The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 28, 1876, Image 1

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ISibUkhvm m4 Proprietors.
TERMS, la 4DVAHCB t One M1, J 1 Bll
oionthi. Hi Thro months, l I Om Month, 40
eaU Single Copies, ltli oouu.
Oomaponaonu wrltlnE over sssnmod slitno.
lures or anonymously imisl nmkp known tholr
proper DAnin 10 mo r.ouor, ,., .... .,-.......
will oo Riven to wioir ownimuu""'
Dental Notice.
HRlKFIN", hvtt oenwl nn in tlio City nf
Aiimnv, oiin ftinnw wimurm inn.-v.e. . !"
aUonuwll) Hud It to thlr Inivivi.t loRtve tht'tn
Mil. t:fry .nipruvwO ppiuiiu- in uir wn
ti win im num. Nt ihoirotlipe. mtil nil oit-
lira, otttoo u-tftln uhm1i ( arntiifft'
DruftWor. VUnifilS'l.
ITOIQn vpr tht AHwuiy ttoot ami Who
Store mi me eornur of i-tuui i urwuiHuun
W. K. Gil AH AM,
11m tutt opened nut ftihop In the roorui re-
riit!y wupinl by I. K. O. Mtmih. oiu iitnr
U prepKmi u luuuuiuciure
Inlhetjestmanlierandatthe lowest reasona
ble Tales. .. . .
Utvo him oil. Ho warrants to HI you.
P A. rilBltOWBTB.
. W. IK1TI.
l.ion Co.
Cum Ilia, Ore; on.
cT-Orru-l at to Court House. r0nS7
cromee in the Court Ilouw.'
Will r-vnetlee In all the Court of the Blnlo,
avotUee In ihot'oitrt llouse.tal
j7w7ka i bi n.1(7
rtrpsetal attention to eolleellr.n of accounts.
aVoOleo otie door .South of KUhers l:nck."o
57 w. BALmm,
Will prartlro to H the fonrtu Id thr 2... 3il
unci 4tn Juilieiul l!rt.rlcti. tn tin Huprvnir
fourt or fiTfpiii, ami id tin im'u nt.
trict mad "Irvitlt Cmirt. otTW iip-Muin In frnni
room In ParrUl.ii brick block, First Si.. Ali-niiy.
UrvfTon. vsni'jyi,
Will prkrliee in atl tli Courts of thir Kt.,t.
Sot. H, ISTti.
.b. Ricr., nr. ij.,
OITlw nn Mfiln miw't, ln'twfn Frtrry and
Hrundnlbtn. Kniilfiiw on Third iivtit, two
lick run, or biiuw, thf MrtiiMlut (.buret).
tobacco; CIGARS. YANKEE notions.
Cutlorr, Crockery, Wood 4 Willow Ware.
cau. uno see nirs.
Bton? on Front street, Albany, Orvfftm.
L. B. BOTA. s rpoprietor.
dmirwi'rtt of Fox' more, arid fltWd It up
In a nflt and liuty mnnnr, 1 will tn pU-Hwil
to hiv all my old ciuiomTii cotittnur ihcli
pHtranaK. and will guuranUru amuUu'iluti u
ail nw onea. iyoLitf,
will attend to all orders (or
Wionnn 8md trm. In the old ParitV Mo
Irl building.
who tiiHiiiirnoturpd ih1 nr brtxnun In
lb in elty, hnx )u returned from 4 'alllnrnm and
In asatn eiipngfd in the old luiumftM at hid old
tnnd Id the Wftnlcr bulbltnff, n?ar Fftr'
mill, vltftilOtf.
Draga. Mrdielanii, Fexfaineriva,
C'lgsm. Toliacro, mnil
A full trtoek of trussea nnA mrelcnl appll
n nee:
tfT Be mam tor riumm!r.a
prices to iitt pnrtfliruirn. itnd a nnitilj"r l
OwtllltiKH In tin; city of AMmny, for wle clH'iip.
KmlKraiiin and other d'-ainnir to imrt;hnw
should call and leurn Uirntx UiUre porch iui rift
AlUanjr Orcfton, Mav 13th, Wl. vlomiy!
kof'p eonftnntly on hand a
, of
. LATHItU and NIII.ui..;k.
JOtflce Iu Kronian's hrleh, fl,ar wt-ofn.-e
TVnd his professional serrlws to thn iwo.
plaof Uuloand violnllj, vllnlfems.
,. .!. , iijipn iwm mm ix i-j. " ' r Tr,T. n , , .
Profb tltfl Kvkjiiho Dkuocrat. Jan ,
The wcuthor U sruu-(U-mi homl.
Cold r at lnorntiif of the Bcanon tbU.
The gny A1H- U i-Raln making regular
C'orvuHU Iim "prolixity" of couplt mul
Tlio 8t, Chnrlet Hotel kt'ej.s full and run
niitg over.
Who is your mil or Why, W. K. Oruhmti,
of coiirM.
The hills nbotit HotU Spring nrc nlivc
wlih deor.
Boys wpw skating oa lUc stwit gutlciK
thitf morning.
John C. Brcckcn ridge wiw boru M yenw
-go this date.
Our city loafers wimt more lump pnstB
to loaf Hgaiust.
Turkry stull'cd with krmit Is n Sottavme
Spring' dainty.
A. 1$. Puxtnu'i premium phoiogrjiph
wny up aliore jar.
fay tu you gn" and you won't go any
ofViier tlmu you can Itelp It.
Some of tin Cltwpol Ridge bellw wrr a
"cut and drlrd" rxprtusion.
You can got homcmudo 'pii'!i and milk
at Hip Sotinville Springs' Hotel,
Ladies, if tou would hare mrwl brnath.
don't "use ttbiuco in auv form.
Hnm and crrirn, enrr. dodgers and oyairr
patties at the Pulncf oyster ranmr
Old love tptur torn up in mnnll i;rip
make the "aofiest" kind of pillow."
Some of the First street clerks love their
dulrina'a with a "forty upicac" power.
3!r. Vm. M. Latighend ha bought uui
G. E. Itetmcrlug in the Alb-ny Camiy Alan 1
Mru. 'Hccea Cildwrll wiv yesterday mar.
ried at Sttlem to a gentleman named Vance j
We congratulate. i
If you arc troubled either iu mind or '
body try a dose of Tom iiad Jerry at the
Occidental wine rooms.
There is n yimng lady on Goapel Uidgc
that wants to be loved in a "kind, gentle
and nlTt'ctlouaU'" manner.
Nat Lane, a farmer merchant of th'u city.
had hi store in KamI Portland burglarized
tWO worth Wedne-tduy uight
liubuiidx, it' y.n arc in trmible quainiary
tall your wiven. We'll bet you a she
will get you truightend out nil 0. K.
Pan tor of the various churches arc ro
nuested to band any notices thT wish
made of Sunday nervier in by Sattirday
A dog near the denn; yctrrday swallowed
a greenback. We ad Ut- the owner of
the bill btnp psiynu nt and "i.u.t the in
stilutimi." "WhiicHm.diin on a petiaVr keg,
lit- dropped a ciikIlt uun ;
Then ri- up Itkr a mrieur
Tai wear a (oldun Crua n."
Coup to nvc W. n. Jiarr & CoVcoIlcctinii
f dime novt-'A,
MNS CO. A;r.l ri.TCRAl.A!Wtlt;iATION.
ThcfnUowins nienihrrAui'thc wv lbitrii
jf Ilin'i-tors uf liic Liua C'liitiiy At i"u!
;urul -V.Mitcia.iitn, were worn in yeiteriiny:
Allen Parker, S. Monigmutry. W. il.
Ivoieiium. T. Pnuaau. It. Foster, Jn-son
Wheeler ar.d J. A. Oawf:(rd.
-Tlie fitllowing ollicer of tlnr S.tcieiy
were tiirn leuieil for the t'ei.tenniiil year :
IrfVuienl Allen Parkrr.
Vice lrsi;lenl Jnu WinKser.
Rccrelary A. N. Arnold.
Treasurer W. M. Keiehum.
Tiic Iloard tlien iidjoiirnt'd until the ifd
of February, nt which linn- CMimrtiiitft:,;
will li? appointed and arrangement com
iuaie.d for thr next annunl Fair.
Judging from the new ofllivrrs ciicied, it
i evident that from lliU year out, the l.inn
County Fairtt will l' iipiMl to ua; iu Ui?
Tlows KrsxiNa. On the mdi-hil!
autl rolling lunda uf IJnn and lieiiton
counth'H, (ltirlitr the pant two wcekn,
fnrniorrf imvo bcon kept busy tearing
and ripping tlie bosom of tuolbcr i-nrth,
preparatory to putting In thnr winter
grain, whenever the weather would let
up n ml glvn them a half a chmi'c
Whenever we do have a couple of
wee It n of good dry weather the grangers
in this "neck of the wooda" will he a
dreadful biiwy et of individual, fur a
Foolikii IIkmakkh. A flirt is n fool
who delight! In fooling foota, mid the
fool who U fooled by uuch ft fwil, U thu
foolihest kind of a fool, exchange.
The foui that perpetrated the forcgutnjt
foolinh riimrks I ma ovideutly been
fouling around a Hi rt and been fooled
by thu fuoliwh fool. II a nan a bigger
tool than " Thompson's colt." and that
d u fool was fool enough to swim the
river to get ft drink of watur.
LutitAitr AaHucuTiox. The, Iiirtctor?
of the SnlKcriber'ii Library Aniociation
met m night. The cotnmiUee on connti
tution and by-laws were granted more lime.
The following committee was appointed to
I select u n d purchase the first installmout of
book: M. V. Brown, P. t. Harper and .1.
W. Baldwin. Tlie meeting ndjonrntU to
meet February fid. '
HociAnu; thih Lvkmnu.TIio flrnt of
the scried of fcoeiitbli-s to be givr-n by the
membfru nf the t. P. f 'huroh will he held
thin evening at the residence uf I)r. Sirwnrt,
corner of Ferry and fiixlh strccls. The re
celpla go toward purchasing new etmnds
Hern for (he church. K very bod v uinrinnl.
Mri.TI'M ix i'aiivo Mr. J. li, Koun
titln, nf Hnutlivrii Onijon, in a lultcr
nutidini; hi his '(UivuloiitH for tlio
Ukmucuat, adds tlie folluwliig iot
S(:iiit, " Wenthur fiiiv; uiunry acrtrvc;
timea linrtl; roatls worse; achooia full ;
oliildren Rrowint'; U(;en wiiil-ouca-altumlly,
Osi.r "llis ci t." I. H. if., one of tlio
niiloji'C!t of tlie land l''artuiint of the
O. i (.'. H. I!., writes tliut lie intended Sun
duv School when a Hinnil lioy. He an.
nouueed the fuel, not for the purpose of
muuarn,fiirg: Siindnj st:hoob, or discntir-
aginf; the efl'orlw of those lr.lriu for their
advancement. The Hunduy school wns of
course not lo blHme.
The dny befiu'S ('brimniiu there was o
drop letter put In the Ilmnon P. 0. eri.
denlly writtsu bjr u small child, addreuHed
Ui "Sanly Klawt."
IFrmn ths Rv nu DamnuaAT, Jan. IB. I
Wit nut 84(..i 86. "
Orecnbkcks 8C '4 T SI i .
Oo lo elturolt to.iorrow.
Wood market loaktag nfi ... - ,
Winter 1ms more thai , trnf.
Pix-le has a ntrsterioiH stov waod thief.
New York hits 3,4(10 policeman. Albany
baa two.
Pou't this waotbor put you In mlud of
Tittec cheeit and a ligur for the "aevenlh
tiny" of the wtek.
Some church members pray In public
and pray on Ibe public.
How to make a good local newapapet ?
Give It a hourly support.
Noma of the Piety Flat f iris ura as pretty
aa country school inarms.
Rube anys kis i;irl is a conundrum ami
he will huTe to "gie her up."
Sodiiville lt( gettlttj: ready' for a big crowd
of pleasure teakcr next summer.
A youtitrster la Dixie recently sold a lit
ter of B pups for II bits. Dog cheap.
Your beat hold when you are ravenously
hungry Is lo go to the Palace Oyster rooms
on Washington street.
A week good weather, ami In every di
rectum farmers will be up to their knees
In the soil of Oro'nr..
G. A. Lincoln, tbe handsome and gcnlul
X baa master, of Ibe Albany Kxpress.
atari to-dttv for Providence It. I.
Wa learn from tbe Oorvallia (itutttr thai
our staunch Democratic friend, Hon. I. N.
Smith, Is recovering from his late acvere
The firm of A. Wheeler A Co. of Shrdds,
havcdissnlutod" und the Flttit, a uiouthly
pcriodical Issued by tbotu, has been dis-
Dr. CI. W. Kibltee, U. D., a talented phy
siciau recently from the Hiutcs, Is now fur
nislting the lauding ciUloriuls for the Salem
Financially speaking, tlie proverbial
"church iniiuac" is iu baadsome circum
stances" when computed with an average
Oregcu reporter.
Half grown girla in bands of four und
live trip gaily through the, streets every
meriting on their way lo the 'iotintuiu of
knowledge,'' their arms full of books, their
tniuds full of boys and their mouths fuP of
M i. CANT Tt.Ll, A I. IF.
Oosi'U. liintiK, Jan. iid.
JSihtok IiKuof liAT: Will you please
info.'ut on Institute girl who wrote that
street touching little gem entitled
' Ilenutlftil Snow." Y ours,
Years ngo when we were young, gay
fitul festive, utttt life secmeil " formed of
sunny years." c, in a moment of
thoughtlessness, and without the fear
or s hereafter before us, wrota It. We
can't tell u lie; we did It with our little
pencil. When we came I. our senses
and reulUcd what we hud done, we
took a great big o:;tb that tin- terrible
aeeret of it authorship should never
be drugged from Its that we would go
down to the grave with it forever locked
in .ur breast. JUt: our sands of life are
swiftly running out, and we can hear
the secret weight upon our minds no
longer. We trust that future genera,
tions twe can't expect it from thia one;
will look kindly upon the memory of
oue who made but this one great mis
take In life.
And now Hint we have divulged this
great secret, the loud is lifted, and not
a tumultuous wave breaks in on the
w-rcnily of our unburdened, piuotful
mind. ...Now let life fade.
1:1x01. triov Al.olTtu.
At u Hireling of I he Trustees of the Odd
Fellows' Library Asxor-ialion. held Thurs.
day evening, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted :
licsolved, Thut the Hoard or Trustees of
tlie Olid Fellows' Library Association, of
Salem, Oregon, lender their thanks to tlie
proprietors uud publishers of the following
newr-paperi :
Al.llAXV LVE.MXO lit ma K.VT, Statk
Uioiitb Dkmhiiiat. Mountaineer, New
Northwest, Ororon City Enterprise, Daily
Statesman, Daily .Mercury, Willamette
Farmer. Pinitidntler, New Age, Hearth and
Home und Willamette t'otleiau.
I)N0i:iU'i:m,v III. Iittcllicenee
was received in the city Inst Wetlues
duy that Mrs. Julia Farrell nf Kugonf,
wifoof P. It. Parrel I, and daughter of
Hon. Luther Klkius, had been token
suddenly mid tlungerously III, The
intelligence reached the clly a short
time after the accident to Mr. Klkius,
and those of the family who could be
apnrcd from tbo le'dsida of the futhor,
hastened to the daughter's. Yesterday
11 telagratn announced that she was
better but not out of danger
RAI.I.Ot' MO.NIHIV "Af.V":.,;.-
Februury Binabtr of this niaguzina ia is.
tiled, nail is ni full of good things as ever.
There is a sea story, a eontiniiatian ef M.
Quad's great Inle of "That Taylor Boy."
and several doinustic sturies of absorbing
interest, and these in coiuieetioa with Die
Illustrations mid the poetry, ga towards
making up a magazine that cao'l be ex
celled in th is country. Published by Thomas
A Tuihol, C:i IIinvleT HI., lloslon, and for
salt: nt all (he newsdealers in the country.
At.ruir.HT, Mr. Luther Klkius wm
seriously Injured lust Wednesday, the
Hull Inst., In the hip, by falling from a
scntlold while painting his smoke
house. Uesltles tlio Injury received to
Ida thigh, the nervous shock to Ills
system confined Ij 1 ui tu his bed, and on
Thursday luNlgraveiipprelicuslniis were
j felt us to his recovery. This morning,
. however, lie is considerably heller, but
sl ill sullcrliig from intense pain
k Bih IC.Mt.-ISro, Bull, of the Kail
Oregunin, bolls over tlnwly: "If that
fellow W. li. lliur & Co, don't ntop
advertising In tlio Alhany Hkmuckat
ufler the milliner he's been indulging
iu for some time, we'll hlro a head
puncher to punch the head of the firm.
He's spiled many sensational Items
for us by sonic reference to W. II. llurr
4 Co's elegnnt store, etc., under the
Dr.MocitAT olTlce.
IFvetii lbs Svumsm DitoeaT, Jan. Sl.l
UtltltB AND annoAit.
Get your order.
Clean the lie off your sidewalks.
The clly sekoola are all iu full blast.
This vcoihor "subldes" atroot corner
Sidew alks vetterdiiy were too I. C. for
foot races.
The Ural bus that crossed the. oeeau was
Blue aoses and red cheeks nu the street
this morning.
Some of the flospel ltidgc belles play
the piano tw forte.
Ice on the ponds below I he city are
getting In skating trim.
Some of the liospel Itidgc belles wear a
"pensive poetical" look.
Be who Is wise, mukes his girl's little
brother sundry presents.
H you want lo Increase In "sighs" fall
hend over beets in love.
It Is better to be childless than to bring
up a boy to piny the llddle.
If y 11 have anything to sell, tell uuout it
A malignant type nf ibe Ivplioid fever
aeetns to be sweeping through tinicm.
The Ohio pasaed up to Harrishurg yes
terday, ana wi be dawn this evening.
If yon waal to buy anythiag make your
wants known in tbe Evenino Democrat.
Be sat down hard on First street rosier
dity. Tbe sidewalk whs repaired thisrnoru
This being leap year gentlemen are ea
titled 10 do a little iu the "coquetting" bus
A large congregation attended tlio dedl
cation of tbe Kvungelieal church yesterday
Itobcrt I'. Dyles, a student at the Wil-
lamettc Fnivcrsity i SsUm.died ve.teiday
Hi 4 SM Inst.
Just before visiting your Eliza Abu drop
into Dr. I'lummrr's drug store and get
"scentimentullv fixed .'
Prof. Howard G. Morris, the teacher at
the North Salem school, is lying danger
ously ill with the typhoid lever.
Mr. C. II. Stewart, of this establishment,
went up tbe road to day ona collertlag and
cauvaseing trip. Treat hi in kltidlv.
John Riglnbower recently get married
over in Tillamook. If his wile understands
the game alie'll "older him up" these cold
A t'other iu Jeffciaiiii uiuk.'., 1,;. children
address him lliti-iy; for in,.Ui,re, "most
reaper cd und revered ar.iv-.tar. I'lttukeaa
other later."
Doa't tell 11 married man nov j.ike upon
the boys, for he'll tell his wifr, his wile
will tell ber sister, mid il.r sWer will tell
ail the rust of the girls.
A man hud better have a mill stone or tw o
tied lo his neck and be east into the nea.
than lo promise to rnuvrv a Sweet Home
Valley pivl us, I then erawfih.
Ctvrt:MAi Kmiiiiitio.n. Mr. t'.
P. Iluikhnrt w,-nt lo I'oitluu-I lo-,!av
to be present at a meeting 01 the board
of centennial commissioner. During
the week there will be on exhibition
ut I'orlland ut a room In the Bt. Charles
Hotel, the nriiclca Intended lo r.-pre
sent Oregon In the Philadelphia ex
hibition. Persons not Intending In visit
the N u.1 1. .mil Imposition next summer
will have nu opportunity to ee most
of the articles Unit w ill he sent from
our stale Why would it not be a good
scheme lor Hie O. A C I!. U company
lo have one day during the week set
apart for.Liuir fare tickets on the Albany
Kxpress tog, 1. tin-p,o.le on the line
nn opKirtuiiiiy to visit Portland to Bee
the display,
StmifLAii Dhatu Clark Hurt, or
Cottage drove, Lane county, aged about 20
years, runic lo bis death on Friday the I It h
hist., in the following singular umnuer. He
was building a fire in ike fire place; hud
placed on the hack h.g.diawn Ibe eunls for
ward and gone mil for a fore slick. Not
returning, his mother called lo her husband
lo step out uud sec what cuttsed the delay.
On guing out, Mr. Horton found his sou
lying on the ground sensoless, a ith the
fore-stick across Hie hack or his neck
From appcarunccs, his red had slipped out
from under him, one fool going one wav
ud the othor the other way. Iu lulling be
burst a blood vessel, and death ensued in a
few hutirs aftur the occurrence.
FiiistTi miii.e ll was not, so to speak,
a lionnc boucU of a smile he gut o!V, that
friend of our?, when he came into the olllce
this morning and ipiielly and Ironically
remarked : "There's ice around thin morn
lug and I've hud the llrsl fall of the season."
"Did yuu swear?" we asked. "Swear;
thunder no! I couldn't have done Justice
to the subject." " It mud' you feel , hcnp,
didn't It?" remarked our imp. "Clirnn: I
'.. 'ttid siiy not; it eosl me the drinks nil
round und a new pair of pants." O111
fiiend, not getting the sympathy he ex
pected, wuh.ed out on his left ear.
A Hint. We are ro(iicsted by
gentleman living 011 (Joapel llhlga to
Inroriu the young First street clerk,
who called to see his daughter last even
ing at flvo o'clock and remained until
two o'clock this morning that wood Is
H'ij aenrd at this Benson of the year.
Nothing hut the most serious Inten
tions oil tbo part of the young man,
will Justify such a reckless wuste of
A llcsr bEAftoN. The coming summer
promises tj be another stirring one in the
building line for our gu uhcud widcawukc
little city. We hear of coulructs being
made on nil sides lor lumber and material
for new dwellings, stores and shops. Al
ready tpiite a iiiiiulii'i of car loads of lum
ber have houn received from Coinstock's
uud lliu one saw-mill of the city has orders
for several mouths in advance. What Al
bitny wants more than any other oue thing
is one or two more saw-mills. Who will
supply the, want?
She Knew. A good old gentleman near
Scio, who takes a deep interest iu lliecout.
ing CcDtiuiniiil, recently usked his grand
daughter, a "hoily toity" sweet sixleener, if
she knew whut important event lKTti, iu the
pages of history would ho noted for. It
opened tlie old gentleman's optics as siie
promptly responded "leup yeur."
Aa an oSsst to the doggeral recently
brought out by the Court House trial
In the Salem papers, we publish below
aa appropriate " seme "to the centeu
ulal your. For metre, rhythm, force,
and beauty of expression we think it
"knocks tbe porslrunilus" oft of any
thing got up by tlis Salem poicts while
lab,.; iHg uuuei their recent excitement,
original iil,tourlire.
llreat ttrltuln oppressed our forerattiers,
Ami levied a lax upoa tea :
They snnt over hereu gro .1 ship load,
Which our fnrchilliers threw into tlie sou,
Ttien there was a large rewant fTurM,
Ity King cleorcs, wha wanted to see
If he could not Had the ring-leaders
llf tlie chaps who destroyed lh lea.
Tint tlie penplu were all baund together,
Tlo'lr cause It was common ran see,
Tory would not expose Die rtna leaders.
Nor thr eliaps who dsstrnyed the tea,
- Tbt-ii (JeorKe was exceedlnitly anirry,
" I'll df-mollsh tlieni now" snld he.
Ho he sent ovsr hen, a great army,
from his little tslo over the sra.
Then Congress met him In Ptilhidt'tphln,
involved tliey 110 loligrr would lie,
Fiiiljeet lo the crown of Ureal Itrltuln,
Nor sutijset lotux lilmu ten.
Our forrfnlhers rose as one person.
rieleenilnr that they would he fro,-;
Will, llrltaln they fought many entiles,
On In nil and upon Itie high s.'a.
For eight weary years thry strug!;li'd.
To see who the uuistsr would be,
Till they tlirashr-d the tsad Ilrlllsh Ilea,
And drove htm buck over the sea.
Now kings and queens give nllenllon.
That Is If you'll listen to me.
If you don't wish to gul Into trouble,
Issnt levy a lax utsm lea.
1.fwisviu.. .inn. n. tern.
... -I
I'l.'saaa assik uiiuv,
leellnjr ef naarsl of Mmmmger:
I Ri jHirti il For The 1 Vaiocrat
Pai.em, Jan, ai, lMii,",.
The Hoard of Managers of the Oregon
Pioneer Assoeiatlne met in the Secre
tary of State's office, and was called to
oroer by Hon. J. W, tiriiu.
The loflowiiig gentlemen were pre
seut ; J. W. tirim, Piesldent; 1'.. N.
Cooke, Vice Presldeiil ; J. Henrv
Ill-own, Hccretary; W. H. Decs,
Corresponding Secretary; Hon, K X.
Mulhlcii, ex-l'residetit.
Hon. S. t'hndwlck read a letter
from Hon. l.lwood livnns, dcclluiiig
to deliver the annual address nt. the
ri-uiiion of June i", lh7'.i,.ot tureount
of previous engugemcnts.
lion. S. F Clmdwiek niored that the
m xt re-union be held at the grounds
01 toe urcgon state Agricultural
Society, near Salem. As that was the
only prollir made to the Hoard of
Muiitigers, carried.
A tcleglutn to tlie Secretary from A.
I'. Ankeuy was read, resigning n one
of the Hoard or Directors.
On motion resignation accepted, and
Joseph Watt, of Yamhill was elected
to fill the vacancy.
ni minion, jt. v. j 11. wntitir was
elecleil eliai.lalii, ntid Hcv. W. 11
;i,l.,-it. us nttertinte.
lion. Jerslc Applegut" was chosen to
deliver tile annual address nt the rt
iinioti, and Jud.v.' It. P. Hoise as uller
On iiiotion, aeoitimlttecof five Indies
was appointed to select u Indy to deliv
er or reatl an address at tin. next re
union, und report to tun Secretary bv
tlie ir.'d of February next. Mrs. j. F'
Mil er, Mrs S. , Clarke, Mrs Warner
iircvmnti, Mrs I. .N. (Iitlierl nnd .Mrs.
J. 11. Moons were selll'ted suid com
mit t-o.
Mr. Thus. Shaw wits chosen t'lil
Marshal und Col. T. it. Cormlius and
It. C. (iecr, Aids.
I he fullowiiigC'otnmitleeof Arrnugc
incuts was appointed: John F. Miller,
joe jioiinaii, John w . .Minto,, Mis,
II. H. Howman, Mrs. Mary Mlnto,
,ira. j. r. juiier, Mrs. s. A. Clarke,
Miss Clara Watt and Miss .Marie L.
Hun. John Mlnto wns Invited to
write tin uddresM and call the roll of
Mm. F. F Victor was invited to
write a biography of Col. Jos. L. Meek
nud publish In the transactions of the
On motion Hoard adjourned until
Mav 4, IbTl).
J. W. (JlitM, Prcs't.
J Hi shy Hiiown, Scc'y.
A LIU I LK lit M
Swr.irr Homk, Jsa. W, tHtii.
On the mil iliis nimitii Messrs. Isaac
nutehius. Fnink Fordyee atidjohn Walton
tumid out lor all elk hull). Tliey started
up the ninue.'aia one mile ln-loa Mr. W al
ton's residence uud weal to 11 l.n .- Iiuow.i
tu old niouiiluiii' 1 1 s b Ihe i: uie t Puck
Clllilp. Here they found flesh sii.ris ; hill hi d
their hordes and sturled oti! en Ihe iruil,
whicli utter following 11 few hundred raids
they suddenly came upon a held of nine
elk, u mixture of bucks, cows and cuives.
All hands turned loose nnd before you
could say ".lack Itohinson with mouth
open" tliey had five of them readv to part
w ith their hides. Alllhreeol Ihe Niiwroila
Were lucky enough lo kill hie elk. Uncle
Isaac, nllhoiudi (U .tears of age, s'.lsluiticd
lii aiicieiii renowu as a dead hol, by bring
lug d.'Mti one of the finest of the lot. His
hands m e nervous bui he stfvs he si ;s on
the c".od;.'e. All limit!-; tire proud of their
dins' woik. W. F. A.
Layimi oft. The iiiipe.ciinious individ
tlul w ho wiKseiiteneed one day last week
by liecorder M. A. linker, t ten ilny s 111
thr calaboose, h having 11 good time. There
being no stove 111 thai institution, Slid (he
weather freezing, ihe iiloresutd individual
lias lo stuy Iu lied 10 keep warm, lie weal
to bed with two or three extra pair of blank
els Friday nijrlil uud Is in hi d yet, and will
stay there until his time is out or the weallior
Homk AtuiN. Mr. Charles Weeks, the
night watchman und general utility man of
the St. Charles Hotel, relumed Friday
night from a live duvs scum dow n the coun
try. During his brief absence he visited
Portland, Astoria, and indiilvul in a hear
hunt on Ihe Tualatin pluiii", bringing u big
black bear iuto camp. Taking the round
Irip altogether, Charlie complains of hav
lug bud n bully tiioe.
At.n.vsv Whittkn ft'. We learn from
hearsay that the Wa-lrfy lire lias a very well
iM'ittcn and comprehensive account of our
enterprising eily in Its lust issue. Not huv
itig received a copy of tho paper, we can
not, as we would like, give 1111 extended no
tice of ths Hrtiele.
7'Ae Vhtpii mul Jmn Stram i'Vrs Engine.
A letter from Virginia City Kndonihg,
nnd Declaring them Superior to nil other
h'nginet, etr.
We published the other day an ac
count of a trial between tho Clapp A
Jouee and Slleby engines at Danville,
Illinois. Below we print a letter from
Virginia City giving the Clapp 4 Jones
engine the preference over tlie aovcral
engines of other mannfacturos In that
clly. Tho lctterwns written in answer
to a letter from Mr. W. F. Moses of
Woodland, C'al. Mr. Mosos wrote at
tho Instigation of Dr. O. W. Gray of
this city, President of Linn Knglnc
Company No. 2. The letter will be
read with Interest. j
ViitaiNU City, April 24, 1S70.
W. F. M091S, Esq.
Dear ,Vr: 1 am In rccelptof yours of
the 21st Inst, rouucetlngmetoglvo you
my opinion of Monumental No. 0
steam fire engine of this city. I com
ply wllh your request with pleasure,
especially as I can truthfully commend
her as being in every respect a very
superior steam llro engine; better, 1
think, than either of tlie other fout;in
the tiold Hill and Virginia Flro Depart
ments. Wo have hero in Hold Hill
and Virginia five slcamcrs of different
makers. Tho ono in Gold Hill is by
Geffreys; of the four In Virginia, one
Is by tlie Sllsby Manufacturing Co.,
(rotary), 0110 by the Amoskeng Manu
facturing Co., one by Button, and the
one you refer lo Is by thoClnpp A Jooes
Manufacturing Company of Hudson,
N. Y. You will see that we have a
very good opportunity of conipuring
the merits of engines built by tlio most
prominent builders of stenm fire en
gines In the Vnlled States. Tho prin
cipal points nf excellence, in tho ClrippA
Jones' engine are;
1st. The holler Is a very rapid gen
erator of s:eam, making stcata faster
than nuy boiler I know of (and I have
had considerable experience with
elcnni boilers).
2d. Simplicity of construction of en
gines and pumps, every part of them
being easily got at for cleaning, pack
ing, repairs, etc.
3d. The superior material, workman
ahip and finish found in this engine.
4th. lireat capacity as compared lo
weight of engine. In short, as au
eftectivo and serviceable steam lire
engine, I think (he Clapp A Jones the
For fancy playing, No. ("a hoye say
they are ready to put up coin that they
ean get nway with any steam fire en
glue now on tl.e Pacific Const. No. C
has frequently (brown an- l'.j inch
stream through KKI feet of hose over
300 feet; r.tid oil one occasion I which I
witnessed and measured with u tape
line) .11', fee! through lull fee! hose and
an l't inch nozzic.
Ucspcf tfully, yours,
I endorse the above statement.
Chief Fngliieer Virginia Fire Dep'i.
We publish us n matter that
should arrest the attention of everv
Pioneer, the following request of J.
Henry Hrowii of Salem, the Kc-cording
Secretary of (he Oregon Pioneer Assoc!
ation. The early Pioneers of our State
nrc slowly but surely passing away and
we (rust (hat each one who can, will
Immedlutelyercspotid to Mr. Hrowu's
request. Hy doiugsolhe future histor
ian of our noble fstute will have &ti
thcutic mid reliable data from which
to compilcond write its curly history.
We trust that the Pioneers of LInu and
Bcutou will immediately scud in their
To the I'itnieer , Ovzoti: The un
dersigned, KeeordiHg Secretary of the
Oregon Pioneer Association, proposes
lo open a "Hook of Autobiography,''
and will reeord in tlio same, for the
purpose, of accumulating all the infor
mation possible, ill regard to tlie early
history of Oregon, uud thus rescuing
from oblivion, nil the incidents per
taining to Oregon's history, hardships
endured by those who traversed the
plains or arrived by waier; also all
setups of hlstroy or incidents relating
to persons who are now dead or slill
living, whether In this hintoor else
where, ineidentsof Indian wars; ac
counts of trips to California iu lM'.i or
.s'iti; history of the dlneovery of gold in
California, teou I lieru or Kaslern Oregon.
Iu fact oveiytlilug that will prove In
tcrestine;, and wish to have the same
recorded; no matter how Insignificant
or trivial you nitty think (lie incident
is, it contributes to the general history
ot the State of Oregon.
1 suggest following us 11 general plan
Name in full; date of birth, give date
of mouth and year; town, county 'und
State or Province; giving Incident of
early life; year of Immigration to
Oregon, und uu a".counl of the trip and
arrival uud wliero first settled, with a
cottiplele u list as possible of those w lio
uccoiiipaiiicii you, linn the names ol
those who died or lost their lives while
on Hie Journey. You tire also requested
to send your photogruph, with inline
distinctly written ou tlie back und year
or arrival in ink.
It Is hoped ull will act upon this sug
gestion, 11s every one who cuine to
Oregon up to thu time of the comple
tion of the railroad across the plains,
cun furnish something of Interest,
J 11 conclusion will say that this stig
gestiou of tin uuti biography record, has
ticen heartily uppovco 01 ny all rio
iieers whose attention has been called
to Ihe subject, and those who ure now
members, can lorwurd their contribu
tions the sumo us members, and Join
when oppo' ! unity ull'ords, or send one
dollar, with name, year of arrival;
wheio from, native place, year ol
birth, and poslolllue address, ami sumo
will be entered on (he register.
riec y O. P. A.
Tliey tire getting' so accustomed to
hanging ill Louisiana, that people con
stantly accost each oilier with this
question: "Any noose lo-iluy?" '
A Detroit woman could think ol
but twenty nine dill'erent ingredients
to put into a mince pie, nttd she wept
at the idea of losing her powers tl
Our; Oregon CongitM-m 111,
Hon. Ij. F.- Lane, aoteil windy in in
fusing; to accept an invitation fn m
tlio riiilntleltiltia Centennial C'oinniil-
too, duriuu; tbo Holidays, to visit
that city and Accept, of its hoir.itrtli
ty. YVliilo the most of tlio Senatinn
fiai Upprescutatircs who didn't go
home or tlio Holidays accoplcd ilio
invitation, Mr. Lano rcmaine ! qui
etly in Washington and tlovotcd his
pare lims iu visiting tho depart
ments and looking after Oregon's
interests. And now wo will watch
the scquol to this Holiday sprco on
the part of Congress. Xho question
of tlio asso of tho bill appropri
ating .1 million and a half of dollars
out of tho public treasury to aid tho
Philadelphia Centennial, is now be
fore Congress and w ill he voted on
in a day or two, and tho country will
then sco whether tho nation now
has, at tlio itge of 0110 hundred
years, n Congress that enn he Unoc-.t
from its constitutional aud conscien
tious obligations by a fieo rids to
Philadelphia and a luxurious enter
tainment. If such is tho cuso then
lot us Bay no more about back pay
for our Congressmen. Let the hoard
l o supplied for them, if need he, at
tho national expense; but we protest
against a million and a half of dol
lars for ono day's frolic,
This attempt to wheedle, tho uicua-
btrs of Congress into the show busi
ness by -wining and dining them, is
as gross nn insult as could v.oll l,e
offered them, nnd wo are laticli grat
ified that Mr. Lane so regarded it,
and so treated it. If he shall now
vote for the Centennial appropriation
he will do so on bruadtr grounds
than that occupied by a Congress
ional free luncher.
huokinc Titrji ot r.
Inily the way ol fhe average
Kadicnl official is not strewn with
roses, since tho Democrats have so-
cured a m.ijorily iu Congress, ns the
following dispatch vrill demonstrate:
Cun .wo, Jau. IX The Times'
Washington special says Foruabdo
Wood astonished the House yester
day by the introduction of a resolu
tion which calls for information ks
to officers of the Vniled States army
holding positions, civil and dip!'-'-
matic; whether they are legally o!i;;i -
ble uud have conformed with thelites
concerning civil offices and emolu
ments. This clause is supposcl to
refer to General Adam, c- n
Bttl ut London; General Sickles,
formerly at Madrid; Gen. -Meigs,
who is now traveling as a military
observer, or something of the surt . in
Europe, at government rxpcusu in
formation is also asked concerning
officers who have been detailed from
regiiunts to take positions near the
i-..-r,o,4 ,,f tlw, l',-A..:,tn,.l tl. it ,.i
01 me. resolution uemg everything
to iii'licat? Hal-cock without naming
him. When passed, tho measure
will cause an examination in tho va
rious office hold by Habcoik, in
addition to his rank of Colonel of
Kiigiurpi-s. Bytlietortnof the resolu
tion of tho military assignment's
during the last sixer ci:;ht jenrs will
come under investigation, and the
shocking transactions of lH7t) aud
similar cases on record will be thor
oughly tentilnted.
Ill rice of the recent fanatical
runtiugs e. Hluine against the South
ern people, the following dispatch is
rather significant, as showing that
his puerile efforts are valued nt their
propor standard:
Norfolk, Virginia, Jan. s. A
mitleo of ladies and gentlemen, dep
utized by the ladies of Huston to
present to the Eighth Artillery Blues
the White Uaniicr of Peace au'l other
mofnorials of tho Bunker Hill Cen
tennial, discharged that duly lust
evening in the presence of a lartje
number of ladies and gentlemen of
this eitr. The committee wns wel
comed by Mayor Whitehead, "ho
extended the freedom of the- city,
saying: "We are indeed a iniiied
people, aim uouceiortli should I.e
friendx. countrymen and brothers.'
Cant. Hodge, in his nddress on .!.
livuring the banner, said: "lie Ihe
course of demagogues nnd nialci i-
touts of either suclcm what it
may, wo nuHerslnnd each oilier
and defy llioir elloils to never us."
Vestet'ilsv thft coinniitlce woro taken
to Fortress Monroe aud other places
of interest. To-day they aro viewing
tho city and suburbs, and this even
ing a grand reception will be given
in honor of their visit.
A Washiuglon paper uvys: Tho
holiday season of Christmas was
turned into an occasion of sorrow.
In the Pal ent Ollico on Friday, the
merciless axo of retrenchment decap
itated forty more of the unfortunate
employocs iu that bureau. It in un
derstood tho work of reduction will
ot stop hero. It is known that iu
that bureau is n number of Demo
crats, it i proposed to scalp them
forthwith. A list of twenty-four of
these has been prepared, and will be
submitted to the Secretary for con
sideration. The Secretary bus ex
pressed his determination to root out
every man iu his department, who
does not show very decided evidences
ef Republicanism.
'i w j i'm f j "f" m j' i vti
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llusiuoss notices In Ilia Us'ul Columns,
20 cents wr line.
For leirul und trnnslent advertisement.
91 00 tier square of l'i lines, for the first
Insertion, and 00 cents p r square for eaoti
subscipicnl insertion.
A lift TI1KV ICSOAlMStl!"
iVn honest oflicial under Grant's
administration is now the oiecption
and not tho rnlo. Xo time in the
history of out- country has devel
oped such flagrant stealing and
frauds as during the present Presi
dential term not even excepting
rascality shown by contractors during
he robellion. Frem the intimate as
sociates of the President down to tho
lowest undor-Btrikor in the employ
of (ho Government, stealing, fraud
and corruption appear to be the or
der of tho day. Aud yot I ho Presi
dent smokes his litllo Havana cigar
and exclaims, "Lot no guilty man
escape. Weil, wo don t sco that
they are escaping very bndly. His
appointees are nearly all stealing,
aud uono tuo resigning, or leaving
the country, or being removed from
cflice; and for the life of us we can't
see why tho President is afraid they
will "escape."
hills is iii:i!Ai.t or oiiloo.v.
In iho Senate, Tuesday, Mr. Mlch-
ell, from the Committee on Rail
roads,' reported without further
amendment the Senate, bill extend
ing tho time for the completion of
Orcgou Central Kailroad and tele
graph line from Portland to Astoria
ami McMiuunville in the State ef Or
egon. It was placed on the calendar.
In tho House, Mr. Lane introduced
a bill to appropriate 1(25,000 for the
improvement of Yamhill river, and
ffiO.OOO for the improvement of the
Mr. Lane also introduced a bill
respecting the Klamath Indian Ees
crvafioti which provides for the issue
of lien laud scrip to owners of land
thus occupied by the Government,
which were granted to aid in the
construction cf tlie Military Wagon
At an immense meeting of citizens
of Walla Walla, last week, a resolu
tion was unanimously adopted peti
tioning Congress to annex Walla
Walla county to Oregon. The pa
pers of that city favor the proposi
tion nnd tho people of the county
are said to be almost a unit in sup
port of tho measure. We will glad-
!y welcome thai rich nnd prosperous
country into tho embraces of tur
1 youn Stato
" 0 . ,
The Pendleton editor has convert
ed himself into a conundrum Bend,
and asks "Why is a cow like a brick
hat?" without giving the answer.
Wo would just like to ask him if he
knows "Whv a horse is like tin oys
ter? ir(ilta'iria t'nitm.
We'll tell you why a cow is like a
brick-bat: neither can climb n tree.
Now we'll answer your conundrum.
of "Why a horse is liko an ovster?"
j jjoc-nuse neither fins wings
now ! iiisf Oreyoman.
Now wo want to ask you a coauu
druni, Pro. Bull: "Why is an oys
ter smarter than tho editor of the
Saletn Slutesmaii'!" Pccause it keeps
its d d fool mouth shut.
I.V THE LAST DlTCTL Tho.lllSt ditdl
heard from is one iiunginod by a
vinous statistic; n, who toys that
"the wine crop if Franco this year
would fill a ditch three and one-half
feet wide, throe and otic-half feet deep
and 4,000 miles long." And the brave
editor of the Sluttsmttn rushes val
iantly into the arena mid hastens to
declaro his reudiuoss to die in the
hist ditch, only regretting that he
can't die the whole length of it.
Tin: IltAi.isa Passiox, As Judge
Thornton would say, the editor of
the Salem f-lalinman is inclined to bo
fiicitiotiK. While meandering along
Commercial street tho othor evening,
ho fell and struck his nose ngaiust a
barber pole, and on being raised
from tho ground by Seth.he glowled
out: "Wliat'd thunder 'zat (hie)
woman wi1 striped stock'ns on got
(hie) agin tuo !"
Geskhai, Smnmer writes from Flor-
ida that he enjoys good health "aud
tho best of soil-its." wl.ieb lo rjoo.l
. ' o
ns nn invitation to tho Salem AVato.
mxii editor logo down there right off.
u. IJ
A Silver City (Nov.) young lady,
who has a passion for pretty babies,
to a littlo fonr-yeiu-old angel who
has a brand-now sislor: " I nay, bub,
won't you givo me your baby sister?
I lovo littlo Imbies."
Voting hopeful: "No, I (ant."
Young Indy (winking at her young
man): " AVhy, sonny ? Why wen 't
you give- tho bnby to me?"
Young hopeful (indignantly): "Ft,
ho'd 'turvo to death; jour dreus opens
Painful silence for the next fifteen
She testiliod before tliontagistratir '
"dot pilly gote shoost vis s
veil, I v;is vusliing by some cloilings
of a pig tub, und dctu goton cootn up
behind und veil, (hogs, I don't ken
fild dot vns. I feci me sotneding pe
hiiuliny puck uud sliutnp over tier tub
unil stimuli me on my head up mil
dot tube bottom up, und der eludings
spliill shoost liko me, und dein gotes
vitik at 1110 mil von eyes uud vigs
his luils of initio lace, uud valks oud
py his behind legs liko a imin, und I
cuu'l sit me down eood nuy more already."