r-r MART. V. BROWN, EDITOR. Friday, Slay S.187S. TSB OFFICIAL PAPER FOR GREGOH EEMCSHATIC STATE TICKET. For RcpresentaUre, J03S WHITEAKEE, Of Lane Cooxty- For Gorornor, W. W. THAYER, Oi Multnomah Count-. For Secretary ol State, T. G. REAMES, 02 Jackson County. For Treasurer, A. II. BROWN, Of Bakor County. For State Printer, A, NOLTKER, Of Multnomah County. Superintendent of Public Instruction, T. J. STITE3, Of Lira County. District Nominations: First Judicial District For Judge, P. P. PRIM : for Prosecuting Attorney, J. IL SEALS. Second Judicial District For Prosecuting Attorney, J. K. HAZARD. Third Judicial District For Prosecuting Attorney, J. J. WHITNEY.. Fourth Judicial District For Prosecu'Jn j Attorney, JOKS M GEAR IN. rifth Judicial District For Prosecu.injr Attorney, LCTHEB & BOX. LISH COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For State Senators, w. R. BILYEU. J. H. SMITH. For Representatives, J. P. SCHOOLING, JOS. HAMILTON, C H. HEWITT, JASON WHEELER, F. C. HANSARD, JACOB NEWMAN. For County Commissioners, R. Mcdonald, h. r. poweix. For County Clerk, J AS. L. COWAN. For Sheriff, L C. DICKEY. For Treasurer, PHILIP GRM3SBY. For Assessor, Z. B, MOSS. For School Superintendent, L. N. LIGGETT. For Surveyor, H. BRYANT. For Coroner, R. JACOBS. MECaXCT Oai3ftTlS. East Albany Precinct. For Justice of the Peace, WM. LISTER. For Constable, GEORGE HUMPHREY. West Albany Pnc'set. For Justice of the Peace, W. Q. STEWART. For Constable, M. H. WALLACE. C2LCEH TEXT OF THE CAMPAICN. Belag a minister ef trie Gospel, as well as a teacher, I have made it a natter or cob. wirnce ta keep aloor from all political rn taaeteaaeats, and althoaxa the aaace ta watch, 1 hare beea aomlnated la act strictly a political aae, ret It can only be reached laraas the "Biddy pool" or polities aa- J- Emery's liter declining Demrcrvtie ntrtxi watVon Jxsr State Sup't Public Instruction. Hoe. John Whiteaker, Democratic candidate for Congress, will address his fellow citizens as follows: At Pendleton, Friday, Mav 3d, at 1 p. st. At Weston, Saturday, Mav 4th. at 1 r. M. At La (irande. Monday, May 6th. at 1 r. a. At Union, Tuesday, Mav 7tb. at 1 f. m. At Baker City, Thursday, May Sth. at 1 r . At Canyon Citv. Sarnrdav, Mav llth, sx 7 r. ar. At The Dalles, Wednesday, May loth, at 7 T. M. Th; opposing; candidates for Congress are invited to fee present and occupy a portion of the time in joint diacusetoa. A SrCGESTIOS TO THE EEHI. We understand thai Rev. Heavenly K. LTinea preached at Portland a week ago last Sunday. Now we want it un derstood that there is nothing mean about ns, and we are willing to let our political enemies derive some benefit from the light of our brilliant intellect. Besides, it is barely possible that the sparkling idea we are about to suggest is, in a manner, of divine inspiration. (Bro. Hineshas taught us to look above this earth for our political motives and ease.) What we have to suggest is this : That the election of Bro. Hinea to Con gress and the establishment of his Heav enly Kingdom might both be farthered at one and the same time by a judicious prosecution of the canvass. Arrange ' ments might be made with the various Methodist churches throughout the Stateby whicnBrr.Hinesmightbeadte - tised to preach as he traveled from place to place on the stump, it being understood that the collection taken up on tbese occasions be divided into two equal shares, the one to be applied to the work of the church and the oilier to go toward defraying the election expenses of the reverend gentleman in question. And it might also be wise to secure the prayers fcf the church for the success of the Republican party. One Dr. Felkmunn is running a Ger man campaign shewt at Portland in the interest of the Republicans. From the looks of the concern it doesn't cost much to run it, and from what our German friends tell us its icfluenca is about commensurate with the cost of the, gratuitar.s concern. The Radicals are resorting to base uses when they hire a man to use his pen and tongue to abuse the confidence and mislead the votes of otir foreign born citizens. THE UvAVCK F I)L(tl(Y. A. friend writes us from Baker coun ty as follows : "You can safely put down Baker as Democratic the coming election. I have been letting some oi my Republican neighbors read your paper, and two of them tell me they will vote our ticket this year. We are tfioroughly uuited here, and well pleased trit our State and county ticket." SHAMS O TBEJi I One of the resolutions of the Radi cal State Platform denounces "th 2 ac tion of Gov. G rover whereby ha at tempted to give one of the electoral rotes of Oregon to Tiltlen !" And this by a crew who connived at and endorsed tho electoral steal of 1 7 votes from the Southern States for Hayes when tier rightfully belonged to Tilden 1 Ye gods' ! can such cheek as this ex ist but in a Radical convention ? This is the class of people who have trailed tho slow Kison of corruption through all of our public institutions, an 1 who have for years past been clogging the life-blood of the nation with the cor roding rust of cheat, swindle and crime. iney nave accumulated nun every where, have allowed monopolists and money-grabbers to throw dust in the eyes of the people while they were rob bing their pockets and tracking dirt with their filthy boots over tho most sacred pages of the Constitution. They have winked at and boldly encouraged carpet-bag sneak thieves to carry off ballot-boxes and count in and count out whomsoever would pay the highest re ward. They have no word to say in condemnation of the greatest crime of the age, beside which all other political oTenses sink into insignificance, but swear at and abuse those who tried to checkmate their villainous Presidential steal. Those Radical scions of Oregon well knew when they passed that Graver condemning resolution that they were doing a mean, contemptible thing, and one of them told a Democratic bystand er that it would come hack on them in the campaign ; and we propose it bball. That Presidenial steal shall burn in their ears all over the canvass, and shall reach as far as Democratic jour nals and speakers shall travel ; for when the claim was broadly asserted under the Constitution by Republican leaders that the acts of thoso who counted electoral votes are not proper subjects of review by Congress, no matter how gross the fraud, a blow was struck at the very life-principles cf the nation, from which it is suffering to-day. The men who struck that blow must be struck down by the people and forever disgraced, and the people of Oregon will get in their lick on those rascals on the 3rd of J ane nest. BATHER TO FBESB. "Beek" ia bound to make himself known, anyhow. He declined himself into the nomination by publishing a card beforehand that he wouldn't have it, and then telegraphed a vainglorious stump speech to the Convention, rfie eepting the nomination aad telling that body what his "strict business qualifi cations" would do in the office of Gov ernor ; and now he is out in the paj-ers with a self-laudatory letter full cf ego tistical promises and extravagant pledges to the people. In the meantime Jiule Thayer at tends strictly to his own business, and leaves the people of Oregon, ttho have known him so long and well, to judge of his fitness and qualifications for the office of Governor, ire will talk to the people on this subject during the campaign in a legitimate manner, and convince an overwhelming majority of them that he is tlie man who is just now needed in the Executive Chair of Oregon. Perhaps if "Beek" would "keep his seat" and remain quiet until the proper time for making himself heard, he would save liimselt from the pen-lash ;nzs which the Democratic pi-ess of the Slate are now so verv freely administering to him. HELP FOK MITCHELL. Our fellow townsman, David Fro- man, who was elected Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, evidently doesn't feel very enthusiastic, and has consequently delegated one Si mon, cf Portland, to do the henry work of the campaign. As Simon is of the firm of Dolph, Simon & Co., the Mitch ell headquarters, it is presumed that the w-ark will be well and faithfully peri iruied m the interest of Senator Mitt-hell, Bro. Froman did well in fchirking thi responsibility just now but per- haj s the Radicals of Linn didn't ex pect him to put it vi hero it would do Mitchell the most good. IV MEHOKIAM. Billy Carter's puff of himself in lat week's Gazelle sounds as much like a dead man's obituary as anything we ever read. He was born grew up arrived at the age of maturity learned the printing trade in Illinois in '52 came to Oregon fluctuated around un til in 'C5 some kindly wind wafted him to Corvallis, where he has budded, bloomed and blossomed into a temper ance editor and now leaves many friends to mourn his untimely e-e-nd. Itettquietcatinpeace. COOD CAMrAICK THtSDKR. We see that Bill Turner, of Jackson ville, has been writing a very fine pufi for Beek man and causes it to first ap pear in the Yreka (Cal.) Journal, from whence the Oregon Radical sheets snatch it with enthusiastic slopovera- tiveness. It is a good notice, and we'll bet when Bill read it to "Beek," before he forwarded it to the Journal for pub lication, there was an immediate stam pede ef the pair to Pape's for an enthu-1 aiastlc "smile.'' or ros MMtsstix. Monday's Orcyonian contains a letter signed by twenty-eight prominent Eo publicans of Marion county, addressed to "Republican candidates for the Lejis lature of Marion count)" asking said candidates to declare themselves openly whether or not, if elected to the Legis lature, they will favor Mr. Mitchell's re-election to the United States Senate. We admiro the courage, and believe in the sincerity .of these men. They are gentlemen whose Republicanism cannot bo brought into question; but who feel compelled by their own self respect, and their desiro to witness the prosperity of their State, to oppose the re-election cf a bad aniV dishonest man who has determined to increase his own wealth and power at the expense of the people and without regard to either his own personal honor and inegrity, or the welfare and prosperity of his constitu ents. We are always glad to believe in the honesty of purpose of our political oppo nents; and are more than willing to admit tho consistency of the action of those twenty-eight gentlemen. There are, we know, many other Re publicans in this and other ceunties, as well as in Marion, who can see through the corruption and bad faith of this man Mitchell. To all of these we would hold up the example of these twenty-eight of Marion. The only way to secure the defeat of Mitchell is to insist upon the candidates for tho Legislature declaring whether or not they will, if elected, vote to send hini again to the United States Senate; and then refuse to vote for any man to the Legislature who may decline unu" qnivoeally to answer the question. If thoso Republicans, who declare themselves opposed to Mr. Mitchell are sincere, it is in their power to prevent his going again to Washington, there to sell out and disgrace the peopln of Ore gon. We commend to our Linn county Republican readers the closing para graph of this letter for their perusal and consideration. It reads ai follows: Tha recent eourss of Senator Mitche:! in opposing measures we decru of vital imTwrtanee to Orey hi, and bis subser.iwiey to th? irrc-at ra lixsul monopoli.-w who are trying to defeat the Northern Pae.fic Ratlrtad, make it imiieralic!y necessary that yonr position th-xild ba plainly and anmistakauly uudIrtood. And now let us see if the Republi cans of Linn have the courage and hon esty to projound similar questions to their Legislative candidates. If they should do so we predict that at least four of those candidates will not and dare not give an unequival answer to this question, as they are unquestiona bly pledged to Mitchell's interest. Let the test be made, and if we have done those men a wrong wo will gbvily make the amende honorable. B ULGO AD TALK. A meeting of the Incorporators of the Albany, Lebanon and Brownsville R. R. Co. was held in this city last Monday, at which Hon. D. P. Thouip son, of Portland, was present. The question of grading and tieing the road and turning it over to Mr. Thompson or some other capitalist who would stock the read and run it was discussed, but as there was no definite proposition made to the Incorjiorators from these paifies it was agreed that the matter of soliciting stock under the original plan should proceed, and that the people of our own county would build and own the road. This plan seems to meet with more general favor than any other yet advanced, ami will most probably be the one carried out. We now earnestly ask our Linn coun ty citizens to take hold of the matter and push it through. This is one of the most important local enterprises ever started on the Pacific coast, and will be the best paying investment ever made ; and we urge upon our people the necessity of pushing it to an early consummation. CI F.SS XT. The Remitter of yesterday morning, in its obituary notices of the persons comprising its county ticket, says each and every man "shall nd will bo t lect in June." How can tho public place faith in anvthino- that is fcaid iu that paper hereafter ikiing tlio campaign, when everybody of common sense knows that the writer of that sentence knew he was asserting what neither himself nor any one else believes 1 Linn county is at least 200 Democratic to day, and our ticket, being unobjection able, it must be conceded by f.tir mind ed men that if trading and swapping is not resorted ta we will elect the entire ticket by a handsome majority. Devr do it. We understand that already proposi tions have been made to trade off two or three candidates on our ticket. This kind of a business is wrong and is de cidedly undemocratic, and we hope it will meet with no favor from Demo crats. V e have a good round majority in Linn and can elect our whole ticket handsomely if the party stands square ly by the nominees, but if the perni cious system of trading and " dickerin" is resorted to by any of the candidates or their friends, then there is no telling what the result may be. If trades are made on one candidate it may natural ly be inferred that the business will not atop there. Let every Democrat stand by the whole ticket ; don't break the lines and we will give the common enemy a thrash ing that thy will remember the rest ol their days. rOUTIt tl PAH3 ,XS. In the last issue of the Catholic Sen tinel appears a very stron-.; article from the able pen of our Republican friend, a T tr .n i -1 . , . v. jJicvoiuiicK, numonisuiug Urego- niaus to "Beware of Political Pai-ions, a part of which we herewith repro duce : We are among those who are uncom promisingly opposed to political narsnns We think that any mati who supposes himself consecrated to the hi-U and holy ofhco of a minister of God and who expects to preach tho Gospel of f M :j i. .11 : ... . . ' .... tiitnb iu mi lueu JlTertpecilvo Ol JHllltl- cai mas snouiu not degrade the sacred character of the ministry by mixing prominently in me corrupt and degrad ing pool of politics. Political preachers, too, as a rule, are the most unscrupulous hence the most dangerous elasa in the community in whose hands can be placed political power. But of all the different aperies of parsons who forsake the service of Christ in order that they may reign as demagogues over a political cabal the most dangerous, unscrupulous, and un trustworthy are these men, who, calling themselves MethoJisl preachers, only make their religions belief a stepping stone to political place and power. These men, whenever they are placed in power through tho suffrages of the people, never fail to carry into public life all the animosity and sectarian hate which characterized their sectarian ca reer, and if it should be the misfortune of the people of Oregon to I repre sented by the ex-Reverend H. K. lliues. the cupola of the Capitol will reverber ate with the most vindictive spleen that can emanate from the polluted heart of a political parson. This may apear strong language, but our readers will bear us out in the as sertion that we never make a charge which we are not able to sustain, and as the Catholic citizens of Oregon, in tend to exercise the right of suffiage at the coming election, it is well that they should understand the danger that threatens their political welfare in case this ranting demagogue should be elect ed. TON. BEAMEs) AT HOlll. The Jacksonville Time, published at the home cf the Democratic candidate for Secretary of State, gives that gen tleman the following highly compli mentary notice : 5nce more has Jackson e"ir.ir, tlio banr.er county of the Stale, been emnlii:ieitte'ntcil with a place oil th - ticket; an honor ac-knoalsded to be due her. And it is with pride that we mwia that our f Jl.w. townsman, I. l. Kaimes, has been selected as such representative. He U peculiarly fined for the arduous duties of litis important lace, and ombinea good fiitanctal acumen with a a th' orotlh onnrentiMM tii all that may be required of hint. 1- na boyhood a ri- ueni 01 our state, atratust wlvim nothing h ard, on the contrary, much in his faror.'Tom Reamta t-s rre-emineutly the r-ht man in the riitht place. Scuthern Oregon fully appreciates the c-itnpl meat a V,. r-i-.i t.. t. - w ii, siicui 14 aune next. , ,n , . ' , , is one of God s noblemen, and Southern Oregon will not be alone in showing her appreciation of his good qualities aad peculiar fitness for the oHIce of Sec-! sl,e(!en ot hls and will be Demoerat returv cf Stale. j ,u T"JiJi,tf. the Presidency in 1S80 - liut, thai ley, you shan t cail Jackson the banner county this year if the Dem- ocracy of "Old Linn" can prevent it. Our party is in "excellent fix for a gallant and successful combat, and we will roll up such a majority as will for ever wipe out the Peter Cjoper stain of 1S7C. But do your best, friend Xiekell, and we will be first to give vou cur paw if you beat us. VtlLl lL 3tIsKKrK$ETATIX OR Vt eriX IUOI1MC There was r.o German dt-lcrate in the Pemo-raUc S'ate 1 onvKition. In riew of this, the Oref-m Stasis Zeituni aks. "Are the IleutocraW afraid ot the Ger mans, or are no ;ennan real PnuocratsV We mt it up. Sew Northwest. Now, Sister Dnniway, allow us to re fresh your memory. There were sev eral Germans in the State Convention, among w hom we remember M. S. Hil man of Grant, Johnny Orth of Jack son, Joe Webber of Linn, ami several others whom we could name if we were now iu possession ef the report of the committee on credentials. When professed uon-partizan jour nals like the Staats Zeituny and the Xeio yorthweet so glaringly misrepre sent and falsify the record what may not be exected fi-cru ranting Republi can journals. We pause for a reply. IIEAVtMl H. lll.XE. In consideration of the unworldliness of the Reverend H. K. Hines, who was so certain that he had not sought the nomination, and could only be induced to run because h(shoard the " voice of God " calling him to Congress as he had doubtless heard the same voice call him to preach the gospel we think it would be very appropriate to make the H. K. stand for Heavenly Kingdom. ' Rev. Heavenly Kingdom Ilines is ctr- tainly euphonious, and is indicative of the time and place where he will receive his reward for carrying the Republican banner during tho present campaign. Will" IMtX'f THEY Fl.l IT The Linn county Republicans, in pri vate conversation, say if a Mitchell man pops his head up they will "scotch it." But we don't sea that they have yet made any effort to discover what all observing persons know that a large majority of their Legislative ticket, if not all of it, is of that "breed of pups." Judou Whitxey, our candidate for District Attorney, will canvass Polk county next week. Wo hope tho peo ple of that section will come out to hear him. He is a sound reasoner, an able debater aud an honest man, and those who go to hear him cannot fail to go away favorably impressed. " J cdge Pipeb will come home from Eastern Oregon in time to enter on the county canvass" so it is announced with flouri'.h of trumpet. O, Lordy ! Let everybody stand from under and get out of the way of this great orator ical gladiator. Whoopee 1 tCIECatAFiaC GLEAXISCj, John M'jrrissey died yestsrday. Grant wag at Milaa ou the 27th. Continuous fighting ia reported in Creto. A delegation of Southern Congress men is visiting Boston. Wood's tariff bill is said to be unpop ular even witn tree traders. O'Brien of Flood i O'Brien, San Francisco, is about to die. Five thousand workmen are engaged on tho Paris exposition building. A Chinese minister to Washington win soon leave Uuina f r this country. bervian soldiers on furlough hs.v been ordered to join their regiments immediately. Some Greeks, Thracians and Maced onians are joining the Mussulman in surgents. The U. S. Senate has voted to post pone the repeal of the bankrupt act tut iiexc January. Ed. Durham shot and killed Chris. llouman at Dead wood City on the 28th. Lynching is being talked of. lhe next dividend of the Con. Va. will be only $1. a share, owing to the repairs necessary m the mine. A; communist named Lasron. is in New York purchasinsr arms for the iraternity throughout the country. John Gamage, who stabbed Lebreton in San Francisco, is under $20,000 bali. Lbreton s condition is critical. A man named Joe Murphy has been arrested at Briggs, for an outrage com mitted at Gridley, Cal., on Friday night. Gun. Todleben has been appointed enmmandering-in-chief of the army in Turkey, with Gen. Imeretisky as chiel oi tne stau. A very disorderly public meeting asnem at v ictogia on the 25th, in which tho lights were put out amid til . IT- . " . groans and hisses. ' Grand Duke Nicholas has been pro moted to the rank of field marshal Gen eral and recalled to Russia on aceount of his ill health. Hayes and parly made a trip throuirb the coal mines of Pennsylvania, before returning to Washington from their Philadelphia reception. England will not listen to the Italian proposition to state her views until the main principle of European control has leen settled. A privateering scheme is said to be litting out in San Francisco to attack British commerce. It is supposed with Russian letters from marque. It is rumored that Pacific railroads arc satisfied with Turman's funding bill as it will enable them to appeal success- luny to the U. S. courts. The treasurery department has an nounced that Mexican dollars are not a legal tender in this country and that those accepting them do it at their own risk. HeaTy rains and melting snews have swollen the streams iu the Black Hills 1 1 scn an extent that part ot Dead- wd City is threatened with munda- tion. A gushy Democrat says that Roscoe Coukling will soon make the great ayus-na ami noma uer territorial gains, thou-di ready to yield much when it will insure peace. England has gone 80 far with war like preparations that i'. ix tuoiigui, mac sue cannot uacR out without fio-htinjr. Democrats in caucus are said to have agreed that the judiciary committee set during the recess and investigate the Presidential title. If the testimony warrants, Hayes will be impeached. Some Republicans are said to be work ing with the Democrats. Intelligence is received in Constanti nople that the Mussulman insurgents supprised a Russian encampment near Philloppopolis, taking 1,000 prisoners and four guns. They are now march ing toward Samakoff. It has been sug gested that the Porte should offer the msuigents amnesty in the event of their laving down their arms. lhe amount ef LT. S. notes retired the present month in consequence of the issue national bauk notes will be about 1,200,000. The Secretary ef the Treasury orders th;s amount to be re placed by silver dollars, to be paid out in me coursa ot business. I his sum will be distributed among the various sud treasuries and public deitositones, so that to this extent the silver dollars will be paid out for currency obligations. This jmyment of silver dollars will not interfere with procuring silver dollars in exchange at par for gold com at any time. I'SGat.lTEFIL rOLITU'I.tSS. Some Republicans may censure the Rejixter for not running up the State Republican ticket, but we can't see how they should do it. The proprietor of that journal has regularly issued a paper in tho interest of that party for eleven years past in Linn county, against great odds nnd with little en couragement antl les3 support, and it does seem to .us that if there is any balance in the .way of obligations the weight is against the Radioal party and in Van's favor. There is no Re publican paper in the State that has struggled along and existed tinder such adverse circumstances as Van's, and we don't blame him if he now asks ffr some substantial aid from those who may hopo to be benefitted by his sup- ort. And we suppose they would give it if they had any hope of success in tho election, but being utterly hope less of victory they can't afford even to help their most earnest and gallant sol diers in the unequal combat. aOt U ADVICE. The East Orejonian gives some good advice to tho Democrats of Umatilla county, and as the same may fit sonle of our Linn county Democrats, we give it: "Let every Democrat stand to his colors, vote the whole ticket and all will bo well. Remember the bloody shirt 8 to 7 count, and although you may feel that you have not been fairly dealt with, for God's sakedon't go ever to the ranks of the enemy, for what can you expect there. When you cry for bread they will give you a stone. It has been the rule of that party to gobblo everything, and you can expect the same treatment at this time." tUOIFi "Et3L.- That lively, newsey, snappish little Democratic paper, the Eoseburg Star n on its ear because Republican exchanges are trying to tell it who Beekman is. It says: It is useless for any Republican ta attempt to tell us who C. C. Beekman is ; we have known him ever since he came to this State. "Beek," as he is familiarly known, has made a fortune in this State, and at present is a bank er of Jacksonville. Although he got all his money in Oregon, he has seldom made a legitimate investment within the State but confines himself to the busi ness of buying gold-dust, discounting notes, and participating in jobs, no matter how disreputable, where he can mate a uonar. tin is Known Here not very favorably, we are constrained to admit; as the person who purchased the $15,000 Road Warrants from Douglas county. He has neither relig ious nor politial principles, but has been a Republican just so far as it di rectly interested "Beek," and as to his "peculiar fitness for the otfice for which he was nominated" we have been un able to discover. It is true he has had some experience, having at one time been President of the Board of Trustees of the town of Jacksonville, but even in that capacity he failed to impress any one with his "executive ability." The only claim he bad on the Repub lican party was his connection with several powerful rings, which alone se cured him the nomination for Governor. and in the event of his election these rings will have to be sustained at the expense of the people of Oregon. In deed, it looks too much like a repetition of the Woods administration to meet with success at the bands of the vo ters of this State. HAtl CALMTf TICKET. The Democracy of Marion last Sat urday pat the following admirable tick et in the field : State Senators Jesse Parrisb, B. F. Benbam, John T. Smith; Representatives Fielding McClane, F. X. Mathieu, John Savage, Nathaniel Young, J. W. Weatherford; County J udge, J. J. Shaw : Sheriff Loais Byrnes; Clerk Q. A Grubbe; Treas urer Paul Oberheim ; Commissioners L. C. Griffith, J. W. Thornsbury ; Assessor W. B. Simpson ; School Su perintendent X. N. Steeves ; Coroner Dr. B. M. Savage ; Surveyor Seth R. Hammer. If the people of Marion county should be guilty of such a crime as the defeat of Judge Bonham aad Jesse Fairish they ought to be disfranchised that is, those that do it. MEs Srr FAT. Some sensible writer says that saying smart things does not pay. It may gratify your spite at first, but it is bet ter to make friends than enemies. If you cannot make people happy, at least refrain from adding to their mis ery. V hat if this woman is not your ideal of womanly perfection, or that man your model man 1 Your mission on earth is not te remind them of the fact. Each of us has faults of his own; in correcting them we shall find ample occupation. A "sting" or a "dig" never did any good never helped any one to be any better. One who falls into the habit of taking them soon looks illnatured. It is not always possible to join the Mutual Admiraton "Society, and be a good member, but at least one can hold one's tongue. THE SLB WIS HOKSE IS THE FIELD. It will be seen by reference to his ap pointments elsewhere that Gov. White aker is already in active service. He speaks at Pendleton, Umatilla county, to-day, and will go through the rest of Eastern Oregon as fast as possible, cleaning up at The Dalles on the 15th inst. From thence he will come to the Valley, and probably work south, be ginning at Portland. We will advise our readers of his further appointments as soon as they are made. CMS IU ANB TH E. Linn furnishes two of the next of ficers of Umatilla county S. M. Pen nington for State Senator and J. L. Sper- ry for Sheriff. All our earlier settlers know "Mac" Pennington and Jim Sper ry, and if tho Democrats of Umatilla want any recommendations or certificates in thoir behalf just let them send down eight or ten thousand blanks and they will be filled out and signed by at least that number of Linn's most sub stantial citizens. BATHES Till FOK A STATE. Washington Territory had better net send the returns cf its election on the question of a Constitutional Convention back to Washington it it expects to be admitted as a State. The returns show that less than 4,000 votes were cast, which would indicate that the Territory did not contain over 20,000 inhabitants all told. This would be a State in short dress and low neck collar wouldn't itt LEAVE IT WIT. We observe that the Register leaves out the "Rev." in the name of its can. didate for School Superintendent. Isn't it funny how Bro. Emery's letter scorched the political parsons. That letter has immortalized one honest preacher to the everlasting political damnation of all office seeking Rev erends. SAME TUIXtt. When Dave Thompson, Mitchell's right bower, couldn't get the Radical Gubernatorial nomination, he did the next best thing he put in Beekman, his own partner in mining schemes, which will answer Mitchell's purpose quite as well. It is the same thing, you know. Politics en top. ' Brownsville railroad scheme daily brightening. There are 300 acres of flax in Tilla mook county: Lakeview, Lake county, has two telephones in working order. The Astoria pound master Is kept busy lassooing unlicesned "purps.' A new quartz vein has been tti-uck in Tillamook county, also a rich coal mine. The Democrats of Umatilla county have a stronger-than-Sampsan ticket in the Geld. Mrs. Col. Stewart of Pendleton, had a rib broken by being thrown from a carriage. The Greenbackers are making a d si perate move to throw Jackson county for Mitchell. "Pref." Lorraine bilked Jacksonville and then glided away "like a thing from shadow land." Old man Bull, of Empire City, got his arm cut Utterly to pieces below the elbow in a saw mill last week. About 200 head of cattle have died from eating poison herbs in the vicinity of Silver Lake, Lake county, this Spring. The road between Jacksonville and Ellensbarg is thes abject of a !etition to Congress, praying ibr gO.'.OO with which to fix it. Work on the Middle creek mines, Jackson count, has ceased until their ditch is run 15 miles for water. It will cost 830,000. The bridge across the McKenzie, in Lane eounty.will be one of three spans, the largest this aide of the Rtrcky Mountains, built of wood. In 1854 Turkey was a base for the English and French armies acting against Russia, and the Black sea was open. Turkey is now the base for Russian armies, and the Black sea is virtually closed, as the Bosphorous can be made impassable. An English fleet could strike directly at Russia only through the Baltic. But the entrance to the Baltic is inconveniently near Germany. On the Pacific coast Russia superior to that of England in those waters. England must meet Russia on land, and hence the importance of Austria as an ally. The Southern Methodist Episcopal General Conference, which meets at At lanta, Ga., May 1, trill consist of over 300 delegates, one-half ministeis and one-half laymen. Two, and probably three bishops will be elected ; one in the place of the late Bishop Marvin, who died suddenly after his return from China and Japan. A bishop is also de sired for Texas and one for the Pacific coast. Flaaactai aad Caaajawretat. OoM in New York, 100 L?gal tender! ia Portland baring, scli-lf, IX. Sliver coin per cent, discount. rOTUlS BAXKXT. ...1 17 1 S2 ...a 60 O Ou ...4 24 10 4 6M ... 40 IS 45 ..10 DO o li 50 10 &0 .. 1 50 19 I 75 - ira is .. 6 , lOiJ 11 .. lij 14 .. Stt9 ill .. III S Hi .. lSi IS .. " 11 . . 20 ta S5 t! 13 m .. w Hi, s .. 12 O 14 .. 4 60 a t 08 ta s oi) .. 14 .. 10 S J S a S .. 10 ( 22 .. 6 S M S .. lit ta p Superfine ... OATS, per osael HAY. bated Looee POTATOES, per baakel er.EP, choice on tout, per a. HOGS, extra cnoiee UAlOS HAMS COFFEE LARD, in keys in 10-B- tine BUTTEE, in brine Solid , Freeh dairy BOOS, per doa UH1ED FRUIT Applea, eon-dried, in aacka. in ae.. Peara, asm -dried Plants, aun-dried FOVLT&Y, old hens Spring- chickens ..... HIDES, drr Hint Oood calls Murrain , Green Deer skins TALLOW, perk HOPS, Oregon and Washington Ty.. WOOL aLautT aaaan. WHEAT per bo SI 00 OATS per bo 30c HAY baled 15c. Looea lie. POTATOES per b Jl 00. BACON hamali jr. Sides toglfsc Shoulders 7J. LARD 'a 10S, tins! !5aiM BUTTER Froea roll 2ic EGUS Wt&lbc CHICKENS SS 00. SUGAR San Franeisso 13c Island 10j(12c COAL OIL Downer. 5 23 eass & Deroe's. 5.eal eans 66. eo. NEW ADVKKT1SKMKNTS. NOW OPEN! OUR DISPLAY OF Millinery Fancy Goods! WE ARE NOW E5ABLEDT0 OFFER IX OCR line Ccmolete Stock of the i-aviat VtmUi in hji uue ana naving embraced many pportumtk piTOtjjiTOu wusw puFonase at unusual tow rates, we wm oner unese uooosnunn? ibe Couunsr Season at f YTU a ADIilV a Ta IF I a-aW iiiVr,iv . -aa a uavAUiAli a tJ rlUUbO. BLEACH I KG AND PRESSING A specialty. Also, agaots far Damoresi Patterns MESCAVES BIEVINS & POWELL, Car. lat aad Ferry 8ta , flteglater Balldiaf h ALBAV, OBECeW. SfnS DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEX THAT the enpanernsihip here'olore ei.-t-intr between Henry A. Clark an J. I Halter, nnder the Arm name of Clark" Halter, doiwir business in the c-iiyo: Al bany, as m rb:e and atone workers, is thi y di-aolved by mutual consent. Henry A. Clark assumes all debts against Ike Grin, and will continue tie business at same place. UKMfr A. t l-a"tt J. U HAL.TEli Albany. May 1, 1873. n39w4 i" at a) -I CA 8 3 I -r 0) X C3 c ss H ti s CO s3 T3"r?Qrpbtisiness you can engage in. $5to-uper 1 1 Vid 1 das made by any worker of either eev right in their own localities. Particulars and sample worth $6 (res. improve your spans tint at this cu-i- l Adiiresa aiusoii a vu., jrorUaad, Jiau. 89 1 ! ! U If il s ? f '-I I - a a Is si ca ?? i 5 - S o at G-3 a e "i e es See e e '8. NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN THAT by viitue ot decreeand order ttm.v ? aued out of the Circuit Court of the Male of OrKo,for Lin iiCouuty, Upon lhe atilhda of March, 1878, itp)n a Judgment rew.vei"d in wtid Court on t,'i '3lh liny of March, ln7i infavorof B Krenner, Hainlilf.aHdagaiii-t Alexander Moore and Am lion y Moore, de fendants, upon a suit brought In isa d Comt for lhe March lerm tuereof I8 '8, wherein wtid U. Jiroimer w I'iaimiir, and Mareiiut Moore, Alexander Mom), Anthony Moons and Charles Uojdrtougli Bre J-te!e!!daiu, for lhe aunt ofono thousand and aixtj-rive " and &7-10U dollar (SlOio.o ) V. 8. gold com and 'ho further sum of one bundled and fill y dollars (150.o0) as attorney's lees with interest at the rate of ono per cent, per mouth, in U.S. gold coin, 1 have levied upon the foilowiiig'iescribed jeal property, to-,it: Tho undivided west halt of Jon athan Keeney 'a donation land ciain, nutili ca loll No. 2. L'ie!aim-ljii..ei-liou 17'luni! snip South of ttaiige 2 We-t, bImj aii that portion of the Meitinuig' donation land claim Mdjoiiiiug u,e Jonathan Keenwc donation lanu claim in set-lion 17 in Town ship 14, South of Kange t West, tho name being the tract of lana formerly owned by Jonathan Keeney and by hiai and ti wire Mary, deeded and sold to AMhonv Moore, Albert Moore and Amant Moore, containing ao ai res in the Jonathan Keen ey's donation claim and WO acres in ilie Isaac AicfJiiuii' claim, fxeepting there from tho tnuivided one-half of the Kouiti half of the West half of said Jonathan KeeneVg donation land claim, all .if eaij land lying and being in Linn County. Oregon, aud on . Saturday, tte 25th day of May, 1878, at lhe hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the Court Hou.-e door in A I bany,laiiiiCoiiti!y,..iegoi,,l will aell Ht imb lie aueiiou to lhe liit-hi. l,i,l,i.- r... ; gold coin, cash iu hand, paid outhsy of ia!e all the right, title and interest of aaio le- letaaiita, Alexander Moore and Anthony Moore, in and to the hr.inl.r,.r.. ed real property, the pr.jceeda of said sale -i-poeu, nnsi, u tOd payment of lha tost and expenses of this tale aud the cost PV, "'.'.' B,,d he payment to af Plaintiff, th said sum of iooo 57 and tho further sum of t-loGO in accordant with said judgment, and the stirplusj, if atiy. t,. v paid over, oue-halr to the said Defendant, Mareena Moore, and Ibe other hair to said Uefeiidant, Charles UtwdnottKh. Kaled this April 19, 1876. J- R. HERREN, n37w4 ssh'ff. Unn Co., Or. DR. SPIHNEY SO. 11 KiilBSCY NTHKCr, Treat all Chronic aud special Disease. WHy MAW BE SI FFEB1A4; tKOJf TSB tn.s ol voathful foiliM .m- iiKltf -i do Will to avail themstlves of this, the gre!s boon ever laid at. the altar of scfijiiaj. buniamtr 1.L SPINNEY wUl guarantee to forfeit tx aierJ, olSemmal weakueas or private ojsea.- of any kind or cnarac.er which hd andi-iaks and fails to cure. IBBLErAtiED a E.I. Thsre are many at the aye of thirty-five to si its- wtio are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the blad- der, often aeocrm!aiei by a slht smartmror l-omi-ir seoaaton, aad a weaken of the eyem m a maim.? Ure la-.ient cannot ssjcmt for. Oa examining; tbo orinary deports a ropy sediment win ofeea be Lci.d and sometimes small partides of albumen will annc-ar or the cokT will ba of a thin najkish hue, again ehrn-' in? to a dark anj torpid appearance. There an ms-iy mat who die of this dignity ignorant of the eauMt, watch is the second stage of semiuai weakne s. La. S. will .guarantee a perfect core ia ail men caseo, and a bealtoy r.-uiration of the gntto-uriiry organs Omca Hota 10 to 4 and to 8. buntiavs from I to 11 A. a. Coasuitaaoa Lee. 'fti -.,n .h ...".-.,......- aad advice, S-s. Call and adjrejs, 13:S7-1 io. 11 Kearny St., tan Iraociaca. The Celebrated English Draft Stallion, Bis: BLACK PRIHCE! BIjACK PRIVCP. was imrnned fr in mr)a-rl to California t.v Taiir! l.n-r. ami -tiippesj to r-KOii in Keitrnary la-st and sold .to A. Iwxlin-, April 8, IS 8. Black Krmce is It, hands and s litvhes high, antl weigh l.Tati pouiids. He ia of a dark brown cotor Ml.At K PR.XCK will stand the nesem season a follow: At I e- anon, Unn ifiuii Mintl, Tu-rlar snrl WrTinerlar ff t h w. ek. At my farm S mile Sjmlh J l-tianoii tm Tliuf-day. Iriaay and Satur day of : week. TEKMS. inr e srvi e. 10 to ! pairl when strvire w rendered ; Season. s i le paid on or hs-f.a-July la. ISTS: Insur ance $30, to be rui-i as soon as the mate pr.ves in be with foal, eranice- owners, or is about lo leave h- mnti rr. All .-are st ill he taken to prevent accidents, but will not beresponsthle for any. jtsar-Call and see the horse before mak msr other arran-rements. Good pasxuntga can be had at reasonable rales. STil A. DOtGE. The Famaats Trailing ntaUiwa, Western Chief, tkc property af . Hcgelr a FaMlaad, win stand the eesmrjs; season at Albany, and esa be seen by calling upon Alex. Shannon, at the Revera House. Ti-- hief win be let to mares for threa mares f.r ift. WESTERN CHIEF is a beautiful dark uv, & years old, 16 hands hich. aud sreig&s lOO lbs. He is f (-are PathSnder stock, and although never fut in csose trainin makes fast time oa the turf, aad is pronocac. ed by celebreted home&icn as one of the best trotters in the State. PISDKiKEE: "Western Chief" is by old "Path finder he by OM Morrill he by the "Jenni-" colt ; he by "ijullrush ," he by '-Justin Morgan.1 The dam of tho "Old Merrill" horse was by thft "Farrinjrton" horse; he by '-Vaoee;" be by imports Messenger-" Pbctnix i" thtts eombiauis; the Kctraa and Messenger st.s.-k. For further particubLrs inouire at the Refers Hou?a lor ALEX MiAXSO.N. Notice. VJ OTICE is he i-eby it i ven to t he hvx payers i of SH-hool Disirict No. 5 Linn enty, Oregon, that i he liiieetors of said JWamct will f-it as a Iknrd of iijnalizaiioii for the purpose of correutiiiir any errors that nitty exist iu tiie assessmtt roll of Raid ilia- ri t, at the office of the Clerk t f the l - Irict, I.. 11. Montanye. oi Krirfay evening. May 24, IbT-1. at 7 J o'clock P. M. All complaints and aftichtviia lookinit ta aeormttioD of errors in said ruli must be in writinp and hld witht't lerk tmiir Iwfor ih hour fixed f.ir -aid tneii- g. lly order of the Hi ard of I 'Hectors. L. 11 Mi iXTaNYE, SJ4. Clerk rf .-cti"Kl Uifct. K. 5. THE 8A FK.XCISC EfUETI!, - T?u 1. r i- Cveninc and Weeklr newstnavMr w j. , rjt the Rocky alountaina, THE WEERtl KfLLETlX I a twlve-pajo journal, ant in proportion to Its sisa t ft cho.3t jaoer iu thj country. TERMS IpsMlase free), Duly. ill. Weekly, $3 per year ; parts of a year la pr vurtiou. bend postal card for spcctiuen. ED. ZEYSS. Contractor, Cuiltk-r ami ArclsilecL Albany, Ora,aa. LI. modern aiehiteeture aud building of any aud all deM-riptiotia p.oniitly ilis-n.lt-i lo. Iintn.1. plans and spes-irica- ishs diawn up on short notK, vlotiiy I ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. attdepeadeace, tres. J. B. StKAFFORU, ."BOP. HAVIVO HEFIITED THIS nOTEL in first class myle, I be. to inform he traveiinir public that I can give thetu ood actrui mi) Jai ions 18-3 1 fl C Fanes Cards, Saowthtka Daniask, ia H stjles, Aw wKkaaiM,lt)cta, iaiuCarwUa-,,Jimnm.y. Y.