The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 21, 1876, Image 1

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    Eiim-Li!...Ji' ii.'-juj '"W-11-""1-m.!u
" 'l W '
a M I t j 1 VR
3 A
It. V. VftOWlt. C. n. STtVAUT
lwbllsfeers awtt Pvwpriextwe.
TERMS, ia advascs : One jw, 3 : Six
nomas, tl ; ThrM months, tl ; ( ssonlh,
jenu; Single Cwniea, 134 eeut.
Qwvesponoenot wlllnc om ittiml slpna-tuir-s
or annnvniouslv. must malic known tlielr
proper names" to the K.lllor. or no alleuMoa
will top given to ihelreomoHinleaUous.
WOmc over the Albany risj and Bliof
r w Uk ouruer of Mont ' J Hruudallus
iws. . o-m-uut
W. 11. GRAHAM, ,
Ha just otwncd out a iop aha moms rt
eriUlv itupid b lr. fr- .. Simih, on door
wwtt t'uy Mark., Fin wwl, AlU-ny. and
U (uvpami u uiaoiutarturv
In th Iwrt manner and at it lonYitf mtHODtt
bif rmif t,
litv Utui twU. He warrant toot you.
r. a. cBEi.T- wrra.
Coraiii. L Co,
CorraOlit. Oreffoa.
ff-Orrtc at th Cuart Uuiua. 0d3?
aseMOke in the Court Hl."U
Vil practise la All the Courts of the Heats.
Bsrurftev IB the Court liouc."a
LUiLy 1. -
J7V7 R.l V Bl'R.V
fT' artpn.m lonillfrtlr-ft of nrrouiiti.
rmHw oue door suth .if I utters Itrrclu"
Will prattle tn nil th Courts In tb fcl
and 4th Judicial l'MtrirM; in th Hijrvmc
i mm f 'rvTf-m. ami in .Jf t" tilled Statin Iin-
Xrit and Circuit Cotm. OilVe lifMtmm tn fnmt
room iu Ittrnta'fl brick Ulucis, Kim tit.. Ait-ar.j.
m.vun- vUl l l
Will praet. is U tl. Court, .if tbi, Stt.
Nov. u. i:o.
I. B. RICE, TI. .,
AlAfsTS". 02ECON,
(.WTW on Main mr"t, nrtw-n Kpftt nn! H--Khliir- nn "I'tiird fv't. Uu
ttmka part, or iw-low, th- MciIhkI: thurcii.
IV. . T Cr.IALE,
Cutlarr, Crociery, WoeJ t-'STuiow Wan
Slore iVh I' nri. M(jaiiy.'('ron.
.shop :
I. B. KOTA- Ppoprietor.
door wi-a Ml rut'H mw, ntiri nul It up
tn s Df it unil lairy mru'T, 1 win ) iiait-ti
U hv all my old (-uiumhts eimiinur tucti
pMtrotian-. nnd Wtil guariiuU-f mUwiaitUm to
11 aew uiiii. vluitiitr.
will olLcud to all order fur
Phnpon fi-:und Mrect. In lat old Pwtfl'' Ho
tu foullUitis. Tli'nfirjrl.
tliM city, ha jui f'-turtifd from alilomi mid
is uj-ain eincsatT'il tn i). old tnilD-iM ai hm old
tnridip lit Alftzi'T kUlt'slliK, IlCr PitattT'l
toilL TlunllAf.
Thk rrrKiLKi(iNF.i orrvr.ia hib
fine rmuii nnnl'-r.c tn Aldatiy, rtxtTt,
f.r aie on r-nvnHii t-nni. ll criniiirir
alxHit igia a-.T-n ! tnnd. a law rmhnrd, a
e-irin.fjiuus ruid'-nw and cotivi-iticiil out
IrtjUilinjrtt rf all kiudti. Ttn p'.nt- I on- nf ihir
b-4 iiuprf'vi-4) otid nitxit U'-ninaiHff r.rnnl-n- tn
lh city. Ytvr furtiivr fmnimlun ii'iuirir or O.
A. Ktlll, County tUt-fn of Llun on-iit v.
n3tl. JKKK l.l'.HKiH.
in rm i.L alivk with
A N K W O U T i-' I T !
nil dlrfMi of O'frtinitlii--; i twH th
Mm, the pmjifi-Hor t nlwM.v r My and fit ht
fOvilld Ht rll tlftlf-l. F'MHA'Tl-JrTw atld lAlDJilK
eamvfd u and tnuii tL can u nuy yr tn
oity at rf'i-M.nal-i- aW. A. Si.,
DraN. neiirinra. FerfaiMerirs.
Cifitr. Trbia-, u4
A full Hock of tnistwa antl furcionl apnlL
aOrfLnuiTiljrr Phitnmrra
L. II. MO.TA." Vl
nctu nuit jpm;"ri. uim! a nuiiits t ut
dr')tiiiKH in tit- ct' r rt Alt.i.y. lut .h-.
KnilgtHiil and sii'-r cje-nifit-if u .n:(inn.
tiouid pmII and l-ar Icfut i:,or tur;haiii-eikC'Wfif-re.
AitjMjr Of-son, y.av l.'Klt, l71. TiOnOy,
. lM.fp ewnsuritlr on liand e--
Mi ft if
Kmm the Bvkkiwo Ihmocrat. Jan. M.1
T it golnj to huow, or wlut?
Fnolinj tiifw DiornlDj prrcwloun.
t'.inip to thii ortii for your Job printing.
Buvort ,ni ofl'erlnt 83 ctntt for wkut to-
Good ivriilUt r for lie altliy cold. Iot' 11
snPP. .
S .me Albanian. count 1 "TblroUlityi" in
etorj irotk.
Tbiur are -.'0 arbolara in aurndaiu1 at
tha Central nchool.
TUf mMt difficult Uiiic to Vocp aliout
Uii office i a load pencil.
Work eulirjing the Pacific Opera Home
eamuienccd this tnorning.
Itacordcr M. A. Jiaksr liu gone on a
piu" to tbo Catilul citr.
Irof. T. H. Crawford ad wife of Salem,
are registered at Ike Si. Cbal let llolel.
Ii looks "slouchj" to a ladf with
belli liamta iluck in ber 'ori'oat" pockcu.
Tbo Albany Kvexiso Dbmvckat ia he
coming the faahionahlo "tonic" of Ike city.
It b whispered thai a leap year party in
on the tapis. "Iet ae guilty man escape."
Some of the Albany hoodlums are re
markable for the "precUioa of their cxpec
A correspondent from Scio writes that
"the Democratic 'EUnner' i way up lu
the Forks."
A silvery haireil uisn is a noble sight
when his life bus keen one- of usefulnnu
and konor.
A local editor who would live ia peace
and ease, must not w rile all he knows, or
lell all ke sees.
"Hose, wilt thou be niine?" asked a First
street clerk of his sweetness. Itosa willed
right there and then.
The first car load of flour from Lebanon
was shipped from the ditch ware house
side track last Wednesday.
If you see anybody limping around with
a hole cut in Ike toe of his boot, you can
calculate Se w as one of the lute corn doc
tor's victims.
A remleman came into the office) the
other day In advertise a shaw l, or some
thing of that nature he had found. He
ihmicht our price loo steep he couldn't
stand it. Be would go home and stick up
a notice. A happy thought struck kim
just as he was leuring. "dee kere, if you
hear of aay one that lost sueh an article,
tell them where tury can find it." Now.
we do like to be aeiirjibnrlr. Its so kind
o' gratify ing; hut upon the same principle
we tan tell that Jones is selling more sugar
lor less monev than anr outer merchant ta
town. We run do this of course, hut who
will pay lor the type itin$r. and keep lite
b-u in rrubtt. the wile iu new dresses, etc. !
That's the question. Some people know
tlat our alvcrtiing columns are slock
:a trade and some do not. Ex.
Kerry cummunity is blessed with a few
men just like the one mentioned above.
They are indigenous to evc.-y soil and cli
mate where newspapers have taken root.
They seem to think editors cun grow fat
aud euj.'T rdif iou on noiLit.g, and that all
they require twmake themselves supremely
happy i u opportunity t work gratis. Jx
is wiuie c..u.oiMliou to know that the hog
cholera mnv cuir around M.aia time and
dituiui.h tli i cUi,s of advertisers.
One yi Esrios rmuo -Ai Fred
erick Agustui. who Uvea just tieyoud
the riautiain ditch, was walking up
and down the bed floor at 4 o'clock
yesterday morning, with his (ingle
garment fluttering in the chilly air, and
to his arms a bah; whose .lint tooth
was nmkit'ig frantic efloru to get
through, he nilllotjuiied tliusly : "Now
this ia what 1 got by marrying her. aud
the question which agitates this aching
brow is whether she cot it by niar.-ying
nie." There waa awoop from the bed
clothes a' of a bin hawk oj Its prey;
auother cry mure shrill aud piercing,
blended with the pUintive wail of the
hapless infant; uud as Frederick Agua
tus dn-w hitiiwlf with painful effort
out of his tight Gt iu the wood box, It
occurred to him to appreciate in a new
seixte that beautiful ptutaugeof scripture
which declare that "the last end of
nian shall lie worae than the first."
A Steamboat Rcx- The City of
Salem and Fannie 1'alton left Salem
last evening together for this city, and
a lively commenced. A short
(hstanee below Leauo's ferry the two
boats locked and rati with their guards
together. Both ateumera had husines
at Independence, the Patlon having
freight and passenger to land, and the
Salem two passenger for that point.
Captain Kcotl of the Salem being 41 up
to snuff and a pinch or two over,"
while the two boats were locked to
gether, and just before arriving at
Independence, slyly slipped his passen
gers for that place aboard of the Fanny.
Tho result waa the Fanny stopped her
wheel, the boats unlocked, the I'atton
landed, while the City of Salem went
flying up the river, arriving iu this
city half an hour ahead of her rival.
W ell DoMS. Two of Albany's fair
est young ladies stepped iutn the cs
tablr.binetit of one of our handsomest
and tuo-t attractive young men yes
terday; captured him and look the
aforesaid to A. B. Faxtnn's gallery.
They immediately put him in the
proper situation torn full length por
trait, while they took scats one on
either side of him, and told l'rof. V to
go ahead Tho result was an artistic
picture of the three.
X. II Ask S. IS. to show you the
Bao IsTKi-uotsi a The Corvallis ('
ttte of this dtite says : "Prof. Emery re
crived a letter a few days since, from Mrs.
V. C. II rT, of Allium . now ut hanla Hosa.
Cat. Hhe hud luken a p-lapsc of pneumonia
and wiis dangerously ill- fMic went lu Cal
ifornia iur health, which Is nut improved
some three months since Mrs. II. longs to
lie bu' k in her Oregou home, aud will re
turn, il licnlth permits, immediately."
Laiikik Oboaij!EI. Hon. W. It.
Duulmr, Grand Worthy Chief Templar
of the Ktute, organized o l the K'tii Inst
a lodge of OhxI Templaf nt Mohawk
vciley, ith twenty-four charter mem
bers. Theofllceni installed were, Henry
Parsons, W C. T. ; Lucy Scott, W.V.T.;
A. Cook, W H.i (. boott, P. W. C. T.,
and Perry Mattisou, J Axifn IXputy.
Krom the Kvaunwu 1wocat, Jan. 16.1 ,
Some of the Albany boys call their girls I
Excelsior" is the mono of the Evlmku
If a certain First street clerk does wear
a "snuff colored" coal It is not u be sneezed
The hat contribution at the McQibetiy
entertainment last evening amounted to
A correspondent asks us "of what are
sausages composed' We give It up. Ask
Boms ladies go through this world with.
out ever being able ta find a good fitting
The dedication of the new Evangelical
Church will lake place one week from to
morrow. Did you ever aee a man without any
hair where the hair ought to grow, raise
his hat to a lady?
Duke says he couldn't "serve two mas
ters" for be would be bound to "hale oae
aud despise the other."
Some of the tioael Kidge belles arc
said to be as "cold as charity" and as heart
less as "sledgehammers."
A Dixie lady stepped inlo one of our
First street drug stores yesterday and waal
ed a "subscription" put up.
Taking the weather of this last week for
a sample, and who wouldn't bet his last
"shecktl" on Oregon winters!
Prof. T. 11 Crawford aad lady left uwlay
to visit the parental roof tree of the Pro
fessor's father at Brownsvilla.
He had been up on Gospel Kidge the
nleht before and she told him that ber
eftectiout were lost to him foterer;
that "anolher'a stulle hail won ber"
that she was a captive without hojie;
that anolher'a bright eyes and niell
fluous voice held ber in bondage as the
eyes of the dreaded basilisk holds i tn
victim, or a the fabled tlrcn who
tings one to aleep uev;r to awaken.
And Urns they parted. Kach knew the
other' secret. Plie could hide hr
from the world by her bright smiles.
but with . Itim, alas! how difiercnt;
Within that manly bosom beat a shat
tered heart broken and deaolate. Aud
when on the following day, h entered
Majors Wcllor's Billiard Saloon, his
face was haggard; hi step had lost U s
snlritlines. He staggered rather than
walked to a chair, aud sat himself
down with a deep drawn sigh Ilia
mind seemed burled In the past 11
seized aud idle deck and emulatlug the
example of the immortal Napoleon,
began that beautiful game called 1 a
eWlliare. Each card u played seemed
to aay "I will do this or die at my
posL" Fortune teemed to favor him
with her brightest smile. He had get
his last starter whea two miners of the
Santiain came in at the door and were
engaged in an animated discussion as
to '.lie m.t feasible route to the Bautl
am diggings. They begau uiaping out
with their llugers various Ualls ou the
opposite aide of the table from our
forloru hem. When one of the Sauti
ainera, lu showing the circuitous route
of his opponent' Uall, he accidental.?
pot too far over the table, his baud
came In contact with the player' card
and scattered them until there was uet
one left Uon the etu?r. Then the
light that seemed crowing blighter
in eur player' eye faded like a falling
meteor hope died out and as he raised
frnn the table and ataggere l towards
the bar he exclaimed in acceuts as
wild aud weird as the moaning of a
lost soul, "I there any way iu Ood
almighty's world that I can get a drink
without it's costing me anything".
IsTAl.t.ATfosi. J. F. Backeusto, 1).
D. G.P., insulted Ihe following officers
of Orgeaua Encampment No. 6, 1. 0.
0. F last P. H. Haymoad,
C. P.; Joseph Webber, H. P.; A. N
Arnold, S W.; C. V. Burkhart, J. W.;
R Saltinarsb, Treasurer; J. Flelachner,
Scritie; N. Baum, lat W. ; W'.Ketcbum,
IUI W ; C. Keifer, 3d W.; Ruel CusUr,
4th W ; F. Orar, 1. 8. S.; J. A. Millard,
(i. of T ; Owen Bovran, G. of T.
CHt'nt'B Souiablx. Tli members
of the I.. P. Church have concluded to
give a series of sociable for the pur
pose of raising money with which to
procure new chandeliers for the church.
The first will be held at the residence
of Dr. Stewart on Friday evening of
next week, at which time notice of the
place of holding the next ou will be
given. Everybody Is invited.
Mill Dam BiasTEo. Welesi-n that
th mill-dam on M. ry's river. Jut
above Corvallis, ws torn uwiy ou
Wednesday night. A large lot of saw
logs bad accumulated at that place and
win the water fell the weight of the
logs was sufficient to crush the iliu,
antl tear it away This is a misfortune
to the county, as well as to Ihe pro
prietors of the mill, and cannot be
remedied for souse time to come. Mr.
Hurst has been particularly u a fortu
nate, as this dam was carried away by
saw logs about four years ago, and the
mill was compelled to lie Idle a long
time ou account of it.
A Boit.i CourrrrE. There is s pretty
little sit year old miss living on Ferry
street, that Is born coquette. Week be
f ire last she tried her wiles en a small
youth living next door, aud after she hud
captured iliejuifpiible youj-ier, she dls
carded him for a small boy across the
street and for one wwk wits very weel on
him and the little fellow was in clover.
Hut new she has gone afier the small Ind
around the sorasr, and the first two young
sters are disconsolate while her present
beau is lemjiorarily the "happiest of th
Police Couit. Two gents hud a little
"unpleasantness" on Saturday, and were
fined by Recorder Baker the usual amount
and costs. James Lnwlorfor being drunk
and disorderly, was senleacorl this morning
to 10 days' imprisonment.
(From Ihs Rvsxrea DanoaAT, Jan. llll,
Wheal 84 cents to-day.
Several steamer due from below to
But few of the SO cent pices, have reached
In Sedavlll they make apple bolter eul
of pumpkins.
The bridal tour Mecca this year, will be
to llis Centennial.
Have you stuck to your "swear off?" If
so. bew much and when f
Seroral yeung ladies in town are "build
ing" their wedding flxens.
The SL Charles Hotel ia the best "offi
cered" house ia 111 State.
There is some dispute as to w ho is the
head woman" la Albany.
When a Jefferson saaa feels elated, hs
slante his hat over bis left ear.
It is said that a Unit kit of borax dis
solved In the meulh, helps a celd at once
Can't tell which way the "cat will Jump"
ia the weather line from eur stand point to
ds v.
Besides the young people, the gates of
this city have about DUO cows lo contend
A Sweel Home Valley lad caught a hawk
the olhar day that was eloping with one of
his hens.
Aa accommodating Albany hoodlum will
cross the street lo uk another if kc wants
to fight.
The Pacljlc Chrittim .idtocate, in lu
new dress, looks as ueat and prim as a nrw
Ladles especially are Invited lo assist
this evening in the organization of the V.
M. C. A.
The thermemeler al Dr. Plummsr's stood
January IS, at 7 a m., !!, at 12 in., 41", alt
p. in., 40.
A young maa from the rural districts, al
Ihs St. Charles yesterday, called for "Hock
Turkiv soup."
The It. R pils driver arrived in the city
litis morning after a trip of 19 hours from
East Portland.
Borne of the young men of Albany talk
of getting up a' brllsaickle" cluk, whatever
ikst may be.
Mr. A. L . Stlnson.ef Jefferson, has rented
his leslerv Factory for a term of years. It
will soon be in operation.
You kavs talked long enough about bar
ing your picture taken, new go to A. B
I'axtoo's and have it done.
If your girl lives in the country, you
want to get acquainted with her fnther'n
cog about Uie first thing you da.
The building occupied by W. O. Palmer,
a a butcher shop, is to be removed to the
corner of First and Klhwortu streets.
Sslcm.i n Saturdur, celebrated with guns,
sou fires aad illuminations. Judge Deady's
decision on the Court House question.
A black bear is prowling around in th
vicinity ef Waterloo, and the people there
have bared their good right arms for iu
Professor Kelly h.ts the ditch under the
sidewalk betaeen First and Second,
Broadutuin street, uearlv coniplclcd sccerd
ing lo conlrsct.
Thai fellow, we have wriitea at Ihe lup
ef this article, we generally find iu our
daily round, seated on a barrel or counter
drumming his heeln against the side, louug
ing un the counter half asleep, idling ia
the diorwnv or i.! niig checkers in Ihe
hsck room to whiU tiic lime aaay, Oh
how sad he looks when you mention bus!
ness. ooinetitties be stands up, sod what
a figure ! 11.. Led looks like Ike bushy
end uf a New l'oundiaad pup's tail. His
Jaws resemble two club boards filled with
spikes. Ills neck, unwashed, looks like s
two-year-old stovepiie, and his legs are
like unio a ramrod ia a guuuy sack. N.
business No kopes. "There Is no money
in the country. My friends have deserted
uie aud I am almost discouraged." Then
he will spur up aud talk finance and U-U
all about what he taw in the paper he bor
rowed from his neighbor until we have
hoses of his sanity. But when we say ad
vertiss, he loses every vestige of manhood
aud is a living skeleton again. Now, while
tkis is only a pea picture, il i drawn from
actual faci aa may be seen in this and every
other business community. You muy ask
tlie nicrchantile traveler or ths wholesale
dealer, and they w ill olh tell the same
story no business with those firms thai
don't advertise. On tke contrary, enter
ths store of him who lets the people know
of hii existence and what he is doing in
the world through the press, and you al
ways sec a well-dressed, cheerful and suc
cessful man.' Of course he experiences
the natural rise and decline of the business
sesson, but you always hear him say: "I
have no reason to complain," or "business
Is brisk." Take a peep al the business
i li Mises of even this small city, aud see how
near we have come lo the truth.
Ci.08d CP. Marshal F. M. Westfall
ou Saturday officially notified ths pro
prietors of the various saloons iu th
city tliut he snould prosecute time
gentlemen or any of them who should
hereafter violate the Sunday law by
selling Inspiring beverages on that day.
Th result, as far as we were able
t discern with tho naked eye, every
saloon In the city yesterday was her
metically seulcd. We are informed
that It is th intention of certain par
ties lo have this law enforced hereafter.
Worshipers of Uachus will take nstlce
snd like the wise virgins get "Oil"
enough Saturday night lo run them
through the Sabbath day.
You Cam Betom It If there I any
thing ou this green earth that gives us
Joy unspeakable It Is to set down and
proceed! o to publish to the world the
good unuieof an energetic, wide-awake,
go ahead, get up and get, straight
forward aud holiest or business
firm of this enterprising city who ad
vertises In the Evkwiko Democrat.
Cum tux?
Pat as The Co. The Salem Mrr-
cury says: "One thing can be said of
Prof. MoOlbehy that we wish eould be
said of every other person who comes
befor tke public he leaves uo unpaid
In view of the Interest now being taken
in the eity la regard to the new steam fire
engins, particularly of the Clapp & Jones'
machine that is proposed to be bought by
the new company, we publish below a re
port of a Committee sppointed by the
Council of the city of Danville, Illinois, to
examine the merits of the Silsby, and Clapp
& Jones engines. Wc give also an account
of Ihs public trial of '.hs two engines, which
wo find in the Danville Commercial of late
date which says ;
"On Friday evening the excitement was
at its highest pilch. The engines were
placed al separate cisterns, and were to
puma Into each other's cittern until il
could be demonstrated which could empty
iu own cistern in the shortest time, or till
np iu competitor's cistern, if It could be
done. At Uie given signal Ihe Silshy began
to sound its "lone roll" and Hit Clans x
Jours to puff like a locomotive on sn up
grade. In less than ten minutes Hit Hilsliy
ha loweree lilt water IB uer own cisirrn,
and had filled Ihe cistern of Ihe Clapp &
Jones to overflowing. At this juncture the
t lapp & Jonea sounaeu "down,
and the test trial ended amid loud cheering
by Ike excited throng.
Aiier uie trial, me coaiesi waa crri
ints the council chamber. A petition was
presented, signed by a large number ef
leading ciureas, asking lor the appoint
ment of five competent engineers and aisrh
inisU, lo examine Iks respective cngiues
and lo report their opinion as lo their aser
iu. After some siiarrine between the agents
of the fire engines, anil it was shewn thai
all had been compiles witu in me previs
ions or the test, sua that tae oitstiy engine
had ceme out winner, lite citv council, alter
a warm debate, granted the petition.
Tue mayor nominated a cemmuise oi
engineers aad machinists, anu uie council
confirmed them.
la reference lo Uie conlrst, the Couiuiiltec
oa Fire and Water of the City Council,
made the following report.
Dasviixe, III., Oct, SO, 105.
T the Af.csw and t'wnwe Coifncil of the
City of lkuitilU :
We. the committee on fire and water, re-
peclfully report, that in the late trial of
Are engines, had under Uie resolution of
the city council of date September :M. 1H75.
in accordance Willi me rules esisriisnea
for said test and trial, that the Silsby en
gine was Uie winner in the majority of the
several tesu, and that Ihe said eugint is fully
adanted to oar wanu. aud is Uie best engine ;
and we would Iherefere recommend ihe
purchase ol the Silshy eagine for the use
of the city, as by proposal lurnisiied brfore
tho test.
Rcjpectfullv submiUed,
' V. 11. TAYLOR,
Committee on Fire and Water.
The. eemmittet of mechanics, np)Miatcd
hv the Mevor and Common Council, stib-
niiueO ths lollowing report :
liijcuu.E. lu- Oct HO, 1875.
We, as a committer of three, appointed
bv the honorable noiird t eounctlnien. net.
lfCS, lo examine the Silsby and Clapp
it Jones flee eiuet now in liuuvillc, ill.
send our report, after makiuir a fair and
impartial examination of each, to the mayor
and council of Danville, 111. Said commit
tee reported is favor of "Silsby," giving
rrasons for preterence as loilows:
utu Kennies to tutrr at jtiam
1st. Inlet parts too smsll lo cylinder,
lid. F.xuut not sufficient.
ltd. Sipsiu pie not large cuough ia il
4i Ii. Circular valve nol practical for fire
oili. Kncine easy to get on centres, and
balance uiisel not larirc enoui'li, sod il
mude larger there would !e more mini-. a ut
Otti. The attach inesl ol rvlitlder to boil.
er urn! other attachments to boiler, sucll as
braces, Ac) we do not consider pruclic able,
on account of the engine jerking, und not
quiet while working.
1th. OUjcL-t to tws piston rods, for the
complication of Ute same.
6lti. Packing arouud reds liable to get
loose and admit air.
vth. The Brass chamber of pump tx
pands ia centre on account of tremenduous
rrverstou of plunger, giving air to piston.
tutli. Kuhber valves liable la rot, also to
lose their elasticity slid deep away from
chamber cylinder, causing the pump lo be
primed bel'ore oM-rstiug at a lire; slso Ihc
lisbiiity of saftdust and snd collecting
uader Ihe valves, causing a slop In tbe en
gine. lllk. The engiue is net quiet, therefore
hard ou hone.
r".h. There is no leveling screw in or
der lo level up engine provided engine had
lo set on side hill. .
tilth. Seat unhandy for driver.
14lh. o dump grule.
lbih. To much pulsation lu hose, and
not an eves stream.
10th. Woodeu v. heels, eay to catch fire
from the ashes uud cinders dropping from
the grules.
17th. No donkey pump en tank.
leth. Consider the engine toe complica
ted and requiring too many rcpnirs.
Of the Miltbv engine, we think the rotary
motion the simplest; uho the quickest;
throws th steudiest stream ; is easier ou
hose, will work the longest without repair
ing, ami If the Hunt etvwmieil tnyitte for
fir yurjftet: also, the workmanship is
second le none.
We, this au;h day of October, lUIS, sub,
scribe our iiumes.
Of Frisbie, Logue ik Co.. Engine M fr's.
Machinist C, I). k V shops.
Master Mechuaic C, D. it V shops.
If tiic above reports are true aud made
without any prejudice ou Uie port of the
couuuiilecs, Linn Co. No. 8 should be cure
ful before committing themselves to a Clapp
& Jones machine.
Bbokx His Neck. The Ucguterot
yesterday says: During Ueo. Knox',
temporary absence at his brother's
Kills Knox, sjmc half mile from
George's, who lives at Knox Butle
some one came to his barn und pur
loined Ave sacks of oats. The thief It
ia supposed, frightened one of George's
horses which stood in the barn, and
the animal iu Its terror, attempting to
get loose from the rope fastening It iu
the stall, broke its neck.
Domt Fokuet. Young men don't
forget to put ou your best bibs and part
your hair iu the ml Idle every Sunday
morning, and be sure to remain at hunioj, ;n .,, . ,i,n. f. .
ijj tltt) vvni!g 4-fcwrsB fiTe trnitt
the parlor and the lamp lighted. This
Is leap year and the "coming girl" Is
likely to call around, dou't it? ,
Doihu Well. The ItcgMer of the
14th inst remarks: Dr. T. W.Harris,
late of this city, recently graduated at
the medical college, lu Haa Friiuclseo,
with th highest honors. Being Im
mediately offered superior Inducements
by Dr Toluu, he accepted, and it now
assisting that celebrated scrgsou In the
hospitals and In his privuts practice,
giving hlin a position that is generally
only to be obtained by long years of
persevering effort.
iticus iron TUB FOllKS.
Scio, Oun., Jun. 10, 1370.
Editor Dewcrat :
Col. . A. Hill and our Hon. County sur
veyor were In town Saturday and Sunday.
Fred was on ofllcinl bit. Hub, of course,
came over lo see his Dttxie Ann. A fearful
rain slorm followed their appearance.
The spelling school mania has not been
reproduced In our lillle burg, butw s would
Judge from Ills importation of sfSOJ piano
snd several fine organs, that there Is a weak
ness somewhere for music, Pref. Jones,
of Balers, and Prof. Henry, of Portland,
are both, conducting classes in instrumental
Wt noticed lu the Dkuoceat of last
werk, that some enquiring cuts asked some
very impcrtlnrnl questions concerning our
young men, which I will answer, if per
Question No. I. Tommy Baldwin's dis.
tase is getting worse , having taken a chron
ic farm. Dr. Martin recommends travel.
(od the toe of hii boot.)
Jess Douglas Irvine does go forsweelness,
but not merely from confectionery.
Willie, being a young man just commenc
ing life, contemplates Investing his few
scads lu Ihe "hul" business.
Because Kim thinks il quite pleasant re-
celvisg instruction from a blushing O teca.
The problem relating is the return of J.
T. ltcdman to Srlo before he had completed
his school, has not sa yet been solved. Some
suppose, ss he is, a disciple of r.srulspeus
u embryo, that he wishes to lie nearer his
Who wjuld wonder nt J. U. Queencr sit
ting in the gallery where there wtroyonug
ladies to bract his cranium
While the surveyor is around looking up
titles lo claims, finds by frequent visit" that
the title of 1.K. en his oldest Prima Donna
is void; wishes lo secure the prtxe himself
and in his ecstasy forgets and limps en the
wrong foot
(lone sniping. lours, truly,
Brother of Peter Funk
RKtOLl thins or coxuot-Eici:.
To the ". U., V. G., Officers and
Members of Anniversary I.odge, No
IS. I. O. O F. Salem Ogu;
Your comittee, to whom w as referred
the matter nt presenting resolutions
expressive of this Lodge upou receipt
of the news of the death of Bro. James
It. Bristow, respectfully submit the
following to-wit:
WacnKAS, It has pleased the Great
Grand Master lo remove from our
I,odge here tn the Grand lodge on
high, our Bro James It. Bristow; there
fore. Resolved. That bv this clianee our
Lodge has lost Ihe priied fellowship of
a wuruiy and higtiiy esteemed oroiner,
w hose useful career in this Lodge and
community, so auspiciously begun, w
had honed to see for many years con
tinued, und wished that he might have
remained with us, to himself have
plucked from the tree of brotherly love
and uprightness, piauieti in our nuns
by his good example, much of the frui
now lell lor our gaincring.
Resolved. That we humbly buw in
sorrow to thit dispensation und express
our heartfelt sympathy with the grief
stricken members oi nis utility uud uie
other man v friends of our late brother.
I,. F. L. and T. P. L WILLIS,
Tints Ami Nut Till Then, When
the beautiful Willamette ceases to roll
its turbid waters towards the Oceau
and runs up stream; when Mounts
Jefferson and Hood shall be crumbled
Into dust and scattered to the four
winds of Heaven; when the Alba.iy
Democrat be comes a Black Republican
paper aud advocates the third term;
when the Orxjun Statettmin will be
run by brains iustead of beuzine; until
these and other like seemingly Impos
sible events occur, then and not till
then will tivd-hacks and striped stock
ings cease to delight cur eyes and in
vlgorate our seuses.
Sensihlk. Iu a great many towns
like Portland and Salem, ladles are too
prone to risk their health for the sake of
looks, and rather than show an ugly
pair of shoes, w hen by accident (?)
their shoes may beacon, they will walk
the muddiest streets w ith thill soled
gaiters on, If they have to sneeze a
week thereafter for tho folly. Not so
with the ladies of Albany. They know
that health Is of the first luiportauce
and that a ruddy cheek is more to he
admired than a close fitting gaiter and
when they go out in sloppy weuther
tluy encase their feet in comfortable
overshoes. This ia sensible uud shows
that they are wise.
Or-r ros tiik Soi sd Mr. Chat. Weeks,
of the Si. Charles Hotel, left onthe Albauy
Express this morning, tor an extended Irip
lo the bound country. He cxptcls to be
absent about two weeks, during which time
he will visit all the places of importance
betweeu Olylnpia ami Port Townsend, he
sides crossing the struils and paying hci
majesty's dominions a visit. We wish Ihe
urbane Charlie s pleasant trip and sufe rc.
PoHTi'ONicf) Owing to the Mofjlb
euy concert ut the Court House on Fri
day evening last the meeting at the
Ceutral School House fixed for that
evening, to organize a City Teachers
Institute was postponed until this
evening at 0.30 o'clock. All teachers
and educators are invited to be present.
Accoewso to a contemporary: N
euglo, a blue mule snd a thousand
pound lump of brimstone to the Cen
tennial; also, a baby who doesn't
like candy. This is correct, but
neither Nevada nor any othor Stale
has yet succeeded in finding for the
Centennial a short-buircd lecturer
on "spiritual ufliuities." That's the
curiosities the Centennial managers
reully yearn for.
Iirpcui.WANS are still ungrateful.
Four out of six editor candidates
for Representatives ia Kansas at tbe
late election, were defeated.
NO. 24
N no no Rl l.K.
South Carolina is still enjoying the
luxury of lindicnl negro rule, ami its
fruits mubt h very bitter to tliu but
ter class of poniilo of the Palmetto
Stale. Aflor having boon morciloss-
ly robbod mid bankrupted by a not
ef thieving carjiot-boggors aud igiio
rntit negroes, hor cup of bitterness
Las just been filled agaiu to over
flowing by the election by tho Legis
lature to Circuit Judgeship of two of
the most consummate villains in tho
State Ex-Govornor Moses nud a
most corrupt and iuoapnblo negro
named Whipple. South Carolina is
being prepared by the Uadicals for
stepping down and out from bor
present position in the Radical ranks.
She has tested the merits of the dom
inant party to bor heart's content,
and Governor Chainborlaiu, who,
although not by any moans a perfect
man, is still an improvement ou his
predecessors since tho war, pronouccs
the election of those two scoundrels
a disastor equally great to the State
and the Radical party. AVlieu South
Carolina has thrown off her shackles,
she now undoubtedly will, re
marks the Philadelphia Chronicle,
the South will present an unbroken
front against Radicalism, unless
"bloody shirt" Morton cau maungo
to male it appear that Mississippi's
election was a fraud, aud that that
Stale must still be classed with Radi
The preseut attitude of the Repub
licans in Congress must be indeed
humiliating. In precipitating upon
the House the discussion of tho am
nesty bill the other day, their evident
design was to arouse a feeling of bit
terness in tho minds of the ci -Confederate
members and get them to
utter some hasty disloyal sentiments
which would creato the old war prej
udices iu the North and thus make
capital for the coming campaign.
But in what deep contrast wn the
cool, dispassionale, eloquent and pa
triotic (speeches of Hill mid other
Southern members with the wild
sweepiug, malignant speech of
Blaine, the Radical. Nothing could
havo been in greater fitness than the
bravo but conquered Southron's pa
triotic sentiments iu vindication of
his pf ople, and the whole country,
North and South, will applaud him
for it. Blame has committed m.-i-
kari, and may as well retire from the
Presidential arena.
A Pathetic Aweal. The Chicago
Tribune, a very decidedGrantoran,
says Gen. Grant will certainly retire
to private life after the present term;
but intimates that four years hence
he may bo induced to run again. Iu
fine General Grant is, through the
Tribune, uppcalod to most patheti
cally to let go for a little while !hat
if he will just give up his grip for
four years then he may take hold
again. That bait is entirely too thin;
the General won't bite. He knows
that if he is once shaken off he cnu
never fasten upou us gain. It is
now or never that ho must get bis
fniVuf term.
Nominatiko candidates for Presi
dent is a very easy and harmless
business. It is common, howover,
to nominate only living men for this
important and honorable position,
but the Davenport Gazette has coine
forth with a new departure and has
nominated Schuyler Colfax,
td, of Indiana, as the besf and most
available Hoosier for tho place.
Schuyler isn't dead in a physical
sense, but politically he is deader
than Jonah's whale. "Bring on
your lino corpses" as Mark Twain re
quested his guide iu the Holy Laud.
KixiAit A. Poe. Tho Utica Olitei ver
mentions as a fact which has cstmped
the notice of all his biographers,
that Edgar Allan Poe was the grand
son of Benedict Arnold. His moth
er, who was known before her linr
riage as Elizabeth Arnold, an Eng
lish actress, was tho natural daughter
of the traitor. This statement rests
on the concurrent testimony of e
number of old actors who know Eliz
abeth Arnold woll. Poe himsolf al
luded to tho matter occasionally in
the company of thoso who new this
chapter in bis family history.
Says tho Burlington Jfuwk-eyi
Briefly slated, our financial views aro
Tjebacks aro .bUw-lbnflul7Titllo memorials of our re
greenbacks. They are iu greator de
mand; they are moro constantly iu
circulation; they are ul ways boyaut,
dreadfully boyant; they are always
good for their face, uud nre always
quoted ubovo Par, or mar either.
Tuini'v-rivi! babies wore entered
for premiums and exkibited at the
Orleans county fuir, Vermont; nud a
quadroon chorub got the prize, much
to the disgust of the white mothers
who had done their very best to pre
sent the champiou specimen of babyhood.
I 1 M
it iiii I
s 00
Oil I
7 no
a no I
n no
li on
20 00
11 mil
2 In.
I fs.
4 In.
I Oil
3 00
.1 00
4 mi
II Oil
T 60
III 00
li 00
5 llll
r on
III llll
12 40
It no
Is 00
40 00
s on u no
12 00 IS IS
14 00 12 00
15 00 27 I d
25 00 li 00
30 00 l 10
40 00 00 ifi
00 00 100 CO zzjz
i Col.
H C..I.
H Cil.
I Cm.
ItiiMinoHN noticos hi tlm Local Coluimia,
2(1 cent per lino,
For legal anil transient advortUement,
tl 0(1 per square of VI lines, for Ihe first
insertion, anil Ml noma pir square iur eaon
auh.iciiitmt insartton.
l''ortlio llomoerat.l
Bay, what Is lltinvcn? u plncoof pure Jollalltl
nf pcrrrcl Joy, of harmony of peuent
Wliero aiurolsl'ine tlirlr liuriiN, ami neveroeaso
The universal chorus, olotlinl In light,
They fly tliroujrli ether lu unbounded space,
And wnlt Willi outslretcliotl whig before lilt
Of ths Almlg-lity, Ureal, Kternal osk.
There sorrow never Hods a ruslliiil plitco,
Nor yet lUe Ills that, mortals fo.. below i
Nor deslh Is there : llio strenni of tlma shall
And Injure none, and none shall know decay.
No nlalit Isthew, but one unclouded day
Hhall shed Its luster, wlion this mlRlity world.
And suns and stars oro all Into wide ruin hurled,
ir,.... It. Slmbte,
Hill, of Goorgia, in answer to
Blaiuo's bitter and malignant on
slaught on tho Southern people in
the Houso of Itopresentativev last
Weduosday, closed his spooch iu the
following glowing sentences:
The South has never wrongod th
Union. Th South has beea an un
mixed blessing to every section, evory
State, every man of every color in
America. We chargo all our wrongs
to that higher law fanaticism, which
never kept pledge or law. We
sought to leave the association of
those who would not keep fidelity to
the covenant, and sought to go by
ourselves, but so far from having
lost fidelity L tho Constitution we
bulged it to our bosom, carried It
with us, and tho brave Union men
North, followers of Webster and
Fillmore, Cass and Douglas; you
who fought for the Union for the
sake of union; you who ceased to
fight when the battle ended and the
sword was sheathed, with you we
have no quarrel. We felt your heavy
arm in the midst of the struggle, but
above the roar of canon we heard
your voice of kindness calling,
"Brothers, come back." We are
here to co-operate with you, to do
whatever wo can in spite ot ait our
sorrows, to rebuild tne union, to
restore to peace, to be a blessing to
the country, to make American union
what our fathers intended it should
bo the glory of America and a
blessing to humanity. But you,
gentlemen, who persecuted us by
your fanaticism until you drove us
out of tho Union; you who then
claimed to be tho only frientts of the
Union, which you had before de
nounced as a league with death and
a covenant with hell; you who follow
up tho war when the soldiers who
fought it have made peace and gone
to their homes, to you we have no
concessions to make. Martyrs owe
no apology to tyrants, and while we
are ready to make every sacrifice for
the Union, we L.tve but one ambi
tion to add to our political power
and to the patriotic Union men of
order, iu order to compel fanaticism
to olwy laws and live in the Union
accordins to the Constitution. vVe
do not propose to hold you by oaths,
for you never keep them. We
wronged the Union grievously
when we left to be Decoders, but it
was rent and torn by men who had
denounced it as a leagne with death
aud a covenant with hell. We ask
you of the Republican party to rise
above all your animosities, to forget
your old sin, let us unite to repair
ihe wrongs that distract aud oppress
our country. Lot us turn our backs
ou tho past; let it be iu the future
that ho shall bo greatest, truest,
ablest and patriotic who shall do
most to repair past wrongs and pro
mote the glories of the future.
Mr. Seth 1!. Hammer, of Salem, a
year ago this n. nth was elected City
Surveyor. The city needed such an
officer to establish grades and to
commence an extensive system of
drainage. But unfortunately for tho
city two of the committee on streets
and public property wero Republi
cans who thought more of party
than of the interests of the city and
they raised tho question of Mr. Ham
mers competency as an engineer and
refused to recommend work that was
really neoded. Mr. Hammer's qual
ifications were found to bo first class
when appointed, but ho wasn't tho
man that Thatcher tho chairman of
tho committee wanted. This year
Thatcher has got his man, (the same
one that has for tho past two sum
mers divided with him Government
contracts for surveying East of the
Mountains.) Now the question that
agitates tlio average Salem tai-payor
is how much will tho now City En
gineer pny Thatcher for his "ongiu
eoring" him into a good office.
A ti;w friends will go and bury us;
uiTcctiou will roar a tombstone and
plant a tet flowers over our grave;
in a brief period the little hillock
will bo smoothed down, and the
stone will fall, und neither friond
nor stranger will bo concerned to ask
which ono of the forgotten millions
of tho earth was buried there.
Every witigo that wo ever lived up
on Ihe t iii-tlt will havn trnti inj. s:l Hffar. -
membrancethe lock of hair encased
iu gold, or tho portrait that hung iu
our dwelling, will ceaso to have the
slightest intorust fur any living being.
11 KICK I'OVfcllOV.
Things havo lately gone rather
hard with Brick Poiuoroy, nud al
though ho is busted out in New York
he has moved his Democrat to Chica
go and gone to work again. The
world can't keep such a man as Brick
Pouioroy down, no matter bow hard
it may bear on him. Go in Bn'ck
abuel We'll hold your hat!