aifS!?2afeS?ii2BHf2 .MARCH S, 187S. eMTOFriCB REG1MTKB, HAILS ABKIVK. rmm Corvallls at a. u. flatly ipl llffli lbnon"ft 10 31) A. sr., tri-wccKly-Mondays, Wednesdays and Krldaya. from Allrol (iftirth) dally eseept Bub JthTst U A. M ; (Houth) at U :3S 1'. H. . W a ! stall AKT. ' For Railroad (South) dally, except Sabbath, .tlUUA.M. (North) at 11:4.1 ia. ... For Gorrallla, dally, xKpt Sabbath.,: at 1S0 rVoVlbaoon, on Mondays, Wednesdays and 'orioAooi-Froni t : a. at. to 7 r, m. Monei order uffloe hour, from 8 A. at. to X. tV . .. - P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. T M n i ii -i a-- -1 ' - - A Dumb Moth bb caught up with her daughter and her fellow, on their way home from church last Sunday night, and found the youngster with bit arm around "Honey's" neck. Of course she didn't approve of that sort of familiarity and spoke out immedi ately In reproving tones; but the young lady was good for one send-back any way. She instantly replied: "Why, ma, didn't you tell mo to keep ray comforter about my sore throat, and ain't 1 doing IU!L -AfldLihe young man, who is attending Albany Colle giate Institute, immediately put in that "be bad been taught In pliyilolo gy that the thoracic arteries were ren dered more impervious to the ogygln ized and carbonized elements of a frigid atmosphere when properly pro tected by some Immediate protectorate as well as remedial agency at the sim ultaneonsness of the elementary attack cooicqiieot upon the nocturnal expos ure, and" but tho old lady sadly said she, sposed she was mistaken about it and amiably stumbled on past the young couple and groped her way home and crept off to bed in the dark, feeling that she ought to be in the in aan vaaylura for being such an old dunce as to thluk otherwise. . , Swkkt rt ,HosiEBS."-rTOttr ' - Sweet Home correspondent sends us 'the fol lowing items: ' , Had luite a skip of snow on morn ing of 22dult '' rrheexbibitton by the Literary So ciety was a grand success, giving full est satisfaction to performers and audi ence., n a g. o n i t f. i f i i J. B. Hughes has sold his Sweet Hem store to ftt.'i Fuller, proprietor uf the Crawfordsviile store, and has "lit out" In search of other fields of opulent (peculation. ' It is. scarcely probable that he goes away greatly encumbered with lucre. John Gllliland is preparing to start out on the W. V. C. M. V. Boad, for the purpose of repairing the road for the coming season's travel. The Green-Horn miners have the ditch completed and are about ready for, operations, with a flattering pros peei of a rich yield of the precious ore. 5BBMoiots Revival. An extraor dinary religious revival is now in progress in the M. E. Church in this city: oas ueen kwiik UIr " awwb two weeks, and the Interest seems not only unabated but daily growing. It was inaugurated under the auspices of the local preacher of that congrega tion, but several preachers from abroad have reinforced him and the nightly HimMiim am ennrliifttpil With'O. SDlrlt and seal which has . never 'been wit- .aveesed before in this city. . Only two or three have as yet united with the church, but we are informed that 20 or 80 new converts are expected to, arnll ate next Sabbath, . The meetings will continue as long as the interest is un abated. "Kii, i Am" This Is the title of work, on Morraondon, written by Mrs. Fanny Stenbouse, who was for 20 years the wife of a prominent officer Of the Mormon church, In-Salt Lake. It It a prolific and trtittifdl record of the lib, babits, practices, Arid religion of 'the Folygamists, as well a a thrill; Ihg narrative of experience tttld adven ture In the "Great West." Ia fact it Is one of the most absorbingly inter esting publications of the da jr, and can not rail to be a book much sought after. Mr. J. I). B rower, a worthy and Intelligent deaf mute, Is agent for the work, and will canvass this section of the 8Ute within the next few weeks, We bespeak for birtt a cordial reception and for bia book a full patronage, ItOSAWAV.-One of Bill Canon's panklng teams skeedoodled with him self and hack, while en route to the de pot last Saturday, and . although no damage was done William says If the thing is repeated be will have to get tome cheap boy to hold his breath for him. . The team went so fast for a half mile or so that his hair pulled harder than It did the morning after New Year's when he swore off drinking. He says the top of his bead felt about like that Dixie Man's did when his wife caught him buttoning the hired gtrl'siiigh-ankied shoes. KoT Exactly. Anil now a Califor nia poultry man send ua an ad. and wants us to take our pay la eggs. Iu view of the fact that we have only a New Foundland pup to let on them nd perform the operation of incuba tion, and in view of that pup's already banlieriug for "eggs at any price," we are compelled to tearfully decline this generous offer. We are mournfully convinced that those egg would mis--earry or open up in the chicken busi ness to vremalnrely for healthful Ion KVtitj if lha pup was to be selected as the parent bird. PciMortAUCalvin B.;i Slcfconald, editor, and Cept. Scott, business man ager of the Salem Statetman, dropped fn upon uj Tuesday evening on their return fjruoi Lebanon, where Mas de livered hi "Qleitooe" lecture to a very Jargt awJieno oh foalj night. We w glad to see both the gentlemen, aa we always are men who understand aod appreciate those elegant amenities and eourtesie which should exist, hc tereea persons in alike profession. Civil Bioht. Squire Hsnnon's Court was last Tuesday ornamented with a trial of a colored gentleman for larceny, the charge having been made by a brother of the sane ebeny hue who efaklmed to hava been lareeoy-ed out of a set of diahe ana some other niHisils. The Jury, alter being out s,bont 20 minute, returned an eniaraei ptin prociamatiou, and the freed pp, went on bi wy rejoicing. JrtlDAY.. ' M.tftCB. ' ' "What' the fun of March the boisterous? Thon the wlnda are wild and rolsterous I blowing, winter's going: That la why he's mad and boisterous 1 All his bluster and bis aolea : Cant deprive us of our joys. '-'':. Call the boys, bring the toys, . fjarnessojolly.dollssoarou., Nuts to eraelt and corn to parch ; Lulu's birthday comes In March, Comes with freak and frollerotsterous That's the hin of March the boisterous, LETTER FROM OOl'GKH'sl NBCK. .No Mermen SettlMeiU There Prosperous ' Condition of Affairs A Case of Misplaced CanlldesMMi ' : CBAVi'fottDsVItitE, March 1st, 1875. Editor Democrat: . , . v i In one of your late issues, I noticed a communication; from one Mills, of Brownsville, in which he state that the Inhabitant 'of "Gotiger" were In. tar and ashes over the death of Uncle Tommy Fields, an elder of the Mormon Church of Latter Day- Saints, which conveys' the Idea abroad that we are a band of Mormon proselytes, squatted down here to found a Mormon mission but it is not the. case. A far a Uncle Tommy Field ia concerned, he died at the ripe old ago of 80 or more, and up to the time of bis death, hi word was good and; bis note better. When he died, there were no old notes standing out against him, nor any unsettled store or butcher bill to mar hi last hour on earth. Instead of Mormon, we are civilized, having member of the Christian, the Methodist, the Sou ut hern Methodist, the Baptist, tlire kinds of Presbyterian Churches, but "nary" Mormon or Latter Day Saint. :''' ' Crawfordsviile is in a prosperous con dition. A good school which has been in progress during the winter, under the excellent management oi O. H. Byland, has just closed, to open again in April under the same teacher. V. B. 1 Fuller' store i a credit to' the place, and' he sells as cheap as anybody except the Grangers. P. V. Crawford I doing a good business with hi plan er. There is omc litigation before Squire tilassi and preachingevery Sun day." Noah 6bank'9 blacksmith shop and Dlck' Fioley' mill are doing a lively business. "!"Ve had a real live robbery here the other day, the facts are briefly as fol lows:. There came a man among us if It be lawful to call him a man de claring himself to be a resident of Boise Valley,, whose gold was much and herds many. . He is such a man a we read of inBeadle' dime novels- wore kids, sported a very big. meer schaum pipe, and talked "moonshine" to the belle-ol urawiorasvuie to u alarming extent. . We ., called him 'Chicago." Well; 'Chicago" left and went to Halsey, and from thence further on, and how V. R. Fuller (merchant) wteps for his two, hundred and some odd dollars, which he will see no more, and a damsel mourns for her hero departed. ' Rl,,,ua THOSE CONNUNIHlI.H ANSWERED. Editor Democrat- In last week' issue .of your paper, two or three question were asked con cerning the young men's Library de posited In the M. E. "Church, which will now be answered. The Library Association had not met for many months, and the books were locked up In the case, no one ask ing to read (hem. The llbrarltin tried to arouse isome of the members and get them to call a meeting and open the library, but w3 told that It was no use, he had better let it a)pne, that the association was dead and could not be revived. Therefore the undersigned members of the Association gave their consent to allow the Library to be used by the M. E. S. 8. Some of the book have been placed In the S. S. Library and are free to all who desire lo read. Others have been sold ana more appropriate book put In their place; and many are scattered through out the city and cannot be gathered up. When the church was caiceminecl tne case was taken down and sold to one Of the membe.-s at a very low figure. DiH THOMPSON, J. F. BACKRVSTO, I. B, HOYAU E. n. PUHDOM, ftt!.Cr,RMr?ST, fj. FANNING, W12JI.IAM l.lor&i,MUot.iie,s. Marble Works. While strolling through the tombstone establishment ttf Messrs. Monroe & Stalger In thl city, we have noticed a fine collection of head-stones, monument and statuary, as we efrer sa anywhere. The mechan ical skill displayed in their work, speaks well for Mr. Staiger, the pro prietor! as bei tig a workman of extraor dinary taste and geniua. By prompt action, just dealing, and tho use of the best material the matket afford, these gentlemen have succeeded in building up for themselves a business reputation equaled by none In the State. They are the only firm In Oregon that Im port their marble direct from the quar riei, which enable them to oiler to their customer dpeflor advantage to any firm in the State; The material used for bases is guaranteed (d be proof against the mostsevere froigfA ReTriem ber Iso,heir extensive establishment ooposite the Opera House, In Salem, Oregon. Location In thl city, next door to our new Office. Thoee Intend ing to put up work to their departed one this coming Ipring, will find it to their advantage to leave their order a soon a possible. . I ' , n BbabtifcL Vobk8 of Art. Mr. J. M. Flsk I no canvassing thl city for the sale of Prang's chromos, of which he ha a most superb collection and a great variety. Prang's are the standard nicture In that moat beauti ful art, being up to the hlgheet state of perfect ion; and Mr. Flak hi We finest of Prang's eopie. They are of sufll clcntiy large variety to suit thf UMe or conform to the purse of any one, hence Mr. F. sales are very extensive, He also take orders for picture frame of all design and patterns, which he supplies at low rate. - When not cari vaaslng be can be found at the r. Charles Hotel, in this city. Pon't fail to see hi pictures. Nrw Goods. N Baura started for San Francisco last Wednesday lo lay In a mammoth stock of dry goods; (ro- certe. eiothlng, eU. Hat alway hini rmaanrafhiRK Me slock of good. and they fe always well selected. Cle .our "ead" twit by tlie tl me be gctsf 1 back. MASSACKE Of GLENCOR. . i. Calvin K BlcDonuild's lecfitre et LebaaeH; Editor DtMoctat : The citizen of our town and vltfiuKy were treated on Monday evening March 1st, to a grand literary feast th the de livery by Calvin B. licDohald, of the Oregon Staletman, of big celebrated lecture on the "Massacre of Glcncoe" In compliance with an Invitation ex tended to him by a number of citizens. The Lebanon Brass Band, led by the distinguished musician, Prof. A. Comu ton, paid the celebrated lecturer the high compliment of tendering their service gratuitously and added to the pleasure of the evening's entertain ment by the eloquent music discoursed. The large auditorium of the Santiara Academy Was completely filled with, fair ladies and brave men, tho former largely predominating. Rev. L. M. Nickerson, as temporary chairman, In-; vited the President of the evening, Dr. IX W. Ballard, on the platform, who in a few ell chosen remark stated the programme- and called upon tho wrltei to make tho Introductory ad dress, who responded as follows: Ladibs ANn OKNTI.8MBN : The scene or the lecture to which we arc bidden this even ing, and which has been promised at one of the most scliutarly and patiietlo productions ever delivered belorean KiiKlish'spoaking au dience. Is laid In a wild roinuntiti glen In tho highlands of Scotland, catti-d Oicncoe, so nami tvrtm thn atnwiiius massacre that oc curred there on the 131b ol February, HWi, and which sijruines lu tne uaene wusue, -mw of weenlnir." . , ., ; The appalling u uuamuu u. .,, gallant McUouald clan, and of its aged and warlike chieitain, has been tllethcinoot many , Radeonitanu sioi'y. buuch nuu uu- prOVOlCed attaCK OI mo uruuu auiuiwrjr vi jviub Wlllium upon the del' 'nceless clansmen, who h.ri r,.,!,,,!,, Hiilimittcd to the Crown, and tnrouch thulr chleltoin, Mnolan, had taken the oalll of allceianeo. The fact that these soldiers wL're noing entertaineu a uuuuiuu ,u. w,.,. that prolusion of hospitality so proverbial ol the Hiithlandtr, and then their turning with ti.Mtiirv nt' Hends uoon their defenoelcss and disarmed hosts, with the dire resolve to exter minate tne enure cian, savai;i umwt,B juuk and old to the sword, stamps the act as one uu. paralleled lorperlldy lu the world's history. BhriLn ui rhe woiind-jd. the irroans ol the dying, the gory dead, the helpless women and children, ciaa in inoir scauijf k" '"'--, lug for their lives through the blinding snow storm that wintry night, guided by the lurid light of their own burning dwellings and the sharp mttle of tho musketry of their foes, that told perhaps of a husband or a father slain. These were scenes that made such a commo tion throughout Kurope that not one apologist for the perlidioua deed has ever had the hardi hood to lustifv William 111 and his myrmi dons for this most heinous and Inhuman mas sacre. Altnougn nearly two nunareo years uuvu passed since that woful, wintry night, yet -the memory of it Is still kept keenly alive within the "book and voluma of the brain" or the Macuonalds or Argyie, ana me nigniana mother clasps her babe closer to her bosom as the fearful tale is told, and breathes a curse nnnn the fell destroyers' memory, as the coro nach of her murdered kinsmen Is wailed out lu the gloaming by somo hoary-headed min strel of her native hills. Tonight a descend ant of the noble hut uniortunaie cian iuao iWttiniri win naint von a word nioture 01 me Hnnilii thre enacted. 1 1 lamrimce so In tensely thrilling, so sublimely imtlictlo, as will call forth tho nobler emotions of the soul from every person present iu this hali, and it will 00 no slain on your mammon wvvu 11 luu bjiii- athetlctcar should ran during tne sau recital, lie masterly productions of this gifted gentle man's ractle pun have gained nun an enviaoie reputation as one of the foremost Journalists In America, and whether it be wit or wisdom, or sarcasm, or pathos, that flows from It. he oxcels In all. To every lover of the refined and beautiful In English literatim his advent among us has been hulled with Joy as a mag nificent addition to Uregou's already famous galaxy of writers. Ladiea and Gentlemen, It nnwdevnlves upon me us a very pleasing duty to Introduce to you Calvin B. McDonald, who will now address you. Mr. McDonald upon taking the stand was received with great enthusi- osm, the! band playing "Auld Lang Syne;" when the tumult had subsided and the band ceased playing, Mr. Mc Donald introduced his lecture by a few preparatory remarks, paying a glow ing tribute to the wealth, Intelligence and refinement of tho people of Linn; then the grand feature of the evening, "The Massacre of Glencoe," was deliv ered in that silvery voice, now becom ing so well known In Oregon, and as the rythmic endences filled the vast hail, every eye was bent upon the speaker with an intentness that show ed how well hi elegant utterances were appreciated. Not a disturbing sound in that lame nudience marred the continual flow of the grandly mag nificent periods. It seemed, Indeed, as though some potent enchanter ba I waved his magic wand over that large assembly, the spell affecting young and old, nor was the spell broken until the close of the glorious peroration, which for refinement of sentiment, richness of Imagery and beauty of thought stands a sublime monument to the author's genius, I had thought to attempt a criticism of this lecture for your columns. What audacity! As well might my. unaccustomed pen presume to criticise the dread com mands thundered from Mount Sinai or Paul' defence before Agrlppa. Mr. McDonald Inform me that he Is nreparing a lecture on the "Bride of Lammermoor," which be has kindly consented to deliver in our town some time in May, for the benefit of the Lebanon Brass Band. He leaves here for Eugene City, where he Intends to lecture for the benefit of the .Library at that place. CH VS. B. MONTAGUK. Popular Lfctures. Mr. A, J, Dunlway ha given several lectures during the past week at the upera HOuse in thi city, and ha beeb greet ed every evening by large and apprc clatiye audience. She will lecture nenln at the same place thl evening, Subject! ''The Causesof Political Cor ruptlon." By request she will also an swer the following questions: "Is not home the D roper sphere of woman?" "You say motherhood is woman's high est mission. Can he do a voter amy without neglecting this mission?' "Ought troinHti to vote when she cad not fight?" We have also been re- ouested to announce that there win oe . mootino In the Onera House to morrow at 2 o'clock for the purpose or organizing a "Linn County Woman Suffrage Association." Thb table of contents of the 0icr- fonof for March is more than usually full, embracing aonie sixteen article of a very Interesting charucter. Thl magazine, more than any other iu the country, I making or rather accumu 1 riling material for history at a rate that the general reader doe not dream of. awl for thi we honor it; luaeea without It monthly appearance She s-reat West would, in a measure, go unrepresented, while It energy has stimulated those who have beeen e ceedingiv neglectful of the vast re source of the Pacific Slop. Gat Hi noes, If you want titer latest pattern Of gate hinge, go to Clark & Wyatt'i and look at the Norton Selr-Cloiiig Gate Hinge. B. It. Osierhoudt, agent. COTTTY ASSE88MEST. Hon. John CoaoMCountyA-r, 'nJZiSi Iri labor of aoewiuenl imd "' , Ukiug. Wluw! what j'ft he liw before blm! TUB FAU-END Or aVBRTTaiNW EAI.KM, Feifu.a'ry 2d, 1875. Editor hemocrtttj ,f Yon ami your reader may be ,pUs od to hear s wor4!ftoitUi(pJil'i5i!ty' Of bur Slate:,,, H ' Within the past few days the quiet of our walk lias beeqi 'changed hj f the various public doings on hand. ''On the 17th, the State , Temperance Alliance presented tli ufaa barray . ! delegates, the regular ontl tiinu honor ed (?) speeches from "the reliable few" and the usual amount it bantiouibe and five minutes "spread eagle.1' It is not for a temperance man to pas upon an intemperate action of thl honorable body, but there have been some things done,' vi'erj bet ter, bad they remained undone. A ah example we may mention the pro tean forms temperance niay assume under the efficient touch of the inter ested manipulator. On the first day of the scission Its 4th; annual some 0ii3 to curry favor, it may be, with the ladies offered a resoluticn la menting the evil abroad In our land t'.ie eVIl of "selling gin" and a corres ponding drinking and further lament ing because somo Circuit Judge Im pose Only ten-dollar fines instead of 930 imposed upon"one lat? breaker of this county by a Justice and the; only wonder Is that be couldn't fine him more, The resolution after thus ar raigning our judge prayed St hit tfce "Crusaders'' should top St such Judf e' doore and I may addcompel these ungodly melt to fine the transgressor, probably utit!l some, poor victim shall cost the cause of temperance a thou sand dollars taxes, 'and th poof ijnan his boiies,. , -1.-" Borne well meaning .friend offered a resolution that prayer should bo made for the venders of strong drink , and that fermented wine should be banish ed from the ncmmenta;l table., This it seems, is more nice tuitt wist, but it may be well, for how many may have gone to a drunkard' grave, because they pressed the holy goblet to their vinriu and virtuou lip. (Thus fur we have hud Intemperance, Pray er for its votaries, a Macedonian cry to the Crusaders, a resolved change In tho cucharistio wines, and one good roan allowed that he squeezed the pure Juice out of the grape, put It into a hot tie. and placed the bottle in a tea feet tie and stormed ternientation. One thought in all soberness, a quart or blackberry Juice was the beverage for such occasion, H't;.' ' " ; Not' content with this confusion of subjects, the committee on political action throw a flre-brahd into the camp and cries aloud for County and State conventions In the, cause of tern perunoe. Therefore we may expeot to see the Issue between this new resolved party and their Jniag-lhary foes, to be political temperance,. We. can have no fears as to Us success, for victory sli all surely '(perch upon it banner," when this the dintiuc ti,ve difference, and notwithstanding other convention of other parties each endorse temper anee and notwithstanding the fact that temperance rinds a welcome on neutral as well as partlson grounds. And, dear Editor, after It all came the suffrage of woman how in place it was; and the resolution carried, by a close vote of three in it favor, three in the negative and none against. How very unanimous! ' To sum up what has been done! Some thing I favor, but who desires so many "irons in tlieflre?" Crusade, Woman suffrage, Prayer for a bad class, Nfw wine In old bottles, and Political action! Those who lavor all these thing together, love too much of a pudding, and I prefer one' at a time. But don't suppose for an in stant that I am a friend to the whisky ring. Shame on them they need no accuser! I endorse all mean rightly employed to forward the punishment of liquor aa a beverage, butlame times we trample a great principle oy our little cavils, murder a good plau by frlvolou special. Let woman suffragists, as such, have convention; let crusaders, a such, do their work; let political parties have a prouder aim than one principal -'which i common to all other, and let uthe votaries or temperance bo such, because it ia right, noi. because an office door thereby opens, and the cause, good 111 Itself, will eease to be a stepping atone to some, and a stumbling block to other. Yours, sincerely,, t, HARVEY HAI.FIOK.. Opb Nbw Poweb Pbbss. We have this week, with the valuable Bid of Mr, A,, L. Stinson, set np our new powor pros in the Dress-room of the aenvr atuco, where the public can be afforded an opportunity of seeing It grind out Democratic paimium with neatness and abwatch. It la a first- class machine, of the Taylor Drum-Cy lin dor patent, manufactured in Chicago, Ills. and cost us 81.51o.00. la Coin, UU1 down ui thi dry. A Um OnfrnVrkf In W be printed in our office, we have oia a one- half Interest in the press to that corpora tion, which will enabje thorn, to print a much larger and handsomer paper that! heretofore. We expoct to got moved Into our now Olflc next week whet! w Will be able W entertain visitors In our "best bib and tucker" or transact boshus with celerity and correctness. Rerncinbef, our latch string is always out. AfliAtsBt.-On tbo m thGo6dTomp- lars of Halsey held a festival for the ben eiit of their library, at which about f 100 wa realized. Truly a handsome sum ana one whJehwill aaaiat materially in the laudable enterprise named. Tho festival was held In tho afternoon and at night Kev. C. W. Shaw, of Salem, delivered a laotoro before the Library Association which Is spoken of In the highest terms ait'l Was listoned 10 by a crowded house of the intelligent people of that neighborhood; BAC'B To OkkooK.-W understand that Messrs. Sam. WeBrlde and Tho Hampton, who run a furniture store in thl fity eeral yearn agfi, but dually lecame discontented hd went bajk W Iowa, have Just arrived at Portland by steamer with their femllie and will make tbelr future homo "for keep" in Oregon. Tw ever thus. ,:, -i. . 1 is Tub Law.. f. Kayburn, Esq., one of the class recently admitted In tho Supreme Coort, hang dwt hi law t-day. He is a talented young i hit the fromiao of a brilliaii man brilliant fu J KUalBAND ABROAD. Spring. Itlustoryj Soino wetness. lonsuataaing. vi NofcotfarlnmaPlrail T D f P J St.tftek'sBttylsnoxt.' ' "! '"-' ' Jupiter Fluviua irrigating; Gardening has brokon out. Circuit Court next Monday. ; f jAit h empty House in town. ,t Ifavo you beoii to the revival? Corinthian Lodge to-morrow night. Go down in your briskerloons for your poll-tax.; 'i-' m Come forward and help us pay for our now press. ' .- -.. The past month was the prottlest Febru ary overseen.' ' Tho original ''how strotch'' across tho paternal knee. - Said a conceited young lady t "lournun aro a oovot-uB-sot.' ; -o -. -i, . . Torn Thumb is said to bo worth 300,0o0. Andyet he hi always short.' ! That poetry from Warm Springs is re spectfully declined. Too lengthy. Plant shrubbery and mend your trout gates for the moonlight campaign. , ... . Tho Methodist revival still goo on, and the attendance i as good aa usual. ) - A soft answer tumotu away wrath and often provontoth bleeding at the nose. : ' . It I better to be all . alone iu the world tlian tp bring up a boy to playoutheaocor- deon..--.- . : - : Fiad laws On fourth page- They are not us oxeiting as a "yalloy kivor,'" but fully The Albany U. P. Church and it pastor arc hereafter to ho supported by voluntary contribution. -, -; :i- Tho Grand Jury of Marlon county ap- piovos of tho managemont of the State Penitentiary. ' ' . ':'" ' : :! " There is a remarkable dearth of goings on tnd our local columns arc. correspond ingly dearth'. Noon-day prayer meetings are daily held in the vacant storo room next to Kline's, on First street. , , y' A ; "V." f j Mah goes out into the widoi wide ' world to battle and to die. Woman stays at home to make htm glad of it, ., , ;j , i (. . .. .5 . Calculations made upon the late transit of Vends, make the sun's distance from tho earth 88,443,726 mile. lfts Hanoi1, Rocordar Ilakor, is. aaarly throughiftlsessibg the city. Wo hear his assessment generally commended. A the spring trado is approaching the wise businoss man will not forget to adver tise In tho columns of tho Dbmochat, AVallace Mauioy, ye loclioal of ye Mr cr, gave our Anniversary Bali a splertdjd blow. . Ite was here and. know whereof he affirmed. 1 ! ' ' . , There's where a Utah has the advantage, lie can undress in a cold room and have his bed warm before a woman has got hor hair-pins out and hor shoos untied The Lebanon boys want to know what that gentloman thinks about bugologyand if he ha tnalvsod the peculiar character- istlos of that lonai ara called tho "red bat," The difference between tho soxos may be staled thus: A man gives forty cents for a twenty-five cent article he wanta, and a woman gives twenty-flvo cents for a forty cont article she does not want, A Milwaukee man hid In a public door way and Jumped out and klssod hi wife. She didn't whoop and yell, as he exported but replied: "Don't bo so bold, mister- folks around hero know me I" Our Balsam says the younkor who is wISo now bnyeth his Jimpson blossom's little brothor something nice, and so got 4ath the little rascal to make himself scarce whenever necessary thereafter. Hon. I. N. Smith Is canvassing the upper part of this county for assistance for the Yakima B. H. He can rope 'em in if any body can. We hopo evorybody will lend a helping hand In this enterprise, Jo. Liggett has returned from a trip through Benton county, and report that the citizens of Long Tom are generally talking of "lighting out" for the Falotue country or tialios Creek Mines in the spring. Sam. Mansfleldl down from Weston, and reports the Winter In Umatilla county as fearful cold, but stoek whon he left was doing fairly, although feed was about ex hausted. He has a farm near Weston and will make his future home there. Wash, says now that planting season tm near at hand everybody is discussing whether to plant potatoes ia tho light or in the dark of the moon 1 but Wash, think better way than elthor would be to plant em in ths ground! Wash. Is. too smart will die young. Ladles had better be a littla careful how they ask the opinion of gentlomon about Beecher'a gnilt or innocence. We bear of one who asked a gentloman friend if be thought Mr. B. guilty and when he Inno cently asked "guilty of what?" fonnd her- elf very red In the face and heartily sorry that aha had not Introduced some other subject. Whilo a certain religious revival wssln progress a couple of young ladies who were nightly visitors at the "anxious seat' were overheard to engage In the following truly pious conversation while on their way homo after the meeting 1 "Did that old preacher put hi arm around your neck r' 'Noi did he yours?' "Ys, nd I wouldn't have cared If It bad been the young one; but tho old follow he i hor. rid I" The action brought against O. A, Hill, a County Clerk, of Linn county, Oregon, I based anon a demand made by W. W, MeOohoneTor an ordor on the Treasurer of thi county, in favor of said McGohon for f 201 .90 damage and eosta in a road tried at the lost October term Circuit Court for thl county. Bald Hill, as such clerk, having refused to draw an order, being directed by tht County Court to th as refuse. The matter now coma to trial to the law, the County Court directing the action of the clerk. , T , , IM MEMORIAM. fM, At a niular memiin$; ol th Wftiiern 0ttr Uk1(I, Ho-10. 1. 0. U. T., ht.d on th M of MrcH, iSTiS, in follow I in rflulloni wro fttlrrfrfd 1 WHkrkaji II hoi plminwl rflvlho PmrldntM Ui iVnwfv rtir bti9U flaUr, Mkk. P. I Wim.iamb. 1mm our ttitdat Had trntiUni ht-f U thr- hm upptiM't Ua tho ' l(f mm, "It H nouRh , tYime up litplier rid WnKHKAM, VV rliit thl nurloM, thotitfti 1rrinfHilA, in to her wrm.i cntft i thw Um. HfwlwiS, That wt Imw Im Itilti afmrtto to Uia flttipffiafttlou ot Hlin wboto way ro Mt flmliiiKOtit. . , , . itXaw.ivfO, Tht wto.f our hrtf-H V)r.t Jfilnnmtotrio tjwTSHWl hiUtmtl m frtffifly Of nur botovrd nUtr, and that w reftiT(ii'nl fhm tnU merH'-ii of Jli.ii whoi Unpjreih ihn Wfiii('ith'fii(Ti.lftT'' s , t ifaw.ii.i 't hai 11 ahriii Mir ivirHrWtrim lli vlrttt-. of wr dfnrt"d ffifind nod ttf, kffnwlfi Itml tl AM-ittwIiiKcy U v upon t, nnd vrr M(OiMlii uou In tlit rjr .. ... .-1. . r tt Owilvnd, That Wiftr ttt 0ie9 frutloM bo fit to in tKTfvfd mm 1 17, na w .l 7r papers for publication. a. ri i,,ip.n,,,, JftfKI'H liloofrrr, HHM. A. A: ABNUl.O. , . M trtKirn. KirXiEWAY-KIKK-On th2th alt.. Bear fllrim, tit !.. a., MB. tlkoa'l Kivucwitir Sou jilasJLij.lAMiaa-allol Una eouutr. CoinpllaiaBU ncslrad aad oowsraUiUtlWros tendassd. ftunt me ra " sod wlnwi'a hsre, yiciuaia hifh ami blankatsantri ftsppy thosw who ran mnthriftt ' I0spsaeliQtJftsti'in4arrii, . eoimT DocaieT. J. It. Constable rs. Roel Ctislitr. Aatlon at law to recover money, (loo. It. Holm for ITIT. t!."H. Paine vs. Sophia Paine. . In equity for divorce. N. B. Humphrey for lTff, J. W. Baldwin for Kof't and Dial Att'y Whitney for State of Oregon. O.W. Cowon vfcVChas. Wilson. N. B. Humphrey and Geo. II. Helm for pl'ff. SB Henry Seller ot, ol., vs. Laura B. Moore. Suit In equity to quiet title. Dolph, llro nangh, Dolph At Simon for pl'ff. Jno. T, Craig pl'ff, vs. Francis Kendall eta). Suit in equity. Jo. Haimoti, - Whit ney & Montanyc for pl'ff; Geo. It, Uelnr and N. 11. Humphrey for deft. A. Carothera vs. linn county. In equity for correction of deod. Powell Fllnn f f pl'ff, Dls't Att'y Whitney and K. Tandy or Linn eounty,. ; . I Floiachner A Co, vs. Eagle Woolen! y ills Co. Siisttln eqnity ti foreclose mort-' gago. Solph, BronangU, Dolph A Simon forpl'ir. - 1 It. Choadle vs. E. S. ?iorrIll. Action at law to recover money. Powell Fllnn for" 'plU Geo. K. Helm and N. II, Humphrey for deft, - Win. pitman vs. Wilson Bnmp. F. A, Chonoweth att'y for pl'ff, Jno, Kehmy and K.astnthanfordert. ;, State of Oregon vs. Corvalll Y. B. W, R. Co. Bls't Att'y for State, H. K. W Clarke and Gob. R. Helrii for deft. " Board of School Commissioners for the salo of school lands vRusau W. Thorp ol 1. IU equity to foreclose lnortgaire, john Jones for pl'ff. -V ..... - The Albany A S. W. D. or Canal Cti, pl'ffs, vs. IS. H. Griffin, dort. Action nt law to roeovcr money. Powell A Fllnn att'y for ptTi- Willard Harris Vs. Wm. McC'allistor. Action at law to recover money. Geo. K. Helm att'y for pl'ff, Towell Fhnn att'ys dert. James II. Peory et al, vs. Geo. W. Gar land and Clarissa A, Garland, In equity for partition. Johns & Jones for pl'lf. Maggie M. McConnell vs. A. It. Mo- Comtell. In equity for dlvorco. F, A. Chonoweth, Johns A Jones for plff, Wst Att'y Whitney for Stato of Oregon. Susan Mulkoy et al, vs. William Pitman. ; A. Chonoweth att'y for pl'ff and John Kolsay att'y for dort. Ann O'Brien v. Richard O'Brien. Suit in equity for divorce. Goo. R, Holm for plffand Dis't Att'y Whitney for State, Wm. I; Itowhotise vs. William Peter etal. Suit in equity to foracloae mortgage, Goo. R. Helm att'y for pl'ff and Powell A Fllnn for deft. Jas. Kinney vs. J. E. Bentley et al. Suit in equity to foreclose mortgage. Geo. R, Helmforpl'ff. f Jno. T. Hafbln vs. Wm. Sklnher and Jas. Creswell. Action at law to reooror money, Geo. R. Helm att'y fur pl'ff. State of Oregon va. Jacob Todd, Indict ed last term for soiling spirituous liquor without license. Dis't Att'y Whitney for State. '' - ' Tho. Mtuiteith et at, vs. 3. H. Foster et id. Hill, Thayer A William for pl'ff, and Boise A Willi and Powell A Fllnn fordoft. John Loo vs. L. Elklns ot al. Action at law to recover money. Thayer A William and Johns A Jones for pl'ff, and Geo. R, Helm, Powell A Fllnn for deft. Andrew Wiley v. L. Kiklns et al. Ac tion at law to recover money. Thayer A Williams, R. S. Strahan and John Jons for pl'ff, and Powell A Fllnn, Boise A Willis, Geo. R. Helm and Wm. Strong fordeft. W. W. McGohon vs. G. A. Hill, County Clerk, of Linn county, Oregon, Writ of mandamus. Johns A Jones for pl'ff. Jennie Grubb vs. C. W. Gruuo. Bun ror decree. Boise A Willi for deft. Garrison Gorst va, Sarah J, Huston and E. B, Frum. Action at law to recover money. E. N. Tandy for pl'ff. BAHTtyiN OHEGON. Tks Weatbsr.a Htork-Tha BsarUrt srs A jNonrvrscalslMtti Bststsraiwurfy UI A string ot CosmsMsdrvnas asia aaai stasia Throats. Warm Srm.vag Agency, Feb. 25, Editor Democrat: I wish to nay to yoj, and to all whom It may concern, that we have passed through the dreary, cold winter, and are now happy. The eun i hlulng warm and pleasant, the tender grass Is hooting up upon the sunny hillsides, which Is great yieouragoment to poor shadowless cow and calve. Indeed the winter has been o (ever that many of them have been reduced to state of transparency. I was over to the beautiful Ochoco valley not long ago, and I noticed quite a number at dead cattle by the road-side. I was told that Messrs. CalloWay and Steele, of Wllloughby, had lost quite a num ber of cattle which they bad driven from the Willamette Valley last fall Also, that Mr. Andy Warren, of Brownsville, had lost some flfty head, but a he ha plenty of them hb (an afford to lose some. Blieep haye don very well where they have been fed. and in some localities have done well without reed. The loss of stock ba not been so great aa was at first report ed, and should the otolith of March be anything like It usually la In thl coun try, stock will do well from thl on, attended aa exhibition given by the Odd Fellow and Granger of Pflne vllle, for the purpota of procuring money to defray the of flt- tlna- no their hall. Thef netted the sum of t0 which would about pay for the corbel. I learned while there that Mr. m- ward Freeland wa very sick, (uflerlng from rheulnatlam In one of hi legi and that there wa nd possibility of hi recovery. I wa sorry to bear thl, aa Mr. Freeland I an old resident of Albany, nd a true gentleman. I hop he I not o bad a reported. I have not had the pleasure Of penis' Ing the Democrat or any other paper for about si I week". Don' t know whether the transit of Venus got off In good shape or not. Borne ay that the earth slipped one notch North at that t'tne. 1)0 you know If it Is o, and whether liny tep have beert tak er! to get It back again? Will we have to pay for palter that Were froften up at I'drtland? Do yon lliltik we shall ever see another tuper? All these fs U-s, III hg qtiMIOti Which we propose to understand before the next election, and If they don't give a a wagdii fond up tho fjoluhiblsl, We will shift down on your supply ot beef, roll Mt Hood Into the river, ami secede front the State, and leave you Webfeet to flit thing Just to ult yourselve. W give you fair wanting. CHiTike. FaHMroKHaLit.-K. K. Merrill l vertlse tut sale a fl ne farm of UtO acres, situated two Mil its from tills elfy, Look at Itis U ADYKBTISKMKNTa. ti NEW FIRM, KEW goods HAftRISBURC I MOTtO i LIVE A!l LET UTE!" II shall InalnrtifMo this iWofW In? (SWIM by putrouliiii ih ft IntaM aViso trttriiUntti lilts jtitrtrT of tor lnts pnrtiiers. Messrs. O; f Irrst anil AnsiKt!hrr. I am desirous of keeplnc Ilia liiiftimifts ttnlY, ton lnrtner standanl nffd ttt Etvf lh fullest MtlsfaelKni to rostoncrr.' f lfnti tHii with' rfbsh ha- Toioe of nsw goods, eonsluf In of Dry tlood, " . Clroeefle! Gent'l FafBiahlng iioodfa, I.adir' Irrea tioodsr, , II at at ap. Boots hhoe, 1 -: v ' . . Hardware,- , t'rorltery, : ... ttrt ste, . such as Is tnHthitf k hi riRSt C1ASS RETAll ttilXtlt . , Allot whloh I will sell st , ClREATt.Y RBDVCED PBK ES I Constantlf st tlXrid, AIBT2 LBR'S OElSBRAfED RAW HIDE BOTTOMED CHAIRS S,yt, MAT: vcn'My, -rowu - BRICK WC?ti.IC row fiia TATE t'AI'lTOL BililDIIICI AT BAI.Gtl. TIDWlt,I. llf? RECEIVEty FOR IjAYIm? 1 1 a 1 brleks nsosssarr to inoiosa sain Duua Inc aeeordins to Diana . and Booctlloattoits, which san bo teen at tae Architect' oruos In Hald'bMa must ba aeeonrsanrefl by an nr dartahlnf, with two or mora urrt) s, of not less tnao nre wr oiu. 01 hii,,,iih Mil Mnnilltlonoil that h ths oontraat bs award-' ed to tho said bidder h wtll srrtar into bonds for the faithful performance of said eontractr Ths bids reoslvod by tho Hoard for said brink worlt will so opened by said Hoard at thalr ofnoe, In nalem, on the Wtll day of March, at on. n'u oca n- m. or said nay,- i nn Board reserve the. stunt lo refect any and alt bills, I), a. coin will bo paid a. the Work ao. s1""'-. p, r,. Wilms, asatasarvj .; ,. . tMiOlu, rao. ln, laia,' niiw GUARDIAN SALE HEAL BATE i MjOTICF! IB HRlrtBY GIVK!( THAT BY 1 virtue ot an oritur made by the t'otifrty Court, within and for th County of l.lnn, stnto of Dregon, on tho 2d dsy of Foorflafy, 1H75, In the matter of trmestiite snA ctmritan, ship of Francis M. Fields, Mrffv E. FtIO. Ha rah 0. Fields and Wm. H. Fletils, minors, f, U. C, Cooley, iiisrdlan of tho persons and es tates of said minors, will, on Monday, tht lBth of March, lSS, at ths court house dob, Iff (h mt t tHny, In said county, of Um at the hour M one o'olouk P. M. of that day: otter for sale at pub lic auction, Ilia anfflvMe. Kmr-flnhs 0! the fi,ll,mlrr doserllxid real estate (betas; tho Interest ill s"ald minors' thcreirrl to- Wlt 1 The Moulfl nail ot llio noutn-eiisi qunnrr of section No. 1, In Tnwntttrp No. M of ItairBO No. 8 West, In Una eetfuty, Oregon, contain- '"Isiills'iSsW real ostats still fc oM rnr'gnfa mi. nf ihj, IT u.nn.llilrd lo be nald down on the day of sale, one-thlrd to he paid ths first dayorjaniiarf, ira, and rmr.llilrd tho first day of January, Is, with tfrfcfsst 6n the da- frrnid paymanm. at (ho rnle of one ior tttfit. r month, aooured by mofiijiifffl titt (ft rfinJ- U. O, COUl.KV, Uunnlini,. h mnniciiiin nu inn in Julius ioxm. Attorney n-jJvtt. AI'llllll0ritATtl'M or-" ' ' that bv virtu at aii orxlr mvtl by th I'.umiv rinsirt Mflihln an if lor th r'ount.y of Linn, Htntti of Oretjan, on tho tth Onjr of (M-(wmhf-r, mi. In lh mutter ttt th s.ut ot Ai M., de8ftrl, 1, John Htiftton, Admlc- litrator or tit m tn aaio mm. uiiMun, d3C8Ht, will, on -a Saturday, the J3tH ttf" Mdrchf 1873 atthCottlfmiMdoor In IhaOHjr of Alhanr In iatd county of Mnn, betwucn ih houf of v t'eloftk ( th moriitDK nrf 4 o'dloctt In lh renin.-of thai day. tfwH ; at tli h"r of I Vslrwtk rs m AlTr tnt aala at WtftHff lllon, tha followliiK deferltfl r tttnimt buInnRlnt to thu aoid citnta and ilttiata In id county, to-wit f Tha North-fiftrtt f'mrth of th- Hottch wmt (iiartrir, and lha North-Weil fourth at tha femitli-tiuKt Oiiartnr of Hrcllou So, 'Jfl, in Town hip No. 14, rtiiuth nf lUnK NO. 8. Weal, oon-tHlolnKWnrrr-. Terma f Bald ma! eitat will u .,.lf fM mln nt tha llnltart Mf !. one. half lo be r-ald down on the day f nlw, unrl the irinain-l.'r- Ift lx minltn nemirfd by malt gHa on ilia pf-tnuvM, liin nnnn;,!, Joiiwrt Jt Jon km, Aduilalnlrntof, AU'ya lor Admlnlatraior. 37w4. PIOTUBE3. SPECIAL fJOTICE M,Hmr,AAND STYT-EO AT PfllCtU TO on AnishlliB bhotioctaplis, , tttntimiMi. uniu luisniTviufliiu n ; 80METHINS NEW I 1 mdk tha copying and efilafRtftf nt old ttasriirrotvif-!. eU.. h iKJCiftllty, and my eharaea are M follow ; ,l win anrnrga imm froii In $&, fof the rtrit copy, and $1 for aanlUOnai COf'y. wnirii iww nmn It Udone forin Han Krauelaco. Call and mv iinrnpfel. sTriaUHiiwilon fuaranUBd of "H JX'9 At B lAXi'JN. nnn2itf. PRINTING PKESSI! fgllff? TI,VFH'1U.ATKn I!ANI BTAMI. A for printing nnmw on Morhtngr. Tti - Klntn one ittiii, arid la furnl"hit with 3 alphas, ia ol tyx lor i,.w, w Snlphii ftw ..;. The hur-UnuUHtainp. wltn I ati'tiabota af yi.' itti . i , . Tim ttri(ftved hrfnd Btump, pHnU S WBi-a. ti lis. mi Citiimitl;i ( ri Prlnifr. for biia- lnimnmA 'HLhri?, irluLe 4 II.-, wuu iu ahiitttK'U, " , lha m.iii.-n Man' PrlnMng 1tjm print Ujiff, with tHali.ljrt.Kita, . . Tlt Hiamomi i'nniing l'rwi pntila mrm 4 to!, tuchea iui-ir--i.i,f'. . -Awltof IndelllMa ImM. (nhtlrtK Pd-. " (ttrnHd (t- wUH eacii fare. All itst 'wr4.r. to NOntu tWnaaiA AJoy, ooo ADTB V 1 I 9 '' " !' NX Mm-iiuoiit m sATi ASTia f yea mat fiiA s.-;, 1 Use them, to relieve the Stomach and -1 bowals, and deans the tlrbolo A!! " maotary Onxi 4t ytit wad i iVer .'iaia'scf, Use thm, to restore the action of this. " Orpin, and to remove all obstructions M tk biliary duct, and you get rid of felilou Dyspepsia. , , 1' 1 . ! it, I j t it yoi mat t &Cd &asa8vtt, ' Cse them in small doaea, and thegf trill retsaova a Costive habit of body, trhich, if let alone, map generate ' serious disease, -.v.' - lh Jayas'a laaatin Pill are helpfui also, In Stcto Duma, and ror what in . known aa "Impurity of tht 1 Uluoi." 1 They may be takon at all time wttS oat dajsger, and while rising them,yo may eat and' drink a nsnal " , ' Prepared only by the Proprietors, Das S. JatHi A Sort, Philadelphia, and sold : 1 by Crane A Brigharo1, Wholesale Agents, ban Francisco, nd by Srngglsta getM '. ..." .j&nba ii,owA.t, .,' jjEJMj!OK,C)liEGON , 1 tiiLKit rs " 6ciRAL MKIUniSDISCI WILL Kit AIWA.YS 8H KAKO H FULL STOCK 1311-ltf , GOODS J Groceries i i. -a-si-w-w-sr-wT- A -sra w . iliVJ tl V Jl -AU ' ' Boot stRit Sho I Aft for Sail al Hit lwort frioos for CAJrj ii I'rtOblJCK; ...... ATI persons O'hifr A. Cowan ft Coi caa seltls (ly eftltlne off m at behstton. i ; . tomtiti. " JA.MKS L. COWAN. , empIre bakery j piioVisioN STOiiEi JOIII, SCIII.IKl.I.f OSr. Pint sV HUiwosmh St. Albany, Or Xea.s eosilsptlj a sac a sett .lite asssrf santr a ro Cartas aad Veg-ataolos' , ( macti aad raacy Oandios! Wiaaf aad Caused fruits! Oif lrrsj Ptjo irad Tebaeesi " A 00 arerytataf slsa to to round la first olaM. - Fstail raaall; lirvesrj ana nouon nsiaonia- nent. "Hs and let lire," is ray mono, san shall ba las sis, of ssy siaansr af doallng wit SMstoMers.- Call aud sea o. TTn37yl. . ... . . iJU" at;tlMr,r,n. ,t k Gem wotli RtaJiBgl-1 Diawsd wortli feiaj! SAVE TOUR ETES! ' Bettor toui Sightl I 1 Mnw ,, SOS,"',rtC0 . ! IHSVS anas raw oiaviavneo, s rraatMsr r Illwe- I tr.Ult HIVMIl)l.IUY Illlllliri'i Tells aw to Restore Itnite-tr- M V!st and Orerworfext I-r!Bi ieMM Wemls. Wetlarv. i II IV il r ,1 . m Heait)is!huil Byss, asui au outor lia S)SMMaoV the atyes. . . - ' , Tsri so miuim Hbmtif nr jajtrmKit . turn oiA.iim oy tour nosh jko riotmina rouH pacm. pamphieriii t;oaMsiUotS'ra. eat yowsaUuU-oa Agents "Wanted, teats ar Mist fit to HO dsy soref4 taU aartlealars seat rrea, Brt'.. lniilunelj, DB. J. BAIL ft 00, fP-o. bw4 sW.UIaaai4lwXitav,aX. , , ) A C'ABIt. A H. BEl.t, PAHKUrt, I.ATK llr IIHW- con t'ily, lss leave to Inlorin tho tml'lio thai they nave uorrllnseil tne enure enti-a ui sieaieines eio:,- lormeriy owouu ui ... , Hon, ami. that ttii-y design, ciinllnuing the business ift tile old statul, wlieto they fm- Four to Kiwp in 1 110 IIHlirc, ftHUI nrworsmm m iniK", ;htiilalB, I'uUiut M'iiclm-n, Toilet Ai llelfB i(nrt "vprythlng nuMy found In a drat slnNNdfurf itorc, , l. ttta ItiM'tol ironiB" hrrptororo axfnded to the oi, lirniMf, Wo hopo at the wune time, hf fair ana niMTfti tlfnntiK, ana cnrtiui mirtn lo the want" frf ctiM.mi' rfi to inmit tb ftaffi or any hKW frleiiUiioiuy favor ii-wiUtU.otr order. 1'itrtictiiar attfnnon wtit w etwpo mww j-'f oouiulfiiL' of uhysU'lrtriji prcfM-fh.titniB nr.d ma ny reoeiitta at flit noura in urn any tyt ai U bmira yf tho dn or iduht. Biicce"wr to It. C. UlU A. Ill llftl.K 1 Hoy; ; - ntftf. Albaay. Or ton, Uet, Vth, W(i. WCNOER GF TRE WORLD r Look isre, weary omt n. tilE itiui tmi pmt i(h best, cheeoeet and most dumhla ma.", and will U ixAhlnt ti find out What It will lo. '' '""J.""',",' Urn. as the .rntliltry Is fnll of them. '1 ha 1 11-' max eait lie tnul I'.y cnlHiis u 'si' a(:'i. from W. tr.MfKflriml'Un l"f'.Alt.m,y. Tim pfleeof this womb-rliil inaehhio wnavs from. u, l,l), anil worth the nlU'iilln ;f every family In the Hlnle; don't fall to sea it below tuiKrhoslnB Ssy irther. , KI.I IIAZ.'.I, Uiuewl Alfent tor ths Stata ot Orejcon. nistf. . NOTICE TO TOiliHO.ttKa . tlHR FtKMT MKHISf? the srtv i-f(tir)iluMi ci!(tl Htoclt "t UieAtdrt rrult rn'arrvtlit. of Allmtiy. i.!i,Hl lie hwkt at tha t unrt fiouso. In ttiitCHJ' of Allmny, hinn coimtj', ( wtKuo, on Ute , loth dtiij of Jfdnjii A. aO. ft mie h'cldtik tn llio ivftcrtiotm. f'"' t P'" pmi'tit v-ii-fHur (nil If-iB than thrw) Mr-i .r, aa the (tfoUimNrr v''?int "Irnll .Irt'itoiiK-i ftml tfiis)Siu-ltii'.t nil tAhrt l)M?n-w. '-- - UmfT tin !uiu'e of this Hlnif-t ' ' (dii at aoittt iiHwiinj. , y o.d,r of ha o.nrd XTiViT AfataAKT, Orf(Toli, f oU. "1- tt.itt ilH! ('.' WltllV llf Ii"" in Mi rot ! nnd alt iwrworin tr-i tNt JkIl b e J i .i-MUMO-oy"1 i