The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 15, 1878, Image 2

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Friday, ..... Feb, 15, 1S7.
A Democratic Sot Convention b hereby eftlkl to
ssot it Portland on Wednesday, April 19, lSTft 1J
'clock A. X., fur th purpose of nominating a candi
dal for Conjrrai, Mid candidate tor the various Stat
office to bj voted for at th election to ba hold In
Juntnnt. Th Convention will consist of. HO dele
rat, pporttood among th counties aa foil jv, :
B-.ker e ,. s
Benton , (I Mnn 14
Clackamas T Marion 1;
Osteon. Multnomah IS
Columbia J pvik
Ooo , o.Tlllamook 1
Curry , 1 Umatilla..., T
roulM BVnion 6
Orant g Waaro ,
Jv-kann... t Washington 4
iooenhine I-YamhilT T
Lane -. ,.a
Total number or delegate! 149
It ta recommended that, union otherwlM ordered by
tha appropriate local committee, County Convontlotw
ba held oa Saturday, March 80th, and nrimary meet
In oa Saturday, March SSd.
By order ol tha Pemorrsllc State Central Commute.
C. B. BKLinraaa, chairman.
at. V. Baows, Secretary.
A Democratic feonrentlon for Linn County UI be
held at tbe Court Hoow. In Albany, on
Wednesday, April 3. 17&9
at 10 o'clock, a m.. for the purftv of ek'rti 14 lcl
eejMoa to attend the Pemxratic State Convr ...on and
tt nomination of a fn.'I LeIative aivc ".'.v Ticket.
Th prinwT mwtinjrs trill be heM at tbe Toting
places In each. Precinct on Saturday, Wari'- SOth, a: id
each Precinct will bo entitled to elect t'.ve following
number of iwogates
Albany is
Brown title g
llruh Creek . . , 3
Canter J
Fox Valley 2
Franklin Butte. ........ 4
: Lebanon. . . , f,
Orleans. J
SanUem 4
sweet Home 3
Halsey y
Ilarrohunr 6
Sracum 3
Waterloo ..... 3
Total number of delegate (9
By order ol tha County Central Committed.
Mart. V. Browse
T04103R0W NIGHT.
Democrats !
-Republicans !
Grenbckers !
Labor Reformers !
Anti-Chinamen !
Everybody !
Come out to the Albany lemoeratic
Club meeting at the Court- House to
morrow night.
Able speakers have been secured for
the occasion, and the living issues of
the day will be jresented in a manner
which cannot fail to interest and en
lighten the audience.
Don't fail to ceme out.
Our non-resident woman suffrage
menus aian i uave a very warm recep
tion upon their arrival here the other
day, the local committee having failed
to either meet them at the depot
or clean aud warm up the court room
for their meetings. But our ev
obliging Sheriff and his Depuiy, with
their usual quiek discernment, " took
the bull by the horns" (metaphorically
speaking"), lit up and warmed the meet
ing room, put things in order and caused
the ladies to feel a warmer throb of ad
niration for the sterner Democratic sex
han has permeated their bosoms hcrc
jtefore. We don't go the ' bottom remonitized
coin of our daddies on this suffrage
jnovement, but we da like to see every
body treated well that comes among us
4or legitimate purposes, and we there
fore think it a shamo that our home
suffrage didn't look to this thing, and
give their guests from abroad the proper
reception and hospitalities necessary to
make a good impression in favor of our
eity. The Pew-Jay and other organi
sations feel justly aggrieved at this in
excusable neglect. j
The question is asked us why Ed
munds pays so much more attention to
rganizing his Clubs in Linn than in
Marion county I The reas n is obvieus.
Being in the interest of the Mitchell
Ralicals the n jvement is not designed
for Republican counties, bui is intended
to divide and distract thvotera in
Demuoratic strongholds. Linn and oth
er Democratic counties are the natural
points of attack.
D. P. Thompson is the coming Radi
cal sacrifice for Governor. If the Bads
aomiuate him they have got t quit
asking waronthe Democrats for the pas
sage of the Oregon City csr?.l bill, for
Dave is the Kgsst T.c.;'" r:id Dam
swindle in the who's ci::Jr. He was
the strongest lobbyist for the bill, and
was one of the members of the company j
which built the locks.
It is rumored thft a wedding between
the Radicals and vireenbackers f Linn
is contemplated for the coming cam
paign, and that they will divide the
county nominations. We can scarcely
credit this report, as any one of sense
knows the alliance would be so unnat
ural as to disgust the more decent vo
ters of both parties.
a me oat .
The C-ty C-juiicil last Tuesday night
awarde I ns the city printing for. the
current year, so that now the Democrat
is th. official paper for the State of Ore
gon, for Linn ceunty and for the city of
Albany. How's that for a big organ
Pshaw ! Van, give us something hard
to do !
. Oca Oregon Senators were "splii rip"
on the Matthews silver resolution. Gro
wer voted for it and Mitchell against.
Which is the friend of the people, and
rhich of the bondholders !
It ia searer-ly i accordance with the
facts for this Jreenback-tbnr ninve-
vertt to claim that it possesses within its
ranks all the working men or the sym
pathizers with laber. The Democratic
party lias always been composed of the
working classes, and in its integral parts
is the woikingmen's party. The Dem
ocratic leaders sprang from the Colds
and workshops, and more fully realize
the wants and neceities of the laborers
than those of any other party can possi
bly da The Democratic party, having
for its primary object the welfam of the
community, fully realizes that this can
only be secured by promoting the inter
est and securing Uie welfare of a class
that not only will work, but has the
knowledge and judgment to make laws,
select rulers and to live under the re
straints of government." Our laborer
are our rulers as well as our servants ;
they are sovereigns as well as citizens.
This is what a Democ ratio Government
means "the government of the people
by the people." And the great army of
worfcmgmen are a part ef this govern
ment that portion which aro to en
force the law which they thcmsulres
must obey. They cannot be treated as
a class sepatate and apart from our to
cial snd political life ; they are a part
of our system.
Neither does the Democratic party
denounce or cry down this lrtbor agita
tion, for out of it wo esf ect good te
come. When it is found that labor can
think, capital will bo compelled to think.
When labor begins to act, capital will
in self-defense be compelled to act
aright; and the Democratic party,
through its now compact and powerful
organization, is daily driving capital to
mora conservative grounds.
Let the laboring men stay with the
party which alone can and will protect
them, and their muck coveted "Golden
Age" will sooner appear than by the
operations of these separate movements,
which can only distract and divide the
friends of labor and unite their enemies.; is otriiK.
Edmunds, in his ravings at the Court
House last week, talked as though there
were no workingnien save in the Green
back movement, while from our slaad-
point, judging by the few whom we o
ticed figuring most conspicuously at
their Albany pow-ww, not one of the
number is a working man.
Ha talked as if the present Demo
cratic officials of Linn county, as well
as all their predecessors, had been pro
fessional men and political wire-pullers
all their lives, when the fact of the case
is the very reverse. The Lina Democ
racy have never within our knowledge
elected btit one professional man (the
late Hon. Geo. R. IMm) to a county
office. Save that one instaace every
office in Linn county has for the past
twelve years been filled by either farm
ers, mechanics or working men of some
line of labor, and every officer has
proven himself faithful, competent, aud
entirely trustworthy.
ill it be so if such mendacious
mountebanks as Edmunds should get
into power I We earnestly trust, for
the good of all concerned, that the peo
ple of Linn will not undertake the dan
gerous experiment of such a change I
Madam Duaiway made a lengthy
speech at the Court House on Wednes
day evening. As she warmed up with
her subject she warmed up some of the
male race of bipeds you. bet 1 As she
arose to her majestic hight and hurled
her fiery darts of oratorical denuncia
tion at those who refused her the right
to be as a man, she seemed indeed to be
"NubW planned,
Te warn, to eo-undt ATd command."'
Friends ! Romans ! Gmcgcrs ! Pow
Jays ! If you don't pretty soon let
these longing, hungry, fEjkhing crea
tures taste the sweet waters of the po
litical Pool of Siloam and bathe their
wearied limbs in its limpid waves, then
h ail Golumpus pops !
We have said !
The Greenback craze is petering out
m i?snton. A great blow was made
abj:;t the projected Greenback meeting
at .Soap Creek school house last Satur
day, but only two of the G. B.'s put in
an appearanc?, and they manifested
their disgust at the fizzle by unanimous
ly agreeing to disper? e themselves nine
die. S'cat
count tsvr.R.
Several persons who have heretofore
been Republicans signed the roll of the
Albany Democratic Club, having be
come thoroughly convinced that the
good old party is the one to pull the
party through these perilous times.
We tender them a cordial and hearty
welcome to our ranks.
We regret to learn that an old school
mate and friend of the editor of this
paper, Hon. H. C. Lcighton, of the
Oskaloosa (Iowa) Herald, is lying very
low in sickness, with but faint hopes of
his recovery. He is one of the rising,
able young men of Iowa, and his death
would be an irreparable calamity to his
State. '
We have a Republican immigrant in
town who came out here a few week
ago to take up a section of land under
the donation act. He can't find it close
to Albany, is disgusted, and threatens
to join the Greenback movement and
go further west.
A I1IIVB comes rexitEXT.
A Salem eorrespondeus of the Baora
tnenta Union, in disoussing the political
situation in Oregon, slashes arennd
miscellaneously among the parties and
politicians of our BCate, In speaking
of the Greenback movement he alludes
to Edmunds as "an inspired idiot whae
very countenance is suggestive of stu
pidity and dog-en-edness, and who goes
about delivering long-winded speeches,
in which riches are . denounced and
"greenbacks 'for the masses" made at
tractive, or at least he holds th atten
tion of those few miserables who think
that ' all work and no greenbacks makes
Jack a dull boy.' These hallucinated
creature are enthused with the idea
that greenback can be made so plenti
ful that even they will be able te pack
a parcel of thorn around, though how
they will ever get them, much less be
able to keep them, they have never
stopped to inquire."
In referring to Mitchell's schemes for
re-election to the Senate, the Chion cor
respondent says the much-married Sen
ator is having an up-hill business of it.
Among his opponents in his own party
"the Oregonian leads the onslaught
against the Senator. It is the opening
of the Spring campaign among the Re
publican factions. Senator Mitchell is
making a desperate effort to re-elect
himself, and this bill of hi (the P., D.
ifc S. L. B R. kill) is a bid fer support
from Eastern Oregon. The battle is al
ready joined, and the issue decides the
fate ef the Republican party in Oregon,
for if there is a Mitchell and anti
Mitchell war within the Republican
ranks, it is more than probable that the
Democrats will carry the Legislature by
default, and then w shall have the sec
ond instance where the introduction of
Mr. Mitchell's name into the canvass
has wrought ruin to the party. It is
freely charged that Mitebell is iu the
interest of the great railroad kings,
and that his heart u uo( much inter
ested in the success of the Northern
Pacific road. With this state of things
existing the election of Senator Mitchell
will be difficult to accomplish, but, then
he has wonderful perseverence and or
ganizing powers."
The ollowing is the full text of the
Matthews joint resolution which was
passed in tho Senate, January 26, by
a veto cf 42 yeas against 20 says, and
in the House on the 29th by a vote of
189 to 70:
Whereat, hr the act entitled "An art to utrenrhtaa
ute punnc emitt," approved Harm is, im, it vaa
pro Tided and declared that the faith ol the United
Statee wee thereby eolenmly pledged u, the payment,
in coin or ita equivalent, of ell the tnterest-bearuur
obligation of th I'nited State, 3teept in caee where
the law autboriaing the laeue of eueh obiiraUon had
expeaaaiy nrovmea uai uie earn Burnt be paid in
lawful money r ether currency than gold and ailrer:
When, all the bond of th Vnlted State author-
tied to he itmed by the act entitled "An act to author
iae the rcfuodinr oi the national debt." approved Julr
14. 170. by the terms of eaid act were declared to be
reueemabte tn cotn of the then raiu. bearing
Whervea all bondt of the United State authorised
to b Ueued under the act entitled "An act to provide
for th reeuntntioB of niect navmenta." approved
uiierrei imraote cemi -annual it in eucn coin : ana
January i. is.3, are required to oe 01 via aeaenption
of bond of the United State described In th eaid
act of Oonirrea approved July 14. 1870. enUtled "An
act to authons the refunding of th national debt;'
Where, at the data of the naaee of M act d
Conrrea laat aforesaid, to-wlt, the 14th dav of iulv,
1ST0, the coin of the United State of standard value
of that date included silver dollar ef th weight of
412J rrm each, declared by th art approved Jan
uary 18, 1S37, enUUed "An art euppiementaiT to the
act entitled 'An act entaftliehing a mint anal regulntinir
toeeoinaoi we inllea stte,'T' tone a HV1 tender
payment, acrordlna- tn their nominal value. fir anv
sins wmuever ; uiererore.
tire, eoticwrnn fAercn.) That all the bonds .if the
United States issued, or authorised to be itemed- under
juaNcen cm Sflaare, ( Hmm of Ramttnta
uie eara act of font it hereinbefore recited are pay
able, principal and interest, at the option of the Our-
eminent of th United State, in silver dollars, of
the eouuur of the Imted State, containing am
grain eactt of Mandard nivar; and that to restore to
it coiner such .liver colas a HHral tender in nav.
sent of eaid bond, niacinal and interval. Is not in
violation of the nubUe faith, nor tn demvnlinai o th.
right of th public creditor.
Now that this resolution bas passed
both houses of Congress, it stands on
record that Congress has declared United
States bonds payable in silver. As this
was a concurrent resolution, it does not
need the President's signature to stand
as the expressed opinion of both houses,
As this resolution was supported
mainly by Democrats and opposed by
Republicans, it stands as a Democratic
measure, and therefore shows the sense
of that party on this most important
Will Greeabackers now assert that
the Democratic puaty Lj jn favor of pay
ing the bonds only in gold?
, dt crt
The Orcjonian is still harpimr about
"the tcredness of our public credit."
Of all the cant that was ever uttered
by canting hypocrites, since the first
crocodile tears were shed on the face ofJ
the earth, that which we hear from the
gold worshippers about- "repudiatina
our obligations and dishonoring the na
tional name" by restoring the old coin
age, is the most hypocritical and thinly
The South Carolina, House of Rep
resentatives has passed a bill providing
capital punishment for the crimes of
burglary, arson and rape, with a pro
viso that juries may recommend the
prisoners to mercy under eertain cir
cumstances, in which event the punish
ment shall be imprisonment for life. It
is noteworthy that this measure passed
by a strict party vote, the white and
colored Republicans having fought it
strenuously for two days.
Tho Eugene Guard, in discussing the
future punishment question, frantically
cries out, "Give us Hell !"
Dear brethren, do you want it to last
only during this campaign, or forever
after t
The Philadelphia Times says that
James B. Groome, the choice of the
Democratic caucus for Senator, is a
young man of really excellent ability
and decided personal worth, and one
who will not be controlled by the Bal
timore ring.
Brownsvillk, Oreuost, 1
Feb. 11. 1878. f
Alitor Dmocrat:
The time is drawing near when the
twe parties will make their select i ns of
candidates for the various offices in the
State and County, and if the Demo
cratic party carries Old Linn in the
coining election it will have to put forth
its best men as standard bearers. One
frequently hears such expressions as "I
am going to vote for the best man, let
his politics be what they may," and
that, too, from somo of tho old war
horses of the Democracy. I hear some
ef the best men iu the party say they
are going to stand aloof from the pri
maries, and conventions, and not be
bound by thoir action. Now I think
this a mistaken policy. If all the good
men should stay away it leaves the
whole thing in the hands of the trick
sters and wire-pullers, aad a ticket will
be thrust upon us that will be doomed
to defeat in June. Let the good and
true men of the party the good citi
zens and tax-pnyera of the county
come out and attend the primaries, and
see that none but the best men are se
lected to attend the County Convention,
and then a ticket can be nominated that
will be invincible. The Pacifio Rail
roads will spend thousands of dollars
to have their Attoruey (Mitchell) re
turned to the TJ. 8. Senate, and it be-
I . l r.
uuvvcrj mo Lemocraiie party to use
every means in thoir power to circum
vent it.
Now, instead of this indifference on
the part of many, let them begin to be
stir themselves, and let the name of
good and responsible men be brought
forward, and agitated, especially for
Legislative position. We want men
in the Legislature this year who are not
only not on the market, but who are
not purchasable at any price ; men who
hold their hoaor and principles W.
above geld. Let Old Linn remember
six year age, when Mitchell first went
to th Senate, and let her remember th
lesson. Let the best men of the county
be brought forward for Senators an
Representatives, and in order to start
the ball rolling I will suggest the aame
of Hon. James Blakely, of this district,
as one of the Senators. In him, I think
every one who knows him will say, we
will hare a Senator who will 'ia his
duty " tho' the heavens fall." In him
wo would have a Legislator thatcerrap
tionists and jabbers would not dare ap
proach, and a Representative in whose
hands the honor and safety of the peo
ple would rest secure.
I write this without the knowledge of
Mr. ISIakcIy, and J know he is not an
aspirant for the position; but that is
just the kind of man we need. We do
not want professional politicians.
oner uisincu iroi out inei
best mou, and from them all I think wo
can select a ticket that will be invinci
ble. But let the people be lukewarm
and indifferent in the matter and tl
wirepullers will put out such a ticket
a will be doomed to defeat. Keen the
II moving. HI AD.
We have a letter elsewhere in to-day 'i
paper suggesting the name of Hon. J as.
tsiately, of lirownsville, as a suitable
candidate for State Senator Mr
Blakely served Linn county very ac
ceptably in the Lower House one term
and would make an efficient Senator.
In selecting candidates for the Legis
lature the argument of "rotation in of-
nce win scarcely apply. Tho first
time a man is in the Legislature he will
introduce lots of bills ; the second time
he is there he will introduce a few ; the
tarnl time he will try to prevent legis
lation of all kinds except that which
absolutely necessary. If the custom of
re-electing members of the Legislature
more largely prevailed it would be much
1 a - . .
oeuer ior the Stat, The men whose
views shape legislation, and whose views
are most consulted is,.;- f.,11-
members are men of long service, who
tninic a great deal and say verv little.
The men whose ntmaa nftann.t .n.u.r.
m t,ne proceedings are not necessarily
me men of most influence. Readers of
legislative preceedinrrs who do not sea
the name of their member often therein
need not worry tho member is doubt
less doing his duty all the same.
Anderson, one of the chief of the
J-ouisiana Returning Board vill.inv. has
been convicted, and is about t , ).;.
deserts. It is asserted that Hayes is
gating scared, and will try to save An
derson from punishment. He will
scarcely do this, we think. If he should
clip in just now the chances are some
body would hop onto him and bring his
Presidential career to a sudden termi
The Greenback era and "Labor Re
formers " organized a secret political so
ciety at the St. Charles, in this city, last
Friday evening. We understand two
er three residents of Albany " jined"it.
It is to be run in opposition to the
Pow-Jay, but can hardly succeed in
crushing that ancient and honorable
Soc. out of existence.
The latest war dispatches loek dubi
ous. The Russians aro reported to be
in .Constantinople, the English war
ships are in the Dardanelles, and ap
pearances of a general European war
are greater than at any time heretofore
during this trouble.
Aldanv, Obeuon, 1
February 0, 1878.
Editor Dimoeral :
riease allow me space in your valua-
able paper fer a few lines that may be
of interest ta some of your read or.
Tho Chinese qtiofltiou is the one that
most agitates the laboring class at pres
ent. After censidering the nunfber of
Chinamon emp!oyed on tho Tacino coast
we are not surprised at the laboring
classes rioting as they have done ia San
Francisco and elsewhere, although we
do not fully indorse tho coarse pursued
by them in many instances. Think fer
a moment of the number of Chinamen
employed in our own State, and then
think of the namber of honest white
men and women who are out of em
ployment, seme of whom scarcely know
one day whore the next day's food is to
come from. Were it not fer these Chi
nese hordes in our midst every indus
trious man and woman would have
steady and profitable employment.
Beforo tho heavy emigration of Chi
nese to Oregon, our State Penitentiary
had but few inmates ; now it is crowd
ed, a largo number ef the eenvicta be
ing men who cenld not get empleyment
on account of Chinese labor, and in con
sequence became desperate and reckless
losing all reapect for themselves and
the rest of mankind, and eventually
finding their , way to the State Prison.
Taking everything into consideration
we find the heathen Chinese a curse oa
the country.
Others will perhaps say they are a
great blessing to the country and that
we cannot prosper without thess, but I
have lived in Oregon since 1846, and I
cannot see that our State has ever de
rived any real benefit from their labor ;
in fact, they are robbing us ef theu
sands of dollars annuaUv,
Since the report of the late Senator
Morton has been placed in the hands of
the Chairman of the Senate Committee
on Privileges and Elections I am more
fully convinced than ever before that
the Republican party is strongly ia fa
vor of Chinese immigration and cheap
labor, not that they care particularly
for tha Chinamen, bat thoir main object
is to make them voters, thinking there
by t control the elections as they did
iu the Soattt with the nsgro vote. Right
her in Albany we fiad prominent Re
publicans in favor of their immigration
to our country.
The Chinese question is of more in
torest to the laboring classes of this
State than th Greenback qaes-
tien. This Greenback question that
there is so much talk about is not going
to give us poor hard-working men em
ployment, so lot us stick to the old
Democratic shin. We cannot better
ourselves ; let us vote the straight Dera
ocratic ticket, Jesse Irvine to the con
trary notwithstanding. J. II. C
(From the Kngen tjuard.
One A. 0. Edmunds, the ostensible
editor of the Labor WorU, devoted a
column and a half of that delectable
sheot last week to a short paragraph
that appeared in the Guard the week
before, and wo presume, from the num
ber of extra copies ef his paper dis
tributed in this community lost week,
that be think he has demolished us.
We have taken some pains to trace the
tortuous wrigglings of this fraud from
th time of his advent hore until he
lit out. Ho made his appearance her
in 1 802 or 1863, cluiming to be a.TJni-
versalist preacher, and shortly after
wards commenced the publication of
paper devoted to the interests of that
society. It only took a few weeks to
convince his supporters that he was not
worothy of their patronage, and conse
quently he petered out, clerically and
editorially, and having a holy horror of
honest labor, drew upon his ingenuity
for some other means of sneaking a
living without work.
Taking advantage of the war excite
ment that Godsend to bummers and
blatherskites he commenced the publi
cation of "The Union Crusader, An
Irrepressible Copper-head Killer." No.
4, dated Dec. 12, 1862, lies before us.
It is an 8x10 blacksmith's apron, three
columns to the page, and he has written I
himself a demagogue end blackguard in
every editorial sentence in the shabby
thing. During the brief existence of
this bantling, his time was principally
occupied in loafing, while his wfe and
a small boy did the work. As to his
having been an infidel lecturer, the citi
zens of Eugene and other towns in this
valley are fully competent to decide the
question of veracity between as, aad
wo are willing to accept their verdict.
We beg pardon of our readers for
devoting so much space to this fellow,
As A. C. Edmunds he is unworthy
of notice, but when ke claims to be the
representative of any responsible or
ganization, he deserves a punch.
In compliance with yenr reauast.
published last week, we print on the
fourth page of this paper the last Na
tional Democratic Platform. We are
not in possession of the Radical Plat
form, er we would publish that also.
The Washington Post says the ven
erable General James Shields, of Mis
souri, is very poor that any other na
tion would delight to have such a citi
zen, but hore, after fifty years of varied
service, he actually is in want, at times,
of the ordinary necessaries of life.
Little Greece is strutting about, pat
ting on airs over prostrate Turkey.
l.U.ijrj!l1!lt!Jlll!.'Jl13! J'jgffigiBJ!!11'111' 1 "ayi i jawsasjia im
Victor Ilage (avers woman suffrage.
0, Victor, 'Vg9 way I
A man never ases his thuiob-nail for
a screw-driver but once.
An exchange says turkeys are raised
best oa charcoal. We hope to raise
ours en a fork.
Eaglaad growls, but is afraid ' to get
up and knock the chip off iiussia s
At a temperance revival in Clinton,
Iowa, the other day 1103 persons sign
ed the pledge.
Jedge Westbreek reminded a Utioa
grand jury that church lotteries are as
unlawful as any others.
Gen. Joseph E. Johnstone is Deme-
cartio candidate fer Congress from the
Richmond (Va,,, District.
The House of Representatives of
Congress has passed a resolution against
any more aabsidies. Good t
A man who had a scolding wife, be
ing asked what he did for a living re
plied, that he kept a hot-hease.
An intelligent German thus express
ed his preference for a quack doctor; "I
vouldnt call him "V mine cat vss
A kitten that is drowned before it
gets its eyes open is saved th pain of
growing up aad getting its tail pinched
by the woodshed door.
An old bachelor seeing the words
"families surplied" over a door of
short steuned in and said he would
take a wife and two children.
A man in Haron, N. II., has sued
the dilatory lover of his daughter for
f 300 for room rent, fuel and lights do
ring four years of courtship.
Two babies were bora at Cheyenne,
Wyoming, the other night, and their
respective parents had only been mar
ried the previous day. This is rushing
An Indian said, when he first heard
it, he was surprised that the whit men
killed their Savior, bat since he knew
them, he wondered they did not steal
bis clothes.
A. Boston society resolve that "busi
ness is piracy, government coercion, and
oh arches brotherhoods of thieves.
Wonder what those fellows do for
liviag anyhow!
A Chicago man got a divorce from
his wife because she preeistod in put
ting her cold feet to his back in bed.
Wives keep down your feet and take
a hot brick to bod.
A dollar loaned at 15 per cent.
tareat, eomponnded anneally, will At the
end of one hundred years, amount to
11,174,405. But where in thunder
a fellow te get the dollar!
A school house lot in a New Hamp
shire district stand in three towns, so
that the papils ait in Rindge, the
teachers in New Ipswich, and recess
ia taken in Ashpurnham, Mas.
Toads are getting a commercial value
in Europe, some one, probably in the
toad trade, having successfully promul
gated the theory that if a toad has
weakness it is for Colorado beetles.
Tho following remarkable entry ap
pears on th registry list of Stanislaus
cemnty, Cal. : "John L. Crawford: vo
ting number, S93; register numlcr,
808; ago 29; country of nativity,
England; occupation, hog thief."
"Seme confounded idiot has pot that
ptn where I can't find itl" growled
Radical editor tho other day.
warched about tha desk, "Ah, urn, yei
I thought 1" he exclaimed in a lower
key, as he took the article from behind
his ear.
A young man just engaged on
ranch in Turokee, Cel., was set to driv
ing a yoke of cattle, and at noon, whan
ke wasted to food them, ho was observ
ed trying to unscrew their horns in
order to get the yoke off the animals.
A Fairfield turkey walked into the
house the ether morning, swallowed a
20 bill that the man of the house
dropped on the carpet, all rolled up in
wad, and with a wild gobble of
amazemant, ran off inf) the path!
forest to await the passage of the silver
A lady riding on a slow train hand
ed the conductor a half-fare ticket for
her boy. The conductor looked at the
young Anikim, and said: "Rather a
larg boy for half-fare." "Ye," replied
the mother, "so he is now. It was all
right, though when I bought the ticket;
but you soc, he's grown so much since
we started I" The conductor parsed on.
They have been engaged for a long
time, and one evening not long since
they were reading the paper together.
"Look, love," he exclaimed, "only $20
for a suit of clothes." "Is it a wedding
suitl" she asked, looking naively at her
lever. "Oh, no," he answered, "it's a
business suit." "Well, I mean business,"
she replied.
Last Thursday, th wife of Albert C.
Smith ef Coaneil Blaffe, a most estima
ble lady, was fennd in the cellar
of her .home, with ber throat cat, and
with evidence of her person having
been outraged. A half-breed servant
who committed the crimes immediately
afterwards jumped into a well aad
drowned himself. Is there no hell for
such fiends !
Seldom has a more tragic crime been
brought to light than the murder ef
Farmer Andersen by his son Abe. An
derson, in the State of Minnesota. The
father and son quarrelled about five
dollars, and Abe, as he confesses, pick
ed up an ax and struck his parent a
fatal blew on the head. Then the mur
derer hid tho body under the "floor, and
a day or two afterward invited a party
te the hoase, and whirlajl in the marry
dance with other youth and young wo
men on the vary boards beneath which
the father's remains lay. '
i Ascitic coasters
rrof. Flummer is making mouths at
Boise City audiences.
Col. Tom, Rickey, of Salem, is very
ill in Eastern Oregon,
The question now is what will Ore
gon send to the Paris Exposition be
sides her Commissioners,
Salem always was a progressive city.
It now boasts a 13-year old horse thief.
The Eugene Journal has entered upon
its 15th volume. It is n good local
paper, but Black O, my i
Several Umatilla county persons are
mainly engaged in putting their brand
en other poeple's cattle, and the other
psople are corresponding believers in
Dan, Holton, the well known hotel
man ef Portland, has gone into bank
ruptcy. We regret to larn of Dan's
misfortune, as he is one of the very
best of follows.
An "Open Temperance Society" was
List week organized at Dallas with Jive
Vice Presidents. This reminds us of
ArUtmus Ward's volunteer military
company all Brigadier Generals.
Daring the Nez Perces war Chief
Joseph's band is said to hare slain 247
whites. Of course this entitles them
to be fed, blanketed, armed and ammu
nitioned by the Government for all time
to come.
There was an old-fashioned Indian
marriage at Silets the other day. The
young man gave the maiden's parents
four canoes, $150 in money, a rifle, twe
shot guns, and other implements of war.
These are all to be returned to him
when he satisfies the parents that he is
worthy of their daughter.
The Eugene Guard tells how a coun
tryman, who had been in the habit of
walking to town every day, came in on
horseback the other day. After spend
ing the day he met with an opportunity
to ride home in a neighbor's wagon,
which be accepted. Upon arriving at
home bis wife asked the question: "Did
you sell your horse, Jim T. Ho looked
amazed, and replied, "I will 18 d d if
I didn't forget him !"
romr icai paba.b arsis.
There are two Greenback Clubs ia
Halsey Precinct with an aggregate
membership of about 50, two thirds of
whom are Republicans. The Santiam
Greenback Club contains . 7 Republi
cans and 14 Democrats two-thirds the
other way.
It is stated that "an analysis of the
vote" for Stanley Matthews' sDver reso
lution "shows that there were for Uie
resolution 23 Democrats, 19 Republi
cans, and the third party, Senator
Davis. Against it, there were 15 Re
publicans and 7 Democrats."
The Harrisburg Greenback Club
regulations requires a quorum of 20
members, and as they never can muster
that number together they can't bold a
meeting. This is the first time we ever
knew an organization so big that it
couldn't meet ! We understand they are
going to get out of the difficulty shortly
by borrowing enough members of the
Halsey Club to secure a meeting and
then reduce their quorum within the
limits of their own number.
1st, Abolish national backs.
2, Remonitize silver ooiii.
3, Repeal resumption act.
4, if we must nave paper currency
to meet the demands of commerce, let
it be a government currency and a legal
tender for all debts public and private.
East Orejonian. -
Gi us your phist on that Jeemes!
cms e.voich:
Here's the way l$ro. Shepherd, of the
Baker City Democrat proposes to face
the racket :
"If our same should eo before the fTlemecratie
Stat Convention for State Printer, and ire sbottld
unexpeetedlr b defeated, va can posjtirerr assure
oar fnid. and the liemocratic party, that va will
not bolt, nor will we become hike arsrm, but instead,
ve will aHrd oar armor and do battle for our successful
rival with all our mifrht and main vea. even more
than v would hav done in our own by ha I ; we
wguld work for him a a friend and aa a bemocart,
knowing- him to be a good man, Kr if be had net been
such he would not have beaten aa in th' Convention. "
An Arkansas man who had an inval
id wife concluded to get rid of her. He
loaded both barrels of a shot gun and
attempted to shoot her in bed, but the
caps only snapped. Then he revorsed
the weapon and attempted to dash ont
the sufferer's brains. Tbestock struck t he
bedpost, the loads were discharged, and
the two charges of shot entered his
lunge. There were few mourners.
During the last ten years nearlr a
million of acres in Great Britain, for-
merlj under grain crops, Lave been
converted into pasture, meat Laving be
come so payable an article to raise ; but
in tbe last Board of Trade report it is
remarked that this conversion of arable
land into pasture has received a check
as a result of the large importations
American meat.
London consumes dailj about 300
tons of fish, over 4,000 sheep, nearly
700 oxen, about 100 calves, 4,000 pigs
-s including bacon and hams not less
than 5,000 fowls, a million or so of
ojsters, eggs innumerable, with flour
enough for 1,000,000 loaves of bread,
and vegetables, fruits, butter and cheese
in proportion.
Qimcm abd ABJirxia form tha basis of znaar of tbe
Ague remedies In the market, and are the last resort
off pojatciaaa ana people wno a now ao better m0diii
to employ for tbis distressing- complaint. Tbe affects
eitaer ox -aeae arur are aeetrucuve to t&e ayataaa,
jdaciniT neadache. latoatinal disoninra. vertiro. dia-
ainess, linking- of tbe ears, and depression of tbe eon
UtMtiooa beejtb. Aru'l AtiLB Ccaa ia a vasrLhl
dlacoTery, containing neither quinine, arsertic, a or anj
deleterious tngrediaot, and is an btiaUible and rapid
enre for erery form of Sever and Agrue. ita alTecta
a-Te permanent and eertain, and no Injury eaua rMQt
from Its uae. Besides being a poeitive cure for Fever
aad Ague tn ail iu foraa, it ia also a Mperior remedy
tor Liver Complaints. It is an excellent ton ie and pre
ventative, as well aa core, of all complaints peciiliar
to malarious, marahv and miasmatic district. It acta
du-actly oa tbe Liver aitd biliary apparataa, thus stim
nfettoff the aystsm to rigorous, bealtby eoadition. ,
for aavls by ail dealers.
miimmmmmzmmm s
rutaaela! aad Comuttirlal.
Odd In Hew Va-k, lilt.
Liral twiilcr. In IwUaW- tmvtaj, 871; netling MA.
Sil ter colu-4 per cent, dtao,u,t ""m'
rctrure Biaurr.
WHEAT, per bnnhel
noun, cut
..i n i ii
.. Kl
...6 !i H
-. tl $1 Ml
1 CO 'St H 00
jo to
OATS, per baslul.
ntipornna ri
tiax, baled,,.,, ,
I ooe " '
POTATOKt, per bushel.."
BKKP, eholct on foot, per fc "
HOUH, extra choir. . , ....
I ,s
li (I,
. 10
... i-m
.. li H,
. id
.. 10 4)
- 55 J
LA Bo, in kegs
In 10-ib tin .,'.'.""'"
BUTTRIl.ln brine .
fciid ,
Frank dalrv
EdflS, rx-r dr.! '
feHIKUr-BVIT '"'
fc ' lit keg..!,',
Pear, tnn-dried
Mums. nn-dried . . . -
m m
f at
14 W
)! f
5 it
9 t
so a
4 eo
POULIHT, old hen
Spring ehlcketM
HIDES, dry flint..
uooa cull,, ti, ....... ,
Murrain,, ......
Oreen ,tt
fleer .kins
hiji-s, uregtm ami Washington Ty..
WOOL . '
WH EAT- per bu B3
OATS- per bu anrdtic.
HAT haled lie.
Ixiow l!c. -
POTATOKS per bnSCg3.
BACO.f hami lajc.
hide 10c,
6hrti,Wer 7Jc.
I.AP.D -Tn 101k tirm l 25 a 1 rn
liUTl EnFrevh roll !5c.
F.'ilIM -Vtr.
SUUAS-Sen rmaapn 1
Ivlsnd I0i-Jf1?e. -
OOAL OIL-MowneK t-t-sl cars gj AO.
Devoe's. S-gai emitti Mi.
P. & Darininx lis received a bvee lot of
rosewooj caaketa from San Franeiaeo. Thr
are tha handsomest, eheopert and bettn tbe
valley, aad esc be luv! ia half aa hoar aitr
tit rlr i receive.!. I'.e:nW tUat tier
are of all sues and very cheap.
Skatixg Carmval
sarotsaa bo7b -
or tbk ... I;.: :' .
Albany Fire Department,
-ATjTHB- -i
Fritlay Evening, Karcli If 1878.
rmfcs or asshwi
OafleavrB. (maabrtil
gjadlej, Inaa.krdl .
pertulr f
McIIwain & Slageon,
Wade-tie lB4 retail dealer ia
f rtn urnu
At (fer aid .load r TV. H. DaeM t ts.
I lr- Mi rcl, Albany, trr(B.
eAMihed. tgnmingmd pavrii.-ar td&vMt, eH !
et E. - art . their IMOX, SAftK ASl
4BW rACTKT, in Albany who fropom fc
ell tme-haJf. the wtvjle cat their tvAary property,
real tUMl triwBsl otn .mt aoCTmrnodatirar fma. h
cccpted jmrchsr. For Tmrtieniara, npjrry V or" ad-
To Our Friends
who have favored wt vHh lhtr Ftrv)tAe, ve retant
oor ainrerD Ihanjav Our b-isines. wiil be rrmiBUd i
Heretofore, and rmr ef! na to ire sisfanitm to si
wbo cy f'.v-rr m with their orosrs, be Baxba!L
We have innTT.vxi our machinery, acl nzem& Ut
paity of tmr factory, to meet the groirihr demand
fur a eridPT e-jpe trork, bta plaia aixj orraatnLa'..
In our tfariTtne air and country, and are Drtntarsd Vi
farnKh tbe lmtt ftfyitrs tWertt ia orr line.
We have e-ru:orted wi'At tur ionher bnsriesa. Use
maiulao-tur oS Use
A.TI '
patent?! r.y Kuhn k ?ii.1?r. a::- are prepared to ftara
lali Fanr r ; th-a rri:f--kiT iri-:aTant . t
be destined to r:r&I evcc thing in it line ever ciTr-Ted
to the ruWL-; wb hive a g;tKj WOOD UTHR ASO
AN KXl'fcltiKNt. Ki TURNKK. and are Dreoarcd t
rfurnffh fjiHti work m lh.t iiae.
IJouiiur br cfce a'te'ttloo to oar hnmnmm mnA fair
deatin? vWi oxtr siorwr'$ to merit rewire a e--v
tended us ifire
unutuM oi 1 13 vary i.-'rit p:;ironae fcattrtofor vt-
and encfearacre lforjae tsv.
In the Circuit Cmirt cf the County ef Linn
State of Oregon. t
J. II. Fonn, Pain(.i.f, vs. Eliza E. Fenn,
To Eliza K. Fenn. tbe above named TV.
tn the same of tho State of Orreron. td-i
are hereby required to appear aad answer
tne compjaiot ot trie above namea Fiaimiit
In the aboveentitledsuitin tbe Court abovj
named, now on file in tho office of tbn
Clerk of said Court within ten davn front
tbe data of tbe service of this summon
upon you, if served in Linn County, but "
if served in any other County In the i,tat,
then within twentv days from the dto of
the service of this summons, or, if aerveJ
by publication, then yon are required to
answer said complaint within as weeks
from the date of commencement of publi
cation of said summons upon you. or by
tha first day of the next regular terra (if
said Court for Linn County, Oregon to-wit :
tbo 28th day of October, A. D. 1ST, ;iij.
you are hereby notjued that if you fail to
appear and answer said complaint as here
by required, the Plaintiff will apply to tbo
Court for the relief demanded in tho rem.
piaint which is for the dissolution of his
marriage contract heretofore existing do.
tween you and Plaintiff and for a divorce
frcm you and for tbe care and custody and
control of tbe minor children and for costs
and disbursements of this action to bo
taxed. - t
I. 3. WnrrsEV A D. M. Cosley,
n28 Alt' vs. for Plaintiff.
Final Settlement.
In the Count Court of the State of Oregon
for tie County of Linn.
In the matter of the estate of WfiLis S.
Jackson, deceased.
The undersigned, Administrator of tho
above entitled estate, has filed with th-j
Clerk of the above entitlei Court, his final
account for settlement, and said Court has
appointed Tuesdav, the second day of
April, 1878, at the hour of one o'clock p.
m., for tha hearing of objections to said,
account and the settlement of the same.
n23v.--t " Administraior.
Wholesale r.nd RetJl lesJer In
Drv Crooks and vRrcries,
Clothing, Cot, Shoes,
Reapers fc ,TStvcrc, .......
Wasons, Plow.
Seed Drills.
First St Albaxva