The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 02, 1874, Image 3

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OCTOBER 2, 1874.
The cflming week" will witness the
ninth annual fair of -the Linn. County
Agricultural Association, and judging
fmm what we can hear from all parts
of the county there is going to be a
large orowd In attendance. Our citi
zens should all take pride in these an
nual exhibitions of the products of the
country, and should all bring some
thing to enter for premiums.. The la
dles ought to bring their flowers, can
.. fmit fancv work, ets.; the men
their agricultural and mechanical im
plements, horses, cattle, sheepand hogs,
and bv each one adding one or two ar
ticles to the list we would have an ex
hition that could hot be rivalled by any
other in the country.
Prominent among the many novel
ties that will tend to enliven the peo
ple at the Fair Ground will be an ex
hibition of the squirting powers of the
large steam Are engine of the Port
land Are department, Willamette En
gine Co. No. 1 having sent word that
they will positively , be here on Wed
nesday. Men are now at 'work con
structing a ditch from the Canal to theJ
lair grounu wr tiio ui.oa ui omij
ing water In sufficient quantities for the
working of the engine, which exhibi
tion will come off at 2 o'clock on
Thursday afternoon. ,.
Another novelty will be a trotting
match between a span of large, elks
and a span of fast horses. This span
of elks is now at the Washington
County Fair, and will without doubt
te up here next week.
, Sabbath School Union. --Following
Is the programme of the next reg
ular monthly meeting of the Albany
Sabbath School Union, which is to be
held In the United Presbyterian Church
next Monday evening, at 7J o'clock:
1st. Music.
2d. Scripture lesson and prayer.
3d. Music.
4th. Reading of minutes of. last
6th. Essay, by Miss Mary J. Hau
non. Subject Regular and punctual
attendance of teachers and scholars in
the Sabbath' School. How best se
cured. 6th. Music.
7th. Lesson in sacred geography, by
Bev-. 8. Ch Irvine.
8th. Music. . .,
9th. Discussion In which all are
Invited to-participafe. Subject What
..are the principal difficulties experi
enced In tho prosecutiod of the Sab
bath School work, and how may they
be obviated! Opened by Dr. E. R,
10th. Music. .
11th, Miscellaneous business.
12th. Music and benediction.
Thissociety has been in existence
for three or four months and Is. meet
ing with greater success than its wann
est friends anticipated. The- meetings
are public and are generally well at
tended. The offices of President and
Secretary are filled by br. G. W. Gray
and T. P. Hackleman.
Tuesia-T-Atl:S0p.i.,tTOtting2 In 3,
free for all mares that are suckling a
colt. Pure $100, with an cut iii-e fee
of 15 peroent, to be added to the purse
given to the fastest pninml.
8p. m , running, single tlnsli of ririlHs
free for all.- Purse . $100. First horse,
$07; second horse, $33. In all cases,
3 to enter and 2 to go.
Wednesday. Entries at Secretary's
office from 8 a.m. to four p.m.
llVclock a. m., Opening Address.
1:30 p. m., pacing, 2 In 3, free for all.
Purse $150. First horse, $100; second
bong, $50. i ' i.
3 p. m., trotting, 2 In 3, free for hor
ses that never beat 8 minutes. ' Purse,
$150. First horse, $100; second horse,
$50. .
Thursday. 11 o'clock, Agricultural
Entries close at 12 o'clock. ' ,
1:30 p. in., running, 3 in 5, free for
all. Parse, $250. First horse, $105;
second horse, $85. ' ' '
2 p.m., exhibition of steam lira en
gine. - ' , '
3 p. m., trotting, for horses that nev
er beat 3:30. Purse $60., First horse
$40; second horse, $20. , ' ; '
Friday. -0 p. m., plowing matoh.
l p. m. span of carriage horses or
mares. J list premium, ?a; seeouu uu-
niium, $4. ' ; I '
1:30 p. m., pacing, 8 in 5, free fdr all.
Purse $250. First horse, ibo; sec
ond horse, $85. . 1
2 p. ra., running, 2 in 3, for Oregon
raised horses. Purse, SloO. i'lrstnorae,
$100; second horse, $50. .'
Saturday. The. Secretary'3 omce
will be open front 10 a. m. for tha puf.
pose of paying premiums.
9 a. m., drtitt horses or mares, first
premium, $10; second premium, $1.
11 a. m., ladies equestrlo-pshlp. First
premium, S5; second premium, S2 50.
ISO p. m., trotting 3 in 5, free forall.
Purse, $250. - First horse, $165; second
horse, $85. '. ' .
3 p. m., trotting, 2 in 3, for 3-year-olds.
Purse $50. First horse, $40.
second horse, $20.
Sharp. We heard of a nice little
bit of financiering being done in this
city this week by a young man lo
has just started out in life. He has
bought a farm near Peoria, but still
owes a nice little sum upon it, and of
course wants to make every cent lie can.
He owed a small debt to an old farmer
in that part of the country who agreed
to take wheat at 75 cents per bushel in
pay men t after harvest. The ti me rolled
around, and the young man, who no
doubt wishes to gain a reputation for
business capacity and fair . dealing,
thought he would save'money by pay
ing off his debt in greenbacks, whlch
was accordingly done. He
understand very well about the ten
cents diilcrence in the price of gold and
greenbacks, but didn't think it made
any difference if wheat had fallen to
56 cents. Query Which was it that
got greenbacked ?
St. Hotkl. Within the
last week the proprietorship of this
popular hotel has changed, .Mr. N. S.j
DuTSpia having sold ou,t to Messrs.
Mathews & Morrison, of Portland.' Tho
new nrnnrlotois arc both gentlemen of
innsi"iici-!ili!e renutation and have had
a good deal of hotel experience, both j
on this Coast and in the East. They.
expect to run a first-class, hotel, one
that will be a credit to our city, and
second to none in the State in the way
of comfortabb lodgings and well-set
tables. We hope they may succeed in
J. H. Hackleman, Wm. Itolston ana hrine-ino- it un to that standard, and
E. Carter. The capital stock-Is placed j wnoQ tliey fIo 80 it wjh bountifully re
rt .i.iu i,. .i:.,:. i,t into olft I . .. ., l ,.i I
munerate tnem ior tueir uuuuiu.
' Enterprising. Las: Monday sev
eral' of our citizens filed articles for
the Incor'pdration of ."The Alden Fruit
Preserving Co., of Albany, Oregon."
The following named persona are the
Incorporators: Jason Wheeler, A. B.
Morris. Allen Parker, C. P. Burkhart,
Ralston and
. at $12.000which is divided into 240
shares at $50 each. This is a step in
the right direction and one that ve
have been wishing to see for .a good
. while. .There is no better fruit-growing
country in the world than Oregon,
and no other county better adapted for
that purpose than Linn county. For
the past few years the orchards
throughout the whole .extent of the
Willamette valley l?ave been allowed
to die out in if great1-measure for the
reason that there was no market for
the fruit, but as this fruit drying com
pany will'be in full operation by next
. fall, the fruit raisers will not have that
(excuse. -
The New Boat. The new boat
OAio,.lately built at Portland, arrived
' at the wharf in this city last Tuesday
evening, with several tons of freight for
our merchants. It was such an un
usual thing for boats to come to this
city at this stage of the river that the
wharf was lined with people to witness
the arrival of this boat. This wae hut
an experimental trip on the part of the
owners of this boat, for the purpose of
. ascertaining if they could lun the year
round. Although with a luad of ten
tons the Oiio only draws about nine
Inches of water, it is not considered
Minstrels .Morill'aSan Francisco
Minstrels gave a performanco at the
Pacific Opera House on last Monday to
alargo audience. Thisispositivcly the
Vjesjt troupe of minstrels, that has vis
ited our city for years. Charlie Nick-
ersoninhimsefisa lhole team, and
always in his original comicalities
succeeded in bringing down the house.
It is very rare that a person gets a
chance of seeing such an array of
talent as these performers present.'
They will be here during the Fair and
will no doubt receive crowded houses,
"And that's all." '
Brownsville, Oct. 1, J87I.
JliVtor Demnwat: ' , (
On Monday last an accidentoccurred
which cunt a mantle of gloom over the
whole community; an accident which
r ibbed h pleasant and highly respecta
ble family of a mother, andafondhus
baud of a wife. Mrs. Welt, who had
been afflicted with the ague, but had
so far recovered as to be able to sit up
a portion of the day, was sitting before
the fire last Monday morning about 8
o'clock, when her olothing became Ig
nited and burned with such rapidity
that she was unable to extinguish the
flames. There was no person in the
room at the time except two small
girls, who gave the alarm, but ere as
sistance could reach the unfortunate la
dy and extinguish the flames her per
son was so badly burned that the skin
and flesh wereprfeetlr charred. I ar
rived at tho residence of fhe heart
stricken family Just as tho flames were
being extinguished. What a heart
rending scene met my gaze! the un
fortunate' mother was lying on. the
floor, her clothing burnt and torn
n shreds, partially wrapped in ablank-
ct, tho work of afriendly hand to ex
tinguish the flames, the husband bend-
iug over her to alleviate her suffering
as much as possible; and two little
weeping girls locked in eaoh others
embrace, uttering in prophetic shrieks
between sobs that mother would never
get well. How true the prophecy.
That night Mrs. Joseph Welt was re
lieved from suffering by the 'kind
hand of Providence. On Wednesday
her remains were followed to their last
resting place' by a large number of
friends and citizens. , ' j
This has evidently been a good week
for our efficient county clerk and the
inlnistors. Three weddings have oo
ourred bettyeen parties residing in
North Brownsville; whether' it is
caused by tho prospects of bettor times
coming, when the town becomes In
corporated, or whether it is tho fore
runner or harbinger of a cold winter,
Tnm nimble with mv stock of exper
ience to say. Be that as it may, there
has'beeu three blushing maids of this
village led, to the hymeneal altar "like
sheep to the slaughter,-" and we ex
pect toadd several more to the list in
a few days.
Monday evening our townsman who
distinguished himself while attending
the Independent convention in your
city last spring, by referring to other
members of tlie convention as whisky
bloats, and other like inappropriate
cognomens, collected, a band of boys,
consisting of three of. his own, sons
and two or three of the neighbor boys,
marched to where there was a newly
wecMeii pair and dorfiinenced under the
window an incantation, consisting of
screaming, and vigorous strokes on
their tiu pans and brass kettles which
would have made the most unregener
atcd Sioux or Snake Indian blush with
sheer shame, especially when a lady
only a short distance away was writh
ing in pain at the paint of death. The
boys are excusable, but a man whose
locks are whitened by the snows of
many winters, will not so readily meet
with a pardon from an outraged .com.
munity.. I hope this may bo the last
time I will be called upon to chronicle
an affair of this kind, wherein the
chief actor is a man of two score and
ten. Yours truly.
' . LENOX.
Forks, -Sept. 26, 1874.
Editor Democrat :
Allow me, through the columns ot
lie Democrat, to say a few wordB In
vindication of myself, and of truth
and fair dealing between those that
had ought to be neighbors, and to stop
the mouths of those that would he a
nuisance to, and a foul scab on the fair
face of good society, and in order to
do this in the present Instance it will
be necessary, through a painful duty
upon my part, to ventilate to some ex
tent, the doings and name of a certain
Individual, who has persistently and
in the face of better Information.; cir
culated a villainous lie respecting bus
iness In which I was connected. Phys-
cally he is,hunch-baeked and very dark-
skinned, and his countenance Is that of
Outs, 80 cents.
AVheat. 51 cents'.
Flax, 3 cents per Jb. j
Our town is just owr-flowing with
wheat wagons,
Mr. Geo, Patterson starts for the
East in a low days.
.The Ditch Co. delivers dirt at half
price to fill up yards wltl. -
Ten Immigrants arrived in this city
from the States last Wednesday. . .
About one million shows, more or
less, are qu their way to pur fair.
A new roof has been put on the old
house next to the Ranger saloon.
Cnpt Humphrey's law office Is now
in the room next door to our oHioo.
Theo. Cartwright . has moved his
family down to his farm near Salem,
N. S. Dn Bols now lives In, the
house recently occupied by Theo. Cart-
JiniTttuB is now engaged in filling
Benton county with Singer sewing
machines. ,
The carpenters have completed their
part of the work on Dr. Plummer's
drug store.
Jlev. A. W, Sweeney and wife, of
Walla Walla, are visiting their friends
in this county.
' Wo acknowledge the receipt of com
plimentary tickets to attend our county
fair next week. ,
Cant. H jmfhrey lias tfecn down with
the fever for a weeK or so, nut is again
able to navigate. ,
Van Cleve has taken in a new boy.
It happened last Wednesday night and
weighs twelve pounds.
Capt. John Smith, of Warm Springs
is down on a visit to bis friends aud
relatives in thiscounty. '
The Albany ship-yard has now on
the stays a large wood boat for Mr.
Newliouse, which will be used when
completed for bilnging wood to this
Quite a number of scoundrels and
petty thieves have already made their
appearance In our city. They all, ex
peat, to make something during the
fair. Look out l'of them.
Suicide. We see by the Salem
dailies that Thos. Watson, the man
who' sometime ago tried to kill him
self at Murray's hotel, in this city, has
at last succeeded in committing suicide,
Last Wednesday he was found dead in
his bed at the Chemektta Hotel In Sa
lem, his death reselting from a dose of
Hair Vigor,
For restoring to Gray Hair its
natural Vitality and Color.
A dressing
which is at
once agreeable,
healthy, and
W effectual f o r
.- hair. It soon
v) restores faded
- L,V
Sftfr-JxZ ' color, with th
gloss and freshness of youth: Thin
hair is thickened, falling hair checked,
and baldness often, though not always,
cured by its use. Nothing can restore
the -hair where the follicles are de
stroyed, or tho glands atrophied and
decayed; but such as remain can be
saved by this application, and stimu
lated into activity, so - that a new
growth of ljair is produced. Instead
of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi
ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous.
Its occasional U3e will prevent the hair
from turning gray or falling off, and
consequently prevent baldness. The
restoration of vitality it gives to the
scalp arrests and prevents the forma
tion of dandruff, which is often so un
cleanly and offensive. Free from those
deleterious substances which make
soma preparations dangerous and inju
rious to the hair, tho Vigor can only
benefit but not harm it.. If wanted
merely for a HAIR DRESSING,
nothing else can be found so desirable.
e. :l1 - :i J it- Anaa
containing lieiiner uu iiur uj, v uw.
not soil white cambric, and yet lasts
long on tho hair, giving it a rich, glossy
lustre, and a gratetul perfume.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
- i.
Magpaifii'ent Display
Fair GnonNDOFFlCEBS.-At a recent an Indian, but his physical deformity
meeting of the Board of. Director or is no comparison to the 'miserable de
the Linn Co. Agr'l Association, James formity of his moral nature; and the
Elkins was appointed Pavilion Mar-j darkness of bis skin is by ne means
shal for the coming fair; W. K. Price j the blackest trait of the man. His
Ticket Agent; Geo. Young, gate-keeper I name is Wm A. Paul, and to gratify
at tho north entrance gate; E. B. Pur- j his spleen and his selfish and malicious
dom, gate-keeper at the south gate; disposition, ho has been circulating a
a. Tiiinnlnt the north cate: Oscar report, (I suppose of his ow.n concoct-
Warren and Rolla Luper, gate- keepers : lug) that 1 nau, witnout me uunseui or
Zamloch. This renowned magician
gave one of his interesting entertain
ments at the Opera House1 last Satur
day evening to a very fair audieuce.
His tricks are all first class, far supe
rior to those of any other magician I
who has visited our city. Ho will be
back here next week.
Contract Received. A. B. Mor-'
ris has received the contract for re
moving the dirt from tho edgo pf that
part of the Canal inside the city lim
its, the price being 22 cents per load.
Work has already commenced, and
those unsightly heaps of earth will
soon be removed from our gaze. ,
At Shbdd's Station. We call the
attention of the people in the vicinity
of the above place, to the advertise
ment of A. Wheeler & Co. They have
anything you havn't, and will self, it
at prices that defy competition. It is
a pleasure to drcp in and look at their
stock even if you don't buy anything.
The Democrat, published at Alba
ny, reports that several farmers on the
prairie near by threshed 500 bushels of
wheat to the acre the present season.
That is good. Bulletin.
Not by about 4ol) bushel, land a good
many farmers. We sim ply stated that
one farmer raised fifty bushels to the
acre. . - '
Thanks. We inadvertently omit
ted to mention last week the receipt
of a lot of most delicious plums from
Mrs. Hughes. They ware of the Golden
Drop" variety, and were the largest
and most luscious of any we have tast
ed this seasou.-
P. C. Hari'EB & C, have just re
received a new supply of fancy goods
and notions, glassware, groceries, etc.,
which they are still offering to sell at
bedrock prices.
New IIosis. Our fire company re
ceived four hundred feet of new car-
bolized hose this wock.
UliOllV XOUUUlOilj
JPor Diseases of the Throat and Lungs,
audi as Coughs, Colds, Whooping
Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma,
and Consumption.
Amonir tha creat
discoveries of modern
BCienco. few are of
more . real 'value ,to
mankind than this ef-,
feetual remedy for nil
diseases of the Threat
and Limes. A vast
trial of its -virtuei
tliroiirrhoilt this Oil
other countries, has
shown that it does
surely and eflectualiy
nony qf our heat citi-
. ' " ' 1 v
Have pleasure in announcing the
Of tho moat Complete aud Exten
sive Stock of
r.ver exhibited In th!a city. The
attention ot the Pablfje Is car.
mostly called to the Inducements
we are offering to Purchasers this
season, which Mr excocu our
v - r
tVrmer unprecedented Attract
tions, '
i ii k&
No. 619 Sacramento Street, oor.
--of Ltddeudorft Street, few dours '
below What Cheer Houbu.
private Entrance uu
loan i'ranoiaoo.
,tabti$Ktd xprttly to afford tU afftiottd oni
and tcientijio medical aid in the twinint
and cura of all Private and Chron
ie J)ueaeB,eatee oS'or
cy and all Sewtai
Ditordert. .
A D V E K X I 8 Ji il h M .
New KcmedloiJ New Remedies i
IIt. IBHOJf'Si ,
23 Kearney St.,
M F11ASCIKC0. . -
Established In 1S61. for the treatment of Box.
Uftl and Htiininal Diseases, such as Oonorrnraa,
ole.'t, Stricture, Hvjhll!is in all its forms, Sem
inal Weakness, Impoteiicy, etc. BUtn disea
ses (of years htandmgjaiid Ulcerated Leg s
successfully treated. , ' .
DR. GlBUOiS bus the blenifere of nnnnunt
olngthat he has returned lrom visiting the
principal Hospitals oi uiroye, nd iu's resurn
d practice at Ms Dispens&ry, 2S tfittmiey Ht.k
corner of Commercial; Ban Frrinmsoo, wheio
ni6 0iapn.uimtsanai.no3e requiring cm ur
oes mny Und htm. i '
The Doctor has scared neither ume norm.
oy In seeking out new rviwdles, and has to
turned with Increased lauiUttas lor Uio : aUvl
tlon of human suiferiui;,
; , Seminal WeakiieHM. ,
Seminal emissions, the oonseqiiefifld of self
abuse. This solitary vtco, oc deprived sexual
sexes to almost uoiimitva exrenf. touiiwuir.
&9 cere thanks to his numerous patients for
ttinlr nntif irmirri. and would tftko tnis opportu
nity to remind tlwm thai ho coullnucs to con
suit at hla Institute fur tho cure ot vhrpnio (lis
eases of the Uliin., Liver, KldneyB, Ulgmtlve
aud Oenita-Urluiiry orsiins. nnd all private
.uiaofisea. -' ' piui". i v ...... -
ges, Man Imvl Wealiiww, and all the hurrld pun
scuuouooa of iidl-ntae, OonorrUota, Oleet,
Htrlotiires, N'oeturnal and plumal emlssiona,
Sexual Debility, Diseases 01' the Back; aud
Loins, Inflammation ot the madder and K.IU
neys, etc., etc, and ho hopes that his lony ex
perlenco and suoeossl'ul practioe will contluuo
to Insure him a share of puhllo patronago. lly
tho practice of many years In Europe and the
United Htates, ho la enabled to apply the most
...mus.i-.i1 .ntn..rlli..tHiralnst dis
eases of all kinds. Ho oures without mercury,
charms moderate, treats his patients In a cor
rect and honorable way, and lias references of
unquestionable veracity from men of known
respectability and Ms" standing In society.
All parties ooiisultlnt" him ly letter or otheis
wise, will receive the best and (nmtlost troat
moi)t, and iinpllelt socrooy.
To Feiunles.
1 When a female I" enorvnteil.'or afflicted with
disease, as wcakness-of the back- and- llmba,
naln In the- head, dimness of sight, loss of
inuseulur power, palpitation of tho heart. Ins
tability, nervousness, extreme urinary dlffleul
ni' ,lmfltlve functions, iren-
eral debility, vaulnltls, all diseases of the
iro or write
Indulgence, 1b )rael
sexes to almost uniimiM-u c-.i.-ni ,nwuwus.
with nnerriDircerlaltity. the lnllowlne; tmin of
morbid svmpUnns. unless couibatetl-by selen
tlllfl medical measun fi, viz: Wallow, counte
nance, dark spots under tho eyes, pain In tha
head, ringing In the ears, noise like the rust1
line of leavi-s and rattling of chariots, uneiisi.
ness about the loins, weakness of tho limbs;
confused vision, blunted Intellect, loss of con
fidence, dUMcnw In approaching strangers, a'
dislike to form now acquaintances,, a disposi
tion to sunn society, lots of memory, hectio
flushes, pimples and various eruptions on tn
fuee, furred tongue, lu-tld breath, coughs, wju;
sumption, night sweaw, tnonoinnnia and fr.
quently lnaamly. it relief be not obtatnedtno
sufferer should apply Immediately either by
hid new anil scientlllo mode of treating this
disease, which never falls or effecting a quick
and radical cure. -Dr. O. will give One Hunr
dred Dollars to iny person who will prove sat.
Isl'nctcrrtlvtohlhithai ho waB cured of thl
complaint by either of tuo fan Kranclsco ,
Cured at nojme.
n,Ann. at. a ri1staneo mM be OURRD AT
Yiiixiieiiv mMrensiuir a tetterto Dr. Olbbon.
stating oose. symptoms, length of tlmethedls
ecse has continued, and have medlclnca
promptly forwarded, freo from damage and
furiosity, to any part of tho country, with full
and plain dl'ectlr.ns for use. l)y enclosing SIO
In a registered letter or through the Post Uraco,
or through Wells. Fargo Co., a package of
medicine will bo forwarded by Express to anv
partortne union. n .
Address Dr. J. V'. OlBnOK, 3 Kearney St.,
corner of (,'nminereial, Ban Francisco. Post
office box 11(57. Remember to put BOX 1T
outheloltor. Consultation FREE. uAyli
control them. Tha testimony
ICnS, Oi Bll wmssua, - -
CnKKiiY l'E(.TOf will and does relieve and
euro tho afflicting disorders of the Throat and
Lungs beyond any other medicine Item
rfnSti affections of tho Pulmonary Organs
yield to Its powers and cases of eoiuump.
tion, cured by this preparation, are public
ly known, so romnrkable as hardly to be be
lieved, were tliey nus proven uuyuuu .
As a remedy It is adequate, on winch the publlo
may rely Cor full protection. Uy Curing Coughs,
the forerunners of more serious diseaso, it saves
imnumborod lives, and on amount of Buflorlng
not to bo computed. It challenges trial, and con
vinces the- most sceptical. Every family should
keep it on hand as a protection against the early
and unr-ercoivod-attack of Pulmonary Alloctions,
which are easily mot at first, but which booome
Incurable, and too often fatal, If negleotel !. . len
der lungs need this dofencoj and It is unwise to
be without it. As a safeguard to children, amiu
tlie distressing diseases which beset the Throat
and Chest- of childhood, Uiisbkt Pectoral r..P l,v Us timelv use. multi
tudes 'are rescued from premature graves, and
saved to the love and affection centred o tliera,
It acts speedily and snrojy against ordinary colds,
looming sound and hoalth-restoring sloop. No,
one wiireuller troublosomo lnllaenzn and po n
ful Ilronchills, whon thoy knew Uow1 easily
tliey cull bo cured. - , , , I .
Ori"inally tho product of long, laborious, and
successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil
is spared In making every bottle In tho utmost
possible perfection. It may bo confidently re
lied upon as possessing all tho virtues It lias ever
exhibited, and capable of nroduoing cures ai
memorable as the greatect It has ever efleoted.
Dr. J.C. AYER & CO,, Lowell, Mass.,
Practical and Analytical Chemist.
nt. Hip soul, stand, and Geo F. Mosher
and John Munson, as fence guards.
The favorite of the ladies is the new
Wilson Sewing Machine. It Is tlie
knowledge of the petitioners, changed
a certain petition, and presented it as
changed, to the County Court ot Linn
county, for tho action of that honora
ble body. Wonderful! wonderful, in-
safe to run up this far, but the owners j jrart9) never gets out of order, and is
think that with an expenditure of I iU9t the machine for Grangers as' they
about $3,000 on the improvement of;senfor $20 less than any other first
the channel they would have no dim-1 class .machine. If you want to wake
simplest of construction, uurauie in an ; . ,, , t,mt x ha(, po8tvey refused
to comply with certain conditions con-
oulty In making regular trips to this
city all throgh the dry season. '
KtsaiNO CitocjCET.We Bee by our
Eastern papers that there has lately
been made a decided improvement on
"the old way of playing croquet, the new
game sailing under the very .sugges
tive name of "kissing croojuet." ' The
way they play it Is this: Whenever a
young lady thinks she can better her
condition by moving her ball six in
ches, she is allowed to do so by kissing
one of the jounst gentleman of theop
posite side. Who wante to play cro
quet by the new rules? We are ready
to drop this quill and go to playing at
one minute's notice. We think it
would be to the interest of our mer
chants to introduce thie game, as It
would create 'a great (remand for tape
Restaurant. Mr. Charles Wiesner
has ooened out a neat restaurant next
door to Taylor's saloon, where be fur
nishes all kinds of eatables in first-
class style. He pays particular atten
tion to the oyster-loving community
and serves up their preferred dish
in any style known-' to the culinary
art We direct the attention of our
readers to his card in Jo-day 's paper.
ART person having' money lying
idle and wishing to make good to
vestiaent can hear of somthing to their
advantage by calling at this office.
home pleasant, buy your wife a New
Wilson Sewing Machine. A. Vail,
general agent, Portland, Oregon.
New Flume. Mr. A. F. Cherry, of
the Albany Foundry, is having a ditch
and flume constructed from the Canal
to his foundry, for the purpose of run
ning it by water power in the future.
Mr. Fry lias the contract and has been
rushing the work along at a lively
rate. The Burning over Dixie creek
will be finished this week, when work
will commence on the ditch.
Oveblasd Monthly. The October
number of this gem among the literary
publications of the United States, has
put in an appearance at our sanctum.
It is filled to overflowing with tlie lit
erature of some of the best writers our
country affords. For a specimencopy,
address John H. t'armany 4 Co. No.
4U9, Washington St,, San Francisco.
Off fob the States. J. Z. Crousc
and familv started for the State of
New York- yesterday, Intending to
make that their future home. They
leave a Iftrge circle of friends and ac
quaintances who sincerely regret their
departure from this community.
C hangB of Fibm. It. C. Hill Son,
druggists of this city, last Monday sold
out their drug store to Messrs. Bell A
Parker, formerly of Oregon City. The
ntm firm will continue the business at
the old place.
cerniug said petition, All of which I
declare to bo an unmitigated, wilful
and malicious falsehood. .
Now, what I did is this: By the
persistent request of Wm. A,. Paul,
and the consent of tho other petition
ers, I did change said petition.
James Cbabtbeb.
Fibemex's Ball Our fire company
will give the "Wliamettcs" aball next
Wednesday evening at the Opera
House. Tickets are being sold by the
Commi ttee of Arrapg'ements at the very
low price of $2 50. The different com
mittees are at work, and we suppose
this will be the grandest ball of the
Fob Ocnoco. iJtst Monday Messrs.
Wm. Circle, sen., and Win. Circlejun.,
started over the mountains for Oehoco,
where they will remain through' tbe
coming winter taking care of thetr
stock. They took with them several
h,.,l nt hrrtml mares which they intend
adding to the band they took over to
that country last year.
Fob California. Thos. L. West
lake and wile, who have been visiting
their relatives In this county for a
short time, started for their home In
Big Valley, California, last Monday.
We hope they may have a quick trip
and no mishaps in crossing the mountains.
Coxcebt. The Baptist Sunday
School of this city will give a concert
at their church tonight It is a free
, thing and everybody Is invited.
HOT For the very best Photographs,
goto Bradley & ltulofson's (Jullei-y
with an KLKVATOH, 42!) Montgomery
Street, San Francisco.
N. Baum cannot pay this year, but he
Informs the farmers and public In gen-,
cral that he has returned from San
Fiiincisco with a large stock of cloth
ing and furnishing goods, also, fancy
dress and dry goods, and a full assort
ment, of general merchandise, which
he will sell at very low rates, accord
ing to present times. Give hlrn a call
before purchasing elsewhere and you
will do well.;': TDK M
C. 4
' A
Tlie Great Tapci
r the Faruicr
Grand ComplMary Soiree,
At the Pacific Opera House,
Wednesday Evening, Octobor 7, 1874,
j. n. jiF.nnyy, w. w. kkn-iamis,
VJ). WV'iWYA, 1,. l.Mi'll-.n,
B. . Fi;ill).j:.l, ORD. CLIN li.
TICK KTH, 14 6b, whim can be hod qf Ihu
Committee tA Arriu)tnnts.
Sillier, IlcclMui'ic nBil Merchant. ,
ovn norm ans , vetakt.
MUST 1H A ftfwtoiOTM
li a FlrnMe CctTiiisnlon r (be Famllf
Clrile lot -V.itkiy Is ilfcajiialHl.
A Fret Com! to vitmexr f"6
3 Oopif, One Year, (nO 0
G Copis -8.18 00
10 Copffljg C:S 00
l'ash Mn adrimrs In U. S. Cloui
a eriDlvsluni in uurreuc
'Amlflecnt MAP
of lite A'adlic vonsl '
'jentrf to ercry fitiliscrlhor-
(mm. D& YOUNG A CO.t JroprUl
PontDionton or authorized
womb, hysteria, sterility, and all otner oisi-n-
..ifnnnr...ui..a. ohrt tilinnln un or write
nt nsia to tho mlebrated foinate doAor, W. K.
Wo would call, especial alien-
tlon (o our Magnificent Stock of
Silks! selected expressly for this.
Season's) trade.'
Quality Ho. 1 00
Quality No. 8
Quality No. S , 0
Quality No. . 9 0
ouulity No. 9 79
Quality No. 6 , 0 00
Quality No, 7
Quality No. S - 00
'X'Bcnoniire Pcriectlon" extra
Quality.. 00
Dohertv, nt his Meillonl Institute anil oonsuit
hi... kn. tmnhlMU unH rllsttiLSe. The lO0-
tor Is effi'Ctlnn more curi,s than any other uliyi
,ho Hlu.R , if Pnltfornln. IjOt no mis
dollonoy prevent you, but npiny iinmeomteiy
nn.1 snvo yoiirsolf from minful sufferings nd
nwmnt.,nu t.h. All Mnrrti'd I,ndles whose
fiellcilte lienlth or olher.cli-cumstanees prevent
anlneroasetn rneir utiniuuB, nt, ,n,u yl
cnllnlllr. w. lv, iioneriy
and they will reootvo every posslblo relief aud
To Cprreapondenta.. fBiMliic In nnv nnrtnf the country.
hswsvcr distant, who may desire the opinion
and advice of lr. Doherty in tlwlr rcspeetlyc
tmes, and who think proper to submit h writ
ten statement of sueh, In preference to uoldlnij
a peAinal IntorViow, are respectfully nBsured
that their eommunloatlons will be held most
snored. The Doctor la regular Bradunto and
.n ...1,1, O....FV nnnlldenee.
if the oase be fully and candidly described,
personal communication will be unnecessary,
as Instructions Tor dint, rclilmcn, and the (tcn
eral IrcntmcnVof tho ease (Including the ronie
dlcs), -vlll he forwarded without ileluy, and In
aueh a manner ns to convey no Id, -a of the
..r.,n.t f, a,. lHi.i.(ir unreel ao transmitted,
Hluiuld your condition rraulre Immediate at
tention, send ten dollars ft! coin (or that value
In currency!, by mall, or Wells, l-'nriio A Co. a
Express, nnd a pacKaue ot meoiouie win uT
sent to your address with the necessnry Instruo
f,.r fa v,niillrtMon bv letter or other
wise, fkeud, I'ormaneut cure Kuaruniecu or uu
Man Franclsoo, Cal.
HavlnR a llttge lotf tho celobnitoii
dlrent from tile factory, I can offer bettar In
duce oaants to farmers than ever. , '
. , ; . AWO THE .... ., -i
for grading Vheat, cleaning flax, eta..
anda verletyof other machinery.
Those In want of such articles will nnd It W
their adventage to cull at my Blacksmith Shop,
corner of heuond and Kllswortb street, ,(opi
Bite fierep-s rerrj-i, AiuHoy, vi. -poii.
ordem irom tt uistaueu H"'l',i'",""r"v'r"
V8n-I2tf. . FRANK. WOOD.
500 piece! Serge ..o pr yd.
300 pes Satin do Chine . t
, , oue fr j
2 10 pee Hemvj Empress
ie pr j.
aOO pes I'rcucli Merinos ,
.700 pr ja,
8S0 pes All Wool McMhon"
Cloth - P i
nn nes Fancv Btrlpea wrens
tloods 70 P' y'
(this Line li well worth We,)
Untlerwoar, - -Hoiiiery.
Qloyes, '
Bed Spreads.
Table Linens,
Linen Napkins,
Sliirting Oheokii
Baggy Eobes.
Dr. Dnherty has Just published an Important
amohiet rmboUylng his own views and expe
riences in relntlon to ImlHteneo or virility, oo
in .i.w .pfknun oi, Hnermfitorrhan or Hem.
Innl Weakness, Nervous and I'hysloal Uoblllly
consequent on this affection, and otlior disea
ses of the Sexual Organs. -
THIS little wora contains miuri,tn.. ...
utmost, value to all, whether married or slnitla,
and will be sent 1'',BBM by mall on receipt ol
all cents In postal" Stalin for return liostiigo.
Han Krunolsno, Oal.
.... , ,iu fj,.ln nn WnnurA 11 t ie r
splendid new and substantial warehouan, which
has a atoriure oapaclty of S,IKI tons, is ported.
ly tree of rats and mleo. Vessels can loaa
alongside at all seasons of the year. ,
The Co. have made arrangements for
on all araln stored with tnem. rnm-nt cnar
ges to Astoria by W. It. T. i;o. to be paid when
groin Is sold, without Interest lailug charged.
ror ,.r.,vu.- ,;,7UHMITni ror,,and,
Or, t, r, AbaJB, Iseo'y ami Ag't l Astoria.
Lately Oocitpiod by 0. B. Oomstock 4 Co..
At the foot, of Ellsworth street, (Ferry Land
lngi, anil having thorougrfly overhauled and
repaired It, are ready to receive and store Whe ,
end Oats expeditiously and In good shape. ,
aa-Sacks, to uy amount, furnished to order.,
-' FOB-
FOrK Of1 THE A. I.
214 30 laoh, geared with Tjangenberg Knif
Shake Shoe-Mounted Powers. Those wanting
Threshers will do well to call soon. Also,
Clow's Iron Heart, MtAi'iey
Fork, etc,' etc,
AtliANV OI1EOON. ' n)w3
will sell to their regular ouatomers
Kresh from the Bay twice a week, sunshine or
rain, at throe dollars per sack, until lurthef
" ilaving aunpllnil this market with Oysters
for the Inst llltccn years without Interruption,
(whether there was pfotlt in them or not.) wo
shall continue doln so In the luturo. We are
also offering Hoe Inducements to customers
wishing lo sell tho Eastern or I'uget Mound
AStortU, pin iwnier nuy.
' a. g. UUOKB, 1'ortland Agent,
5ml. OIBco, foot of Mtarkat,
Thoelnfrfhofrral and nn
asnttllf ttrctio bstrgninej will
be amply repaid bf an early
H. n.The attention of our
City Friend (T) is ealled to these
Look here, AVcary Women.
,-n.. t,. j.hMtiiL and most durntile ma-
chine ever nventc-d, and will cost nothing tp
Din! nut what It win i ''""" "".','" ',.7
tlons as the country Is full of them. 1 he I II
max can be had by calling u.n our agents or
from W. II. HoKerlsiiU'stln-slor', Albany. 1 he
iirleeorthls wonoeriui inaenni.. n,K.j.
. j ,.i u,i u,rthlh Hitentlon of every
fill. illy In'tlie Ht.ate ', don't fall to sen It before
p w!i"HAy,KoeieVl Agent for the St.t. of
Oregon, v nWtl.
S C. HIM, 4 f")S, OK VMtAVy, WOI'I.D
rai-elliilly annoiioce thfit th' y h,ve
M.J.i tfn-lr fcllllre httxl' of iirtil;sf Stf-OleSnes,
l'aii.ts, etc,, lo A. II. II, ll rra.-r. law oi ww
r,.n City, and w.uld siielt a coi.t, nuance of
their pattr,f,i,;;e to th" ri'- firm. All re rw.ris
uidebttt to me ittl.,. linn will pl'-nse coine for
ward and 8,-tlle soon. t'i,til lurtlier notice oor
books te found at tbe old stsnd with Mr.
O. O. Ixrfiae.who Is authoris'-d to receive and
reeeltouindinour nan-.e.
news, R. C. IIII It A HQ.
4. happed Ilauda and Face,
Bore Lip. Irj nr ef the Mkio,
die., te.t
Cured at once by IIKOEMASH CAMPHOR
U K WT1 U (il.VCKKlNK. It twfie tne h inds
soil In all weatli-r. tv, that yu gt I'.U.Iv
MAN"rt. l ell lw-ut(gi!, only 'M oeiil.
Xannfactiired only bv II f ,KVA9t A Chm.
Mti and tionais, ior. ithDTAr-
I rmrrfinr. t. m!i ftfreett, i I
Capital, (Pali la M) $800,000
Surplus (1(130311)200,110
Tneawli rvrj kind mf LrsjIllaaeM
KoMkins; IGlisiiiree.
BrT ! KKI.IM i:XflIA"I01!onth
prinllial tines ol mo (;niutlKtaU:auiil F.urepe.
ST avsilalile at all commercial and finmioaJ
BUI' Ann KV.Vl.H National, Bute, City
W1 Coulilr hotels,
IlTE(IT:ni!HTl MfI! onordew.
CiO'.n Ann nii vi-u m I.l.iosr and
I.KUAl, J'HJJf.Ki Isaiglil and aelo,
and Curreiirr. and ei;jett lo cueclt at yleaeufe.
MTBBEOT PAIDonTlnie Deposits.
CH.M"rim 1IB In Mas. Ftaue-
riwr and vl'iiil.v wlN.iiet ,-lisrve, sn1 st all
otiir peints st CMt, srel proceeds remitted at
carrent rates of tUUiange.
0. K. KOQAJtT, mB H. BTmRTT,
lj. Catiist. . FreeUeut.
Wholesale and Itctall Dealers In
American, Knglisli tc For
eign CsOodM.
Cask Advances eat Every tlestrlptlo"
ANU OlNTMUN't" have now become sue of
lbs standard preparation! " uie oayi
pareii and reooaimeBiled for Piles 011y (whether
caronli'orreesu.;. Bwn..-vr"- -i-
It, that this remedy will give them permanent
relief from this treubleiome and damaging com-
''lent postpaid te ny address (within tlie Uni
ted litates) upon receipt of price, f I. SO.
A, l-aiwi 1. etivn- v w.,
Allieoy, LiBn Co., Oregon.
Cllm.i:s WIlNO., Froprletor.
market, olio door east of Oradwohl's lln
Htoro.on Kront Mtreet, In Albany, 1 .will ba
hannv to accommodate nil who may favor mo
with ihf lr tialminiKe. I prolse to keep a first
class market and guaraatco aatlstactlon to alt
my customers, ,,
Bjlllghi et price pld for hides. vlDnltf. .
I1 undersigned, Huvld Fmtnsn, Admlnle.
trator, of tho estntn of .. O. Uraves, deceased, ,
by virtue of an order of the County C ourt of
1 ,lii 11 County, Oregon, mado and entered of
iwnrd nt tha Hopt. term thereof, 1KM, will eeli
at public auction at the Court House door. In
Albany, Unn County. Oregon, en i , . ,
Saturday, the 3ht day of Oct., mi,
between the tmurt of" o'cloeh: A. M. and
o'eloeg I. M, OJ saiu any, to uro u s..
best blthler, the following real estate or a
much tbereor as balotiu-s lo the laid estate de
scribed as follows, lo wit t ...
The south hell of the following described
tract of Beginning nta point do
the Kinteru boundary ol the original flonat on
Land (ilalio of Wallace Cliahnian and wife.
Claim -Vo. o7, as appears uiwn the plats arid
surveys of the United Mate, on Die in the
"and. dllco at Oregon City, Ori-gon, In lown
sl.lpll,H.HithRi..iK4, est W II
rldfan, l.lnn County, Oregon. m.S eh", n
North of the Houlli-Hast. corner of said chiUni
running thence chains, thenoo North.
.utl ehalne. thence North 113 degrees West
uV,.,i,,il, fiorth-West corner of said ola tni.
thence East 5.M chains, thence Koulti to me
I laco of begliinlng, containing w acres more,
i less, all of said preinlsee lying and being In
the (Veuity oi inn, n.eM, ... "s-;--. v:" ,v-,
following terms: lor gold coin, of the United
BtatiHi, one-half of purchase price to be paid
dows at time of sale, the residue to be pal.t
In elx uionths, with 13 ner cent. Intereat, tli
payment thereol to li secured with note and
mortgage Vvi Kl'l'i'iM AS. Adminlatrator.'
M,.,rfe.h..e-2lth. 1K74. Vl0n7Wi.
I deriee of the undr-rsigie-d at puhllcaurtlonj
lo the highest blild-r. on Kriday , tlctolier i ,
commeneliig ntlio'oloelc A. ., the foil ow I g
rleser IK-'I prois-ny: re"
horses and harness, two wagons , on I i: incnrU
buggy and harness, one row and two flue helf
wh'.-at, one set o'f'carieioter'a t.Ols, Uajethor
with all (kinds of farming uiensns am.
K..V.I ,,,i siiehen furniture, all now and com-
. . ... 'm..u..iui. ..w.iiil.s' ereillt. Wit
tl.'ie. j,-rin: i""-" - -
end and approval security. . ... 1U, H,.."U"W. .
Published as a warning and for the beneflt
of young men and others w no so"'',"'"
NKltvotiM iir,nn,i. i t,. ' Wh,
ete wlntln, ;ou 1 1 he meal a o. -
hi?na.'llnfr.7u .derBoln nmslderable o.iaeK;
erv and l.ialletl tree in. reelvli,g a IKMt-paiO.
11 Clinton Kvpni, urooav".-' J
In the matter of the Estate of I.
, K. U'luhnrd, Deceased.
fATnTICK IS HKKP,IiY Olve.:v THA I r-j .-,
underalgtied aiw duly appolllWd J,",'':
trator of the aljove estate, uy r
County i;ourt oi .";"
at tho Heptembert: .7.. thereof lHt. I Inn
al persons imv.i-ir ,-i,uei - .
are notllle.l to po -nt I he same .
lothBUiul-rTCU'd at.AIUui), Omion, at an
ter..Fe.crlta.abJ- law. AlmutUAraar
(!o. R. Tf km, Atfy rer Adia-.
llttted Kept. 1. le. l.-n.'w. ,
mrAMNFi. 'KIP " '
eilatlnx bcii H I '
lo, under tho Jfin name 1,1
curtylng on bm.iie a. IVe
All,env. Oregon, Is tl, ,1.
tual ciewot, lit N v
Aliaev. fc.ipl l'1 h.l" 1. 1