..MARCH 12, 1875. ' pOSTOFFIOE HEG1STEK. MAILS AHBIV. 1 ? yn.mCon-ollU at 10:80 A. M. dally except SFroni Lebanon at 100 A. H., ' W-weakly- FSggVSSSS (North da.Ty"'fic.pt Sab. I JTi 11 a. k ; (Sooth) at llM r. M. I MAILS DKPAHT. 1 Railroad (South) dally, except Sabbath, LWaT. (North) at 11 :ffi i A. M. wCorvallls, dally, except, "". '- 'fr Lebanon, on Monday, Wodnosdays and fSSHWiirmmT A. to I p it khiusy order oinoe nours, iram - OUB TBBP TO THB HOLT LAND. frlie oattlt already contributed by admir ing frlemls cu.u. .-- which It ilo comprise. It will be remembered by our read- that a few Issues ago we announced he acceptance of an Invitation to join party now maKIng up in tne Jiast o visit the Holy Land, and that con- lbutions for an outfit would be gladly leceived. Little did we then expect hat so early, prompt and magnincent a respome would be made to our ap jieal as we now have to relate It fcauses our heart to palpitate with effu sive vigor and the tears of gratitude to stream adown our time-scarred cheek L contemplate the grand pyramid of flotb.es and things which lie around us n gorgeous profusion aa we pen these lurried lines. The box came by ex ness from Eugene, where it was filled iy a spontaneous procession of friends vho came down with their contrlbu ions as the Assyrians came down on he fold or the traditional hawk light ; tb onto the festive June bug. But he following letter will more fully ex ilain : '. EnoBNB'CiTT, Feb. 27, 1875. i Dear Qbnebax. i Tour many frleade In thli own and vicinity, having learned of your ac eptanoe ef an Invitation ta visit the Holy .and and atrial places of historic Interest I ave made up celleetlon of useful articles cir your outfit, of which they ke( your accept ance. Tour aotlce in last Dbmooeat, lntlmat-. itK that such donations would be acceptable to you and the desire te be remembered in year travels, is the motive for this generous dona- Iion. A list of articles will be lound enclosed. , Teurs, very truly. And the letter is signed by that very familiar public character, Mr. Many itizens. And here to the list of arti- iles, accompanied by some notes of xplanatlon from our pen which we teem necessary to the oomplete en jightment of the reader: 1 By a Men from Xugeae : A silk plush m Ireila an Indispensable portion of an ast frn outfit. 1 Our readers ought to ace this umbrll. It looks like It had been fed through a jhreshing machine, and served a win ter's campaign at Long Tom dances. t might answer fer desert travel, but would soarcely serve Its purpose In a (Umate where there is much wetness. By a friend fro Mohawk : A bottle of mu I late fer Alpine travel, should you visit Eu ope. It Is els efficacious for the preservation f eoed nerals. i This glutinous contribution shall itick to us from Dan even unto Ara fat, and shall serve to plaster our pro- ton the eenter pole of Mt. Horeo. n am Mnikmin i A oalr ef snectaoles ;o protect jour eyes from the elfuiient rays f ;ne tropical bum. This Is the dilapidated skeleton of a jiair of Ben. Simpson', goggles, worn When h was looking for something 'green" at the Legislature of '72. I By a selentlflo gentleman i A small mathe' fmatloal Instrument Tor general use, and also to remind you ol your duty to yur friends when yeu strike a -goon tmng. This-lsa figuring machine to teach us how to divide, but as that isn't the sort of a hair-pin we are, we will lay It up la the archives for some more oharltabl brother.; r- - Bv medical friend : A surgical Instrument, with m lay eccentric attachments, lor nse at the Dee 1 ef Blloarn. Tills Instrument may he used for man or beast. Should say so! That you may act endure the hardships of the pllrrlss warriors of old, a friend contrib utes : Money and Scrip. A dollar-biU advertisement for a Eu gene clothing store, and a pewter half dollar. We'll pass them on the Khe dive of Egypt, In pay for oats for our camel. 1 By a medical friend : A small Instrument ef ; buckskin being the only material which ha )een feund to resist the ravages of a tropieal climate. J It is a money-purse. f Br a friend frem Springfield i A military onappeua lor sitato occasions ... I This hat has evidently made one tour to the "holey" land, and passed through several Modoo lava beds. It is our'n for time and tide. ! Should you decide to travel by the river I: rout rather than over the dangerous and difll s cult mountains adjaosnt thereto, a friend bas generously presented a sliver cup, that you i may refresh yourself from the sparkling waters i) of the Euphrates. This is an antiquated and remarka bly rusty tin dipper, its battered shape ' sadly suggestive of an Irish wake dur ing the Crusades in Tippers ry. I A neck-tie far full dress occasions. 1 We would feel more content to don 1 this article if we knew the sort of dis- ! eases with which the long line of gen- f e rations died, whose necks it has evl- dently encircled. Age and use is not ! the most admirable quality in a neck- 1 tie. 1 A beautiful pair ef slippers, worked by the Queen of Sheha, and sent you for your use '"during hours ol leisure anu rest 1 These highly frescoed and elegantly upholstered pedal coverings, have evi- I dently been worn for a few years by t Upton, ef Yamhill journal istic fame, 1 in whose employ they have fully re 1 tained the odor of Oriental spices and j Eastern perfumes, thrown into them I by Bheba's Queen. We shall wear 'em S for the sweet old traditions and tender i mementoes, which have In all ages i clustered about their grains old corrl dors, and when no longer fit to be worn, I we will u.ie them for tabernacles In the , Sahara Desert ' A meerschaum pipe to accompany the sllp- f Thin baa been used byjnany a Eu- f gene Turk, and when it fell out of the ; box we involuntarily went for our i pocket bandkercber and calling water ; to protect our nasal protuberance from the unpleasant effluvia which greeted said oilfactorles. It will do, A hKltr for nur camel while wandering through the desert. This rope is strongly suggestive of an Injun slaughter bouse, and might do for a camel, but would put a powerful hump in anything else. As every ftentlernsn should early his own ro.-kscrw, one is provided by a friend from Junctlen. We pas t ill" by in Indignant silence. A eoon shin ae a pert of onr national eee tuntetesem y.ra-tt will also serve to remind Vim at your youthful daye tor aighw rattier.) on the bauka ot the Ok. Our Missouri friend bath bitith the nail a central stroke. Coon has ever been our weakness, and we shall clier h this k in-of-one with a tearful Utters!. A book compendium of useful knowledge for the Improvement of your mind during your hours of rest. VJ A Patent Office report. A small Dhlal for the nreservntlnn nf tear to be shed over the grave of Adam. This, though small, will answer our purpose, as tht demise of Adam has never very materially affected our nocturnal hours of repose. .. A eandle to lllrht vonr wav In emlarlnff the caverns of Jerusalem. We hope to see it in that light A small box containing articles msreestlve of a "good thing." ... These are they of which we have long had Holy Land dreams, and shall have prominent attention In our jour ney. A pair of broadcloth pants with postoffice at tachment. It is charitable for us to suppose that our Eugene friends didn't know our corporeal dimensions, when they sent these britches. However, when we want to imagine that we are exploring the mammoth cave, we will proudly walk into their capacious parts. ' An Indispensable article for' your toilet-table token frem the dressing-table of our special artist ; It may also remind yoa of one of the great plagues of Egypt. A fine-tooth comb A medical compound to be "worn In small ,c Hu-nended bv a cord from the neck after the ancient custom In our native Missouri. "Assefldlty." A ton: Should you from the fatigues of travel DC unaoie le taae a 'enin trnund the blook"-that you may enjoy that delightful recreation In the privacy of your own room. A medical Instrument resembling a worm, or a streak ef congealed lightning fer the re moval of obstructions in your travel through the Holy Laud. Give it up ! , Three Indispensable articles of toilet : A blacking-brush, curry eomb and flax-hackle. ' . Art American flag to wave frem the summit of the Pyramids. Long may it wiggle! A sketch book for notes of travel. Containing autographs of Chung Lee and others. Eugene celebrities richly embossed in keel and htmp- blaek. A llsrlit summer hat to protect ysur head from the burning sun of the desert. It was evidently captured from Shacknasty Jim's squaw at the battle of Toole Lake. ' An Iron safe for "sasaer" accumulations. This is rather diminutive and may do for an editor's exchequer, but would never do for camp-meeting purposes. A eold watch and chain to remind you of the value of time. Though dumb it speaketh, and as it nestles lovingly on our bosom, while the brass ehaln glitters on our waist coat, we are indeed reminded that it Is time to quit this cussed foolishness, and come down to the solid realities of life, and a vigorous search for beef for our ravenous New Foundland pup. That our generous friend entirely for got the wants of that pup, is the only bitter pang which creeps in among the broad waves of gratitude, which roll across our peaceful bust. Sio Itsm8. From the Spirit we glean the following: Another Bonanza has been discover ed on the North Bantiam, and there Is strong talk of a big ditch for mining purposes, A dog killing row In the Forks has been settled by the killer agreeing to give the proprietor of the slain bounds two-more just as good. This happy adjustment Was brought about by a Geneva arbitration. ., The youngsters had a snap game (what in thunder is it?) and supper at Mrs. Baldwin's the other evening, The Bcio fire bell has arrived, and weighs 130 pounds, The late firm of J. J. Brown, Is now Brown & Johnson, Frank Crabtree has gene to Arisona. Our old merchant friends, Messrs. Irvine & Morris, have opened up a fine stock of new goods In Solo, and expect to ds a driving business. They are nail-driving, go-ahead boys, and we wish them a lull run of luck, Woman Sdffbaob Association. The friends of the woman suffrage movement met in the Paciflo Opera House last Saturday and organized a Linn County Association. Officers were elected, a constitution adopted, and various other business transacted, but as we did not get the proceedings in time we have no room this week for their publication. The officers for the ensuing year are as follows: Pres ident, D. D. Gray; Vice President, Mrs. M. M. Blain; Recording Secre' tary, Mrs. O. Flinn; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. A. E. Mercer; Treas urer, Mrs. D. M. Thompson; Executive Committee, Ashby Pearce, Mrs. D. JU E. Luper, Mrs. L. M. Putman, Mrs. E, F. Settlemier and Mrs. E. 8. Merrill, The Association holds its nextmeetiag at the residence of Jas. Foster to-mor- Beadtipul Works op Art. Mr. J. M. Fisk Is now canvassing this city for the sale of Prang's chromos, of which he has a most superb collection and a great variety. Prang's are the standard pictures In that most beoutl ful art, being np to the highest state of perfection; and Mr. Fisk has the finest of Prang's copies. They are of sum dently large variety to suit the taste or conform to the purse of any one, hence Mr. F.'s sales are very extensive. He also takes orders for picture frames of all designs and patterns, which ha supplies at low rates. When not can vassing he can be found at the Bt Charles Hotel, In this city. Don't fall to see his pictures. - Ha Could Grind Hb Could. Everybody comes to see our new power press work, and every fellow thinks he wants to turn the wheel a while just to show how he can snake It around. It is new yet and bard to start, but when it gets to going wbis, whirr, rattlc-te-bang she bolls, and If you get bold of the wheel then you've got to go around too, whether yon want to or not One younker snatched bold of the wheel while it was In motion, and made four revolutions up and around with It before our colored grinder snatched him a a brand from the burning and told him "Fo" de Lo'd, be'd betta not fool 'round dat masbeen no mo1!" Ciianqkd Owsbiuj. The Ex change Hotel is now under the man agement of J. H, Backeruto, who is carrying it along in such a manner as to make it creditable to the city. The old proprietor has retired from the bus iness altogether, and la in no way con nected with the new management Hale Is a genial, good-hearted fellow, and la bound to siHTOttl In hlsnewbus- TO SCHOOL TKACHERR. Albany, March 9, 1875. Editor Democrat: , Allow me space in your columns to all the attention of the teachers throughout the county, to the impor tance of attending the Teacher's Insti tute, which the County Superintendent has called to meet in this city on the first day of April next This is cer tainly a move in the right direction, and the Interests of teachers, pupils and parents, call for the hearty co-operation of every teacher and friend of education in the county. In cousulta tlon with each other we can elevate the character and standing of our pub lic scboels to that point which they must attain, before we can make that progress which we all so much desire. The co-workers in other fields of labor, hold stated meetings in which are set forth the best means of advancing the cause in which they are engaged, and in this way they secure that united ac tion which ultimately brings success. Every teacher, therefore, should be in attendance upon the sessions of the Institute and communicate his or her experience, so that young and inex perienced teachers may have the bene fit of that experience without laboring years to secure it. But our young teachers, who have taught but little, often have methods of imparting knowledge which are su perior to the methods of those who have been teaching for years. The people of each district would be gain ers if they would give their teachers who are engaged in teaching at the time the institute is in session, the time wbleh they will, otherwise, lose in attending it In many of the States the law not only gives them the time, but requires their attendance. This is an important question, and should not be treated lightly, as has often been the ease; as upon the proper training of the youth of our land, depend the inestimable institutions of Amerioan liberty. Then let all come, and we will feel that it is well for us to be to gether. T. J. BTITES. A Chapter of Accidents. Uncle Billy Vaughan, one of the oldest set tlers of Harrlsburg Precinct, was last week very badly kicked by a horse. Three of his ribs were severed from the back bone and he was otherwise injur ed. Dr. Mendenhall thinks he will recover. Our friend J. P. Schooling, of Har rlsburg, while riding across the prairie a few days ago, was thrown from bis horse and dragged by the stirrup sev eral hundred yards, resulting in badly bruising him and laying him "up for repairs. He is Just new able to be about as a "limplst" John Bchmeer, the enterprising gro- oeryman of this city, came near fur nishing us a lamentable item last Bab bath. He rode his hone down to the ferry landing to water, and the horse accidentally stepped off Into the river where the perpendicular warehouse dock furnished a depth of water ot about 20 feet In the sudden plunge the horse turned ever, "sousing" John ny under and holding him there until he was almost drowned. Finally, however, both horse and rider came to the surface, and the latter just bad suf ficient consciousness and presence of mind left to grasp at a strap and hold on to it until the horse swam up stream a few yards and landed both safely on terra flrma. It was a remarkably nar row escape for both horse and rider, and the only wonder Is that both of them were not carried off by the swift current and supplied with aqueous sep ulture. AValuabli Work. Messrs. Cal- laghan & Co., law book sellers and publishers of Chicago, Ills., are about to Issue Lacey's, "Digest or itauway Decisions," which is to be a lull com pendium of all reported American cases involving the law of railways, and all other eases in which a railway was a party. The volume will contain 1.000 pages and Is to eost 10. The prospectus of the work well says: "The exceeding Importance of tne sub ject, the magnitude of the Interests involved, the pre-eminent ability oi counsel usually employed in this class of cases, the intimate connections be tween the railways and the people, and the attempts of legislative bodies and the courts to define and fix the rights aad liabilities of each," render the werk one of the most useful and needful ever offered to the legal pro fesslon. This work is prepared by Major John F. Lacey, of Oskalooaa, Iowa, whom we have known from early boyhood. He was our school mate, class-mate and intimate com' panlon, not only in the common walks of life but "on the tented neia," ana we have noticed his upward career in his chosen profession with mors than a partial interest He now ranks among the foremost practitioners at the Iowa Bar, and wields an influence and commands a respect second to none of bis compeers of the Hawkeys Blacks tone. That his forthcoming book will fully sustain the promises of its publishers we have no doubt Aldhk Fruit Dryino Compant. The stockholders will meet at the Court Houss next Monday altenioon for the purpose of electing Directors and other wise perfecting their organization- provided the requisite number of shares of stock are subscribed by that time. Several sharjs yet remain to be taken, and it is earnestly desired to secure them before tula meeting. How that the Home Manufacturing Compa ny is a "dead Issue," everybody ought to take hold of this next most Impor tant enterprise and "shove it along" to a successful Issue. Its importance and benefits to our community, as well as profit to Its proprietors, cannot be overrated. Call on Eli Carter and take a share or two anyway. The American Newspaper Adver tising Agency of Geo. If. Bowel I at Co., New York, is the only establish ment of the kind In the United States which keeps itself persistently before the people by advertiting in nr.umpa pen. They evidently receive their re ward, for ws bavs it from reliable source that advertising orders Issued by them for their customers bavs ex ceeded three thousand dollars a day since th commencement of the year, and thU is mat a vrrg good yoar for adTtMny elthrr. - HOVE AND ABROAD, Revival boils. Circuit Court. Bring on your horse bills. St Johns Lodge to-morrow night A printer's wedding is on the velvet. Hotels and boarding houses crowded. Everybody plowing In Halsey precinct. The weather never behaved itself better. Albany has a "baker's dosen" of law yers. Leon Senders gone 'Friscoward for goods. Henry Myers has our thanks for special favors. Allien Fruit Dryers at Court Bouse Monday. Hon. Enoch Hoult is out after a severe attack of fever. Lovely weather and Italian skies front part of week. Hale Backensto Is running the Exchange Hotel "up to the handle." Spring rights ushered in Tuesday, with two knock-downs and a drag-out Our new power press works like a charm. This paper is printed upon it. See advertisement asking for proposals for lumber for the State Capitol Building. What with Circuit Court, mumps, mea sles and Methodists, our city has been kept stirred up considerably this week. Hon. B. W. 'Wilson, the obliging and efficient clerk of Benton county, gave us a call Wednesday, while down here court ing. Correspondents must send their lull names or no attention will be given to (heir effusions. Initials or fictitious signa tures wont do. ' Circuit Court brought lots of people to town, and many of our old Linn county friends dropped in and exchanged the compliments of the season with us. That was a Joyous nuptial affair at Dr. Lister's last evening, the Doctor and his excellent lady leaving no pains unspared to render everybody chock full ofhappi- His Honor, Judge Bonham, has rushed business in Circuit Court this week, having very justly taken into account the desire of our farmer friends to get back to their spring work. A letter received in this city says there is a great deal of small-pox in south-eastern Iowa; many oases proving fatal, and schools closing up and great anxiety evinced by people. Peoria has 4 warehouses, 1 hotel, 1 blacksmith shop, 2 store houses, 8 chicken ranohes, 1 barber shop and only 1 vacant house. Good Templars flourishing. Peo ria Orange going ahead. Our friend, B. A. Irvine, is up from a sick bed and abio to peregrinate our street occasionally. By-the-way, Bobsayshehaa two or three extra span of good work horses which he wishes to sell. "Where's the marshal?" was the uni versal question asked among our citizens while a drunken row was protracted for several hours on our streets last Tuesday, Not being good at connundrums, we gave It up. J. B. Comstock has established a lumber yard at the depot in this city. The lumber manufactured at Comstock's mill, in Doug las county, is to be sold here, and is acknowledged to be the very best offered in the Oregon market Our New Feundland pup is getting to be as fastidious as Horace Greeley ; he won't eat any more old boots and balmoral skirts since he has got a taste of Jim Harris' Oohoco beef. Some one wrote to Horace inquiring if guano was good to put on potatoes. He said It might do for those whose tastes have become vitiated with tobacco and rum, but he preferred gravy and butter. That Revival. The Interest daily increases, and the church is nightly jammed full of people, until even the standing room la all occupied aud many are turned away for want of an opportunity to get Inside the building. Twenty-three new converts united with the church last Sabbath and others will units with the various other religious societies throughout the city. Fresh "seekers" nightly crowd ferward for prayers, among whom are some of our most prominent and hith erto worldly-minded citizens. Inpoint-of-fact, If the movement goes on much longer there will be but a slight sprink ling of our most obdurate sinners left out in the cold. The other day a flinty hearted old abolition friend of ours who never worshipped anybody hut Grant, gold and greenbacks, told us that he already felt "Like one who treads alone Some banquet ball deserted." And If they don't snail him In yet we will be much sui prised aud disap pointed. That vigorous and eminent Oregon Methodist divine, Rev, I, D. Driver, is most prominent in the revi val exercises, and is assisted by a half dozen other preachers, all of whom take part In the nightly meetings. Our city has never seen anything like it before and we doubt if any other place in Oregon has. And the end is not yet in view. Let the good work go on until our young boys are reclaimed from their nightly raids on saloons and their dally exhibitions of boodlumism. Personal. Mr. Lewis, of Peoria, Ills., is looking around these parts for a location for himself and several other wealthy Buoker farmers who want to leave that country of the North Pole before another winter. Ror. T. B. White and Rev. P. A. Moses, of the M. E. Church, South; gave us a pleasant call Wednesday, The latter gentleman Is recently from Arkansas, from whence he brings with him high testimonials as to his ability and standing both as a preacher and teacher. He seems a pleasant, agree able and intelligent gentleman, and we welcome him to a home on the Pa cific with fullest pleasure PsasoifAt. Ws observe the folio ing lawyers In attendance upon the Circuit Court In this city, during the week: Judge Strong, W. W. Thayer, and Blinon, of Portland; Judge Boise Geo. K. Bblel, of Balem; Ben. Hay den, of Polk; R. H. Btraban, F. A. Chenoweth, and Jas. Kelsay. ol vol- vaJlls; Geo. K. Helm, J. J. Whitney, 1. W. Baldwin, A. C. Jones, K. N Tandy, B. A. Johns, N. B. Humphrey, J. C. Powell, L. Fllnn, L. H. Montan- ve, Jos. Hannon, M. A. Baker, V. K. Wolverton, of the local bar. "Tm Bpibit op THB Timks" la the title of a rambunctious little sheet Just Issued at Bcio. and "devoted to the In te rests of the people the Forks." Johnny Morris sends os a copy with his compliments, and as the nsme of the publishers is not printed In the pa per we suppose be is It lucuoator. Long mar the little SjAHt restlessly wander o'er the claswlc vales of "Can ada." McKenzie and Harbisburo Ca nal, On the 4th Inst articles of in corporation were filed in the . Linn county Clerk's office for the construc tion of the above named Canal, with the following gentlemen as incorpora tors: J. F. Hendrix, Hiram Smith, B. A. Rampy, W. H. Baber, M. Ful ler and Sam. Seller. The ditch is pro posed to be 14 miles long, with a width of 30 feet at bottom and 42 feet at top, and is estimated to oost $60,000. This is a most important enterprise, and being inaugurated by such reliable and energetio citizens as those gentlemen whose names appear in the articles of incorporation, cannot fall of ultimate success. When completed it will con nect by qulok transportation two of the richest farming sections In the Upper Wlllamete and will open to immedi ate trade a large tract of cereal pro ducing country. At the head of this proposed Canal is the finest tract of inexhaustible timber In the world, aud this water power will afford it oheap and rapid transit to the best markets of the Btate. The citizens of the up per part of Linn and lower part of Lane should all lend a speedy helping hand to this enterprise by the early subscription of stock. If it Is seen that the Canal Is to be built to Harris burg, We Sre fully satisfied that the people of Albany Will give fullest aid for its extension to this plaoe. Brownsvillb Gossip. Bather wet in these farts at present Court at Brownsville last Friday- a man tried for stealing money and then got np and skedaddled. One little boy and a big man had a little fuss and would have fought, but some one told them he would have them arrested and so that ended that Mr. John Cox, a colored gentleman, died last Saturday morning. . . A dance last night out in the coun try, half mile from town; sixteen start ed in the stagegot stuck in the mud, and had a gay time in general. I wasn't In the crowd. There is scarcely any deer around here. The reason of It Is, a man in town has fifteen hounds. We don't need any Brass Band here, for the hounds make music fur the whole town. Bev. Hunsaker preaches at North Brownsville, the second and fourth Sunday of each month at the Baptist Church. t 8. L. Thb Stab Composition.' Here's a boy's composition on the pig which Just knocks the persimmons oft'n any literary production yet thrown Insight during this collegiate year. "The pig is about as big as a sheep, only a pig's wool is not good to make stockings out ef. Why is a pig like a tree? Because he roots. That Is a conun drum. A pig washes himself In the mud. A pig has got four legs, one un der each corner of his body. They pickle pig's feet, but not until the pig is done using 'em. A pig squeels aw ful when it rains, also when you pull his tall. A pig bas got a firstrate voice for squeellng, aud he grunts when he feels rood. You can't make a whistle out of a pig's tall, cause its orooked. Why Is a pig like Tommy Grant? Cause he's got his nose In everybody's own business. This Isanother connun drum, which is all I know about a Plff." , 1 Union Gas Maohikh. Mr. W. E, Howell, Is introducing into Oregon a new stylo of gas light, which Is liable to revolutionize the old custom of ooal oil and "taller candles." It has fully demonstrated itself as the cheapest system of lights for small cities and large buildings ever Invented. We see by the Balem papers that In add! tion to having sold and put up a large sixty light machine at the Peniten tiary, and a machine for Mr, John Burns and one for Mr. Jos. Bernard! all of which are giving good satisfac tion, he has made a contract with the County Commissioners for a large- sized machine for the Court House. Last year It cost Marlon county nearly six hundred dollars to light that willloe and it is calculated that by this ar rangement the building can be lighted for one-fourth of the expense. We learn that Mr. Howell designs setting up one sf these machines In this city at an early day, so our citi zens can see bow it works. Peterson's Maqazinb for March more than maintains Its supremacy, The principal steel engraving ror.ro sents a little Italian shepherd, asleep In the woods, with one of his own sheep watching over him, aud is tli mostounning picture imaginable. The double-sized colored steol fashion plate is of rare beauty, the literary contents get better and better. No other lady' book has such a brilliant corps of con tributors as "Peterson." Two dollars a year, postage free. Or three copies for $4.80, postage free, with a magnifi cent, large-sized engraving, 27 Inches by 20, "Washington's - First Interview With His Wife," as a premium to the person getting up the club. Address, Charles J. Peterson, 800 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Not Oub'k. Knew ye the Drinler' hours of peace? Know ye an hou more fraught with Joy than even felt the maid of Greece when kissed by Venus' amorous boy 1 'TIs not when news of solemn note his columns all with sadness fill; nor yet when broth sr's quote the effusions of his bluu worn quill; nor, when the weathers fair, or clad In rain, or hall, or vapor, 'tis when be hears the welcome sound, "liere's $3 for your paper." New Warehouse.- A paper Is cir culating at Bcio for the purpose of rais ing funds to build a warehouse at Jeff erson. The amount required is f 7,000. We hope the project will succeed. MARKS l. riHI,EY-WIHI)OM.-On the 7th tint., sr.rri.).,..ff hv lu,. W. U. IltNtion. Ma, W. FiHLar, of lialaer. and MuallASKAU Vt'u- notf. of llamsourg. lillRPHYCHUKCll. At the resldnnoe th i.nM'm rattiwr. Itr. Win. I.lsler. in thlscltr. on Wednesday evening. WaK.-h loth, by iter. . Ulakinsim, Ma. J. J. Muai-m and Mas. CHUKCH, all tn neiera. Thus Is a Stuns and propitious onion of enapM Iss capital etty's most excellent and estimable people, and we Join with their many friends of Albany and Halera In wlshlnj them a long life of unalloyed bapplne and umle vlated prosperity. They took yesterday morn jag s train for lortlaad, thence to sail on the steamer for Han Praaclsou, designing to spend their boner moon la travel. We wish Uiem a saw and pleasant journey and an early return to their beautiful capita I home. LIST Or LETTERS Remaining In the Albany Post Office, March 11,1875. Persons calling for these letters, ronsfc give the date on which they were Advertised, Adams, Mrs. Mary IRurce. fjorctv ijstwr, iwiiito:t G'ooppor, Frunk . U'umpuoll.TK i . . I Dodson, UD t . Illtovklsoa, T II .) illumilton, Henry llMcMahou, Miss Mary i llMiller, Mary T lltleynokls, Elislia 9 , , I Smith, Edward . i Thompson, Win , ! lineman, Moses ,.r,, llWUson, John p P. H. -RAYMOND, P. M. Davluuon, Henry Fisher, Isnuo Knotts. Wm . McDcrnod, Mrs , lt'htiiRon. W J ftharp, Lewis Thompson, W H Thomas. David . White, Henry AT THB STOCKIIOLDKRS' MEETING of the Albany and Bantiam Canal, last Tuesday, It was voted to Increase the oapital stock of the Company from $30,000 to $60,000, aud the Directors were authorized to negotiate a loan sufficient to cancel the debts of the cor poration. 1 1 Ballou'8 Magazine for March Is i Interesting, instructive and useful as ever. For the price Baliou's Maga zine is the best in the country, as it has 1 something to suit every taste. Love stories, sea yarns, advsntures, and poetry, engravings of msrit, and those of a comic nature. t&" For the very best Photographs, goto Bradley & Bulofson's Gallery with an ELEVATOR, 429 Montgomery street, Man Francisco. A suspicions Gfospol Ridge girl don't go much on our Balsam any more. Bhe says he's fickle, tor she saw him caressing our New Foundland pup. Ojbab cover? his bald head and Kray hair lib a laurel crown. AYKlt S HAIR VKJDH with a laurel covers way b covers gray heads with the still more welcome looks of youth, In the Hands t Science all thlnjrs become valuable by adaptment, and salutary by their application, 'iiuis, wauhik una uu- tnlned from certain vegetable products of Call turlos by the Ignorant, the Invaluable curative known as the OAi.rs'oRNiA Vinkuas IUttkks, a medicine which Is exciting the wonder ot the community by ita beneflclal operation In the worst cases of Rheumatism Vulinonary Disease, General Debility, congestion of the Liver, Constipation, Scrofula, and Malarious Fevers, ww. SPECIAL NOTICES. Chapped Hands and Face, Hot Lips, Dryness of the Skin, stecc, Cured at onee by HEOKMAN'S CAMPHOR 1UE wtl tl uiauKKiwci. llKeeiiie nanus sort In all weather. Hee mat you got riftuiv MAN'H. rjoiitnyaii Druggists, otuy zo cents. Manufactured only by H mirman & Co., Cliem- istsauu uruifKiits, new tora. juiuo ,iy. SBBI.KJg,. CP. IIOQ1IK. 0. B. WIIKELEB. A. WIIEEIiEtt fc DO., SHED, OBEGOISI FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. neuters in Merchandise and Produce. A good assortment or all Kinus ol uoous always i; tjira at. InivAflt. mnrltnf. rut.fa. Agents for sale of Wagons, Grain Drills, CI iir MIIIb mtiirna Ac. iv ' JAHM paid for WMKAT, UAi, I'lillo.- BU11KK, KUUHana ruuii'lld, vwniiiyi, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EXCHANGE HOTEL Corner Tint and Washington Streets, ALBANY) OREGON, Hurler the now manaaemont tht noBUlnr Hotel haa beon fitted and nfiim lulled, and now offer the traveling public the best uceorn modatlona on the moKtrtMisoimblttoniu. Tim old proprietor has moved from the hotel and tho houHo la uutlrely under a new mauatimnt. sTFUEE COACH to and from the hour.?.""! J. H. BACKENHTO. vlOnaiyl. Froprlutor. SHERIFF'S SALE. mjOTICB W HKItRBY UIVRN THAT I.Y IV virtue or an indent Inn Issued out ol the County Court of tho county of I Jim, BInto of Orcifon. In favor of Jacob HouOerfl Mill lloiiia mill Brenntr ngalntt Hurt In Uray, for the mm of two hundred and forty-four dollars mid nlxty-Hx and two-tiuru oenw, eoia ooin oi tne United State and for oosti and dlaburaemontN ! In the im of twenty-two dollnm and ovent.y flve eenti and aocrufng ooits, duly .nttetttud tho tith day of March. 1870, and to ino dtrautod and delivered. I have levied upon all tho right, title, hnrl nf. In. nnd ui the folio will ir described wal AnlntA. an the 8th duv of January, Ufifi, towlt ; A part lit 11.0 iiousUioii luuu-ouim or jsiucs niakelr, situated In Meotlon (I, In TowiiNhlp 14, Houlh HaiiRo 2 Went of Willamette Mnrldlnn In Unn county, Htatoof Oregon, commencing at the ttouLu-eael ooruor of 11 lock No, 13, In tho town of Browne viae, In said county, and running thence Kant 0 rods, thenoe North H roUB, llionoe venvrom, immuw nuiim a nnia to tho place of beginning, containing Ti square rods, I will on , Monday the 12th day of April, 1875, at the court house door In the elty of Albany, In Raid I Ann county, at tho hour of one o'clock la the afternoon of that day, noil at nuhlio auo- Mon, alt the right, tttlo, internet and entate of tho said tJertla uray In and to tho above de ecribed roal eittato, for aaeh, gold ooln of the tin hid (states, toeaimry bam execution, cohw eadacocriilngooitfl. U U. KICK, ADMINISTRATOR MALE OF REAL ESTATE. mrOTIOFJ I HFltKBY fflVEN THAT THE IH tindHraliriied David From an. AdmlnlNlra tor of the enTutoor J. C. (iravoe, dncuused, by virtue of an order of the County Court, of Linn County. Ordgon, made and entered of rueurd at the regular January term, thereof, 1K75, will ell at ptiut.c uucuou at too uuun iiuueju uuur, la Albany, Linn (Jounty, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 13th day oApnlt W0, between the hours of o'clock A, M. and 4 o'clock p. m. of Raid day, the following de ncrlhed roal estate belonging to eald oKtate to-wlti ieAglnntng at a point on the Kant boundary or the original donation land claim of Wallace "Juehinan and wife, claim No, 07 as apiMar on the pints and eurveys of the Weet Willamette Meridian, Llltu County, Ore gon, 30.7(1 ohaltin North of the Houth-eurit cor- nimf an. t.l tt !.lin. ruiin HIT thonoe Wuet 71). HI otmln, thenco North '.U chain, thence North 28 degrees Wert HU.tW chalne to the iNm-in-weM nnrner mt eald claim. Ihence KaL MM ohnlna, thence Houth 88 oltalne to the plaoe or begin ning, containing M acrws of land, more or 1pm, lying and being In Linn County, Ori'gon. The aia Vftluable tract of land lls within about 81 mile of Albany, and will be sold In two parcel, the Bcnith half as one parcel aud ie norui linn as one narom. Terms of HalOnld coin of tho United 8tftt.ee. one-half ot Durehnft" price to bo paid flnwn ai. the timrt of ftnle. til Other half Oil twolve mouths time with note and mortgage on the jiremucs, sold lor wv-urny. Oso. R. HMf,nf, Ati'y for Adm'r. ' March Uth, 1M75. r.31w4, PROPOSALS KOIt THB CAPITOL BUILDING AT BALKM, oriKUON. afim WILL HE RKf'EIVKl) AT THE OF Ik fluo of the Hoard of Capitol Hu lid lug Com mlMlonari tor the louowtng, to-wu i About 00,000 fee of Lumber. This lumber mtint lie furnlnhed within the thoe and M'liforin tho bills and Mpeclfta lloim of th same now to b swjen In the office of the architect, W. W, i'lx-r. In Halem. Hald bldi luuet bo acommiil"d by an under taking with two or more iurwtto, of not m thnn nva parent, of the amount of aatd bid, cindltloDHl that If I lia contract Ih awardd to tlieiiiid bitulff he will oiiUt Into bonds for tho faithful perform nnct of eald eontraet. Tin; bl'lM rwwtved by the 1km rd for id him ber will be oucmtl by said Board at tliHr office In Hnlem. on tho 8d day vi April, ltlB. at 1 iVdfu'k i. w. of Id duv. The lioard reawrve tha light to reject any and afltade. --.i In eviin will be M il. Midi will alM b nwi ad on the tame terms, at the same f m anu place, ior me Carpenter Work MHNNtaair In oonatmctlng and pulling on the roof of said building. The aaiuato b performed aocordtBg to the plans and iinwitb-atUmiiof the work now Itt tho tf)Vof euild nw:lilU"!t. tiy ordorof the Hoard. II. m APLBTON. President, P. fa. WlMJS. .Secretary. Halo ni, Mured i, 17A, nllwO, ADVERTIi NEW FIRM NEW GOODS IARRISDURC ! MOTTO : "LIVE AND LET LIVE!" (I shall Innnirnrale this motto Into practice by ptiLniuisiiiK i.nu piiiitwi.i If AVINU PUItCHASBD THE INTEREST al or my late partners. Messrs. t. v.tena anu A. Aiispfteher, I am desirous of keepinft- the biiRliu-HS up to Its former standard and to give T will heeln the Fall Trade With a (VOBh 1n- olco of new iioods, couslstlnff of Dry Uoeds, Groceries, dent's FuraisliIitK Goods, Ladles' Dress Goods, lints A 'hih, 1 -Boots A Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, ' efce., ate. such as Is generally kept In n FIRST CLASS ifeTalt. ; STORE ! 1 All of which I will soil at GKEATI.V REDUCED PRICES) t . Constantly on hand, , METZLER'S CELEBRATED RAW HIDE BOTTOMED CHAIRS r no pom a l BBIOK "WORK FOR Till , STATE t'APITOI UUILUIXU AT SALEM, Tm WIT.T. RE KRHEIVKD FOR LAYING 13 all brinks, nocwuury to lncloao said build iniC according to plana and Hpeel(.catlone, which can uu noon at me Aruu.ioct'R ouieo in Salem. Hald bide must be accompanied by an un dertaking, with two or more lurcttei, of not lens ihun nvo por cent, m in amount oi muu bid. aondltloiuid UuiL it the contract be award ed to the said bUldor ho will enter Into bondi for tho faiturui perform mice oi nam contract. The bldB reoelvod by tho Hoard for laid brick work will be opened by said Hoard at Mitdr onico, in ntuem, on tne mn any or aiarcn, Hoard roitervo the right to reject any aud all bids, mm. at one o'Oioex u, in, ui emu uay. int u, n. coin will h paid as th work pro groMe. ay oruw oi me uoaru, ,,,. .. P. L, Wiujh, S(!orolary. ; Fruit. Balem, Fob, lUth, itm, ltOTwo. SPECIAL NOTICE ALLRIZR AND 8TYLKH AT PRICES TO suit the times. Ureat Improvement made on finishing photograph!. SOMETHING NEW I I make the coovlnu and euUrtrlna: of old T)aRuerrotynni, etc,, a mwofaltty, and my cliarirei are as follow; 1 will enlarge from small oariim tsxiu or itrxri, and fiuun nicely, for from IXft) to 10. for the flrat oouy, aud tl for each additional cony, which Is lawer than It Is done for in Nan Francisco. Call and sue until! I lo. HatlHiaotlon guaranteed or no chnrjee A. B, I'AX'ION ulOnSltf. REDUCED PBIEH. . PRINTING PRESSES! ranlllB 8ILVKRPLATED HAND HTAMP, M. fur printing haunts on clothing. This CrlnU one lino, and U furnished with 3 aluha 1'tn of tyfic for !,), or 5 alphabets for $1,75. The Uiinrha Hand Btaniu. with 9 aluliabcts of tyi $1,11; The imnrovwi nano nutuii), prime u ijupi, with u alphabets of tyj , The Home Cmmtanloii Curd Printer, for tins' lniMi mun and others, .rlnt 4 lines, with 10 nantnii. ;i,ou, he IIiih n.'HH Man's Printliicr Press orlnti S mi", wiiu io aiiiaucit vw The I Ham ond Printing 1'rcss prints from iH to ft incut's swiuare Vi,m. A atonic of lnde 1 ble ink. inklnff cads, etc, furnlithed fnw with each press, All orders promptly nned. nfinu oruureu nuivmn nirniun. vlOn28mB. Albany, Oregon, NEW YORK TRIBUNE! "THE LEADING AMERICAN NEWSPAPER." THE BEBT ADVEETISINO MEDIUM. Dally, $1U a year. Bomb Weekly, W. Weekly, Poatag lrre to thm Hubwrlbar. Hieel. men Coulee and AdvertlKlua Kates Free, Weekly, In chilis of lltfor more, only ft, pottt ag naiu. auutum j h i iiiuunm, pi. i , vlUnHttyi. A DVEHTIHINO ;(!hcap lOowl ;Hyrternatlo,- dim an iKTHone wno conteniiilaU) inakluic onntrnuU with newniuiH'rt fr the Insertion of advcrtliK'inuntM, shmild Ni'nd 943 cants to Ueo. their t'AJHrtii.M-iHjuiv (nincty-mivenin eoi tltm.l containing llltu of over WW newsMfttx-n and itfltluiittoH. Hhowlna the col. AdvertUe. rnonta taken for hadlfm naucrs In many HUU'i at a tremendous reduction from puhilrihers' rata, umttiiie hok. , vwuwyv, JS5 to JS21 M-JFmWi iMMiiile of both sext'S, ynunic and old. make mere nioner at work for us, In their own lo eallllcs, during tlielr spare moments, or all the time, tlinu at any tliliia else. We offer employ mnnl Hint will imy liantlsoiuoly for every nour wors, run iiur.K iui, ., v., w.i. fr.e. ekiid us your addrxMM at once. Don't d'-lay. Now Is the lime. Jloll't look for work or business elsewhere, until you have learned whatweelfer. O. rl0ll 4 Co., Portland, Maine. viuuwyi. J. A. VANTIS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT IAW COBTALUa, OKXQOIf. 0 Will nmrtl.'o In all the Courts of the Hate. r Office in the t -ourt nomie. .a ADNIMINTRATUB'S KOTICr" mur irailRRHhlNKI) HAVINO BITe". Ji. duly appoint! hy the f'oMaty Court ol t he louniy ei i.tnn, .-mumj oi ,,f-k.ii, n,ii,n.,... of LbH ..late of John O. Mansnetcl. dettaiKl. all iMriutit. havloa elalms aaainet the seid eslatean) hwrwhy Mtulrecl to present tfi. same, with the proir vonehere. wtthtn .is months, to the nnttr-slffned at bis residence, near iUrrLburg, Urein. h.u, rfiKr, Aimri. Feb. 13, 1175. ua. advertt3i:mi:nts. ANTi-61LiSiiS AiSO CATKrtfTIS. $t you want a $afe g-jj-gsiivs, Use them, to relieve the Stomach and Bowels, end cleanse tho whole All memary Canal. , if yon want a &iver feiimnlani, ,. Use them, to restore the action of thie ; . organ, and to remove all obstruction of the biliary duct, and you get rid of , Bilious Dyspepsia. $ you want a Jild fecisatlv, Use them in small doses, and they will remove a Costive habit of body, which, if let alone, may generate serious diseases. Dr. Jayae'i Sanative Fills are helpful also, In Skin Diseases, and for what 1a known as "Impurity of the Blood." They may be taken at all times with out danger, and while using tliem, yon may eat and drink as usual. Prepared only by the Proprietors, Db. D. Sayvk i 801 t Philadelphia, and sold by Crane & Brigham, Wholesale A gentn, San Francisco, and by DrugKtota gene rally. . , , .. (bucckhsor or a. oowah oo.) LEI3AN O N , 0 11 K CI N DEALER IN GENERAL IHEHK sIAilDISl; 1 WILL KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL STOCK rrt-y goodsi GROCERIES I Boot and Kliocs ! All for Bali at the Lowest Prices fer CASH or l'ROUUUIi. All persons owing A. Cowan A Co. can nettle by oallinfc on CIS at Lebanon. v7aMtr.' JAMES L. COWAN. EMPIRE BAKERY PROVISION STORE! JOHN SCIIMEEK, Car. First . Bllaworth St. Albany, Or.. Keeps eealtsatly on sann sempl.te ass.rU meat ef i aroceriea sad Vegetables: ! ... french and runes; Candies; Wines and Canned Fruit! Cigar, Pipe ani Tsbasss-. Aad e.er;ttii else to be found in a llrst olun Retail Family Ureoorjr sad KetUia Kutnbltsb- : snent. "Live and let live," is bit motto, asd shall be tbe aim ef my manner ef dealing Willi sustemers. Call aud see bi. T?n37jl. JOHN BCHMKISK. Ti.r;-iiv,.no9f M'uhi f 4 . . h ,h'3 (HIT IllU4- i,j'r'. ;,i-i V Vsiitl.liTi t ( i 'i v of tho , : i- . .. ( jt 1 1 i 'i'.-ji., .., ,V 1 n 'il:' 1mpn.lt 1 , t V luu itml Ovrx tvofbett l (.' ( liti.v .ncni'i: Wt i.U, Watery, ttum?d. n tut K( ar-W!fOst'l Kyee, and nil other IJin tui or the Kyi. wasyk xa Aioim monky by ArurrsriNQ IHWK a lawki oy roun noms and jm rtGVUiva roiR fack. pamphit-iorioo Iiat- Mallvd Ffc Bend your Mddrvsa o us mImo Agents Wanted, (font sr IeX1les. $A to ttOtttlar piinrmiltu'd, Peil pirtlcttlan sent frae. Wr.D ImatoiiiMUly, DR. X BALL & 00 (P. o. wox ouy.i Vs, 01 Lifasrtj 8 Hsv If k totf X A C AUD. AH. BKLLA PARKER, T ATE OK OMR. gon City, bog leave to Inform tho public that they have purchased the entlrs ntwk of drug. mi'tilelneM etc., formerly owned by 11. ('. 11111 Hon, and that they design continuing the biislneiw at the old stand, whra they pro- ros to keep in the itnure, a uiif nHHorMiueiu. at ,f-iiu-n. ClhemlealH. 1'iitent Mi'dlclnen, Toilet Ar- ttoies and everything usually found In a UtM claH drug ators. While earnently soliciting a continuance of tlis liberal patronage herotofore extettded to ttis OLD hoitbe. We hope at the same time, by fair and liberal dealing, and careful attention to the wants of otmtomers to meet tho entfein of any mw frlands who may favor us with their rders. Particular attention win dc giten to ino cniji Eundlug of phytilclaus prt-Mcrlpttous and Hurt receipts at all hours of the day or nlijht. A. it, tlKl.L A; I'.VHK ICK, Buecestsom to It. Uxi.i. & Has, Albany, Oregon, Out. ttth, Wi. uH(, WONDER OF THE WOULD I Look here, Weary Worn , THE CUlil" oTEAI WASUER Isths lentt cheaicHt and most duraMa tiift chine aver invttnted, and will eont nothing to find out what 11 will do. lookout for loHH.si tlonsaetha country 1 full of tiieio. The Cli max can in hd by calling ufK) our aRiul, or from W. H.M('Kariiir.Un-ti!or,AM.aMT, The pricflof Hill wonderful nmchlue n.ies from SJi.iiOto IS.tW. and worth tli !tentln, of ev-r family In tho Htato; don't fall to e It before punmanlneaay other. Kl.l WAZlCUUenerftl Aerntfortbe Stats of Oregon. tnntt. NOTICE TO TITK PIRHT MFWINU OP THF, SITIR-ti-rllieralotho oatntul rtoli of the Absen Pmll Ji-rvln Otn.)ti,y, of Albany, t)re gnn, will Imi hIU at tho Court House. In the City of Albany, Unn county, Orwgoti, on tha 10th day of March, A. Z. 1S75, at one o'clock In tho aftf-rnooa, ffr the pur poMootelfcHiiff (nrt Iipss Miso three! dimrfor, m the stoe-kholdi'i-s piHHUiil hall d(rui!ue, and tranaactlng all ft hsr buin wlut'h may, uiiiltir tha stuictc o this S at, prcrii.v be done at Bald km'Huk. By ortlar of tho board of corpora f''m. fri i caiu iU-t. K-eW'y. Ai.aaw r, Oregon, Feb, ifcth, tovs. ALT TUP r'ti M hrhv fE-(o(H)l of i' i I 'tt Safe dtt. Hi rti'ml . he i,r i miUn) in the ' n t i a. i all P- ' t 1 ' ft" s and uiit s tV M 1 n t ! t Albany, lc. IM l n.