,......:.'.;.....MAY IS, 1874. iMATIC TICKET. ron aovr.nNOR,. , ! -.ST. G HOVER, ' 01' MAUIO.W I MOJIK ABOUT RECORDS. Referring to the -Linn -county In- ates1,, the. Register dependent candidates1,. says: l fob CONOKESS, A. IjA DOW. , . OF UMATILLA. FOB SECRETARY OP STATE, S. F. CHAD WICK, , I- OK DOUUfiAS. . ' ' FOB BTATE TREASURER, A. II. BROWN, ; ' OP JlAKKR. . : ..... . FOIt BTATE rRINTJEB, MART. V. BROWN. OK MSN. ; FOS SUP T PUBLIC TCBTBtJCTIOS, 13. J. DAWNE, OF MAUION. JmUciiil Nomlnntlous. - ' First. Plstrlct-ffor Proncoatlng Attorney, II. K. II AN N A. Broond IJIrtrttf For .Tiicte", tj. F. M08HER; for Prosecuting Attornf-y.O.W. FITCH. . J WinTNKy111 ProauuuMng Alu.rney, J. Fift h n1trk!t--Fbr Prosecuting Attorney, w. B. LARwKIyU LINN COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET, PORSTATK HKPTATOnfl, : . I. D. HALEY, .1. F. HKNPWX. TltOS. MUNIiKilH. FOR llEI'JirlEVTATIVrat, " !. P. BtrttKHART, ' JIM. HAMII.TOV. ' A. W. 8TANAKD, -liAKVKY HIIJSLTOY. . F. CHAWF0UI), , U. II. IIOI,T. FOR COHMIftSIONErtS, . A. FOftTEIV I.EWW CO V. FOR CI.F.1IK, o.a, hill. 1 . v j FORmiRllIFF, " 10, IUC15. ' " . FOR TnKAHtlRKR, J , ' ' JAB. HHIELPH. . r FOR ASSESSOR, " . ' , JOHN (JUKI,. f"or cnoor, siri'RnrNTKNrneNT, ' '. J. K. P. M'KATHKHFOHD. ' for sr itvEron, 1 . H. imVANT. ' " ;FOR CJORONRR, ' PHILIP uiinmnv. : BENTON COl'MI UI11ULIUUG UULl I FOR SENATOR. . MILTON BIIAKNOJC. ' " , FOR RKr-RKSItltTATIVES, mat t. huohrh, mplkky vfrxo. 1 it. W.BIMPHON. I ' FOR.OOffWTV .PUflnR, I BltAHTUS HOLUATE. '; ' ' FOR-CI,ltnK, V -.,.T i. rEKUY llAXTUIl. 1 FORKtfHIUPF, . . ' : . ' ,,' J. 8. PALMKIt, ', ...... ' FOR TIIKANI.'RF.H, WILLIAM U1.NKMS. r FOR AHfilTHHOR, , , , '.. W, II. JOHNSON, FOR COUNTY COMMISHKlKrciW. BBJTTON WOOD, W.M. CAU'i'HOHV, , ': FOR HlTRVnvon, : PAUL WINSTIUHV. ' FOR 80.1001, hiii'Kuintpniifvt; '. RD. A. MILNKll.' P0LmGALSFEAK!?2G. 00V. ounvrcr. wmiKnkat tho foHoivlnB WWTUS i, Tii. siln;-, 5!nv 1(1. l.AOHA.VIH-;, '-l'!Hli'ilnv, Mnv 21 U.NIO.V, l.ridn.v, Mnvii llAKKIi. CJ TV, NuuiMiiy, Mnv 51. R)iiklri(i' to Ixtrln pm!tii!ly at, 1 p..m. of onnh Any, tic'iijl. jit j'orlhuiil uhu tlui Ifalloii, al Wllit'll illtf.H it wlil bi'niri III 7.1 I'. M. ntP1,u'"s: liatlltllHcl, lir0 exiMLrd to ue pre J. J. Whllni'y will iponk ot tho follawlnt, InllHH, WaUirtlny, Moy 10i Amllv, Mondoy, Mv ti. , . Fliir1(ifii,,Tiom1nv, Alftv Iff. r MeMlnnvlllK, Wnlniwliiv, MnySO:- fAfRyeltr, ThiinUay, Mnv lit, , ',, Noi-lh "i amlitll, Frliluy, Mny 'JU. Ht. Ixiiiln, Hnuirifny, Alnv 'i'l. ' Sllvurlon, Monilny, Mny 25. Tumcr'a HtiiUon, Tunuilny, May 28; JalTamon, WpdnoHiUiy, May 27. : . BiwaklnR to bruin promjitly nt I o'olooll p. ar , ofMeU day, nonntnt lJulliu, nt wbloh )l It will bfRIn (it 7J P. opimniiB mniiuinlo are Mpoctcd to bo tirwmt nnrt pnrtlolMto In the tlculmn.. VntAj TUB KLANDKIIICH UK POND: HATtRiiiFiiimta, May liith, 1871 Editor Dmiaara f, f .In tho issue ot May 2nd of tli' Al bany Hegtutor appbaiod nn articlo ac cusing ono of the Demoorotia can- didates for Seuatjir of Linn county of "getting nway with un other man's wife," and living with her in open violation of law and doeeucy. A correspondent of the daily Oreyonian, of May 7th, signing himself "Inde pendent," chai'jjoa the slanderous in sinuation to mo. I hoieliy denounco tho whole thing na a willful and mali cioua falHchood and challenge proof o Uie contrary, ' ' J, F, HENDIUX, Citohs Tickkt. A Committee elected by the1 oitiiotu of Portland, who do not woMiip it the Custom House shrine, and composed of influ ential qicn of both political parties Wet last week nnu nominated the fol lowing oounly ticket. For State Sen tors illmin Sirong and X 8, M. i Ml. leave; for IlcpieRuiilativej J. Johnson, C. VC Gay, K. G, JWeit, Johi Gearin, William SMrlook,. S. orru sn.l Jialeigh Stott; County 'ge-V. F. Trimble; County vouimissioncrs II, IUnaun and Chas. Jiolmao; Sheriir-K. J. Jcfliey; ,wn i,Q0. Jj, Slory; Treasuror--A. "WaUmanj. Assessor Joliu Dphw; Suveyor-C. W. Barrage; Snpoi in tcBirf Sd.ools-liov. T. L. Ki hot;. CoronorD. (1 KoIln.ro- !' is composed of m una Theywill not bo called. to account for any derelictions socially,! nor will any of them, be asked to explain tlie mutter oi tne aeiicisncy of tin-ge thou sand dollars in the school fund while in their hands, net most certainly will one of the Democratic candidates. This niaiuier of handling tho funds of a county as an officer, in such manner Hint tho people lose throe thousand dollars, either through care lessness,' want of caiiacity or down- l right corruption, will be looked after very sharply by the people.; They want no such men as officers, nor can they trust a party that endorses such acts by placing such men in nomina tion. One such offender on a ticket is (sufficient to taint the wholo; but when there is more than one on the ticket whose reputation is "Knotted." it is enough to dumn the wholo cou- (surji. . , .. , , .,, ( So far as the Ecgielcr't insinuation regarding "derolictions socially" is concerned; wo will' simply say that if the Independent, candidates decide to run the canvas oa that issuo they will probably get tired of tho sport before they 'dro through With it.; In tho matter of fie three thousand doi- lar deficiency referred to, wo chal lenge tho Jlegisict; to show by the- records that either that or any other amount was , over lost to the county- through either' "carelessness, want of, capacity or downright corruption," during tho administration of any man Dow oh the Democratic ticket, as a county officer; To meet the expenses of the trial of Miller for killing Lilley, and 6ther unavoidable expenses, through tho advice of members of tho Board of County Commissioners, three thousand dollars wero diverted from the School fund and used by tho roimly. This money belonged to tho School .fund, which, under tho old law, accumulated from fines and for feitures, "and for the management of which there was no way prescribod by the statute., Tho fund was lying idle in the Treasury, and rather than the county ' should pity " interest on its warrants, three thousand dollars were appropriated as above stated.- It was the design of tho County Board to replace tho' money when collected upon the county assessment of tho aamo yoar(linnd Judge Haley i did mako such order, il Why was that or der not 'carried out? Simply because James H. Douthit, at that time Coun ty Treasurer and at present Indo pondout candidate for Secretary of State, failed to perform his duty.-J-i Will the Jtcgitier expose tho "want of capacity or carolessnesH.V wo care not what it may bp called, of tho eminent Reformor. Wo have ma'do theso statements without consulting tho county 1 rec ords, but they, will bo found sub stantially true. Mr. Douthit failed to obey nn order, which, his duty as County Treasurer romiircd him to oucy, ana wlion Judgo Haley wont out of olhee the matter reiuainod as it is to-day.' Tho county lost noth ing, the people lost nothing by tho transaction. ' ' , "; Judge Haley's succosKor was. a Re publican Why was tho fhreo thou sand dollars not replaced by him, whoro it belongod? Simply because it was rogardod a matter of little im-1 portauoo.: The matter was Batisfao- torily explained by the outgoing Board. It' is well .known that in both Stato and, county administra tions, funds ure fraiiuoutly diverted from ono purpose to another, in tho matter of defraying expenses, and replaced again. Such would have boon the case in this instance had Janios H. Douthit performed a plain JUUGiE h. V. MOSriEK. v.P"s gentleman, isthe, regularly' nominated, jSandiaato? oh tho Demo cratic ticket ior Judge of the 2nd Judicial Disfflct.? He is opposed by HoA. John Kelsay, tho regular- Eo- publican nominee; and John Burnett, tho hybrid Independent man. We propose, in these remarks, to con sider the merits of tho candidates. There is not an intelligent voter in the Stile who is ignorant of tho char acter of Judge Mosher- for integrity as a man, brilliancy as o lawyer and uprightness . as a Judgo. ! IW more than twenty years-he has held a po sition among members of the legal profession; of Oregon secondi,to no man. : If any doubt tho high esteem in which lie lias ever been held by his brother attorneys, of all political parties, they have but to enquirojof any and overy lawyer of respectable ability in the State and bo convinced. Judgo Masher's nomination by the delegation from his District, at tho lato Stato Convention, was accorded him unanimously, and ratified not only by tho ontiro Convention but by tho people throughput tho State Who is Mr. Burnett, and what are his qualifications ad claims to tho position to which he aspires? A com parative nof ; oomer in .tho State; a i ?. " -.. ..... lawyer oi memocro ability ana a bolter from tho party' which has hon ored him far beyond his merit. It may not be forgetten that ho is the man who was nominated by the De mocracy two years ago' for Congress, The canvass he made against the Be- publican nominee, J, O, Wilson, was perhapH the weakest ever mdde in the Stato( ajid Oregon Was lost to the Democracy. Mr, ' Burnott realized his failure to meet the expectations of those who nominated him and after his defeat ho ' retired to obssurity Bourod ngainst tho Democratic party for not doing -what ho had rendered it impossible for them to do by the exhibition of his incapacity for tho duties of the position in which he had boon placed."' Mr. ' Burnett is now outside of the Democratic, party andllio people will see that ha re mains outside of the judicial ermine. Hon. Jolui Kelsay is of tho Hippie wing',qf; tho Republican 'party, Ho is perhaps the host man tho Bopubli- cans! had to nominate, which is not extravagant praiae for an aspirant to a soat On ,,tho Supremo bench. He Will not poll his full party vote and will be boatcn by Judgo Mrfshor, not withstanding tho feint being made in his fiivor by Mr. Burnott. The Democracy of tiio 2nd Judi cial District, will not, we fool assured, fail to lubor earnestly for tho succepa of Judge Moslier. . Tho peoplo of tho entiro Stato arc interested iii his behalf. , 1 ! J i doe Whitney and his comphti. ''.; v.,'2;- TORS. - ' ,' jjj". Whitney, the Democratic can didate for,' Prosecuting Attorney of this District, is making an able can vass' and will no doubt be elected by a handsome majority. Ho is mastei; of tho situation so far as his competi tors are concerned. Cant. Humph- LETTER F:iOM HIE.NA VISTA.-' Bt'ivS-V Vista, o!k Co", Ogo. V May 12, 187-1. Editor Danoarat : In the '. Oregoriian of May Qth, observed a correspondence under the euphonious liandlo of "Tim luctoo," from i Albany, in which the exercised writer, aware of rey, the Itepubhcan uomineo, and coming events irom tneir present Mr. Ford, tho Independent candid- shadows, utlti's a feline wail of des- ato, are both taking part in the dis cussions at different points. The Captain makes as strong a case as is possible in behalf of himself, and as says to defend the rotten cause of Republicanism, but tho labor is too much for one man and he feels it.-j Mr. Ford has adopted a novel method of dealing with his adversary. Those who know the gentleman are aware of his ability to talk. Ho can talk more and say loss than any other man in Oregon. When he began tho can vass, s few days since, ho had a speech prepared of about two hours length, made up of a maBs of silly assertions and false, eharges against Gov. G-rover and the Democratic party generally. Judgo Whitney soon caused a little light to shine in upon the befogged mind of the young man, by a thorough analysis of his shallow clap-trap, and he was forced to abandon the positions in which he had thought himself so securely forti fied, No sooner does he yield a point than he takes up the lino of argument by which he has been vanquished and begins arguing on tho other side, At Buona Vista Mr. Ford made almost the exact speech Judge Whitney had made the day before. It is believed by his friends that by the close of the canvass ho will so improve undor Judge Whitney's instruction that he will be able to conduct almost any cmmon case before a Justice's Court. Should this prove true, the friends of Mr. Ford will-certainly owe Blast ing debt of gratitudo to tho Judge. The truth is, the nomination of Til man Ford for tho important office of Prosecuting Attorney is the most ro- diculous Scene in tho Independent faioo. pair . at tne inevitable raillenium about to "Dawne" upon the prospects and aspirations of tho Independent candidate for the office of Stato Su perintendent Our astute friend seems to have taken special pains to inquire into the qualifications of tho respective candi dates for official honors, and writes up their biography in a truly bombas tic style. -From his manner of statement it is evident upon its face, that tho writer is an extremest, fully as much so in the laudation of Mr. Oglesby and denunciation of Dr. Dawne as the re verse, which ho charges upon the Democratic organs in his correspon dence. . ' Timbuctoo, as you will observe, does not speak of Dr. Da woe's quali fications from personal knowledge. but from intimate friends who do know thereof; therefore hearsay is the very questionable authority clear from his own clerical skirte? Justice to whom justice is duo is my motto, and in justice to Dr. Dawne, as far as I have asserted from my own personal knowledge) as a gentleman and teacher, it is my purpose to re fute tho slanderous charges .preferred by Tim am confident nine-tenths of his class will sustain me in what .1 have written in his defense. If Tim feels conscious of having told the truth, I challenge him to contradict any thing I have said with proof, and name his individuals, and also be so kind as not to take refuge behind anom deplume, but throw off his mask and lend the influence of his good, name to what he has covertly asserted. ' , A. P. Mn.LKrt, M. D. DApiFlfc COASTERS. The Columbia river is rising rapid ly. - V - : La Grande is going to have a now church. - ' ' There is talk of a new paper ,at Coos Bay, -V Wheat forty cents per bushel in Walla Walla. The mining season in Baker coun- GBOVER AT OHISGON CITy ' ' Tho Portland Evenino- A, : tho following in regard tothedi, sion between tho gubomationid ' didates at Oregon City. Mr. Campbell was followed Gov..Grover.ia 'a .masterly gpj embracing a review of every qj(. affecting the public intorests anq.i fating the public mind. , It abom' -in facts clearly stated, and accth.- 1 with conclusivo proofs in, ever. " stance. Gov. G rover's speech , ty will be short. Grain in Union county is doing It th rpririfti-t-nl-tlv wpll. - u ......... , Sheep shearing in Union county THE Gl'UuriNATOitlAL CONTEST. duty. omposed of men of i parisos aiid it. i, l,iin.i th PWiila nl xi.;... . . -, "'xhnoiuuu oouniy win " Rou majority. . , , Cltct 1 Linn, X mid Mint, ni-nu-n ! by the ISrasj Band, ll)iWi Monday evening, " f lut-ut thuy responded i "iliw which wero nn. "'"to t'ho. Campbell was 81 1 '"iHijueiuly unable lo u,u '! if onoliaJ been twin, tl.l Toluian. friends J snu.cK-nt iiitereMt iu him ' v) such atti-ntien. ' "1 us to poi.k coi.vrv am, mniiT. ,, ' A Dallas correspondent of tho Salem Mcmmj, under 'ditto of tho 7th instant, gives a hopeful view of the political situation in Polk county. Roforring to tho discussion between the gubernatorial onmlidaten. lie says: "1'ho Democracy of Polk are fast roturniugto allegiance, and wo will carry Polk by 100 majority. Campbell's nomination secures Polk to the Democracy. In the ovoniug uoveruor Drover and Gou,; Brown worn seroimdod by tho Dallas Brass iiaml. The Governor made a stirring and pointed speech in - response, which elicited tho wildest enthusi asm. Gen. Drown followed in a pithy upcech, and was soundly ap plauded. ,' At tho clospof the Bore niule tho audionco gave three cheers for Governor Gitivcr, Mart, Brown, ami tho whole Demoemtio ticket, and the hills of old Polk fairlv shook with (he resounding echo, It was a doadncr to tha opposition in this county. i ..... From a?l parts of tho Stnte reports are Oijually fVering. expect at Mr. Jno. JaeliKou, of Yikoria, 11. C, was in Umatilla during last wceki Ho has bought 700 nico mutton sheep of Messrs, Bowman and Cram, pay. ing therefor ?2 V.O per bead, llu also bought 4U0 head of Jacob Frnzer at 82 per head. Ho will' start for Vic toria with about -100 of them as soon moy sie shuuol. Mr. J.. hoUi;ht about, 85,000 worth of sheep in Ui.it couuty hit summer (or ike same mar ket. , .'''' "Okwuin Srvu:."-- The Indepoiid--nt and Bcpublioun papers of lw StaUl with pclhiiliS ono rsccniiim. tho stylo of . POLITIC Iiv OLD UNN, ' The straight-out Bepnblicona of tins, county socm still undecided whether or not to call a convention and nominate a ticket of their own. Thoy don't like tho Independent lay out. There1 is no bond of union be tween thoin! In fact tho old Repub lican loaders in this county wore coolly elbowed out of the Iudopond ont camp by mcmbors of their party wno took early control of the movo mont. Now that tho dofoat of Iiidopcdont ' ticket has 1 become so fixed a fiict that it 'Is conceded on all sides, , the candidates , and tlioir friends are gently , wooing the same men to whom thoy gave the oold shouldor in tho incipient and more hopeful stagos of their organizations. These men dont woo worth a a cent; thoy are as indoppudont an the now desponding managors of tho faction wore in their Convention It remains to bo seen whether our dis aflboted republican friends will qui etly Btitmut to the condition of affairs which has been forced upon them. nominate a ticket of tlioir own, or not voto at till, An for the Democ racy of old Linn thoy ore marching ou to cortain victory. The stories that nro being circulated about Dem mooruta scratching, or bolting thoir ticket are creations of fancy, born of dospomtion in tho minds of Inde pendents whose whih is father to tho thought. From , nil part of tho county we am constantly receiving uio most oneenug accounts of the har mony that exists in our ranks. The State ticket will not run behind the county ticket. Governor Grover'i triumphal vindication of his attain- i ilrutionhas silenoed tlioguus 'of his enemies and ho will carry Linn coun ty by an overwhelming majority! Democrats who opposed his nomina tion will not only eujvport him, but they will work with a will for his election. This much has boon ac complished, already in .the canvass, and before tho first day of Juuo the showing will bo bettor. To the Dem ocracy throughout the Stato wo Bav in all candor. Old Linn is all right; don't doubt this fact. Wo will .oet the -whole county Democratic ticket! land llin Klni.1 II..I ...:n ... i 1 - ,-'"u " 'ii ma am oo- ihmd. Thi'i-e is no mistaking the I present signs, of the times. It mat ters not whether the straij.-ht out Re publicans nominal or not, tho Dem ocratic ticket will bo elected, all the harping of anonymous scribblers to tho contrary notwithstanding. K.votisn View. A London Pout editorial, on American finance, re marks that the hopes of a complete victory in the nexi Presidential elec tion entertained by inflationists or, properly speaking, rcpudiationists, are molancholy to contemplate. Should they bo realized, tbsn the Declaration of Independence would oo celebrated by a declaration of independence of Common honosty. The most omiuious feature is that the struggle is sharply defined by geo graphical limits and. threatens to be come sectional, like tho anti-slavery oontost. Grant's veto of tho inflation bill is about tho oi.ly act of tho Administra tion that honest men can endorse. It stands out among his blunders like a lono star ovor a barren heath. Wheth er he was aoluatod by fear, or by some more manly impulse, wo shall not stop to enquire. Time will ex- piam ms motivo. for tho prosont we are willing to lot it pass to h orodit withbut uncharitable comment Tnis Jacksonville Timet pertinent ly remarks that whilo tho Ropublicnn press and speakers have much to say about the litigant act, and wax elo quent in thoir denunciations of it, thoy never once, however, mention the fact that the Federal Government not only refuses to allow competition m advertising its proposals of all kinds, but gives them to its partizan Bhoots at prices $tar above thoso pre scribed by the litigant law. It is transparent that thoy mako this act a hobby to manufacture cajutal from, and are not disposed to deal in the facts of tha matter. When the ad ditional fact is stated that' tho price tixod by the litigant aot, for publish ing legal noticos is less than that charged by Republican papers pre vious to its enactment, the transpar ency of tho falsehoods being peddled out by those Republican and Inde pendent howlers ia. still more apparent. RicFKiuusiii to Nesmith's caustio re marks in tho House, ou the question of striking out the fl,400 item for repairs of harness and carringo for Grant's Attorney General, tho Now York Tribunt says: "Tho famous laundaulet of tho Attorney General has turned out to be the most un comfortable oarriage a man evor rodo in, liow much it may have had to do with Mr. Williams' failure to reacn the Chief Justiceship it would perhajis be hard to Bay; but surely no member of the Cabiset evor had a worse jolting through Congress than Mr. Williams got in that historical vehiclo last Saturday." from which our ever positivo friend draws his conclusions, and upon just slich information does Tim, (for short), stato unhesitatingly that "one fourth the qualification of Mr. Ogles by is superior to Dr. Dawne. Now, Tim, I happen to 'know some thing of Dr. Dawne and his qualifica tions as a teacher, especially in the Medical Department of Willamette University. I was a student of that University last winter and listened with pleasure and profit to a course of lectures de livered by Dr. Dawne; so, Mr. Tim, 1 speak not from hearsay, but person al knowlcdgo and observation when I say, among so many esteemed Profes sors there was scarcely one more highly appreciated than Dr. Dawne, To my knowledge his mode of teach ing was unexceptionable to the class. and inoro than onco have I heard the remark by different members that it would be more to our advantage could wo have hail more lectures from Dr, Dawne and less from some other chairs, (not speaking disparagingly of any.) This I am positivo of as ono of the class, and whatever truth thero may be in tho balance ot Tim's charges, I am able to state, from my personal and intimato acquaintance with Dr, Dawne as one ot his. stud ents, that this charge Is false, and she who made it is cither ignorant of the fads in tho case, or has willfully lied and lias our permission to hang him self upon which over horn of tho di lemma suits hirn best. Tim charges that these lectures wero borrowed as ho is assured,) As to tho facts' of this, many quotation's wero mailo by him from Dr. Hammond, a work recog nized by the faculty a9 a standard au thority npon Dr. Dawne's Chair, anil a work used as a text book by tho school. In making such quotations, lie was not an exception to the bal anco of tho faculty, who gave author ity for tlioir own statements, to prac tice, which, beyond a doubt, youid not bo beneath tho aping of even Mr. OgIc6t.y if ho is or ever has boen acquainted with the art of tcaohing. Again, Mr. Tim acknowledges the faculty proposed to promote Dr. j Dawno to a more important Chair in the Dompartmentl Was not that evidence of itsolf on part of the fac ulty sufficient' as to the merit of Dr, Dawno as a teaoher? I have heard inoro than ono Of tho fnoultv nav him tho compliment of being a oompotont and suooossful tpacher, and they well kuow tho high estimation in which ho was hold by the class. Ono would be led to suppose from Tim's statement to tho interview between Drs. Dawno and Cnrpcntor, in regard to Dr. Dawne s Diploma, that no exami nation of Dr. Dawne's qualification as a physician had ever boon mado, nnd that the faculty had Bimply created a chair in thoir body, and invited him to accept it, which ho did, without knowing any thiug moro of his com potency than his own statement. If this bo true, which I disbeliove, it certainly reflcots severely upou tho facility, clearly making them charge able with imposition upon the olass they essayed to teach. As to the cop ied sermons of Dr. Dawne, I can say but this: I have frequently been in his office when writinsj his sormons. ami it coned, it surely innst have been from memory, where they were most accurately cugiattcd by a thor ough anil caretul study. As to the as sertion of Dr. Geary in regard to the The triangular combat at the Court House yesterday, between the candi dates for Governor was hugely at tended. Indeed, the crowd was so numerous that tho meeting was held in the open air under the shade of the friendly fir trees. Governor Grover opened the dis cussion: in a most convincing, able and masterly effort of one hour and a half, in which he refuted the base partizan charges made against .his Administration, and fully demonstra ted tha capacity, efficiency and econo my of our State officers. His speech was even moro logical and convincing than lus most sanguine friends had been led to believe he could make and fully convinced them of the utter tolly ot a change in our state man agement. ' Ha closed with an elo quent and stirring peroration on the life and vitality of the old Democratic party, and mado a thrilling appeal to the "old guard'' of Democracy in Yamhill to stand by our colore. As an evidence of life in the Democratic party ho cited tho late brilliant victo ries in Ohio, New Hampshire and Connecticut, and predicted a glorious response to these victories by our Oregon Democracy in June next. Tolman, tho lienublican nominee.. noxt came ou the stand and told his regular little jokes of the campaign. which exciteu tne merriment but dis gusted the reason and judgment of his audience, ifo is rather a funny litt I old man, but is as unlit for Governor of the struggling young common wealth of Oregon as araw Diaizer In aian would be for Minister to tho Court ot St. James. .Our Renubl can friends could scarcly conceal their chagrin and disappointment at his la mentable failure. Rev. T. F. Campbell,the Independ ent candidate, followed in a fluent, rapid., but rather vapory style which ho talked much but said little. lie is evidently very much out of place in the political arena. As preacher ho may be on eminent sue cess, but ns a political debater he is a lamentable failure. . It his efforts at an elucidation of political economy aro an indication of his knowledge of statesmanship, he would scaroly make a lair coroner. Our Democrat io friends in Yamhill may well be proml.of Governor Gro ver and our whole ticket, and we ha no doubt will attest thoir appreciation oi me canriiuates bv civina them rousing majority on- the first day of T 7-.uJ- y,. - J i,iuiu. jsuuicuv courier. Pmtsox.vr,. M. V. Brown. Demo- cratic candidate for State Printer, and editor of one ot the spiciest and most spirited papers in Oregon, called yesterday. Mart, is a first-class prac tical printer (we know because wo have worked under his direction), is a talented writor, and is extremely pop ular among the craft, to whom ho has ever been a true friend. He has many friends outside of his own par ty, and will get a rousincr vote at, the June oleotion. Mart, is one of tho tew boys whom you can't spoil by prosperity, and we cordially wish him tho fullest success in all his personal or political ambitious. LafageUe Courier. Uorjty C.unvass. The. candi dates for tbe several connty offices will commence the canvass next week I making their first speeches at Ilalsey ono week from to day. We have been requested to stato that owing to tho burning of his house, Mr. Hamil ton, candidato for Representative, cannot go tbe rounds with the rest of tho candidates. Hon. D. Carum, Chairman of the Democratic County Committee for Benton County, was in town last W ednesday. He reports everything going right in his county. Demo crats aro working with a willfor their ticket, and aw gaining ground every day. has fairly commenced, Speculators -from Victoria aro buy ing up sheep in Union county. Baker and Canyon City are to have weekly connection by mail. Crops in Baker and Union counties are, generally looking promising. J. C. Williams, of Umatilla county, has put irt a large crop of peanuts. Tom Merry, ot tho Coos Bay, Neics, is laid up again With sickness. The farms around the residences of Baker City folks are being turnod into orchards.' Tho coal shipment last week at Coos Bay was U50tons( lumber ditto, 850 M feet. ', . f Jacksonvillians are preparing to celebrate .the Fourth. They aro talk ing about it. Mr. Wm. Watson is collecting sam ples of Oregon wool to send to Aus tria and Scotland. Cove, in Union county, has a Union Temperance Society just organized, with 52 members. Judgo Sawyer, of San Francisco, is holding a term of the U. S. District Court in Portland. . ' The Grangers of McMinnvillo nave purchased a lot and will build pi ball opon it this summer. The stage from Roseburg tof Ked- ding, Cal., is carrying a large number of passengers every day. Messrs.. Palton and Humphreys, of tbe Red Hill,'Marion county, killed 9 Wolves in one day last week. James McDonongh, of Jacksonville, sold bis trotting horse -'Barney Flan ders," last week, for 81,000. ;' A Forest Grove doctor has a live specimen of the horned toad. It was sent him from San Diego, Cal. Tho Daytcm now only makes semi- weekly trips up the Yamhill. Freight has become rather scarce up the river. F. Tj. Mace, of Jacksou -county, has recently . returned from California ith a band of 100 fine blooded An gora goats. The road across tho Blue Moun tains is now in such a condition that freight teams can cross without seri ous (liflk-nltv. Rev. D. B. Gray, formerly of this city, has been invited to accept tbe pastorato of tho Forest Grovo Con rogaiioiial Church. A stampede of some SOO head of cattle in Hillsboro, a few days ago. created quite a stir and a tremendous dust for a short timet Sheep shearing has commenced in Eastern Oregon. 'As a rule tho wool is long and of fino staple. The sheep 0 rapidly imprpving in flesh. Thoy have what thoy call ai'Taper- ing-utt" society m Helena. No member is allowed fo take a drink unless some other fellow "treats." Tho Umatila Indians wore more lortunata than most of their while brothern in Eastern: Oregon tho past winter. They losta but very little stuck by tho bad weather. The employees of the Willamette Woolen Mills presented on Wednes nesday evening, to Mr. Joseph Hoyt, tho late Superintendent, a beautiful gold-bearing quartz mounted cane, By an arrangement between the O. S. N.Co: and Wallula & Wall i.t-i Mb All Tin Vltt-J and elicited at its moat salient r,; il ,1J , ,i.,,. ., x LUC j;icttwa. .-.j,juau. xt-cucrrinn KSK that part of Tolman's speech reljt 'lli to the rejieal of section 6 chapter i of the.Codo, tho Governor, in a Hi ' nifiod' yet emphatic , manner,' S f nounced the statement of Mr. V man, that the In-w had been repeal! r or that $5 fee for State deeds " been1 illegally charged, or that j fces'so collected had not been aoeot, ed for, false. - r , j. Tolman, upon taking tho stan ,-.. reply, declared that he ooiild prt hm mrofflmpnt: thftt lift hiiYiaalr i , "..MOVU Q i"f. paid such a fee.' . .. ..'' ' The Governor, who was in the j . of leaving the platform, answen. .0y "You may have paid the $5 foe, 1 , Tolman; but the law allowing so fee to bo collected has not. been - pealod. ) rei' Tolman "It has." . , Grover "It has not." 81 ; Tolman "I say it has." : 1 Grover '-It is fulse," - Tolman "Your statement is fall Rn,i and I can prove it." of s At this juncture the Governor Hi ; approached to within two feet of Tn man, and it was very evident that t i was only with a strong effort that 1 con -t r- .! , ... - resu-aiucu ms- inclination to knoe his opponont down. Recovcra, himself, the Governor took his seal and Tolman-proceeded to reply inii most characteristic manner: "I at not going to be bluffed; no man cm ' bluff me;, no artificial lawyer ck bully-rag we. I am not a man to h bluffed. ' I have never been bluffWl I ainl no coward. I aint agoing 4 be-bifllyrnggGcl;" and in this vuW manner he proceedod adnaiamt He murdered the King's English and he murdered decency, until hi audience, becoming disgusted, let the house in great numbers. ' -,-..' A. anonymous correspondent writ ing from Albany, to the Oregonicn over the dc plume oi ''Tin buctoo," charges Doctor E. J Dawno with plagiarizing " a sor mon on an occasion when he ot cupietl Ro.-. E. R. Geary's pulpit, ii this city. It is also claimed by (111. irresponsible writer that Mr. Geary i his authoiity for the statement.- Oi the occ-csion referred to Dr.- 2awm occupied Mi-. Geary's pulpit by invi tation. No one knowing Mr., Gear? believe for an instant that In will would be guilty of such a breach c; courtesy as this. In fact we can statu on tho authority of Mr. Geary him self, that ho never made a remark that cnnldibo construed as charged by the 0)-fV)(ia!j',tcoiTespondei)t. "Tim biictoo's" allusions to Dr. Dawno as "illiterate," aro unworthy of a feply., Loos Oct Nest Week. A eommu nication front John II. Hackleman County Clerk, refuting a false state ment mado by one of tho Oregoniun't anonymous writers- in this county, came m too lato tor publication this week. Look out for it in our next. " Mr. Hackleman nails ho lio beauti-' fully.; ' '-;:;,!" RuvuaEXD Campbell shows evident jns of moral retrogression as the . canvas3 proceeds. His besottinrr sin h his utter disregard for truth and it ' is growing on him. ' ' '" Tim and Slippery Dick aro still mak ing it hot for each other. They gen erally succeed in making the people believe all ugly charges they make against each other. " : ' We call attention to Dr. Hendrix'l , card in this nanor. Will ti, ,'i Walla railroad Company, steamers slanderer who dished up the infamous. . uu to me raiu-oaa depot, a few story referred to n thn fhn; : como out in the light? ' y : -. The JSulletin and Orettonian have engaged in the hopeless task of re forming each other. Thoy quote copiously froni the Divine writers. if they should succeed, the devil will como out of this canvass the worst choated fellow in the rin"-. j i " kuaiuus io revive e and counts tii-tut ui. t Toe Jacksonville oitiiwJ niinmm 'ea the chowing" news- that "Judge Tolman has been hoard' fivmi ." HU vruturo, wUh U oik-o made themimol frieuii in JohIk,.! ni CW,i, odmuM. - .IJeemfortetl. sermon in question, it is not positivo What to Do, A m.od ,k ; i.d.i "I10" lfl0 ""i1 01 " that such as- of 1'.. Al. Wuito, Republican candid-! crUon was 'oaJe. but if even so, cer-. ate for Statu Printer, while at Dallaw, I tainly vanity nnd political bartering ... ..Biwi.m, , w in , . . Coktemi'tibxe. The JBuUt tiii is the only paper in the Stato that will per sistently repeat a misstatement after being convinced of its falsity. For revamping an old lio or manufactur ing a new one commend us to the Bulletin. Tolman has received through Sena tor Mitchell, a certificate of good character from somo obscure person iu Iowa, where he resided in his youth. The JiuiUtin publishes the same under a ctispkiy head. ami la'publicim randidar treated to a iterouado iu the eveuiu" Governor Grover and Mr. Brown Call axi see Hw.-Our County Treasurer publishes a notion in " ..i-I..,... .:.. i-.ii-i -,. bis statonunt, with Uue'aIlo. I .,',Cr ""'"T f t,,i8 PnI,er i,lf'0': miles above Wallula, every alternate trip. i ho party of seven men who left Tacoma a month ago for Swauk, have arrived there, at last accounts and hill'fl Hilton haon 1 ' .... tj.cu , nulling. They traveled a lengthy distance on snow shoes. Wheelock Simmons has offered the citizens of Hillsboro the uso of suffi cient ground for picnic and base ball purposes, and other out door meet ings, for ten'years, on consideration that they will fit up tho trrouuds for those purposes. The following was the last thing done by the King County Commiss ioners at their session on Thursday: "Ordered, that tho stock of the Seat tle and Walia Walla Railroad and TransDortation Company bo exemnt ! from taxation during tho year." there is quite an. extent of timber aud at tho head of the bay at Taco ma, and loggers haye been looking up un eager eyes lor somo time past. The townsite company have a num- 1 r ... " . Ul propositions lor the cuttinn- of about fouV million feet of saw logs their land in thorp. T It is announced that Col. La Dow was'to start from Pendleton for' Portland on lost Sunday. : If this announcement is true he will proba bly reach this place sometime next week.. Moke Daily Faff.es. The Eugene GWtfandt7bunaaro both issuing dailies. The. Guard is an earnest Democratic sheet. The Journal is the organ of W. H. Odell, the ei Surveyor General. ll im , i, in (A'I.S--,T busl.-l,c. . PorATXlEH-fl bi,,hI, Sic. ONIONS? bushnl, (Mil 50 . ... "f-AN -Whn. 'i Hi. Scam-. P1IIEI1 r-ncl I'hnn pwho,, ? ii uir iii'ini, a.n-ii, ,,..! i :.-., t , , . ... . . --.... .iii iuau tjiist ociorej varpei-oapgcr, mmo to acKUowledir ! lite ta tue courtesy by 8 fow remarks, Waite , , 'qn "ow to call and ge t their money rushed frantically up tohim ... ,1 khuI ,0"S ''Jco is necessary in our -l-irL!!?!: indeed! I would sk this modern Solqn liow all persons holding county warrants marked, "sot paid for want of funds," "Brown, what mt. you' going to say? lMo r,vt man 1o I suppose, 1 11 hive to ear some- and loose tho enit Uiiug.' Brown replied, "I've got gcr, as appd b, . n old F mirth of July mtio Uiat I ; ' dohveivd last summer, nnd I'm io- i f ' ing to Kboot that off. That :. ll U 18 0ttn ticke pmelknow." "My God Almighty!" j konora-Bcv. Campbell exceeded lh--3 L t Ti become a citison. ! 0!i enasle, elegant diction and hiM. ithct of carpet-bag-! moraI rea,'ing. we will take the Eu- V lull, or. if the, r" ir-Aye m ours. It is Vast1. dohvcml last auinuie'r, nnd I'm go- W . ""1 bl00' bo"os of i caricature in typo. ing to snoot that ott. '1 hat's all the KKkn I0? guwrnatoria! Vic Woodhvu. is on her way to this RsorEMN-a of tub Slave Tradf Governor General Coucua ianu-i.r- ates his third temi of office in Cuba iumiugaumT a decree autlmriT. mg.the uittodnotion nf tli-:,.i,. i saud negroes from Africa to take tho place of Urn field hands that are to be consenptod from the plantations , i ,BtrvlC0- Lit cotu-se-it i-iMtrau, iu uiese negroes ii m, 111!; Sr. sum. ' , : SiA'All-V-l rush,'l, ti m Island, 9 tn. lit-ri-v- COKFKK-S IS, Hie HALT 3 ll,( l',cr;s-'Vr Utiles, ' ih, fie; wiiouliler. y v.i, i in kefzx, ifl 0!i-'l-,,'s'K'''0Srtnp' il?.t 7r NEW ADVEHTISE.MEXTS." f! ,18 iA70""5 kpvw voire. be bandit Over under contriiet. lite! S!?:'! .L St uio cooues. mit il w . . 'Ih.- ......:,, I'Miifiil, 9 mtrn-it on conceive what the contocbHul Jgnomnt Africans LL T". ' ,.umt.,i ou (Julian soil and (nniii ,ln.ln 1 . 1 . .. ouu "UU ie lasn ot tlie STail'rn Plantation TPWo of iiv ii,.ur., 1 - ' isB.irm.sea that she "ZT f he" Wv. r ? ..hTimi'i h- SHfS0'- Tuu Davnn,H , . ,lriU w Uio Antil es ni n.J .i.".rs,l-,'l,i, 'h-.iu..ut i,,,r7. i win i u,e uwld 01 it, :.m,,. 'Jti.(ltr,CTi-Ti-. A. UitlDGts.