The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 05, 1875, Image 2

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    l I I II I MM ll i . .
i ,
A FKAUOHiri. 4ADB. .
on Wusre opposed tothe Iliemr-crRtle principles,
,Wi" uomuKiiiMi: tmri. U UIIOI lll'lnl naVC ur-
.VIVFthantriingli'ioflta last (our yours) and
IboOonioeraUo practices. lOrugonlan tub. list.
. Thepregqnitin is on onaalji, in a
political' sense.. For w few weeks
Jaftbr'Wls oiiiaiana outrage its .coif
wiina bristled with indignant protests,
..Jlgftiuat military-interference - nd
teemed with- the' most radical affiV
,-jijaatipn ,ol the -doctrine of Stat
Rights, 'n yoint 6f ' fact jjts uttef-
anoca were so eminently Democratic
and perpendicularly correct that we
ielt'os.tliough, we had indeed. ,i Itich-
mond in the -field a champion ih
Wh6sa Valor wo might with Asafetj
confide, iu whoso pnre bosom wo
might 'repOBe our Deinocrafie head!
and jnto willing ears we might
pour this burden of pur political'
griefs with the, freedom 'of a guileless
che-ild. - We even permitted burloT
to boil over ' and 'run-down on tlie
outside-to the extent of jufribrng or-
tHbdox Democrats i$'tt&6 ' lot tliree
or even bix months on probation, pos
itively averring that we had, it .'and
honestly believing that, it, wag ours
e.wn into the last ditch I" Yea,' we
wereevon willing to share our bed and
board with the newly converted Mag
dalene, .bejieving that it were bettc
to peril our ! immaculate 'Democratic
garments in th oontact than to stove
the repentant Sinner froto our dpor.
But, ftks.for we'unsj! alas," for, trust
fulness confidence and faith 1 Afteri
sharing our lioapitulilc entertaiunienfc,
drinking in out confidences; reveling
in our socialities, feasting from our
bounty, languishing in our earessing
arms and eagerly sipping the sacclia-
nforous deposits J rami our Demo
cratic lips, fpr the past fortnight, fhe
abandoned jadehna suddenly betaken
hersqlf to her old hauiits'in the Rad
ical brothel, carrying away with her
not only all the 'presents, which had
been lavished upon her by the gener
ous Demqcmticasulicsinto whose
midst she had been warmly wolcomed,
but bearing away as j wqll the plate,
silverware and , housqhold H goods
.which lay in her way,,flnd which are
emblematically represented by the
j flodfidences and good faith -which" we
all reposed in her reformation.' "
- It is a sudden and Sorrowful (Tcin
olition and smash-up of our hopes in
tho'faif but fiaudful fomalo! 'nd'h'as I
taught us n useful but 'bitter lesson
for our future guidance.,,, JJproafter
we advise our Peiupcnitip .friends to
repose no more fuith: or.flonfidoiiee
in , thsBO half-faced, Dylly ,Varlcn
journaluttio syrens,, who-ibppraacn
them clothed in the beautiful, and
pleasing robes of Independence and
Roforiii, but the which covers a heart
of mercenary selfishness d ndt a body
of easy 'virtue. ' "' , ' '''"'j''1 " ' ..j
As we are opposod io' Grooleyhiod
politicians'., .taking, the lead incur
ranks j so aro wo opposod ,(to, these
skipping, frnudful, will o'iwip jour
nals being taken, fottored, pampered
and-'fattened-by the' person "which-'
they are ready te insult and the Viands
wliich thoy too ready to' rcnd 'S cii-'
prienitiy suggest 'dr intotOHt dictate,
If our' vmrtiavii friends' want tho
Oregofutm as a medium of gaining
information, lot (ieu,take it ;. jt is a
good ncwitpaper, well up in all thode
partruoutB of news literativra t i Trut
don't say any more tllnt "it is good
enough Democratic papor for me,"
or be blinded by Its spocVpus' sophis
try iiito the belief that thora, aruiuy"
of tho fuiijiioiontid pi'iiicipluavf (Jim
Btitutioiml Democracy in its coinpo
sition. As such, it is a glaring fraud
and a shameless imposition. v ' '-
. , , Vtved the stnnrtfi
" l3kMaloiuddr-4tt-M,h-&ai'm ". Vice President Wilson is either an
Staleman saysn.j . aspirant for Grant's Presidential.
"Brotheb jUowh, of the Albany Uhoos or else hek aremarkablvfrniit
Democrat, is 'obvio.y' ot "plcascdJl honest BificatV :H is out in a
uerranti s uiej: a
This is an uri-fairirogontatibn of,
our position i;the jlfiri:Rnd matter.
We have hot1 So expressed ourself,
and no sentence has appeared in the
Demockat which could be tortured
into sinA a construction. We do
.not'aee how His Excellency could
have consiaiejtHijuid docently avoid-
ijd comuiutin the ,HeBtQuco of Ger
rarjd a,fter the recpmuiendation,of the
'justices oJflxe Supremo Court had;
beenoianded him--- Whht' before Was
Sinlplfa consistent dutirminatioo to
psffwrh a'-Sworn duly would, after
that iive been, rqadily, construed in-
tf .,pjlbrn, gtrejlulic, and would
iiaKti.'-bnen!. snatched . at as' a sweet
morsebeo bef orted utidcr'the tongues
of His' pblitic.'il' e'rietnies.'. ..What - we
P'.ti00?1 49 ,t!J nias i Ay which a
state, of. sympathy Land :feeliDg was
worked up in behalf of the' murderer,
in tUeverV faco;"bf , Jiiii double trial
and ' j.ulilp " pomjafiiqu,: j 'Xhis was
all clone in Marion .county whore the
Scene I. the: tragedy was laid and
where Ls 'bad- 11 'ftillost' benefit of
,"tlin't. jnTiirjjed'jiiiil,' liberal justice"
rrrriNo. It is eminently fitting
juijt now, wo mean Andrew Johnsitn's
election to the S. Sduato, It will
be remembered that whpn hp, yius
President he , summarily, (listi)iwvd,
Bhoridan from Now ' Orloaus, anton
isliiug his cabinet with Urine: brave
words . "Gentlemen, if it turns the'
Government upside down, 'Sheridan','!
norony other general should not, tisurp
tlio civil authority, and trample, it
ignonnnlously under foyt," , We pre
diet that Andy vJl make it ratlior
torrid for Grunt and,, his, minions
when he gets fairly iu tho Senatorial
harness. Ho will be 'one1 of the
ablost Senators 'pn the,' Icmocnitii;'
side and will be ablo to nicusuni
lancos witk any Jladitul tliere.
Tho aping of royal airs wJrtch Gen
eral Grant so conspicuously mani
fested in sotting up an equipngeVilK
gaudily liveried coachman and foot1
man has 'excited tho emulation of
some of his admirers. Vory naturally.
the .imitation distpmper breiika out
iuul, vioiouOy in a steVlo. , in a re-
oont number of one of the sourt jour
nals, the WanUinRton Chrmblt, k
a horBS- b&r1ir named Titvlor ndror-
Usoi himself as'' PMfuHaiunal flipper
to the Presidont." The Huw York
Sun thinks that if !Ir.. Taylor onM
get up inai-hiuery to clip oil Grant's
third term aspirations, the country
would have some reason to rejoice In
his vocation. ' "'
Tim Millerites havo settled upon
the 30th of March as ascension day,
but -the Det roit Je& Ptvtt says that'
for men who etpect to be in heaven
which, ..pur ,Sslem contemporary
affects w, bo o proud of. : .
i lt'qaimot he ' denied -that the
aWesti efforts ,: 'had boon made by
learned counsel inhis defense. -The
courts jjiadi, given him the fullest
benefit of all legal technicalities, and
the Governor 'had even interposed
rjxucuuva clemency jOjppstpoue ins
doom as'fon'g as it was possiblq with-,
putyioliiting thei jnnjesty of .thd law
or outraging the 'designs Of justice,
Twice Had I'd ' necij tried by twelve
goott and,, ,truo men, ,of his , county,
who wei-p, imdpr solemn oath trvgive
him 6very benefit of a doubt of his
gUilt which'lniglit occur' 'to an un
biased nfind''h'iid' twico liadho been
convicted.of wilful, and promeditatod
niurdorvflCjNo stronger case of do-
liberately concocted and fiendishly
executed mnrdrtf haa over boon made
out in the anujls ofQHr, State. Yet,
notwitliHtfinding all these patent
ovtaoucoB of guiH, it is the boast of a
largo nmnlber. ,iof parens of both
.sexes thati thoyi' loft no i effort uit
simrod to s'eenre his 'relc'aso from tho !
1egai penalty of liU cAmo'J Petitions
,were eiroulatpX-'exciting nud sympa-
thetio nowspapor articles woro fulmi
nated, pulpit orations wore hurled
forth, processions of, petitioners
hesiege'it the' Governor's , pffice day
nftdr day, and oveiy possible dovico
and clamor woro brought into
requisition to ' constrain His Excel-
Joiitfy to bo" swaj'od front the path
of duty and ,tq, ehield tlio nuirdorer
rum that doom which Hie courts of
justice, had twico pronounced upon
hiln and which had boon fully ap
proved by tlie Ji ig-lieut court of resort
unown, to our cpmnipnwpaLUi.
' This wo boliovod then and believe
still was all wrpnpj,''nnd it is infinito-
ly to the credit. of Ilis'Iilxnnlloncy
thitt ho ...wljthiitc((id,,),this piusistwit
siogn of .tho .clamorous soutimcutal
ists, , paying' no hoed lit their maudlin
niviiigs. ' i Tho' Viand " of ' liuircurial
peWhsof 'all'j sexe fo day , after
day liau'uteil. h.iS oiHce,,aud sveu in
vadedihidiiuesti! oavile, dononnoing
him as crjiol, unmprciftd! and heart
ls1n tefn'siit tit ilitovfuvo botwoeii
Go'rraiiHnnd tlio , 'hjvIIpws, in .their'
exipiisito, Bonsibility for tho nmr-i
dorer, ovidcnlly rout sij'ht of the
iminlored Vii'rini'iii cMiti'mpl.itioh of
tlio'laVjjr'a'UitlmV iiulliiig'fiiUi.
r'HuiilijU'cjy'lnj .pfoaded with his,
mwdqror for.j liiH.i lifew on bonded
lqieo,- tiler iwair n mercy 'shown.
Ho liesLmihl,' ifn'i'li 'nilit'Wlcnt niidor
tli6 witltoV's suowM,' vliifo'!ia nioiini
ing yyldyw. walks , )io oalih ','bar
ing n lifs-Uug knftger in hor heart."
No 'thought of her whito, strickon
fact) SfaVod Iho'bnllct of 'tho issasslu;
nd'iar of, l(oi; grk.and ouy tuauw
to Jmv'q entui-od, into tho giiinds of
thuso iwhose loud boast' 'It is that
they hrfro-sai)d tlift nitirdoror from
tho ' doiitli 'whloh' j ,ho ," so fiendishly
meted put ,to.'Uis,,intiiu. Wo ask
thus wfw lisva,iutl'Uitod thonisnlvtia
V) ttiitivsiy .iu.iUeiniml's' behalf to
lottiortotho Springfield (Mass.) Re
publican in! which he substantially
asserts that tho1, Republican party1 is
on' the brink of dissolution from
which it can be saved only by the
most wholesome reforms. He asserts
that its peril comesnot from its own
fault, hut from tho misconduct of
men who have held high positions in !
it. It must, hp says, at once explic-
itly declare against a third term, and
thus relieve the publio mind pf a
painful apprehension, and put to rest
at once, and forever a fear which does
more than ought else to alionate the
people from tho party. It ought to
remove many office-holders, high and
low, and enpocially some of the high
er officers, whose management has
become offensive to tho people, find
whose conduct both in thoir depart
ments and in general affairs make
them and the party odious. It must
adopt a .conciliatory and firm policy
in Southern affairs, avoiding irritat
ing Federal interference,' and taking
off tlio heavy hand of Government.
Eijual rights of the blacks must be
defended, but unconstitutional acts
and measures of doubtful constitu
tionality ought to be avoided. Pub
lic opinion of the North must not be
offended by violent acts or languago
toward the South.
All this array of abuses wliich he
cites have boon concocted and up
held by tho Republican party through
all thephazes of . its existence, and
as it is only' now perceiving the ne
cessity of a reformation, since the
late elections thundered forth the
people's disapproval, it is scarcely
possible that the voters of the country
will be hoodwinked by any profes
sions of reformation and, promises of
better behaviour which that partv
may be frightened into-making. Its
whole career has been marked by a
system of abuses and corruption such
as no party ever exhibited before,
and the outraged people have decreed
its fate and doomed it to oblivion.
It is already a reeking, festering car
cass, and 'is only awaiting its final
burial m the year when we will cele
brate the One Hundredth Anniver
sary of our National Independence.
jiilt- ithdmwivei in '' tlio, ' place of
Hnhnard'H mLur'u'iiij'" 'relatives, li'
any ono of Ihesi! notujitively merciful
binloguut of thai. Governor had boon
liVNituf.a- husband,' father, brother
or son hi this Mulish, maimer, it is
safe Jd v.redu';r'.th'iit instead ,wf their
names appuariujfon the petition fur
the luilrdtTor'a escape froin 'death,
they would liav made every possible
exertion "to secure' his speedy and
oondigu.pimiHhiont. :
; AVu. have had 'no feeling in this
case other 'than ft desire to sop
outraged lnw'vimlinltod nud justice
auTu;A'piit,;lo'tho, end hat life may
be thi UtUir secured ,wid tho more
sacredly gimrdwl )niuSt' rnckless
rtsBSBsiiiH Slid 'revctiRufn! niurdoVors.
,'IM"., ft tnii ii ,'-
Tui! editors of Ui'o twy' dai-
' Our friends pf the Bulletin vio last'
mouth predicted that when tlio new
Congressional Committee got through
with tho investigation at Now Or
leans a fur different report wpnld be
mailo of existing affairs, are politely
referred to tho following dispatch
which appeared in their columns last
Monday ! " I
WAsiiwoTON, January 30. The
nropomleronce of private ndviccs
from Mow Orleans indicate that the
Congressional Committee will sub
stantially concur in tho report made
by Phelps and his associates of tho
nub-comnuttoo. that tho action of the
Returning Board was a villainous
ft'lmd, without which the Conserva
tives had won an undoubted triumph.
"Villainous fraud," coming from a
Republican Cpngreseional Commit
teo, in denunciation of Republican
outrages', doesn't sound exactly or
thodox, That Committee will have
to be deolarod White Leaguers and
g'.'.J. .L. 1 . J. . . 'J
Tho Washington dispatch,' dated
last Saturday' says "the President is
weary of State-making" and will
therefore not interfere in tlio Arkan
sas muddle This is cheering intel
ligence, and will bo bailed with de
light by every patriot in tho laud.
Now let the President withdraw
Ptrgau ' Sheridan and his soldiers
from Louisiana and send them to
guard tho defeuccloss settlors ot( the
frontier, and permit the sovereign
voters of that. Ktuto, as Well us other
commonwealths of tho South, to ro
ulnlc their own domestic concerns in
their own way freo from molesta
tion or iutorferonco at tho bnllot-box.
This is tho only consistent way to
show hit weariuess of "Stato-makinir
and the Boouer ho does it the more
readily will people boliovo in his sin-
CoNmii-iKs last .Monday floored one
of our Railroad projects. Tho dis
patches state that Sprugue, from tlio
Commit too ori Public Lauds, report
ed adversely on tho bill providing for
tho permanent location of the south
ern torniinns of the Oregon Central
RailroAd, and to tho nnieudond net
granting lauds to aid in tho construc
tion of a railway and tulogrnph line
from Poi thind to Astoria and MoMin
ville, Oregon, approvedMay 4, 1870.
It was innVtlnitoly postponed.
Now comes Mr. Warren Cronston,
ono of tho jurors who couvictod Oor
rand of willful and premeditated
murder, and parados a card in the
SUih siimn atiirming that himself and
two othcf jurymen never did positive
ly uiuko up their minds, to Gerrand'a
""ATI over Oregon thud.
Supreme Court about through.
Wood 88 per cord at TheI)alIes.
Gerrand is snug in the penitciT
tiary, ' ' f "i
;"OId King Coal" reigns in Coos
county. ,
California Stato prion has 1,000
Congr essman ' LaDow is happy.
It's a sou, ,..(.. .
A coal mine is thought to be found
iu Astoria.'
AV heat is quoted at Dayton at 70
cents per hifliel. ;
A Dalles butcher has slain and
cured 500 hogB this winter.
A Californian will next year bring
3,000 Angora goats to Oregon.
The woman suffrage pullets will
cackle in Portland next Monday., , j
Dr. Davenport, one pf Portland's
wealthiest citizens, died last week.
Nevada expects to produce from
her mines this .year JGO.OOO.OiW -in
bullion. . , , .
Caliiorniatis are standing on their
heads with delight over theii1 crop
prospects. " ". ' ',
A preacher has rocovered and been
discharged from the Washington
Territory asylum. ' I. ii
An aged Portland beggar twice at
tempted to drown himself" last week,
and twice was fished oat.
John Spikcr, of Virginia City, Mon
tana, died recently leaving $5,000 to
his heirs, who are not kuown.
The Jacksonville Recorder is a high
priced cuss. Ho charges $20 a side
tor an ordinary stoga fisticuff. .
: Roseburgers got up a ball for tho
grasshopper sufferingors. Of course
in such a cause it was a grand "hop."'
i Tho second term of thd Christian
College,, nt Monmouth, commenced
on Monday last with a fair attendance.
Mr. E. O. Norton has quit localiz
ing for the Salem Becord and gone
over to tho Statesman. . He is a rus
tling itomizer. ! '
Mrs. Lamb put a head on James,
her refractory husband, for which act
of tyranny sho slept two nights iu, the
Portland Tombs.
Tno Polk county fanners being
well prepared with food and shelter
for their stock, lost but few or houe
during the cold storm.'
Mr. . John Bush, of Santa Anna,
California, was practicing at a mark.
His aim wasn't gpod and his little 12-
year old boy sleeps iu the valley.
A Western paper chronicles a mar
riage in this suggostive style: "Tho
couple resolved themselves into a
committee of two, with power to add
to their number." 1
Win. F McCary, postmaster at
uancr uy, uieu Jan. 2lst.. and on
tue zm, Ueo 11. 1 racy had a petition
in circulation asking that ho (Tracy)
be appointed P. M g
I ho Itvmhcr says: "Sickness
throughout Polk county . has been
very provalont this winter. The
suarlot and other fevers being the
principal maladies."
The Astoriaif oame out on Thurs
day of last week as a daily. ,. We are
glad, of tho prosperity of our contemporary.1-'
It will riri on that line dur
ing tho summer months.
An Albany young lady who was
last week visiting in Salem, caught
her hair in the candle blaze and is
now compelled to wear a wig. She
will Backus in this statement.
. On Sunday before last, seven per
soiia, five ladies nud two gentlemen,'
were immersed hr the river amid
floating ics and drift wood; by Rov.
1. r . Campbell, at Monmouth.
Tho Salem Fanner wants to know
''what Oregon can exhibit!1" Just
now we should say sho was exhibit
ing a lot ul mad editors who have
had their patent entrails I'rpsu out.
Somu gay Corvallisittg have organ
ised a social club and elected officers
as follows: Presidont, V. S. Huff'ard;
Vico President, II. E. Haskius: Secre
tary, Geo. Gerhard; Treasurer, Hale
liackcusto. .;..,
A young man died for lovo In
Marysvillo last week. Ho startod to I
sue bis girl, iu the uountryj aud' was
drowned , orossuijr tho Hellespont
(Saoi-amento river, we believe it is
vulgarly called). '
Tho directors of the Union Uni
versity Association will , probably
give a grand ball, at Lane's fault,
Eugene City, ; Monday evoning,
February Slid, for tho buuefit of the
Stato University. , '
The Dalles tJfomtainw has not
heard of much loss of (took as yet,
probably owiug to the dryness of the
snow, which prevented a frozen crust
forming, so that cattle , could travel
without outting thoir feet.
The Jiullitin behaves itself belter
than most of owp exchanges iu the
ed by a drunken husband, how much
greater must be the aggregate suffer-'
ing of sit wives aud sixty children,
all belonging to'piic reckless iavolerJS,
The kingbolt of the stage coach be
tween Salem and Dalles, brojto last
week aud the driver and 1 several
passengers were thrown out in tlie
enow. Tho horses ran with the fore
wheels about a quarter of a mile and
brought up in a snow bank.
On the )8th ult. Snake river was
frozen over and passengers and mails
to and" from Boise City arid "Silver !
City crossed on the ice. We believe
this has not happened before since
1i4g5. Tli,e sleighing is excellent all
the way from Silver to Boise , City.
Tho Coos. County Mecrd is a nifty
little sheet, bubbling all over with
fresh reading matter. Messrs. Tower
& Hanscom knov how to entertain
the public. What with the Record
and Xews (Tom Merry's paper) lhatj
remote county stands at the top of
the country newspaper ladder.
Tho tonnage at. Astoria now
amounts to 7,700 tons, and, embraces
a list of elevon vessels, three of which
are over 1,300 tons register each. ' It
may not' he at all improper td remark
that of these .vessels four , or five'. of
the largcut are from San Francisco in
ballast'to load with wheat at Astoria.
From a couple of farmers residing
near Baker City, the Herald learned
that slock is beginning to show the
effects ofjcold weather- Unfortunate
ly hay is scarce, and stock raisers are
beginning to feel very "iixidus about
their cattle, etc. Sheep seem to
stand the cold better than any other
kind of stock. ,
Tho peoplo of Lane county are
requested'io meet at the usual places
of voting m their resepectiva precints,
the 20th day pf'Feburary, 1S75, ;and
choose delegates to a county meeting
to be hold at Eugene, "on Saturday,
the 27th day of Feburary, 1875," for
tho purpose of devising ways',, and
means to finish tlie Stato Uuivcrsity.
' The Olympia Echo of Jan. 28 6ayB:
"Thirty-flve square rigged vessels
sailed Up to Port Townsend on
Saturday last over 40 vessels
altogether.. This handsomo little
fleet of sailing craft was made up out-'
side of the straits, not for tho purpose
of surprising, our people, but on
account of the high winds which pre
vailed along the coast.' , ' A
On Saturday before last Policeman
PkUsh, of Eugene, arrested about a
mild from J unction two men supposed
to'be parties who are badly wanted
both in Nevada and .California.
They answcVcd the description of two
escaped convicts from San Quentiu,
who also robbed Wells, Fargo fcCo.'s
express iu Nevada. The rewards
offered aggregate 82,81)6.
' We aro told, eays tho Lafayette
Courier, that a party of six young
gents and ladies of'McMinnville went
A gunning a few days since. The
three ladies suoeeded iu killing fifteen
ducks and wounded another. One of
the boys rushed up and emptied tho
six chambers of his revolver at tho
prostrate bird. It is needless to say
it succeeded in getting away.
The Owyhee Avalanche of Jan. 18,
says, A largo snow slidecaine tearing
dawn the east side of the mountain,
about a quartr of a mile above Silver
City, yesterday afternoon, passing
within ten. feet of the old Couuty
Hospital, crossing tho road and com
pletely filling up tho bed of Jordan
creek. The noise produced by it re
sembled the runiblins : of distant
thunder, and the hugo mass pf snpw
came with such velocity aud force
that it dashed quite a distance up the
mountain on tho opposite side of the
canyon. , . .
The son ot Mr Hunsakor, post
master at Goshen, Lane county, had
his leg amputated just belew tho
thigh joint on Wednesday of last
week. The limb was broken about
ten weeks ago, and since that time'
the leg has been allowed to gradually
contract upon itself, tho points of the
two bones working entirely through
tho. flesh; and becoming separated
from each other about four iuches.
Dr, 'Sholton was called to see the
case a few days ago,' and advisod
amputation as the ouly means of
saving tho hoy's life. i i.
Tho Layfayetto Courier is respon
sible for thu following: We learn
that one night duriug .the. resent
"cold snap" a young lady heated a
good-aizod rock and placed it in tho
foot of her bed for the purpose of
keeping hor pedal extremities tropical
Wo should tliiuk sho succeeded
amirably. Almost anybody, oould
keep thoir tent warm when the foot ot
the bed was on tiro.' Tlio rock buru
cd through a fualhor-bod, . two or
three pair of blankets, quilts, eto.
We vesterday announced the es
cape, from the penitentiary, of three
convicts named J. D, Brown.. Thoa.
McLane and James Murphy. The
last two named, having escaped to
gether it appears that immediately
after escaping thoy took to the .water
and followed up JV1U1 Creek for sev
eral miles to avoid being tracked.
After leaving the creelt they started
aeross the prairie and were seen near
the liickey place, by Mr. Jno. bhruni,
who was hunting in that locality ; a
short time afterwards they were seen
passing through Shrum's farm, and
making toward tho head of Howell
Prairie. Yesterday morning Mr.
John Orchard, who lives about six
miles east of Marion, went out to
feed his stock, and as ho was throw
ing hay from the mow, he was start
led by a yell coming from under the
hay in wliich he last stuck his fork.
Upon further investigation it was
found that two men hud taken refuge
in the hay, one pf which tlie fork had
penetratoc! to tho depth of about two
inches. . i Thoy claimed to have been
discharged from a steamboat lying at
Salem, and had started for Albany
to hunt work, but having drank rath
er freely had crawled in there to
sleep off the effects, and begged to
be allowed to remain a short time.
Mr'. Orchard went to the house", and
nofifyed his sous, I'James and
Milton, who armed themselves and
returned tor tue purppse pi investi
gating 'matters still further. They
tms time aiscpvered that the men
were clpthed in the garb of cpnvicts,
and after retiring a shprt distance
for copsultation, thd striped-clothed
gentlemen were seen to rush from the
barn through an ppening caused by a
plank being pff. ' Mr. Orchard .and
his twp sphs gave chase, and after
coming within shooting distance,
raised. ,, their guns and cried halt.
This had the effect of stopping the
vagrants, who immediately sat down
anil awaited the coming of their cap
tors. On. approaching one pf the
cohvictsremarked thatitlooked"d d
strange that a man had to be stop
ped on the highway." Mr. Orchard
told him that the clothes he had on
looked rather suspicious, and , he
would like him to explain to his satis
faction how he came by them. The
prisoners related Jthat on their .way
from Salem they had met two con
victs and had traded clothes, making
considerable by the trade. This was
not satisfactory to Mr. Orchard, who
insisted on the convicts returning.
This they at first refused to do, stat
ing that they wished to be let alone.
and that they were very anxious to
get to Jefferson, where they expected
work. But thoy were toid that if
they were found to be all right they
would be well paid for their time and
sent to o enerson on tho cars. They
wero then marched to Marion, where
they were guarded until the after
noon train, brought them to Salem,
when they were handed over to the
proper authorities, Mr. Orchard re
ceiving the offered reward of 100.
Salem Statciiman.
kublUlked hy Authority.
A man on Long1 Island, famous fyr
his hogs, was asked what was tho
secret of bis success. "I always
choose a good natured pig. Those
that Tryhen they eat are constantly
running from one trough to another
and . knocking their snouts against
the next pig I sell to my neighbors,
who don't know hettpr than to buy
such troublesome animals, while my
contentod pigs get fat." ,
Here's how the eminently civilized
"makers" of Copiel county, Missis
sippi, do things : They have formed a
co-laborers union, and its chief rule
prevents members from working for
s than three-fourths of the cron,
Any one violating this rule is to be
strapped across a log and receive
three hundred lashes, laid on with a
Moke Southern Outrages, A
planter living 10 miles south of Mem
phis, -was recently murdered in his
field by two negroes. He was found
with u portion of his head shot off
and a large hole through his breast.
Lemme see : was there any account
of the above in the Bulletin! Guess
not, because it couldn't be charged
to the White Leaguers.
AN ACT ti amend Section 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of an
Act entitled "An Act lor tUu Protection of
Game and binh."
Be it enacted by the legiilativ Aitemhly ofiln
Stute of Qreivm
Section 1. That Section 1, 2, 8, 4 and 6 of
an Act entitled "An Act lor the protection of
game aud lisn," lu amended so aa to read an
" Section!. That it shall be unlawful for
any person or persons hereafter to take, kill
injure or olfer lor suit?, any deor. moose, elk.
antelope or niountuiu sheen during tiie inonii.
uwvutum;, maiai, April, amy, dunw, July
and August oi eacn year, under a penalty of
twenty dollars lor tlie Jurat olfensa and imuhla
that sum lor each succeeding be ro-
W'ton u an ii'JioilJttlLL'f prUVlUCU.
Hwj. 2, That Section 2 01 the above entitled
Act siiuli read an follows :
Suction a. That it shall bo unlawful for
any person o persons hereafter to take, kill,
injur or rtestro.v.oronVrioriialeniiy wild swan
oranyduckoflhoioltowiiitf speuus, namely:
mallard dhek, sutinmu-or yjjil dueii, widgeon
duuk, sprig-tall uueK, U ;tl apoun-hlll or
hlack duck, daring the mouuu of April, May,
Juno urut July ut oauii your; iVovid-d, 'J'liat
n"tnin a tms and tue priced Ingtioeiiou shall
be coiiairpird bo m wrpivveut persons from
killing game trt spiihsiiig on tin-ir lands."
SiitT. U.- That hi-clion a 01 tue aUno entitled
Act be amended to rend fcs ioini :
Section U. That it clini! ue unlawful for
any person or ui'Mtus u, mno. kin or ilnnlniv
any elk or deir at any time, lor-tuo solo pur
pose of out lining tlie imn.s, ni.le or hiuns of
the same, anu mih person or peitoi:s ho rtitend
Ing shall be hued a sum not lean tuan twenty
dollars lor each uifcoM'. '
tKU. 4, TJliit. iSi'i'In.n J rv Mm Jibnvfl ffriHMnri
Act be amended Iu matl us lollows :
fceetioti i, 'iiiut it shall u unlawful for
any person or neihons to take, kill or destroy
or to offer jor sale any urouse, liiia-jsaut, satre
lienor prairie chicken, during Hie months of
tvpui, jiikj , uunc anu Juiy 01 cacn year. '
Sec. ft. That Section 5 of said Act ha an
amended as to read as follows :
Meotion 0. That it shall be unlawful for
any person or persons hereafter to take, kill,
injure or destroy or oiri l'nr suIh anv unull or
partridge during tho months or April, May,
June, July and August of each year, and any
person violating any of tho provisions of Sec
tions a, 4 and 5 of this Act, shall bo Uued iivo
dollars for the first, and double that Bum for
each succeeding offense, to be recovered In
manner hereinafter provided t provided, how
over, that nothing in the loremuing Section
shall be so construed as to prevnnt any per
son irorn killing deer, moose, elk or mountain
sheep or other game for their own consump
tion ; Provided huther, That it shall be unlaw
Jul lor any person to tako, kill or destroy any
quails oi that species known as the Boo
White "or J-Jnstern quail nt any snason of the
year for the term ot Jive years from the date of
this Act."
Approved October 10th, 1874.
Attest; S. 1-'. Chawiuk. - . .
Secretary oJ Slate.
AN ACT to amend an Act entitled "An Act to
Provide for the Times and I'laces for holding
the Hiipreme, Circuit and County Courts,"
approved Oetober i!H, 1872,
lie it enacted by the Lciiitlaiive Anembh of the
Htute of Orctjon:
SECTION 1. That Section 7 of said Act hr nnd
the same is hereby amended so as to read as
iot lows :
ijectiou 7. That tho terms of tho County
Courts of the several counties shall be held us
lollows ;
In the counties of Clackamas, Josephine,
DotiKlas, Curry, V.'oos, Columbia, Clatsop, Tllla
inooK and Umatilla oh the llrst Monday in
January, April, July mid September.
in the counties oiUrant, liaKer, Lane, Wasco
nnd amhill on the hvsl Monday in-January,'
March, May, July, September and November.
In tho counties oi Jackson, Linn, lientoo,
Polk, Marion, Washington and Multnomah
on the first Monday in each month.
Approved October -lith, 1974.
Attest: S. F. GilADWiCK.
Secretary of State.
AN ACT to amend an Act to provide for the
Times nnd Places lor the holding of the Su
preme aud Circuit Courts, approved October
ia, 1872. -
Jit it Euncted by the LeyitlaUoe Atntmbly of the ,
iState of On-yon :
Section 1. That Section 4 of said Act be
amended ao as to read as lollows :
Section 4, That the terms of tho Circuit
Court lnr the Suvenil ennnl in Mm Third .In.
dicial District shall bo held unnuaiiy us lol
lows :
In the county of Linn on the second Monday
in March and the fourth Monday in October.
In the county of .Marlon on the fourth Mon
day iu February, the second Monday m Juno,
ami the third Moiulny in October.
in the county ol Yamhill on the fourth Mon
day iu March and the Monday in Uetobt-r.
in the county of Pulk on the second Monday
in May and tlie lirst Monday in December.
Approved October 21111. Ih74.
Attest; S. K CtlAuWKJJt,
Secretary oi State.
i Indebted to thn lato a ? S?MSM'VF
del lire herlv reuuestiil t!L f V"t"' 4 Bi?
AHjany, Oct.. 23, m4-lnr, WM jJfg
Uommsl, County, Illinois eit.. 0,,Mc-
Lox Ul Albany, Unn Uouni'y, Ur,i ' '
TAKEN UP I1Y THE UNllP'liKtr v.. '
Oregon on the nth of JlwiXr "imf ""ntr.
of old brown work liom, i;!'i? 4' "la
high the mrgert oViTwiXft.fe
either a Krist. or raw , , ' " ZB F0
X mile below the Wiley Tm'k hr!:!"""1
Valley, rjtin county, eau be had vf r. -i. m
Jor ,,rtlcularS. uddre., a" HA,'flSf '
-,','- , weel. Hon.
ono id bay work lioii iB8'"fu,
hlKh, three whit? tSl and a whi TZ
joe,UobelayearBold. lld horse C. ! "'"P
npon tho Hth of Ueo- 1871, J nJ ,S8 tal"'
23cl of the ,i,th, by Wl W " 1 'S"" '
Beaverdain urecinet.'.if.
egon. wuuiy, fjr.
still desirous or en,,n;i A"D
J"k:? ' oa t"o any nari WE
city at reasonable
Albany Oiegoa
belonKlnjrtothellrmof U, C?H 114 L
ate dniKBists In Albany, wlll be Un nd anl;
this dale with tho un.len. gnid, at tho CtortS
enife V C'""? this Sty. "J!
and all persons Indebted to said Arm wni
please ea II before January 1st, 1876, and .ettli
and thoroby save costs.
Albany, Do. 1st, 1874. Uy ' A' HT
, viimiw. ; ..
O. S. S. CO.
thcr notice, trelght from 1-ortland to Alba-!I.-Vi,k
' """tl'jllurperton. All down freight,
will bo delivered at Portland or Astoria fref of
clmree or wharlaKc at reduced rates. Boat
will leave Albany for Corvnllls oi Port lau
SuTS'!n:Sal'uu ""
.. , X inanulactured tho first broom. In.
stand In the Mauler bulldlnf, near Foster
Comstock, who discovered the fa
mous gold mine that beares his Dame,
blew his brains out at Bozeman, Mori,
tana, in the fall of 1870, and was led
to the rash act by reasou of dissipa
tion and want. Virginia aud ban
Francisco can well afford to erect a
monument ol silver to the memory of
poor John Coinstock. w hp disposed
of the lode for a mule, a shotgun, and
a bottle of whisky. .. .
litis are contending for thu 'pott of i K1"" ' . "eonis to us that there is
honor iu tli liormnd comtmitalion lw Moinowhere asnuiist idiots serT-
VniinPss. ' . In 'lli' itiMiitimo evorv- our jnrlos, and Judjje Bouham
Wxly elso know thut fU'air : iuaujlin j,0'''1' to enfonw it horeaftor in Man-
ntuiU lai about ns wuuh Wuo Willi I o county esiiufiullr in murder
tb Uovwi-uor's action iu tho mattt r
n tha kk at vifhiiro noiiM hare
in falling a tree Btrin-k 1y li' lttniiiL'.
on the iilst, tliey hold hay auQ AiatHj ia inaJe up of 1.5P4 ftimi
woudtTfuIli' stiff niJ ji-ant ijiwf csV-h J.m'aJeajriiv'qrljr, 'iV.
Tlia Ulenditrni of I'lvmomh Church
iW.auJ tea
I'tmi'a tu ne
Williamaon Co., IU., is in a statu
of war, growing out .of a trade of 15
bushels of com. Almdy 5 or (i have
Jhpu killwl and wounded on Pack
ni le, nuifiinir fnnu'a Ur of I t. to an
old Jftdy cf Hi; tfeiid SJioridan
tlicro.v i;
u.iv0i ut c.Buiunjj items uiKeu Horn, Uuesa that the next time the experi
thi)aper, for which we u)ap our I ment is tried the rock will not bo so
naua to the Uiuk ot our htad and
make the usual editorial salaam.
King Kalakaua has, it is said, au
income of e:2,5t)0 per annum. This
It derived iroru a tat of 5 cents oil
every $100 worth of property, ?1 for
evory horse, and ?3 for every car
riage owned aud ruu in his dominions.
A Sail Jauu miner who has been
prospecting in southwestern Colors
dohas fouud a Whole forest ot poti ified
trees, with polrified birds silting oa
petntied limb singing petrified songs.
People may deny, ns they will.
that there's any appreciation of the
huniotous in animals, but an Altoona
man swears that he saw a broad grin
ripple over the visage of a hog at
which he had thrown a hugo boulder,
ouly to have it graze the brute and
smash a ?140 plate glass window be
yoiid. Ninhteen years ago a Tennessee
father refused to lot his 'daughter go
to a candy -pull, and she disappeared.
The other day she returned, lifted J
elevon children out of the wagon, I
and entered the house and took off
her things as coolly as if she hadn't
been gone over a day.
We are rejoiced to hear that, a Bible Denon.
itory has been established ut Albrtny. Now
lllen, the Kenioeraey ol will Kctwlnduf
uku anair at u.uvury. i&uieru fttatestnan.
If it doesn't have any, more effect
in the reformation and regeneration
of anybody else who may "get wiiid
of it' thuu it has on the Statesman
editor we don't know as it makes any
material difference.
Some unknown man rode up to the
county jail of Barton Co., Mo., on
the night of Deo. 27th, and shot and
killed the murderer of Col. Nonis,
and fatally wounded the murderer's
accomplice. , ,
Oveu 6,000 horses die annually in
New York. "Horse Heaven" must
be crowded.
1 .moetlimof I lie, l.. f
ny anil Kmitlain Water Hitch or Cilnal Com
pany wi l be held at the ollico of said Comi-
ny, in Albany, iu Linn Couuty, Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 0th day of March, 1815.
at the hour of one o'clock In tho afternoon of
said day, lor the purpose of increasing th.
eapitol stock of said Coinpnny, and to urovlue
lor the payment of the indebtedness of said
Company, and transaetinif such other baslaaift
as may come before the Company ,
By order of the lioard of Director. '
L. Fi.inn, Secretary
J. H. FOsl'iiB, President,
de bonis nun of the Kslate of Thomna
'.ORirs, deceesed, hereby t;lves notice, that ho
luis nled Ins llmil iiceouiit in tho mauer of said
tstute, and all persons Interested, are hereby
notitled toapjjear before lion. E. N. Tandy
County Judye of Llnn County, Oregon, ou
Friday, the 6th day of Feb.,. IStBi
at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. of said dav, to.
show cause If any, why inltl final account and,
accompanying vouchers should not be allowedl
Iu settlement of suld Estate.
Hupllshed by order of Hon. E. N. Tandy,
County Judge of Llnn County, Oregon.
Jan. 7th A. II. 1S7.5.
n2J 1'UO.MAN, Adin'r de bonli non..
Mrs. Partington declares that she
docs not wish to vote as she fears she
could not stand the shock of electri
cal franchise. -
Multitude, of Pronle renutrc. an Alien..
Ova, to resfore the healtv aeilon of their svs.
teinsand correct the derani;eiiienU that ereen
lit. JSarsanarlilas wyre used ftiwl valnrl
until several iuiposll Ions were palmed olluism
ll.,.1:., ... ,,nu,:r lo,s niiiiie. AIM'S b.It-S-XPAlllLLA
is no iuiioNitlun.
f. suit the times, llreut iiniirovemenU mad.
ou llnlshini; photocraphs.
I make the copying nnd oiilerjlnc of old
Diicuerrolvnes. etc.. a .ne,.i,,ii... r.j
cliarL'es nro as follows: I will eniaraa froia,
small carustosxlll or 1Ux12, and llnlsh nicely,
lor from :t.rll to tor the a.. it
for each addlllonnl copy, which Is lower than
it Is done for in Kail i ranclsco. Culi aud left
my samples.
BVSatlslactlon guaranteed or no chnrret"
nlOnltf. A.n.PAXTON.
Ttt Tl . . .
11 non a unaware man catcnes a
boy up a peach tree and shoots six
or eight bulloU into him the neigh
bors gather, call the meeting to or
der, nnd "Resolve, That one boy
isn't any very great loss, but such
careless shooting niiist be discour
aged." :. .
seven was selected to compile a sum
mary of the resources and advantages
of Benton couuty, which compilation
is to be published in pamphlet form.
The eommitteo respectfully request
the kindlv assist nmM nf mv .ma n-l..-.
We behove this may safely ha sot m.T be iu Dosseasion of .,.! .),,.
uuwn as a potrinea no.
The women oi Sal Lake City hav
ina putitioued for a prohibitory law,
i it has been suggested that if a if
land six children niay be made wretch-
A mooting of the citiaena ot Cor
vallis was held in the court house ou
last Thursday evening, for the pur
pose of considering what would most
t...l . :
... passed a Maouition asking him to re-
coimty. On motion a committee, ot1 . t , .
., ui tuurm ne win ao it.
Want Hm 10 Qi;rr Coxokessixo.
Mr. Congressman King, of Minnesota,
has been caught taking some of the
spoil of the r.icifif! Mail subsidy, aud
the Legislature of his State last week
tU'EOUl, iWriCKS.
li:ipiotl IIuuiU and l ace,
Sore Llpu, ltryursa of (lie siltin,
tc, A v.,
Cun'd nt one. I.y UI-'i IKMAN'S CMPHOR
H'K Wi l li ell, Yl'KKIXK. Itk.i'pstiio bands
oil 111 all W.MMur. See Hint you get HKUK-
ANU KiM by till llr-.icirisls, onlv a o..nt.
' lur.d.iulj- by llK.iKiiASACo.,('heiii.
isis anil UniitsKi, New York. janl371y.
In tlie Circuit Court, 0 the State oA
Oregon, for the County of Linn. 1
Ann O'Brien, PlalntifT, vs. Richard O'Brien.
Hull, for Divorce.
To Hichnrd O'Brien the above named defe-nd
In tho nnmo of the Stato of Oregon: You
aro nerohy required 4 nnpear and auswerthe.
complaint of thu above named plaintiff, In tho
above entitled cause, now on tile with the Clerk
of said court, within ten days alter the data of
the service of this Summons upon you If crv-
ed In Llnn County, Oregon, but If served In
any other County within this State, then with
in twenty days after the date of tha service r
tlllS HtlllllllOllS UOOn VOII. Or If .nrveH n..KH..
cation of this .Summons, then you are required
to answei'the complaint by tho llrst day of the '
next regular term of said Court, to bo holden
011 the second .Monday, tho 8th day of March,
ls.-i, at Albany in said Coutrtv and Hlata. An4
you are notllled that if you fall so to appear
. an ivijiuren, ior want oi in
.'laerlhe plnlntlll will upplv to the Court for
the r-llel domaiTfled in the complaint, which
Is a dissolution of the mnrrlnge contract exist
ing b-'tw-i-en yon nnd the pliilnlitr, mid for the .
care ami eustedy of the niim.r children In said '
complaliit na d, and will Like Judgment
tmo. It. HKI.X, Att'y for Pl'ff.
Published by order of Hon. B. F. BonnamH '
.fudge of said Court, which order boars date.
Jan. loth, 175, nilwS, .
. WHEELKK. c, p,
nenlers In Merchandise and Produce. A good
assortment t all kinds of GooU alwuy. in
store at lowest iniirKet rates.
Agents lor siile ,J Wagons, Grain Drills, Ci
der Mills, t burns. Ac., ,tc.
u,?!',. r."M f"r ""'" RAT, OATH. PonK,
Bl 1 i LH, Luus and I'OUl.TRY. vSnWyl.
Wh t. nrHHnti. M n- i. e.
because ll Is uegie.Kd or maltreated, striae
lioelly al the c;uis.'. Hemie,e the acrid hu
mors Wlileh engender It Imm ih. .....
and boa-.-s, wllh
relating to the material interests of
the comity. The. meeting hail th
ring of businc and aeal, and will
Those kind of fellows alwavs do.
Folks, the ne-;ro,who recently
murdered the Herudon fsmilv at
Manassas, Va., id to hang, if t!io ! Tarrant's Effervescent SelUer Aperient
Aden. Folks don't nj f n a brigade "'RSrm,'
01 ,0ice LEBaso!i msLLiNERTsToni:
F oa tiort, go to Text. They have j TASEIOSABLE SSTABLISHMEHt
l ""'" "-""ienicci. long anai Irt. l rmnta. t
.., i
Monday Evening, February 22d, 1875.
fl-n. M. V, Hr-wn,
Major J. H. II' m n
Hon. J. K. WfalhcrfonJ.
ha ri T7T.
J. II. H.'.il, q.
O. C. Hlukely, Ei.
Hon. ii. H.onrivr.
Col. c. W. Fitch,
O. I', Toinimhm, Eq.
D. T. Mitiion, Esq.
Jns. L. Cowan, Eiq.
Hon. J. B.Uo,
I. Ixwucy, Emi.
ere jodsj, result iu a plan ot work I "--""Sit vigorous ; ana a you
that will iiva au iiiiMtna ia Ham. ; hma na t) ...n.kAH. .
-,n. ' ... . J'"-rei. COIUUIIIVl J
Duuililrr, Propr'i.
M. A. Maker. Fq. far. P- HarpM-. Q
Oh. N. U., 11. .a. tlm. IL Helm.
Cal. liurkhart, iil.
noes coxxittsi;
we (vf,fTnnMr on han-l a Inr- and '
i httla mntl en' v H . ... ....
TICIETS, In-k,lia Br-jer, U 00.