The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 03, 1878, Image 3

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Nay 3. 1X78-
la Jordan Valley, Baker ceonty. Dragon,
April 10th, John J. Kellogg aged 51 years.
2 months and 14 days. Mr, Kellogg wa
hira in Ohio, Jan. 23, 1S27, and came to the
P.tciSc Coast in 13iS, and engaged in stock
raising inColu coaaty, Calrfor .ia, for s me
ti D3. Ha engngsd in mcrchan'
dizing in Trinity cotraty, nndertho firm name
nf Kolton & KeUogr. Ha had resided in
B liter county six years, taming his attention
t agricultural pursuits, and had the enviable
reputation aman; Ms neighbors and those
that knew him bost of Wing an honorable,
oprijjht and industrious man. He loaves a
wife and four boys and a host of friends to
mourn his lost. The funeral took placo on
Friday, in Silver City, Idaho, under the aus
pices of the Masonic Fraternity, of which he
was a worthy member. He had many friends
ia this county in the vicinity of Brownsville,
who will be pained to hear of his death. -
Free-act OBccrs.
The Frecinct Democratic nominatiSns in
West Albany are as follows : For Justice ol
the Feace, Dr. . Wm. Q. Stewart, and for
Constable, M. H. Wallace. They are op
posed respectively by VT. O. Falmer and O.
W. Warren, each of uom moved into that
prooinct during the past week so that in ,the
event of their election they could hold the
office. . . . -
In East Albany the Damocratio nominations
are- for Justice of the Peace, Dr. Wm. Lit
ter, and for Constable, Goo. Humphrey. E.
B. Purdont was nominated by the Republi
cans for the office of Justice of the Feace for
that precinct, but ha3 declined the nomina
tion. F. M. Westfall is t'-ia coininsa for
Another linn Connty Boy.
Last weak we wrote an item about Frank
Head, a Linn county boy, achieving some
notoriety up at the Dalles by stealing a suit
of clothes, and cow we have heard of another
one of Linn's productions who is rivaling
Head. His name is Levi Livingstone, and
he has been arrested at Seattle for counter
feiting United States money. He was ar
rested here once en tho same cha-go, and
escaped the penitentiary caly on soma tech
nical point in law, and we hope the Sea tie
folks will now send him down to Steilacoom
for a term of rears. For several vears te
has worked as a logger in this county and
Benton, and is w,ell known as a dead beat.
He hs a sister now residing in this eity.
Harper" Magazine
ThU magniScent magazina for May ha
male its appearance. Every time "we look
at a copy of it, w cannot help asking onrseli
the question : How can a family get along
without this periodical. It keeps step with
time ia everything literature, art, history,
eti, and evory month gives a summary ol
all occurrences of a public nature. This
month its contents are as varied as the tints
of a rainbow, and any one can Sad within
i:s coven something at least that will rcotc
thaa repay them for their outlay in pnrcnat
iig it. m
ExenrsZoa to CjrvalHs.
Lina Engine Co. So. -2, of tab eity. are
making arrangements for taking a steamboat
excursion to Corvallis on Friday of next
week. The Orient agreed to make the tri
for $ j0. and afterwards went back on it, ami
the boys will bos' get the Cry of Silent. Tut
cmipany will go in aniform, and Xo. l"s hive
been invited and will also probably appear in
uniform. The Corvallis folks have raid5
prepa-atioris for a picnic in the grove nea
that eity, ami everything seems to indicate
that the excursion will he a pleasaut afTiir.
Tajn "lrw".
The Democratic candidate for tha respect
ivs Legislative and County offioe will ad
dress the citizen of lina county at the fob-
lowing times and place t
Tangeit. Monday, May SO.
Shedd, Tuesday, May 21.
Halsey, Wednesday, Mav 22.
Harrisburg, .Thursday, May 23.
Brownsville, Friday, May 24.
Brush Creek, Saturday, May 25.
Street Home, Monday, May 27.
Lebanon, Tuesday, May 2a.
Scio, Wednesday, May 29.
Millers, Thursdav, May 30.
Albany, .Friday, May 31.
The Republican candidates are invited to
be present and join in the discussion.
SpraMng to begin promptly at 1 r. M.
J. J. Whitney, Democratic candidate for
District Attorney of the Third Judicial Dis
trict, will speak on the political issues of the
day at the following times and places, to-wit:
Buena Vista, Monday, May 6.
Independence, Tuesday, May 7.
Monmouth, Tuesday, May 7.
Dallas, Wednesday, May 8.
Bethel. Thursdav, May '9.
Eola, Friday, May 10.
Amity, Saturd .y, May 11.
Sheridan, Monday, May 13.
McMinnville, Tuesday, May 14.
Dayton, Wednesday, May 15.
1 atayette, Wednesday, May 15.
North Yamhill, Thursday, May 16.
Lincoln, Saturday, May 1&.
Speaking will eornmcaco at all the above
places at 1 6'cleck r. si, with tha exception j
of Monmouth and Lafayette, at which places
speaking will begin at 7 J P. M.
Judge Hurley, the opposing candidate, ia
respectfully invited to be present and take
part in the aliscussion.
Harsisbceq, April 29, 1878.
Editor Dtmocrat :
For reasons not anticipated I am compel'ed
to postpone my appointments forpublic speak
ing that appeared in the last Democrat.
Please insert the following in your next issue:
J. F. Hendrix, one of the Independent
nominees for State Senator, will address the
people of Linn county on the political issues
of the day at the following times and place :
Sr.-nrnsrilla Monday, May 13th
17. b
Bush Wilson, W. B. Haroiltr.n and Toti-.
Euford eanr.e down from Corvallis last Tues
day and turned over to John Conner tb?
$35,000 given in aid of the Yaqoina Railroad,
and the donor are notified that the first pay
ment, which fell due last Wednesday, must
be paid at that place. Quite a number o'
teams commence work on the grading next
Monday and the work will be pushed unti
completed. We beard tbe rumor that the
iron for the road sailed from the East i
weeks ago, Lnt are not sure whether it is
or aot.
Tbe Lebanon !Ja'l.
.We smderstand that arrangements have at
last been made so that W. B. Donees, th
old and popular stage-driver between this
eity and Lebanon, will still carry the mail on
that route, be having bought the contract
it n A. D. Barker. Mr. Deneca has beeb
running on this route for several years, and
by his fair and square dealing , and by paying
strict atttention to the comfort of his paseen
gers, he has gained hosts of friends who will
g ladly welcome the news that he has again
secured the contract for carrying the mails.
The Sew Atlas.
The finest thing we have seen lately, and
something that is of great value to every
body, is the new atlas of Linn and Marion
conn ties which will be published by Edgar
Williams & Co. this fall. The map.puig is
now nearly completciJ, and the sketching for
lithographic views will commence at once.
These views will give a better i-lea of our
buildings, farms, etc., than anything else,
and oar people should not be backward in
looking into the matter.
Firemen's Pirate.
And row as a relief from the fatigue and
cxpeise attendant npfta excursion", Albany
Engii.e Co. Xo. 1 has concluded to hold a
basket picnic at Hacklc-tr --,'a Grove, on Fri
diy, M-iy 17tU, two nct.a frem to-day. A
g.-nt-'rd invitation to attend will be extender
to all oar citizens, the public schools, societies,
and to all Bremen tlirorg'iout the Ftatc.
Particulars will be civen next week.
Berv-ee at tne I. P. Cfcerefe.
Arrangements have been made 33 that Rev.
T. J. Wilson, of Halaev, will preoc'a :n this
city on the first Sabbath of each month, and
Hav. Worth will probably Ite in attendance
oa the 3Cond Sabbath of each month, and
Rov. Aohe3oa, of Willamette CUnrcb, will
preach on the evening of the Sabbaths when
th other two gentleman areaot in attendance.
B&lsev Friday,
aarrUbur .... 8euord&v,
Democratic' and Republican competitor:
are invited to attend and participate in the
discussion. Speaking to begin at 1 o'clock
each day. J. F. HEXDRIX.
Anatnrr Polar Expedition.
Another expedition to explore the countries
eoiitii;uons to the north pole, and to search
fr the burial place of Sir John Franklin,
will leave New York on the 15th of Maj
lext. Lieut Fred G. Sohwatka, U. 8. A.,
in Oreffnn bov, who is a sradnat of West
Point and of the Bellevne Medical college, of
ew l ora, nas oeen tenaeren ana accepted
'he command of the expedition, and hat
obtained a definite leave of absence for that
-mrpose. Lieutenant Schwatka ha Riven
'he subject much stady and promulgates a
n-!W tneory in relation to tne route taken by
-ir John Franklin. He believe that Sir
lohn sailed up through the H --on 'a strait,
tnd the gulf of Boothna, wl jl it has bean
jenerally conceded that he o -k the Davi'
straits and Batfin's bay route. The expedition
xiii take tweaty men, and on a whaling
vesiv-l will proceed a far narth as possible,
vhere aa encampment will be formed with
me years provision, and the vessel will
-eturn in the fall This depot will b the
Sasis of all operations of tha enterprise, the
vlventurers starting out from that point,
should the party be nnsucce sfnl in theii
tforts to find Franklin, it is presumed that
:hey will gather information of great value
-jo the sosiety fitting oat the expedition. The
fjrpedirion will be absent about four and one
lalf years. The people of Oregon will feel a
iride in the honor thus conferred apon ane at
ler sons, and wish it the uccess that it
nerita. Bet.
And Albany will be especially proud of
his aspiring yoong soldier who is a native of
iar own little city, aBd among the first whit
;hi!dren bora within our municipal limit.
3ood fortune to brave and enterprising Fred,
say we !
Bemoeratie Mas Convention.
" Tna ' EMsrtian.
Th Odd Felior' railroad txenniufa kat
Friday wat k grand ttooaM, being probably
carried oat oa tha largett teal of anytbUg
of tha ort Tr prcltttad on tha Ncrta
PaciSo eoaat. Th train which Uft ill ity
at 6 o'o'ock In th mornitif eoDiprid to
pasnjr coach and lva flat cat ail of
which ware crowd! to thir capacity
with "fair women and brat men, "and a right
smart sprinkle of babies. On tb way (oath
we pick 1 up about a ear load at each ef th
i tree stations of Tangent, Sbadd and Habwy,
while another train which preceded a from
Harrisburg carried about an equal number of
X3uraionit from the upper part of Una
and from the stations in Lane county. It U
estimated that on the two train there wer
f .-om 1200 to 1300 people j and coaaideriug
tho long rid and the orowded atate ef the
cars we never aaw a belter natured or sure
jul y crowd than these "Three-Linker" and
their friends. .
Tha trip was made to Kosebnrg in a little
over se ven hours, and there a couple of hour
were pleasantly spent in frieudly greeting,
marching in procession, - music, apeewbe,
lunching, etc., and about threw o'clock p. m.
the cars were again filled by tbe happy mul
titude aud the trains bowled down the moun
tain and through the valleys toward the
starting point, reaching Albany about half
past elevon at night, without an acident or
incident to tliKtnrb ths pleasure or mar the
fraternal harmony of the occasion. Tho
trains under the personal snervisiia of that
prince of railroad men, Superintendent
B.-aadt, were managed with admirable (kill
and scrupulous watchfulness, and the happy
termination of the affair, with 240 mile of
railroading, was a higher complimsat to his
superior management than anything we could
aay in his favor.
About $1,800 worth tickets were sold,
and aa the axpense were only about f 1,000,
quite a snug sum is realized to the Odd Fal
lows from this magnificent enterprise.
To the PBntlemauly committee of arrange
ments, Mrsarj. J. U. burkhart, D. M. Thomp
son and Geo. F. Simpson, we are indebted
for special favors and courtesies extended,
also to Superintendent Brandt and the gentle
manly employe of tbe O. A C. R. R for
kindnesses shown us dariag the trip.
tsw Ball Matter.
That much-talked -of contest between Lias
Base Ball Club, of this city, and the Univer
sity Club, of Eugene, commenced in this
city last Thursday afternoon, the first fain
of the series being played at that tim. A.
Cohen, of this city, was selected as umpire
and seemed to give universal satisfaction.
The game lasted two hoar and a half and
was hotly contested. Following is the wore :
McQuin. e I
3d b
Teoipletoa. 11...
lampbcLl, p....
Hainni. c ..
UiU. 11 h
Soiinl. r f
at- vein, 1st .
a Fires ! fire S
It 10011 to a that Albany can come nearer
having Bros, and then not hav any to amount
I to muoh, than any other place In this State.
Th departure of the tteamer for Portland
itemed to b th signal for th breaking out
of fires everywhere.
Oa last Friday forenoon tho women at Mr.
Swan's, (who lives in the first house cast of
th foundry) hang op a part of their wcik'l
washing in a room on the second floor of the
house, and to make them dry faster put a pan
of live coals under thorn. The consequence
wa that the clothes did dry faster, and be
came ignited, and a bed which was sitting
olos by also took fire, and thing were lively
around there for a little while. It was dis
covered in time, and after removing the
burning bed the fire was easily put out with
out calling out tho department.
On Sabbath evening, just after the first bell
had rung, one of the chandelier) at the U.
P. Church became unscrewed from tho rod
and fell to the floor, breaking the lamps aud
spilling the oil. The oil immediately caught
firo, and before it could bo extinguished con
siderablo damage was done. About half a
dozen yards of carpeting was burned, and
also th aisle carpvting, which bad been torn
up and used to smother the flames. Five or
six seats were also badly burned, the whole
damage amounting to about $50. The fire
bells gave tho alarm and ths engine started
for the fire, but the boys soon learned they
were not noeded, as the fire had boen extin
guished through the effort of Edwin Hafion
den, Georg Arnold and D. Irvin.
Another lire, larger in proportion than any
of th others, was discovered in John Isora'a
residence, in the lower part of town, last
Tuesday morning, by Clay Kulm, Jennings
Montgomery and some one else. In going to
work they noticed the smoke, aud upon try
ing to enter at tbe front door were driven
back by the flames. They then went in at
the back door, and, organizing a bucket brig
ade, soon put an extinguisher on the flame.
Mr. Isom was absent from home, and tha
family knew nothing of the fire until the men
came in at the back door and told them. The
lire caught in the front room in some way
and will cost Mr. Isom somewhere near $150,
having burned up a bed and bedding, curtains,
etc, and damaged the building considerably.
Fhe men who discovered it worked so bard
that thay had no time to summon the depart
ment, and consequently our boyi were saved
a nice little ran.
The last one that we know of occurred on
Tuesday night Somebody wa evidently
not very much in love with that old rookery
of Mr. Foster's, which was being moved to
its new location on Broadalbin street, and in
ntler to get rid of it they threw coal oil on
the inside wall, and then lighted a paper and
threw it down on tbe floor. The paper had
burned nearly up, and the fire had caught
nicely in the wash-board when Officer Wat-
kin discovered it and pnt a svp to the pro
ceeding. look Here.
We do not wish always to be growlmg
tbout the irregularity of the mail between
this place and Portland, but when letters and
papers are carried by fully half the time
without any sign of abatement, the thin is
getting to be an intolerable bore. Just whose
fault it is, that such a state of affuira exi-it,
we know not or care not, but we do know
wherein lie the remedv. If the V. S. Mail
loe not stop going by, intended for this
oSce, hell s going to pop Olficial decapita
tion is the watchword now and onVial corpse
will be thicker around Portland than Hie
found the bang of a tnolasse cask in June.
We mean it we're dead stjsar? op it, and
we'll show some of yen oSiria! moguls what
it is to fool and tamper with the L". f. M.
Harrisburg t:
Well, that language U pointed, but
in regard to the criminal irregularity of the
mails cn the railroad, forbearance ha r-hnrwt
ceased to be a virtue, and if a person in ever
justified in being slightly profane the people
of this valley are now. Hardly a day ps3cs
but that some package of papers cr letter
will go clear on through to Roseburg, instead
of stopping at Albany, and fmin what the
newspapers of the vailey tsy, enr city b
nothing najre to complain of than any ether
station on tl'-f roilttl. ftnlv about twn pVt 1
ago aa many as two hundred letters came to j C1GD- 1 M mPlre'
the Albany office tied up in pickaye and j
direct ol to Salom. Silverton. Scio. "Wsv I
Stations South," Eugeno, Springfield, Rew-1 Kehrcw "tiaeinreoently bcugbt vet-
Wunr. and several other rdacc. ThU U . ! ! "f 5"1 t,rned hy this city, abt
ir rBxa vTtek tfc toting.
Tha following specimen versa art frost a
n$ylix t&nz idyl, by aa Inspired yoong
follow Who tat boas wrought up by th Erst
bright beam of tbi spring's warm aa i
thi Uni altwa upeo tb tana,
A&4 ttxs so h ft,
j4 o hi fcwtttep n th lata
ghl IUd patiWitir.
An i ptwwcUj bo earn to ,
hoi than h iUta ftU ;
A banio'. howl ol Jof sh hold,
Aad nr bnaon nwnllixl a tk
the KeaM.
A tar mm tracks, and tha
TIM Uttle child of sin
Will hurdl tlx (orbktdMi h
And eooop th pippin
Aad with his svirt'al spirit qn.-ilel
By pain his thefts begot,
1UH dutch hit lltata vwt an.1 nd wtnh
Ha bad no app) sat.
Borne and Abroad.
Baltimore, e
Clark, p
Foster, 11
lull, 1.: b
Hswbiss, 2d b.
SI. nlMti, U b.
OiUrbcudt, 1 1.
Sleveni, c f
atcuun;, r I. . .
. s
1 1! . ." is Toui
-isypra. 1 l!S!4jSITii9
linn V. e 3 I tl 1 I 1 1 1 S 1 S ! V
I'niventtr 1 I i 0 1 1 t ! 6 j 0 1 11!
There was good and bad playing oa both
side, througnotit tbe esttre game, bat tbe
odds were in favor of onr Club, and it wan.
In the evening both flub met at No. l'i hall
and Fpcnt a few hear very pleasantly, Capt.
GilL i'f Eugene, acting as President. Al
though both clubs use every possible exertion
t3 win flaying, the rrrj- best of feeling
prevail among tha members. Th second
gain: cf th: series rrzs set for this aftvrascn
at Engecc, and wc look for some chang in
the score, li th gtsss is this eity, of con
our club havl the advantage cf being iamiEar
with the grouadit, and t-day Uie mbm -l-
vactag.T will fall to the University Club.
Ijst Friday mcming tbi t'aiversity Club
left bre on the O-ld Fellow Fienrmns train
and went to Bosebarg to btve a match game
with the club at that vLv-tv Otmi to tn
An invoice ef baby wagon Jut received
at Saml E. Young'.
Dr. Hendrix, of Greenback fame, begin
tbe can van next Monday.
Mi. Floy Williams, of thi eity, ia now
visiting relatives in Washington county.
Sue IUckard Evans call hor boy "Gail,"
9 say a letter to one of her friends in this
Lots of fun fishing in tbe Canal this week,
as the head-gate ha bees shut down to allow
On and after tha 15th of thi manth the
overland mail will come in on summer sched
ule tints.
Kev. Dr. Irvine and Mrs. S. K. Young left
Portland fcr San Francieo on t& EWf last
Sabbath. -
Divine service will b hs'ld in ht. Peter'
Episcopal Church next Sunday morning. May
5th, at 11 o'clock.
Prof. "Olio" Lorraine, that eiainant bilk,
known so well ia Albany, has lately been
taking in the Jacksonville folks.
Del Witt, the barber, was jagged last Mon
day fer carrying more liquor about hi person
than he could conveniently stow away.
ponds and wU on the old brick
yard Jin the Eastern part of the city have
bcenkttdered filled np by the 5th of Jane.
revival, feeling U spreading, but it
hasan yet got down deep enough te affeot
ago on tha com a try newspaper book.
John Foakay has bought the lot belonging
to tne Odd Fellow upon which Joe Webber'
barber (hop ia located, paying the sum of
ThUre sever wa inch a fine stock of ail-
liner r goods in thi eity a can now be found
at the establishment of Mesdamoa Blevins
Wall paper, linen and cotton shades, lace
curtains, and a full assortment -of bcase
furnUhiug goods always ocjhani at Samuel
F Young's.
Ocr City Council ha held three special
meeting during the past week let the parpos
of straightening out the asaeastnent roll for
thi vear.
LLan Engine Co', steamer ha not got
back yet on account of the iron works hav
ing to ad to San Francisco tec the copper
for the flu.
The "bh ribbon'-Murphy-l- .o.j-aaee
raoveauot ha obtained a f.v."ii.f . ; Sin
Francisco. 1 here wer one hca-irJ
the first evening.
Tho contra: pi ted r-.-vij-ot upon fr-r
eral of our streets will
tbe lth of June,
ths work himmlf.
length i time tbst ihs traiu utepped
at Kcsebnrjj only five inalni wero played,
and th- Vnivursity bova camo c-J vi-iers, the
x-oru at viajing 10 to l. Jaa. Foster, ef oar
ln irwlak ,
. From rortland ts Pari.
Thar mV be asm satisfaction to thcoa nf
who ranoat go, to count tte oot cf a trip
te Pari and back, including everything nec
essary for eonrfort and pioaicxa. We hav
taitan pains to look he matter ep and fiad
ja vn expeBses et nrt-sis?3S trtp wooU
h i To Sia Francisco, $25 j San Francisco
to Omaha, including slatping car, meal, te ,
$H2 Omha to Kew York, including the
same, ULI0; two day in Kew York, 83 j
Bnt-clasi from Kew York n Havra and re
turn, tl85j Havre to Paris, $!Q: thirty d-s
la Pari, at f5 per day, JISO. Return ' : .
Jii'25.50. Total expense with liberal
aBeo, J), Partie who ire not sosxt ' .....e
in thir moil of travel may g' rii ,t-clasa
without deeping car to New York, stp at
eheap hotel, econd cabin to Havre, and live
at $.1 per day in Paris, ind get buck with an
outlay of WOO. A stiil cheaper trip may be
made by going ateorage and third claia, which
would bring the outlay down to $400, or less.
Add to th above inmi from $2 to $4 aad
as Albanian aid know how much lighter his
pocket wonld be a'ler taking the trip. Now
you know the cost, to if you hava the time,
lamination, "pondulicks," etc., why pack
your valiie and atart .
At the Uiit meeting of Lebanen Unvnge
K'i. 21, P. of H., the following rRsolution
of condolenco were adopted in memory of
Mrs. Llixa Lee :
NVliitRr is. The hand Ol dth h visltM o and
UU.en fnKi our midst our sinter Klixa wlioic spirit
b-: aronr to tbe iod who gnve It ; tticrcfnrr,
Hp-lvd, Thai while we mtture, we bow wlllj hmn
hr auKmiwdon to tbe will oi Him wbo doeth ail tbir.-
a.i, mui urxim iiu.i our ios u nor etenuu fir&in.
IUMied. Tliat wt- u-ikJ r tho bereaved rvatU'rtf
our dpartod iatr our ckencst smpathv.
i r. vne resolution tw aKv.i viwm tne
record at thi ;rajtfre, and that a Copy M funitMhed
uu Hiatr KrtBUi UllocRaT and ''WHUmetw.FafiEor"
for pubiiiwtion. M. t. 11t,K,
It la ttwllr anrorisinp; how ronla will
continue to snlTcr month after motitb and
year anpr vear from crave!. Dt)ralaia.
rheumatism and sick headache, when the
eau of !h terrible di--a U often re
moved at once by a course of that wonder
ful remedy, Frese's Hamburg Tea. It is
always bent-ticial to c4d and voting and
for children it ia tbo most nooular modi-
fine known.
Close boyers, eapecially grange??, funoera,
cltib, country or city folk. Through tbe
consolidation of the well known Cnaf of N.
Bsum and 0. Fox & Brothers, cf Albany,
bow Fox, Baum t Co. , and by Cimbiniag
tlwir two stocks, together with the Urge
amount of goods bongkt for ea?h this spring
in San Francisco, we take pleasure in inform
ing the public that we now have the mam
mith store of Albany, and the Urgent stock
of general merchandise kept in a eotmtry
store this side of San Fraaciteo. We there
fore take pleasure in informing the public in
general, that enr aim i to sell gwla at the
lowtot figtiros, eapecially for each. Please
wtl and xami onr m.mmftii yh of
golds before enrchaaing elawher, and you
will be convince! tb&t we mean busiues.
( t j-s u citf j
g J ' v 4 1
V v s- 7 s v
fctite XaQirci" Kin &wx-
. TREAStjE-?.1?' Orct, 1
Sa'etn, April 15; 127?.
i3i tiicre are fund in the 'fr??.srr for
thnpavment htcf WRirsnia of old !sw,
vfe: 'os 674. T5.T-T3. S0. C?2. Cxi,
631, 70i, 707. 7'5, 7", "l i, 7 1 C, 7i ' 13, 7;i
722 713, 721. 72-i, 222, 7:?7, 7C3. 7-V, 7M, 7,i i
'Vi, 750. 77 701, ' : 70 '., 7A, 7:;-;,
T':7, 73'. 7'. 774, 7Si. 773, 771. 7' x, 773,
larese will eaauia fiom tK rta-r-.
A. SI. E'ti:tYX,
nS7w8 fita'e JypRsurer.
beist. bed!iv;, e!e. farmeriy in iit-c
th5 St. Cbaries n-itc!, wi;i by it at
SherijTa sle, one lo'-r R'c of hio i x
rhanea Hot"!, on Satn-tlay, tpri! !9 h. A
finn chance for bjugatns. Coma out evry.
bixly. 36w2 ,
Stockholders' Meeting,
th annrtal eisctioa nf -cv-m ftur
of tho Grunce Union. A'.bstiv. will take
rilaf-e at a ipe'm;rof ths ff-ir;kliltier? to
be be d at teir oifiee in ASbany on Sloa
tlav, May Z7tli, W7S, at 1 o'r'.tx k.
Jmes EtEtss, Secretary. 37 wt
T '-s n sw rrKiney (aster at work for .us than s: i:y.
t- tlir Car-Ual rfc-juircd : we sr'J r mti,.
f2. day at home ma-ie hv the !ri!uTri-ja.
Mn, w;t3.i. hoyi! fciii girl waTitV-t eer;.h-:i to
work t'-ir fir-. V,w it tlsa tXr. Coji'y ccLSt wni
teru:?t frpp. Alrosj: Tfevs : Co., Portbjlt, Maine.
Tho Imported Pereiioron Horses !
- 3
vTIU te t the ataMe of A. II. MARSHA J,L. A KB AST. Thnra.Hy., Frtdiys and Sat
ordaja ; and MfidATc, Toed.iji aud Wcinwnrias ax stm ol SOL. KI.SG, C -).iVAi-I-;.
vnil bo at tha stables of GAINES FISHER. SAI.KM. Mowisva, Tnesttevs, -vrednandaei.
and Satoritevs, snd at thi atabisi ol 8. EftOW.V, OEltVAia, Tharidiy, ana Fridays es:a aenk.
f 4ra It onTi?3eiary to Hti a rirnal dst:ripU-jn of lbi-e h a-5 it is wv a ttlDj te4 th?.? th-eat is au
breed cr laznily of lar; k'trxti tht yhvir i--h a:i irn:nv3i3nt aa th j Ci,i,:ii-r.n stock a. t.ji2 pdrcii?r-a ; ta Is
rron by all those ttla riace riven there a trial. a orfc yr af brwltTij? aninis, and cKli.i is ct-rliai trj by
hundreds ol rtspectaljle parties in tb: ltat, Withn-fflpr Terriwrr and caiii'irrr. who bve teccd ib.-i
tuu zr.a rtTiit or ooiect to tr r'fr'rr! tare not w.el t'lesi. Of arj itrlrejlcd ia ;mc otaer eroc.
TEBHs S23 1. . tOI -
April 8, 1K3. TlJnW . "W- C. ME7EB.
A- HtBToaical. r ACT. Frorr tct ho hzjt bti
suadtl alliii?r tbe Improved Honvtnd Sewing
iitcnlije ( jr tare 5'jara, oania hit dwsUti( hoisa, hu
a gnod oouirt In baDk. Is dear el do6c and hae Eaoner
aa ntrrl, thA natural oooaequerMe ot aecurliia- a pod
ajt-ancy " annerior e-x.l at the loweat price. A good
9rvelaw sevtnr Mtv-hia, nat nwt'i! reliable at all
tiiara, Kkxy to umfentand and cootrol, the same sLse
aid d-x tae mrae rtjrk aa any soaehine that K-ll at
Fc-rs TiitHa aac prioa. There la no aaaefctine at aay
tic belter, or that will do finer or acre work, and
oertaiaiT Booe aa low in twir by many doLara. Tbe
verts H'-'ntasrfiAW la widely known as id in trr-usarids of
I ramifies in ure u.4;a aiKatiiesttHea, un oauy ne-
1 Mn:i:i puowjar In Uie ha 11 will save as tvMC ear
i -ral uzzes onr la ooe eeaaon, doitie uie wort e Uie
t'amilv. or wU! earn lortr or fire ttv'uar a dav tt any
ltra tl I nufio bs ! wa-t ne 'inn w!ta sewn Tor a Itrlns. U Vi atroo.
vt 3a Uie Mriial w;li -ii j ute toe auvop-K and Ik atitcb ot invented.
' " and Rtuf aKv,wleda-r53 aa toe rtarvtv-rl family bew.
1 tr.F w -' Tie PrliW. erwnoletje (ne ijjunrelle nc Nft.
The boss Irtiilht f tit b;tn JstWfh-'-trt : "l-Urierl at :rtr&or. ao amttev how rerojt yo t&ay
ra tan ujeiwut m
i aortal arl rapM Males, and larger rrrofl'? than aar
-..mut.lm tkf thm hsrhrr Ar n.n r,ew. I ""r. Ealraordinary liberal oflers uate te local or
r ! tra!;nj aavtu wbcre we oa none Etablteit : or.
be frond at Joe Webbers. ' th'os - v.-yut .ar ooo, aeod rem- order direct w
riu reset r. Wtim nta tl. KeoJall a 1
ttr.1,-, new li. ylSnini
The OdJ FcUw- Temple.
last Saturday the conrr:-cf- fr doing the
brick work on the r"" OJJ FeUo,r6'
Temule wa let to Cl.n .. Pa vis t Co. , for the
sam of 1 700, that l:ng the lowest bid.
Tois company is getting away with quite a
namber f fine contracts this year, aad ia all
their work they seem to give universal satis-
f ,cti-JB.
Evangelical Cbareli.
IL:t. W. C. Kantaer will preach at tl.i
church next Sabbath at 11 in the morning
aud at t JO in the evening. Sabbath School
at U.30.
Pursuant to call of tb Central Committee,
:he Democrats of West Albany precinct met
in Mass Convention at the Court House, on
Monday evening, April 29th, for the purpose
f nominating a Justice of the Peace for
mid precinct The house was called to or.
ler by Gen. M. V. Brown, who wa elected
chairman, alter which J. K. Ilerren wa
ilectel secretary and M. H. Wallace assist
ant secretary. After a statement of the
object of the meeting by the President, W,
O. Stewart was declared the unanimous
choice of the Convention for said nomination
after which the meeting adjouraed with three
rousing cheers and a whoop for old Linn and
the Democratic ticket.
Eminently f errrrt.
The Portland Standard a few day ago had
the following item in regard to our steamer.
nd we think the reporter came very near
"hitting the nail on the head" in bis remarks
Yesterday Linn Engine Xo. 2 from Albany
arrived in this city by steamer for repairs.
"he was taken in tow and hauled to the tv u
lamette Iron Works where she was examined.
It was ascertained that many of her flue
-ere burned out and nearly all of them dam
igad. The boys must have been keeping a
ire in her and failed to clean out the flue
roperly. 8he is a good little machine and
should have better care, a abe walked away
nth the prize over her nickle plated, brass
nrt-urtted,tlonhle-the-cost engines of Portland,
and is deserving much praite.
M'ealera Star Leatge.
Last Tuesday evening the following officers
wire elected in Western f tir Lodge, Xo. IP,
f this city : L. X. Liggett, W. C. T. ; Mis
-ar.ih Dawson, W. V. T ; F. M. Wadsworth,
X. S ; A. M. Roop, W. F. S. ; F. M. West
fall, W. T. 5 T. M. Calloway, W. C. ; Mi
M try Wheeler, W. M. ; Miss Emma Morgan,
W. L G. ; Eob't Murphy, W. O. G. ; Trust
ees, Rob't Bentley, F. M. Westfall aad F.
M. Wadsworth. This Lodge soem to be
prospering at a rate that baa never been
equaled before, twenty-two persons having
been initiated during the past quarter.
Rapid are the strides of civilization. Xow
comes the report that Albany has a real,
genuine Eraiuiian' Band, and the people
enjoy it too. Albany is alway the nret
interior town to adopt metropnlitr.c airs, and
is in every way lively. S:a.iiird.
Soft soap : That reporter is expecting hi
socUty or company to "excursh" to this city,
and he expects a free bed, free grub, beer,
etc, on the strength of that quib. Well,
come up ; we'll serenade you at any rato.
Broatea Jail.
Frank Head, whom wa mentioned last
week ac having been arrested at the Dalit
for kreeny, broke jail last Saturday evening,
with a fellow prisoner, and escaped.
est of here, for a cemetery, and
specimen of the carelessness which ao et- !
i.t on the route between Portland and U.e- i'f"' ihe PT f "ranging basin ia a
burg, and if we thought that if "hell w. -V ! "- ?hf'l,ff " tsTe Sd a society
pop " it would bring about a change for l.V. aKa me pronj, u aarw m-
better, we would cheerfully assist the ywl?$ I cunwrated- Thwr soclety OT organisati.m
in trvina to brine it abeat But. real'v. Mr. nM wen m-orporatoa nuoer tne name tn tne
Porter, we think it would be impolitic to do
so. It seems to us it would be betetr not to
interfere with that institution, if for no other
reason, just so we could scare mail agenta
with it
stack tn Old Niaaearl.
Mr. P. B. Burns, an architect and carpen
ter who worked in thia city a year or two
ago, ia now located at Liberty, in Clay county,
Missouri. From the Tribune, published at
that place, we see he has recently re-modeled
a large building there, and receives consider
able praise for his workmanship. We are
sure the praise be received wa merited, aa
he is a workman of ability, aa was shown by
the building pnt up by him in Albany. T he
editor of the Tribune pay him a nice little
compliment in the same article by saying
that he is a widower, and recommending him
to the ladies "as not only a good workmar,
but a good catch generally."
air Mlatake.
The Albany Democrat says, according to
the last assessment, Albany haa $100,1X0 of
taxable property. liee.
Ye; the Albany Democrat did say so.
but nevertheless it is a mit.-r e. e wrote
it $1,r;X0Xi. but one of rv- -..-y nrld festive
comi..i:-rs ev.uei.vty tuonuBt it was too
high, and consequently reduced it tn $100,000.
We will now correct it by saying that the
property ia this city has been assessed at
$1,000,000, and we are going to arm ourself
with aa iron "foot-stick" and stand over the
forms and ree that it goes to pros ia tUat
A Tee Asupatatreb
The eays that on Wednesday of
last week the son of Mr. Clinghton, of Lob
anon, arrived in that city for the purpose of
having a surgical operation performed on his
foot. Soma time since while cutting wood,
the ax glanced and split his toe open down to
the first joint. He called upon Dr. Jones,
who examined the wound, and seeing that
the only way to save the foot was to amputate
tho toe, which he did ia a few minutes. The
next day he was out upon the street aad get
ting along finely.
Base Sail Ecriia
At noon to-day the Lian Ease Ball Ciub
start for Eugene to play the second game in
the match between them and the University
Club at that place. For the purpose of al
lowing their friends to see the match the Club
chartered a car for the round trip aud there
will be about sixty persons go from here to
day, returning to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock.
First Hebrsw Congregation of Albany, Ore
gon," snd the following person have beer
selected as ofheers : President, L. Senders ;
Vice President, Julius Gradwohl ; Secretary,
Julius Joseph ; Treasurer, Ed. Baum ; Trus
tees, M. Sternberg and S. Cohen, of Albany,
and J. Jacob?, of Corvallis, 8. H. Friendly,
of Eugene, and Sam May, of Harrisburg.
Our Hebrew friends are spending considera
ble money on the cemetery property, and,
when completed, th grounds will be as fine
as any in the State.
tub best rtr.
Everybody wanta to know where tuey
C8ii obtain sood flour for family use. The
Albany Custom Mill make the very Lost
til reference to the quality (if the flotsr we
nfurtotherollowingpersons: Tboa. Fro
man, Philip Baltimore, Dan. Hntik, L.
Kaiinini?, Mr. SUga, ohu Fronk, E. Mur.
ry. I'f jiff r Urn's, Henry C'lymer, J. W.
rjilmour, Sam'! Cuoprl and R. A. Irvine-,
Try It tho next titoa you want any flour.
I ttUesa' Mar Da; Eirualts.
A grand railroad excursion and basket pic
nic will come off on Saturday, tbe 18th anst.,
from tnis city to East Portland, and every
body 15 invited to go. The train will leave
Albany at G o'clock a. ni. and return tha
same evening, giving the excursionists nix
hours in Portland. Ticket to be had next
week, which will be for tbe round trip, (2.50.
By order of Committee, , J. jr. I).
Grading wa commenced on rl, rtaytrn
aad Yamhill Xarrow Gauge laat Monday.
The reiling steak will b shipped from Pssts
sylvaaia by the first of May.
Fred Bogart, tbe fireman on tbe AIV.aiiy
et press, who was hart at the late Roiaah-up,
had his leg amputated above the knee last
week, and is now getting along finely.
Oat ef a membership of 65 ia Albany Fa
gin Co. Xo. 1, the average attendance at
fire and at meetings during the past year ha
been about forty-five. That ia a good showing.
I A new song entitled "Fading," by 8. C.
Measoa, bas just been sent us by Measra.
Sherman, Hy de It Co. It is a beantiful thing,
and will no doubt become immensely popalar.
Tbe price is marked 33 cents.
Virgil and Harry Parker took in about $1 .0
on the Odd Ftllow'a excursion train last week,
and would have got away with considerable
more filthy lucre had their stock ef cendiea,
nut and orange not run out.
la gravleing First street this summer it is
required that the gravel be ix inches deep
for ten feet oa each side ef the center of the
street, and that the remainder of the distance
to the ide-w&lk shall be four inches deep.
Xo. 1 1 annual picnic on the 17th int, wiil
be a big thing. The boys show their nanal
good judgment in remaining at home and
thus letting the people' money be pat where
it will do tha mot good among our citi
Stop are being taken by the City Council
to have tha aide-walks on Firt street, in the
basinese part of the city, increased in width
to ten feet If property .holder do not want
to make the improvement they should aay e
at oooe.
The grasshopper blossom sweetly oa the
edsre vf tbe Minnesota snowdrift. II ha
already got m far be can eit on hi elbow snd
lay half a pint of eggs in one forenoon. And
while he lay he loek sole ma and thoughtful
a if he wasn't doing anything, and bis mind
was fixed on the we remuiisoancefi of hit
native clime. I
Dr. Alexander! left thi city yesterday
moraine, to return to hi Walla Wall home.
Duriag the Doetoc'e stay here be has
used bis asual activity in behalf of oar ticket
and his range ot inBuonoe ia Old Linn will
make his work . count in tbe Jnne eleo.
tiou. We wish the Docr a safe return
home aad a ooco.sftsl fatars for him and
hi ia thair w home.
i. p. ;ox.
(Suoceeaors to John Foshay.)
m - sa . ra aaraN. rat "! wm ww w av at sw.
D ft UGS Ar4 0 VI El U I U I IM
Cabraaas swaryttef ajseil? f ia fi.-?t-cus3 retaa iru? MteolZshmvu.
a rnx m e of
Th arssat lt vpj-t ISTe and ff.i ir?i&. A netri a c aiw ra ia tfjawweo-a wait las a-pki:amr
mil ttw l&tcjt tisMrn m-iJ---- im-oti-, esc, can Frc"c---
fl '. Val
lteLV sU
tbj nwt of mil punr&tiT-es Kr brxJly us. Thet are
tn uer ptctc, ua sit er.iixca MUocaS, f row?"
them tbe bxx uii znoat ?0Tini purmtire PiU thai
miial KvARce ran deiise. pnrHT Trvrniihe
do hmnn xn art trm UM-ir ue. in tntr-ntric
auxl arstir powars no other Piil cu be (tmptnd
rth them avmt trrv ftM, knowju; their tItum.
trii! etnpiVrf them, Trta. newfed. Tbty kr f b
im in porfecf ordv, avtvi mair.taun in hrtJthv aVtnioD
U vhvle friavchiwr aj liw. MiJd, warrbir.r and ti
iVrlunJ. ifaey mrtj arpoctHiJy Kdftd to tbe needs of the
direite tpjasmt-tiv, tienr.&mw ol wtiicti tiw pre
foot aad cure, if timely Uti. THcrT are th be jt urf
"ai-t r.hstc to emiiaT fir ehirdren mnd K-eakeuad
cocirtitutions, wbere ft mild, but etTectirV. onthiuuc s
reruind. kor mi Of mil antygtsns.
Blly D
Last tuesttay several oi vne caaal men
went tip the road to set men to work repair
ing the Canal, and when returning, Mayer
WhclcrJiBd Jan. H. Foster were thrown cat
of the back by ono cf the wheels falling and
dcr.ty into a rut. Both wore very evoroly
bruised around the shoulder and breast, and
have been confined to their rooms sinoe.
They are getting along now all right.
The Tickets.
Scan each came with can-1
Punch every outfit there;
To all yonr swapping teir:
With Wheeler square
at Shedd.
Thus t halt thou prosper.
Xo. r. Attention 1
Kegular monthly meeting of Linn Engine
Co. No. 2 for the month of May will be held
at their hail next Monday evening. A full
attendance should be had as three Fire Dele
gate an to be elected at that tin.
RleaaefejBff anal Freasaiaia
Mrs. Amanda Roster wiehes to inform the
ladies of this eonntv that she is now pre
pared to do all kinds of bleaching and press
ing on fhort notice. She baa had several
years experience and guarantee aatisfaction.
Also all kinds of plain sewing. For tbe next
four weeks she can be found at the residence
of Mrs. Cline, corner of Ferry and Fifth
w!f nrtr-'t'm xztr
8ALE3V1, - - - - - - - OHuGCri.
A'so, every variety of cemeiery and ofhr stone worS done with neatness and Clsuwb.
bpecual auention given to orders from an v partof the slste arid tYaxiuoK-
tosi TerrUorv, b.v mail or otherwise, and nroiaptly lur-
wsnii i. AU wars wjmaiea.
A branc' establishment is located at Albany taI owned by tbe Stnisrer Iiros's.
Address all orders to A Staiger, Albany, Oreeron. J;i:J!yl
Tlae foilowine lathe list of Irttors remaining
In th Tot OtUre, Albany, Linn county. Ore
tin. MwT i,ist. 1'erair.a calHn fur these
fetter mum ge the Ut on whloa tbry wre
Armtronir,Paral(ai Cary, Bertie
Berry, Amelia Kraase, P P (2)
Bonner, V M Lanter, Fnednch
Canley, James Flaugher, John M (2)
Vernon, Mulkey
P. U. RATsteXP. P. U
Mr Wm. H. Krunk has mored bia shoe
shop in the Democrat block, on F.readalbin
street, two doors below our office, where he
has fitted up neat and commodious quarters,
and expect to carry on the manufactory of
boot and shoe on an extensive soala. He
expects his old customer to continue their
former liberal patronage, and cordially in
vite the public generally to " come and see
Tbe Centaur Liniment are of two kinds.
The White is for the human family; theTel
low ia for horses, sheen, and other animal.
Testimonials of the efiecte produced by these
remarkable Preparations are wrapped around
every bottle, and may be procured of any dmg
ist, or by mail from the OlBce of tst C&s
tacb Comtakv, 46 Dey Street, Kew York
City 13i29yl
TB Flaee te stay.
For olicap good go to F. C. Uarpt r & Co.
Thry have a well selected stock which they
are offering very low especially for cash, or
for good merchantable produce. Thoy wilj
also sell to pnoctaal customers on time until
harvest. Fatromse the man who ia trying to
establish the cash principle, aad by so doing
you do not have to pay for losses on bad
customers. tf
Gold and. Silver 13 ought and Bold.
Drafts issued on Portland, San Pranciscs, 2ew York and Hurcpo
'a FsismI. tyal aMl Cea-41:ct Fire laar.tatc -n .-1c -. au&
Smith & Norton having epsned a shop in
Albany, are now prepared to do house, sign
and ornamental painting, graining, ki'l.-min-ing,
glazing, gilding, etc Hons lining d
papering will be done at reduced rate. All
work entrusted to their care either in the
city or eo aa try will receive prompt attention.
Their shop is on Ellsworth street, near the
ferry landing. . n29tf.
OsVna, CaeJtt-ta.
F. & Dunning haa received a large lot of
rosewood eeakets from San Francisco. They
are the handsomest, cheapest aad best in the
vailey, and can be had in half an boor after
the order ia received, xentemuer wax wej
are of all res and vory hap.
tr The National Gold Medal was warded
to Bradley a Rulofaoa for the ocrt rnototrraph
In the unna maira. avua toe vvaaa aipuai to
,h" rat In thewwld.
4SB Montgomcay Htieet, Ran Fmnclsra
Q ( week In your own town, as ouiat tree. Ko
JpUUrlfk. Keaaer, if you want a bustaeaa at which
neranna oi either sex ctft make vroat cay ail Luo tica
thay work, write fur particular to II. UaLLrtT uo.
raruand, Maine.
arsciAj, aoTH'KJe.
to all who are tufferiiag from ti ma tad .tvUcrt
thon of you Ui, Mrvou weaktiess, early decay, iutw o,
Baftnbood, 4c, 1 will sMad a ncip that will cttne yoxx-
t KJiK u ihamuc.. iqm (Tea retneay was ai3eoer
ad Lwa UiiuttiXmirv in South Aaricv Heml a seu-ad-
dresaed auvokipa to tha Hav. Joseph T. Ixuajx, SU
ItaS ii, mm tfuuaa, Maw York. Utty. vL3ln4l
W1S0S 15D
bet. First and Beeon-i.
Prspa-ed to tin all kind ot feiaUrin; la lis l i
FUliag wheaM mad a apecieltx. veteeeyl
W. H. li BEX.
?TCUU and see w st W. H. Bibar old stenJ,
M!n aiTDet,
To the Farmers of Oregon:
Gentlemen: "We have the pleasure of inform
ing you, we have on hand and for sale the following
deservedly popular line of Farm Implements: Gar
den City Clipper Plows; Cultivators and Harro'ivs;
Farmers' Friend Grain Drill3 and Broad Cast Seed
ers, combined; Monitor Force U'eed seed Sower and
Cultivator, combined; Standard Ne-srton Wagons;
Hacks and Swift and Standiah Grain Cleaners; alio
for the harvest of 1378, the justly celebrated sue
Cormack Self Binding Harvester, which wa stand
ready to warrant in every particular. Fieaso call
and exsjnuie Deiore purcnasmg. uesenpuva circu
lars, FREE, on application.
Agent for T. Cunningham Co.
Corner First and Broadalbin Sts., Albany, Or. nSO
it i otter a cuoice selection oi r urniture, suea as
FRED. GRAFF, First Street, Albany, Oregon
, Wlaa6