Mt gmorrat. FRIDAY JAMIART 21,1878. PACint' HOAkTKRH. A large sik wss killed an Eagle creek, Clsokamas bounty, last west. A schooner cslltd ths Laura May hits just been finished at Cos Bay. A tug is being built on ths Coquille fiw toil will be ready for use in the Spring. The severs) storm ImI weok cume new blowing down the oourthouso at Eiupirs City. A great many sheep havo lately been killed by wolves in the vitiiuily of Lafayette. A good doal of plowing was done on the high lands up the valley the fast week. Several horaoe have lately died in Washington county from a disease resembling tbe epitooty. 'Washington oounty failed in one thing last year. During 1875 she sent no convict to the I'eniteutiary. The receipts ol the city government of Forest Grove the post year were $198 08; disburseaienta, (160 0. Airs. Liiaie Atkins, whose post offloe address is Clerment, Iowa, wants to know where E. F. Atkins can be found. There were 28 sea going vessels in Coos Bsy, at last advices. Who aays the eoniaaeree ot Coos Bay is going down" The foundation of the Ames Chapel Washington county, has given away during the late storms, damaging the building considerably. We regret to state that Chief lap- pens has been confined to his house for several weeks with a severe at tack of rheumatic gout. Messrs Hall & Adams, of the Myrtlo ereek mills Douglas county, have butchered about four hundred head of hogs, and will have a large amount of bacon. Ol 93 families viaiteJ in Benton Bounty by a Biblo agent, none were destitute of a copy of tbe Scriptures. So the agent donated a copy to the Corvallis Library Association, At the last regular meeting of the Catholio Library and Christian Doct rine Society, on Sunday, M. Kicliards was elected Vice Prestdent: Cicero H"ran, Librarian, and J. Byrnes Aenistaut Librarian, to serve during J 876. Catharine Nelson, of White House, Teun., wants to know something about one Iiooert F. Douglas, who came to Oregon as a soldier in 1 809. If any one in this Stale or elsovrhere knows anytning about hiiu, please inform the aniieui inquiier address as above. A LaGrande letter of tbe 5th aays: Aft this date two eompanys of regular troops are encamped at this plaoe e route for the bloody fields of Wallowa The etaid old veterans of many hard feught battlea treat the matter ef risking their scalps wit! great coolnoas and '-abaerb" hard ta. k bacon and beans is if no danger wu pending. iouowmg is Bret jtlarte s dis- eription of the Sierra in Winter: fcSnow. Everywhere. As far as tbe eye eould reach fifty miles, looking southward from the highest white peak. Filling raviuos and gulches, ana dropping Iroin the walls of can nons in white shroud-like drifts, fanbiouiug tbe dividing ridge iuto tne likeness ol a monstrous grave, hiding the bases of giant pines, and completely covering young trees aud larches, rimming with porcelain the bowl-like edges of still, cold lakes and undulating in motionless white billows to the edge of the distant horizon. Snow lying everywhere over the California Sierras on the 15th day of March, lbl8, and still falling. It had been snowing for ten days. Snowing in finely granulated powder, in damp, spongy flakes, ia thin, feathery plumes, snowing from a leaden sky steadily, snowing tiorcely, shaken out of purple-black clouds in white flocculent masses, or dropping in long level lines like white Incces from the tumbled and broken heavens. But always silently! The woods were so choked with it, the branches were so laden with it, it had so permeated, filled nn J possessed earth nnd sky; it bad se cushioned and mnlltud the ringing rocks and echoing hills that all sound was deadened. The strongest gust, the fiorcest blast awoke no sigh or complaint from tbe snow-pocked, rigid files of forest. There was no crackling of bough nor crackle of underbrush; the overladen branches of pine nnd fir yielded and gave way a sound. The silence was vast, measureless, com plete! Nor could it be seen that any out ward sign of lifo or motion changed the fixed oui lines of this stricken landscape. Above there was no play ol Jgbt and shadow, only the occa sional deepening of storm or iii'bt. Below, no bird winged its flight across the white expauso, no beast haunted the confines of the block woods, whutovsr of brute noture might hove once inhabited these soli tudes had long since flown to the low lands. There was no track or im ' prink; whatever foot might have loft its mark upon this waste, each suc ceeding snow fall obliterated all truce or rocord. Every morning tbe solitude was virgin and unbroken; a million tiny foet bad stepped into tlio track and filled it up. And yet, in tbe centry of this desolation, in the very strongbold of this grim fortrasi. there was the mark of human toil. HerUmtr't Monthly. Is the line of "How to Bring TJr Parents," is the s;eech of the little boy who said, "Futher, I think you should give up av. earing our family prayers." The boy recognized the loess of things. sir, msnva ouKLKScrrRO, Mr. Busby bus been married five years, and all that time he aad his wife have bearded. It was on ths 1st. of October that he firmly nude up his Uiiud to keep house. A neat cottage was secured, furniture bought, and the two suttled down like a pa r of glti doves. Last Thursday after noon, the farmer of whom Buaby bad encased bis potatoes for the winter brought him two barrels of those ex oolleut vegetables, sod also a barrel of apples. He knew Busby was new at the buunau, and that he was a good natured man, so he told Mrs. Busby that be had a sore finger, and was 'in a liurrv aud would not be able to inks the barrels down eellar. And he latt them by the hatchway. Here Bnthy found them when he came home' in the evening. Arming his wile with the lamp, he proooeded in no pleasant frame of mind to bring the atuff in. She hold ths light in tho cellorwuy while h tussled with the barrels, aud, as tho wind came through the door, ahe was obliged to soresn the Hunt Dy anaaing ii iron that Bide. Whenever he got a barrel in a particularly critical position, an extra mist of wind would eome down the stairway, and np would go bar hand to the flame, tbrewins now mm and the barrel into the shade. Then be would look ovor his ehoulder at her and say: "What in mercys name are you about, iMary JaueT' It wns a touch lob lor Mr. Jtiusby. His bauds wore tender fron in door euiDlovment, and in their eontaot illi the barrel were saaiy worsted The lower chimes of the barrel would catch on the step as he was eliding it down, and when ha let co to see what wan tbe trouble, it would sad- denly come alone on its own accord, and butt him in the stomach with audi torse as to nearly deprive him of his breath, or it would slip on his feot and cause him to howl dreadfully the pain. Then be took hold of whit apples. They came dreadfully hard. He bushed and pulled, and turned them to the left and then to the right, and puffed and perspired, and swore and screamed, but he conlnn'l get the auules down from the top step. He was slrucreliBS with nil bis might with that barrel. His hat fell off, his eyus were almost bursting Irani their pockets, his breath came laat and heavy. He was below the barrel. He had both arms around it, and was strsiuiug with all his misfit to move it. no ou.y spoke once. Then he said: Why don't you eome up here wilh that lamp so 1 can see something, and not be standing down there grinning like an idiot: It is bet just, to explain that Mrs. Busby Was not grinning at all: on the contrary, it would be difficult to crowd as much gravity into the same space as was expressed in her counte nance. She stepped up the stairs promptly. Then Sir. Busby gave a desperate maddeaing pull, aud the barrel caiue. 1 he transformation frem a doggod, obstinate barrel to a headstrong, impetuous barrel was re markable. Air. liuaby tried to save himself by yelling Woose!' but be waa too 1st; and tho next iust, hisi- It, his wile, and the lamp, the barrel and the apulrs. in a contused mass, went revolving down the stairway and. sprawling acrost the eellur. ror- tuuuiely the li"lit wns extiuymslieu at tho first move, but the lamp was broken and the contents pretty even ly distributed over the othor objects. Mr. Uusl.y was driven undura w heel, barrow, and Mrs. Busby, alter being bucked twice in the head by the bar rnl,liroucht up with vehemence ngaiust an old stove, knocking it completely off its lues Slid smashing in the even uoor Mr, liusby scrambled to her feet at once. ' John," sho exclaimed, "where are you? are you hurt" "Nontut your business," came in a half Biippresswd voice out of the darkness. ' hv, John what is the matter with you?'' "What did you come np them atcps for? he demuuueu te inteuse passion. "Why, you told me to." "What if I did'"' cried the unhappy man, "Didn't you know any better than to stand thurcf Confounded ly this direct question she could make no answer, and with a oc ruin feeling ol triumph he stalked up stairs and thence to bed. There is a nice little cottage on Ksliavler street to rent. Mr. and Mrs. liualiy are boarding again Dan- Wiikn a woumugots a now suit she immediately prances down town, and fur hours will walk contentedly along a crowded thoroughfuro, re ceiving fresh impulses of joy every time another woman scans her word robe. But a man issodifTeront. He won't put on his new clothes fur the first time until it is dark. Then he goes dowu town so cautiously as to almost croate the impression that he is sneaking along. If be sees a croud on tho corner he will slip across tbe way to avoivd them, and when be goes into bis grocery he tric to got behind os many barrels ami boxes as he con. All the time bo in trying his level best to appear ai if tbe suit was six months old. I , - J Ax effort is boing umdo in Paris to secure a more geuerul cessation of secular labor on the Sabbath. The the railway companies are urged to clone their olTicos to the reception and delivery of merchandise on that day. In tho lottor which records these facU it is stated that an actor is giving his personation of Hamlet on tbe hab oath, to accommodate the students of somo of the institutions. The' l'roniilents viow ef Mr. Blaine's cuurtosj to bini, in refusing to lule an tbe tbiril-tcrin resolution, is a trittjr one. Tlio World roports 1 1 i m as saving: "lllaine usedn't be so previous carnful. Ho doosu't sluud in unyliody's way. Ir llioro is snTihing in the world wbicli will make o Dixie woman mad, it is U) lme a man ban? orer the (onoe and surrey tbe weok's washing on the lice and grin and grin, ADVERTISEMENTS. JAMES 1 COH AN. (00BMO OF A. OOWeMI 00.) LEBANON, OREGON DEALER IN CiE.r.R4L. MERCHANDISE Will KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL STOCK or DRY OOODBI GROCERIES ! 1IV1MWVIII3 I Ilnola and ihessl All for Sulr at lbs Lowoa: Prion fbr CiStl or Htomit'K. All vr.oii owing A. 0oao A Co. San seltls by allint: uu U St lbnnoD. v7a:ir. JAMES L. OOVAK. BOOTS AND SHOES. JACOB FLEISCHAEIl tSucmoaor I L, lUhwatd.l Kpa eoHiUntl on band AN IMMENSE STOCK of Custom motto BOOTS AND SHOES LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CHILDREN. He also mi ploys a full onrra of flralulaas worn men, miu MANUFACTURES TO ORDER. COt'KTKY PKODITE TAKEN IN KXCHAVCil. I OR OODN. Iknnt foriret In cull. at the corner -if Flral and Uroadalbiii strevta. aVIbany.oreKon- itiltf. JOHN CONNER'S BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE ALBAST, ORI.UOW. DEPOSITES RECEIVED, Hi: i.) Kl'T TO CHECK AT RltlllT. Intf rut AllowtJ as Tine Drpoiili Ii Ceia. EXCnANlIK ON PORTLAND, RAN FKAN. CISCO, iml N K W YOltK, ur lo st luwsft rstoi. CJLLECTIL'MS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTED V-ll. nkn; huun. 8 a. h. to 4 r. m K.f.r i' II. W. COR1IETT, I1ENHV FAI1.1NU, W. 8. LAUD. BANK EXCHANGE SALOON. TATLOIt BROM, Proprietor. LITEST FANCY BAR FIXTURES . W A 15 ii tL I DROP IN. t"ornrnf Kind and WnnhlnKlon itrfu' ap pus it M. thurlcn Hal!. Allmuy. Urt-gon. NEW MILLINERY STORE. lla Jtmi oprnd, upttalri In Fminanl Ulook, a FASHIONABLE STOCK or MII.MNKHY GOODS. llavlrip hnd many years of ciporlrnM" la the tfmt. sin- tlii-vfn Hiie can give th full tat at ln(uctlrii) in tiT line. Mhf rsxifullv sviliciu a ahan of pelronaito uf tu. iuiIihh of AHiatiy and rlciuiiy. A1m ttjifiit fur tho "LITTLE BOXIM" SEWING MACHINE! THE ORAmSBST ACniBVEWENT or the bob: Tim -ailT will find In Mrs. rnlton'a Rilr ti.iitiiftil, i-li.wlii-r. In tin wt-r, a full (! ?riitlli uf tin. marvi'luuD lBniltQ, with all uf lu i.rmiuar aUvaiiUitfa ovi.ritlinrmavhlnwa "lOlilllf. illlM. 1). SibVKNH. JK. GEO. W. OKAY, DENT 1ST, aibau), .... Oregeav, s-Offlcr In Parrlflh's nrmk niaflk. cuikt at Vrnt anil K'-rrr ulrtKUl, IU'tti(l(fttc un w,mr nf Klftlt antl Furry alrititu. (rnico hour- frimi auiti o'ditM-k a. m sua 1 lo fi o'uiuck J-. m. awi. TO THE LADIES I MIII.INEltY STORE. MRS. S. A. JOHNS flM rsmowil her ntatllhnift lo thft ornnr o Hi'cond And Kronditlliln stn-uUi, oppMlU) th 1'aaucMAT omf-, wlire Jthn bitu ofxtutd a LADIES SHIP RIDM of inilllnrry goori, data and CflfM, and ladlaa dndiiiKa. Ihiirt furgt tha nw atora, Moitt, BOOTS MAI) TO ORDER". AT HKAHtlHA BLB RATH AT IIL1VRV I IJIDTHiUOP, ALBANY, OREGON. aTWork watiant4rd to srlv aattafactfon.tft R1EAT MARKET! UrU.T. KKKP fJONHTAVTr.Y OM HAND tho htut moat thti tiiarttit afford, and will nlwiiy be found indy to actminiisodat th(w who may fnvur him with a nail, efitftcon and hnma tor aula. Ulghett IMcw IMld for rrk.--vttriiMtf.1 ADVERTISEMENTS. TiiECLD STOVE DEPOT I JOHN IIRIGGS, BsULla Itt COOK, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES I Or the Best Pattens, TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER-WARE And ths aiuial atsnrtmont of lurnlihlaf good, fooud In a Tin Siuro. JLsoairi Xuatly and Promptly Ixeoutcd Oo RooioosMo Torus. " Start ItKkvnintft Slain Lang Primitt" ritONT-ST., ALBANY, Noil Door to P. 0. Hsrpor A Oo'i Su Dot.trSoietr JOHN IIKIUflU CAUTION TO THE wPXTBLIO. I want th public to know that no chair gmi out from ii ty liiatmfUoiury uiiIihui my uaiuo in U. All other Iklm im- Ualtniui, nnd tumult I m ho nwtmwl, I horoby want all poiMonn agiUiiHt tho prao- oi any mum an mmonuum mmn my ouflttimttra. J. M. MI7TLUR. JulToraon, omnon, Jan. A, 1H7U. CASH SYSTEM ONLY! Win. Lister II at opened a NEW CiROC'EUY STORE In W9tHl'Rll itnmt, uo Pint atriwt, whom u will SHI It ptHMIal Oieapor than Any Other House In thf ouuuly which tell on tho entail ayxiein, hi ho KEEPS NO BOOKS and op lis for Canh on It or II iviiilvalnnt In MAOKATAIILB I'HOaU'Cst, iHUll !trittt In go Ut hit! ilort U ynu witut RrosjrVli iS tor ctmL otiynMvr innn fimwnnr. n ol. 1i1Fje.iv. AIUauj, May li, lti76. vJUnyl, A ( AUD. A H. HEM. A PAltKRR. 1 ATE OF ORE- XaaV goo i'Uy, iK'g U'avo t liiiorin tho pubUr inu inry im purcuawu inn eniiro uhh oi uruipi, nttHiioiiiri nic,, ntnmirij ownmi uy n. t:. IIIIIA Hon, autl thnt thuy tlrsiin conitmilng tltP bUattUVM L ttlaj Old tsttltl. Wilt' It tilWy tTt- nooo to ktH) In Lhi futtiiM, mil aNnttrHtin'tit ol iniin, rnuiiiiralt. 1'nu'ia Mmiiciitt'it. 'loiiot Ar- tieifu o'til vfrythiiig uituully lounU lu a Ural w i aw unig stuim. Wlillti fMrually BollcltltiE a rintliiuiinn of tho lllHTitl imtritiitti'tt luTt'ltiltiro i'xt(iitl'U to tntoi.i imui ur 1min nt tin' nmnti lime, uy (airand IIIhthI d'ulliiK, atKi rnn-lut aUi-iiilim lo the wfinm ot uimtonnTH Hi iihtI Mn t'Mti'rin or any KKW (rk'UUJiwlioinuy (aor u with thvir Iitrtlrular alit'iillon will IwcKfis lithtcntu pounuitiit o iiliyiilfliantt nrfuvriMttoiift aiitl luiu tly rvoeipu at all houra nt t hi' titiy or nig lit, A. H. Hem. tv PxuKra, rHiicwwiorn to K. C, U i L-i. Jk MN. Albany, (rtitiii. Out. urn. uw. KELLOCC'S Oil KG ON PLOW WITH Lundside Coulter Altacbmciit. TIIKSE ri.(tVM WVMK AWAKDKP hih illicit at thp Into Mtato J'atr, aiut niK)rt uf a ( oininitum who truui the draft of tint i anion t hy IMow w ith and Without the KuIjoki nlLachmimt, vui thai plowing auven Htchu diM thrv wan a Gain of Nineteen Per Cent, in favor of tho Ijuidiiith CnutUtr. C ounty Rights for Salt, A. B. KELLOGG, lirllogg's. tSonalas Co., Or. Vllllll'U. ALBANY GUN STORK ! TILESTOS i SCOTT, rroprietm Customer nlwayi And ut thle plaoe a ppicuuiu Hanson. in ui PUNS, RIFLES UNO REVOLVERS I 1 Aud Ammunition of All Kiudg, A I X( ) ronttt o vu (itN, i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. k.i,r r. tinnn,i,A..i r jiuuj vaiuugis, iiit-aiuuiiatn, yaiurs Mcrhsnlcsl To... lwinnotl.-i, IVitlM. Uijt W kgmt. and Mli'l'l)'. in fan ni-nriy avt-ry kind uf turn fflHIiufacturiKl. GOOD NEWS IK LEBANON. MONTAGUE &. MoCALLEY llava Just melvud and oponail out a MAMMOTH STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE C0iaiariKU or DltY GOODS, C.ICOCEK1CS IIAKlrHARE. tit., tha whole comprising- oua of tho aholouat riilal atonta in (.in-tjon. 't'lu'yi-5(K'i!t Ui win piihlio fattir and aullc patnnuK ty a promiH ulu-ntlon to anatomer and ruattuuattln ritrii uf rtNKta. MoNTAUT'K MoCAI.MCY, lbanon, Oot. l.i, i;n. vttnimf the' iiotii; MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, DIRECTORS OREGON BRANCH. P. WABSKUMAN, L.K. OHOVEK, HAITI) niUXJKr, J, L. CKAWf OKI), B. UUMM1TU, U. MACI.F.AT. (.'. H. I.CWIM, 1. M. KUKNCU. J. UWICNIlEKO, HAMILTON BOTU, Manager, L. I. MOSTAXVE. Agrat, Albany. 3a CIT"V MEAT MARKET ! J. L. IIAKKIM, Prop. IVM' KKF.P f'ONHTANTf.Y OS HAND tho IminI mrnl tho murk tit atTordfi, anil will alwisyn Ihi fuiind nH(ly lo hosf who may favor him with a call. " HiKhent murto'l prict: piaid lor iurk.i4l vttniHtr. P. . HAItrCK A C O. KA1,KHS IN DHY WMVH, riAJTMIMU, IfmtU and HImh'h, IIhIn, Unwnf, Vmwy (iooda and iiolloim, Hhol Uium and I'latoln, NftlU, HoNt, Wall PufxT, Mirroni, Wood and Willow Vnro, '1'rtinka nnd Viillmtii, lc,, vU, Ponkit; Cnth'ry. Mild very low oiitu ly fur oanIi or to proiuiit uuyliiK ouatonisjra on tlrnt, no; Hit . JAS- K. WEATHERFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OB BOON. VsTUfltoe In Frotnan'a brick, over ponl-onlo, vllnl. AD VEBTISEM ENT a BROWNSVILLE Woolen NTff Co., BROWNSVIUf, tINN CO., OGN MnntifAturoM ninnkntit. Flnnnnli. Twordi, CHMhiiunm, u,, ottual lu quality to the bunt 'l'hn I'm. Iim lutitlv raninmnnood th manu- fuciurn of OvnfKhlrta, UnOer-KhlrU, Drawer, ii to., of uMrlir wnlKtil and gtmlity. Tim t'oinimny eniiiluy none but tti twit WI11TK l.Alh'R. and the workmannhlp ol nitohor tho oiirttlitli thoroughly tMcd ho tlii'v airtt umnlovod. ny dsMirltion of woolen coodt, itich a ufMUturod to order, oa ihurt uotloe. THE BROWNSVILLE FACTORY STORE koApi en liand a GENERAL ASSORTMENT DUY-UOODsl, bltOCERIEft, BOOTS AKD SHOES, t'LOTniNO, ETC. stid all things usustlr kept In a flnd'CUiiR rs lallstura. TlluSlf. J. E. SORBLX & CO., -dulru u- WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS! COFFEE AND SPICES 1 Frsat t tbne asers kelew the Alkaay Boot aad Shea Store, Aleaaf, TlH'y nlTvr fur xale Fiue Old Frenrh Brandy, Kazeraf, MartWl's and Douuos)g, in Clows and by the Ration, from K.W) to ia UU and in UKLlca In prvporuon. W HlKKIEH.-CtitWa O. K. : lH-venporta Hliif iirotm : .MlHr-r'a Koyal Crown ; and lirwk vnrldKi,Ia (.Md aaa, from l.7.r U tbt.uu per gal lon, uud in bottloa I rum $.li lo ll.WJ. WtNKH.-Calirornla WhlU- Wtrif and rinrrl nt It.iHi (iff en Hon. A flttf !MHirt;oeiil ui I rrnt-h tuia. Chainnacne and Curdlata. TOBAOfX).- flat' Mock of Cigar and Tobac co very tihuap. Krwnr-h irmund CJmrtni CoflVo mnd Rnlwa n-wUiHl cvt'ry day fnnu the Kalftn Chart ros C'olTuv and bplce Milt Co., of Valviii, Urcoa. vlUnl4lf. FURNITURE WARE ROOMS FRED GrR-A-F- " HnWnjr purrhaard ihn entire lntri'at of Collur In the uiv fir in of trir ktlar. In lh furnittin buHltifiw, tukaa this oportiiiiltv to ntturu hla thanks hi tht) olllMiia uf Albany and Tlclmty who have ao GENEROUSLY PATRONIZED him In the pant, and rrsjfully aak a eontln uanufol Lhf saine. aVAU kinds of furniture kf nt on blind and iiianutauluivd to orhr at lowest ratua, KKEb UHAK. vimi&tr. -TO THE FARMERS AND GRANGERS! 1 hare Jnat reoulved a ootnjiletc atook of GENE EKCHAKDISE, Anil my molto la to I Sell eu Cheap at tin L'teajet," and l'ay the Jitsl J'rkt Going for Produce. II YAK US Or BKSJT PKINTS f 1! r Call at tha Caali Htora of K. Cliradla, oor ner of FlrM and BraaUalblo strtsvu, Albauj, ti37lil!l. ALtJANY BATH HOUSE! IHK UNDKiLSlUNED WOULD RESI'ECT fully iofortn tbe oltiiena uf Albany and rl- dniity tbat he hae taken tiharj(o uf lh ia KnUbliib ineat, and, by keepaig- olean roouia and paying Uriel attetitUio tu buiiiiieiiK, oxpeula to suit all inoae who atay laror btin Willi their palrenage. faring heraloforo carried on nothing but Flrst-Class Hair Drassing Saloons, lie exfieoU to give entire aat infantron to all 4rCbildten and Ladion' Hair neatly out nd ahanpeoed. JOHKPU WEiiBKK. rSn.HHtf. ALBANY BOOKSTORE! JOHN FOSIIAY, T DKALIII IN MISCEL t NLOIS AND STANDAUD BOOKS ltl.A.U UOOKIS! SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY OmKlBtnour HnliiiDortodtoortlof at ahort aat iwaalbte uotloa. ADVERTISEMENTS'. AHri-BIUOtiS UNO cathartic ij you want a af: argativt, Use them, to relieve tha Stomach and Bowels, and cleanse tha whole Ali mentary Canal. if you want a &ivtr Stimulant, Use them, te restore the actios of this organ, and to remove all obstructions of the biliary dact, and you get rid of Bilious Dyepepeis. yoa want a &axatlrt, Use them in small doses, and they will remove a Costive habit of body, which, If let slone, may generate serious diseaaea. Dr. Jayas's Sanative Pills sn) helpful also, in Skin IHtnua, and for what ia known as "Impurity of the Blood." They may tie takon st all times with out danger, and wliilo using thorn, you may eat and drink as usual Proparwl only by the Proprietors, Pa. I). Jayke f'd.N, riiilailiilphia, and sold by Crane X Brlu;liin!, Wholosnle ARCUta, Ban Frani-isco, and hy Druggists gone rally. Jt MIS (.RADWOIIL, UBAIKB IK HARDWARE! HARDWARE STOVES, CROCKERY, AND GROBERIES. MANUFACTURER or Tl. A COPPER WARE! . Bole Agrnta for the Union and IMPROVED RICHMOND RANG El tbs BiAtrnrui. PORTIA KA.(iG, With hearth. The OKtitatod Charter Oak and Farmers' Cook SUitc. TINWARE AT WHOLESALE AID RETAIL J ok Work doVie ea Short Notio and al Rraaoaablo Tcrtna. nuln me a call and eatlary yourflvesthal CITY DRUG STORE. a CAaoTRBtta. a. salth Aaaa. A GAROTHERS & CO.. DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, FOSTER'S BLOCK, FIRST ST.. ALBANY, OREGON UBALCni is DRUGS, CHEMICALS PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, OILS, GLASS, TOILET GOODS, French and Amrrlran Colofaps Handkerchief Extracts, CONFECTIONEKY Pure Vinci tod Liquors for Medicinal Kin FINE TOBACCOSAND CIGARS. Family Beoipes and Fhjsioan's Proscip- tious UompouLded. H3070-.ii20. A. CAR0TI1KKS CO. WILLERT Av UI C1I, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MANUFACTURERS Cornor Bocotid aud rrry Sia., Aiuy, Ogn. Art prftmrad to marHifnrturt onrrlacca and watcuiia ut a hurt aolloo and uf tlitj vury m.HT M ATKKIAL. They niHki' thn Premium CAHUiAusa and BuuuiKtj ui thu Mtittu. REPAIRING AND JOB WORK dona at aliortaat nutlou and lu tho most SKILLFUL MANNER. Thplr work aud material la warrantfd to bo flratolkuta. viuuawf. FARMERS LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND SAVE MONEY. Kraprrs, Mosrrra and Tbrrsuc rs Repaired ud made al most aw good aut ass, MERRILL & POTMAN'S NEW MACHINE SHOP la now prpard to do all klnda of wood htiw tna:, aawluK and drohatlitic. olsuauj Iron work and Kueral bluukatultblnK Uiu trade utajr du tnaud. Knclng picket will ho kept oil haud at all Umna. Corner 2nd and WaahloKton atreela A "any, Oregon. l ADVEBT18EMENT8. SAM MAY, DKAMta m GENERAL MERCHANDISE such aa la generally kept In a riRST CLASS RETAIL STORE! CanatanUy oa kand, METXIsER'S CELEBRATED RAW HIDE BOTTOMED CHAIRS SAM MAY A A jj- HARRISBUHG, jaj Linn County, jyj Oregon. YAM MAS If you road the above the usual way. You nan find the name of 8 A at MAY, Who will sell you goods at lowest figure, Cheaper nor any other Critter. Though read from right to left, like Jovra, Or np and down, if you euooae You w ill find it all the same way Your obedient servant, P! 'HENLEY'S lOSSorAjPfEIITE A moat pleasant and lnTiforatlnf toule. Koommauded by all the eml neut Pbyalctaua throughout tbo United 8lati. Krery lamny ihould hare It In tho bouse, f Readetrtiflmitea on each bottle. Sold by ail Liquor JUaalara and Druutau. H, EP8TEXK ft CO., Bole Proprlwtora. BIIFbojit St., Bam Praxcisoo, Cax. TITUS BROS, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AMU-v DIAMOND SPECTACL S ! ALSO I'lSTOI.N AND CARTKIIKil.S SINGER SEWING MACHINES, And all kinds of Bewung Machine Needles y REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. All Osoas tola as 4 Wsrk Oaas Warranted. PICTTJBES. SPECIAL NOTICE Af.I-HIKHAND Hl'VIJ-iH AT run 'YM m null Mkutliura. rri,tlinprovouivnU muda on UjiltiLilug photoffruna. SOMETHING NEW I I nifik tli eopyiog and cnl(.rliig of old nllr,ll,r,iv,u.s ci'. a HiHii'lalltr. and mv oharir.-a arc aa follow": I will rnlarKe from aiiuili earda toHlr 10x12, and fin lull nicely, for from W.W Wi a. lor uic mm w iji Him 91 foraarh additional eupy.whii'li la lower than It la doiii for lu uau J rautilaoo. Call and a in snnillU. sgi.Liafactloo guaranteed or no eliareoaHi nlOnSltf. ADVERTISE MEATS. HOME AGAIN! I31SIV. JCOIITV. FORMERLY OF KOHN, STERNBERG & CO. Having rpturntNt lo Allinny frota a year and a hall 'a travel In Hurope, lina AGAIN OPENED OUT, A MAMMOTH STOCK OP 4 LOTllI., DRV IJOOWS, BOOTS AKD flIIOlS, HATS sn CAPS. IN FROMAN'S KEW BLOCK, Whrf h Invltnsi hist nl.l new onn to comennd aoo iiiui. Ihin't forjfet tht ht la unn nf t !. v tt- u-,) . v utui n vn. ..t llny. niuml. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD 77 OR A I(MC4ItI.E CAKE. X X Dr. Le Itlclmu's OOLDES UALSAMI1 vaiirr wn ymn oi iriai on una cohhi, nas nroven ttarlf tha onlv fumtivn in .-rto in clasa of dlseaara pnnouncc-d by ntiiUioal urac- tltlooera aa Incurable. Dr. ate Rich am's Golileu Rulsami No. 1 Curra Chanerea, first and aecond itaca ; Ror-a on ibo or ftndy, Sore Kari., Kyea Nose, etc., Copn-r-onlortd Blutcbca, pl)llltlc, t'a tarrh, l)icaaed Sca!p, and all primary forma of the dlM-asa known oa Hyplilllis. Frk-o $5 per Louie, or two for 19. Dr. Le Richan's Golden Balaam Ko. a CureaTert!ar-, Mercurial, Byphllltlc Hlienma tism, I'Rtns In the IIoim-h, lhu-k of the Neck, l'lTnlel 8oiv Throat, Hyphilitlo Hash, Lumps and ooHtrneted Cords, HilIfiifM ol thy Limbs, and erai)eata all dlsetmt'a from the aysU'in, whether caused by Indiscretion or abiiue of mercury leaving the blood pure and hualthy. 1'rics, to per bottle ; or two for t'J. Dr. Le Rlcban's Golden Spaulhh Antidote, For the core of Gonorrhea, (ileet, Irritation, U ravel, and all t'rtnary or ticnltal dlharraue mauls. lrlce, $i Su per bottle. Dr. Le Rirliau's Golden SpuuUh Iajeetlon, A waah and Injection for severe cases of Gon orrhea. In flttf it mat ory tiieei, etrlclures, and all dlfwawa of the Kidneys and Bladder, l'riee, llfciper bottle. Also, Agents for Dr. l.e Riehan'H Golden INIIh, ForrVmlnal Weakness, Nihi Fm!isins, Im iolenoy, nnd nil dlseiifts itrlNH' trnm Mastur ualion ami eseelve aliusi-. l'riee, - pr ImjI 'if. Theirenulnif ."ii, HA!.s.M is put up only In round b- Ulea. On rece ipt ol prlvo lUese niediciiit s will be sen! to nil (:t rlai of the oountry, by exprews or nmil, serurt-ly paeked, and fn frtni observation. Hub' Ag- iil, V. V. HltliAKlts a I'd., whnli'Kaie and retaildni? Kiataand chenilnis, sutithwest corner of t'lny and Hanaonie ir.'eta, Jau Fraiici.'et.raiil'orniit. vluiitVi'l. at NEW GOODS! -AND- LATEST FASHIONS ! at the store of JL. KLINE & CO. U'E HAVE J1MT lW('KIVl:ll HIU.M K.N Kruuciiico tin very litU'i.1 Btyla ui hoys' nuU Uenta' lANIIIO.N' AltI.E (LOilllXU ! 1 UDIES' AND MISSES' DRESS GOODS 1 and everything else to be found In a IJRST CLASS RETAIL STORE CAK-0- W EI, A new nrenarallon for exterinlnatlnir soulrrels and gopher. It doetmt cost much and will ain every uuie. We alao hare for sale THREE TWO -HORSE WAGONS! Aud one Nprlng Ilutk. fall and see them. Next door above Tost. olllce, Albany, OriKoli, n37tf. REDUCED 1MIKKH. PRINTING PRESSES rM!R SILVER-PLATED HAND 3TAM1, M. fur prlutiiiK names nn otothlne. This prints one line, and la furnished wilh 3 alpha bet of t vp' for f l.ijn, or 6 alphabets for $1.7 i. The Eureka Hand (Stamp, with a iilpbabetsof tyjie, tl.W. i hp unproved nana wamp, prima a lines, with alphaleta of tyiie, The Home Companion t imi Printer, for bus iness men and others, urluta i Iiihh, vith 19 alplialx'U, fcj.du. he liusinesa Man's iTlnittiti rress nrims u Hues, with id alphabets, (I. mi. 'l he Diamond I'rmtlnu Press prints fnjin Hi la 5 Inches square $'J7.Uf, A stock of ludellible ink. Inking uudu, eia furnished free with eueh pi'cjs. All orders promptly filled. Have alM) for sale the Norton Kcir-cloMng (iale II litres for boi Ii I rc ai d small nut' s. Mend orders to NOKltl i MOHK18, vlln5mli. Albany, OregoH. A. WHKBLHa. 0, P, UOUUB C. K. WHKKI.KK. A. W HEELER A CO., SHED, OREGON . FORWARDING AND COMNISSION MERCHANTS. Dealers In Mereliandiseand Produce. A assort in cut of all kinds of Good ahvuys in store at lowest inurrii t rules. AueiiiM lor sale of Wugoua. Urain Drills, Ci der Mills, (.'hums, Ae. Ae. I'AMI puid for WHEAT, OATH, POKK' llU'tTEH. E(iUH and l'OUlMtV. viml.'ii 1. lIEMOltUIIOlDS. A a CAROTHBI.S k t'O'S "I'll.K PILLS AND OINTM1NT" l,utn m.w beeunio cite of tlia standard prvparutieui of the day; Is prc- psrvu ana rueoiunieDdtiu ior i-uea vmy imnvuw ehrouie or reoent). tSuH'vrarii uiity d()ond upon u, mm in is reiueay win i" j'"m.uwn relief froin thU irvubleaome and dotuugiog com plaint. 8aut postpaid to any addrc (within the Uni tod titatas) upon receipt of price, 1. 50. A. CAliOTJIBKtt 4 CO., B4Vyl Albany, ijiuo um urag od