The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 14, 1876, Image 1

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I'tsVlOa iKh Ua.ta,l.K.
Mail tRKTM.
TVnmCumiUlt at 10 A) a. n. dally enwy
Kmm l.elnnn nt 10 JO a, si., tri-wcofcly
thirniiiny. w i-nwaya aim iTiuay.
tron. KitttrotMl iNorci,, ituilv t-xcent CMt-
Initial U A. H . tOUU.1 ftl usor. M.
For nntfrocttl (-Wmt.iWalty, xc.t, Hat-bath,
ml It M. North Hi 11
t-'or 1'urvMilui, tiaiiy tic-; tfubth, at 1
l-'tw 11 nn. n Monday l'tat,dya atid
aOj'f-.OR U'lX'K? Ftom 7 a. n. loT .V p. .
aloupy twvh'k- uUtw hour, ironi A. x. to 4 P, H.
("Tutu tho FVEXIJCO IKHirt'KTt Jut.. HI
Weather too Komi to talk t.bout.
Far between .'-.inland ..u? Aio,m has
Wun mlEKl to
riawKV lie hKtvi ?
otiMirt taut-
i'h vca' ol;Ji-..u!;;.i..-..irii-.
i,rrlvvi ;'i"-H'.lv. mo..;.. .
Iloa. U. fl. S;rI., i'i
iu ;Uo i i:y (Yum Cifihriii.i
Aa awful wickcj'tnaii
Tliir! R'.rt'ut
has )ust named LU h.vlv i"itj;li.rr II Un
Twnty!lirve tWtLr iu coin v. as sttileu
from Wells. Fstrgo-l To's office. Kol-urg.
J. K. M mii, who iiawd loat Sabbath
la Portland, rrportt tbs Y. M. C A of that
city in a fljurWnnfrondithMi.
One oflhc hc-ri i:i tltU '.!) bud hie
wasliiiij; return, on S:.:.'.r.h) with his
ttiKkiajp stareawl. And now he wkhu to ;
Inlervirw a Cbi.MU.aa.
Tin I" jmw men that "wor.: off n ilro
on New Yr' day, are mw inAuaurhtualr
cng-.i -i! ia Iraming the mrstcri cf T tip"
wtih a Ion" podro iu it
"I stoon to conquer !" eiclaimtU a Gospel
ItUe damsel. "Look at this sre pin back,
and then talk to ase about stoopicj, you
Korth American galoot!'
A beautiful n . aa answer t Soiet.
"Game of lifr" ap)ar ia the IVcuiar
number of the !to aud Plow, from the pn
r Mw. S. A Clarke, of Salf m.
Mr. S. L Wosa. law araUtant Lgl Houst-Kt-eperofthe
light at Ope Disappointment
has been appointed keeper of the light al
Cap Foulweathtr rice F I. Crosby pnua
td. A corpulent German laity got on the trait)
at Salem last errniB. aud accosted the can
Uactivr thuaS : 31 tester 8htrot:d, too I
rwnu to re! ou', dot sl A!iUir. Mind dot
'Vcatd if tht- thin; aint aoiag.' was
the qutet remark cf a sislit smug straa
ger tVom the country . who had candied the
tfeUi or a circular law iu one or our plac
io lutlli.
This is the kind of weather that nnkr
the avvrage pedro sharp wUh that he had
boujr'tt a pair of woolen drawers with that
12 bju he ipeut lat ttumruer playing hit
famrite game.
We said lat week Jalmnr Morris, of
Scio. wai thtr happy parient of twins ; but
have since bben informed that they are o:ily
one of it. But than that ia ctic enough
far an editor t mine at the fart ia surh a
A large turnip. mcaurinir 4 fct in ctr
cnniferencc and weihir? '24 poands. hai
baen left at the Ortjr"0 City Enterprise of
lice. W always thoughl omellting would
turnup' iu that tii:ad town, MHfUr or
A geutleman from 9wcei Home, recently
made appiicatiun fur a certificate In teach
school, and remarkd . "I am not much of
an aritutiiiiickcr, Lm I k eumc ns a gnun '
marU:.' He didu't gvt a ceriifitiie worth 1
a exut
JfoT Coming The apieudid Opera
Trotie that La been delighting the
citizens of Portland and Salem during
the paat few dvya are not coming to
our city. Tbt rcavwu ia simply because
our city has no Opera House or ball
suitable for the ir appearance.' Albany
of coanw can Dot be expected U hay
the fdeaaure ol witneaaing auch anter
tainuieiits until a comfortable anal aait
able hall is built to give them in. We
expect U be bble to announce fu a few
days the formiitiou of the New Opera
House C'uiupitny.
KlCCAT10KAL MoVTH LV- The first
number of thi uew candidate iu the
3tewtp&ffetorial field has bet'n received
It ia a 1- page papr ueutly priuted ou
boob pa(cr by W. P. Keudy of ttaleiu
and edited by Profeaaor J. T. Grcg
Suuerinie.ideut of the Salem city 1 exliibiting their stwks to tho public Tle ttI0 fci tiOU, her grll,p aI1(j yn
schools. The number before us la val-! gae and inviting calls from pitrchas- j Kiij Uoweil h?r head in prayer for her
liable as a a statistical record of schools era. It is just as natural for the auh- j dnrlins Kihby. who at that moment
matters in the State; tlie articles are j cr' iwr newspapers to buy from j w(w WBtct nt. tle bar-room stove and
well aeleoted and the c.litoriuis well , those who advertise in it as It Is for jll!(t rcmarit, t0 old man Fergur
written. Bucuesa to tlie new-comer ehiidren t" follow soldiers on parade. a(n 1)a, Mn) K w, ,. on0 wunaB ,,,
both financially and otherwise.
I'KonoTKD. Mr. F. L. Crosby who
lias been for a numiirrof yean Light
House keeper nt Cape Foulweutuer
has been promoted to the Coos Hay
light which ha seen mudo.a "LifeHav
lug Station.'
Ir. Crosby who passed
through the city yew Lord ay Informs that !
the anparutus for saving life ia cn route
totheltayand he expect hy the firat
of Feburan to Imve every tiling ready
in catte of accident
A Qi'ica Hcs. J'lie ste&iner Bonanza,
Captain Tacklebury, kit here Sunday morn,
ing with a full cargo of wheat, ran to Ore
gon City, discharged her load and ass here
on tho return trip lust night at fi o'clack
Khe left here this morhiti! for Monroe,
where she will lake on a full load aud be
dowu in lime lo "lite" out for Portland
early to-morrow morning.
A yiitMi Mas. There is a moa living in
lite I-lixie precinct (well-off; lliat in too
pcuurieus u, ;ake the EvtNido Dr.Mot kat
Me ii con.Ufit.r borrowing his neiflilicr's -.
coniiilainiug of hard time t.t.d findmore
fault with the papur than all the other sub-
scribsrs in the city put together, alio toko
and pay for the same.
PlKKi-TOlU) Kl.KCTBI). TlKJ following
Directors were last night elected at the
meeting of the niockfcoldcrs .f the Albany
Library Association : Ja. V. lirown. X. U.
Jliiniphrey, J. W. lialttwin, 'runk I'nrlon.
C. K. Wolvcrton. The Directors will meot j
to-morrow cvi-uir.g. at I.sif piut s; x at Cup., j
Humphrey's law office.
It took a party who arrived !,: ,Mtl.r. ! "'"'J' eommtioced work with a force Va.,ui,,0 Ly J m"r"'"B 1'U"1'
tlin, thy" (0 niiKi. Too u.ueli Oregon jhcdih,ocT1'l':ti''".-. . '
mud to contend with. j Oui;,oy Foar.VKU. This hoautiful
bright, Invigorating weather makes a
Ltoa'a liaud mule gloves iinf, .r'.ed di. feller feel as iiort, saucy and wide
rect from the factory lor sale al 1'l.i adit 's ' awake as a boy peeping th rough a key
attirauger prices. He also ha a large j hole lo see his father kiss the school
lock of ladies wiut'-r hals.
Tit IHxi school numbers C? scholars.
Buyers are paying 83 cents far wheat
Arrangement for the masquerade ball
pmgres, v
The road ia Dcuton county arw "delight
fully horrid."
Let no "guilt-edged" man facapc, U the
latest way to say it.
Parties Intending to build thi acaaon,
are xpeukir.g for the lumber.
GirU, don't fwrut that thi U leap year.
Pick out your man and lay for him.
Tk? a li;:te wine for the stomach' wake.
Major I'leiirge Wt-ller krep all kind.
It i suicide in the third doiw to gel up
such morn ui j; at; tiiec in a cold rotuo.
Now is the time to have your picture
taken, aud A. 11. Faitou U the mn to UU'
Tip top articles in the ,cininij!ry'' d
partment kipt at the Occidt-ulal Wine
V. i!. Rii.- CV mi preparing it korp
Unsu-i ii vrvuf!i., piolt'iua aid liurary
J .-.a. H, at a. m .-1", at It' m.. 4, a; C ji
Owtra in rverv stvh with cofl'rfnr choc
olate accompaniment nt Sohmecr Mil
ler'. First street
All the stvlikh hats vnu aee on First stsvet
came from Mrs. 8- A John' establish m rot
on Broadalbin street
iia away fly. or I'll bre-k your wiag."
i the rery fatext ReceiTcd by telegram al
a late hour last night.
Tl.e llntt poem Joaqulu Miller ever pub
ItslKtl was printed iu the &:v.c Klghu
PCHOcKAT lu ll CIV)".
Tie caatorucrn of the Palace Oyster
Uoom were regaled this morning with a
nice Ur cut of Hock Cod.
A lady in Lebanon who haa ht 5 Utile
one by diptheiria calU that complaint the
Kmg llerod" of all diieasea.
Mr. W. R. Blaia, w ho tok orders a cu-
ple of week since far fern leaf mo'aocs,
will soon commence deiifering than.
Ilenry Beitre. of Benios county, deaires
u to inform the fair sex that he is willing
and anxious to become a leap year rietim.
A German by the name of IV IUnch, up
in the Long Tom country, gat on a ds
bauch" re.cT:y and gl a head put Da
Your mou'di look like a horse-collar
bound around with red we hvard one Afri
can remark to another of the &ume psr&ua
a ton on Third trpt ve&terdav.
For President tha Uutt man ia the IVm
ocratic parly. L'j&inge TtTf tprcc'
the cgmpUmrnt hut caanet under the cir
cuuistaucvs accrpi Uie nominatiau.
A sweet little boy, only eight years old,
walked into a tether's eiaminatiou at Sa
lem, recently and bawltd out; "I nay.
Aucie. your fciler do a at the heutc."
An average of 15 childrca a month Ull
into tubs o. hot water or on hot store ih
tUU valley. Muihcr could increaie the
number to 0 if they bad any enterprise
abm; them.
A Purilacd girl marrad a yvung uau
because he lifted hi hat beaultfu'.ly aa
he passed her. She got a divorce because
he lifted the table no Ik-auttfufty when the
dinner didn't suit aim.
mux WAftt o t-orxiT.
I'uixtviixt Dec. 27
Editor Jttntocrut:
A sad oeearreOM took ntaee atversl
, , . . . ' .
daya aince which has cast a riaonJ
over the community; the particulars of
a hicD are aa fullowa. There was a at Prineville oa Christmas eve ,
and anion the large number present j
waa Johu Doran. It beinir a holiday '
the bova liidulced freely in drinking dm"ttie to 0lail have no r.rht of act
. t . .it; i'n iatnt the pvrou or pornom tre:..
and young loran Rot too much and lu , fmtt upon (Jt,.wrm. Mlch fu!s ,
that coudilion started for Ills home at , capuuert or k.ilt d n-r tor iln-.r.j- lor the
Willow Creek, eighteen miles distant. I capture, kilimj; or ti.eci.nvcr.iou ol such
On the way he mint havo become 1 f"!" "ll"""''."r kill"Jl ., , t
. . J . ! ri lioo ;d. luiit Ordinance bbail (ufe;-
deranged, aa he pulled oil his boots ,d u-in force from nnd alter U.r liib
and coat and barefooted and In his i .lay ot i'jbruary, A. l . lrTr.
shirt-sleeves be wandcml around un I
til he became exhausted when he laid ' Miia. Ktlii.INOra.-Mra. K. sUkkI In
down la the snow aud froze to death, i the door and looked long and anxiously
Ilia body was found the second day U,,WJ) f'f"' 1,ut tllc m""lv "d
afterwards. The coroner's jury ren- "- tru f her darling K.hby
dered a verdict of death by freeaing I appeared not lu sight, 'lite fire bum. d
but his name goes te swell the longi1"; Lrra'' w" runiiiag over the
listof-lctinis ot those who are rgai. I Wea of the pan. an I there wa. 110 w.x-J
iied to S.-1I ardent spiriu. I B"tly s'i''"! ' f
FVitBV TFIKTEU.- ' P'aced a stick of wood iu the way she
1 had seen her beloved K ihby do; graMwl
A Fact. A merchant had Just as I tb, ftlc an) ,trm. B ftrocious kiow.
well expect to get rich by closing his K,d to relate, Mrs. Kib. miscalculatwl
doors and keeping his goods concealed tne distance; the edge of the axe slid
from publip view, as to hope to sue- j aonR tl ,.ick BllJ t1B toi ot tuc
ce! In business without adrcrtlslug j lmll(lc ,lruck h(,r wucre tlll, ,kirt d
whiic hiscotemporaries are fntlnua!ly i.i,t of her.dresawas lolnsd lot-ethsr
toe simple last or seeing eoriaiu goous :
pubtisti.-u morning alter moruiug, list
an irresistible attraction that
fasten itilfuon the mlud and never I
fail, to guide each reader to tho very
store at which hi. or her want, can be i
.t ... ..,.li.,l I- i
mlnm .,...,. ta ,,j :
yet many of them fall to resort to Iho!
very lue.iiow iu iiinsu suies ..uii;ii is;
usod to
induce thorn to mike pur-
V. P. ClICHt n. Tills Ii tho regular
prayer-meeting evening at the U. P.
Church and after the usual exercises
aro finished (die holidsy decoration
will l e taken down and removed. The
subject of having a socialite sometime
in tlssiiear future will come
up for consideration, and It is imjior-
taul that the attendance should he as
large as possible.
New Maosic Hall. The now Ma
sonic Hull nt llarrishurg is finished
and the first meeting aas held In it
Issl Haturday night. The hail Is said
to Ii? a line one and handsomely fur
nished. A public dedication will take
place on HI. John the Baptist day (the
21th of June, at which time a large
gathering of the mystic brotherhood
I wi.l take place.
CoXTSiCT Awaiideb. Ti.o contract
! for digging a diteU according to the
"jH-.-illck-.ioii published, under the side-
nalk on ISroadalliin street, between
; Frnt and Second streets was awardod
yesterday to Mr. T. Keller. Mr.
, (Oota tb Rvbmwo iuninaAT. Jan. li
Why shouldn't Albany hhT a k 0 tax!
St. Valentine day alowly aud aaltli!ly
Work on the Optra Uouac Ih to commenre
"Bruce" is tho Alhanv autocrat of the
breakfast table."
Arc vott In favor of a "chicken lw!' If
so, how much and where
"Sweet-meeu" two lovers indulging In
a first longdrawu-out kins.
'Foxes hare hole." So hee Albany
Hide-walks: av amownt of Ihwn.
Get your phis taken at A. B. PuMon'i
aud make your sweetheart happy.
The old Masonic hall at Itarmhtirg h.
e.iw occupied for tlrmife meetings. ,
, A atupenduoue quantity of "ah aholic
aJsorpticn" gtug on in town noivadays.
Prof. T H. Craw!i-d and wile, of Salem,
accompanies the McCiibcny's to this city
"Ciiiu thv o:n retrrra in 111 nrn
hart uothiag to dn with the "pin hark" ef
T-:i' w-a'.ifr tr-.tikes rvcrybudy fed a.
hhp;n r. mi old ;a lu-rse in Hi verUni
AhtInkIv that ayii that titX vcUIkt in't
ga-ht-ri'cus, don't knew whst thv ur. talk
,ng aUmt
If your kwectlit art l.ould go hack on
you call at Mar Ocotge Wcllcrs and get
an antidote.
Salens hello know how io pin back o at.
o show the "human form divine" te the
best advantage.
A young man iu Beaton county recently
sold hU beft coat te raise fund to lake hi
weakness" to a dunce.
The flctiibenx fai.iily vitiied the Pen I
tentiary lait Sabbath aud gurr the ennricts
an hour and a halP& sing.
Young men ihould in-f io to stand in tubs
f water two hours each day to stretch
their boot! for the masquerade.
Toe roads in Kenton county for team.
MArs not paitsable.
Aud barely jackaasabie "
Farmer are reminded that they are sub
jeeted to a penalty for tiding thoir animal
tn any shadu tree or awning poiA wilhia
tho citv limit.
Tlie Salem Statesman cautious reader
against burglars; and a Polk county man
caution burglars against Salem. He says
that the place don1! pay H cent to a pan.
The most puzzling thing about a Port
land editor' seizors it the antipathy exist
icg between that useful article aud the
italics usually found at th bUom of a
A pctit'oui hirw'd by render of tit;
EvKxmt; DuatK'HAT. wan received at tin
office at a lute hour lust nt-ht, prating us
winner! u copy of the 'Hon Ordinance"
that p9rd the ftr.-it and M-cc.nd reading at
tht meeting of the Common Council !awt
Tuesday night. lie i 11 of in obliging turn
ot wind aud being alwuvs redy to gratify
the wiiih of even a few ot our reader, we
proceed te publth. Tl.e document rf mitt
as f!lowi.
He it WffttVd by the (mtthr CwiCii of the
1 tj oj Aiwmy. tttftHti'V:
Soctiou 1st. That it is, and hereafter
shall t unlawful for the owner, o! anv
Hueh domckiic fowl as chickem ur turkeys
t aiiotr ibe tauie to run at large r to rmrr
the garden or enclosure Q untKher within
the city limits or the Clty"of Albany.
Suction id. Tii at if thr owner or kerpcr
of any domestic Cowl named in Secnon
one of this (Wdinauee. nhull fail or n;fuf.
10 provide nud keep m repair attatrcuehi
; T k"' 'P - ll"rr
!ia. or hhai jirrmtt .urli lnwl. to ninm at
; Ur. , cn,cr t:,e pmntsr. orrad.,ur,
0f snoUier, it Ki.s'.l br tau lul fur tatoitiier
: or Inc truant in po.. it,s of tin tiri'iiu
'""" "I"""'.' aaid ...t.c ft..., or
rithr p-L-.e of auch !:, U rapture ur !
acj (.onrcrt tli s!ltnc to hit or their i
vrn e. and the Mrurr or ko pr of lurh !
iho-iswiriJ "
Orncciw Ki.n'TED. At a meeting
' "u '" "
IJry Association.
1're.i Joi.t, Mirt. . Brown; becretary,
Cbas . K Wolverlon; Treasurer. John
"ulE' t ,
Librarian, J. D. Brower. Tin follow-
iDg gentlctnen wero chosen a commit
tee to draft bv-laws: J. V. lliilihvin.
C. JE. Wolverton r.tul i-'ruuk 1'arton. '
The board adjourus'l lo .oct .huisduy
evening, theliotli hint.
Srii iiiKO. We learn from Mr JftnicH
Klkins, who past!d tLronirh Kiigne (.'ity
yesterday, that it prihonor who wan cecSacd
ia the county jiil at that place for larceny,
committed miicitiii tlie uighl preriaut, by
hanging biiuself with his sis if in hbcell.
lis wan supposed to have boon insane. We
could not lesrn the name of the unfnr'.u
natc man.
PkksokaL. Hun. Ji. V. Wllloughby
of Ilarrlsburg, cnlled upon us this
morning Mr. W. is en route to his
homo from the Dalles, where lie has
horn during the past six weeks attend
ing upon his son, who iiaa been very
ill, but whom he left convalescing
Tiuix f'.!.AV:i. Tuc dewn until at two
o'clock, was lying at Conmtoi k's with its
engine disabled. 11 was expected '.bal it
would be filed up in leave there about 8
O'clyek, liirli would bring it to tliin HUtiou
between seven and eight o'clock ihU even,
.NoTK-t Or. Ballard, of Ibsnou, left
lo-dsy for bim Frmicinco, with hi.-i invalid
son, intending te he sb-jcm ft bout oiir-liit.alli.
Hi patii-nt1. nnd the pithlitt intertstrd, will
therefore accept, th'n as a notification of his
aliseuce from bin practice.
A large lot of lime and salt is now In
store at H Clieadlc'i Cash Store, and r an
I be bad cheap.
iiiiiiiiiihiihii 11 1 an j 1 ' hiooiiihi iiimji jw ii 111 1 1 wo 1 1 ii jiim iiiiiiiniii
COUNCIL FRttcKituixea,
Comcn. Chaubku, Jan. 11, IHTfl.
- Retular meeting.
lrewnl Uia Honor, Mayor N. B. Hum
phrey, Recorder M. A. Bkcr, Marahall F
M. 'T?tfiill,,Councilmen Bauui, Oray, Har
ris, McCoy, PartvQ, lialutou.
A petititm wne recelvrd from Itutt
glac Co. N'- 2, asking for a loan of (1000
from the city, elo. An ordinance wive pits
pared in nccordaucc with ubovn petition,
and rend tlrt and second time and referred.
A petition from J. W. lkldwiu, Goo, K.
Helm, W. B. Barr :tnd others, w present
ed nsking iVr u.i ordttiautv to have brcedcrit
ufchifkens and turkeys (hut opecially
chtcken keep their fowls In an encloMire
w a to prevent them from tleftroying the
gardeA t-f their neighbors, etc. An ordi
nance wa oilorcd in accordnnce with the
foregoing pi-tltion, rohd lift and second
time and referred to lite Committee on
"Landing ai;d Whrm-ea."
A pMtlixi from a uumbe;- of ciiiens wiw
fmv.-Mti li-klmt f-r u niili' K.'.lli mi r.iurik
Mri'ft, in Hai'klcinan'H aiMili.m, on l!it
iwr;!i iiU:'r lilvk IS. Hi-furcd lu ('.mi.
a jva'.l.;;! v. ji
nipil i..lvinp tvr iln'
aiid I'ublif lVo;itriT.
Srvpriil r.inilii'ttiior:. ut-rc mi.ik O.r ibr
pcilina of cilil wiik'limau, hich wt'rv
rrrtrrt-d lo I'eniinkteo un Iloulth and Piv
Mayor llumplirrj uppointrd t!iP follow,
ing ittuuduif eomiuiltem :
Way aud Mmta W, 11. lUlstoll, J. P.
McCov and ii. W. Onir.
.ir.vniHK and Currtiit A'.w-m J. L.
Hani, Frnuk Tarlou nd N. liuliln.
Firt and Water (lei. W. 15 in J, Trunk
'uum wicl W. It. lUlstna.
S.m-tiv.n 1 1'uMic 'rvj f j Fnmk I'm
tou nd W. U. IUIhoii ud J. I. Hrri.
ljimlins' 'tii'l Wkarrn N". Buutu, J. T.
McCujr iuid Frauk IVrloa
lltat:k and I'Mrti. F Mi Oot, W. II
lUUion Hcd X. Bnuin.
Eiretivii (!m. W. t!ry, Truak l'rlnr.
uid N. Htuti.
Juditoary X. 11 Ualslou. J. F. McCav
uid J. L. Uarri.v
err ITtasra.
BMarder'. Anital Wt'mvt. of the fluanee of the City of
Allniny in Linn County, Oregon, fur the
orueiAl year of 1S7!:
Auiounu piod Into the City Treasury;
oliloialvearof 1ST;. .Hi 70 ndlmed f"r the year ist;.... z.' .Vs nw.ved on lines lor viulntion
of eitv ordiimiHHHi 107 '
For lieeiu. to Jammrv lt, IMi... l.uni)
Amounts paid out ns p
v1. 1ui
r order of the
Cltv Itiforilor
City Msrslml.:
W.' I?, liiwrn'r (iiilit va.cli
John l'o'.(iay
Altiunv fire lKartinelit
A. II. M.irni .
llnm-n it Stewart
Cull Vntl Cli-sve ....
1. YV. piIlk
Smith & Clelntid
KoirerH A Allen
S. K. Yosntr
Clark A vutl
N. It. Ittiniplirey
J. f.niflwiihl
J. It. Titus
A. K. Cherrv
J. V. 1'arker
S. Monttrnnerv
A. II. J'ortnr -
T 1'. MrkniKhl
II. A. C.ttiratl
!. 1. S. I'illlllllKT ....
Gr-iriro ,S.;tl.-u,-ir
c. F.. Wolvcnoit
K. C. Mrf '!um
Mitr.hl A s.'itliwwr
Yr. It.i;-k u.
A. S. Mercer.
11. Y. Y arron
I.iCit'tf A- Morris...
Iiii Miller
J, J. l',,ii-,l..-k A C
A. W, i'uritotn . ....
1.. Kline .: i n.
tier.nrc 1 1 iituptirrv
VVilon A Husli .'.
.lolin Wiihernw
.1. S. Siilivsu .'..
T. J. Clm.i
T. J llurrin -rei
Ytiuntt A I'lu-e
Yt'. . llarr
J. A. YVunwr
Sundry dtiiti!! nr-I.-m
ii i 1
1 1 u-
li mi
fit 71.
1' '
" Oil
m ,Kl
0 Wt
a ho
4 oo
2 &7
Total ..
bftittt.'e In the Citv Trvasury at
.bkM.f ortirialyiir IH7.V lJ,
i...iii.iiri., in iiTiiirio'ii 1,1 i.'
Amount of tui due from It. Fox, .
(Ciiy Marshal "7 (U
Atiui.iv Jiiimurv ti ii-u
Alliuiiy, iinuury u, i
i:oau an-KKV uo:w.
Tiic following u tiic li-tt of KoaJ Btipr.
vior Appointed by tl.e tViiaty ( ourt lu&t
wtt-k for tfcc rcur 1G:
Ilitrii:t NumUr 1, P W Spink ; S?. Wtu
Halo; H. Win ClrtaT; 4. 8 A .Ni'-kprfton ;
u. 8 A l'uwsoii ; C, Wm Mr Kirov: ?( Uuorl.
Cvru; 8, Frituris U-1 linger; Jiiinc Mo
Knh'ht; 10,AMa.-lcron; II. W MrCov -.
IC. John liruwn; III, .Irdin Wn-nn. I t, liro t
Hughes: 15. A. P. Hon is; in, Isaac Suit
m:irnli; 1", K. t'. Milier; 1M, Jor Hamilton ;
IU, Jiinies Oiirrett: 'JO, II B fpr.-nger; SI.
John B.-.t;.iti; 22, Tie Morgan; 2:1, Jacob
Hnui.ey: 114. Jolm t'uniminrts : 'Jo. II J
Smi'bi "CI, J I' Davis : vT.'.'h.,, I.evn;
S W Hos; '.'a. C I) Overton ; 50. II
Sploivn ; til, M Cuiinin-hani ; !K, J 11 llaf.
ris; II Lame; !H, P V Morris; 113, J V
Comp;.,n; (S. Preston Muckers; 3T. J.,!iu
Pryrear; ax, C P Ilogue; 110. V V Morgan :
4.J M Archibald; 41. AO Marshall; .
A!',ort A A IlrniKlon; 41, O W
V-.tuig-. 45, J MrM.fkan: 4i'., J K Colbert:
41, W r;:erea.i; 4f, I .N Warniotli; 4H,.Iobn
Gay; 6-J. 'o appointmei.'.; 51. John Itiley ; j
.V M llurkhiirt ; S.I, Pblpp M riiuitli; oil, '
H Eekerm&n: 53. J A r Kinney: or; J
Etlwai(l; .r(7,ST Jonr; Tt VavivU Mil!' r:
."3 V II Coiwcll.
In Instire. to Mr. Ja. Elaiin. who In.
ln'cn rt-iit'ved fioin duiv on A-pnt nl tlie
4.1 . w ty 1, . .l. .--
having bvtn itrisigntd boLk jwnitioiot. wc i
publish the following Ifltrr :
(tF.n i, fft tT.'a OrricK. O. A C. H- U ('
1 On.. Jun. A. IM.fl
u,. ....n.-e, .,r., t,.u., .W....O- .
lu order io redtit.s epensts, wbieii have
birconie absolutely nceessaty. lbs work of -
Aluaiir Station innst lie perVormed by tws1
Albany Stn.iun triiint lie prrVurmed by
persons instead or llircoss ut prem-nl. And
a. we are obliged to have a telegraph oilier
tlMMC ih' liflil IlUlitl umo ur ii u 4pLTUi:or;
Uirrufuri' your vrvlcra iut lw tlir-pfabi'! .
witi, tViiil. Agent of this lls-wpanr. y...
Itavfd'Mif your Uuiy fnitlifully mid htv t
Ifitrn llm t'';"rul",t aati-fiiction. It ia wiili 1
regret that this step is taken, but on aceonet i
as auure s.auni. . . .. ..... ,
J. JJHAMl,.lr..
(Orli'J .Supt.
l.WKii: )M.xxu:r.Us'. Jt lur.bftr,tr.
VI. Ciiirf Tonplar of the Suite, DipanUtl
a loJjcc of (Until 'IVmplars on Cnmp Ci' fk.
Liiiie county, wifli i!.cliai W.r membcts. Tht'
ftllowinjr otlii;ri4 wuir inaullrd : JatncH
CampU ll, W.C.T.; Adam KiU hy, V. 8.;
T. J. Uiinton, V. W. C. T. ; fi. K. 1 (ainiucraly.
lilj?c Urputy, ano vicinity.
Night singing schools sod "lnir hee"
are held lu ye land of ye Iake Creckera.
A drunken b'hoy made an nbortlvr at
telupt to bust up the OoeidniMl livlmtiog;
society a fuw evening ainci nt U-il;f Creek,
lie got a head put on him.
Romcitmarf Aleck built .a f. nee iu'ro."S
the road near the I.ko Crot !; ol house
a few days since It didn't hny there hmg",
yon bet.
The (lood Tuuplnr's itidgtt si Ualr li:i.s
over KK) memlHTs.
Several hundred acrc of oi t arc being '
ftlmd tip by Ihc farmcrn in lue vicinity el'
rske Crt rk.
Labtwcck V.i'. J. F. l.:vUhfldanood.
hhed nutdu d all to t pti.;U r.- by n K-n rv llr
;r;'e fulling tip-i;i it. ThompKot!, who K'liotiOy
uitrl soma time since by Wi; ititvwn from
a horse, h:i so I'm- recovered &: to W around
!.! Slllli;IV, O. K CllillVlllll
ot It!
Iiaiuls aiul Uuv t:My tiiirunl wlillc iij injr
t roiiiovo a kililn full of t::niir.!; gtrnv
from i fire.
l.nU'Cl'crk I'OV-. ;t:v l;..t to Imvy
cild liuliih (ihs '.rin.Vr. One c!i;i j;.it Tt
mi;!i.LA in one J.iv. :n;d it uni'ti't ft jroid
d.iy for niittMi cillitr.
1-ON I'UUiO.
I.INSI Col'.NTY DlliWTOIlY The Ax-
torian tliUH nprttkt of tlie Directory
hood to be isuui'd from the book ami Job
olllcoof Urown A: Ktcwnrt:
A S. IK rror linn ln-iii writing a mil-' hlntory of Unn county, giving
thorough showing up of hit rccoumo
wlth a reliable kualnefn directory of
Albany and all the other town In
tlio county. Ti.o Introduction tn tlie
book conita of u c mciw Uocriptlon
of the Flato at large, aud tho whole
forms a book of aoinethiug over a Irun
dred well writtcu, and truthfully
portraylnc the typography and char
acter of the whole State, with full do
talliaa to the mutcrl.l nnonrocs aud
productlom of Linn county. The book
ii a rradabl one and every bu.iuoss
mau lu the State should sccuru a copy.
Host of u are boeiged with letters
from our frlcndi iu the "at, calling
for Information relative to Oregon
Mr. Meicer annwem a gnat many of
these question. Yo ktuiw of no man
In the Htaic better qualified to write
up ca ll county In this State tliiui Mr.
! Id lIKMWAt C-1 Here Das been bo
i much said recent'v on the h'.ivcl and
. . . .
, . .... i
: House or hall In our city, suilnt.ic lor:
entertalnnmlit., etc, we le:'.ru that thei
l,h.,.u(1,,riiL,. n..... ri.....n
1 T .-1..,,. -
win ruin in' iht uuii 10 ti a 11 1 in 1 tiujui- 1
'.T ISO f Tlesju- Tlie H. i to he It-nili-tvi
' ened to lint fort and a commoiiiotis
00 j-allery built - Should till bo ilotu-k
na to give a tooj phtee for parties, sod
tvm w ' ahliA, and anjutvi-uiwita, the liti!din
I' w ! of a new v)p"rtt llousp will iMtdaUy ho
M wo 1 lol oned for a titne.
HI 7J j ......
'la mh- All ruFi:.-Tlieiicu h.-i-leacroM
io trO the Satitirmi t Lebauon lia lcvn com
1 plt'tH iDtl In eaU to be U;e fi:i-t waoa
k! Ki 'od hridte iu the State. The rdructuro
1 so cost $T, more th&a Ui eetiai:.ted cost.
;tJJ JJ I The cmot.:;!, w:ia promptly made up
1-4 wi and paid over by thefullowUgVraoiii.
U ti hindw of IheeontraeHore, ffm paid
j the um.nitit pro raia. J. K Charlton,
- .J i, 'kin'ta lint' a, Montague unJ ,MSoCally.
' Jamon I.. S. T. Miller. A Souil-
niar-h, AU x rltfj;, Jo -p'u Nixon.
Win. l-or :i Jatnea Stltte ar.d Charlri' j
Kal-ton. 1
K;iii'i":o t'uuK ilisuS J l:i-a!.-
gi-ntletiiiiii ot leisure wi ke.l into a
saloon in tl,. ci.v. recen.'y and c;i!led
.1... ,-.1. J.I..I. L ,. ..r...
I'lO (lllllt IllU'IU Ok '. IttvHl,
The gentlemanly bar-keep A grntly
remarki d to the thirdly in Iivi
that if hif ;.Tr;atcd it) iuiujhiijj mo frc -
iiuvntly of fit. n!fter hia "oof
w, fc(lfm ciMthiH" Hit itiu'pr
- rather took th eoek-toil artit down
an ho replied, that "it whs hin yofisi' and
had a riht tt vv' it if he -Hunted
i l"
A La HO a Kuu.-A Cor;
at hodttvllle writes u. at.iiut an egg
luche. lu el rcuiuference laid recently
h ' hul "''1'iu i,ullvt
Mug in that town. He however neglec -
j p.
i ted to state how much of the lieu thele
was left after her remarkable perform-
; nm
! AtN'T It
'1 Rl'K. Thin 1 jH-t the
1 kiti'I of wra.htr whin n man arva hia
i wife citnlnj; into the ruotn whli ua ;
arm fall of wood, ami after fcho ht ;
she utis
' Dam it
,, u,ii,,J
; crntiimvU the atnv full a!iyt.
! .a-'arnli June rou ou;:ht to hnv
1 mu to do thut-but It is too late now."
II LI. D I'VR PTAMrd. lA'tltTri U'l-
rirrssed to It. (J. Alinlecate Viitiealla .
Douglas county and Mary A. Kitelin-;
irer haJem are lieUl iu the nflii e for tl.e
want of Mum pi. 1 he writers will call
at.d stniiip their missives if tin y ctrej
lol.avelhem reiu li their diKliuiitioii.
r, V-Ti;1, 4, Bl , : ,,, . M r.
J aerenis.-i his oorupnliou in ( jIimhus :
i n says he cae wake aaj'.hifcg out j
f ,! i,ul li,L. si;er bbr, it::d j
j sporiweas of his bsaaiwe. k hirb v have
! W1. f!v b,.;v0 bim. !
Fijix Skbu itiR Sai.i:. It is the ltisi
and Dutch fibre eul. sad J. It. llo.;nva!
hi3 6 W h:.&iu Is f.r l-aie. tw'S Iiis uJ
f a Caup.-T til wiw are ?utV,,
' the er or a:it iiidiMrni u of vjuiIi. i. :-
j voua WiiiiDr!-. -ar:y )irh.y. I , ur :u
hiMid. Af.. 1 w'JI :il a rei(H- t!.:it v
.11 :
irr ftt rrnuov w a? t! i?rstTC J Liv a iu : i i
: urv in Smth Atm-riva. f.uJ a i I
V iV r-J,a :im : 11
i n. 1S:
I), Jk.., s-
I ! ix.. t'ersoim t-ftiou,; lor lh jnit tmi'U
j A,lt.llMr(,r!hi ju i, Wlilrr, Mrit Moliif
Aitor. wn, J H Mill-r. Mr Mutj j.
, .S'l.-Vn
i-,k .j l.
m ti' i 'inni-i, n in ii
Mori uli'-inl, .v,r A
ivrt, J 'u Vio.ji, MmJ Ii
l ni.ils-r.i...'r l-allier inn
d r !'n
J H I'lilu.t'r. W H 1!
i1..i.m r I'smm-iin Ml. Kltcn
rin ltil y, J'.ioi M J
l-'urro, w mw to-ni. . i'-i. r j
ii,illilWt.ii. Muiy Mn n , M r J. m a
Ht.iU'iiik. tt a Hinti. hr, Jolo.
, L , hi.,.ili. (
ifirl'T .
't ll'llllrtH, Jlrflft
Wniit fi, I ir W
V Hi Kill st, I I..,.
V lilt UlllhOII, ..ilH.I
XitiiH,' t
.Mil r, .fun I,
At Tnnifiit, Or1,:'!!, y.rn. .fiim- tni '.,,-t r,
nK U Td ion, 4 luooflm uni tiny ,
The cii ct uwnl wii Ihii ii In Vlrjinia, aug. jlli,
IWri. Ulitioiaiont lnyltil. m'-ru l'Uh - viy j
rii"iA-...f(iiirrmv,.i.;iniiry uiii. l"C,im (l.-i,i,n J n j- piMit,.!..! In t.,iio-
lit o'l loi-k . in., nt Mi rm-l-in;f fni lrotli-1
Tl'IIVKl iTtHDllll, .lolil' I ril'lOHI, H'Ml It''lllt I
Hit. K. 11. (.UlKl IS, ntM.tktr.1 by M. A.
tlKil'l'lN, liavo iiiu tt an ntlliw tn tltc Viy u(
Aiimny, ft'id ll thoMo whlilng; nrKi-ctivm upr
atHtriH will lltitl It io thtir Internal tn nive tln io
a enlh Kvry ItnprovtHi nppll.trHT tn tltr Oon
ii art will it- ruiiii al tlo'ir utn.i. aJ nil ov
crMlfuna will ljr;ii'0-ioi('i, l'rl(t' 10 in it 111
IIoilh. Oitk'O iiiitiilr eppoftiUi rnml Iipm"
Uiucmorr. vllii.'ll.vl,
'P. .MUiii). vllu.'ljl
tgIlh: lin.l rnlii'il. Uvo Millie north of Al
M. ny, 1 inn (sMiiity, Un-irtiti. luo. (Ivp luiiittrMit
IjiHlu-lii .,r Filr liui tSreil.or Ih. lliitfli nmt
Itlk'n rri.-l0 .. for mil. I will furnish S.'il In
luti". wisliin:; hi , -111:11 In tltt Iiuiiukii fur
oi.ti. tier n.iml. orJ 71' ,.tT liiiKtutl of siiy
pinin.u. di'tlvi T"1 In Iti," oily, h; my own i.;ifl:.
rur :in iculnl iii'inm' of Mr. Mi.u.nnltl, nt llu
olll.v ,il tho 1 hjioi m' WhT' Ih u ., or of ( In1 tin.
i!i.rii;niil. on Ins fiinn. wli ro it... mc.i now Is.
Jsttii t J AM I'M K. IMLSTcN.
"V'lt O't: Is ti'T' tiV t!vrn tint tti Ins! Witt
i ft i.i i I' 14 no 10 ol 1'. -in US It. Ki'h, lr,'. H....I,
lull, I.." o duty n.liultt"il IO trt)l.:lt(i unit Ii lli'ri
Ii biiiiii. ntjiry Ihsiu'iI Iticr.on to ttio u;i. r.l,'u
',1 t-y t tn- ei.uniy court of I.tim cuiiiity, nr. iron.
All T'r.rirs tiuvniK plitllus niilii.l In, i . title
of mil 1 ili'is nsi .t, nr. m411lr. il l irt'.rn! Iho
MJilno, Mltii IIip jTi't' r v.-uclir!, wlllttii iu
liuilitliii from II11' (Into loroof.tti ell tor of U10
iiiut'THitmi'il. nt rl r, .1.1.-1100 Ir, lliocllyof Al
tinny, lu nslil i'ijiiiiIv.
riliiXI.t.S MONTlClTIl,
John- (vnxek,
S. .1. Julius, .Itl'y fur Kxocutor.s,
Jun. n, IK11.
(itVrtX UY Tit B
Pacific Opera House,
Monday I'.vv., IVb. J '7(i.
Tickets, $2 00.
Coiunuiltc-e- ol ArratigoineiiiM.
Mart. '. ll.nwn, 11. J. Clarke,
Mart, Aiuel, T. .1. I'lino,
J. 11. Kvuns.
CommilU'C vt' Iitv!nf ou.
Mail. V
Ji. 11, Cillu-v,
... C. Kivv.
M:i:l. .t:i;:.-l.
'.ttio l'o,
J. It. llerr.-li,
Mvi-r Harris.
II. .Il.ttiin.i.
11. N Jii d.
P. -rtlanrl.
V. S. chapman,
Clias. Chr.ytic
O, 1. ToinikiiM.
Cor -tUir.
1- A, Milhii r.
J. L. t 'o.varj.
1. P. Ma'n.
! li.iru-y,
r. i:. IV
J mixtion.
Jam.- HiM'-iicM.
AM S!.l
.1.1 Si 1
Ccuta' (.lothlng.
rcla tnruihln Coods,
Hnts iintl apMv
Bo( autl Mtoei,
Jaall-dAatf. L. HL1YC.
; -- - -
iOOatl ii It EJW III) I
: ,, ,
; 1 r.r ur- nrn -i tt.,t r',,1.,-1,,,:. ..r t,.f ti(..f
?n.nihin p'l'n
lc ':.'t. it h i r-:r. ...r.iii.' ui, r.-r "i
i am-
n'urMiut i..ri ,
.i dnrr
.fiinti. tt irh tti' kiri
i-l-ir .i clfuini.:!. rutliff l'r..'l
i r i.i;.."; iti k ffl. Iiut,
'. in--, tin: U'tijitt a :.ttU' ui
'si-tit ii jt'ur.i
! t'tiiorof-rnn n
-.rti.:it. Hi'
I!. I'AUlH.-ll.
J'fi..'.'lot.r.r -'t. t.. OA w.'ir
Soto $20 SS'SS
1 is-.i-ti. of isitn . .... joji- n.i.i .tii. m.iii
. nior,. moll, y l vo.rK tor us, IB llirlr own k.
L.,i.r., ro.c tl.-ir .;.i.rv noooti.t.. it..
j ''': 7,i0,":';'!''i' ',,,i. e'em.iojr.
r' i"iti. full prniijuluri, t-riiks. ie., mhi
fr. .
HH:l at Tour ilili'-M at uii-e. Ihml
; tl ty. tin- l.iuue. Uit.'t l-iU for .tork
Dinvnr. (.i, mjn, t ' CO., 1'ortiatiU,
' y- .
.isJi li miEn.
, ftFAT FlSADfif FT f
W. O. !'.tl.l!i;u. I"ri.
W ','.: uf-Ii' !!,.!. u"i!.r ro,.";V;!
win if i.-umI t-'H-iy i.. ;i.-.-..t,ii.i...u.
; t'Ki-..- u-iii. nil.)- rr-,i..r liliu vntl. ii .-nit.
s-ii-..m n..i im.,.- t..r i-.,,. it.j,ii.u iv,ee
i'.'ti". v.. j oru:it ti. t o.,
runn.A.stt, outputs.
Ull T.I
1 1 Mi'J'lf TJ.Alt V'ITi:NTluS'
jlo l Ii liT -tri li i .
111 r..r faiin Iiuii'Ik. i
riilils, ikm
bop-rs, M.-amlsiat fiKhii ivr IimimU. i .(. 1
.'a rt if dfsiiiii to ti'ofiiri Liilmn-r" of
itiiy il. H'Tioii'iii, ilii.- ,-tIl or i lO'.fHluliny;
kiii-1 of lit iji ili Min-ti. unt'M itii'l foil iirti'
llltirs, Oll'i inijH.T UtU lMK.ll will bu Kiu-n
! W.. .-Iniri... ,v. f. to ll,. ir !
IrtlMir from our Au'rnrv. i
lli t'.T. I.i v '''iioi.v to IstuM (t 'J'iiloji, 4
Jolin MiH'nikcn A ('... K.-iol-Nniitii A t'o., !
T, A. Imi.V Co., (Whit: A sMwInv, I'-ji-I
oi-rnor A. . olilw, .IniiiHw IjuiUiiw.
Urit V !' ft .ii.ul, V.'iu. lici.l, tStatt ( 'oiu
Adiiiiii.Htrutiii'M olives
I V ' (rK I ).. r li- nlv.-n tl,t (tn- nnl-T-1
i 1 Mni tl tit
tlllM IH'i II lll-IM.Ot (1 IflllOlllN.
! by II,
Ol Illtl I MHO Ol J'lIMl lOOMII, ll-
ourt of 1 .in ii county, or. m,- j
;!' "r;.'-'''.''"'r.T"""'"-'
ll inn nl Int'iil lis iT'il'i I In .Ih ony of Jitliliaiy i
Tn, tti tin- r-'ii' .l, lit IiIr fi olti' li'M In
on ii i'towiiMiiir. in M.i.i. ';M!iiy.
Vl.M X tlfuN A .Ii,ll.-t. Attoriii'iA t..r Ailiuln-
11 M l.
IVtV t II K Vl.ttY I-INI.ST AVI) ;i'H'
I n l"tif 'iio.,)'ffili I'M lo fit Si tt A ' I Ki
I.I .Ji' . w Ho'inm, S. J.;7 nti l , i irA M.,
I'..rl lini.l. OrtJ."'ii. I'l'tnr-n c.iti-il, i-i.Ufi;.iJ
noil niiith'-il ot 'M, Ihdii h.k.i rujoii rr
l r ( oltirn In Ihu litiffftt My r. vHhi tttf,
t,t, l'i.l(:-tiH IV ill1; I.I VAi 'J'l 1 K I'N'
'I to tiiiti- o I In
tiiirttn. My OookH
iront aiui
IIMI' t l.l! '' loH t(l III Olll'
(iAwnlMf. J. I HAKItlM.
A 1 V K H T I S K M K N T 8 .
Thu Vrliliral.'d
Manolnctureo' ty the
riLivoKMi nrair.u nwx r
117 Piua St., Son rrnticiiico. Whit , miJ m desired Shade or
1m r.Mv
i't Ity (htm n tuinrl ni-HnnlK. Ii
ltJ. Ilus in Uttri'lii.
Dloat liontitit'ul mill Piiiltble
.:nitN Unouit.
niitl ar;- tA. iiiTrt-tiHl t ,r ehunp" nt siiV.t t'l
Ir im..-r-t i.rv. Hi-rrlm,' i.. , liliy n.l'i,.l..'il Ii
ilto fxlrouiintir (In ('JiiioHi' ul' Off ion.
: lust I'm' ' .ih Inns ns tlif White I.i-rtd, OT
.in; ih ; t ,'t.on y. i iwiowu,
hy k.vjsiiit; any Jn:;tU of tlmfl.
N. F. t.t,lt:tt:n of tho AVicnn.T.(ni:MtrAL
I'AINT. nfu WiirHiU-ss I'hnraottT. linvliitl an-
in iiroi in ilir inftrfcrt, iitiivluim rr nr-1 i'mit luitoil
tlnti i nr.- . nutiii'. i-.ivit mi, thti:.-'1 IjiiuhI-
fil. "Av rlil " tit iitlt-al I'.ilnt," or lirHrois tlx
tratti loari; tf tin? Citt)'Oi.v, wilted isrlliiili.yfd
(III t' r : .1 'i.lfKJlI'. f-HTIl Hf IM1A1.S I1M.I H
fur tort.i.r ti.turumtlt'ii apply lo
A. r.MtO'l'H KI.S A Cit.
T.1YI.OK KRO'fl, lroprletors.
miov ix.
Curio r rirtt ami Wrt'h'nirt:! stfrts" op.
lmW !. Clmrli-B liultrl. AlUoiy, Ur- LOii.
S. i'OS V h V.ltiVZiXT.K
(-urccsaar to i:.'l.w.'Ii.)
K ) hi ftiiKtaiitly on hand
of Custom made
and cnii.imr.x.
' s full .c .r; ..f
cn; viitv pitooi 11: i.iki;.
It.ti'i f..r;' t to
;itt, nl thf t!rj r
I f ir-l nnd
II m uj.; i),"' i.vtl, upk!irt iu l-'nnnnirI:liH.'U, a
i; ! i.i tnany
. L- It. v.'i, ph u
ofnpi'H' tic- in ihe
the ruit .t H.t-
! "' ' "r lll,e.
'f'i' i''-''""i A 't' ' i .': "l'y ''n'.'. i' r i i'hi'i'i j' .' "a'i
i ii. l.'-r lint.
i T!.t- r',i-;-r rill t1nl lu Mn. rM-rii' r-
' tih-ltK'lll. ' lWillr In Hilt. JillJ-T, It full ll
j wrliii"i f tUl infirvt ions lnf. iii)'i, wt'h t
I of n j. i; 1 ! ir itp.n!,;t s. ovrditx r Mii'-hnio
I lMiSlif. 1). Mi-;Vi...
AI.IiA VV, ui:t.o.
l;. )i:t"f TO t'lllll.K AT MIlliT.
it,,..i 1:1. ,,i x;,,-. n, .;i. i I-,,;,,
"l" "!'" '' '
.Kit II UN I'ott I I.AM), SAX I KAN-
CI -.'". s.,-1 NK1V VoltK, f..r sals
st l.-nvrt rilled.
"IT-Itsiikiiiif h.iurF, s a. s. t.i 4 e. s.Tst4
U.fer l" II. W. CllltllKTT,
W. . I.AUI).
T'lforporuU'il Vvb. I, IS75.
capital stock, $
T '
I'lvsi.lfiit M. A, ItAU'.SnN.
""'.v A.M. itoiii-.
H. A. HASdN, .r. Jtl.DVI.vs,
I M. MILI.KU, A.N. I.llliNj-iy,
J. 11. Itl-.KIl, N. I'ANdN,
V.WIll lo u jt in'inl nu'trlianiiix? busi-nt-N-s,
uml laiy aii-l att 1 1 pnnlin'o,
tSinioriitto inkiil.
'J ar B Ayr'i HMrMpaitlla U juilfy U
tilooj nnd imrijn out tUv tnnaom. ilinilnf holla
ai)4 twrc, wlilrh ur inrrfly rin'Uint i f I tut
roltnoiPM witliin.
:i v v, at i? i; y k ,s i k
,.,S'1I, ,y ...
&T;?'P': ;--"'-
(l-'OUNDI'.i) IN lfUI,)
a3ctweoii Ucavay and ftloatpomciy tt't.
l)H. lMUKin'V'M l.i.r -ly twi.1 sioiwllljr tn-
pui'it wlili tin unt'!iioiitiVl Inci'i'iio i. nil ili'iliiy
t;ro wlh of tho I'ii.'lilo I'oiil. In'ini--U hU rr
moviil from hi Un:; vtinulnhnt nnd wll
known fiinrli'rs, on tin- conn r ol Miu'
ami lit'ltirtirinrir MrtM'ta, l;i lulu i-tly, to mor-i
iinmnuKMimrf.nut rli,;ltiljr loratittl i,iurttnontJi,
tt So. ntot'luy mtrtt, ttlifr.i liu Iims H spti
Lilotis fin ltd nf li;uulmuiH'ly (lit cil tin n li it con.
vcnioiitly iirritni'iil Kxanilniiti-m nntt Con mil
tut Ion ltoom, toivupyltift tin whnlu of fir iwu
uujuTMorli'N) whlrli mtti'iita may ut all MniM
vIkiI, uml a.') only tho lioctor nml tiU rssIh-
v tth tin- most cnitcriil ;-nltioiiitii of Pi-furtl
for i ho tibi rut Uiiir.niiico Li'f,iowfU on hitn lr
i h pi, Uiirti on yi-iua, ut his old oilltc,
n:t. uoi2i:ktv
it. hIi -h lo inform the Oi-nrTrtl PuLlle, null ea
it'vmliy hII itioic InbnrinK umVr nil ornm ol
I'lironic (Vin'!;;lnls, UinL lit' cli In) coi)nu)til
ntfilft I'lay strcf t, on ifTiry vntlcty nf lli
ffuc of tlio I ii n us, I.tvi r, KUlncyjt, 1)1 test! vi
uitt CJcnito-rrinitry Urutoi, ami tilt
nf wiileli th1 Ust 1 minicrott!!. ami which art
limn ctiM.'iy coiint'Cti il wil li tlit'iMKml health
ihan tho majority of )fujltt nn awitnt. Vh.
riiijy invalitls for years ponilsL In conofalliK
tti.'lr winJillDn frotn n motive orllnntliiK In
inlktukita Ui'llonry, tout tin ir.T In sllenco until
tlK-lr fhlsorii'M bi't-oiiio Iimi ncutH to W repiVDa-
u, or Imve nn-mini d a form that rrndfra licnt
tts both illlllcnlt Hint f'xiJt'iislVP. Thla Intter
tyin of atMictlon nmnlfcsts Jtaolf In ttie on;-
fi.iint proit'Mionnuy Known as Mynnuis, in all
ts foi mi Mini ; tx'iuliitat Weulcnsn. ant
nil tho diairrjjhiti); forms of Bt'lf-Abuic, ur
innnlon; Uonorrh'pu; Ktricture; Noclaninl
and 1 'iiirnnl LOniiboioiis, Heiutil Oebrliiy, !
ris,' of tin .tuck ii nd l)lna, JnlliininiHtlon ul
tho IlluduVr nnd Kuttiyyt, vie, etc. 'llie uum-bt-rof
v rsoiui!itirrtrinj;irom Uiine horrlblIii
nii. In wliutn tin' 1 toot or lins offodct a rad
IfAi curt', run to ominti d by thu ttiouaianij, anil
th' voluntary c-'rtiiicnti'S in hi., miat'ithloa. r
fi'lvi-d tnnii i arsons lm liiis r-livrd, ant
oiioti.-h to sutUfy nil tluit too Uudor'n skill lu
iho tniititK'nt of t hi? uirW-tloiii, pimiilca hi in
u.ruri- till cnrjbl-; cnsN, nnj in evvry Inntanec
f ri li-'f. liisiw.-i''! wnii'h fornit'rly mitnitJ
iiit'iiical ski J I of the ntoKl Icuriw-d nnd tt
L-necd rrnctltioii'T.s of the tifiilinir art. and
wvrf rt'tciirUrd by tin tnnjority of I'hyatciana
n nto Tiy inn; Tii oiv, now n-iiony yiiu oi mini.
rn rrnii'di. s, uhfti ,'ri'striO"d by Ihr inlatli
i'M l'r.ictil ioiifr, who nnkos tht- human tyi
I'-in, ntul ttiist Kjtr'cml flltiiuntK, IOm couitatil
rltuly utid f.iilJ 'i.-I of oifsrrviltioil.
InniKiiw is j.tiblicity nTniitlct except nt
llif I'xi.r. iis ivMi of tin naltriil ; and the Doo
tor foiJiiU-ntly iniM that tnA luiist 'Xi rttntjc
n:u! Miivji-liil jiriK-t nil villi oonllnui lo lnsinv
..lm n iit.i'ril ?li;ir i of publiu initniiiJiE'i. hy
!lu' pr-vtici of innny yonrsi In tuirupo find I tut
i nn. 'ii mhi'1. in- ih fn.i'jn'u io nppit toe mot
tiifH't'Srtftil'dlrs Hj;iHnst dlitriiafi of nil
H? curt without tucrciiry, ciinrKCS modrrnto
tn-alB liis patlciits In h corr-'ct and hon
r.ilil way, nnd has n-f'-n'rwa of umjuitloii
ibli vi-ranty, from tncii of known rrttpcetft bit
ty and hi-i Ktatuiirig In tun-itty. All pjrU.jii
lio infiy nm nilt him by b'tt'T or ot hrwti,
UU n-o. ivi tin- b -hi nml nUffttr'nttnJmt.
To I'cmalo.
Wii- ti ii ii'turit" U nftlirtru1 with (tlwant1, tut
fHlitiuM of th buck and limb, jmin in tho
ifful, (iiium'S'4 of siirlit. lo"of muscular iowi-r.
I'aitiiliitiMii of tii tic'in. Irritability, lu-rtoas
o Tai..'iiifiit ur t. csiivi functions, iwu
-r& debility, all tlicf'tutt of tin womb, ny.
na. o nl.ty, nn.4 all other dim-Mr pccul'inr
ft -uinl' kin' Ehoiild K' or wrJtsf at onra hi
lt. W. K. I'Oili-.ra V, nt JiU ititlif.-ij Inttil
ittc, and sli'Miiit r-'.! v i vi-.-y lkrrsrtll' rHI''f
f.-l no f'tlKii il'-ti'-iy un-veat vnu. but nnnly
imiii.'jiati-ly.antt -:if- yr.ursi'if from painful
'tuiTcrltie, n:.d ir' rr.iiturdi'atii.
To ,orr('Sioit3enl.
I'ali-'iits otnlv or fi-innU') r'-nidins la any
pfirt fif tin CHi.ilry Imwfvrr disimil, who may
b'iir thu opinion uml advico of Ur. irtiherty
in tiKlr r sj fcttv cah-i, Hiid who think ripc-r
io ubmll a nTitun tnalcnifnt of auch, in pref--r.Mic-
to hiiUmip n p rtnnal intorvlcw, ar r-i-tifui
ly Hiiuri'd t hat li.kir cjininunlcntlom
will bv iilij must sacred,
Th Ivt'lor Ii a r-itui!irirrn!iinttuntl mny b.i
r-,rnnltt.ti with cvi ri co'iiLlue-.
If th Ix; fully and onudldty ..-nertt.
il, nominal otnnitiiili'nttou will, Ut in out
'ivi, w tinm ct'ssnry, n Init rui-tloim f-irdift,
rj;!Pitn ami ti t i iut.-.! lr-ftt :n "tit of thu caw
iit'-lf imiudint: ttu rfin'-dii,( will be Itir
niird'n uithoiiL dtluy, and in aurlt a manner
aitocoiiTi y tift idea of tBf iiurjtolt of tuu lei
lr ir (rtrct'l o traimtnlttwl.
fttiouid your (fifiditiiKi rxjulri ImmMiatu : at
tciitioo. h tid tfn lioliun in t.'.i., tur that vahti
In currfiicyi by Mall, or Wrli, J'nivo A Uo'a
KxpifiM, and a paehuK'j of u'luiicim-ii will btt
forwarikd to yo;:r addrcut, with Uiv iit'cceniiry
lim'ructioim for ut4'.
t'oiisuliatiotin. t th" oflire or by Itjtt'TntKR.
Addrt.' V. K. Uoll';uiV, M. I)., San tri.ii
isoo, Cal.
Opinion. ..i tllC lVVHfl.
l"H. iJ'il'I.ttTV It r. ii:.r..l .' vlclan Hnd
tiom.r:itU t;intifnrin. Any HnWiiiunt hu
inaii.-n to U. i.iti.Mitt, lm jA miru to hi 1(1 11
l iiitt Int in one at uniit' of IniomltM'ht u
ouss In htN profossloti. It U fnrtiinntu tha.
'iinoiiK tb(t niaiiy nilvTtlslmc phyMcian, u
It onu Unit can In- di-jx'litlcd on." lU'Tluvr.
Jilt. IW'inatT. s rfptitntlon nunphyslelan,
is a fuiilclpnt KUiirfiuti 't for thu curn of any
.mm- hi iitidi rlai;t s."-CaluV(Tu Chronlck'.
"I)lt. IwHIKItTY htiddtvotrd his utiuly moro
jimiiulurl to cliroiitclf, "in-ciltc aim prlvaiu
iirftrlict', and a kiicIi is now I lit; niokt succoitt
ful of any ohvMvliin tn ttitn ! raiicinc-o ' Kren
"mi. iH' nputntlun Is ttprond to
no otluT piiy.vlrlan on tint comcI, hi chronic and
ftimcmr t'liictici'."-Mirror,
"IHt. liDJIKUTV.-lVwinrn in thi m Mien I
; irofi-Mio n lutvc unccf-fMon iji KalnltiK the con-il.l.'ii.-i'
of th.- i.fibUi In l In Ir silll and Jud
inrnt as In has." Iii'iuinr.
"IHt. lHi;it'l'Y rnnlts un tiif of our in out
tllhtinifultshi d I'll vsiflnii". (intl o oiiu of tho
ni'isl ui't'"'nifnl1 which li now tho criterion by
wUtvh lit" iin'.lli-l 'riiclltionrlsJuitgcd."Kcho.
IHt. lilKI(TY onj.iys n more extnilTi
.'ill'.-than any idivatcmn In thin 8tAU."
a.-'I'lti' IiM'ior will Fi'inl his painphM on
clitl :ivn, to any ntltln-i., on rooelirt ot
six ct-nlH in (kjrUH' stamps, for return poftat;e.
!' TII l i A OK!
i.rrn.E monitor"
sikmiIs ilircl. Ma low Ih'; CnblK hi Itch for
inliroidrrlnx from I wo virools direct, Jusl
think of Itbttllot. No morn Lot lu-r with Hhut
ll'ssnd Mobbinn. You di.ti't luifn to slop Io
wind your t hn-iul a few yaiils i.t it tliiiij on to
Hill-) ItobbliiH, Jiif.1 tnkij Iwo Mponlii un you
K't lh in fi'iiiu tint Mere, put thrni on your
Niiu'hlfin ami nt iv uwny wltlnuil (uilbtT IfCUblu
uiiMI tin- ritnolii iri UM ii nji,
MiiIu-m the i'1'h.itJift I,'k Mtltch loo. Ai ntso
n M J'.nibl'oid- llnf Klitcli niul t'iiilln Mlt.-h
iiitniuti iiiruiiL'ii pff ivnt. iiihlci' thun
nuy oilier iiiiiehin.-. il.i.s .ihoili r
mnhfiiK It much bsn t In r.nin'-toopTale. Self
s'llinn siriiinta iH'dllf, Hi ll sctttni: nttiit-h.
toi tith, nniH tli.' licrhtt i-l nnd irmkct, the b ust
noU-t,f nny niiu l.iiie lu lh worJd. Hum lm.
li.rtiie ilriUiv: powiivf. Will new Hi Ik thread
i ii;al toroHon, wlml fo f iml lo tlMKlillie wilt
do, In fuel will do more work, morn Kinds of
work iiml eiit-lT nnd bi tter Innn any innchliiii
In tht! world, ftfd nnd w n,i wonderful lie
eiitlou id l'AX 1'UN'N I'linl.inriiiih Uallery.
A. F. P. Cc.
f.KTII-M havlnjr hto,tmN with the Ald'-it
l-not I'n ui rUnul ompimy, will plc-me rait
nl the olll ce tif nirlrr ft Co., at Ihe I'iuiiIiijc
Mlll, win re 1 may Ki iu tnlly lm ioiind diirioic
bin.liu'Hi bourn, torthe pn "split.
KM ( A KTKIt, Hiw'v.
!. tft d.twlt.