ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVER'JriSKM R NTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVEBTISEMENTS. 1- ,f EC0II0IIZ11 E. SORBIN & CO. Importers and dealers lit WlLLEiXT & fITSCfl, .CARP.UCEAS3 mm CITY DRUG STORE. '. f L.X 1 0 ARD tsrtier First and r.tltwerth trrel. WlftXM AM) LIQIOIIS. ADVKRT18KM15NT8. Friday, - April 8. 1ST. dEHSSSJS1! .HKSK!!!. J 1 . 'U .UUU"J atK.OC.MTfC 1TITK CwSVESTI". A Demueralie SUM Convention to bereky sailed to meet at Portland sa Wednesday, April 10, 1S74, at It e'eieok A. M., tat the purgMee o! noinlnattnf a candi date tor Congrats, sad candidates lor the various Bute dSm to b) veted toMlhi station to be held In oat asst. The evarsntioe, will eooi.tot l0 dele gates, apportioned amour the Bounties u follows : Baker i SUIt I SiU..,.i.... ..,,.,,. Una 14 VrtMit..... T Marlon 1! Vitun...i.., 4 Multnomah. 1ft liniW A IVIk e v. sTtilemonk 1 Curry ; V Umatilla. T !ngias....i.. ...St'nton ft iTnt. . . . . $ Wkw ........... 9 darkaon s Washing! ...... 4 doamhioe .... tYaaahtU Lena number nt delegates lt ft It recommended that, unless otherwise ordsred by Mm appropriate local eowimlueea, a'ount Conventions ba hald oa Saturday, March SOth, and primary mett trer sa Belunlay, March IX. By order of the Democratic Slala Central Committee. C a. Bsuuraia, Chalnaan. M. T. Baows, Socrstary. 'From tha Balem Maraurjr.1 t keavirUe Hathlare. Thia eminent French physciaa and sur- ii at nreaent atonrtma at tha Chomeke- ta Hotel in thia city. Me ia new making a tomr of the Facifie Coast and will remain in Orerroa bat a ahort time. Having noticed frequent mention in our exchange! of thia - t i i ..... genuemaa snace ae use ma ia vur oww and ha ntx? read some statement, of liia in- veutioo, tha Spirometer, for the treatment ( throat and lung diseases, wa visited hia reams to-day and examined and tested, to a United extent, hia instrument. In our humble judgment the Doctor haa atrnok the key Bote in hia beautiful invention for the treatment ef throat and long disease. We are fully convinced that lte general ass would emrJewsly revolutionize the treat ment of these eld kindred diseases and re alt in treat eod to humanity. Dr. Mathieu baa aaaoeaafully treated a number of cases during hia shark atar ia the Capital oity, and to these persona the pablio are referred for proof of the tsnetoney ana benenotal re u!aa derived froaa bis treatment. Mr. J. O. Adkina. a vail known ciaawn of this city. haa been tuffariBg for yean past with a partial paralyaia of the ritt aide. Ilia eon itiia haa Imm areatlv betteaed bv a few dan of Mr. Matliieu a treatment, the right aide of his face aad right shoulder, in whioh there haa been a eonatant aonsatioa ef eoldnesa, aad the narrea partially para lyaad, hare become warm and reaamed tbair natnral aetioa and feeliniia. Mrs. Adkins alao. haa for rears been afiieted with catarrh in the head, which haa boast greatly relieved and aim oat entirely remedied ty a tew days of tha Doctor a treatment. A gitleman, residing ia Salem, to whom we are authorised to refer inquirers, bat who prefers that his name anali not appear in print, nas oeen snr ferinc for rears with neuralfia. was, to all appearaaoa, permanently relieved by one aiuoatioa of the Spirometer. We hear of eiher cases, but tha above are sufficient to give the publie aa idea of the efficiency of the Doctor a treatment and el nia instrument, the Spirometer. Wa hope that much good aaay remit from Doe tor Mathien'a viait to osr city, and feel Bke heartily reoomending tha afflicted to at least giro hint a trial. Dr. SoavieUe Matthiea will let his patients bare one of hia instruments for the sum of $25, aad physicians eaa buy them, with the right to practioe, for $1000. Patients ia the country can ba treated at keana by sending a deseriptioa of their ease to tha Doctor at hia effiea ia the St. Charles HoteL Portland. Dr. SoavieUe Mathieu a Kaaal Catarrh Solution is warranted to cure that terrible rh lease. A bottle of the Solution with com. paste directions for use will be sent to any address ea the receipt'ef $1X Dr. Mathien'a permanent office is at the earner ot intra aaa Morrjaon streets, 1 ort land, Oregoa. Tha Centaur LiniatenU are of two kinds. The Whits ia for the human family; the Yel low is for hum as. sheen, and other animals. Testimonials of the effects produced by these remarkable Preparation are wrapped around every bottle, and may be procured of any drug, ciat. or by mail from the Office of t he bx tack Cobfaxt, 46 Dey Street, New York City 13:Vyl B. lauae-a WaaMs riaM. Saa'I E. Young is agent for Dr. Lane's Patent Washing Fluid, the beet cleansing preparation ever made. Every family ahonld try it, aa it saves time aad expense. Call for aaatple package aad giro it a trial n33m2. araciAa, isrnm A. CAIII). Teal iWm auaVibM Tram tba arrarn aad ttlieral SUaa af jaeaa, enw aarty deogr, laaa , paaaoea, aa., l mi aeoa a raeips uat wiu cur you FEAK Of CUAROK. Tba fnat ramedy waa eo ar. ad b a alMMMrr ia South Amarioa. Send a esH-ad Si iii envelope to tba Rav. Jaaars T. lKaa. 3ita nasi u, aaaaa iinaaa, ftaw Kara uay. vuiaay ' Mclhvain A Magoon, Wbnlaaili aad retail dealers in CLOTHIHC, CRCCERIES, CRCCXERY, i a amuiar RAAwtt AKCa WACOKS. ETC, ETC., AND Agricultairal Implements Ol aU binds. FIRE INSURANCE. As-east ear tba Imperial, of London. Xortherm, o Loadaa, aad fma of Uvarsoot, baring a capital of SAMUEL E. YOUNG Whoteaale and Retail ateah-r Is Orj tSoards and Groceries, tleapers ale flowem, U'a;on, Flaw, Seed Drills, 1:1 EI3HCIST SEES SOWERS, Efe. First Su, AIUht. VlOB AI.DAM FOI VDKY! AND MACHINE SHOPS! Albany, Orrcss. 0. 0. CHERRY, Prop'r. HAVING LEASED THE ALBANY Foundry and Machine Shone. I am prepared to furnish Wrought and Cast iron worn- oi every aeacnpuon, on short notice. All orders for Mill work will be filled with diapatoh and in a satisfactory manner. frParUcalar attention paid to repeal ing AgTienltaral implements, alao. Brass eastings made to order. Albany, Or- Oct. 2d, 1877. Tl3n9yl ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. aadrpeaersice, recen J. B. KCRilTORD, - PBOP. SAVIN a REFITTED THIS HOTEL ia firat-ciaas style, I ber to inform traveling publie that I can give them good aeeonunodaUonB. ' 13-31 ALB-tsi, oiteoeu, II. SALTMAK8II has nirslti piircliHHed the City Drui; Hloro, havlnnjpurcliasod the eiitlra lntorxvst f imwiKiir to A. Carol hnra A Co. He Is now rpflolvliiR a aplitiulid new stuck, w lilcb, tdiloil to tlie rormer, reiiiiors it wry 1:0111-Uli-to In all tbo dillViront depHrlineiil. kuillnu assured that all run bo anllcit, lh In luantliv and prlisva. Mr. Saltniur-hi'or-dlitly invites bis old friends and viisioiu ers to Rlva him a call. IMIKSCHTPTIONS will reoolve iwimvll- ate aitdmreful altantlon, at nil ii'-ui 1. uuy and night. PUHK WISS AND I.HJVoIW r..r medicinal piirnonos V 1.111 i;u JOHN CONNER'S BANKINS AND EXCHANGE OFFICE ALDtW, OHl3CiO.. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. ; SUBIKtrr TO CUBCK AT 810 tlT. litem. Allowed onTimt Drpoiittla Colt IXCHAMOE ON PORTLAND, BAN FRAN CISCO, aad NKw YORK, far sale at lowest rates. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTED jas-Banking hoars, S k. a. to r. a.tfcaj Raarte H. W. CORBHTT. ItKSRT FA1LINU. " ' ' ' W. H. LAUD. CONSUMPTIVE Positively Cured AH eulrereri (mm thl 41ieue that ate autlntH to ha rora) aheuld in ar. n.taner'a t rlrbratet I en saaaaxive revrdera. Them IVwdara ara Um vulr nranntiai knows taat wilt cure Canananattea ana all diaauas of the Threat and Laaas-'owrad, aa atronr la our faith ia thatn, anil aim to eonTinoa ym Ilia IM; at wi aontput. ww "in i. .1 -. -' J uffMw. Kr uail. KMt twitL a free Trial lto . We iS no year aaonesr until jroa are perfectly aatlaflM i4 their curative uovevra. U your H(o la worth at vine, rJnt Mkj H rlvttHC thaw Pewdera a trial, thv will survlr rare rou. Prka, fnr Urva bon. SS.OO. sent to anjr part the United r-tatea or utrtaoa, Dy raati, on iaoait 01 ru. Aoilrea, SU Ac ROHEIIXS, tS:20t Ptn.Tos Stskst, BeouekTS, N. T FITS EPILEPSY, ea FALLING SICKNESS, PrrmaBratlr (atH kambws - fcr r laraillhle S It Pawwrr. T catrtneeauitaren that Uraa Dowuort wtil So all wa elatta fnrthtnn. wa will! atnd then by mail, steal swift, a free Trtal hex. Aa 1. Uoulanl ta Uie only phjanaa that haa aver made thia dieceae a ftpecial study, aad aa to our knowledse UKmands bare bem i I aan neatly ewrrw by tha uat of taeM r.aarrt, we wiiiavarearer a sx iaaa aent eure tn every eaaa, or re Pa aw yaw all snenev ep-ewrird. All twranahouM rive tha Powoera ait eerlr UvU. and be eonvtneed ot their curative powers. Prl, lor large box. Si. 00, or 4 b.,10. tor 10,oo,aent ay mall to any part 01 t.ntteti Ktatc or-uanaoa on rn- eetpt el pnee. or by ex pre, j. u. v. Aoureaa, ASU V nODBINS, 13.2m l tea Ftxros Srassr, Boosj.nt. X. Y QREAT REDUCTION! SECURE AX AQKNCT 4mI Mr IMpcrMrfii. IIOMEBTEAD f0fi SEWING 020 IMACIIIIVE- For Doitw-Uc utw. VithTabUfcndFiitures oompleU,only $20 A perfwtv tund vtvvqtuM, mr, Mrenc hki dumMe Mav-hine nriictd )er-nt avnd avWtd, from the hst nutaagsriavi w ih rmtlrCfrsssUc. precision, for nkOfrtuii Pam ilT me or m&nutecwurio purrHwea. Alwm- retvlr t ft nrvonmt's notiett to 4o tta &j'm wartt, out of or- dr, ast will sstvfawrrLrOu ith motieratt care; twr W UMWTfAtM MM T3blMaK ItfcrnV, KDOsHR anl .fanfl rannm(, liko Um wvtl-rJtpUsitwi Movement ni m flnc vavtosh ; Simpl, (Vmpmct, (JBtSeni avml RteM. viifa til Um rtsiuAb. improTtwenta to be found in the hiiriv est priced MsKhiirrM, VavirtvatsM to do the tame work, the attain wmy, and as rapid and OTftooth ae a 074 Ua ehine. A a acarKwrlir3d trirraih ol snsrrmirrui BMcrtaa toaU KkiU, eiwenUally the wtui woman friend, and far ie. edraace of all ordinary MM-hinea, fir abaolute Strength, iiiibittj arwl gnrvr&l uulnM ; win Hem, Fait, Yftok, Beam, OuUt, Hind, Braid, Cord, 4 rather, Rutfr, tihirT Plait, FoM, Hcoll'vp, Holt, Embroider, Hun up Breadth. -nth wonxlerfiU npktitj. Meat- and eaaa, aetrs the artronffeat luting etitrh eqtialiy aVrve and smooth thrmtjrh all kinda of rood, from cam brie to eeveral tfeefcn -! of brnadotoUi or leather, with Am or oaraa eotMa, Uaen. su.k or twine. Utvea Uitfaftion. Will earn Ue coat mveral time ia aiaason in the work It dse, or make a trood Hvtnir for any maa or ipoaaa who deairee to ue It that rmrpoae ; wrk to faithful and eawv the mrrluita or chiitlren can osa H without djurMir3. Pnceof Machine with Oirht table, folly equipped for family work, caMt, Cover, Scia IHtAwana a to CAaiSsrr ttubb eaoh let coarreBFpoisdimrly low ratea. Safe dli-err iruar aateed, fret from damafe. Exianatory pamphiet il lutratd with etsffntvuige ot the eeveral atT)e of Ma chine, ieraaeea, varie-y of eewinc, nmiled free. OoQJrdetsaaV-J 1 1 1 ii n wuth liberal mdueeniente to enter pnauiff lTno-mon, Teacherm, Bvteinem MrH Traveling or Local Agetita, eke., m ho defir exdnnii-e Ajwcte-, furmadMd on avpHmttn. Addroae John H. Kendall A Co., 421 Brt,Jy. N York. vlSn!7yl Taken Up. TAKEX C? BY THE ITNDERSIiiNKD liviDf ZH miles South of libation. Ldim County, uregon. tae following ue scribed stray cattle: On red anl white heifer, one ye r old. crop off right ear, swallow fork and under Dtt in me ten. One black heifer, two years old, same mark as above. One red heifer, three years old, crop off right ear, One steer, three years old, with line hralr i ti ma-lraH One black steer, two voars old, clop on tee ngiit ear, swallow lorK sua tinner on ia the left. One red cow, four years old, unmarked. One white steer, two years old, same narks as above. One blue heifer, three years old, upper half crop and under bit in both ears. t ame to my place aooui trie zran oi ie- oember, 1877. H. II. MILLER. 1 have this IStU day ol March, 18.S, ap praised tbe above described animals at fttiOO. R, M. POWKrW, 3Swl Jostice of the Ieace. ED. ZETSS. Contractor, Dnildcr and Architect. Albstsiy, Oregon. ALL tnodera architecture and building of any and all descriptions Diommlv auensled to. Drafts, plans and specifica tions drawn np on ahort notice. vl3nlyl Dissolution Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the co-partnership heretofore existing between W. H. Brnnk and Frank May, nader the firm name of Brunk & Mar. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by W. H. xsrunK, who is autnonzea to collect all de mands of said firm and will pay all de mands against the same. W. 1. HKUMt, FRANK MAY. Albany, March 12, 1878. 32w4 School Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual school meeting of School District No. 6, Linn Connty, Oregon, will be held at the Central School House in said District, on Monday the first day of April, '878, lor the purpose of electing one director for three years and one clerk for one year, said election to commence at 2 o'clock p. and to continue until 6 o'clock p. in. of said day. sly order oi taa coaru oi isireraors. J. H. BCRKHART, Clerk. 32w3 cms m tce&cco- Acenu for Jesse Moore A CD's. f. and fly WIiTnkles, olTel ftir sole r luo w lilsltli's irom ti.W tn 8.mi a eallou, boM les from till cents In H.M Klne r'reneh bntiuly irom ti.75 to tlA.W a a-allon, In Inittles from 14 da. t" Fine tlU IVrt Wlno frtttn 2.ii to H.W a gat Ion, In Imltlt'S from 8'i els. to ti.iM, Klne Blierry Wine fmm iWlri IU.M a al ln Iti kHtl.tlfa frtttn ? eta. t k-i.etl. Hollsnd Ula H.U0 a itnllor. In Uille. b-orn Tt et. to si.D", , , All kinds or wine, ituirra ami t.-iirtunia. t'lnret one dollar a intlloii or Si eta. a bottle, 1. Imii.hs in i.lnla and half tlnt Easka lor travuiers auu otuers. HAMPIjIS hooms . . aiuteliej to OUR STORE. CIGARS H TOBACCO, By the box or pniiml, cheap. Klnl Street, wear llroit rial bin, Albany A Card and Prospectus. Itttvin inMiMt M rVosj Intel, L-MHU Offlri th imr fMMo ol svitvUt.nir nowtf riuwrs t our Bt&te by all f.sitil.le meani iimv ootnman!, hor m kft Hlf ot nil letullnr ncWstrntHtn. imhllfhtxl In OrrKniti ut Wahin-f- ln Trrit.rv, f havts lo tirlormluud v taHlii m IsUhI Junval, to bo tmllttl THE OREGON AND WASHINGTON LAND REGISTER, T). nhhK nt whlfih b in ttrlnr ljutd Owiiera ntl H-hiI Kt.t AjpttiM luto cloaer cmti.uHl(limi vttli tltv thouMinU tf Immigrant) who .re anHtny In thi ritt with ft view tn th ulltnuat funiiMi oC It will ht nrinttxl m mruliu nwwwsBiHir form. etht pm;, 18 invixM. ftnd vill be domUtl f-ilely to tl. pur,.fc- whtrh it fat ttatainuimi. i no nm vuiuun m p.w-j ty Km will wtie.1 ihut th Jnh ol tVbnmt, is?, nd m nnn thermfw m th .utlttx u( tmtuti'mti'JB lcnptlao farnw ami other pmperty far mia tli no eortdrnfted to occupy m nnw m wonwi or att wiH Im ebnrtrod It at the rat 4 on dollar -oh. It to mora than famhahla that from twnt? Hvo to flfiy thuuwkl ptsnpia will bo Mt to our population rturinf tha sprinc ami wmnwr ol lTa. Noarly all immigrant wbo xma to trsr' and WashiiMrt Tr vicy land Aral nt ISyrtland, ami wilt neeiv a eiy of thin r, aa It will ba iltHrlt-vilfd fTatulKttuily. It wtU thatrWpn ba tha baat poaalhr tntatna il lni lining lamia and other wrerty lor aale to their notlro. lrriptl(n- of property lor aale may be written mil in fuH. innK characur, hstrntlna, prtea. tortmi ol aala, and all aiTJttfft of achm.1. chttrchoa, rood, ate., which will he edlwtally eiiwiJenaed to the rvttulred mtapo. and tha leltrr numbered to eomsaiwrnd with the dertpttAn, and Hied In my fvr tvlWonoa. No enarre Will DO tkae r ssaiass au ithi wiumn afrrncrthe osly roruitvd hAne an dollar hr eaoh deacriptlnt. lnarrtttl In tbe Lamb KMirrita, which mart be forwmrd! wtth the doaripthm. It may be amtt In aUrr by regiftered Wuar, e by otaJ orderat emv Hk. CoiTripojt4ah an ail aubjorta ffsnne-Hwd with the development ot au portion ot tne waw ana riwry rsMrtfuHr enlrMt.!. I keep a renar In my offlre In whh are etiterrd tha ttnu of all mrta tti tiie ute and Torritry ft Ubrer, tnerhanka, nierchanta, etc., hlh la ooen It tha free InapeaHlon ol newciitnera. Nutlco of aurh wwurtvitpeettully aullrited. All tn-ilter ii.t-ndod l-r ptiMivatioai In U v ad rtsgirtor must le written im e aula v4 the papt t i.y. and be In prior to the first ol renrttary, H7? - deecsrliHltto t4 nropertr fr wtl all! be inwrtes: iiha oritrr of utotr amv-u - ui inmitir flnt tba oijtide oajrea. Heltovina; that thia publ.cati.Hi will bo greatly t. the adtetntagv or outn otiyar ana eeiivr, i raevuuiiy en licit the pa.ron.ure oi tne pumte, Addraas ail aummunicaUfma to tne at Port lam! . Ore rn. I. H. IUB. IHrntAfr, Or , IteiNmiher 1W77. n.ltf. JUNIUS F. WHITING, HOtrSEfeSIGrH PAINTING. KALSOMINING, PAPERIIANGIN8, GRAlkING, ETC the RELATIVE KICKER BRANCHES DESIGXHG A SPECIALTY. Corner Second Mul Kllswortli filreols. For Sale. A Splendid Farm. QrkO ACRES 200 In oulUtatlon. It OtJvl is well fenced and otherwise well improved. 200 acres is tbs best of farming land. Good house, barn, and aU neceaaary improvements for an excellent modern farm. Ka whits uxd on tbe place. It is situated 1 1-2 miles west of Albany Hie great agricultural oeu'er of Oregon- For terms enquire at tbe place of vUnltf J. U UATCUHK. FRESH OYSTERS FROM Shoalwater and Taquina Bay -AT- MADY'S RESTAURANT. TlSoMf Mit4 Trvurrra Ktaklh satlrw. TltKArKKRH Officr, ) Salum, March, 15, 187S. J XTOTICE W HKUEBY GIVEN THAT tl-re are funds in tbe Treasury for tbe payment ef State Warrants of old issue. tilO, 630, 611, 637, 64 648, 619, 6nlt fW, IW, OOi, !;, WU, IMVI, 004, Wio, bW, 607, ttOB, txy. Interest will cease from thia date. A. II. BROWN, n33w3 Stat Trcauror Tke ran on a Trailing Stalltoa, Western Chief, the preprrty ef C. Ileccle ef rerllaad. will stand the ensuing- seaKon at Allranv, and rati be ecn by eallinf upon Alex. Shannon, at the Kovere Heuw. The chief vill be 1st to mare. lor three mart for etxt. WKSTF.KN THIRF Is a beautiful dark bar. 5 vean old, 16 bauds hiffh, and weigh. 1200 Ue is of 'pure finder stock, and although never )nvt in close traimruj makea last time on the tnrf, aad is pronounc ed by celebreted horaeruen as one of the best trotters in the State. For further particulars inquire at the Revere House rOT AL.E.A. SStt Administrator's Notice. XTO'nCK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT il the nndersigned has been tlnlv arc pointed administrator of the estate of Mary N. s. jkiauoon, aeceas,ea, ail persons nav inz claims ssainst said estate, are reauired to present them to the undersigned.wiik the proper vouchers, within six months from the 15th day of March, A. Ii. 1878, to the undersigned, at his residence one mile East of Albany, i.lnn county, uregon. C. II. MATTOON, n32wi Administrator, School Notice. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IH a meetineof the leeal votersof School District No. 6, Linn County, Oregon, will be held at the Central School House in maul T1intrirt. nn Mondav eveninir Asril 8. 1878, at the hour of seven and one-half o ciock p. m. 01 saia aav ior tne purpose of levying a tax to support the public schools in said District for the nest ensu ing year. Bv order of the Board of Directors. J. H. BURKHART, 32w4 Clerk. OREGON MARBLE STONE JVORKS. The undersigned are prepared to manufacture Monuments. Tomb Head-atones. Man Ilea, Table Tops. Waan Stands. Etc., Etc. All kinds ot cemetery work done in marble, free stone and granite. All work done in first class manner and at tbe lowest rates. strjTShop in Frank n ood a nulldinjf, on the corner of Second and Ellsworth streets. 133 CLARK ft HALTER. 25 Fancy Cards, Sitowflaka, Damask, ate, no 2 aHk with aame, lOcta, KaaanCardOo., Kasaa, Y Ara no. aurartaefld" a. "ouro-l!i," Imt am aivlflw In tha dlauaMa for wlticlt they ana riiuommeiaUt--ti. NATURAL SELECTION. Iiivo-Utelora of tintuml auleiu liftvo drnioiiMti-atedl beyurul ixaitrwr4v. that ttmathinit the animal klnr- dum the -urvlviU- of thii Uttrst" bt tho only law that tuuuhajaa thrift and Mir)atully, Ihuw itttt thn aairi phnuhda (fiivem the tvminu'rutat pnwt-rnHv tf tnanf An tuiotir imntiut lufHinrtHio a fnirfrtir nrtl.-li'. Py rlnc Itavo outrivaled all uthv. Thoir ttulrj In tbo lnlttrd Htoto almto iwd m iiiilllnn ilu) lara pr an num, .while the wnonnt oxji-rtfd loot up to aetontl httmlrad tltinisaiid umro. Ho Buihitwa oould nrjxr tu uch tfiifatitlo phjinjitlnm ontt rmA upon wiy vUtar tHat4 tnaa tna. vi mm it. Catarrh Remedy I plfjtantit Id mho I l l. H-tVC-l'M Catarrh Remedy IH t'arr extrn.l utcr it prrlnd or o fears. l)Jl. HACiE'H Catarrh Remedy Ita sale eoB.loltllr Ittriratt . llt. HACIi'H Catarrh Remedy Cares hj Mild, Soolkliig I.nrrl. Catarrh Remedy t'urea "raid In nrail" aad ntarrb. ar Vtrat, AN OPEN LISTTEIl it Speaks for itself. RiK-'itruRT, Maw., April 8, 1477. Ma. Knmm:t!avlntr na in yon.- paper n Mri-u of the rtmiarkable cure- af rwiarrh, 1 mi inlti-Kl to till 'what I know ahmit catarrh,- ni 1 (atr the 'Stuutr" and "Inhaling tube" tttakers fmnra d'tliar trrahliefa) woulJ ba Rlaal if they cuM tmlUaxtm a altnllar wire In the patter. Fur ymra 1 auffeird with ratarrh. The nU isaasatfi twwne mntpletrly etowx). "rtnuf , UuV' ''t-ahea," "iuliallxtf-tuhtta, and "alwk," -nralUnt wurk, thmiyh at intrra1s I wituH an Iff up the aW-mllt. catarrh muff, until 1 Umma a valuallc teaUtrlor attrh ratHlirtnea. jrntlunllT .-ruw and nn we ran know bw tniiHi I uffretl r what a mlaerable betax I w. Mr hesvtl ?hei Mr n.v m rthat I waa rotiUneil tmy bVd lr nianr um4ir ilaia. uuBium uw miav. inveuae raun, wntt ti at one ttete hvtd HntinmusJy Ir l'U houra. Alt ivt nm ll and Ut if" me, l?ht and hearirv fJmparrMl, alirunken and weakened,'Mteiu altatterrit, and eisntitiitkn bn4ri,, ajiJ hawkitiflr and ilttinf aeren-eixhtha v the time. J prared for death to ir llcve me of my anflrtiie;. A fatrahle notU-e In your mper4 lr. NurttataUtTn HcniMlv imlul me to pur eha a p-u kfcr, and una it with lr. inertM'e h'aial iNmchf, whlt-h (! tt- the rtnnedv by budnMUtle rt aiire, tha wdy vy fsmtatlhle Vrlih emniwrn wemm. t t'il, Mr. Mitnr, it did ihH cure im ht three fmirttM of a aaoitml, nor In u hour or month, but In l- ihitB eisrht muiuuw I wa rulierwi, and In three montha n tlrvly rurrl and hare tvmaiiMtd m for otbt auttei tniHitht. While uing theCalarrh He-nve-lr, 1 used Dr. IHnrce'a Gotia Mnlial llaMivery to purit my bloiid aitd atn-nathen my atma-h. I aiwi kt-pt inr liver arttvB and brtwel nnilar by the ue tf hia Plvaaait Pnivatlvo Pellvu. If m aill lndme other ufTTwi to iwok th) same mvsui of tvlittf, till leifc r ,IU hare answerrd Its piitirmw. Ydtira truly, A CLOUD OF WITNESSES. The fx41owing named prtic are amnnjr Uie thon aanila who hare bean nired tf catarrh by the tto of I Hatre'i Caurrit Retued; : A F liwtij. New Oetiera, Ia; D J Brown, fit J.Mepti Mo; E C Lewie, HttU&ml Vt; lri HpHnirvr, Kettle like, Ohio; tha NortTop, firth Chlrtlrtd, Un Milton J-mea, (w-iha, N V; J U Milltrr, Bridge Matlon, Wta: Jjt! Mfniinan, bsgmn-t-tt, Irwl: M M rV-t, Lgniort, Inil; J W naLlfv.Trem'atit, Pa; II R Arrva, Ia iVtrt, Ind ; Jt M fte-mr, H llranrh, Indi L W 1 liama, t'ajtton. Mo; U A .llmw, Oiwrya, 111 ; II B Ntrils, Jr. lialrevton, Tfi-i; Jotiaa F Kt-tiwrl. Uumhi sillc. Pa; 8 V, Mrr viand, WJ. liana, Ht-lmlrk, Ohio ; Mrs M A Currer, Trrnlnn, Term ; J O .l.-Olu. Keen. N I!; A J t jr, fahte KaH-k, V V, lunula Anlorm, t;a-anort, Ohio; t J t ha?, Klkhart, Ind; Mre Henry llattrlit, San Kramnoo. t al ; Mra M Uallticha LawrwMMtvitle N Y ; W J Oraluitn, AdiJ In; A O Hmlth, Newiinn, Cia ;fhaii E Hut Paltlitmrv, M i; Je-e M Sear, failKle. Ind ; lnn I II Miller, Ft Wftvnc Ind : Mrs Minnie Aniaie. St. IMwiy Htrret, N V ; it W If mil, llaatinga, Mich; Win F Mar-Pm. Ut!!, MnM; I W lUhem, Maritra. Aria; Otaa 11 lelaner, llurie bnrv, H:ML'-..k', hU. Mam; Mrm 1). Hmiiiii, i'wihIot, Ala; ("haa F Raw, Frrderit ktwn. Ohio ; Mra Lucy Hunter, Farmlnjton, III; tap't K J Htainlilluf, (,ainp 8toiliauih, Writ; I W Trarli, Ht?mlrat Itork, loaat Mra l.ydia Wlilie. Khutdtun, N V. J M IVek, Junction tltv, Mont; llenrr Kbe, Hanta. Cal; L 1' t'ummhtfpi, lantml. III : S K Jnea, t'harleettoli, Fotu forncm, N Y ; tieo F Hn)l, IHieMo, faj ; U m K Bar trie, H(rlmz, PA; II H t.lnm, Utri iVim Ktret t, Htle fcurjrL, la; J B Jarkman. HiinnMl'f leiot, K; llrnry Zobrit, tienera. H V ; Mia Hattle lamtt, . ery,rlilo ; L Leribrook, t'laaalhaui. Ill -.8 It JIH'i.r, ;Ji- Grt, Ohiot W W Warirer, North Jackm. Mich; MHa ary A Wtune, Darim, ti; John Zieeler, larliare Spring, la ; Jamea Thonikina, Ht t'lond, Minn t K.noch lHvr, Hawnee City. Neb ; Joe(vh T Miller, Xeriia, i hlo; S B Nirhols, tralt-osiion, T-x ; H L Ijint I (-fr Alum, 111 ; John laUn, Piwrtt, Aril ; Mrs N'atirr 0 ra iiara, i Forest tlroTo, lreim. Golden Medical D OLDEN I.IEOICAL UlSCOYERY la Allrrallvr, or Blawlflraaalng. Golden Medical Discovery la Perioral. Golden Kl OLDEN li.ED.'CAL UlSCOYERY la a raalaawiae, er llrrr HlirwKlanl. Golden Medical Discovery la Tealr. Golhen Medical Discovery JJy rtaaori ol iu AlUiratiTr I'mperUai, cares Dlnnus of . iun, w ; in- mora: I leers, or W rwrr. ; lllotcho.; Kmplm: and Biuiiinnu. oj vmua uc 111 ractoral nropartlaa, 11 curaltronchUl,Thruat,aml LunjAfJcdloiu; Indpiont rriUi. Iu C'hulaoifua propertia rrmicr It an unequal- "l ramedy lor Hillluiunaw: Ton'id Uver r "Liver Ctrninlaiitt." ui.l tr. T.mi. ...ui i 1. .... , . - - .....v pviiiminutumiuilT emcaoi.K in curing ludntutlon, Lena ol Apimtile, aud Whore the skin in tallow and covvml s-Uh blutchea i-""i, r are acnIulou iwcUitin it " ...... uuiavn Nmim L'lSOOT- ery will effect an entira cure. If you fael dull, drowny. dehihlatcd, havo sallow c.lor ot kin. or yelluwinh brown potn faoo or body, Iroqucut headache or dn ane, bad t-te In mouth, internal heat or chills alter natod with hot fluhca, low spirit and irloomy lorelmd. inp. Irregular appetite, and toni-ue coated, yon are suffering trim Toano Llvaa, or "BiLiocsniaa - In many caxsaol "l,ivsa Cosplaixt,- only part of these symptoms are exporiencwl. As a rennxly for all such casus. Dr. Pierce's Oolden Mnllcal Dlsmvery has no oqual, as it effects perfuct cures, Urinr the llverstrcrurth sued and healthy. TKE PEOPLE'S MEDICAL SERVANT. .!!'' RJr.J,,.IK', ll,ha propnotor and mantt acturar of the foroiroflijr remedicj, all of which ara ,' . ,7 dK!Tt- lie is also the Author of the Peo- .w V a.niTu nuYiser, a worit 01 nearly one thoeand liages, with two hundred and eiirhtv-two Over 100,000 Copies!! PRiaD (pnt-ialil S1.BO. Address: K. V. PlEat K, M. ., World's DiBpensary, Enffalo, N. Y. 13:29yl HEADJHISZ TF YOU WISH TO ENGAGE IK A GOOD, WELL J. established, frrowinK and paliur bujriuess, call and see E. Carter &, Co. at their DOOR. SAKH An HARROW FACTORY, in Albany, who propose to sell one-half, or the whole ot their factory property, real and personal, on very accommodating terms, to an accepted purchaser. For particulars, apply to or ad dress the proprietors on the premises. To Our Friends wha have favored us with their patronage, we return our sincere thanks. Our business will be continued as heretofore, and our efforts to give satisfaction to all who may favor us with their orders, will be unabated. We have improved our machinery, and increased the capacity of our factory, to meet tha growing; demand for atjwider scope of work, both plain and ornamental, in our thriving city and country, and are prepared to furnish the Latest Styles of Work in our line. We have connected with our former business, the manufacture of tha EXCELSIG8 COMBINED HARROW AND JXiOOXlTJSSSU, patented by Kuhn & Miller, and are prepared to furn ltth Farmers, this superior implement which Beema to be destined to rival every thine in its line ever offered to the public; we have a (rood WOOD LATHE AND AN EXPERIENCED TURNER, and are prepared to furnish good work In that line. Hoping by close attention to our business and fair dealing with our customers to merit and receive a con tinuance of the V6t liberal ttatron&ura horetanfnr v. tended to us, give us a call, and encourage home ea- I trpris. . t. CARTLB aft CO. ' Aycr's Aguo Ouro, . a is ;J 'lllil(tl,MllilaSlhMaHM-Hl ,i iln-iiH'inaWlllIBi i w FrrrFeTsr and Aria. InMrmlttstil TTr, ChlU rarer, Bsraittaut Vovsr, Uumh Amis, rerlodioal or Bilious FererL &o., snd IbJmmI all tha airsotlons whioh arise front malari ous, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. This Is a eonnonnd rantsdr, prepared with sclsntlflo skill from TSgniable Intredlaata, arhlrli rarsla falls to ears the sersrest eases ef Ctiiils asd rerar and the eeaeemltant disorders, anras s remedy Uis ceasssltlee ef the people la atsls rlom dlstrioU demand. Its great raperierttr otbt any ether medicine rstdiseereredrbrthe enrt or latermlttents Is, that It eon tains aa ut nlne or mineral, and these wife take tt are free from dancer or quinism or sbt Injurless sffaots, and are as healthr after nslnit tt as befare, H ba beea ettensirelj employad dwlng the last thirty years In the treatment or these dlstreealo disorders, and so tinrsrying has bcea Ka eoeeeas that tt has gained the reputation of bln iBfkl II bla It can, thereroie, be saely reonmmentled as a sure remedy and apeciae tor tbe Fe-rer and Avne or the West, and tha Chills and Verer of the South, It counteracts tbs mlasmatle poison In Uie blood, and frees the system from It lolls enee, so that ferer snd sgue, shakes er chills, once broken np by It, do not return until the disease is again contracted. ' The great variety of disorders which arise from the Irritation or this poison, snob, aa Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Omit, Headache, Bllaetoewa, Toothache, Rararhe, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal. pltation, Splenic Affections, Hysteric, Pain In the Ilowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derange, or the Stomach, all of which become intermit' tent or periodical, hire no tpoedler remedy than Atss's Aot'R Cdbr, which cures them all alike, and protects Uie system from future attacks. Aa a presentire, tt Is or Immense serrice la those communities where Fever snd Ague prevails, as it stays the development of the dlaeaae ir taken on Uie first approach of the premonitory symp toms. Travellers anil temporary residents ara Urns enabled to defy these disorders, end few will ever suffer If they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. For Liver Complaints, arising from torpidity, it htaa excellent remedy; it stimulates thia organ Into healthy activity, and produces many remark abl cure where other medicines fails Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., Practical and Analytical C'haanleta, LOWELL, MABB. sold BT all DBuaonrrs KvsnrwnB- MARX BAUMCART It AS JCST OPENED OUT A Wholesale Liquor Store steeps coMrTArrrr.r os Hticn THE FINEST BRANDS OP WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO & CIGARS. Tb Celebrated at. Lvnla STONEWALL WHISKEY, The finest whiskey In the State. Whiskies, French Brandies, Sherry, rorc, uarei, ana tu outer linos of wines, Gin, Ale, Beer, and Porter. Bitters of every kind, and the best brands or tobacco and l igars. sTI want everybody to understand that I have opened out a urst-clasa wholesale liquor store, where ;dtr and country deal ers ran procure iupit storks at foruana prices, wait only freight added. Kooins on the corner of Front and Ferrr otrpcts, Aiitany, uregxn. aotr. JAMES MAUYS- RESTAURANT, on Front ntfwt. In (be building rontlj TIT ALS AT ALL IIOI IIM AND BOARD BY THE DAY AND WEEK. FltESH OYSTERS Keoeived every other day by express Privato Rooms for Ladies. JAMF3 MADY, Proprietor. an2!Kl TITUS BROS. -DEALERS I- vTATC'niM. riOCKS. jrWF.IBT, SILTEK rLATFIS VTABB. AK0 nitMO.VB SPCCTACLlii, ETC., ALBAXV. CCOH. 13 5 a. a. iiiiosr. w. A. BILL. HAIGHT & HILL, Dealers tn all kinds of treab SHOPS "City Market," on First, above Ferry stroet ; " Heat Market " on First streot, abovs Broad- albin. w ILL SUPPLY TIIE BEST MEATS AT A times, and will strive to please all who patron us. The htjrheat rash prion paid for Beef, Pork, Mu ton and Veal. vlSnlOti. STAR BAKERY PROVISION STORE! C)TRAD MYEH, Prep. Coiner of First and Brpadalbia Sis., Albany. A largo stock of fresh FAMILY GROCERIES kept constantly on band. All kinds of FEHSH VK3HTABLK3 in their season. Geods Dolivered fe any Part or the City Free ef Charge. VlSl Ctf. AdmiTiistrator's Notice. YrOTICE 18 HEREET GIVEN THAT 11 tbe nndeniened was this davanooint- ed administrator of the estate of C. F. Sav age, deceased, and all claims against said estate, must be presented to the adminis trator within six months from this date at his residence at Boston Mills, Linn Count ty, Oregon. Poatofflce address, Shedd Sta tion, Linn County, Oregon. Jjatea ims Alarcn via, wis. J. B. COBKETT, 32w4 Adm'r. Comer Meeood aud rerry at,,. Albany, Ouu Are prepared to msntifaeture eeirtaires aud Wskbus at short ooUoe aud of the vers BEST HATERIAIm They ainke the PaKMtoa Cabkiaqes a si Boootss oi the Htate. REPAIRING AXO JOS WORK dune at shortest notice And In the Beet SKILLFUL MANNER. TlieJr work end material Is warranted I be first eiaaa. vlirnihi f. J A (II 129 L. i;OWAI. (sS'jcasses or a. oowas a oe.) LEBANON OREGON. DBALEH ih taUXimAsL, MERC1IANUISK Will KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL STOCK DRY GOODS! QR0CERIE8! I yVTMWVTII ! Betta atattl Shsea t All for Bale at the Lewes'. Pries for CASB erfROOUOB. All persess swing A. Oewsa A Co. eaa ssttls by ealllns ea sse at Lebanon. vrnltif. JAMBS L. COT AH. MAY & SENDERS, IlarrlstsnrK, tAmn fmutft Ogn., DBALKM III GENERAL MERCHANDISE, such as ara generally kept la a FIRST CLASS RETAIL STORE. Mat A SENDERS b lb firm, Allow us to assure you, Yn will always find at say Uiue Around their store to serve you; lf amber on article the do keep, Do tell them at small profit. Such as olothlng, stood and neat, III very thins; 70a bay wDl fit ; ATotiona, Hardware, Grocrlea, Dishes of aU varieties, 1 mbroiderles, Leoe of all kinds, R obea and even window blinds; Sam will alwars be on hand. Sanders, ditto, ditto, Ji ver bearing In our minds, Xjlrt and let lira, is our motto, Love thy neighbor like thyself. Cheat do one la our theme, JX oping to do wall for ourselves lid ver retaining our goad nam. A.nd now as Poetry b not our fort, Patrons, look upoa It tender V!t Tery one Is Invited to the store of Sam May A Senders! !1 JCia without rhyme. CONSTANTLY ON BANS METZLER'S CELEBRATED flAW-HIDE BOTTOM CHAIRS. vllnSStf. G. W. Burkhart & Go. DRAYLIEfJ. H AVISO TIIE FINEST OUTFITS IH this city we are prepared to rlo any and all kinds of hauling, day er night, and at rates aa cheap as the cheapest, air us a oall. GEO. W. BURJLUAKTlfc CO. nI5tr Stockholder's Meeting. OTICF 13 HEBEBY GIVEN THAT the Annual Meetintr of Stockholders ot 8 of Silver Hill Mining Company will be held at the office of said Company on the 8th day of April, 1878. at the hour of one o'clock, r. m of said day, in the city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon. Thia 17th day of March. 1878. JASON WHEELER, J. K. Weatherfobd, President. Secretary J3w8 ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Washington and First streets. AtBAKT, ... OREOON. J- M- FEONX, Proprietor. THE PROPRIETOR takes pleasure la In form in (r the publls in general that be has lately reiurnisnea ana renovated the bouse throua;hout,and now stands seoond to Done in tbe State. Tbe dining room is under bis im mediate supervision, and do pains will be spared to supply the table with tbe best tbe market affords. House opea all night. rree Coach Ta and From the House. v2n88tf. - BOOTS! BOOTS! C. L. SHAW. IS First Street, ALBASY, OBECOS. French Calf Boots S.00io 10.00 French Kip Boots - (9.00 Cal. Calf Boots .00 to S.00 Cal. Ufp Boots M.00 All BnV Boots are hand aldl. I saanatH a nt and warrant all nay word. ISiM Albany Bath House. THE UNMRSIQNBD W0TLD KESPXCT frlllv alafAwta. in. A All A T einitv that we has takes eharf a of this Bitabllah msnt, and, by keeping clean rooms and paying strict attention to business, expects te sait ail those who may favor us with their patronage. Having heretofore carried ea nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons. ws eipeets to give entire satisfaction to all pm vuuuiun .uu uauill' HSVT BSatlV 0QC snd shampooed. WEBBER it BINDER. Tbe National Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley a Rulofsoa fortbe beat Photographs in the United States, and UiaViaasa uiui tt, tbe best in taeworld. aiomgomaay bliet, Ban Fraaelsco CLiiTIIilllAL EXFO CITJON 182Q. AS THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Its competitors receiving on! an award for some special feature of their machines. Ike I ertaoni Willi SMttlB Sethi Miss Has Dnllmllod Cspaclly to de all kinds ef Family tawing and afsourseutring, ITS PATEXT AUTOMATIC "CUT OFT" en tbo hani nlietl prercnts tbo mo ehlne from ranttlng backwards, and obviates the necessity of toting the work from the machine U wind thread en the bobklus, which must be done with aU ether Sewing Machine, to the great announce of the operator, especially fn tucklnp, henunlBff and rutMng. It does osel2iird more work In a giren lenUi of time than any ether Scwliig maclilne. Wmi EYXUT StOTIOS of the FOOT the HACUI5E HAKES SIX STITCnES. IL'si b ti&zi tlI it u tz id hrjliju fas n 2:s, It reqnlres bo epeclal Instractlom to use It; an IBastrafcd Dlrectloa Book la famished with each machine. rr CAaaoT bet out or ordeb, add the adjostmesh ark absolcteit perfsct. ' A properly execntcd Certificate it famished with each machine, foaranteela te keep It ia repair, free ef charge, for lire years. Machines seld en easy terat ef payaeat, aad delivered, free ef charge, at uj Railroad Pepsi La tha United States where we hare ae Agents. ' ,, ttead for tUnstratwd Catalejrae. r Aeeats Wasted, For full particulars address WXLS0X SrWINO MACHUfX CO. (37 Breads-ay, TEW TOBIi IEW 0RULAJ3, LA) CHICAOO, HL-i er 8AS FEAS CISCO, CAL. J0221XJ AT THE OLD tSTAND, 72 FIRST RTRKF7T, ITAS ON HAND AS FINE AN ASSOETilENT OF COO K, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, As any boase la tbe yalley. Ho also Import a and uianafactarra Tin. SHEET lROfl MID COPPEH WARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION IN STOCK OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HE KEErS N UASD, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE I'tTBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEF X COMPETITION. CALL AT 73 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at reasonable figures. Tl3nZ5 HAWLEY, DODD & CO., rrlland, Oregon, errni fast uu at the lowtsT rawicix raUtE, a rtix un or AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, We are Sole Aieal. OF nm Whlefc enablas tha (raateat atrmirtb, eatrvme llgl.mess and dnraMtltw. 1EKRB3 la the Bole Pateatee of the Wrought ll..rk ami Welded ro, and their Flew is tha amw Plow an saade. The Plow's moaldboarrtlaud shareware hardoneal lir a Pateawd 1-i-J. eoaa PltCtLlAR TO THE UltHK ll.OSV. ' THE DEERE SULKY Cc CAfJC PLOW. Witk or without Brealing Ploir ittafbiacnt. Ttse grwatest Labor-Saviag Implements yet lnwented. Vastly Improved for Pall ef 1877 BOO SOLD 1 1ST OREQON IN ONE TEAB. Wirny Fanner interested. The Drere Sulky ta the only finale Lver;rtow nuvda. ABILT OrKSATHD. 8a constructed, that bw a allffht motion of Isrsr the flaw la raw oat of round and raised clear, by horse Instead of atari power. It la strong er aad lees complicated than any other. Bola Agents for the wall kaevrts MOl'TII BEND CIIILLKO lit OX PLOWS. BUCKEYE DRILLS A3TD BKOADCASTSEEDEKS. ithL mini MuUMafiil la tu. Too woll known t need Mumenl. Schuttler Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons, OKIST MIMA, all Stylos d lriw. I HAFFEIMDEIM BRO'S Vactor, are prepared to sell all kinds of Groceries, ProYisions, Queensware snd Glassware and everything usually kept in a first class Grocery . ' "ow"awio fiifoo. uiva us a trial ana we will ensure satisfaction. 13n26tf A CARD. AH. BELL, At PARKER. LATE OP ORE a con City, beg leave to Inform the public that they have purchased the entire stock ot drugs, medicines etc, formerly owned by R. CL Hill Son. and that they design eontinuin,: the business at the old stand, where they oroi pose to keep in the future, a full assorsment ol -.., ..iciii jjcuicinea. Toilet Ar ticles and everything usually found in a Ana .I.m Hnir Mtnr .vWb.1iiefle?ly'oHclil,,K coo tin nance ol than. 1 f he, was I nsnsanira aa .sa V. ar ... ... .u. r"8 urjlcluiun) extended lo the old houw We hope at the same time, by ..... llt.n. 11 1 il..ll.. J , . J ' . . ""-""is. careim aiuniion to tbe wants or customers to meet the esteem ftn WKW r4n.. .4. l r . . . . - . . ub-wua wiuifcaeji oraers. rartienlar attention will be gtt, to the com pounding o physicians prescriptions and faro ily receipts at ail Lours of the day or nleht. . ri A. H. Bixi. Jt Paesis, mvv.. 1W Jt. V. 1111.1, Ol POJ. Abany, Oregon, ct. 9ih. 1ST. n9tf. : a t si t n- ,n nil iaim I. 1 -JiH feRATID' EHIZB ffrtfswa .aSaafj MtAM 'a AND" . w a-aja arw w m far the Celebrateal BlOaLINETlElia FAX MILLS, s.nd r.r SpL.l cirwl.r. Vl3a5 - J. EI. BrKKIIAKT, Srol Estate sad CsoTeytsctin; 1;cb., ALBANY, OREGON. COSEa FIRST AKB BSOABAIATW STREKT3I. Farms of all sizes, improved and unim proved, in this and adjacent counties, suit able for grain raising, also timbered land and stock ranches for sale on easy terms. Also for sale a number of dwelling houses and vacant lets in this city. Parties desiring te either sell or purchase should call and learn terms and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. Persons desiring help can be provided with any number cf laborers bv leaving rdors. tlaL2tf.