RATES OF ADVERTISING, STATD IUGI1TS DDIOCLUf V : III A AvSv 1 iTnfh' ' i m x on iTc' 8 coTTTco ir, l do i ii i m li oo in oo i in. oo iioo iooo it oo i: a 4 In. 4 00 T 00 11 60 II 00 IT 00 ii Col A 00 I 00 It 00 IS 00 It 00 H CoL I M II 00 ID 00 10 00 41 K Cel. 10 00 It 00 21 00 40 00 0 (0 1 Col. It 00 10 N 40 00 00 100 (0 x. v. uo, c. s. nmn BROWN & STEWART. 44v JiV Arv' J OLDEST DEMOCRATIC PAPER IN OREGON OFFICE WtESKOCRIir BUILD! KG. TKRMR, t lAnxm i Oh yw, S ) 8U Mentha, $3 ; Thrw month, $1 ; On month, AO sis I Sua I CViaiMt 124 mdU. PnWMimmloH m rrtilnnT nvnr MHUBIWl llafllA lurvBrDoiymouilj,inutmke known thjir lniMir nmufi i me Minor. " win ue jfivun loinmroomiuuiiuMuuii. BUSINESS CARDS. JAS K. WEATHERFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OKBQOW. roan In Iranian's brlok, om iKKt-offlv. vlliil. W. R. GRAHAM, FAsraONABLE TAILOR, Hm ust opnd out shop In tha foomi rv wntly upi(Hl by lit. K. 0. Slmth, one Uiwr wet of JUy Mark. Kim Uvet, Albuy, kuU GENT'8 OLOTHINQ tn the beat manner and at the lowest reasona ble rate. Ulm him a mil. lit warranto to at yon. viinstr. , a. oasaaasv. I. . mm. vervain, Linn Co. . CHENOWETH 4 SMITH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OorvauJ, Off. mm llniiil at the Court lleuee. v8nI7 8. A. JOIIXS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. 0RK00N. truffles In the Cmirt Houoe. vailXf. J. A. VAKT1S, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW COHTAIXIS, ORBSON. 0 Will praetlee. tn all the routta of the State. Lrumw in the ! Houee.- vMvyL J. W. KAVBIR V ATTORNEY AT LAW. COST ALUS, OREGON. Rneetal attention tnenlleetewi of aevmtRte. VOOim one door. Hnulh of r'labera Hncfc." vUuSlyL J. XT. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY ft COUNSELOR AT LAW, WW anetlM In all the franta In the M. M ajaul h Judicial IHMrkta . In the Mopreme Vnurt of trrefttn. and In the (Tnltetl Hlnlee llls trtet .ml (ftreutt. Coon, omee up-elAlre In front mora In Puruh brwk biuek. Vim rtt.. Alhoiijr. Onaxaa. vsnlsyl. GEO. R. HELM, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW ' Will rmatfaa la all taa Coaiti or thla Btal. OFTIOtt : ALE.tXT, ORBQON. Ko. 11, im. L. II. nOXTAXVE, REAL ESTATE AGENT, ALHAHT, OMBiiON. FARMS Or AU HI7.ES. JT ALIT1E AN D pncM in wit purcliHAm, umi numtwr of dwwlllnjt In th city or AHwny. tor al chrap. Kmlicnou and athn tltrlnir to purchtw should attlaiul loMrn lernia before mreu.iiy aWtlar. Albanj, UragoD, May Ltth. 11171. 10n41yl. d. m rice, n. i., FHYSICUN & SURGEON, ALBANY, OEBOOM, HBae on lfatn atieat, between Ferry and BmMlalbln. lbaldenen on Third street, two trtoefta aaat, or baiow. the Uetbudtal Cburcn. aHntltX. O. P. i. rLtnnEB, M. D. DSALBaX Brairai. aleAirtwem, PajrntaafiHeia, Cigars, Tabatea. Ilekaai atawka mm utu- tiaaifirjr. A fun atoek of tooaaea and itirBleal appll nVRemamber PluoinitrAa rionasri. V. C. TWEEDALE, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. TOBACCO. CIGARS. YANKEE NOTIONS, Catlar, Orockory, Wood 4 Willow Ware. CALL AND BBS 8TJL Mora on Front auaet, Albany, Urrfoo. Tn7L RESIDENCE FOR SALE. npHR tTNDEHHKJNED OrKKKIW 1118 Jft. fln family rMidrinc In AlLwiny. itfitnn for am ib oo rvaaonaUIti lerni. U tompniw aaoat sicai aern m lanu, a fanrn onrrmru, a aummoiluMta rvatdenav and ennvnntwni out bulldlmtaor all klnOa. Th pliuw Ib niiffoTllifi br lmjikTMl and moatdalrai)lA revlitonoa In In dty. tn furthrr pAitlculan rmutrw of ii. nfcX. J tilt aOKlUOB. BOOTS MADE TO ORDER AT BSaaKA.( AAraa at ALBANY, OREGON. atrwork mrmntod In ilva aatlalacUon.'a ran&tr. DAKBEK SIIOF HAVIMO LB AH ED A NEW HHOP ONE doorwoctof KoxD slora, and flttrd It up Id a final and laaty mannr, I will be pld to ha all mr old ustumfFra fttliiti' tliU pairunatr), and will guaiaitbM aalUfitcilon to RIIMtPM, Viunidti. A. T. ARNELL, will attend to all ordari for PA:Tir.c, crjt'Rinc, glazing and PAPER KfiflGIKG. W on Kaaoiid alreet, to the old Paellle Ho la: baiwina. rllnMrl. ' THE CRIGIAlTaY EAM jaatui. A Lira with A NEW, OUTFIT! aanttARICFin. FOR PAW FAVortH, AND m allll oeelmue ur arintlnittnK to meet the name, the proprietor la alwa,, rea4ly and eaallr rmmdatall Itmee. I'neeenKera arid ImKKufie aarrwd loanil irorn theaaretoaujr Mn of tba atlr at reawMiafie avaa. a. a. aiimii.I), Alban UlK -:i fntpriator DnrlBt THE OLD BKOOM FACTOKY WD. BKT.IHNII, THIT OKKTI.RKA"; who ittMmllAt-llireil the rimt lir.K,tna In thla ef ly, ha lull rnluriiMl from i.'Mlllifrnln and la aalr enKatf-l In the old IxieliieMat hie oh! eland In lb MeUWr bulldtuM, nanr P,liri . alU. vlbull. VOL XI. (From the KvaNtHO DaonT, Mao. lOtli.l UOUU AND AlUtOAD. When! 85. OmntHu-V, WU4' to 87. IMeaauit lut night wasn't it? Trot out your Chrltrtmna turkey. Many a pullet will toon lny her lust lny, Mnny a rooslor will ioon crow his lost erow. This weather It as (food as anybody's weather. Many a lurkoy gobbler will aeon Mrut his last strut.. This Is the season of "high th-ds" gait ers, we mean. "Fowl play"wlllboaUralMllilotwo weeks from to-morrow. Merer auch Fall la Oregon. So snjo Uie oldest Inhabitant. Those "Pan KuasU" at Uio Albany Caudy Manufactory, are gay, you belt Eomic kaudy toys will soon adorn the show caam of Kris Cringle's aire The weekly Dunoon at In wrapt ready for mailing can be iad at this office. For your morning coca uvll drop Into Horbln & Go's, First street, near Broadul bin- Mr. J. C. Deny, of the Halom Flouring Mills, is stopping at the 81 Chnrlea Hotel. As wo Journey through lire, let's live by the way. Hubscrlbo for the Evenixu Iikm ochat. I'hotograplis of departed friends raised to life ie by A. 11. I'oiluo, In Fraiiian'e brick. The weekly Statu Kiohth Db-iiochat issustl to-day. Bend one to an Eastern friend. Thothurmomcter at Dr l'lummer.s sloud, Dec. 0th, at 7 a. m. 54, at 13 m., Cl, alO p. m., 56. Collarettes, scarfs and ties at Airs. S. A. John's, Tiroadalbin street, opposite the Peuociut office. . Julinny Cmnin, at the Palace Oyster Rooms on Washington alreet, dishes up lite blvalre in every style. Ur. C P. Jlurkhart informa us -that he has sown winter wheat as late as the 4lh of April and gut a good yield. Mr. George F. Simpson, Superintendent of the Farmer's Warehouse, has bought 13,000 bushels of wheat since Wednesday noon. The editors and compositors of the rcx- nra IIkmocrat can "surround" mora wed ding cake in leas time than any office on the coast. A small farmer in Sweet Borne Valley. who is the father of 14 children, is puzzling his brains 10 account for the hard time in that Ticinity. Kn.ua Mr Til India. A letter re ceived at Hakey last Tuesday, from Spo kane, contains the Information that Mr. James McMahon, formerly of this eoonly, found mntdered about the 18th ult., in hi bed, his head having been split opcu by hatchet or tomahawk. It was prolw bly the work of some of the Spokane In diana that wre4n the Ticinity of Ur. Uc- Habon's ranch. The circumslauces of the affair as far as can be conjectured, or ure known, are as follows; Mr. McMahon. who i a step-son of Mr. Jas. llamford, of Hat- sey, is about 30 years of age, and for sever al years past has been engaged in stock raising on the Spokane, lie "bached" in a cabin some distance from any white neigh bors, and was a sober, industrious young man. borne day sine, an Indian under the Influence of liqn,cametoMcMuhon's ranch and made the boast that he was bullet-proof, and to prove bis assertion he put his own run to his head and pulled the trigger. The result was that his brains were scattered on the grid and the Indian went to the happy hunting grounds of his tribe. Ill "tllllcnms" accused Mcilahon of making the Indian drunk, canning him to commit suicide. To revenge his death, the Indian doubtless killed the young He had been dead several days when found ss above deacribsd. As McMahon wua strictly temperate, the Indian could ol have got any liquor from him. Mc Mahon at the time of hi death, had about three hundred head of stock, and one of the best ranches in the Spokane country. We learn that effort) are being mado to bring his murderers to Justice. Hiavy Buifmcnt. Mr. O. P'Beard- nley the general Agent of tlia Alden Fruit Company of New York, shipped this data to that company, five ton fruit put up by the Altleu Fruit Fro aerving Company of this olty. The shipment consist of throe and a half ton of apples, one too of plums and half ton of pears , Mr. B. I n forms us that be ha sent a number of ton of Oregon fruit dried by the Alden process to New York during til lost two sea sons, and aays that fro It from this State I worth flva or ai x cent more per pound than from an y other section of the country. Special Mr.rri.io. T ha Old Maid's So ciety will meet in sscrr , session this even ing at the residence of John Conner, Esq. The special object of the meeting is lo ex pel one of it lata members, Mrs. Win. Peters tu4 Blain, wr 0 has been guilty, re cently, of violating one of the fundamental laws of the Socio' ... Other business of importance will I transacted. The two young gent who recently lent communi ration to this Ten arable body, will doubtless get a "set-back' to-night that will "send them weeping t0 their beds." The soeiety is said to bo it a prosperous condition, but we are India' J(l to believe that "leap year1 will send it I ,p higher than "Olldcroy ever Bow lus Mb? .." Entkrt airmen'.". At the meeting last evef ,oc 0f the committee of arranges jents of Linn Engine Co., No 2, appoi uteri to take charge of the pro posed otertalnmont, It was decided to have a sociable and musical and libr ary en tortainment combined ou New Year s eve. The sommllUr also have nnde r advisement the scheme of hav ing ' a hall on the 8th of January. The rear lera of the Kvknino JJkmouhat will be kept posted as the arrangement for t festival progress. A Beautiful Idka Place the s shell I J the ear, and "the delicious murmur of the sea" steal like enchantment through you; but the same effect may be produced by placing to the ear a heaver lint, a tin Pt or pickle bottle, which Inst mentioned fact take all the poetry oat of the sea shell From the Kvirwia Dsmoubat, Deo. Mb.) OH AND ABROAD. : Turkeys are goltlng ripo. A good supply of I-o's In the city. What are you going lo stuff your Christ mas turkey with t i The sound of the hammor and saw are heard on all sides. Capt. A. W. Water, of the Oregon Statu man, called this morning. A Lebanon belle has tresses 8 feet 10 inches long all her own. The cost in a recent dog suit In an ad jacent town amnnnted to f 811. Oregon bus over been singularly free from tornado, plagues and pestilence. The handsomest girl In the city lias red checks, and wears a number two boot. A youugster in Dixie got hi eau boxed recently, for culling bis sister " big sun flowor." Tho thermometer at Dr. Plummer's stood 1, at T A m 65, at 19 in, Bo, at 6 p.m. B0. A popular First street clerk talks of go ing in Paradise. Paradise Is a small town In Idaho. Seventy ear loads of wheat wore shipped from thiii city this week to Portland over UicO.JkC.li.il. A lot nf onc-stnry house for renting wanted badly In this olty. Who will help supply Urn wantt Get reacy to "turn over a new loai" now Year's day. That is the Orthodox date for doing that 'tiling. Uube say his girl didn't exactly say no, but he considers what ho did say as "cat mount to aTafusel." Husbands should see that their wives are kissed, pettt d and carressed even ir they have to perform the Job thoiuselve. ALBANY pstAIIUJt OIRU. A K Pier Lamar rraaa Bebekah mt Alfeaaur FnaMe. Editor Demcerat: Are you aware of the fact that there are no ojd maids, in the general acceptation ef the term, on Albany Prairie !" Jiovenne- icas it 1 a plntnp, beautiful truth, not that our girls all marry; some of them live lives of single blessedness and It is bles sedness, indiwl. They are not man-haters, nor are they akin to Macbeth' witches. They are the sart of girl that wouldn't marry a man sour as a crab-apple, far the soke of a home. They have strong and brave hen-la, and can make sunny little homes by their own noble effurt. They possess strong, good sense, and sufficient sentiment to keep the heart as freak as the daisies that: gem the prairie In springtime. They have been, or seem to have been bap tised iu the fountain ol perpetual yonm. They are not Aeahless, vapid sort of women women that have been laced, rrtsatm ana painted, until they look like a dandeliun pressed in tho "Saint's rest." Our Allainy ITairic girls wny, tnerc is music and vitality in the words I The god dess of health tins laid her rich seal tipon their warm, flushed cheeks and given Arm. neas and grace to the step, which high heeled art In not in the least responsible for. Laugh If yon will, but 1 have seen feet and ankles skipping over Albany rrairic, taut one of your Gospel Itidgo belle would give a fortune te claim as her own. And hair, teeth and graceful ontllnes go to sleep with the poiweaMrr. There's no loving aside those adjuncts to woman's beauty on the prairie. If yon enter their room, It ann't remind you of a sauuth up on the cars. Dressing bureaus and tables are not loaded down with dead people's liair.niinus brains. Not long ago onojf 'out prairie girls" told me thai she had bees visiting a former schoolmate in Salem. Thoir sleeping apart ment Joined ; the Salem lady was taken uddesly 111. The prairie girl ran to her room, and In searching Jor a match safe, her hands came in contact with great rolls of damp smelling hair. "Oh," said he "I fell as if I hod thrust my hand Into the very mUtnlgut of the grave, How the cold waves did chase each other up slid down my spinal column I" It is refreshing to see these bonny girls of the prairie, whoso lives are singularly earnest and pure as a mountain bracic. They can p'.ay the piano, milk the cows, make corn- bread and glngermnaps, and do anything I a the wide world that a good, truo woiuaji may or can do. Yours, At hom j, Dec. 6. HE11EKAU. Is Towk Mr. John Helman, Superin tendent of the Machine shops of B. F. Drake, at Salem, ha been in the city for the post two doys fur the purpose of ohng ing the feed of the planer at Curler & Co's sash and door factory, so as to do the work ef manufacturing those articles properly. Mr. Holmnn is the only person on the north- west coast that has ever attempted the man ufuclnre of planers. lis kos mode fifteen during the past three years, and they are considered, by those using-them, to be su. pcrlor to tho Eastern muohlne. Mr. If. is a thorough master of hi profession, and we hope that he may nod it to ills lutoreat to start iu the spring, a firnl clinw muciinii shop in Albany. Wkul Attkkokd. Tho literary exorcises at the Institute and at the Dixie school woro well attended yostorday nfternoon, but we lenrn that the number of visitors si the Central schsol were small. The exercises were Interesting, varied and in most in stancoe, well rendered. Parents and friends of the pupils cannot spend more pleasant hour than by attending these weekly exhi bitlons. Besides the pleasure te be derived by the spectators themselves, their presence cncouruijf the pupils and nerves them up to greater efforts in the future. Hkauino KooM. Articles of Incorpora lion have bees made out and will be tiled the first of the week, incorporating the "Subncriliors Association and Beading liiiom." The incorporators will be Messrs. M. V. Urown, N. B. Humphrey and J. D. Bruwcr. Mr. Brower lias the matter in hand, and Judging from the way he Is work- inn the matlor no, our citizens will soon have a good library and reading room Waiiteiv Four conipelenlmiislcians for the llnuil of tho 21nt ltegimcnt U. H. In. fanlry. For terms, clc. apply lit Fort Van couver, W. T., to Find Lieut., Qoergo W, Evans, 21st Kuglinent I'. S. Infantry, litv crultlng officer. Here Is a chance fur first class "blowers" lo work for Ibslr "hard tack and $10 a month. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER IT, ram the Cvsnrrtn Husoosat, two, lUli.l HOME AMD ABAOD, Wheat 80. Home radish oason. ' H All quiet on tho Calllpooi.' ' All wreno along the Willamette. Oroonliack buying 80S'. Selling 87. li'hloh port of the turkey do you profsr? Yesterday was good "shirt slooyo" weather. Supremo court commenced It session In Salem this morning.' Thanks to Coll. Vancloavo, of tho Jittlit ter, for special favors. "The proper tudy of mankind" Is wo mon. Pops Improved Not one In twenty of the Gospel Bldgo belle wear striped stockings. Boston may have her Bunkor Hill, but Albany ha her "Hunker Bill." R A.Irvine, of this olty, will be chief niareuel at the next Bute Fair. Now 1 the time to dish up the saner kraut you put down in October. Hon. John Burnett went down to-day to attend the Supreme Court at Salem. Holiday goods are now visible to the naked eye oa Bruadalbin and First streets, Mr. S. F. Mathews, or the St. Charles, lias "doue gone" to Portland for a "rusticate." (J no. Christie, one of the live workers of the Dkmociiat, was over from the Forks yesterday. It Is a bad plan to Judge a book by Its cover or a Gospel Kldg belle by the drus she wears. Business before pleasure ; ' always take a drink before listening to sue of the major's "rich" yarn. One "drunk n disorderly" deposited fS and costs with Recorder M. A. Baker for the use of the city. In Jefferson they fine a man $.' for kisslug anulher man's wife and i0 if ho don't wheu be bos good show. The Wisconsin brigade hold meetings every evening at the SI Charles, Oregon weather is now under consideration. A Ooapel Itidge beauty recently sent utile to her young man, in which she sc cuses that individual of telling "phllis." The ladies of some of our churches might get up a mite society afer the Eastern style, and it might lie profitable to their society. This 1 the season for sportsmen to "pick their flints" ud saunter out in the foul hit's after Ahe wild deer and fleet-footed The thermometer at Dr. Plummer's stood Dec. 11th at 7 . ra 61, at 12 m W., 6 p. m., 08. Dec. 12 at " a. m, 50, at 18 m., BO", at 0 p. ni St. A hill half quire of new subscribers for tli Weekly Dehocuat uwluy, and our sprightly little Daily is looking up in pro portion. "Let the mare see her call." A Dixie girl ha ripped up her brother's carpet slippers nd naed the upper to car pet the parlor. She ha enough material left to make three good alxvd door mat. Thanks to our old time Democratic friend Mr. Nlatrad Prk. fur a club of new sub scribers for the Waeklt Deuochat. If other frlonds will do as well, we will have a grand procession for the Centennial year. Spend totrn .Mtwtrr at Home. Do not send away from home for a bill of any site you want, under the mistaken Idea that you can do bettor. The best that any man can do is lo help build up his town and county. This is done by patronizing home men and measures. You spend your money with a home merchant, he lives; keep clerks, they live: he Improves, gives employment to men who Also live, nd the subsistence for sll these men must come from the tows snd country and bring profit to the pro ducer or maker. You patronise your home manufacture and help build them up, and as they yearly expand Ui clr borders, snd employ mora men, they benefit towa snd country, sud there are more mouths to feed. Bend away for your purchases, and you starve your merchant and manufactur or; he more away, takes his clerks and hands, and your produce and work Is a drug. And above all things do not go away from home to spend your lneuey, and lean account unpaid at home, Spend ynnr money at heme. Your merchant are your neighbors, yuur friends; they stand by you in sickness are your associates without your trade they cannot do business. No stores, then no banks, no one wanting to buy property to settle on and build up your place. Merchants should do Uieir advertlsmg at home. They should get their bill heads, circulars, cards, letter heads, envelopes, and all their printing at home, of their own nowspapora, who aid them in many ways, and advertise them hundreds of times without any pay what ever. Merchants should sot an example to their customers by patronizing liberally their homo newspaper. Mon ud women re Imitative animals, aud sro prone to fol low examples set them. How can mcr. chant expect their neighbors to trade with them if they set the example of going away from home for their printing and adrertls- iug. Let the merchant and people of Al b.iny patronize home enterprise, home in. dustry and home trade, and In a few short years we will have one of the most flour ishing cities of this fair commonwsalth. Fimed. Officer Wm. Queener arrest ed, this morning, Q. U. Potter, the In dividual who gave a "Magio Lantern" show at the Opera House Saturday evening, for giving bis show without first obtaining a license "as the law directs." After Interviewing Booordor M. A. Baker he plead guilty to the soft Impeachment and was fined $5 and costs, amounting In all to $ 16.00. His free admittance dodge didn't "imui out," m Wiu. UE AnsENT. Dr. D. M. Jones, M. D Professor of Materia Medina and Ther apeutic in the Medical Department of the Willamette University, will bo absent on business connected with his Professorship, every day in the week except Saturdays and Sundays, from 12 m. to 8 p. m. The balance of the time the Doctor will be at his post in this city. Road Kki-aiiui. Thecltir.onsor Browns ville are to hold a meeting next Friday the 17th lust,, to lake Into consideration the best means of Improving the road lictwocn Unit town and Halsey. Tho mud at pros ent is said te be In horrible state, but can- bo plaoed iu good passable condition for a comparatively small amount If the citizen will pull together. CBOOL -REPORT. Ma. EniTon i Herewith I hand yon a con densed report of the public schools In DIs; trlot No. 8, as oomplled from the toacn. or's reports which have Just come to hand ; Mnmbor of boys enrolled, im, wiui nn average scholarship of 11, and deportment 80. Number of girls enrolled, 101, with an avorago scholorshlp of 80, and deportment 82. Total number onrelled SOB. The above summary shows that the girls are Just a little nliond of the boys In Imth scholarship and deportment, Now, boys, try and improve A.N. ARNOLD, iiei'E. MASONIC KUtCTON. HAnnwuimn, Deo. 10, 1875. Editor Demoernt : At a regular meeting of Thurston Lodge No 8,A. F, A. M., the following ollf oers were elected for the oomia'g Masonic year ; w . w . unggs, it . n. , u . m. . '. , 8. W. O. r. rompains, j. tv.; aici. num. morvlllo.Tcas.i Saml. May, Sec'y. Offi cers appointed : Gen. Ward, S. D.i Wm MoCullooh, J. D. ; Cues. Lvis anu tinocn Hoult, Bawards. S. MAY. iHronxATiox Wakted. Joan or Joanna Marney, daughter of Amos Morney, re moved from Missouri to Texas about 1882 with her uncle Hale nalhswny. Joan was at that time about 14 or 18 years old. From Texas she removed to Los Angelos, Califor nia, where she married Wm. Maddux, by whom (he had two children. Maddux lived but a short time, and after his death she married man named Morgan, with whom she removed to the Slate of Oregon ; since which slme her friends have never heard from her. She is still the owner or some real eslale In Missouri If she appears and claims It. Any information regarding Mrs. Morgan or hur hell will be thankfully re. colved by JOHN M. W ILLIAMS, Attorney ut Law, California, Moniteau Co., Mo. Th Sw York Odseuvee. Thi beat of family newspaper 1 as fresh and Interesting, now In It fifty-third year, a ever before; and, indeed, we think it more o. It letter alone are worth more than the subscription price of the paper. It repudiate all oner of premiums, picture, Ac., aud sends to It patrons a splendid family news paper of the largort dimension, con taining all the desirable news, religious, and secular, and an endless varlcly of reading for young and old, all of which I pure and good. Every family should have It, For specimen copies, address 8. 1. PbimsI A Co., New York. Jockey Club. There Is some talk of organising A Jockey Club in this city aud county, under the same rules and regulations a those of Cslifornla and the Eastern Blatea, and to have ri'gular'PprltisTandfranmoetlugi We have a good track aad there are certain ly running and trotting stock enough on the Northwest coast to mak each meeting interesting and to draw a large crowd twice a year te our go ahead city. Cntmcn Sociablc And Fair.T1i ladies of the Evangelical Church will hold a sociable and fair at the 0)icra House is this city, on Wednesday evening the 22nd, and cordially Invite tho public lo lrnd a helping hand. Admission 25 cts. Oyster soup, cakes, peaches and cream and ice cream will Include the refreshments for the evening. Any donation will be uiaitK fully received. Exercises for the evening: Music, both instrumental aud vocal. An acreeahle time Is anticipated. Come and see our "butler duck." Ministers of all de nominations, with their famlllirs, admitted free. Knew thet wotld Bust. A cMnir back woods, foot-hill storekeeper recently visit- ad Halsey, and dropping into one of the tores in that lively little town, found the nronrictors busily engaged In taking an Invoice of slock preparatory to making their usual yearly exhibit. I pon learning what they were doing, he took a companion aside and remarked "They arc invoicing! InvolciiiEl I Just what I expected. I knew they would bust," Ometkrs,Take Notice I The following resolution wa passed at the recent meet ing ef the Board of Munngers of the Stale Agricultural Bocloty.st Halein. "llcsoivco that first premium ol ft mi, aim seconu of f 100, be offered for the best drilled, cqulppod and uniformed Hand Fire Engine Co. The members of the Company to be tested by trial on the grounds the trial to lake place on Thursday ofFalr week, at 10 o'clock, a. a. Majbion Station. Mr. J. M. Johus has taken In about 40,000 bushels of wheat at his warehouse on the railroad nt Marion Station, this season, s great part of which caiuo from the Forks of the Santiam, in this county. Mr. Johns is now bnylng and packing pork, and Informs us that he will pack several hundred hogs this winter, and istonds to make a permanent business of It In future. Masonic Election, St. Julius Lodge No. 68, of this city, last Saturday night dueled the following officers for theeasulug Masonic year: N. B. Humphrey, W. M. ; W. K. Price, 8. W.; W. II. llarr, J. W.; It. 8. Price, Trcas.; M. A. Baker, Sec'y t Oeo. Humphrey, Tiler. Tho Installation will take place on the 27th Inst., at 7 r. at. Arr Illustration. A subscriber says that an Albanian who takes a 1'ortlund or San Francisco daily in preference lo his home dally, because, perhaps it coutalus more reading matter, remind hlnn'f the person w he selected the largest pair of boots in the liox, because they cost the same as a pair much smaller that fitted him. Died Thursday morning, Dec. 0, 1878, at 8 o'clock, within a shorl distance of ouch other, near Miller' Station, Mrs. H.uuli Bimlson, daughter of Wm. Hale, of Albany, and Mrs. Mary Ann Lewis, daughter of John Laytou, also of Albany. Christmas pools designing to cniitrlliule this year to tho Evkninci Dkmociiat, are requestud to write oo both sides of the pa per; one printer can then work while the O'.lior commits suicide. 187 A DARKKY FINANOJltR, ' !I "IHAUDS NO MAS," AND MARKS TUB MONEY "00 HOCK' SOMEHOW, Adaptability to bnsin i not ex oluBivoly confined to the ADfrlo-Saron ltioe.ni tlie Homotio persuasion occa sionally exhibit a markod foroo of ohitraoter in that direotion really wonhy of being Boted; and the fol lowing inoident, saya a Florida cor respondent, prove conclusively that a groat deal of business tact is some time to be founa lying aronnd loos oven is thi settlement. Sorao few days sinoe on of our oontrftotora had oooasion t tear dows an old briok wall and remavo tne material elewhsre. He agreed with an old darkoy to do the job forfilteen dollare, tha ob to be paid for as soon .a nmnlotrid. The sab oontractor, filled with the Importance of hi position, at ono engaged the services f fiiioan oilier nerrroe. cimg to psy them at the rale oi one oohsu per day for their servicos. Hut, a the work approached oompletlon, the idea eudaeuiy entered uno a.. . head that ha waa not making any ;roat profit out ol tne coniraoi. !'hia would not begin to do; ao, call- ing in III aw ot a wuuo kopt a imall grocery hard by, he lub mitted hi ce, and wa advised to settle with hi hands pro rata the best he could. It wat a aigbt not readily to be forgotten. Seated upon a nail keg, Uncle Jake, after clearing his throat to attraol atlenlion, bean by the assertion : "I 'fraud no man. Now I want all you oolorsd gou'lomen to un'sfan' dat 1 loses oo dis yer conlrack. I don't see my way to nufiin 'tall. I wants ebery man to bab suffin, 'canae dat's right; but,aeeyere, dis yere money ain't gwino to hole out; clar it ain't; an' 1 don't want no grnm'lin nor fuss kicked up wid me; you hear dat? How much I owes you, Lemuel?" "Dollar'n'arf. You knows dat well ai I da Didn't I werk a dayVarff "Y-a a-a. Well, yon take a dollar au' say no more about iu da money ain't gwine to hole out, I tells you. I wanta ebery man to gel a bar', and di s all yon gets any way. Say joo Dan, what I owes yon?" " You owes me a dollar, Uncle Jake. I done work a day." 'Dat' what 1 thought Here la half a dollar and a dime lo get a drink of whiskey wid." "Hut 1 wanta mt dollar." ' "Course you doe. I 'fraud do man. Dis here money hai got to go round somehow, yeu Mere ur mow I don't want any more foolin' round here. Jim!" "Here I U." "O, you's dar, ia yer? How much I owes yer, Jim?" - -"Dollar'n qararter. - ' "Mighty tight times for money, Jim nebber seed eoeta timet afore. Her take this sebbenty five . cents, and thank the Lord 'tia so worse." 'Look heah, Unele Jke, don't yer come noue 'o dat on me, kuae I ain't gwiue to put up wid it." "New don't you ge maVio' a fuss heah, mind I tola yon. De money ain't gwiue to bole out, I done lole you all dat. I 'fraud do man. Every mao specie to get a little, an' how you tink dey'll get it, an' yon makin, a fuss Ilk dis? I doue heerd enough. Joe." "Now 'lore you begins to talk, olo man don't you fool wid me; I done my work, an' now I wants de spexerino tums. liutterberdam ef I takes any nonsense. Hand ober dat money dat wot you a got ter do. "How much fowi yon, Joe!1' "Yon owe me aebbenty-Sve cents, an' I wanta it right away- An' be sides I doue lost my hatchet, ao I don't make nufiin, any way. "You don lost your hatchet?" "Dot's wot I tole vou." "Sorry 'bout dat," responded Uncle Jake, "kase I alius 'doplcd a rule, when a man lost any of his tools, he's got to be docked till dey're iolcbed back. Her, take dis quarter, and trabble." "JSut do hatchet was mine, you olo fool. You understand dat?" "Don't know nufiin about it; youno business ter loose der hatchet. I 'fraud Human; when you fotehe dat hatchet back den I talks mors wid you 'boat it; rSut l never tows any man to tose de tools dat ain't butiuesa." "See here, man you a fraud yoo.s worse dan de Freed man 'a Bank. Hand ober dat moneyl" "O. e'lonn cbilliu I tole you du ver's a lootiu' job, any way. How you 'spec 1 make auyluing ty tn opera tion? De mouey has got ter go round somehow. The reprobate certainly cave any thing but anlistaction to liisemplojees all ol whom wont oil highly indig- naut, but unable to help themselves in any way. It ia barely possible that a similsr mode of doing business might occasionally be found else where, and not among the darkeys, either. The Death Kiss. Woman' love it Ihere anything like it? A Canadi an wife bos just died at Unliegh, and he has taken her to Canada to bury her under native tod. She died in a land of strangers, but loft behind her the name of a dovotod wife. It wot love in death! He saw hor sinking fast; and the knew it; it was con sumption! He nursed her like a lit tle child the Croat stronK wan and there fhoy wore iu the room together the ni(jul rite died. Hhe wanted to see out;to gaze onoe more at the world outside, but he en treated hor against it, and told her that to take her up would moke her worse, but she said she wa dying anyhow, so ho lifted hor about iu Uie room, holding her to hit breast, and uhmvitio- fiiia nrtincf. and that DOint- ing out everything, and she kissed him with every breath, till the last broath was gone, aud the kins died cold on her cheek. Womnne love! When God made man He put all heaven in woman's love, and He told him to win it and be worthy of itl NO. 19 A RAILWAY KPiaODB. They ome into the oar at a wayside station together. She was in the lead; a position she is not likely to surrender o long a they travel to- eother. A tall brunette, with a shari face, and ciercine black eyes. hair black as the ravens wing, a long aquline nose with, a mole on the aide of it, and a mouth the cut of which betokened determination and force. She hod posted beyond the abady tide of the teens, and climbed to the apex of aauarter of century. He wat a guiloss youth over whose oow-oolorea head eighteen summers had passed, an innocent hotMtde-hoy just released from his mother's apron- strings. On him she east loving glances, and hit faoo suffused with DiunD.es, was mrnea wiui uuuu, aimAaliiirr look to her. lbs cur waa crowded, and eligible soaia not tvis ohtainable. - AMui th middle of the car sedate trave ler oocunied a aeat all to himself Thither the irrepressible lady pressed her way. The eedate traveler rose and with much oourtsey invited her to take a eeot next to tho window, and when she was seated he calmly eBconoed himself upon the vacant half of the chair. By this time the young man whom she wat escorting had come up. He placed his hand upon the back of the teat, looked np pealingly Into the face of hit protect ress and timdly around the car. He wat evidently embejTaased and didn't know what to do with himself. J. be sharp nosed brunette eyed the sedate traveler by her aide with sharpness mat almost amounted to niaiiguiaity. Hut the traveler teemed all uncon cioua of scrutiny to which he was subjected, and looked away over the fielda through an opposite window. The brunette could endure to see her sallow bean standing forlorn no longer, and thus addressed the date traveler, whose eyes were wanJerinrr far awav. and whose thoughts were with the dear ones at home. "I sat, straneer 1 "Well say on," responded the se date traveler. "I sav, look here, stronger!' "Well, what have you to show me." said the sedate man. "Stranger, I want you to know that this young gentleman 8 tan ding up there ia my feller." "Ah! I'm glad to hear it. How long have you bod him? Taking care of him, 1 supposed "Now von lust look here ttraneer this yonng man it my feller and I'm bound to see that nobody shall im pose upon him. You hear me. Now poseuponnim. lounearme. o lfyou hod any manners you d iunt git right upl and let him have a seat by - Oh," I' am very happy in your so ciety. You cannot imagine how much pleasure it has given me to furnish you with a seat where you can tee out through the window. Besides 1 always toot especial de bght in being near charming ladies like yourself," replied the sedate traveler. "But, sir, he it my fellow, sir: my beau, do you understand?" Is that to and who would nave thought it! And does his mother place him under your protection when be goes abroad?" Now, you look here, stranger, me and that youug man expects to be engaged, and we ve been keeping company together, and me and hiin wonts to have a talk together, and you are real mean if you don't elvo him seat by me so that we can talk: that' what I think." The imper- turnble traveler straightened up, then leaned over in the direction of. the sharp-faced brunette, smiled most benignly and lovingly on her, and thus spoke: "Charniing lady, 1 would be most happy to accommodate you, but you tee I'm a pilgrim and a stranger, way worn and weary, and a long way from home. Besides my heart it just now beating a tattoo of of ecstat ic aausiocuon, uecause ui your chorminrr presence. Beinc a bache lor, and so near one ao lovely and engaging, how can 1 forgo the great pleasure I now enjoy. . I have had dreams in my time bright dreams as I have wandered through this great big world, of sometime meeting with one to whom I could reveal all this ead heart of mine would fain not longer conceal. You ire the inr peraonatioo ot my dreams, and now would you drive me from your love ly side? Hay hat no bird SaDg in your heart? I saw" you come as a star rise above the horrizoa.attd the light of your eyea has illumined my soul. Say beautiful straujjer, will you drive me hence? The sedate traveler ceased to speak. The fire had gone down in the brunette's eyes, the severe expression had vnnished from her face, her storn lips had relaxed thoir rigidity, and apart juBt enough to reveal the ivory structure within: and in a tone that was soft and low: she asked: . "Did vou say vou was a bachelor?" "Aye. beautiful Btranger, that's mv fortunate station. Then the brunette turned her eyes softlv Upon her "foliar," who stood twitching his fingers, and gazing around man abashed, timid sort of way, and thus she addressed him, "Tom, I guess you'd better git another seat,- while I speak with this The odlcer of New York oounty, Me., have by a vigorous enforcement or the proniuiiory law reeoyercu i-ai,. UUU within two years. lied. used on railroad.aignifle danger, and savs atoD. The same color dis played In a man' no may well be interpreted to give a imnar warning, A novel, but needful, In these times, Insarauc company Is to be formed. called the Natieual Burglary Insurance Company, wltu a capital ot l,uuu,vuu. The progre of knowledge Is like that of the u-Mio slow that veoannot see It, but so sure at to change night into day. , ,. Business notions in the Ixxml Column, 30 cent per lino. For okh1 and transient ailvortlwmonta, fit 00 por square of 'i line, for the first naarllon, and 60 oenta par square for each sutiHoquont Insertion, . aOMKGOOn ADTICB. Vou should not choose a minor part, Or make yourself too ohnap. Without eonootl, bavo self.rospeet. And look before you leep. De not too proud, but do not stoop To what beneath your reach i And should you advocate a rule, , . Just praolloeVhat you preach. "Tls well to feel yourself possessed ' Of merit and ot skill. And talent, too oo tries wall In play l But tact Is baiter still. Choose noble alms and never swerve, And grasp your honors tUtht, And whan you Sad the Iron not, atrlke It with all your mUht, Vharlet Merrltt PACIFIC COABTKRH. Over 115 names' are enrolled at the Lafayette Academy, The weather has boon quite cold Idaho City. Shoveling snow is said to be the principal occupation. ' A new and commodious building it in course of construction at Cen tral City, for a distributing office for the Coquille River. f Captain Porker & Co. are building a tug-boat on the Coquille, intended for the Coquille, and Coot Bay bars, Sixty feet keel. ' Quito a number of new buildings were ereeted at Halsey the past sea ton, prominent among which is the Granger's warehouse. The precise date of opening thd State University at Eugene has not been agreed upon. A corps of teach' ers have been engaged. B. M. Washburn has bought out the interest of W. I. Mayfield, bid former partner, in the Walla Walla Spirit, and it now sole proprietor. The Souring mill at Dayton had a narrow escape from fire last week, The flames broke out in the engine room: but were discovered just in the nick of time. A three-quarter interest in the Van Winkle Co., Lightning creek, belong ing to Harry JoneB changed 'hands last week at $4,000. Mr. P. E. Pa tullo wot the purchaser. Father Brabant, a Catholio mis sionary, was shot in the right hand and back by Matlahow, a Hasquot chief. He reached Victoria in the Rocket, and lfts wounds are healing. The Astoriaa enters a protest . t & further hoard of the p6" , . . P"" etJ hr tte carrying of passengorrj uy inu viuioui vmu uu the route between Astoria and Skipa non. A Dalles milkman has served his customers, every morning for nine -years. From present indications the little railroad towp of St. Joe intends to keep pace with the demands of the timet. A mon named Wigmore, formerly o captain in the British Army and recently in the employ of F. J. Bar-, nard & Co., jumped overboard on a recent trip of the steamer from Sort- land. The Eugene City people , think they have discovered a clue to the thief who has committed several burglaries in their midst recently, but unfortunately the; have not dis covered tho thief. He has sloped. The Jounfainee-r is told that the steamer Idaho on her way from the Cascades to the Dalles on last Mon day, caught fire near the smoke stack, but was extinguished before any damage was sustained. Pieces of the. wreck and articles belonging tj the lost vessel continue to float ashore at Beacon Hill. Near ly every vessel that arrives sees some thing or other a relio of the lost vessel. We ore informed that the hydraulic apparatus and ether material to be used by the English Company in their claims at Galice Creek has re cently arrived at Roseburg and is now on its way to that point. Beaver Slough was thoroughly dragged, at the mouth, by a large party of men, for the body of the late Mr. Belt, who was drowned the day previous. We ore sorry to say that the efforts were without success. The wreck of the Shoshone, which has so long ornamented the river bank opposite Salem, has been carried away by the late high water, and has gone a last journey to that bourne from which no steamboat has ever yet returned. Telegraphic inquries were received in Victoria from Ottawa and other parts of Canada, California, Nevada and nearly all the Eastern States, and from England and Ireland as to the fate of persons supposed to be on board the Pacific. The new school house at Unity, Yamhill county, is about completed and will be ready for occupancy by the 1st of January. It will be re membered that the old school build ing was burned lost fall, since which time the district has been without a school. A man by the name of Mnthiaa Mock late from Iowa, came to liar low's gate on the 22d of November; having been lost in the mountains for 24 hours, with his feet badly frozen. All was done to make the stranger at comfortable as possible. He will most likely lose all of his toes.