The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 16, 1875, Image 3

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    . , . . -V
. ,ri!T!TTBlSM5tL
Al'lUL 1(1,, 1875.
J 'poflTOFf HEtSlSTFfRii y
L; ; ;,iiri '.;-f,f i v . -ill-:
From Corvnllls at 111 M A.
lLwnhUlinnon at 10:30 A.
tlall,v uxcrpt
i I,,,-.. WIIUIH'Sliajn "'"J"' . ' ,
f Slim Railroad (North) ,Jnll.V ?xcepfc fiat
ill 11 :w A. M; MWBr "'
' .-'ijiAajiaDrcrAH'c.i i'"H-:' .
..rRlroa(i (Soiithl dully, except Knbbalb,
? Ti M (N-)rth) al 11 a. m.
VJr "orviiill". u.ily;JiMi JfciiitaiUiratjl
!W r'lmiinn, on Mondays, Wednesdays nml
llfHw'iwFrom 7 :! A." jr. to 7 1'. M.
loiioy ordfr qlt(cij iipuw, Irom H A.M. loAl'.M.
iimWNsvii,t, Wkws. 1
AT Scio. 5fa jtJ0k ft Uuixieil boner
l; ride to'feblMu Uie'. teiitiapicce of
L wcek, and consequently, are forced
stand up while wo pen tlioso items,
ill how long wewilt vet be compelled
Ii sleep on our face depends on the efil
ley of salve,: unguluts autlreil flan-
All the Scio rnqroliants have ; big
ocks of goods and seem to "be doing a
ne business.
Dave Mason's drug and book store is
wut as flrie;s a(iy in our own city, -id
Dave's immense popularity brings
m a inaEUinceni. luuiuiiiiKe. a u
Mist' lie is "aW'ayTip." '5-'1-1-"1'''
Irvine & Morris' mammoth flouring
nil completely ; wallops thj? nIUspf
10 gods, for it grinds both fast and
The Solo city dads have put up a new
re bell in a sky-raklng tower, at a
ist of a cool hundred.
Pete Bilyeu'fl J'nlgger billiarda" is a
istlnguislilng feauturo of Scib 'amuse
icnts. TUa gaiiio Is played by Tolling
le big ball and a lot of, littler one? on
liable perforated with holes like an
il-fashioned collander, but you don't
it scarcely anyballi In the lioleR, and
ten you get atuokywo believe that's
hat they call it."' As a nigger bllliaid
, the namt hleh w'e' brought from '
le StatcSj-wiUi us will scarcely lie
muled clowii to pnsterily in a blaze of
lory. "
fn passing over the rich agricultural
iuntry between Albany aiiil Scio we
iticed that itlie farmers i were taking
i Ivantageof theunprecedentedlybeau
i ful weather, and had brought evcry
( ling an(l.:everybOily into requisition
: i the plowing line; and although they
; A an unvfliially jlatp start', we may
i: ink for as' largo a crop this year as
! ist, if the presfcnSMvoiithcr ' holds out
if asonably long. . ."":l.y'-" ' '''
On Monday Wight we participated
; ithour Scio Companions in the incip
: nt establishment of Santiam Chap
,ir, U. D.,-.Of' Koyar 'Afch'-'Masoiis,
hich was organized with Comps. D.
. Mason as M.' E. II, P.; J. A. Pen-'
Iibaker as E. K. ; Dr. Martin as E. S.
nil a full quota of subordinate ollloers.
The people of Scio and tile Forks are
'prosperous warm-iiearte,d and happy,
iople, and we never go among them
jlthout feeling that ft is good for us to
i there.
TIi.rnt Out. It was not just what
ght to lmy4 been the renilt of such
jnihicss and forethought, but the lov
:ig wife knew her, liusb&ml vouIiVbp
jr-ptout lateat the Lodgo that night,
till wouhl be quite chilled and cold
lion he got home; and so she put an
nn on the stove; and when she Heard
iin open tl'e galft luiuped-l, and
jirrieilly wrapping tiie iron iii a piece
I ftanneV'hbcked It into the bed for
m. The man was cold, taciturn and
JroHs; he ..crawled Into bed with a
yowl, and shuddered yrlth cold as hp
iretched himself out. Then he gave
yell that lifted the roof oft the house,
lid jammed his head through the
iad board, .Slid: itcreo mod fii!e,..auil
wltzeil out on the floor nmt around
lie room ltt the Mark, stiwUHIng I'm
g chairs breaking his shins on bureau
orners, and: upsetting one or two
tings, and filling the darkness with
feird fantastift.pMfnity.Vi;'Vybeii:his
vlfe lighted the lamp, they discovered
i beautiful photograph of a flat-iron on
ho bottom of the man's foot; and it
ras found that the llannel had somc
iow irot otr the foot warmer; The
UVilllicr nnd farmlngUllmour't
" AVort"n Fartor'Knnaway,dr-
BnowNsvtr.LE, Oregon,
April Ilith, 1K75. J
EtfUor.pemoarat :
i Th? jlue weather so long looked for,
has at lust come and farmers are using
itt to the best advantage, sowing grain
and flax.
The blacksmiths are alldoiuga good
business with the exception of Jainen
Gilmour, whdflttttnptyfilfeiC pain'telf:
arid hung over tho doorof "his shop;
iiestands (ln; tlye,do,qr aud,lpoks,at Iti
all day, wliile rtifs iiiltneit iloci the
The Woolen Factory has suspended
operations for want of wool; we don't
know;, whether It. will run this season
ornot. h; .!.'"
AVe understand ,f litre will bo au
Academy building greeted in South
Brownsville the coining season. It
will be built by pttvatecontributlon.
During the late' freshet u team ran
off the grade whildycrosslog the slough
in South Brownsvajlq1. Messrs. Bishop,
Baird and son res(6ud; tile children in
the "wagon witl'no oss except. Mr.
Bishop's now harT
'Senator Wilhoit lias rented Finley's
Soda Springs, where he wlllaccommo
VIWO all .those, trayejhig, ur ,6oeUing
health oi' pleiisiii4wtth 'tfieioholeeat
viands the market affords. . The Sena
tor at Boda Spring is the right man in
the right place.: -1 .n i'.i i-nr j.-mi i
,.-Mii-! I'l'.aOHNv Bl-MIMAi.'-
' ,Eev. I. j).' Driver has got himself;
into print again In A, most , uneii viable,
shape. It seems that his: two daugly.:
tert wore out walking: bne:' rifght dast
we"eW w i th a couple .of .Saiein : j'oii ng
8te;is, when the latter concluded it
would be fun to burn down ift ojd'tau
nery, bo they set fire to It and it was'
consumed. A reward of $300 was of
fered for the apprehousioiv of; tie eu!T
pvits, aud it (s'sard fliat'tlie son Hi'ilA
Dj-iver, who had learned through his
sisters of tho matter, Informed on the
young men, in order to secure the re
ward, and they were avrcsted and the "
Driver girls subpoenaed aSiiwitnesaeB.
Their father,' heflMng;.o.f Jh.' tiiatter,
and learning that his daughters bait
been in the oompaiiyot the young men
at the timcv of the commission "of the
rlmo. flew: lnt,v;fi terrible 'mfftf-'aiid
most cruelly anil brutally beat .'the
girls with a large stick until- oho of
them was lald'up from the severity of
the punishment. The Salem commu
nity, according to the Record, are ihighw
ly incensed at the conduct of Rev. Dri
ver, and if all the facts are as stated he
deserves the fullest condemnation.:
JDiSTitESSiNa Accident. We learn
of a most distressing accident which
occurred to Mfi' B. F. Neal, a farmer
residing near Scio, last Sunday morn
ing. Feeling unwell he arose early,
and, making a fire in the fire-place,
sat down before it, and was almost im
mediately taken with a fainting fit and
remembers nothing of what followed.
His wife, who, was still in bed asleep,
was awakened by hearing him grojvn,
and, springing out of bed, ran to the
ftrewUiro she found him Jytr,g:w.itb
his head, and oiic.ariii-.literaUy frying
In the blaze. She dragged him forth,
and sent to Scio for Dr. Marthi,:whn:,
on arriving at, tho house, found ihe
poor n, an-' .in terrible iigonjVJiiS face,
head and right: anri-eoiikcdtoablitcli
crisp. All possible relief was speedily
afforded, but; at iaatlifilvices he. was
not expected to live, and .even if he
should survive he must Inevitably lose
his forearm anil hand. It 1s" a distress
ing case, as he has a whole hoiisefull
of little ones depending on him-iiloiie
for Riipport.,, ,, ; ,; . , - r ,-:, c q !..'
Knows "how "it is' hehsblr 'liiis
Is how Mary Kyle Dallas says it feel:
"Tuku a iiian" and plh three or : four
large table-cloth armnid Win,! fastened:
back wiih elnxtic ftrid loopeiftip willr
ribbons; drag All his " half to the
half pin on nbi-uf fi ve pmi)id nf oilier
hair and a biff bow of ribbon. Keep
tiie front locks on pins all night, and
let them tickle his eyes all day; pinch
his! M-alst into a corset, and give him
gloves a size too small, and shoes ditto,
Sec Sheriff's sale 1 i t
Picnics nearly ripe.
Be careful about fin . '
Milt. Beach rtcoveilng "
Spring feter breaking utr;w '"
Lager beer conning in fashion.
Summer clothes in full bloom, v
Carofher's Arctic Soda is In demand.
Gradwohl Is a !'brek" anil sell thh
ware cheap.
matter up and talk about that Dice
family thowlng acea, pairs, and so
forth. Of course we can't bo expected
to say much about such things iu this
hemvy-set family journal; ::,;; j iV
The Alden Fruit payers havo.bougbj,'
a lot of Dick Morris,. just below. Par
ker & Morris' , waxehouseV, in pixjei
and Mr. Carter, tho business lnaiiager
nf the Company, is contracting for Uie
Immediate erection of the bqllding fs :;
11 1 .... 1. .11. '?".XniP Aitii
v ci tuose luwu iiiKfuiuiiia 1 n: niv
3 We aro getting ready for "fliiwer- throwing stones on the streets tho
pot" presents, , marshal will have toscalp a lotioftllein,
I Wo don't hoar anv thing more ahoiil t even If he must skin a half-dozen lnno-
tli6 'cold snap " cent ones before he happens on to this'
Prof. WarrerMias the Waatllcst look! guilty. Of course nobody wants thri
i the bed cold.
11.. .1 l....,rii.,. if tin mnil.
. " T.f" ' i?Z.l' and a hat Hint will not stay on without
leep Willi Hardware, ne Pr ,' riii:iu:HeUle
U l.'iiuiit'K i.i"nv,.
bis trffflTuii'ii u little laee vail to bind
hja pyes wliciie,ver he froe out . tn ; yalk,
and liewlii kiiow what yojiijvu',s dress
Is!" My!
. A; liosi'EI. f'aiKiE i-ooater baa split
with hi girl. She lives in Salem nnd
lie wrote her a letter in which he sta
ted that It was twilight and he was sit
ting In the windows' embrasure of his
fathM's mansion, gazing, out, ou the
calm, lovely nilii, where! one by irme
in the jnl'mite rsendowa of heaven,
biossoined the lovely.-atflrs ilie" fm-get-me-hOW
of the angels, . and his: eyes
had been for an. hour riveted npon tiiat
most encliantihg cluster which had al
wajBbeen heir sweet admiration the
DidjKrV Of course he meant the
"dipper", but that. bad spi?H cost him
thc loss of hfci gitl.'and ijow ho Is hope
less, and diwsn't eiiro wliether spelling
"schools are revivebr not,. , , , ..
Runaway. The, font-horse' Wage
team that daily vibrates between this
city and Lebanon, took a stampede
th rough nurstreets lust I'rlilay, ami iiur-
Good Nr.-prTTh? Bosebifrjf PM11
tmler gives our' Joliiu'iy flie'ionowing
ypographlcal send-oflV" .v.t- .
J. A. Spanglcj . of the State Iligbt
hmoemt has -d the 'oplKirtunity and
nt "locked up" in the "form" of mar
age. Johnny d Into the "matter"
vit linn "1", to'business, and this "take"
.as made '.a good, '"iuipressloii" upon
lie "culw." May he never be found
delinquent" in ouvthing pertaining
the duties of a "bead-' of a family,
ml "display"' a superior "type" of
lanhnod, wlfJi inl determination to:
stick" to the "riiles" provided In Mich
eases," and thus be, justified in the
onrse he has taken. Wo hope be
will show "proof" of his nffection for
ids bride, and may their happiness
iH'Ver lie "knocked. into pi.' : -: --':
j Work vs. Marriage. A Hnmdal
iia street gentleman, whoso wile Is
ifk, Is discouraged with the business
f hunting a girl to do housework. He
iitcrviewed four or five one day tills
Veek, but all were making prepara
ions to get married and wouldn't work.
3e desperately nsked the.
hom he struck If it wero possible
' -. : I. . , . . ,. i t A.
hat all the girls In the country were ing the run one 01 uie norws u u u u
in the marry. Sl answered s,i was droned, ttlong. b; .tba other
ijould not soy how it was with , ollierBi'i three until hii wind wnsi'abnat out
but as for her she was decidedly on it. Jolt when the lively procession was
; ' : , Estopped, A few JW i .'.
! The Salem .Vfreiir Is becoming Just ;bmk( ni watu.r(M, al)OUtj nil(1 the
a little impertinent... . Ttt chcck'I'illiP11 I0W8 bruised and skinned up
asks: "Where in inunaer is uuu. , mnMl.rahu. , n otlier .lamage ,r-,
that Mart. Brown wjw going to itwue. ;f,ull(.,li . ' t f i-.f.j .
W e will tnrorifl our eiHemporar.r u
he must hold on a little while. The ; CoMiMi.-I'iiriiig the past month
ign Isn't right yet. Our granger H- over II.ihkI emij-'mnt i.Mied through
neation teaches us never lo plant dai-1 Omaha bound -for .the I'aeiSo enart,
W-u the dark of the moon, else they aud lal Saturday a fiH-cial train eon
vJ3l run to root, and then it would taiuing 1, emigraiitH .lelt tliat phicu
I", r..t daily or fizzle out. . , for San Francisco. Tiie imuiwratinn
Ihi- -ir .lo.. tifsm "in i..B..iviv
that of uny I'teviiiu .v ar". tiraMiou-
hiub taxes and l'l weniner arc
away ironi iiicir iu
ing summer hut.
The Llnn Couuty hnv is this year to
be the best ever had i
The whiskey crusaders have: again
broken out'in tho Easti 1 11 ' "
Judge Baldwin is out again after a
severe attack of lung fever. , , .
The atmosphere hereabout, la full of
shirt sleeves and chip hats. .1-1
Commencement nt 'Albany Colle
giate Institute in two weeks.
Spring flowers and other joliuuy-
jump-unsare bursting into bloom. , -
Our facilities for job work excel any
other establishment south of Salem;
A Chinese class Is being taught ill
the'U;,P. Sabbath Soliool of tills olty. ,
'" It f8'almosl impossible to rent a
dwelling in Albany "for love or mon-
BJI.Mv,., ' ; ; ...,.:,.';7 j.'
Our barbers are kept busy shaving
chin whiskers from Albany gents just
:. I, A. Gilmore, the Brownsville Vul
can, has a young blacksmith at hie
llOUSL'. " ," n ' "1 : .-"ii.;-.";"-! '
i"..Our pet swallows; have followed os
from Parrish's block ow to our new
OfJicej': , : f,YlHlf lW- ':,:: ' I ;:;::
Wm. Pickup,' of Philadelphia, wants
to pickup-information of one1 George
pickup, : .'' j i;;;"-'-,,:.:::;':1.1 :
"-The Odd Fellows of this city design
having a celebration and picnic on the
26th inst... .. :.. , '.' ',: . - '
Fox Broi,,iave : some handsome
striCw hats fiirmeil oud of whom we
pjudgd Haley ai)d:a, number of ladles
oajleil yes'teijlay uioriiing to see. our
BOW offlOBi : iti; .;:::: ; : ::
The busy sound of the builder's saw,
hamnier and plane Is- heard in every
quarter Of the'clty. .1
D. M.! Thompson is putting up a lot of
small, neat buildings next to his sad
dlery store, for rent. : . ; . ;:: ! '.'.;
: Prof. J. Cv-Campbell; late of !the
Moninouth Coli?gei'has taken charge
of Jefferson Institute,
N. Baum has purchased Ike Conn's
elegant residence: on Washington: st,
Consideration $2,000. i:i;.::i
: : Spring has already slopped over Into
summer, tariff before: her time, and the
sun isechorching hot
Billy Staiger goes to Salem ta reside,
and his brother; Gils comes . here to
manage the marble works.
Dari. Clark, Master bf State Grange,
Btarts 011 a tour to the Granges of Eastr
em Oregoh next.tUcsday
Capt. P., C. Harper will probably ar-
rivo home-from San Francisco to-day;
with a boomlng etock of goods,
Peoria rnis sausage mill. One dog
last week "ate two much mutton and
went straight 'oft, to dog heaven. ,
L Mrs. Duulway has just concluded
successful (pecuniarily) lecturing tour
through the towns of this county.
: 1 Ji Jowan has just received, at his
Lebanon store, a large stock (if goods
which he will sell at bedrock prices. .
Our gallant young: merchant friend,
Sig. Fox, has returned from 'Frisco,
looking as seraphic us an angel-bug. :;
Dr. Lister has gono to Portland after
a stopk of groceries for the new stere
which lie Is Just about to open In this
cityy-fi :! ; ,'" ; ".;.'.;;'.",, :'.... ',:
The annual May j;ay oeieuniuuu ui
ykdMiny Fire. Co. No. I will come off
sb'ioetiine the last bf May. It-will be
agraiid ntrair.- ; . . '.: ';,'.
,;We have, received' uiUnvitation to
atti?nd,il grand May Day Ball at Brass-;
field's Hall, Junction (Ity,; oil the
evening of April 30(li,, '.,' ".''ii ,: ,: ! ,
Itev. W. R, Bishop Is canvassing
Brownsville and vicinity fo aid to
build a college there, and Is ..'meeting
with excellent. success.: .!:
Vh; rx'Badil, of Peoria, Is building a
large, fine residence,, and a 36x48 feet
barn lo match. Harry Is one of Linn's
most enterprising formers. :: : -.r:-')li !);
Itev. t)fJ fleary left for Eugene
yesferday ' witli ' ids fiinily, having
bsen called to take charge of the Pros-:
byterlan chnroli In that city. '
A Corvallls- cornispondent Informs
Us ilintMis. Dunlway's lecture, for the
Library htWmt place, was largely at
tended and was a complete success.
Sim. Reed, jtiie great Oregon stock
raiser, wiis.Ih tWflity last week, aud
has arrangel to bring his blooded hor
ses ami cattle W the Linn County Fair
this fail. ..: z n
Wadswortll has1 painted a large and
beautiful sign at his shop In this city,
to go to Portland and be puttipln front
of Mrs. Paxton'sfWinj "W'M'IW'W?''
cv In that city!
John BurWa jVflqitf! O"
office, receives payment on the Cen
tennial subscriptions, and everybody
who subscrec! l asked tp .cpnur tr-wardandiiay'tip.'-'
-''"' -W
Ilev. I; Wilson will jkwh;r. on tom--perauce
to-morrow evening, instead of
in tlieaitefnoon, at Knox Butte school
hoane, at which time he will organize
a Good Templar Lodge.
i'j.ook over the coluions (if the Dex
ocrat and see who advertises there
before purchasing. ' A libe.-al adver'
User can always he relied oft as fair
tand liberal man to deal with,
!B"l' ...... MfMvv'rti A w " awr
1 itlVF, TI""""' -rzz--
'1 12
nKiOi.uriON be c
HAtKV, Apri. orange,
At a Meeting of Oak Pla-- -.rupv, on I
Now G, P. of!L held at h. rc'O-l .
Saturday, Ajuil 10, tjie follow h ) p X
lotions W0r passed: ' ( i My
Wurrras, An All-WInn ProvliliMice. ' I -
t:rn fit to remove from our mfilM . Iiv dont
otircstecmetl llrothi'r ami Worthy Master, J. t. , I
1 liercrore lie It rouolvtil , That wo. UR n nroTh
prlioiKl bow in liiimlile HiilnolsKloti to tho will
of Him who ilorth all things well. I
lV'solvi'il, That we tomlir to the famllv aiHl
relatives of ourdPcoascU Worthy Brother, our
sincere nml hoarttplt synipalhy.
iii.soivi'u, joHv lois urHiip, iw oraiiou in
monrnlnl. also, that tho milliliters of this
Uraiute wear the usual bauo of niouriilng Tor
unn-y oajs.
lU-solveil, That a copy of thnso rosolnltons
iHifuroiKheil HIstiT Jack, anil ooplrs lio sunt
riS TO THE t
iliiiu liu !;u:iu,Y ji iiiir:) -"illii-
tiiu.f.lilljl -il i,')(in
. 1
Yilll! .
ini .uav iKjfiiiiio'i Iiifji iiKill
. .111 !):
Id ..ill
devilish boys fatally killed, but they
ought to be taught better conduct- in
S0nie .Way. ..-,: I .,:.,- .:.: : .:, .1 :,
We will give a hdudsolue cliromo
Mi premium to the jwrsoh who will
toll us how to raise a Ncw ' FoMuiiland
dog And keep out of bankruptcy, AVe
won't stand any jokes on this proposi
tion, however, such as. advising us to
raise him with a blast of giant powder,
or by a rope nock-tle or any of those
stale suggestions. ' This , hi: ; UeccihUrig
to us a matter of too much seriousness
lohe treated with hilarious levtty::.,;; .i
:;;,;i . j HAIICYJiiMiSlI,,' va
A well k nowit Vender of patent hied-
ieiues carried, his jimaoul blossom all
the way through tho wind to Peoria, to
get theold folki' consent to splice, f But
this casp of, true love, llkE.mStny
others, only met the: old folks disap
proval, and the parties retraced their
steps to await a favorable current to
consummate their vows bf lovfe.;."- -'-' "
"Old Hundred'i isS- thB liatpst 'tune
that the fantastic twHifts bWn liptoad
to In Halsey.' l;'."'.'!!-' '.;.''.'. i'i;'--. '
. The first dividend declared by the
Home, Manufacturing, Co, Is J5.,pe.r
cent. :: ' : r.cX .',-:":-.V-
Grangers store taking every thing by
storm ,tUV.mi SCRIBBLrlll. ii ,
TTE spring Time has arroye. Gentle
Auuie, and the merry voices 01 the
blue-bird, of the fesclve bull-toad and
of the Juvenile porcine quadruped is
heard in the land; the agriculturally
Inclined granger is fiercely chasing the
plow over the virgin soil and the gar
den seel man Is in. 'ihe midst of a rich
harvest. And, yet amid all these con
vulsions of nature, a still small voice
Is whispering thraifgh the treeB III the
evening twilight and wafting across
the meadows at rosy morn the triumph
ant truth, that the Democrat will
continue to be published ;to eaoh and
every ono at the Insignificantly small
price of three dollars a year, without
regard to saint or sinner, sex, ago or
previous condition Of servitude,
: This ought to please ur straight
Jacket antl-muslc-In-church friends:
A younker who last summer attended
a circus for tho first time, on the Sun
day following was taken by his grand
mother to church. ; He gazed around
in some wonderment for a few moments.
When the organist began to play ho
turned to his grandmother and said in
a whisper: "Grandma, 111 there bo a
circus, so I can see the Hon?" Why,
no, Kddle, this Is church." "Well,"
replied the little inaii. 'Mt'seliciis music
' irianiM. Wiu.KRT & Blisi-n, car-
riage and wagon makers of this city,
have anew ad. (u, .to-tjiiy's.pnj'ei-j.lo
which we dircct.the attention' iif farm
ers and others desiring anything Jjii
their iliiet ; They had an exhibition at
the Fair last fall some . specimens of
work which were universally admired
as tiie best and handsonidlil worltiiiun
ship ever cXeeuted In Oregon, aiid they
are all ablu to dU . just sucli' work' all
the time, , ; .. ...r
,' Goon New oB"4vviiitv0J)v.-rJV
Buum , rotu'rneiriasf Baturday" Troiri"
San Francisco with thi! largest stock
of goods ever brought to this city, the
selections made is the latest Istyles In
ladies, dress and fancy. gOodsfurlU greet
any home In the oity, also the datest
cuts aud styles III gents clothing and
furnishing goods,' as well as a full stock
of general merchandise, well selected
and a good assortrnehtp-whfelt- lie Iny.
,11108 to sell according to the times,
as low as an V dlwmse In th 'city.
.,-1:111::: v. 1 . V-fr..,' .'. i .
A Contrast. While wo were roast
ing and sweating and croepiiiB about
trying to find 0 shady pot,last Tuesday
and the thermometer stood alB6" In
thw shade, the telegraph tells us that a
blinding snow storm was raging iu
the Middlt and ICaStgtn tah.'slirw
falling to tho deptti fof nearjy :aiit.'.
No wonder the people of that ;tiod-for-sakeu
country are, lookin(,(yistfully
towards onr KirefHike OrWmi. 4
. .iv.ts' warn
Skbved 'em IIioht, 4 rural rooster
who came to towri last M6riday';'''ns
imposed on by a eonplc of tmwrl hood
lums, until lie applied .tlie toe' of Ida
No. eleven to the posterior of one. of
them wltV-uch-.violenooas to projwl
him nearly Serosa the street; Hud then
both of those smart town chaps walked
Remaining lW the Albany Post Office, ttl
15, 1S75, rersons eatltnfi for tlieso lotters, nnist
Klvo Uie dato on Whleh they wero Advert lied, 1
Arnistroni, Wlllkoli : iMcftone, J. S.
Aklev. W'llhaoi
Itowninn, Jol n. -
Harnett, John E. "2
llamfonl John - :,:::,
llerkley, liev.J.d. t
njnsiey, Marshall
IWalkor. T. B.
"Walton, Mrs. Elisabeth
I'Walton, Mrs. ltienby ,
i Kllsabetll, Wlpmer or
'WiilianiB, j .
vWooley, If. K. , $.
r.Tl. RAYMOND, p.m.:.
era In the annals of medicine. Aleohol will
soon be banished Irom the list of reinodlys,.
and only known Its n poison. DH.' J.. WAV.
posed entirely of wholosomo botanle extracts
auil Juices, are.. everywhere suKrsedluir tin.'.
Ilery nstJlsltenlft, which no man or wouiau
over yet took without bitterly repmitiliR tlleV
iimhIiiIII v. Then, is, itn d kseaso. neute or. ohloll'
He, In wblett tho hew Uinlc lua .net bo admin-.
isttireu wan oeneneiai eueei. ....
'-. "fj. Il
; W 1 .iliilUKff'
.,1,1 .1 1
,,, .?!) iiiivo -iu
71-1 III! Jl: lt -
I.. .,..t, t mill'
,'!,: u; v.,."'1 '"'""'. J"':1
inn J01I ii-ji! 11 :n
,!nd lull! ,ii-m:-id II
111 lniii iii;jMii Ti, l;1Tirii (
ill U
Jli 1
3. i: v r 1 J
,i l.;:il
ll!.Mf !)'"it'rf -'tW. 0.
4 A
tlmi i"liu
111) Hi' iiiHii
rllrt'.l MOT .Ii
iiimiit ,,,,,, nil ui
TO IC. 'Uj'i!
j 1 : , '. 1 :n:j
Yr1. l
):;'il ji All .O'Uiii Hum M
lao tnli
ill a
io lnii "'" iii;j''i' Ti, l;-firm oit
,ui- mid .liod bus r,om;h violi
till: TlJJIKl 111 llllllilinpilllllll OilO ii -Ii
iioii:-)! In lid hint u'liuj iioiii'jI ilynii 10
IVIiW, CSOOI.S1,:":!
'Iu Ijiiikmi nun liuil .Y.U.I U :'M'.
l:;il lo liiiii:n r. Hint ilJiw moll
nil limn ,TH.Tf In J u:n i r. ui ii:ii
:j:i',t stuiiiiliil'j 11 miiii))')'.! iilni
:m ...'.ill 1 '.li.tfl lil flllllll ,!'i,-ii 'io
iirftTIViXiET4,.:'., h or!
e'l'l'd ij; llllllin.H Jl')i:!ivI ,loil,Y I !
,H(U I tll.ll
ini dl"'i oiil 1" yi'.'i-iv I - -. n r:::
il As the Sfriiig opens warm and pleasant,,
and tho agriculturalists of tho, land pin,,
their hand to tlio plow, thoro Hocms to ljoft
slight lilting up of: tlip gonoral trado wd
oommercial pixwiieet., 'Xho past year: has
boon marked by lowri'prjecs, nnd gOnoral
stagnation iu all departments of buslnessi
Every porson soomod to bo eurtalllng 'Ox
pbnsos, and tho demand for niorehandiso
was in consequence, very sUgltt.- But'a
.tl,n,..wi uumu lo K InUlnir iilniw nnrl al
ready tho country hi the oast, iiwls thereA
suits, in tho material incrcaso or toe ni:
obanical foreos employed throughout tiie
manufacturing eilios.1 The hetter' teellig-
l 'l
,. ; ) Uuu oil) m umic, .iiiimi yiovo
illvn-nU 1 , !
i:..'l -(III! ! ,.,:,
nil mil
lil'ii ! Hi'. 1 ;iii ,!f.,i ' 11:'-' 1 ji
i i Iti -IMjJlld IO Ili'lni'Olp.'jIdlll I:
11 , ! or Kiire'nl ;t- null' .iniu-suiv il
'f inn :i 11 fiiifiiii'-i 1 1: 1: Ii'll 1 .U7fln
"i,,. ,1,;., .,ii,,,.'.. ,,,:; i'iIIh Ii
.'rsllOll lnaiiin, '''''""IWtltWliilo
M ,,'Atnui iking the
r; ,.i-ii-,., j mi'i 1:
I .l,-:,iiv.!-, r.
mm or 1.
I ,81olo: sUtx 1 1 ''f -','J b'uW HI ilVU yl llXi
' 'tMfno -fi'.l sr, y,fi (Jjvifi yn:t iirro in:
P you wut X'tW'TikMit-'''
11 VH lHem,.ttnlrljeMliri'. i.a'l'-t'I
, . fii ana
'' !iL2iuj-'u-1 .nt .-j-nixi irjiTr inHMiio. :
' ")'""yi:Vh Ol blitaW .'lli !.:,!:
t: ; ! -ii i t.'l-j niioiji:i:i(ot:ini li:'l 'nil '!o Ir.'uu
vl,:i: oKiilllji.'Kill SHEii 'Jllj 111 Mlln JS 1!
.1111 -.K-iii.J x;lii) tit:
,17imI i: lli n-li-l l'nl-'.lij IOii
i:h 11111; 111
' 6.,H. IOmmnufe.,.U 1.. 1'.-" i,..vr
hi'Mii -ii n 111 "' . .-1 7-""' 77" wo-uction
' 1 1 a' 1 .vifii I,, 'j nun m iioiiniiinfii biiij
py; law vtmSSli ' i 9-' w! ana
W I am- dJh .TO?! J"W w uw
. to ti;,m,.. .. " uiminnii tu t v wui rerftbva t ' -"
iiiwhiess iip A.faioi&ar-n.-'ii'i. n-Wira i'it.ig 70. T lirWR "M'f bodylilo-i'i t.
:ii-;:l fiilj 1:11 iio-; oyino'l 'lo lfir?on:i:
I'lil'im "iii'l (.''!.' frlanpo .1CJY Jii;t fuit
"; , ,Tt,"J'.m m-it
' . ., ' I oii so
.1111,1: jv
) Uill
jiun'v;:-!-"' ol'ljviv'"
SrPilHIi'B will Alwnyii do well to mil nnti rpp
(brtliemaelvcN butuw cHinNLinmt lntr their Imilt-R
, iJiiiA-J -.iJJffj-jiKJ 4j-- jtHiJl'''l rr")
. '-mi no ilioot liomi'iKili iwril
J.1.1U jfiliioilu'linr. ,::)li:lii l;oni;(i!:i
1 be fonnd'lhll-lns; Ulri ofishllii; season, at niy
farm, ono inljt sontlw'nst of 1'ni,iir'iitl.0Ceiit
rt-urUl, hni-ll. tlas'R; fm Tnidt, - Irlth a tresti
:WS V, r?r.Wpjrii!ir,"T.'nr" .' 11 jJniil
OMH)raiBa;(il vim ill nssdil.;') oil) ''
iciit t fiiriitsMi
In the east will be felt to a cerUiln
even in Oregon. t-'-xOi'iA ! t.
We observe JaiKeratooksof genond mo.-,) ffLWTOfflet Ai'bany.
cliamUso eominir into the. State- Uian -oyor , j,, j,orHft tH a binuutini, divpoie.. bay, fvenrs.
rnfWm. osnoeiau WitMea who buv in San "''Ii W "'"" W T P" ft!''l.:.?'.''B'
bofore, especially hj'tba who buy in San
tfrancisco. TUls.,Jarna doubt oausod by
the recent advance' In freight tarlmrbsth
ovorland and; y,ss , tslhmus, , The advance
Is equal to about $0, pn'Sii iW-dlnaiy , bale ,
of domestics, and VP numyi other, goods in
tho samo proportion,; JjCef.pilfies, have;not
advanood in San Francisco, owpig; to the
large stock on, ,lia(ic1,.b!ut 'f, (Joulii ilhqy
soon will, andtlius glyQ. rojailerwIljo ail.-;
vantage of that advance,'. ':Q
Tho wool nwrkopipihlscs.wplljhpilgli,
we can not hope to oxtreino figtiros, ' TI10
inereased dojuand fo"r: rnanuractiirod goods
naturallv creates a stronger doniaud for
the raw matorlal7 aiid ill' stlfftin prices
somewhat; but the flail fpr w'ool Is not like
ly to be sunjeibrit tq 'llillato prices beyond
a health y standpoint 1 ! 'latest advices from
Boston says" tho' dbrMlid has boen fair
and prices steady', Willi 'rio great' pressure
on buyors. Sletlnlin llooces ana oomning
and dolainoiloeooS'ftrb so iKMrce and walitJ
ed that all available lot aro readily takoli
at full fiauraliii 'fU"iiast:'Weck's transad-
tlon iu California woil: have boon fahy com
prising 250,000 pounds) nearly all of .winch
was fall woo) 'at .ISilOe.' The principal
sales of !at;iavo:bcohf:in tbe rango ol
i(S.22e, and these Ypilicos: racllido: good
avoniKo lou.of Ibis d(isvi'iPti,, ,Mt of
sprlii;r wool sold at .'We, the only, (iluisiii
lions nl thewock.
IntEio breiulsliifl' ninrket, there soeins to
Ihi a lillle lietter feeling, and prices are
sllgbtlv stilfeiieii;" 'I'lHH-ejrlSB (loqiand,;' In;
lliet, tin- nenrly;j;i:yUiIng In the produce
tine. :' ; :
Vlliriile W Ibllow'w'.1"- ' '" y ', ','
M'AHi'4iKl'tH'r..','!'.'. wi:
' IJoldifiNcw yo;rk,,1.15. ;, ,':i:,,.,-:;: ).,,
Iegal lenders, in'-.J.orlaiid, 87!S lai.vhia,
sHii-selling.: 1 ,;,v, ,,iimYx :
t rixchaiigo on lui li'iaueisoo, 1 perjc,;!,;,.,
Wheat In t.lvorpool-rAvorago, ,(;'lij)r.:
Mia, OsSdto (li7d .per cental... ;, .California
filulmStKSdilM ihi. "'Oregon,'' ildfsjiios'
2d, ' rr. s;.-L: cl a . K..:
' ' BAN I'llAis-CiMCa iMAltKEIklAJl
Whbat JI Ti(aiil 7 per cental.
PiAibn.-riitla, ts.l21o.'i,7r bbl.;' ,: '' '
iOXTrt-Porcontali 2.0S(?n(i;.l2. ' . .
1,t)ioNs.-iiOij(jsi.i,;;i ;-7'
(ii;cpu5-?d, Wpekiy by $ Y(njN(i ' !
VVhbat Wlilto, r Dusiicl, 1 - ..
Oats fiO (jolits biwhel. ' i--'-:C.
Potatu?tt.IHI V bushel, ... .-,
( ( j rb?rtiI .(K ri whel; -i '-'-1 ""''r
1 -ii.'iK-w';;it, w; w -;r;iWi
llKANs-Wlilte, f Ib 4ff.:r , -r ,
, IIiubt) Fauir Apples, sVAQKie. ;
) VoaoBSH, 14ej llums, VJCiVk:
Kkras lSe-'it dor., i'-i
, 'itrciUss f2.mfu l00 dosnn. ,
HpoAin Crushed, Me; Island, R(ij 12c;
Sali' Prancisno refliil,,ia;e f lh. ; r. r:
Te.. S0ejil.Uij-J.r,.r, r v 'f4;'. ..,
ItoFFEK 2fH! ItV 1 ; :: '. ' .",',','.",: ,','. ,
H.U.t-!t:i.2ef It., ','
Hvitiir'. )l.MV igullmi kog, ',
r rtXwiN. lianw, , WKe ahl, t,Wt
slioiildert, 7fen. . , , V ,'., :,'i,:
' J.AD.T-I2'd!iHc. -' .( ' ' '- '
, On Ilevoo's Kei-osene,' fsle t gal,, "4
am, b gals, (I 7fi; r,lnsend oil, raw, r gul.
1 boiled, 1 a?i..,,,,, .., -
q J JHRTI.AkB'lrfARK. 3'1 '
lCiotn. Kxtra, f I lo $l Hi,j suimrflne,
trod by llelkiiap's e(4ebraled -Irmt-
Vermont; lllsslro was loaleil In.
. "erniont. nnd his llnaae Is traced
back thri,UR only four generations to the
original JusMn'MornftOi'll-.i, . -.'' " '1. ' :" ' :
I....I, n .nil attA n.nnilnQ IhlK
lhv& nn,l his sVnek inthch- onriri satisfaction. -
: i tw.ib U-imiWrHJAHMBlj, l-wvfloliirk,-.-
. ; ! ii.m .il''.'"'''''! no iLtiviti-iJ!
D E P O 5 f T,E$ Pi EC E ( V ED,
,.i;:.mWW!T ffQ ,efli:c.K,AT,,9:I0JI.T,:.,!
Interest MliwcA pu Iime'ii;p(iti,D (iiiii't
1 il llhVf
.1 1 iii-ii:
mil luiii
;!:.lh oil!
V'flY Oil
i-:l)t O.'IJ
(I1SCO, and.MW YOltlvfiir a,l ,- ,,
l-i": ; a' ' at lowtst riiUs;,' ' ' ' V'-''1 "
1 nl; '!:' ,;.ii .:'!-':;:' L-ifiif
V,.isB).nttijhiW,'XJ1to'V. W'-sjv;'
.i-R(ifor:i i -kW.'I "ll:i'C6Ril)!TT:';ll!
' ' l;.ti IKll HKKttW AlI,IN(l, i
1 ;c'h-IVI87lr.l .,W.jj,.,A1I'.
11 v. in:, I'i osu-iHoi'i"'
, j ,1 )T;;, !,iir? .. ...,.yi: i,;.
j II') ill
1 ,r,i,,J,
I have 11 guoil nsiirtiiH:jl.f.,!j
:' , I'uhey ti o od, I b bo Lines, :
w - n'nislcds, etc., 'l'obiiroo.
CJ'.t 4'igiirs, ( onlcedoil- f.,, ,
:o s. ery,aqte.
And-SollHI a sham of!tlm;pnlillci'ial.rdnai!e,
and will S.-U eheaji lor ensh. , tiu,re aSiialed on
proiHInlltlii Ml.; Hearty opiswiie iiie new nooi
nawiHie.suiri...);.. ,- :; ri ii-i hiwiim-uiisi
l','.MT:'.':'.';M nH nrV'ti.A'nl HVI'-l
. WUNUtrt,Ur;,int WUltLUI ' ...
.SliliiBVvt'r inVMiri'ii, iltiJ will tsti imthlnu It
ilnd out whftt W.'wkUlld.l'liiWK Mlt tat IihIp-thI-tinnnftntriH
cimv"',;''iiUttf, thum .'J'ho'iff
mux ;hu Uf tifiil li.TtVIWifr our a(S'liTA, or
frntu W. H.'MnKnirif)ii(t,ntliiiir)', AliiBhy. 'llii
Iirlencif hln Wmivrlul (tnrAJiitft ruiiKt'M frym
.l.ttl to h.!l, ttnV witrt IS' I hl it t iViit Inn of V-vcr
ffinillv in t tie r'AAif.Ouu i(k ipi :t M'Wni
Illin-htlHlrirtllHy tit tier. r s. .,- . ; 4 ( ,
mm a nif p1
IE miirM.oiipdmpfiiat iif (IrmlWilvt'K 1'tn
HltrfOrOM Front Hlrt-cL Iu AHmuv. will' iIms
wirti Liii'lr i.Jljk3ti.l(L, .UL'f DrulfiiKfilti !;nni ii flrict-
L,-,-; J. ..'-I. ...
,Yivm Mill
iiiniretious aiseaia ,'u .,,.,,!
.vdloiiiii'l nn'Mihilt ;ii(; 'lo i')ifm,.i;ii
ullil'i'inili;l lITl! bolllls Yt'jiaorl h-.ii
'i'--.:;;w .'iii,0 ( . ; i ! 1 1 1 T'--Jr. i Jarrm 'SWaktiW ".iii" V.9'i "' " 9,1 J,;,i)
J : 9ar.ii.iiii. iMsMi i'-)iw'''v, : rs!r-i-'nn,mvm:-!
i.ilo .
: hi:) lull-,
i! lo :
'to o.!l!il
iiil vim !
ll'.lrH'l'.Kt I
il .foil in ! vl
.io oi;n
! ."niM
1 olillp
1 Inl 4b 'i.
.l:;ll 'K.i V IllttrilWfirtN
til ,:iniiM In
i .!,! ii: '71TTIfHlPtai.M . .11111)
rWlsTiiirrt JnmfrM ttH'fliuM suiwo
They, fWibe,iliiehsi6oiiilni,.tliRd,,::
MMhnMVaiMI (lille'nslnl k'Ll 'i-'J'''11
it) ni
InrtMkuian (lille'ns)ig We 'Voi' n' 0 , 1
nl liiin!!iiiit!m Jiljtiw oln ,hh1ihio9U Isloii J
,rif, ?!!1y,VWpiUetoiftu.r:.i '.nil to
illiitOiMiiI.Jsc i'AriiiM.'BhitedelphJai MUM'"'"'. i
ri.y.i.TneBrigimm, Wa01slaKafil'',,
San lniJlam-rmtt' iM.. V' i
fully I'm ha')n,. iifi ,'S" irrrrr.iTffl'rTTiir .ii:iii
-iii'j) ii .in J'i'ja si ii'Hii-w ,ii.ii!:) mori n ;
jXa-nn-lli ( '' ) Miiii) Jmsla n out ) !.
ir.H 11 'jii il noq(i:il IiIiumIh li li bm;
mil .'liuil Jiolia .'in) -1'ivol ey-riT:''!'
Jll . l-J-UI !ii f ilS-lTllliI Hill 10 IMlJ:i:fji.i'li
'ilZillj1' ' '.,,ru.- u-ii .,1:111:1 7'.il'l' .vmiui yn&
",',;;"JWES L.:oVAr. 'V'f
,'IHII llli;-! Hill IS'-i
y ( j t : i'.(:::l io
JX'Jll W
tiuli K'ffond
i vo nil ;
iiiiw' ii;:! ;
lull 'UI
I ml) :
':lltJ ! -!-:nii-in;! .''Itill Oil;-:
, , stU I" wiiiSJi.w !:::-.'.';i: v
iitt:,ri.T iti:i)iirt:i I'mt hd i
(il iKi.rill ml jl'.yull ll.'.IIJ TJIilll
llll mil JJlll:ail ll'JlMHVIIIII J-
lo Jll'jii-):! '..ill 'I. i 'I
oviiil -i-:)ii Yum "uv( -i'j'jvo
jiaiiii-'i'lo Tii.'nl h ;' : 1 1 liuan hi
ol iiKimi; oil Jon x'n'i 1".uil':
'((Nnnr.inlIsiioWhBH4i Iriliif ib .'
1 1"
j-iy mil
i.-,oiiii'.ri ''')
i i;l V.iliir-i 1,1
i!)r;-)JiiO'.i flf
-.Iti! 1 1 1 1
!...' -:li- ,l I'.'!
lull; .1i;:il ;'ii
HAM. MAYi ,i
i io o-ui iiai
-':ii Inn: ,-r'ilc
iy. i,)i!t ui j iM-JtiviitM 'i(M;-!ii.-;-itii.:.)...::if
'n-, y ' ) ,-' 1 1" ii'-'tf"! ,i:.)',' IIU !).';
-. i:;i'l Oil ! I'M:: '.:.( .'..-. i ' ."I" ' '!'''-''
" '":" ':!''!'''Mii yvmi 1m rh:
vi,.H djMI "'" Kin .i''iiO MMEIIj'
: i -t'.f; tsni'fiil l4m '.".I'H'i li
,,'i)::;:,-iiJ(; ' fir. Owita rti-atnet, ' "':
lll'l o
Ml HI .1
l ul fiWT-"M 1M.flJJb.
i j:Ii ' osiiiii in i4 Til ,011! 'Jiui I ,.)
:h oioiv i1;ju1'.v .liUifiuyM v.nuin;T
!!ti:yi:il 'nil ax::i'i l..m .-jiiih. u
(O-10 Yllil a
ili't jiil no
irhmUISbErt ,IM il iI:ii::j bib
nv;ofi ad ,ti
lo I.'iii'hI i o'li villi! ir.vnn e'.i vein -erob fii f!in
.WIU HI M. WATS: ON MNI!Au:1lKt'i'sMl
nil u.'iils I mil iu .oniiiliio'j o) ylsiiil bun y-ii
( I !iK'!i:io .TTP'Tim -I m i ua to ,nmv; A
lo J-inif
idtl .MlcIeljJil
nl w Biii j'VH.)!! to
)IIH; -.Mil i -)-l:.;',-i lll'IKl ij.liii.V J::ii ,li.!-.'.l!-,;l!IC 111!
i In" Bin Bota MitJ IkMt l iii :i':.:i,".!.'i'iK ilmit
.)!!;: !f:';( v!l1" '"-:' I" 'ii .V!!ii! e:l. ni n-?;.!". ,'i-v
All fur Sl st (lis T.nWMBl ftrl Hn siuu
ivAII tMManSlhh.V-H: AtuJliV., A n ' -h'm kiiiW ' ' ''
hj fsliinjl on H'atJ)Miooni:"(i ti li-ii ;"ii,;:ji ;!7.'im '11
,,..,,., ,:tAM83 L.-POWAK,,,,;.; :.,Mir
;...,;,,: ... i.jti" -'.;,,:.ijj!,riVl.HiiA)'i!. ".-.-uli
, ' '".'tfi:, V'-J ' ittl -B-: t vtMt )
-inihu Ji :
h " H QROCEfllES r
!'.1m::-,uI i i;t in")! 'i -ioiu-i ir
l j
,,tll:i!-:l' f4mMil-yV''ii 9 "' "'"''
..-. Al- i-Jiii i'rii( ttr ui,.-r'- nJ'Sjn v"'-" I
C';iJ.4'lmU5i''V,:''l,,,.'! 9V'1
iJ!,Y. V Util 1 Mint OM' .VS!.;'!.:'' iiniKl'i.l
' 'v.isTibWi'ttrij, aMl au Mitw-Vs ' ' '
l.,f IIH,r lkl, Silyfti,,, :!ii,,,r, -,,!:. :'!(. tlOVl.'IM
HT: ;7J A'o toiuti! Wiv'ir lie tnTiTHTTKn-i . , . .
.'ii tnniwiAHKt r rnett jWrvtwa In ' J"" "i0
uj rumm n rovn urn i..l,,f ou,,j mulmv
uiai."-.""'"":'..!;., to I'd.
III."" Sill
' Foil UartlMltars Hat frts. 'Bi" liimllsuli. .'
liv.'tt i-.i'DW. J.BAU A'nfy''""1'' -',!l1
iitJoo-ilaMUkislrsamfrKainaiK .lund-'tiwl
,li , n.l l.Jiil ' (iiilin -1 r 1 1 til L "'("' d
inw im ! ,HIHfMIRI9PRioiii I'd
ilily mo i1! -v:'ir brs! ovr.d :." im
J 'till vuii 4t( .!inrft!'j t;u
t U ulit Ji.i
IXBOH, .AKIK rTBRi PAN OMVIi, MJ- ,l)'.'l .ini-f
. thsr pelies, Ui Cutnun , f ll, diinsll a.,,. .,.,t
boalhiiiii'Hliaar lo1 Cqrallii oi. TIlKSUAY'i' ' l' ,'.
.IFiinMwWhieli. '"I "! 'l'T"i,
, AU .ill illiu.kli: a ihct iflum: AlbaH j$ lo?iwf
'JL WUI I. J's 1 fohtsild ,ni lnt? .lilSMlffl d,, 1 1 n't (nl o'
Ion iiil-iiillniS'lrfanleM ioli'cnolililiiit'. ' 'I'hls
l,, tiirrlin lliuij mjijiin: Hitlii H lilialifl
prliils line Una mid Is Jlirl.lwb.ed Willi, .'I nlpliur
'lielsdl I'vTtnK.f l,l, (rt-riilllililil.i-W fnrtljfi.
I llriTioiW 'hhnn'WnlnprjirlhUl H'KlM',
ilollnil.ifwl: in. KfiK, I,..,-, ,;:.;!
f 79.
LA,,n (half, alsrlinsnl ssr, imnelndlno' v Al jia tur m1u1.
Uhat thev had most wofully mlsamrfteil ' AKT.Jrmn:,ti s V i ,'i ' .!'.!
their niayiui incas to an erronenun
obji-ot. :z' '-"'-
j Ulai ksmithino. That artistic nnd
f ,-ei-entrie son of Vuh-aii, Mr. Sum.
Miller, bus a card in to-day's lajer,
...lvrlwini. ; f.IiiPksillitil ih(1il. 1X-
iwrts iironntiiK'e him a liniahnl nie-' ll0"" '
I'liuiii.', and vte eouiioelid lib" I" 'he
lintroiuiKf "f ",f public.' 3
llmiNKfra Maxaukic -II. V. .Sayra
b gone ini" Ibe ll-y 'Ue nib. e
Itusiiua niaimstt-r. He 1 a lin-t-i !;.-.
Iik-I:e'!vr and ai-.-otiiitanl. an cner
irctie t.uiuess man sil a reliable tri ii-lli-iiian,
and w ill l a valual.V a.nilsi
tion to that cstabliidiment.
riiiiniuK Ineni
. ..... .....i ,
.1... mi., nfa i!! - naiH'r n .e riui .-
New MachnE:Bmof. Messrs Mar'.'
rill & Putnam have established, on the
rcomerv-flf Second and Washington
streets" a new machine shop, tvhere iron
and wood work of all kinds will be
don on shortest notice and In the most
skillful manner,'!' farmers! will And
this a.cniivenient place at)'wlilch to
have their reapers, moweis and thresh
ers repaired on shortest notice. I tend
(heir ad. elaewhere.
Fobtiib I.Aints. Mrs. Haddnn,late
of Albla, Iowa, has opened an elegant
millinery and dressruakitiil stablish-
nient in Halsev. and tllilirs her banner
Cor nthian Iodce to-morrow nigiit. : n i lie iireeso throuuh this wocKs' BM-
Worh on M., M. xleare. rJojournlDg i ockat. Al rs. H. is a lady of rare' taste
i, ;( . ..r.b n iui..i tiiai and skill with the needle, and cannot
liretbreii cordially iuviled- Most , ma(e n,,,,,, ...lur
worsiiijuiii Jruiiier, u. w.r.;i the fair ladies of hialwy anil vl
f.'rand Jlatter, Is expected lobe present, j ciliity. flu Iter ad. , , : ,
McFarlann has some of the liand. j
Himi'4 sets of lirittania toilet ware!
ever Introduced Into this valley readers who want
eletraut ought to an and net them. I
They arc "away up." ,
11aiii.kv.-JI ' par cenlal,
llA(s.-c!ldea, IVA cents i liauis, 14 Cn
shoiiiders, ;.p h t? a ' y, t7
ltliO. in KeaH, l.M!, ill IO i una, 1-ic.
HllTTBII. IrflHll .roH,nHI,,' ,,., ....,!
Fm'ITs.-lirled In sacks lie, keg"
!i nl iiiiix, nglcss, vzm in; iK'seiies; Viy,,
prunes, 17c; llga, 2iic; raialns Ihix, tl.
ji'Xs4a!. -A'xi:'A-V hr..
(.HicKBsia-FiiU. Kwwn, H t t
Dui as.-gilf' dozen.
(JKKBK. lltlogW' oVA-nV 1 ' ''
' IIIiiKau-Ury, ICi; ,ltal 7--i culls, ii
oir. ....1:.iJ..-:i .:.;! -. i . f "
talmiw-ov. ;' ''',-;" .;,'..,'":,''.',;' .''!;,"
llA(is.Biirlai for grain, 14 hi 1!; ' , , ,
1 LiJa), Qii Pevos's J'atem Can, 9,1 t
:Vf oulalilo liramla, M; gallon.
IV,ffkk. iM 4io-vemi!iciit Java, 'JX lo
M-: (Vmla ltU-o. lite: (lualainats. 'D.K:,
i".iO(if'i')')h iH'
a im-. m
'Hif in. me ( iiitiiiHiiiiin rani rrmu'Ji '"r
'iii'nmin (uultth'Ti, ittuH 4 Hoi-,1 with li
,l0lihftr.W.5il. , ":,
'inn (iiiftjiiiNrJ MHT'N I'rMiHhjr ViX' prints
itlllVH, Wltilt HULlllhlllnll. 'I!' !': '
, The luinmn I'rliitliir IViih-lirloU fmm,4J
m ftMi'Viihri.M2f,r: !- ", I:T
A nUtfM of UuU'lHtJH' itV.. iriMUlK
priniiiitiy iniivi.ii" ' '" ' - "'
:: hi Hnul onU-TA to NOIUtlH MOIUtIM,
xriih KWRf wrttAX',rt;V,''r',,'WAfirf)
ri.ut.,1 r.-aiU'
LI)(Mi wild itlflV ftHAWlilIrt Wflfl A nit
will nlwaifi I fouml 'rt'tilV'tu ,,,Wlw!ll.M,
wiiu a mil.
i W)iJ dollur W.rm- AJJi'MWHf'-W't,
Will nt urjiviT! nv runmun ir nifi'irni irrn m
will ii-iiva AliniMV fur CurvHlIU jr JVirMiiiiiI
cviTy liny. W ihHlu'iniiuiMuti tryf.v h
im MiKilihfjlHfrti ttt thi' AlrmnV KftriiMTK 'o.
Umi thf ri wiil'vq h M(wltn(;n Mh'k t(lnikJrW
nl lh" uurof l'l,fly,L't,l,iy fni'vm'M'W!(iHHt
-4My rM m Ifrt1vwifit tnniHtii-i, lo-wlf : .
lit. 'loHiko iitoutivw'vx'lnn$tt AiiWci
111 the liitKl.WrMir'MiMhWie iitrl rr"Viinnii A
KfKtrtiitt-irtill in AJiwiiy.Un'ttJii H'wl '4tring:
Dtmrln -mill tnlu hi nil liu
UfJIIK'llCH, Ifrl-I JtH H CtfMAIfl HUM, inr Hill Of m-
5 't ir
(,,,n Mam m mmmr
hill 'JVJI.I 7tMil '(.it'' "1 " '
vi.-(PiJ!J!Tr'tM-'r'tfr'i v
17 .vlbf : ii'-wnAiutifrf- x!ii: ..r" ' .1
.nilll'MJ :M'.HHnTI!;' TOII.KT
, irl K l " 1. Wllirll"
',., HI.MIIOH iit.AHH, ..... ;, .,v
llUlAK 4ina mvk'Hl yAf iW HtrliM' ;rii 'thtt
ilniK liuMtii-HSf lM' t -! hwtlM'MUlv rututrlMK
ili-rn nidi oroT run! ivtii im hwu hi n
llLTlH'nHlIlK'H WMlUlrtlH'IK ' "
Amttt.Hr li
if In vii-
. r "...f
rOrcr Flmt i.nd WhhIiIi.lki Strain. .,i,,q
V;A , AWANT, -urn io m itr.ll
) liniipUtA'ififctit'lMhM
!iow oiIiti tiie trvllrvK Hilim IM l'"t kcmi
nddalloni a Ili9 irtimt VttuifiitHbUf fcMrni. ' 'liirf ' !HiM)0
olU uronrklor him inovrtj from th Imti-J, tUr. t .iii.ii'
th hoiiKOliiiitirlyftndriioWii(aniiKt'n.iit. "
UlfltKKV!OA(H to unit frqin the hmiw.'M
VlOnSlyr, ,..,;!., no nli:)i l'niVrleUVNWV'l b 3lV
'f7,X ;ffniIo Hi.
t,,unil iV-iJFIffvi "ufo: .U:s'(i lii A'lmim'iwiir'fcfl Jwm4 mfltr
(tiihtoiiU'rn tdftt, pro
nil .
djimiif.ftnil ui u-HMri-UJitil Htlll.lo ))' .miwll
ffriu 11 sun pr" " tu) k i.iu iiituiHHi-iiirf-
umtn tMi lloiurrHiKil wli. una illMiy ol" Hi
r AIM run rtr..--rw ni.CTnrwi jj -
of Mr. J). T f'raiic. In
wiving rifil r.ji(tiiuKot ttniMF, (tjil' h)I Unuin f
ftrtniULi. imI Io 'Iu riH'ifil wiin iioUfiV ,'t',-
fkL TiJ Uu-Ttift' Lilt! (ttpllJil -UtVk lit lltiHUw
H'J lUt iWY J .1 i h "1 la tf mJa (V U I i.t
Il'l I, IMlit, V , , ,0 ,j oJtf. IAInn, ft rmiy c.)hlf It'
AhmaiIi. Vaiivi ijk t'i .Acn,..T'q
Tnlli'S Iroili Ariiliiiy, .llh (t'ssl, ciiii-Dilution-
bsriii all inrrtiard1 of, ulinlni
tri'i'S. AlsnlsrinlliU tnilljiiluellla Slid ii.SII Sid-
iU'Wrt r..rniir us.1 -
''I PalCE MIW AND TriaMS EJSy ' ;
-i;ti,(iii(iiii(sifi.iBtii'iirmilrliiiis' smki'aT1
.mm iii!ril.liliriii.uliy.; U.siiloiiKiM-n
"V , ?"..! 1 .!,-VT ') ; f -"HI
., i,, j: .,;(!'nsiT Wauil Wi'wiiionos lwwV
,iad Ji
i..,H(i f;f! . ::'"' 1'
M-"X JA 1M'f h rMl. for in-iffhL Uy tin-
,l.(ilI.UKMITH. ,,
1 ' ' - ('fldldt lit.
1 liTiwi.
Int Knbbiidi ix pvrmm rtu4 the
l P. Churcli In thi city, flttd aUiut
t'i uniled villi tlw Calvary Hoc
tlo Mtt'Ji olhr Mitn'-.K n limy c.)hif It'-liir
1 III UUl. . " f -f v- , - i n fllMimill .1 1 r 1 iirj r lf " rvnm .
Ai..ilm. l.tufa I,-. ltt iHl' HulltlOlI iM'llll-M 'Sl-Vt kilM. II. SllAtsH.lKI il '. i'r"1.
II,. Kias a.lo nna 1 1. firtf ftlM ?- '4 ...
wnwthi ; , T V V . "'Il ftAi.T.-!JvenKi( I (fiiu-u r ton, ' '1" 1
iiiiii-ntiiuiiiB iu "'lJ 1 - raniwu iHuuiii, c" "f ui.., : ..: Tlllllff W If If
il ijHHM.i rix, im ) It on iiiiini turn Mir -
ttiHwrU- Carom ! hillinril 'ImIiIi-, of Jjuvm
; sintlilis'A make of Hiill fc'miMUH'o, HrtHI
fTi.l.N. In In uiuui onl.-r liiUliiL' olllv Ix-H III
(iiiuils!'""!' nioolhHi K linr mImi iKuiv t -
L.I vmi .:uhio, t im-I. -Ivory Iwjli, a
LliU tllitli wIMlL hfi lltilllTHltriMrHl.
rtffVB ln iM rwiri Hon; ill thi ch
pifHHi' cull of mre .nt urn
und lhriy t tw4.
y. Any '
ill D-n
call tu
oiij J-
Wi.Billdl nrm Willi i rruo'l-i
before .miHinry lit. 1Ki5. aoU M'ltlv , .
Anwajr; lno 1st, ubuh-imiA. lo li"iJ
:,;.'l' .' :: '! ,! "UM ..In '"!. ' )" :!.! 1. I.linf'
( 'nil Ik.
ol si i'.ir.
I '::tl ,(ii',
1. liiforn.tU.Lon b ItinitiwniitiVnnsAliiliitl.eitt li
KiiilKruiitM to trt'u;on, now lofon'if'n cotiu'rlfn r
nml HlHi-r Htt. (inll,ftf 'IrwHutSiiit Mich 111- '''
lulu HtHl liaVlhif Fhi-Iii Anil jttitlK fnr HMlrcr
FUnl4 nr diintmui il (ttMinff ( oiobioat wilt -.''.' -''
itlvHio (iirwurd lo thli Itmnl h hkiii a jMuf,', .,.,,,,'m.i
File tltAlkd drttvr1Htnti of uifir Karimr unit
lAOdii. lrfrRUio,,lT'lcintl rm f Hulffi ? ;n m m i '
ctiullLlonHf rt'iitliia; him I lt frM!i(i ilffihu - .
f olitnlnliiH ArUtiUnrr or ntlHT I rttion ri,
will Itli'HWi JMiiuMitolq- iVrvxt, Wt ""
tbmnl. ., i . ... i .
liy iMtnirtlina WUCtimioni'rf hn ' -.:,(.-...
jnJjiriUion, , , . ,, i vii..i..i ii'"". ni(
A wute t'oirtnUrtwlnnf-rof ImiiiiKri.utm.
7J,;; t .Ml it-l!-, f-UW.i:i f ( r I "' """''"',
All iM'rwmi' W&O' cfiuMiitiii. inulou. f ,j
lyilltri'VlM Wlf tMlfWItfilllMrH (fir Mil; i.niTmm "1 j,,,,
R'tvcrtrnwincnti, It'imlo wnA rtU m itr.
kV. towMI A Cv, II l'trH IUmw; Nw Ark, ir i
thi lr ('A M I'll l-K I'm ml
fton,) ronfcttlrt.tiK Mt 'f ov-ir i,!!" ifwn i ( i-h -
nni fitniHtii, niti"B ll, c"'" ai .i j ( ,,, .
iiii-nlH ttikcit tor Irftilinti piit'n "v -'.M'-t
Hi tii'iiM-inlotiiit nthuHlon iroin pui-tniM-n ..;
ruitif. (iPIT TUK IhMfK. t. WiV'l..i'ilr
loitu it' .-.
'THEUA0IN8 AMiRICAN lltWSP.P!R.-' ."" "
Iwlly, uayr. Hi-liil-w w -y W i t. r i
PMl.Bf. YT I lh. HutlMllK. 'Hl.'.:..
, A.iv
W.'.'klv. IHrllllf Wnr
Ultti imlll. A.IUri'MiTiil:
Thk Yaqltxa it. It. Ijwt Tuwxlay
iety urvpy(r tartfl (rwrtOifviillivio
1,.. till.- "i a . !- - :- ; - 1 ri,i ll,e I-rd.vl. i n- ; "n V "I-,-"",
li.Mi't tell "'Z.TiLtMrn-m. MrtrH... - .!lf.l.,t-. i'..'-
r,r.-n ( yllw. iti bhte, V J1W"I MlMi j
i Uolron- liirMlm lim' TU' 'UMr v tmwii
... . i... i. iiriiit li pu i..t,. nf liriiif A l Hilar, on
imhtnlnfl. CmtiU yMiir intrt bfh chII
o i '
Tt a. JuiMri. Yotinff iTvwm. Iff risfr. I
Hhortt. JII m rtiiiiy "' lii'ot r i-vcf wilit rn'ir.'j(vM,
i (Ml;
PBBt. linillt li
l,.. II Ul'1'S.VIUIi.'l. ........ ... .-.- !... .. ... -.. II 11..I.I I.. 1-ISTATOWl. (.V1. mi.ll.l. .
I"'" . f ....riNi,.! tsl l.n-i- Mi-U.-xII... w ll.a rm.iiy !- "01. nui ...... "
"llr'irirut"!. !ai.,8f...elan.lU,htto,a ,,c,,l..
Hint H
.'ji li;
Hi- U t
Mutton lifj SI :
iiu v in Mm? onni(y l Oiiri. ol
tltr fmHily iff t.hul, hlliUi Of OT Kft, Ailllllll
UliKtnr rf tlMi i-MUOo rtl Mivll-olui MtlU-r, 0
: vi'UM'il, nil c rHoii'- liuvlun; fliiiui. mjHiimrt. thi
I fcuWl unlttH' uri' liTby rfivW"! Irt jm -a-nl th?
j tuiiiin wUli l-Jtiii" -lifr,i' W'l'''l niJi
1 iiHinMif, lo Mm uit.U, nt iil-t riMiU-IKf
limn td iair,'liree ' iM:ur Mi, tliiiiomoi v, (in;oFi, '
J, j i ovimIui K. uviUUIX MIl.l.KII. Atlmr.
vwi. :ttf. I Mmvh 1ST i. n i;w4.
I"VrKi i-jin't
from mv.
iHfinin ol ix?4ii ' 1
inuri-miw"v a wtirlt for u
rfillth'k, ,liirlK tln'lr r
ttoii.lkni l Hiiy thtOK 'ix
in'1 nt Mint w HI juiy I 'mm
himr'n work. fw imrrl
tr l'Hil uh "ir .(
rlltV. NttW l Ml'' "I. if r
r IHO-tlH-Wi lOWWlll'l'"'. '
.., r-.:- hi. Wt
I f.i 1 ( mr 11 . in-.iii v, j . 1
Mnne r lo Rtivit'n-,
IU1.1 U Alliuiiv, l.iiiii .i
" V