f i 4; FRIDAY OCTOBUR 2,1874. OFFICIAL PAPER FOR OREGON. onuacviiX's boihhomsm. ' ,In the Orcgonian a few days ago, i the editor indulged in a few playful remarks concerning the tenderness with which the Governor, in his uios t s.igo, handled the late litigant act, and the "rigidity of his spinal col umn," as shown in his remarks upon "the Portland police bill," and quotes from the Message in refen nee to the latter as follows: ' , "To meet an evident necessity, four years ago, a law passed by the Legisla ture reorganizing the I'olice Depart , ment of the city of Portland. This law is in contravention of the general principles of local self-government, and should be changed as soon as practicable. After giving us the foregoing quo. tation from the Message, the Orcgon ian editor breaks forth with the fol lowing remarks, no doubt rubbing ' his bands with gleeful joy at the ' thought that Gov. Grover's "Bour bonism" was about to fail him, ho says: "Why, that is one of the very arguments most used by Republican - orators and newspapers to justify the Reconstruction policy." The Port land police law is "in contravention of the gouoral principles of local self-government," but it ia to be jus tified on the plea "of evident necessi ty." "Wo would hot impeach Gov. Orover'a Bourbonism, but it looks very mucn tts if it were hanging on the verge, and if he shall next (in dorse the appointment of provisional Governors in the South no one neod be surprised," &c. It is true, as tho Oregonian editor says, that nrcessilg was thrf arguments most used by Republican orators and : newspapers to justify the Reconstruc tion policy, but in all this there is a , ' a painful want on tho part of Republican orators and' news papers of a. proper approhoiision of tho the relations tho Statos boar to tho fodoral government and tho ' relations the counties or incorporated cities bear to the Statos. Tho city ohartor of the city of rortmncl was granted by the State legislature it , was tho creature of the Legislature, what laws tho Legislature had niade it could unmake, repeal, and such rightB or franchise's us the Legisla ture had thereby given it could take nway, without any violation of a fun damental law. The best policy to pursue in any given case of tho kind is all the Logislaturo need inquire in to. Not so, in tho case of the so called Reconstruction by Congress of the several Stato governments in tho South. The several States were tiot the crcafWos of Congress owod none of their rights or franchises to CongresBS, Congress had no rights to give a State, possessed no original powers, on tho contrary, all the rights or power possessed by the Congress or any departments of the federal governiuout wore originully lodged in the sovoral StatoH, and by them delegated to the federal govoin went in the Constitution a creature of tueir own creation. Hence wo eoe no analogy in tho cabo of the eierciBe of Legislative authority by a State over a city, within tho State, and that of Congressional authority over the government of a Stato to abol ish it, and substitute another in its stead, If the views heroin expressed are, in tho estimation of the Oregonian editor, "Bourbon Democracy," we most cheerfully accept it, and can find in the Governor's Message noth ing to warrant a well grounded fear ' that he is drifting from his "Bour bon mooring?." patient, instead of f G.25, as charged by Hawthorne." Before the Legisla ture will authorize a change of tho p'lace of . keeping the insane from the comfortable and safe quarters now occupied by them to another, that body will doubtless ask to be well assured that a suitable building is, br will be ready for their recep tion when the time for their delivery arrives. The Slaleman refers to another proposition. It is, "to erect upon the State grounds the necessary buildings to accommodate 200 pa tients, and properly maintain them for $1.00 per week for each patient for four years; the State at the end of that time, to receive the improve ments at a just appraisement by Com missioners." There is at least one objection to this proposition tho proposod building will in less than a year be insufficient to accommodate all the patients. ' On the first of Sep tember, 1872, there were 1G7 patients in the Asylum on tho 1st of Sep tember, 1874, thero wore 195 an in crease of 28 in the two years. Should the Legislature think the latter proposition thp most feasible) and economical it would be necessary to make provision for raising tho noc cssary funds to pay for tho building at the expiration of the four years, lest wo thou find ourselvos with an other elephant on our hands. EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. Salem, Tuesday, Soft. 29. 1MUANK ANTMJM. One of tho most diluuult uinttors to adjust that is now engaging the at tention of the Legislative Assembly of Oregon, is that of the insauo and idiutio putionts of tho Stato. We have before us tho bioiinial re port of Dr. J. C. Hawthorne, present superintendent, submitted to tho Governor, showing the conduct of that institution for the two years end ing Sept. 1, 1871, besidoB some well authenticated statistics giving valu able information us to tho cost of tho construction of suitable asylum buildings for tho care and treatment of that peculiar class- of patients. This table shows tho average cost of nil tho asylum buildings in tho United States to. be $ 1.191 for oach patient accommodated. Tho interest on this sum if expended in building uu asy lum building -iu Oregon would be $119.10 per year, or an additional cost for the keeping of f'J.ii'J per week for each patient lieatod. And the average cost of koeping the in sane in the different Asyluaig in tho United States is ?5.G1 per woek, and many of those Artsvhuu biuldiugs are owned by the respective Statos in which they are situated. Add tho interest on the building, fund as above staled, it bring!) tho keeping of the insune patients of Oregon, up to $7.90 per woek for oach patiout. Theso are facts and figures that should be carefully weighed in the consideration of tho question what ahull we do with the uiw.ne and idi otic of the Slate? Tho Salom States man oi Tuesday Inst, says,' editorially, that, "There are responsible parties here (in Salem) nt the propor loca tion, who are offuiiug to perform the contract for $1.75 a week for each OREGON tt.VIllAI. PACIFIC RAILWAY. We find- published at length in Monday's Oregonian, the Bill intro duced by Senator Briotow of Lane, to encourage the building of tho "Ore gon Central Pacific Railway." This entorpriso is intendod to form a con nection by Railroad and telegraph between tho Central Pacific Railroad at or near Winnomniucca iu Novada and the Columbia river on tho West side of the Willamettoo river., Tho Bill now beforo us is very carefully drawn and it seems to us that it should pass both branches of tho Leg islature nt an early day. This Bill amply guards tho finan'ciul credit of the Stato, and well protects tho in- 1 L 1, -M 1. ... .. iuiu.ii, oi mo ooniiuouiers. All the aid asked of tlio State it can woll af- fwrd to givo. Section one provides for a grant from-tho Stato, of the right of way over all Stato lands ono hundred foot wide on oach eido of tho road, and all the' nooossary grounds for side track, station de pots, &c, not to exceed forty acres at any one placo, with tho right to tuko away from adjacent lands tim- bor, stone and, other material neces sary to be used in the construction of tho road and telegraph lino. Sec tion .eleven provides that the Railway Company shall transport over its lino of road all Stato troops ond muni tions of war, nocossary to bo thus transported, for a period of thirty yours iroin mo approval of the aot, without compensation, other than the Stato, county and school tax asscssod against the Company, Tliore aro those who will, porhaps regard this as a munificent gift on the part of the State, but if so, it is a gift of something tho Stato has not now in nana to givo a gift in pros pective, It may bo true that the State will seldom be called upon to transport troops or munitions of war over this or any othor road, yet we think tho increased emigration into this State induced by tho construction of this road, and tho euhancod value of properly adjacent to the line of the road, over what it now is or over can bo without such transportation faeilitioB, will in a few years bring more tax money into the Stato Treas ury; and the treasury of the several counties through , which tho road parses, than can over find its way there without the consummation of some such enterprise. ' On last Monday, says iho Lafayette Courier, tho veteran turfman, Jim By- lioo, passed through town, enroule to the Washington County Fair, with a horso ho called Goorgo," and said it was tho property ot Hon., John 1 Miller, ot Salom. Ou Thursday, Mill Gil d's horse's aud those which ho in engaged iu training passed through for the same place. A number of large sharks have been seen iu Little Skookum Bay, near Olympia, Ono was seen chasing a small boat with a man in it the other duy. That man did not wuittomako acuurato measurement, but those on slioio estimated tho length at about twenty feet. Ou lust Wednesday, Claude, eon of Hon. U. S. Stiahan, a little fellow soriie four or five years old, got hold of and drank about a half ouuco of tincture of iodine. Tho quantity being so largo it acted as on instant eiiielio, probably saving theohild's lilo by its immediate notion. ' Mr. Waito, Sooroury of tho Stato Agricultural Society, states that from the npplicationi for licenses, the pat rons of the Fair will find plenty of smusotnsnts to.grutitiy their tnsle. All tho indications point to s grand exhi bition and a general good tihio. Wo lenru that the population of Josephine has considerably increased witliiu the past few weeks by reason of emigration. Josephine 6ounly contains a largo area of fertile land, suitable for making comfortable farms for many people. Superintendent Wstkiuds has ap pointed Mr. J. Diiou Wagon Mailer at tb Penitentiary. PEN SKETCHES OF SENATOIiS.(cONTINt,'l!D. HON. J. S. M. VANCLEAVE, , ' of Multnomah, is the giant of the Senate, arising to the majestic height of six and a half feet, and present ing a massive frame which almost obr scures the little six feet Senators with whom he is surrounded. Ho is 50 years old, is a native of "Hcosier dom," and came to Oregon , when everybody else did, in 1S52. Sena tor Vahcleave has held several offices of trust and responsibility, having served throe terms in the Washing ton Territory Legislature (ono term of which he was President of the Council) mid ulso held tho position of Receiver of Public Moneys at Olympia. Ho is a life-long Demo crat, and was elected to the Senato last June on the Independent-Democratic tickot of Multnomah. His varied Legislative experience, exten sive knowledge of parliamentary luw, strong common sense and easy flow of language render him a match in ftronsie oncounter for any gentle man on the Senatorial floor. He is an aggressive and forcible legislator, and is undoubtedly the Agememnon ot the Independent-Democratic side of the house. HON. j, s. DOI.Pn, of Multnoinah, was born in the Em pire Stato, is 3G years old, and came to Oregon in 'G2, at which timo he entered upon tho practice of the law in Portland, and has since arisen to cminenco at the Oregon Bar. Iu forty he is tall, broad-chested and robust, which, added to his ebony hair and whiskers, distinguish him as a man of fine personal appear ance. Ho is an uncompromising Re publican, being peculiarly decided and aggressive in his partisan pre delictions and nevor loses nn oppor tunity to tread violently and stump ingly on the toes of his political op ponents. Indeed this characteristic in tho Houorablo Senator's composi tion is so constantly manifest that I beliovo the Democrats have iuoro unanimously "d d Dolph" than any otner urogon itauicul. no is now serving his second term in the Sen ato, whore his legislative experience. oratorical powers, and fine native ability evince his unmistuknblo claim to tho leadership of his party in that body. .We scarcely did him justice last week in dubbing him tho Ulys- sos ho ought to bo named the Achil les of tho Republican Senators. 1ION. FIXLEY WATSON, of Douglas county, is aged 84, and was born in the State of Iowa. In stature ho is of tho medium type, compactly and symmetrically, built, with a imo, woll poised head, and largo, frank bluo eyes radiuting from finely chisoled Saxon features, which characteristics mark him as an elegant spocimcn of Westorn manhood. Ho is Republican in politics, but his ur banity and affability render him per sonally popular as woll with his po litical opponents as with his partisan friends. In poiut-of-fnet no mattor how much ono might differ with "Pin," Watson on general or politi cal questions, ono would never expect to get on ''cussing terms:" with him. Though young in years, ho s one of tho leading luwyors of Southern Ore gon, iicing a quick Uimkor, a ready ronsouor arid forciblo debater, wo look to see him take a front rank, after a few years, in tho counsels and honors of his party in this Stato. If Dolph be tho Achilles of tho Radical Bide of the houso, tho young Ump- qua Senator may not inaptly rank as his mora inipulsivo and popular comrado J'atrochis. SKNATOa lm.vty, of Yamhill, tits next to Townsond on tho Domocratio Bido, and, though having little to say , in over on tho alert to see that everything goes aloiig square and honest. He is 41 years old, is a farmor by occupation, and first immigrated to Oregon from his nulivo Stato, Missouri, iu 1817. Having over a quarter of a century's knowledge of tho wants and neces sities of our young commonwealth, and boiug ft gentleman of excellent Benso and keen judgment, ho .will make ono of our safest Legislators. Treasurer, which lets our fellow-citi zen, Hon. J. H. Hackleman, out of oilice. e are pleased to be able, to state, however, that it is more than probable a law will be enacted allow ing a reasonable and just compensa tion to the Stale Treasurer, by which means he will be enabled to retain Mr. Hackleman in his office. A multitude of bills have been in troduced in both Houses, but I have not space to enumorato the long pro cession. As soon, however, as they are enacted into laws I will forward them to the Democrat for publication so that our readers may be fully post ed as to the laws by which they aro to be governed in future. There is a noticeable absence of lobbyists at this Legislature, which I regard as tho highest compliment tuat couIU be paid a body of law makers. At the session of two years ago the city was filled with intriguers and manipulators, and money was clanked and scattered around as free ly as water; Cut now theso corrup tion commodities are equally scarce, to the infinite disgust of the Salem ites who have for twb years hankered for the flush times which were here tofore ushered in with the assembling of tho Legislature. But I must close and gallop to the post office witli this, or you won't be inflicted with my regular dose of "podophyliu'Miterature. MART. When tho Pennites, in the late re volt in New Orleans, captured the Stato House they struck' a rich lead in tho .way of letters and othor pa pers, showing who they were' that done it and how it was done, when that incubus Kellogg was fastened upon tho suffering people of Louisi ana as their Governor. In another article in to-day's paper. wo vontured the prediction that the villainies of 1872 would bo re-enacted in the November elections in Louisi ana in 1874. We will be pleased if the coming events .shall prove us no prophet, but we, must havo better evidence than is afforded by the list of nanies appearing in tho captured papers in the late revolt in Now Or leans. Those men still live and are yet iu power, and nil that is needed to command their services is what the captured papers show they got money I and that money will be forth coming when needed. Chandler, Carpo'ntor, Butler nud Williams a quartetto of names to unenviublo fame not unknown. Cushing and BilliiigsVit that time might legitimate ly have been hired as Attorneys in this vilo and villainous scheme, if At torneys can lawfully bo so employed, and no -doubt wero, but their efforts wei-o futile until tho other parties stepped to tho front. Butler "advised with the othor council and thought he ought to have more than $3,000, as a retainer, 'because ha lost a fee on the other eido. - Chandler acknowledges 5 10,000 and asks for more because his services wore effective. No doubt thoy wero. Billings says: "Chan dler worked nobly and more effect ively than any one except Williams." Woudor how much Williams got? Gushing acknowledges ?2,000 and asks for another $1,000, bocause he had to divido with Chandler. This Senator Chandler must be a vora cious man to got $10,000 and then go uftor Cushing for half of his little $2,000. Well, they got their monoy, and Kellogg got to be Governor, and all wero correspondingly hapjy. ' 1 ho Lslayette Courier says: Last PACIFIC COASTEBS Mr. Carr, of Pierce county, has just returned from Yakima, and reports the mines paying about $3 50 a day to the band. Tho total value of property in Coos county this year is $1,000,000. A tax of 25 mills on the dollar has been levied. Camp Warren, in Southeastern Oregon, has been abandoned and the irooj s removed to Fort Bidwell, Mo doe County, California. Judge Tolman, of Ashland; has gone to tho California State Fair with the intention ot purchasing several head of Angora goats. L. S. Dyer, U. S. Indian Agent, ad vertises for 50,000 lbs. of wheat for the Klamath Agency, and 20,000 pounds of flour for the Yainax. Tto travel to Coos Bay is quite largo at present, and the Plaindealcr saysthat the stage to and from Rose burg is always filled with passengers. Tho will of Henry II. Spaulding, deceased, was admitted to probate at Lewiston, during last week, and Ra chel Jane Spaulding appointed exec utrix. . " Thocharter with which it is proposed to clothe the town of Dallas, forbids the salo of spirituous liquors, oxoept to porsuns armed with a dootor's pre scription. TliO'Corvallis Gazelle learns that an immigrant train of ton wagons ar rived in Benton County on Friday of last week from Missouri, There were about thirty-five persons in the train. Mrs. Doughty, living near -Monmouth, raised this year, 136 bushols of wheat on a small field of four acres The crop was put in by her. son about thirteen years of age. Tho Vancouver Register in its last issue gives an extended aceount of the manner in which its editor was assaulted by a ruffian claiming to be a Good 'Templar. It seems to have been a cowardly ntttaek. Nino acres of a field of wheat on Mr. S. G. Heed's farm, near Amity yielded sixty-four bushels to the acre. Tho entire field has boon spoken of by, those who havo noticed the excel lent crop while it was growing, and undoubtedly it would show one of the best average yields yet mentioned if the figures wero known. Only the above figures were given. 51'EUIAL' NOTICES. It is HADDiiMNG to sco our hnlr blossoming lor tli'i t;mvi' loo i-iti-ly. f.loiv ospwially woni--n i.-i't tlm iiliUcUon, nnd it Is uven n Rmater ili-loi-riiity to tlu-m tli.ui to men, Ayer'a Hair VUoi- r;iiiovi;: ItauU r.-.storjs the Uuir loiue Unit's, but its original color always. riiyNl(lo;;Uti sny ICiut, our Bodlel are rcii'-w, il one ; in sr.vt'n year.;, 'lho material of wiueli ttiey are reconstructed Is the blood, and uiisessiL iiM iiiny eiKinri'd witn t ie pleiiinntB oi naiay, tin- sir 'iijttu ana ncaltli or the sys tem u'-elme. Oiall ultKkliler,iirnt.s.Du. Walk. kk's ViMtfiAU Liirifcusls lue salest and most nmtitiu e. 1 nere s no i sense, nr n!ii- tmm depravation ol tho blood, which It will not apecuuy cure. A. WHEELER fc Cd'S COLUMN, OLDEST HOUSE IN TEE TEASE, ESTABLISHED ANNO SHEDD WE nra oo hand fop the fall campfiln ii with a care be found as the ISlSt Thursday, Oct. 1, ' Sl'AWUHINOB. I have not time to givo nny moro "photographs" this week, but hope to be able to complete the Senatorial scries at an early dato. Last Saturday tho Legislature went to Portland and inspected the State Insauo Asylum, and all were lavish in praises of Dr. Hawthorne's man agement of that iniportont publio in stitution. It seems to bo the pre vailing impression that tho Stato can not do better for these unfortunate people (wo mean the insane I) thim to keep them under Dr. Hawthorne's caro, and I suppose ho will again be awarded the contract. Mrs. Addie Ballon delivered a brilliant lecture at Heed's Opera House last Tuesday evening, to a large audienco. Tho circus w ill be hero Sulurduv, and tho W'ebfoot hoodlum is corres poudiuly hilarious. Iho Legislature hasn't thus far done much of anything but whet its sculping knife. Ah! yes, I forgot that it has repealed the litigant law, j much to the delight of the average Radical pajwrs of the State. It has also abolishetl the Assistant State Monday, as Mr. William McCoy was driving a band of ca.ttlo to Portland, when ubout four miles east of this place, ono of them, a largo four-vear ! 1)rw,1eh the fond Is converted Into nutriment old steer, run into tho brush. Mr Will in iu Malono, who v;is,liolj)ing 'to drive, dismounted and tried to' brine him out. Tho stoer became enraged, attacked tho young gentleman, and might havo gored him to death, but for the extraordinary presence of mind displayed by tho gentleman. lie crawled between tho fore, legs of the animal and throw him down, tho animal falling on one of his legs. In this position they had to lie, tho man being unablo to extricate hiouolf uud not daring to lot tho infuriated brute got up first. After struggling in thin way for somo time assistance arrived and the young man eacapod by crawl ing out between the animal's Mud The Vancouver .Iugirter of last Friday says: "To-day was aot by the Independents of Walla Walla to meet in Vancouver to nouiinato a candidate for Delegate to Congroes. As wo go to press no ono has arrived from that section. A few fioiu other sections of tho Territory aro in town, but what 1 action will be had we aro not advised, j The probabilities aro that Convention will not be held muilulter tho Repub licans huvo niado their nomination. 11 Whnt U thn lirvat KtiiHlv, mid what are Its otr.-tts? Jin-no ftrc (luesMnns which tho itivtit Anu'ricnii public lifts f rliiht to ask. and I bus aisf a right tnoxpneta eamlid and sat Isinotory mply. Thp pivparfttlnn Is a mild and Rfiuhj t.ilin: cnthartic, altemtivn and tonic, ami J most (..i-i'f ully prcpurvd In the form of uNtinw-wtiftn i-i.u.Ht, contulnlnE nit thn mm. di'i-iul medical pi'op'.-rtles of tho hir-fatued Seltser Springs of Germany, s Of iu HTvot it, thoso who have tented the preparation nr. tho b;-st. Judpea, and they do flare, over their own signattiros, that the prep anttlonwlll promptly nIUnc indigestion, rejr uluto tho ilmv of the bile, euro every species of ht'fldachn, traiHiuliizo the. iurvmm Rvsr.pm.iw. tresnnml IiiVltforata tho W'.xk, nittinuto tho ir,,iw"i rii'.iimmiMii, Jifuimuxo acid in t i-iomiteii, civilise anu tone tlio bowels, nasi the fHliinir aiiui'tlte. curt) tho heartburn. you aro a stitriTor, j;Ive this remedy one trial, and it will eonvineo you of the-ubovo facta. oum oy an uruRiMS. V Tho Source of Many Ills. V all the ailments, bodily ana' mental, which torment t ho human family could be traced to their primary sources, it would probably be found tha.t three-fourths of them originated in lite failure of tho stomach and thoother organ and applied to t he purposes of life, to perform uiiKiii.a m i neyi oy nature, Vigorous ly and retrnLirly. This beinir tlui case the vast importance of a medivhie which compels theso omiins tti.do th Mr whole dutv, thoroughly and cult-lent ly, Incomes at unco apparent. Hostot ter's Stomach Hitters may be truly character ied as a prupnratiou of this kind, indeed, as tho only ono which can be implicitly relied on r cumuniiTiK mn properties oi a somuacMo, ami alterative nnd an aperient in such nro- port Inns as to produce simulhmecuslv the de sired ehVet iiMin the disordered stomach, liver mu i.i.r.-mten. jmih conclusion is warranted by the celerity and certainty with which the Hitters airord reliel' in chronic eases of dyspep sia, torpidity of tho 11 vt r and constipation. Tho lalso idea that these complaints and others that grow out oi them, could be cured by llereo caHimrMcs, has at last, it is hoped, b-en thoroughly exploded. The slek, daring tin' laM. huiuhvd yr:u huve swallowed thou- samiH oi ions oi mercury, scammonv, gam hoLTc, crototi oil, jalap. Ac. and tens of thn. sands ot graved havo been prematurely filled thereby. Jh:i ever since the rlnelpleof reno vation, at) embodied Uostetter's Stomach Bit ters, was arrayed against Hie principle or pros tration, as represented by mineral snllvanU ami turious pure,aties, tlio latter has steadily '1 lie outcry against stimulation bv which m. enctor ii depleting drenches hoped to give eclat to their disgusting and dangerous com pounds has only s.TVed to Increase the demand tor the wholesonm stimulant, tonio and alter ative which for tweaty-flvo years triumphed over oil opposition and is now the most popu- .... ....ini.iMi.i.np ""inn ui.-misu(i.'ru, fully selected Block which wl usual to contain the best goods at the lowest yuuos, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Tun hank ov hhiiihic rot.rsimA is PTvpitr.'fl to imikf mlYnnce. nualnut wheat stored m i'ortlttnd ware)ioim-s. KIIWIX RrsaEI.L, n5wfi. . - Manager. Tho County Court of Josephine at its last session in a Jo a low of - cents on tho dollar nit increase ol ono fourth of a cent over last year. This raise is mails to meet tho extra 'expense- liable to occur from lbs lSriggs auj other eases. ,Ono of the proprietors of the Muck, illeo Fishery says that tho ruu ot sal mon has just commenced ami they are taking them at the rate of abort eight een barrels per day. Jimmy O'.Mean is ajloat again. Jlis oonnecliou with the Aulktm ceased lst Monday. " OYSTER SALOON. CHAW.KS WIKSN'RR HAVISO OPENED ootrt-iit-w oys:..r-saltwii, in the building nt'xt loTnv tor's saloon, Invito, tlm public to tttvc him a fall. Froslt oysti-rs and all othr , :ltnt)l,'K s .v.l no n n, : A tK. culinary art, on Wrt notice. ntftf. ESTEY (IHGAX. AKDOX PI.1XO, A. r. SMITH & CO., Importers and (ronrml dmlert lu Organs and l'iano. Csanl ajtsafcrthf V ororvonvt, l'T, Front St., lur.tand, Oregon. NOTICH TO CREDITORS. Estate or James Kaox. Decease. VdTIl'KIS HKKKIIY tilVEX THAT THE understi.-m'd. l,v onirr or tho Owinty Court ot Ltnn county, ur j;ou, r the JihIco thervoi ma,t' s. a. ui, l"i:i. h:tve b, on ai'oolntt'd Ad numerator with the will anncx.d. oltl Ka laccot tho xrtid .li(nt,'a Knox, d -.vatl, latal l.mn county, Or, ,n. TL-,Tv!oro all uersoits huunsrohilins nautu.t Haul t-:tate ara notttnl to nrrjicnt tut' .hiuo duly vvntl.-d to lh uudcr si,:mil. lof allowance or disallowance In the tiianin'r ami within the Uuic iv$cr1tod by law. at th.'ir r.'sluruca at Kuox Hut!.', tn Ltnn ouuuty. Oivoa. ; 8. It K Sox, r.. i. ...OA, Administrator with will ajumieU. tlRO. fX. Hki.j, AU for Adua'n. lAOed skot, aM&i,lHw4. ! IT'S NO USE TRYING to apeclry. If tou dont see what you want, ssk tor , ana u we dont havo the identical article called for the chances nro that wa hava something that will do you better. COME AND SEE US, and bring along your Chtckeni, Butter, Efrgg, Dried-fruit, anvthlnr that hjs n. mrirrt vBin and we will give you "a fair iwop," and if you have greenbacks, gold notei, or even gold coin, would take that ratber than spoil a trade. Dont forget tbe plao corner Frst and C streets right opposite the Saddle Butte. Bacdd, Ofc-n. PRIOES' A.TTE3STTIOW DUOI KB DODD II & CO., Portland, Oregon, Offer for Sale at the Following Reduoed Prioes, THE SCIIUTTLEIt WOOiy Al80- Patent Eoiaer H' - r-f TJ -V,. ' " - f f V ' -" t wn'a . PATENT HOUNDS, SOLD LAST ' YEAR ! 1 MITCHELL WAGON. Souethiso N, BOTH OF WiliCfl ARE WELL AND FAVORABLY KNOWN, Either IV agon Being Fully Guaranteed for One Year. CREDIT, 18l lt 149 KXKOKW. FOR CASH a in.h Thlmtiln Nheln I.iirlit Two-HorNe weeon bisco 94 iilch Thfinlle N!n'in IHvitiuui Two-Horse Wagon ia HlA Inch Tltlmlile Nlteln Ui-my Two-Home Wngon...... ISO inch Thimble Skein Heavy Four-Horse Wugon 14S EACH WAGOW rO.MPLETE WITH SPRI1VG SEAT. IVculNO Olfer ibr Mule, ut JIIuuulucHuCl, Kateti, LIGHT EXPRESS WAGONS AND HAbkS ! BUBKEYE GRAIN DRILLS ! BROADCAST SEEDERS I BUCKEYE CIDER MILLS 1 - SOLE AGENTS FOR JOHN DEERE'S MOLINE PLOWS! All these Articles Delivered ut Albany at Sumo Priee with freight Addvd. W. H. UOUO CO. FOE SALE 1 50 HEAD OF I50G. Inquire of coorjjy & wASHnuRN", lirownsvillo, Oregon. C'OPAKTXERSfiSSP NOTICE. V HAVE THIS DAY TAKEN INTO FULL B. Dartnorshin'wlth mc Mr. I.. F3. Blatii. and will curry on the business hen-toforR carried on uyNcwby&Sox, under tho ntimo nud stylo of Bin In & Snx. All imlol'Loducss of ttQ late firm oi Nf?wuy Sox will bo n;ud by us, nud we will collect and receipt lor nil outstanding account uuh iih; miu una. iu. r . bua, Albany, Sept. llilh, UJ74. U E. IU.AIN. TVOTICB IS HERKBV GIVEN THAT THE A copartnership hurclpforti e Istiiiff between Win, Peters and Jos. Hneidel. nt Albany. Orn- Ron, wa!, on the day of beptt'inbcr, 1K74, dissolved by mutual Consent, Josl'Ii Wpciditl retiring from tlio business, wm. lVters will contiuufi in tho business and' will collect all claims dun tho laie ilrm and pay nil debts against tap same. WM. rETKKS. Aiuany, sept, a, ia.i. jus. briiDKLb. ni'iwi. . ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. mjOTlCE IH IIKUKflY GIVEN THAT THE LM undorsiirned lias been anunintt-d b.v the County Court of una county, or.-gun, tiie Ad ministratrix of the t;Malt oi i'. P. I-ord, deceas ed, lcto of Lion county, Oregon, and all per soijS bflvinir claims tltulnM. said cMnte am re. quired to present them to the undersigned, ,nt the oflice ut Powell & l-'llim in Aleanv, Oregon, duly verified, within six mont lis iniu the dato uerooi. Maui I'UULi, Atlmr'x. Sept. 8, 1S71. n5wl. ADIVIINISTKATOP-'S NOTICE. frOTICE ISHEREHY GIVEN THAT THE i-i underfiigii' d lias bi:on duly appointed n d ministraior of tlie cut at1? of Win. liav. tl,-ccji. ed, by the County Court of Linn County, Or" gon. "ill persunc, having claims agniti'st said eNtate, ore required to-present them to tho un dersigned, witn jiroper vouchers, within six mourns trom the date hereof. S. T. illiXER, Administrator. Sept. 18th, 1K7I. - ntiwl. FAR. 11 FoKALE. A FARM OF 160 ACRES ON THE TJMA t)Jla river. IS miles from Umatilla Land. Ing, with the following improvements: One good log Iiousp and barn, acres of ground under eultivullon, fruit trcs nnd and flower garden, and Ut) acres enclosed with good rail fence For further particulars enquire of E. A. Wil son, at Wilson Hotel Umatilla, or W. 8. Wilson, at St. Charles Hotel, Albacy. Albany, Sept, fth, ISTl.-Ctf GEO. DEVENDORF'S j. Tu O O W SEASONABLE , ADVICE to sufferers:' DR. THOMAS, DOCTOR OF HEDICINB, pnTSIOIAW A SVHOaoJT, ' 420 KEARNEY, ST., SAN PHANCISQ O . (Removed from 001 Kearney St.) BPERMATOimHCEA. Seminal WenknoH. Wanting of the Generative System, Lou of Memory, Dimness of Wight, TiOwnesa of Bpir its, 1'alpltatlons of the Heart, HyphliU an4 Gonorrho-a In their various forms. Stricture ol tin! Urethra, ttlciu Discuses, Falling off of the Hair. .Sufferers from this class of Diseases should at once apply personally or write to , 1R. THOMAS, , Whoso treatment In most efficacious, and In every enso lie undertake he euHmnto-s thor. ough and permanent cure. His charges on stnctiy moderate and just, and thoso requiring the services of a sKIUlul piiysiciun should soefc ed by DOC'i'oll THOMAS during his prolog slonal career of twonty-slx years : Doctor of Medicine at. Liebig's University of Glessen, Germany: Hoyal Collego of Phyil clans, l,ondon; Hoyal Collego of Burgeons. England, nuct Licentiate in Midwifery. '1 hese Diolomns are Ln ha noun nMlin TtnMnrm Ofllce. Dll. lHOMASmnvbrf nersnnallv nnn tutted at the above address from 11 A. M. till 9 p. M daily. Consultation by letter, free. I'arcls or Meu eine iorwarrlpil uiidrnovwtn. oil fiarte of the country or Rates. ' juv, nuMia.-) nas written tne following orlrs, which hv fitroutilv recnminpnds nfft-r- ers to read, and any on u of which ho will for. ward through tho post ou reoeiut of a thrua- C"nf stamp : ' "itc rathofogh of Spermatorrhaa or Seminal Weakness." "The RitJiology of Oout and Mheuma Tism." 'The PatJiology of Tuberculoses or Corf- , sumption of the Lunm." . "The Pathology of Heart JUea$e49 j unviiujtut una organic," Address: ' ' DR. GEO. FRED'K THOMAS, 420 KEARNEY ST.. Bet. Pine 4 California. SAN FRANCISCO. B"K Patients rerelveri In lVinTi-.i Txrn-u Pnvute Medical Istnlllshment. vlunlmti. ' ' MAUT STEEET, OOEYALIIS. 1 (Opposite Sol. King's Btabtc.) FINEST WISES, LIQUORS AND CICiRS Always found inhe Bar. vlOnflyl. A. WHEELER & CO., ' SH3SrID, OREGON Pry G1s. HanlWMACtothlnr. Dnun 4 MM- icinn, rmints a uus. Hsl A lUpfc Urocrrlo. Uajrn Ksrmlnf ImplrmeikU, Machlner?. A. WnBELER. c. P. HOGU C. B. WIIEELEX ' . A. WHEELER & CO., SHED, OREGON FORWARDING AND COMNISSIOM MERCHANTS. Dealprs in Merchandise nnd Produce. A good assortment of all kinds of Goods always in Agents for Bale of Wagons, Grain Drills, Ci der Mills, Churns, 4c., Ac. CASH paid for WHEAT, OATS, PORK BUTTKR, iXiGS and POUIHtY. vOniayl. JOM."V SETTLE- LEBANON, OREGON, DEALER M LEATHER, SADDLERY & HARNESS. 2b Farmers, Stable men, and all others aemrtng Harness or Sadlery. THE rXDKIlSTQN'ED TS NOW RECEIV. iur at his store house In lbanon. nn ph. tlrely new and mantliwnt assortment of direct from first tm mid. having purchased the entire outfit fr carii, I am preptired to offer miperior Inducements to parties wishing to purchase thut class of giKXis. Having an Im mense assortment of sUx-k, lam prepared to manufacture IlHrncRR mid siiii..rv nr stylo in a first class manner, us none but su- i7inji nuiftiutu will U3 einpim-eo. WM. PET KKS, MAKUFACTtTBBR OF CARRIAGES, Hacks and Wagons OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Ferry St., bet. First and Second, ALBANY, OREGON. ftARRIAOES, HACKS AXD WAGONS vy o .ii blylt illsnursrturcd to OrW ss nssonable rsle sj tha one uf good mth.l auu Hr..-CIBH WOr. Will JUStlt. REPAIRING OF ALE KIXDS Nl!j ud upwlitiansl; dew., .t Law Hstet. NE W FIRM f WEW GOODS HARBISBURC I 1 MOTTO : "LIVE AJD LET LIVE P (I shall inaucmratWthia motto into nrM.iM hv patronizing the printer.) I M.WIJTG PUKCTTASED THE INTEREST of my Into partners, Messrs, G, Qerst aadl A. Ansnai'lit'r. I nm rifsfntiia nt Inaninn .k.. business tin to Its former atanrinnt nnf in u tho fullest satisfaction to customers. 0. AC. AC C MO. M( MA ManactTof Farmers I'ntoo Waih(iQS ind QiMuiuijuioii Metobuta la grain, ?rtmw ato. gl,000 REWARD!! THE AHOVE REWARD VTt.t. BE OIVEV lo aU'bul- proving ihal the tales ot the SINGER SEWIf.8 MACHINE 4on ol n ot!pr bj-thiKiwnds nwi IHIsmnnl mdiiiallr, and kwps u the tMd, wbrn it alvsn L and .hnnl.l li. T11XS. BOl !tOARi)E84 Co. BWS'K MORTGAGES, QI'TTCLAIJI AVn I will besn th Fall Trula wifh . f u i voice of new goods, consisting of Dry Cods, Crocerlea, Cent's FnrninhlnrGvosIs, Lad Irs' Drcm Gooda, Hat & Caps, Boots at Shoes, Hardware, " Croekerr, Ac, afca. neh as Is generally kept In -. EIEST CLASS nETAH, 8T0RB!! All of which I will sell at CREATiT REDICED PRICES I Oonstantly oa hand. RAWHIDE BOnOMCHAiBS' SAM. MAT. iair.