. a.'M S-l -I" V ' FitlDAY.. ....APRIL 80, 1875." AGRICULTURAL. Wintkb Pjsars. Our markets are poorly supplied with late-konplng i'.e Sunimer lli.:-, ' .X prk'-:4 iii.iiecl K . 'lar tiio imia who raises tliem. They Would 4vite gfthosB siibavlrig penr orchards to graft their trees with 1 ite fruit, foremost among which are . the Bartlott and Winter Nell is. 'Ii .toetter; vurioty; . thbugh -light- bearers ,nnd small, swill,. yiek .t greater Amount of money uer ?cre.3i!jvi0n , (Mange i "op CpuaitijTANXta, 1 The tinner of to-day is surrounded' by different conditions from the farm er of thirty years ago, and tlio sooner hereaW.Pg tint tliojjottcr.- iThenthe MrK. KWU dealer purcfiawsl his goodt on six, nine anu iwei ve inontnscrealt, eimrgiBg thlrty.threo to fifty ter cent proftt-n mplvr. goods that to-dtiy arc sold on a margin of fifteen Vr,venty per cent. But the pay Is ensh In hand. This Is the reason why the rarm-hsnd most, havo his pay at short Jnterfl4 ttSt-lUf) very -BimpJo reason that iiha (Ojredit, andmusbpay casn .ipr wnt ne.fiurcjiaseii..,, , ' Horse Cribbwci. tj Cribbing, in horser11 is-a ' disease occasioned bv whisky. Horses addicted to cribbing nave contracted Iho habit at oross road drinbing-establishments, by lim ine tiud, to Dostd or fences lone after the hours of Jc(lng,'gnd becoming im- paufiiw frotractod stay of tliwr masters, who , ,,en thfongh iW oraoKBo. hoose drinking so frequflt)yinjr d,. ri,--iniiiat. ing the BurgkMfcKH,of..h. imlii hers, and in the acl waiow winf, ,, bwmef6nd of it. ' No oue for cfr bingj mump,' Vir:-witid-suchn .la-Mi th 'Wiuho: ;of lit. 'j. plaint given to the farmers' Clin,i)y K. 0. 1'osU'il of Mississippi. How to Keep Hams. Every sea- on more or less hnnis are ddstroved by insects, or rendered too unpalata ble to be eaten by decent people. By following this method the insect can be keu t ,diitancf . f ;it f iV very nuiipiB, hum wiuun reacu or aimosr every farmer in tlio country!. After the meat had been well-cured bv niok- In ami rfloke,tke iterna otetit (ashes tree from bits of coal, moisten tliem with a little water, so that they will form a paste, or else inst wet the ham a littlwati rUtt'rti, ihe1 ishcs 'dfy? nuooeii in morougniy, they serve as capital ' insect roteotoV,A and' tli harai can be hunur uo in the smoke. bouse or wood chamber without any .)aM.,..-.-..wAlw.-......::... jr- x T HOUSEHOLD Manubs FOn.Vgiwr, t Whore or nnn!.. m.iikb .. U .... .1 1. T L. I, 11 S""" wovmi nuuuiiua 1U ilia BUll, freer on tf jbotitai fotash wi speedily' rest5r8 it tolls original foi tility. Insaiid,j(;spls qrganie in the form ol peat, muak, i original lor matter or leaf mold should be -combined- with the potash and the bonesv The finer ilio bones are ground. Hie Vre speedy their, aclioni i ll' tlie bones are ground in a raw state, that is, without steam ing or burning, and ground very fine and mixed with three times their weight ot fine muck or peat, or leaf moid, anu kept moist tor three weeks before being ,ised,lhpy'wril generate an uie ammonia neuuasnry to the rap id growth of wheat or other growing oropa, without the addition of other ubstanoes, .-Vji" : ' .' '- -' . Tallow ,ko GAticsl -A-' corres. pondont of the Field says ., 1 : ; J'Ono. d;iy,.I,notioed' ai.flwk -of eleven pure bred; .Crove-Cnilif "cliick- ensTorytWdJ With batli Called gnpes.. ( rumark.ed to tho?iiiil who had tlioin In .eliarg,! that he 'would not have man 'ohlckenM- out of that lot 'Oh,:.' v"nlllld', 'said lie, 'I nnve 501. a ,cur ' jot tnora jroin , a neighboring woman, which Mx common ,IJiiilfpenny fidlow : windla. or ont-meai ' ana, : surnboiit': ,,The remedy wb rewirted to and the Crevo Coours have every one recovered mid grown Into Hncly developed chlefcbni I have since tried, litis : cure with invariable ' .utvos on Brahuias,' Dork-. illgs, Ac." fin ii' j 4''; PlCKI.mi WV VOT XtO nt,OssbM8, We olwervu some discussion- in t'ho papers on the practical utility of pick ing the lil(K)iin. off ;fruinr growing potato.pbi nts to inoreaso the growth of Hie tube! Acconlliiir 't(j'thii, thfi Would be tho result, the forina tion of Btxds alwaj-i tending to) ex-i heu-tt nuiro or lem the vitality of the plant, wany years, ago a stutoineut ciimo from JCurop an this sulijix-k, and we were told that the crop would be Increased; one-third by carufully romoyjiig all the blonaums.-, Wo gave it a careful teat In rows sldo bv sidii, buf nllijary rteiwuriig did not! tunicate me slightest ultluroiice, which must have been Very small If any probably requiring Inure refined welgbing to distinguish it, nnd of no consequence whsovor in C9uiion .RoaWIKO QioVME.u-Cottoi should never be roastod darker than a no chestnut brown. When the color np proaclies to black it gives a burned dry flavor to the infusion. Foit Bleaching: Clothes. One ounce bijiai, oiuht quarts-water, thre pittnds, rap 'Put the eorax iis" the 'sier and lei. it boil. Afier it boil add ilia soap in small pieces. Flavor fob Fuostino. In frost ng for cakes or pudding a little lcmo jiiic.al4g4ku4d orcrwimpf tartn ihb ven plensaut addilion to the (sale 'idcs making the frosting much lighter. ' English Cookies One cup hrju-ivsuitn;;, hajf imp bulbar, one file ivW'&bk&'ivii1 rotcroiioM til- He soils, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg; make hard enough with flour to roll nut; out in thin cakes. Lamb Outlets, Trim tho slices free from fat, beat up the yelk ot nn egu withr.rapud jbseaJ.-er crackers. season w(ithjrepp.er ami salt, .djp, in iWcfceiets alii try fn' ulittef tdnlly, uniil thoroiighlr done. Mildew mon Linen. Mix soft soap with powdered starch, half the quantity of suit, and a piece ol lemon la it on.bQtlt, sides , with; a' paintjtr hrusli.i Let it bo in the Open nir-on frSss is J)iei()iablo-T,lill . the ,' stain is removed. To Remove Mildew. Soak the parts of the cloth that are mildewed iu two parts ot chloride ot I lino to four parts of water, for about two hours, or till the mildew has disun lieareii: then ' thoroughly ' rjiiso 'it in clean water. To Wash Ruibons. Do noUh'row away your ribbons because lhey? are oiled. Wash them in a suds made ofTIne toilet' soap' and oolil water queening llieni qiiokly through i'lien iron them between two clulhs with an iron rfotto"dildt. DOUOIJklJTS.-Orie MEDICAL, . cup ot suirnr. ie of liutusr-milk, one egg, one-fourth fill SHj,,"j ,, .1.. ... ...,.Vl. . , three tablespfioulals o ulted.u..i ...i l. ... A "1 win, u niiiiuuie unantit ol flour, wi. m.ka illl)t!1H ,?,,,; nulsasany e.or 'nuM cat ' THtPBlLettEH, Tv-btnJ or of a pound of su. .,... . . wi.iii idi ui n 1 :.e a .VHU" T"""' . T' V! lB'. of a pound tt iintMrtlsrru': limAni. . . ..?..." . 1" 1' e r lit ' sugar fcnu icunpuuiliuia Ul lliuilish4 'jujue and peel oi'one lemon, two table.f0 tulsofmilk. Boil in mold three ho,ri( Lioirr Hyb Tea Cakes. One oil.' of sweet milk, two eggs, a tablespoon ful ot brown sugar and a larizo pinch of salt. Add 'enough rye flour to make it asf.'ititt asj common"! griddle eake batter. Bake half an liour in "gem Mlilt 'tot dr;4b!d,H desired. Fiiiei) Pobk Steak. Cut off the rind;-and if there is ououjli fat on tlio pork to fry it, rub It with salt, sane and pepper, and fry until thoroughly done; be, uaroful uot-to .-burn it: it should fry slowly and a long time; servo the gravy us il is, or add water and a little flour. 1 ;Snt;ti''8 ToNotfa faf KaVory Jel-: Lt. bkin the tongues, lard them ami cook tliem until they are quite tender in good veal broth or any white stock. take outline Innguva, boil down the liquor to a still, clear icily, and pour enough of it over them to cover them. 10 be eaten cold. , Stufi'ino fok a Tuiikev on Chick en lako some bread crumbs and turn just hot water enoiifh to moist en them; put in a pious of butler not irieltodthe sisse of A hen's egg, add a pooful of pulverified sairo. a leusnooon- ful of ground uuuper and u teasuoon. ful of salt; there may he some of the bread crumbs thai may need to be no ppeit; then mix tioroiiL'ulv and sum vour. bird. - . ... Prri'AKIno Small Fisn.Anu kind of small fish 1 my bo nreoared 111 thflf following, m4uiier: After being well washed and wiped, if is put in n pan wUUuliuItt butler, and, surinkled over with pepper, salt and ornnilw of uread sui'aped Irnm ! orustv lost, with an onion olmppod small, ami fried in in the ovon twenty minutes to half an IUUI . ,. , . ... , ,. , Removal ' of TAPBWOBiit-'A writer eaj-s that iu treating some cases of tapeworm he has . employed no pre liminary ' provisions beyond forbid ding the patient to take any break fast the day on which it iB intended to remoy the worm, ahdgiing him a large dose of Rochelle salts the preceding night. At 10 0 clock in the rooming, a floso is given made-f; one-hull ounce of poiiicsranato root, one-half drachm pumpkin seed, one druchm ethereal extract of male fern, one-half drachm powdered ergot; two drachms powdered gum arable, and two drops croton oil The pome granate bark and pumpkin seed are tliororigllly: tiruiserl.i and,, "with the ergot, boiled in eight ounces" Of "water for fifteen minutes, then strained through a coarse cloth. The croton oil is, first weli tnbbodup with the asacia' arid' extract of male fern, and then. formed into an- emulsion, with the, edticfiuli fn Saeh yci e worm was expenea anve ana entire within two hours. In. each case too the wdtm was passed with the head firmly fastened to the side of its bodv 'ailnu the witatt'pwt, from wbui it was with difficulty removed. AJ Vlj BT1SKS1BNTS ii e ihiihitu 01 American' oalrlea nave heen compiled by Mr, Fairuhild I'residupt of the Butter and Choes Mioiisngo, at the reqnost, through e- iioruioi.i oi -ei Virginia, in Jllr. . Faircliild'e report jttl show that the consumption of butter iu the United oiat.es is i,vu,uou,uw jiplillils per iiiiuui,;iiji iioie use aionaainl it its ...I il.-. .1 -j T 1 T . oniiiiifiiuu boiib one mira more may tie added for culinary purposes, making loml home oonsiiaiptinn of about 1,887,000,1)011 pounds, , The. exports iroin tne united Males and Canada ro about Xf!JKM),0pi, pounds, Risking ail ' similar proiluot u( 1,4 l2,H0il,O i0 pounds, winch, at an average of 8 cents per pound, nmimnts to it), 000. The present piinl.iction of cheese is tiurriiiiiiy estimated to be about 80,1,00 l,0 0 pounds.,:. The receipts ill New York for 1.S7-1 were 2,0-lli .57ft boxes, and the shipments were l'tiiiD 4011 bones. ' Tlie exports from the United States purls for the tiioul yir. ending June 30, 1K7-4, were 0d,BU'."&7 pounds, and the exMi,u fro-n the Do minion ol Canada wore ' I 1.-.3 " "3 pounds, exclusive of exports m the UiiKi ii Mules, iiikkiiir a bual Ameri can exporl of 1 IS.TOIJSD pounds. Mr. Fair-club) culls alicntion to the incoinjiletuness and iisejessnevf of the elati'stio of tlnj i:in!n Bui-eaii, and m?iut the pauhlishment of t Hu rcnu of .Iniisiins tt Washington, which shall fornifih complete and Iru-t nortiiy f5;virs bearing upon ail !!"". ihe ml pi ".kloofs, . , ,, , . . Ii IIau CAttB.A capital way of di's. posing oi ine remains ot a ham anr making an excellent dish for break fast: Take a pound and a half ot ham, mi ami lean tngeiher put it into a inuiw sun puiinii it, or pass il l irouu i a sausage mueliino boil a large slice oi preait in a hall-pint ol milk, and eat il and the ham well together id an egg beaten up. I'm the whole ntp a moid.anU hake a rich brown noMiffV Two quarts 'of while com; throe halt'pinis of while beunst wo pounds oi lucxie.l pork.' Wash tho Oui-ft and put, on to boil iii, wnier aflioieni to cover II, and, as the oorn wells, more water must be added. o to keep it covered nil the time it is coomng. Alter boiling tour hours, add the beaut and aork. whinh Imko done, tho hominy may be sunt to table. Should the pork not make il sufficient ly salt, more may bo added. This is very nice warmed over the next day. ' SfMii Beus. Hera ia a hint for housekeeiiers, and a very important one. Morelv covering up a bod with blankots-and'eouuteiponos will no wore keep it dry tjmn a pano pf glam will litsip out light! 1'he atinoephorio moisture, will ponotrate all woven fubnes, llenco, the importance of keeping the beds in spare rooms reg ularly! aired. Many a dear friend ov Alni,v.ii.i.lo,'lv I.-- 1... 1 . .! .uu,v ii,ui mis uvea, scut to an untimely gravo,or nOlicteel with dia. oase by being put iulo a bed which bad; been permitted to stand unoc cupied,, i. Koep tlio spai-e beds, when not in uso. free from all covei irirr hut Sj light spread, Huw ni Mr CaW0P.-I se li'uted lair ripe tiiinatoes. cut out all iiieunsues, also the hard parts about Cuts. In treating ordinary cuts cleanljinoBs and.care. -nre genemlly more requisite than skilf. If the cut be extensive, or an artery vein, or any other important part to be, injur- M.wvumvn uioBuiiuporiunt. mas ter. Accidental cuts from knives, cutting tools, scythes, etc., are more likely to occur on the face and limbs than on the body. " All that is renui sitedn pencrol, is 40 bring the 'part togotner bs ' acenratefy as posstbfe and to bind them up; this is usuallv done by udbesive- plaster as soon as the cut ceases to bleed. Nothiua is as good for this purpose as japer previoasiy;wanea 'pyer Onf one Kfe with thick gum water, and then dried: wnen , useti .. it is only.- to be slightly wettad with the tongi-e. When the cut bleeds but little, jt;ig well te sonk the parts in warm water for a few minutes, or tof keep a wet cloth on it. This removes inflammation antLnain. ana also a tendency to fainting, which a cot gives, .some, .persons. If the bleeding' be" too' copious, dab the Oart with a rarr WAf.tad with l.faneit'n! if the wound iie Isrgo "it should' be sewed upi ilf the blood that issues be very scarlet, it may be concluded, that an artery has beon" touched, and then, whenever the bleedinsr ennnot. be stopped, medical aid must be pro cured; Jtna best method to pursue-is una upvtne wonnd tightly, or to hold thaPger atfnnSlT' against" the part j "-TEB fob Burns. A corrosr popdent w, that tbe tiadiogt , d burns ,8 an embro4ion of lime wa ter and lmseed oil. T1 Ullnill,. agents eombined from S W like eulatunce, -which ff.nf 1 elude tho air from tbe injurw rts and alinyg the inflammation aiiv,8t instantly.' Ho mentions a case when. a child fell backward into a bath-tub of boiling water, and was lmnrlv flayed from her . neck to below ',,. hips. Hor agonies woro indescriba ble; out her clothing being gently removed, and the lime and oil prepa ration thickly spread over the in jured Burf ace she was sound asleep in five minutes. ' Subsequently the parts were careiuny washed with warm milk aud water three times a day, tbe oil dressing renewed, and the "little patient rapidly reooverod. Thouch all the scalded skin camo off, she did not havo a scar. This remedy leaves no hard coat to dry on the sores, but softons the parts nod aids naturo to repair the injury in the readiest and most expeditious manner. This mix ture may be procured in the drurl stores; but if not thus accessible, shake a lump quicti lima in Water, and aB soon as the wuter is dear, mix it with the oil and shake it well. . It the ease 'is urgont, use boiling wuter over the lime, and jt will become cloarin five minutes. The preoar. tion may.be kept ready battled in the house, and it will be as good six months old as when it is made. yeth: OathartlcPills, For the relief and cure of al! iern!itj manta Id the atom ach, liver, anil bow oIh. They are n mild nppilfiit, ami on excellent purgative. Itcing purely vexo btlile, they contain no mercury or mine ral whatever. Jlucli pcrioUH kknca and ttirfl'cnnpr is prevent- srid ererj- &mily should huvu them on hiuid ivr uiBir proiec-iion atia tciut, R-nen rwiuiit'd. Ioug exierierce Iihh prove-i tiictn to be die ftf t, surest, and bewt of all the J'UIb with which ! the Jimrkiii iouniH Jiy their wicntsional use the blood is iiurifled, the comti'llons of the yj torn ekiicliwl, obutruutioitw removed, and tin. WllOlfl mai'IiillCI'V (if lili lvsttni wl tn it J...nlll.ir tu-Uvity. Intontid rj?an w hich become clogped and ehim'inh "ro chunked by Atei-'m I'iUm, and Btimtilntrd Into action. Thus Inciplunt disease (a rhanKWl into health, the value of which chanse, When iwkoned on the vuet multitudes who etijuy itrcan hrdly be computed Thvxt mftx cootinf nmk.1 tlieiii plciisant to take, find bret-ervee thcii Virtues unlnipnired for any IciiKth of time, so thai Uiy me vi-r fresh, and pei-fcctly reliable. AHIiotiKii ne.'ir:liinff, they are mild, and operate without diHturbance to Uie constitution, or diet, or pceuiKtliim, . . ,, , r Full dirttfitlons' nro (riven on the wrapper to ow-h box, how to vm tliem m a Fnmily rhyfiie, and for the foliowinj complidnu, which theae For Ijii)cpla or I nil i (rent I on, r,latfM rM, litini-nor anil Lomm at A piietltr, they Should be takftft inoderattdy tcttttinulate tho sun ocli, and restore Its boat thy. tone and nt'tion. For Jitvrr C-'OiHiiltttnt and iw various symp tontflt XCilloita lltulacbw, Hick 1 . ache. jHBniiac or Crfn MUhutm, Hll. Joiu li-Aud HilloiM r,Uiey should be judicioii8iy tuken lor ttu-U ai.se, to correct tlie difleascd action or remove Ihe obstructions whk-h cause It. ! . ' For 0r0nterr or IBinrrliMtn. lnih Ana mild done is generally required, I For JlheurautUni, Ciouc, J ravel, Pnl ftuitlon of th lleurt, Vttln In tli id-, JHwck aud aLoliia, Utev fthouid be contin uously taken, jta rwiuued, tn change the diseased action or the system. Witjt ycU cliauge those eomplaints dinapiear.' ( For lrwiy aud VroMlrnl wHlnir, they should be taken in iHi nnd frequent Uobcs to produce the effect of a di ahtic purge. For MapriMlon, a larKft dofio Bhouhl be taken, as it produces the df sired effect by syin pathy. ' 3 As a ntnner Pitt, take one or two Ptll to promote dhrentfon nnd relieve the stomach. ' An oecnufonal doce stimulate!" the stomach and bowels, restores tlie appetite, nnd Invigorates the system. Hence It is often nilvnntniro.nnn wIipi- I no serious deranirement exists. One who feels tolerably well, oiten flnds that a dose of these 2111 makes him fool decidpdly better, from their cleanelnK and rcnovntUifi effect on tho digestive apparatus. .. PRFJAUED ur Dr. J. a AYE It A CO; Practical Chcmiitg, ''.-ZOWJSLZ, MASS., V. 8. A, ?On BALtt Bt AIL DROQOISTB KVEKTWREEE. ADVERTISliMENTf. R R R. Mws E Relief ItfltS THE ffOKST PAISS . IN I'BOM ONE TO TWENTY MINCTES. , NOT ONE HOUR ; , Afur rdli it tbU KdvpnlHiiWpt aMd uiy aitv SUFFER WITH PAIN. LABWAY'S READY RELIEF l!) A CURK FOK KVKItV PAIN. It wu Uie Cnt ud I TUB ONiy PAIN EEffiEDY 1 lly M"W the ntntt ecrui:Uitin (io., .lv Ihiii, and rorrl lnitloln, tiiiliiir ! la U'lDiuti, Uuwsli, "f olirni ifl.ui-tter'iryiina, by 01 Ayer'b 1 For Diseases of the Throat and Iiuns. uoh aa Ooughs, Colds, Whooping . Couxh, Bronohitu, Asthma, t f . , n CohBumptioa, , .. , , Amonff the'' mrtmt aificovcncs 01 modern science, few nre of more rent value to mankind than this of fectunl remedy for all diseases of the Tliront nd Luniis, A vast trial of its -virtnoti, throughout this and other countries, hnr ..tf shown that it does 1 surelv and efiecttmllv control them. Tin testimony of our best citf. tori, of nil eliwsei, establiuncs the fact, flint CHEniir Hkotoral will otid does relieve and cure tlie Afflicting disorders of the Throat and IiOjiks, beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous allections of the i'almonnry Organs yield to it' power; and ctwe of Consump tion, cured by this preparation, are public ly known, sd remarkable as horuiy to no be lieved, were they not proven bevond dispute. As a romedy It it adequate, on which the public may rely for full protection. By curing Coughs, im iiireruimen ui inoro serious Ulseuso, It Biivos ""umbered lives, and an amount of suffering not toil(l computed. It olmlleuges trial, mid con vinces ti, m(Wt sceptical. Every family should keep it ontnnd ha a protection agninst tlie enriv and unj ereeid attnek of I'ulmonarv Aflectlons, wluoii are nail . ,iek At tnt, hut wliioh become KE" tWl.iiPfli .u,l ifh unwise to bo w hout a.. As n safepnmt.1 (o hiidren. amid tho digressing diwnwt whioti WSet IT, iiimot and Chest of childhood, Chkhky I'kcLTl Is invulimble; lor, by Its timelv use, mliiL-7 tudas are resoned from prv.uiture graves, and lived to the lovo and alfection centred on them. It tut speedily and surelv nguinst ordinary colds, securing sound I lie:ilth-rc.tnriiii uleep. No one will sutrer troublesome IiWItienzd ail pnin fnl itroiwhltb, when they kuw how easily tlnv cum lie cured. ' Orighmlly tlio product of long, laborlons, and ucceHi'ul ehemicnl Investiirntion, no cost or toll Usprired in tnnking every' bottle in the utmosl jxMMiUle iH'rfection. It may be confidently re .le'l upon us possoRHing nil tho virtues it Iws'evoi xhiliited, and capable of producing cures as memumble as the greutest it uns ever elfocted. ' ' "" PREPARED DT "' 1 Dr. J. C. AYER it CO., Lowell, Mass., Pmcttoftl nnd Analytioa) Chemliti. BOLD BV ALL DRUOQISTS FVERYWHEUE. Colds. -H aaiil tbnt cold's carry uu mure uersons tlinn enirinm wa ojui inure are coius wiuou are ilangoi ous ana colils that are merely a tem porary lncouvenience. Exposure to the cold air, if in an open space, is not apt to do harm, but the Spaniards have a nrororb which says that ''if you catch cold from a draught through a keyhole, you had hotter nuke your will.". It is a matter of congratula tion that physiciiins are now paying uiui-B utMiuHon man lormorly to Una apparently simple, but iu tiiese dayB of suddeji olwuir.u.aud of . .linhth'e. riu aud pneumonia, really perilous uinmuy. ii iiiey cannot oure it they are at least oduouting the public up ui mo umierauinuiDg 01 now to pro vein ii anu u is tola us that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound bf UUIU, ... . . Xiiving constantly in very; impure airiuade people very sensitive to oold, aud iil-veutilatd bcd-ruoius had mucn to , answer for in tliis respect it was a mistake to aurmnsn tw . . . . .11 - nignt air, exoept in aguish places. wa obnoxious. In London, night air was purer iliau in the day, and he advisod every one. while nvnirlin.r a uii. uriiugui, ro xeep me bed room window slightly opened. The iioot or want of ventilation was strikingly illustrated in the case of norses, When left to run the Holds they were hardy, and did not suffer at alt from cold; but cooped up in warm stables they became very sensi tive to cold, nnd prone to serious and and fatal nffoctioiis of Ihe chest. That was a lesson to us to keop our oeu-rooma. cool and well ventilated in cioiuing, tlie groat tiling was to vary thecharactorand amount accord ing to mo season and weather, avoid- Uie simi ciiil, then laod llicui into a "iff the extremes of always beina linr..Mhiiii L.inlu AIK...a 1. .'..ii. - i ... ....... .1. 1 n . J w..m poreelam kuttln, filling ii full: n,i,!u red urpiier ami nut il.u t.iil ..,. a slew lire lo.iuw gi-H.limllv stli rinif ... rrviMii iiiiiimig. nien rodiiomi in hr.lt" lK,i original uiiantitv I iiri;,,.,! the wlmlu 'ihrougii a ooiiimnu wiie iM'ive. lo five pounds of the pulp 1 wi.v (..iu .m..iiih pouuaa or su gar, oue pint of cider vinegar, one lablecpotiuiul nf'eloves, one of sllspioe, l wo of cinnamon, one ol salt. 1 uiu the mixture bsik over the fire and b"iU'd until the ihiikncss suited, when mine tl, .wd the only fault found was ibat il was to good. to last. ( Tho 1'iilmns of Alitl.ama will hold the Stale IWr undor- tlntlr ausplow. swathod iu tlanue, no matter what the toiiip-mture, or of never wearing flannel at all. As a rule n mi.ri.t im.wiio w n u anvaiiMge in com weath er the example of Kusaians ami Ca- naiiians, wno are careful to put on very warm outer clothing when loav- iug uie noiiee, mt to remove it the moment thoy come iu. Thero. are fhme methods of euro: First, abstuining fTOm all liquids -for twenty-four, thirty-six or forty-eight hours; second, a warm, or, better Btill, a Turkish bath, inducing profuse perspiration, aud avoiding the oold douche; third, remaining in au equa ble, warm temperature, until theskin is restored to amoro natural condition. 'A CO.H.0OQARt. VR H.BURNETT. San Franeisco.DiMbriiia. IN Viif)H ONE TO TWENTY M1NUTKS. tin innltir how ln.ontr itrniiaJ ng th pain tli. ' HHK.l'.VtAIH;, Urci-ri.iuii, liilimi, Cnjiltrl, ftsrvou., hmiaigi, or pVoiraw4 niih Ji.:s uiitv tuiiai, RAOWAY'S READ RELIEF WILL Ar'KOim INSTANT BASK. INFLAMMATION 0- THE KIUNBVB, ' i.m-i.ammaiiun (fKThK bladder; - i N r'LAl MA'i'luM Of I UK HuVVKI-i, ' CONtiKS'J ION uV THE LUNGS. 1 SMRE THROAT, PlrHfLl.T JIKKAJ HiiV, fALflTA I ION Of I'Hfc HEAKl, ' tiVSTKrtU.'S, CEuUi, Ufl'llTllKKIA, CA'i'AltlJi, INFLUENZA, HEADACHE, TOOTHACIIK, NkltKALGIA, RHEUMATISM, ' COLD CHILLS, ACL'E CHILLS. Tbt.ppik.Uon) ib JtKAOT KELIEr tW part o iarti wbrrv Mi jiu r dittcuily niil will ti'onl eut nrl coin furl. ' - Twenty dropi tn half tuuiblr ot wattr will In :i iW iiKxusnls 'ttr ('KAMI'S, sI'ASAIS, riOL'R S'lVMAC'II, fslL'K HICAUAt.WlC, HKAUi'lUJH.V, DIAUItllt'A, Hi StM'l IJKi, t'Oi.lC, WI,tU lli 'i'Hfc Uuiitl.b, 1 ud al INTERNAL I'ALNS. TniveW ihnuld alwayi carry ft bat tit nf Itntf Wftl'H KfWily JCtllcr with Ibcm. A few Un.p. ly ' nnir will prt.eut ilrimssior plni Irem change of lr. ' It 11 Irriur liau t'rsutli drauily orllllwri m a tiuiulftul, FEVER AND AGUE. 1 PEVKR AN1 AOCEcnrfd W fifty cenls. Thr i nt a remedial agent In thli world I bat will cor tvr and Ague, and all other Malario.it, Hill.. up, fieri!. Tm.Ii , Vtllow, aud oU..r ktn (aidtd bv KAU" . U'Alf'S l-HXM) io quic. al RAUVVAV'S "llEAtV ' HL.-IKK. futv icnli r b.iltle. Iv.i'l In Uriiitf. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! SJItONti AND PljllE RICH 0I.OOI INCREASE (M I I.SII ANU WlillillT CLtCAK SKIN AM ' L&AL'nt CL COMPLEXluN StCUKEI TO ALL. Dr. KADWAY'S t(AH HAIIr. THIS M')ST AhTONlSHlNO CURIS; nJ(L'kK, ru ft A I'll ARE 'I lit LHAMiKb HIE IIUiK L'Mlr.RUUUi, CMH'IKTHE INH.UKNi'K Mr' II lli TltLLV WONUEIUXL JltUll-'lMC, THAT Every Day an Increase iu Hesli and Weight ia Seen and Felt. 'THE GREAT BLOOD I'L'IIIFiER. Kvrry drop f SAR8APARILLIAN ttESni.V K.MT iiiiiiii.oih.ttiM tlihiugh the llloud, Swft, Urlii, 1 vtlinr Holds ami julm at tbt ;stui tha vigor ol lifr, T r It rvpalr llw wastes of ih body with nsw.aiul , x.utid maltnal. StWula, Syptillit, Coomuiptlon, OUa dular diuav, L'lcvri in tht Throat, Muulb, Tiunen, ' Nlv In the (Ilai.di nnd itmr parls of Ih ij itviii, Hor .' Ev, Struii.uiif ilrliarg froui the Fan, ntid tbe wnnt frine of Skin dltun, Kruplliint, Fev.r Suraa, Iks lrt Hi-t, Hi i.. Worm; Sail Hliruui, Ery.ijwlaa, Aim-. ' (tlai k Hynjli, Worms la tha Flesh, Tumort, Caacsrs la tli W.-ii.'i, and a! waahfoingaiid paiulol dlachargsi, Nirbt HwsnU, Lnaa nf fiwrin( and all waste of t lit ' lira principle, urn with in lh uurailva rang of Ibis won. (It M.'dnru CI eudilrj, and af.w days' uta will pro it to any jwfiun using it Uie eitlicr of the is forms of dlxaia . I J pot ant powvr to our tlie in. ". II li- 1-aliHit. il.iily benmlriK r-'dni-rd by Ilia wnilts , ni.J dHiiHiilin thai Is iwuliiiually pros;rr.sl.g. . kIiii ! ii.ai.-iisl mad fto:u hJa thv bLod und ihl :. -A li.-.A I'AKli.LI . N 11 mid .In'' r'lira. ,1 "iiij- li-st IL S.iaKAiMuiLi is Kkhuia int enctl nil V i.i. lwl aiiii In llir nire id' C'lin.iilc, .-.-i'lk'. f., ' fiiHliil'iiMf , Afni iikiu diimurii but It II ' CIDKI'-V AND BLADPEIi COMPLAINTS, . imirr ind Wutnlt eiiun, ()rael, Diabctrs. nrotrfy, Wii r.Inc ninieiicoft;rliiM, lirihl blw iii , A.itniiiiiirii, and iu ail catts whtra t'liuni are L-Uk'lti.l ihfoiilt, urth.wsler is tlilrk, cloudy, inlaed n.ili 'ub.tan.'e. like llie white ofnti rfx, or thread Ilk kiiIIc silk, vr thrt Is a mm bid, dnrk, Uli'Hil apprtirim'e, and hIiin l.uut.lutt dpittu, ami whn Ihere U a irkk Ii:, burning rn.4(IOU whou iiuiug nUr, nnd aln in It, hmnll ul lit Itavk aud alvtig lb liai frlue, I.U. WORMS. utdy fur WORMS I'lS, TAl'K, riu. Tumor of 12 Years' Growth t'liffil hit Itnttwiiy' Iti-stitvHt. -.Perfect Punaliie Fills, psrfmty la'elu", . Ipi tl v umlrd Willi nv.el gum, piiru, rtgNlai-, pnilii. .Iranw, uud itrRtielliL-ii. Itad- rury nU d tbe Intrrnal iltive cure. Purely minerals, or deli of RAILWAY'S PILLS will free tht tli l!.- nbiive-iiaiiird din rdtrt. I'rln, -n , sold hy oid't.u .vrs. ALSi: AND IllL'E." Send on I.IUf I)WAY & Ctt, No. 3J Warreu Slrurl, In l.jdiwt Ion worth thou muds will b sunt Capital, Call tj Jb Coll) $800,000 Sui-plns n4(!nM)20G,l 10 Tmnrn rrrrj klnt f I.rltlmal StBHkiun ItHRhiriii. BT? A,"P nxrn ursnv, mm lirtndwil UllOM l f III ii liilic.l at: tm mill Kiirot.o. IRMIina flFRTlrirATPH ... nvnna. T nvaiiiiiiiu mi i-uiimitfiviiil und i;n-.nciiU lmlnu. Buys ra KI.I,3 Pniirair.1, Ctlto, Cr IXTraTWItWTa HIAIltl (in ontcn. C?I.,,f.l,,", '" rtl'I.MOl sn.l 1.KU.1L TENDKIlsl lKu;-l;t uml nulO. nun curri'iicr, i ml hii.j,-g. ti clin-k al pioiumro. " I PI!"nnTl!miniiOTlla. roi LKCTlovii ntnn !n Hun Prun. niiti vicnn,. viiiiiint i-imrmi. I'tiil I'lu I ollirr ihiIiiIkhI t, ami MK:on.ls rnnlitnl at ..Llltllllrll. 0. B Kfl4 BT, TEWl n. ETOJTEn, Coiiler Proatdsa. EMPIRE BAKERY PIIO VISION STORE! JOHN SCIDlEEIt, Oar. Tint . Ellsworth Sts. Albany, Or., Ko.ni coi.ata.mllr on hand a umpl.ta assort aiaol of Orsesrlas and Verstables! rnnch aa4 rancy Candici Wlnaa ul Caanod rrnits! ' Clgara, Pip(a ut Tobacca And ovi-rvlhini aln to ba found in a trit olaa. Katail Family UrooarT anil Koliua Entabli.U- tnent. "Liya ana l.t llva," U air Mi..Iih aoii .ball ba Uia aim ur ai vtannor o( doaiioa- aid, ou.lotnra. Call and va me. vtoJryi. john aciniKKo, PEAT: r.lARiCET! J. L. II tKRIH, I'rup. W'tl I, KtW CONHTANTt.Y OV HAND tho tM-ia moot iho ...Uri.. , will always t lnuail n-a.ly in a.wiuii.oat.. .h"m"J''f '"in wllh a tall. -li,i,wl ,im,, ,,uia M jrt.-vi Z. BEARD & CO., TANGENT, OREGON, Forwarding and OommisB'oi. Merohants, AND DEALERS , MERCHANDISE AMD PRODUCE ! A good assortment of all,klnds of STAPLE GOODS Blwoyi in atore at lowest market ratca. We are prepared to nil onler.for all kinds of A Git I CULTURAL MArillKEKV atprlceathnt moat Kiye entire satlsfnctlnn. Come on wlt.li your orders hik! Iihvh i.im iiii. al l'w rnti-H lor cash. Vr .ill kinds ol produce taken In exchange lorsjoda. vSiiJHt. ALBANY GUN STORE! TILESTOS & SCOTT, Proprietors. Ciiatrnners enn olways nnd ot this place a flpkiHlld assort ment of GUNS, RIFLES AND REVOLVERS 1 And Ammunition of AU Kinds. ALSO TOYS! TOYS I TOYS! Or EVEKY DESCRIPTION. Baby Carriages, Steamboats,. Games Mechanics! Toys, rooomotlvfii, Dolls, fiova utons and Mloljrha, In lact nearly every" kind of toys manuiaclured. vWnWyl. ALBANY BOOKSTORE! JOIINFOSHAY, deai.su i a ADVERTISEMENTS wPm TITUS BROTHERS. Id-. .!. Walkw's Ciilifoi-iiin Vin fsar llill.ci'S nro rt jmrcly Vosotnlilo i ic i.i rn i inn, niiiila chiully i.'inii tlio 11:1 tivo liorlis I'oiiinl im tlio lower rniifros of tl:e KiciT.i Knv;i(l:t iiicniiitains of t'ulil'ir.--nia, tho mcilidnnl irciiiurtic'S of wliith uiu cvitntctcil tlicrefmni without tlio uso nf Alcoliiil. Tho ijiicstinu ia nlmo:.S daily nski-il. "What is tlio cniwo of tlio iiiiparalloluil siicccns of Vixi:iiaii !( i Ticnsf'1 Our nnswer is, tlint tlmy reniova Uio cniiso of disease, nnd tho palient iv covcrs Ills health. .Thoy nro tho pjimo blood punlieraiiil n lifo-ivint; irinc-i1t. it pcil'eet l'lCnovator nutl Inviiirntof of tho system. Xovor befnro ill tha history of ilia world has a ltiudieinu lu-i-a (.'uinpiiuntled po'si!,' iiijr tlu; l'fii'.cu-kal.K o'.uilitiiw of ViMiii.tit linTKHs ia li.'iiihtp i!;(i nick of ovnrj- tiiseiiMi lima in heir tu, Tin y are a puntlo' rai-jrajvo us well us :i Toui,-. reliovinir Con,ri.'-,-tioii oi- Iiiiianiinutini) of tho Liver and Visoimd Oruiis in ililioun Diseuses:" - . The properties of Ph. Wai.icnii'a V ISKii.l u lilTTKRS are A pci-ieiit. l)iu;ihon.'(ic, Caniiinative. Xalriliiius. Laxative, binrorie, Peihitive. C'iitintev-ln-itiint .SVnloriiie, AlLeia livo, and Anli-Diliims. ;, .- -,. .- i Uratef'til TJioiiHand:) proclaim Vin , ur.Aii lliriEits tho most wonderful In Tignnmt tlni.t ever sustained the sinking pyriteia. ' ' " -; ' ' No Person en.ii take these Bitters nccording to directions, and remain long unwell, provided ;hcir bonos aro not der stroyed by mineral poison or other .means, i.ud vitnl organs wasted beyond repair. - . ' - . 15i5ions,"I'?n:Ittcr.t and Inter- niiUcilt rpvers, which aro so preva lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout tlio United States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio. Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan mb, lied, Colorado, linizos, Itio Grande, l'cini, Alahaina, Mobile, Savannah, I!o anoku, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our jntiro country during the .Summer nnd Autumn; and remarkably so dilrlnp; sea sons of umisiud Iieat and dryness, aro invariably accompanied by extensive e!c ranp;cnient3 of tho .stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exertins a pow ciful inlluenco upon theso various or pniis, Is essentially necessary. 'Hioro is no cathartic for the purposo equal to 1)1!. J. WAI.KEIS'S Vl.NKUAlt Iill'TERS, as they will speedily remove tho dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels nro loaded, at tho uanio timo stimulating tho secretions of the liver, and generally' restoring- tho healthy functions of tho digestive organs. : t unify the body against tiiseaso by purifying all its lluidswith Vinegar !ri-ri;iis. Xo rjiideniio can tako hold of a system thus t'orc-armcd. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, nead nch6, Pain In the .Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness. Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Had Tasto in tho .Mouth, llilious Attacks, l'alpita tation of tlio Heart, lnllanunation of tho Lungs, I'ain hi the region of tho Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, nro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. One huttlo will provo n 'better guarantee i f n'i iiierli i'i.i'1 it IrntfUiv auvcrtlso ucat. - ' ' iSfforitl;!, )r Ki;t,-rH Evil, Wliifo Fwclliui.'s, irircr.t laysipuiu', Hwellnd Seek, tioitro, Scrol'iiluus litlluiniiiutiun.s, Jatliilent JnflntiimiuionK, itertairiiil Al'i?etimirt, Old oie.i, liniptioiiu t f Llio Kkin, Sore liyoi, etc. liiMiose. us ia ii'.i ntlu.-i- ci.UHtitutiiHinl Dis eases, Vr.W.Kiai'S VlNKUAIt lll'ITKIIK havo i-liowa ilivir ji.-eiit cnnitivo pou-ers in tho most alwtiiiMo nnJ iutraotatils camw. l'or Iiillauiuintory a::il Clsrouic Klieunintisni, (tout, nuiotis. liemit- tentandiutennittent Fevers, Diseases of tlio Jllnnil, I.iver, Kidneys nnd llimlilcr, theso Hitters havo no ennui. Knell Diseases are caused by Viiiated lilnod. Sleclniilical Disecses. I'crsons en gaged in Paints nnd Minerals, such as Plumbers, 'l'ypc-sctlers. (iiiliMieutnrs, nnd Minora, ns llley ailrouco in life, nm mlijei-t to paralysia of tho Jiowels. To (riiuiii against this, tako a doso of Yi'ALKiai's Vi.v nu,vn llrmiiis oeeiisioiialh-. ForSk'ill Diseases," Eruptions, Tet ter, Sult-itliciini, Illnudios, Spoti, Piinplos, Pustules, lioils, Carbuncles, KingrWurmH. Scald-lieuil, Soro Kyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorutious of tho Skin, Utum.rs ami Diseases of the Skin of whatever mono or lrnturo, are litendly dnjr up and carried out of thB system ill a'short time hy the uso o. uiesu miters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in tho system of so munj- tluinsands, srs eliectually destroyed and reinoVcd. Xo system of medicine, no vennil'uncs, no an thelmiiiities will lice the system from worms like these Hitters. Li.... 1.1 l , r ur i eiiiaio l.OiiipiailltS, in young oi .mi. iiiiuTien or single, ut ineuavvu oi wo- manhood, or tlio turn of life, those Tonic Hitters display so decided an iniliten that liiiiiiiveuieiil is soon pcrceplililo. t'lemisetlio Vitiated Wood when ever you find ils impurities hursting through tha skin ia Pimples. Eruptions, iir Sores; cleanse it when yuu lind it obstructed and sluggish ill the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your eelingsw-11 loll voilwheu. Keep the hlniiil iimn, ami ihe health of the system will follow. . ;". Mc iiOKAi.n & co., 11. ...-:!... l-i";i ..-!.. Sut 1-Vani-l.ei.. Calirnmia .in.: .... ... .V ,ii I1( fliarltoii sis., X. X. - t 1 ' J.; I 1J and Uvalera, THE SsiMCEal STILL TIUUMPHANT! A D V E K T I S II M K SEWING MACHINE SALESQF18T3 Thelaliioof Sewing Machiuo Baled for 1873 shows tliat our sales Inst year amounted to a3!),444 two buiilred and thirty two thoa Raud, four hunarad and forty-four) Machines, beihg a largo Incrt-aso over tho sales of tho pre Vlous ybar (1872.) ' ' 'Ihe tablo shows thnt our sales exoport those ol any other com puny, lor Ihe pfrlrd nnmcd. uy hid iiuinucr oi uu, i-ft Mitolilne, or nearly douUlP those ol any other Company. It may be further stated that thfi sales of 1S73, as uom pared with those ot 1S72. shown rflntlvo- ly larger Increase, bpyoml the sales of othor uiHitiTK, man oi any ottier yrnr. For InHtance In iS7i we sold 45,000 more Ma chines than any other Company, whereas, In the sales were ' , 113,254 MACHINES IN EXCESS OUR EiatSHEST COM I'ETITOR. Theso flRurps aro nU tlio' more romnrkablo, for tho rcurion that tho sals nf the principal Companies In l$7Hare less than their .iios in lHT4t wlieretin, as has b-'t-n fehown, our sules have larvly Increased. 'i he Hccount oi saleu is irom sworn retnrns made to tho owners of tho Sewing Machine 1'Ht.ents. Jt will hardly be denlpd, that the superiority otiheHIXGKit MACIIIM H Is fullv demon strated nl all events that tlK'lr twpularity In the household is unquestionable. ' . , DKAI.KU IS HARDWARE! jAC: STOVES, CROCKERY, AND GR0BEEiEs MANUFACTURER : &corpEnWARt 1 bl8AKe'"'"rtUeUlna,rt IMraOVEO; RICHMOND BAKGB ' THH BEAUTrrpi, With lic-arllr. The CelebratU Charter Oak ,u '.; - Vmamf Oook stove. WKOI.ESAI.E AI KETAI1, JoJ. Work done oa Short Soll . aud at Rcaaouable Terms. "eLO'voln mil and aaiJafy TmminlvMik , , PS - S O 3 " 1 00 ' " cs so" rf i-f E !9 2 M rJ' it i 1 g SS S" 53" :s!! P C5 si ALBANY FOUNDRY v- MACHINE-, SHOPS! a; p. cherry. Pronri.i!: ALBANY, OKEGOJV, Nununtctnrcs Steam Englueal - : HOUR AND MILL MACHINERY! Agricultural iTIarliinen ALL AT SAN FHAMCISCO PRICES Alw ncnit for nii-hiirtson, Morlam 1 C'i Fay A (Vs. and 11. B. Smitb'a PATENT W OOD-WORKING : HACH1NEBT. Also Manufnoturei of DoKroat'B, PATENT;" IROIV ; IvfiIVC IRON AND BRASS ; CASTINSS . Of All Kinds, Made l Qrdarl . Iloimirinir all klmla nf mM.A An. ' ahintcat noticb. i , : ,i A. F. CUEitHT VimBtf. , , . CITY DRUG STORE. A CAROTHBRS. A CAROTHERS & CO., DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, FOSTER'S BLOCK, FIRS ST ALBANY, OREGON TITUS ALBANY. A. CARD. $1,000 UEWARDJ! TUB ABOVE REWARD WILL RE OIVEN to auybody proving that tho saloa of the SINGER SEWING MACHINE do not exceed all others by thousands upon ..unaainu, "HUB llll Hl (HllCr OKI COHIpa- nies salen in 187:1 decreased, those of the HlNtl hit Increased wonderfully, and keens at the head, where it always is and should be. TITUS imo's. SILVER PLATED WARE! Itotrera' Plate on Vine Nilver. Kirkcl BISCEILMEOIIS AXD STANDARD BOORS JRLAXK BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Good In our lln Imtwimi A AniAB . a est possible notion. THE OLD moon FACTORY LEAIITEK STOIJE, DAVID mvi, I'rop'r. HAVE OI:VFn OUT A NEWlKATHFIt Minn-In Altmny, and will It.-i-p immm.uiIIv ... nllmI, w iiM'-mic.'ra- iiihIIiikh, hiiU a law awmim-nl ol li-ntu.-ra, eonolMliia a l-irni-hrall ami hlji. llnli:K Una ami L "m oall ami lallinrnta Wi. and nianjrmli-r minis al h-athor which it la uscl.ia io i-minirmte tiHf!m!)'7 l;'",'r "nJ ho.Mnakra will Bnd It lothflrailiantacatodtal wllh tan aa 1 am (filing vtv ch.-ap. J orv nn JKn.nl St.. n door lo Plnmmrr-i ARCHITCTURAlANO MECHANICAL. KKVMMEM iiI.B.BT, Architect U tit Dnr4 ,f Capitol THE OLD STOVE DEPOT I JOHN BfllGGS. DCALiniX COOK, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES ! Or h. Beit rattcrna, TIN, SHEET-iriDN AND COPPER-WARE Aad tha usual assortment of larDishinf giwid. found ia a Tin Store. Kaoaire Heatly and Promptly Eioonted On RearonaMa Terms. " Short Iitt-l.-onint3 Xale Long Frind)."' FROST-ST.. ALBANY, Nail Door to P. 0. Dao.5r4nl,nr llarpar k Coi Str JOHN IlltlrtiiS IIEMORKIIOIDS. A a CAROTIIRRS i CO'S "PILE PILLt .i OINTMENT" have o.. bi-cmo ana ol .iwuwu n9.araiiuna ol tlie dav; is pre irod and raaommendrd f..r Piles oi.ij (wliatlwi cbronl- orri-mnt). Snfftrors may dvutiaa noor il. isat ihURwadj will jtive lli.-m pernananl filial from tliii irvuliltsnia an J damaging cum. plaint. ant pnatpaid to aajl address (within tba fai led Statu) Ufwi reipt nf rripe.ai.60, A. C.MtUTllEUB A CO., "'"jl :boy. Ling fa., Oregon. Tahlo Sponna.., TvftHpotina J. D. TITUS. . S3 no pr-r 1 ft) - 1WALKRS IH " DRUGS, CHEMICALS PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, OILS, GLASS, TOILET GOODS, French and American Cologne, Handkerchief Extracts, CONFECTIONERY Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Em . FINE TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. Family Eooip8i and Physioian's Prescip-f tions Uompounded. ' Dao80'r0.rnM. A. CAROTHERS i CO. GOOD NEWS IN lSonT ' '' " MONTAGUE & Mo C ALLEY ! Have Just received and opened oul a ( MAMMOTH STOCK f TITUS BRO'S, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, GENERAL MERCHANDISE CONSISTING Of WRY CrQOHN, " GROCERIES HARUWARE, ET., the whole wm pricing one of the oholoeat reUI stores in Orepon, They expect to win public fnvor snd publia pntroiiaij by n prompt attenllon to cufltomort and reiiHonable prlct'8 of enods. MONTA(ilK A McCAU,E. I-ebnnon, Oct. is, l87;i.--v9nlUlf BANK EXCHANGE SALOON. TAYLOR BKO'S, Proprietor, LATEST FAHCY BAR FIXTURES AND FI5EST mm, fllSES, LIQl'O IS TBE STATE. A FIRST HILLIA kd CLASS TABLE! DIAMOND SPECTACLES ! ALSO SINGER SEWING MACHINES, And all kinds of Sawirag Machiuo Hceulos DROP IN, Corneror First ftnd Washtnpton ifrcfltA 0J poslte Kt. Charles Hotel, Albany, Oregon. ipicttxjrbs. SPECIAL rJOTICE Hl i.ily, im. )ul Murii.il (mm r,.lii.-ni and i PATE1T "mhi rntfiitm ii, ,( l.H m ht old i mi in uie who, l,ull.lii.fc-. nrar r.4rrt li'niinf. Cfrmaalaaionera. rnoE EBAwrsos, ETC Mill. 1 Ort Biilldln?. rVull.nd, Orwron. willir METZLEIVS RAVHIDE EQTTCr.'ED CHAIRS ! fn be hml t hts manufrtrtory s.t Jo-ruin htxold pnt- n( iK,Kjn, sn in Alhiuiy ; at iimt l.!itr'a, AUwny ; t sm Mav toi Ht.r rt-burn; Smuh A I;rAsri Juiinion ; Kirk Hum". liro !is tl' ; J. (. Eif-,,o. HaU'v J. J. Hr-Hvr.. H. wi . J. M. Jr.hn, inon. i.4f ft 1.1, RIZHS AND KTYT ER AT PRirFS T" hvM iriPifniF-ii. (ir:at improvements mane on timabitig phoifrrapli. S0METHIM3 KEW ! ' T mk thn eoi.ylne and nlfirclnp ofoW ri:iKii.-rrilviM'8, I'll-., a RiKiMahtv. and mf clmr.r"s an: a follows. I will .nlunn' fP'ia nrnilmrn 1 nnnnmm.i . mH ear.l-l 8m In i.r 111x12, and Onib nl"'J' Kbr AIRING 4 SPEnni.TV i It"" .' l H for b-' Drat tnvr. imi J1UIU1U il Ol liOlAli 1 1 for nu-haiMUKHiii! ei.;.v. whu-li la i..cr l 11 la iloni- rur ia saa mncisca. Cull and All Gooda Said and Wcrfe Warranted. Sana N d iorto nill DnirRinro, In John Gan tr- old stauil. Allainy, urvirwn. Titrs t uos. SHMII1' t"tallsincllon nRrant?e or no rhtnr" A. B. PAX1U-V nllnlllf. THE ORi'GlfiAl BAY TEAM IS STILL A LIVE WITH OUTFIT! A T K W ipHAVKTirL ptlR PART FAVORS, i Mill diinviji of vmnmilfii? to j rn. the nro pn ft or tn a)Hyo rnrfy i-sm--1! (ortrni tr-tva the cam umisv irt i 5 j city MS if-n-.nftH u.-. A. N. A KOI J ' AHan.v i I'mprlei"1