The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 20, 1874, Image 2

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    Git Btmtut:
rWI)XY.r.?.Ir....MABCU 20, 1S74.
.'. ' rof OOVEBSOE, .
' rou conukkas,
,-. .,, . OK UMATILLA.
Jadiclal Nominations.
Seeond Dlntrtrt-ror Judr, I F. MOHHRR
for ProKTtitlnir Attorney. C. W. FITCH.
Third riltri-Kor PnMwuUiig Attorney. J.
'Firih Dlatrlct-Kor Proaocutln Attorney, w,
Now that the Democracy of Ore
gon have mode their nomination for
. State and Judicial officers and even
for moat of the county officers it
will be well for them to thoroughly
organize their forced in every county
in the State to bring every voter to
the polls in June next, being well an
tured that if they do bi a signal
Tictory may be acluored, and the
State placed in the bunds of men who
will leginlute for the bent interest of
the people. If there ire any differ
ences in tire party any where they
hould be 'speedily healed; if there
are cold, selfish men in the ranks,
who are determined to push them-
selves or their peculiar notions, to
the detriment of the party, or for the
benefit of the opposition, they should
be ignored at once, and made to give
way to those who are more patriotic
and deserving. On every side men
who have heretofore acted with the
dominant party say they are disgusted
with those who manage and control
that party at the present time, and
will support tbem no longer. Thou
sands of such men are to be found in
the State, whose influence will be felt
at the polls on the first Monday in
June next. The signs of the times
are indeed cheering, and the only
thing for Democrats to do is to cluse
up their ranks and to move on in
solid column, and they will find a
lubttantial reward for their labors.
The Domoaralio State Conventitn,
whioh assembled in this oily on Just
Wednesday, finished its labors at noon
yesterday, Nevor, In the history of
our state, has a Convention met, com
posed of more tubitsnlial material
than that which has just adjourned.
It deliberation were characterized
with the utmost harmony. Dignity
and decorum prevailed throughout the
entire meeting. Of the ticket prosont
d to the poople we will simply say
that it is acceptable and will reoieve
the oordial support ef the Democracy
of Oregon. Modesty, of oourso, com
pels us to make one exoeption, but w
will not say anything about that in this
eonneetion. Whatever local divisions
may exist in the diflWont countios ol
the State, we feel assured that the
State ticket will oomniand the respect
'and tuppon of honsst men of all par
ties, and be triumphantly electod next
June. ' '
The Democracy ef Linn county
don't freeze very rigidly to the Inde
pendent movement. Last week,
after much solicitation and vehement
urging on the part of a few gopW
ing Republican, about sixty Duuio
erals Mere induced to sign a call for
an Independent movement, but as
aoon ax it won discovered that
Smoked Bacon Elian, who- sold out !
the lamented Dehuott Smith in the
Senatorial contest of 18U0, was the !
prime mover and inciting spirit in the
nterprise, those Democrats who had
signed the will revolted in abhorrence
from the unholy nlliauce, and signed
a document recalling their names
'rom the support of the Independent
movement. So tins disorganizing,
omc-miuttugraid of the Linn eountv
Radicals Is nipped in the bud by the
Elkinie front, and uo moro will put
forth it irtiM-aprouding shoot in old
Linn. The Democracy of other coun
ties might learn nn important useful
lesson by this timely recantation of
tut honest Democrats of Liun coun
ty. Koteburgt I'Uittdeakr.
The Illinois Legislature ha done
brv tiling in the reform Hue in it
revisiou of -the criminal code, and
we only wait to see how it will earry
out ita proviHious, eijiecklly those
which relate to the conduct of the
grain trade in the SUit -' Fines
ranging from ilfl to 1,000 and iiu
prinouiuent iu Hi couuty jitil for a
year may be visited1 upon anyone who
oil for future delivery, stock or pro- j
duco which he does not own at the !
tiine.. The kume fate await any one'
wnogc sopa corner or evu bat .!,, hv Frank, prow, N,
false rumor tor the purpose of ,. lck""n "7 J- X- "i'-hartUon.pi-oxy
latum. IhiM will uiuko it lively fur
tho Cliiniffo dottier.
Albasy, Or., March 18, 1874.
Tho Democralio State Contention
was called to order at 10 o'clock a.
., by Col. White, Chairman of the
Democratic State Central Committee.
On motion J. S. 31. Vancleve, "of
Multnomah was elected temporary
Chairman. , W. A. McPherson was
chosen ' temporary Secretary, nnd
Wm. Galloway Asxistant Secretary.
On motion a Committee of one
from each county was appointed on
credentials. ,
The following named gentlemen
were selected by their respective del
egations and appointed by the chair.
J. H. Shinn, Baker; B. Fillbean,
Benton; S. A. Miles, Columbia; J. T.
Akin, Coos; Aaron Bose, Douglas;
B. W. Morrison, Clatsop; S. Houlat,
Clackamas; W. B. Laswell, Grant;
J. N. T. Miller, Jackson; B. F. Hols
clow, Josephinef O. P. Cosliaw,
Linn; C. W. 'Fitch, Lane; J. B.
McClain, Marion; Eugene , Sera
plq, Multnomah; E. McDaniel, Polk;
Jas. H. Slater,. Union; N. Ford,
Umatilla; Joseph Baxter, Wasco;
J. H. Richardson, Washington; J. D.
Fenton, Yamhill. . .. , , ,
H. Klippel of Jackson; B. J. Ladd
of Multnomah; S. A. Miles of Col
ombia, and W. H. Watkinds of Ma
rion, were appointed a Committee on
order of business, and in a short
time they Bubmmitted the following
First Eleetlol of permanent oflly-ni. ,
Heeond Adoption of platform.
Third Nomination of candidate for Gov
ernor, m
Kourtn For t-antrreaa.
J-'tllhKorHeerelary of Btata. ,
Blxlh Htate Treit.urer.
Him-nthStato Printer. '
Klehlh--Huperlntendenlof I'lihlleTnatnictlnn,
Ninth Hull fleotlon of the Jtlatrlet Nomineea.
Tnntn ine uiucuon oi aniaia central Lorn-
mlftee. '
Kleventh Selection of thn ntao for nel.
maio i-ionveiition.
On motion the oonvontion adjourn
ed to meet at 1 o'clock r.n.
Convention called to order.
On motion the officers temporarily
appointed were created nennancnt
officors of the Convention.
Tho report of the Committee on
Credentials was presented, from which
it appeared that tlie following persons
wore entitled to seats:
BAxr.n County Jumcs Odell, by
H. Shinn, proxy; J. H. Shinn;
Jesse Jones, by Shinn, proxy; T. N.
Snow, by bhinn, proxy; Robert Mc
Cord, by Shinn, proxy.
BefiTON County P, H. Bowman,
L. P. Baldwin, Thos, Mulkey, D.
Carlisle, Ben. Pilboun, M. Shannon.
Coi.tiMiiu Cob.ntv S. A. Miles, T.
Coos County Jus. Aiken, Wm.
Hall, by Aiken, proxy; It. H. Lowe,
by Aikenn proxy. '
Cuthop County John Hobson, H,
W. Morrison.
Clackamas County A. F, Hedges,
S, Heulat, H, Straight, Jos. Young,
J. Welch, E. Cawfield, W. L. White.
Douous County A. A. Fink, W.
J. Martin, by Fink, proxy, Saniuol
Marks, by F. II. Hill, proxy, J. AV.
AVeaver, by Fink, proxy, S. Miiiard,
Jno. AV. Wright,' by Fink, proxy, L.
Darnell, F. It. Hill, A. Hose.
Git ant County AV. B. Luswoll, J.
N. Clark, by Laswoll, proxy, N. Mo
Nulty, by Geo. Chamhorhun, proxy.
Jackson County J, AV. Simpson,
by J. N. T. Miller, proxy, J. N. T.
Miller, T. B. Kent, by Millor, proxy,
John Bolt, by J. F. Millor, proxy,
W. A. Johnson, by J," F. Miller,
proxy, Samuel Forry, by J. N. T.
Miller, proxy, Samuel McDouough,
by J. F. Millor, proxy, T. F, Bool,
byj. N. T. Miller, proxy, Honry
Joskmhxe County E. N. Tolin, by
B, F. Itolschiw, proxy, J. B. bifers,
by Holsolaw, proxy.
Linn County Thos. Munkors,
Win. Cyrus, by Craig, proxy, Hi.
Eckorman, J. L. Cowan, 0. P. Co-
show, Jno. Huston, H. L. Rudd, M
r. ncuooiing, i, w. rimith, M. l'ayno,
C. P. Burkhart, AV. A. MoPhorson.
Mahion County J. Jl. McClain,
AV. H. AVatkinds, J. R. Coleman, J.
AV. TUornbury, A. H. Starkweather,
E. F. Colby, Sum'l Itnmp, P. Bilyou,
II. D. Boon, L. AVestacott.
Mlltnomau County J. C. Files,
J. Bun. Lnnc, Alox. Cambcll,- R. J.
Ladd, B. L. Nordon, Eugene Scm
ple, Jus. AVilson, Dan McGillis, Mo
ses Seller, E. J, Jeffries, C. B. Bel
linger, J, S. M. A'aneleve.
Lank County Goo. Riuehart, R. B.
Cochran, T. A. Milliron, 0. AV. Fitch,
Jeff. Yates, A. E. Spcare, R. B. Hays.
Cruxan, L. Aekcrman.
Pout Coi'NTF-Bon. Haydon, D. J.
Holmes, E. MoDaniol, im. F, M.
Townscud, H. DavidBon, I. Dcmp
aey. Union County J. H. Slater, J. ,T
Hunter, by T. N. Ellege, proxy,
Johh Dobbins, by T.N. Ellege proxy,
J. A. Tucker, by J. H. Slater, proxy,
T.N. Ellege. i ,
Umatilla Cointt-J. Rally, J. A.
Florence, by N. Vord, proxy, AVm.
Switzer, J. L. Story, John C. Mny,
by J. L. Story, proxy, N, Foixl.
AVawxi Countj -T. M. Bird, bv J.
M. Baxter, proxy, N. H. Gates, J.
M. Baxter, Emil SehulLe, Juo. Mo
AVasuinutin Countt J, A. Rich-
The delegation from Coos Was au
thorized to cast the vote of Curry.
, The roll -of counties was oolled,
ond the following persons were des
ignated a the Committee on Resolu
tions: Buker, J. H. Shinn; Benton,
D. Carlisle; Columbians. A. MUes;
Coos, Jas. Aiken; Clatsop, R. W.
Morrison; Clackamas, S. Huelat;
Douglas, L. Darnell; Grant, AV. B.
Laswell; Jackson, J. N. T. Miller:
Josephine, B. F. Holsclaw; Linn, M.
Payne; Lane, R. B, Cochrane; Mo
rion, E. T. Colby; Multnomah, C. B.
Bellinger; Polk, H. J. Holmes; Un
ion, J. H. Slater; Umatilla, L. Sto
ry; Wasco, N. H. Gates; AVashing
ton, AV. G. Scoggin; Yamhill, Gus
feif Wilson. Bellinger wo chosen
Convention then adjourned.
. KVENINO session.
Mot at 7 r. it. The Committee on
Resolutions submitted the following
report, which was then read and
adopted by sections: 1
Mr. Ohalrmnn nnd llentlrm-n of the Con
wnllon : Your;oinnriltu-H on resolution! hff
Icavo to submit thu following riotlurm ol
I'rlirt-lplrs :
1. Wo di-clnre our unfaltrrlnn duvntlon lo
the CnllDtltutlon of thu L'ultfil Mutes arid to
Ui-union of the Mtub Ihi-n-by i-stabllWii-d ;
and wo oflirin tlmt Hie !i,pe of the m-ral
Mtatps havo th! sole ami t-xclunivo rlKht of
ffovernlliK th'.-insiflv(s ns fn-t-, BovrHirn, and
lnd(ml;nt Mlau-B, subject only to thy limita
tions of th" I VniMltutlori and that all power not
there In sxpresly jrranted to the national Om--eninient
are rnwrverl totheHUius n-speetlvi-lj',
and wo deny the rljrht of thi- lederal (j.n-prn-nutnt,
throuKb the treaty power to permanent
ly domlelle Montcollafls within anv -state with
out the consent of the Ix-KlslaturL- thereof,
'J. We ntllriii that the greatest dauber with
WMH.-H ne ure ,mmv nireniene( iff ine eomipNi
and cxtriiviiBnnce whleh exists In hlith ollle
piaees; anci wo do decliire, tis the cariimal
principle of our lutiiro nolltlcnl action, that.
n-vreiieiinieoi,, eeonomy, nun reloriii are ltu
iieraiiveo U'-o anti'Ti 111 file I nvi-pnmnni
ol the people, federal, as well as Htate and
link'ipal ; and we here nrrK-lnlm ourselves in
uncomproinlhltiiffoesol the salary Krah law,
ring politicians, and land monopolist, who.
.-. ....... inn? , linn woerever wjey may be
found, whetherlhey are In ollleo or out, and
wo apie-al to honest men everywhere, without
regard to punt political nlltllallons, to loin us
In branding as they deserve these corrupt
leeches on tho body politic, and asfilstltiic us to
jniie uieenii svauous 01 llieir UUWIlOieSoine
aon uaneiui preseucc.
. -I. Hie present I-'cdernl Admlntratlon.
by Its utter Inability Ut coinoreheiid Itie.ltenitv
or responsibilities of the duties with which it Is
charged ; by Its devotion to personal and parti-
inanutretneni ot ttie nttllonal llnances; by Its
UMI.IUIHIHH1IH- ntt.TM-reiiee Man llle local self.
Kovernment of the people; by Its supjsirtof (lie
ui.imja wi.terouieots wnieo it. nasiniiKised bv
Its power Upon s.tveni l ihe of tin- l-n-
Ion: by Its cotupllrlfy with corrupt practices
anil scandals In various tpiarters; ami bv its
appointment of notoriously Incompetent men to
nH" "-' tionuiiiiin, oas jusuy oroii.'tit Uion
w,u .-iiuiiitii.ieiii u, i,iid iiiiencan ne
llle. I
4. That themTslstllirlnterfcriicenrred.-rni
In lH-al eli-ctions, and the use of j,irj.e sums of
money to defeat the voice ol the tlirouirh
the ballot box. deserves anil bus ui.l..i..i
A. 1 lint coronrntion are the ci-riitlr.nti ,.r a-
i tint tneir irancliMe and privileges are (fronted
m suunervo nn- ptnaic interests; and wt
these are used Ui subvert the objects of their
en-mum niti. inr purwises or oppression and ex
Uirtluli we declare it to bo the rleht. m.-l .1.,..,
ol the IcL-lHlaturetnrcuulate and control sucli
L-orporailons in lllelr deailnns with the peo
ple; and especially those eiiguffcd In the bus-
inenn oi coininoii carriers,
, 'I'hnt we favor a speedy return In specie
payment Just and equal taxation for tho sine
port of the Federal and Htate lloveriimenu
and that wo aronppoiicd to all discriminations
In the assessments ol 1-cderal ruvuhuo lor tlnj
piiriiose of protection.
7. That the free navigation ond Improve
mentor Ilia Columbia river; tin, construction
of a breakwater at Port Orlord ; the Improve
ment ol the toit!tln and Wlliiiinetfe rivers,
and Ihe cotistrui tlon of the l-ortlnu.l, lialles
and Halt l-ake railroad are Imperatively de.
matldf-d by the commercial Interests ni this
Hlate, and that the Kederal lloveriliucnt ounht
by all proper measures; That we are In lavor
or the lilll nuw before Congress, ilenerally
known as tho I'ortlaml, lialles a Halt Lake
Itrllroml Hill, and we also favor the rarlv com
pletion or the lliviron a California. Kallroad to
i,iie noutnerii uoiiiitinry or the Htate.
. That we depreoate all measures In die In
terest of enpltallsls anil m.iuoS)ll.sls, aptlnst
labor Is'lteviUKtliHt distinct Ions, II fhstinellotis
uelnrtdc: slloultlbe In liivor i.l tlie
class, who constitute the mass of our citizens
the prnduuersor Ihe wealth and prosperity ol
oiiroouiilr.Y. We tlu-relore approve of the de
clared principles, and sympathise with the
avowed object of the on;aiilr.allon known as
the Patrons of lliislinmlrv, ami with Ibose ol
allolher onli-rs, ImvlnK lor flielr objects r.--treiicliment
and relorin In public ntairs, und
the social advancement of tho people.
. 'I hat we ure opposed to a tuonojKily In thn
publleallon and sale of hooks used In the cum
mon schools of Ibis Hlntc, anil wo are In favor
of amendlnir the existing law in relation to
sueli isiiiks sons to take away Irotu the pub.
Ushers or tlie I'aelHo Coast Herles of Headers
ami Hiellei-s the speclnl prlvllenes In relation
thereby, whleh they now l-tljov.
la. 'lliatlhenet relutlntf u thn fees of Klier
lITs and Clerks out-hi to be sfl amended clth.-r
by hiiikhiic such oiltces salaried, or bv rednc
iiiK the lees now attached to the same as shall
make tlie comneosatlon ivcclveil bv s.ieh
ts ri u fair reinuneriillon ami not hint! mote tor
IhcHitrvtccsrsMpilrcd or them. Tlial the Con
slllullon bosoauiciuled that all prlnllnu lor
the Htate alter t10 exnlratlon nf the t.rin of
the Hta o rlater In ollle.- wnen such an iithI-
ui is pissed, snail be trovided lor by let.uiu
Mia same to thn lowest, responsible bidder.
Ihal the rat"S lor lltli'aiit. ie-liiiini. hi.i,i 1...
reduceil so as to correspond as nearly us mav
wltp those charired for nrlvato advertisn.
II. Hint tho only lecitiinata nblect. of (lov.
eriimeutli tlie prolectlou of Its ollliens in
their vcs. herfv and nrooei-lv nml I lie m...
suit of hniiinrsa ; that lo arnimpllih this end
direct means only should he resorted to; that
IIick'KhI resulthiK from a departure from this
r ue is iumHirary, the evil Jaalini;, We are,
m-i.-inri-, npimseu to llle Hlntc i-neanlnt: In the
purchnse, leasinir or six-eulntlait In property of
an., sum, excepi sueli only as Is necessary for
eoiiilueihi;the ordinary Inncllons of the Uov
I'J. 'Unit we favor tho r-nnsl ruction
ol a (toisl and servleable waoti road nloiiK the
south bank of the Columbia river from the
inoulh ot the Handy river lo the lialles.
111. That the. compensation of all oftlcers
should Is- only such as will bo a Just remuner
ation tor their services.
H. Thai we are In lavnr of Conirn-sslonat aid
for the eonsli-netlou of Ihe Portland, lialles
ami Hall Uikc Railroad, and abo lor eontlnu.
Ililt the Ori-iton Central llallroad Iroili Ht, Jo.
"'T.h'oJi h-ll ( Hi. all ill which Is tvspcot-
fully submitted.
(Hia-ncdi c. iv, uki.ijnueh, rhni.
W. G. oeogin.
YMHii.r, Cot NTV Andrew Shuck.
The following amendments were
unnnimnusly ndoptetl:
Hesnlved, That wourc lu fa-or of thn n-is-al
nf thu 1.11 Aot. ,
llesolved, thai we arc lu favor of Iruo (rude
nnd direct taxation.
The rrosidout of tho Convention
then declared nominations for Gov
ernor to be in order. The name of
L. F. drover wax then placed in
nomination. A delegate moved that
Gov. Drover be nominated by accla
mation. The motion tn-evniled. and
tho aniionnccment that L. F, Grover
was declared the nominee of the
Democratic party for Governor was
received with deafening cheers.
Tho following names were put in
nomination for Congressman: T. A.
LaDow, of Umatilia; AV, AV. Pago,
of Multnomah, J. AV. Nesmith, of
Polk; S. F: Chadwick, of Morion;
Ben Haydeu, of Polk; J. H. Reed,
of Multnomah,
1st ballot LaDow, C; Page,' 21
1st ballot Fleischner, 27; Savage,
6; Klippr, 33; Brown, 40; Moyer,
G. Total, 122. Kecessarj- to a choice,
02. : ; .
1 The name of Meyer woo now with
drawn in favor of Brown,
s 2d ballot Fleischner, 32; Savage,
4; Klippe'l, U; Brown, 40. Totul,
122. No election.
Convention called to order at 9:20.
Chair nnnouQced order of business to
be balloting for Treasurer of State.
The name of 0. S. Savage was with,
3d Ballot H. Klippel, 30; A. II.
Brown, 41; L. Fleischner, 50; Blank, 1.
4th Ballot Klippel, S Brown, 40;
rletschner, 51; Holsclaw,!.
6th Ballot Fleischner, 56; Klippel,
ii; Brown, 40.
6th Ballot Fleischner, 61; Brown,
62. Mr. Brown having received the
majority was declared duly nomina
ted. The following names were placed
in nomination, for State Printer: J.
J. Curry, Multnomah; M. V. Brown,
Linn; J. M. Sheppard, Baker; P. D.
Hull, Jackson.
1st Ballot Brown, 85; Curry, 16;
Hull, 10; Sheppard, 12.
On motion of Jno. F. Miller, the
nomination of M. AT. Brown was made
The following names were presented
to tlie convention lor Superintendent
of PubIA Instructions: Geo. L. Cur
ry, Multnomah; B. L. Arnold, Benton;
AVilliam Galloway, Yamhill; E. J.
Dawnc, Marion.
1st. Ballot Dawne, 49; Curry, 52;
(galloway, 22.
2nd Ballot Dawne, 71; Curry, 39;
Galloway, 12.
On motion, the nomination of Mr.
Dawne was declared unanimous.
The following nominations of Dis
trict oflicers were ratified.
1st District II. K. Hanna, Prose
cuting Attorney.
2nd District L. F, Mosher, for
Judge; C. W. Fitcli, for Prosecuting
3d District J. J. AVhitney, for
Prosecuting Attorney.
Mr. Page asked ond obtained leave
to mako a few romaiks, He fully en
dorsed tlie nominations, and promised
to labor indefatigably for its success.
B. F. Burch was nominated by the
Polk county Delegation for the joint
Senator from Benton and Polk.
The tollo.wing gontlemen were then
appointed a State Central Committee.
Baker, Jno. Bratton; Benton, D.
Carlisle; Columbia, S. A. Miles; Coos,
James Aiken; Clatsop, A. AranDusen;
Curry, Plummer Emory; Claokamas,
W, II. Vaughn; Douglas, Aaron Rose;
Grant, W. B. Laswell; Jackson, II.
Klippel; Josophine, E.F. Tolin; Linn,
N. Price; Lane, Jno. M. Thompson;
Marion, Jno. F. Miller; Multnomah,
E. Semple; Polk.D. J.llolmes; Union,
J. II. Slater; Umatilla, J. L. Story;
Wasco, Jos. M. Paxton; AVashingtou,
E. Cliinette; Yamhill, W. T. Kewby;
lillamook, W. II. Faucett.
Klippel was elected Chairman ol
said Committee.
A resolution designating the State
Capilol as tlio proper placo for the
holding of all future Democratic State
conventions was adopted.
A resolution complimenting Gen.
Jeff C. Davis, and the oflicers and sol
diers of tho Oregon A'olunteers lor
their vigorous prosecution of the Mo
Juu War was passed,
After passing a resolution thanking
the officers of the Convention for the
able maimer in which they, had dis
charged their duties, the Convention
adjourned tin dit.
There is nine feet of snow on the
summiloftheBlueMounta?n. AVeatb
er .quite ' pleasant;' but not warm
enough to raise the mountain streams
Maurice Graves of Union comty,
has been sentenced to the Penitentiary
for three years, on a plea of guilty to
a charge of horse stealing." Ii is his
second term.
A Royal Arch Chapter of Masons
has been orjanized at Roseburg. It
is called Umpqna Chapter, and Thos,
Countj- Court of Ilenton County, Oreiron,
made at tlie October term, 1ST3, of said Court,
... ..n.i,..i.i...a CYeeotor of the lust will
II. Cox is II. P.; A. G. Brown, K.J and and testament of Julia Ann Irvin, deceased,
il undeniltned has been duly appointed ad
ministrator ol Ihecstat of Mini Powell, deceas
ed by theOountv Court of Linn County, Orecon.
All persons, havlngclalms afalnst sold cBtstc,
are requlnid to present them to the undersign
ed with the rrfnpef vouchers, M-llhinHlxmoriths
from tha date thereof, at Ills residence, flvo.
miles east of hrownsvllle in said county. .
v J N. HIC'E. -
Dated March II, MM. Administrator.
Juiuca A Joxes, Atty's, for Admr. vliniil.
Oregon has twonly-two money-order
Eugene charter oleotion will take
place April Gth.
All the public schools in Salem
were closed lost Stntirdiiy. No funds.
The Pendleton 1'rilune has made
its appearance. M. II. Abbott, editor
and proprietor.
Many cattlo about AVeston have al
ready poi ishod, and still tho fatality is
reported to continue
Ih too stalely elk stalked unmolest
ed through tho principal streets of tho
town of Union last week.
Uuclu Jesse Applegale, of Southern
Oregon, is reported to have lost 1,800
head of sheep the past winter.
Henry Lloyd, of tho Dalles, was
kicked nuarly into the mithllo of next
week, on the 12lh, by a vicious horse.
Jas. Baker, of Jackson oounty, was
sent to tho penitentiary tor one year,
lust wcok, upou a conviction for larco
ny. Salom Fire Department has anoth
er new bell weighing 2,006 pounds.
The old one has been returned to tho
makers. .
A Mrs. Dubrallie of Corvallit is
; going to sue that corporation for dam-
X. P. Biirnell is Scribe.
The Sheriff of Marion county was
out last Saturday looking for a man
supposed lo be crazy, who was seen
wandering around a graveyard east of
Salem. He was not found.
The ministers and saloon keepers of
Salem held a meeting last week, in
which the latter propose to close their
saloons on the Sabbath if other busi
ness men would do the same.
James Gentry, who had been held
to answer for the murder of Henry
AVhite, at Linkville, sometime in Jan
uary, was exonerated by the Grand
Jury of Jackson county last week.
The Vancouver Iteijister has been
selected by the AVar department at
Washington, as the official paper for
the publication of all U. S. Army no
tices, required by law to be publish
It is said by parties living near the
summit that snow has not been so
deep for years this late in the season
as u is now. At Abiams mill only a
few miles from Eugene City, it is about
four feet deep.
Gov. Giover has remitted the fine
of $50 imposed on AVarren Gibson by
the Circuit Court for Marion county,
for assault with intent to do bodily
harm, on account of the great insult
which provoked the crime
On the 7th inst., the snow was from
10 to 16 inches deep all over Powder
river valley. The average tempera
tare for the woek ending that date at
Baker City was 27 above zero. On
the Gth tho mercury was at 5 above
Mr. Slater having notified M. P. Bull,
of the La Grande Sentinel, to give up
tho material with which that paper is
printed, it is likely to be suspended
for a time, but Mr. BuM propsea to re
issue with other material in a few
Captain Coffin, of tho Dalles, is the
man who introduced the famous Chin
ese knife-throwers and mairicians in the
United States in 1872, and it was his
uncle, nn old sea Captain, who brought
the Siamese Twins from Siam to the
United Slates.
Mr. John Ay. Kelly has severed his
connection with the Itosebing lHain
dealer. In bidding good-bye to his
patrons ho sayB: ''Financially the ven
ture has not been the success my
smallest hopes anticipated; otherwise
I mako no complaints."
Henry John, for whom a warrant
was issued by Justice Coffey, at the
time of tlie affray between Johns and
Mauscy, at Salem,, was arrested iu that
city last Saturday. IIo waived exam
ination and gave bail in the sum ot
8200 for appearance before the Grand
Jury duriug its present sitting.
The Salem Stalesmun of last Fri
day soys: "A trial was commenced in
the Circuit Court, yesterday, wherein
the plaintiff John lingers, sues the
Oregon and California Railroad Com
pany for 820,000, whioh he olaims to
bo tho amount of damage sustained by
him in being dumped out of one of
said company's ooaches when the same
ran off the track on a certain occasion.
A compromise was effected tliia morn
ing by the oompany ngrocing to pay
$3,000 and the costs of suit." !
r n ' T LJ f M A 5
Lsria i 1 1 w mi w j
601 Kearney Street, dor. of Sacramento,
up stairs,
- , , , j. . .. rluea. Htrieiure oi me ureuira,
Monday, tU 13th dill Of April, 18i4, Eruptions of the Skin, Varicose V
a, the hourof 1 o-cloclt c, H. of said day. at SS
thBiViiin MmiHPdoorln Albany. Linn cuuntv
St-at of Or.'jjon, sell at public iiuctlnn to the
bi"hest bidder th lollowinp destiribwl rt-ul
propprtv, to-wit: The Kst lmlf of the Dorm
Mon Land Clolm of lhiv.d Irvin nnd Julia Ann
Irvin, his wife. Notification Xo. situiito In
Linn, tsiutft of Oron, Kid donation
Claim Ih more particularly described an follows :
B'KirininK ot tho 8outh-eaat Corner of the
Xorth-eatqui.rtcrof Heetfon No. Ui, and run
ning thf-nco East chains and (to link; thence
North 31.5chaiiirj; thenw) West iti.10 chain:
thence North a).30 chains; thence West '2U
chain: thence Houth chains; thence
Kaat 45.8) chains, to tho place ot the bt'fflnniiirr,
thu said East half of said claim containing
1H0 acres and 1-1UU of an acre. It Is ono oi the
bent wheat farms in Linn county, and nt pres
ent ltw acr'fs are under cultivation. Terms of
Hultj (HHti down at the time of s;I( and said
at-FRrttfT!i fmm the folllos of youth, 8nr
int v(.i.ifnfK- KiMTtiifttorrlio a. Exhaustion
of the Generative System, Kynhlliu, Uonor-
rtuea. Stricture or the urt-tnra, w juium.
DlHeases or
the Heart, Liver, Kidneys and Uladder, ibould
C0UBal cn. tikmias,
Whose studies have bern pursued under tho
flrt K.irfinium Putiiolmii.sls. lib DasKt'd his ex
aminations as Member of the Hoyal College of
Hurirt'onfl, I-;ni:lnn(i, in mif; ueenuau' oi uio
Kovfll ColleL'c of Physicians, London, 1BW; LI-
oorn int. in Mtdwlfpry. London. : nnd ernd,
HftU-d ns Doctor or Medicine at I-ieblg's Univer
sity of Gitssen, Gfinnany, In 1K70. All these
Diplomas ean be seen in his Consulting Koom
with thi Blfinituren of tha first English nn
Continental Pliysicians attneiied, attesting to
his pnifldency. The iMctor's sole reasons for
Sivinpn list o'f examinations passed is morely
to prove to ttiose requiring acslstanco that he
has received a thorough education, and to dls-
Y t. a lPRe which wtll Hxnlre Oct. 1. I "KUn ' .imrwiiuer. r ki ?
-7 nivill "iRViV KieeuU.r Imctors, wno in nearly every instance are un-
. UAV1U 1HIA, executor. r-111.Bl) linv milli(iontions whatever, and
who endeavor In their advertisement to cast
odium upon the leiriumfito practitioner, ana
deeelve the wpHk-inlnded by botrus testimoni
als and misrepresentations. Piicnti befora
i.lnctmrtlii'ir lives n the hnndB of a medical
advlwir shHild ascertain nMrhat Unlvonlty he
LTudiinted, and see his Diploma.
JJB. THOMAS' experience has ranped over
twenty-six years lu, SfJiith Africa nnd
Melbourne, Oreul I.onsdiue and ( olllns streets,
Melt'ournif, Australia. His trt-atment of semi
nal weeknei-' and nlivsieul incapacity Is une
qualled. Durincthe last eighteen months that
he has pnictlced In Kan Kmnciseo, there hnu
scurcelv a day passed over without bringing
som- frrateiui teaumony imm putu-niu who
hnvebreD under medical advisers for years
without, benefit-: and there is no one, however
shattered and broken down In constitution, but
should seek his advice.
On neeount of a dallv IncrenslniT nrnetlce,
DIC TliOMAH has opened a Medical Institute
Montgomery Street.
ItconslFlR of twentv-elirht beautifully furnish
ed rooms, so that uullents viBitin the city, and
wishinir to plnce themselves under his Imme
diate care, enn be aoeommoflated with board
and residence whero they will receive all tho
comforts of home, lncluaing baths of every
Patterns for admission should write or appl:
toim, Tiio.MAHns above, barrels or meet
Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of
Bl'RF.AI .
i.oi v;r.s.
(.11. VI UK, 11.,
Always oil hand o r mnrfp to order on tho short
est nonce.
FURNITURE rpDairedeXDCdltloiisly and at
fair rules.
Our Factory Is on Water streot, at foot of
T.yon, adjolriint: Alllioiisc a Go's Plnninc Mill,
wln-n- we Invlu- our Iricnds and the public to
cull und examine our stock of goods.
Sulpsi-onni nt Irutr Slorp of A.
Cnrothera k Co., First .Street.
Sc caused by wiling on a rickety
nitlmvalk.' ,
' Thiiro aio ton aaloona ia,Vanoouvr
where liqiiora aro reUiK-il at a bit a
Hilly racket, llio mail carrier bo-
twrwm Dallui aiid Alsi'a. ranorta annurl
thvt loot dwpan lb Alac mountain. aiAiooi CoiTiTr'W. Jf.
Thi ia lit livf jt bu bem tbia 't. by A- Xoltner, proxy. '
tintr. ' ..' C'rnHV Ca'XTV-'o Pol'.'xaU'a,
ifood, 1j; Ntwmith, a'; Clm.lwiek
8; Hlankl; total, Ui. KooowHiirv
to n ckuitf, fill. '
SctMiul bulltit-rLnOow, 73
20; Awnntb , 1C; Uoo.l, U; t.-UU, !, beniaca the Suller , atoi on the
uuaiw uaiiif( rt'otuve,! a ma- Government rcsorve.
Jtwity ,.f all the voten oust, wuh tie- Joflbrton ia still cnM.,! ol,iv.;o
clnrotl duly nominated Cmij-nHnui. fiu oroj of measle. School and
Sir. Cladwii'k wan tbcu uomiiHtUid church axercitni hav all h,n .,,.,,,.1
tor SH'rlt-y of ytuto by acclaim,- for aboul thre week,
tiou. . . 1 ,,. . -. , . .
I, . I me tajmoi loimnitMoncrt are in
' The follow iiifj ffentlouicn were tlit-n ! aowion l Sali-ra. Work o tho Cipi-
J. D. Kenton, O. AVilaon J C KB1. i 1 t v " BU,W llea-M ""Jl omcne a. soon .
" i i I i.v lyvujjui, auou gne
of Juekiiou; A. H. Dmwn, of Bub-r: tlioiiuJ hoavl of
u. Clover, of .Munou; nud AV,
. Sm-WM of Witsliinytoiu
The President baa noininatad
James Coey to bs Postmaster of San
It ia reported thai Gen. Cencedea
will Bticceed Governor Ellnrs as
Captain General of Cuba.
Jude Lewis Deut, brother of Mrs.
Grant, is lying at the point of doath.
Cause, tumor in the stomach. 1
Imperialists from all parts of France
are on their way to Euglaud to attend
fsstivitiea at Chiselhurst on Monday
(itniij, on tue occasion ol rnuceliouis
attaining bis majority.
News from Havana states that a
train from Neuvitas with volunteers
, w as fired into by insurgents. Twenty
seven volunteers were killed and a
laixe number wounded.,
At the regular half-yearly meeting
of the Directors of the Bank of Eng
land it was anuounced that the total
expanse incurred in the pursuit and
prosecution of the two Bidwells and
McDonald, tlie partieswbocommitted
frauds on the bauk, was $4(i,0U0.
Tha London Daily Telegraph pub
lishes lonrr statement signed bv
Charlea Orton. He confessed that
ba nt onoe recognized the "Tichborne
Claimant" as bia brother, but that
his silence was bought by 5 paid
monthly for a year, with the promise
of a thousand or two more at the
conclusion of the trial.
(Successor to Blaln, Young 4 Co.,)
Wholesale and Retail Sealer in .
anil all kinds of Farming Implements.
Xw MlNon Hewing Machines,
irimrnntfcfi to he eqiml to any, and to cost from
tluto 1& leua than other ilm-class maohiae.
mtall anil iee. At tho old atand on First
Street, Albany, Orgon. ntfTni.l.
clnp, oaiviully pncltd sons to prevent ouner-
vaiion, mrwartft'-uto (til parisot inmuLcrior.
l?L Consul tut ion by h'ttfr, Fhkk.
lii urzunt owcs. r'ouirliii immediate ntten-
tinn, an enclosuri.' of S10, coin, or equivalent in
eurrrney, by post, or Wells, Faivo & Co., will
insure pjoimitroD v. it 1 ui?diolni'S.
IHt. THOMAS will forward his valuable Httlo
work on Consumption of tho lunfctt, so culo
pizi'd by the Fresn, on recciut of ten oents in
stamps. Aaciress:
1101 Kearney Street, r-nr. Haeramento, up-atatn
San Francisco.
i K
(I shall Inaugurate thin motto Into nractlco bi
uutroniilng the printer.)
of my late purtnent, Measrs. O. Gerst and
A. Ansnueher, I am dealroua of Icoeninii thn
iHwini-aa npUi Ita former alamlnrd and to Klva
the fullest aatiafaetlon lo cualomera.
V It... l.-.t Ilii-A. Ihn ....... ..t .iT.h u.4 1
V. i eouniY iu tit last two wek. bavimri.T"1 "". """ -' aeeommu
I ' ' r''H'th'whonmyiavor him with a roll.
raaIRI'XllEI.tUNKn WOl'I.n REsrKfT.
M. lully animum-e to the p.-.ii.le of tot. vieln
It.vthat he will m-e a cimrw of loatruciton In
pentuutiHliip at the litrict .-hool Itou.e. eotu
uieoettorioi We.lttet.lay ewolnirof next week.
Evi rylNKly htinvu-Ml lo attend Uie am ute.1
Inj nd extimltte .fH-lioetia.
Tertoa v.ry reuiiatilo.
I will bepln the Sprlne Trade "on my own
hook," with a froah Invuloe ol new gouila, ooa.
"-""a .
Dr; Goods,
Gent' Famishing Good,
Ladies Dress Goods,
Hats V Caps,
Boots it Sboes,
te., Ac.
auoh as Ii ireneral I; kept- in a
AND GROCERIES, ..,:&&,; Jt
Solo Agents for the Union and f2 . 5t fTHfTm " ff
IVOK.U.1.V R.l.'tiB, fSSxh
With hearth. The Celebrated Charter Oak and s H j ITSl
Farnicm- Cook Stove. J g bHI '
Job Work done on Short Notice C 3Eif $9
and at Reasonable Terms. 03 jgp' VaS -
lllemenilierthntmySlonlaremovedfrom IeT tA ' ' .
thu old atand to Hurkliart'a 1'riek. ir,n.,rtv.- O W H ,,m ' L,
em. e,l l.v .-,. ..1 ' I . . A- S. '. . at9k
Allpio'da, from a nel-ule to a K)k a'tove, de- P ifSt O BT ' WJ
llveri'dtouui-nart ol the elti tmenrnh.r.:.. I-.-,15' H Va
Jf5i : HI o 1 M
f Its L If I CD ;
HHm ? 9 L ( A f 1
I 3 3. b4- Li
2. 3 ii . bj , . ,
, . 1 "'
In the Circuit Court of tlie State of
Hult In eintlty for dlvoree.
...o.,:1 cuiuvun, aoiendnnt :
h, L" r Orecon: You
etimplnlnt llld luminal you In the nbove-en.
tied suit In anld Court, hv the flrat day Tf th
erihl'lirllT.'-'""" "k'a'af
n..Ukii ?' "'" ""lnion, to-wit- by the
foorth .Monday, the Ski duy of M aW , J?
r'eb. 6, ISTI.-aiwa.
Vllirf . ilutr-H t'.iK t
INaiutlff" AUorneya.
C. Van KeiutlS .. ''.'i; K"llB Jimei
c -- iirin,
u .. '"."'iner. u
.IVv'.' ? '"Wkf by mtd,.:
l"-ib.'-c; S.Vi ,'''-cc"'",nt,''uo'n'-ll
wnni non. t th.
tc of V.I A
P. S.-Totho-of lhmm .a- '""?l""l'r."uch.'r.. w.m.ST" " !" i
nrmwlto have K.mmend a-viaiau fZ. ! i " " 0'l t.. the .,t, ,T , rro,
Wai rot au. Sinn or
, noon to j u) jicr ncad. j ' p.-jramiNr,