JFRIDAY.. ..MARCH 20, 1874. L1XN COUNT! DEM0CR1TIC CONVENTION (A Democratic Convpntion for T.lnn county, Oregon, will hi held at the flourt limine, lti Al bany, ou SATl'IlDAY, APRIL U", nt 10 o'clock a. H., for the purnoHeof nomlriutlnfr a f full county tloket and the transaction of such other uuslnuss au may coma before the cou- VflltiOll. 1 The various Precincts In the county will hold their Primaries on KATL'RDAY, APIUI. 18. at 1 o'clock i,-M., for the purpose Of 'i-lectin; upiPRnii's to tec Upunty uonTPniion. ine rre " clncts shall be entitled to representation as fol OUR LETTER-BOX. Albany.-.,!....;...! Orleims..?........'..; Hnlw), Harrlsbunr.. Brownsville Brush Creek Rwcet Homo 'Waterloo T,ebftnon....",. ...,.. 'Hiintlum Franklin butto..., Hcio Hyroeuse Center. Total :. ...54 ! Hy order of the Linn County Democratic Cen tral Committee. J MAHT. V. BROWN,) I bam. may, J Comrurttoe. F A. V. HTAXARD, I Improvements. Mrs. Russell has fcommeuced the erection of a dwelling, ion Baker street on the next block south ri jncq .uurtinaiiv ?. , jj ' ,; i ,. Johnny Schmeef will commence "the Erection of a dwelling house In a few days on the lot on which his bakery is located. . . . ; Carpenters are just putting the fin ishing touches on a building situated jnst south of Mr. Westlake's residence. $a Uhderstiind ii.ie tg be used by Mrs.. Vpham and Mrs. CMne as a milliner and dress-making shop. I inompsori s Irving are putting up an addition to their harness shop, j Norcross & Robinson are erecting a teat little building just below Grad wohl's store, which will beoecupled by them as a butcher shop. ' " ' 1 I Geo. Young Is at present engaged In putting up a dwelling house on his lot on the corner of Third and Lyon Streets. FROM WKNTON. Weston, I'mntlUa Co., Ot,'n, 1 March 7th, 1S74. Editor Democrat : Perhaps a line from this section would not be uninteresting to some of the readers of the Democrat. In the first place, there Is the usual amount of talk in regard to the election of county and State officers. Considerable dissatisfaction is manifested in the Horlb. part of the county, arising, no doubt, put of the question of dividing the county, which has Ueenagltated for sometime past. Every one admits that the county Is too large, but whether this is the proper time to di vide it, seenis to be the question to be considered. ' The simple question of mileage in this county amounts to no inconsiderable sum, the county being very large; when the additional ex pense resulting from a division is con sidered, in addition to the present liabilities of the county, it hardly hove no conMm ,n tbeir j6adem mitfee oil resolutions' was universally binck, and the delegation to Salem was composed of one Republican, and the other wus a gentleman who undertook to piilm off -on the farmers of Linn county, Geo. L. . Woods spurious rail road bonds. If chickens are not a scarcity after the convention It won't be the fault of the gentlemen from Ochoco. The last meeting has slokciv ed the majority of the Democrats who still held on to the Shoofly movement. That it is In the interest of the Re publicans hardly any one denies now, but it seems that the Democrats are afraid of the party leaders, They say that It Is the practice now for the lead ers of the Democratic party, on the eve of an important election, to sell out vide the late Presidential contest and various other times. I know they have grounds for complaint against some of our leaders for many false and coward ly steps, and that since the cowardly selling out to the Republicans at the last Presidential election the' masses ' IIOM1B AND ABROAD. Circuit Court next woe Improvement are going on in every ItOAD. 1 i- H.-k. ! 11 IOOK ,( Rosebuhq. Last Thursday, In com pany with Grand High Priest, J. R. Bnyley and Companions from Corval lls, Eugene, Salem and Cottage Grove, we visited Roseburg, for the purpose of assisting In the organization and estab lishment of Umpqua Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. And to say that we had a gjbod tlm. is, drawing It ; mild indeed. There Is one thing about the Roseburg ftlks that wo cspeolally Jik they eat oftetu During the'three days we were there we noticed that the people had Join (thing like five regular meals a day, nd du ri ng the i ntervals between meals everybody was rushing about with market baskets in search of provender. TJjat they always found it, the groaning tables of good things amply proved. Our party were most hospitably en tertained by the Companions of Rose burg, and carried away many pleasant remembrances of our visit , seenis the proper time for such a move. It Would create another set or county officers, which Is perhaps the principle whioh actuated the orglnators of the move. The South part of the county is very much opposed to the move, and the regular convention, which met at Pendleton to-day, will probably op pose the. measure. A - petition is . In circulation in tho North part of the county, calling for a new convention, and setting forth their grievances In a lengthy article It is signed by both Democrats and Republicans, and the call Is published in a Republican pa per, though claiming to be netural. What the result will be no one can tell, but It looks as though they were open ing the way for the election of the Republican ticket. ,. .' '.' 'i,, , We have had a very hard winter In this part Of the country.. In fact old! settlers say it is the worst for several years. Snow Is nearly of daily occur rence, the ground being covered at present to the depth of four or five inches. Cattle arc generally poor, and many have died. Sheep have done very well considering the severity of tne winter. t. J. LUCY. FROM OCHOCO. ,Sad JTI3TVS. Last '-Tuesday Mr. Beach received the melancholy in telligence jf tlie death of his son Frank, at Lcwlston, on last - Monday. About six weeks; ago his health, which has been panr for yc-ars, became visibly worse, and he came down from Para dise Valley to Lewistou for the pur pose pf securing medical treatment. When he Imcl been at the latter place about uiree weeks he was taken a irreat deal worse, and sent for his brother to crime down and tak;e him ;ack to Paradise Valley. His brother, Ii N. Beaoli, Immediately went down Hcompanywitk his wife, and finding ilm too low to remove, stayed with dm until lie died Deceased was about 'A years old and -was a most exemplary roung man,.an'fl leaves d large circle of elatives and friends In this cominuni- y to mourn lire untimely death. JNEW xsDsniEa i' lBJis. Albany be ;ins to present a very lively "'appear ance, and everything goes" (o show that ur buslness-cien will have n rushing im-this-prlng. We notice that the ollowlng now firms have already or rill In o short time open out Inourcity: Bloom &'Cc, dealers In all kinds of eneral merchandiselocated In Myers t Houck's brick, opposite the Ex' hange Hotel. W. J. Warren, furniture store In the M stand recently occupied by the C09- lrtpolltan Restaurant. C. C. Godley, dealer 'in stove and nware, in the jlfealey uuildiiig. . ' " Jacob Zue.kennnn, jeweler and watcli laker, first door east of Joseph's gro- !ry store. ', , M. S. De Pew, dealer in stoves and Ijware, first door west of Fox's. I. C. R. C This new temperance ganization Is getting a splendid start i this city, having already a member ilp of over fifty, and at each regular icetlng several new- application's for lembcrship are balloted on. An or uiizing officer will shortly , go to rownsvllle an l Lebanon for the pui ne of establishing Encampments at tose places. We hope that the citl Ds of those places will give the Charn- ons all the encouragement possible, it is an order that Is well calculated accomplish a great deal of good in ly community. later. We have just received a II from "Old Father Harmon," who forms us that last Tuesday night he janized an Encampment at Browns le with twenty-eight charter mem- Oqhoco Valley, Wasco Co., Or., Mareh lOtli, 1874. -Editor Democrat : Thinking that perhaps a few Items from this section of country might In terest you, I will drop you a few lines. Madam Ochoco is In the throes of travail just now, giving birth to new party, and as the Infant Is a weakly, puny thing, the chances are that its friends may have to mourn its early demise. The mammy of the brat is the Republican Party, and as no one has come forward to daddy it, I don't know who to lay It on. Some four weeks ago a Mr. Thompson made his advent in our midst said he was an Andrew Johnson Democrat Bedrocker, and was grannying for the forthcoming infant, and to pay him for his profess ional services lie wanted the County Clerkship. He represented that the movement was that of the Grange and i the county, 1 candidly believe there ,urmer- party, anu torn so piuuslble a will not be more than two thirds of the uue tout a goon many oi tne JJemo crats jollied In with him in issuing nut will we better ourselves by re pudiating our leaders atid party too? Must we, for certain men's crlmos, leave the old party, whose good name we have battled for through victory and defeat? Must we, because men whom wo have trusted have been fulse to their trusts, be false to ourselves? No, these men can sell us no more. New leaders will take the place of the cowards who sold us to Grant, anil with ranks unbroken we can yet re deem out country from the vampires who are draining its life's blood. More anon, FURBY TEETERS. FROM WILLOW FORKS. Willow Forks, March 8th, 1874. Editor Democrat : I take this opportunity of writing you a few lines, thinking that a word from this part of the country might be of some Interest to the readers of your valuable paper. : ' The past winter has been very hard on stock. Up towards the foot of the Blue Mountains a,great many cattle and sheep have fl"led and are still' dy ing.. Horses haVe lived through but look very tbin. The gruss Is very poor for this time ot year as the . weather Is cold and stormy, , The farmers of this vicinity are. gen erally pretty nearly through putting in Wieir crops. Everything is extreme ly dull on account of there being no mgney in circulation. We have little or no beef cattle that are fat enough for the market for the reason that there are no buyers here. Cows, with young calves, are worth from $15 to $20; yearlings, from S6 to $8; two- year-olds, from $10 to $15; and but very few selling at those figures. Sheep arc very liigli, but I know of no sales. Horses are cheap and none selling. But very little interest is being taken in politics in this part of the country, aud I think it will continue so unless our candidates take more in terest in the coming election than they did in that of two years ago. If they don't stir themselves up and canvass peoplvote. From some cause or other CI dnn'r all for a mass meeting of the people, know who Is to blame) wo don't get the irrespective of party; to meet and talk DemocjiaT lit this office more than u,i pumius, granges, use,, out wnen tnis j two-thints of the time. It lias seven meeting was neici, instead of being a days to come here, and I certnlnlv pnrt of the city. The funeral of Thos. 1. Ford, place yesterday." t Seven criminal cuscs ill our term of Circuit Court. . Jailor Humphrey hag four boar Jera at the county jail now, The State Agricultural Society met at Salem last Wednesday. Harry Kuhn has got back rtt his old business agaln-wagon making. -There is some talk of building an other school house In this, district. A lot of new Grange blanks at tb is office Secretary's and Treasurer's Re ports, j There are some signs of the base ball fever breaking out again In this com munity. Rev. Isaiah Wilson, who has been very 111 for a week or two, is slowly convalescing ' ' ' " , Peter Schlosser sold a piece of land on Soap Creek for $1,000 last week. He purchased It about a year ago for $1,000 . u -J i , We noticed the familiar count-, nances Of those notable characters, Dr. Wardlow and HI., Smith, ouour streets during the week.' " 4 The closing term of the Albany Collegiate Institute for this year com mences next Monday, '. No changes have been made in the Faculty. The Champions of the Red Cross have rented the Good Templar Hall and will hereafter hold their regular meetings bn Monday evening of each week. Last Saturday we printed a lot of programmes for an ainateur minstrel troupe at Corvallls. Their, first per formance came off In that city last Tuesday evening. A lottery has beeil located at the old Tweedale stand during the past week, and accomplished a good ileal in the way of relieving some of our citizens of their surplus change. ; , j i Atone of the houses in this city where the temperance petition was presented, the lady of the house, after reading it over, evidently supposed it was a subscription list for some book. as she looked - up and , innocently asked, "How much does It cost." Our city has been literally crammed With people for a few days. That $30,- 000 hotel that Dave Fronian has been talking about would have done a rushing business this Week. It would be in order now for some wug to turn up the lapel of his coat. Orchard, Com- 'I NEW lni UMPU I " Sulol oflutlnr,r The statistics from sworn returns of die Sales of Sewing Jachlnes In 1872, (reported in 1873), show that the Sing er Manufacturing Company sold, last ear, over FORTY-FIVETHOU8AND more machines than any other Com pany, and over one-quarter of all ma chines sold during that year. Nine out of ten of said Singer Machines were for FAMILY use proving tho great popularity of the Singer in the house hold. Annexed are the Sales of dif fered makers: Thb fiintfer Bluiiiifito'tf ' toZ soldi 910, TSS Whvelrf & Wllnon 1M'Ii('o.....m....,.sm 7I,iis llowf) Machine Co. (eMllluatod) " 14:.INN Urover A baker M. M. Co " fi;',tHie I IJomefltlc M. Co " 4U..rkM I Weed S. Mi Co; . " 42.411 Wilcox 4 Uilibi 8. .M. Co " W 'ison H, Mi Co " ii.uMi Anj ur. 11. H. O, a 6. M. Co...- ls.wu yolil Mhtlal 8. M. Co " 17.KOT nomjit M. Caa-. ,i i :J' VITUS, HOUBGAROKS CO.. , Ajrnti, Albany, OrtgoR. ) Also, all klndi of Machine Needles tor tale Religio vs. Thefti Will be religious services held at the C'Hiirt House, by Rev. Aldeu E. McAllisteri on to-mor row evening, and also oil Sunday at 11 ' M- ":. ft l . f- Th Cre itt Antag.iuiot if 0iMe. Vliat U the natural eatecqnf of dlMart It !fi th vltiU prlnclDlo. s J'Tom the nloment that dluau U developed lb the system, thu champion flghts the Intruder until It either conquer or Is conquered. Which side should medicinal science espouse In this life and, death strutKlot Should It dcpivss and cripple the physical energies of the pal'ent, thereby helping the disorder, or should It r'inl'Tce tho vitality or the patient and thereby ftrslst In quelling the allmectT Ot course the proper answer to this question must bo obvious to every one ahovt' me grade- ot an idiot or a In- nntlo, ana nence it inllows that the weaK aim broken down Invalid who chooses to dose him- ADVERTISEMENTS. FARM IOK NAI.E. HTHE tTJfDEIWIONED OKPPItS FOR SAT, farm, situated throo miles ;'rom Harris- mirg.eontalninK.'W acres, well lniJroveill'j6 winir in cultivation, and all (rood wheat lnnd. It contains a nw,d residence, barn, orchard wtiwrr, nun an otner conveniences, Terms easy. Inqulru of II. R. Hor.T, Hani bhrg OrcRon.orof AMEM WHUEW.N' ..... M-n a wa a. w. T. NO. twy Kiwyr Mcht pal ion, with iron. IIIIT, IW'I ' A ? 8 K K IW in Mnko Mi and h''a-ltiv oociA & t tlH per rn'teSVa CAPITAL Town Rnd thH lKeific DCOIIIDrn Const. Full flddn-rtSlnir TjwIt lliW. Hnn Frrinciscii. C... with nfwn.j fmnt ithr th Hontitiikfitor, t county oltlclal or torn jinjiiiinvni cuizuu. iiiKts on siiiit, nwo. vory City, llmjco on SS 8TEELE, Proprietor, Cures Rhoumntlsm, Neurnlel. Coldi, Tooth oh, Ear-aotK, Ijimu Baoki Attir, Sprafns And all ualng, mitt rttitt)HtPs lh Livnr and mi. Oil, YES! THE BAY TEAM STILL LIVES L; AND IS RUNNING ON TIME I - rpHAXKFIfL FOR PAST FAVOIlfl, AD -a- Bin i ucairoui oi conccnuiDV 10 Kicot thf sumo, the proprietor 1 ntwAH roUUil- Aitd easily found nt nil tlms. Pnmpnirprs tind hnPf(r oarnoa to ano iroin tne canto any wm of A is. AftNOLI), olty at reaionable rata. Albany, Oregon, v8n28tf. jftoi the Ffoprletor, Z. BEARD & CO., TANGENT, OREGON, self witv depietiiiR slops, instead of toninB, m- ,'Porwardinfr nd Commission Uerohantj vljroratinK and vluilisinK his enervated frame ( vvtt,u,wa.v muh farmers' or Grange, movement, it de veloped ltsel(into a lirst class Repub- llcarvi'mnary Convention. Thcv first thl matt,,,, ertook to bind those present by passing a resolution -pledging them selves to support the nominees of the Antelope Convention. (The Antelope Convention is now regarded as the Re publican County Convention, though probably it will be Cayuse for the sake think It ought to make the trip in that time. You will please inquire into Yours as ever, VM. WIULE. VltOUt LUBAXOX. Lebanon Phecinct, , March Mill, 1874. Editor Democrat . , , . .; Ihaveallmy life voted the Repub- of a few yotes.) Then they introduced ! licft" ticket' al1li 1 'lld 80 feelinK tuftt 1 a resolution specifying that the "Pres ent Democratic Administration has was doinir my duty conscientiously but I can not longer remain Ignorant run the county hcayly in debt, without j of tlle corrilPtlon of Party. I be a dollar of publio Improvement to Ileve that the Pre8ent tax-payers' call show for It, while thirty or fortytfou- is gotte" UP 'f1 ttwt Par(y for Political tand dollars of tho people's rhouey has ' PurP08e8i '""i' also believing that there been annually squandered-a whopper i are other rae" "y '""'t with my so big that even Republicans were 8en mar, wish to see justice prevail, I ashamed of it. Th ief.nr. mn,. wi8h to ttsk enm questions which I menf, of ennniv artir to nnt would lik" 10 llave answered ina plain, "ruiininIrthBnntv,i,v.iiuirfi.tiltrurullniler- " W l8 ou the but is steadily bringing it out of debt ' d!!" an cxorbitant tnx? aud lf " '9--debt contracted by Republican offl. wll t tax-payer8' conventions reme- clals. While the countv. State and anu u no, now win it ao School tax, collected in this county does not amount to "thirty or fortv thousand dollars," (and every one in the meeting knew it)' so, after wrang ling a while, they amended the resolu tion by simply asking for "economy." They then prop0s;-d to the Democrats that if they would join In with them anil heln piper. th Antnlnn. Hnu,,kt, would "go snooks'- on the offlces-a he P01'"0"1 Parties and must there- It is stated that there are too many offices, and that the salaries are too high; would the prime movers in tills bastard concern be as anxious fof a reduction of the taxes if they were In olllce as they are now? Or, have they political axes to grind and know that they cannot grind tbem In cither of tociAnr.ES. The Good Templars of is city have been holding sociables their Hall every Friday evening for ne time back. Everytime that It been our good fortune to attend !c social gatherings the company med to enjoy themselves hugely. rts of every style and character are up, from that exhilarating game led "chasing the squirrel" down to old-fashioned "Ohio squeeze." ale, speeches, etc., are had in fair proposition certainly. Their dele gates stood flee fiepublieam to one Democrat. A few soft heads, for the sake of tho promised offices, have gone in with them, but the ranks of the old Democratic party are yet unshaken, and I havo no doubt but that we can carry the county as usual. Wasco has a Democratic majority, though it is small It is certain, and tho Republi cans, knowing this, have cloaked themselves with the Grange movement and are trying to gull a few Democrats over to their support, and thus hoist themselves again Into olllce. The Democrats held their Primary Con vention here Feb. 28, and unanimous ly adopted the following: Whereas, It is necessary for all political parties to express their politi cal creeds, and as the crime of corrup tion has been charged against the present Democratic county adminis tration; therefore, be it itcxmvca, mat we are in ravor, as heretofore, of the selection of honest and competent men for the county otliees, and the practice of rigid econo- indance, and everythingeoesoftina ! highly creditable to the order. my In the administration of county this evening is the regular time fori ""I1,'"-, , m . ... deirree meotino- f w ti V (Woty, ' That even if there has degree meeting of that Lodge, been corrunt nractir-e In our mn.v re will be no sociable this week, I atlairs, it in not consistent or necessary and out of which the entire difficulty fore start a parly of their own, and raise for their watch word the cry of reform. (Question: has the Republi can or the Democratic party become so corrupt that it is impossible to work a reformation at home?) Why not nominate good, honest men for office who will legislate Justly and honestly, and who will not abuse the confidence of the people? How Is this tax-payers" movement going to affect the salaries? If they elect their ticket will their candidates run the machine for nothing and board themselves. Yours, SAXTIAM. ot Guilty. At the last term of Circuit Court in Marion county Chas. Miller, who resides over In "the Forks," was tried under an Indictment for shooting one Slater near Jefferson, and the jury being unable to agree at that trial, the case went over to the present term, and after a second trial, which lasted two days, the Jury brought In a verdict of not itullty, and the defendant was discharged. The shooting occurred over a settlement involving twodollars and a half which Miller owed Slater, Whiting School. Jas, one of the graduates of Taylor'i rr.erclal School, will oommence giving a course of instruction in penmanship at the District School House next Wednesday evening. Everybody is invited to go that evening and inspect the specimens which he will have on exhibition. All those who wish to be come proficient in the art had batter Improve this opportunity. See his "ad." elsewhere. Sold OUT. During the past week! Mr. W. H. Gearhart has sold his slaughter house and fixtures to Messrs. ivorcross & itoDinson, who will con tinue the business. The new firm are putting up a neat building just north of Gradwohl's, into which they will move as soon as it is completed. AVe understand that the shop will be sup plied with beef from Mr. Norcross' band.of Ochoco cattle. Called. The following members of the craft called on Us during tho week: Thompson and Cornell, of th Mercuryj, C. B. Bellinger, of theiVctt's; Geo. W, Strong, of the- Oregonian; 11. G. Head, of the Benton Democrat; Tony Noltner, of the Enterprise: J. M. Sheppard, of the .Beef Rock Democrat; P. D. Hull, of the Timet; and Geo. L. Buys, of the Quard. Literary AlmAKCk. This new society, composed of members of the Sigma Phi and Erodelphlan, societies, will hold its second meeting on Satur day evening of next week.' The meet ings are always Interesting, and (or tho next evening a splendid programing has been gotten up, consisting of reci tations, debates, music, etc. ' Presto, ChanoB! J. L. Harris has taken charge of his old meat market, in consequence of the continued illness of "Hank" Mendcuhall. It is scarcely, necessary, in view of Mr. Harris's en viable reputation as a caterer to tho pub lic appetite, to commend him to the good graces of the Albanians. See his oard elsewhere. with Hostel ter's Htomach Hitlers, must be either feeblo minded or deranged. Buroly nothtnR short ot imbecility or Insanity could lndueo a person laboring under bodily weak ness and nervous prostration, to take day after day powerlul doses of some drnstlo pur Katlvo In the hope of gaining strength thereby. Although ehnrltttahs iriay advertise prepara tions ol tins character as toulcs, people In the full possession of their reason can not, ono would think, accept them as such, if they do the penally of their credulity may be tho shortenlntrof their lives. Tho rhcumatle. the dyspeptic, the bilious, the debllltAted and nervous, and nil who are sumect to intermit- tents, or other diseases brought on by tho In clement weather which prevails at this sea son, will do well to strengthen their nerves, lone tlielr stnmachs and regulato their bowels wit h tie Bitters. The two-fold operation' of the restorative ns lln Invleorant and an npperlent, In addition to Its direct and sueclflu effect upon the disordered liver, renders it a most efficient remedy lor complaints of tho digestive, secre tive and excretive organs, at present tn use. This liwjt Is conceded by otniuent members of the fnculty whose testimony to that effect Is published In Hostetter's Almanac for 1871. JUST KECEIYED SCISOOXER OREGOXIAN Dlroct fronr tho. Ban FmncUco and Paclflo toutftir Kftnnery, 100 KICCiS OF SYRUP! For sale low. BAMUEL E. VOtTNO. n-'tlti. , .! . t i.i'-' AND DEALERS IK MERC.1ANDISEAN0 PRODUCE ; A good a,ortment of all klnJi of STAPLE GOODS alwayi In stora at lowest market ratot. We are prepared to fill ordow for all kind of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY at prices that muit rIvp entire airtia taction. Come on with your orden and haw the ill filled ut low rutPs tor cash. s. . aVAllklndi of produoo taken la cxchango forgoodfi. unitftr. SPECIAL NOTICES. A. WE.EUI.BH. O. P. noGUE. c. n, WH.EKLKR. A. WIIEEI.ER fc CO., SX-IEID,' OiREa-OISJ FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Drillers in Merclmndlse and Produce. A pond assortment of nil kind of Goods alwuyn lii store nt lowest market, niton, Ajrents for snle oi Wagons, Qraln Drills, Ci dtr Mills, Ohnrns, Ac, Ac, 'ASH paid for WHEAT, OATS, PORK, BUrrR, -iUU8 and roL'Ii'RV. vHnLlyl, SADDLE, HARNESS & SADDLE TREE MANUFACTURER. Tho und ?rs1frnrt( Vofrn 1 vo to announef tn bin muny irlcnds and jMtlrons, rtnd tli public Ki'tiiTtilly, tliat In Is ihmv prepared to oiriT fit reduced r.tis Httddlen, Hnrnens( 'tc manufac tured from the best matcrlitt th murket af fords. Ha fttso londpfs his thank r for tho pat ronnso wj.teh 1ms been bestowed on him hvre tolori1, ari'3 will eiid"iivor ut nil times to givo Hutlfifaclion lo customers. tJrniiK.irs, FarmuM, und all oMiera wifsliln n UOOM article at a reasonaiM b price will oonsuit their own interest, by exam) ninj; hlswtock and ltarnliK the price bfforu pu.vhuBlim etsawln re. W. .Sr. ItOHH, ntfjmij. hrowimvillo, Oregon. In the County Court of the State of uregon, Jor tne Uounty oj Minn. Mary E. Br Idjro farmer, plaiuiiff, vs. Adam S. unuKC(B.rint'r, ueienuani. Mult lu equity for dlvoroe. To Adam B, Mrld if planner, defendant: In the name of the HtnLo of uwi'dn Vmi are hereby required to nppear and answer th complaint filed atralnnt vou In tho alwiv.Hn. titled Mult in said Court by the flm day of the term following tho oupiration of ilx weeki uf tor the diitc of thin lummom, to-wlt: by the iiiiuui luuimu), mo iu uny oi ttiiircn next, n,nd if you tall mo to answer, plnlntiir will apply to tho Court for tho rt-llef demanded In the complain), which ii for a decree of dlvoroo dii olvinir the bonds of inntrlniony now extstlni' between the plaiMn and deffiidant, and for the eiwtody of tho children, the lunm nt an Id marrlhKe, and for Much other and further relief ns ui me vjouri mm N seem just anu equitable, nnd for the costs and dliinirs.'nii'nU of this suit. Service by publication of summons made bv virtuff lot an order n ranted by Uio Hon, 11, P. Hon ham, Judge of said Court, dated Feb. 6. 1874. JOHNS A JONES, Fob. 6, 1874.-Mwfl. I'laintirfs Attorney. mm . . . . FOUNDED ; IN 1853; 610 Sacr&manta Strcat. or. vf Ltldtidortt titttmX, a ftw duura umow Waat Vhw Mous. Prlrata Kntrane qq Leidesdorffrtrwtf ' y Sao i'ranciioo. n wimtifff nttieal tHU in th irtatmtmt and turtoall Privmttand Ckrum , Hi)Miaui,ean o Vrf , ty and all Xtxual ' ' lHtordtrt, TO THE AFFLICTED. ADVERTISEMENTS. cere thanks to his numerous patients for , jnjiniKf, unu wouiif uiko mis ppportu tp rvmiiid them that he oontlnuea to con W. K. DOHEHTY.Rfn'URNS HIS 8IV- ft t v to r It lit his Institute for the cure of chrtmle ills. euses of the Mini?, Liver, Kidneys, JDlKestlvo nnd liunlto-L'rinarr Ooans. and all nrivnti. discuses, via : HyphlllN ib it t fits form,- ttlid stit ros, Uomlnal W'eakncM, mid all tHe horrid cod sequeuocs of se-abuse, Uonorrhoen, Gleet, MLrictures. Nocturnal and Ltinrnftl oinfiuioiii. Hexual iVblllty, Uisoasoa of the Back and Ixiiiis, Inflammation of the Madder nnd Kld neysi etc, etc.ji.aiid lie hopes thnt his lonp ex perience and iuccessful practlco will continue to In son hi in a share of duIiIIc imtrtmuim. Hv the pract Ice of many years In Europe aud the United btntcAi ho It enabled to auolv tha mmt efllclent and ucoessful remedies against dis eases oi ait Kinua. xie cuns witnout mercury, cnarjjes nioaeraie, irenu niH.ptuients tn a oor- reui anu nonon.oie way, anu nas reierence I unuuestionuble venicitr lrom men of known renpectablHly and Mh staudiiin In society. aii pnnies conviiiiins; nun oy iciu-r or otner wlse, will receive tho best and gentlest treat To Fmtt)fe. When a female Is enervated, or afrllntpfl wlih uiseaso, as weaancss oi inu uaca anu umos, atn in too head, illinnou of nicht. liws nt muscular power, nalpltntlon of the heart. IrrN tablllty, ncrvousnens, extreme urlnnry difficul ties, deraiiifstment of digestive, lunctlonii, gen eral debility, vuRlnltls, all dlncases of the '- . : i . ' - a:;d . .... ; ... , A' i". CflfERRY, Proprietor, ' 1. i ALBASTj OBEBOS. 3 ' - r."'i ", : . : nanflictur4 Steam Engine 1 1 ftOUll AND JW mil MACHifiERl? I Agricultural Machinery, all at SAfli Francisco prices. Also airent ttit R!charTson, ifsrUn 4 Ca't, 7 Co',, sua H. B. Sinlth'f PiTEXt trotilMiroJMI, 4iHEt I Alio MftBQfsctiirtr of iftghmt't rf PATENT ( m01 FfciiCJE I fiON AND B to CASTINGS I W All Kinds, Madt ii Ordaf j . r, Hepatrla-f sll his ill gf maoDtnsry done oa skurtett aoiici. -,,., ,i A. F. CHERRY; V?DlGtf. won)b, hynterln, atcrlllty, and all other dlsea- r peculiar to icmiiii's ; nne anouiu ko or WTlte once to the celebrated fomale doctor, W. K, Doherty, at his Mcdlciil Institute and consult auout tier trouoies ana uiHense, Tho Doc- AIVKUTISl!;MKNTfl. H CITATION. hi the County Court of the State of vregonjor tne votmty of lmn. In the aiftttor of the estate of Hlohard Evans, deceased. To Mary Wcstfnll, Edward Evans, Marj' Ann Bherrill, and to tho three minor children of Iavid Kvuns, non-rcSldents, devisees, legatees, helrs-nt-law. known or unkown, rcsUlujits or non-rcMOents, nrui to the next or kin , to all prereo ns inti'ri'hl-cd tn the said citato, f rootlnjf : In t'i name of the Htnte of (Jreiron. s ou nnd each of you are hereby cited andnujulrod toup- pear m i ne v.ouniy L oun,oi LnenLtue 01 1 freon - - - - SUMMON. - In the Circuit Court for Linn Coun ty, State of Oregon. Marv e. llrlckcr, plaintiff, vs. James Brlckor, defehdanl. Huit in equity for dlvoroe. To Jas. Ilricker, the above-named defendant: In the name of the mute of Oregon : Vou arc hereby required to be And appear In the above entitled Court and unswertheoijmulnlnt of the above named plalnttir, now on flk with the Clerk of said Court, hv the Ilrst tlnv nf ttu tirrm of Kaid Court fnltowiftft the expiration of the time prescribed by the order of the Judge of said Court for the publication of this sum- moni", lo'wit i uy iiie zotx oivy or march, 1H74; you will tnke notice that If you fail to appear and answer as abovo required, the plaintiff win "I'l'ij - -ouri mr tne reiini prayed lor in tut.' I'uuipiHiiii, wwn i mr n aecreo aisnoiv Inc the marrlnKC relutlons extstinjr between you and the plaintiff, and for the oosti and dls ouraements ot tne snit. J. W. HALDWIN, Att'v fotPI'ff. " ' Published by order of H. K. llonham, Jude ui khiu vouri, uvanng cihlo j'curuary Din, l for six weeks tn the "State Rtirhti Demoon the paper deslgnnted as thu litigant ornn for tor la effect in? more cuns than any other phvs lolnn In the Btato of California. Iot no false delicacy prevent you, but apply Immediately and sitve ynursnjf from painful suffering and S premature oeuth. All diarried iauica whose tlicate health or other ctrcumttancea prevent an Increase in Uielr families, should write or call t Dr. W. Hi Pnherty'i Medical Institute, and itoey will rwcelW every pouibla rollvf and help. To Correfcdhdonti, : ' Patients residing in any part, of the eountrr, however dlitiint, who mar desire tho opinion and advice of Dr. Ikmerty In. their respectWe eases, and who think proper to submit a writ ten statement of auch, In prefefonec to holdlni a prsonal interview, are reRpntitiUlly assured tiiat their eominunirtntlons will be held most sacred. The Doctor ta regular aMluata and my be wnsulted with' evory con ltd p nee. If the case be fully and candidly tK,4rrlbed, personal communlcntlon "Will be unheaory, as Instructions for diet, regimen, and the gen eral treatment of the case (lucludlng the reme dies), will be forwarded without delay, and Jit , sueb a manner ns to convey no Idea of tho purport of the letter or parcel so transmltted.-4-Should your condition require Immediate at tention, send ten dollars In colnjnrthat value In currency, by mall, or Wells. Fanro A Co.'s Express, and a package of medicine will be I tlons for u ho. Consultation by letter or other wise, rHEM, Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay. Address, W. K. POHERTV, M. I.t . fclan Frauulsou, Cal. Spermatorrhoea. Tr. Dnherty hns lust imbllshed an lmnortant pamphlet embodying his own views and rxpe. Portland,, nonces in relation to impotence or virility, be ing a short treatise on Snermntorrhoa or Hem. iiml Wealcnens. Nervous and Physical rinhtlttv flnlem consequent on this affection, and other tilsea- Albany...,., vn ill Hi" Of.-Aiiiw uiiiiiiB, UnilUB..... This little work contnlna Information of tha I Lewistou. inmost vinue t an, wneiner nmrneo or single, and will be sent KKEE by mail on receipt of six cents tn poatAge stamps for return postage. Willamette River Trannportotion Co.'i next Friday evening we may look "high old time." a Teachers. Then? wilt be a pub- rict School House, In Albany, on irday, March 28th, 1874, (o. begin o'clock A. M. T. J. ST ITI-V5, Co. School Sup't for DemwraU to Kave the Democratic i grew. puny, tne party inai nas always Oeen in invorni an nonm amniniMtrauon or pubiio aflaira, unit join In with a div xaminationoiVfJicheraheI(lIrithe!y0r " nflla OiKetitwi crowd for the iiMuiuiiiiii hi m wjuu imriv w riiriH these iruu'i.H. JifKofvciJi That we recoirnize In the Antlape Convention a frantic effort of the itepubjicana to obtain possession of tite county oil i eta. r.a J. 1L Stkpiikxsox will preach e Court House ncit Sunday, at 7 The Shoo Fliei met laat SatuHay to elect delegatea to a Peonies' Couven- tck P. M. aubject.' "Evidences of a j Uon, to be held at Salem, and tliev e Statg Considered Objections j had it "bellitUplit," and J fhink the crcd'" splits got a "lectia soured." The com- Kew Tut Shop. Mr. W. S. De Pew has opened out a first-claw tin store in the Foster building, first door west of Fox's store. He will keep on hand and for sale a fine stock of stoves, tinware, etc., and will sell as cheap as any one this side of Port land. Notice to TAX-Payera, I hereby desire to give notice to the tax-payers of Linn county that unless they come forwurd and pay up by April 1st, 1874, three per cent additional will be charged for collection. ALLEN PAHKEU, Sheriff and Taz-Collcctor of Linn Co, Qrcyon. Popular Lfxtures. Ilev. g. G. Ir vine's lectures are becoming very popu lar, and the church Is always well filled. Last Sabbath the subject was the "Immortality of the Soul," which he handled In a very masterly manner. Next Babbnth his subject will be "The Modern Forms of Skepticism." The Tribune. M. H. Abbott's! new paper, the Pendleton TriJjune, 1t on our table. The Initial number evinces care and attention to local matters the most essential clement of success tn a provincial paper. We wish the Tribune success the Countv of J jilt ii. at tho Court Room thereof, at Albany In the County of JJnn.at the April term th'Teof. to-wlt: on the 7th diy of April, a. d. 174. at 1 o'clock In the itf&orooftn of t'lKt titiy, tiien hiu there, to show cause, if any Mist, why an order should not be granti-d to a-.'ll tho real estaiu buionglng to the osutte of rienura r.va-nn, ueocwtiui. an prayeu mr in ana b v the net it ion of Juoob Tiiomoson. executor of b:jf Dial, win ami K'NiHiueiib oi hum wcwinaa, v.'hich petition 1 now an tile wltii the Clork of Mniu t:ourt. the real e.tiitc in salu net It oninen- Lionod and deHcrlbed an follows, to-wlt ; Ihv Dofiiitlon Lnnd ( in of H ctiurd Kvnni. Kot., !,1KU mid cerilticatoNo. ),:j7, IHhim. 1,'i no ji oi neu. m, j u, 11. ?mh lii itnnire o. won 8S. Ilhicn-s; T)ts N 09. 2 A .'( nnd Houth West He!. TownHhlp 11, Houth JtuitRo 4. Went IMS. . aci nno eoriiHininR in tne iiKrej-tite ;m 67 acrert, less acrs sold to Kdward Kva.'is lij Richard Kviiiik, kIvItik u warrtiiitydeed th jretif, whlu'i deed bf iirs dnti; Nth day of Aunust, lxJi, and deHerilM'd as follows : Jtcglnnlriif tit tho nortlwust cornerof lilehnrd Kvans' Dot kt I on Lnnl Claim, this corner beinpr the nortt.-west oorin'r()f the nort h-i'itst qiiHrtorof 8ecUon No. IK, Township 14, Houth Range 4, west; Lnenee runutnt; wiuth Ai clmln; tlience west 7.r-tiAI chains; thence north fiU-UW chains to tho Wil lamette Itiver; thence memiderinir dowti said river to a point due west of tho ueplnnlngr t'aene" cant 1 chains to the plac of b()(;Uitiirist -ooritaliilmj 15 i!KHW acres, all of the almve tract of hind lylritf and bclnfj in Linn county, rei!on. 'ilie wiiide number of acres ivmnm Ijist of fcald Donation ijind (Jlafm to be sold la jHtt item, Am the north half of the south oast quarter of the Donation l4ind Claim of litHgherrlll, ooiitalninn u acres, and txfinn In H-fcrTon If, Towiothlp 14, Houth Hangi' 4, wont. A Iso the following di'scrlbed premises, to-wlt: f.ejrinnlnK at the south -went corner of (eetlon lx, J'owiiflhlri H, Houth Itani i, west; runnlnic theneeeuM irod ; thence north HI rods ; thence w-st at rods ; thence south J rwJs to tlio pltioo Af beclimiriK contain lni? 10 ucns morn or less, nn 01 inn himivr uescnoea promises ucmg ill Linn tMHtnly, n-f'u. ijy order of the i ;ourt. . In witness whereof I have here I unto set my hand and ahixei l the seal S of the County Court of sr.ld Linn ' county, tins (tth nay of Mawh, A, U, &7i, J. JI. HACKLKMAN, -Clerk. Hy W. H, Ot'KENCil, Deputy. Oxo. R. Ur.LH, Att'y for Estate. Awl. WILL LIAV1 PLAtVDICRll WHAnr at ctloek, A. M. Ai follows 1 FOR CORVAIXIN ANU INTERMKTUATE POINTSMondftV. Wednesdit-'MK'I Krlduv roa alha.Vy ai imudikdiaik PINT-Monday, Tuesduy. Wednesday, TliiirsdnV and Ffidav. FOIl DAYTON A Nil MeMINNViLLE-Sat- urday and Monday,, PifsiMtre to Corvallls....,,,..,,.;,.,.; 91 0(1 Pastil jf to Albany X SO Passajfe to Malem !... 1 00 Passage to Mrllnti vllt 1 00 11. UOLUHJIllTU, President, iOTlK. OREGON It CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Company, Land Deparlmsti!. Portland, Oregon, April 5, 1872. Notice Is hereby given, thnt a rigorous proiooutinn will be instituted ogaiDst any and every per on who trovipaiiei upon any Railroad Land, by cutting and re meving timber therefrom before the same ft BOlHiJIT of the Company AND PAID FOR. All va-;srit Land lu odd numbered sections, wnetueriiirveyeu or owsurveyed, within a dis. tance of thirty mites from the line of the road btlongs to ths Company. I. R. M00RES, ?Tn3etf. - Land Agent, CITY DRUG STORE. 4 tiiotMii. ,,-j ij.,.. , t. lAtTtuifa; A.CAROTHEllS & 0., " ' DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES. rosTER'S (LflCIt, FJnSr ST.. KXM. OREGCI. : rtRALKM IK' , t)ltUGS, CllEMtCALS PATENT MEDICINES, ; PAINTS, DYE'STUFFSi OI L$, TOILET GOODS, trellch and Amvilean Cologne. ' HandkerohlefExtracts, ' CONFECTIONERY ' Pun Wioei and Liquor, tor Medicinal Cm. FINE T0BACC08AND CIGARS. ' Family Eeoipes tnd Pbysieian'l Prescip; : tioat uompounded. w D.rS070-TBn70. A. CAttoMlltS 1 CO. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OP SAN KRANCIUCO. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. CAPITAL $1,000,00. JOBS H. RKDUINOTOSf Hrmident. OHO; H. HUWAUD ,Vlc PrtslUeul. CHAH. R; mOHX. JHxM.Tr. N. h. rilBV:::; ....Marlno Heorttnrr. 11. U. U1UELUW...... ...Uuaontl Alunw. DIRECTORS GAE&ON BCANCH: '. 1 P. IVAfeSERMAH, C: It.. LKW18, :;nlH. UUMjwmITU, Address. 8nMt,f. Ban Francisco, Cal, CITY REftlDENC'E OU HALE. TUK UNDKHHIONKI) IH DEHIR01I8 OK selling liri!lty rcsldenoft In Albany, com urlslnir a wnifortuble ont-sUtrv cnttatrii hniisn of fi nmms, and two lots, on the eorm-r of KMs worth and Water streets, just oiiifsltn pleroe's FcrrV. otilto a number of fmft tn-nn. nn ofjllentwcll of wntor, a wood-shod and (rfher niici-ssnry appurienannes are on tlio prcinlses. 'IVrms reiisonaiiU'. For further pnrlleiilitrs ap ply to ttie undorsliind on the nreirilNPS almva described, MA U Alt iiOXtJHLSaoX. Albany, Feb. 2T, 1S74. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL El. TAB. W IIKHIvIiV (JIVEV THAT BY m Virtue of an rdfr of tin County Ortjrt, of tlin State of Orison, tor tlie CounLy of Linn, fcrant'i at tho .Muroh t-nn, thereof, lor 174, the undersigned, KuArdlnri ofUif person and aetata d PhJJip Low, an In inane i rsoo, wlii, oa h Saturday, the 11th day of April, 1874, lxtween tlio hours of 9 o'clock, a. k. and 4 o'clock r. m., t'-wit: at the hour of 1 o'elock p. h., oi sain anv, oit.t nr annr at ptibiin auction hi th'1 f'ourt Jloune door. In Albany, Linn nmn tj , Oregon, ths lojtowlnjf feat estate, Ja Linn a-tuny, u.wlt: - - UejiSnniiijr at the N.'P;. corner of th land Lost. A sleeve-button ruado from a gold dollar was lo(Iri the northern part of the city last TuewJay. It Is of not much value to anybody but the owner, and the Under will confer a great favor by leaving it at tbi ofllce. JnaoED-Xhe brother-in-law of ry wuruiy oenator, jonn ai. illpple, wu taken to the caIahoofl lat Tuesday nihi by Marwhal McKnlght, for get- ti UK Orunk and making stump speeches on the streets. j DiZb.W hav received the sad i 1G1IE AX ti SEE t'N. HAVING UIHPfJHKD F OVH INTEHKHT In the mi.-reantllQ business to Mr, Ham. Mny, and being di-sirotiaof r-inoviii(r to Han Frnnelsen at thu earliest nraettcal daLo. I aivn notice to all those pttrson IndnU-'d to tiieliite (Inn of Uerst, May A Co., thnt I desire a settle ment of nil outstntid account by (he first of April, 1474, except thoan acpfiuntu which have neen eointn ne(-a tor (ito current yi arand an sumed by Uam. Mar. fnr Oertt A A nspiwher. Ilarrisburg, Feb, IS, 174, . itttw. , NEW GOODS! AND LATEST FASHIONS ! at the store of L. KLINE & CO. WE HAVE Jt!T IIRftKIVKn frROM BA( I'rnnclsro th, my latoit slyle, of Boys' and Usuu' FANIIIOIf ABLK C'LOI'IIIIVG ! I LADIES' AND MISSES' DRESS OOODSl Mid everything ls. to ua round Ina FIRST CLASS RETAIL STORE I BEST QUALITY OJ GOODS it fiOWEST FJIICES i.i.uvuiiitooiiR. ,.::.:.L: ". li HOVER. ..J. A. CRAWKOliU. ..D. M: frexch. J. LUWEMiUKU ' HAMILTON BOVD, . AGENT FOR OREGON WASHINGTON TERft't ELI CUTTER, Local Affen ALBANY, OREGON. 1 ALBANY BObK STORE! JOHN" F0SHAY; oaiLia ik ' ' M1SCELLA.0US 1KD STANDARD EOOES, BLA.K HOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY I CHOICE HATAHNA CICIARS i AND TOBACCOS. Tha Largest Stock f Flna aa4if Tr broaght ta Albantl Goods In our Una Imported to order at abort st possllfle nolirH, sv'rti only nluoa In town where A bbaL oiKin (,'iqaii can bo olitalued. Call and ee. . rsnsii. CASH OR PHODUCE. tKeit door dbove iWto.'nce. Albany. Ore- Kn. vafimS. FORD. On Urtn'wiaythelh,t his resl rt'nmuttiis city, 116. . p. SfoRSttupul U years and 1 monuis. PAHKKR.-b Tndy, the 17h Inst , fn frits en. Urn tofe-nt Jaujhur oi J. J. and VUjy nt WIIlainrrtU MtTidlaii : rtitirilnr'Lhf'nn Hi-tiiih H chains nnd Vt link to thn H. K.wrm r of said eltilni. thfn' W'tston thcHotitii tine of said clnirn il ehulns nnd W links ; tiu-nee Xorth 4-1 ctiHfnsand Unlut, to ti-NfLh line of said elalm : tln nce Knat 2 enalfis and M Mn'is, tbe tui of h-KliirlntC cnt8liilii(( IW 8-luii tuf. utofnr ', AIW(,(h.'(ollor.lnB premises U-wlt I'rlnntnKdttlit nithwnst eornrf the jand flntm of rnl!tj7 vn, UlnK elaim notlfl. option No. and clnnn No., in T. 12. K It. intelHjfenee that tlie wife of Itev. w. ! Wf'rt'ftnd nm,l,l'eth',n,T Kft'rt 'm',l''th'nr North t p-ls, Ut the plve of let inntnir;, eon- j tnlnlrts: K' aTr-.s, more or Unmi Ui t her with all tre liiitmv-m';nU and appnrteuauoea there-unt-o txdonclnir. Trms of side ; One-half of the purchase money to be paid at th time of snle, in (told ccin ; one-half to h-pflldfn eft months there af:r. In troid eoln , to tv -"ure the oaymnt of which a itnt- and inoH-yo on ifte pr'-mtsea wjfj ty rifirj. iktyB n Utw, OuArdian. of fatttpfwr, aatjuaaa Mnen. 1 H, Stewart, of Salem, died on the 18th .'oat. .Deceased was aged about twenty nve years. Sam Yovko lta Jut .received a splendid stock of spring clothing of the fcujfcfc "ajfODy." Call around and see ; bU new tvnitp, and jue fer jourttelte. RANKLIN MEAT MARKET ! W. O. PALMER, PrAp. r,r'T' KKF-P CONHTANTT.Y DV HAND v me rest mesh too market affords, and wilt ftlwnys 1)0 found ready to afenniniodate .nos. wno may mvor nun wun a call, ay Highest market prico paid tin nork.1 NOTICE OT TINAI. bbtTUsmgmt. mjfmrB IH HERKRY OIVKN THAT TIIK L undfTslirned. almliil.rraur, with tho will annexed, or the estate of Vlrioent M. watsn, dcased, bus filed with the Clerk of the Coun ty t!ourt. of Linn county, .Mate of Drepon, bts final account for ..tl'-merit, and tlijit K, N. Tandy, Julfe of said t'oort. on tlie td da of February, lft7t, mails an order ancolntliitf Monday, the 6th day of April, 187i, at the hour of i o'clock V. . of that day, at tho Court Iffruse In the (:ny of All-nny In said nounly, for the hearing of otfjeetlDiis to auch flnnl acoiunt and thestlLlenient thereof, 1)AV1U FflMMAN, Adnll. lon!a a inwis, Att'y for Adm'r FOB COCNTV AMMEHMOR. CaAWyoawviM.r. tJnn Co, tttiior i.sf.sra, I wlb ta announea (broufh your columns tat I atn a candidal for Asaesr of Linn . Or.. alafoh I, l7t. ASSlSSOn'H HOTIOB TO TAXPAYERS. thereby (Ive notice that I will lie In attendance In the severu nrceliielA of t.lnn comit.v. at the times and nlai?es following, for the imriiose of receiving, lists of nssessnhle tiroportv, for tho year 1H or tax-payers of said county i Hclo, March II, ID, II, 12, 1.1 AM; Franklin llutte, March It, 17, IB ct 10 ftnnllHm, March 'Jti A'il: llianon, March tfl, 4 ?5; Waterloo, March 'itt A 27. ; dweet Home, Mnreh .HI, 31 ft Ain., 1st : finish Trek, AprlU, H 4 4 ; llrownsvllle, April . 7, , 1 A 10; jlarrlSliunr, April IS. ll, lii, III, IT A Hi ' llalsey, April ai, ill, IB, St, it A 10 1 ' ' Orleans. Ann 1.7. at. tn A OU: Albany, May I, a. 4, Ii. tl, :,,, 11, U H fsyracuse, May It A lft: Center, May IH, 19 A 'Jf; All taj-payera am rooulnd Ul meet fne at. tho time, and planes nhove appointed, with lists of their proje rty filled out, and a failure to do so, wllleompell ma to pmcoed ItKalnst them at ones, as required by law. J.T.TH'IKH. "nl. Aslnrsof. 4- AlTfi ( HEMOKHHOIDS; CAU0THERS A CO' "PILE 1IU8 01NTMKNT" bars duW beootne eoe of tha standard preparathih of thi drti U pre pared and reeuimnuaduil tot Piles only (Whstlur ehronlc orreeent), iitTefers nay depei-d upoa It, that this reaedy Will ftve the permnnsnt relief from tut Ifwabieitrtcs and dafattging oetn. piaint. Hent aestpaM twi say difdrost within tb Ual- ted Hiatta) spoa reecrplof prle. 8..W, A. tJA KUTII r.Kh A CO., 1 Alhany, Mwo C ((reten. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT!- JOHN , BRIGGS j biaMa ut COOK, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES! ' Oftht Bait Pattern!, . '. TIN. SHEET-IRON AND COPPER -WARE I Aad tht usual asanrtnisn't of turnliblng guodtf ' found In a Tin Hturs. f Eooairt Hunt!; nd Prompt!) Jxodntcd ( Go Raasonabl, tsrul. " Short Jleckoningt Make Long lienilt." FR0NT-ST., AtDASY, Next Door to 1. 0. Harper A Co', Ptora I).e.8r4nllf JOIIW ItHlflflrl. ; . JEi"l',. sii:K, GENERAL BUSINESS COLLECTION, A IXSIBANCE AtU(I ! . iD ' i . ''. '71: NOtARY PUBLIC, Farttetilar attthtton fflveh totheadlndtmtlon Of accounts. Col led tons fytade In al parts of the Htate. sWUittve uext door aliove tht Uee-UWa Store, vniotf. that nil a't, BMblvt to Uia ibatpped I Inn da and Fare, fforeLlpaf Drynens rihftkla, Ctit-d at once hy HK'iEMAVS CAMPlfnn v:L wlTHLYrkhlNK. It k-t-im the h.,nds mi in aai wearner. h rv trim you c"t nr.uK- will of thn tai.paywtW MAN-K toM hvall lMizalsta. nn It.l.-tllLL & SO.V, DRUGGISTS AND APOTi'EiAHIE ALB AN 7, OREGON tttufr Kftd rdediclnea iVsh amd pdre. rirnm F4' attention given to country orders and pbjl elans' pn-M.-rlptiona, tsuda vator frtsh itom th" Aretlo reirlona, nifir" on3Iuto tree,opposTter:onner'sPi.T!K, it. c. tn vHit.TWf. 1I1.L. A HON CCSTACLE5 TO VJZ'IZl ; Happy relief for younjf men from the etfoefa of rrurtftiid Abuse In early lite. Manhot Kt'snir d. Jrutn illriicnts to jiwrrlajre rmgv.d. Now irtfrftiid ti trtt rneni, N and imnrt. able rauwdtna. Itooks and etrculurr, trn im In s't' d eV liiMfs. Adilrens, fJdWxlr Af4-' rM;Ut ATlON.'Np. frVaith Nlntti rhiaiet. frhia, r.,vrvtii inwtuuati havliif ti::U r'pti-f t!B tin u iitj. iv scalar t.: t.Jr...f.-r.?? kkUA. , .Nftai i.