3 -,W!3ilS:M A D VIS R T 1 f K I E N T F. ADTEETISEMENTS. A DVEHTISEMKNTS. ADVERTISEMENTS, 1 f ADVEILTISEIiEHTS. 1 j 1 I - Jan. S3, 1378. raniiSljaraen. ' fakm uixn. One hundred pounds of barley fur nish eighty pounds of dry malt. Throughout the cotton producing States the averag eyield of cotton per acre Is 7S pounds. vnHied at $19.04 The husk of wheat contains as much as six pei cent, of oil, whereas flue flour contains scarcely more than one per cent. Fertila soils absorb moisture from th atmosphere to a far greater de gree than sandy or unfertile soil. A sudden and radical than ge of fool for cattle Is always attended with i.l consequences. A good cow needs more food than a poor one, and the more milk she gives the more food she requires. Potato bags In large quantities are in winter qnarters around old wittls. In tho present mild, open weather, the farmers have a grand opp rlunl ty to destroy them in large numbers, by burning the old dead gras, leaved and brush, and thereby receive a two-foUl benefit. Good wheat ought to furnish at least 74 per cent of fine flour. The best samples tften furnith 79 r. 80 percest, and in a few rare instan ces .s much as 86 per cent, of floarJ baa been obtained. Inferior varilies seldom produce more than 98 per cent, and in some instances only 54 to 56 per cent of flour has been obtained irom ma sarapies. un an avjrage wheat may be sal I to yield 73 pr cent, of fine flour and 23 rer cent, of bran and middlings. Grass cut a week after it is out of blossom, will produce hay that con tains about forty pounds in a hundred available for food; the fatty matter will be pale, making light-colored butter. It will take a cow six hours to digest a meal of such hay. Karly col hay, on the other hand, will con tain about fifty-fiva pounds of food material in every 100, which will be In tetter proportion and better color, and will require but four hours for digest! n. tne sona excrements or the cow contain more moisture than the solid excrements of the horses, sheep or pigs, and les3 nitrogen than horse dung. It enters slowly Into fermen tation, and, therefoie, Is of a colder nature than hor?e dung. The slow ness of fermentation of cow dung mast be aseribeu first lo the Urge amount or water which it contains; sec:nd, to the small amount of nitro gen contained in the organic portions of this dung; and third, to the phys ical condition of these matters, for, la drying, cew dung does not crum ble dewii like horse dung.but adheres together, forming a cheesey mass, into which the air does not penetrate readily, and which cannot be so well distributed over the land as horse dang. The action of cow dung on vegetation is slower but more lasting than that of horse manure. Let Grangers remember that one point gained, one progressive step made each month of each year, is far preferable to an attempt to ae- compusn such a variety of work as to burden and Impede the action of the organisation. A Card and Prospectus. ! Ravine opened a free Ioteiliyenee OfSoe, far the pur pose of assisting- newcomers to our State b all possible KMans at my command, where are kepi files of all ieadine; newspapers pbblipbed in Oregon aj:-i ll'afthrag--on Territory, I have also determined to establish a fausd Journal, to. be called THE OREGON AND WASHINGTON . LAND REGISTER, Tne object of which is to lriny Land Owner h1 Kti t"tate Awaits into elyer communication Hb the thondKnM of Immi?mnts who are arrivine ia this eitv mnth view to the uitim&t purchase of lands. It wilt he prtnUjd in reuhir newrpper form, eisrht-pnre, I2x 18 nrches, mad will be devoted solely to the i.arro; for whieh it is estsbJished. The first edition of 6.000 cop ies will be irwned abont the 10th of February, 176, and m often tb.er&ftr as the iiiflax of kauigration demands. Deseription of larms and other proiAarty for m)e will fee oomlensed to occupy ten Iirtae (TO word or ,cfM, and will be chared ft at the rate of one dri;r each. H ts more than probable that from twenty-five to fifty thoaand peopie will be added to our population during the spring and rammer of 1K7&. Nearly all immigraiiW who come to Oregon and Washington Ter ritory land llrrt at Portland, and will receive a copy of this paper, as it will be distributed gratuitm-ly." It will ttwrefore be the bast p tsaible mcn5 of bringing lands and other property for aale to their notiea. Descriptions of property for saie may be a ri;ten out In fuil, giving character, location, price, term swJe, and all advaHtagee of schools, cl".ur.:n, rfin, e., which will be editorially ecde:v9ed to ths renirsd pace, and the tettor nnmbered to o.'rresporfd with the description, and filed in my office for rf-?Te'.Kie- No charge will be made for Bales arraag-ed thrxa;h this wrencv the only fee required bein r,ne d-'liar f.r each description inserted in tbe Livo Reoitrr, whisb must be forwarded with the description. H mj? be sent In silver by registered 1 otter, or by poin? or'iWat my risk. Correspondence on all enbjests connv5el with the wevtKment oi an portions or tna stat and T?r-iV-rv rerOpcvctuily solicited. I keep a re2ister in m v t-tficc in which are cr.irei the wants of all parts of the istte an.i Territory for iaborera, median ica, merchant, etc., wh.h i open for the free inspection of newcomer. N ti?e of such wants retpectruiiy solicited. All iixat-w inte.idd for , pb4ic;oo id life land retritr riu-t. be ritr-:i on one aide of tha paper only, and be iu prior to the first of February, 187-S. AH dascHptions oi propiirty for sale wiii be inserted in the order of tJuir arriva? those emir.p first on the ooWhI pac.4. Bahevicg- that this poblicati-jn w1l be jrrcatl ' to the advantage of bth buyer and teller, i rijujeotriily so licit the patronage o( ths pub!. Address all comDjunicaUoiui tn me at P- -rl!;i!vi, Ore- Powtla!! Or , December 20, 177. cZltL Millinery Goods at Cost. A FIXE OriORTUNITr Fon OET J. TING millinery goods choap is now offered the ladies of Al ban y. Mrs. Fannie Streeter has just arrived from the Kat and brouirht with her a large stock of -t cy tan i re Keen tu. uer resiaence. one door east or Mrs. Russell's. She is a first class milliner and dress-maker and solicits work in htr line. nlSra3 A D VE R T 1 S TmCl n.. . J'-"0 we fob mi.zo. ?Jr, 'JMllbywa, o.,. or Dor. of our mi Tr ,''- Advertuiemanw reevjivod for one or ajrf oUr inloniEtiou and fc,r cnS? aSSJ BEAIS t,TKR. 41 Park K.W ITliS. aUUttUas, Sew Writ. m4 Agents Wanted. IF "VCU WANT employment at once, . call on S. Harkleroati, at Genais, wbo will give you an agency lor the best selling work ia the land. Kvert body wants it, and everybody buys it. Agents are aver aging from fony u ninety orders per week, ana Clearing iom f 100 to 8200 ner month i for a situation and tall fmZ&KZ SqS ?e t this omoe, or write to S. Harkleroati, at ' Albany or Uervais. it Aycr'a Cathartic Pills, For all the jraypossa of a Fatally P hvaio, and for ourwg Cosiiveness, Ja-maice, Indication, poul 8torr..cn, I "tn, Kfaa&che, Erysipelas, ivnank Eruptions and akin XiUm8o, Bil iousness, Dropsy, "Xumora.Vvortna, lor urlfyici tho iUobd. Are the most ef fective and conge- " nial purgative ever discovered. They f are tnild, but ef Fectual in their ,J operation, moving uio bowels surely I and without pain, i Although gentle V "V -, J 1 1n their operation. f. '.. ' .Jtliey are still the "---,2 most thorough nud "---ii-- " -w- searching cathar tic medicine that can be employed : cleans ing the stomach and bowels, and even the blood. In small doses of one pill a day, they stimulate the disrc stive organs and promote vigorous health. Ayeu's Tills have been known for more than a quarter of a century, and have obtained a world-wide reputation for their virtues. They correct diseased action in tho several assimilative organs of the body, and are so composed that obstruc tion's within their range can rarciy with stand or evade them. Not only do they cure the cvery-day complaints of ovcry bodv, but also" formidable and dangerous diseases that have baffled the best of human skill. While they produce power ful cfl'uets, they are, at the same time, the safest and best physic for children. By their aperient action they gripe much less than the common purgatives, atd never jrive pain when the bowels are not inflamed. They reach the vital fountains of the blood, and strengthen the svstem by freeing it from the elements of weakness. Adapted to all ages and conditions in aU climates, containing neither calomel nor any deleterious drug, these Pills may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever fresh, and makes them pleasant to take ; while being purely vegetable, no harm can arise turn their use in any quantity, rnEFjjtKD Br Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analvtical Chemlrta. St.l BY AU, Dlll'tililSTS EV Kit V WHERE. CITY DRUG STORE. loner Flnt and ElWwarta Streets. ALB I XT. EESOV It". SALTMARSQ has again purchase! the City Drug Store, caviDgjpurcnasea tne emirs interest or C. W. SHAW, successor to A. Csrothers & Co. He Is new receiving splendid new stock, which. added to the former, renders it verv com plete in all the different departments. Feeling assured that all can be suited, both in rnantity and prices. Mr. SaKmarsh cor diilly invites his old friends and custom ers to give mm a can. PRESCRIPTIONS will receive immedi ate and careful attention, at all. hours, day and night. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal purposes v!3nlltf JOHN CONNER'S BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE ALB tXT, OBEGOS. ' DEPOSITS RECEIVED. SUBJECT TO CHECK AT EIGHT. latcrtit iUTt Time Dtpetiti ii Coin. BXCHAKGB ON PORTLAND, BAN FEAN- CI8CO, and NSW YORK, for sal at lewest rates. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTED Banking moan, I i. i. to 4 r. a.-fc Refer to H. W. CORBBTT, HENRY FAILING, W. S. LADD. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO, rerHYFRACfS 4 rryiK the r mail aaa Eaprraa. WILL DISPATCHI ; STE AM ERS I ron jtcCKA'KEl Wharf, EVEBY FIVE TDAnrS. We would advise pansengers in the interior not to purchase tickets until they ar rive at Portland, and thus avail themselves of the iXW EST RATKS. For PASSAGE and FREIGHT. sdcIt to J. McCRACKES A CO. Agents, 62 nionn .Front street, roruana, uregon. rSTi eltets for sale a( Albany at W. ". Tnreednle'n Grocery store. 9tl GREAT REDUCTION! s ECVRE AN AGENCY aad ss er via per week. HOMESTEAD Q20 SEWING $20 MACHINE. For Domestic na, WithTable and Fixtures complet9,only $20 A perfect and uneqfcaled, tar?, atron; and durable Machine contitrneted elegant and solid, from the best material with mathemataoal precion, for constant Fam ily ue or tnanafacturio? purposes. Always ready at a moment's notice to do its day's work, never oat of or der, and will last a feneration with moderate eare easy to understand and manage; litfht, smooth and swift runmng, like the well-regulated loorement of a fine watch ; Simple. Compact, Efficient and Reliable, with all the valuable improvement to be found in the nixh e4 priced Machine, warranted to do the mm work tha wme war, and as rapid and smooth as a $75 Ma chine. An acknowledged triumph of ingenious mechan ical fckill, ewenti&liy the working- woman's friend, and far in advance of aU ordinary Machines, lor absolute Strenjrth, Relibmty and general usefulness ; will Heru, Fell, 'fuck. Seam, Vuilt, Bind, Braid, 7ord. feather Raffle, Shirr, Plait, Fold, Scotlcp, Ko, Kmhroidr. Kun np Breadths, &c, with woncierfal rapidity, neat ness and ease, sews the strongest lasting stitch equally fine and smooth through all kind of goods, from cam bric to sereral thicknesses of broadcloth or leather, with fine or coarse cotton, linen, silk or twine. Gives perfect satisfaction. Will earn its cost several t4mes over in a season in the work it docs, or make a good riving for anr man or woman who desires to use it for that purpose ; works so faithful and eaay the servants or children can nao it without damage. Price of Machine with light table, fully equipped for family work, 620. Half Cavs, Covxm Sir Drawers atd Cabixkt Httles each at corrcsposdiiigly low rates. Safe delivery gnar- anteea, rrse irom aamage. ivxpianatory pampntets u lu?trated with engravings of the several styles of Ma chines, references, variety of sewine; Ac, mailed free. Confidential terms wiith liberal inducements to enter prising Clergymeza, Teachers, Business Met., Traveling or Local Agents, who desire exdnive Agencies, furnished on application. Address John H. Kendall & Co., 421 Broadway, cw York. Tl3nl7yl ' ALBAWY BATH HOUSE I nECSDKKS105KD WOULD RKSPECT J fully inform tba ckueni cf Albaay and vl tiaitv inat ha baa taken charge of tail Sstabliab ment. and, by keeping eleaa rooms and payinc ttrict attention to busiceu, expect to aait al tao who may rarer nun wMx then patronage. Having heretofore aarried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, - expeete to give entire aiiefaetiea to aC "Chi!dien and Ladiet Hair neatly out j hampooed. JOSEPH WKEBEK i rSn3St.f GRACE'S SAL.VE. ... V, SV f, Prr ira lo , invented in the 17th anuy. ITirooj iu acy he cored thoMand, oTTbe ! m st serious mtm aod woundl, L f. . U who knew bun an a Mi7J; bl br mail 30c For aale 00 1- . ", I" rr" ix-tiefartor. the, a " rXTr , UA N TE D. 4 Urea SETS W. FVWU BTJf, GllOCEUIES! PROVISIONS -V-A.JST VACTOR keeps tlio fresliest aud best Btock of gi'oceries, and will sell as cheap as any body. HE!ALSO HAS A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STCCK or Crockery Warn, . Glas8War8, Plated Ware, China Ware, LAMPS, CUTLERY, ETC. t"CaU on him In tba new budding on front atreet, (between Young's and 1'liun ners nStf OREGON Steamship Co. Win dlsratch a itearocr abont eerr i daj, FROM PORTLAND TO SAN FRAKCISCO For comtort, spd ami sofctj', patronrjie tlw A I. Xev Iron 8ttashii G WELDER, CITY OF CKESUK, And the SEW Iron SuxunAljs 4,500 tons burthen, y mm of oregoh. mm& tyCALTIOS This to the oul; line - RUNNING NEW IRON .STEAMSHIPS This line ia the only one authorized Te Can? the railed State HnlU and tv-li. Faraa'a Eipre. Through Coupou Tickets . JFit sale at the office of the O. C. R. B. Co. iT BEDtTOED EA.TES. For further parueuhiT apply at tiie ctn ti Ht Company, foot of F and First streets, l'ortn i. UEO. WCWLEB, TlSnlStl Aspnt. FRESH OYSTERS FROM Shoalwater and Taqnina Bay AT MADY'S RESTAURANT. Tl3n6tf For Sale. A Splendid Farm. irtl II I Is well fenced and otherwhe well improved. 200 acres is the best of farming land. Good bonse, barn, snd all necessary improvements for an excellent motleru farm. No white ijisd on the nlaoe. It is situated 1 1-2 milea west of Albany the frreat agricultural center of Oregon- For term" enquire at the place of TlSnltf J. L. HATCH UK. DZO. ZEYSS. Contraetor, Dnildcr aud Anlutitt. Albftn-, Oregon. ALL modern aichitecture and buikling of any and all descriptions promptly attended to. Drafts, plans and apeeilica- tions drawn np on snort nouoa. vi;iniyi SAMUEL E. YOUNG Wholesale and Retail Pealur In Dry Goods and Groceries, Jloinin?, vonts, snocs, Keapers & Hlower, Wagons, PIoivm, Seed Drills, 4id BROADCAST SEED SOWERS, Xk. TERMS-CASH. First St.. AILasv, NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING A book con ti nine- a list of town" in the V. S. bavin; 5,000 pop., mod the newpajer bavin? larcrt cireiiia ttoo. All the Ftelifii'His, Agricultural, Sciemitio, iunl other special cl&M juunuils. Tables of i-atcs, showing cost of advertising ana every Jtiinjf wuicn an aavcruwr woald like to know. Mailed on receipt of ten cent. Address E. P. BOWEli CO., 10 piifc JACKSON'S BEST SWEET HAYY CHEWING TOBACCO. Awarded the hibot prise at Centennial Exposition for itn fine chewing quaVttiet, the excellence and Intl imr charmcUr of its flavoring and aweetnin&r. The Brt Tobacco ever mad?. Ask vour frrocer for it. Our blue strip trade mark "Jackson's Bt-tT' on every ot-iiu ior samples zo v. A. ?a. irU7 ,u., Mannracturcrs, Peterstaury, Va. 1 K. VERT "'""tn, Bote Agents son f ranclsco. J. 13. HirRKflART, Seal Estate and ConTeyanrciD? irn(, ALBANY. OREGON. OORSKK FIBST AXT BROADALBI STItEETS. Farms of all aize, Improved and nnini- prorea, in tnis ana adjacent conntien, suit able for grain raising, also timbered land and stock ranclies for sale on easy terms. Also for sale a nunilier of dwelling honses and vacant lots in this cilv. Parties desiring to either sell or purchase should call and learn terms and prices bo- tore purcnasing eisownere. Persona desiring help can be provided f ith any number of laborers bv leaving rdors. 'dnl'Stf. 1823. SEF1D FOil 13m THB TEW Y0EK OBSERVER Tke Best Rellg-lenaaadgeenlnr Family News paper. $3.15 a Wear. post-paiU, EaMbllKhed 1823. tST SI PAKK ROW, VEW l'OStK. "SS SAMPLE COPIES FREE. &9m4 Business Cards, Visit ing Cards, We dding Cards, or any othtr kind of Cards, call cn MansfiVlrf & MnnfAi'fh til tia Job Printers, Albany. Or-n c37t FilOFRIETAIll or mi. CHANDLER, F.U.S.A., Lets Phyjicloo lo St. Georoo'e end 81. Bartholo mew Hespltele, London, Curator to St. Lnxoboth , etc. f;cr f-r of thf most mbortoits ro-mriirt-n ntiti srwfJe7Hoiit oilit after the DWffipnl .tpplitxition in treatment to thou i.ntrf ff patient, Vet'. Chavdlei; A.M., 4f l nnu' ! to '.Un American pub He the fnllotrliiir reme-lie, f Bole H4 ron rn amt prepertf, the efilcaett of vhieU ii atitetetl i;i the voluminous quantity of testimonials, tna tmaolielteii offering of mitfieriiw and ttiaeauragrd pntlent, teho linvc li"t onlV t-eeetverl relief )! benefit tront their continued wae, but hare been ,n,i,enll,l enre;S of ulttnent anil ehronle romrloiiit, erifeli hate breu ailjnilued by tna treat ci:(iu at xiliUUiutia aa to.t-lrae. TKS-VY6HSE mriririi II.E3I.llt. Thla inecmnarable J r?P Vft A TTTE U r. potrrrfHl A L TIC it A Tf Y B, XUHIC, I1 X'ltKTIf, JT A t'U Oil UTIC, ami AI'EUI '5'. ctt'.ihininn vlrtttea tehieh render it :,imrcB6(rf lieeer-fnilitia, and ttf its-, rcutlau.d tma tei'l thoiimglilif rradi eatr nil tlixrntrg of thu bt'toil. Ita ingre tiirxts are of a pitrrlit hartnteaa extrac timt, f if prtxliteta gathered from remote Jitftptinn froniiterx, nut trfiero there ia the l!'?ttest tctiut i f eliaenao til the effa te,n, ft never fall tit ejecting that ttlstaae through the metlitm ' or rx- uetUnn it lilv't.-;,". the s.-mr nnil rarloua 'eltantirl t f the hotly, thereby nllotcintr, antt, iH'frel, foreina trlt tho tn-atitia into their jiiijer ',iormtil nud fttnetii tint con dition. A vert brief apn,e cf time wtil eonvinee emti ,nltent 4aintt it, vf i:a etoubtrd- rttirzbitltit tir.tt teott-ierfnt r,i re tire properties, it bcti:ij, k:oj vuqtteation ttblif, the veri rmfl etf tittdiorit trhtmpha, nnrf (.'is freatest ?lsccpe ft cf tho preaettt nfte, in the t.eaiuieut vf ei'Mf Hiaeate irfr tite blyi"i xtttelf ia primarily tho teat rf lb lrs jt er tliaordrr, aueh aa S'-ff tU'VI.A onA the thonnnl antt one enuaea ttutt lend to thta teraiote affliction, of tehiet alt etellisrtt eothmvnitiea are e-rrtsrtnf, for Iiiblicul 5'rutH ha aaert rtl that the ".Jut of the father shall vialt rrr.- ttnfo lite tlnrd and fourth ften eralion," and t l:j:tJil:tT-JjtU X AM i:x ft: tzni.En tttssxirvnoxs it ia fMteerfnl rejurenator, eanaivn the trreelt of turn oitro fitore to eisst.tjie the CoU-like t',:rm t.f tn'tnhr.ert. I 'or C IT A h I O T"? TiZSI'A ITS. T-RIJT- ,trrr trsomi:i:, t-oxsn i'Atio y ore t'OSJrj.-.Vl.'.SS, I.It J.ii AIt KlItSKX COM-I.AZXTS, V VXKltAJLAJilt XaBf. nv.-t ii:isiiiTr, n n j-; t -jh a 11 s sr, tit. AXItt LAH liXJjAUtit.lltSltJii, I.fl- mt:!.niiATQia Axvr.it, Ht-titn; AfU'ATtnXH OF 'IHV. HOXKS. 1XDO IB.Vr ULCVitB. Jt EMAl.t; t OM riAIXTS (and to the ae.Kller e--j it t3 a boon tnn't sonaht for Vy eensitive, euaerp. tible, anrl delicate females, B 1t teh-ra tttrrct action upon their ailntvnt AhS A 1.1. fOKHS tJltttOXIC IflSVAXli is which tub nvtiODin rut: seat OF THU XKO I til.t:. it ie invaluable. A peraereranee trlth tJtis mnedtf tr.lt frroro a positive ane? permetuent euro for caiLI.S and FEVtUta nJ alt MA1.A- uial roisoxs. Itiomanria of Teatitnonlala ctfrj the truth of tiieae claim. lrtce, One lkllart tarff bottle, or Is battle, $3. dyspepsia, GASTROV. GAST&OTT asnffi, fipeeiTfr nd poU ttvn cure far that tnost dcprrtuniff cf ment. nwcf it brirfeottr of tretitme tit t ill restorcUhe tiiffeiiro organs to their prig tine mtrctTfTlf, and ntfioo the healthy action of tho ntomttrh rrrf 4ntr9tines Ihm tterrona irri!rhiiitf r Utrmrjf otrrf fl pfronB juvniny a sedentary Uj'e, im jctrf if f reBtc rfitl tf t h i ijent Th o mtotnach is -cforcrl to hen Ith and tho hep note of the mptem will tmca tnoe rrsponA tn the performance of irtbor, i'rfp-, oh ioltart in largo boHlv. or BHCHCHITI3 AKD LUN8 AFFECTIONS. TEACHEON. A Zffffit o -ml Irtl eoUl trtTt ofittmrm fifttfl to n morions cott(rh9 which, wtiearrtl for or bndiff trentrdf tnutt have but one rcstWr it must eventuate in u settled erine of BRONCHITIS, or what is wwf tho rteatilv JOJ)SUi f TiO.V. To nil uf) rrtiirf fi omharnfisintr cough aud aepeetoratioiim ii.4Cfi.03" offet'9 a sound f reliable, ana permanent relief, it attrtntents crjiec ration, anl cnabtes tho pmtirnt to exprt trust terrill-r septic deposit f which, 4f (eft teUhntit jttrliciatis treatment? wttat com ttntnicate it poixen to tho reticular sub-staH-e of the lnp, ttefjeneratintj and tie stro&hrrr thit C essential of organs, and itttimtMes only in an tariff and trn timely death. TitACUEOX has no equal, ranch, less a superior, and its vso will not ontf rentovo the deposit, thereby affording pr-t relief, but heats the membrane and leaves the pat it nt in possession of healthy I una tissuv. l'ricc, Fiftff Cents ptr bottle, or sim bottles, $,9.50. v. PILES. Hemorrhoids. ; .VIVOS. Many rnvses tend to prodttee fit Is pain ful and distressing slate. The blood is retarded in its return t the too treouent mse of drastic pnraatires tends to produce j cenarstion of the bowels, torpid action of f the liver, and numerous other causes are the source of this complaint, and hitherto nothing effectual has been presented to the public, which would rapidly alledate symptoms and ultimately prove an effect Ave enre. Jn lIL,OX we ttave a renietly , which not only arts almost instantly, but will remove the largest tumors of the parts f Piles) bv absorption, and manu rX hare received not only benefit, but have tprior to nstna this treatment) btt rmU nent snraeons that the only relief they trtr runtt wrjrpvr n tlje, wontt OS oy an operation, and removing it or them front .toe body bn a procedure which necessitat ed the knife. This remedy hoc been hailed with dell ff ht, and is nout prescribed by many practising physicians, who aro cog nisant of its merit a, as the only known sure cure for PILES I'rice, Mfty ten I per pachaac,' or sijs Itr $950. wi( " the Aiiorn j? emedijes aus theroualt tn the eradication vf the differ ent and varien tnalatiie denominated, and are the reault of patient, tearching, taboriona, and. aelrulifio inveatiaation, embracing a period tnanu year, in JSurene and Ameriett. If the tpecifle direction are complied With, thoneana of patient a will bear arit nea to their relative tnerite, and corrob orate every aaeertion. it here there are r.any complication of dlaeaae, and pa tient o desire, UJl. CUAXVtElt vill be pleaaed to pf oil information, ami treat by letter if neeeaaanr. Detcriptiv and Explanatory Clren. tar of the above remedlee tent on receipt ijHP' -fT fliOVKIJiTAUX MEDICiAEs are not on tale at vour particular drugniet'e, tend) order to OR. CHANDLER, , 1479 Broadway, Saw-York City. BEAUTIFUL CHROMO FREE The Monthly Journal of nealth and lloitse keeperV Magazine. Devotod to SciPntitle.Inicl lectiinl and Ii8truottve information nud S.inl. tary Science fmpplyiiis a necessity loniinwd- ra y every lamiiy. Also containing splcnilld contlnupd and shtjrt Morif-n, sketches, poems, wit and humor, useful knwiedire, jyamcs, puz zles, &.C., &c. ComWninsr lutelllfjetit mid In teresliiifr matter, relating cirtlculnrly to toe diitlrs of daily lifo and of tho houin clrele, with valuable receipts for overy houirheeper, Thts Journni lins lor its o.tj?ct tke improve ment of morals ss well as tho health of society, and ns sueli cannot fail to be considered a val uable addition to eve ry household and an or nament to every home. Fright, Cheerful, Ear nest, and Progressive, It is tho side of Tem perance, t hr simn Morality and all true, re forms. Whatever is hurtful to Society It con demns without fear or favcr, and makes itself felt in the community ns a powtr for Food, Handsomely printed, profusely illustrated, emphatically a paper for everybody, and gives more for the money than any other. A 'l W and ELEGANT CDSOMO PRE- SEATED Fit l.K t each Euhacribcr, which Is of Itself worth double the amount of subscription. The rrlco Is only 81.00 a year, postpaid. Apents, male, or female, can m-ko more msuievgottinjr subscriptions for this paper than anything else. Ijirso cash commissions al lowed aud exclusive territory Riveu. Agents will save time and secure territory by sending Sl.uo, for which we will forward prepaid complete outfit. Certificate, of Agency ikc.Aze. ' Address HEALTH PTJBTJSHIIS'G CO., No. ti&) Seventh Ave., 2iew Yotk voll3n33tf City. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Washington and First stroeta. ALBANY, - . . OREGON. J- M- TRGNK, Proprietor. THE PROPRIETOR takes pleasure In In. forminpt the public In general that he has lHtcly refurnished and renovated the house tlirOUCllOllt. and now Rt.nnri. fieenml Ia nm.c tn tha btate. The dining room Is under his Im mediate supervision, and no pains will be spared to supply the table with the best the niaritet anorus. Mouse open all night. rr Coaou To and From the Bottse. vlintSlf. 01IEGON EKAirCH HOME MUTUAL INSUEANCE COMPANY ! ORGANIZED 1864. 40G California Strcft, Enn Francisco. Capital. i 9300,000 00 Aaitets, Jau. 1, IST7, S95,SS1 00 Income '76, - - 871, S7S 8 I.oea Paid, . 1,1S7,7 BO Comparative exhibit of the financial standing of the Horns Mutnal Insurance Company on Jan. 1st, 1870, and Jan. 1st, January im, 1S76. Assets.. fill 1,054 54 Linbilitiea . 8,47100 finrplua for policy holders $.'103,183 64 Capital 3UO.O0O 09 Surplus ri3,183 64 Re-inurance KeaerTO 178,213 94 'Kot Surplus f28,B3B go Jannary 1st, 1S77. Assets Liabilities. .. 6,962 00 Surplus for Policy Holders f.589,839 00 Capital 800,000 00 Surplus. $2S9,S3t 00 Ila-insurance Itenerre 183,730 80 Net surplus- - f.106,002 70 Net Increase of surplus. In twelve months ......7S,638 10 Dlvideuds paid 27,000 00 Slaking net profit.. tl05,633 10 The officers of tba "Horns Mutnal beg leave t congratulate Its patrons, stock holders, and agents, upon the showing which they are able to make of its busi ness for the oemeunial year just closed. I bis result has been proaueeu by a care ful weeding out of extra hazardous risks, and Insisting upon and obtaining lair rates ior overy risa written. . . We earnestly reiiuest out ajrents every where to continue this course, avoiding extra nazaras, careiuiiy selecting tuetr business, studying and knowing the men tbey insure for, carefully avoidinar over- iusuranfe and scalteriag their risks, so that no great utsaster or loss can nappen. oive us your earnest and faithful service, and we will, in the present year, exceed the reeuKsof the Centennial. - Our Company has been lit exlsiance since ISO! has met and promptlv paid every loss It has Incurred, and is to-day stronger in its financial condition and tueconudeuce of the insuring public than ever. H.tHIXTOX ltOYO, Manager, Portland, Ogn, J. II. BlIKKIIART, Agent, Albany, Oregon. J. l. T.TV8. I. B. TITVa. TITUS BROS, DEALERS IS WATCHES, , CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER & PLATED WARE, AND DIAMOND SPECTACLES I ALSO Machine Xeedlea or all kinds. Repairing a Specialty. ALL tiOOIW SOLB ASD Wait MSE WAR. BEVTLR. MARX BAUMGART " HAS JVST OPEKKO OCT A Wholesale Liquor Store KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON 11 AKD TI1E FINEST BRANDS OF WINES, LIQUORS. TOBACCO & CIGARS. The Celebrated t. Louis STONEWALL WHISKEY, The finest whiskey iu the State. Whiskies, French Brandies, Sherry, Port, Claret, and all other kinds or wines, win, Ale, Beer, and Porter. Bitters of every kind, and the best brands ot tobacco and Cigars. iV"I want everybody to understand that I have opened out a first-clasa wholesale I T ...... .. i 1 .... t-.. .l.w, 1 era can procure their stocks at Portland prices, with enly freivht added. Rooms on the earner of Front and Ferry Streets, Albany, Oregon. 2blf. JAMES MADYS- RESTAURANT, on Front street, In the building recently ocrupiea vj ut ijsier. 3E.L AT ATJL HOI KM AND BOARD BY THE DAY AND WEEK. FIIESII OYSTERS V.eoeived every other day by express Private Booms for Ladies. JAS1FS MADY, Proprietor. au9d Pinal Settlement. NOTICE Is hereby given that the under signed, executors of the last will and testament of Hainan Shelton. deceased, have filed their final account for the settle ment of the estate of said deceased in the County Court of Linn County, state of Or. ogon, and said Court bas appointed Tues day, the 6th day of March, 1878, at the uour oi i o ciock p m. or said day, tor the hearing of objections to said account and the settlement of the same. HARVEY SHELTON, A. F. SHELTON, 24w4 Executors. Final Settlement. TOTICE is hereby eiven that the under- J3I signed. Administrator of the estate of Jotm j. v. jack, deceased, nas niea in tne County Court of Linn county. Oregon, his iinal account for settlement, and said Court has appointed Wednesday, the 6th day of March, 1S78, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for the hearing cf objections to said account and the sett'e lueut thereof. . II. J. C. AVERILL, 24w4 Administrator. A1ANUFACTURER0 Corner deeonil aod Ferry SU., Alby, Orb ' v mnaaiKHm camani ana wmgatu at stunt notice and ot tha vary BEST HATEUIAIu H...M.I..II.. M . . Buooiaa ot the State. , REPAims m JC3v;cr,x dona at shorteat notlae and In the msai SKILLFUL MANNER. TK4r wry mA MKUrf.t . nm eUsi. wmw.tr JAIflES li. OOWAIV. (f soraisoB et a. aewAi m o.) LEBANON OREGON. DBALEH.IH GESER1L BlERCIlAStDISE WILL KEEP ALWAYS OR HARD A FULL STOCK lOHST GOODS ! GROCERIES! HARDWARK ! B4t All for 8U at tha Lowef. PrIMa far CA8D or PK0DUCR. All aarioai owing A. Cavaa A Co. eaa Mttlr by ealliaf oa aa at Labaaoa. vToUtf. JAMK8 L. C0f AH. MAY & SENDERS, Ilnrrlahara;, tAum eonntyt Ogn. tlllJM IS , GENERAL MERCHANDISE, such aa are generally kept Im FISST CUSS RETAIL STCEE. IMaT A SEKSEBS k th firm, Y llow u to assure yon, ou will always find at aay lima A. round their store to serve you; umber on articles they do keen, Do seUjthem at small profit. Such aa clothing, rood and uoat, very thing you bujr will fit; Totlona, Hard warm, Qrocriew, Dishes of all varieties, mbro4derie, Laoea of all kinds, Utobea and even window blinds ; Sam will always be oa hand. Senders, ditto, ditto, ver bearing in our mind, Li vo and let lira, la our motto, JLjove thy neighbor like thyself. Cyhemt no on Is our thams, Joplng to do well for ourselvei jj Tar retaining opt goad name. nd now a Poetry la not oar fori. Patrons, look upon It tender I very one la Invited to the store of ICjam May Senders 1 1 1 Tie without a rhyme. CONSTANTLY ON XANO METZLER'S CELEBRATED RAW-HIDE BOTTOM CHAIRS. TllB28tf. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for At County of Linn. Martha Allen, Plaintiff, vs. Benton Al' len, Defendant. . Snit for divorce. To Benton Allen, the above named De- lend ant: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint of the above Plaintiff in the above entitled Court, new on file with the Clerk of said Court, within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon yon if served in Linn County, Ore gon, but If served in any other County in the State of Oregon, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you, and ir served by pub lication, then by the next term of the Cir cuit Court for the County of Linn, lu the State of Oregon, to be holden in the City oi Albany, Linn County, Oregon, on the sec ond Monday of March. 1878. td-wit : the 1 1th day of March, 1878,and yon aro hereby nntinea tnat u you tau to appear ana an swer said complaint, as hereby required, the Plaintiff will demand Judgment that the bonds of matrimony existing between Plaintiff and Defendant be dissolved, and that the custody of their minor child be awarded to the Plaintitft that Plaintiff's name be changed from Martha Allen to Ai.rtna mil, ana tnat a reasonable provis ion be made for the support of the Plaintifi and her said minor child, and for the cost and disbursements of this suit. W EATli ERFOKD fc PIPER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. This summons is published by an ordei of lion. R. P. Boise, Judge of the above named Court, made at chambers in the City of Salem and State ef Oregon, en tee &u nay oi novemoer, a. u. toil. nl8w8. State Treaanrer's ftceead Notice. Treasurer's Oftick, SaJem, Deo. 28, 1877. "YTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT were are funds on hand for the pay ment ot State Warrants classed and num bered as follows: Warrants of old issue, navahle from fund derived from srjecial tax. indorsed nrior to sept. i, ion, viz.: jmos. ouv, 4Uv, 401, 170, 4U4, 400, 400. 4U7. 408. 409, 410. 411. 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, j.t ana vi. Warrants indorsed since September 11, 1876, payable from fund derived from tax for current expenses, viz.: Nos. 733, 734, 732, 736, 772, 979, 990, 991, 992, 995, 998, 999, 1,605, 1,006, 1,007. 1,008, 1,009, 1,011, 1,013, 1,014. 1,016, 1,017, 1,(22, 1,021, 1.025, 1,026, 1,027, 1,628, 1,029, 1,033, 1,042, 1,044, 1,049, 1,052, 1,051, 1,024, 1,057, 1,059, 1,063, 1,065, 1,058, 1,068, 1,067 and 1,068. Interest on these warrants will cease from this date. A. H. BROW.W, n22w3 Stare Treasurer. SHADE TREES AND OAT STRAW. MAPLE and other kinds of shade trees a fine lot. Also a fine lot of bright oat straw. Enquire at or leave orders with Senders fc Sternberg. n'iiur a. a. JL-rrt-t.iutJi. fS1. rv nirr r, .. t n i , u yyy U 'iSf Porlland, Oron. rPEBS FOB SAUt AT TKE lHIT re'SIKLE TRUB, fill ey AGRICULTURAL ir.lPLEf.lENTG. Waare (al A sent tor the CcUbraUd Pious OF THE DEER SULKY d GATJG PLOIV. With w willioat Braking Plow Ittacliincnt. .i, 'i4s, M) "': TIaa grreatat Lmbor-Sarlnf Implements yet BOO SOLD Everv mrmr- tnt.nul.il. Th. IWr BASIL. OPKKATKU. Ho contractd that by at alight mottoa ot Levrr tiie tiom a r oat of froond and ralaed clear, by korso Instead ef nu power. It ia allot.? r and loaa complicated than any other. Hole ngreni tor the wall kura WIITHJBESP CriILLEB 1BOX PLOWS. BUCKETEDBILLSiAia) BROADCAST SEEDERS. . Theiost;saoeeaifiiI la aae. Too wall known to need comment Schuttler Farm, Freight and Spring "Wagons, FARM O BIST Mlllt, aU (tries and Price. YOUNG MEN Wbo mar be cofferinr from tha effect of rotatbful follies or indiscretion, will do well avsll t be m selves ol this, tne greatest boon er mia si tne sitar at sunermr uu inanity UH. oPINSEi sril! guarantee to forieit fc ate aisease oi any aina or cnaracter wnici ne andertakes and fails to cure. He would kherefors say to the unfortunate sunrerwh. may naa tms nou, idbi you are treiuiin wood da Q serous rround wben you lomtrcr kielay in aeeklnr tne u roper remedy for yimi leomptalnt. You may be tn tbe first state? art? member you are approaching the last. Ii yuo are oorumng upoa tor taut,, sua are ui -, SHU BIf "Ulf ts. remembers li nation. tli4 l skillful ('liy-j tance; when? enna some or an oi na in enecxs, r-mtmwi oat u yoa persist in prosrasuuaii tne must come wben tbe most tkn 1 nician can renaer rou no awtHanee: wnen Khe door of hope will be eiuaed aKaiust you J woen no angei oi mercy can uring you r ; sief. In no case i aa the Doctor failed of uc- ceas. Then let not despair worit upon your irascination. but avail yourself of tbe bene. 9cial results of his treatment oefore your 'se ia beyond the reach nf inedtci skill, or- ueiore grim aeatn nurriea you tm a pre ma-; turw grave. Full course of treatment f5.uj. Send money by Post Offiee order or Express? with full description of case. I Call, oi Address, DR. A. is. apiNXBf. I No. 11 Kearny tret, 8an rranrtaeo. I BaaaaMKaaaatwawBBSiwawx33waaaBa J E. SORBIN & CO. Importers and dealers In WIHES AND LIQIORS, CIGARS m TOBACCO- Aeeats for Jess Moore A Coa. B. and Kjre Whlaklea, offet for aale Fine whlaklea from 12.00 te t.60 a gallon, bottles from Ct eenU to 1.50 Fine French brandy from 2.75 te f 1S.W a arallon, in bottles from 75 eta. to $-2.50. Fine Old Port Wine from U.0B to UM a gal ion, la bottles from 82 eta. to 1 1.11. Fine Bberry Wine from ti.50 to 10.00 a cat ion, tn bottles from 76 eta. to (2.00. Holland Uta (3.00 a tailor. In botles from 75 eta. ta (1.56. Alt kinds of Wine, Bitten and Cordials. Claret one dollar a gallon or 25 ets. a bottlr. Lktaors In pints and half plot ?ask :t travelers aad others. SAMPLE ROOMS attached to OUR B TOR E . CrCARS H TOBACCO, Bx the box or Boaad, cheap. PraadalblM. A Ibxnr STAR BAKERY AKD PROVISION STORE! COXKAB 1IU, Trm. Ooiaer of First and Broadalbin Sta Albany. A large stock of fresh FAMILY GROCERIES kept constantly on hand. All klads of VBBSH VEGETABLES In their season. eads Ballvered ta aaj rart ef the City Free af Charge. vUalCtf. NOTICE PREST0-CHAI1GE 1 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING Dis posed of his meat market at tbe old stand, can be found attending to business at bis new stand, corner of First and Ells worth (Streets. I offer 6X cents per pound for Dressed Hogs. Don't forget the old timer. - JAS. U HARRIS. Albany, Oetober 6, 1877. vl3nl0 THE PARKER GUM.- SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROS WEST MERIDEN.CT. Dissolution Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the partnership heretofore existing be tween Taylor Bros-, in the saloon business in Albany, Oregon, was dissolved by mu tnal consent on tha 28th day of December, 1877. J. If Tavlor continues the business. assuming all liabilities of the firm and col lecting ail debts due tne nrm, ana 10 wuom ill payments must be made. r 22w4 : '7.'. AB. TATLOB. &. r j fs( i a VJ ae .. ak'.'t. invented. Taatly Improved for Fall ef ltnj IT ONE STtt A H. Snllrv ia tttm nnlr fUni l.,wrima fAN MiLLa. fjend far Special rfrrarars vI3d3 WHOLESALE & RETAIL D RUCCI8T, 123 FIrl glreef , Albany, Oreg. n Buying from first ham's, nflVin f. r sale at I.ii.jui pries a large and cumul ts toek of DRUGS, CKEKfCALS, . FAKCY AND TOfUT ARTICLES, PATENT MECICIKE3, . SKCULDES BRACES, TRUSSES, ETC, ETC., ETC., AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT, WHITE LEAD, EOILED AKD RAW LIN SEED GIL, CASTES, KEATSFCOT, LARD AND COAL CILS, PAINTER'S BRUSHES AKD STCCK, WIKDGY CLASS, ARTIST'S 1'ATERfALS, TUBE PAINTS, SULPHUR FOR SHEEP, BLUE STOKE, ETC., ETC., ETC., In quantities to suit and at the lowest prices obtainable. - . . Please compare prices before curchasinc elsewhere. n20m3 Te th Working (lam. We are now prepared to furnish all claes with constant employment at heme, the whole of the time, or for their spare month. Business new, light and profitable. Per sons of either sex easily earn from 60 rents to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whola time to tba busi ness. Bovs and girls earn nearly as much at, men. That all who Fee this notice mav send their address, and text tbe business we make this nnparailed offer: To sueb as are not well satisfied we will sei.d one dol lar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full partioniars, ssmp ea worth several dollars to commence on. and a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the targets, and best I Him trated Publications, ail sent free by mail Reader, if you want permanent profitable work address, GtoitOK A Co.. Portland. Maine. A CARD, AH. BEI.I- PARKEK, I-ATB OF ORK a (ion City, beg It-avp to rntorm the public that liiey hav purchased the entire stuck oa drua, mdicinea etc.. formerly owdI by K. t;. Hill A Hon, and that thi y dexiyn roiiiniuint the buainraa at the old stand, wh.-te ttary pro pose to keep In the future, a lull assorsmeni nl Drugs, Chrmicala, Pawnt Mfdiciwa. I oJk'l Ar ticles and everything usually found in a flnt class druir store. While earnestly sollrltina a eontlnnaace ol the liberal patronage her tofoiw extended the old house. We hope at tbe same time, by fair and liberal dealing, and eareiul atleiitlou to tbe want of customers to meet the esteera of any nrw frieadawhomay lxu with thai "particular attention will be gln. lotbe com poundinit o. physlciana prescriptions and tarn ily reeeipvs.. an ....-; - Ouccewore tn K. C. Uili. at Bo. Ahany. Oregon, Jet. Kth. IW4. awf. t e f Can't be made by e-ery airen ? y ififevery month in the busineaa w furnish, tut thrwe willing to work can eas ily a dozen dollars a day right in their ow localities. Have no room to explain here. Business pleasant and honorable. Wo men, and boys, and girls do as well as men We will furnish you a eomple'e Outfit free. The business peys better than anything else. We wiii bear expense of sjarting you. . Particulars free. Write and see. rarniers and mechanics, their sons and daughters, and all classes in need of paying work at home, should write to us aad learn ail about tha work at once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Address Titus et aa-. Aagiia ta. Main. R. N. BAKER, Merchant Tailor. ClCTTIXG, MAKING, CLEANING J and repairing promptly attended to and all work wan anted. . . asahop two doors abuve Fax's store. nlTrt t