ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISE ME NTS. ADVERTISES! 13 NTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. - March 1, IS7S, R tTIC STATE OMKXTJO. A l&-nH-r.ttic Convention H hrV.v Va'lM t iitoetxt JVnlnnr. on Vdi.War, April 1V 1S7S. t II oVliK-k i. m. for the purpose o nniumiti; a mmH lale for Conyr-, ittd -amli.iate for the varfcnn State uflieM to b Toted fr at the election to he held in Jane next, Tho Convention wiU eonsi of HO ticle gt, piorr:nr,M among the coMMit a fotl-wfi: ittk-v 5 lake Ittnton. . . t, Linn ........... tlacfcaim t Marion ritwp.. . . .4 Multnomah . . . . . Columbia , ..J5;Polk v,.. Too , . , . 5 TiHamotik Curry ... , .... 1 I'matilla. lVuff!a . ; 8 Cnion. . ... . Gr-mt 3 Wasro . . Jackson S Washington . - JtMBphin . Yamhill lan ...I Trul number of Hstosatce . ..II . . b It la roeoiumcndtHl that, unless otherwise ortior&d by the appropriate local committees, County Craven' ions he held on SaJtirdar, March 0th, and primary- meet infs on Saturday, Mrxch 23d. Br order f the Pemncratic State Central Coumiiltec. C. R. Bulusckr, Chairman. M. V. BoH?c, Seoretarv. LINK CO. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. A. lcmoera,.ict'onvention for Linn Comity will be held at the Court Hou.e, in Albanr, cm Wednesday, April 3, 137S, at 10 o'clock, a lit., for the Tmrpo of electing: It Pcl-e-atea to attend the Democratic Slit Convention and the nomination of a full Initiative and-Cotroty Ticket. The r-ritaarr meetings wiU be held at tho voting reacts io each Frecinct on Saturday, March Sli, and each Precinct wi'J be entitled to elect the to!! .-wring earner of ljaro : A!lny IS. Lebanon. ......... Frnmvi!Ie GiOrletna Brash Creek S;Santlam Csitter SjScio Foi Valley 1 1 Sweet Home FrantUn Butte 4:SvracU5e Haliiey BlWutsrloo Harrishn 6 Total number of delegates Br nrAoc of the Countr Central Committee. Mast. V. Bsow tiimian. ram rTic dttii r.iT rsint AT X COXCEKT. Tho Muical critic of on of the Xw York papers having: been com pelled to leave town on the ere of a concert by the Phiiharmenie Society, a confrere on the sporting depart ment kindly volunteered to take his plaee for the evening. Ills work, whtever his short cominrs in an ar tistic sense, certainly lacked nothing in originality, and we commended his style to eome of the musical crit ic. Hear him : "Time was called at exactly 8 o'clock, and about fifty bugles, fifes and fiddles entered fur the contest. The fiddles won the torn, and took the inside with the chande liers right in their eyes. The um pire, with a small club, acted as starter. Just before the start, he stoou upen a cheese box, wltn a araall luueh ceunter before him, and shook a stick at the entries to keep them down. The contestants first ocked it to Ladice Hochzfl, by Goldsmark, Op 22. They get off nearly eve., ortt of the correl fid dies geatly leading. The man with th French hor.i tried to call them back, but they settled down to a sSS'ivS r't. witk the big rn.w fld dle bringing up the rear. At th ursi tjoarter me utile blneic wh.istie broke badly an.l went into the air, it the fiddles lefi kept weil t-ther and struck tip a rattlinsr gait. At the half polo tho man with the straight hrn showeti signs of fatigue. There ws a bobtailed flutn which wrestled sadly with the sorrel btsgle at tke hair mile, but he wind htrrkeii, and wheezed. Tii galoot with the big ft bugcl k-pt calling 'whoa' ail the tim, but he seemed to keep op with the rest until the end of the i-ace. They ail came in under rthe atring ie good order, but the Judge on the che-te bx seemed to reserve his opiniaij. He fceiHed tired and the contestants went out sto find tiie iwtttie holders, smi get ready for the Ueethoven hundisip. it wm a n-ics exhibition, but a little tiresome f tlie observers. All bets .i9. win r weiix. A ?atreil fortitae may lr revived : a .tOiwked repntatin mar, after ln and par arrin; Tort. b iruide to flitter in the s'un hine iaii4eenv; ine jodolenc of yomtli b tonel for, to Dome extent, hy the f.-3rtrdiaary effort' of j.M age; J j.t -iien M!n tKOut-fctj w lot a ?w(j.v.'rs is f&e Kfor to 1m regained. She enn bettor rfiord tr jnw dimoRd hroadrat. Alndenty a i"e' wirh.-Hit irhu-b sae ceaw to he ironian iritheiit h:vh tSe lroa th power to per fwrm the noHI miioo that havpp rn to hrr. O. n-oman; 0- rt'.t throw away tim gift f laarn that W.-,i makes yost loreir, and yonr life heautifiil. Ijr crm e.iding fr th p.T for whivh d lis ijnal man and tn t oii'.r. CV-lhtd with Madtty voa Trill sea jmxr mh sctnowl edgei It w a nn.e and pion mot ber that ab&pel and moalded lit vbrr.'-ttr .if Wade Hamptm, wlioe djiring triaiDT'bcd over -earpet bftgger" in o:ttb Ciirolinii last year, aad of wham nut ouly las naliw- State Imt the entire Union lsav eanie to l. 'proad. fiiia trait woman ntver Kst lirr modesty, oerer claimed the rornm t exhibit her real worth, yet the virtnes of the etc?her ehioes vat in the brilliant .career of her ?ju. Do iit forsake modeaty hc&ron's gist to beg tte i-ijrhta of kisa for whom you were created. -mndM that you may hsva yonr rights vhiek God baa given yoa. be Kiode?t and sen will respeet, honor and loct yon. Woman's Friksti. THE 1 EtritV "Tliev-- is a't now travelir."; i American gcnttcnian n Enropp." .-siys the l,'l-ob'-Dn,iifuTf't, "trhn would lie n vain-1 able iierjnisitii'ii to either sido, in . the evp?it of troul.l - brtf:J!i Knt'lami r.d Russia." iiif'li ta.1! sum?. "if c.tna, ts iiact, remarks i!ie (' Bat cat tail slnit? :.y is nt :Ttl irrri-. Tililik of lines. n iii'iuHini in hltnrt. sharp Turkt-y and years. The Kitasia :.!. war f.r four K'.inM!sn iU-Kiiiii(i i.s f'r more snap and lt;ss. 4iiin :b,t'. Mildiers fif SAMUEL E. YOUNG W"in!-Wll still Heil Iol'- in Jry iorf tiroctrie, (Jlolliins:, Beit, Sahors, Reaper A .Ttoirtr, tlasonv, IMons, &i mKiM SEED S0WEIU5, Ik. "iTE'SMS CASH. First &U AitaBT, Friday, . CITY DRUG STORE. i'orncr Firs! anil Kllwrlk KIrecl. Al.ltltV. OKi:r It. SALTMARS11 . . ; . iI.a r'itc- Tir-iii havingjpurchased the ontiro interest t . . I t ' r dprdlinl Ci TTrt I now ltseoivinsr a splendid new stock, which, auueu in me luiiuer, rciiuiji iv irij n- plote in an we ainerem uepartuient. repting assnrea mat all can oe suitea, com in luantitv and prices. Mr. Saltmarsheor- ers to give Ultn m call. PRESCRIPTIONS will receive Immedi ate and careful attention, at all, hours, day PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal purposes vlSnlStf JOHN CONNER'S BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE ALR.IMT, ORGGOX. DEPOSITS ' RECEIVED. BUBJEGX TO CHECK AT SIGHT. (Btcrcst illowed en Time Df posits la Coin. SSCHAKSK OS PORTLAND, 8A5 FRAS C1SC0, aad NEW TORK. for al. at Uwett rate. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTED 9&anVing aonr, S i. . It r. a."V Refer to H. W. CORBBTT, HENRT FAIUSS. W. S. LADD. 1TE"W LI1TEI PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. Fr SIS FBASCISr DIIffT, Carry Id c Ik V. !. Mjuiano UBrrsa. 'WILIj dispatch STEAMERS mm XcCKACKES-s Wkarf. EVER-ST FIVE 3DATZS. Wen out dad vise passengers in the interior not to purcnase ticaets nnui iney ar rive at Pertland, and thus a rail themselves of tbe LOW EST RATES. For PASSAGE and FREIGHT, apply to j. Mccracken a co. Agents, 52 North Frent Street, Portland, Oregon. sSTff bets for Albany at TV. C. Tweedale'a Grocery Store. B9tt COIlSUhlPTIVE Positively Cured All rafferer from this diMsue that are aaxiona U be cared should try fr. KJsnrr Olrbratcel -seimptlTe Fwlftr, Thcw Powders are the only preparation kmvm that will en re tl'ftBnBiptlew and all diseases o the Tlirat anil Inn-indeed, so strong is oar feith ii them, and also to convince too that thev are no htrm sot. wo m-ill IVrward t cverr sufffTtr. by noil. jot paid, a lYr Trial Ht. We don't untrat roor.ev ontB von are irfsctly satisfivd of tbeir enrath-e powem. If ronr life i vnrth ingr. don't delay in jnnj thee Pawdrr a trla. aa thev will sorely car; you. Pnoe. tffr larre box, es.O". eit trt any irt ttf tht United ftatt or Cansfla, by m;!. on receipt A pri--. Addrcw. ASH A KOIiniAS. 1S:Joa1 4v0 rn.Tn!t Srenr. r.Eooi.TX. S. V. FITS EPILEPSY, on ' FALLING SICKNESS, Permameatly Hrrl fiamba- by ent msath'a sae eT Br. (Uealarel'a Crlrratel IntalllbteffUPawslers. To conwineetmaferersthst these no wders will do all we claim for them, wr. will I send them mail, pset paid, a ftYre Trial box. As Ir. Goulard is the only pbytviaji that has ever made this disease a cpeciai rtndr, and as to oar knowledge thonand? hare beea prraaaaeatly rairrel by the use of th-se Powdrra, we will fvaraatoc a pci naa a en I enre in every case, or rafaad yea all Bleary sFSpmdette Alt suHirers enouin gire tne towoersan eany trial, and be conrineed of their curatira powers. Pri for larre box, or 4 boxes for 810.00, sent by nail to any part of United States or Canada on re- crpt prrca, or oy express. v. v. aooto?, ASH Ac ItOIIBINK. tsSj-I S-o rrtTOK gmr.. 1. Bomn.Tt. V V. GREAT REDUCTION! fc"1KCl.BE AX AGESCT ) am Sue er iee prr week. HOMESTEAD 20 SEWINQ $20 MACHINE. For Domestic irse. With Tabic and Fixtures complete, only $20 A perfect and u-wraarsd, larva. Rtrone; and durable Machine restrexted eleytni and solid, from the beat material with mathematical pre-tMi, forenttnt Fam il ale or njiinm'rtnrius' pnrpoe. Always rnedy at a niomor.t notice to do it day work, never out of or der, and will !9t a generation with tnorlerate eare ; eay to underhand and manstre; liijht, raiooth and thrift m:w, lVe the woU-reeo fated tTtTewetTt sf a fine ;'simpia. Compact, KfflHet and Iteliahie, with s.11 the TRinablc improvements V be found in the hiirh ft prirH Ma-hir.e, warranted to do the iane work, tfc nm way, and rapid and rnwHH t a M v eliine. Aa aclinmrledsred trittTrrph nt iirentotn meban irl eitlal!T the aorkinp woman's friend, and fir in adr?uiee, of a!l ordinary Mnohines, for abluie iftrenyth, RcliabiHtvandrwH-slnefnlneiw; will Hem, Ffi, lTik, oeam, V'jiit, wnn, urawt, xro, trainer, Kafrt, Shirr, Plait. Fold, feoikp, Roll. Embroider, Run up Brearttf, fte., with wonderful rapidity, neat ness and ene. ws tbe srronsre latine; stitch equally fine an'i smooth throagh all Linda of cds, from cam bric to t-cvesrai thicliresse-s of broadcloth or leather. with - or coarse cotton, linen, lk or twine. Gives perfoct S2.UyfsUon. Will er.i its cost several times over i'i ft season in the work rt doe, or m4ce a trooe hvinjr any man or srorean who desires to se H for that t-: work so faithful and easy tbe serrsnta or ehiiiren caw row it withotit damage. Price of aiaca ine with M.-ht Utble, fully equipped for family work, fat). H am- i aE. Cover, 8iti Drawibi ajtd Cabwst Snin each .. coTrwpondingrly low rates. Safe delivery guar-ante-?.l. free from damace. Kxplanatory pamnbJeta il- Itmtred with engravings of tbe several styles of Ma chines, roteraaoea, variety of sewing, ce., mailed tree. Confidential term wiith liberal inducementB to enter- prisi&jf Clf-rgj-men, Teachera, Buoees Men, Traveling or ixcaj AjeiiM, ate, wno cesire excinnre Agency., fnrnis'tied on apniication. A!drev John H. Keadal' t Cow, 421 Broadway, Sew Vrk. ylSn7yl SUMMONS7" In (h? Circuit C'Mi-f i f th-t Connty f IAnn Stntc nf Or"f;ott. .1. Ii. Kenn, PlaintifT, Defeadant. vs. Elbe E. Venn, To Kli,a li. lnti, the almve namod le- fendant : In the same of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tne cotnpiaint ot toe aoove namea l'jainun in the above entitled Knit in the Court above named, now on file in the office of tho Clerk of said Court within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon you, if servod in Linn Connty, but if fcnrvftd in but other CVmntv in the State. then witltin twenty davs from the date of the service of this summon, or, tr served by publication, then you are required to answer said complaint within six weeks from the date of commencement cf publi cation of said summons upon you, or by tbe iirst day of tbe next regular term of said Court for Linn Connty, Oregonto-wit : tiie Slh day of October,. A. 1). 1S7S, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appearand answer said complaint as here by rccitiired, the Plaintiff will apply to the Conrt for the relief demanded in the ratm p aint which is for the dissolution of his marriage contract heretofore existing Be tween you and Plaintiff and for a divorce frt tn yon and for tho care and custody and control of tho minor children and for costs and disbursements of this action to be taxed. J. J. Whitsky A I. M. Cots ley, ' nS . AU'ys. for Plaintiff. ay riie National Oold Medal wai awarded Ui f-ratfley Kutofann for the best Photographa ia the United fclai-ea, and tne Vienna idedat tbe best in tbeworld. 428 Montgomeay titteet. Baa Fraaeiae OREGON Steamship Go. Will di!p.iteh a steamer about eery 6 days FROM PORTLAND TO SAN FRANCISCO For corfg:t, i:d and afety, latrol.ita Hie A 1, Krw jjs G W ELDER, iCa CITY OF CHESTER, Ami the HYA' Iron Kteaimhlp, " t,S0O tons burthen, 'oMm STATE OF OREGON. 'Jg SSniAUTIOS. ThU is the or.ij line "Wt t -J RUNNING NEW IRON STEAMSHIPS ThU line ia tha only one authorized To Carry tke Cnlted States Mall and Well, rarso's Bxprtas. : Through Coupon Tickets For tale at the office ot th O. C. B. B. Co. UT RBDTTOBD BATES. w . . U Mr,M.1.M anntrUl tl,M AtTrA of the Company, toot ol F and f irst atreet., Portland TlSnhtt! Agent. J E. SORBIN & CO. Importer! and dsalera in WISES AID LltltORS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO- Agent for Jess Moore CD's. B. and rty Whasklea, ofTei for sale Fine whlsklea from 12.00 to Sn.00 a gallon, botties from el cents to S1.00 . . Fine French brandv from $2.75 to a irallon, in bottles from 75 eta. to $4.50. Hue Old Port Wine from $2.00 to $I.0U a gal kia, tn boUlea from 63 eta. to $i0U, Ftna Sherry Wine from iS0 to $10.00 a gal lon, tn bottles from 75 eta. to $2-W. Holland Out $3.00 a sailor, in botles from 75 ett. to . J , Alt klnda of Wine, Bitters and Cordials. Claret one dollar a gallon or 35 eta. a bottle. Liquors in plnta and half pint Ensks tor travelers and others. SAMPLE ItOOMS attache to OUR STORE. CIGARS H TOBACCO, Br 'be box or pound, cheap. First Street, acosar Dramdalbla. -ttbany A Caxd and Prospectus. Baring opened a free Intelligence Office, for the pur pose of assisting newcomer to our State by all jvowiblo means at my command, where are kept files of sJl leading newspapers published In Oregon and Washing ton Territory, I have alao determined to cctShhh a huid journal, to be called THE OREGON AND WASHINGTON LAND REGISTER, The object of which U to bring Land Owners art! Bcal Estate Agents into closer cotnmuntcatiou with the thousands of Immigrants who are arriving in this eti v with a view to the ultimate purchase of land. It will be printed an regular newrr f rm, eight-pa 18 inchoa, and will be dented le!y to the j.nrprtsc f'' which h is estabUsbod. TVie first edition of S.oco cop ies will be issued about the- Lfrth of Kcbrnary. laTH. and as often thereafter a the icfi.x of imtngrauoa demands. Description of form and otlier property fvr 2e n in he condensed to mx-tivT liiw 70 wordiinr ie5. and will be charred fur at the rale oC one dcliar each. It ie more than ttrobable that from twenty -Ihe to fifty thousand people wiil he added to our popnlatin during tlie spring ana aummer m ran immigrants who come to th-ogon a:d Wmshington Seartyal! ritorv land firs at Portland, aird will receirc a orwy f thi paper, as it wiil be dutribnted sataitonslr. It will therefore be the het possible means of br.tijpr.- lands and other property for sale to their notice. e?cnption of property fr vale may be written r.t in foil, givitkz character, location, price, term of sa'c, and all advantaires of chx.L. churvhe, rttati eve.. which mill be rditoriaily comiened to the retjuircd tlce, and the letter numbered to correspond ith the Uaeriniwui sarwl fir4 in mv csffiae for reference. o charge be made for sales arranrrd thronjh this airenev the only fee repaired being one dollar for each tleacription inserted in the LajtD, which most be forwarded with the description. It may be sent in silver by resirterad letter, or by pttai ordcrat my risk. 'Correspondence on all subject ccr.jncrtcd with the derelopment of ail portions of the Mate anJ Tcmtcy f respectfully fmHcited. I keep st reriater in my c4e in which are entered ; the wants of all parts of tlie State and Territory fr laborer, mechanics, merchant, etc,, which is open for the free insnection of newcomer. Notice of such wants racpcctrailv sulicited. AH matter intended for plicatioVm the land regiker .M be written on one US. ot the paper on'r. and he ia prior to the (IrM of Febntary, 1S78. All descriptions ' property for sate i?lllrtn!rl in the order erf their arritV!-ths eorninr Srt on thi ottuide na?ee. Belierinr that thia pnblicattun-wni be an-eat!r t tite advantage of both bnyer and eciler. 1 resrc:n:Uy eo Ueit tbe patroaage ot the pnbtie. Addrou all eoenratiraoation u me at rv'rt!'vt. Ore ron. ft. U. S1FA8S. roartaya, (V , Dteerober 20, liTT. nunf. For Sa,le. 1 Splendid Faria.1 cyff ACRES 200 In cuhhi-tioT.. It ll II I Is well fenced and otherwise wmki impi-oved. 200 acres ia tho best of farming laUU. UWHI UUUNf) UUU( aUU Mil UCWSfSllJ improvements for an excellent modern larmi. No wjiitk U5 on the nlacc. It is sitTja.tcd 1 l-'i miles we of Albany the great agrictilttiral center of Oregon. Tor term enquire at the p!c of ALBANY BATH HOUSE! T MIX UNDKUMiiNED WOVI.U UEiil'KCT- fmlly inform tho citizens of Albany and ri- einity that ho has taken charge of this Establish ment, and, by keepwg eiean rooms ana paying striet attention to buaineee, expects t suit all those who may favor htm w.ln their patr.-.nape. Having heretofore carried on nothing tot First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, ho expects to giro entire satisfaction to all 9Childfen and Ladies' Hair neatly eat d shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER vSnSStf. FRESH OYSTERS FROM Shoalwater and Yaquina Bay AT MADYS RESTAURANT. TlSuBtf To the Working Class. Wo are now prepared to furnish all classes will) constant employment at home, ths whole of ths time, or for tlieir spare n;onLli. Business new, light and profitable. Per sons of either sex easily earn from 50 cents to f5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the busi ness. ISoys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notk win y send their address, and test tho business v make this unna railed offer; To such ss are not well satisfied we will send one dol lar to nay for the trouble of w riting:, i ull particulars, samples worth sevtfr&l dollar to commence on, and a copy of Home ami Fireside, one of the largos, and best UIus tinted Publication., all sent free by mail. Header, if you want permanent profitable work address, George Sttxsox t t'o. Portland. Maine. Millinery Goods at Cost. AFIKE OPPORTUNITY FOR GET TING millinery goods cheap Is now ottered the ladies of Albany. Mrs. Fannie Streeter has jest arrived from the East and brought with her a largo stock of goods. They ran be seen at her residence, one door east of Mrs. Russell's. She is a first class milliner and drei-maker and solicits work in her lice. n'SmS rUOl'IlIETAKV' SDI.C.INE3 Bit. CHANDLER, F.B.S.A., Lota Physician to Ct Ceorge'e anrj . Barihofc mcw i Hosp:Cotn, London, Curator to tla;.boih s, etc. Af-er iiars of the most enbortats rr ttrftrrh tmd inrrftttgatlon, anet nftrr the lra-t ictrl njlieatUin ia trcettnttynt to Aou- ..!., presfnt la tlie American pub lie the )ollowi& rttneiiej his sole dig-OOf-rf anel prer'vty, the efficacy of trftfeft ia etti'ratrd tn the rolumlnoHM quantity of 1vtimontil, 149 unsolicited vt)erlng of KU&erhtsy ttudt Hmeotragetl prtticntm, ehn have not only rrccived relief and be m-fit from 1 fit-If eonthuted use, but have bien radically e tired of ailments and chronic eompttfintut ivfticfo have been adjudged ! the .oi eminent pli&icians Jio2ctcss. EGYPTIAH . Diese-Ft?EIFIER3 EEJS33AR. , ?' Bw)iporwlre DETTntATTrE c -isiror'uf At.rJiltATIVJS, XUSJV, J3I V'.t.Tir', MA fttQRETlC, and AfEJtl. ; fnviS'hiinff virivca arftlei rendei V i'?iwM ttcver-falliuo, fnd hy It- t '..-f !n.--i 1C" trill Hioroughltf rrarii r - ;i iiiM'ncs cf tht blocd. If ingro .tii m e of n is hartttlesit txtraa roa, f.'e .i-Kf-M gnihrrtd from remote J-'wtitJr.n J'vevinrrx, and trftere tJievo is tiie slin'itest tirlr.t f ttisrata rie tern. U Mf iY-r ti rjvciinff ttittt feae .'.roi(j?i 11m wiortit!:! of the tkiu, cr e.r-,K-ffm-7 it sftroM;. tjinnj mitt rarlotia t'ii;rfj cf" the body, thereby uUewlnn fini itttlfr.'f, forrtnv rll the orfjait 4i their lirsrcr s;ori.vw?l m:J functional con dition. A. reijf brivf ennie cf time enuvinra wf t':f lent vsin? it, r.f it$ n doubtxd relt(ihAlt:r tnd xvondcrjitl eura tire jjjwpeJ-f ics, ii 'ticing, fr.o.t linfirstton rhl it, tha rer: nr.r,ia cf mctlkv.t triumphs, ami ihe ft rutt d-r.corn tj of tho pretext 0. 7r. in rAs treatment cf everjf disease v-hvro tfie VZiri'l itet!f ft-fmarffy tho vnt cf the lesltn cr foi-der, eu-cJt aa SCIS i'rj-.l ortJ the thousand and ono mure Vtnt trai tn thl terrible affiictioti, of trfrfe all eirlffjri cvmmunuUm are r-7?l.vlf, Jvr Jliblieol Z'ruU ftaj eere rd that tho ' fiins of the father ohalt visit ere:i vn!o lite third and fourth aeiim emti'im," and tJ ItllOliliX-ltotl X J.XD n.Ft:i-;:i.i:i losaxjiiTioxs it i a pmrerfut Trjuecnataff causing: the vrrih ttf ma: otter mere to tiie Vod-like trni of win3CGtl- i or t taxi.ovs MsrA.srSi tmiKr- AXri!SOI!lHS. tOXSTIPAXlON OR t OSrlt JiXl-SS, 1.IVI.R AXD KIOSEX C ' U J- . A IXT8, V l:SR ALAXItliEEV- ovs nrisiLJis; ittmi maxisht, KJ.AXMLjLH Z--X2.A BC,E?1 EMS, Efl TtlELIOXATOlS fAXCEll, ScVlirY, Afrl-LTJIIXS Ol' THE BOXES. ZXDO- 1. EXT ULCEUS, iMMALj: I O M-i-LAlXTS (and to the dentin- it it a b.Jon tenrr tOKaht for by sensitive, ousrrp. tible, and delicate females, as it tofrrs direct action pe Ifiet'r ifrarnfij A-SD Jll CIIKOXIC 11ZEASE IX tt UICll THE SLOOD IS THE SEAT O-F TIIE TSOt Jill'. siiroittowe. A omrnnnM wtffc this rrmedtf rM urore a politics and permanent cure fcr CIIILLS and t EtE&2 etui off 2IAJ.A.- ItlAL VOIHOXS. Thousands of Testimonials attest tho Iriee, One Hollar, in fa rye bottle, OT mm DHim, d, DYSPEPSIA. GASTllOy. n J CTPrtV m cafV. ftTwwrfte. and nosti tiee euro for that tnost denrrainj of ait tnentm,and a brief course of treatment tcill reetmrclthe diaeatire ortran to their pris tine etrentfth, -and prouwfe- tho healthy action of tiie stomac arm it res it ne. uno .rrror irritability r,f literary and alt vcrsona vttrni$iff a Meiientarn litem epeediltf rfmorttJ hf this agent. Tha stonuteh ie restored- to health and the Icry tiofc of the system ieilt once more respond sj thn performnne of tabor, Frier, One lollars in large bottle, or SIX VQZUCSp BBOHOHITiS AfID LUHQ AFFECTIONS. THACItEOV. A l!(?ht ro-eitT& cold tetTZ eftfttnee tad to a serious cough, which t vn cared for or badly trcatcdf riMt hare but one result it mu.ef erenfua( fit a Settled ease rRAVrifrrrfi. nv mr-hnf 4m irivte. ttim 1 tfraftt9 COXSVJtt MTSOj To ell svffcrina j rem narassmff cougi ana &prcroraiont Tit AC H EON offers a Bound, reliable, and frrmanett relief. It augment expeeto i fit ion, anA enables the patient to expel ?Qf terrilltf sptte deposit, which, if feK trifMrMt Judicious treatment, must com tnnnieate its poison to tha reticular sub. slanee cf the luna Aeaeneratinn and de- troytn7 that tnct essential of organs, and ultimate oniy trt an early emd tn- o timettf death u XKjt.vaJb.uiv nas no eanat, j tu nch less a superior, and its use will not J cnltf remove the deposit, thereby affording arect relief, but heals the mtembrano and ' leaves the patient it possession of healthy ! lung tissue. j J'rirc, Fifty Cent per tattle, or mim kettles, -Js- FILES. Hemorrhoids. riLov. Vm retun tend to trrooJnee fh Is mtn- '"J."'!" Xj ! JrJ'AiSil'l. ZiVe. t JLJ?,JZZ2?A J.'? J?'7!2!Ze tends to sirodicre i eonaesUon. of he Inrseds, torpUl action of he'liver, and numerous either aanse are the source of this eomplain49 and hitherto nothing effeatual has been presented to the syubtlc. which would rantdltt alleviate symptoms and ultimately prove an effect ive cure. In FILOJf we have remedtf which not only acts almost instantly, but will remove the largest turn ova of the parte (Files) by absorption and many who have revived not enly bencjlt, but have been radically cured, hnvo been assured (prior to using this treatment) by emi nent surgeons that the only relief they ever eoute, expect ts tc trotua 00 on an eperttion, and removing 4t or them from tae aoay vy a proeaauro wnw-n neees a trac ed tike tenife. This remedy hao been hailed with delight, and is nout prescribed by titan practising phueieian, who are cog nizant af its merits, as the only known sure enre for FILL. 8. for .SO jrrtrc, at tjiy cent per poxuajc9 or sua THE AltOTE REMEDIES Asm thoronah. ra the oratiiratiot of tho (1itfrr cnt and rarians maiadiee denominated, and are (Ao mult of patient, srarehlng, laborious, end orient. "io inrcstiaation, cznbraclnfw at period of many ttoars, in jtiumpe and America, If the specific directions are complied trith, thousands of patients trill bear wit. acss to their retatlee merits, and corrob orate everjf assertion. Where there arm manif complications of disease, and pa tients so desire, DB. CUAXIitEH eriil 00 pleased to aire all information, and treat by letter if neccssarrt. Descriptive and Earplanatort Circu lar of the above remedies sent on- receipt of stamp. If the I'liUl' J: 1 JS TA l( Y XBDlCiXEa are not on sale at tteur ! particular druggist's, tend orders to DR. CHANDLER, , 1479 Broadway, Kev-Tork City. BEAUTIFUL CHROMO FREE The Monthly Journal of Hoalth and Uonnp kcepera'MacaEfne. Devotedto &cicntiflc,lnU'l lectuftl and Instructive Information and Kant tary Science supplying a necessity lonfr need ed by every family. Also containing aplemlid continued and short Btorles, sketches, poems, wit and humor, useful knowledge, games, pus eies, fcc, drc. Combininjff Jntelllgeut and in teresting matter, relating narticularty to the duties of daily lifo and of the home circle, with valuable receipts for every housekeeper. This Journal has for its object the improve ment of morals as well as the health of society, and as such cannot fail to be considered a val uable addition to every household and an or nament to every home. Bright, Cheerful, Eat nest and Progressive, it is n the Bide of Tem perance, Christian Morality and all true re forms. Whatever Is hurtful to (Society it con demns without fear or favor, and makes itself felt In the community as a power for good. Handsomely printed, profusely illustrated, emphatically a paper for everybody, and gives more for the mouey than any other. W anil ELGGAM CltltOMO SEXTED FRKK PUE- t ennh subscriber, which Is of Itvolf worth double tho amount of subscription. Tte r?iee I ouly 91, 00 a year, postpaid. Agents, male or female, can in kc more mnevgettingsubseri(tionfl fortius paper than anything elfe. Lnrjje cash commissions al lowed and exclusive territory given. Agents will save time and secure territory by mending $1.0", for which we vill forward prepaid complete outfit, Certillcatftof Agency, Ac, fcc Address RKAT.TII PUBLISHING CO., o. CDii Wovonth Ave.. New York City. VQll3n33tf "s. CilARLES HOTEL, Corner Washington and First streets. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. I- H- FEONK, Proprietor. qiDE PROPRIETOR Ukes pleasure in l.n-' X forming the public la general that be has lklely refurnished and renovated the house throughout, and now stands second to none in tho btate. The dining room is under his Im mediate supervision, and no pains will be spared to supply the table with tbe best the market affords. House open all night. Free Coach To and From tho Boose, vWn&iir. Ayer's Sarsaparilla r For Scrofula, and all .5 v, rorofulous diseases. Erysi pelas, Rose, or St. Antho ny's l ire. Eruptions and Lruptive diseases of the Bl iu, Ulcerations of the I-iver, Stomach, Kidneys, Lungs, Pimples, Pustules, 'slloils, Blotches, Tumors, i Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head. Rinorxrnrm TTIoor. Sores, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in tho Bones, Side and Head, Female Weakness, Sterility, Leucorrhoea, ariaing from internal ulceration, and" Uterine disease, Syphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, General Debility, and for Purifying the Blood. This Sarsaparilla is a combination of vegetable alteratives Stillingia, Man drake, Yellow Dock with the iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the most efficacious medicine yet known for tho diseases it is intended to cure. Its ingredients are so skilfully com bined, that the full alterative effect of each is assured, a.l while it is so mild as to be harmless even to children, it is still so effectual as to purge out from the system those impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome disease. The reputation it enjoys is derived from its cures, and the confidence which prominent phrsicians all over the coun try repose in it, prove their experience of its usefulness. Certificates attesting its virtues have accumulated, and are constantly being received, and as many of these cases are publicly known, they furnish convincing evidence of the superiority of this Sar saparilla over every other alterative medicine. So generally is its superi ority to any other medicine known, that we need do no more than to assure the public that the best qualities it has ever possessed are strictly maintained. PItEl"AnET BT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., I raettcal and Analytical chemists. sold nr all cnucciSTS EVEsrwiisanv F. M. REDFIELD, Sueacisor to W. C. Tweodale. DEALER IS Family Groceries and Provisions. Kcsps a fu!l assortment of Wood. Willow, CroeVery, Glass snd Earthen Ware, Tobareo, Hears, Pipes, Confectionery, Notions AND A CEXEBAL TABIETV I STOKE. 3":oorts 'salrl at the lowest living rates. laxn paid rer t rean Butter ana l-U) fro. S3 Flrtt Street, Sooth Side, Albany, Oregon. j. d. Ti-rt s- . j. b. Trrus. TITUS BROS, DEALERS IX WATCHES, ; CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER & PLATED WARE, -AND DIAMOND SPECTACLES! ALSO Machine Keedlen or all kinds. Repairing a Specialty. ALL .OOU4 SOLB A.D St OBJl ItOSE WIS- BEXTED. MARX BAUMGART DAS JUST OPEItEB OCT A Wholesale Lienor Store COSSTASTLT OS H 1WD TIIE FINEST BRANDS OF WIXES, LIQUORS, T0B.UT0 & CIGARS. The Celebrated St. I .on Is STONEWALL WHISKEY, The fln.t whiskey in the Stat. Whiskies, French Brandies, Sherry, t ol t, uaret, ana all otoer Kinds of wines, Uin, Ale, Beer, and Toiler. Bitters of every kind, and tho best brands ot tobacco ana t igars. r?r-T wnnt .vprvlmd v to understand that I have opened out a first-class wholesale liquor store, where city ana country deal ers can procure their stocks at Portland prices, with only freight added, ltoouas on the corner of Front and Ferry streets, Alliany, Oregon. ssu. JAMES MADYS- RESTAURANT, on Front street, In the bnilding . recently octmpiea oy ir uster. .HEALS 'AT AliJL HOURS AND BOARD BY THE DAY AN3 WEEK. FHESII OYSTEBS Keceirel every other day by express Private Booms for Ladies. JAMFS MADY, Proprietor. ausiffld THUE PARKE RGUHtf- SEND STAMP FORCIRCUtAa PARKER BRtfS WEST h4RIDEN.CT. Final Settlement. "VJOTICE is hereby given that the under jl signed, Administrator of the estate cf L. C. Burkhart, decet-sed, has filed his ac count lor the final settlement in above named estate in the County Court for Linn County ,tato of Oregon, and Alonday, the 11th day of March, l&TS, at the hourof ten o'clock in tho forenoon of said day, has been set for the hearinjr of objections and the settlement of said estate. Dated this Feb.Oth, 1878. II. D. BUEKnART, n27w4 Adm'r. WIXIJBIIT & IttSCIJ, MANUFACTURE R Corner fteeood and Ferry Sta., Albany, Ojta Are proparod to msnofaeture carriages and wagons i s soon notiee and of the very BEST MATERIAL. Thov make tho Pnnvrtrat niaation a wr Buoetas of the State. REPAIRIKG m JOS WORK dons at shortest notice and tn tho meat SKILLFUL MANNER. Their wot It and matMial anrtrH tn k first Ola. 10n38tr JANES COW Aft. (strocusoa or a. oowab a oo.) LEBANON OREGON DEALER 15 GEXEIIAL 91ERCII ANDISB WILL KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL STOCK DBY GOODS ! GROCERIES ! Boots stud Shoes t All for Sale at ths Lowerl prices for CASH or FR0DUCK. All sersoas ovier A. Coiraa A Co. eaa settle By call or ob mo at LoBaaon. TTDZttf. Jiats t.turj. MAY tL SENDERS, flarrisbarx, Uai eonaty, Ofu. BXALBBS GENERAL MERCHANDISE, such as are gen. rally kept ia a FIRST CUSS RETAIL STOKE. IMaT A SENDEH3 b the firm, A.llow us to assure you. You will always find at aay am At round their store to awrra you; IV umber on arUclea they do keep, U o ellthem at email profit. Suah aa clothing, aood and noet, livery thing yon boy will fit; Amotions, Hardware, Grocriea, ) Ishes of all varieties, fa1 mbrolderiea, laces of all klnda, Jobes aad even window blinds; Sam wfll alwara bo oa hand. Senders, ditto,' ditto, .Ever bearing in oar mlnda, ve and let live, Is our motto, Xove thy neighbor Uke thyself Cjheat do one ia our theme, oping to do well for ourselvet 111 rer retaining our gosd name). And now aa Poetry is not our fort. Jatrona, look npoa it tender very ena is invited to tbe stnra of Sam May A Senders ! 1 1 Ti. without a rhyme. CONSTANTLY Off CANS METZLHR'S CELEBRATED RAW-HIDE BOTTOM CHAIRS. vlla2Btf. c. a. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRil GGIST, 123 First street, Albany, Oregon Buying from first bands, offers for sale at Bottom prices a large ana compute StOCK Of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINE3, SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES, ETC., ETC, ETC., ALSO AYERILL CHEMICAL PAINT, WHITE LEAD, BOILED AND RAW LIN SEED OIL, CASTOR, NEATSFCOT, LARD AND COAL OILS, PAINTER'S BRUSHES AND STOCK, WINDOW CLASS, ARTISTS MATERIALS, TUBE PAINTS, SULPHUR FCR SHEEP, BLUE STONE, ETC., ETC., ETC., In quantities to suit and at the lowest prices obtainable. - Please compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. n20m3 Oh W, Biirjdiart & Co. DRAYMEN. HAVING THE FINEST OUTFITS IN this city we are pre oared to rtc anv aud all kinds of hauling, day or night, and at rates aa cheap as the cheapest. Give ns a call. GEO. W. BURKHART ft CO. nl6tf ,F "' ' """" ' ' '' "" . " ' AS THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Its competitors receiving on! an award for some special feature of their machines. The f orfrwi Willi Mb. Seiiii lasliliis : Has Ontlmlted Capacity to do all kinds of Family Sewing aad K&ncfactarlag, ITS PATENT AUTOMATIC "CUT OR?" en tie hand wheel prevents fie ma chine from running backwards, and obviates the necessity of taking the work from the machine to wind thread on the bobbins, irhkli most be done with all other Sewing Haelilnes, to the great annoyance of the operator, especially ia tucking, Lemming and ruffling;. It does one-third more work In a girea length -of time than any other Sewing macliine. Trmi CITE! KOHON of the FOOT the HACHT5E HASES SEC STITCHES. tbi Zimzz till 1 u Ba4 is. ia 111 h a tin tiii? V It requires no special instructions to use it j an Illustrated Direction Book fa furnished with each machine. IT CABhOT GET OUT OF ORDER, hED THE ADJ0STMEBTS ARE ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. . A properlj executed Certificate is furnished with each machine, guaranteeing ta keep it in repair, free of charge, for five years. HaeMnes Bold ta easy terms ef pay Kent, and delivered, free ef charge, at aay Eailrad Depot ia the United States where we have bo Agents. . ' Send fcr TJlastratod Catalogue. - Agcats Waatoa. Por full particular aiddrea. . wzlsok hac mans co. 637 Bnoiviy, KEW TOSKj KEW 0ELEAS3, IX) CHICAGO, OL er EAJ rEiSCIBOO, CAt. AT THE OLD STAND, 72 FIRST STREET, HAS ON HAND AS FINE ATX ASSORTMENT OF COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES A.N1) RANGES, As anj heose lis tbe valley. He also imports and tssantifaetarrs Till, SHEET inon AF1D COPPER V1MIZ OF EVERT DESCRIPTION IN STOCK OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HE KEEPS OS HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFT COMPETITION CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at reasonable figures. vlSir25 HAWLEY, DODD & CO., Portland, Oregon. FFEBS FOB SALE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FKfCE, A FCLL USr Of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEHEIITS, TTe are Sole Agentm tar tbe Celebrate OF Whlea eonabiBO tho Jfreateat strength, extreme llchtneaa and durability. DESRS Is tho Sola Patentee of tho W rowjrlit Block and tVeldoel Frop, and their Flew is the ony Phase oo made. 1 ho Plow. monldboardSandl alaarearo haretexieMt by m Patcaea Pro eon PtClLlAR TO THE DEfcKE PLOW. THE DEERE SULKY GARIC.-PLOW.. ITitli tr Ysithut Ereakisa; Plow itlatbmfBt. IXS- 33 x 'f" Tins BToateat Labo tearing Implement, jet invontod. VaUy Improved for Fall; of 17T BOO SOLD I3ST OREGON IW OUE TEJAE. Ktott Parmer lnteroateel. The Deer. Sny la the only S.ste "."fww eOPK?0. Jara uraim wi eroooa ana mwu t.n. , or and loss ce in plicated tha. any other. BUCKEYE DRILLS JLND Tho most" aneoosaf ul la oa. Too Schuttler Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons, FARM OKIST IHLLa, all Style, aad Price. 17 HAFFEFJDEiU BRO'S Having purchased the Vactor, are prepared to sell all kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Queensware m Glassware and everything usually kept in a first class Grocery Store, at reasonable prices. Give us a trial and we will ensure satisfaction. vl3&6tf A CARD. H. T1F.LL PARKER, IJ4.TB OF ORE- con City, bee leave to Inform the ntUi. that they have purchased tho ontiro stook ol druea, medicines etc., formerly owned by R. C. Hill A Son, and that they design continuing the business at the old stand, where they ortv pooe to keep In the future, a full assortment ol Drues. Chemicals. Patent Medicine. Tniit aK tides and everything usually found in a firts class drnr store. While earnestly sollcltinr a eontinnanco ol tho liberal patron ape heretofore extended to tho OLD house. "We hope at the same time, bj fair and liberal dealing, and earetul attention to tho wants of customers to meet the esteem of aay kbw friends who may taor us with the! orders. Particular attention wilt be f1?t, to the com noundinff o. Dhvaiciana oret ntifWH anil t' ... iiy receipts at all Loursof the day or nljrht. A. aa. OX rABKES, Buoeeaoora to K. o. Hn . jli Abany.Oreson, ecu Sth. 1874. nti. fSHAIlD PHIZE 'r 1 o AND CEHTEHHIAL EXPOSITION 1620. ; MOMNE.IIiIi, ." ....... - - Sole Amenta for the weH a BEOADCAST SEEDEES. well known to need .ommoni. FAX HILLS. Send Cor Special ChresUaM. 8T0CG Q entire stock of Wm. Van C O O ftCaat be made by every Bften O y i every month in the business w furnish, but those willing to work can eas ily a dozen dollars a day richt in their owa localities. Have no room to explain bnra. Business pleasant and honorable. Wo men, and boys, and girls do aa well as men We will furnish yoa a complete Outfit free). The business pays better than any tiling else. We will bear expense of starting you. Particulars free. Write and see. Farmers and mechanics, their sons and daughters, and all classes in need of paying work at home, should write to as aad learn all about tbe work at once. Now Js the time. Don't delay. Address Trcb A oo.. Ao(tu tat. Main. " . 25 Fancy Cards, antwrflaka, Damask, ., bo S aUko who. same, 10 es, SaMtmCardi4v,Kaeaaa, N. T