The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 20, 1874, Image 2

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    fkiday.. i-'icnni'AiiY , 1R74.
A netnwrotle 8tft4- Convention tor tin State
of oreiron, I. licrvliv failed by the lk'inocrallc
MJUc Central ('iimniiu'i', convened In lVirl
lant. Orejrnti, thin the -.-.M day in January, A.
It. IKT.loineet nl tin City ot Albany, oret-nn.
on U'KDM-MliAV, .MAKC1I l. Mi-I. lur tlni
lHinimiM( niiniiuiitinxaiiidkUiiivtii Im von-d
lor t t ho p'li'
f'.irn'res'.i and
and lor the variooi. state and lilsirirt
'linn it June next, for
ninoe, then to Ih. tllleil, ami lor tin' trammel Ion
. nnytotlicrUuHlnemtliHtfiiny properly aomu
ueli.r..' It.
Tlu' n(iorHonhnont of mrmbowof wild Con
vention itiiiiiiiKth"joltnMcs, Is baned UHn tliu
JlemiK-riitlc vot.'wiirt lor .Mm Itnmi'lt lor Con
Kroiw In 14 iillowlnffoiM-iiol'(rul''ln .aid Con
vention lor each oiiL'lKindrfdorl'luelloiioflllty
VOl if, KO I'Mrt. .. .
'I'll.. ...v..r,.l .vMinMo-f of flip Htatf W'll bo enti
tled to delegate. III mild Cuu.ciitlon a. folloWR i
linker ...
, licnton
Clackamas ......
I 'ItltAOP ..m ..........
I OO.,
Carry .......
rft nt' .............
... 12
... IH
.... II
... 1
... 1
.... II
... 5
... i
... II
... II
Marlon m.
lllltllOUIHll m
Tl I latnnnk........ ...............
Viiinlllla -
"Wnaen ........
M'n.lilnitlnn.. .....
Total ,."... . ..r.n
It In .UEirctori by the Committee Mint tlie.ey
cral count ies hold their Primary Convention,
on Hiiliinlny, the Xtt ilny of February, At 1
o'clock l'. M., mill tliclr CotintyCmiv.iilliinaoh
Halurdny, the 7tli day of Miirch. nt. tlia .anic
hour. In Ukniii counties where then appoint
ment, do nut moot Ih convenience of tint lie
luocntcy. It Im exH'OU'd thnl they will tnnko the
ItocKHnry oharsc luruuKli tttelr County Com
mit too.
W. 1 WII1TK,
l?hm Hem. RtAl nonlrnl Coiniiilttco.
i. 3, Wai.tos, Jr., Secretary.
As this is tho last number of the
Dbmociut that will reoch most" of our
readers before the primaries, we de
sire to utter to them a last word of
exhortation. Frankly, then, these
are critical and portentious times for
political parties. There is a spirit of
independence and disregard of per
sonal and political leadership among
the people that cannot bo mistaken
and should not be ignored in the
councils of parties. The present por
tends that in the near future the
science of politics mid the success of
parties will consist in ascertaining and
representing the will of tho people,
and not in nursing the hopes and pan
dering to tho ambition of professional
While tho evidence of this revolu
tion is to be found on every hand
w hilo it is truo that tho trammels of
party tradition sit lightly on tho
shoulders of the voting masses yet
we cannot beliovo that the lifo-timo
adherent of the grand old Demo
cratic pajrty arc prepared, or aro de
sirous of severing their connection
with that party or permitting its lion
orod nurae and glorious antecedents
to bo obscured by new and untried ex
periments. It is true that that insidu
ouslnit demoralized foe of the Demo
cratic party and of llepublicnn govern
ment the Radical party is eagerly
seizing upon tho discontent of tho
people, ctttisod by its own misrule,
extravagance and corruption, to pre
vent the restoration of Democracy to
power; and wo regret to observe that
a few discontented spirits in the Dem
ocratic ranks are lending tleirtclves
as took for tho fiirthemncn of this
nefarious object. Why should they
do this? Would it not at least bo in
good tusto for the members of tho
party to await the action of tho State
Convention, nnd sco if ns fair, true,
competent und trustworthy men arc
not put in nomination, and as liberal
and economical a platform of princi
ples adopted vm could be uttered by
any gathering of tho pooplo? Why
anticipate tho action of the Conven
tion by stirring up within the party a
spirit of suspicion and unrest which
will only result in final injury to tho
people and benefit to the now demor
alized Radical party of our State?
Wo most respectfully and earnestly
urge all Democrats to attend the
primaries and participate in the coun
cils of our grand party ns in times past.
Don't leave these 'meetings to the
management nnd manipulation of a
few politicians who are in tho inter
est of any men or clique, but attend
in your sovereign capacity and might
of numbers; mid if you havo nny
evil to complain of or measures to
advocate ninko thtuu known in vour
primary capacity, by resolution or
otherwise, und send up delegates j m11 for 'pertaining the losses of citi
who will cany out your wishes. Af- 'p"" California and Oregon by
ter you have dono this after you
have chosen delegates in good faith,
pledged to carry out measures nnd
principles of vital interest to your
selves and tho commonwealth at large
-you havo still one muro means of
redress nguiiint a betrayal of your
wishes by tho conventions of your
lartj-. The all-potent ballot yet re
main Jiiyi)iir possesion, nnd by in
okiug its aid you ran express in un
mistakable: fuics your disapproval of
jwity tivucliery.
Mitchria MKNV'.iav-Lwt Mmidav
Sfinntr KtUy preseafcj ft petition in !
the I IS- SenaU, from .'jiuvm of Or-
!ou. ia reyartl t eliivM ;iiiiNt
Jiciwt HikJ.wll-HiiniW wd puking
1."iHiuiif te imcti!?aU(d W the
tho mMUr ifemul t tW Cow-1 The. bill in tho California U&dti
mittee ou lVvik-OH ami Kketin i Uvr lo Btrika the wnnl uhiU fv.ii..
and there-it will probably ulumlvir,
''. will rctjuire more virtunthnn Ihoro
i in the pritteut Soijitte to Jikk Jlitt h
i 'i out.
TTjib Indiiina aro killiiif mid mlp-1 nine n";niiist. .Siniator Siimwer, passed
i ; while iu AVyoiniii;; TeniUny, j by the lnxt t;H(dtiirn.
ii d il tlie (lormiueut hits miv rnoi-o J
t ...ile Unit it wants U ifot rid of It ' A. ru".'or j. wut tbat niuiultnna
. . j, , ., ... 0,IHy Wll rljmeut from the
.! wild them wit there ft ! Ministry iff. (jl.vMw will 1 ere-
' at CojttUttlsHioiiem, ! aleil a I'w,
Disaffected Republican . mo just
now considering the propriety of au
independent political movement.
Many influential journal, both on
this f ount and in the Kastern Btatos,
counsel the formation of a third
party. The wisdom of such advice,
at nil times doubtful, 18 in this in-
. rlecideillv nbuiinl Tlium i'm
fnvuice aeuucuiy nimnra. mere ih
no TOraiii, Bniium, on uicn io onsen
- . i i .... .i i i i
third party, Unit promise Mrnianeu-
cy. There in but one vital issue be
fore the pooplo and upon that inane
the two great parties of the country
have already tnken poHitiiin. 1 Tlie
Democratic party demand that the
administration of the Government be
conducted honestly and that the bur
don of taxation lie reduced within the
bounds of economy. The Itepubli
cim is laboring to perpetuate its
present extravagant misrule, lle
trenrhmcut and reform is the Demo
cratic demand; increased taxation
and more thieves in office is the Re
publican reply. It is true that ninny
questions combine to make up this is
sue. Chief among these is tho de
mand, by the Democracy, for a sound
currency, tho abolishment of tho
present high protective tariff, and of
class legislation of every character,
that the burdens and blessings of
government may rest as equally as
possible upon all interests and classes
of society. Against this just demand
the Republican purty takes an em
phatic negative stand. Host, if not
all, of the journals which have hith
erto been conducted in the interest
of tho Republican cause, but now
advocate tho formation of a third
party, concedo tho questions. .Why
then, do thoy desire, to start out on
tho forlorn hope of a new organizn
tion? If thoy really wish to sco the
country brought buck to a purer po
litical Hfo why not unite with the ad
vancing columns of Democracy ? To
this tliey must all come at last unless
they submit to the party lash and
skulk back into the ranks of corrup'
tionists. ,
Tho Democracy linvo no conces
sions to make, of principle, to secure,
accessions to their ranks. Thoy say
to the party in power;
Wo cull for Mlinplc Jimtlen nt your hnniln,
Not mom will link, nor Icn will liuve.
And thoy propose to enforco this
demand with the weapons of logic
renson and honesty. Already tho
great commonwealths of Ohio, Now
York, Virginia and Maryland havo
fallen into line as Democratic States,
Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Kansas
have each broken the power of Radi
calism. No independent movement
has been successful in either of these
States unless based upon purely
Democratic principles. Tho Anti
monopolists of Illinois and Iowa aro
in principle Democrats and tho next
canvass will find them all marchiiig
under tho old party banner.
In behalf of tho party whoso his
tory and traditions wo vonerate, nnd
whnso interests we advocate, wo in
vito within our common fold all men
who can honestly subscribe to our
articles of faith ns promulgated in tho
platforms of the party in New York
and Ohio during tho recent cam
paigns in those States. Freo Trado,
Hard Money and no Monopolies aro
our watchwords; inscribed upon our
banner is emblazoned equal and
exact justice to nil, special privileges
to none; arid under this sign we ex
pect to conquer.
This Roseburg I'lmndrtrter, in' pub
lishing the call for on independent
convention to nominate a people's
ticket in Douglas county, sayB: "In
connection with its publication wo
aro authorized I'.v leaders in tho
movement to state that tho idea homih
havo broached that the e.ll reflected
on tho present State Administration
is incorrect, and that to the contrary,
the Administration has their implicit
confidence and warmest esteem. We
do this cheerfully, for there never
was a more economical, wiser or bet
ter Administration in control of af
faire of State than that which now
holds tho wins of authority,"
CuMiRKH IiihI Friday defeated tho
the Modoc War. This is outiageoiiK.
If tho Government owns mid har
bors such destructive, blood-thirsty
I pets ns the average Indian is known
to be it ought to bo held responsible
for whatever damage they do to
peaceable, law-abiding citizous.
Kam. Ci..uutK, proprietor of the
M'illtiimtte J'trrwtcr and Ktilom Week
ly jSVufcsHimi, Ins merged them into
ono paper. Half of the paper is
printed in Snn Francisco and the
other half is mostly made up of news
from the Jlnih,
Tuk AVaMhinjr(oa eonHiniuliit of
the Bowton Ghtm kuvh a eoiubined ef
fort i being: ud to wwl Atton.ey
Oeneml AVilliauiH from tlio Cabinet,
Cjunenm, of PeiuiHylvanm, it al tho
Oki si'hool luw of that State, was hint
wo k ih fmted by a vote of 31 to it
Tut JJjsiiU'hiixettK I.eitthitnro hiKt
iteek rfiw-itiiV'il the rcsolulioii of ecu-
When the sun wheels his fiery chari
ot above the blue waters of the broad
Atlantio on next Sabbath morning,
and life springs startling from slum
ber throughout this vast continent,
it will not be forgotten that ono hun
dred and forty-two years ago, and on
that day of tho month, a glorious star
appeared in the constellation of
'Tlio few Immortal names
Ttint woro not born to liln."
Thero in the Old Dominion, remote
from regal courts and titled nobility,
was born a child around whoso mem
ory gathers the affections of tho pres
ent generation. And when the (low
ers of a thousand years havo faded
beforo the chilling blasts of each re
curring winter, around the spot where
he was born there will still bo found
a grateful people to worship at that
imperishable shrine of I atriotism tho
birth place of Gkoiiok Wasiiinuto.v.
From childhood to old age, as
Christian, Patriot, Soldier, Statesman
and Citizen, in precept and in exam
ple; he stood as. an exemplar of all
that is noblo in humanity.
Ho sloops the sleep that knowsno
waking, but tho nation that he foil
ed on the broad basis of bun;
ty remains as a monument t
genius and a pyramid to his faithf
ness to God and his country, "Bless
ed aro the dead, for they rest from
their labors, and their works do lot
low them."
Within tho quiet shades of Mount
Vernon roposo all that remains on
earth of the steadfast patriot and in
vinciblo champion of freedom. His
spirit, plumed for intinito heights, has
disappeared irom tho world. Through
all coming generations, as heretofore,
may some hand, impelled by patriotic
devotion, renew memento flowers up
on his tomb; keep them from being
a-thirst in tho dearth of summer, sear
in llio aiiuimn-iimo or withered in the
grasp of winter keep them bloom
ing in perpetual spring, and imperish
able as tho blessed memory of him
who rests beneath.
Ulllor Drmacrut i
iwo wccks ago i read wiui care
your comment on my liuAiiitiB letter
publishod in tho Omjijiian concern
ing tho improvement ol the Willnin-
etto river. I havo licoiisvwiting for
the moving of tho waters lint nt hpoiiih
tho nngel has not yet desccied,;
llio pulso of tlie farmer beats very
low and slow at present. I suppose
tho bulk of tho wheat is gone and tho
farmers euro not a fig for tho river at
the prosent time. As tho river is
full and stoamboatiiig good nobody
wants to improve the river nt presenft
I have been conversing with a num
ber of farmers lately, concerning thiK
rand improvement of tho Willam
ette, and I find nianv tn favor of it
and will givo ns liberally as thoy did !
to bring the railroad into Albanv.-
Yu know thero was $."(,0(K) raised in
Alliuuy and vicinity for railroad pur
poses, and why not for the improve
ment of the river? A few days no
in conversation with ono of our
wealthiest farmors he said, "Finlay
son, go slow, go slow, Next year we
may hnvo a very short crop proba
bly not over Vi or M bushels per
aero; bosidos, the prico of wheat may
lie down to four or five bits per bush
el. Then times will bo very dull.
nndor such circumstances wo could !
not raiso tho funds necessary for the
improvement of the river. I would I
advise you to go hIow." Now. Mr. I
Editor, could thero bo n better nrmi-
mout brought forward to show tlio
necessity of improving the Willuniotto
Ptl'AI.9 Hutxun m.nv(
t : tv. r
price of wheat should fall to five or j
six bits per bushel, with an open j
river at harvest our wheat crop would !
really lie worth IS or 20 cents nioro
per bushel than with tlio river in its
jiresent condition. Now is the time
to open the river, whilo wo have tho
moans to do it. There is not a far
mer in Ojegon that could not spare
$10 for this purpose ami that amount
would do the work. I am stitislled
that Linn county will do her part of
tho work, but if thoso other counties
don't see proper to take hold of this
matter it will not be necessarv for
linn to do this work herself, ns we
have n railroad running through our
midst when tho river is almost dry.
Wo have had threo years' experience
to know it. is hettm- In ttnvo nut- tt
s!,imm,lnfTim,,,,,t.,lvf 1 I
luitltuH iMiinmttudod a better pnro
than if wo had to wait till Xew Year
day for tho river to vino. Marion,
l'olk, Itonton anil Lano aro just iih
much intoroHtedaa Linn, and if thoHO
counties so tho nptmriotv of taking j
, ... .. ."
lioltl of Huh mutter in n proper viv,
Linu county will .lo her prut; buUt
tlio present tune nil rumim to ho in n
state of reptwe. onrs truly,
Jasiim I'inuvsos.
i . j I
Mannnas eoinpl.tin that it is difll-1
cult to cot old-ftiHliioned. ldainlv.
dressed doll for their children now-n. 1
days. The doll of tUq peri.Kl is ehd-!
unitary dressed, weara jewelrv, und !
n altoHether too iU' nut
"knock about."
A . olm-mto wv wvys; -Tlioro is
A Grange over on tU Inimihl citt-k,
mioIiI ,J wtmiu. ..ill. .
fitmilv. Iu tho (ireelm- (hnii.m '
vl uiuivi. u,nin a' Ulltl:
Horen of eleven oftieei-a Wlonj; tl in
tha Clark family. It's pit ko now
tliat every well regulated family can . for
havf aCranse." jol
California has 8,090,000 sheep!'
The Supreme Court has adjourned.
Jefferson is to have an Educational
' A California farmer has in 40,000
acres of wheat.
The Monmouth Christina Messcn
j gor is out again.
Yo8emito Valley. s
Night rpelling schools and bussinV " horrible undotaking,
bees are held in the laud. Ir"' (' A- Darncs, the wife of a
A huge ship of 1,100 tons burthen, ! ua"kcr of Olympia, W. T., has pro
is to be built at Coos Day. cureu" " patent on a washing machine
Only five members of the Utah ' ,,ic,r own invention. II Mr. Raines
Legislature have but ono wife each. I ,d,dn 1 Uae a" 0,l,er ba,,k 1,0 would
Thero were 4,002 deaths in Sal'kifetlut.
Francisco last year, 103 being by vie- , A A eVafa "'an U'f ot,ier,
enc(J fully caressed his balky mulo with a
The ajsidenco of A. Stowell, at' . Tl', f'atie,,t animal rP"-
Kugcne, burned last Friday. Loss'1?? ,w'11' 1,is !"-'uI"' ani' lhe ,loo,or
qoq , thinks he may in time bo nblo to re-
Nino married pooplo are m attendl f"00 th' l',re' ,''l'aoture8 on tho raan',
anceatthe California State Norma-
A Chapter of Itov al Arch Masons
is to bo instituted at Kugcne lo-inor-row
Two hoodlum chicken thieves last
Saturday night were caught at it and
s'ct in tho Salem caliboose.
liachel Jiullor, mother of Ira F, M.
Rutler, of Monmouth, died last week,
at the advanced ago of 8G years.
One Propst, ol Stockton, suicided
because he couldn't sleep. He was
bound to have a dead thing on it.
Tho man Greathouse, who mysteri
ously disappeared from Silverton,
.Marion county, is in San Francisco.
Deer Lodge is the capital of Mon
tana. It is especially a dear lodge
during tho meeting of the Legislature.
The Do Young Brothers, editors
of the San Francisco Chronicle, aro
under $0,000 bonds to keep the peace.
Reef, in good condition, al tho
Dalles, brings from 5 to 51 cents per
pound; mutton, 8 cents, and pork, 7
Two young hoodlums of respecta
ble parents are locked up in tho Rose-
burg jail lor JtO days for house-break
ing and theft.
A man named Sly, of Virginia City,
iiously disappeared, nnd the
landlord vrWro he boardod thinks ho
was well namad.
A SacriimcnV) deacon last week
became the falltr of a lo-pouud liov.
(yncnlatuiTT "Verily, verily, that
is binTyrliould say so.
An Idaho man has lost 50 per cent,
of his stock the past winter. lie had
two cats, and a neighbor's dog
"chawod" up the Thomns.
Jas. Gantry is in tho Jackson coun
ty jail for tho minder of Henry
White, at Liukvillo. 1 lis chances to
pull hemp are over average
A woman is straddling about on
Puget Sound croaking tor "ladies'
suffrage." Such a measure would
still leave her out in llio cold.
A counlo of 'Frisco brothers-in-
law quarreled over a cigar, and one
of them shot tho other dead. So tlm 1
aft'air didn't end in smoke, after all.
Tho Republican Slate Central Com
mittee met yestorday in Portland, but
wo had hoard nothing of tho proceed
ings at the hour of going to press last
L. P. W. Qiiimby, of Portland, has
sent his flue trotting horse, "Ameri
can Roy," to San Francisco, to bo put
'""lor tlie csro of the fuuious trainer,
lii,ly Hnngos.
t'"'ohro spiiial meningitis is a tough
wor'' ,or telegraphers to got hold of
0(1 luo ,vi,c"- A Montana lightning'
jorkor wroto it out "Clarabo Spencer's '
Menagerie." I
Tho Dallas Mountaineer .!
eTO Ui(1 ,,,, , . R: r
dies one , way and 71 the other.
l1110'' t,lat PP" evidently has his
"Sis'" luil1 t0 IIill,J- '
UOil. Slinnks Hunks that good olollios ,
would !ro far to civilize the Indiana. I
How swoet it would be lo ho scalped
by a Modoo wearing alligator hoots
and a ruffled shirt.
Sirs. Ileyman, of Truohco, Novada,
last Monday drowuod horsolf in a
pond bocatiso she was suspectod of
robbery. Why aro not all that class
of linnliln nn u.oisil ivnw
r--"..- no , iui mo una ui kiid iiurcus,
lleurich Statclistrotho, of Sim Fran- should it become necessary for them
oisoo, had Borne trouble with his Irish J P1"''1 tue,U9,;lve9 "g'st the In
wife, and a dose of laudanum was the i ' ,,
.,. ii- .! .' Mrs. Ihomnson, living nt Chicago,
uayhesucceoa m gutting out ot waifwiID(l iu ,;mise the
tho roach ofhor tonguo. ; insensible nml nppnrently (lyiu?.
Tlio Iintmns liavo broken out nml Two of lier four oliildren wore dead;
hemm muidoi'iiii; Whitea iu Wyomu.ff. 1
TI.ev killed tho" Airent and several ;
guilds on ono reservation. How aro
you, Quakor peace policy!
Iu llio wrestling match for tho cham
pionship of Amorica, and $1,000, nt
Frisco last Saturday, Col. McLaujih-
ln out-wrosllctl Miolmel Wlmlon nnd
il i a- -.i .i 1..
tt'itlkoil oil with tlio iturso ami bolt.
An Oakland young Udy, snys tlio j
J rttnwript, entered a drug storo re-
oeiilly, and "wanted to seo tho napers j
for a week bat k," and tbo intelliirenc i
elork showed her
roll of sliekiii" i
ploslor. j t .lon't get along in tho AVest.-j
An old woman in Durham, Kucland, ! 110 s".vs ,U;lt ,'emlemauly fanners, ,
claims Urigham Young as her long- i w 110 ''omiuenfe witiumt uieuus ruul ,
lost husband. Well, wo don't believo ; h,lvc ,J1 t,ieir work ll,ue. '
anybody in America would Kso much
il costly to' Kt'p if tho oM woman woulii conio ;
In tha IndLin Terriinrv hvopv
tier who marries a squaw U heioaor j
to bo trcntod with a section oil
:i.,.,.i a ...,.! ji.:.... 1
could I'obbla un tli wLnU Tai-.Iio..-i
mini' i;triltll'Ulull
a yar or twe
Xs-t Aayelc Iiau a man who Im
msity year ai bceu in llm habit
hiiiiny hi wile, 'whilo dnnik.
At last one day recently he tried tHo t granuknew
thing od, and the wile turned on him I , That long list of names of officers
with a frying pan full of hot meat ' of Granges crowds out our usual di
and grease. The doctor thinks ho : gest of Grange news this week,
may livo, but his beauty is spoiled i ... - - in v
and hi, hair all gone. PATROlNS 0l H USMft MY
A poor halfwitted fellow named
- Sellinger, of Port Gamble, last week !
! suicided with a dull penknife, having
l.non I.i;.,.1 , I t mil i...
i himself almost to pieces to succeed!
j ? ,. , " ulutr
caugut in the at
tempt to steal a pair ot shoes from a
Portland store and a benevolent by
stander made her a present of a pair.
Now every littlo girl that meets him
! Pret,enj8 tIlat 8'' .b btcu caa'ht
stealing a pair of shoes.
.Major 1 amine Uusnman was
married some time ago, at San Fran
cisco, to Mr. Augusta Fitchnor, a Rus
sian, who is engaged in the wine busi
ness in Sonoma comity. She delivers
lectures occasionally for pastime.
Probably "curtain lectures."
The money ($8,000) which was a
few weeks ago stolen from tho ex
press at Kalama, was last week found
by a Mrs. Curtis, of that village, in
an old boot, hidden under her house.
Sho received g 1,500 reward, and con
siders herself in luck, which she is.
The last Legislature, which was
thoroughly Radical, made appropria
tions to lhe amount of $755,407, be
sides dividing up all the swamp laud
in tho Slate in jobs. That is tho kind
of economy the people get when
they elect Radicals to tho Legislature.
Vm. Hodpcr, of Walla Walla,
wanted to die and took arsenic. By
! tho time he got it well down ho be
, gan to craw fish from his determina
tion and call loudly for a doolor, A
stomach pump saved him, and now
ho says ho is content to let nature
take its course.
A Hillshoro "blood," in trying to
cut a dash on a calico cnyuse in front
of tho Young Ladies' Seminary,
spoiled a miidholo by the horso stop
ping suddenly. W hen ho got up,
amid tho "teVhecs" of tho girls, he
didn't know whether he was ono ot
tlieso or ono of those.
On the ni'-ht of the 14th, at Rut-
lege, On., L. M. Wood poisoned his
three children and then shot himself.
His wife had deserted him.
It is proposed to dispense with St.
Patrick s Day parade in New York
this year, and give the money which
' il woull eost for the relief of the
Central Rlock, coiituinin? four of
the finest stores in Atchison, Kansas,
was burned on the 12th. Loss,
$70,0UU; insurance, $41,001.1.
Senator Mitchoil has introduced a
bill authorizing the. construction of
a bridge across the Willamette River
ot Salem, Oregon, Reforred to the
Committee on Commerce.
The First National Oold Rank of
Qnincy, Illinois, was robbed on the
night of the 12th of $100,000 in
currency, nnd a large quantity of
bonds nnd other valuable papers.
No clue to the robbers.
Tho New Yrork Bank statement
shows nn increase in loans of ?!)8(),.
000: decrease in specie, $2,500,000;
iucrease in legal teuders, $819,000;
decrease in deposits, ?284,000; do-
ia droaiation, ,im.
that several meu entered bis office,
BWtfed him, and robbed the safe of
''M""- inn "re supposed
to belonS to tIle
Gonernl 11. H. Milruy, Superintend
ent of Iudian Affairs for Washington
Territory, who - was Inspector under
F.. C. Kemble. has been fully exon
erated from all blame, nnd restored to
his office by order of the Presideat.
Gov. Campbell, of Colorado, made
a requisition on the War Department
for the quota of nrm8 due that Torri-
(.... r.. l.A ,.f l.n
tbe tllirtl w,w tlving, ftud the fourth
Wl,a very 11 PPosed that
they wore poisoned in some way.
Kendall has introduced a lull com
pelling railroad companies to receive
patents for their laud grants, and
thus put them in a position to share
local taxation. In case of failure to
"oro')ly, "j? lftntU wil renf,rt l0.,,11.9
;(ieneinl Government. IU6 bill is
n.:.,iv !t-,..i.i tn ,o,.ol. ilm p,,ti
I'ncitia ltaihvml for tbo beuolit of !
t - ulitorma nnd Nevada.
Oovernor Sttft'oiil, of Arisnuv
l,all".v esniles u elasn of people'
...... . . .
"noouuttxlly lc omigtnt to quit the j
"wmoss; niul those who h:ve in-
"rfeil the hir-t jvntion of their
crops a pner wiM-ty a
wnlv.rtvrt :
lH'r Kmss Ui uaJ lw ainv 10
nxt'vi tiloir "tiuns nml uispiro 1
Hulhcient (Sinitdcuee to uet credit m
tho future.
" I
, . , . ...
"Tn bearer of au important teiu-!
pemuco commuuicuuou w uu paper. ;
yesterday," says an cxchnni;e. "was
peran c communication to this paper. ;
'"" or " "",c "r""B"'
'TE - "' ;,7'. "
, HurrlnburK.
ton. W. T.
if I. . , 1. 1 U'ltMhiirr W . I .
l.AUV Ass'r HTE'AUl-.Mr.. Clilno Oldj,
WulultuiK. W- T. .. . , ,
As TSTK'.ml-W. M. Powern, HheJil.
. ..iii.i.iv sii.iiiMoo. 1-orvitlUK.
(j.tTK-KUU'KU Kriilik SltclKin, Wulln Walln,
TuKASunss-n. A. Wltml, Turner's Station.
i kuks Mr. June Cyrun, sclo.
l'O.SONA-Jlr. M. l-owern, Mliedil.
KlJIllA-.Mm. L. I.'. KelU, .McMiiiiiv III-.
Kxkvctivk CoMJliTTKit IJunlcl I lurk, Kn
lem i II. SI. liurney. an .Mil..-. Ooimliui ?'"' ;
Drley Hull. WulmburL', . 1.-. O. A. ' " ".
lluenn Vlatai Thou. MunknrH, clo i A. 11. iit-n-ry,
I Jilnjctt.) ( 11. N. IIII1. JuJiclion.
Olllccrs ot the Central Grunge
fnKsinKXT W. F. Alexander.
'1CK I-KKMIUKNT JllllieH 'I'lttom.
Mfkrktarv A. W. Mtnnnrd.
Tkkakiiiikii V. P. llurklnirt.
Tki'steks Krunk HhedU nnd K l'owoll.
OATil-KKKrKU Kllint Kuriiiln.
Aiik.nt UU Burkhurt.
Miretant Albany on tho BCCond Tucsdny In
each month.
Mitralifleld Ornnco, No. 1, CMnflkninBS cn. W.
W.Iiuvin, imi.sii.Ti T.J. Muil.K'k, tc; Ciucku-
"khkIp Cwk Jmn(r', N. 2,Clnckiinmco. K.
ForhfD. iiiftHttT; Kmrik FiMt.iT, m'c. ; Piiimtscus.
Oiilc I'olut UrnnK'. t.;i, I'olk . .1. W.Kirk
lund, nmshT; Julius Di-mrwi'y, sue. ; Hixle.
Kuciiii Vlslu (Jrurifri', Nn. 4, I'olk co. K C.
Hull, luRtT; U M. Hull, kit. ; Huuiin Islii.
Moiiuioutli lira. lite, No. a, I'olk co. 1. 1'. M.
liiitlfr, master: , wo. ; Monnioulh.
Oak I'lfiln Uninnc, No., Mimo. A.H.rrlco,
iiiiist'-r; T. J. liliick, ; IInlsy.
'J'liiiirfnt 'irunirc. No. 7. I,lim co. E. E. run
ning. iiiut.Prw. hl'-vii. tw. : Tautront,
CorlnihtHii (.rnnt:i tsi. , unit co.
PHc. tiuwt.-r-IV U'ulil. Ki-i'. : liubiitioil.
w. K.
Klii-dd limum; No. I. I"" f". Frank HhodU,
miiHtcr: V. . Vnntls, wi. ; Hlioild.
Uniiid Frarlc'Jrancf, No. lil.Mnnivi. V. I
Ariili ron, niasliT ; N. It. Fry, hit. : Albany.
Uitrrisl)iirjrniit;t;, No. 11, Linn no. John If.
Smith, mauler: Win. lU'ort'T, wo. ; Ilarrisl'iir.
Sm-iiiKlli'iil .imrij.", No. 11, Ijhid co. John
KVllry, iiiusUt: 'vlvy Cona-K's, c ; Hpriiif-
I'hllomnth Gran', No.l!l, Benton ro. N. P,
Ni'wtoii, iiiastt-rjA. It. Itrown, tv. ; Oirvallis.
Htmp ('rock (iranii'. No. H, I'olk wt. Jhiiich
II. Miller, master; Wiley llolman, ace.; Ituonu
Vi-stii. ,
lifkfi (Jrnnr, No. rtenton co. K A.
Wells, tnnsLer; '. K. Mfwr, sec. : OVrvallls.
Kxflelnlor (.i range, No. i, Vaiuhill co. W.
Hmlth, inater;.I. K. Coovert, nee.. Jayton.
Salem (image, No. 17, .Marlon uo. JJanicl
rinrlt, master: John Mluto, we. ; Salein.
Turner (.irange, No. W, Marlou co. It. A.
Witxel, ma.sU:r; W. M. Illllery, ec. ; Turner.
UrownsvlHi) Orange, No. Ill, Linn co. I
Rice, muster; A. W. 8tannrd, nee. ; imiwiiMlllc.
Houlh Urownsvlllefinuige, No. i, Linn co.
Con noI Id a ted with Urownsvllle No. lt.
U'bunon lintage, No. 21, Mnti co. H. A.
Irvine, master : J. It. Hnilt li, hoc. ; I.cbannn.
Knox Hutte Uriinge, No. ?l. Linn m. Martin
Miller, master; MHton II'Hi.Hton, sec. ; Albany.
Harmony Grange,, No. -i. Linn co. F. .
I'owell, mastor ; J. rt. Powell, nee. ; Albany.
Jlnjxt Orange, N. Linn co. titto. F.
Sluiion, nia.ster : J. Millard, see. ; Albany.
Mono .range, No. 'l, I'olk co. J. M. Bcwlcy,
.Master: II. McTlmmoiulc, sec, : Ix-wUvllle.
Liberty (.range, No. 2", Lane co. II. N.
Hill, master ;.I. (J.-Iennlngs, nee. : Juiiet Inn l !lty.
Kvening star Orange, No. v.7, Multnomah co.
Jacob Johnson, mauler; II. T. Ciiuiubfll see.;
l-Msi I'oriland,
I'liirxiiirt (.range. No. Titmglns co. It. M.
Gurney, master ; W. F. I (wens. sec. ; Koseburg.
Allllou i. range, .M), main in co. it. ,n.
Drum heller, master;''. K, McCoy, see. : Milton.
1'errydttle tiranye, No, ill), ltenton Co. (Jen.
Coniegvs, master; J. Frlzzell, sec; I'errydiile.
McMinnville Grange, No. HI, Yanihiil eo.
Alex, Held, master; U. O, Durham, sec,; Mc
Mlnuvllle. iJiFayelto (irnnge, No, .12, Yamhill co. A.
B. Henry, master; U. L. LampBon, sec. ; UFay
ette. North Yamhill Orange, No. ISI, Yamhill co.
K. It. Jjiugiilln, master; 1). K. Stewart gee. ;
North Yamhill.
Weston Grunge, No. 31, I'maNIla on, John
S. white, master ; II. Mi:.rtliur, see.; Weston.
wild Horse Grange, No. ;t, I'matllla eo. J.
N. Perkins, master; H. A. Hiehards, sec. ; Wes
ton. Sclo Grange, No, Jtfl, Linn co. T. McMnnkcrs,
muster; G, Y. Frost, sec, ; Sclo.
Santlatn Grange, No, .7, Ltnn eo. win, 'y
riin, muster; w. v. Klnmay, see. : Helo.
Wasco Grange, No. :is, waseo eo. ltoberi
Mays, muster ; G. H. Itarnctt, nee. ; The Huiles.
The Dalles Grange, No. JCi, Wasco co, A. .1.
Diitur, muster: K. L. IVrhani, sec. ; The Dalles.
Milulla Grunge, No. -Ill, Clackamas eo, P. H.
Noyer, mu liter :C Howard, see.; un-pm City.
Damnscus (Grange, No. -tl, Claekainas Co, ai.
P. i-e, mnster; N. Darling, sec. ; Dm mi sens.
Jordoti Valley Grunge, No, -I'J, Linn eo. Jno.
Ilryant, mastor ; A. T. .deCully, see. ; Seio.
. Junction City Grange, No. Ijiud eo. V.
W. Folsom, master; J. K, Houston, sec.; Junc
tion City,
Heaver Orange, No. 41, Linn en. James
I'rabtree, master ;S, W. James, wc. ; Sclo.
is Hiver Grange, No, i-i, vinm co. (.'. uvn-
drutr, master; Uo'ttTt llooke, sec. ; ;uos HUer.
llapiy Home (range, iso.-iii, i.inueo. .nieot
Newman, master, beio; James LI f ally, type. ;
l uloti Grange, No. 17, Uine cn. H,vnnn
Smyth, master ; S. Iioney, si-e. ; .lunetliid tity.
ttoek I'oint ijrangc, n. n, .Marion eo. Jonn
Downlmz. iiiaster; . W. lownlng. see.: Sub
tireenvtllo Grnn-re. No. m. wtishinuton eo.
win, Wilson, master; J. F, Pierce, seo.;Gnen.
Orleans Grange. No, . nonton co. .inmes
Mcroy, master; Win. Winning, see.; mrvnlli.
Lnlon No. 2 dm nire. No. ..1. Don if las co. A.
A. Mathews, master, Imking Glass; J. G.
1-looK, sec.; len Mile,
Willamette Grange, No. -x', lien ton eo, John
Harris, master ;C. btagle, sec. ; corvallls.
Syracuse Ci ran ire. No. '!. Linn co, Hornee
Farewell, master; C. A. Mtller. tee.; Millers
s ua aw tiranire. no. fti. ijne co. n. H. rnrr-
wrlght, master, curtwrlgtit; J. F. Amis, sec;
coy ota (iranire. No. Ki. Ijineeo. . R. Steph
ens, master, Long Tom ; J. T. iKikc, sec. ; Sum-
Kugnne (ininge. No. .in, l4inc w. Jesse cox.
master ; St. John Skinner, see. ; Eugene city.
sand lOdgu Grange, No. 7, Linn eo. S.
Iiuiin, master; J. w. Mack, sec. ; Albiktiy.
Grlent Grange, No. M, Linn eo. V. H. cald
well, master ; James Turner, sec.; Albany.
Uosubitrg Grunge, Nn. 6), Dtmglns co. n. G.
Glbbs, muster; Hibert Weaver, see,; Myrtle
Ganvtson Grange, No. W, IVtlk eo. Geo. II,
Elb'rs, muster; 11. Alexander, se. ; IMhel.
Dallas Grange, No. til, Polk co. ltob't Clow,
master; D.J. Holmes, see. ; Dalian.
Spring Valley Grange, No. W, Polk . 1).
OHison, master; w. A. Henry, sec. ; Zenla,
Cornelius ( imnge. No, tU, Washington eo. It.
P. Wills, master: Wm. lieeves. sec.: Cornelius.
I Cresswelt Grang)', No. (M, IjIiiiu c. Hen. 11.
Day, master: A, J, Johnson, see. ; ( resswell.
Pleasant Hll(Jnnge, No, Ki, Ijine co, Jan.
Parker, master, Cloverdale ; J. D. Mattock, sec,
king's Valley Grunge, No. ml, Benton eo. It.
J. Grant, master; C. G. Nelson, see.; King's
Forest Grove Grange, Washington co. Henry
Imxton, master; 11. T. HllMoii, sec; Forest
Chekulpnm (irange, No. tK, Marlon eo. N.
It. iMity, master: w. w. Stelner.see. ; Jellerslm.
Irfttirel Grunge, No ito, Ihtiigian co. U lias-1
brook, niastiT; 11. 11. Nichols, see.; Starr's It. '
Highland Grange, No. 7", ciaekamu tit. Im-j
vld Wright, master: J, 1. Kings, sec.; Uiv'
Mnttnomnli Grnnire. No. Tl. Mtiltnomah ro.
John Mintre, tuusu-r : J. H, Newell, see.; t'jist '
West I'nlon Grange, No. 72, Washington Co.!
w, .. rioicuiii, master; iiaviu inos., see. ;
lIlllsbtm(irnngo, No, Tl, Washington e, T.
D. Hiuuphrey, master, HllUtxiro; W. 11. 11.
Mvers, si'., ForestGntve,
HutteviUe tiranp-, Nit. 7J, Marlon ex P. F.
CnsGeuiail, muster; F. X. Maiulcu, see.; llutte
vllle. Cottage Grove Ornnge, No. 7,1, Inno co, A.
II. spare, master; Hurris Kno.t, see; cottage
niiarltv (imnce. So. 7. Iine en. M. vltklns.
master; K. M. wllkins, sec. ; wHtamette Korks.
.jtirngio. 77, llenton i-o, Mulkey
Vernon, nuuter; I. II. il. Uturr. m.v, AUeu.
The followtnir, tiranges urn nr yet numben-d
by the Hecretary of the National Crnnge
aSV.""Ai n',I"u'y-"uu""r:
Kl'nnklln linitii'. lme co G M Miller, ma..
irr: j r rvirK, m-o; rranatin
onoilla t.mairc, l.aiKtaaco A Ullnb, nias-
bt, i.nin.iiii: r. i.nt.ii. is"e. uruin s i
imuini'in, i..i.iiint'ii.ii n Jo.. Im-
nyrjmM J T
nmt.r. iwavenon, jn )ifiir,iM; ivmand
onklanil lipaiinv, lioti-las cii K Stephen.
nuut. r.imki.imii fe ii iinkm, , wiW '
t.r?s4tovJV U'lM", ""
wiiiiam... m.r . s u wiuuniion, ri-
p'xvuurnurnrt - , burton co winmieif
plnneld, master: Jobo N.-i.v.i,i, C: S..I. i-.i
I N itlv I .rant. . I'lac'ii.niiaa eo J..rin l.'i......
lwV i Kn.-n
k" k m hh Umw
r .M.i;i!iH.nin-?',T!i.-Kamfw Jnmes
tllHMler-.Sniuul Knt-.9,v:tl;it'l',klm1
tia-hen (intnire, tjin tn w W uu.
AihlumUirwrtc.-. Jmi.m m Iih P rtni. 1
mitner: WHUmTII liliai,SHV:A.lil.nU. ",
mmir N.i t nn, Kii Kiu. r master t
ril VZlZ?:.?''?!. . I
& ..,;,;. i.oV. a I. iw.
". i- .. w . MckHtviiu-
I......M..I.,.. llmnire. I'un'HIil l Til Klrny,
" ;
Oliehllleliilinint-e. iii mmoo
miiHU-r. .M'hu".t. - D,luu'' -v
.'"wMhlnslon. "ran- Vn.hl.erton co hunt
null iiotti'r: J O. (ri.a'Un. see; Allilill" to I
c.UriJrnui.'ri.l-.n co vvm I-IUI, o: , mn-
McKei tlmnsw, iJiuei'o . Illinium er
muster, McKlMk'l wA Woulcot, co i birluit-
Aiiilly (JrnnKc, Ynmhiil co J J llcmdenion,
nniter :J UNmiyer, eu;Ainlly
Willamette (imnp allium r", ""f
Hewetl, muster ; ivtcr llnrcnUMBt, eo l heal
land , Fnoeh
I JnckHonvlllo wrnnKe, ""'"- . .,,,,
I Wnlker, tnn.tcr: II A Miller. ". Jnckiuvlllc
Knrintiiton ornni;e, iiini. - --
cnriienter, uiuk-r; Jamc. ltli.vcomb, kh.,
"ptnenlx I Irnnft-e. jnckfon eo J Herrln, iiian
ter; W K Hurrlu H'U; I'llcellU
WaHhlugtou und Idaho Territo
ries. Wnltubure Ornnirc, Wallawnlln co. II. P.
Old., mater, S. U. lHlrj.t. ee. I WalUbum.
llavton UrariKe, Wiillnwalln co. .
Miller, master; O. C. While, see. i Iwyton.
Illue .Mountain l lnini;e, UiiIIhwhIIu co. .
M. Hhcltun, mantir; A. 1'. Cau,eo.i nulla-
WWiil'la Walln Oranire, Wiillawallii co. f rank
Hhelton, muU'r; James Kluionluii, sec. ; Vtnl-
'""l"lel'(lrnnec, Wnllnwnlla co. J. Ttcniarli,
master; w. I. McKcrn, sec-1 Wullawalla.
Hiiriunny ilriiiie, Wallnwitllu cti. .lames
DonulUsou. l ter; f. r. l'hnrr, sec; uujioii.
Ilaltli.'l.'reeklnini-n, Walliiwaliii co. J. I.
Flowers, muster; W'ln.AyrcH, 'c ; Daylon.
Krench Town lirniiBu, Wallawnlln co. p.
louden, mustur; .Mrs. .M. K Isiudcli, sec.;ul-
laulvin''ln lininRP, Thurston co. K. I.. Smith,
mnsW: A. A. Munlilnc, ; OlTliiiiln.
Kuwainlsh OraiiBf. kmr on. Julius llorton,
muster; .1. II. THus. sec. ; SeiiUlo.
White ltlver Urunse, khiK ' - IJiwton,
master; W. II. How, c; White lilvi-r.
iMitntcsnnoUranai-. I hclmlls co. J. Brady,
master ; C. N. Uy 'C 1 fulsoi.
ISiilon Uruiice, Wallnwallnco. Levi Oliver,
master; lien, tireer, sec; liuytoll.
l'ulahn llranue, Wallitwnlla co. lames I
Bounds, maer; K .Mellrinrty, sec; lu)tun.
KxcelslorlirulIRe, Wlllllllliu co. K 1 01111
land, master; A. 11. Uordon, sec, ; rollnx.
Net 1'erci' Urnniro. Ke IVrce, Idaho. J. II.
Irvine, master; 11.1'. llnslow, sec; I'iuetn-ek
Pioneer omntfe. Whitman co. ii. siiuuiuuik,
master; 1 .M. Itlnjrer, sec; Colmx.
rjuunders, master; l Illnln, sec. ; I'llui
I'lnc orove urtine, naiiuwnna co. i-.....'.
I'aruillse I. ranee, iNer. i-ere- co mini". ...
Howard, muster : J. A. Kuu'ry, sec; l'aradlsu
rviirdr- AlenndrniiBc, Whlliniin co Jniuui
IJrfmks, master; N. Ii iitht.,.sec ; l.'olflix.
'l he ii,oii list Is probably Incorrect In some
narttclilars. owlmr to the met that the Hecreta-
rlesol some of the (iraliKL'S huve neglected to
reisirt chances made by tho election which
took iilneeln llecenibcr, ISil If the Musters
or Heeretarii's will reMrt any lnuccu nicies t hey
may seu lu tlio list It will In- corn-cted at onco.
Yours truly,
.1. II. 8MIT1I,
Bcc'y of Oreffon Stilts (irni'Ke, I', ol II.
Sidle of Oregon, Counlij of Linn, .9. S.
Taken up bv llinim Wlltlnms, of llulsey
I'recinet. one ll'ht. bnylmnre, alHint vlphl years
old, white laci- and eyes, threo white teet, tour
f)en hiitids nud u-half htu'h. Appraised ut lit
by me this Utli duy of February, 171.
SSwl J-1.
U AVISO iiisiusrn OK nt'Il ISTEHKOT
III Ilia mercantile business lo Mr. Wain
May, and belnc desirous nf removiiiit to Hun
Fninclsco at tin curliest praeticnl date, I jilvc
notice to nil those tiersnns llidelited to llio late
llrm of l ierst, May A- l"o., tlint 1 desire a settle,
mentor all outstuud timumls by tho llrst. of
April, IS7I, except tltose nceounts which have
bei-n couimenceil for the current year und as
sumed by tiuin. Muy.
fnrl.ierst & Anspacher.
IlnrrlsburB. Feb. 16, is; I. 3SWI.
A I .11 1 X I S T It A T O K ' S K OT If K .
L iiudcrsiuuiyl, was on the ;W day of Febru
ary, ISTl, duly appointed adinliiistrutor, de
bitnus lion, of the estate of Kilns A. Johnson,
deceased, by the County Court of Mini county,
ilrcuon. All persons hnvinK claims niuiiunl
saldeslatc are required tn jiresent tlu-m, with
the proper vouchers, within six months from
the date of tills notice, to the administrator, nt
tho office of Johns A Jones, In the city or Al
bany, and nfon'suld. J. VV. J' Ml XMl IN,
lnited. Feb., 17, IK74. Adnilsti'ator.
Johns Jit jo.n'kh, Atfy for Adin'r. aswl
riioNouiurinc (siiort-iiaad) acadesv.
l'n Duy ami Sight.
For n course of eight lessons, sufficient
to get the pupil to reading nnd writing
Phonography $ II lift
Payable one-half lu advance, balance ou
completion of course.
Complete F.lementary Course In Torres
poridingStyle $3) o
Complete F.luineutary (,'ourse la Iteis)rt-1
ing St.vle $W on
Payable ."i hi advance; bulaneo In semi-
monthly installments of toeaeh,
ft" This lnsiriiction may lie taken bv mail,
AliCH I) U. McCAW, rrlnelpal.
I shall InBiigunitethlvnmtUi Into practice by
patronizing the prlnUr?)
f fAviNii rrnrHASKi) tiik
m 01 my 1
ito uarLni'r.4. Monsr 11 ri..m .....i
A. jli.iin'Ot'r, I am ili'Hlmu.1 of ki'i'plnc tho
liusiii.'sj tiplo Hi liiniiiTslamlanl ana u clvo
tin.' lullcst satisfaction lo L-usloniiTa.
I will bfeln the SnriM!f
hok." with u Iresh Invoice td new gootls, cin-
Dry Uootls,
Kent's FnrnisliluR fa'oodw,
Ludles' Dress Goods,
Hals A l aps,
Boots 4 ShMs,
, Hardware,
Ac, Ac,
CVmUntlj' on hand,
1 rW, 5,-TVw " of ,. '
ilm V-?!''"'.','''""' ''"'"" "t lie'
V " -
(Successor to ninln, Younff A Co.,)
'Wholesale and Ketail Dealer ia
DRY goods;
boots a snot:;
x AIJSO, '
and all kinds of Farming Inijdemonti,
Now M'Mnoii Kcniiiff .tIncLIuef
guaranteed to be efjual to any, und Uj cost from
$1U Ui ll less than other llrst-uluss muelilnos.
C3l Cull nnd see. At tho old stand on First
Street, Albany, Oregon. liJViuJ.
3 O
0 a
ft -
P 0
5 co
: W
1 H
, w
2 O
S 2
m 5)
m r
5 W
4 B
I am prepared to fill onion for all kinds of
at prices that mnrt give entire millsfactlofi.
(Joino 011 Willi your orders and havo them filled
for sale tosullt all wishing to buy,
v7ii;itf. It. CIIEADLE.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oreffon, for the County of JJnn.
Armil'ila HuIUviiii,plaintiir,vs.John Sullivan,
Suit in equity for rtlvoree.
To John Sullivan, delendanl :
In the name ol r.lie state of Oregon: You
are hereby required tonpjM'ar and answer tho
complaint Jlb d against you In the alMive-en-I
led suit In said Court., by the first day of tho
t -rin lollnwlng Hie expiration ol six weeks nf
t"r the date oj this summons, to-wlt : by tlio'
fourth Monday, the '1-ki day of March next,
atfcd M you tail so to answer, plalntllf will apply
to the Court lor the relief demanded in tho
complaint a decree of divorce dissolving tlio
marriage contract now existing between tho
iilaintltrand defeiidiint, nnd for stich other re
lief as to the court may seem Jii-it and eimltn.
bte, and for the costs and disbursements of this
suit. Service by publication of summons made
by virtue ol an order granted by the Hon H, V.
Honham, .Judge of said Court, dated Feb. &,
Feb. (I, l7t.-2nw(l. Plniiitlir's Atlorueys.
M. istingbetw 1 Wm. H, Kuhn and James
I ('. an Kciisselaer, under the Drin name ol W.
1 II. Kuhn A Co., In this day dissolved by mutu
al consent , the notes and accounts due the said
j tirm jeeoinlng the proH-rty of the sal. I Van
; ilcnsseiucr, and to whom, or hl
tfvi', Micy lliiiKl iH'pnttl, anil ti whnin Iniiht bo .
)ri'.i'iittd all cluliiiH aynlnst tin- sukl llrm.
W. H. Kl'llN.
1". I'. HI IH YI.KH,
c .iinnllnn of oslnto of J, c. Van HciiHSclaiT. .
I'Vb. 3, nut.
H ".'J","' "lat ,hs nMt, "'"1 ""OHM duo
111. II. huhn Co., will lie pi'llec'l...! Iv J...
H. yau, ol I In' drin or riark Wvall, who
may l' lound at thu old utinul or Kuhn IV...
iio(lM'hollullyuulliiirlzi'iltori'Ci'lil. and ol.
tU'lhoRiimc, I'. wcllia.KU
itiitiiiiiuior ('Mala of J. C. Van kt'maclaiir.
mrtiTirE is irKitRiiy (iivks that thk
1 omlorsltii'il, ('.ii'iil.iroflhinKlat.iof John
A. Win rtiii'ciiHocI, ha. this day filed with Clio
Ut-rk of the Ciintily flourt of 1 .In n county, In
r ii'Mnteor (In-pin, hl final acmuiit ror
Hi'iniMil, and Hint, tin- Hon. K. N.Taudv, JihIei,
or ald (.onrt. on tin. Jlnh day or January. 1871.
itinilL' an onk-r aiipoltiting
Mmtday, the 2d day ot March, 1S71.
nt tho hour or 1 o'clock In t ho arii'rnoon of that
day, at the ( oiirt.Hi.uiic In the City of Albany.
Iti mm county, for the henrlnir or to
.ut'li llnal account and the cltlcnieiit thereof
Joiiks A Josra, Att'yi for f.ximxuit.'m.
Ulldrrsliriii'd hiiu Mil. ...... .
liy lhcl'iiuntyCoiirtor Mini county, I irecon.
minu iisirnliirot the estau. or licorpr I'. Van
.Ninlelu, deci'iim'd. All ieroii ImvlnL-claim,
auainst ..aid I'Matii are hereby n'qnlred U( ore"
ent llieni, with the proper v.iueliem, to the tin
derl;ned, at hi. rertdence In llnrrlalmnr In
wild county, within six month, from the into
t'eb. j, l7l.-"7wl.
"' J. T. Ilr . HtlY -
)"" b'"',l "PPoliite.1 by the (,'nunlv
'i!.'.1''.""?"""5' Orepm, Arlmlnlatnil.rr
or lhe Kslnte of hiiinucl Blnin, dinacd, lot o
or .inai county c ircnon : and all ihthoiih havlnit
clniiiiMiiMlnst naiil estati' arc hereby n quired
n.Tlo 'h!."',''"' I,,m''rs'l-'ncd, duly vert-
ned, nt h Is placo or binloesH, in Alhnnv.llro
Ron, within six months Hum the dnto er,;ir
Albany. Or.. Feb. 13. Ilia.w?1"'''''
E. L. ItltVAX A to.,
j omoo at L'lark Jt Wyatt'., mC,V. " "
' n-vVl. . ' NKWPY. "
! . wm. lamTEir&coT"
P'," 'i'-IIKASON-A(1I.RAnttliriK .",
i STociTmFslEr"
j 800 ACRES!
markJi u 1 .OOtl. Trail,, r...
rkw.v low. " u Tern,,
n,..' ""''""r.nihcrcmi u