MART. V. HUO!N, EDITOR Friday, - - - - - Jan. IS. 1S7S- THE OFFICIAL PAPER FOR OREGM STATE GINTSAL C3MMITTEE. A meeting of the Democratic State Con lrl Commutes is heieby ealbd lo lo lieli m tlis City f Portland. th 31st d.y o January, iSTS. A 1 11 1 1 attendance is re qaesiej C. B BELLvvR , Chairman. Salbt, January 3, 1878. As we predicted last week Hon. Geo. IT. Pendleton baa been elected United States Senator from Ohio, to suciet d Stanley Matthews. On tho third ballot lie was declared tlie Democratic caucus nominee, the vote standing" Pendleton 51, E wing 19, Morgan 16. After the result was announced a general Demo cratic love feast followed, in which speeches were made by Pendleton, Ew- ing, Morgan, Ward, Converse and oth ers, all expressing tho utmost satisfac tion with the result. This is a merited reward to one of Ohio's ablest and truest citizens, and one of which tho Democracy of tlia na tlou may well vejoies. With Pendleton the colleague of Thurman in the Senate the Buckeye State unquestionably has tho ablest representation in that body of any State in the Union. Pendleton's election is also a signifi cant concession to the Greenback ele ment of the Democratic party, and should be taken as sin earnest of good faith in our party's professions on that subject. Three cheers and a tiger for Senator Pendleton ! The Willamette at Spores' ferry, Lane county, is to be spanned by a $9,0CC bridge to be built by A. S. Miller & Son. This will be the fourth bridgi Lane county has had built in the past two years. We think our own county of Linn should be more entenvriain and liberal in this matter of bridgt building. Until the tarbid and treach erous Suntii-jn rivet-3 which eo-v through Linn county are proper! bridged our great rcwurces cannct be approximated. Span our streams with good substantial bridges and grade and improve our highways, and Linn coi;n ty will immediately exhibit forward strides that will astonish and delight every citizen within its borders. BETTES PAY IP. Some of our delinouent subscribers have evidently taken up with Beecher'a- blasphemous idea that there is no Hell but we want them to understand that they can't "play us" that way! They may as well make up their mind that there is a most ir.feraauy 2:ct p!a: o torment for such as they, and that nothing but- a paid Tip receipt from this office can save them from its otherwise inevitable consequences. And be as sured that the place of punishment for the delinquent subscriber is built on the most improved modern plan, with all the scientific appurtenances for the nost excruciating torture. Yon fellows better pay up ! BS.aTIJ OF A Kf.-. Victor Emanuel, King of liaiy, died last Saturday. He is universally mourned -dy his subjects. lie is suc ceeded on the throne by his sr.n, Hum bert, who personally comes to the throne under favorable circumstances. He has outlived the ill fame won by some fol lies of his youth. He has be-?-.y lately well-behaved, methodical, of a wisely saving disposition ; free from debt in spite of incessant calls upon his re sources. Like his lather he has shown himself a good soldier, and professes . sound liberal principles, besides which, imUke his father, he above all things alhors subjection to priests. A COKPASIHON. For the benefit of the gold fanattics we desire to cs.!l attention to the fact that the countries under the b-'ngle gold standard bave a population of I80; 430,000; while the populaiiojj of tie silver standard (single) countries num bers 876,700,000. When o-,;r sihei bill passe?, those under (he ' bi nietalic standard will nuraber '132,500,000. The talk of gold Wng the unit- of val ue of the greater jrtwu tf tho world fa, therefore, 'proven false by actua'. f:cts and fi -Hires. Not a day passes without the an nouncement of the failure of one oi two banks. Since the contraction poll cy was ma -AU'd, wit.,) resnmptiftn in 187G, the failures in the United States sho'.r total liabilities ol $1,158,033,52.?. When-banks break down through lack of business it is very evident that there is a disease prey in; upon the vitals of mercantile life. PpnV.';.-..n financial management hag . been the curse of the co mtry. M.IUI.VG HEADWAY. When he was first admitted to his seat the Orejoitiai called him "Ham-b-.u-g-Buteher Butler;" now he is said to be a hard monc-yite, and that paper patronizingly pats --.ojuator Butler" on the back. Now all Butler needs to do is to favor tha Northern Pacific Bail road to be dubbed "the distinguished Senator from South Carolina f " THE SUtES etETIOJT. The Orejonian, wnh a style of petti fogging which is unworthy of itself a? re!l as an uisult to its readers, gives a- reason for its opposition to th silvei ill that Sharon and other owners of .ho great silver mines will be largelj lenetitted by the appreciation of theii tullion. If this is to bo given as a rea s a for its opposition, then that panci mght to opposo tho purchase of out Oregon wheat by buyers and specula tin, because they are almost certain t e financially benefitted by it. Thai aper should also oppose tho construc ion of the Northern Pacific Railroad. r doe it not know that tho owners c hat road expect to be greatly benefitted snd vastly enriched by its successful completion t Tins argument that some half a dozei. jreat miners would be benefitted by sii er remoneiization is absolutely no ai ;ument at all. It is decidedly babyish it cannot for a moment figure as a rea son why silver should not be restored ti ts proper standing, from which it wa vrongfully degraded by trickery anc fraud. Silver is now a legal tender foi small debts, and must be taken by tht joor people at its face value, althougl lepreciated. The Oxonian, when cr Iing in favor of the rich bondholder becomes virtuously indignant and de nounces it as an unpardonable sic and au inexcusable outrage to wrong ihese bloated bondholders out of 6 or f ,er cent, but in the eyes of that papej it is a christian act and au evidence oi enlightenment and civilization to de- traud the poor out of that amount. That paper wants to fulfill scripture bi giving to tho poor that they may havt .n abundance, and take from tho pool ivan that which, they have. Give us tho saina kind of money foi rich and poor, and we will show yo in immediate increase of prosperity ii. -he country. For eighty years our silver dollar wa legal tender in this country for an .mount, and during that time has al rays been at par with gold, and some imes better, as it was when demon tized. Four years ago it was demon tized, lost its legal tender qualities md ha3, of course, been at a discoun ,ince ; but the comparison shows tha monetizing will appreciate it, an uaVe it as good as ever, v Four years ago when the silver dol ar was demonetized, it, (the dollei coined, not bullion) was worth $1.03 ii Coll The act of demonetization dr- reeiated it of course, though but fet f any had been oirculated in our com: ory for years. The very fact that bull ion could be coined only in small quan -ities, and that not a legal tender foi nore than five dollars, of course depre ciated bullion, especially in a countn like ours, where we produce over $40,- J00,000 worth of it, annually. Bit five us a legal tender dollar, pay it ou u every contract made payable in coi. when the silver dollar was a legal teu ler, and we will have r.o trouble i. aiaking it worth 100 cents in gold. I it no violation of contract to pay ii silver, for our bonds call for coin pay meat, and previous to 1873 the bond holder would have been glad to get i silver dollar in place of a gold dollar in payment for his bonds. We wotild not hirk a single agreement made to pa jtir debts, but we would not go furthe. ban we agreed and pay gold when coil (silver and gold then being legal tender was all we promised. The present subsidiary coin, whic! contains about 85 cents worth of bull ion, at present rates, is quoted at 96 j in gold, per cent less than greenbacks, and add the difference (0 cents) between that coin and the proposed dollar o' 4121 grains, and we have the 91 cents A-orth of silver bullion, worth 1022 vithin J of a cent of gold, just when pe propose they will be when the dolla? is made a legal tender. Demonetizing silver took away its value, because it :ook away its market. The fine art xmld not use but a small portion of thi roduets, and when coining ceased, th market was gone. So men are afraid his country will be flooded with silve. ;oinand it will b-jcome a "drug;" whei .t does we want to be in the "drug' business. nOW COXKLLXG CAftaT IT OXCE. The recent sharp skirmish between Senators Conkling and Thurman Las ecalled to the Boston Journal a ncal it of chastisement, administered ly ill'. Fessenden to the JTew York Set a ior when lie was somewhat new to hi. luties. He Lad undertaken to lectur .he Senate on allowing its members tc take Bills, in the custody of the Secre tary, from his desk to their own. "What is to Ipreventme, for instance, ' ho is reported as saying, "from getting Bill into my possession and altering it'l" "We have not up to this session,'' replied Fessenden, "had any membei of the Senate capablo of such con duct." THE BEST iT OF 15EMOCKATIC BIT t . The report of the stata treasurer oi South Carolina has been published, and the Charleston A'eics makes the follow ing comparison of the state expenses ol the current year under Democratic rule with the expenses of the state when the Republican carpet-bag government was in full authority: 1872. J8T3. 1S77. Public Printi,.... 2149 014j SStS Lunatio asylum. . tasvi mjsi 32.521 'rr,t'l! J ,000.070 1,018,307 232,820 The Burlington Hawhcye suggests t'tat Mr. Conovor "spells his name with a'G." We hear Capt. Humphrey promi nently mentioned as tho Republican nominee for Prosecuting Attorney oi ;his Distri t. The Rads are tal ing up D. P. Thomp son, of Oregon City, for Governor. Tfais would bo a good nomination foi the Democracy ! Tho Roscburg Star says we elect out Congressman in Juno this year, instuai' of in Nuvembjr, a-i soma papers claim. Guess you aro correct, gentlemen. Tho La Fayette Courier think Mitchell's recently aroused railroad en thusiasm is too thin; and that thi; do Ige to catch votes for hi3 re-electioL won't scour. The Philadelpha Chronich sayj; The latest news from Washington state. ;hat Jim Blaine is going to the Ho Springs, and tho rest of the Senator; to hot whisky. The St. Louis Glohe-Dcmocrat (Rad.) nformed its readers December 3d tha' 'Tour years from that day Genera' Gri-ant will send his ninth annual Mcs sage to Congress." Tilden's majority in New Jersey wa' 12,674; McClellen's majority i3 12,673 Col. Cochran can account for this fall ing off of the Democratic Vote irt" nc other way than by death. The Columbus, Ga., Enquirer greatly irefers a bold, open foe like Conklin? to an insidious one like Hny03, and it annot sorrow that the former has wor :his contest, and it has been a brilllanl one. It has taken onlr six years for th Republican majority of fifty in the U 3. Senate to dwindle down to ouh ne. Now let tha Oregon Democracy iick Mitchell out this Fall and tha settles it. "- The Salem Record eomes out as ai 'Independent Greenback" pacr. G n, Broiher Norton, but don't get s jeen as to allow that political niounte ank and social nondescript, I,awson, t. take you in ! The Des Moines TCejtaitr says ex 'ecretary Belknap is "practicing law jakiug mjney and minding his ow: usiness." It would have been betle 'jr the countrv if he had never don- ny thing but practice law. " To see a Senator of tha Unite 'tates nnable to visit Lis constituents "r fear they will seize him a;id loc! ism up in jail, is not an inspiring spec aole. Yet, the New York sayt his is precisely the Hon. Mr. Pattei im's ese. The St. Louis Gkls Dt:mH (Rad "cat,) runs up for its candidate in 188 ;he following ticket: For President. Jlyses S. Grant, of Illinois; for Yio President, Roscoe Cjnklinsr, of Sen Fork. This will be good enough inut--o for the Democrats. The thin argument that to remone ;ize silver will enrich a few individuals ought not to work against the law. Ii s it just and we believe it, then the si! er dollar should be a lcal tender. If it the luck of a few to have larg quantities of bullion on hau-J it is theii food fortune. Tha Chicago Tribune says: At the Sew York public schools, nowadays. when a pupil is asked, "Who is the President of the United States?" and mswers, "Mr. Hayes," the master bats Sim over the head with a slate, and ays, "No, you infernal ignoramus; it't Mr. Conkling." The Orejonian of last Friday con tained a communication urging the nom- nation by tho Democratic Convention f Hon. John Thompson, of Lane coun ty, for Secretary of State. Judge fhompson is in honorable, high-minded jentleman, and would make a capable md efficient officer. At the next election in California ihe people will vote "For Chinese Im migration, or "Against, Chinese Im nigration." Is-A the next session oi he Oregon Legislature pass a similai jill and the two great States of tht Pacific coast will show tha powers at iVashington how they like to be over ridden by these celestial vermin. We' understand the Portland politi :ians of both parties are actively at vork fixing up "slates" for the comim State election. We have heard of these lates being smashed over their makers leads about convention time. W ather opine that the cow counties wil lave something to say about who shal. e the candidates. Ex-Governor Whiteakcr and Judgt 3onham are mo3t prominently spokei it up this way as Democratic caud. lates for Governor. We arc not ad iscd as to whether either of these sen ;lemen are aspirants, but we fully V. - 1 eve that the nomination of either ol ;h :in wculdmeet with general favor a; :he jha-.ius of thej'party ""and "insure e Democratic Governor ef which tho peo le of the whole State would have jusi reason to be proud. A Washington correspondent of the New York Commercial Advertiser, Radi cal, says: The leaders of the Republ - can party, who placed Mr. Hayes i:i the Executive Chair, have borr.e and fir borne with tho whims, -fancies and vagaries of the President and his shal low advisers until forbearance has ceased to be a vi. tuc, and now we find the men who have been leading the forlorn hope in Lis defense have to give way to the swelling current sweeping down everything against Lis fraudulent Administration. Meachu in u Vang JnJi&n kctures in N. Y. fcssiEsr.s me i:i t. SkobsiefF holds Schip':a. Congress grinds slowly. Supreme Court still grinding. Sa'cm 1 itcg.nan looks "nifty." Iowa is goi.ig to restoro hanging. A red-hjt conundrum: "Is there a a hell?" Pendleton, Ohio's new Senator, is 52 yean tld. A Salem hunter kille l vn 8-feet eaie last weak. The 8. F. Talaee Hatel is a stupend- ounii'ure. Sab-m has broken out all over with tram is nnd "jurguhirs." ' The S. F. IVasp is improving both in ill istratious and contents. Northern Idaho want to be hitched t Washington Territory. Georgia has 09,413 dogs, and yet sautago is 15 cents a pound. The Orejonians' colmns aro fil! ' with articles on "Hall" and kindi-'1' subjects. Portland is to Lave a Young Men's Democratic Club. Good! Let Albany lo it too. Salem labor reform meetings aro fiz zles according to the Mereurj and Sittcsxvxn, Mr. A. Bush, Salem banker, has j-ist completed the handsomest residence in the State. , Tho famous trotting mare, Flora Temple, died at Philadelphia last month, aged 32 yeara. Lueky Queen Mining Co. pay their new Superintendent 300 per month. This is rather costive ! Washington Territory wants to shed her swaddling clothes snd be dressed in the attire of State-hood. Dunellin, New Jerssy, has a paper called the Daily Rock. We havn't bad one "frowed" this way yet. The week of prayer is over iu Ore gon, but we havn.t heard tho result of the "clean-up" of converts. Four of Brig. Young's widows have nsrried again. Having married Young nd got used to it they can't live single. Mart. Taylor, the showman, is editoi of the new Mitchell organ at Pendle ton. Mart, we didn't think that of you ! Portland has a" chinaman named Ah D un. The hoodlums got after him there was a Ah Da:n sore-headed le'estial. E. M. Waite is mentions 1 a-rain as he Ralical candidate f r Stiite Printer. Weil he is about ai god mttcrial as they have. Ai'istn ti be unanimously re-eleo r I t tie U. S. Siiia fr m Iowa, ths ")iinoerata have conclude J not to trr Sj beat him! The Portland Poli:e C-m:n'si mors Save removed all their Germia polies- ;n mi, and as a consoquen-ja tho whole T :ittonic -population of the metropolis is "bucking. Salieius Garueld, tho silver-tongued rator of Washington Tenitory fame, is now running a cambling hell in Washington City. i ... - A lady at Fairfield, Maine, p-ossessed of a luxuriant growth of natural hair, e'ght feet and one inch long, lias re fisel an olTer of $2,000 for it A nice little private banquet such a one as a person would like to give his select friends, can be had at Delnion ica's, in New York, for 10,000. ! A back pension was recently obtained "or a lady iu Louisville, through P. H. Fitzgerald's Claim Agency at Indian apolis, Iud., amounting to $2,533. -. It is estimated that Oregon's popula tion has increased at least 23,000 in the past two years. The question among the politicians is what ticket will they vote? A large shed in Somerville, Mass., has been stocked with wood, saws, and sawbucks, and tramps are at liberty to earn their meals there, or to go hungry. Beecher has raNsd a thunderin' row about his head by heterodox views on ternal punishment, but nevertheless refuses to admit there is a hell. He has, however, got back as far as Purga tory. John Ilickson, of Cincinnati, sub ided for fear he would live to be eighty yeara old. But our fast young men, -rho are galloping to their graves by all aear cuts, needn't kill themselves for he same reason. There is no necessity for it. C'tuof Joseph made a speech at Leav in worth, Kansas, the other day, the mrden of which was that "the Nez ?erce3 are the white man's friends." Yonder what the poor murdered set ters would say to this hypocritical a leriion if they could speak t A Portland fuller, who swero oC Sew Years', got drunk last Saturday md licked Ikb wife. lie gave as an oxcuso for it all that since swearing oil he had found out that there wasn't any lell and he felt so good about it he thought he must have one more good 'oust. When Lawson got up to speak in the labor-reform meeting at Salem last Saturday nigh, the crowd wautol him to show Lis hand they wanted to inow whether or not he was a working man. Ho didn't show his hand, but in his silly reply he camo near showing something else. Tha leaders of tho Salem labar-roforni movemsnt are G. W. Lawson, a man who has been note- rious for Laving neither politics or reli gion, and "Prof." Cheeny, an infidel lecturer and "poker sharp." And yet they call themselves "working men!" out! If they didn't make their living by slippery tricks they would have to bo locked up under the vaga bond act. A UiS (.LtniUl!.!.:!. A Lisas y, Oa., Jau. 1,1, 1S78. Editor Democrat : Reading in your hisb week's issue of the Democrat, I noticed the following quotation from that eminent standard of the Greenback ; arty,- The True Citl set: ' " We believe that tlie frited (Jta!c r.oto liwuod dl rsrtljr b thi eorernTnent, and cramrliMc on demand into United Btalei obllja-.ions, bearing aa BumiEtt ra!e of intercut (not cxccodlnj one cent a day on each ono hundred dollars), and lnterchanKible with United Statei notoj at par. will aff jrd the best elrcuiatinir me dium evor devised: suchVohel S.atc. note Wd be a fall lejal tender lor all purpose, except for the povinmt of ,ueh oUigxtwnt as are I,v ecirting cm trof; exprctt-y made payable in coin. And we hoW inat It is the doty of the government to provide each a drculatmg medium, and we insist, In the lan3m?e o! Thonu, .!,,,, that he - preaed a ,d th, eircuiatlon re, to the nation, to whom it be.onjrs." Being mysolf a Greenbacker in prin ciple, I am impelled to add a few thoughts by way of comment on the ideas presented by, and expressed in, the section of the Indianapolis platform as quoted. Tho section goes fully a far, it f-Kc-uis to us, as any honest acd patriotio American citizen could jiossi bly permit himself to go in the expres sion of Lis political principles upoii the points in question. And to lhi3 point we feel fully assured a patriotic and honest American citizen can go, both in his profession and practice, and in doinj: so fully and freely, act from the purest of motives and in strict consonance with the duties of the true patriot, thi rights of the most honest citizen, and the instircts that must always impel the honest voter in the exercise of hi highest constitutional right, i. e., the right to do Lis part in the government of Lis country, and in shaping its pol icy and practice, executive and legisla tive, by the simple act of voting aright at the ballot box. An inflationist whe simply cries "more money," without re gard to some true, solid, safe, and sub stantial basis of a true and intrinsic value for that money, which basis can, must and shall be made as broad, dee and extended as are the life, Lope ano Jestiny of the American Republic, and all its people, and all their interests, a well as the iutsrests of that great anr rand people's prosperity, can hardly b regarded as a wise xlitical economist, and eertainly not as a true stute?nian. and in point f patriotism Lis wouh certainly be rcgaided as a very low or .ler or standard, to say the least of it. In other words, to speak more plainly, d: man or tho j-arty that would Coot he nation with a vastly greater vol mm jf the circulating lnediuiii known a; the paper dollar, based on no other lm sis than the simple power of the govern ment to set its stamp upon it and de clare its value is a greater foe to Amer ican constitutional liberty than any other man or jsirty known in the polit ical arena at the present hour. Be cause F.rst. Liberty of a people without a .jieat, grand and stable system of gov ernment to foster, protect and insure iU duration, is of but a transient and sick ly existence, which can but find its brief hour of existence, off of which it must glide down into the gloomy shades ol eternal death, dragging with it the des tiny of a nation that contains within itself a treasure no less than the light and Lope of the world. Second. The idea of a great, grand and stable government exis ing and pro tecting its own duration, without both real wealth and some credit, both at home and abroad, is an anomaly too stupendous, yet alas 1 too shadowy, for either reason or common sense to even contemplate, much les3 adhere to or support. Third. And the value of the circu lating medium of a nation that is mould ed in utter disregard of the standard of values recognized by the whole world, and without any inherent or intrinsic value of it3 own, would certa;nly be one of the most worthless, nnmeritori- ous foundations, as a pecuniary base of governmentalpowfr, that tho world Las ever known. And yet inflationists, un der the assumed name of Greenbackers inflationists in precept, yet repudia- tioniats in practice do proclaim that a government can make anything a dollar in valuo by simply calling it a dollar. About as sensible, I trow, as to say "1 :an put that dog io possession of five good legs by simply calling hi tail u lea." The citizens hope, Lis all, lies in tl e c institutional guni antccs enveloped in the grand governmental system tl at protects him. Let him keep that Strang, grand, pure and active, and Le and nil posterity aro safe. But inflation means future national bankruptcy, and final repudiation. Re pudiation tneaus denial of the money of ihe nation, as well as t'.e debts of the nation. And the whole together meant poverty to the rich, and irreparable pov erty, irrctrievablo disaster, and irre leemable degradation to the poor. And yet all these mean nothing losi than a horrible culmination throughout the na tion of want uud woe, with attendant evils of mis ry and crime, blosscming in blackness and ripening into a hideous harvest of riots, murders and b!ood cruelty, and an "irrepressible conflict, ' not between races, but castes not be i.'ween a government und a part of it. people, but between. a people amongs themselves, with no great, grand, gov ernmental power to prevent the evil. The corrupt and false legislation f the last decade in this country ha. aroused the inceused multitudes of thi laboring classes, .the grand commoner: and the working masses, and has give! rise to sido issues and side issue parties. Tho Ropublican party, standing chik t deep in its own political filth and rot tenness, trembling before the ever in creasing tidal wave of Democratic op position, casninsr for breath and strug gling to live, Las hailed all of these side issues and side issue rarties with delight, and its wily leaders, with de feat and death staring them in the face, have been still shrewd enough to whis per the command, "divide and conquer." This secret wail will sound throughout all their shadowy councils in the com ing campaign in Oregon. If Democrats turn inflationists and desert their grand old Jefleliionian standard and M ttiom. selves with (oliticul force or moment, they can thin give me toe another victory. But ii they stand firm for tha vifrlif. ing faithful servants and proper legisla tion mstcie ot tne party, they can, ani in the coming contest will, succeed ii this State. I am a Greenbacker. I believe the national banking system the worst of ai. the vile brood nf nrtKr.imil Bvi1 an curses that the Republican party La upon tne people. I believe in a national paper currency issued by thf government directly, for the redemption of which the whole world shaU know Jiat the unfaltering faith of -our whol eountry and its teeming millions k wholly and unreservedly pledged J believe in that money being rendered interchangeable with United States in tercst bearing bonds ; and I believe ii this money being made a legal tender lor all debts contracted in futnre, ant for all debts already existing save and except those which expressly stipulau for payment in gold. This for the de struction of a multitude of evils, and f he accomplishmenl of untold good U all our people. And for all this I fear not to trust the Democratic nartv. For all this. 1 ainnot trust to the force or efficiency oi a disorganized and undrilled element of political power. For the accnmtifiRrirrtanl: nf f Tima m suits let the Democracy stand shouldei .. i , i ... .. to isnouiuer, ana eacu man ao His duty (iive no heed to deceivers who are tools jf aspiring but unscrupulous leaders ol nauicaiism. within tlie proud old jartv there is rawer anrl affimfinf- in suring success ; outside is weakness, and .naiMiny to aecompiisn aught. .Let u unite and stand by our principles and ur party, and thereby nroenre for onr- elves all that we desire in point of po litical reform. Remember, brothers, that by the in ')erent power of the Democratic parti li-tdicalism was shocked last Autumn a"f f smitten by the ligLtninga of eterna vrath. And after electing a President y fmud and inaugurating him by per ury Radicalism now denies the "frnit. jf its own disgraceful doings. The peo le are sickened and disgusted with it Usgrace. Raise high your standard, hat the advancing column of recruit nay see it ! Stand by it, for legion? re coming to join you ! "Suecess" i he motto, "Truth" is the watchword, md "Reform" the battlecry. Stanr inn ! GREENBACKER. r At I FIV C AftTKBA. Democrats, organize ! Oregon Rads. asleep yet. Colfax is to Lave a 3-story Lotel. Marsh field Las a leprous chinaman. Ugh! Southern Oregon miners waiting ft r water. The O. S. N. Co. will build 4 new steamers. B. F. Ogil, of Bear Creek, Umatilla county, within a few days past lost five daughters and a son by diphtheria. That copious bare-backed play "M zeppa," is on the boards at the Port land theatres. Miss Buckingham does it! " That settles it. A Salem debating society Las decided tLat "Mitchell, in presenting Lis railroad bill to Congress, had not the interest of Oregon at heart." An old man named Henry Green was arrested at Loon Lake, Douglas county, on Tuesday last, by Deputy Sheriff James Hegan, of Butte county, California, charged with Laving killed a man named Henry Wheeler of tLat place. Al. Roland, wLo skedaddled from Salem a few days ago, is now coming up from 'Frisco in cLarge of the Sheriff, to answer to the charge of Laving absconded with money belonging to R n. Price. J udgo Bronaugh, of Portland is out agaiust eternal damnation. Well La is an Adventist, and Lis world comes to an end in about 7 years from date and is to bo burned crisp and rolled up as 't scroll and laid away onto a shelf with sther retired currency and broken down Kliticinns; so with this gloomy pros- cct or things so close at Land if ludge B. can afford to do without a bell we suppose other coor sinful critters can take equal chances with SEXATOR BlIXER AT HOME. At Edgefield, South Carolina, when the news of the seating of Senator But ler was received, the colored firemen formed a procession and waited upon ilrs. Butler at her residence to tender .heir congratulations. The compliment was hospitably acknowledged, and the colored brcthern left with three rousing ilieers for the man that was abused on the floor of the Senate as a murderous iiiemy of their race. OUt UKEEXBACK lETTEE. The letter from "Greenbacker" which we publish to-day takes up considerable f our space, to the exclusion of editor ial matter, but it will well repay the perusal. It will be seen that the writer occupies precisely the same ground taken by the Democracy of the whole nation on that subject, and shows the utter fallacy and inutility of a Green back movement outside of the Demo cratic party. And now a colored baby show good. -very itia hi nr. r. iii::. The Eastern Oregon papers, of Dem ocratic proclivities, seem to favor Judge Shepherd, of Baker City, for State Printer. Mr. Noltner, of the Portland Stand rJ, and Mr Bristow, of tha S:. lem Mercury, seem to be the mo3t prom inent Valley candidates. They are : 11 giod men. and either would be elected if nominated. Flacnclal and (-'amsnercfa!. Gold In New York, 1021. Leal ttmoen in Ku-Uand boring, 97; axillinj, S3. Silver coin -2j per cent, discount. WHEAT, per bushel 1 M 1 SO rXOUa, extra e 2S g 6 to Superflne 5 25 fi WJ OATS, per busbl 65 fc? 7 o&i, o-uoa 10 00 g 1: m Loaso 9 w 10 60 POTA'lOta, per busbeL 40 g$ 45 Jr.KF, chuice on foot, per & Ifit, : JOGS, extra choice 6 e? 6, BACON , H re 11 1AMS - 14 lo JOFFEE 20M Til wARD, in kejrs l-4? 13 iq Hj-w una. i l-4 13 SUTTEtt, in brine 25 i S3 solid ; 18 Vi 10 Fresh dairv 27 M 40 taOK ner dor. ' silt as DRIED FBU1T Apples, a un -dried. In sacks. 4 $ , in kegs. b (g S Pears, end-dried 4Uir 5 Plums, snn-dried - 14 POULTRY, old hens I 0 3 SO") Spring; chickens. 3 00 S 60 BIDES, dry Bint 10 lit iooa cnils 15 Jlurrain 6 Groen 5 (a 0 -.- Mills. .................. j 'J u, 22 fAI-LOW, per lb ; .... e 6t WI' am 4 axxasr xBEa-r. WHEAT per bn 1 C7. OATS per bn I0c5c. HAY baled 15c. - Loose 12c POTATOES per bo KffiSS. BACON hams 11c Sides 10c Shoulders Tie, LARD 'b 10. tins61 15. BUTTER Fresh roll 25c EOC8 SOc CHICKENS 3 00. bUUAR San Francisco 12c . Island 10jgl2c COAL OIL Downer, 6-al cans 43 00. Devoe'a. 61 cans ti 25. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GUN STORE SCOTT & M0XTEITH, PEOP'Rt. Coatomrs can niwa.yw And aft thi plai splendid aikaforttuent ol QU1IS, RIFLES m REVOLVERS And Ammunition of All ius, At.- TdBACCO A.D CIGARS. WaOLESALS AND RSTAIL. taby Carriages, Stearalioais, Gasp- Wagon. nnd si.,?.... In irc nfriy evpry kind of toyi mnniactuvvi. vt tiUvU (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTOlHlTABD C0MSE10EATIAW, . CcrrsIUK, Orcsrxi. ITritsl. PRACTICE IN ALL THE CfWTJTK OT ? th State. ConTeTanciir done, conecticnf ;r"-' U1 wut" uu, Eo:teT toenco. ana note Jiseminted. Office in Cam-t House trp-stjrs. sstf Assignee's Sale. N OTICE is hereby givrn that I iTl sell at public anct-on, on Thursriav. Jan uarr 24, at 1 o'clock r. m.. to the iiih-si bidder. t the Court Housw door in Albany, l-inn connty, Oregon, all the ri ht, lit and interest that I have and hold as As--igneein bankruptcy to the estates of Allen and John Parker, in and t four horses. two wagons and two sets of harness. Terms ot sale, Ij. S. gold coin KilliOXS ARXOLP, 2-iwl Assignee, Final Settlement. "VrOTTCE is hereby given that the nnder- A-s) siarnea. execmors or the lest will an tmlament of Unman Shelton.. deceased, have fi'ed their final a-eount for the sttl. ment of Ihe esa-e of rai.l def eased in the Connty Court of I.inn County. -tat ofOr econ. and Paid Court has annointrl Tnp day, the 5th dav of Mareh. 1S7S. at the hour of I o'clock p M. of said dav, fr tbp neannir or nbjwtiona to said act onnt and tne settlement or the same. HARVKY SHFLTXyv A. F. SHELTON, 24w4 Esecntors. Strayed. STRAYED from my houso. near Jeffer son, about the middle of Do. ember, a oar Day or brown horse, about 1 hand high, 4 year old next snrmsr. branded J J on the left shoulder. Any person knowing of tbe whereabonts of this horse, and writ ing the information to me1 at Jeffercon, wil' be suitably rewarded. 2lw3 JESSE PAPRTn. Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby riven that Ihe nnder sianed. Administrator of the esia;o of John J C. Jack, deceased, has filed in the County Conrtof Unn county tirepon. lift, final account for settlement, nd idCoun has appointed Wednesday, the 6th day ol March, 1878. a tbe hour of I o'clock in tht afternoon of that day, for the hearintr f objections to said account and tha sett'e ment thereof. H. J. C. A VRKILU J4w4 - Admini-tra'or. Estray Notice. TAKEV TJPaaan estray on Dorembei 27, J877, by tho nd.-r.-ipned, liv nji -even mi!ea eat-t of Kcio, Linn conn y.ore Ston. one da k by hor-e. four yoirsold. near sixteen band" high 8tn a-hitn hair in the fon-head I arH marked, and dim brand, piosKt tobi."J J".-iilhe lei. snouiuer Liu r. s. xj a i is. State Treaaarcr Thin! Jfotlce. TitEAStTnEr.1! OFrirK, 1 SalHin. Jan. 9, 1878. NOTICE is hereby given that there are fit- da in the Treasury for the paymen of Sate Warrants classed und numbered as follows: Wanantsof old issne payable from fund derived frrnt special tax, iud r.-ed prior to September 11, 1874. viz: Nos. 4.'3. 4-'4 425. 42B. 4i7. 428, 429. 430. 43'. 43' 433. 4-4, 45. 43tf 437 and 43s. Warrant paablrtfram ceneral fund, in dorsed since September 14, 1870, viz: No una. Intel est on the above '"Warrants wil! cease from Ibis date. A. H. BROWN. 2lw3. .- Treasurer. G. W. Bnrkhart & Co. DRAY M E'N. HAVING HE FINEST OTJTFIT9 I -this rity we are creoared to dr ant and all kinds of hanlinc day or night, an: airaieaa cneap as t ne cneapest. -tiiveu a call. GEO. W. P.TJRKHART & CO. nlatf 25 j; Pct Cards, Snowflaka. EBraask, etc, ao 1 atto witn iinn, iv sea, jsassajB vara b., n. a! NTS. ; BTJiiuoifs. In the Circuit Court of the Stoic of O, t3o for thi Coigiig 5 Linn. JamM iB. Houston md Mi!!on Hoiifton, PlaiwiiO. vs. CharH Cuium,giiai, ie! r,,T hi",lQjT- Cuunint5t'am, the a! ove noun o lJfleiidant: In the natneif the State of Oregon yoi, are hen-by Munitioned HhO required tu ao iiratid answi-r the flaiciitta' annul ui r in the above tinkled Miit, now on fi! i -j! ;" the U-erk of said Court m tje firM d t tlie next Uvni of tfiis .V,urt, to 1 ht.idt -1 -the Court HoUe in Aibanv, I.inn 4.',a 1-7.'" Oreijon, on I ho second Womlny, the !rJ day of Slnrch, A. i. 1B78, and ou are no tinod that the ic-iief demaiided fn said o.rn. inaiiit i .he partition of (he following eie scribed real"J,rop-rty, held by P-amtlainitid lielendaiit m tenants in comui.-ii, to-iii ; Tbe north haJf of theDonaiion 1 Mi.dCl; ini of Kobert iloUKiun and Mary liot-Afon Ii:b wife, Kotifieaiioii No. tf$'-i, Claim . .38. 1 r.d being part of .-ecUous 33 and 31, in Toi n-.-.hip 10, South Kange Ko. 3 est, f nd (.art.- of Sections jNos. 8, -4 and ft, in To-n-ship No. 11 eouth of i;ai;ge Iv'o. 3 Vii.t, said Korth half (-outlining 318 acres, mo iiatsum fjariiera Mian ovn tut-ir al r:al property in seveialty, that is to my, .1:;n.-s tf. nousion cve-ieijiris inereoJ. film an tlcuston Miree lentlis thereof, and ihe Its- rentlant, Charles K. Ctuinincham. t o- u-ntlis thereof: and if you fail to appar and siibwer faid couiplaint an herein re quired, the I'laimilljiwill apply to ihe C i:rt lor the relief demanded iu tsaid J nis summons is puuiiKiieo in the fcTA tk Rights JjtMj KATtiewKpaierforsix weeis consecutively ly order of Hon. H. P. Boixe, Judge of said Court, which orut-r In (iated Januxrv 2. IK78. STAUAN & EUUXI-7IT. n3w6 Att'ys ior FlamUlfa. Dissolution Notice. VT OTIOE is hereby given Ihat tho et 11 parmership heretoft,re 4-xitithj Lj- ween u. o. Clark and J. IS. Wyatt, unrtt r he firm name of Clark & Wjalt, is th s lay dissolved by mntual consent, D. C-. Jiark withlntwiaA Ihe business wi I till be continued s. the old ,tand bv J. I'.. Wyatt, who will pay ail demand;) again? t the late film, and to whom all notes an J cecums must be pad. CLARK WYATT. Dated Jan. 5, 1878. S3w4 Estray Notice. 'pAKEN CP by the undersigned, livinj; JL in Tnaiaiin rrceittct, Ciackatitas coun y, Oregon, one flea bitteri gray mare, about ilhai.ds high, ten r twelve years old. Vl-oone buy mre about 1 hands high, -vhi'-e stripe in forehead 3 while feet ami ix-utlive ye. Mold. Both ainuia.s camo o iny place last Jun. AUI UST KCLLEM EI R. Dec 2t, 1877. t3wl Jo tlie Citiieii of larion an! Lim Gjimties. BAxhts seca sni esatonsal the Aihes of fcrnt Jlar ar.a Sonoma tv--uos LxlJjrv.x, vfa,eh &ie nim itr to the one propoou to be pcDU.bea of uur c- ucuw jf Edqas. WiuJAiis i LO., and Ih-i&Mtig tfacra u be -Ae mast thorough, comj-le e aitd eociprebtnaive of ary thai oi ihs ka crer befaru exauin.cci by os, and bai buch an Ali- ol onr CoBDCies vecia be of genu.'aj JKe and adranioe u tbe fVjjctij cunm ami tuin-Less oea. thrvuh..u. thj v.ut aie?, we Lfcerciur tiike pivas ire in recuiiimenuin them and thej -rvcc. ( tour itvoral l c? ;utra.ivn. inxcim that jutt vriu tee n ta "'Mir advantage Vj grve thszu ncli miirmaa'-.D 'id -ajTpcrt at w il inu.e ihs tucces uf me.r enicJTrt-e, w. enafcla i hi-m u ut lor.h an At.asos tnir ouiiLie i en eh cr". icter Uim buUi aAiki and pebuiherj jmy led weli uausSeci. S. F. t idwi -k, OaTernor and Scrrctarr of SlAte. J'jhn L. I'ecb.eA. L.n::ty Juug-e, JaLiriLrD cvm i v. J. A. i3r, bhorn Marion c. y. -t. A. tiios, tjcrk 44 St. S. (.iiaiaiia-i, Lrep.Clcrk ' A. . W, T.-eaucT " x li- A. J jliiiia, Jtiijce c the Fcece, East Pre dux. A. II. Btcttji, Stale Treasurer.. Tiicta. H. Jacksim. Assistant S.eretajy cttaSjt T. ii. Ca!:n, baie Laiia Aezit. Kcd & Cox, itxi Agita. Jane? & Patterson. Ktai juue Acts. J. 4. fcbaw, AUortivy at Law, fcaleir. - bouham & baiu3CTt"AtioraTB u Lew, Salesn. Kjiijjbi k LnTit " J. A- trs;toa. Attorney at Lav, Sal to. James i-Sr, Jastux of the Peace, Preeiirct. Hugh Owta Jvi-t:oe uf the Peace, .uxh fSaiem Pra dxt. J. 3. Kuri-bT, Ealcm.' 1. lielxsan,'i.a;iKthc Frie St. John's EvsEgelisI. K. H. learbora, i-efcoci InrecttT. O. 1ick non, bfj&uoi Uirector. luhn Uioy, COHSty Ccmxcii&kHier. C. W. bow:e, txty Kec-irvier. Thoa. M. sJacca, ilayor ol Saieai. J hn W. Mime. Cicy Slarsl &j. Vf A. a.ick, Phjsiciaa ajd Sureor:, GeHais. H. carjxieter, tAiem. W. L. Wade, Salc-m. lireyman tros., Sstm. 'i?usiu Parker, tot. PaoTs .iacoj al Church. M. A. Wade, tirrtab. John L. &!n:ih. ijcrraie. Ai. a-iiklfe, aiilvertoii. F. ficcfeiu, W. H. PoTreH, Jast'cc of the Race, Start ca. J. M. Jasci, " W. H. Rubson, C. B. Kojai, JiS.'Tsea. T. J. Stitcs, cbrk, Urn. cotrety. Philip briby, TreaeTiTtr, I.tid county. S. A. J; .fans, cctMi'iV jTii.'pe, J. U. Herrn, ifbtd'dff, tea- t u.'.-j.i,cr.:i Depmy County Ck. i, lAim ii. K- KTt, C tiTinty C'K3s"pioier, L"nn courly. iea. Kumphrey, ier-ui7 SherJE, H. l'vsi.'L, -yr-r h. iU:ye, fccfcooi tfar-erlEitetJdeBt " E. J.. TasViV, tx-(.ocr.ty jmle Powel! A i linn, A U omcyt T. lav, Albany. iiuKsibrer s itv.itt, " J. J. Whitner, Ari-L-rr.37 ' - : L. H. Mur.tair.-f, Art " " Wcarh-rf nr.l &Fipt " " T. K. N. fiaaot;,ura, Atteraey at Law, at Browns fi lo. J. JL Durkhart EeuJ Estate Affent, A II any. Kubt. L Stevens, Episcopal (. Ioitts msn. J. F. DteVore, IS-stor i. E. Chun-fa. S. G. Irvine, Pastor of Presbyterian (.surcfe. 1. Kilne, iiorchefji. S. Young', ile."xAant. Julia Kevins, Sust. Oianye t'nkwi Stori J. H. i'oter, Pn.."i'rictor o: Magnolia L. ftaia, Sfercfaat. Geo. W. Luper. John W. Cay. Alex. Braodkm. - jAaoe Harrisctt. Wm. Cochran. h. F. ikiodgrett. . P. C'-ajW, Kervriant, BrotmsTiile. W. R Kirk, . F. F. Croft, " , ciias. tt Ai.-ntajue, Xercbant, Lebanom. J. 1. . tito, ' w J. P. Scfwltaj, H urrfebar. M. Tuli.r, M liay Seeder?, M-chants, Harrisbivs. Smith. Br5cJ fc c.., " W. H. Baber, laerchant, w ft. K. ira-. Isaac N. Wannotk. . id.ui.'u, A;.Liiant, ITa'eey. Jejth Pearl, President of crane Store, Ua-oy. Jaisei A. Poori, Justica of tt.e I'oa-.'e, J T. Smiai, H-lj. la exnlunation of the f'jreo.n?. wi would itate that in cad of suftiee:it eucou.are;iieut propose to pjblish a combinuu. Map aad tiiiioryof Marton and i.ian Counties, IN .TLAS FORM, eonta-.ning an index and table of expia iums, a double jae kaof tbe jia e oi wej'iT, aucirecj, rr.,ejy ct-wro tun cor- .-octcd up to tbe of pubLcaiion, With fxpUj.iott jt ooantads aitd cui coJnlLng to lat ceiuus l A lUo of Marion and Linn counties eolorrd bv TVawnshiTW. tbow iii? the Jotaiion of towtia noatotSceA. wZ-m roads raiiraa, c. ; A Histrv of ths two counties from tha earliest set tlerueat op to prvaen; uiiio. Tben Ml -ws tha. st conirkte set of Farm Xans iver yd pubaisheJ in OreciHi, cutting the taley lands A tii eoUiiues u; .i.vo bucu win om ao about loxW iuebe.- That ixirtinn cf the two xuukrf lying we uf the njuunauw will there be roduced, a scale of on arid cueviarter lucbea to A D V L :1 T I S E 11 E he ni:io, wtuch Wail ewtbid to ihe outlmes of be iiyinal .ai.ou clajus, original oiriiec's nyraa, number of the sanK. Alio the nanaee of na preheat ewiiexti, cumber of acres and Kxauon of iujes, o.vhaii, etc, of ail traces cuvu.e the loa lad Tillajw cjriHMuaoitt, aivo to thow kauon of streams waon ruaof, rahxtadct, m:lls, nianuiactones, jlaurche. scrtwl houses cenie;enes, b.ackiruU. 3hor, .tc Then the muunuunoua wtion of the counties vM be on a Siguier .al3, but suScicnLly lwe totbov til that will be necessary. Aim line plots of Salem, Albany, and all other re nied cities and Viilijes in the two counties, tihowintr he original town, wivh addtUotwby c-iors, the num wr of biotilcs lou, and nauiesi of wti- with a brief i .3 tori cal sketch of each. A b-ainess directory of those vhj patronize th xork, giving their names, resident, Utsiness, post .tBce aJdroaa, nativity, and when .hay cane to the itata and county, with number of acw o.iattd they ivra, if any, in the State. Fine lithographic views (per cor.trtto.) from Derail .rawing? f a auuibor of pruaiiiieut tu lingsand tarai n the cuunties. It will be about 16x17 inches square, finery b M,, nak:n? it an rnvalu&bH work to th buii.e8 tneu aA propsrty owaew oi ihcounties. To insure accuracy, we have a corps of experienced men, composed of ci.a emrinoers, artists, and hiiori ans, who are each parcuUily adapted to tha depart ment in which they work. An experimental c&nrass will soon be commenced, and should it moH wiJa sufhe'ent encoicaenMtrit to -arrant the puV-Ucatifa, werad endeavor to finish -he work in from seven ta twelve months. It i impossible for one to get a rrec iflea of the ivork without, seain copies publLshed - other eona- tea, which juu will have an onv e 0 0s of ditr, vhen caliad u,rxa bv our -igent, wh-. ke pleaaur a iihawing aad explaining- is to you." Honmsr than the will jr-tb your fa- oratile .t-' and sumjort, Verv rWapea-tf?!, " ilti ElWU PubUsiars.