rat DAY....... -.JULY 0, 1876 HOUSEHOLD. To Make Glossy Stakch. Add ta each pint of starch ready for use n u anpoonful each of epsom salts and hue clear gum aramo. AsoraEB KiSOirE. Boil together ninr. nf oraain ftnd a Dint 01 milk thicken with two table-spoonfuls of arrowroot mixed with milkr, stir in half a pound of loaf sugar, let it boil stsra, strain, add flavoring and freeze. ' fir.nE win Ready Use. To any quantity of glue use common whisky instead of water. Put both together in a bottle, cork tight, and set it away .for three or four days. It will then be fit for use withont the application of heat It will be found a useful and handy artiole in every bonsenold, Eiob PuDrntro Without Eoos. Put into a well-buttered dish bait a pound best Carolina rice, simply washed; pour on it three pints of cold milk: sweeten and flavor to taste; put a little butter and nutmeg on the too to brown : bake two and bait . . I." L ' I. hours in a slow ovrn, on which union of the success ol the pudding de pends. Anothbb Rkcipk. A pint and a half of rich cream, quart and a half pint of fresh milk, one, pound of loaf scgar, two egi8, one table-spoonful of flour or corn starsh; essenoe to taste. Take half the milk and boil it, stirring in gradually the sugar. Beat the eggs wefl, add to them Jwo table-spoonfuls of oold milk and pour tbem into the boiling milk. Let tbem simmer two or three minutes, stirring tbem all the time. Then remove from the fire and strain the mixture through a hair sieve or a piece of book muslin. Add the cream and the remainder of the milk and freeze as above directed. Apple or Pwwb Pudding. Crust to betnade the same as for oream tartar biscuit, to be looked by steam ii) a covered tin boiler, roll the crust to the required size and half an inob thick; nse first a layer of crust, then slice apple and so on, having the top layer a orust, leaving room for the pmlding to swell; u prunes are usoa swell them first by soaking them in wator; don't let them boil so as te break the skin. Cook the pudding an hour and a half or two hours scood inc to the size. Make a sauce same s,s for the dumplings. I have made these puddings with peaches, both fresh and dried, and with dried apple, (always swelling the dried fruit), with blackberries, and with whortleberries (or huckleberries), and I nevur knew of one being heavy made this way. jv luo nuiui unyi vnuao UO w search for something cooling, it may be deemed in season to give the following directions how to make re oream: To Make Iob Cuban One quart rich cream boiled and set away till cold. Half a pound of powdered loaf sugar. The.juioe of two large lemons or a pint of strawberries or rasp berries; or an ounce of bittor almonds, blanched and pounded in a mortar with rose water, or some one of the various "essences." Put the oream into the freezer and set in a tub or pail. Fill the tub with ice broken into very small pieces, and strew among the ice a large dusulity of salt, taking care that none of the suit gels into the cream. Sorape. tbo cream down with a spoon as it freezes round the edges of tne tin. While tho cream is freezing stir iu gradually (he lemon-juice, or the strained juice Ol Ijorrien, or other flavoring, When It is all frozen dip the tin id lukewarm water, take out the cream aud serve. If it is to be molded, as soon as it is I rut eo put it iu tie moulds and set them in a ma of ioe and salt, Just 1elore the oream is needed for use take the moulds out oi tho t jb, wipe or wash the salt oarefully from the ounide, dip the moulds in lukewarm water aud turn out the oream. THE MOTHER OF TEXAS! N. A correspondent of the Kansas City 7'unrs, writing from Houston, in Texas, gives the following intensely lnifiesuug iraaauggc. The vetersns were wild with en thusiasm when Mrs. Gen. Long, the oldest veteran of Texas, was presented Vo the convention. She was invested with a bad (re of honor, and in my In terview with tho venerable lady she told me that it bad been the proudest day of her life, she bad been orowned with so many honors, Sbo said that Qoneral Andrew Jackson introduced her husband to her. She oaino to Texas in 1819, fifty six ytars ago, aud was tjio first white woman who put toot'- npon Galreataon Inland. The Uous'l Tcleynrph states that she is bow over HO yoars of sue, but she listed to me that her age is 77 years. It is very difficult aud dulioato mailer to cumputo wita maiuemauoai accu racy and exactness a woman's sge, but we oan safely say that Mrs. Gen. I,oncr is a veteran. What wonderful associations and mingled memories of pleasure and sadness cl tutor around . .i .1. i.t. . tne pamway oi iuis.Ycunuio mmiun Over half a century in Texas I The as. socate of the great Jackson, a par Moipant in the war for the indopeud new of Te-&3, tho -observant of tl'r. cruellies and hardships and wild snenes rf border life iii'lhe wildest period in the wildest period in the disUtrr of the Southwest what a I uu-i of information and incident an untftrprising Interviewer nnglit obtain from tbo venerable woman. An Iowa potior says i The destruc tion by flood nud drowning out of cr(iH on lint and low land, hiivc won vi rv hMivy tho past month, but !-. I'.ro pMtimadiir tho ix-r oout. of wo will w;ilt Iho rusultf of iH'ltcr il.-n women in a MiisHnitlinsetts (.tictiUv oowlmlcd a man for ' v. i a id tiie job was so ti it fio liafti'l been able to I I i f mi i'Ws. , i i -1 1 1 v ' iil of linmble ex- -I I . r ,. ;ir itbov her Htfi- Venus -1 1 H i of lo-r- t I W'JVI'll to . -HI Of III'- .-Hi. i i-1 ADVEE T I S EM E NT S." . , Ayer's Saisaparilla U wiih'H' known ft one of the most ellet-tual remedies pvt'i- discovered for Icanping the tyn- ui mid purityinjr the blocHl. It una ituotl tho test of years, with a con- r-"V illation. baied on its Uitrinsio virtues, and sustained by its re niarlcnult) cures, fco mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and jot no searching as to eH'eetiially purge out the great cor ruptions of the bloud, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in tho system for vears. soon yield to this powerful anti dote, anil disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known) of Scrotiilu, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Kruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, ISollH. Pimples. Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's Firo, Hone or Erysipe liu, Tetter, Salt Kiietim, Sciild liead, Jtitiirworm, and internal LI- curat ions of the Uterus, Stomach, nnu Xilver. it also cures otiicr com. plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, i lis, i curiuin, j lcuri it iseuse. Female Weakness, Debility, ana Leucorrhoca, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. Jt is an excellent restorer of health and strenfrth in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, It dissipates die depression and listless lan guorof thesesson. Even where no disorder appears, people feci better, anil live longer. for cleansing the blood. The system moves on witn renewed vigor ano a new lease oi uc. PREPARED n r n. i o vro jr. nn i .....n uiiiivinitn ut w, luwcii, niais. PTOtftcal an AnalyHeal CUemltlt. SOLD BY JLLL DKJOGISTS EVEBYWUEEH MALES VEOETsDlE SICILIAN k RENEWER. Every year incrcaxes the popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; wliioh is due to merit alone. Wo can asiuro our old patrons that it is kept fully tip to its high standard; and it ie the only reliable and perfected prep nralinn for restoring Goat or Faded Hair to its. youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions nnd dandruff, mill, bv its tonic properties, prevents tho hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the liuir-glands. My its uso, tho hair grows thicker and stronor. In baldness, it restores tho capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, 6xcept in extreme old n;;e. It is tho most economical Ham )ni;sttiNa ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and (jives tho hair a splendid, glossy ap pcainiice. A. A. Iiiiyos, M.D., State Assnyor of JluNHncliimetts, snys, " 1 lie const itiiunts are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; and! consider it tho IIest Prki'as.'.TIoN for its intended purposes," Sufi! by all ftntffftiKtt, nwt Dealer! In iktlichm. Frio Ono Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WHISKEES. A our Konewur in mnny cases re. qniiosi too long a iii.no, and too much care, to restore giny or liitlcd Wliitik ors, we linva'prepnred Ibis dye, in one in partition; ulii. li will quickly and I'llcctiiiilly uceompliBli this result, It is easily implied, and produces a color which will neither nib nor wtifth off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. n lYaricisiyj.CWoi'-ua.! Capital, (Tall c? h Ml) $809,000 Surplus F!i;l(ta , Gjlil) 200,1 1 0 Tmaurla errry lilnd f I,nlilnl UnukiiiAl lulnrM. BVTSI ANIKM,N f:X'SIAN-?twitt Itrluolim) citlfs r tit, l nit. ilst iho uuii Kur,.M, ISKUHI1 l'RRTirifTKS of UKFOSU IT aiuuiti ut t.t (niiiiiu'iTU.1 uttil i:ti.iii,-iut ImlnU MVS ASH Kicr.j.t IMInnnl, Hale, riljr sail t'ouiiiy Hoiiuii. IlTltNTnstSITl Sltni! nnocr. cioi.n Ann n vru nri.i.iost ami LCUAL TDMkl.HK IxinuliluiuliiuM.' KPrtBiT ArrorTstk-m m now. anr ami Ourrviirv, imd t m 'i-i lo rlieok at plt'twiiro, INTKKItsIT Pin hi Time Psimslts, COI.I.KOTIOTS t? lIC In Una. rtr ntvl vli-lnliv wiilimit rnnrvit, nnrl ut sil nthor tinlnlssi mmt. snil iinH-tiuils rcDilttod at oumul rthwi.f ivNoittniiH. 0. 1 IfiSIBT, rETEB H. BTTR1TETT. Oaaiuiu Prsstdrat. "empire bakery A N ti PROVISION STOKE! .io2. sciiiii:i:ii, Oor. Tint . Ellsworth Its. Aliany, Or., KdAPt1 rmiflsllll.v iih I'satt S onoililrt aNRnrt- Groceries and Vegetables! rronck ana Fancy flandles! Wines and Canned Traits! Cigars, Pipes and Tobsoeo Anil uw-rytlilntf sice to bo fnnni! tu ft first elits KwlKll 1'iiinHy lirwesry mitt Xnllnu U-tHbtipti-m-nt. "Live siiil lot llro," is m.T wottu, mul hH II tw the aIis of my manner ut lieuling will on-li.infr,. Ciut Slut sve Die. 7ii'j;vl. JOHN HCHMKBR. city )xri EAT .r.lAR.CET! J. I.. II HItlS, lrp. Ur II I KKF.I -fDNSTAKTI.V ON HANO 1 tit tfk MH'Ht ttH mnrk'-t ntr.rth, ail w(H alwiiyit lt loutid rtfriy ut axvMHHMlAU Hi"'- mIhi riiny fHMr lilin with m cult. r JtiUi l iimrk'i pri'tr iiU lur tHl. i THE OLD ''lllimm FACTORY v. r .1-rVti. THK lKNTI,r MAN iii!!--ltnrfil Hiss Hit! bfmUifcin l m -MiMt'".! Iiwh Hlihrnlrt ftlt J !li tl( ! 'IJslllI'Mi HI M ft old 'Ui- r (i-'U 'i, nv'iir V!tf-r A &Y C , Y-v P t ro.RiooRT. VRWSiwerT. A D V E BTI 8 K M 15 N T ti. f r NEW FIRM NEW GOODS HAElRISBUmC : MOTTO: "LIVE A.D LET LIVE!" (t shall InstiRiiratn this motto Into pmctloe by patronizing l-lie prlnter.l MAVINU I'URCIIASEU THE INTKREBT of my Inttf partners, Messrs. U. Oerst and A. Anspacher, lam deslroua of . Uucplng the business up to Its former stanilnrd auu to give tho fullest sutlsl'iu'tlon to custoint-TS. I will begin thfl Tall Tradfl with fresh In. voice of now goods, consisting of Dry tioodsi, CiroecrleN, Gent's Fiirnllilii Goods, I.BilirH' Dress Goods, Hot 4c t ap. Hoots A Shoes. Hardware, Crockery, tic., 4c. such ss I ic''iifriUl)' kept Id ft FIRST CLASS RETAIL STORE M All of which I will sell at GitK.tTi.Y itrni 1 1: ritit t.H i (.yiiiytiuitly mi luind, MBTZLFR'3 CELECRATCD RAW HIDE EOTTOMED CHAIRS HA. Mi MAY. . U. TITUS TJTUS BKO'S, a v ,a W2 MCot. SEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, ' JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, DIAMOND SPECTACLES ! AI.HO nvrol.s) AND CARTRIDGE SINGER SEWING MACHINES, Anil sJl kiutls of Eewimg Machine NoaJIos REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. All Oseis Sold . sal U7rk Bon Wsrrsnted. J.IMI.S L. COH AN. (lUCCRIIHOH 09 COWAP ft 00.) l io j i a non.o n i : a o n DKAI.ER 1 Gti:itlL. MEIlCIIAXUISi: Will KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL STOCK or- DRY QOOD3I GROCERIES! IIA.Tt.IWVTl.T3 ! Hoots nud Yihors t Ail IW Sili. al tli. !,iiw! I'rii'H for C4MH ur HiOlU CK. All persens nwlnit A. Cowan A Co. aast satlN hy ealllnK on ma at Lebanon. iTaSlif. JAMR8 I,. (IOWA!. TIIE IIOMI? MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. DIRECTORS OREGON BRANCH. I'. WAKKEI1MAN, IV Ikrt riHMITII, UK. IIKOVKIt, - 0. MAOI.KvT, I.UIYD llltiVlKK, C. It. t KWIM. J. l.t'ttAWPtmn, l. M.rtlKNCII. J. I.OWIINIIKIHI, IIMII.TO I!Qlr, nuuntfr. L.H.HI)TAVK.A-cnt,Ataj. KKMOVAI ,i.i'ttt;w iit..E:v, .ti. (ttmhitH hjMio N. W. tforiHT of A ttir aiwI Kl tM kV)Unl IU Wi; IllHiTs, l'V HUi ft 1)1 lit. :i)t,l ADVKB'l'ItiE MEJ'TS GREAT REDUCTION IN' PRiCESlj; SMilH, 8RASSFIEL0 & CO., j II -A. K I I S B XJ B. O , j Htivo on- hauj a complot? stock of ai'-GOSH, XOTIIIXCS,' HOOTS, s::cr.s ETC.,' ' as. V.'iilch t : off. r m ercntly : Itedurd Prices, SIXTY UAV8. to make r.Him for rJiolr Vittt iiwk. FAR21ERS! GKAKf-FRS ! EVERVD0DY1 i now In your chuno to buy Ovtrp'ncli "!nbri"-vvTvthft)g: uwmlly kept In flrst-'KfMi r't'H Uitc, a!l i which will bo lold UQ tho nioff fcatoriHW" tL-nns. HaMlTil, ((KAriHI'lELD A C(t. J;ily 2d, WJ ntfm'l. fJO TO-TItK. . - - '; V'. BEE-HIVE STORE TO hUV OROCERIES, PROVISIONS, -'ro.., ETC, CHEAP FOR CASH I t? .TV PRDI CE bUL'OITT ttiK liaitCHANDISE OR CASH ! CHEAPEST PLACE IM ALBANY 1 ftarpnrtl.'ft vtll nlwaVH An WfP tO Call HUti 9V tor thomflvfa thruv imsutntlnK their Untie. clrHwlirv. it. WB.hU, Mm St., Altmny. drugs a;;o medicines. JOHN TOSIIAY, (Suceeuur to F. Soltlcmlw.) PKALXH IX DKrOM, MKt:iFH, TOItET AillKlt-v rAINTM, OILN, window Httvln; hd sevonil yonrN os;wrlenr !n the ctrui? buTnrt, hi ftn justlfloii to wumrlnff his eiiPiomfPttliRt uripr ottrw will iM um'j in tho preparation RnJaiponnlHifof meUicInM, vlUuMtf. VARIETY STORE. E,0.ni !)i:, Propriclor. . I have it as'wrtf.nntof t Taney fJumlM, Ribbon, riicCHv Uorstclf, etc.. Tobacco, t lRArn, l'oultlon- . or, tit. And B-lolt nham of the uMle pfttmnnKe, 'ul Ml B"ll chwp foroHnli. mor HuRteU on Prtwrittlbin Ht m-tui ojilto the new Hoot ,(, .UoiKrj, . vlUaSlma. CASH SYSTEM O'NLY! WisiWstcr ; Has ojii'U! a NEW uroci:by ntore- Iii Wanl'soid stunrt, on Klrat alrwt, wlioro lm will sill Koottn ('hMifor thau Any Other Honst In tha ratiuty which svll on tli whIU ayatrin, us ho KEEP!? NO BOOKS ' - nr1 ?Hi fnr Cnh only or H rqulvRlvntWn M A H K ATA SLR KnDl'l'R, Dont forRl to (ti tb hts or ti you wiit Rrct rld 36 prr cottt. 1.1 nF.lt YARD. ATTIIS K. K. DKl'OT. ALIJANY. J AS. CO MSTOI'K. 11-aprrtar. X m nu;'ui-li' I'm! hp forsala tha bl quality m lium.-r u,r aulil In Umiji'ia, nuil H II al I,OWi:ST PJtlCEH. I.rarin. cnilt -1 lutl'-r than tn rurhaaa fro.mi... sl.J. COMSTUCH. vlUnlltf. FASHIONHBLE WlUmi. :irn. JciiiKt r. riirdom av.mnal.u J" lln.'i. riral nJ.', Alny. ftmlanll.v ri ivli.-; r JXtV 0s'I -of b-un.t,""i f :io;.v r.iHio:Aj.; ktvl:n. l,rti tn '"fy ),w hr ivAti- t ti III irt - It J III cm Vi - - ViiW.lll IRTE I S S SgS T.3 c: R.K. CCBKS TOE WOKST PAIKS IS FEOMOBBTOTWESnHUniTES. NOT ONE HOUR i Afur nUimf ihU Uimtkmml my uK HUFFEB WITH PAIN. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF , i a cliuc rua evchv pain. Uwm laMOrstavUU THE ONLY FAIN EEMEDY Uiiks, HtuouKk, tWwsU, w oUhst KUirf wis, djw ftmilkatten, US FROM ON TO TWBNTT MINUTES. Ns naitr hw violent or MtmclBtiaff th vuim Om . RIIEUMaTIC, W-riddM, Mna, Urijaplsts., Nmtosm, KckVAiajsE, or pflraU4 wiUi4iau sbv soOtr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT RAJK. INFLAMMATION OF THK KIDNEYS, ENILAMUATIUN OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THK BOWKUS, SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BRKaTHI., . ' FALFITATIOJ OK TU HEAJtT, ' HTSTERJCI, CROUF, VIFIITHKIilA, ' v"v" CATAIUUi, INFLUENZA, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, ' MtUKALOIA, RHEUMATISM, COLD CHILLS, AOUE CHILLS. TUswIlcallmof thf RBAOT BELIEF to tkt rtr psutt Lm tlw pal., or 4ISeuily aAisU UI lJ,irii ssvis wi uumfort. . ... 1 rnty drops is half tnmblsr of wtUr will to fs BKirr.sBU turs t'RAMPfc, Bi'AS.MS, SOUR STOMACH, RICK HEADACHE, HKAlt'f UUHN, DIAKKHKA, PYSENTKKY, CULlt, WIJID kti THt UOVv AL, said U UTIt(lNAL PALMi. TMIe ibonM lwy cvtj toliU f Sti Wrt Kdr Kllf "It dm. A (t 4fv I icr will LrsvsDlalckntMSor jltisirmciiM(eof w.ur. It u btrtUr lha Ftwck Brsudy ut WUtrt u a ilimulut. FEVER ANO AGUE, ' FCVBR AND AllL'E cawd fo S!ty ctnli, Tbw I at, Miiiidlsl f tot In this world tUt will tors fr.' . d Am, Mil all otlitr MalarUmt, Bilious, Sc.rlsi. Tythfld, Y.ltow, and Maf Fsrs (sldrd by RAir WAY'S PILLS) to unkn M RADWAY'S READY IUX1EF. Hftr ftols ptr botlU. oM by DnngisH. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PURF. RICH RIXWD INCREA5K OF fLRSll A Mi WIHiHT CLEAR SKIN AND MvAJLUi-'UL tOllFLUUON SKCUHED TO ALL. faa .. Dr. RADWAY'S I HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES i SO QUICK, SO RATIO ARE TIIE CHANGES THK BODY UNOKRUOES.ti.NDKRTHE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. TIIE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. RTry drop of Ids SARSAFARILLIAN RESOLV ENT (wmmutikatM llirMf taa Blood, gwaat, Uriiut, tod othstr fluids aod juks of lb tjiUffl ths vlfer of UU, fur It ispairs ths waits, of th bo4y with asw and tuBud naicilal, fitWbla, SraUU, CoBsumcMkisi, Olaa dalw dWasf, Ulcers la Um Tbraat, Muudi, Tunw, Ni-tkis Iu Ui Claud and ottMr parts at tlw tjrtm, Bar Kyaa, ftramsM Msabarfa fma tit Ear, and Ika wwrt Hiss. t ttaln dlsMas,, ErupHaas, F,ar Boraa, gcald llrtd, Rlai-Worta, Bait UbiaM, KfirslpalH. Aca, Bldrk Sjxju, Worma la HtFlwb,Ttuor,CaiJaTsa ib Wooib. anj all wakanlaf aad palatal dlcsujfi, Nlgbt Rwtau, Ias af Hptrai, and all wastaa af Ifca Uh priariplt, ar wiibta la cu ratios range of tali waa. ilir ttf Modara Cbdnlstry, and a few days' ata will pruva to suy ttron nslsg U for rltbtr of 1m forms af ditaait In pat rit pow,r ta curs thn. I' Ihr patlsnl. dally hacomlnc rsdot-ad lb, wmUi hftri aeruuipuntloo that it tonliaaalJr profrasslnf, sue tv' ls In arresting ibsaa wasUi, shS repairs th aasna tsri Mi tv ranter 111 mad frem bsaitbr blood aud thll 4i,.- S.aKW CARILLIAN will and dots imun. n nalj dots ths 8.airiit.u RaaoLwwtaioal illkiiooa ruwlal aRtoU In tha car, of CWoak, m r iful-wi, fnaitUutloiuit, and Mia sliaaiai Uil it Is kk rul) jjinlUt car, for KIDNEY AND BLADDER OOUTLAINTfl, tnnary and Wsmb dlsaaats, Gratl, DlahttH, Dropsy, tifjipajw of VTstsr, IneoatlaaBca of Uria,, Brijhl'l l)la- '!, AllHimiBorta, and la all caaas wbsra Ibara are b.yhdu.t oVpMlU. or lha watar ti til Irk, clandy, iclatd wild siabitantt lliata, wbltaof an or tkrvad Ilka w litis sllit, ur there t a laor Wd, dark, bilious sppsarancs, aad wbite boneduil depotlM, and waea there Is a prk-b- . WORMS. knrm PIN, TAP! Tumor of 12 Tears' Growth Cured by JCmduay R9olenU Dr. RADWATTS psrfsrtly taitslau, alefantly coated wltb iwaat fata, iiurae, renlate, purify, rleania, aad strDrtbaa, Rad w.j's Fill., or the cura of all disorders tj ta, tlomaeli, Lirer, Bow,li, Kidaays, Uladdw, Nervous DtseaM. tlradactia, Cuoitlpatlea Cost I v mis, iDdlaKka, Dys twptla, UlllousaaH, Billaai Fsrer, laflaoiaiaiksa af Ue rU aelsP Fllei, aad all Deraasemeats of la, lakraal Vlura. Warraalad la afect a pMlUra tv, Fwely VrefUbla, roatautlaf m lasfciiry, sulanaii, at data trrluus dmri. A few lUi of RADWArS PILLS will tVa la irstem but all lb abov-aamd dliordan. Prlca. H p.uh ir bi. SOLD BY DRUUO'STS. READ TALSK AND TRUE." Bead oa lettar M,n.- la 1UDWAV k CO., Na. SJ Warren Streot, . r York. lB(uroiatloB wort a Uwuiaad, will ba seal GUN STORE! TILESTON ft SCOTT, Proprietors. Cuatotnen onn alwaya find st this placs a splendid assort) n rut ol GUNS, RIFLES AND REVOLVERS 1 And Ammunition of All Cuds. AIJSO- TOBACCO AIVD CIGARS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Baby Carriages, Steamboats, Games Mechanic I Toyi, Locomotives, Dolls, Boys Wagons and Bleljrhs, In fact nearly every kind of toys manufactured. vlUiilSyJ. JOHN CONNER'S BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE , ALBANYjjOREGON. DEPOSITES RECEIVED, SUBJECT TO CHECK AT BIGHT. Interest Allowed on Time Depoilti in Coin. EXCHAN'flE ON PORTLAND, SAN FRAN CISCO, and NKW YORK, for sala at lowest rates. CJUECTIONS MADE AND PROMP-TU REMITTJP a-Banklni hours, I k. n. to 4 T. M." R.f.r to II. W. CORBBTT, HENRY FAILING, Ftb 1.1871-71 W. S. LADD. ALBANY BOOKSTORE! JOHN FOSIIAY, DI1LIB IS mst'EiuxEnrs asd standard Boon I1LA.K ROOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Goods in our lln lmportod to order ut short tat powibls uotloe. NEW y LEAIITEK STOKE, DAVID IRVIN, PropV. IHAVR OrKNRP OtT A NRWI.FATHPH fctttr In Alliany. ami will knp roimlantly on hsrtd all feliiils of sh-n.Hkt'ra' ttiidlnit. aad a iant iisvnnionl of Ifirthrs, eonsisiiD l Kffncb call and kip, Itnlnst srius, and km skins for lwvi hacks and l'r; rtiil(ullphla calf and Calttornla kip, and many othtr kinds of WathrwhU'li il I uss'lrssto fnunirrntf. sTCounlry dalT and ahtwiiiakrs wtl) And It to thsftrsxivanlmg todnal wtlh ma as 1 m sstlllnir vftv ohrao. Mior on Frnt ttt.( next door to Plummsr'a ARCHITECTURAL AND KIECHANICAU KRVSLIEJI ale GILBERT Architects ta ths Board af Capitol Commiaaioaera. pates: rncE brawisgs, eto IB Cr IVilMine. f.rtlan4.0tjoa). Dr. J. Walker's California Tin- fgar Bitters nro a purely VDROtablo preparation, mado chlctly from tlio na tive herbs found ou tho lower ranjies of the Sierra Nevada nionntnhis of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which are cstractcd thoiofram without tlio uso of Alcoliol. . Tho question is almost daily nsked. "What is tlio cause of tlio unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit teks!" Our answer Is, that they remove tlio causo of disease, and tbo patient re covers his health. They aro the great blood purifier and a lifo-giviug principle, a perfect Kcnovator and jnvlgorator of tho Bystcm. Novor beforo in tbo history of the world has a medicine been ctiinnnunilcil possorsing the reniarkabi il'ialilios of Vinkoab liirntKS ia healiDKtbs sick of every disease man is heir to. They ore s gentle Burpadve as well as a Tonio, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of lias Liver and Visceral Organ! iu Bilious Piscases The properties of Dk. Walkbr's Tixkoar Dirriiiis are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laitativo, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious, , Grateful-Thousands proclaim Vbj kr.AR RiTTRHii the moRt wonderful In vipo'imt that ever sustained the sinkinj system. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones ore not de stroyed by mineral poison or other moans, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. liilions, Remittent and Inter niittent Fevers, Which nro so preva lent in tho valleys of our groat rivers throughout the United States, especially Ihnxe of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan mb, Uetl, Colorado, Brazos, Kio Grande, I'oarl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Eo nnoke, James, and -many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our iiitiro country during tho Surumor and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. Ia their treatment, a purgative,- exerting a pow erful inlluence upon theso various or gans, is essentially necessary. There. Is no cathartic for tlio purpose equal to Dit. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as thoy will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels aro loaded, at tho same time stimulating the secretions of tho liver, nnd genorally restoring the healthy functions of the digestivo organs. Fortify the body against discaso by purifying all its lluids with Visegar Bitxers. No epideinio can tako hold of a system thus foro-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain to the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will move a bettor fiuarantes of its niorlis thau a tvmglTiy atlvertlss. uent. ,' Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whito Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Keck. Goitre, Scrofulous InBaioma-tions, Indolent Inflammations, ilercarial .Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Soro Byes, ete. Iu these, as in nil othr constitutional Dis eases, Walker's Vixioak Birra&s have shown their great curatiro powers in ths most obstinate aud intractable cases. For Inflammatory nnd Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, liemit tcnt and Intermittent Fovers, Diseases of tho 'Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal.- Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, Mechanical Diseases. Persons en caged in Paints and Minerals, such as" 1'ltmibcnt, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advanco in life, are subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard igaiust this, tako a dose of WAUtea's Vi.t r.u R Bittkks occasionally. For SKin Diseases, Krnptions, Tet ter, Salt-lthettm, Blotches,. 6pots, l'iuiplcs, Pustules, Boils, CaVbuuclosr King-worms, Scald-head, Soro Byes, Brysipolas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of tlio Skin, Humors and Diseasos of the Skiu of whatevor name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of tho system in a short time by the use of theso Bitters. Tin, Tape, nnd other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are eueotnally destroyed sJid removed. No systom of medicine, no vermifuges, no an tlielminitics will froe the system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or tho turn of lile, these Tonio Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find iu impurities bursting throngs the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores: clcanso it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is fonl ; your feolings will tell you when. Keep the hiiKiil pure, and the health ef the system Will follow. ii. it. McDonald Jb co., Dni.-t i- ai-.l lin. Ai,.. San Franeiwe, California, 1,11.1 , .-! I i.! ;iptun and Charlton Sta.. N. Y. ...l.v: ...i 4.rwglnta Dealera. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT! JOHN BRIGGS, DBALKH IU COOK, PARLOR ANO BOX STOVES 1 Of the Best Patterns, 'IN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER-WARE Ans Ike asual assortveat of taraihlng getid, fuanil In a Tie Store. Seosirs Heatly snd Promptly Executed Oa Raasoaabla Teraa. "Short Etckoningt .VaJts Long Friend!'' ritONT-ST., ALBANY, Neil Doer to t. C. llarpar Co's Str Dm tr4nlStf JOHN BRinns HEMOIUUIOIpS. A a 1'AROTIIKRS CO'it "PILE ri .M OINIMKNT" We ouw Unaaa ana l tba staadarS prpparations uf Ilia day; is pre pared and rcaummuailvd for Piles aay (whetliet chroaii or racant). HalTrrars mmy dapvnd apD it. that tbia rame.lv will Siva Ib.n swnaaaanl ralialfrani this troabletosie aud damaging eoas plaiat. Haul postpaid la eay addraaa (itkia (ha I'ni bad Stalaa) apna raeaipt af price, Si. 6S. A. CAROTI1EK3 At CO., ellljl Albaaj, Lisa Ca., Oraiab. METZLER'S RAW-H10E E3TTCriO CHAIRS Cn bs hart h tiiti mtvnnftmMii.rv At i ifrnnn M h old fa iti tHiMin ln Albinnr : l imt C itur'n. A4twy : ut K.,rt in' nv' nifir", Hnr r-Kirf-; SmttH A HmH-ia, Jiinrtiun ; KlrJs A NEW GOODS!- " LATEST FACILOfJS ! at the store of 1 L. KUrJE C; CO. WE IIAVB JUST KECHIVKD 111)11 a: Kmnclsco the vury luU-l aulea ol J.iija aud lie nts" FASI1IOX t HlE M l iHSi I ! ; LADIES' A'JD MISSES dress a o o r s i and everything else ta be found in a FIRST CLASS-RETAIL STORE. A ntw orDaratlon for pxtfrmlnatlnc squirrels and iphcM. U dwun't xt ntuvb Ui Mil Avery time, . .' . , - . We Ho have formal ; f. : rHRE. TWO -H3fiSE WAGONS : ' And one Spring Hack. rnllTiPl lee thSm. Next door above Post oflloe, Albany, Oregon. ' n37tf. REDACT 1 0. u' TARIFF Willamette River Transportation Co., UNTlti ftJRTHRR NOTICE, -JtrillcUargo tii loliowlng: rules; WILUWETTE RIVER RpUTE. ;v Around the Falli by Locks and Canal. No detention or rc-handliug of tVeiicht t Oreiroii i iiyl Kreipht between Porttantfand PaTrm;--- Jomraon I .ajnuiDK. Albany,- Vr- ; J vaiUK. or way uinuinn ..,,.f i w ri"eiKn ueiwwn J orntwiu nw ' w.-va v ' . " ; Harrinf)Urtt.i2'6(ri PasKneP ' " -,. fcittlem....rta. Sfc - ,. . ; "Albany..,...,.. 7iv, COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE FrelBbt between Portland and Kiilama:.....!! 00 Pasftage f ""-,.- - Astoria.... 100 Rlnmprn 1 .: the Central Whnrf between Wah.u(ton and Alderstrcetii, Portland, asfol Iowb : FOlt CORVALTsT and tntermiate point on the Willaraeto River, on Monday aud Thursday, ut 0 A. M. FOlt ASIUIUA Monday, " Wodnimdsy and i-rumy, ai u A. H. '...i - v .. Lii7lttrliir and. TowfntT otVvzm'ia tween Portland and Astoria at HDUUOKU UATKH, vlOiUJttf, .,. FKANK T. DOIUR, Aftent, jDBHENLEY'sX aan mr""m Wit f. aUa aate.iDaSi ,al V- A most pleasant and lnvlfforatlnit tonio. Reoommendod by all tbe ml-r' nent Phyalclans throughout the United Btatea.. 'O" ; Every family should bave it la tha bouse. . . , - - ' . Read oertlflcatcfl on oach bottle. Sol 4 : by all Liquor Dealers and Druggist. ., . ' . ' H, EPSTBIW A co.t : " " Bole Propnutort, 518 Fxunrr St., Bait Francisco, Cal. WIXLEIIT & Blf ll7 CARRIAGE AND WAGOM - MANUFACTURERS Corner Bocond and Ferry Stiu. Albany, Are prepared to manufacture carriages and wagonit ai snori nonce ana 01 me vary BEST MATERIAL. Thoy make tbe Prkxiuv CauAlAGsa and' Bt-UUIKBOI IQO WW. REPAIRING AND JOB WORK . done at shortest notloe and tn tho most SKILLFUL MANNER.,. Their work and material Is warranted to bo nmoiaMi. vionswr. TO THE- FARMS ANDERANGERSJ , X hare just received a complete stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, And my motto Is to "Sell as Cheap as the Cheapet" and Pay the Bed Price Qoing . for Produce. II YARDS OF BF.ST PRINTS II SW Call at lh'Csh store of ItCheaills. eor nerol Klrstand Broadalbla alreeta, Albany. FARMERS LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND SAVE KIDNEY. . Reapers, Mower, and Threshers Repaired and madeal- a . , suoat an Kod as new. MERRILL & PUTMAN'S NEW MACHINE SHOP ts nnt prparM to ! sll kinds of hew- inc, BMrin win tir jtwmir. aanr Iron wnrl nl ifnentl bliK-'kumiLhinK the trutUt uiuy U ma till. tucln pickeU will be kept on hand al T Corner Indaod Wanning ton etiiefi, Albany, ,e.-,..sr,i-::.- ;:. ... Xy- 'kW, i ' fttoSSsr AlPETiTE. Lz:;;::'-:. j I - a rj r IP n m - -. - -bwi's tJitAuircais,' ' ..." UliALtii lisr ' . -i HARDVAr.Ei STOVES, ' CROCKERY, .1 . ' " ' , AND GROBERIKS. 'MANUFACTURER Tin & cop pi: a w,mL! . Sole Acenta lor the Unloo and IMPROVED RICHMOND RANGEi - ,. ' THE BEAUTIFUL .-".'ivpa.nAw axxui - u With hearth. The Celebrated Charter Oak " ;: rannera-Cuoli stove. .. ;S.TI1VWARI3V : WIIOLESALB ARO ItET III. Jo Wnrh done on Short Notice nl at Keasonuble Terms. SOIve me a call and satisfy yourselves that 1 sell cheaper lhau any other houM t tnwn uAtiuS. ..... , ALBANY FOUNMJ AND JUACIIIKI3 siiops rT A. P., CHERRY,4 Proprietor ; ALBA NY, OREGON. MuniifttstuMS. Steau Eu(ios! FLOUR' AND SW MILL IffACHlNEftV l" : , AgriculJuraL . Ifiafliinerj . ALL AT- $A FRAMCIS0O PRICE S -'" A Wit latsrimt fnr Rtnariairrsan. tilnFlaun A. f Fay Co'a, and H, 9. fimitfaV. v ' ' '': ' PATENT WOOD-WOBKISG flACHlVKBT. - .Alfo lUagnfaoturer of tKruatV' - s patent mnv i?rivrw IRON ANDBRASS CASTIWGS a or All Kinds; Hade ta Order I ' ' '. Bupalrlotf all liiuds of 'fnsehiaery oSne .pi" -1 sbtrlest aotlea. ..".' -..A. K. C11KKRV. t7ii4r. .:..':''-.",,.:;. CITY DRUG STORE. A OARflTiltllil, ' H. tiAI.TM.MiHtr' ;. ,A.CAROTHERS &ro.. ;': J DRUGGISTS ANX - APOTHECARIES'. FOSTER'S BUCK 1 FIRSY ST., ALBANY. ORf 'UJK " ' ..'PAfE.'ir MioxihJj .. ; 'r.A-r;Mjs,vp'yit-$TU-t f:i: Cit.' ' , ;--'V '.',-.,ijk.SS-i.!l'. (ie. v 'ptLETGpbpS, Frcmli -and Amerirjta lri(iie-. -.". ' Handkerchief Extraotfi, " Puw'iiies imiLiquurs for M?ititliisl v;' -TFItfi TOBACCOS AND CIGARS.;- rfniijjSeoijws and Phjaioisii's Presoiii-'- ; ': :.'v''.. tiont Oomppuiideu. '.- ' 'SW-WUt'-' A. CAKOTUBKS CO ; "lopolliEws ro smm'i MONTAGUE & MeCALLEY "Have Jiuit reeetved and opened out a ' MAM M OT H 'i T O C K ; :-'L ''-'' or . . - ' GENERALr MERCHANDISE. ''COKBIBTINrtor"'--' DRY "GOODS, GROCERIES HARDWARE. ETC. r - the whnle comprislns; one of the choicest retal stores in Orwgun. xntyeapeciiW win DUDltc ravor ana puouc tatronape by a prompt ntlntloa to custoio-trs and reasonable prices of goods. WONTAUuK M cCAXLET.' . banon, Oct, 13, 1878. v8alt ""ANK EXCHANGE SALOON TATI.OK BRO'Si, Proprietors.; LATEST FANCY CAR FIXTURES AMD ' FINEST CIGABLS, USES, UQl'CSS . IS TUB STATE.: A FIH9T CLASS BILLIAKD TABLE! DROP IN. Corner of Flrft and Washtnftoa Mreota, o tMWite HC Chaitcs MotM, Atbaojr, Oregon. PICTURES. SPECIAL riQTiCE IXIZFJlANDHTyiKH AT PRICFf TO suit thAimfS. tireat imf rovemuu mwi n duishin pliutoejrapha. SQHETHIG NEW I I make the copying and pnlerjrlne; of oM Oatnirmtyps1, ?te., a ! it y, and mf hanr n an fnllow: I wtil fnlarir fnm mail cnrii t,8ii!i or lOJtH, ad Hr,ih p1"-!t, or Irom H . to i, tnr tbe nnit mr. ' 1 mr each artel )tionlcop,r. whtoh la l"ir than 'i I dnf (ivr in ban t mutx. Call and nv wmpl'i, sVUatlsf action guaranteed r no vhr-X A. B. PAX AOS. nlftnJUf. WEBFC3T V.XZU JOHN PETTY. Proprietor. il , In A ibntiiv, w will taii'y to ft-wirim-uMf all thu i.-v (nvorv fHh tii)r TvEnvni,!'. V f,v.i -') h-p )Mt nmrU'-i snu uaram? h,ws-i.a,vo Ut ail HIT CtA '-TH. '"h,,i. v lire fy 1.