XeZDScEMBEB 4, 1874. TO GRANGERS. fUtoth directions or the Executive Committee of the State Orange of Oregon, P. -,a t will meet the members of thB brdefnt the following times and places on business of Importance. 11 mok, Monday, Nov. 80th at 1 o'elook f. M. Peoria, Wednesday, Deo. 2d, gasBD, Thursday, Deo. Jd, AI.BANK. Friday, Dee, h. Lebanon, Saturday, gk g. 8mIth. Be"yB.U:.P.of H. ;7iT7 city, f0,r,ON- " in tn-nWa democrat will be found the L'cket presented by the Democratic Mas! Convention, which assembled at the Court House last night This ticket speaks' for Itself. The names there presented are well calculated to inspire every Democrat In the city with a datermination to work from now until the polls are closed, Monday evening next, or the success of every man on it'i'atid 'to Inspire the citizens of Albany with full confidence that the Interests of the city will be well guarded for the1 next year.- uome out, work and vote for the ticket. Ladies Aid SociETY.-This is the name of a society which was organized In this city, last Friday, and is com posed entirely of ladiesi The object of the society Is to raise funds and cloth ing for the poor I(i our community. and the surplus is to be placed where It will do the most (rood. The society Intends giving a sociable and supper at the Opera House on next Christmas Eve for the purpose of raising funds, and we know our citizens will turn out en matte when the managers of the sociable have such a benevolent object ia view. This move will com mend itself to all for its humanity. and has been organized just in the nick of time, as many poor emigrants are now coming to our country in al most destitute circumstances and all ' the charity that our country can com mand should be bestowed upon them, Every city in this State should have its Aid Society, and we are glad to be able to give the credit of orgapizing the first one to our own ladies, JJol. lowing are' the officers of the, fipeiety President, Mrs. J. F. Backensto; Sec retary, Mrs; E. AB.' Geary; Treasurer, Mrs. YV. Monteith. May God prosper them In their noble work. Republican Convention. The Re- nublican Convention for the nomina tion of candidates for the various city offices was held last Tuesday evenin; and was one of the largest ever held In this city. The ticketput out by the Convention is . as follows: Mayor, David Fromafl;! Recorder, Jos. Han- nonj Marshal, Richard Fox; Treasurer, kelson; Wright; Alderman, N. Baum L. E. Blain, E. F. Sox, Geo. F. Simp . ton, Geo, W. Gray and Geo. F. Settle- mier. Some of these nominations are good others are not and taken to gether as the Republican- picket, we think It can be easily beaten. Generous. At the -. thanksgiving services in the M. E. Church last week a collection of about $30 was taken up for the benefit of the poor. A com mittee was then appointed by the con gregation for the purpose of settling the matter as to what should be doue ' with the money. It was finally agreed "that a committee of ladies should go arouud and find where it was most needed, and the money should be ap plied in the manner which they rec ommended. ' ' i Qrbat Auction bale. Now, farm era, and citizens generally, here is your - .chance to get a good bargain. On Sat urday, the 19th of this month, W. H. Dodd will sell at public auction at the Opera House in this city, a large stock of dry goods, general merchandise, furs, cloaks, groceries, wagons, etc. Persons having things which they 'wish to put up at nuotion at that time are requested to bring them on. Look at his adv. in to-day's paper. u PianoS and Organs. Messrs. War ren and Peters have the agency for this city for the Chickerlng & Son's . and Emerson's pianos, and the Mason & Hamlin organs. These instruments are acknowledged to be among the best in the market, and if any of our readers wish anything in this line they will do well to eall at Warren's furni- ture store and examine before buying " elsewhere. Everybody Wants It. John S. McNeil of Haleey gave us a call this week. He has the agency for Linn, i Benton and Lane counties, for the sale of the "non-explosive powder for coal oil," patented by M. A. Olmstead & Co., Morysvllle, Cal. This powder is a complete success In so destroying or ' neutralizing the gas as to prevent ex- ' plosion and the breaking; of lamp chimneys. Try It it costs but fifty , cents a box. t . i Card of Thanks. On behalf of the " ladies of the M. E. Church who gave the dinner- on thanksgiving Day, I - take great pleasure in thus publicly ." thanking all those who so liberally contributed and assisted them on that occasion, and also extend our thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who fur nished musie at the sociable In the evening. To orle and all we acknowl- .f L edge our obligations. W. R. Blain. New Barber Shop. Jos. Webber lias opened out a new barber shop in the rooms recently occupied oy .Lew. Royal. He has had the rooms refitted and refurnished and now has one of the neatest little shops In the State. It is carried on under the management of ' John Donahue, who has the reputation of being a first-class barber. Albaxy College. The fall term . of this excellent institution closed last "Wednesday week, and the winter term commenced last Monday. This is one of the best educational institutions - in the State, and is now in a more ' ' flourishing condition than e?er before. Written for tliy DcfcocmtJ , ' TO aVM. C M.' When low winds rustle the Autumn leaves, Or sigh In their mystic caves. When the night bird slu! its vospor song, And gentle zephyr notes prolong, When you view night's starry regal thrung, Ui.-member urn. When you trend at eve some path alone, And dreams relieve the monotone ; When reveries come of by-gone days. Of long ago home and childish plays, With friends of tho past who are gone some day, Remember me. - When the world seems dark, and shadows are near; - 1 ' " ' When the heart Is sad and the falling tear, When friendship la lost, and the world grows cold.- i.i, ' And the soul, weighed down with a tale untold When the mind goes back to the scenes of old, ,r ; Rememberme. . When you roam In a land of Bowers and song, And life-like a dancing stream flows on i When the sea la calm and heaven bright, And the' barq.h M life glides peaceful and bright)- ' ". I When scenes that are lovely entrance the sight, , . , RomemhertaB. When you gaze far away In the beautiful west. And watch the last ray of the suns unrests When beautiful clouds seem fading away, When roseate and purple scorn mingling in playf , . ; , - When the last golden ray has gone with the day, . ' Rememberme, " : ALBION, Sabbath School Union. The next regular monthly meeting of the Alba- nv Sabbath School Union takes place on 'next Monday evening at the Con gregational Church. Following is the programme of exercises: 1st Music. ' " 2d Scripture lesson and prayer. ' 8d Musio, 4th Reading minutes of previous meeting. 5th Reading, by Miss Minnie ts. Monteith. 0th Music. Tthr-Essay, by Miss Clara Price. Subject "What is temperance? and how is it best promoted in Sabbath S6hools?" 1 8th Music' 9th Discussion. Subject "Resolv ed, That the prize system is injurious to the true aim of the Sabbath School cause, and ought to be discontinued." Opened on the affirmative by Rev.. I. Wilson, and on the negative by Prof. R. K. warren. Hpeecnes to De limneu to five-minutes each. . 10th Music ' 11th Miscellaneous business. 12th Music and benediction. The Overland Monthly. This Issue closes the thirteenth volume of this readable magazine. The table of contents continues to be as interesting as usual, and, judging from the promis es of the future, we look for on Increase of Its attractive features. The pros pectus of the Ovefland truly says "that it was mainly instrumental in acniev- ing the literary reputations of Bret Harte, John Muir, Stephen rowers, Charles Warren Stoddard, prentice Mulford, Joaquin Miller, Ina D. Cool- brith and others." The articles in Hie oresent number are as follows: "Vio lets and Violin Strings" (concluded); 'Commercial Corporations;" "in Oriirin of Mineral Coal;" "In Santa Maria; Torcelto," by Joaquin miner; ''The Cabin at Pharaoh's Ford;" "Jno, Stuart Mill and Mrs. Taylor;" "Shack- lefootSam;" "Studies in the Sierra,' hvJohn Muir: "Novarro;" "The Cal ifornia Indians." by Stephen Powers; "Bancroft's Native Races," by J. Ross Browne; "John Dobert;" "A myth of Fantasy and First Love;" "Etc;" "Current Literature." John H. Car many & Co., Publishers, San Francis co. Sent for $4 per year, postage pre paid, , , Look Hebe. We want all those who claim there is no value In adver tising to read this little fact; About two years ago a lady's fur cape was left at S. E. Young's store in inis city, and although since that time it has been constantly exposed to the slgnt of his customers, no owner was found up to last week. Last Friday we ad vertised it, and on Saturday the owner came, paid the charges and took the cloak. We want our business men to stick a pin here and to think of the importance of advertising. O. S. 8.' Co. J. D. Biles, the agent of tills line, called last Tuesday. He says that from and after this date, freight from Portland to this city will be one-dollar per ton, and all down freight will be delivered at Portland or Astoria at srreatly reduced prices, and no charees for wharfage will be made. Boats will leave Albany every day for D.tianri and forvallia. Beach & Monteith are their agents here. A Mistake. The BegMer of last week announced that Dr. D. M. Jones, of this city intended removing to Sa lem for the purpose of attending to nis duties as one of the Professors In the Willamette Medical College. This is all a mistake. The Doctor will go to Salem every Monday and return on Friday of each week to this city, where his family will reside. Off the Track. A platform car loaded with lumber for our new office ran off the track at the Dixie creek bridee last Friday. After leaving the track It fell against the flume leading to the foundry and was thus prevented from running over the bank into tb creek. Th damage caused by the accident doesn't amount to much, A Nice Little Sum. The ladies of the M. E. Church netted the nice little sum of $125 at their dinner and socia ble last week. We are not advised as t the use to which the money Is to be put, but suppose it will be applied upon the payment of the salary of the pastor. 1 ' Fro OcHoco.We learn from a private letter from S. W, Miller, of Ochoco, that the weather has been pretty cool in that valley lately, and that it snowed to the depth of three Inches on the 21st ult. HOME AND' ABROAD. Much wetness.' .' . Our new office Is progressing finely. Part of out hew material has already arrived. Candy-pullln' to-night. Yumlyum! yum! , k District School commenced last Mon day with a full house. Hon. Ben. Pllbean, of Newport, was in our city during the week, : i The Republicans have "bunched" their Alderman. How do yon like the plan? ' -: ; Monday will be a great day for bad whiskey, cheap, cigars, and defeated candidates. ... Grand Master Congle was in at tendance at Looney Bond's funeral last Friday. The young folks had a splendid party at the residence of D. M. Thompson, one day last week. Capt. Humphrey has moved into the dwelling house on third street reoently ocoupied by P. H. Farrell, Come on with your job work now. We have just received the finest in voice of paper and cards ever; brougjit to this city. We made a mistake In our bear item last week. It was John Gilliland that killed the bear and not Charley Mea ley as we stated. , ., , . ... The location of the agricultural works has not been settled yet. , The Salemites are trying to play one of their sharp tricks upon our folks. Miss Alice Griffin's reoeption, giv en on the occasion of her eighteenth birthday whichco'urred last Tuesday,; was the finest aftair of the season. The recent bad weather hasn't in the least stopped the building that has been going on in town, and the sound of the hammer arid saw can still be heard In every direction. ' "T be single or not to be, that is the question" just at the present, when so manv are doubling up. It will re quire more pluck to live alone through the coming winter tnan lr wouiu now to ask some one to live with you. W. R. Canon, after being a Demo- crat for about forty years, received six votes for Marshal in the Republican City Convention last Tuesday evening. Tf it had happened before the Massa chusetts election we wouldn't have been at all surprised at the result in that State. Democratic Ticket. The following is the ticket put in nomination by the Democratic Convention last nlgnt. Mayor, Judge Baldwin; Recorder, M. A. Baker; Marshal, Wm. Reed; Treas urer; R. 8. Price; Councilmen, G, . A. Hill, W. R. Canon, Allen Parker, J. L. Hill, 8. Montgomery and L. Kline. All persons LAWS OFTHE STATE OF OREGON-1 nsw advkbtisemeSts. X. WBXEL&K GO'S OOUJUX. . Published bjr Authority. AN' ACt authorising tUKtovcrnor toeontraot r the kcunuic of The insane ana Idiotic. . Ik itnualti I (V IfittatM Aiitaiktf tjttet 8r.o, 1.- That file Clowttoor'-of the- 8lat be, P. C. Harpbr & Co. knowing themselves Indebted by note or otherwise to the late firm ot noweu Harper & Co., are earnestly requested to call at once and settle the same, as the money Is now due and we want it. a word. &c. is sufficient. We also have a very fine stock of goods to sell which we offer very low for cash or merchantable nroduce. Come and see Large Audience. The largest audience we have ever seen at religious services at the U. P. Church in this city assembled lust Sabbath. ' Rev. Mr. Fee from the Lapwai Indian Agency, delivered the discourse. The "church was filled to its utmost capaoity, even the gallery being crammed full. Moved to Eugene. P. H Farrell and family moved to Eugene last week. Pat, intends to make that his future residence, and will at! once embark In the tomb-stone business. He is a good workman and a good citizen, and Eu gene will have no cause to regret this accession to her numbers. .-, :.; r Medicaid AssooiatioK. The Linn County Medical Association will meet at the Court House, next Monuay, at i o'clock P. M. AU .regular physicians are, invited to attend and participate in the proceedings. , J. LINSEY HILL, cseo y. More Immiorantb. Another fami ly arrived in this city last week from Kansas, and intend settling in this country. The head of the family is a brother-in-law of the wife of Rev. C. H. Mattoon of this city. . . New Books. Foshay has received a magnificent stock of new books aud other things in his line, which he is selling at very low prices. " If you want to secure a Christinas present for her call on Foshay To Salem. Messrs. O. D. Doane, J. H. Irvine and J. M.' Kitchen Will leave this city, for Salem nex week for the purpose of attending the leo tures at the Willamette Medical Col lege this winter.' CosiiKO.-Prof. E. K.- 6ox goes to Portland to-day to meet his father and brother, who are on their way out from t in Htats to mane nim "i who will arrive on the steamer which is due to-uight. , Home Aoain. Mr. 8. Cannon ar rived in this city last Tuesday from the Walla Walla country. Ho reports the weather HP there to be dry and warm, but says stock doesn't look vely well. ' " ' '. T Tr.amjEHH. The attention ' of nprsons InteDdiDic to apply for teach er's certificates is directed to the ad vertiseme.it of the County School Su perintendent's In another column. Ovebboabd. Tbfi mate of the Alice fell overboard into the river down at Parker A Morris's warehoute Iat Saturday, but as he was close to the bank he got out safely. KaT For the very best Photographs, imtn Tiradhv A Kulofnon's Gallery with an EL&VATOK, Montomt-fy btreet, Han r rauciitco. ' And is autiiorixwi, twui tlirfwd to contract with I. J C. HrtWtl tCM-u lorttw keeping of th insane una luioue inriour years iroio tn urm. dayof lecembttr, next, t iot more than Ave doilftraand a half in gold coin perweokfor ctjch Rati nut. &atd inaane und Idiotlo to be Kepi at ino pinws ,wure hicj uw m-y under the ft listing contract wltb Mid liuw thorn. ' . , 'i Hec. 1 The Governor shall require a!d Hawthorn to give a bond to the State, In sum dent amounts, and with sufficient sureties, to bp approved by th tfovernof, conditioned for tho ialthful complianco by said Hawtfcom, with tbo terms or said eontaao. 8eci 8, Id os much as the present contraot for t he keenUiK of th tnsana and idiotic will expiro on the first day of December, next, and before the expiration of ninety daj's from tbe r.ifr..fntnuiit. nt th nrfiRpnt, auKSlon of the Lfff- islative Assembly, this act shall take etfect upon tt approval yy me wovumuf . t( Attest; & Jf. CHADWICK. u ! I v Secretary of State. ' 1 w Af?t frt nmvMo for the aunointment of clem 01 me oupreuia, wuiut u fuvwuntva his compensation, Be it tnaeud by the Legislative Afiiembtjf (he Stan oj uregon. T , j , , Sec. 1, The Supreme Court in term time or majority of the' judges thereof In vacation. shall appoint a clerk of the Court, who shall hold his oiuoa during tue pleasure 01 buu WHMi. a Thn mr tltem due said clerk from the atato, as provided by law, shall be ascer- taineu oy me court, auu uiremt-u w uv j an order of the court. And it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State on the presentat ion to him of a certitU'd copy ef each order, to draw his warrnnton the State Treasurer in favor of uch Clerk Tor the amount so directed to be paid, and he shall bo allowed to churge and re ceive the same fees as are now allowed tho clerk of the Supreme Court. n - niYihihitM dn rim? his continuance in office irom acting, or having a partner who acts as , Sua 4. That sections 1, 8,'4, and 8, ofchap ter 65 of the miscellaneous laws oi uregou 0 m.mviiii Odtnhtir -2U. I87t). and all other acts in consistent with this act .bo, and the same are lmraliv niniHI I'l . hec. 6. In as much as the present law In volvesthe State in a needless expenditure of money, this act shall take effect and be in force irom and after its approval by the Gov ernor. Approved October 24th, 1874. , AttOSt.I tf, V. OHADWiCK. Secretary of State, AN ACT to provide for the ordinary expenses Ol ttlQ QtaiO UOVBIIIuiuiit umoi gvumw and specific appropriations. lie if Unacted by the Legitlative Atnmbty of tH istate m Urtyon : Hirn i 'rhnt, t.hfl fol towlniT sums be, and the same are hereby, specifically appropriated ior the several objecto heroinaiter mentioned, tor two years, commencing from the second Mon day of September, ouo thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, to bo paid out of any money In the Treasury uot otherwise appropriated. Sec. 2. Incidental Fund (S'-tt.UW) as iollows : For seais, stationery, light, fuel, postage, news papers' and other incidental expenses of the Legislative, Executive and Administrative De partment, Supreme Court, State Library, etc., twenty-lour thousand dollars and interest, or bo much thereof as may be necessary. Sue. 8. Executive Fund ($15,000) : For salary of executive oillcers, Jilteeu thousand dollars HkcA Judicial Fund ($35,000) as follows: For salary of Justices of the Supreme Court, , District Attorneys, thirty-flvo thousand dollars UuntRre(onwiI Fund (35.338.50l as follows: Deiloienoy in excess of former appropriations, i.6Uund interest, lor the mute school; tor support -of Oregon Orphans' aid society. Piiot Commissioners, Health Officers, State Geologist, Superintendent of I'uuito instruc tion, tllg SUDSlUy, PIT wniiK ui iiuiii advertising of warrants, printing of bonds and stamps, (&t;J,00Ol thirty-two thousand dollars; in all, thirty-live thousand throe hundred and thirty-eight and flity one hundredths dollars and interest, or so much thereof as may be Skc. U. General Fund (85.50, currency) : For the payment of the Kational Bank fJoto Company Claim, eighty-five and fifty one hun dredths dollars (curroncy), and interest Jrom Decern ber 18th, lMUy. Bkc.4. Convict Fund ($10,000) as follows: 'l?. nnx,,in& oim'irt.R tr the State Peniten tiary, ten thousand dollars and interest, or so mucn MKreoi as iny uu liasiwj. Sec. 8. Insane Fund (13l,tkH as follows; nnnvnvlnir IliNlintt tUltlentS tO tllO AS.VlUUl, ten thousand dollors (f.0,000) ; for salary of visiting pnysicmn mi tue rtyiu.u, u0 " sand dollars ($1,000) ; ior the keeping of the ! Insane at. the Asylum, one hundred and twenty i thousand dollars (ll'JO.OuO) ; in ail, one hundred 1 and thirty-one thousand aoiiars ana interest, ! or so mucn inereui b uiuj . Sec. . Penitentiary Fund (iil,l-7 and twenty-two one hundredths as follows: For deflrienc.es lu exoess of past appropriations, tU.127.J ; for keeping prisoners, salary of in spector, officers, guards, etc., Siio.lKK), or so much thereot as may b necessary , and no ludebted nessslult be incurred by the Superintendent of tho Penitentiary during th xt two years. SKC. 10. Agrieuiiurai um-t r wuu as follows : For tuition, ten thousand dollars aSEO?n?'8FuBltivfi Fund ($5,000) as follows: Forexpnsesoi arri'Sling fugitives from Justice, five thousand dollars and interest, or so much thereof as mtiy bo necessary. HiiiO. lii. Indigent Fund ($5,000) as follows: For the support of indigent poor in the several counties, Ave thousand dollars and Interest, or so much thereof as nrny bo uecessnry. SEC. 18. Common School !und ($4,000) Hi follows: For clerical aid, maps and other ex penses, incidental to common school lands, four thousand dollars, or so muoh thereof as may bo necessary. ' hec 14. University Fund ($250) as follows: tr Ki,fl ..Mt-nnona nti arh(Mj tntiHrt. two hundred and fifty dollars, or so inuoh thereof as may be NOTICE TO TEACHERS. APUPLIO EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS wishing oertlllgMtes for Mnn aounty, will be held in the Albany District, Sehool Houss, on Saturday, Peeenmer Kth, eommenclngat 9 o'clock a. m. Appllcanu-WMl provld Uipm selves with stationery. nl7w k LLq , County ftohocl Sut. .m';vc:MQCBsA dersleued. either by note of book ac count, Will pleaae oall and sett lewHhsmt delay, a IX PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE UN count, will Dlea as I Intend to close my old books with the present yeaiy X cannot run businesa without money, t -VA word to the wise Is siiltlolent." 1 Albany, Deo. 2d, W??l. , n!7wt 1 NOTICE. ALL THE BOOK ACCOUNTS AND VOTES belonirlcc to the firm of U, C. HIU & Son, late druggists In Albany, will b found after inis date with the uodersltrned. at the Clerk's office in the Court House, In this city. Any and all persons Indebted to said Orra will please oall before January lntrlSI5, and settle ana tnereoy save ousts. . By Ur A. UnX. Albany, Deo. 1st, 1874. vlOolTtf. S. S. CO. ' ' l NOTICE ; t . -nmm wn ABTFR DATE UNTIL FUB. m! ther notice, freight from Portlauid CO Alba nv will be one dollar per ton. AH (tow freight win iin iiftiivpred at Portland or Asfcnrta free of charge or wharfage at reduoed no. Boats will loave Albany for Corvallto or Portland every day. For further Information apply to VlOnlTU. 1 Then will be sold t th OPERA HOUSE, Saturday, Dec. 19, 1874 ATAUCTIOX, General Merchandise Furs, Cloaks, Dry Goods, Groceries, Wagrons. ; it.? u , 1 1 (' OLDEST IOVU DJ H TKABU ESTABLISHED AN?3 SREOD I, ADVERTISEMENTS, : A NEW DEPARTURE! Direct Importers riling oodi t Retail fbr Cah AO TER CEITT. LESS than Wholesale Hontes charge on long credits. BRADLEY, UARSR CO. Rave now on Exhibition an Immense Stock ot NEW GOODS specially adapted for the Fall Trade. : EBsUiih W. Preor., Gray IlUnketsi tpy .,.. 00 pr pair .,..1 BS each A. J&VIETISEMEMT8. Etc., Etc. Conslgnmenta of llorsss, Cattl. Ae., solle ltcd. W.H.DOW), AUCTIOKBKB. For llko purposes as sehool lanils, tlireo tniw sand dollars, or so much theruol as may us 'printlnir Fund ltlD.125.28) as lo- lows : For pu bile urlntl ng and ulndtnK, tlilrty thramnd dollars ((.KI.IJUU) ; for printing 81100 .i..m.Ar iiiu o.n,irl lntrii. ns oomnileu by the Code CnmirTssionen, nd examined and oertlllnd to by tho expi-rt, llftpen thousand six hundred and sovpnty-flvo and twnty-(tlt;ht ono hundredths dollars (116,(176.211 1 ior umaini UB ,r r.nHrn,it.. thtrtv.fnur hundrei and fifty dollars m.vm : inaklni! the total amount of forty-nlno thousand one hundri'd and twenty five and , twenty-slKht ono hun dredths dollars and Interest, or so much there of as may be necessary. ' hkc. 17. For payment of hnlanea duo c. A. Reed, as Adjutant General, sUly-Nlx aud sLxty slx ono bundredl lis dollars. Hm. 18. For inaklue additions In the Btnte Library, supplvlntt new text books, mlsslnK ..i.,n,flB f r,.nria. et.. tn be expended under tho direction of the Chief Justice of the Hu preme Cuurt, seven hundred and fifty dollars annually, durlnK the next two years. WEe, W, wo money snail uw in . this act, except upon warrants drawn by the u.n,nP' nr Mtt onnn the Htui Treasurer. And all warrants drawn by the Secretary of Htate Ulion the lrensurer, snail or pam j o,u ,i'.aa..pln h nrrlvr In Which thev hllVO been presented, endorsed "rresenu-u aim inn ijmi. For want of funds," whether the same have been issued before or alter the uassujr. of this act. 1 ... . HKC. 211. (IWlDRtomo uewHDii j. lna t ho publlo credit, this act shall taae ern es and l In force from and after iuj approval by the Governor. Approved ocloner Mtn. lini, Attest: B. F. t'HATiWlPK. , Heen-tnn- of fltnte, . Tilestob 4 Scott, at the ne gnn fmitb hop, keep everything in the line of guru and ammunition at their store ob Front utreet They have Just received from below a mammoth etook of toy., which thj trijlwll very cheap. SVE0IAL NOTICES. s, haiped liana and Face, Norelilpa. ryne or the Hkln, Cured at once by HEdEMAN'U CAMPHOII ICK WJTU Ul.vi-r.ni r.. 11 et " """"- soil tn ail weather. i that you p.t HKUK- Mold ftyull imiTBiHi, wiiir w Munofiietiml onlv bv ilKOKHAN & f.o (.'hniu- wis ai.4 liruuutoits, slew Vorls. iaaliwiy. - - a. wair-i.ia. o. T. nooui. A. WIIKELEU k CO., SHED OKEOON FORWARDING AND COMNIGSION 1 MERCHANTS. ' ' 1 Dealers In alerchandlse and rmdiie. A (food assortment of all kinds of Goods always In ......... . Hi.rlinl ruif. Ac.-ntiilor aiileof WaUons, OralD brills, Or der Mills, Churns, o.,e. .,.. CASH paid for WilKAT, OAWr-PHRK, BUrrtO. boos and 1-OUI.THl. vwiayi. HEW3PAPEE OOMMEHT. imin AMERICAS NEWSPAPEE ADTEBIiSINO AGENCY, CONDUCTED CEO. P. ROWELL c CO, No. 41 Pabk Row, s." , NEW YORK. It Is indoed no surprise that their house Is sp prosiierous, and that they are the lending ad vertising agents in tho world. Wo would pre fer, so lar as we are concerned, to have u ool ,,,nn n, more of miscellaneous ad ertlsemonts irom this firm, than to receive the name maIu ,.n nt t naillpeet from each house on their list. The commission allowed isuved us by losses, as they pay every cent they con tract lor, and pay It promptly, and the keoplnr of one open account with such a firm Is much pleasanuT tnan wim i.nw wivu whom they send us advertisement! for. Oeo. p KowellAOo. do not "bore us" to take out , vhuv a a.n honorable, leirtliuiate business, on a business basis, 'l'hoy pay their i. ,11. ui, h on nnisentatlon. if found cor rect. If publishers, having dealings with them, want anything in their lino and thuy supply everything from a spring bod k n to a cylinder pross, types, inks and all, they nil their orders promptly, at manufactureroa' prices, and we can say that we have received the best newspaper and book lnk over furnish ed us and at a lower price than we ever bought for elsewhere. The Republican has had deal ings with this house for over six yours, and In nlithat time, we never have hud any reason to complain oi our treatment. inuuu imwh., Republican, ' ' : V : . As the pnnwletors of the first ana most exten sive of these agencies In New York, they are well qualified to furnish Information, 'I he de tails of the work transacted by the snoy, aud the way It Is done, the perfection of the ar- rangoments ror facilitating tne aoi " Using by rellevhig tho advertiser of troublo and eipenao, and bringing before him ail the various meuiunis vnrouaiiuufc with the necessary knowledge pertaining to ,,ivu urith a mlootMness that leaves nothing V) oe aesireu. u e"7'"" sprctlng the character and position of a newa- ' TV.-I ln.,o.luiHUwriMrM Ui know are plnci-d before him In the most con. else form. New York Times, June Jin, inn. Are witnouv uou'v. ., ..-- Agents of the United States, and, therefore, of the world. They have, by the free, libera and yet well directed Use of money, built tilein selves up In tho esteem of the leading publish ers and advertisers of the continent, and b l energy nave suew . ,l..ll hiiln,'iui ilso tells of the growth and Impor- the newspaper bui (Term.) Appeal. are oh hand ror the fan campaign who , -f.lrtm fiillv selseted stock whleh will be found m ' jreilBKirw usual to contain the bast goods at lb lowtst prioes. IT'S HO VlB TBTISO to ipeelfy. ir you aoni sai wnaj iot ask ior it, ssu u we mom . artlrle ealled for the ehaneea are that wa aaM something that will a yea aaww. Col'tl Bad Spread. All Wool riannela......,...arc pr yd Shaker Maanel........u.J5. pr yd Cabot Domeatla......... 9epryd Dbl W'th Sheeting a 1-So pr yd trlpad Wool Hoao 7S pr do. Ladlaa Hor. Veat...........7o oaoh M'b's Derby Blb'd BMrta.SOe eaeh Hea'a Woolen Jacket...! BO eaeb 1 OO eaeh Hea'a Shaker Soeka....! BO pr doa Hen' Cheek OTerehlrta,.B0e eaeh Hen's Caeslmere SulU...7 BO each 1 00 eaeh Ladle' all wool Shawl t BOeaea Beat Japan Tea Sib Boa 75 Best Japan Tea Bib Box....... ..i 7B Best Casta BleaCosle.a0toa9 1-B .according to variation In price - Island Sugar.. ...S to l- Brilliant Coal Oil ..,.1 can Devo's Patent Cans...........! BO can ALL OTHEB GOODS EQUALLY CHEAP. 1 Magnificent Stock .TLr tsvn V POTTOS': FOUNDED IN 1853. r79-Nc S19 Sacraments Btxaat, tou a- of L.iJs.iiorl Htrset, (a fsa dean ' Mow What Chest lioasa. ' i Private fSatranoe si i ' , . i Leiilesdorfrstrwt, " . i Baa ifranoisee. giratHsasal nprml) aord lie aHelsi smW sn'mlilt sttdieal ai u irsansear mi ears eall Wealsoaol CTree ' ... is iissasss, sates e.yors e anal all Sexual ' " Disorder. TO THE AFFLICTED. nB. W. K. DOHERTY RETOIWS HIS STW MMib.nl,iiii his numerous patients for their patronage, and would take this opportu nity to remind thein that he continues to eon. suit at his Institute for the cure of ohronlc dis eases of the Lungs, Uver, kidneys, MiMilv and Genlto-Urlliary Organs, and all prlvata dlseassa, vis : Byphilis In all lu tonus and sta.. Res, rseuunui wewaoei,., m m .- iaqucuoes of self-abuse, Oonorrhoja, Uloet, Strictures, Nocturnal aud Diurnal emlsstoas. Sexual Debility, Diseases of tho Hack and Loins, Inflammation of the Bladder and Kid neys, etc, etc, aud he hopes that his long ex perience and suooessful practloe will continue Ui Insure him a share of public patronage. Ily tho practice of many years In Europe and Mi t' United States, ho Is enabled to apply the most efficient and sucoesslul remedies against dis eases of all kinds, lie cures without mercury, oharges moderate, treats his patients in a cor rect and honorablo way, and has references of unquestionable vcraolty Irom mou of known respectability and high standing In society. All pari lee consulting him by letter or other wise, will receive the best and gentlest treat ment, and Implicit secrecy. To Females. When a femalo Is enervated, or amictcd with disease, as weakness of tho back and limbs, rain In the head, dimness of sight, loss OI muscular power, palpitation of the heart, Irr -tablllty, nervousness, extreme urinary dimcul tles, derangement of digestive functions, gen eral debility, vaginitis, all diseases of the womb, hysteria, sterility, ami si un ses peculiar to females i she should go or writ at once to the celebrated female doctor, W. K. Dohertv, at his Medical iomliiuhi auu w,u.u. him about her troubles and disease. 1 be poo- , tor Is affecting more ouros than any other phys ician In tho rilato of California. It no false delicacy prevent you, but apply Immediately and save yourself from painful sufferings and premature death. All Married ljidles whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an Increase In their families, should wrlUl or oall at Dr. w"k. Doherty's Medical Institute, and their will receive every possible relief and help. i To Correspondents. , Patients residing In any part, of ths country, however distant, who may desire the opinion and advice of Dr. Dohorty in their respective cases, and who think proper to submit a writ- ten statement ot such, In preference to holding sacred. The Doctor la regular graduate and may be eonsultcu witn every oomiueuiw. If the ease bo fully and candidly described, personal communication will be unnecessary, as Instructions for diet, regimen, and the gen. era! treatment of the cane (Including the reme dies), will be forwardod without delay, amd la audi a manner as to eonvey no Idea of tn urpnrl ot tne letter or panic i so h....i.i nnnHiiLxi iwiu is Immediate at. tonUon, send ten dollars In coin (or that value (n cnrrencyl by mall, or Wells, Fargo 4 OoS Kxpress, ana a pacaage i u,eu,u,o ... sent Ui your address with tho necessary Instruo. Hons for use. Consultation by letter or other-, wise, nua. Poriuauout cure guaranUed or no Spermatorrhoea. Dr. Dohorty has lust published an Important pamphlet embodying fils own views ana expa. Henocs in relation to Impotence or Virility, be ing a short treatise on Sixirmatprrha'a or Sera lnal Weakness. Nervous and Hilcl peblllty oonsoquont on this affection, an other dlsea. ses of the Sexual Organs. - This nine wora cumaiue . rr utmost value to all, whether married or single, and will be sent FllBB by mall on receipt at six cents In postage stamps hir return txisUga, , w. a, ev"ej" . " , COME AND SEE U8, and bring alonr year Ctilskana, Itattet. Ilggs, Drled-frult, anything that has a sjarket value ana wo wi. - v'- - V have groenoaeas, goia noves, or even b",m ,.r.i tht Htharihss sbaII a trade. Don't forget the plaee. aornsr Frst and O tresis ngnt opposite saw swmiv bwni - ugn, . i "iWHEAT-Sl A BISHEL N, Baum cannot ruiy thla year, but he informs tue larmenraim puunc in xvn eral that lie ha returned from rian Kranciiteo with a lafffe etocK oi ciom- JuUsoKic rcsiBAL.-ili remain. ; an(J furl,isujug good, also, fancy of Loonev C. R-nd were deposited Id I drew and dry khhI, and a full svaorl . V , . in ti,i. oifr laat ment of general merchandise, which the Maaoulc cemetery in thi city laat ment u.(.lrd. Friday. The runenu w touuuu , . t present time, (ilve him a eall bv Corinthian Lodge, So. 17, A. K. A. it, and wa solemn and imposing. TfiASKS. We are indebted to Mrs. C. H. Mattoon for a Waaltet of luscioa. apple of the "Gnu" and "Mammoth Sweeting" varieties. before purchasing etoewliero aud you will do well. gBv-avMavaMNeavwssBnaswasaaseaaBSMBawaSBB M4illtIfc.U. HOl'TON-KISf!r.R- 111 Ik Ut;irfo and sjondaT. Jfov- 5ab. al the resHlehse OI J. W. llouion, ny r-t. arC. H. MatUjun. Mi n. rrmMmi T-. .,f t ho value of a medl- A,n.. timm ikM Kirienne eimflrin (ha claims put forth in H f-t'il at the outsell Is Iho question. Apply this criterion, so simple, yet ao searching, to ra a a hts KrrKVBKT hcltxkb Apkrikst. H has It wrn1 What has ln Ita historrt How does U stand to- "TEEAKra BELTZEE APEE1XHT i. . v..u.u.it..ir. ft-r.w (hnriiL'ht-iui the. t'llttNl hUl-. It U (Kiutinirt. rvd ft a ij. rifle, witb micc u m (lyfK-pta, tick b ul abe, n-r-vfu d. ijtlity, liver omiplnJnt, hlUm nm.t. f un, boMfvi orHiii'UlriU ltruteUy ttt.liyik turn), rr-umt(im, (tout, gruwl, Mm, the 0fiiffiraV cw 'Hi Hair U, ih lurnal na a!) tyr ot ln.1amrotion. Ho milo i tl In IU irmi.m thai it can ivrn with Vrf-( ly i (shkHt ctnid : tw.il f. sn'thltj la it ! ui thtv Uurt, m tttthlr$ t" iho l-ai', t rhi.r'o !irv-r r.-uu.U IU tot Ml by v y Ina In every IHail A btmlnt'im that more inn Thoir bimliiRM hu grown u m omethiog tHnc of the tnwmpii miis". annrmmn. Kv(T IWtMT If) 1110 Oi.uniry M n ni. .t iLwlr trtfien ainl It ! no Uli'milWn thlnu forthfim U receive a mall ot Mfmn r tWniy WUHlltJlal WI ucKjnT""i" 1 ii,..;. vw.M,i!vivirt'miitlf--J thft btlRtnoM, narirrilvt)yari'i;H!riiHstt we can truth' fully utaUt Unit we And tli linn to bn rom-t, wurtuoui, wiroota-UrayvMe (lit.) Independ- . ... - - 'i'boy can t tcwpq upon in avoir wbj, wortby of implicit eouildenc. Ntm Url-au (Ia.) Prlcfl Current. U'hlla. aa.la-ssrwtnr- t hsHrCMm intaWlTlst. tUJYtMOIS tlum nm of v-ry jHibllsbortout UetH lotifm (I'n.l lrfKreM. , . 'i b iruNiworthy buntnww ehi.ractr im on On.rlie ti well rncti;d.-I!tl N Y- Hald. Have wropli.-iuiy HVrtTKaisibv ww vumw - TO ADVERTISEIIS. All Borsnns whocmitemplata maklngeontraets wllli newspapers for the inscrtlouof advertise ments should send ssa ess. 10 GEO.'P. BOWEIUCO., 41PAI EOW.S.T, ...t.-i..vif urwrinD'nPAflRPAMPri L ormiainlnB llw of nfw)nim( ond etU luaus, dliowiu 1110 "l T;iviMi via. it. arfltist for Invalid. Huve the rmituiM medwiiiof the tmjf-MMn dtnt you . t Awm yl HIsUYMinaifttll Hlld H isVTabl'T? If w. tlthe.r',M-rt.r.of the n-w pertWfl -rlhi. Iia. WALIKM VlHOA IUTTKUM, ...I is..wlitat thai ha UVfr kMn UZht, lywi-tf d inv,n of bilious bai'H houd kA-p it wtthlu rwwb, it Uwy value lMiM Habit, if not i-wwitr. m)t ft Hlr Tre ing it,4ylnmWttnmtiy, The new ViWOR moat dDrhtful w hev evr wrd. It rfr" not only Ihmlw, Vittbe flow sad luJuunaooe oIa44.dudfrayitau. . , DKESS GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Ailkladr rrada skB In Ksbaa. ar aaM Coanml- Liberal adranee made on Ship- mata algaad ) ay at lb fbl n t.t branch) housii,;., i !.( is I'i71 PUHOHASINO AGENCIES xttaaara. OAMH. fONBI OO, . 21 Bury rarest, London, E. C. Muhutm. BaMUNS BOOOBTON, 1W tvord atreot, rivurpool. Msaanr. XETP. BUtOP CO., . liin PBMUlf rKEKM, ' aRuedeFetlts,Faru. Ksssrs. LTN0B KSraSBD, I U and 1 Thlrtsentb Ut., 13d door from Broad. Ian KBAB, BBANO OO, 10 and IU Clay HUM, Han Francisco. A, WHEELER & CO, SHBDP, OREOON n, fiofrfs. Hardwars. fHotainf , Irrars p.mia a Oils. IlaU Cans, (Iroosrlas, Wanons, Kareiln linplamanu, Mash Comuilssloa MsnnaaM taffaia, Usaahstst. nKFERSNCBr- Tha Bank af BrlUtah Columbia, rorllaad. Tho Baak of Euglaasl Loasloa. DRADLEY, MARSH CO, Wholosal and Retail Deals rs In DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &C- AND GENERAL IMPORTERS or 1 American, English Si For- elgn Goods. leoiurBB rrew am swabk hirkct. roltlLai'I. Address, W. K. DOHF.RTY, M. D., ,, SanFranclsoo, Cak Addross, TSnaStf tsan Francisco. Cal. JOUW SETTLE. LEBANON, OREGON, , ;j''iiuMi- ' IATHER, SADDLERY Si HARNESS. 2b Farmer, Stable men, and all often desiring Harnm or Sadlery. THE UNDEKBIONBU IB suw rvcuu.1.-Ina- at his slow house In Lebanon, an en tirely new and maiinlflccnt assortment of Harness, Baddlory and Baddlors" Materials, direct from Brat hands, havlnn purehasod the entire outfit for oash, I am prepared to olfor suiierlor InducemonU to parties wishing to purchase that olass of Hoods. Having an Ira. '''..Y:.: and toawfsrr'of anr style In h rlrst olass manner, as none but sa- "VianW. ""iosiNOBTTt.a ASTORIA , FARMERS' WAREHOUSE COMPANY. spicndldnewsiidsuhstanllal warehouse, which Ki storaa capacity of 8.U0O tons, "perfect; lyfraeoi rata aou uiw , alongside at all seasons of the y taw. The Co. have made arrangement ror LIBERAL ADVANCES on all araln stored with them. ni emu. S"s to Astoria by W. IL T. Co. to be paid whoa s ....ut ..ithi.nt int-Hat ndttitr ffliiafifea. -or nartlcilar. Portland. Or, S. D. Ad Ala, ttoc'y and Aft at Astoria. vlOullf, WONDER OF THE WORLD I Look here, Weary Women. IDE CLIMAX STEAM WASHER . . . . i -v. an.i m n.f ,i,iraoia as chine ever Invented, and will oust nothing to Hud out wnat it win uu. !f"; ""V Ta.'rii. lions as the oountry is full of them. The Cli max can oe nau oy wiimi i "V'," "J.? from W. H.Murnrlond'strn-storJ, Albany. The price ortnis womienui m,hu. ...p,v MH' M"d"0 'i1?.?,''; absfori lamiiy in mo purehaaliiK any other. a,.i. of El.l HAZEL. Ueneral Aaent for the Bute or Oregon. nsotf. ALBANY BOOKSTORE! JOIINTOSHAY, -DS1LSS IX IISCEUASEOl'S ASB STANDARD BOOK BLAXK BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Oonns In our line Imported to order at sIMnt 1st possible notice. CONFESSION'S CF AH INVALID. Ihtbltstied aa a wRrnlnfif n4 for tbn bpnpfit rtf vmjriiE niHfi ud .stitrn who bu!ut fi-um KvoT'HDKftfLrrY or ma'NU. alo, iwlntinffotif. th mansof MlOMrij. V nt try, tH mBUt-rifno im r-ei u ia:-it.i