The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 21, 1876, Image 3

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    rRIIAY- .JANUARY 21, 1878.
roBTorricB reoistkb.
Frosn Camilla al mm a. h. aalli neap
Lebanon at 10 . .. trt-wwklT-
Kroo.1 Kallnuul (Nonhl dalljr risepl I
both, at 11 .4 a. a j ibouthl at U:r. a.
For Railroad (Smith! daily, oaorpt abbath.
For Corvaiiia, dally, txcvi tteuliolh, a 3
For 1hanin. an Mondays. Wednssdars nod
osrics nolr'ns-From 7 A. . tn'.K
. Monty order ofliw hour, from s a. M. I 4 r. m
P. H. RAYMOND, P. a!.
From tha KTBttnto Dbwokat, Jan. IS.
Mornings coldwll.
Sea adrartiscutrat of clianibsroiald want.
Birthday panic air all ;ht raja la Leb
anon. Sow U I'm' liuif Ui (wi:.1. r put In unlor
your jinlon fraci .
A WoHi:;a nii-er Carrr'. :ar itrwl time siif
got a gtHiu! square kiss.
At ibis raw, Oregon wiil lo Import
Ita ic crop ucxt summer.
Floaty nf material to get up a luge
"EgoUatical club" in Alnmiy.
A genuine "please (ire ine a penny" bag
gar would be a noveliy Id Oregon.
Too R. It. pile arlvor la al work on the
trestles between tint city and Jefferson.
Some ef the Benton county girU keep
their "socks" up with bnt-kskin carters.
If a mun ia Bat bro.e it don't make any
difference which aide of the river he ia on
Mr. J. L Gilbert haa started a aclect
aeJiool in the old Baptist church on Second
The 0, 1 C. II R will thip S3 car loads
of grain from Albany per day until further
Henry Deallnger. typo on tha Ore;Mim,
li In tha city m two to kit ranche on Ta
quina Bay.
A dog with 8 tails waa seeo yeaterday on
7th street. On waa a calf tail and was in
the dog't mouth.
Anybody having firslxlass items needn't
be "backward in coming forward" and lell
ing us nil about It.
' A popular landlord of Lebanon went to
church 3 times last Sunday and the town
is en its ear about it.
An ingeniua individual in Dixie has sew
osl a fur collar on hu linen duster and now
baa a good winter overcoat
Why ahoulda't Albany make a proposi
tion for tha Pioneer's reunion next June as
well as Portland and Salem '
The receipts of the Albany Station of the
O. & C. R R. for freight and passengers ia
more than double that of Salem.
A Gospel Ridge bellle presented one of
the college students last week with a fancy
worked pan wiper, lie ia wearing It for a
Any able bodied mas with a good stout
right arm that will let his Mary Jane shiver
going home from meeting these chilly
niguta ought to be "bonnet H
Tocao ntaiie-s c. A.
The meeting held at the Congregational
Church last evening for the purpose of or.
ganizing a Young Men'a Christian Also
ciaiion. was large and harmonious.
On motion Prof. R K. 'Warren was chos
en President and W. R Blain Secretary.
A permissive motion was adopted, and
considerable time was spent In discue!ng
the practicability of an organization. It
was finally agreed to carry out the object
f the meeting.
Messrs. E. F. Soi, L E. Blain nnd L B
Royal were appointed a committee on con
atiiution to report immediately, which they
did by recommending the constitution of
the Y. M. C. A. of Portland, with some
alight changes.
The meeting then adjourned to meet at
the same place Monday evening out, the
xMlh inat
As announced in the Etkicuio Duiocsat
the eevoral teachers and olhera in the city
interested In the canos of education, met
last evening at the Central school house
for the purpose of organizing a city Teach
er's Institute.
On motion Prof 1. f. Royce was chosen
chairman and W . R Blain Secretary.
On motion those present proceeded to
fleet a perm assent organization.
Messrs. J. L. Gilbert, B. A. Cathey and
L. N. Liggett were appointed a committee
to draft a constitution and by-laws.
Messrs. W. R Blain, T. J. Stiles and A.
H. Gilliland were appointed on Programme
of Entertainment far next meeting.
On motion the Institute adjourned until
Monday evening the 24th iaiL
Km is TnorBLE. Old Kib got inio
trouble again yesterday, and got in bad. A
mustard plaster straightened Mrs. Eib out
from the wood spiitliug accident referred
to several days alnce, and that admirable
lady concluded Uiat she would get out her
weeks' washing. Kibby was informed that
the clothes line must be stretched. Now
Eib waa in a hurry ; had an appointment
down town of importance (at the Occidental
Wine Rooms ; the ground under (be clothes
line was soft and the neighbor's cowa stop
ped there to ruminate, Eib not having time
to fix the fenc-. After some hard work
(for Eib) the line was at last got up nnd he
hied himself off to Jack s. r. Kib fin
ished the wsahing and had just hung out
tha last garment, when one end of the line
became untied and tha washing waa depa
itad on Hi ground with one of Fib Sun
dar shirts right sinwn in the worst spot on
tii whole place, bosom down. Mrs. Kik
linger is an exemplary church member, but
we are afaaid if the Lord answers the peti
tion she put up right there nnd tksn in be
half of Kibby, it will not "b well with
him here or hereafter."
P. 8 We saw Eib last night at a lata
hour in close conversation with his boy.
Jabex, and Eib hasn't ventured in sight of
his belter half yet.
Vick' Floral Guide. Number one
of Vickt floral Guide for 1876 1 a
superb number, abend of anything
thing be hu yet Isaued from the prss.
Typographically it can hardly be ex
celled, and It content! will moat cer.
Ulnly be receive; with favor by the
public. Bend 25o to James Vluk,
Rochester Kcw York, and receive the
Guide for one year.
Lunf Estonia! Co' Ektehtaiskext.
The comuiittue of arrangement of
the 2i!d of February entertainment of
this company mot at Dr. O. W. Gray's
office last evening. It was agreed to
arrange a vocal and lnatrumeiital pro
gramme and tohavedcclunuatlene, reci
tations, etc, together with a iilesloy out
of ice cream, cake, boo bom, et al.
Every Indication goes to anew that it
will b on ol tb )vnta of tki laaaon.
(From th. 1y auras Dbkoosiat, Jan. III.)
OKU Ann Asutaatx
Weather this p. m "on th ffaoe."
See advcrtlsomsnt or dwslllsg wanted.
St. Valentine day la rushing hlther
ward. 'Lips are chapping" all over town this
"Much ado aboMjnothinj" live on Oo!
nl Ilidg.
The weatherjlaat night was the "worst pill
in the. box."
Several of th Goapcl Kidg belles sicsl
la "painting."
Orn. Robert E. Lee w as kola 69 years
ago this date.
The frame work of the Opera House ti
tension is up.
"Unhitcliuienla" is whs! Ihcy rail divor
ces 1 Detroit.
You can't always lell a man br his luck
in this country.
Mr. E. L. Merrill has leased and re.opt n-
sd Hi c Etrhang Hotel.
Somejof our ministers prracliwwr.H scr
nioni upon evrry orraaitm.
!m' a rhmnn ni v,i;hlhni slory!" su
pereide "Oh. pull dfiwu your vet." Wetfll hits uoiiBvd prcprrty
holders In lix and patch up ibcn-aiJoTr;i!k..
fie schoiiische tis hi'sd oil," wi the
verdict on a suicided Polish tlHiit iug mas
That bole on th c.irmr of Pint and
Broadalbin slreels has been half way cot
ercd over.
Several of our citizens are purchasing
lot with the inlentiouof building summer
'cabins" at Soda Springs.
The California woman who whipped a
lion surprised everybody in the neighbor
hood except her i.u.bnud.
Our retail dealers would make moary by
buyiag their window glass and oils of
Wcatherfurd Jt Co., hulem.
Trying to do business without advertis
ing, ia like winking a', a pretty girl in the
dark. Nobody knows what you sro doing
So "comaromis with creditnm" with
Oregon weather. When it promises a sturm.
it pays dollar for dollar aud eonirtluics a
small premium.
A lady In Portland hu been called on by
her clergyman to explain a charge of pro
fanity. She had used the French expression
udtrnitr resort."
Georg M. Hewa, formerly of the Chem
keta Hotel, Salem, is superintendent of
the spiritual department of the Cenimcrcial
Hotel, San Francisco.
Some men try lo fattan horses on splinter
from a wooden trough, and some aieu try
to be successful In business without adver
tising. The first are about a HutTuJttfu! its
the Utter.
Patut PaKCiJtcT, Jan. 5. 1S7G.
Editor Demotral:
Thinking a few line from this part o!
th country would be of interest to tour
readers, I send you aa item or two. The
winter so fur has been pleiutsnt and warm,
with a great deal of rain and very little
snow. The ground has bceu frozen about
two inches; th new grass is about four
inches high, aud slock of all kind aic d.v
ing well.
Our election is over and we are sailing
under new officials, and Columbia Ceunty
is our name. The officers are nearly all
Democrat.. Election day pushed off quietly
except at Dayton, whore they had a knock
down, in which one of th candidatea for
sheriff was a participant
Moke Saw Mills Waktkd. The in
creasing demand for lumber in Albany hu
peratively demands the building of one or
more law mills. W know of no point
wber lumber can be manufactured more
easily or a cheaply and have a more cer.
tain and aleady market. Water power can
be had in abundance at a trilling cost, and
logs can be floated down the Willanictie or
driven from the Sanliam through the canal
at almost any season of the year. Not only
Albany, but the country around it aa it
grows up under th increasing emigration,
demauds an increase of th lumbering
manufacturing interests. Who of our nion.
ied men will set this ball to rolling !
Frea Wobxhaxsbip Persons pasting
the establishment of Messrs. Titus Bros en
First street, will not in the show windew
a miniature clock in perfect running order,
making time a it (lies. This beautiful
piece of mechanism is the handiwork of
Mr. F. W. Woirka, a skil'ful and eaihu.
astic artisan in "gold and ailvir and precious
stones." The case of this beautiful eprci.
men of workmanship is made of German
silver, highly polished, with silver pendu
lum and relltiiir escapement movement.
! This is the first clock ever made in Albany
and in after years it would b a memento
worth posscasing.
The Xw Postal Law. Requiring
letter to lie stamped ou upper right-
band earner, or else be sent to the dead
letter office. Is in our opinion a very ar
bltrary regulation and will work great
confusion, If not hardship among the
people, for there are thousands who
for year will live In blissful Ignorance
of such a law and still other thousand,
who know it hut forget th item.
Cncle Ham's officer might just as well
refuse th revenue tax, because the payer
present a V. upside nown.
Bates Changed. On tb 15th inst.
the rate of fare on the route of the
Oregoa and California Stage Company
were raised to 13 cent per mile. We
auppoa tb advance I caused by bad
roads. Tli more passengers have t
wlak and the harder thoy work to pry
the Vehicle of that company out ol the
mud the more they are charged for the
DedicaTiob. Tbe new Evangelical
church la completed and next Huuduy
I the date fixed for 1U dedication to
tbe purpose for which It was erected.
There will be services held at 11 o'clock
and at 7 P. sf. Rev. Samuel Helnengcr
ofHalem officiating. Tbe public are
cordially invited to attend.
RerauLiCAB State Committee. The
StaUtman contained yenlerday morning the
call of L. 8 Scot), chairman of the Rspub.
lienn Slate Cenlrul Committee, for a meet
ing of that body la he held in Porllund
Wednesday, February 16th. snsuiag. Mr.
J. H. Foster is the member for Liuo county
Lateki' Kcmok. The latest rumor in
regard to our railroads Is, that they will
oon pas into the bands of the Ceatrul
Pacific Company, who will nulsh the
East side road through to it California
connection and tbe West side loud
through to the Junction.
New EeTAiiLiBuur.sT. We call alien,
tlon te th nw advsrtieetnent of Mrs.
James Bradley & Bros.' who hare t pened
at the old Granger murkst, a lh, oyster,
c lam and vegetable stand. They ar wimhy
yuuug men and our people will tie well I
glv thm a call.
(From the KvstmMO IiocAt, Jan. .
Rev. E. R Geary ia in Ik city.
Several steamers due from below to-night
Tom B. Jaxes lives iu the sage brush pre
Some hnrse-shocs will splnsh nice soft
mud to ft'sl.
"Truth" Isafrnrful missile to hit Some
persons with.
Milk punches and rhampaiga rotk tails
at the Bivouac.
Th McHlheny family arrived (Ms p. ai.
by the down m.til.
A splendid number of ike Or.'jon ( ulti
enter Issued to.dny.
Aluiunr,i al' 1N7S sre us a pir with "ll
yaars' bird nunts."
Sorbin A Co. to His satire! "drop In
trade" la 111 rilj.
"Scpteiits priah" In a nice thing lo
ItsTO in a large family.
Are you gelling rnuly far t!:e mnqi:ersile
ball If so, how rnsicii
Why docs a dab of ur.ul nlwsrs Vi a
fellow rijrht und?r ilo eve.
If yoti WMtl a ;i,i;iL' of p, ";,ijoT Geo.
Wellt-I' is Ihs pint-'' lo vi.-il.
Keep in taUd Uir 1 . I', nr::tniiifl at !r.
Starrm i's. to.:n(imw etmiii.
Allmuy is !i.e luuil.licsi ard llriltit eity
of lis size on the Pneiflc hlopff.
Go to Mrs. A. Johns end array your
wives In "purple Mid fine linen. -
Thalnriginal posui.'The Bountiful Snow'
was in order this morning hrreahoaU.
Chiuese New Years' commences next
Tuesday, the 2dili ia.ti., and Is-sts one woek.
The KvuNiNo pKunaiAT is galciuj in
circulation. Advertisers will not th (act
Nearly every man is said lo he "mere or
Irss" a fiddler iu the Long Tom neighbor
"Tom and Jerry" can be found at all
reasonable hours al the Ocridcutnl Wins
The thermometer at Dr. Plumiutr's stood
Jimuarr 90, nt " a. m to, st l'J m., I"', al 0
p. in., 40.
The Independence of the American col
onics weie rei-ngniied by France ii;t years
ago this date.
Elder David ilrower will preach at lbs
Benlley scbool home next Sunday at 11
o'clock a. lu.
The meanest ma in the cilv is the oar
who knows where our umbrella is and
won't tell us. !
Col. G. A. Hill, our genial enucTy eleik.
thinks "births" tdioul lie liceuscd ss veil
as "marriages."
The brirliiesi liht :e be seen on Fivsi
street at aijlit is in rui of S.-huier A Mil
ler's Oyster ltnoms.
The Directors of ll.s Alhany Library
Association wiil meel ;iii v.t itig st Citpt.
Humphrey's oilier.
The Weklkv DtuovKAT issued I mor
row. will be Just the cheese t send l the
"white j'elllcmrali,."
The place lo gel ovi-ter jmltiea. a cup of
codec aud a gjed !n,tiare nieul is st tbe
Palace Oystrr llooir.s.
A very light enow or a very heavy frasi.
we don't know which, lay on the prouad
when the sna came p this mnrling.
A paekacc addressid to the "S'ate Kighls
Daiu-o-cat" a as handed us las'. vvtiifc by
Professor Wilton of the Albany Express.
"I'm a little drummer girl,
liravr and true.
If mt brothers go t wat,
I'll go loo."
Borne of the weLly newspspera ef ths
$tate find thai ihey have a i,oil many non
rW mrn ou their lut, iwhsa collsrt, dsy
cifjies )
A young man i i reeenrly gl a decisive
! from a GospM liuie hrllr, it, naw
reading his bihie to "f.i:d lust peace whit li
Uie world does not rirc."
"Kainpacfously rimpart" it the fix ot
saw a young niua in lant ertning. who
wauled to !iht unybody or acylhiLg that 1
crossed his "meandering pathway "
Mt5BiN9 the Fttsi'E. Kib never was
fond of lubor, even from his youth up. yet
when Mr. Kib informed him Ua: it was
necessary to nail a plank on the P-ace to
keep neigbtior Hilling's chickens out, Kib
remarked that he was just the huckleberry
that could do iL Alter a prolonged search
lor a null, and the meat l.s.n!.ci secured,
accompanied by M:s. Kib ss master ol cer
emonies, he inarched to the bri at h i His
fence, and after a lew momrnts sprat in
dise.usHiou f the best method, etc., Mrs
Kib's counsel us usual, prevailed, hlie was
to hold up one end uf the plar.k while Kib
secured the uther. l'laeiiig the plank in
position, and holding the uail H-curcly be
tween the thumb iir.d frefiujcr, Kib eol
leeied the slumbering stiTtig'.h of his
mighiy ttrui, and let drive s terrific blow st
the nail, lie struck it lair and square fhis
Ihuuib nail) and now it is no more, and hi'
peor thumb will never be Hie symmetrical
digit it wu of yore. Il elosrly
a delective link of poll; utinr, with a
portion of its intestinal covering removed,
and feels us if un Kat India simoon was
organizing oo it. Mr:t. Kiblinger cunsol
ingly remarkrd that al the momcut he
struck the blow, she sttw it spider on thc
plunk which for a time rend-Tid herebliv
ious t till riirroiuidiiijs. 'I'lmt plank is
now held in its place by u calico string, o
device that did not ai flr-l occur lo their
A Good Bc-ii cm e. There are pleaiy of
idle ineu in the valley, who want work;
and at a comparatively small otiiluy of coin
persons owning land can have il clfarsd
and made ready for cultivation. Mr. Joint
Lay ton, living ueress tl s d hp-( ! ,
an example worthy oi ,r.. .;. .'). 't.
has contracted with Ivtu men t clear oil'
and grub out 1.1 acres of laud, paying $6
por acre and giving th laborers Ike weed
chopped in clearing. The agreement is
good for both contracting parties. The
laborers will pet about 200 cordi of waod,
and tVO, nnd Mr. L. will have 15 nctai by
spring time ready for the plow.
Fasbiox Chanued We lenrn
from our exchanges that hoop skirts
are now being worn In Now York.
This new freak of .Mother Fmdilon wns
not entirely unexpected by us, but we
art surprised lliut the fashion did not
reach Albany Unit, We bad Just begun
to got ued to Hie "pull hack-' and
frankly own Hint they were becoiuliiR
a large part of our existence, lint the
flat hue gone forth, and the girls have
got to ' pull oft" instead of "pulling
back" aud don I ho hoops sgniu. Sic
Fnosi Camp I'oi.k. Mr. S VV. Hind
man, writing from Camp Polk any "I
saw In Hie Dkmochat of tli lllfli ult.
ll statement uboul JvJ Driver, whose
feet were badly frozen some time since
HI feet are all right ml mis M toes
aud lie la gelling well ns fust lis cnu he
expected. We are having tegular
Webfoot weallier here, more rnin thun
suow, and although the wittier I au
open one, "lock in this vicinity in ! ik
ing badly."
Tli culture, of Flax In Oregon bafore
mny yr will become nccaiid to oaly
tbe raising of wheat A ultuated
In the centar ef a fine a country a
there I in the warld for producing
flax, and why should net Immediate
steps be tnkeu by our enterprising citi-
tent to erect a faotory to manufacture
the raw nintsiml. In vlaw of the 1m
portanoe of this new Industry we re
produce a letter ent frm JeflcreoB to
a Portland paper giving a sketch of
Mcaart Pairlah aa 1 Miller' factory
near that place. Tito correspondent
says :
"A visitor to Messrs, Pamth A
Miller' Flax factory situated near Jf
fcreoti, and contiguous to the railroad,
will witness the etiocussful Introduction
Into Oregon another branch of useful
Industry destined not only to develop
the wonderful recourses, hut tn add
largely to tho mnlci lal wealth and pro,
perlly of ur 8lale.
This firm deserves great credit aa the
fi.l lo enibarl; In a new nnd untried
enterprise nftistful Industry; demand
ing an ouliay nf nmcli ."spilal without
the ptospecia of nn immediate return,
mid of so much energy ami prcsevpr
iinoc necefsary to iiverciune n invny
barriers unavoidably encoiinlercd, in
the first Introduction of all untried de
partments of trade and commerc.
It did not cscap the kcn observation
nfour'arnn year ago, that Oregon
by licr pongMilallty or climate and pro
diictlvenese of soil, w as especially ad
apted I Hie production ef flax p1
iiml th growth of tills fititr, Keel
ling even Holland ft rent ltritain.
indeed your correspondent distinctly
remember years ago, Inijulrlog the
feasibility of manufacturing th com
mon and coarser article made from
flax and tow, aud of Instituting Inquiry
as to the cost aud kind of machinery
necessary lor the work. Kflorts were
soon made by en or two parlies at
different time and places, but awing
to inexperience, ar lack of proper Ma
chinery, or want of capital or from
some other unknown cause, they were
s,ot a success. The present firm brlug
all these concomitants to their aid and
Intend to push the enterprise , to a SEC
ccssfitl issue. They have already in
oiKiulloii a ten horse portable steam
pnwe-for driving their machinery. At
present they have one brake, five
aeutchel stimdsand m.-inufactur about
four hundred and tlfty younds of mer
chantable lint, dreased and tently for
hl;m ut l iast ;ter inuuttt.
This Is but the Initial step for Ihees
tablisliiucut of oilier I; s'ustrial brauch
es. consequent ou the present one. In
deed negotiations hav been iilerd
Into with parties iu the F.lerD Flat,
to establish a factory for the uisuu fai
lure of shoe thread, etc. In fact the
sucess of this enterprise is but one of
the siany itrticles of productiou and
manufacture of export, which will add
much to the reputation slid pn sjrity
of our commonwealth. Thi is aa it
should be. It points iu the right di
rection. Whenever our escort exceed
our impiirt we are ou tho highway to
untional prosperity and aftlucuce.
These home iudatrJf ill compensate
lu Home small degree for th bavy lui
portatiou of aiaelilnery from the Kast
and the large parrouags tiy the farmers
of every kind ef agrlcal.unil Imple
ment. L iiuiiii at islsimr
At the request of the V. S. Ceatea
uisl Commiftsinti, wc publish below
n suggestion that meets our approval
fully, sad suggest that our county
authorities late the matter undsr ad
visement: It seems f oper that the lo.-al ce'o
btaiiau of the Fourth of July. 1h7
tthich will be he' I throughout the
land, should he made to contribute to
a p rmiiueiit historical memorial of
tlie Centennial (YU-bratiort. lit each
country pre-, in should !a mad for
the delivery of an aidrcss tracing the
history of that peculiar community fur
the past century, r from the time of
settlement, aud Including a sketch of
its growth, ita resources, Industries,
prussrets, etc. Theae addreaaes should
be published la anifurm size that of
the Congressional documents, for Inst
ance In order that they may be bound
together by stales. To comjicteiit
persons the preparation of auch ad
dresses would not be au unduly burden
Honie task; hut la tho aggregate they
would cotistltue aa luvahinble hlstori
cnl ri positoiy such as no nation has
ever had the opportuuily to collect.
Designation ef the hisloiiaii ought
to be made without delay, lu order that
they may have lime to accomplish
their work. It is lo b hoped that the
prcsa will give generul circulation to
the project, and that each journal will
sec to Its consummation In Its oa n lo
cality, and 1 1 ui t the slight expense, in
volved be assumed by the oouuty town
I.Vt KM1IAKV Ulti: t IC.
Toi.Ltio Jau, l h Ib76.
k'dilor Drawer:
The residence Mr. tleo King in New
ii '.iuiih nearly all of the furniture
;.-t set oa lire and burnu.l to the
ground on the nth Inst., by Norman
McLenard. McLenard was caught In
the act of scttlBg lire to the bara of
Mr. Klug by Hire men, who were on
their way to assist In putting out the
fire or the residence. Mcleaard I In
jut! and laeuppoacd to be partially in
sane. Wc ar having glorloue weather here
just now, and a schooner I expected
in hourly and It arrival will be oppor
tune as we tire nhout out of flour aud
groceries ou Ihe bay.
Fike 1. mi is We hop that one of the
first acla of our new common council, will
br to establish lire limits and make II un
lawful lo reel hercaftar aay wooden build
ings In the bitsinses portion of the city.
Sny on Finn stieei belwtea Waahlngiea
aad Kllswortli i a fire mice feirly liader way
in llisl part of Ike town, where the bulk of
(lie trade is don, and line losses would
probably run up inle lit Imadieds of tkou
::inds. Ki'iiiiT of The Wlst. Tho AVmf.
WKrk'y Spirit of Walla Wnlln I ono of
Ihe suueiest, spiciest, newsiest, readiest
nnd easiest reading papers wo know of.
In the conduct of both lis editorial and
local departments It keeps hashing
uwy, like a red-headed girl making
miucti-iiiout nddiug Iota of plunis. It
litis the spirit of prosperity and IJ. Al.
Wushnui'B and Case II. Humphrey are
its prophet.
Th following latter haa Just bean
received by Hon. C. P. Iluikliart from
Philadelphia In refvrenco to the ftccom.
modatluiis for peraou attending the
Centennial, The circular referred to
In the letter can be had tiy addressing
Mr. llurkhart at this city; otherwise
the dorument explains Itself.
I'Hlt.ADti.riiii, Jan, 1, lva.
Dll 8i: A th question of ac
commodations for visitors to Phila
delphia during next year Is on of
Rreai itnporisiioe to all who are inter
sled la the success of th Kxhibllion,
It has been suggested as only pre. por
that you should be informed of th
preparations being made to supply this
Tho hotel arcommodntiniialiave heeu
very considerably Increased both by
the enlargement of tho present hotels
and the erection of several nw ones,
oeverthle, It I evldnt that there
will be a very large number of Indl
vldusli who must flud elher quarters
In the private and boarding house or
ihe city and vicinity.
Forth purpose of enabling visitors
to reach these quarter with thssusur
nc of finding them at their disposal,
that they may he assured ofthrospno
lahillty, and may also know In ad
vance the role per day they will be
charged, Ihe Centennial lodging
House Agency, limited, ha been or
ganised Willi the approval of the Cen
tennial Hoard or r mane, the Presl
dents ol the several rallwar companies
and Hie Mayor of Philadelphia. The
enclosed circular will explain the
general arrangement proposed for put
ting Ihe plan t ti opera! ion. A thorough
canvass of the clly has been made by
our agenla, and wo can to-day, nearly
six month hfor th opening of the
exhibition, provide accommodation of
the most satisfactory character In pri
vate and boarding iinase for nearly
l.S.OAtl parsons. That these figures will
beat least douhlrd bv the time nf the
opening of th exhibition it is certainly
air to presume, it I conceded thai
the effort of the Agency have prac
tically solved the problem.
We take It for granted that many
will reonire accomsnodstion during
th entire or a considerable portion of
the lirce ef the continuance of ihe
exhibition, and ana necessary portion
of our bniiness, w have ndsrtaksn
to aecur for such person suitable
quarters. To thns who apply t in for
Oil purpose we forward a map of
Philadelphia to suable them to select
the lection of th city in which they
desire I be located. 'Having choseu
Ihia, a full description of the accommo
dation which may "tie secured, together
with th price asked, will be sent them,
from which a selection may he made.
Vpon Bntitlcallon of thi selection we
will engage th room or rooms rer the
applicant. Aa this will Involve con-
terahle labor and expense while
saving the proposed visiter ihe cost of
a trip to t'litiaJwIpina, it is proposed lo
charge for the service the sum of two
dellort. Should the applicant visit ihe
city previous to the opening of the
exhibition, every facility will be given
him to examine tho locatiau selected.
For farther particulars see circular
Y hav at our dissnsul a aumher of
rooms tn some of the linest houses in
the eity and feci confident that w can
cnmrortably provide for all who niuy
apply to us, either at the prrseut time
or at later dnlca 1 iarly applicant will
of course have the opportunlly of
choosing the best location. Should
you desire accommodations for your
self, either a suit of rooms or a furnished
house, we shall he happy as an officer
of the exhibition, to secure them for
you without charge. Wo take the
liberty of forwarding to you by the
aame'mnil a this letter, a few eople
of our circuiars, with the request that ycuihiuk proper, forward
them loony parties whoui it is desirable
In the liiteieai of the I nternatiotial
fix In bit ion should he acquainted with
the facts slated in this Idler. We shall
be huppy to hear from you wheuover
convenient. Yours, trnly.
No Minn. ' li there any harm in ad
mil ir.g llie bsauties of nature !" asked a
I b:.a!i chap who was recently spending
as evening Willi a (.s-f-l Kidge belle.
"Wky, of course not," rt plied the lady.
"The, br thudr, tsu hsve the handsets
C.-.1 pair or fret sod nodes 1 ever tsw,"
rcuiiirkrd tbe Irf,tit:iouite, gazing with
"eerapmrrd vision" upon those articles
which were beitg uncoa-.ciou.tly displayed
by Ihe fair beaoly.
I,Y"!C8 baud m mic (lorci imported di
rtct from tbe factory far sale tt Cbcadlc't
at Graujtr price, lie alas hat a larye
tet k tr ladit-a witiirr hata.
A large lot nf liiao and suit is now iu
Hi "re at It. Cheaillc'i Cah Store, and aa
bv bad cheap.
HfnTKNSIIAW-I.INI.rY.--Oiitlif Mitnut.
at thu rvfiiili'itt'n ff tLc ItuIc'i pirt iili. ii'tir
Knppy H'triic. to 1S- Kurk. nf Hi" Swmlnm,
. I'n.f. wm mi. Mil. Wm. Urai kitai v w uiiU
Miw Hasnaii l.irti.Kr.
IIKIUHS- UALPWIM,-At Hi r-tlit'nen of
Hi tiril.''i fathrr. In hcio, -n Hi li'th ( .Ihu.
ti HiilT W in. M. Mnrn.w, Mr. Alfr-d
lincc hihI Mrft.'Liiia J. Hwliiwin, nil of l.inti
UKAlttt- MMltK.-In th Fork nf Hi Knn
tin in, ul tt.f rraiiiMii' r th ttruh futlier, Mr.
Altmm Mu-ir' .on tli H-lh iiM., I t It. 'V. lUil
tnitii. J. ., Mr. (.riii lirardutid Kl;M Mnrj J.
Wnt-RFM, It hnlh rlH' iH In hlatlvrlM
J'ro.nln-w ! n-riMtfc lhm aitmiii; imbyiln'
Imiiil of ilt atli our lirliivtl drulli'T. P. 1. Julm
tiroliii, and lii iumUhI n-nmitit nru mw
nilii,;haK ilul frviui wlifiuv thy
I'ltinr, anil lui ipint Iihi n-turi.e-i u Oixl who
11 vi- l , tl(cr1or Li II
ll.'nolvcd, I'hat In llii'drHtb of Hm! tir Cur
Hu, thin Jiili Imn MikLttlm-d an IrM'tmralilt1
Ini. and II innntxT mourn ltirn'ly th
iti-itlh ( 11 wnnhy 1-rotlnT, who truauul-'O even
ly the tlirt'f lifiku of (rli-tulhlii)., iv tttul
trul li. and inovt-d mitmLt 11a aa Iioim-hI Htid
ti ftrljC lit tiiHti.Hlid Ui'd ri-Kfrtlt'd J ail wit"
Kii' w mm. , In liid.nt)i hla Wlfr hmilr.nt
n fnltliful and Invlnj h ti Him ml, and In rlill
tlrvit a kind imd air. riiinml (hIIht, and llml
niourii wiilt them tin- lobi tht-y no do iiy
ItidnUed. That tlu Kfieri-tar, t Inat rurtl to
ftiriuli tli fiirnlly "f our d'-e-'awd l'rollir
with neopynf tln'M- riilutl.tti, under I li- twal
nf tin IsikIi;', wnd alio a ropy to lh' Albanx
I rm rt'H at and ll'Hiiir for .ulillrl 1011, and
Unit 1 lit- nam to ulaix-npUid In the miuutfa of
t ho lid!.
A.C. MAWMaV, 1
JACOH bh'.S 1-iKUH, )
Cali.Miola UdRO No. . I. U. O. V.
Al Knox Unit, t.lnii rtiiintj, Jiinuiiry If",
In W in Knox, nd aUmt IT y-ur, of li. 1-.
und TurllSn Iviiox.
On lh Kith of .Ian., IBTW, of lypholrt fvr. at
lhri-ftUliiHof Mr. Julin h'airnn, ni'itr l anvvl,
Mnti i'ounly, Minn luaUtlu In thu l(th
j onrof liff !;,
ftiihinlay, Jnmiary 16 al l-lmtloa, Danli)
Match, ot;rd itmut My tirti,
The do'rt"d wtt an old rualUenlnf the Mnlo
nnd waa well known In AHmny and the nounly
U la funeral took plftot- on Huuduy lust.
A Cmtd.- 'I'o all ftho srr nuflVrlnff fmin
the enort and iinJisi-reiioni-ol youth, iht
ou vckiiesp, rurly UecgT, ur tuun
liooU, dr., I will si'ncl s ri-cipf that will
euro you, KHKK )K ('llAlttiJC. 'I'liln
i;rcnl 'renicflr whh diHcovi-red by h lulnnion
wry in Hoti'ili Amcritt Mend a -II ad
di.'.she(I eiiTclojie lo tlm Key. Jonejih T. In
man, Kiaiion I), lilljls 1 1 uc, iNow Vvik
I 'ity.
No rmdy In th world ever enme Into mieli
uiiIvitkaI tii', or has ho fnilr won the eimll-tli-iiiof
iiiAiilclnd, jt'C'n rii'.-ivv J'tctninl
fur Uu en re of CvUha, Old! anj t'oinuupllyit,
r.i.ltoua Jjlunrdi-rn, l,ifr('oiuplliit, f :oi ve
il hi, te., art ependllr renun.d tj hr. It.
Jay n',, hanullvu J'lllt, ft ri-medjr mild atid
ffrtaln In ai-IImi, and may lr ink 11 at unjr
tima wiLhoui riik from xoaura, Hold awr-irlim,
BERirra sal.
Kv vmri'B or a nKcnitK or pokk
closure, snd an order of sale, and aa ese
euUnn ItsneO out o( Hi Clroult tjimrt of the
KisLuor orea-oa. for l.lnn count?, to me di
rected and delivered, forth sum of It'll, 13 In
It. H, gold coin, Willi Interest thereon from
October wl, 1ST, st 111 per cenl. por annum, and
ths further sum or f .U'.on costs and aeeriilnx
(osts. In lavor of liavld Kromsn and agalost
foil. Van Ctsveaail K. U Vnn risve, 1 will
pr.ceil lo sell at publln suction, lo Hi ht-h-est
bidder, for U. S. sold coin In hand, paid on
lny of sals, at ths Court House door, In the
City ol AtLnny, hlnn ooiinly, ureffon, oo
MonUay, the Slut day of lb., 1S7G
at ths hour of 1 (Vetoes, p, in, of said day, In
AcconlKBce with ssld dscn-s and tho order nf
sale llteri-ln ennisltisd, and tn Ihe manner
prearrihsd bv law, sit Ihe following described
pieces, pArcelaortrartaofland.lii-wIt: In-ais-Ine
at a point one hundred feel t:sstnf the
Noiih-Wcsl corner of llliK-lt No IS, in the ICast
srn sdillnnn 10 ths ally of Albany. In i.lnn
I'ounly, urejioa, on Ihe Northern houadsry
line ol said titiH-k runnlux thence KsNt on tho
Sorltieni Ueiinilsry tins of said Mock atsml
slirltty feel, to tlirt Wsstsrn houndnry Una of
Ihe land os tied ny Allen Parker In satd block :
thene Southerly, on Hie Western boundary
line of ssld Allen Parker's land almiit one
hundred aad leu feel; Itienes Westerly and
parslsll loilie Northern lMundarv line of said
lltnck 15 slxuil elghly feel, lo Ihe land of Jsss
Parrlsh In paid block; Ihence Norlherlv on
l tie Kaslsrn tine of said land of Jesss I'arfiah's
lo Klrsl slrset. lo Ilia plase of beslanlng, Hie
said Isn.l. herein dsserllsvl being a purl of lirfs
No 2 slid 1 tt said tlloek No l. loeelbsr with
all snd slecitlsr Itie tsneinents, lieredltsaients
ami at''url''nane,-'.T tlif rcunro belongliiR or In
any wise appertaining, lo satisfy satd stscu
Hun, eosis and aecruiiig essis.
I. o. mrie.
Jan. 'A, Kt. ahsrlff, t.tnn Co., llrecon.
tsHGRtrra sals.
IvJ virtus of sn SLseultno Issued out nf Ihe
Circuit Court of Ihe Slam of llreron, for l.tnn
County, lo in directed asd dsllsered, nr Ihe
sum of live hundred and nfly-ons dollars snd
nlnely ons oenla.wtth Interest thtisn-in at Hie
rate of 1:' per cent, per annum front ths uinh
dny ol (let . IS7S, sod Ills lunksrsiim of thlrly
nlns dollars sad evruty-nv esnls, soils and
accruing eosla. In ravor of John 14. llrehsrd
and against K. T. llchaniaon, I hAvs levied
ns,n and will proceed to sell al puhtle auction,
to Hie hleliesl bldilsr, for nosh In hand paid on
day sf sale, at ths Court Uouse door In the
City of Albany, I.lnn County, Ureeoa, ou
MonJay, the 2 1st day of Feb., 1S76,
at the hour of one o'eloek p. ra. of said day. In
the manner prescribed by law, all the follow
ing desorllHif pleess, parcels, or trans of land,
the same beiiie lhai hrrctotorrallachcd bv me
In the fores-olnx entitled action, nesrll .- bslnc
Itots-rt A. Inmi'i and wife's iiotlrinAtlnii Mo.
.auti, elslm ai. In ti-rttoni su and SI, township
till nine Sliiuth. range III Kast, and ooutalnlng
1&.1I) three hunUnsl and twenty acres, more or
Also, His North half of lbs North-east quar
ter of section i:sl) llilrty.sti.aiid Ihe Nmth-west
ipisner nf tbe Norife-esst quarter of serilon
i.l thirty-ill. snd the North-west quarter of
liiti Norlb-east quarter of heelloa IVi
tblrly-RlK, In inwnshl 191 nlnu Koulli,
range ill ons West, containing (KiO one
hundred acres, mom or less, being atlunle in
I. Inn iVunty, Oregon, together with all an
aiiiiriilar the t'-ncments, henslltamrals, and
spiiurtinanees tnen-utiio Is-tohL-liig or In any
wise stipsnainlnc. to satisfy ssld exeoullon,
oosls and accruing cosls.
i.. c. r.n-R,
Jan. 19. IS7B. Sheriff, I.lnn Co., Oregon.
in no.
7n the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the county of J.inn.
John Waters, plslntilT, vs. Marvin T.
It4s-kwi!h, John llsrry ami his wife defend
ents. Hull In eouitv.
To Marvin t. rteckwith, one of tho do
fendaats alsive nameil.
In Ihe name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to apfNiar and
answer tho complaint of tho plaintiff in
the ulaive entitled court, by the lirat day of
the next term of said court, to bo Is-sron
and hejd on the alondsy. tho ISth day of
March, l7ti, and you will take notice that
if you fail loapixwr and answer the said
complaint as required, the plaintiff w ill
apply to iho court for the ralief
demanded therein, which is to re
form a dissd in Ine description of the
laud therein luU-ndcd to be (Mnvoyad, exe
cuted and delivered by yourself and wife
to the plaintiff, on the iioth dav of setcm
ber, P.IW, buatdes costa and disbursiueiils
of aiiiL
The said court made nn order on the 2d
day of Nnvemlicr, 175, that this Summons
be served bv publication for six -ocks,
S. A. JUL! N.N,
i wven. All'y for plaiutilT.
TIIK undersiuiiod, Adtiiinisiralrix of ihe
eslate of Holier! I. r.ianklin,deeoasiil.
hit lilt her final aeoontit in Iho County
Court of Linn county, the State of Oregon,
and aaid court has srpjiouiteit
TuinUy, the 7th dny of March, 1-170.
at the hour of one o'clock In the sftemoon
for the hearing of objection to such ac
counts and Iho settlement of the same.
H. A Jou.vs, Atl'y for Adm'r'x.
dt-aler in
KrntiN(. hone in
Shop In Plinii
v 11 Q4il.
Tkmittiliko tnanaor.
iu.-ri lru, HUire.
8AI. OKJftiOK.
ThoH. Smith, Prop'r,
pw of tlio Kniptro Hotel, Tb Lfelles.
Having loasod Uiis nwirnifioaitt Hotel
fur a torin of years, It will bs bis sole objwi
to l4oanj.
fJFrn; coach to ran novE.H
utvr.N nr tub
AT Till
Pacific Opera House,
Tlonday i;e.9 II, -70.
Tickets. $2 50.
Commute of Arrangomputn.
Mart. V. Brown, 11, J. Clarke,
Mart. Ai.ji, T. J. Cliuo,
J. O. JCvun.
ommlltret of Invllatlon.
Mart. V. Drown,
Mart, jingo),
Otlo J-'ox,
J. H. Ilorrrn,
My or ilarriM.
il. II, (.llfroy,
a. liny.
Kugoiie) Clly.
Jl, i4 brains,
1). 1'. Mason.
Nod JyjHjnoy,
'J. U 1'ortor.
Jtinet Inn.
Jsiiu's liratrtold.
)nKon City,
JJr. Ward.
W. IS, CliHpinan,
Chits. ChriMiio.
i). 1. Tompkins.
E. A. Mil I nor.
J, 1j. Cowan.
j. 11.
Itullder Conlrnetor
41HP on KllnwortKMroet, bft ween Klrat and
bfoond.oppualUi Krauk Wood'i blaekmnltli
Ssp, Albany. tlla'Ayl
Stubborn Coughs and Colrfa yieia
promptly to tlie h(M.Un aud cura
tive proportion of Dr. Jayne's Ex
pMtonutt It loosens nnd promote
ih oxpoctori.tlon of tnitatinn mat
tor, ml ti gat 0,1 much palu aud dis
tress, snd chocks iuflnnimatlon.
Asthma, Bronchitis, and Throat
Troubles to st onoo rollovod by
r. Jikjne's Expcrtamnts, It ro
movos 00 strict ion of tho Bronchial
tnbos. loosens phlegm, soothes and
heals tho mucous membrane, or rests
any fovorlsh tondoncy, and holps to
forward a gradual euru.
Consumption, Pleurisy, and lung
Affections are yonoraily controllod
and auivlioratod by Dr. Jnyuv's E
priorMii. It saves tho lungs from
.much Irritation and d lit row, by ro
lioviriR tliem of tho irritating mAttcrs
by which they aro clogged, it also
suppresses inflammation and gives
Uto alTootod parts a chanoo to heal.
Whooping CoughXroup and Hoarse
ness are eiliwioiHly treated by Dr.
JriMia Expstwtortuit. It removes
difficulty of breathing and oppres
sion in the throat or lungs, promotes
tho qjoetkm of mucus and subdues
tho violence of theso complaints at
theoutAot It is s Safe Family Cura
tive, of long-eHtabltahod reputation,
and where promptly administered,
hu enabled many to etacapo serious
Lung A flections.
Cosmopolitan Itlork. Front Nt.,
i o;tla.o, vnruow
providing employment fir furm liimds,
Ijouho fMTvanl, wwmI rhoppori, stiinlKt
bands, li.thitig hands, etc.
1'artios ilefiiring to roruro I-iborf'rH of
any dcTiptinn, plcjise mil or writr.stiitinjr
kind of help dired, waiM iiiil full partic
uIum, nnd projter aituni.on will 1h) iven
tluir wmii.H.
it-v We oli-irw no fVc lo tlme procuring
lulror from our Ajr'iicy.
Kcfi-r, ly iHThiisMion, to ladd A Tiltnn,
.loiin MH'niken tt Co., L. ttutdsuiith A Co.,
T. A. HaviMat Co., Corltilt A Mat-l:ty, I'-t-Jnvrrnor
A. C. (iibhs, Jam.H.s Laidlaw,
British Vict' Consul, Win. ltcid, State Com
missioner of Immigration, nii-lm
NEWFlltM !
Incorporated Feb, t, IH75.
CAPITAL STOCK, $20,000.00
A. M. Hi Mil-
. A. KAWSOX. .1. lU.KVINS,
M..MII.I.KK, A.S. I.Olli;V,
J. li. HKIiii, S. CANON,
A. lil.KVlNS-
"J71.WI!I do a eciifral iin'roliinuiiso liusi
nfK. atij buv an.i st-11 prntliKv.
Th Celebrated
Iavrill chemical paints
I Ma tiu fact a red bj ths
I riinni'vii nii'anii. piivt in
117 rias St., tan rraceisco,
Pare While, ui anj icsircd Shade or
In any minntlt.r fnm a qtiart wpwanls. In
, 1 nuii is'.u. uiii miiu iu ourri-ia.
Host ReaaCifal and 1 arable
I'lanlM Known.
and nr not arr-ctrd tiy ehnn(t'K of vrfatlii-r or
tmiTtiir.-, lli"r.'f.irf CRp.Tliilljr id to
Hiii T-iirnr ini ii.-bj viuiiaitt tn ursjoii.
tii iivi vnnii uitnurv un tlllj
to Irm tw!cu fm lonjr an th beat Wblto fud, or
so j uui'T pa 1 111 ji known,
WII.Ti not spoir,
by kc'li!S any leiitb of tltnt.
N P.- Itnlti.tlmm of the AVF.ttti.i.CneiitcAL
I'aint, of a tvortlilisa i-liiirai-d r, Imsii.i: an-
pinrt-il In the marlo-l, pun-hut, r ur-'i-miiidiii d
tliul not e ur R- iiuIn ecilliiK thiji hmntl
ed. "Avrill '.heinU'nl 1'it'nt," nr hurlnK the
trade murk nt lh (.'oiiipi.ny, wlilrli i di-i'luj-i-U
un rvrr i.riitjjr, r:iiniif ciirnn, IIM, t ir.
For (ttrihir lalermaUon apply 10
A. CAIturilKIW A CO.
I .ion TH V. VltUT finfht ani most
Artlmli- I'l.iilnffitfpli po U KOK ( A- M !;.
l.J-.KM' ew Hif.nii, .No. 1.7 and l.t, I'lr.l nl
rrllnnd, ori'i:nii. l'icluri eipli-d. n!un:r
and flnlim d In (Ml, India Ink, ( niyon or W'n
Wr Colors in tht flii-t aiyl. vlOnllli.
Tendrn his prof'dliniul at-rvlci'fi to Un- p o
ple of i-ioiiiid vli-imly. vi Inli'ni l.
Bi'i'iiloiV AolUc.
flJDTICK it hr.'hv Riven tlial tlie Inst will
i.a and tXttoimi'iiL uf Ifumim Hni-b. di'ci iiS'-d.
Iihh bi-rri duly mliii It l id io proluti niul li ttri
iiniitiiieniary innut'd uirr n loinr iiiiuttnikii
el hy thi iron nly court of J.lnn foiinty, orruii.
All jHTiunn biivniK el'ilitiM iialiisl Iho i-hIiiIv
Hf iiill diM'i-HKt'd, nr rcipjin d (o pnni-nl ihe
limit, with th proper voiieheriv, within nix
niuulhi frooi ttn' duto h-r-uf. lo Htht-r of Hit
undrnlnnrd, nt his n-nldt'iiet' 111 tho clly of Al
liuny, In uld cniinty.
'J'lloM.4.S MONTjaTlI.
jdiin cohnj:h,
H. A. John, AVy for Ksoculor.-,
Jim. 1.1, JCTii.
AdmluiMtralor'M 1U?.
NOTK'K In hi-ret-y trlvi-n Ihnl tho under
ftlRni d hu ti-i'h only iipiHiiiitfii Hdiiiliil.-i-tratorof
Ihu cf-tnte of John ( iiralin. (lceinHrd.
Iiylhe cunnly eotirt of l.lnn county, Oregon.
ri'outrid to prim-nl the in, wil li rox-r vmichi-ra,
v if lil n nix immlliH from Hit- 71 h tiny nf .lununry
ITii, to lh" uiidirHtuii'Ml, nt IiIh ri'sidriK-u In
North llrownlllt', In wild eounty,
Ad;niilst ralor,
IIl.Ai'Kni'itN A JoHN, Atlorin-yB for Admin
latiutor. ni'ii wl.
itiK tivM rooniK, inelinliiiK kilolion,
ituil()lii) '20x2'!, om-Hiiil a half nloi-ioH liili,
a 1x01 m I wom1 elied hihI nl a bio. 'Ihcro 1m 01 iu
aero of jrmund nttwhcil, making a apn
clous ffunloii, I will HttU clj(iu) for
caxlj, ur rout on fair tornm to a foorl tnatit.
A ppiy 10 J A. Jl AIM A)?i .
niWif-dii Albany, Orwgon.
D V K II T 1 8 K .M E N T S.
W., ...r. '-l Ail-
A'o. CSS) Clay Slrcct,
Outwoon Koarny and Montgomery tt'r,
hit. Iii'illKHTY'rt ljircWy and HidHy In
Tcrttltu: I'rneiletj, wlilrli ln emis'-niily Kriil
mi! with the niiv-Xf.miili-d Uicr-iii." Mid )tintly
u'lDvrth of tho I'adllo I'uftsi. liiihu'nt his re
inoxiil frurn hla lohK stri'dur.fd ntul wtII.
ktiuwn fiunrlcrs, nn On1 eormT of Hivfruineritn
and l-cUlrntlorir fcirrrts. In this clly. lo tnor
(wiinmodlmii ntul ellnthir lociitM itpiirtmcnH,
ui no. ii-t'J 1'iay MtrcHt, wnr lie nun ft apa
loinpuiiflor iiiiniiinicir n:uu un aim eort
vciilfiuiy nrrftiiK'Nl Mxnnilnntlon nnd Cotinul
tat Ion Hcirmin, (oe.'tipyinK Hi" wholu of the two
pi'r Kiorn'Hi wiiicii p.TiH'ini nmy jh an nmn
Imi, ntul st'o only tli'i loi(or nnd htn ajila-
With thn must cr.iterul n'litlmnntn or rrirnrd
for thn lllrirnl untronjiirii iM'sloni'd on him for
the pHM ttilrtci-n yi'ars, nt lilx old olllce,
di-Blres to inform tlm (h'nernl Pub) la, aid a
IrPchiliy nil t husi' lnboritiK iindtT all forma of
I'lironlcCrminIuinlH. Hint h-joan hu eoiinulled
ntiliy ( lay trii(, on uvcry vnrlety of Ul-t-nsc
of the I.nntr! Mver, Kidiifyn, iljsti
tniL Uunito-Urliiury Urau'i, ntul nil
i)f which tho list 11 numnrouri, and whleh ar
moro closely conni'Ct d with llwjrt'nrftl healLS
thuntlio majority of people aro awura. la-
Imniiy Invalids fur yenrn iwrslit In enncealtar
their condition from a inoilvo orlRinaihiff la
inuiuliiin dflieacy. ana winvr in vHcnc until
ihflr nilsarlfs become tivo acuta to be reprc.$t-
i'il, or nave nstnnnca n lorm inat renuers neai
iiiL' both difficult nnd expensive. Thla latter
type of nfllk'tlun tuanlfcKts itself In the, cora
lilalnt proftnsionnlly know a us Myphllli, In all
itn forms and st.ira , Kcinlual Vcatiiibs, ana
all the dlftrvftsiii forma of eWMf-Abuie, or
onanism; lionorrhcf n ; Htrictnre; Nocturnal
and Diurnal Emissions. Si'iual Debilli.y, Uia-
titpsor the tiacK anu lDim. jnniimniation of
thu Uladder aud Ividnys, etc., ete. 'i'ba tiara-
lit Tor pfr.onssumTinKirom incse nnrriuietJit
caifs, In whom thn in.ntcirhas crtcli'd a rad
ical cure, ciin be cinl'd by tbe thousand, and
nc voluntary ccnmciiics in a in pomsr .uoa, ra
nt-1 ved from prins ho hus rt-liTed, sra
nrns-h to satisfy alt Hint the loctnra skill la
the trcAtmi'itt of the atrccllons, eimblet hlia
10 cure all ou ruble case', nnd in every in slant
ne re it-r. ihsfasrs which former t or Ilea
the nicdjcal skill of the most learned and x
prlunccd Practitioners of th henltnu art, and
vtpiv rcrdfd by trm majority of Physicians
as utterly Incurable, now readily yield to mod
m n'Piedtr-n, wh-n pr.-scrlljcd by the lntalti-fi-iit
lnctltioncr, vrbo iaal;es the human tys
ictn, and th"sc special ailments, his onstaul
aludy ami subject of observation,
Innoeaf is publicity p.Tmiiled except Ai
lht cxpri'si wish of the patient ; and tho Doe
lor confidently trusts lint bis Ionic experitne
anu succi'smui pracuct win conunuo u msara
r;i 111 a no'-riti snare 01 puwuc piuninnit. i.y
the prai-itce of many years In aj-nroiie and the
Cnitcd rstat- s. h is enabled to spiOt th moat
uco'ssful rcmcdls against Uiseaan of a 14
Ilcciirtviniotit mrcurr. eharces modcrata
fs, (rents his patients in a correct and hon-
ijrivuir way, ai:o nan rviercnci'S oi unnuesnon
ible vracily, from men of known wueJlabll
'tyand hlh nt and ing in society. All parties
who may ciinsiilt him by letter or otherwlta,
will reclvii Hie best nnd futt, irestmaut.
To t'cmnlr.
When a female Is nfllictd with dlseaae, as
vrcakn's of the and limbs, pain In tho
He.-id, dlmm-ss of nljrlit. lossnf muscuiur power,
l.-ilpi:atn.n of the lu ait, Irnlnbility, nervoai
derMiiyemcnt of rr-slive functions, gu-
nil debility, nil disea.-ca of the womb, hva-
'.vria. sterility, and all nther dis-'as-s SK-eullar
t" t.-niul' s, bIi" shonld o or write at once to
OK. , K. lMtHKKl Y, at hi .Modll Iriatl
:ute, and sins vrill rvcelvc ervrr tisslble relief
ami help,
i.t no ruse uencacy irn-Tent yon. dhi anpiy
iniinediut' ly, and sae rourse'f from painful
suifcrint; nnd premature death.
To Correspondents.
Patlrnta (male or female) residing in any
part of the country hiwevr dlnnnt, who nmy
denlru ths opinion and advice of Dr. Liberty
In their reitpccEivcaea, and who think proper
tn submit a written statement of prf
n-nce to holding a iersonnt Interview, are re
peetfully H.iund tlutt their cotnuiutiicatioul
will be held most sacred.
The IhK-tor is a n-Kuinrin-aduate, nnd may bs
conmlted with e-ery conndnte.
If the disease lx; fully and candidly deterib-i-d.
personal c-.intiiunication will, in most
', b unnecessnry, as instructions fordiet,
rnnimun and the general treatment of tUo asa
itsuK Including the rwtnedi,l will bo for
ward'! without dtlay, and in such a manner
as to convey no idea uf lae purport of Ihe let
ter or pa I'd. I so tninsintltud.
Should your i-ondlilon require lintnrdlate at
tention. Rend ten dollars In coin, (or that yaIub
tn currency) hy Mall, or Wells, Far,:o k Co'i
Kxpress, nnd a packuf,-"' nf medicines will Im
furwartled to your adurcss, wrth the necessary
instructions for use.
Cunsiiilatlons, nt th office nr by letter ITIEB.
Addrctta W. K. UoUKIU Y; M. U., Sau Fran
Cisco, Cul.
Opinions r-i the I'rcss.
DIl. DolfttltTY Is n sXlllful physician nnd
hnnnrablo Kenilcman. Any (tutu-mcnl ha
niHkes to his patients, he la sure to fulfill
Hint fuel Is one treat cause of hisetnlneiit tm
cush In his profession, it is fortunate thui
anioiiK tbe many advertisint; pbyaleinns, h
is oik; that enn lie depended on." KhtIow.
'I)lt. IxmiOltTY'H reputnlion as a physician,
a siirtlcleiit gnarnnle for the earn if tuij
ease ho nnderinlieR.".-(;alavms Cbronlele.
"Hit. IHIMKHTY has devoted his study more
pnrtlcnhirly to chronicle, Rpeeillu and private
prnetice, nnd 11s iructi Ih now tiie most success
'"I 'f inv nhvRleian In Hun Fniiue.aien." fin
"int. IXUUCKTY'K reputation is seeond to
no other pliysleiai) on the const, inciiroiiic and
ilM'cinc prncliw," Jdirror.
"Pit. DOHKItTY. Kcw men In the medlenl
prifenlmi hnve KiK'cessliin in jrulolntf thn eon
rldenee of the public In their Riiill ami Jmljf
uieul as lie liiis," ln'i'itr'T.
"Pit. IXMlKItTY ranks na nnn nf mir inrml.
dlM!iij;iilshei piiyslclnns, ami also one f tha
most sueoessriii, which ts now ihu enterlon by
which the medical ljruclltionerlsjudged."Kcbo,
"Ult. IiOllKltTY enjoys a more exlensiTe
practice than any jilijujcian In this Ktate,"
P. W. The Jiuclnr will send Tils pamphlet on
special diseases, lo nny addrei-s on rueitlpt of
.11 x cents In postage Mumps, for return nostago.
M AKF.H Till. l.tlt'K fii'lTI'H FROM TWI
ill siools direct. M 14 lies the Cabin htltth fnf
rnbrulilerilic froni I wo snoots direct. .Inat
think of It ladles, N a more bother with Hlnit
tie nnd liobbitis. You don't httvo to slop u
winu your tnrcuii a tew yarus at a ttmu ou U
little lloljblns. Just tuka tw sixmls aa vnn
get them from tlm store, put I he 111 on you,
machine and kjw awny wllhatit further IroubU
until the sh-h)Ik nio used up.
Makes Hip (reiiuiii Lock Mfilell Ion. Aa nl.
an Kinbroblr ring Hlllch aud t'lmln Pllich
Puis Ihu Work tlirongli i"i pLT cent, foster thai
any olln r innehlne. lias khoiter
malting It niiieli lens tlresotneloopfrata. Re,
sctlliiR nliult!lit, Hcll.-ciilin; alliich
nientti, runs llie lltrlitcht and makes the ,intt
iioIki of nny ninchine In Ibw world, lias in
nieuse drlvliiK towers. Hill &cw oilk Ihreat
Miimllocolton.Mhat eoslniltlti machine will
do, In fact will do more work, more Kinds o
work and easier and heller ihan any innchts)
In tlie world, l ipil ninl in this wonderful li
v nt Ion al J 'AX TON h ptioiourauM Oulierr.
ONB fK)I.T,AR nr var In alnbs nr tbirf
o?ur, Bpeclmeii coplea frst. j-or terms
om in I us Ions,
Aildraas TUV, TrtfmrNB. N'lwl
la Jty 1.