The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 18, 1874, Image 2

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    c j
rIDAyl"..f5Kp5SBlSK IS, 1874.
. The wheat market, or rather the
question a'a to whether we are to
Live a market at all for this year's
surplus of wheat of Oregon's prod
uct is a question to which the atten
tion of the farmer, the merchant, tho
The pending political contest in
Missouri promises to be hotly eon-
tested. The Republican party has
presented no ticket, but promises a
support to whatever party promises
reform in the administration of State
and municipal government.
We are not apprised of what, . if
any complaints they have to allego
against tho present administration
whether it has been inefficient, im
becile or profligate in the manage
ment of the State finances. Our
' 7nnrl:anifi anl the sneculator is iuf.t
'now directs with more than usual f?uide in BeeMnS for a reason
interest, ud they find it a difficult
problem to solve. The late . harvest
has had a tendency to embarrass the
expectations of furmers as . well as
shippers, and it may be many weeks
and even months before the ground
lost in the way of tonnage by reason
of the unfavorable weather and con
sequent late hurvest can be regained.
, Shippers will not enlcr the market
to buy until they have tonnage se-
cured, nor will they then bo alio to
buy unless the grain is in store and
for sale. '
It is now a conceded fact that the
United Kingdom will require less
breadstuff from abroad to supply her
deficit than was required in either
one of the preceding five years.'
The London .Timet estimates it at
eventy-two million bushels, and it
is thought that France and Germany
instead of entering fths market to
compete with her for our surplus
grain will compete with ua in B.ip-
piying Jiuglaud's wants.
We see by late advices from Cali
fornia, that the Grangers of that
State have entered into the experi
ment to some extent of shipping
thoir own grain direct to Liverpool,
and up to last advices had shipped
about 12,000 tons in vessels charter
ed by their own immediate agents,
and they had gone to sea. Wo see
no reason why a similar movo can
not be mado by the Grangers of Or
egon within the next four weeks.
Two woks at most, if the wenthor
-. remains fair, will see the last sack of
grain safely housed. If remunera
tive pricos are then offered by ship
pers, and there are vessels to be char
tered, tjveuty or thirty of our heavi
est grain growers might combino and
each ship half his crop in thi way.
If they have heretofore been unfair
ly doalt wilh by iniddlo men, this
plan will demonstrate tho fact. ,
Late advices from tho East inform
us of tho formation of a powerful
and influential company in Now
v i. - i . ., ..
j.jii, tuiiiputreu ci capitalists, gram
dealers and bankers, for the purpose
of operating in grain. This com
pany propose to bring (lie consumer
ui ui-euusiun in jiiiropo oh cluso as
possible to the producer in America.
by establishing agents in London
and Liverpool to contract for tho
mile and delivery of grain, and in nil
the principle cities of tho West to
buy or ship grain to fill these con
tracts; professing to be ablo, both
on railroads' and ships to obtain low
er rates of freight than have hereto
fore ruled; to make cash advances as
. of -.f, on r cl,ir,mw'-, ,md
for the present status of parties in
Missouri is, to ask ourselves what
were the prospects of the Republi
can party in that State in a square
fight, on the broad and well defined
issues of the two parties as at pros-
ent and 'heretofore enunciated by
their State Conventions? Tho pros
pect was a Waterloo defeat to the
Republicans. This entertainment
they very respectfully declined to
accept in the name of the Republic
can party. The past history of that
party in Missouri is a history of
usurpations and oppressions of the
most diabolical character, affecting
personal liberty and the rights of
property, to say nothing of tho finan
cial disasters to the State brought
about by the incompetency or cor
ruption of tho two preceding Repub
lican administrations. This being
the, hopeless condition of tho ene
mies of Democracy in Missouri, they
cast about for somo crumbs of com
fort among such discontented and
disappointed Democrats as would
listen to thoir expressions of sympa
thy for seeming party wrong or neg
lect, and urged the necessity of in
dependent political action. Whether
any considerable number of Demo
crats havo cast their fortunes wilh
tho Radicals in this falsely named
independent movement in Missouri
wo nre not advised. Sonutor Suhiira
has cast his lot with -thorn, but ho
never was a Democrat.- It is said
he can carry wilh him thirty thousand.
German votes, but four-fifths of tho
GcnmuiH in Missouri havo always
voted the Republican ticket. It is
said Maj. Gentry, tho so-called inde
pendent enndidato for Governor, is a
Democrat, but "not much of n poli
tician. - Vo fear it has boon hi
misfortuno to full into the hands of
designing mou bad company aj
lowed himself to bo flattered into the
belief that 'he was a proper enndi
dato fir Governor, us did a certain
Democrat in Oregon last Spring, and
wo trust he will bo no moro fortunate
in his gubornatorinl impinitious than
was our Oregon friend, for tho Dem
ocratic Convention, of Missouri have
offered tho peoplo an ablo represen
tative in tho person of C'lias. Hardin.,
tho nominee for Governor, whoso
patriotism, integrity and executive
ability nro unquestioned. Churle
Hardin will bo tho next Governor of
. Tnesday, Sept. 16, loW' '
tu to
inilnlrvn 1.. .1 1 L
.-.....(jo lu v ,.., ull0 gmve error.
Ho says, "aud hence no student li,m
evor attended this school save those
who wore Peipoerotie." This dodo
ration ia not true-for we know of
n. m . '
mm tvepiuiiicnu Bludont appointed
to mat institution in the full 0f 187
TlV ft TlcninA,lL CJ . .
j - """wi.iu. ouuuior; ami wo
learn that two of the five young men
wno graduated in 1872 were Repub
licans. But again, "Observer" says, "and
yet, not more, than thirty students
have attended this school," Ac
Now, tho catiilorrue for the yearn 1882
-3 show, a list of ninety-nine students.
If "Obsener"w uoXtcr informcl
Mtotheolhor facU about which he
wntes, wo may safely conclude to
place no lcliaiu in them until bet-
wrsuiwtaril rated.
Prof. i:icry will no doubt survive
tho f!mck,wlienit comes, to d o-kly
hinted at by "Observer," in the do5u
of his letter.
H o seo by - tho San Francisco
'Chronicle of o recent dato tlint a com
pany has boon formed, to embark in
tho businoss of ship building ivt
Vallejo, in California. The amount
of tho capital stock of this company
is not slated, but it is said the shares
aro f 25 each. The company has so
cured the ground and propose to es
tablihh a first class ship yard, and
havo already contracted to build a
ship of 1,200 tons burtlioii, aud that
l'ugot Sound is to furnish the lum
ber. Tho tost of this vessel is os
timalod at $85,000, or about $70
per ton. It is admitted thut a ves
sel of this class will cost, constructed
at Valliijo. front 85 to 810 nor ton
moro than it would if built on tho
Sound whero tho lumber is sawed,
but tho consideration controlling the
Cvimpany in tho location of this ship
yard at Vallejo, instead of tho Sound,'
was tho difference in the prico of la
bor, tho facilities for commanding it
when noeded, and tho climalo of tho
latter place being moro favorablo for
a longer period of each year for out-1
noor work. In tho commencement
of bo important an enterprise m that
of ship building, the two first named
considerations would no doubt havo
groat weight, but it would bo only in
the comiiutietmiHt, for, onco estab
lished, a ship yard on the Sound, or
on tho Columbia river, or any of
tho numerous bays on tho Oregon
coast of sufficient depth of water,
ami whero Buitublo timber abounds,
and tho workman will iiud their wav
to the place whero cmployhiont is to
be had, and that irrovocnblo law of
The Legislative machine doesn't
grind worth a cent. The process of
lubrication is slow, tedious and inef
fective, and thus far tho new and
cumbrous Legislative wheel has
scarcely teen ablo to make a spas
modic heavo and a forward creak
tiiitil it settles back into a dead halt
and obstinately refuses to budge an
other inch. Both Houses met yes
terday morning and tried to do some
thing the Senate hy temporarily
electing Hon.' R. B. Cochran, of
Lane, as President, and Syl. C.
Simpson, of Marion, as Clerk; and
the House by choosing Mr. Drain, of
Douglas, as Speaker, and Col. White,
of Clakama's, as Clerk. Then the Com
mittees on Credentials1 showed who
wero entitled to have a "say" at things
in each Houso, and Judge Chad
wick swore the wholo capoodle into
"offlsj" after which essential process
tho work of permanent organization
commenced. In the Senate Hon. Jno.
Myers, of Clackamas, was tho Dem
ocratic nominee for President, and
Hon. T. R. Cornelius, of Washing
ton, the Republican. The Independ
ents placod in nomination Hon. J. S.
M. Variclevo, of Multnomah, but
Van wouldn't si and it. After soveral
ballots both in tho morning and
afternoon no choice was mado and
the Senate quit trying until this,
Tuesday morning, when they went
at it again, the voto standing us the
day previous- Myers 13 and Corne
lius 11, with the Independents scat
tering their votes around on a pro-
Iniscuous candidato whom they culled
"iilaiik 1 don t know what "dee-
stack lie represents. After-" ex
hausting the forenoon (as well ns the
patience of the ubiquitous "Third
Houso'') in this monotonous enter
prise, without any change in the
fruitless result, an adjournment was
taken until aftor dinner; when, im
mediately upon the reassembling of
the Souute, Mr. Myers nppliod tho
"open Sesame" to tho dead-lock in
that body by withdrawing his name
from tho caudidaloship for President,
and placing in nomination Hon. li.
B.- Cochran, of Lane county, who
was elected on the first ballot, by a
majority of 10 to 11. Syl. C. Simp
son, of Marion, was then olectod
Chief Clerk, C. C. Itoyco," of Ma
rion, Assistant Clerk, Robort M.
Guenioy, of Douglas, Sorgeant-at-Anns,
and J. C. Head, of Linn,
Doorkoopor. This completed the
organization of tho Senate giving
all tho officers to tho Democrats ox
eopt tho Assistant Clerk and Ser-
geant-at-Ariiis, Mr. Itoyco "being a
Republican mid Mr. Gueruey an In
dependent. Considerable chagrin
and disappointment was evinced by
our Republican friends oyer the re
sult, but I prcsumo they will be re
conciled, by tho chastening rod of
timo, consoling themselves with the
reflection that their loss is the peo
ple's eternal gain.
In tho Houso tho process of official
incubatiun- didn't go on so success
fully ns it diil oven hi tho Souato.
Hero tho threo parties aro more
equally, divided, aud tho contest was
in a triuugular hlmpo from tho first
assembling of tho body. For ner-
inanont Speaker tho Independents
iiominatod Mr, Drain, of Douglas,
tho Democrats Mr. I'idlor, of Joso-
pliino, and tho Republicans Mr.
Reed, of Marion and thon tho
trouble began which has lasted
through two wholo days with about
tho same result each ballot stand
ing at about 25 for Drain, 17 for
Fuller, and 15 for Reed. This oveu
ing, on the last ballot boforo adjourn
ment, Mr. Drain had 27, which shows
a littlo gain in his favor, and puts
him within threo votes of an election.
Ordinarily one would suppose that
he would nniko tho connection .to
morrow moiniug, when balloting is
resumed, but Legislatures nro very
uueorluin "varmints," and there is
no telling what tho members and
lobby manipulators may succeed in
turning up beforo to-morrow morn
ing. But we will ba there to see.
will effected by their
instrumentality. I shall make it a
part of my business during the ses
sion to give, pen portraits of the
members of that august body, us well
asmos; or ttmo of the Lower Houso.
I have (secured the cervices of a first-
class spy to dog their footsteps and
learn their daily (and nightly; habits,
as well as to nose about their sleep
ing apartments aud inspect their
wardroben. However, I havo in
formed my spying rooiiter that I will
not bo responsible if he gets a good
many heads put on hi'm bv vigorous
applications, from No. 10 boots,
have no time to devoto to thd non-ea-tentirJo
of this stupendous and
perilous enterprise.
will bo delivered to-morrow. It is
an ablo and exhaustive document,
comprising a full and comprehensive
rcsuiiie of tho doings of ' the State
Administration of tho past two years,
as well as containing many valuable
and important hints mid recommen
dations for wholesome legislation for
the future. We shall t-iko occasion
to nlludo to .it editorially hereafter.
It certainly deserves a careful peru
sal by t cry tax-payer in tho State.
is new in session in this city with an
attoudoiico of 150 delegates, among
whom we notice, many of the most
prominent and estimublo citizens of
tho commonwealth. The Patrons of
Limi aro numerously represented by
many of our moat solid agriculturists.
is also in Beaiion, and the
meet to-morrow, so you may know
"by these presents" that things are
getting rather lively in this bailawick
just now. A young and unprotected
male youth like tho undersigned finds
it rather hard to discover "which one
of tho boys ho is" in this heterogen
eous congloniei-aliifn of guthorins,
but may bo I will got segregated and
and individualized after a while.
I delivered my inaugural before
tho Third House hint Monday night.
It was a touching document nnd
brought tears to eyes unused to
weeping. Even the average hood
lum bowed himself meekly in prayer,
wliilo the Saintly Owen and the
ethereal Zoibor fell upon each other's
chests and sobbed1 out a crusade
As tho last .sentence of tho ablo
document rang out upon tho carm
night air, tho vast concourse raised
their streaming eyes heavenward and
broke forth in songs of praise, and as
I proudly strode through tho serried
ranks nnd darled into a dark nllev
the hist faint echoes of that festal
hymn reached me
"Willi rapture wmlU;:ht
To six- tlie eii.-ij, removed."
Oakland has a new town pump.
A soap factory has been started at
La Grande.
A largo two-story hotel ia being
erected at Weston.
The property, in Douglas county is
assessed at $3,820,803.
Tho Salem JleconlmW hereafter ap
pear as a morning paper.
More salmon cannerieson the Lower
Columbia are talked of.
Tho amount of taxable property in
Jackson county is 81.901,333.
P. Hatch, of Sa'em, has' been ap
pointed policeman at Oregon City. '
A Lodge of tho Order of Odd Kel
ows will bo organized at Hillshoro
Tho corner stone of the new Baptist
church was laid at the Dalles last
Jacksonville has five schools in op
eration, which speaks well for a place
of its size.
There are only four paupers in the
Marion county poor house, one woman
and three men.
E. W. Rhea, of Lane county, raised
a little crop of 10,000 bushels ol
wheat tl is year.
Douglas county has two shepherd
dogs valued at $250 and 4,U00 ours
valued at $0,000.
The harvest in Eastern Oregon is
entirely over. The yield in that soo
tion is less than last year.
Mr. Tatmafl had his collar bone
badly broken last week, caused by I
his horse falling with him.
The machinery for the Alden Fruit
Drying Company at Salem has been
shipped from Troy, N. )T. ,
The Sjlem people aro to enjoy a
concert given by the choir of the M.
E. Church and Prof. Plummcr.
ThoM. E. Church Society at Salem
is in debt 15,000, and has but little
extra funds on hand to pay with.
It was with her little hatchet that
Mrs. .Myers of Lafayette cut a slice off
tho O'anium of her divorced husband
Dr, L. L. Rowland has btten duly
installed as pastor of tho&hVistian
Church at Salem for tho coming year.
Tho boys of tho Times office, at
Jacksonville, gorged themselves last
week with a thirty-nine-pound water
Hop-picking has commenced in
Lane county, Quito a largn number
of Indians and 'young hoodlums aro
Weinonlay, Bcpt 17, 1074.
the nun: is nuns ami named'. ,
The agony of accouchement is over,
and the offspring named. In other
words, the Houso organized to-day,
by tho eloction of J. C. Drain. (In
dependent) for Speaker, Col. W." L.
White, (Democrat) for Chief Clerk
and tho usual quota of nuxilliary. of-
i: ml. . . ... ... and demand will vcysoonl " Wn uonwiuie.lec tea
adjust a scale of prices that will bo I , l"1'"'" the Indo-
pen.ienis ami iieinocrats, much to
cussiiigness" of tho Renubli-
cana, who didn't get even a smell of
,Oa Monday evening, jst,
om. 03, mttfi ,c lirtloiwi'of Mr
i.l. D.mon.oftho Dalle, dnrin.. hie
loM-nce.aui a . ., . . ,i,; n . .. .
vm-ihuii;, utunkAIR 1
ljust a scalo of pricos that will bo A., it... . 1 . ...
...."11,-iuu.o u, uiu uieinaino witu-(10
out oeiiig oppressive to tho employer.
If schooners and river steamers can
be built on our rivers and buys and
sounds, wo cannot very readily un
derstand why first-class Hca-going
merchant vessels cannot, with proit
naing to tho ship owner, bo in
structed at the places, when suitable
yards for ship building are estab-
li' lied. Tlys is a much needed en
terprise for (lie prosperity ,of our
Northwest coast, iiud wo hojio soon
to see the initiatory steps taken for
its consummation.
tho Legislative .iliMh-puts.
a"'1 trl,lk,'l ' t"' value of ahoui
f ! i'
This week is au eveutful one in the
history of this Stato. Tho Lcgiola.
tuio, Suto 0 range, State Tumporauce
f'liion, and last, though not least, ihe
lunula Sulli
-0 I -- - 1 11
a!ein. '
ono of them, just ns tho last officer
was announced as having been olect
od, cjaculato between his teeth,
"S'iochV up.'" which 1 suppose is
tho Kanaka for "It is finished," as
tho speculator iinmcdiati lv sank back
into his seat and closed his eves in
quiet resignation.
It took all day to perfect the or
ganization of thtf Houso, during
which time ' the Senate loafed about
in a lounging attitude, being unable
to do uiivlhing except elect Frank
McConnell as Pago and voto them
selves threo dollars' worth of postage
stamps apiece. l!y-Uio-way, tho Sen
ate w composed of an ublo' of
mou, uj much valuable legislation j
A WOltD TO Ol 11 LAW-.1I AKIillM.
Editor Democrat :
As tho law-making power is now in
session, grinding out new laws, repeal
ing and amending old ones, for the
government of those directly or indi
rectly interested in them, I would re-
Kpeuuuiiy re quest llieui to turn to
pngo SOm, See. 1003, Deady's Code,
which refers to the manner of admit
ting Attorneys. The applicant must,
under this law, apply to tho Supremo
Court, and ho examined orally, in
open Court, hy tho Judges thereof,
or under their direction.
This, to my mind, is wrong in several
particulars. Especially does it of ne
cessity bring upon the applicant as un
necessary hardship, from tho fact that
he must make a pilgrimage to the Stale
Capitol so as to pass through a formal
examination, which is not nor can't be
thorough; because tho Court has not
the leisure to make the examinations
such as i hey would like. It also throws
the applicant in a very embarrassing
position. To such an extent is this
tho ease, that frequently the best
read can "curcely pass a creditable
examination, wliilo another, per
haps, whose knowledge of the text
hooks is very limited, by dint of
ulieek or good luek far surpasses his
neighbor. Consequently the exami
nations uuder our present system,
nine cases out of ten, fail to ho satis
factory to either the Court or tho ap
plicant. It is also tho moat expensive
mode that -could bo adopted. Per
sons living in rcniolo parts of the
Stale find it to bo very laborious as
well as extremely expensive trawling
several hundred miles to reach the
Capitul City, and perhaps then bo re
quired to wait tho pleasure of the
Court, from two to threo weeks. Far
better would it ho lor all parties con
cerned to i-haugo tho section above
named so that an applicant could ap
ply to tho Judge of his Judicial Dis
trict, rt chambers, or otherwise, und if
after an examination bv him, or under
I heard ""' ''ot ion, tho apqlicant has shown
'A Sulem photographer offers a
special premium for tha handsomest
baby on the State Fair ground on tho
afternoon of tho 13th.
Tho Assessor of Wasco county had
put tho O. S. N. Co. .down for 8335,,
0J0; hut tho Equalization. Board re
duced it. to 0273,500.
Tho Masonic fraternity of Jackson
ville havo concUi'Vd l build a two-
story brick edifice. aud will commence
operations before long.
Tho f'(ig(whisio at tho Diuigeness
light, a distance of some twenty miles,
was .plainly heard at Port Townsend
last Saturday morning.
Tlio payment of tho claim of the"
Pacific Bridge Company for tho con
struction of tho Snrincfield bridue
leaves Lane county about $1,000 in
debt. ' I
byl. O. Simpson. Esq., has turned
over to Dr. L. L. Rowland, Superin
tendent ot Pubho Instruction, the
papers and books belougiug to that
Next Sabbath nt the Congregation
al Church, Forest Grovo, at 11 A. M,
Rev. E. Walker will preach tho thirty
seventh anniversary of his lahors in
tho ministry on this coast.
Somo dastardly scoundrel entered
tho field ot John Johuson on tho Big
Lnckiamuto Tuesday of hist week,
and destroyed about ninety sacks of
grain that was stacked therein.
Tho first meeting of tho Willametto
Valley and Coast Railroad Company,
for tho election ot Directors, will bo
hold at the Court Houso in tho city of
Corvallis, on tho 17lh day of October.
Tho Institute tor tho Blind at Salem
will bo opened for the reception of
pupils on tho 21st inst. All pupils
desiring to attend during the term are
urgently requested to bo prdsent
promptly on that day.
A party of prospectors who have
been prospecting in tho Blue Moun
tains, and over os far os tho Snake
river country, returned lately, and re-j
port the discovery of rold in several
places, but not in paying quantities.
Oregon flour shipped Irom this port
threshed grain, burning up about 300
bushels of wheat. .
W. C. Myers, of Jackson County,
who is well known as an importer and
raiser of fine stock, started for Salem
last week with horse) and cattle, and
last, but riot least, his genuine Mai
tese cats.
An absenj-minded stage-driver for
got the Silvertnn niails one day last
week until he had got about five miles
past the office. He returned forthem,
and came in late, cursing men who
have no memory.
The Jacksonville Sentinel of "the
12th inst. says! The meeting of the
Uinpqua Baptist Association will he
held at iManzanita. commencing
Friday morning, September 18ih, and
embracing Saturday and Sunday.
Mis Nellie Meaoliam, of Salem, has
according to the Utultaman, just com
pleted au oil painting ot a view in the
Catskill Mountains that is pronounced
"a gem of art" .The youfig lady
evinces much talent for one so young.
On Monday evening a young hood
lum aged 15 years, threw a stick of
wood at a Chinaman while tho latter
was at work. The missile struck the
Ce'estial just ahevo the eye, cutting a
severe gash. Tlio youug miscreant
rarf away and made his escape.
Dr. Haskell was announced in the
Olympia papers to give one of his
characteristic entertainments last eve
ning, for the benefit of tho City Fire
Department. Tho Doctor's idiosyn-
eracics seem to havo tickled the Sound
peoplo greatly, and they look upon
him as a great man.
The returned list by tho Assessor,
shows in. Umatilla county this year,
4,03 horses, valued at 8195,528; 25,
51 cattle at $231,9-13; 58,812 sheep
at CnO.OUi; 1,08-1 swine at 83,32-1. property, 81,200,
130; indebtedness within the State,
201,037; exemption, S173,G00; total
value of taxable' property, Ss5li,-k3;
number polls, C07.
Benjamin Ilarned, of Oljmpia, has
been engaged for a couple of weeks
past in fiaming materials for new
buildings for the use of keepers .and
other employes at the Penitentiary,
opposit Sicilaooom. Tivo commod
ious buildings are to bo put up, and
a largo prisoner's yard fenced in.
Tho latter will he GO J feet iii'lcngth
and 12 feet high, built of plank ono
and a half inches thick. Fifty thou
sand feet of lumber will be used in
the construction of the improvements.
The Directors of the Alden Fruit
Preserving Company have purchased
one entire block in. the University
Additiou -to the city of S.ilein, for
erecting thercupou the buildings re
quired for the use of the company,
ilie ground selected lies immediately
ill tho rear of the Uniycrsity building
on tho 6lreet leading to the depot.
Tho lumber of the main building (32
by 5J feet) has been ordered from tho
mill, and steps will be taken to com
mence tho building as soon as the
evaporators arrive.
Last week, Put. Smith, now of
Walla Walla, but formerly of Port
land, sold tivo full blooded merino
bucks to Charles Jewed, State Sena
tor elect from Umatilla county, for
530 each, or S-15 J for tho lot. One
buck, whoso fleece had been left on
him in order to show its character as
to length, fineness and quantity, was
sheared or. his arrivafnt his new home,
and tho clip weighed 18 pounds.
Competent judges are of tho opinion
that, had tho buck been sheared at the
usual and proper time, thefloece would
havo weighed 20 pounds instead of IS.
During a storm the lightning struck.
oueoftho stove flues of tho Court
House, in Canyon City, passing dowu
tho pipe, thence -down the two front,
feet of the stove, sweeping tho saw-
BGEJD S: -CO.. '-
( 3?oitla.3itI, Oregon,
Oflir for Sale at the Following Reduced Prices,
-A Jo-
Patent Holler
1 IN US 1 1
i AND 1
i:iSSt; r Wagon Being Fully Gunrantecd for One Year.
iEai .;"n-:r- , FOIt CASH
3 Inch Tli I initio ftkoan Light Two-Horso Wn&ron $130
ItiHi 'k'siitPiIMo (Skciii if2Mliiim Two-EHorse M nuroii 135:
W4 ism!i TIi ins til MlieSn Heavy Two-2on IV agon UtO
&)i iaoii Thimble Keiii Zlv.nvy Four-1 florae Wagon 1-15
He uteu O'.U-r lor Stale, at JSaiiuiaetuixrsritates
Al! these Articles Delivered at Albiucj at Wnino Triee wiih Iretehi
AriJlit,s--..,-r; ' w- li.1 ioui & to.
r7Y VIRTU K OP AN KXErtf'notf TO MH,
iuiw ot or.1
'-d out ui Lti" I 'uiHii v Court, ol
nn lor t!ii' Comity m' Linn.
upoti a juil.;::i"5it duly Oock-t.'d in ill" Cli-nCs
(.kio'-O! s;iul Ciwr!,o;i t;i,'7tii il:;y ol i'"-' Ijnmrv,
A. 1). 171, in tavorol i'-. Muptiy, iliilntiir, mill
:.:nii:it W. V. CIovi.t, U!Mwnl;int , nir Cn1 sum
ol l-'iuy and siMj-two f i r i ilrt -c: tlis (.;.-V).iL)
dollars, Willi luU rost (.Jj. r.'oti a! trw rat.' oi ton,
pi,r-i':it. i'T amniiii li-.nn Xli Viii day ol I-Vl,-ruar.v,
A. U ls71, am! tin1 iiuthiT sum oi Twen
ty '.ti:rie and siMy-live (jr'JU'j). cmta; also the
cosI.soL ami u ois tills writ to nt-crih, and lcr
want nt ponsormi i -r :ri y to sausiy tli" Paid
'si t'ulioii, t ti;U o:i tin- ih day ot Aiviist A.
It. n;i, h vy upon thu louuwiuy di'So-nld. mil
)irfj rl v, lo-wit:
All ta-j riirnt. tllln and InlT-t that W. W.
Clover, Mi'.' said uHi'miaM, had us iiciv al. law
m' I'aul Clowr, di'U'a.SAj, l;a; of Linn county.
irvpn, ul, or any tinn sirii'C' f..h- ;;;;rii dav ul'
April A. 1).,- lt,7l, to wit: 'llu' undivaiid on--cihlli
ir.t'.T'st In aniltothclfilloiviii!;' dscrib: d
pr.'inis.'s, to wit: Ail thai, crriiun piiu-r. r pur-,
f-1 or irai't ot land Ij'li::: and l)-in situat. d in
Sidlmi :;t, Township l.i Soutii, ilituu thru.
West, oi tho WillaniHt ,,cni!,Hn. l.ihii Con::-
ty, or'j-'oii, nnd known ua tl,.-lionation 1 ui.u
Maim oi William 'M. Toiiipl;ins and wb-
lonipMns, his wtii', aa d.-scril)"tl of i the piol.s
.uiu Mini'jMii me i nn (i m:ih s on mo in tin
Land Oltk-n at urnn (. iiy. (.Iiv-imi. ami (-on-
talnlnp; ci;;hty-lit' ami nuMy.ti.rc.' orichun.
iir-dtlia ot ua mav; ai.M !.i' iumdri'd ami
i.wrnty ncr'w on oi lti r-mil ii sail- ol tl.
lion i.atm i-iini ot JV.ul l lov. r and ).ii.imi'i
' iovit, iiis wui', not i ileal inn :u,; and claiin
.1 in Tmmshiji (hfrt'ii Non!!i, ti. ;(
'WL-st; also Hi' loliowinc d"Svrih''d pr-'ini'H to
wit-: Coin mencin;.'; al t he .uout!i-Kast torm.r !
illin;n W. ClovrVi nor.atina l.aiul Claim in
lowiiship I.Soijlh. linn.-:5 Wtat ui the Wil-
irmi -nt! ri!;i::ri, i.nill lomilv, ( Jr. 'oa, ;i i-i
riinmir.: th'-m." West two iii,i:i.r;'fJ anil inriy
rod-, lle'in-j North on-' Imiuir d and t.w niv-
U':.t Md.s tiieiiee tmi'iv-sevn mos,
tli.-ae" south tuvnty.! rndft.ih'-iie,. W'-sl. touv
rods; tli , m- Snath ion;-; 'en rU: I lir-nt!
r "..-nly roils; th NmsJji on" hiumr-'d nnd
llily lour rous and ten linlcs; llmnf V.u t Iwn
Inindred and loriy-tiv nuis; tti-'iuv t-r;,i
::i.ty-six mn-i and t-.Mi lj,ni:s to tlie pine" ol lj
.U'lniiin', niaUimi' out) lmmir-'d and sewnU't n
iiL'i'es, inure or ".-s. , ,
Also (.lie lidhiwins d-seriijod premises, to
wit, : ' ComtiieiK'iiiN; , (1n(.rt:-r po.t, b' t.ween
Sedions twiity-si;; and tnij'iy-liveiu.Iown.sdip
lliLet'Il Kouth, l;;iliu-e tlir'i' Wei;t, of tin' Wil
huii"ttf" .M- riiian, tieoun! -, i ir-j; :n ; thence
rfiajlh fixity roils; tm'n'ce Vv'cst om- hundrod
ions; meiicf .NOIlll-Wef,! (, jf on (j,,, S vliotl
1 lirK h-tw.'.'ii K.'t'Mons thii'iy-livo and thii-tv-Jour,
fi'-venty rods South oi tin- orth-Wit
funnTdf Si -ft ion tldrty-tivc; th' r.v North to
Paul Clover's Jjonalioii J.and Claim , thenoe
Ka.-t ah.n;; tlH line b-twr-n Paul Clover and
.John Carm-s, to til.' Kon,t.!i.K'iF;t coni'ToI' I'.i'il
Cloyer'M liiimition Land Claim; lhiiO'i ?-orth
to sirs lJonahon Land t laini oi"i ii.:ma::
Cfj'-r ; Mieiu- nlonji' th' line oi 'l i-uaias
.V. W-.t's lif.nation l.ntal -Claim on;- Imn
dri'd theinv Jtmitli tu ihe i-Auo m h,
nln-x c'ontaini:i'L' fcvcnty-oiu and i"
."vcn (in.'-.aiudr tiths am 5, mor ' or l"s.s ami
uii cu Mtid jT-mms uljiij; SititaU'U In l.turi
county, (pre;;on. , r
Now, thi-r-'lore, by virtue of said caution,
on t
$lurhiy,-ihe fiOtlt day of $pt., JS7.
at thf hoitr of on- o'cloi'It, v. ?r of ald miv In
Inmtof the Court linns- door, in said t-muitv-IwlUsi'll
nt-iaiblk'nticiinn, tdlhi Iiiiila-st bid
der, Jor cash in imnd, tho at.ovo described
propcrt.y to satisfy tho said execution nnd ac
crumg cosia. 1
- - , . T-. r. RICE,
3w4.. ShrrifT I.inu vo., Ur.
iKcmovoU from 601 Kearney St.)
SPTC II ATO U H Hf K A . Hrmlnar Wenltnew.
Wasting ot tho l,o-.-mtivo System, Logs of
Jiciory, DhniieGsoJ siiit, Lownss of Spir
lis, i':di'.taIons of tin ilwirt, Syphilis und
(joniirrli i'a in Ihfir various tortimi Stricturo
ol tii - t.Tctiira.sitm Di&cuaes, Fulling otf of
the Jiair.
Snifi rera from this class of Isnaaes should
at ojico u;ii-iy ik rsonaily or wruu to ,
li Virtll" nl tl li.-IIK,i unit nrilnrnr cnl ..
hy Hie County Court of Wasi'o cauntv. ( ire 'im
t will proce; d to s. l at ptil.he am tUtn, to the
inaesf Liimt' r, i it'1 miimvim: deseribr'ti tract or
jari-'loi' land, b 'lonnu: tn liu mtv ol John
A. Uouthit, minor, an lollows;'
The oiu'-slth part- fl tha Norlh-East nnar
t'T of Seciinli '2:i, 'i'ou ilf-li ip No. J, South
llarifj- West, containing ubnnt. Twenty-six
...j ... ....... v. uiu Diu.v- i - ; - i'i"i" ny vi in s()iu
Whosi tratmciit Is most rfilcucitius, and In '
evi-iy n in- uiul -ri.-iH" in; gunmntn-a a thor.
nujrli mid p -niiiiiH-til, t-urn. His chnfKOS are
slj-iL-lly nuil junt, nnd those n-qulrinff
l.i- k rvii-, sol a t-kilHul jjiiysioimi 8li(,ulU8eek
lui :iUvi,'i-.
'. Ik- i'ii;owln:r!mlnntjons hnvo boon nnss
ciHiy Jiuriiilt 'iKii.MAst liuring hl iirolos.
witm:il cai-i'i-r nl' ti-"ii!.v-sii .vi-nr.-i .-
Diii-tiiruf M-.-dlciiient I.u'ljl's University of
Iji -fcs,-n, lirrm.ui.v; Hi.ynl Ucillci;u of 'hysl.
i)ru:s, l..,:i(i.,ii; Koyul Cnlli'-;' of Burgeons,
i--;i'-!;tiui, ,-iml I.ici-miiit.- in .Mkhvllory.
'. ,i, -.St: Jjiiilouias lire to be Hiun at ttu,' Doctor's
l.ii. -TFIOAI A.c my bo ' personal Iv consultPd
at l.u- ai'tiv n,ltir-s irom li a. h. till H i. 11.
oi-iiy. ronaiiltiilioti by l--tl.,-r, free.
ruiv-'-ls or ;.;i-(iii ini- lorwnnii-il under cover to
nii ,ii!-t.i 01 Hi-, country or suin-s.
I'll. '.IKI.iAM I if m -ri,-ii ihe following
v.-,,r.;s, iv , 1 1 : i (,,- si,,n,rly r.-coMilrtr-nas suffer
- r.itor iul.itmi any oil ! of wlii::it liu"will lor
J?"li iiv post cm rcoeiiit of a threo
"The J'atiinlogli of Spermatorrhoea or
Si miiKil Wathicn."
"The ritiholotjy h Gout and Rheuma
tism." "The Patholomi of Tubemdosh ar Con
fitmption of the piwgn.") .
"The Patholoiiii of JleriH Diseases
functional and organic."
Address : ...
42,0 liEABSSKY ST.,
net. l ine ,t California. SAN FRANCISCO.
nt ;V Pntl -Tils ri-eeiv- d In DoOTOlt TIIOMA8
. mate .Unheal iublisliniont. vllinlmli.
EaBl?l7i"S EALB.
rroY vTiirvr: o(-' an- mk
"i"',.-t-il, Issued out ol liio-Counly Court,
oi tlie Sim.- of oreiom, for the County of l.lnn. .
anon it Judnmant duly doelu-ted In tlie Clerlfa,- ol haul court, on the 7tb day of February.
- . (J; 'n,.'v"r ', iilalntitf, and
anatnst V. . clover, defeiuiant, for tiicsura
o; two butulr-'d and loui-t-enrinin.i-o o, iuiii
stales f;old coin, with Interest thereon in llkft
coin at the rate of twelve per cent per annum.
Irom the -th day ot K.-bruarv.. 4 n o.-;i . aj
tin- liirllii-rsum ol thlrty-oiie'aiHl sixty-live one '
uj,o,i ihis .uiu. to accrue, and lor lho wnnt of
in rsoiial pro), rty to uiu,- tin; said execution,
luid, onlliH l.sth oay of Auiiiist, A.I) Lsyt levy-
cleiwi from tUo flonv and scattering
it promiscuously over buik-lii'S and
tublo nnd, strantre to 6av. wiiliout
doing any damnon. Aliout this time
an unfortuuato Celestial, who was
confined in Hie county jail for passing
ofl'bogue gold dust for that of a bona
tide article, mado his escape. The
pu!ry is, did tho lightning from Heav
en unbar the prison doors aud let the
captive free?
violent storm ot liail anil ram
accompanied with lightning and thun
der, passed over Lane county, a mile
or to south of Junction, about 2
o'clock, Tuesday, the 8th inst. Its
courto was from west to east. The
roads wero 'flooded with water and
Ihe Court Houso door, in Albany, Unn county,
Sittm7y, the l'Jth (hy oj'Srpl., 1S7!,,
ai tlie hour or l o'clock p. sr. 0f said day -Terwa
Clold coin, cash In hruid.
Ji"w! , l.uardian.
i A. IlLELKK & (.,
nalers In Merehandlr,- and Produce. A coml
aisonui ntoi all ,.f uaj always In
slur - at lim-,-1 lu-irio'l. mu-s.
Aicrnti ;,, vil.- o;
CAii paid ,r ttUKAT, OAT
i-.l.'-,.la:iil I'.ll 1.1UV. viu.plyl.
I'-'ons, Grain Ilrlllsi Cl-
.Vll the rlirbl. litle nnd tntnrnat tir w
Clov r, tl e fal I ,-leiidaiit, had n heir, it law.
o Haull. lover, deceased, lale of l.lnn county, at.oran.vlline sine,, the :l-,th dnv of
1 ,, i ', l,"wlt- 'be umllidid onc
ihlh lnl'-P st In and tolhefollnwlni; described
pr .- All Ihatcertaln pil-co or par-c-
l orlrm-tot land. Ij-lnir and beln,; situate In
' '"'IP I-i. Koulh, HnnRu three,'
,-sl. ol toe illnineite .Meridian, l.lnn county!
.'.?,'!', IUV;ni1'11 "s I'"" donation land claim
o William M.'lonrpauis nnd Kebeccn 'Iomp
kln, his wile, as d.-Eiribfcl on the nlota and
f '.'.?., t'"Ln'",l.t,lnte5, on me In tlio
landuillee, ntOreeou City, Oreson. and con
tnin nueiiility-Iivc and lilnety-tlirco oiu-bun-or
it s of an acre.
Also one hundred ntid twenty acres off of
h-Smith sme ol the douiilion land claim of
l .iul l l,Ar and thelnda Clover, Ills
tllicilion '"..eWand claim 61, m Township,
la, Hoiitii, l:..m,:,. three West.
Also the foitoi'.-ltiL' ,1, serlbn.1 nwnl... iVi
C'ltuiiii ncinrr at Ihe Soulh Kast corner of Win.
n..iovr donation land claim In Township,
), Nmtb, Itui-., :i. West of the WillametW
.U'-rauaii. Liun Coiinlv. (ir.,.on n.i
Ihnic- Uest two Inuidred und lorty rtais;-lhenji-or:u
one l,uudr,-d and twenty -eiuht
reds; tn-uce West one hnu.lred iuid tlrrtv
seen roils: tilt nee. Joonlli ,..,ii -..-i.
lli-nci.- West u.rtyrods; llu-nee fcoutb' fourteen
1H1RK, L , i:i !'',"0 eaM. 'M-iity rods: tin nee South
i -.. i ..,,,...,.( .in u uii -unir nu s. ami t.
cp-.iti:. i-.-n.p I, ,-r. le-i, .;,s::ns ij,-l
conclusively that he possesses the re
quired learning aid ability, grant
him tho privilcgo of n Attorney for
tho Stnto of Orciron in all of her
Courts. Slionlj 10 ti,,j fui ajiiiiioanl
unublo to pass a satisfactory examina
tion he can tioiut wherein ho ia deli.
eient, nnd givo time to repair tlio de
liiency wiihout Lumili.itiug or wound
ing tho prido or feelings of either.
It seems to mo that this would be by
liirthoinostoonvenicut and practicable
modo ami would bo attended-hy less
eicpcnso thau any other could bo
adopted. Alore anon.
Not a vacant houso ia Dallai and
nor koutoa wanted.
on the JlMitfix hist year is now be-j tho ground whilenod with hail, . The
ing used on that vessel ns ship stores, j storm was prehaps u mile wide, the
It has beeiuhe rounds to England and j hail occupying about half that dis-
Australia, passing through the tropics lance, and the center of the raiu strip,
overul times, nnd is yet awcet and A like storm passed over the towu of
pure. I Jefferson on the 9th inst.' It was not'
Tho County 1 Court ' of Jackson severe as the storm of the day
county, at its session lust week, made ! before, but it drenched the to-n u in
tha tallowing levy; Slnto tax,5i mills; good shape, and made its citizens ruu j'
scuool tax it nulls; county, 8 mills; j (or shelter aud tho fleas hunt their
buiiding fund, 11 mills. State poll ! holes in tho sand. '
The Hon. II. S. Smith, of Clataop
tax tl: county poll, $1; hospital tax.
While at work near Mr. Shater's
brewery, in S'eilaeoom, Anton Jla'm
accidentally hit Chas. I'latko on the
lingers with a very heavy sledge,
"mashing them to a jelly," as the sav
ing is. Tho doctor found it necessary
o nmputate two of the lingeis.
, Mr. Wallace Tost, who lives about
nine miles southwest from Corvallis,
net Are to tome straw which he wished
to get rid of. After some time, sup.
posing tho lire was entirely oat, he
started to town with a load of wheat,
and during his absence lho. Are started
up afresh and communicated with
ome straw which toverej a lot of
Will. 1 I
eon. was,
-aoujo.. r-i,-ni i, at Alianv, lire,
no lae 1st day oi s- i.t-nibi r. 1ST I, i iiiseiif. .In.,-,:. ;. ,.i. i
r, iir,ii;, ir,,tu the lnui,hs. ui. i-. ,,,' -in
i-omuiu-in th., bu.iu. ss unit Mrdl collect all
cJaiiiistiue tne late linn and' pay all detts
an.vitist tlie sauie. , .,i pi ir-KH
Albany, se it. a b:l. Jus. SIVJIikuI
i fj-ni-lt t.asl two hiiiidr, d and lo'nv.Hverods;
.Muv .Minn siMy.six rods Bii'd ton links.
i. i . ' kinmng. luftkinit ono nun.
of- il und seventeen acres, more or less
i vlso tlie toiiuwius: di scrlb.d pnm'lso, to
w.t : l oninii-ncii.s ut iiuarter post, between
, -t Ions twemy-six and tuirty.llve lu township.
iki.m,ii:ii,ii Hal.- three, West o; the Wll-
i.i, He .11, ti, Hall, I Inn county, Omton : thence
uiu ei-ely roo: tn.-nce West on." hliudri'd
on Urn- between s, ctioiistlilrty.llvciindthlrtT
'uir. siventy p,ds s.aiih ot the North-West
-rii. roi .sictior, thmy-llve: ihenee .North, to '
U ml l,iy, rs iionalion Land Claim ; thenco
..-I, ttMBK ihe lin-, between Pa! Clover unit
0. 11uiinns.tothe tSouth-Kast corn-r 6f Paul
lov.-f, iljonalioii Land Claim ; ihenco, Kortn
o th Ii.innlion Land Claim ol lhornas M.
"ipr: lleiii-.. I-.a,i alons the line oJThoa.
1. i-,n IXniaiion fjinil i -iii... . ..CT
r.ii nwsi th, -i.e.- Souih 10 the oluee nr"h.ri.,.
eomaii.iiiK sev,.,ily,ne and ili.l,iv.
joint Senator, is ' unuestiouablv en
titled to the honorof being flic oldest
wlnto resident in Oregon, the first
pioneer of tha Stale, being a resident
of Clatsop since 1K;)2. lie was born
in New Hampshire, nud studied nt an
Eastern academy, is a' comfortable
tanner, with iO head of cattle, 20
sheep and some small Mock. It is 1 j
years since be was as far irp.tho river
as .Portland. The trip td Salem will
be under pay by the Stat. Appre
ciating the honor of the position, bis
coiiaumem uu mat tne senator r..,n.t.l. r.ies ih. n..
will favor those measures which h
deems the grcatea good to the great-ci-t
NOI'lt !
frntiKitASK of nitmsit com-mma ts I '"' of
1 v n oniMiunur. utlis ucr. s, more or Iris. arid.
Tou"ii-!nmac' U'ln 'l""l1 Una
mu?' "u''ur?. b-r vlrue or "'l emuUon,
r.i!unhw. the 2(.
i -
luir d lo make n,uane.i ... n,w, u .......
su-d iu t'orilaud waretious -s.
. . ti.wi.s- nvFj.r,
'i-1'"'1". Ji!.i,vr.
. fit
Hat' "is sjhcI Wilsons
Ferry St., het. firs! and Secoud,
ithduyof SqX., S7i,,
f.,1 ti., curt' m, ... .;...;,t;: ...... .31A'1!
will s, 11 at pul.iie auction, to the hlL-hesi bl'd-d-r.lorl
uit.ii sii.u ,, ,K..ri..:!. i"
s''f'iL'.''.'. T.'y..i0 salisl' " said ex.-eliHon
neriii i.inn c.,.,(t,r.
ja at Mi.-ud. is in
t NKiy WAriEitoi-sE,
ift' B lAflW, . HACKS AXt WAQ0SS
, W " iMjiaa .von-Mj.ljod to Order, at
imp e p e on -r ' n-a iv,.
Ol uralll. an. I Ima a.l.l.,nnt 2
"l III iniil'a n( construction, all of T .'S
tlielarmluutouiniunMi on
iu in-.- s, nte o,
ri asonat l- i rma
Cr particulars aiiply to
t ,,, . .. v. WHEKI.ER CO.
-....., .-mi-j.ii, Jlanaj,
'f uod material
wj Dnt-cUH wwrli wal )asifr
Xfctlj and I i,ditioii.j loBtj ilw RMca
AilJUT Haj IS, lsrj.
nnsiFFS.!in:j? nt m wisnn
wiuii w ui ni iii inLiu. i
rnlilnilfft-ariini; ftnd for thf Ivt nt
u-n Niuti-ml-'l .Uy:alr. tftj.. who
hitnIfaii r -r.tiisr cnn-iri("rabl( i.i
-r-, u'kI mmWl ir-e on rwlvlne pti
!!i. JOHN y. IiUVT,
II ChuioQ Sftt, troAIvy,