ADVERTISEMENT?, ADVERTISEMENTS. advertise: ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVEETlSEIiiiilTS. e s . e k a im " a k W 6 rJ' t . f ' 1 ... . r j ' isa. 13, 1S7S. ii ti liar (len! usa HISTS. "The comparative value of hone feed found by experiment to bo as follows: 100 p:unds of good hay is equal in value to 59 pounds of oat.", 67 pounds of corn, 275 of carrots, 54 prunds of rye, pr barley, and 105 rounds of wheat, or bran." Such tables, however carefully prepared, are too indGflnita ti be any practical value, nnd beside?, they are too liable to be affected by attendant circum stances ti bo accurate. , Bs liberal to your farms and they will be liberal to you. A farm is very much, In one respect, like a it reflects the charac ter of the owner exactly. If hs is parsimonious, hli farm will show it. If he is a man ot taste, hij buildings, fences and general arrangements of his farm will tell the tale. Jto effort on his psrt to disguiss his real thoughts er sentiments wilt avail anything, so long as tho opperations of his farm belie his words. An old rail-splitter put the quietus a pou a young man who chaffed him upon his ba.d head with these words: Voting man, when my head gets as soft as yours I can raise hair to sell." Care of stock:, so far as their proper bedding, feeding and ventilation is eoncerced, is too important a matter for the thrifty farrasr to neglect at tending to himself. However trust worthy his assistants, judging by our own expenaaee, it will pay him well at the close of the season to sea each evening, that his horses, cat tle, sheep and hogs are well bedded, fed and watered. Scarcely less im portant is the proper ventilation of the buildings in which his stock are wintered. While the enteranco of draughts and cold is to be carefully prevented,it should bo borne in mind that domesticated animal, like man Himself, need fros2, wholesome air. and if compelled by ignorance or carelessness to breath a foul, tainted atmosphere, it is at a serious risk of health and subsequent profit. A vis it to the barn, stable and pi?sn early in the moraine will at once warn the observant farmer of defect ive ventilation. Sural New Yorker. Drainage, plenty of manure, and heavy dressing of coal ashes, with frequent stirring is th best treat ment for all soils of a close heavy texture. It is by such simple means ihttt we have converted a compara tively barren soil into a high degree of fertility and production. Cottage 'fardener. Chickweed is an excellent barom eter. When the flowers expand fully there need be no fear of rain for several hours. Should it continue in that condition no rain will disturb the day. When it half coneeals its minaturs flower, the day is sure to be showery, and if it entirely shuts up or, vails the white flower with its green mantle, let the traveler put on his great coat. Portland Prexx. Last fall, a few loads of "manure were spread upon a meadow, and this spring the entire field was plowed and plante.1 with corn. A heay coat or manure was spread oh the plowed surface. The dry weather prevented the rotting rf this manure, and the crop received very utile benefit from it. On the spots where the manure was spread last fall, the corn was much better. Jfoore's liural A Card and Prospectus. EbTittf opened free IntUige:Ke Office, for tfee pnr poee of Mmstiiij neweemwr to oar State by all possible jseaas at my command, whore are kapt files x4 mil lefcdiTty newspapers published in Oregon and Washing ton Territory, I have also determined to oetafcjuh a &&d journal, to ht called THE OREGON AND WASHINGTON LAND REGISTER, The efettrct of which is to bring Land Owner and Real Estate Aeenfts into cJoser c-Jtron u nies ti on with the Ifeo&atsds of Immigrants who are arrirmg ia tn: dty with a riew to the ultimate purchase of fend. It wiil printed ia reg-alar newspaper form, eiht-paye, lx 11 iocne, and will be devoted solely to the purpose for which it H established. The firrt edition of 5,000 cop ies will be issued a boot the loth of February, 1S78, and a often thereafter as the influx of imraigTaUofi demands. Description of farm", and other property frr saie will be comlenftMi to occopy ton lines (70 w.jrdit) or ew, And vitl be chanrod for at the rale of one dollar It is more than probable that from tventy-Rve to )6?ty thonsmd people wiil bo added to ocr population during the spring and summer of 1373. Xoftr.y all jfEsnif Tante wno me to Oregon and Washinum Ter jitory laid firs? at Portland, and witl receive a e :-py of this paper, as it aiil he dint n bated grsiuiton Jr. It wii? thrrefcre be the bt poibie mn oi briiiging lands and other property 1'rr sale to their n-j'tica. Dsecriptions of property for ftale mnj be written ont in fall, giving character, location, price, terms oJ wile, and all advmhtairos of schools. churhe. rosd. cte.. which will be editorially eondeived to the required space, and the letter numbered to correspond wRh the flerriptionI and filed in my offles for rBiereti-L-o. Xo eh&nje will be made for tales arranged ihrous-h this agency the only fee repaired being one d'inr for w.u ireKif iMsu nawtru in ui b.D jveaj V'liiCli most bs forvrardod with the desiriplkm. U may be out in silver by registered letter, or by orUarat my risk. Correspondence on ail subjects eonnoci-e-1 with the wwofimect oi u portions of tne state ana vrriury Tespectfuily solicited. - ---m n-. i keen a resrister in mv"c2Bea bi which are entei-ed he wanu of all parts of the &te and Territory for borers, mechanics, mereltaats, etc, which in open for w iree mspectarm or newcomers, jn-ttKte yz tmen ant? respec'trulty Bolieifced. All dis,t inteii-lad for jMiblication in the land register fcmst he Titten on one axde of the paper only, nd be in prior to the firwt of J-'ebraarr, 13(8. All descriptions at property for sale vill be inserted m the order of thuyr arrival those earning first on the oyuhla payas. Believing that tins publication viil be grotlf to the stiyantage of both buyer and eeiler, 1'fnlly so iieH the jtronAe of the pubiif . Address all commanic&tions to ra at PortUnd, Oro-X- 1. H. JSTtlRVH. PoaTLAKD, Or , Deeambsr SO, lts77. n21tJL Millinery Goods at Cost. A FINE OPPORTUNITY FOit GET TING millinery groods ;hean is -now ottered the laiiies of Aibanv. iirs. Fannie Streoter has just iTived from the East mnd bronht with her a larna stock of goods. TSaey ran ho seen at ber residence, on door east of Mrs. Russell's. Sbe is a erst class milliner and dross-maker and solicits work in her lino. nlSmS ADVERTISING! t,4o wers fr .r.i. TS" eae.mMt and K-t -wiy to reach readers oateide the lar; -aMs ia b7 nsifu one or more of oir six nets of over liji newspapers, divided to cover diffe--ot section 4 Lhe eonntry. t eekly In alaliun over S1K,e(. Advertisements reeaived lor one or snore list. For catalogues oiiitaiuitif narnea of Doners and other tnfornmion and Lit estimates, address BEAU FMTSE. 41 t'art Bow f ijiic. AinHainitt. Srr Vrk. nSmi Agents "Wanted. IF YCU WAVE employment at once, call on S. Harkieroad, at Gervais, who will give you an agency for tLo best selling work in the lsnd, Kverjbody wants it, and everybody buys it. Agents are aver aging from forty to ninety orders per week, and clearing from $100 to S200 per month. For a situauOD and fall particulars inquire at tins omce, or wme to s. xiarKieroaa, at Al bany-r Grervels. mal Ayor'o Sarsaflarilla For Scrofula, and all r i j' . ' . scroiuioua aueases, r-iysi- pelas", Rose, "or St Antho- i nys tire, Eruptions and 1 Eruptive diseases of the I skin, Ulcerations of the 1. Liver, stomach, Kidneys, Lunffs, Pimples. Pustules, ( Boils, Blotches, Tumors, 1 Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald J tr..j T : ,'i Sores, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Tain in the Bones, Side and Head, Female Weakness, Sterility, Leuconhcea, arising from internal ulceration, and Uterine disease, Syphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, Dropsv, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, General Debility, and for Purifying the Blood. This Sarsaparilla is a combination of Tetretable alteratives Stillineia, Man drake, Yellow Dock vith the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the most efficacious medicine vet known for the diseases it is intended to cure. Its ingredients are so skilfully com bined, that the full alterative effect of each is assured, and while it is so mild as to be harmless even to children, it is still so effectual as to purge out from the system those impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome disease. Ths reputation it enjoys is derix-ed from its cures, and the confidence which prominent phvsicians all over the coun try repose in It, provn their experience of its usefulness. Certificates attestinc its virtues have accumulated, and are constantly being received, and as many of these cases are publicly known, they furnish convincing evidence of the superiority of this Sar saparilla over every other alterative medicine. So cenerailr is its superi ority to any other medicine known, that we need do no mora than to assure the public that the best qualities it has ever possessed are strictly maintained. Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowe!!, Mass . Practical and jnaftf I'hrmiftt. cold or au nncGotMi wnat. CITY DRUG STORE. Cararr Tin ui Bllsmrtk Street. AUaJIT. OKBCOS. R. SALTalAUM has a fain purchased the City Drug Store, hvlng,purchased the entire interest cf C "W. SHAW, suocessor to A. Car-others A Co. He is now receiving a splendid new stock, which, added to the former, renders it very com plete in all the different departments. Feoling assured that all can be suited, both in quantity and prices. Mr. Saltmarshcor dii lly invites his old friends and custom ers to give him a call. PRESCRIPTIONS will receive immedi ate and careful attentionat ail. hours, day and night. PURE WISES AND LIQUORS for medicinal purposes . vUnlitf JOHN CONNER'S BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE ALBAXT, OgEfiOX. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, SUBJECT TO CHECK AT EIQIIT. IsUrtJt lllewta ob Time Depeiiti li Ceil. EXCHAKGS OS PORTLAND, SAN FRAN CISCO, and SIW YORK, for al at 1 await rata. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTED SBnltifig aonra, S A. to 4 p. ."x Rcfar ie H. V. CORBKTT, HSNET FAILINO, W. B. LADD. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. Far AX FB ArlTO BIKECT, Canrlma the a. s. luuua .preA. WILL DISPATCH1 S STEAMERS rrea McCK At KEH Wharf. FIVE 3DjA-"5Z"S, We wouid ad vise passenjrersiu the interior not to purchase tickets nntil they ar rive at Pertland, and tho avail themselves of the LOW IST RATKS. For PASSAGE and FREIGHT, apply to J. MeCRACKKN" A, CO. A (reau, 62 Xorth Front Street, Portland, Orepxi. Tlf-ri?Urtn for Bale at Albany at W. Twecdstle-a Grocery Mlre. Btt GREAT REDUCTION! SECURE A! AGEXCT anft u r Slew per week. HOMESTEAD $20 SEWING $20 MACHINE. With Table and Fixturce complete, only $20 A perfect Mid tmeqaled, larye, atron nd aormble Hn;hB4 cxmtitructed elegant o4 oli(l, from the bet Biaierlai with mathematical precisioa, for contt Fam ily ne or mamrtcturiuAf purpotm. Alwa.ju resd.r mt EMxzier.t'a notic to do its day's work, nevr out t or der, And iriU last ft renerattoti with modermt care ; esy to uTMer&tsMia asa manage ; ugai, tmootn ana wilt miming, like tie well-ryu)ated morenient of a fine w&t.-h ; simple, Compact, F-fficjent tnd Reliable, with ail lam raitiswe improvomenw to o rour.a m toe aig-tt-est mioed ifachinea, nrranted to do the mom work. the tame way, and as rapid and smooth as a $ 76 Ma chine. An ac rrowiecjrea snumpn oi Diifenions me?aan kaU skill, eseentlally the workiny woKan'i friend, and Mr In ailvanc of all ordinary Hahinee, for .Vc?ut Strength, RUlriiitTandg-eneralUKefalDesB; nilt Hem, FelL Tacit, bem, Quiit. Bind, Braid. rd, Gather, Ruffle, Shirr, Plait-, Fold, Scolip, Roll, Emliiwitier, Ron no Breadths, kc.. with wonderful raniditv. noat- n8 and eHe, kws tiie Aroayei-t KaUntr Mitch equsHj Sne aod nuooth throng all kinds of good, from c&ra bric U several thicknesses f broadcloth or leather. with line or coarse cotton, linen, ttjtk or twine. Gires perfect satiirfactioD. Will earn turn eoet ever! times ovr in a eeaaon in the work it does, or make a good lirinj for asr man or woman who fiestree t-o use it for that purpose ; works ao faithful and er the wn-urte or children can use it without damage. Pnceof Machine with liffht table, fully quipped for 'family work, fcfO. Half Cake, Covsa, 8i'litAWEm A3c Cabikct Sttlm each at correspondingly low rates, bafe delivery guar anteed, free from d&magre. Explanatory pamphlet il lustrated with engraving of the several etyes of Ma chines, reference, variety of aawin?, tc.t naailed free. Confidential terms wiith liberal itiducemente to ent-er- : prising Clersyinen, Teachers, Bosinesa Mer., Traveling or Local Agent, who deMre exclat-ive Agencies, furnished on application. Address John H. fcendaU & Co., 421 Eroadway, New York. vlSnlTyl ALBANY BATH HOUSE! ijIlE UKCKKSItSSED WOCLU RESPKCX- cicitj that he bal taken charge of thii Establlih ment, aod, hy keepiag eleaa rooms aad paying strict attention to buinet, expecta ta rait all .nose wno may rvr uvea w.m tneir patronage. Having heretfifore carried on nothing bat First-Clasa Hair Dressing Saloons, expeete to give entire iifction to all ;)?-Childien and Ladies' Hair neatly est t-5 sattuMxd. JOSEPH WKBBKB aSStf GRACE'S SALVE. - VesetahJe PreperntlM, invented In the irth eratury hy Dr. Wiluam Grace, burgeon to Kins James army. Throug-h iu agency he cured thousands of the moat serious sorea and wounde, and was regarded by all who knew him as a public benefactor. t5c, a box, by mail 30c For tele by druggists trenerallr. AGENTS WAJvTED. MAddreas BETH W. HWU BOSS, BMIlTaMI, .'GROCERIES 1 PRO VISIONS! V A "TnT VAOTOH keeps the freshest and best stock of groD8ri88, an! will sell as cheap as any body. HE: ALSO HAS A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK Jrockery Ware, Blass Ware, Hated Ware, China Ware, LAMPS, CUTLERY, ETC. j-Call on him in the new budding os Front street, between Young's and Plum mer'a 5lf OREGON Steamship Oo. Will dispatch a tamer about vrjr i day ROM PORTLAND TO SAN FRANGlSCt Foe comfort, cpecd and safety, pfttronlce tha A 1, Kw Iron Steamship G W ELDER, CITY Ur CKtSUK, And h KEW Iron StMmshlp. 1,600 Urns bnrthen, mm df oeeejOn. MTCACTIOS. ThU U th- on:y line "t t f RU.VNINS NEW IRON STEAMSHIPS This line la the only one authorized To Vrrj the rnltnl Statpa Statu and Welti, Fara-o'a Kxpreaa. Through Coupon Tickets For aUe at the oSoc ot the O. C. B. K. Co. r farther pirtlcolara apply" at the oSce cf th Company, foot of F and Firrt. llretts, Portland. GKO. WEIPLES, TlSnlStt Alfcct. FRESH OYSTERS FROM Shoalwater and Taqnina Bay i AT AIADY'S RESTAURANT. vlSnStf For Sale. A Splendid Faim gnn AC RES-200 in cnW'Otlon. It wlIU Is well fenced and othprwite well improved. 200 acres ia the best of farming land. Good house, barn, and all necessary imnmvempnta for an excellent modern larm. N whitb t .d ou tlia nlace. It is situated 1 1-2 miles west of Albany the irreat agricultural center of Wecon- for terms enquire at the place of Fl3nltf J. U UATC1IER. E3D- ZEYSS. Contractor, Builder aud Architect. Albany, Oregon. A IX, modern aichitectura and building J of any aud all descriptions p.ompti; alu-uded to. Draft-, plans and apecilica- Hons drawn op on snort nonco. vioniyi SAMUEL E. YOUNG WnoleeaU and Bfltail BoaJc-r In Drv fioods nnd Groceries, Clothing-, Rooln, aiioc, Renpcrs & .TJowcrs, Wagons, Plows, Seed I$rill9, m mmm seed sowers, m. TEEMS CASH. First St., AilanT, ADVERTISISyO A book containins; a Hut of towns in the U. 8. having 5,000 pop., and the newspaper having largest circu'a :on. All the Keligioaa, AgriculturU, Scieutiflc, and ;thr speciaj ejss jonrnsiii. taotes 01 rate3, snowing ost of advertising and everyihin 'hich an advertise; woold liks to know. Mailed on rectit of ton cents. Address 4.EO. F. BOHEU ct CO. ! Hpsne? 4C v -V V. (opposite "IVibuHe" buildcny). mm4 JACKSON'S BEST SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO. Awarded the highest prize at Centennial Expneition or lis fine chewing quslitiefl, the excellence and lt MX character of ita flavoring and sweetening. Tht Sct Tobacco ever made. Ak vour jrrocor for it. 5ur blue strip trade mark "Jackson's Best" on everj .i'.ij. Ksnd for samples to C. A. JACKSON ft CO.. Manufacturers, Petersbnrs, Vs. M A E. WEST' DFJ1C8, Kole Ageats, Saa I'ranciaco. J. U. BURKHART, Reel Estate and Conreyaneeing igest, ALBANY, - - - - OREGON. CORNER FIRST AND BROADALDIS 8TBEET8 Farms of all sizes, Improved and unim proved, In this and adjacent counties, suit able for jrrain raising, also timbered land ind Mock ranchea for sale on easy terms. Also for sale a number of dwellins houses and vacant lots in this city. Parties desiring to either sell or purchaw thould call and learn terms and crices be fore purchasing elsewhere. Persona desiring help can be provided with any cumber of laborers by living roars. anvar. 1823. mm mw un. NEW YORK OBSERVER The Beat Kellgloas and Secular Family Xtwi- paper. u.ia a aear, iMtst-pald. Eatabllakied 183. tS- SI TASK BOW, SEW YORK. tA SAMPLE COPIES FREE. nOm E-.0 Business Card?, Visit ing Cards, We dcLns I varus, ur auy umei (111 kind of Cards, call on ULi Mansfield &Minteitb Job Printers. Albany. Oraeaa n37t PS0PRIETABY DS. CHANDLER, F.E.S.A., Lata Phyalolaii to 8t. George' aw 6t. Barlhelo cisw s Hospitals, Londoa, Csraler ta 6U tiuabeth'a, eto. A per ytart of th most m&Oftotia re tmrrh and inixtlonHon, and afirr (Ae irnrMc! rtpplleaHott it treatment to (Ami. .-ni bf nntltotit, Geo. Cluimlley, A..M., 111. It., vow nrearnt to '.he American pub. lie the follourinff renseiie. l solo dia euvery and property, tiie effleaen of tchlcj is attveted in tho vutumlnouo quantity of testimonial, tho untolieited vfieringt of entering nnd d'oeottrnged patients, teho have ttot only received relief and benefit Jrom their continued awe, but liare been rad'Catlp cured of allntentm and ehronio complaints, tvtticA have been adjmtned by (Vie wul c.-xtneni phjrsioiaiu a hopvleiM. THS VCNSIFJCt EYPTlAn 0LOO3-FUr,!?IIB. If33.1R. Will incomparable XTJtA TI VJS Im CftVriC, nTAfUOKKTlC, and AfKIII. J;'.T, combining virtue which render if firR!imi)?e aKl nrter-foWtMO, and by itc eontlntutt ta sriri thoroughly eradi cate ail tlisc.'t.'.ea of thi blood, lis ingre dient nro of a purely harmtrta extrac tion, t-o praiiitet (fathered from remote JVWitltin Jroeltteea, and vhero there ia the sllyliica taint f dlaeaae in the mya iem, it ncrer it in ejecting that tiiatuao throug the tnr-ftltt:il vf tho akin, cr ex-pr-liing it through t.o ttmny ami rarioua ehnnurla rf the body, thereby allowing, and, indeed, foreing all Ifco orgtina into their proper uormal e;,td functional con dition. A. very brief tpatm of tituo ui.l oonv'mro any patient tiring it, rf ita un doubted reliability and vronderfnl cura tive properties, it belnrf, mcc vnatteation ably, tUo 9tr:t aemo o viedlcal triumph, and tho aieateat dtaeoveiv of tho prtaci aae, in t.'ta treatment of erery dlacaao where the foerJ itself ia primarily tho teat cf tho lesion or dleordtr, oven ae SCBttJFVLA. and Vie thousand and one eausea that lead to this terrible affliction, of tehtch cli civilized eommuniiiee are eonnlatut, fvr Jilbilcat Truth hna assert ed thot the ! of tho father shall rtslt ere:t n?o te third and fourth gen erations," and to ISItOKKX-lHtnS AhD nSFKEftLRB VOXollihTlOSH it is n p-rerful rejneenator, eauatny the trreelt of ut3 once Tr.oro to Bin mt th U oeWtire r.rj of mi nit wl, 1 --or V I TA Jf J O r? UTS VA STU, TTtiyr. jir.r lrisonnsns, coxsTirAiiox on f.osxtvESEss, .iri:n axj kidxxx 4 O M 1 I. A IXTS, G EXEIt AT, A Xll X Jt I - ova DKHliIUi jut sum axi sir, Hll:l.ll).lIATOl S . f AXClilt, &LVM Y, AVUITIOXS OF SlUl EOST.t. XSI0 I.liXT VICERS, Jc EMALK COM-r-iAIXTS (and to the gentler j it i a batin tana aouaht for by sensitive, eusrep fible, and ilelienta females, a it takia direst action tipon their ailments) AXO ALL JeOBSlS Of CIIROXIC .D1SXAE IX HHICtt THE BLOOD IS 3JIE SEAT Of 1UE XROVItl.E, it is inoaluotle. A perseverance trlth this remedy trill trrore a untitles and permanent cure fur CHILES and FKIEES and oil MAEA UIAE FOISOXS. Thousand of Tmtlnumlala attest the truth of these elattn. friee. One Itollar, in large bottle, or tlx bottles, 93. mm DYSPEPSIA. G ASTROS. O ASTRO t , .pe7r mnd J Hv4 cm re f'nrthat enot dcftrvtutivitT tf niZ mnntJt, ani a tri-f course oftnxitmfnt will restorUh tUgcstint organs to thei pri tiut f.-mjth -end jntHote the AeaitAy Gdton cf the ctOKtan and intestines. The nerrons irritability tittrrar and mil ft$ron pursuing eedrntartt life, i epevdiiif mMmi fry this agent. The tioinach ia retforeel to health and Ae fcey note of the nyiirm trill nnre t ore rcspon A 4 m. the oM-ffimtar.w cf Inoor. I'rtce. One jOoilar, 4m li"f?e 6o(li r BHDNCHITfS AHD LUND AFFECTIONS. TKACIIEOX. 4 ltyht 9 -tailed eeld erfTI eft time lend to a mertnm cough, tetiirtt, ttu cared for or bndltf treated, must have bmt one rult4 must rrentttatn in a mettled caso of BRONCHITIS, or what 4 worse, tho acnaip i; 1J i m iUA. a on Buffering j rum n am mj t itj vrvmyn, rhu. arxfu'trratvrt, TRJ.CHEOK vffer a sound, reliable, and permanent relief.. It augments erpeeto ration, and enaffe& the pmtint to esrptl that territltf meptio deposits, which, if I ft ipixhont Judicious treatment, tnttst com mnnieate itm poisa to (Ae reticular ewfr Stance of the luny. dcaeneratUtg and dr- strepina that snort essential of organs, and) uttlmatcm only in an eartp and etn tltneltf death TKACUEOJT has no eouat, irtKet les a anperlor, and its use wiU not onlp rrmore tlm deposit, thereby affording f treat relief, but heals the membrane and eaves the iaticnt in possession of healthy lung tissue. l'rice. Fifty Cents per bottle or aim bottles, $2o6V. mmMmtimwtmm v- PILIS. Ksmorrfiolds. Mann causes tend to produce th ful and diatressina mttttc. 5Tha frootJ 4m retarded in its return the too fremuent moe of drnmtie pnraatiees tends to produce eonfjrmtion of the bowels , torpid action, of the I leer, and numerous other cause are the snuroit of this complaint and, hitherto nothing effectual hue been premmted to the nublica which would ra'Sldlu alleriato sumptoms and ultimately prove at effect Arm cure. In 2ILQ2f era ruive a remedn which not ontg acts almost instantly, but trill remora the largest tumors of the parts (Piles) by absorption and many tcha have received not only benefit, tnt have oeen raaicniir frttrcn, naco oven assures fnrior to nsinft this treatment) bu emi nent snwwons that tho only relief they firr romu rrfim frDnia m try a ft. operation, and removing? it or them from tne body by a procedure which necessitat ed the knife, ihis remedy hmc been hailed tr aett'jnr. ana s now rescroea oy tnnntt nraetisina uhusieiann. who are eoa. nisant of its merits, ma tho only knsun, sure cure fnr I I LI. if. Price, fifty Cents per package, or Sim rns Mors jh?jtkxtk ah xnorougn. n tne craatcation of tho differ ont and rarions maladies dennmiHnted, and are the result of patient, searching, laborious, and scientific investigation, embracing a period of many years, in J&urope and A.meriea. If the spec I to direction are compiled seUh, thousands of patients wilt bear trite ness to their relative merits, and eorrob orato every assertion H here there are tnany complications of disease, and pa Hants so-desire, JS. CIIAASL.l will be pleased to aire all information and trout by letter if neeessarf. Descriptive and Umpianatory Circu lar of the above remedies sent on receipt of stamp. If tho 1 It OF It t TA. it X MEtICitrlf are not an sale at your particular druggist's, send orders to DR. CHANDLERS , 1479 Broadway, Kaw-Twk City. BEAUTIFUL CHROMO FREE The Monthly Journal of Health and House- Keepers' M AgaKine. oevofHl to scicnunr.lntel lectual and Instructive Information and Bant, tary Science eunDlylnea necessity lone need ed by every family. Also containing splendid continued and short stof Wn, sketches, poems. ales. Ac Ac. Cotnbinlnft Intelligent and In- terpsdnp niAtter, relating nnrtlculnrly to the duties of daily life and of tiie home circle, with valuable receipts for every housekeeper. This Journal bus lor Ita o'ljectthe Improve ment of morala ea well na the heRllh of society, and es sucb cannot fell to be considered a val uable adtlillnn to every household and sn or nsment to every home. Brlglit, Cheerful, Ear neat and Froarrossive, It ie stn the side ol Tem perance, Christian Alorality and all true re forms, whatever Is hurtful to Society it con demn without fear or favur, and makes Itself relt In the community as a power for (rood. emphatically a pnper for everybody, and gives more lor me money man any omer, A N W and ELEGAKT CUIIOMO PKK- BKNTEU FREIS to each subscriber, which Is of Itself worth double tho amount of subscription. The Pries Is only 81.00 at year, postpaid. Asents. male or female, can m ke more manevtrettine subscriptions for this pa per than anything el.e. Ijtruo cash commissions al lowed aud exclusive territory given. Accnts win sve lime anu secure territory by sendina Sl.oit. for which we trill forward prepaid complete outfit, Certificate of Agency, Address HEALTH PTJBI.ISHINO CO., No. B5a Seventh Ave., Mew. York City. voii3n3otf T. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Washington and First streets. AX.BAM7, - - - OREGON. J- M- FB.0ITK, Proprietor. THE PROPRIETOR takes pleasure In In forming the publie In general that he has lately refurnished and renovated the house throughout, and now stands second to none In ths state. The dining room is uuder his im.' mediate supervision, and no pains will bo spared to supply the table with the beat the market affords. House open all night, nre Caaeb To and Fnn bo Hons. SEWING MACHINE. G rent TjR eduction i The Fewjauily Bewbg Machine will hera ftfter be sold M FIFTY DOLL AOS ! And all other styles of Genuine Singer Machines at equally reduced prices. Though these Machines have been greatly reduced in Price the QUALITY will be maintained at Its highest standard. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO TITUS BROS, Agents at Albany. d. t.ttts. j. b. Trrcs, TITUS BROS, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. SILVER & PLATED VARE. AND DIAMOND SPECTACLES! ALSO Machine BTeedlea r all kinds. Repairing a Specialty. ALL COO Da SOU AJTB TTOILB. ISXE TTAS BE.ITED. TUaS OREGONil BRANCH , HOME MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY! ORGANIZED 1864 465 California Street, San Franeisw. Capital. - 9S00.000 00 Assets, Jan. 1,1 S77, 593,291 OO Income '70, - 871,87 89 Lasses Paid, 1.1S7.S87 BO Comparative exhibit of the financial standing; of the Home Mu trial Insurance Company on Jon. 1st, 1876, and Jan. 1st, 37i: January 1st, 197. Assets...... , Liabilities . 1511.054 64 8,471 00 Snrplus for policy holder 1603,183 64 Capital 300.000 08 Surplus S203.183 64 Re-insuranos Heserve . 176,213 94 Net Snrplus.... $23,969 e0 Jannary 1st, 1977. Assets . $595,291 CO Liabilities. . 6,9 . J 00 Surplus for Policy Holders $.189,839 00 Capital .. 8 ',000 00 Surplus. - Ito-insurance Reserve $2SD.S."W ro 183.738 80 Ket surplus-. . $lo5,0o2 70 Net increase of surplus, in twelve months . $78,633 10 Dividends paid.. 2;,00o 00 Making net profit $10S,633 10 The officers of the "Home Mutual beg leave to congratulate its atrons, atock- niiiera, and agents, upon sue snow-inie which they are able to make of its busi ness for the cen ennial tear just closed, llns result has been proou e.i by a care ful weedinirout of exli hazardous risks. and insisting; upon and obtaining lair rates Tor orery risk written. We earnestly request ou? stents erery where to continue this course, avoiding extra hazards, ccrclully selecting their buslnesN, siudjlng and knowing tne men they Insure for, careluily avoiding over- insurance and scatter!! g their risks, so that no great disaster or loss can happen, uive us your earnest and faithful service, and we will, in the present year, exceed the renl.sof ths Centennial. Our Cornriany has been in existence since 1864 has Diet and prompt! paid every Ions it has incurred, nd is to-day stronger in its financial condition and the confidence of ths insuring public than ever. I11511I.TOX BOYD, Manager, Portland, Ogn J. If. B UR K II .4 RT, : Agent, Albany. Oregon. MARX BAUMGART HAS JUST OPBRED OUT A Wholesale Liquor Store KEEPS OOKBTAXTLT OH HatTD THE FINEST BRANDS OP WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO & CIGARS. The Celebrated St. Louis STONEWALL WHISKEY, The finest whiskey in the State. Whiskies, French Brandies, Sherry, , Tort, Claret, and all other kinds of wines, Gin, Ale, Beer, nnd Porter. Bitters of every kind, and the best brands ol tobacco ana tigars. jeir-f want evervbod v to understand that I nave opened ont a tl rat-class wholesale liquor store, where city and country deal ers can procure their stocks at 1'ortiana prices, w ill only frelvht added. Rooma on the corner of Front nnd Ferry Streets, Albany, Oregon. 2b tf. JAMES MAIOYS- restaurant; on Front street, in the building recently occupied by Dr I.lator. MEALS AT ALL HO IT It J -A5?D- BOARD BY THE DAY AND WEEK. FRESH OYSTERS Keooived every other day by express Private Rooms for Ladies. MADT, Proprietor. angSOd Cm mmttcir ffP- fl?"1 JU AMITF ACT VX1G U 0 Cornet Sssoad aad farrr 8bk, Albany. Of' An prspared to munafaetars earrtaces and ans at abort notice and of ths very BEST HATEBIAL. ThT naka tHm fatwrfrw rianinM awv BUGCilUci u the Btttrt. REPJllRiXS t3 JC3 WCFiX dons at shortest notlss bnd In ths asset SKILLFUL MANNER. Thtr amra- Mil mm,4t , nt ... l. Orstelass. vlUngfkf. JA,Tli:s L.tOVAl. (ivnesis oa sr a. oowas os.) LEBANON OREGON, dialer nr GEXER1L mercuaidub WILL KEEP ALWAYS OR HAND A FULL STOCI ID IRST GOODS ! GROCERIES! HARDWARE ! Baota mnS Shm t AH for Sals at tha Laweal Priam far CASH or PR0DUC. All psraoss avuig A. Oawas A Co. sas isttlt by oallinj; oa ma at Labaaoa. TinMLf. JAMIS L. COfAB. MAY & SENDERS, IlarrUanrc, Uaa eaaaty, Oaja., DXAuaa ni GENERAL MERCHANDISE, lch as are generally kept la a FUST CLASS RETAIL STGRL INI AT A SENDEBa tha firm, V-llow us to aasnra yon, "5T on wUl adwsya find at aay tuns A. round their store to sarrs yoaj lJ timber ons articlBS thay do kap, 3o el!tham at small profit. S ooh as clothing, ood and neat, Ili very thing yon buy will fit j Jotlooa, Hardwara, Qrocriea, -Oiahesof all varieties, Ii mbroidariea, Lavnas of all kinds, Robes and even window blinds; j am will always bs on hand. CI 0 decs, ditto, ditto, Jli ver bearing In our min4a, jive sod let live, is our motto, X jove thy neighbor like thyself (3 heat no one Is our theme, 1 oping to do all far onnelvsi I? aJl ver retaining ear goad nam. V nd now as Poetry ia not oar Srl Iatrons, look npon It tender J very one is lnrltad to the straw at tSam May St Sanders ! 1 1 X is without a rhyme. COHSTANTLT ON SARD METZLER'3 CEI.EBBATEB RAW-HSDE BOTTOM CHAIRS. . TllaSStf. SUMMONS. In th Circuit Court of the Slate a Oregon, for the Coimfy ef Lmn, Martha Allen, Plaintiff, vs. Benton Al ien, ueienaant. Suit for divorce. To Benton Allen, ths above named De- ienaant: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are nereny required to appear ana answer the complaint of the above Plaintiff ia the above entitled Court, new on ale with the Clerk of said Court, within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon you if served in Linn County, Ore-' gon, out ii nervea in any otner county in the State of Oregon, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you, and ir served by pub lication, then by the next term of the Cir cuit Court for ths County of Linn, in ths Siste of Uregon, to be holden in the City ol Aibanv. Linn Conntv. Onvon. on tha am. ond Monday of March, 167H, tj-wit : the lltn day or March,la.n,and you are hereby untitled that if you fail to appear and an swer said complaint, as hereby required, the Plaintiff will demand judgment that the bonds of matrimony existing between riaintin ana ueieuaaut ds aisstuved, and that the custody of their minor child be awarded to the Plaintiff; that Plaintiff's name be changed from- Martha Allen to Mrtha Hill, and that a reasonable provis ion be made for the support of the Plaintifl and her said minor child, and for ths costs and disbursements of this suit. WEATHEHKOKD 4 PIPER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. This summons is published by aa ordei of lion. R. P, Boise, Judge of the above named Court, made at chambers in the City of Salem and State ef Oregon, on U.S 23d day of November, A. D, 1877. nisws. tale Treasarer's Seea4 HaUca. j Tbeaburxr's Office, Salem, Deo. 28, 1877. j NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT there are funds on band for the pay ment oi estate Warrants classed and num bered as follows: Warrant s of old issue, payable from fund derived from special tax. indorsed prior to Sept. 14, 1S74, viz.: Nos. 399, 4u0, 401, 176, 403, 404, 405, 40H. 407 4UO, 4W, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 41tt, 417, 418, 419, 4.0, 421 and 42a. Warrants indorsed since September 11, 1S76, payable from fund derived from tax for current expenses, viaj Nos. 733, 734, 732, 736, 772, 979, 990, 991, 992, 995, 998, 999, 1.005, 1,008, 1,007. 1,008, 1,009, 1,011, 1,013, 1,014. 1.016, 1,017, 1,2, 1,021, " 1.025. 1,026, 1,027, 1,028, 1,029, 1,033, 1,042, 1,044, 1,049, 1,052, 1,051, 1,024, 1,067, 1,059, l.OKJ, 1,065, 1 058, 1,06, 1,067 and 1,068. Interest on these warrants will cease from this date. A. H. BROWtf, p.22w3 . Slats Treasurer. SHADE TREES AND OAT STRAW. MAPLE and other kinds of shade tress a flue lot. Also a line lot of bright oat straw. Enquire at or leat e orders with Senders A Sternberg. ttfStf A. A. SETTXEMIEB. Portias d. orr lsa r sau at tcb law est AGRICULTUHAL . IT. an Hole AfmtM OF Whleli combine tha rreateat srtirtb, tatka stole fatsatv or tha W roueht 11om an mad. 1 he ('low's inouldboarrl a mDUAH IU tUK bctaK fLUW, u I n a 1 II i1 i u-WUu THE DEERC SULKY & QATiC P LGIV, ITitk r irUIioEt Erealias flow iitztlmtni. Tlaa gTaataat Utbar-Havlag Implementa yet BOO BOLD IN OBSlOOfT Ix ONE YE A Tl. W. -em v-m-m. (nl.r..lii4 11m lm sai.ix la .toe OTllT MiwI. I lr4-r t .CIST mod- BAkILV UfaHATKU. ne eorutracteal tbut is rata oat of sjronnd and raised clear, by er saa last cooiiieatea .suim muj muer. IttllTH BEID HULLED IK0I "., BUCKEYE' 'DRILLS .AND BROADCAST SEEDERS. &t Ta-Hl1taTt lltjlltsW-Vsaflll IsX Wit 1 OO Well lOaOWB to UOtiA MlBmeoL 1 S chut tier Faxra, Freight and Spring "Wagons, rABJi UBMT MILLS, all atytes aaat Prices. YOUNG MEK Who may be trafferlnr from' the effect of rvoutoful follies or lnctiacntioai, will do well k-o stTaii themselves of thin, the erestest boom I ?Ter laid sit the altar of suffering humanity. un, uriMt,! win gtiarauiee to zoriett for every ease of seminal weakness, or pn vate aisease ox any Kind or enaracter wmot, ne ondrrtakf-s and fails to eure. He would, herelore say to the uulortunateroffrrerwbf may raa tats notice, mat you are (reading pon daneerons frroudd when you tongrr ielay In seeklncthe proper tvmedv for ftmn scomniHinu xou may oe in me orsi suun. iremember yon are approachinctne laM. Ii yon are oorariDr. upon tne last, and are ui lerinc some or an oi m 111 enacts, rt-incnjorra f hat u yoa persist In procrastination, the! usae mil si come wnen ine ni( skiiiiui pny-g dciau ean render yoo no ajtainance ; when! - he door of hope will be enmed against yon 3 when no angel of mercy can bring; yon re- ) Jef. In no chs 1 as the Doctor tailed ol sne ens. 1 hen let not despair work upno your imasrlBatioD. but avail yourself of the bene- 3cuil resulu of bis treatment before your ase Is beyond the reach of medic il skill, or tjeiore rrim death hurries yon ta a vtf mm-. mure rrave. Full course of treatment j6.iu. send money by Post uffiee order or .xpresfl nu iuu oescnpiion 01 case. vau, 01 aaress, vis. a. . No. 11 Kearny "Hrel, San rra.ii-ieo. J E. SORBIN & CO. faBponera anti d'aloi in lIifEA.JD'. l.lll St CIGARS SD TOEaCCO- Agents for Jas Monrv a Co'a. B. aad R Wltiakfcea. nttet friraal Finv rhiaKi from let (lUB a calhiu ant Irs Inn at aenu in Si. All Fine French brandy imra )l.?3 to $5.' (albui. In hiittiss tmrn a- lo i'. FlnrUld fan inr m.m ti.Hiito (t.u a ft. urn. in bnt la from nt eta. l Siist. Plnptthc-mt Wine Crom H-Miu, $w.t a as ion. in tti lea tmm 76 ct. lo A. HolIcBd Ota Huus sailor, in botie rmm 1 (. to tl.SM. All klnda of Wine, Bitter, and Cordials. ClarM one dll a afln it 26 rt. a tioif;,- t.lQDora ib B.iita aad bad (linf .c: it iravelera and others. ' SAMPLR IlOt) MM attache to OUR STORE. CIGARS a TOBACCO, By tava box or pots ad. cheap. First ItfMt. aear Broadalbfa, Albaaj STAR BAjiERY a PROVISION STORE! CaiTBAa WTKM, Fr. Csaaer of First and, Brcadalbln Sta., Albany. A largo stoek of (ren FAXflLY GlaOCEBIES kept constantly oa haad. All kinds ef -la taeir aea oa. aSaUvarsat ta aar rart af ts.. City Vrse .t Cfearce. rWalttf, ; NOTICE PnESTO-GIIAIJGE ! THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING Dis posed of his meat market at I he old stand, can be found attending to bitsinnaa at his new atand, corner of First ana Ells worth streets. I offer cents per pound for DretseJ Bogs. Don't target the old timer. .At L., U , KKIH. Albany, October 5, 1877. TlSnlO -'THE PARKER GUtU CNO STAMP FQRCiacttLAK 4 PARKER BROS WEST MER1DEN.CT. Dissolution Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe partnership heretofore extai ng be tween Taylor Bros., in the saloon business in Albany. Oregon, wa dissolved by mu tual consent on ths 28th day or December, 1877. J. U. Taylor eontinoes the business, asumintr all liabilities of the & m and col lecting all debts dus the firra.and to whom jtll payments must be maua. J. H. TAYI.OR, 22W4 AB.TATL0&. i f rsa rtttssntx ritti, a im uxx mw ILiPLEOEIITS; Ur the Celabtatad 0s jsm extern- Urbtrwas and rtnral !; rFr it nd Hrlrlnl trng n.. I low Is the on anJ sltaie.are faarui ord by s lairntd 1 1- in-rantad. Xaetlj 1 Mirrored tar Pali .( i71 tov alifjbl anstiai of Ur.r : 1 Uu tocra text. ad ot man per t to sirens: ...w "s"" "' - KILLS, a.nd tor special rtraltn. VS3DS C, At PLUZ'-ZHU WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGIST, 123 First street, Albany, Ores; n Bnyinfr from first hanrls. mi f. p sale at Ixrfjutu pihs, a large aud cuuiiil le tockof DRUGS, CKEMISALS, FANCY AHD TOILET ASTiCLES, TATLHT f."LDiDlKL3t Sf C'JLCER EFJ.CES, TRUSSES, ETC., ETC., ETC, AYERiLL CHEMICAL FA.MT, WHITE LEAD, BGILID UQ FJ.W L.K SEED OIL, CASTC3, KEATS FC3T, LAHD AND COAL GILS, PAIKTEB'S BF.DBE AKD STCCK, WlfcDCW GLASS, AE1!ST' fcAl.EIALf, 1UDEFASKTS, SULPHUR FC3SKEEP, ELIE STtKF, ETC., ETC., ETC., In qusntities to suit and at the lowest prices obtainable. Please compare prices before urchasing elaewhsi-e. " --.' - . It - -i n03 V Ta the Werkiaa; Clasa.-Ws are now prepared to furnish all clSKxee with constant cmp'oyoiont at home, the whole of tbe time, or for their spare monthr.. Business new, light and profitable. Per sons of either sex easily earn fiom 50 cents to $5 per evening, and a proportional sunt by devoting their whsl time to the busi ness. Boys and airls earn nearly a much aa men. That ail who see this notica may send their address, and test the husinev w make this un pa railed offer: To aucb aa are not well satisfied we will sei.d one rlel lar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, samp ea worth several dollars to commence on, and copy of Home sod KireiMfe, one of the (aiveaR and best illii? trated Publications, all senr free bvintl Header, if yoo a ant permanent prnfiiak1 work address, Gcokoc sStlssok 4 Co, Portland. Maine, ' A CARD, . - AH. BELL PARKElx, f JlT OF HC (ton City, be h-avr to Intorrn the puollv that ttacy have purubaaed tbe entire sroea et dru)rs, mcdieiDea etc., lormerly owned by K. fl. Hill & Son, and that they design Minimum t the business at tbe old stand, where they pr, poae to keep In tbe future, a mil aaaorament m Urusa, Chemicals, Patent Medicinea. toilet Ar ticles and everything usually found ia a nns class drug store. While earnestly soliciting a eofittnaan ot the liberal patronage ber tofore eaieaaied ta the old bouse. We nope at the aarae ttme, by fair and liberal dealing, and eareiul attention to tbe wants of customer to meet the esteem of any MKW friends who may ta'oruawtth that orders. - -; ' : i - ; -'-- ' Particular attention will M atdt. to tn pounding o. pbysiolans nreecrlpUong and fata uy receipts at an i.ours m mr aay r niifitt. A. H. HiLlAPAnttii, Successors to R. C. Hiu. an,n. Abany. Oregon. Jet. nth. IHTt. ntitf. Qfl(tnt I made by every agea fS if i7 Slavery mntb in tltebtiMrma r luriusii, iut thove willing to work ran lly a dozen dollars a day riicbt linheir wa lm-alities Have no motu to en n lain here: Buninena pleat-ant and tioiH.ralilw. Wo men, and iioya. and girlo do ax well a.-, men We will furnish you a coinple-e Outfit free. The busineaM pays hetterthaii anything eisa. We will bear" expense of siarting you. Particular!, free. V rite and see. farmers ai.d niei-hauics, their eons and daughters, and ail classes in neod of paying merit al home, should write, to us and learn all bout ths work at once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Afldmse The. v .,.. Augua a. " R. N. BAKER, (1CTTISG. MAKING. CI.EAMNt. J and weiring promptly auendaxt to and all work wan anted. esW&hof two doors abuvFs's stora. iUislS