.... t I l v. 4 ,'rttUr, Annas 1, 1S77. MIW , annua BirEwMMM'BwHWwnaawgssaffjettaw JtKI.IOIOl'B USTICK , BAPTIST cnCnolI-SrvicOT t II A. w ,nd 7 P.M. Similar Si-liool at lii'S I'. M Prayer meotinif on Tliucn.daj nt p V Reeular dubuimw meeting on Katur tafnrs th. first Sunday in mh month, iHiSiRK. Ker. H. 0. Mill, itator. ,M. E. CHUHCn-Srvi at 11 A. M. g pM K. a I1' p,urtw- ODNGHKOATIONALKT CHURCH -rAirriow at H A. M. nd 8 P. M.- Sunday i. hool at 2X P. M. Pmyet Meeting erery TutSSdly I? 7 P. M. l.v. H. W.Btnf. ton, Pastor. ' ST PAUL'S M. E. CHURCH SOUTH. Sunday School at 9! A. M. Preaching arsrr 2nd and 4th Sundays, at 11 A. M and 8 P. M. Prayer meeting every Friday It 7 to 8 o'clock. Rot. T.B.Vhit, Pastor. EY ANGELICAL CHURCH Services at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday ei-oning at 7H 'dock. S. Boirersox, Pastor. '. In,, .air. Oh, tor a Iwlss Ira saartlatt ot cutiiunbm! Ou, tor an UK-bsrs; or two it control! Ob, (or a vats which at mld-dtty tha dew eumUra 1 Oh, for a pleasnrstrip up tpthe Pole! Oh, for a little one-story thermometer, With nothing: but Zeroa all ranged la a row ! Oh, (or a War double-barreled hydrometer. To measur. the moisture that rolls froca my brow. Oh, that thla cold world wan twenty tlmel ooMer! (That 'a Irony, red hot. It eeotteta to dm Ob, (or a turn A Ua dreaded ool ahouldar I Oh, what a comfort art ague would be ! Oh, lor a irotto to typify hearen, Scooped In the rock under cataract rait ! Oh, for a winter of discontent, even ! Ob, for wot blanUMs Jndldoualy eattl Oh, for a soda (ouat srwuUiis up boldly From every hot lirap poet against the hot sky ! Oh, (or a proud maid to look on me ooldly, rroczliut my soul with a glance of her eye ! Thon oh far a draujht from a cup of "oold plien !" A-jd oh for a mating place In the cold grave ! Wllh a bath In the Sty, whore the thick sbajow Ik on And deepens the chill of Ita dark running wan ! "aVutfe- Answwwi, Albany College. Persswss. rOMTOFFICE IlEGISs'KK. MAILS ABIUVK. Krom West si' Routs via, nuonH Vista at . , dally etw tbabbath, from Corvallis At 10 ai A. k . dally .rt 1ma Kbnnon at 10 :S0 A. ., Jally except i?rilo Railroad (North) dally exil Snr astb. st 11 a. " ! (Soutlil at 12 i-Jf. r. m. MAILS DK1AHT fot West Mile, dally except Billionth, al I Vr Kullrosd fKouth'l dally, eawiit Snl-liatli, . ..ii:io a. M. tNoillil at 1! :A. Jt. Kor Corvallis, dally, except Hublnttli, at 'for Ibanon, dally, pxosnt feibbnth, at 1 :H0 r'oroa Hours From 1 as a, h. to 7 M r. a. Money oruer iiim-w iiiwn,iiuui o a. at. 10 a r. x. 1'. 11. KAl llONll. P, M, New Voluaae. Another year has rolled around and the Democrat starts in this week on its thir teenth volume. It is a pomunent fixture in Albany, and has prospered since the first is. sue. Our people seem to like it, and give it a warm support, especially throughout the county. The professional men of our city all advertise liberally, but Messrs. L. E. Blaim and I Kline are the only dry goods mer. chants who give us anything over a square in length. We make a specialty of local news, snd flatter oursolvcs that nearly ovorything of interest that happens in this community is chronicled through our columns. People are beginning to appreciate our endeavors to give them a good paper, and as a consequonce our labunption list i increasing fast; this week we have recoived fifteen or twenty now names, and we have the promiso of quite a number more, A largo sum of money is due usJ throughout the county, on subscription and advertiaiug, and after harvest wo will expect payment. Romembor, we don't ask it now, though if anybody wishes to pay now they can do so) but after harvest ice nuiet fiavt what i dm m. At tuo meeting of the Trustees a few days ago Prof. Towell was given tho management vi en is uisiuuuon lor live years. This was but a just reward for his labors, as the Col lege, under his management has been success ful to a greater extent than ever before. Prof. Powell has sons to work with a will and will open out on the 3d of September. The faculty this year consists of the follow ing persons: Rev. H. W. Stratton, A. M., President and Professor of Mental and Moral Sciences! Rev. L, J. Powell, A. M.. Principal and Professor of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; H. H. Hewitt, A. M.. Professor of Anoient Lanouagesi Miss Clara Price, B. 8., Preceptress and Teacher of French; Mis Dora Salinmr. Teacher of Oorman; Miss Nettie Piper, Toacher of Instrumental and Vooal Musio ; Mrs. W. 3. Peters, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. Katea of tution are about the same as last year and can be aeon by referring to the ad- vcrtisment in another column. We heartily recommend the Albany Collegotoallourread era who have children to educate, as one of the best educational institutions in the State, in fact we know it cannot be excelled. Exertions are now being made to raise money to purchase a philosophical and chemical ap paratus for the use of the college, and we are glad to hoar that the people are subscrib ing liberally. Farmers send in your children: as wheat is up this year you can well afford v e have a healthy place, rents and board are low, and no school in the State can suit you better. 1m l Mathers. This gentleman, who bilked the Oregon people so beautifully, is now "pulling the wool over the eyes" of the people up in New Hampshire. Some of our Oregon and Wash ington Territory people are out several thous and dollars on that man, and we would ad vise onr Eastern friends to give him tho cold shoulder. His patent stone is not worth any thing; and no one who has used it has very friendly feelings for Mr. Leathers. If we mistake not he ran away from this country to escape prosecution from some of tho per- sons whom he had duped. The Dor Prut, N. E, says that ha has located in that city and is showing up his patent We advise the editor of that sheet to give him free puffs in s way that will make him pack up and rsmoi - trareboase Sold. . TVymsJB Reeastteired. This is the thud time we have written a fetal under this heading, . and judging from rtat Sheriff Horren tells us it will probably i the loat After Wyman effected l escape he made his way up to Junction , and, having earned a dollar or two in sune way, he got on a big jam. Some one fekmgmg at Harrisburg recognized the indi vidual and informed the authorities who he After quite a battle ho was arrested d thrown into jail and Sheriff Herren ac painted of the fact Last Saturday the SWiff brought him down and put him in one f the cells, where he says he is going to keep aim constantly until the Circuit Court decides shere he belongs. " Severn Boarder. Sheriff Herrea now has seven boarders. Oae bound over to await action of the Grand Jury charge, arson; two more for burglary md larceny; ono serving out three months 'or theft; two more serving out thirty days etch on the same charge, and still one more serving out twenty days for the same crime. There are several more running loose yet, but as soon aa the repairs on the jail are complet ed they will be piclted up and "jugged.' We have good officers and if A man commits crime in this county he stands a very good ensnce to have to suffer for it I K. Cackensto will leave this city in a y or two and take the next outgoing steam " 'or San Francisco, and from there on to the ft lie goos as delegate from the flrand Wge of Odd Fellows of this State to attend Orand Lodge of the United States, which t Baltimore on the 17th of September, Rtiijes attending to his business as delegate, sill visit old friends and relatives and will Mf be alwnt about two months and a eiU. "O, Where la Bet" r. smnaki, the g.iy and festive Polish gen- who has been managing the Exchange left for parts unknown, and his 3!l,lw 1 ' in this city are not in a very amia 'e ,rM of mind. We uuderstand they lie at Portland and an trying to ""'""wested. . ' Writing th above tlM wjtleman hu Mte4 ane brought buck to this city. A ValmaMe Inr Bart. . 1 ,e of Mr. WestUke'a large bavi wm Jan , nan one .lay last wfk. He iurmwd v alighted on a take, running it wtfy about eight inchen vh'--wjuud ( - 1 it u hardly pn.'i.J, that he r. Mr. W. it ,!- i "td'y out f " norse nan filM.( 0H8, tIu1 -"91 a. it : the S.-Jvia pert 'e, ear in i' .ik, Last Monday tho largo grain warehouse, belonging to the bankrupt estate of Parker & Morris, was sold at public auction by Em mons Arnold, the assignee, John Isom and W. I Vance, farmers, living south of this city, were the purchasers, having it knocked off to thorn at 99,050. As th;e warehouse cost about 915,000 it wiil be seen that they got it verv choap. A Portland man offered thorn $450 for their bargain, but we under stand they expect to keep it and run the buai ness themselves. By way of advenda we will state that Mr. M. I). Ballanl has since bought Mr. Vance's interest in the warehouse and he and Mr. Isom intend running It It is needless to say that this will be one of the strongest firms in the city. Mr. Jsom is one of our oldest set tlers and is well known to the fanning com munity, and Mr. Ballard, though recently , from the States, is ono of the pioneers of this ounty. , 1 . . MUe truss aa4 Crescent" " All who are interested in watclting the pro gress of the European War will be glad of the opportunity to purchase the book of the above name It gives a graphic description of the countries, people, races, and religions of the regions now involved in war, and unfolds the causes whiclssavo led to the conflict. It also gives a truthful narrative of the Bulgarian massacres, and many thrilling incidents of the insurrection, to which is added the por trait and biographical sketches of the promi nent characters m both Russia and Turkey. Mr. Neville ha$ secured the agouey for this county, and has already commenced the can vans of this city. Examine the Work care fully and ace if it will not bo a valuable ruldi tion to your libraries. Thr IlliiKtrntrd yu And now that lively San Francisco papor The H'cMp comes to us enlarged jiud other wise greatly improved. It has been perfectly fearless since it made its first appearance, and has attacked fraud and corruption wherever found. Of course it has received a large pat ronage. The people are aure to give it a warm support, and it is bound to succeed. It is a 10-pagor, printed oa a fine quality of paper, has the finest engravings of any paper outside of New York City, and is cheap at $4 per annum. Ask your newsdealer for a copy, or send along your $4 to The Wapt 002 California street, San Francisco. 01 lOT Editor Albany Dematml: . i.!r 01 us aim mat, an article . week. poomnea over the signature of "Truth," which, for misstatements to th square inch. to "Truth" (t) to tell whit I know about the -.r, ana alter using the pronoun I, as often a. .Truth" did, I shall certainly have the courage to sign my name to the article. As was stated in the Mounlainur, Mr Par ker, from your city, had been h . , time looking out for a man from Nevada, who. like "Truth," has the happy faculty of pus. ing under an anrnneo' name, and who. in tki. Psseo. under the name of "Hooker " Parker felt confident he had found his man And was waiting patiently for the neceasarv papers to arrive in order in Kav. k; ... ed. In the meantime Mr. Ben. Allen, the u .or wnom -Hooker" was working, paid vu m xaraer naarri hat- w - ; nmu u icave. luia excited Mr. Parker. .A t lug that Mr. Howard was Deputy Sheriff, he -e ao see tee law in regard to a case of that kind. Mr. Howard nneUed A Urge sized mice at once, and after learning the state of the case, he gave- Parker his key and told him where he could find the law. After giv mg Parker his key. he cot Van AlU, ,.,a Jeff. Drippa to go with him to arrest Hooker, earner was looking for the law nowara ana nis boys were mttinir eims and pistols preparatory to going for Hooker. Mr. Howard got a gun from John Lucky, and whUe he was talking with John. Parker told him to wait a few minutes and he wonl.1 m,t his horse. Howard's reply was, "I do not need you at all and will not wait" Re also told Mr. Powors that he was afraid Parker would take a near cut and warn Hv,li.i. a mat lie would get away, as he believed Parker was in collusion with Hooker. All these tilings and many more can be proven bv res. pousible men of this town, furthermore, there was, ana is, but one sentiment in this town in regard to the course pursued by Mr. How ard, aside from his family, and that is one of censure. Mr. Howard is an old man, and his grey hairs have shielded him from what would have been an inevitable consequendk, had be been a younger man I mean the penalty attached to the crime of turning a prisoner loose, i e., not less than five, nor more than twenty years in the penitentiary. " "en -irutn" stated that a plan had been concocted to cut Mr. Howard out of the re ward, he stated what he knew to be false. Politelyspeaking, he lied! as I had no thouirht of going, and would not have gone, had I'not been told that Mr. Howard had left Parker on foot, and gone to capture his (Parker's) "Truth states that Hooker was turn ed loose because he didn't fill the description given of the man who was wanted. This may be true, but Mr. Howard had no means of knowing it, as the only description he had of him, was a verbal one given him by Parker that morning. There were different opinions here as to the cause of his being turned loose. Some thought the man was a Mason, others thought it was spite work, and others still held to the opinion that money had been used. I do not agree with any of the forego ing conclusions, but beliove the old man hon estly thought he had the wrong man, and did not know that he was committing a crime in turning him loose. I have no wish to say anything to iujure Mr. Howard, but I must say that the signature of "Truth" to an arti cle like the above is a misnomer. BEN. CHILDERS. librae aa Abroad. County Court was in session this ivoak. John J. Davis, Eecorder of Silver Wells I Mining District, Wasoo county, came in I. i j wees:, n. retwirfji niMth . -. ; , - locality - - -1 -- are 11103 re:my to go ti ll. E r, for their fall stocks. W . B. Rice arrived home from Clataop A Massachusetts man am04 Ooriscn Besca last week. He visited all the nolota haa nmn,l n. k.i n:.i.. Wi.n will He lixeoHie r of interest near the mouth of the Columbia, and on his way beck stooned at the fialieriiL He wants no more canned salmon for home use, but snys its good enough to export Luther Elkins and Dr. Lister left this cirv last weak for tho Crooked River cvuutry. Gus. Wheeler, Treasurer of Mariou couutv. came up to Allvany last week and snent a f,. days with us. It isn't often that he visits his old home. Tl.i.iin.ul.i..ti . . . inoUrjsi1n01,ailaitsnotfuU 21 1 many young Uli though there is no I : rule for ascertauiii-s. wo may get some idea' j 01 wruvs a young man will beconio by oh i - Si-k 1 jSa,IaBA.xqy, OEEQOIf. Dr. O. P. S. Flumnier came up to Albany issi wceu and stayed two or throe days. The Doctor has "hung out his shingle" in Portland, and we are glad to hear that his practice is already lucrative. We were sorry to lose thejDoctor, but what is our loss is Portland's gain. Senator Hoult, of Harrisburg, was in the city during; the first of the week. A. Wheeler, Shedd's popular merchant, in town last Tuesday and honored m .villi a call. Col T. Egcrtim Hogg and liarty nvre horo last Monday. Emmons Arnold, tf) msk'uco in tho Lister uu laraura jjis-ni utnrupt C.ltates, W.1S up during the first of the week to attend t'lo sale of the warohouse. JohuU. Meudenhall, formerly of this city but now of PurtlauTt, came up last Tuosuny. Ho was accompanied by a brother, just out from the East, and they have gono out in the mountains on tho Lebauon road on a hunting and ushing excursion. John Barrows name appears on the passeu' ger list of the dry oChater, which left San Francisco last Monday. Mrs. n akefiold and daughter, who have been visiting relatives in this city, departed for their Portland home hit Weduosday morning. Mrs. Johns is back from Sodaville. The Powell-Griffin const party came back from Newport the first of the weok. Every thing is lively over there, and there is quite a number of pleaaure-sookeni still at that place. Frank Wood and family came down from the Greenhorn Bar last Monday. He reports that everything is all right up at his diggings, and thinks that he will make a nice clean up wheu the season is over. Van Vactor got back from the Bay last Wednesday evening. He says he caught tliat whale that made its appearance at Yaruiua las. weea. Dave Froman started for the Mountains last Wednesday. Judge Tandy, of Harrisburg, has boon in town during the week, settling up some val uable estates. The Fsrmor's Warehouse took in thoir first siioat eight loads last week. Am Opposition Line. Messers. GoodaU, Nelson and Perkins have put on an opposition line of steamers between San Francisco and Portland, which has caua ed tho fare to be reduced to f 10 for cabin passage, and $5 for steerage, and freight to S2 per ton. This is so cheap that everybody ought to improve the oppoatunity by taking a trip to the metropolis of the Pacific. The opposition steamer, Orizaba, arrived at Port land a few days ago, and the Standard repor ter writes it up in this style: The stosmshin Orkafn arrived lasteveninc at 6 o'clock with 150 cabin and 130 steerage Daasenzers. and 350 tons of freight. A lance crowd of people desirous of seeing tho vessel assembled on the wharf, and whou permitted by the officers boarded the ship and examined her attentively throughout. She is spacious and staunch, built of oak, hackmatack and chestnut, in 1854, at New York, with a reiris- ter of 1244 tons, draft 13 feet, length over all 24G feet, beam 35 feet, hold 18 feet. Sho is a side wheoler, well furnished, and carries powerful machinery. Following are the names ol Her omcers: l.aptain, rl, J. Johns ton; first officor, Mr. M. Kobins; purser, Mr. Buttoman; clerk,'BeST Smith; chief engineer. n. Lampman; assistant, Mr. Williams; aec- ond assistant, Sam Furling; steward Jim Holland. 8ad Accident. Sometime during the first of last week Mr. Jeremiah Ralston, of Lebanon, was hurt severely, while up in tho mountains. He and his son-in-law, David S. Roland, were returning in a buggy from Lower Soda Springs, and in going down a steep hill the vehicle ran on to the horse and set him to kicking. One of the animal's feet became en tangled between the aingle-treo and the bed of the buggy, aud in his strugles to free him self he upset the vehicle, throwing both ocou psnts out Mr. Roland alighted on the ground safely, but Mr. Ralston was caught in some way in the running gears of the buggy and dragged quite a distance before the horse could be stopped. Mr. Ralston was brought down to his home at Labanon, where he has been lying at the point of death for sevoral days. Noboneswerebroken,batashQiBabont 82 years old, it is hardly thought that lie can recover from the shock which his nervous system has roceivod. Mr. Rohuid came in last Tuesday and he tells us that he thinks the old gentleman 1ms been injured internally, and it is simply impossible for him to survive Jbuiioi a few days. V liVl)ll I've Hill Fans rr Sale. - The fine farm belonging to J. L. Hatcher, lying 1 miles south-west of this city, is of fered for sale in this week's paper. It con sists of 300 acres, 200 of which is the best of farming land and is now in cultivation. A good dwelling house, barn and other out buildings, an on the place. Here is a chance for some emigrant who has money to get one of the most desirable farms in the valley. As it lies so close to this city it is very valuable, and is sura to double in price in the next five years. It can now be had at a bargain. , Wks speaks. Any young man who wishes to get his tui tion free at the State Agricultural College, at Corvallis, can get an appointment by calling on or writing to Judge Haley, at this city. Beine a Senator he has tho privilege ot ap pointing two scholars to that institution, and so far has only appointed one person. As the Colleee opens out in September the applicant ought to lose no time in calling upon the Judge. Itellglmu Xotlrak A s tho V. P. Church is now being repairing Dr. Irvine will preach at tho Court House at 1 1 o'clock. SabUth School will al.e lc held at the same place at the regular hour -1.1 10. Kor. T. R White will hold roligiouj ser vices t St Paul's M. E. Church South, njxt Sabbath, at 11 o'clock, and in the ttuAt at 4 oVock will preach at Cowan's school hoose. OS lr w sjiiKHl. Last Toes.foy morning quits a number of our mercijanAi left for i'urtlaad to take the Orizaba for ivui Frandsco, to which Vjx they are goirij for tha purjose of laying in tluir foil and wifterrtt'cl.s of roods. Among Mm imrnVr w: L. Senders, of the firm of SrttnVrs Kn-rnlcrir. Si Fox. of O. Fast ?;, Aroa C';.C:3 .W't Jt.!his Jt'Jh. nd f Ike rarlle. At the last annual session of the General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church authority was given fof the organization of a Synod among the congregations of that de nomination on this Coast The name select ed for the new organization was "The Synod of the Pacific," and was ordered to convene in this city on the 11th of September, 1877. Rev. Tit. S. O. Irvine, of this city, was se lected to act as Moderator, and will preside over the deliberations of tha meeting. There will be quite a number of delegates in attendance from California, among whom will be the eloquent divine from San Fran cisco, Rev. Gibson. The brethem in this citv an reDairins and enlarging their drank building, and making other preparations for receiving and canng for their guests. AIlaeBantv. Willert A Busch are acquiring quite a rep utation in tha manufacture of carriages, wag- or, etc. Last week they sold one ot tneir fine buggies to Dr. Plunimer, of Pmtland. We are glad to see Alloay work ?"ing down to the metroixiii. and kuovr that tha manu- factrers have nothing to fear by having taeu work compared with that which is put up is Portland. We have never seen any wagons or butanes in this State that could compete with those put up by Willert k Busch for either strength or beauty. rnsit (irewera. The Alden Fruit Dryer in this city expects to start ut now in a few days, and the com pany advertise this week for fruit Boxes for conveying the fruit to market can be had at the Dryer free of charge. 1 neve is ssiu sera, stock to bo sold in this company and the farm ers outiht to come forward and take it up; we understand the company will take Iruit in payment for stock. Nothing would he of so m..k hrf fit to the fruit raisins: interests of Oinfloo a. U haw one of these dryers in suc cessful operation in each town is tho State. tstsw Awsr. prof. Gilbert, who formerly superintended the testchiwE hi the public schools ot Una city, will akjo more his family over to Lebawsx He Tta to take charge of the academy at that p ace, and we certainly think the Lshsv mite eould not have selected a mast better onahficd to fill the position. He has made teaching a life study; snd is well liked wher ever be goes- Ashman, Jas. liown, Einnui ' Casey, W. B. IMvu, 11. VI. French. W ('. tionlmi, J. W. Horti"!, I rank 3 Jurdeu, Arthur Marcus, Dr. L. 2 McClaughry, A T. Newell, Geo, Robinson. W. M. Wakofi M, Mollie Letter Lint. Ttiefollowln-l lathe Hat of letters remalnlnff Intliel'ost Oflici, Albanv, !,lnncouolr, Ore gon, Aug. H, V-Tij I'eraoue CHlllnjr for these Inters must j;ivi: the dote on which they were advertlaod Beurnell, diss. Bmsha, Jacob Crow. Cass Dewose, Mary M, Gray, John Hole, Frank Judson, Horace 11. Luce, G. C. 3 Mitcholl, Earnest L. Miller, Maria Nanby, John Smith, Chas. E. West, John ' O Winters, Samanthe. F. U. rUVMQXP, P. f. t'keap Meat, Mr. Dyer informs us that he is wholesaling meat cheaper than ever. Beef by the side or sells for 3J cents; fore quarter 31 cents; hind quarter, Mutton he whole sales at 6 cents, and retail prices are in pro portion. He has fixed up his shop so that he can keep the meat away from the flies, though if a bad piece should happen to get out, he will refund the money to the customer. Csll around and see him at the Albany Market, on Front street, a fey doors below the post- office building. rtnt still Held. Mr. Edwin Allen, as agent for the new I twine and crodage factory of Albany, sold last Saturday in this city, ths first bill of goods which will be manufactured anil deliver ed is tha course of ths month by this new enterprise that ought to have boon located in Salem. A bah) of twins lor sewing sacks was sold to Messrs. Kinney Co. and one bale to W. & Herren, of Farmers warehouse. J. W. Gilbert also ordered one bale ol shoe thread. flrrf. . rsafras! rsa! 1 Ths finest entertainment of the sesson Howootb'a Grand Hibernica sAll appear is this city next Saturday, Monday and Tues day vesings, and if oar citizens want to have as evening of pleasure they had best attend. The Portland papers are loud in is their praises of the troupe. For partic ulars see their sdv. in another column. ArMtrr. . A letter received is this city a few days ago from Newport informs us that a whale came ashore at Yanutsa Bay on Thursday of last week. It had been harpooned, ami til before wasliinit ashore. It measured about 56 feet is length, and will terrain food for the native, for eesnetinst- Hoa. Ed. Farlow is our authoriul axnt at Ashland, and Jobs M. Carter at boring- field. Any one wishing to subscribe lor tins riprostrioos sheet st either of the above plac cas call OS those gentlernes snd have their wants attended to. OUof all kin Is; Averifl paint, the best j .v...,-. Whits Lead. etc. etc., suld st lowest rsfs. hy Wheeler, at Shedd. Andiew Cowan is nu'.tinj ua a ni fence around his city rosidonoa. It's funny to watch oi.t F.iliy l-t countenance when h drives a nail. .lr -i ....... .inu giories in nis atreiigtu: wotmu l'io; in her hair. Butler glories in both. it you want in havo lino r-pirt. g i ipi to tne tall on the canal .vid go in batliing. Repairers havo boon at work on tho lelo. graph lino mar thiicily for several days. John McKuight was married a feiv days ago to a Miss Honey, fsloph! What swoot wedding. "Capital punuhmcut," as tho hhy said whan tho school mistroas seated him with tho girk Tho last uumlu of tho II 'al Sit t,v hai a line portrait of our Mlow-tnw-r.man, W. II. McKirkud. . - Rev. li.-. Irvine pruu-hwi in. the M. I'. Church k,t S.;li!atli ovunin;- to a lar:) cm. gr-:g..riitn. 1 Iw lovheit fcec i avo to lm aivu li linH wlvn utio sous half v itli Cm half with the f.ui. v. iv -j i 1 . . . i , . v. w-ui;wi.iv oi j.iitt WOI'S, Joltll .11,11'Hll stood about ouo foot taller than umial. it' a boy, and weiglu 11 pounds. ilohn Foster cvpects to g oait of tho mountains in a short timo, and 1'rcf. IV has rented his dwelling house. Iho bilver Hill Co. have willnlrn n all pool stock from tho markot, nnd have divided it tip among tho stockholders. Mrs. MiUcr has rented tho Harrows prop erty and will inovo in as soou as Mr. l jiuert takes charge of his now property. Tins is the latest form of wedding invito- tions: "Come around aud seo mo capture a mother-in-law at 8 o'clock, sharp." Capt Humphrey has moved his Uw-oilics to one of the rooms hi Froniau's now brick Too much noise where ho was before. A son of Mr. Cospcr, of Jefferson, who is over at Newport, fell off tho Muffs at Yaiiuina Head on Thursday of last weeli, and broke oue of his arms. If you want your uaiuo onxr.ivcl haud- somoly on a key ring, call on Ji B. Purdoni. He has some neat stencil plates and will do ths work choap. New subscribers arc coming in livoly now. fifteen or twenty were added to our books this week. Wo still have room for more. Only S3 a year. Faro from Portland to San Francisco only $0, oabin passsge; steerage . Opposition is what a the matter. Pretty choap; dont you think o, Bill ! Arch. Montoith's now" houso is going up fast It will be something after tho stylo of Mrs. nogue's dwolling, and will be ono of tho finest re&tdencea in the city when finished. The Oregenian't story about tho Chinaman who was hurt at the Cosmopolitan Hotel firo being dead was all a hoax. Othor Tortlnud papers say that ho is alive and rocovoring fast. United Presbyterian prayer-niooti:i; w., held at the residence of Dr Irvine last Vi'etl nosday evoning. The church i.i b.iug re paired, and cannot hi mud for sover.d weeks. Two or threo teams havo just an-ivul in this vicinity from Nebraska, making tho trip in nine weeks. A groat many more emigrants thcysayaroon tho road to this State from Nebraska. A eontemporary asks: "Aro akunls- li:.Kc -to go mad!" Wo can't answer tho quo dion, but it is said that a person who too clnru-ly in terviews one is liablo to go very l.mclt that way, indeed. "Why," asked Pat one day, "why was Balaam a first-ehus atrouoiuor!" Tho other man gave it up of courso. "Share," anid Pat, " twas because he hail no trouble in fiudin' an Ass to roiil "' Lot Turks delight to howl and tight, fur 'tis their natue to; lot Bear and Lion growl mid bite, for madnoss made them so. But, Yan kees, you should novor let your angry pas sions rise; don't quarrel; trade, M'ork hard, lie low and forward tho supplies. Two young ladies of this vicinity intended to havo advertised with us this week for hus bands, but for sonic causo failed to send in thoir oopy. Lodk out next week, boys. None need apply unless they ore hand'iimie, loving, rich, or hnvo good prospectn. We understand that it was not J. it, Mc- Clure who has rented a dwelling in this city. It is a young man with the samo surname, who is now in business in Albany. Ho has reutod the houso and is furnishing it nieely of course ho is just duing it for a friend. J Peterson has commenced work 03am on his house on Front stroet. It is tho luit frame that will bo built on Front botweimJY ashing- ton snd Ellsworth, As it is was under way when the ordinance relating to firo limits passed the council, of course tho owner could not be compelled to stop work. Last week we warned our iicua almut a dead-beat who has been at work in sonio of the counties below. Ho made his appenranco about tho time our paper camo out, and, find ing that he was known, only tried his game at two or three place and then hoarded the train and left. Dare Andrews was hi from li;iriu u few days sgo for the purpose of buying several little articles. As he keeps a fine store out there people will think it strange that he came to Albany to purctuvw articles for Tiis own USA He .was enquiring for biveud.r ives, carpet, license (not whisky licenac) and several other things. Nothing so thoroughly pleases a man who has learned that a collection is to lie taken hi his church on Sunday morning, and who has consequently been unable to lie present, on account of severe pain in his bock, as to at tend the eveuing service snd hear the clergy man announce that, "as many who iloiral to give were not present at the ni'iming col lection, it will now be repeated, A ooinforUlile and styliih arrangement for ths black hair has the suggestive name of the Multiform. It consists of aa elongated puff of hair nearly a yard in length, which is brushed is shape over a lo.ig metal ci Under mads for the purpose, and smoged iivarf onr ways, so as to fonn a very grateful chig non. It is especially liked for Psmmcr use on account of its lightness and the ease with which it is srrsngod. For hr((S chignons two pnfis are required. An iuvisi'ile net is usually worn over it, tlioujjh this Is ix in dispensable. fr Oh, who would die in Summer when the trees are clothed in green; wheu the June bug warbles swertly, and the granger poles the bean; when tlie melon and the colic hand in hind together go, filling youths and maid rut with their sweetness and their woe; wlswi ice cream, and worms, ami piari-f reign su. pisjicly tliro' h day, and tho devil -and the doctor at the mulniht are to pay; hen the house By spoils our vistuaU and miisqni toes spoil our sleep we would think no more of dying than we wosil of staling sheep! i And we wouldn't sural )i". wit') iaj his actions and works. Solomon said, many centuries ; "oven a child is known by his work, wind her new it ha good or eva" Thorofore, whou you w a noy slow to go to school indifferent iTho fall term of this school will beia oa Iro iM September PA. mrf September 8tl, 1S77. PAClTlrY.; Um II W tV t 'ar 'sr s kk sx- ....... Jrnu.g.dgUdof everv onoortunintv t,J nl an Moral" 5;..-... " v" ' '"" 1 rrafessor t .K nojlect hi 1 lessons, von mav take it In .-.(. iriss j ed that he will )n a blockhead. Whou you seo a boy anxious to speud money, an 1 v. lw spends every cent as soon as he gets it, y,.,t may know that he will he a spendthrift When you seo a boy hoarding up his pen nies, and unwilling to part with thorn for any good purpose, you may act it down that ho will be a misor. When you see a boy willing to taste strong uuun, you may nirhtlv sinmose that h ivili 00001110 a drunkard. When a boy is disrespectful to his parents, disobedient to his teacher, aud unkind to his friends and playmates, it is n sign that ho will never ho of much account When you sao a boy looking out for him self, and nnwilliug to share good things with othen, it is a aiu that he will grow up a so!, fidi man. ' Wheu you see a hoy punctual at school at tentive to his louons, eager for advancement, ami rospootiui to all with whom ho is brought into contact, you may ho certain that ho is foniiiuggood haluts, and cannot fail of 1, ing man nf iiitluonoo. 1 II H.IIEWITT,A.M.,lrareor or Ancient l.auanaaes. j;I'R PR" . B. 8., PmcfptrriM ,! Teacher of t renr MISS DOR t SALINUEH, Teacher of Wormnu MIMNKKITIF. l-I PF.lt, Teacher ol lo-.trnmr,ntl and Vl Mill. W. IS. rF.TF.RS, Trhcr ofDrawla j B,ld PaoMS rai: cm mm: of sti inr . is isnntiwm to jHiliwl ol litis g-raoV. .tLKD.lB, Trms bowiii September .11. NiivemK'i- liitli. Junii- ary SMh, and Api-il sth. Vaeatlt.11 uf one wotk tluilnir iwniinnncoiueiit Uaj , June lth, 1S7S. the holiilay. j SMi.-lal alteml.Hl plven t) Kl.tc-ttiuiiity tlriu "iralerlral iraluliV. Sot-l.,c aUvauiaij.i on.nsl 1 tltis 1liiurlnte.1t. ron.tvMHip. Ua. Joll.v A. lllliaMAX, one of tho W,.t rit .,Itl OK TMTiAt'i-rB as I "' w , has seen ensarrt r. KAlf.' ire TllTIO.s Pl.R TI.Rvl. I thorttuli cuinu t,r iiettni.inti lu testMiisliu 1 Mmarr Vartnwit t S so W"' 'r tks skh1 wna. ltuino.ni Kiiulli.il , ita 1 llijher llmnoliwi, litolujhtu rivoiir;iUiry Jtlta atttt (Ireek 10 00 l?ilttt,'Uto, litcluthiiir lllulier lutein an.l tlreek- Aiivautca AliitliuiuautM, AlontiU suit Moral S 00 a w The Xew Hteanirr. ilia now steauihost, A. A. JrP,,, which is being built for tho Willamette trade, by . apt. l-ocliran, 13 nearly completed, and will bo ready for business by the time wheat will be ready for shipment Ono of tho Portland papers describes her thus; Capt. Cochran's new licht draueht ateuir was anccuasitiiiy lallncheil oa Monday lasf, near Otugon City. It will he towod to this city and laid abreast of Smith Bm.'s foundry. to receive the mauhinerv' whieh ia alm.vtf eoinpioteu tor it by that enterprising firm. The length of the hull is 150 foot, with 27 foot boaui, nnd will draw hut eight inches of Water. TIlO boiler- Whieh ta mntlv in ali.lA olioanl and place in position, is 10 feet long, 4 feet diameter, with firo hoi 4 bv X feet, .mil contains 135 tubus, which will furnish stenin to drive two boauiiful engines of la inch boro and 21 inch stroke. Krorythiug is being none to pmu tho work forward to early com pletion. . Wooden tuu.ipK. - 1 am now soiling the famous wooden pump mauutacturcd by A. Frescott, at Salem. It is superior in workmanship aud finish, will draw water cosier and faster, aud is decided ly tho best pump in the markot Wo nsk all to give it atria Land if all wo claim for it is not true, the pump s ill not cost you a cent The monulactoi- uz- ten established for years and tlio pumps givo uuivorsnl satisfaction. Ad dross, 11. B. Thrasher, at Shodd's Station, and he will be at your service on short notice. im. An Etcrllcul Pabllratloa. Tho H'e( Siore for July is by far the bast puo.ieation of tho kind which has ever been issued in this State. It has thirty-two pages, contains some forty engravings, among which aro illustrations of Table Hook, in Southern Oregon, Sis. Holer and Itanicr, Tumwatir Fulls, nnd several govornmout buildings in Victoria. It i, a splendid paper to sond east for tho purpose of show ing up Oregon's re- sources, and is sure to meet with a larce nat. reave. A ldiess, I. Samuel, at Portland. tin ana t'rult la Ike last. The thanks ot the Dt mural office and of Dr. Douglass and wife are due to Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Brandenburg, of Harrisburg, Oro- gon, for a bo.v of Jloyal Ami chorrios, which arc macrnilieeut in sise and appoaranue, and oxiiiisite in flavor. It is pleasant to be thus roniombered hy old friends, and we assure them for ourself nnd !ir the Doctor and his wife, that our thoughts ufton go out to tliora in their far o!F western home. (Hlumira (oir.i) A'Hiorm. Heltmce. . Motlern Uiuriei'o. each elr, . luftnitiiiuiljU Muilc 10 el Itoi inuiert'kl lleiwrtineill iniuaeliiais , , m owm iRitL iinp.iin hi.vt. lMi.-lu;r tile BtTvtiul and thlru terms, a thort'UiiH ts;iirsonl Inslnu-iluii-will Iw (riton In Hook-loMUiiiiit sikI Ilii'iine-M forms. At a ciiiiniamtlvd.v mnitll exiit-UMi, tllltleiits limy secure, here, wluit w.niltl oust tlicm a Iuve soul of itimiov to ob'sili at a titiiiiinen-lal eiillctfe. It U imiuMsilue for any ono to be.snntt n SnUhittl ius twitmlant witu.tui a . tlvtmueU kituwltitloe o( the vr!u-t-lptoH nl Arltlimulic, Kntilisu tlrainiusr aud KuuHkIi CoiuptwiUon 1 we, therefore, reentiiiuoiiil the stints' uf thaitt in uouiiet'tlon with llook-kiiopliift. GROCERIES ! VlSJ- VAOTOE keopsthB frssliest and tat stock of groceries, and will sail aa . cheap as any body. HE ALSO HAS A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK Crockery Ware, Glass Ware, Plated Ware, China LAMPS, CUTLERY, ETC. IsrOall on lilin in tho aew building nn ('rout atrrHit, tiotweoii Young'M snd Pluni mer's nolilf Assessor's Notice. NOTICE IS IfHUKHY OIVKX THAT the lionrtl of JiiiiallsAtlon will attend nt the oflloooflha County Clerk of I .Inn couutv, Oregon, on the laid Monday In August, and publicly oxiinilno the Asmons uieid Hulls And correot all errors In valu ation, description or qualltlfm uf land, lots or other pro,ierty tnat may ap(ieur ou the AasoHKtneill Itouu, lor inn ynur, mi f. P. M.NMITH, nii2w.1 Assessor, Llun Co. SUMMOMS. Alport lliiroiHluii itiiH puruhfwtxl a now ex vata wagon niul team ftitJ jropoo to com lueik'd a dtl ivory buninnu ou ouritnwti ditr- iitg tlio i-ittor part of tliin, or tin flrnt uf iiejtt wfk. Uy hv'mk puticttinl and attvtidinff ttti iotly U lu;ihn'm hu exjuwt.n to get a fair nUtiro of tlii '.vork in )iis lino. Any 0110 wi.itiiiig liia twrvictn can liavo tlieir ordem lillul jimmjitly by lunving thorn at I. K Illain's chiLliiiig etoro. Boo hit oaW, thin weutt, . Arrfillcrl mmd Hulllre. K1. Zoysn, aruliitect, contractor and Imtht er, fling.i hii imntioi to the hr&tm thin wt-ok through the coIuiuiin of tho lKMrx lui. Tlierv in no use in our laying anythir.g in hit. favor, for the huihltngn h linn vructed in tliii city iiro monuments, of his nkil u a tmihlur. Kxaiiitno thorn and then Judge aa to hid m tint a. If you expect l bvihi a Iioum MUiti to uonsolt him be f org letting tha con tract. 0, II, Culviii aunt u Hue lob uf quarts tiwcimcn from Cnp Crvek thii Unt wetk, by Curt, I'rico, whoho just returned from that coiiiiti-y. The quartz wu tiiken fntui the Mji!mij)lfi, 40 feet down, and )egiua to look well. It it rather to ft, but aa tht khaft is aunk dueicr it grow harder ami the gyp auiu HcaruLT, The lead in now ahout fi'ur ixl vide, aud many think the ore it rich eriinigh to work. "Mure, Ah nmrt." I.Mt vw.k we had aevenU hard showers, and oa there was considerable hoat cut and lying In the fidd, farnutn Uioked rather blue, Howitver the rain did not continue long, and tlio aiiimlturiat now think ha ho a an.e t!iing. While goiny to his work now h g;u omMy kings j-art of that favorite hymn, writ ten hy Blia "iirc, th mr, ituJI Im htsnct W nolti far Krmt, lly rcft-Teiicsj to an ailvi'rtiiin;nt tu oiother CfJumn it will he tnvn that the booths at the Hinth Fair Crotmd will Ito rented at auc tion on tho it!J iiiMt, 'Die auction will take place on the groumU, and partirt with ing a itand mttt t ou haiwl at Htm time. I arrraM I rram. Jii. Mauly has ju4t couimncd the aiauu m UtA ice cnum at his renttuirant, oiul on tlii'.'; hot dayi it U lU-lifhtful to drop in thure and ytntr parclwd tonga oooleL Kiilroidvry in rornidour colnre, miied pink sndblve, frlgenthe new linen cuffs and A.jfi r., 1 .Orfttlsrf uf In the Circuit Court cf the St itt o Oregon or the County 0 Linn, TUnna R. Wilmarth, VVff, x TUm, h. Wilrnnrlli, VoVt, , Suit In equity for Divorce. To riios, I.. Wllinarlli the nbnvo named uVsjndnnt: In thnnumo of th HUlo of Uroon, you are hereby rwjulrod to Bfour mid nnawer theranipfnlntof tboabovo I'luimltrin (Ne above ontltlml ConrtfT now on I Ho with the ClorkofMHld Coiirt.witliin tendaysl'rotn I he data of tho wrrvlce of this siiininnns iifHin win If aorvod In Idnn County; but If ecrvod In any olbor county iti the Stuto of Omgon, then within twenty dnys from the dute of Hie service of thtf MUiuinoiia upou you; and you tlio beioby uotiilod that tf you fiill to minftiir anil aiiawor Miiil nonirttuint. oh hero by required, tho Plain I Uf will ask 1110 iiucroo vi me t ouri iu uimnoivo 1110 iiittrriiigo contract between plnlntllf mid defeiubtnti and that the euro nnd cuatodi ot their minor child, rrfdeih-k K. Wif niarth, be givoit to plalntitl', nnd that the I'lHlntili H iinmn lo uhiiimcd to Ithtna 1I tJoblKinllh, und for thecoMtn nnd dlKburse- inentH of this unit tt tro tnxi. j, k. wKATin-;iU'mr, AU'y for Pl'tr, TublMicd bv order of the Hon, It. 1. lt UN, Judno tf Iho bov ntmitnl Court, tiiudo at fhttinborM In the thy of HaUmi, Counlv tit Miirifm, Hfntfs -i)t (Ht-t!!, on tho mluUj of July, ;7.m iioUwtt WAItNINC. TO DAVID K. McKMRMAV'.Ynu are hereby Dntilled tlml unices von eeltta the ivote.imiiieillaUily, that I liifdA4iiit you, 1 will soil tlio mmiio at nililio uurtioii, on Natunlay, Aiiiid lltli, at 1 o'rloolc r. u. J.ll.mitkHAUT. This Is to warn all persona fttralnst trust oiw Joint Ollis, as lie a lyliis: dead boat, And will iay no bll s bo litsy rontraot. 'I'he ainount lie owrs 1110 is hiirnlir ntreiA Hl In full. J. If. IliatKllAHT. Tho Office of the Corvallis, Li'bnon ( Dallas STAGE LINES. Is st the HI. Charles Hotel, at Albany. In ntsad of the Aiiierh-an KsoIiaiiiio, as rnjire istiited by tlio uniprletor isf the latlvr hotel. n.'iUf W. It. GIIAHAM. FASHIONABLE TAILOK, Has Jiiet opftifKt out a simp In the rooma re eiitly wniifl by Dr. K. u. Himth, one Umi Wftctof Uy Market, Klrnl trt, Altny. and prtiTU to luMuuJwctur QENT'3 CLOTHING tn tfn- rv.jt manner and at the lownnt rraaont Ui ruO'iyi' utvs u'tu a eall. He warrants 10 fit yw. VUliltLf lies ADDICT." " JOHN POSHAY, (HuMaaor to U. 9. aMlt.mlar.1 S.A1.BH m DriirT, .llcdlrinrn, Toilrl Artirlr. rain!, Oila, t Intlew Olasj, i.tc, ICIc. llT.njt htui ycftr'i fx "r(-.w in ih img UtHiftA'ttv, h rV.l Mmi-4 in liirsii! t- 'f .Hlf'ISJ Hfttl irillr- f ClifM Htfj lt ll"i' 4 s tw Btt(ifr.(KrO tii;.l iiiiK'niiii oi ini-.it i.'.n ;tt. lEO.lBU. Amii.MinL'!it-i iravo Wm ma-le 1.yrliit-h irt.tufl Mili4 lit lU d aittsiilli,' t- miutitl l!io VniWjit -n h bntmirt! cither liv tin1 IV,.n-i;il or i;i(f-nir llwi-t. llvcryi'Sfu ai,l ftttunii-:i i&Mn a.- t,t iii-in"-i- im-nt, lii-t'tl., in-miN. utti lv. e'.i. I'rW imr wv.'ii in- tiiy,:( iMOFal, all .jl( ;, ,K'I, HiM-;, ffltf., 9t.-:-K tlLALTU Ail'llll.V CCHlai t I 1)0 If' It) of tllO iK'tlhttiM I."Uit'.- lu the Mate. Itliiiilhiii fttr li.t-u u.mihtntiviU frv ii'm Uii lmu! tll.iaJetl Hinuiiry -ItiHt'tf it;4 AI'IMKA Tl A. Ali'Mtij-aMitM niiti juntT liua hsolt lrM nivi li(i.Tiilly mihtx-riliol In pniihii-wi m tli'umna &,'. r l'hi,o.it)iirfi. aiuK.'hdMilt-il (.,M-ntun Inr Uie ls-c- tit nl thii st'h.M... i hi-iiiitimtY U lk-Yi-it wu ttii) th itmmnt m?urotl t!io ut Januwy. U'.s. Guardian's Sale. NOTtCK IS IfnitKltY GIVKN THAT In nuratiniira of an order of tlic County ('ourt of l.inn t'ounty, State of Orton, dated July 01 li, 1ST", in tha matter ol i b (liuuillunntiip of t!o cstnto of Annie M. Smith, a nilnar, tlio undersigned, tiimrill ttu of unlit istiltci, will Bell nt imbllcamalim, to Hid liiglitst biiklor, for one-third cusli, ono-llilrd in six months audoiiB-tninl in 1U months, u one amd anit sulijwt ti fotitlrnintioii by hiiIU court, on iS!h(I,v, tie UOtli Hay, nf A wjust, itfT'.. at 1 o,clook p. a., at tlie Court House rl onr in thoi'ltyof Albany, in said Couutv and .Mali, all the rii;ht, title and interest of saiil minor In ami to tlio following dewrllwd ronl estate, to-wlt: The undivided oi soventli of the eriginal donation land cli.nn of (ieo. Orabtrce, as owned by Andrew M . Nilllth at the tinioof his death, K'ing .'.,!i llintlon Nn. UM, In Tow-iship 11, Nouili of Hanr2, West, anil In Townshii tl, M-iuiii of Itango 1, West, In IJiin Couutv, Oii-kuu. ' IVM, NMITH. n.'lwl (lliardinu. NOTICE TO FAKMERG! Ttt u.Ulitloit to mv cominmlioim wnrt1 !itiimp nt the fool of KHhwohI. Street, I havo Diitoil the nttbslantlnt warp Nona ewofxt Ki John Foator, nt tbo foot nf liroadalhin Ntrvnt, it ml nm now prejuired to store atfitr OO't biwhola of whoet Sacks funilMhRil to thoae slorln? with m& and a Inrge qtmnlitT on hrtiiil Jbr mle y tho lowont niiirltot prire. I will pay tiio hiulieit citsli prlco for tVliont. OntH, nnd other penaU. tVhtnil reodivoLl nt Tiiiititml Millor'wat Alia.iv nrkoa. Vail and see nio before makiult arrHnoiitouU for Hollbiir or atorliiK wiiero. sU. KIMLVKS. A CARD. AH.nW.h PARKKR, T.ATK OK OltK- Ifiml'tly, tif'L' IrnvtMu his'tirm tlio r.uhlir Hint limy Itrtvo purcUttiMMl tun miT ii n ra- -- ilniuAj, in. ..iel nonet.'., lurmrly owuttl hy U. f, flili v Mriii, nnd that ttu-y Ut'.slKn mnltnulMK ih in tha nkl ktufifl, wtirre tlwy n l to tha fiilure, h lull HM4iri(ifiit ot nto, Psii-nt -Mt Ulfli.ftH. Tniiwt Ar ttltl hlirltll rllfM 111 Ut'f niJtM, t'll'1 lie.U-H null 4tlfirii (It'"'' Vsj hili' wiiiu-Rt Ivatt irltlnflr a eontintianr ut tha luit-rut iHUrnnuna tu-rcUifore eitcmwu tj Uiq oi.D Itousr. Wo litimt at tho anniti tliiit', ht mlrntul IIImtuI OfiilliiK, and cart-in I Rthwicuni to the wnntu of piitittiuMTit to n.nt in ftttcm o: any wtw Itleiiilswhumbiy favor uswlttithet OHltTB, 1'nrtteular nUpnllon wilt he Rl aij lothetyim KunddiUfis plivilnlniia pr"rriillna nni (rtin rwiirtji at all Uwi ttt the day or nUc'it. A. H. J!tiL, I'AIUIKH, HieptMrri to H. 0, UtLJ. A Hirt, Abrttiy.OrPKou.Ovt.tnn, IHVi. i."u. SAMUEL E. YOUNG WlioIesHliiiind Hctull Bcul. rlu Iry (lioodaj nnd lirocrt-ic-s, 1 lulhinfr. IIo lu, (NIsOcm, Iti'npoi'N tV ilsower, sniiw, I'hswi, . HeeA I'fiilt-s, lad lillOADCAST MB WEES, Ik. TIU5K-3ASH. First St., Allan., SILVEil HILL MINING COMPANY." The hlockbohloi of tho above impl riibifit fioniuny itio iK'rtfliy nutilied tliat tlicro will Ita a Hit'otlucr ot tlie eoimtonv. nt tb'.tr oIlU'O In tlii tity, on hrttunlnv, July JiMh, at lt.o'(;luck, 1'. M, i'ortlietmjju.M; of ti'HiMiU'tliiU; bliH(iiefs of luttHjrtfiiK'n, nHvl l'rtmitlciit li. AFlSoii-, M. I' , tWntlsiU ami imnibor nf l U. UU M Hii It. 1. (I. W, Wtl'OX, M. h BUIUV HUUICHi WrVlOlJ. AVIX0 FOMMKI) A COPARTNKRN1HP PR itm iittrtuMssi ,il nrji-Licltitf Mitiiicim.iiilu II ill i - hi ttll it tinn'irhow, we oflur our k i If tin t tint immiI'Iu ut (hit ctiviiinj itum ntml Int tHittutry. Ami me M my e.Hrlal niusntion tn iitsn.Mi tWiiutm ili'l (liiMreit, oj)t( l tht: Kir, Throat and Ottlov hiiunt ttf in. WiU-, 8 to 1J a. M. tnl 1 1" 1 r. tt., l)r, ArnislJ, 10 w V2 u- a4 'l tj i r. a- il (r tKitli Irmii ft t tt p. a. l 'nmiltuihm i'aIU fnnu 'INtuitt jsnlitU nttcMltil u t once. n -oiul CAPITAL MINING COMPANY. Stockholders' Meeting. vroTicR fa iikhkhy cuvkm that 111 ths annual iniioiiiiit of tho Mi'k. holitorsof the t.'niiiliil tluld anilHi.vor v.,;t. Init t'oniHinv will bo liiiil at tll.D'iiM nv'a ollllNi. in Hiili'lll. on Thiiiily tho ii day of snguit, lsa,l trti o'olotrk a. w. J. II. llA Jiilv, 2li, 10T;. fseuwury. n.'illnj To tha Public. , MV wife, Hitrnh Toff, havliiK Iff! mo nu t her hoiTis without any b.t fiiw. I hereby forhid any ierm erotniirts? hc &ti ttiy uount. WIL vu.1. l i t' J'-ima, Jl.iy, linll, 1H77, li -iv.-i ATTENTION FARM rr isi-t k ti v.... tbavnrcTsftlthe Tbh-k Wat-fOiml at the tvitit Wurtiltouw. Ami a. nafmreil to htoro wliiitt autt iw: h miwt mwonabfo ttrm xa.kt tusif1-. thohe hNirin( n bit inr. I W pay hit'b' tM.lt iw, wheat, out, ami oli. . .-i.-.i-i. Cil Riiit M hip i hr' miiiM ' if.' menu fur sim-m tt)-.fu )i , a. Ei i sotic; Mr'J