The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 01, 1878, Image 3

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Feb. 1.
A New Mining Enterprise,
SomeUma during tliu past year a young
jnnn tmrat'l C. F, Post eauie up her from
Eldorado county, California where he ud
bean engxaed iu quartz mining for several
vein. Ha wa tho owner of what ha con
idured a good load, but he had been broken
up by tryiaa to work it alone. After talking
a pan tho subject, snowing the specimen of
quarU, oto., he haaau'cc-MJod in interesting
aaveral rtiea in it to uch an exMfct aa to
gat them to go in partnership with him in
working the mine. Mr. Tost retains a one
fourth in the mine, eud bind him
salf to deed the remainder to Wm. Van Vac
tor, Wm. H. Huston and D. B. Monteith,
upon the completion of a quart mill at the
mine. These gontlemen, with the exception
of Monteith, who will be represented by W.
B. Scott, will start for Eldorado county in
two or three wee'is. And after tlioir arrival at
the mine, will immediately commence putting
up tho necsaary niacliitiery. A 13-horse
power engine will be purchased, and also the
machinery for a 10 stamp mill, but only Gve
stamps Ul be run at first Of course our
citizens have not gone into this scheme blind
ly. They sent a uiau U the miue to examine
it, and ha reports that a shaft has bean sunk
45 foot doep, and that at that d-ipth the load
is 3 feet and 3 inches wide. Quartz taken
out at that depth aud assayed by Prof. Fisk,
at Portland, gir3 an arerago of about $20 to
the ton. This is a good yield, and if it holds
out the boys will come homo with their pock
ets well lined with ducats. We hope their
brightest anticipations may be realized.
Ktt cuir
Last Satnrday B. I Barnes, Ed. Cox. Joa.
Clark anl Vanny Smith were arrested for
disorderly conduct at ths M. E. Church on
tha evening previous. Not being willing to
plead guily to the charge, they demanded a
jury. The case of It. L. Barne was called
first, L. H. Moutnnye prosecuting, andD. M
Conley, N. B. Humphrey and C. H. Hewitt
defending. It lasted through the entire
afternoon and went to the jury about
o'clock. A verdict of not guilty was returned
in about ten minutss and the defendant was
discharged. After tapper the casa of EJ
Cox was taken tip, a new jury empanneled.
tho same lawyers appearin as in the other
case. This esse did not last long, and the
defendant was acquitted. Tha testimony in
the cases of Clark and S nith being practical
ly the asm a, Capt Humphrey moved that
they be disehargeJ. Judge Baldwin sus
tained the motion, and tha defendants were
discharged, thus saving quite a sum to the
city. It sesms to be perfectly clew that the
pen-in arrested were not disorderly, and
their prosecution has put them to considers
ble needless expanse, yet.still it will have a
good effect upou others. Bays who have
been ia the habit of acting disorderly there
will learn that they must behave, or else be
fined in the Recorder's Court.
Another ton cert.
At a recent meetir.g of the Board of Man
agers of the Young People's Christian As
aviation that body decided to give a concert,
for the purpose of raising funds for the As-
ociation. The management of the affair
was pnt into the hands of Chita. Haffenden
end W. H. Gaston, two of the best musicians
in the city, and they are cow hard at work
making the necessary arrangements. They
inform cs that they hare secured the very
oest available talent, will give our
citizens an entertainment that has never been
equaled in this city. It will consist of vocal
' solos, duete, trios, qnartets, instrumental
mnsie of varions kinds, and there will be
no "Olio.' It is not yet decided where the
concert will be given, nor the time is not yet
definitely settled, but it will probably come
off some time during the first week of March.
We this week received a copy of the
Owotso Preu, printed at Owosso, Michigan,
and in it found tha following item in re
gird to the wedding of T. P. Hacklemaa, an
Albany boy, who is at present studying law
at Ann Arbor, Michigan i
The fine residence of G.. R. I.yor.. Eca,
corner of Williams and Pine streets, present
ed a gay and elegant appearauea on tha no
tation ef the wadding recaption given by Mr.
n,t VI ra. l.vou. in honor of tha marrimr of
their daughter Edith to Mr. Thurston P.
Haeklemau, of Oregon, ana coremaay 100a
place at S o'clock p. m., last Thursday, only
the immediate family friends and most in
timate acquaintances being present Than
followed a reception of invited friends in gen
eral, from v to seven o'clock. The piazza
was brilliantly illuminated with Chinese lan
terns beckoning a cheerful welcome to the
guest. Within, the rooms were tilled with
friends arriving, passing on to congratulate
tha bride and groom, chatting awhile with
others, thanca to the refreshment room,
where a most sumntuous banquet was spread
and enjoyed. Kind wishes for the future ol
the bridal pair, and the good nights to the
host aud hostess being said, one party would
pas out and a new arrival take its place.
t hus passed tha two hours of the. reception.
Mr. aud Mrs. Lvon shed happiness upon all
by their cordial hospitality.
Several mends were present from abroad.
among them Air. Majors, ot Uregon, trotti
tha Law Uepartmentoi ino aiicniinu univer
sity, and Mr. Bennett, of tha Medical De
partment, both special friends of Mr. Hack
leman. The bride was tha recipient of many
tine presents, among them may be mentions,
in elegant watch and chain ; maguifiaent
t'amilv bible : silver cake basket j several
card receiver ; a lovely silver toilet stand
(from several of her young companions) t set
of books ( napkin rings ( white bed spread,
etc., ate.
Tha brute looked very beautiful in brown
silk with whit ornaments. Tha happy cou pit
left on tha evening train for aud Ant,
Arbor. Their horn will be in Ann Arhot
until the elosa of tha law terra of tha Univer
sity, at which time Mr. Haekleman will
trnuiu&ta and take tna bride to nia tar awaj
homo in Albany, Oregon. The tauton ol
host of Uwatso fneuds will follow her.,
Owoase loses one of its bright, partioulaj
Maxlau far Yawns Men.
Never be idle. When your hand are no!
usefully employed, attend to the ealtivatiuc
of your mind. "
Always apeak the truth.
Keep good company or none at all
Make few promises.
Live up to your engagement.
When you speak to a person, look him in
tha face.
Good company and excellent conversation
are tha very sinews of virtue.
Good character is above all things else.
Never listen to loose or idle conversation.
Yon had better be poisoned in your blood
than in your principles.
Yourcharactercannot be essentially injured
except by your awn acts.
Early in life secure a practical business
Do not make too great haste to be rich, if
you would prosper.
Small and steady eains give competency
with tranquility of - mind;
Never play games of chance, or make bets
of any description.
Avoid temptation through the fear that
yon may not withstand it at last
Drink uo intoxicating liquors.
Never run in debt, unless you see a way to
get out again.
Keep yourself innocent if yon would be
Save when you are young to spend when
you are old.
Aim high in this life, but not so high that
you cannot hit anything.
There will be a Democrat!) trtna meet
ing held In tha City of Sclo, bh Saturday,
February Id, 1878, flirllio purpose of or
ganizing a Domoc ratio Club. Every' true
friend of his country U Invl'ed to attend.
We last Monday received a pleasant and
most entertaining call from fie v. J. A. Cruzan,
pastor of th Portland Congregational Church,
who filled the pulpit of the Conirreeatinnal
Church last Sabbath in this citv. Itav.
Cruzan is a forcible preacher and anaareeable
gentleman, and we have an especial warm.
side for him because he is a whulum discip'.e
of Faust aud Franklin.
A. Deckard aid wife returned from an
extended trip into California cm the last trip
of the E.der. They have been cone for about
eouple of months,, apending most of the
time in San Fraiicisuo and San Jose.
Wm. A. Miller and his lovely young bride
came down last Saturday ami spout Several
day in the city. '
J iin Foster cam down from ' Eugene last
Friday aud stayed until Mondny.
Mrs. A. J. Brown, of Sa'.em, is visiiiu
friends in this oity.
Hon. John Burnett, of Corrallis, honored
u with a call last Tuesday. Ha sitvs the
Democrats have the i:itiJe track iu teuton
Ab. Taylor, Vho has been in the saloon
business in this city for several started
tor Walla Walla yesterday, whieh place he
expect to make his residence in the future.
Jesse Irvine, tha only warksr m tha ranks
of the Republican party in this county, cillod
on us last Wednesday.
UM. lom. Kelly and Tel Talker, of
Salem, eaine up last Tuesday evening and
stayed all night.
Jo. Nixon Has in town last Wednesday.
Jts friends will be glad to learu that bis
tamily are fast recovering from their rnceul
E. uV Here. La I
Heme and abroad.
A Bilk.
We wara our readers r'-aint a man named
F. M. Taylor, who. wai in this city a short
time ago, representing himself as a collector
for some Portland firm. He is a bilk and a
vagrant, and any one v. ho has dealings with
him is very apt to come out behind. He is
an old resident of Portland, where he was
convicted on a charge of .larceny by bailee,
and from which place he recently decamped
for the reason that the po'ice held a warrant
for hi: arrest on the chargn of vagrancy.
Whoa last heard from be wss np in the
vicinity of Corvallis or Philomath, and the
newspapers np there will do tlitir readers a
good turn by giving him some free advertis-
1:12. lie owes quite a number ol talis tn this
An Advanced ache! District. .
While at Eugene last week we inspected
a new public school house which is being
built by the enterprising people of that city.
at an estimated cost of about 911,000. It ii
fast nsar'ng completion, is a large and im
posing two-story structure, and will easily
accommodate 600 pupil. The room of the
first story are already finished and are eecn
pied by soma 300 scholar with a competent
corps of teacher. Thi school hoise is not
only an ornament to the beautiful "City of
the Buttes" but is a credit to tha entire state
and spsaVs volumes in favor of the progress'
ive liberality and broad enlightenment of the
tax-payers of Eugene, Our Albany people
might well pattern by inch aa example.
The Yaaabaa atallread.
We get the information from tha Corrallis
Gazette that of th $35,000 required for the
purchase of the iron and rolling stock for tha
first ten mile of the Yaqnina railroad, $25,
000 have already been subscribed. It will be
seen by this that only $10,000 is now wanting
to insure the building of this important
work. It may not be oar "put ia," hat we
MoClure- A Loop, at the Gran -e Store in
thi city, are agents for the celebrated Wilsot.
sewing machine, which wa advertise this weak
oa the fourth pige. With each machine guej
a little invention that is invaluabV We
cannot describe it auy better than did the
y. T. Graphs, when tlr little iuventijn was
patented, so wa will giva the item :
An invention all frugal wives will appreciate
in fact, an article that even rivals the sew
ing machine in usefulness is now on exhibi
tion at tht Brood way store of the Wilson
Sawing Machine Company, in this city ; yet
it is u wonderfully simple that it can scarcely
be classed as an invention, am! a wonder to
everybody that it wa not discovered years
ag . The iuvention consists in a very simple
little attachment of the Wilson shuttle tew
ing machine for darning all kinds of ri,
tears, wrn-out uUces. etc. iu clothiuff. table
and bed linen, stockings, underwear, etc, iu
the same manner that it is done by hand, and
leaves the repaired part scarcely discernible
The operator of the sewing mac sine ean darn
a large-sized hole iu a bsd sheet or table cloth
almost instantaneously. It is to be regretted,
however, that this wonderful invention is
patented asta owned by the Wilson Sewing
Machine Company, uf Chicago, 11L, who will
not permit its use except with one of its
make of sen ing tnachiuea, which, the Com
pany's manager states, is lun.ished with each
f tee uu shuttle sewing machines with
out extra price. Truly, this is a golden nest-
egg tor the W llaon bewing Machine Company,
aud, it is said, they are rumiiuir their works
day and niht and making aud Selling 300
macniues a day.
Bill of F.ire.
Following is the "bill of faro" for our cit
izen daring the month of Febmsry, in the
line of public meetings, fairs, festivals, etc. :
8th Concert and literary entertainment,
given by the students at the College Chapel,
for the purpose of raisin 3 coin to bny a bell
for the College building.
9th A Democratic Club will be orgsuized
at the Court House ia the afternoon of tliis
12th The Oregon State Woman Suffrage
Association meets in this city, and will be in
session three days. ' '
14th Grand skating carnival, given by
the Hose Boys of the Fire Detriment at
the Opera House.
20th The State Te-nporanco AUUncs
meets in this city on that day, and will re
main in session several days.
Happy New Year.
fgjUead our market reports.
Business Is very dull ia this city at proe.
We had a shower of sunshine last Monday.
Two colored wedding ia thi city last
Sabbath. ;
We had a savers wind and rain storm last
A Urge party of "crewsador" were on a
run last Tuesday.
This oity now has another fomale physician
Mis Angie Ford,
Froinan' skating rink is running now
nearly every evening.
If "tW: Ht" goes away what will the
Powjay Society do for an orator?
Obituary notices are very apt to exceed
proper die-mentions for print
The Comstock House at the depot is one of
tha best regulated hotels in Oregon.
Gold, stiver or currency ia still received (at
its face) at this office on subscription.
Albany Democratic Club will be organlied
a week from to-morrow, in the afternoon.
Food for repentance mince pi, eaten late
at night Sure to see your dead grandmother.
That rollicking young Frenchman, John
Hutchinson, is back again from San Francisco.
We are confidently informed that next
Spring's bonnets will lie "too elegant for any
thing." We hear'of still another marriage which
will "coma on to bs heard" in this city in a
fow days.
Rev. Mr. Cruzan says printers are bad
eggs. Being an old typo he kuows bow it is
That grand entertainment by the student
at the College is to come off on Friday of
uext week.
New subscribe are received every week
at thh office, but (till our furjet are not
Prof. Carey, of San Jose, leetnred on
astronomy at the Co'.lng Chapel last Wednes
day evening.
A baudaerchief fiirtaiton ts a very simp:e It only requires two fools and two
That txmular steamship the Anon, will
leave Portland for Sea Franoisco next Sab
bath at 3 p. in.
It is lucky that fools dun wear white caps,
for in that case maukiad would look like a
duck of geese.
Nesrlytveiy orthodox preacher in the U.
3. last Sabbath made eu onslaught on Beech
ci 's idea uf UelL .
When a faithful mother goes on a whaling
expedition, she never fait to get all th
blabber she wants.
It N. Armstrong baa purchased the prop
erty in the upper part of the city known as
the Dri 'gs place.
Gee 1 has hardly a whole pane of glass
left in lib establishment uow. Hoodlums
ventilated the institution.
Thtee new Hues of sidewalk, aggregating
several blocks, were ordered built at the last
meeting of the City CouneiL
Rev. J. Bowersox organized a Cass iu the
study of German at the residence of Mrs.
Elizabeth Blain last Monday evening.
The Haffenden job wagon has been with
drawn from the street oa account of the
proprietor engaging in other business.
Van Vector wa invoicing his stock of
groceries last Monday preparatory to turning
everything over to the Haffeaden Bro .
Mr. L. B. Magoon, of Portland, has en
tered into partnership with Mr. A. B. Mc
II wain, and will soon remove to this city.
Foshay keeps a splendid assortment
eastern magaziues, literary and pictorial
papers. If you want the best call on him.
T weutv "Murgan killers" went from this
city to Eugene oa Thursday of last week.
The Eugene Craft treated them most royally.
Considerable interest was manifested by
the public in the spiritual trials and tribula
tions in the Recorder's Court last Saturday
The Powjay Society must appropriate
enough moucy to got thfui a box at the Post'
office. A letter cam last Tuesday ia their
The agency for the celebrated Wilson sew
ing machine for this county has been giveu
to M .iMr. McClure & Roop, at the Urange
8 -ore.
The almond-eyed heathen of this city are
fast becoming civilized. Yesterday they laid
in quite a supply of liquor to celebrate New
Yrs with.
The officers of Orgeana Eacampmeut No.
L O. O. F., were installed last Friday
Wheat took a tumble in San Francisco last
Tuesday and dropped from $2.05 to $1.00,
eauted probably by the cessation of hem til-
itise between Bussis and Turkey. Our deal-
r now pay only 62 cants par bushel
A man named Coffee was fined by th
Recorder last Tuesday for carrying too muoh
quor concealed about his person. Not hav
ing tb requisite amount of "bullion" to foot
the bill, he i now boarding at the tramp'
Chinese New Year bfgitis to-day. They
were making great preparation yesterday
for the event Countless numbers of chickens
and pigs were gathered up out in th country,
aud the hoathen are probably having a gay
time tq-day.
DeLum Smith health ha been failing
lately from an affection of the throat, and a
short tlm ago he went np into the Walla
Walla country hoping to reap ome beneGt
from the change of climate. Hiwifetarted
yesterday te Join him.
The Portland Standard says that a "one-
legged bilk from Linn county, has been doing
the B.iiae City philanthropists in fine style."
That fellow is an Impostor 1 our one-legged
men do not act that way. Beside that we
do not miss any of them a they are all here
working for the nomination for County
Willie Rice, Mr. Hewitt and W. U. Dodd,
all ot this citv, are said to be Radical as
pirants for County Clerk. Well, Willie is
ton good a hoy for that sort of a sacrifice ;
Mr. Hewitt's too good a school teaoher to
spoil, and as Dodd don't care a continental
oar Radical friend may as well let the other
two get away and offer him op.
The Standard thipk that our item about
Norton last week must have bean correct.
judging from an iteat that appeared In the
Record. But, by-tln-war. TotiT 1 what was
that you mentioned that Nort. had to look
over before he coo Id aee ah ! aliem t well,
refer to your Ble and translate that French
term into English or Chinook. Up here we
can't believe that word Oils the bill s he most
have been looking over something else.
Februsry, blufl and boli,
trr fu-raws rtHilBj fleoroa ths U,
And with his htrwa two abretat,
Hak:nz tha kssn plow do his ban.
l.rllt-r Mat.
The rnliowlne lefh Ust f l-tters rnaift!nr
nthoP-mt ttltlfw. Sltvsnv. .nn li!f. Or-.
eon, Jen. l. I7. P.Tm mltlng Tirtlfse
I mtiH live the Unlr on wluch tiii-T r; n
tawls, Anna
Cox, Clariast
Coppnck. John
Cot. Clara A
Dickson, John W
Denis, Joshua
Farley, Kninx
Farlcv, Willie
Finetan. SB
Garlinghnuse, Wra
Henderson. LuthT K
Jones, Heury L W
1.0W, fhilip
fav, San la
Marmion, J F
city, for boird and other things, but he will 1 think Green B. Smith Benton's Vanderbilt
p-obably not get the opportunity of contract
ing any further indebtedness here.
A Xcwaacr Ciaase.
Last Tuesday the daily in thi3 city came
out nniler the name of the Rej'Mer, and from
this we judge that the Van-Ohitrver is de
funct We also noticed that Van Cleve's
nauia stands alone now at the gab!e end of
the paper. Is this a "token of a sign ?" Has
oar guileless friend Cartwrisht been kicked
oat of the concern without benefit of either
jadge or lury? Verilr, we think there will
be a row when the old maa retum3. It looks
hard to kick a man out of his basiaess when
ha is not at heme to defend himself, but then
it may be better ths wav is H. Dissolution
was only a question of time anyway, and the
union has lasted longer than we thought it
wonld. Now the daily wi:l .have to stop,
unless some political hack is foul enough to
pay its .li-Lts. It 'won't pay. Van ; you
might s-i ;U stop.
Western Str 2-nd-e.
Western Star Lodge, No. 10, I. O. G. T.,
"of this city, ln-tt Tuesday evening elected the
fallowing officers : W. C. T., Eobt Bentley ;
W. V. T., Mrs. F. M. Westfall; W. S., Wm.
L. Smith; W. F. S., L. N. Liggett; W. T.,
A. Russell ; W. M., Miss Maiy Manlcy; V.
L G., C R. Parkes; W. O. G., F. M. West
fall; Host, A. T. Arnell. The following
persons were elected as delegates to attend
the State 'fempe ranc3 Alliance, which meets
ia this city on the 20th iast : Robt Bent
ley, Mrs. F. M. Westfall, J. A. Warner,
Wm. L. Smiiji, Miss Sarah Dawson, F. M.
Westfall and Mrs. E. H. Griffin. -
would accomplish a great deal more goo 1
by helping along the enterprise than he will
in assisting in the election of Mitchell to the
United States Senate Go and pnt your
name down for $10,000, Mr. Smith ; we think
the company will even take it in
22d On the evening of this day a fai.. ; eVtSaia2 by District Deputy Gratd Master P.
lesiivai, supper ana sociauiu, wta ie given
attheO.wia Home by the La lies' Aid Sjvicty.
A Baslness Carnage.
Last Monday Wm. Van Vactor sold out
hii grocery busine.ts in thi city to Charles
and Albert Haffenden, who immediately took
charge of the establishment. Mr. Vtn Vac
tor has hpen engaged iu the grocery business
at that stand for a little over a year, and by
Hiller's Brick.
11. Raymond.
Three architect are now engaged in pre
paring draughts for the new brio a black, to
be orected by Jaa. II. Foster daring thj com
ing summer.
Remember that the entertainment to be
given at the College Chapel next Friday
vveuinj is for the purpose of raising funds to
purchase a bo'.L
The river has nearly jumped out of its bed
since the late rains. Tha Ortat Eattrm could
his accommodatin.': ways aud fair dealing has
drawn a full share of the pa.tronsga of onr ! now find very good anchorage just abreast i
round a Place.
J. K. Morrison, formerly one of the pro
prietors of the St. Ch-.-les Hotel, in thia cty,
returned home fro. a trip into the upper
Columbia country a few weeks ago, where he
has been for the purpose of looking ont a
location. He sys he has taken np a fine
rapch in Umatilla county, twenty miles from
Weston, and will move up there in the spring.
Patrons of Uotiutadry.
The linn Connty Ensinesa Coancil, P. of
ai- meets at iirowasrilie on Aloaday, ieb.
llti- CO. BUR'S HART, See'y.
According to announcement the brick build
ing belonging to Sam Miller, on the corner of
Second and Ferry streets, wa told at pnblio
auction last Saturday. Times are very dull
here now, and the consequence wa that the
building only brought $2,250. On account
of the lack of interest manifested, the sale
of the remainder of tha property was indef
initely postponed.
Zasr We learn since that the sale on
Satnrday was sham, and that Mr. Dannals
has since purcha ed the building.
Mall InereaslBa;.
One positive proof that our city is fast
increasing in population aad importance is
that the mail- received at oar postoffice has
very materially increased during the past
year. Postmaster Raymond informs us that
last Monday between 2500 and 3000 letter
passed through the Albany office, and that
600 of those came to this city from station
along the railroad alone. How is that for
one day 'a matt, without taking into eonsider
tion the newspapers at all !
Officer Installed.
District Deputy Grand Master Raymond
installed the following officers of Orgeana
Encampment, in this city last Friday even
ing : Chas. Kiefer, C. P. ; Coll Van Cleve,
H. P. ; John H. Bnrkhart, S. W.; L Fox,
Scribe; R. Cos tar, Treasurer; Fred Graf, J.
W. ; Jos. Wcbber,&ntinel; J. F. Backensto,
1st W. ; Conrad Meyer, 2d W. ; N. Banm,
3d W. ; J. D. Titus, 4th W. ; A. M. Roop,
1st G. of T. ; C. D. Bnrkhart, 2d G. of T.
Tha Messrs. Haffenden having embarked
in the grocery business, the delivery wagon
formerly run in this city by Albert Haffenden
has been withdrawn. Virgil Parker ia now a
"grinding monopoly" in thia besiuesa, having
no opposition. . - - :
citizen. We are sorry to lose Liin, bat he
thinks he was boru o be a Bill Sharon or a
Jim Keen, and now he is going to California
to engage in quartz mining. Tha HafLindcn
Bro's have not been with us long, but entirely
long enough to establish their reputation as
hard-working, honest,' trustworthy and en
terprising young men. They expect to keep
a general assortment of family groceries, pro
visions, etc, and knowing then wall, we
think our readers will find them pleasant
gontlemeu to deal with. Soo their new adv.
this week.
Last week a band of Chinese grubbers,
working out on Lake Creek, getting out of
meat went over near a barn belonging to
Thos. Palmer nd laid in a supvly which
ought to last them a jL'fvvl while. They found
an old sow is hich had been dead n .'lie dayt,
and, cutting olf tho hams, took tho rotten
stuff to their tamp and cooked and ate it
It is that kind of a human being that Morton
said ought to be allowed to vote in this
Settled lit Linn.
A letter from Corvalli3 informs us that
Wm. Baker, who recently sold out with th
intention of going east of the mountains, has
changed his mind and bought 320 acre of
the Wal Cashman farm, and thus became a
citizen of "Old Linn," ' He recently atopped
the Democrat, on account of his contem
plated removal, but he now informs ns that
he must have it again.
A eeed T-ane To-V'altt.
Our citizens must not forget that there is
to be a social at the residence o P. H. Ray
mond to-night. It is to be for the benefit of
the Congregational Church, and ia sum to be
a very enjoyable affair. In fact it could not
be otherwise at that honse.
FnbUe saeakiag.
We are requested to announce that A. C.
Edmunds, editor of the Labor World, will
address the citizens of Scio and vicinity, on
ta political issues of the day, at 1 o'clock in
the afternoon uf Satnrday, ieb. 9, 1S78.
our city front.
J. B. Lafollett, of Camp Creek, ha pur
chased the hotel and stable, in Prineville,
belonging to Mr. Boomer, payiag $2200 for
the cntira property.
McFariaud ii eminently progressive notb
iag new in the stove line that he doesn't ge
I'nua "doratihio" ranims are the latest and
are as pretty a a pieture, Sea 'em.
One of our littbj street Arab has a mud-
aoew on tho Calapooia, which he has nann
the Lively Turtle, after that good Bhip men
tioncd ia Mdme. Daniway's great poem.
Men aro like bugle, , the more bras they
contain the further yon can hear tham.
Women are like tulips ; the more modest and
retiring they appear, the better we love them.
Quito a large number of young folks are
now iu training for the grand skating carnival
to be given by the Hose Boys at the Opera
House on tha evening of St. Valentine' Day.
The I. F. Society will meet at the usual
place next Friday evening, and it is requested
that all members be present if possible, as
some very important business will be trans
Farmers, do not forget to call at Carter'i
planing mill before yon buy new harrows.
They are manufacturing aharrow aqd cul
tivator combined which excels anything we
have seen.
W. R Scott and Wm. H. Huston talk of
going to California next month, and if they
do so Linn Engine Co. will have to elect two
persons to take their places in the Board of
Fire Delegates.
A Kentucky editor remarks that niuety
niue out of a hundred people make a great
mistake when they cut off a dog's tail in
tli rawing away the wrong end. That's just
what's the matter.
In these day? of marriages the County
Clerk receive more $2.50 fees than any other
amount. We hear it rumored though that
there are others in this city who can discount
even Stites on this $2.50 fee business.
Last Monday was the first day of the
third term uf the Albany Collegiate Institute.
Under Prof. Powell' management this in
stitution is succeeding in a measure beyond
the warmest expectations of it most sanguine
n'o-tre. DR
Mitchell, Mrs f
Nnland, Eliza
Nicols. James
Page, W D
Parise, Daniel
Radznna. Julius
Rowl md, Frank
Roland, D S
Rnyce, L F
Rust, Jost h
Rnyc!. Hcott
Smit, Hath T
Ultican, I ho
Whorton, Lizzie
Walker, John
P. H. Ravsrosm, P.
fFroui the Saleai Msrcurf J
Dr. aurtelle xisUiSue.
Hew Patents.
Throagh Deway Jt Co., Patent Azvnta,
San Francisco, we receive the following Tut
ef V. 8. patents, rraated t- Pacific Coast
uventora, viz, :
William Buson, Battle Mot. main," Na4a,
ear step registers; William liutti, Petaluma,
California, fruit and hep driers; Benton V.
Cromrine, Vubi City, California, spar extin-
3Uishers; Jaa. Hay, Ellis, Lshforma, harvest
er ard threther; Uiovamii, N. Mi loo. Sutok-
ton. Cel., insect powder injectors; Peter 1
This eminent French physcUn and sar
geon is at present stopping at tlis Chemeke
t Hotel in this city. He is Dow making
tour of the Pacifio Coast and will remain in
On-gon but a short time. Having noticed
frequent mention in our exchange -of this
gsnt Ionian since he ha been in our State,
aud having read soms statement of bis in
vention, the Spirometer, for the treatment
of throat and lung diseases, we vbtited his
rooms to-day and examined and tasted, to a
limited extent, bis instrument. In our
humble judgment the Doctor has (truck th
key uote in his beautiful invention fur the
treatment of throat and lnng diseases. We
are fully eonvinced that its general use
would completely revolutionize the treat
ment of these old kitidred diseases and ro
suit in great good to humanity. Dr. Mathieu
has auceessfutly treated a number of cases
during his short stay iu tha Capital city,
and to these persons the public are referred
for proof of the efficiency and beneficial re
sults derived from hi treatment. Mr. J. C
Adkin, a well kuown citizen of thi city,
ha been luffcring for year past with a
partial paralysis of the right ide, Hi con
dition has been greatly bettered by a few
day of Mr. Mathien's treatment. '1 he right
side of his face and right shoulder, in
which there has been a constant sensation
of eoldness, and the nerve partially para
lyzed, have become warm and resumed their
natural action and feelings. Mrs. Adkina
also, has for years been aflicted with catarrh
in the head, which has been greatly relieved
and almost entirely remedied by a few days
of the Doctor' treatment. A gentleman,
residing in Salem, to whom we are authorized
to refer inquirers, but who prefer that hi
name shall not appear in print, ha been suf
fering for years with neuralgia, was, to all
appearance, permanently relieved by one
application of the Spirometer. We hear of
other oases, but the above are sufficient to
ijive the public an idaa of the RHicioncjr of
the Doctor's treatment aud of bis instrument,
tho Spirometer. We hojie thit muoh good
may rosnlt from ltootor Mathien's visit to
our city, and feel like liearttlv recomsnding
ll'A aHlldwl to at least givu In in a trial.
Dr. ttouviella Mattliiau will let bis patients
have one of hid instrument for tho sum oi
Ji5. and physiuUus can buy them, with the
rigltt to practice, for $1000.
Patient in the country oan be treated at
hoMto by sonding a description of their case
tn the Dnotor at hi ollic in the t. Charles
Hotel, rm-tlami
Dr. Souvielle Mathien's . Nasal Catarrh
Solution in warranted to cure that terrible
lisease, A bottle of the Solution with com
plete directions far use will bo sent to any
address on the receipt of $10.
Dr. Mathien's permanent office is at the
comer of Third and Morrison streets, Port
land, Oregon. - ,
ttrtaarStable Haem.
The success of the leading literary paper of
the West, Th'. Chicayo Ltdjtr, is truly re
markable. Since it introduction to the
reading public, aix year ago, Tht Ledger ha
steadily advanced in favor, aad is "dow ac
knowledged aecnnd to no paper of it kind in
the country. Its circulation is national, and
has been obtained through the efforts of it
character, and at the same time tell it at a
price consistent with the present hard time.
That they have succeeded, and well, too, th
thoasauds of reader of The Ledger scattered
from Maine to Texas and from Oregon te
Florida will bear testimony. The Chicago
Ledjer is a large forty-eight column weekly
paper, which contains stories both complete
and continued, in each number, written by
the beet author of the day, and a great
variety of information interesting to every
p 1
Having purchased tho entire Etccf-i cf YTxn.. Vivn
Vactor, arcs prepared to eoU all kinds cf
GrccmcH,' Previsions, (iraswaro '
and every thing usually-kept in r, r3 cZo,
Btore, at reasonable prices. Give us a t"
will ensure satisfaction.
rj CT-f"-!':.'
.J Vi j .i fc,
I ft 1 p f .
- , Vln2fl f
Store is : Crammed ''fall of Goods
v that will be soli cheap.
Ho keeps ClottLing',
coots a shoes,
and- just such, goods as I;!cn
Boys generally want.
I offer a choice nelecliou ef l'uinitine, tjm;li p.-i :
, STOOLS, ETC., ETC., Lit.
FRED. GRAFF, First Street, Albany, Oregon.
Brmdalb'a utreet' Mie dear at IU
"Ifeatocrat ' OKc.
boune. I will av lotbue who may
lavor nis tih their patn nace, that I in -
.... , , " tend to Ejfveenihvi-atMaeiion te allaa far
one. The ubscnj.tion price of Th LtdjerJ eag ad price- are concerned.
U only $1.50 per year, poatage paid, and it U
equal in every particular to other paper oi
tli not character which sell for (3 a year.
TUreo copies of this valuable paper will be
! aent to any nne who (end 10 ceut and their
Okirlund. Ran lWi.ciw.Ca!.. fifth wheel, j ta T" Lcd "cagn. ia c24ir4.
and Kugeno. Atnri-t, Ogti., raw-lock ; John ; Mtbini hr thrrc year, own fau dweliinj boime, hi
is. Ynl, m ifranciftou. t al , liot air en-' juriouiii i onii, u cw n ooi, uhi mvuvj
Jaa M0M I larval (1,,. laml t. : JunwJW.-inenMuniiwi.murm-o. -g
tomi; John Ummon, 8na Krauoi ., Cxi
harrnwa. Trade-mark M. Khrmav k Co.
San Franoiaeo and New York, teaa.
KftAlvtJona af Caaiialcneff.
Wrrriaa. Tha hnd of death hn Tltited v and
takan front cmr midH mr Bm. 8-rilU ttwUbl,
wh im Tirit h uom to Go 1 whi fnv9 ii : therein re.
detih, a worthy menhjr on ihx will tvrbt ibIwm)
la our Oranxe meeting.
DmaIi-I Tk.lah lsnav.iini aMkwIttk .WM.
bis nibmit'tti U tha will ot Him wh d-jeth a'.l thinpi ! Ma-Jhin.
wil. and truit thit our tnm i her sternal cain.
KMoivcHi. lht w teoder th tiereared ramnv aim
rUtivat of onr d.rtJ awtar, our te6ai utiuj hv.
H atlrai. 1h thaw rewluiiona ba sirad nwm tht
I r irtr (rood! at ihaiowest prtcfta. A youa
4r-eli Hewing Machina, mnt naeful tvliabla at ah
Uokm, txy to undaixtand and eoovrol, tha mm aiaa
a-d doM tha Mama work n any madiina tha. aell at
tvm TiMM tba fiauw. inrc h do maentn at mnj
price beitr, or UiSi will do wier or mr work, and
ceruiely noua ao low In prica by nny ikill&ra. The
HcMiar&a i widely known and oed in ttumaand of
famiiicmiin tha Eaitero ami Utdtito 9tate and daily be
otnina jmputar In tha WerV It will nve Ua cost sev
eral Uuift onr In oim aeaaon, doiu tha work of tha
fauiilr, or will earn fuor or five dullara a Uay for any
man or woman who aawa for a living. It U the atron?
oa ma?hiia made. It ready at all time to do ita work.
maVe the at rwnrtwt a no fin -ft atttcto yet Invante.!,
aad I ackinwttjdireJ tbeStanard Family Sew-
rni. iimpet ir 0"iieic use, wsv,
rUmid and ludmn-x per week ...--.$3 00
Unard s , 4 m
Siiipce meHi 2
loara autl ImJing cr uujr i tv
detirured at your dnnr, no matter bow remote " niav
rde. 8ulue inuaneitt and honorable, with mora
certain and rtid aes aid largtr profit than any
other. Kttr&irdinsry liberal offer BtaUa to leal or
ra-oiii of hi.;ntw thataa,.py be nt to the fwntly f r't w.hftre we n:,,, JT'iieT'
of tha dawiMxi. a'tl alo a eo-vy be furninhai the
W liame4a Fanner- and Htstb RmflTS Pes or a t tor
publication. M. J. PIKf )
A ria Bene.
if thr ao szeut new you, send jourcrder direct to
the te orf. Ail-lri'M .luha U. KetHir l S Co,, 421
B.-oJij, New Turk. TlSuirl
They tl tf it.
John Schineer bought a very une horse
from Mr. Hegele, of Tortland, a few days
ago, and he can now be een at Johnny's '
table in this city. lie is a remarkably well-
proportioned horse, of tha celebrated Ham
bletonian breed, and is just as "pretty a a
picture." We understand Juhnny paid $500
for him, and that lie will taks him over to
bis stock ranch ia the Prinovide oonntry.
Lambert Lnubert
By reference tu our advertising co'.uma U
will bo een that Price A Nickerson, who
have beea operating a saw-mill tnge-her for
some time, have dissolved partnership. Mr.
Prioa now owns the mill kimsolf, and will
run it on full time, so that no one will havo
to wait very long to have an rnkf filled.
Situated a this mill is, upon the Santiam,
th lumber coming from there is sure to be of
the very beet,
I. . G. T.
The following officers wars installed at tha
la it regular meeting of fake Creek Lodge
No. 271. I. O. O. T. ; Mary J. Sippy, W.
C. T. : Monroe Leach, W. V. T. j O. Benaet,
W. S. ; Mrs. 0. Kegley, V. F. & j T. A.
Cburohill, W. T. ; Nanoy J. Sippy, W. M.
Wm. Shepherd, W. I. O. ; Owen P-oni, W.
O. O. Irene William. P. W. C. T. ; O.
Bonnott, Lodge Deputy.
CaSlms, ailli.
F. R. Dunning has received a large lot of
rosewood caskets from San Francisco. They
are the handsomest, cheapest and best in the
valley, and oan be had in half an hoar after
the order is received. Remember that they
are of all sizes and vary cheap.
Bar ftalck.
On account of the unsettled state of the
finances in this country, manufacturers have
advanced their prices on goods on prints
from 1 to 2J cents per yard. All who are in
need of cotton goods had best buy quick.
Ckarck Heclnl.
A social will be held at the new residence
of Wm. Rumbaugh next Wednesday even
ing, for ths benefit of St. Paul's Church. A
cordial invitation is extended to i all our cit
izens to attend.
-Every man and woman who live in the
viciii'fy of tho Ono Trice Ready Pay Store
of Wheeler at Shedd, and who has given his
system of doing business a fair trial, bear
willing testimony to the fact that aa large a
qnantity and as food a quality of everytuing
that people need to bey can be had for thoir
money at that place, as can be had ai the bett
of the competing establishments, no matter
whoro located j and it is so handy, you know,
Venous cavskb d.cine years, fares, sickness
djn-moiniDicu, il hji-ed -a.- p.).1i-p;Hi , i i
ur-e-ate to turn the hair jrra.v, oau either of ihem in
clina it BheJ premaAireij: Avsss Ha, Vimos
will rejtore laUeJ or eraj, liht or reU bair to a riub
b.-.iwa or dee b'A-Jc, a- uta. be desired. It s ilteiia
ard cliue tlie eoai (f.viii-j it a bealihj st.on, a:Mi
removes and cuj dandruff aad humor, Br ita tue
tMlmf hair U check ju, ami a new aruvih will bepro
dujud io al. ease where the MUclta are not destroyed
or glands decavdit effort are boautiiullr ahuwu
on braihj, weak, or sickly hair, to afewap, li
eationa will produce the gloa and frmhneM uf yubth.
HiniU-sM and sure ia lie operation, H ie inoomparaUa
a3 a (inin, and is especially yaiued for the soft .us
tra and ric.huua of tjr, it im:arut. it nei bar
oil nor dye, ftiid wdi not scd or cu!or vhito cautna ;
vet It last Ion oa to nair, sua seeps n ireui ana i
I "vigorous, tor sal j by all dealers.
Wk rain not be too careful, when exposed
lo malatiotiB or mia-maiic p1mm, to mnrtl
tlie Bvstrm at every Mint sgainst the ap-
Iirrt.oh ol tm dan rmi a ton. A i'w i
rnns'a llamtiurit Tea. takon at Intel vals
of two or tliife eeks,cr offiwr, will ward
otT tills ItiHlilioiis roe, anil aeep me eyateiit
in tho I Hint iinvMblo coudlllon to raaun lis
future approaches.
tr The rational Uold Medal was awarded
to Bradley a Rulntsoii forthe bet Photnernptis
In t he UIIIWU ihi-s, hiiq ids t tesiwa ctisi w
.he b'l In theworld.
4j9 Monwcoiueav MUeet. Sd Fraaeise)
A great many students from the country
are attending the College thi winter.
TBI iersrned take pleacnra t
aanennc te the.r patron and dealer 1
is ceaersl that they kin lately in
creased their factory and are prepared
t furnlak an cd aa asaertmeet in
tbalr line aa any bsusa en the Coast.
Special lawacemeala cash cna
tomars. AUSET & HFGFLF,
P. O. atex M. 13 first Street
Farlery cm AMcr Street, betweea rint
aad aeeaad sMreet-, f.rtliiad, uirtuB.
zwnn inT ' utn'niis irifii t .-v - i
irouciiful r iiti.:wrttiM. Win J; w U
Clo avail ti!f in lv t,i if.:. Jrssfni-sl t.i
fv-r la:ti t t ftUnr i urf'-riiyf fiunisiniiv
UK. frpIN N KY wit I eunninmt U lor;;-:!
nj-rtk s and !fttisi' curp. vvun),i
lifn-Ur: wt to tli- uti inniiyiiit --rt
nnj" r-Mti t:iia iitrtrc. tiiB' via ar-- ir
tfn danceroti en.u:tl A-h.-r you
ii'lui Iu frurit lt;c r -m'js lor yur.
TO-nt-mbf r j-ou an- Btirf:,'iiiris ihtf 1j
erirtiE Ki'ine or l l it m '!i--c:, n--n:fnsjt-'ii
hi ii pt-r?' t:i iTrwrr;t'.r:itti wi-n. t., -t
iRt teUi COlMf- i!f'r: Tin rVrt -ilJtUI :..-J
iclno can rndcr na tst.!.i..--; wc-:;1
ufCHirft htt" tts Hi?jLitiX i;i;i
veliij uo ani ! ol it!"i-vv 't.z.-A Trtii r.-.l
.-a. '1 hen lt lira m-S'xe worli uj-m vtiri
jtmajrlnatrtui, avaji 'OiT.!l o: l: ittt-- ?
Ion tf-
piiciijf r-'-stjii- f h:s tr-ji: nifti!
Dissolution Notice.
N'OTICE la herolir eiven that the eo
lirinprw!iip hentiif.ire existing lB
I ween V. G. I'lark and J, I!. W.vatt, tinil.r
the firm tiame i.f Clark Wyatt. is this
Hsv dissolved by mutual ronwnt, V. U.
riaik ith'lrvinst. The business will
till he cntiiintirKl at the old nan I by J. V.
Wyatt. who still jmy a'l Hemnnds aeainst
the late tli tn, and ui whom ail notes aud
iccounia must be pa;(l.
laled Jan. 5, J878. 28w4
Final Settlement.
lexTOTFCK is heroVir triven thut I ho ni,dor-
11 Bietretl. Adiniiitstrntor of lh esutte of
lieo. I. Van Xostein, unsusra, nts nnxl
hia aount forthe Bottleuiont id said es
tate in the"uiity Court of hinn Comity,
.Stale of tirpstoii, and has appointed Tnes
dv. tlio (fh d y f Mure h. I7fl at tho hrur
f tine o'uloolt in the afternoon of said day,
fur lionriiiit f olij-aliona to eaid account
and the Houleuioot of the wi;n
J. f. UiiliDP.JX, 1
J. W. BAtDwns. Adm'r.
Att'y. 2S t
jise IS lx-3'tmd Iht- r--ic: f.f rr-i-)il st:i
iielrre prim ii--Ht licrr.- .-m o
iifecr. r lilt CfFiir-h ir-Hliii-jtfc
i-tutt monf-y iiy I'rw I tlw ifj-iltr f.-r itiH o.-iM'ripij ri crn-.
Call. Ailtlr-. Illl . II. SPISKf.
:o. I! Kir-iv Mr-ot
4 l:l'.l. tirl
It iir-zr. , -J
Albany, Orrgea.
CK C. OHEREY, Prop'r.
Foundry and 2,Iar-l;n fehfi. I em
-r-paic(i to fnrnish Wrosiicbt ;id Cst
Iron worK of every (lo-rip;!i, ou shoit
notii-o. Ail orders f r Miii wrk iil t
fiileMl with dkpatc-U and in a EaSinfiutory
"rar'.imtlar attention 4:d to repaii
ing Aarictrt-ural imp cnieuii, ai-o, iirasa
ciLssiniES madu t orrtor.
AiIhsuv, Kit., Ot-t. - I 1S77.
vl.'.nfu 1 :
j. a. BAiotrr.
Le&icra la a!! k'.n-!.i '.
DsWITT WISEMAN. At the residence o( Harriet
Juhnson, In this city, on Sabbath, dan. S7, 1878, by
Rev. J. t . tleVdre, IVOH. llewm ana ataSTSA A.
JACKSON-VPCHURCH. At th same tuns and
place, sod by the same elercyman. Ww. Jacesox sad
PARRISH ALUSOS Oa Wednesday, Jaa SO,
1878. st toe reauieace oi toe onae. in toie city, ay Kv.
J. P. D Vers, Ma. tttsum, fawusa sad Ilka. L. i
Dissolution Notice.
tbeon-partnerohlp heretoforw existing
between N. Price and Huh Nickerwm,
under the firm name tif Prh-e Nicker-on,
engaged in ttfeMtw null tm&ineas, in hero
Iiy disstilved hy niutiial oon!tent. All jwr
ms knowing thetnelvea Imlebted to the
nnn are inviled to come lorwar J aud aet
tio without delay.
January SO. 187S n2w4
N. U. The btiino ebove menttonml
will be continue I by the nuiierximied. n ho
renpeo fully wilicits a libenl aha-e of nat
rtinsfre. pnmiin tn furiiiMli only the very
beat lumber to bo found in the market.
Waterloo, Linn Co., Or , Jan. 30th, 1878.
Administator's Notice.
the nmler-ivned was this day appoint
ed administrator and admiiiixtratrix of the
individual and co-partnerahip estate of
Frank Blair. de"eaed, and all claims
aifainnt aiid ewtate, must be presented lo
the administrator or administratrix within
Mx month" from this date at the ofB -o of
Weatherford & Piper in thecity of Albany,
I -inn County, Oretrnn, or lo the adminis
trator or administratrix at their residence
about five miles east, of Crawfordsville,
DatsJ thi Jannary 23th, lf78. r .
- M. BfcRRIG AM, Adm'r.
v;-- SUMMONS.,
Ia (hi Circuit Court of the Stat e Oregon
far the Count of Lam. ' . - -James
H. Houston and Milton Houston,
Plainiitfs, va. Charlea . Cuuuinghatu, L-fundant.
To Cbarte F. Cannlncham, the abovo
named befeudsut :
In the name of the State of Ormton yon
are hereby stitntnoncd aad required to ap
pear and answer the PlaittiltV complaint
in the above entitled suit, now on tile wi.ti
the V erk of said Court vu the first day of
the neat term of this Court, to b- hnldeti at
the Court llimne in Albany, l.inn County,
t reaoii, on the secxjiid Monday, the 1 itb
day of March, A. it. Ibis, anil you are no
tined that the lelief demanded in saiil com
plaint is. he partilion of the follow ine d
NCribedreal proierty, held by ilaintlfiand
Deieuuatit aa lenanu in commun, to-wu :
The north half of the Dona' ion Land Claim
of Hubert Houston and Mary Houston hut
wife, Notincaiion No. MS1. Claim 'o.38,and
beini: parbi of fteotions 3 and 31. in Tow n-
bhip 10, South ltanga Nri. 3 v eat, and
nana of ejections tsos. 3, 4 ana , in 1 own-
ship No. lle-outb of hantw No. 3 Went,
Iwid North half eonUiniug 318 acies, s
that said parties shall own their t real
property 111 soveiaity, mat i- to say, James
It- Uuumon fivo-ienths therecjf, Milinn
Houston 'hree tenths therPNf, and lite De
fendant,. Charlea F. Cunningham, tivo
tentba thereof: and if you fail lo appear
and answer t-aid complaint as herein re
quired,the l'liniiffi will apply totheCVurt
for the relief demanded in said complaint.
1 ins sntuuiuns im pumiMiiea tn me state
Riouts JjfcMj forsix weeks
consecutively by order of Him. K. P.
iKMse, Juage or aam court, wnica order is
dated January 2. 1878.
q23w0 Att'ys tor PlHiniiffs.
SfJO)r-"t?i'v SfE-Jr.t - en n.-st. a!e Ferry
fTM ; iLml Hark et i rtr.--t. ieto
T tuoea, aad will ttrir to fkm,U wie t;!njj
, TNirk. Matr
T! h'.ihsst ease pnee raid Ijt Bn
ea aau VcaL
State Treaaarea-'a lauttU Sttice.
Sa!tm. Jan. 13. 1S77. J
lt 'here are fnnd on hand for tho pay
ment m Mate Warrant classed aud utult-tiore-i
as fullows:
Warratiia of nld iue. pn vablo Trnm fund
derived from spe.;i:-il tax, ini..rstt prior to
ett. 14, 1874, viz : Nos. 4 !'J. 4s;, 441. 4 2.
i f,, 44, 445, 4-2, W. 4!7. 44?, 44!!, i:Z
4ol, 2, 45. 4 4, 4T-., 41. 457, 47A 469.
4v0. 4 .1, 4C2, 4i'5. 4M. 409, 4" (i autl 47.!.
Warrants naysbl from seneral runrt. in
doro, oince September 1 1. 1-M7 -i. v',- vlK.
...V. ,Uf, Hl-J II I i:i)
1101, 11C5, 1:0.1, 113, 1107, lU.V itVO l-ii.
112 1124. 11 X. JIM, JjlO ui, 1 o,," ij..:;
113. 1133, 1!34. 1'3H Hijt, list ii-",,'
1083., l(fti, 1141, lH, 1:?7 iH7 1;"' )'
102a, loii. 1140, hoi, ivx. tdl
I14S, llftt, 1197, lins, i:o, 1201. H 121'.-,
1.07, 12'W. 12;t. Ji08,-itJlA I61'i-ii':c
1-ilo. 1219, 1217, lifil. 1 -.2, l'ljl 1-KI7
15!28, 12uH. 1231 aud li3t.
Interest o tkea warrants -rtt
from this dale. ,
A. It. BROW.V,
n25w3 Sta-a Treastirer.
Wholesale and BaataU stealer la
Dry Coed and Groceries,
. I&caitern 4c .Slower,
WasoiiH, l'lor8.
Seed Drill.
m mmm seeb.sowehs, e.
Eirt fit, AHaar.
i living one mile c-ost of OnDas. I'o'k
County, Orejrou. uie biaek hM-se c!t K.t
white on both hind fvtrf ami itsrsjtoii tiia
upper lip. AppntisVel by Ja-Uce O. C.
Beci at iiO, Januart 28.h. iS78.