. It will he printed in recttlar newspaper form, eixht-pa?e. 12x IS inches, and will be devoted solely to the purpose for w men u is estaousnea. xne nrst eauion oi ,uou cop ies will be issued about the 10th of February, 1873, and as often thereafter as the influx of immigration demands, lieecrtptiion ot farms and other property for sale will De eonaensea to occupy ten unes (.u wurusjor .ess, and will be charecd for at the rate of one dollar each. It is more than probable that from twenty-five to fifty thousand people wiil be added to our population during the spring and summer of 1373. Nearly all immigrants who come to Oregon and Washington Ter ritory land first at I'ortiand, and will receive a copy of this paper, as U will be distributed gratuitously. It will therefore be the best possible means of bringing lands and other property for sale to their notice. Descriptions of pnperty for sale may be written out m nxl, giving character, location, price, terms ot sale, which will be editorially condensed to the requires! space, and the letter numbered to correspond with the description, and filed in my office for reference- No chanre will be made for sales arranged torouirh this agencv the only fee required being one dollar for each description tnaerted in the Linb Register, bich must bo forwarded with the description. It may be sent in silver by registered letter, or by pacta! order at my risk. Correspondence on all subjects cmnccted with the development of all portions ot the Bte and Territory respectfully soiioited. 1 keep a rosriKter in my office In which are entered the wants of all parts of the State and Territory for laborers, mechanics, merchants etc, which is open for the free insject;on of newcomers. Nortire of such wants respectfully solicited. AU matter intended for publication in the land register must be writtec on one side of the iaper only, and b? la prior to the first of rebruary, lsis. will be inserted All descriptions of property few sale in the order of their arrival those com In z first on the outside noses. Hchevroe that this Duhlication will be trreatlr to the advantage of both buyer and seller, I respectfully so- ncii tne patronage oi in pumic. Address all oonununicaUous to me at Portland, Ore gon. . H. STEAKS. roKTUL3n, ur , December so, i. v. citf. JUNIUS F. WHITING, HOTJSESIC3-N" PAINTING. KAlSOMiNING, PAPERHANGINS, GRAUINS.ETC the RELATIVE RICHER BRANCHES mmm i specialty. Comer Second .Mid Ellsworth Streets, tutn, OBEties. For Sale. A Splendid Farm. Cjnfl ACRES 200 In cultivation. It til III is well fenced and otherwiTe well improved. 200 acres is the best of farming land. Good house, barn, and all necessary improvements for an excellent modern larm. Xe wbitb laxd on the Dlace. It is situated 1 1-2 miles west of Alr-anv the great agricultural center of Oregon" For terms enquire at the place of VliHUU J. Lu JtlAlVilKK. CONN BROS., DEALERS IN AND MAN UFACTC R ERS of lumber. Having secured a Hue lot of Iocs from the mountains, we are prepared to furnish a first class article of lumber at prices that defy competition. WW UU0 IUW1D HI IU) 'lllt llin LU KCt.) O lumberyard at S. A. Mckerson's Planer, at Lebanon, who will act as our agent, where all orders will be nromntlv filled. Contracts for hauling lumber to let. In quire at the mills of CONN BROS. 40W0 UNIVERSAL PLANING MILLS. IfbasoQ, Orva-on. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING FTJR NISHED his new Planing Mill with additional facilities for manufacturing, is now prepareu w execute an Kinas ot wors in his line with neatness and di&natch. xHiuuiiiK material oi an Kinas Kent con stantly on hand, such as Flooring, Rustic, Ceiling, Mouldiucr. etc. etc. Parties desir ing to build will do well to give me a call Deiore purcnasing elsewhere. am agent for Conn Bros.' Saw Mill at Grass Ridge. S. A. NICKEUSON. 3UW0 SAMUEL E. YOUNG Wholesale and Retail Sealer In Dry Goods and Uroccries, Clothing. Boats, Shoes, Reapers &. Mowers, Wagons, Plows, Seed Drills, And BROADCAST SEED SOWERS, Ik. TEEMS CASH. First St, Albany, Albany Bath House. THK UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the citizens of Albsay and ri cinity that we has taken charge of this Establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and psyinf strict attention to business, expects t sait all those who may fayor us with their patronage. Baying heretofore carried on nothing bnt First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, we expects to giro entire satisfaction to all VChildien and Ladies' Hsir neatly cat red .bsmpooed. WKKTIER & BINDER. 13n32tf. ALBANY HOUSE. Osi Broadalbfn streetlonc fleer orth erthe "Ikemocrat" Office. S. A. FANNING, - - PROP. HAVING LEASED THE ABOVE house, I will say to those who may favor me with their patronage, that I in tend to give entire satisfaction to all as far meals and prices are- concerned. Board and lodging per week...- $3 00 Beard 4 00 Single meal 25 Board and lodging per day. 1 to Tl3nl8tf Strayed or Stolen. FROM NEAR ALBANY, MARCH 30th 1878, one sorrel horse about 5 veais old, 16 hands bizb. white strin in the face and white feet, branded AM on right shoulder. Also a dark bay maresabout 15 hands high, 4 years old, with small white pot in forehead. Any person giving me information of these animals will be lib, ei ally rewarded. W. B. HENDERSON. Albany, Or., April 6th 1?78. 8fiw DIl. FIEIICE'3 STANDARD - : " ' filMEDI'ES Aro not adv-erUr ti "cure -Ml," but ara speMflos n uawtKTc -iiiuu ini-y me rociMiuiif iKli-il. NATURAL SELECTION. Ins estlgators of natural science have Hcinciiitratt d beyond controversy, that throughout the animal king dom the "survivals of the n'.tct" is the only luw that vouchsafes thrift and pei-petuity. ,,t' the same principle govern the commercial pnisH)riiy it man Aniiiidim lanimi supviftxje a suncnor !.. ;U le. 11' reason of suerinr morlt, Dr. Pierce's SUmiarJ Modi eincs have outrivaled all other. Their Kilo In the United States alone exceeds one million dollars iicran num. while the amount exported foots up to several hundred thousand more. No business cnl.l oiv such gigantic proortlons and rest uiion any other Kivts than lliaff y , tito4t " TR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Is pleasant to tt sr. I3Xt. BAGE'S Catarrh Remedy 11 t ores extend Ter a period of S rears. TTt. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Its sale ronstnatlr tnrrrasr. IIt. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Cares by 3111(1, Soothing i:Crrt. iVll. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy t'nrr '(old In Hrart" nctl Catarrh, r ozo-bxu AN OPEN LETTER IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. ROCKPORT- Mtw Anril ISTT Mb. triTOR: Having- read in vour i-aior rtimrts of tVl rumsrl-iKIa ... I 'i.. i a i, "what I know about catarrh ' and ! fcuicv thn and "inhaling-tube" makers (mere dollar grabbers) "" giau u wvy coma emuiazon a similar cure ui uie papers, i-or 3b y-Ars I suttcrefl with calarrli. The nasal passages became complctelv dotted. 'Siiutf duKt," 'ashes,' 'intiaJiy!f-tubcs iuiu 4Vtirks " wouldn't work, though at intervals I would miff up the so-called catarrh sncll, until I became a valuable wir sum meaictccs, i praatiaiiv prcw wre, and no one can know how much I surtvYwl or what a miserable being I was. My head ached over my eyes so wkm. i as coiinnea h m;r oea ror many; ucochsivo Uavs, sufferingr the mort inutile ,ain, whirh at mis tiiiie lasted continuously for lti.) hours. .All sense of smdl and taslo gone, sitrht and hearing .hnparvd, x-flv shrunken and weakened t nervous system shittcrttf, and constitution broken, and was hawking and spitU;i seven-eighths of the time. 1 prayed for death to re lieve me of my suffering. A favorable notice in your paperof Dr. Sage a Catarrh Rcmedv induce me tc pur chase package, and uc it with 1-r. Iierce'ii Nasal ioucne, w rue ft apfhc the remedy by hodrosutic pre. Fure. the onlv av coniisatibte with aummm kt Well, Mr. Alitor, it did not cure me in three fourth ot a second, nor m one hour or month, but tn lew than ki.v miiiuuis i was renevea, ana m mree montn en tirely cured, and have remained so for over vixteen nvmths. While usin? thei'atarrh Rcrnpdv. I imnl lw Pierce s Golden Medial lwcovery t jmrify my blood and strengthen mr stomach. 1 also kept niy liver active and bcweU regular by the ue of his I'Wsant IMrsrative Pellets. If my exienonce mill iidncc oth.T sufferers to seek the nine means ol relief, this lett Voura trulv, 8- l. HEM ICR. A CLOUD OF WITHES SES. The following named parties are among the thou sands who have been cured ef catarrh by the use ct Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy : A F Dorns, Sew Gene v. Pa: D J Brown. St J.wm h Mo; E C Lewia. Rutlaitd Vi; Levi Sprirurer, Nettie Lake, Ohio; .ha Norcrn, North CbestertieM, Me: xuun rfuues. rsr.tia, r i; j K Miiltr, Bndcer Mation, Wyo: JtC Merriman. L-KranH.-ax, Ir.d; M MPiM, Loganjort, Ind; J W feilev.Tn-mont, IV. H II A vrva. La Port. Ind ; Jessie M Sears, Ft Bianch, lnd; L W il liams, Canton, Mo; W A Tbaier, Onarva. Ill - S li Nichols. Jr. Galveston, Texx: Jonas F Itciiiert, Stones rille, Ia: S W Liisk. McFar!and, Win; Joh.-.-n WU lians. Hclmick, Ohio : Mrs M A Currev, Trentm. Tenn ; si u jostin, tveen. h;aj 1 aspcr. Table 11a , W Va; Louis Anders, Gayport, Ohio; C H i hnc, Klkhart, Ind: Mrs Henry Haiht, San Franciico, I al ; Mrs E M Gallusha. Lawrcncevilte N" Y ; W J Oraliam, Add !a : A O Smith, Newnan, Ga ; Cha E Rice. PUtimrre. Md' Jesse M Sears. CarlL-le, lnd ; lan1 B Miller, Ft H'arne. Ind : Mrs Minnie AtiliUc. iX Delanv Street, N V : H W Hall, Hasting Mich; Wm F Marton. L-cH. Vxs ; I W Roberts, Maricopa, Arii; Cbas H Ielanry, Harris burg. Ha ; M C Cole, Lowell, Ma-: Mrs C J Spunin, Camden, Ala; Cbaa F Raw, Frederirto-n. Ohu : Mrs Lmy Hunter, Farmincton. Ill ; t ap't E J Su.Mig, Camp Smnibauch, Wv; I W Trach, Sttanibtt Kock Iowat Mrs Lyula White, Shnshan, X Y; J M Peck. Junction City. Mont: Henrv Fbe. Ifersta Cal: L P Cummintrs. Rantoul, III : S E Jones, Charleston. Four Corners. N Y : Geo F Hall. Pueblo. Cal ; W m E Bar trie. Sterling. PA: H H Ebon, tW Pcnn Street, Pitt butvh, IS; J R Jack man, Stunners Iepot, Kv: Henrv Zttbrisr, Geneva, N Y ; Mirt Halt.e Parrott, Montsfitni ery.Obio ; L Lcdbrook, Chatham, III : S R Mt"ov, Nah prt, Ohio; W W Warner, North Jackon. Mich ; Miss Mary A Winne, larien. Wis: John ZiejHer, Carlisle Springs, Pa : James Thompkins, 9t Clud, Minn t Enoch Puer. Hawnee City, Neb : J.sueph T Mitk-r, Xonia, Ohio; S B Nichols, Galveston, Tex; H L l.:rd t'pper Altm, III; John lwvis, Prescott, Ariz; Mrs Nancv Graham, Forest Grove, Oregon. G OLDEN IIIEOICAL DISCOVERY I .lucrative, er Blood-clcankln-. Golden EDICAL UliCOVEBY la lrcfonil Golden S1EDICAL UISCOVERY Is a rbnlasoaae, or Liver Mlinnlaflt. Golden GoLHEN I EDICAL ISCOYERY 1 Tosttr. lilEDICAL UISCOVERY By reawn of its Alterative properties, cures Disease of the blood and Skin, as Scr.-fnia, or Kind's Evil ; Tu mors ; C leers, or Old Bores -. Istntehes; liniples ; and Eruptions. Bv rirtu of its Pectoral pro)H:rttes, it cures Bronchial. Throat, and Lnnjf Affec.ions; Incipient Consumpti'i; ingering Coughs ; and chronic Laryn gitis. Itft Cholagsgue roperties render it an unetpual ed remedy for Billiousness; Torid Liver or ''Liver Complaint;" and its Tonic properties make it equally effic&cioce in curing Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, and Dirtpensia. Where the skin la sallow and covered with blotches and pimples, or where there are scrofulous swellings and affections, a few bottles of Goleen Medical Discov ery will effect an entire cure, if you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yellowish brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dia liness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills alter nated with hot flushes, low spirits and gltjomy forebod ings, irregular appetite, and tongue coated, von are suffering from Torpid Lives, or "Biuoi snkj!. In many eases of "Liver Complaint," only part of these symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases, lr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has no equal, as it effect perfuct cures, living the liver strength ened and healthy. THE PEOPLE'S MEDICAL SERVANT. Dr. IL V. Pikrcb is the sole proprietor and manu facturar of the foregoing remedies, ail of which are sold by druggists. He is also the Author of the Peo ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a work of nearly one thosand pages, with two hundred and cightv-two wood -engravings and colored pates Ho has already told of this popular work Over 100,000 Copies!! post-na!d SHI mr Address: . . FltlU K, M. Worldt LispenEary, Bnffalo, N- Y. 13:20vt READJTH2S! IF YOU WISH TO ENGAGE IS A GOOD, WELL established, frrowinit snd mvinir hushiess. call and ee E. Carter & Co. at their l)OOH, N4NN A.I H4RKOW FACTORY, in Allmnv, who pr.iK)se to sell onc-hatf, or the whole ot their factory proiwrtv, real and personal, on verv accommodating tHtm t., accepted purchaser. For particulars, apply to or ad dress the proprietors on the premises. To Our Friends . Who have favored US with their natrnnatrn. n-o mhim our sincere thanks. Our business will be continued as heretofore, and our efforts to (rive satisfaction to all who may favor us with their orders, will be unabated. We have improved our machinery, and increai. the capacity or our factory, to meet the growing demand for awider scope of work, both plain and ornamental. m our tnnvmg' city and country, and are prcjwretK to furnish the Latest Stylva of Work in our line. Wc have connected with our former business, the EXCELSIOR COMBINED HARROW AND patented by Kuhii & Miller, and are proparod to furn ish Farmers, this superior implement which eecms to be UestintKl to rival every thiug in its line ever offered to the public; we have a good WOOD LATiTE AND AN EXPERIENCED TURNER, and are prepared to furnish good work in that line. Hoping by close attention to our business and fair, dealing with our customers to merit and receive a con tinuance of the very liberal patronage heretofore ex tended to us, give ua a call, and encouratre home en Urprlea. CAJtTClt CO, Ayer's Cathartic Bib, For all the purposes of a Tamils Physit, and for eurwg Costivaness, aundioe. Indigestion, Toul Stomach, Bream, . Headaone, Erysipelaa, Kheumallsm, Eruptions and Sum Diseases, Bil iousness. Oropsy, Tumors, Worms, HouraiRia, as a Sinner fill, for Purifying the Blood, Are the most cf fective and conge nial purgativeever discovered. They are mild, but ef fectual in their operation, moving tlio bowels surely iand without pain. A 1.1. in their operation, i iwy are sun me -'ij jswujjiai most tliorough and searching cathar tney are sun tne tic medicine that can be cmoloveS: clcam ing tlio s'omacli and bowels, and even the blood. Ip small dotes of one pill a dav, they stimulate the digestive organs and promote vigorous health. Atek's Pills have been known for more than a qnarter of a century, and have obtained a world-wide reputation for their virtues. They correct diseased action in the several "assimilative organs of the body, and are so composed that obstruc tions within their range can rarely with stand or evade them. Not only do thoy cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also formidable and dangerous diseases that have baffled the best of human skill. AVhile they produce power ful ellects, they arc, at the' same time, the safest and best physic for children. By their aperient action they jrripe much less than the common purcatives, and never jrivo pain when the bowels are not inflamed. They reach the vital fountains of the blood, ami strengthen the system by freeing it from the elements of weakness. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates, containing neither calomel nor any deleterious drug, these Pills may be taken with safety by anybody. Their suiar-coating preserves them ever fresh, and makes them pleasant to take ; while being pureiy vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. ntEPAitES cr Dr. J. C. AYER &. CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Annlvtlcal Chemists. S0U UY AU. PltUumSTS tVKHYWHEKr- MARX BAUM CART HAS JCST OPENED OCT A Wholesale Liquor Store KEEPS CONSTANTLY OX 1H.VD THE FINEST BRANDS OF WISES, LIQ10RS, TOBACCO & CIGARS. The Celebrated HU Iula STONEWALL WHISKEY, The finest whiskey in the State. Whiskiw, French Brandies, Sherry, Tort, Claret, and all other kinds or wines, liin, Ale, Beer, and Porter. Bitters of every kind, and the best uranus or tobacco ana ligars. SrI Want evervbnrlv tn mirfofNrtartr! ihni I have opened out a first-class wholesale liquor store, where city and country deal ers can procure their stocks at Portland prii-ra, in oniy ireis'nt aciuea. Hooms on the corner of Front and Ferrr Streets, Allany, Oregon. 2Stf. JAMES MADYS- RESTAURANT, on Front street, In the building recently occupied by Dr Lister. MEALS AT ALL IIOI ltK Asr BOARD BY THE DAY AND WEEK, FRESH OYSTERS Received every other day by express Private Booms for Ladies. JAMFS MADY, Proprietor. anij29d TITUS BROS. PEALER3 IS ATCHES. rLO'K(. JEWEUT, KILVEB ruitn nine, MiniiHD ttriATAtLKS, ETC., ALnVXV, 13:S O. B. n AIGQT. HAIGHT & HILL. Dealers in all kinds of fresh 2ES H? S3 ! gllOFft "City Market,- on First, above Ferry -v- , h:sv MMKVs s.m r irsb buwi,, aoove uroaa- WIU, 1 1 tun SUPPLY THE BEST MEATS AT A times, and will strive to please all who patron ''! he highest cash price paid for Beef, Pork, Mu ton and VeaL vl3nlutf. STAK BAKERY, PROVISION STORE! t OSBAD .nVER, Prop. Goiiii r of Tlrat and rrondalbiu Sts., Albany. A largo stock of fresh FAMILY GROCERIES kept constantly on hand. All kinds of FUESH VEGETABLES In tbeir senson. GooUs DcllTercd to any Part of the Free of Chanre. Vl3t Ctf. City FRESH OYSTERS FROM Slioalwater and Yapina Bay -AT- MADY'S RESTAURANT. vl3n5tf r' .sW; V .It 1VILLEI1T & Ilt'SiCII, ilIANUFACTUKE H S Corner becond and Ferry 81., Albany, Ogn Are prepared to manufacture carriages and saxtmi m. snort DQtice ana oi tn wy BEST MATERIAL. They muks the Preshum Carbiao Asr BCGutts ol the State. REPAIRIilG ftUD JOB WOHX don at shortest notice and In the most SKILLFUL MANNER. Their work and material la warranted be nrst class. vlun3c.f. JAMES L.COWA3V. (vjcxhob or A. COWAM CO.) LEBANON OREGON, DEALER 15 GEXERAL MERCHANDISE WILL KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL STOCK or TJRZT GOODS t GROCERIES! Boots and Shoe 1 All for Sals St th Lowoa'. PHmmi far fqn orFRODUCK. All persoas owing A. Cowan A Co. can settle by ealling oa me at Lebanon. T7n24tf. JAMES L. C0VAN. MAY & SENDERS, Ilarrfabnre, I-lnn eonntr, Ogn., DEALERS I!C GENERAL MERCHANDISE, such as are generally- kept ia a .FIRST CLASS RETAIL STORE. IaY 4 SENDERS la the firm, AlloTr as to assure yon, on vlll always find at aay time i round their store to serre you; lV umber one articles they do keep, Do sell them at small profit. S ueh as clothing, good and neat, A very thing you boy will fit ; Amotions, Hardware, Grocries, Dishes of all TS-rieties, K mbroideries, Laces of all kinds, XJobes and even window blinds; Sam will alwars be on handl Senders, ditto, ditto. Ji rer bearing la our minds, ILiive and let live, is our motto, Xjove thy neighbor like thyself. sTl Jheat no one ia our theme, Hoping to de ell for ourselves sEi Ter retsirJng our goad name. i.nd now as Poetry is not our Tort, fatrons, look upon it tender Erery one is Invited to the store of lam May Senders!!! without rhyme. CONSTANTLY ON KAKD METZLER'S CELEBRATED RAW-HIDE BOTTOM CHAIRS. Timstf. Mcllwaio & Magoon, Wholesale and retab dealers in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS &SH0E3, HARDWARE, WAGONS, ETC., ETC., AND Agricultural Implements Of all kinds. FIRE INSURANCE. AfTPnta for ih Imna3.1 - 1 I t .v i?? "d iu Liverpool, having a eapil ol 33,0U0,000. I:tu2& G.W. Burkhart to Co. DRAYSVI E N. HAVING THE FIXEST OUTFITS IN auU all kinds of hauling, day or niKht.and at t .. .. I 1. ., ..1 . . . .v """-;" "F t.'"epesi. uive ns a call. GEO. W. rn nlotf ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner IVashineton and Tiret .irci. ALBANY, - . . OREGON. J- M- FR0NK. ProTjrietor. THE PROPRIETOR takes pleasure in in iJS?' "'e ""bile In general that he has lately refurnished and renovated the house ; !H0cf . utv1n1 r,ow "lands second to none in the State. The dining room is under his lm. mediate supervision, and no pains will be !,l?rii,0.8uPpl,he tnbIe wltn the best the market affords. House open all nietiL Proa Coach To and From ttaa Hons. v!2n.18tr. AND MACHINE SHOPS! Albany, Oregon. 0. 0. CHERRY, Prop'r. HAVING LEASED THE ALBANY Foundrv and Mnohinn Rhmn. I am prepaied to furnish Wrought and Cast Iron work of everv description, on short notice. All orders for Mill work will be filled with dispatch and in a satisfactory manner. Particular attention nnid to renaii- ing Agricultural implements, also, Brass castings made to order. Albany, Or., Oct. 2d, 1877. rl3n9yl 2 If I 1 f ! f- L ' " " """" " I i,."-- in rs- j , -SB. m m a ' hrL 8 1 K ) 7 AS THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Its competitors receiving only an award for some special feature of their machines. ft orl-renowiieJ Wilson StutDe Mki Mm Bas Unlimited Capacity to do all kinds of Family Sewing and Eanufactorlag, ITS PATEST AUX03I1TIC "COT OFF" on lite Itand wheel preterits the nia clilne from running backwards, and obrlates the necessity of taking the work from the machine to wind thread on the bobbins, which in tut be done with all other Sewing Machines, to the great annoyance of the operator, especially In tuekiug:, hemming and ruffling-. It does one-third more work in a girca length, of time than any other Sewing machine. WITH EVERY 3I0TI0S of the FOOT the MACnEfE MIXES SIX STITCHES. IL'sj Wilssa Mislisss sOl It as esA t.:i ia mtj a fsa oils It rcqnircs no special instructions ta use It j an Illustrated Direction Book Is furnished with each machine. IT CAHHOI GET 00T OF ORDER, AfiD THE ADJ0STKEHT3 ARE ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. A properly eseeated Certifleate is famished with each machine, guaranteeing to keep it in repair, free of charge, for fire years. Machines sold en easy terns of payment, and delivered, free of charge, at any Eailroad Depet in the Initei States where we hare no Agents. sv,, r.., . S"2a f!r Illustrated Catalogue, W Agents Wanted. For full particulars address wrxsoif sirwrrsro ka chute co. 827 BrcaJway, HEW TOES) JEW 0ELEAH3, II4 CHICAGO, ILL.) a BAJT CISCO, CAL. tTOEZET AT THE OLD STAND, 72 FIRST STREET, HAS OX HAND AS FIKE COOK, B OX STOVES AND RA2T6ES, As any house In tne valley. He TIN, SHEET IS1GFI OF EVERY DESCRIrTIOK IX STOCK GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO TEE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT EEJ Y UUMrcriTIOX. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, A LBAXY, OREGrOK. Repair work done Tl3n25 HAWLEY, DODD & CO., Portland, Orrgoe. OFFEB3 FOS SALE AT THE LOWEST rOSSIElE PBICE, A ITIX irSfc Or AGRICULTURAL IIYlPLEr.iEISTS, We an Sote d cents for (lie Celenraied Flows OF THE DEERE SULKY CAAIC PLOW. ffith er Fjithont Brealiog Flow AftatLinent. The grentcdL Zjibor-SaxiBS Implements yet Invented. Vastly Improred for Fall f BOO BOLD I3ST OREGON I2ST OlSTE A "F? Erery Farmer Interested. The Deere Snlky is tne only .Slncle I.eTer rjorr nuulp. EASILY OrtKTKI). .So eonstrneted tbat br a slielit motion of LeVer the Plow is mn oat of ?rminfi and raised clear, by bone Instead ef diud power. It is stroiaa er and less complicated tnaa any ol her. Sole Agents for tlis well k.nna SOITII BED CHILLED IROS PLOWS. BUCKEYE DRILLS AI BEOADCASTj SEEDEES. Thesmost successful in use. Too well known to need eommeaf. V.dl ' . " V i Schuttler Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons, FARM ORIST MILLS, all Styles and Price. FAN MILLS. Bend for Speeial Circalar. HAFFEIMDEIM BHO'S Having purchased the entire stock of Wm. Van Vactor, are prepared to sell all kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Queensware sM Glassware and everything usually kept in a first class Grocery Store, at reasonable prices. Give us a trial and we will ensure satisfaction. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR EGGS. SXT VAJI Vja.OTOR.'S oxx stamj. Tl3n26tf A CARD. AH. r.Elt PARKER, T.ATE OP ORE- ran Citv. bee leave to inform the nublie that they have purchased the entire stock ol (Imps, medicines etc., formerly owned hy R. C. Hilitb Son. and that thev desien continuing the business at the old stand, where they pro pose to keep In the future, a full assortment ol Drues. Chemicals. Patent Medicines. Toilet Art tides and everything usually found in a Arts class drug store. While earnestly solicitlns a continuance ol the liberal patronage heretofore extended to the oid house. We hope at the same time, by fair and liberal dealing, and careful attention to the wants of customers to meet the esteem of any NEW friends who may favor us with thei orders. Particular attention will be given to the com pounding o physicians prescriptions and fam Uy receipts at ail Lours of the day or night. A. H. Bell . Parkkr, Successors to U. C. Hiu. & Sow Aoacy, Oregon, ct. Bth. 1ST4. astt. , 1 -Gfl Tl " -- Ij GRAM 3 PRIZC AMD- CENTEIiKIAL EXPOCITIONWC AND "PARLOR also Import a and manstactnrrs AfiD COPPER WARE OR TO ORDER. ALSO", HE KEE1N OK at reasonaole figures. MOIiftf.IUJ, 4 ! ft n U2 7i -f ifsTv J. II. IIIJRKIIAIIT, Btal Estate and CoiiTeya.eeiBs Iseaf, ALBANY, OREGON. CORKER FIBST AXD BKOADAXMN BTREZTM. Farms of all sizes, improved and unim proved, in this and adjacent counties, suit able for grain raising, also timbered land and stock ranches for salo on easy terms Also for sale a number of dweUi'nsr houses and vacant lots in this city Parties desiring to either sell or purchase should call and learn terms and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. rd-as. : daratf.