The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 13, 1874, Image 2

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FEBBUARyIs, .1871
A Demoranttic Ht:ito rnnvi-ntlon for tho Stnti
- of Oregon, Is )i ri'li.v ciilli'it liy Mm nnx'r;i(to
Huto Central I'oiiiniitt.'i', convened In Port
luiiii, OreRmi, thin tlio :M diiy uf .TAnuiiry, A.
II. 1874, to Hurt lit tlif Cllv ot Albany, Otvpon.
i WEDNESDAY, MAHI'H IS, 1S7I, for the
purnoaeof nominiil.inir cniidldiitpti to be voted
lor at the penrrtil election In June next, for
Congress and lor IN? vtirlou (Suite and Illfitrict
olfki-s then to l;e lill.M, and for the tmnxaeilon
of any otner businetis Unit, may nroperly eolne
ueiore it.
Tlie apporttnntiiient of membersof wild Con-v.ntlonaniiini:l.lirrmiiit)'-s.
If based uion tho
Itomocratlc vote east tor John HuriuHt lor Con
Itrega in Jt72, nllowiaoiiedeleffatelimald Con
vention for eaeh orni hundred or fraction offlity
votes, so e,i.f.
The ctvi-ral cnntlwrof the Htate wilt be rntl
tlod to deleateu in ud coiivenLton iu follows :
linker a
Henton 11
t'lackamas.-.. t 7
CUmop. 2
(loluruum .' ,.. i
(Joo..... 3
;urrv 1
IloiiKloji V
Grant,' 8
JackAon..... 0
Joiepblne ......
Mnrlon.... .
Tillamook ,
Umatilla ti
Union ...., 5
Wasco .'. 6
VaNhlniiton.. , .... A
hamuli! 6
Total va
It la nuiflrented uv the t;ommlttee that thiwv
ral ooniilies hold tlmir Primary Convention!
on hatiirday, the i:alh day of February, At 1
o'cloek l'. ,it and their tjounly Conventlonson
baturday, the 7th day of March, at ilia same
Hour, in (none ooiintiea wnero meae appoint
ments do not meet the convenience of ttie De
mocracy, It la expected that tlti-y will make the
necessary, ourj;eii mroiucn tneir uounty uom
mfttoe, W. T WHITE,
fh'm I)em. Htate Central Committee,
J. J. Wai-Tok, J., Hocretary,
. ttrate
. i5 flidized rnilrood,
. D
. l
Geo. H. 'Williams cannot long re
main in office on Attornoy-Gcnorul.
Thkiie is soma talk among the
Kentucky Democrats ot running John
O. Breckinridge for Congress.
Tun lotal value of the precious
metals produced went of tho Alioiiouri
during 1873 in estimated nt $72,258,
693. , Samuel A. Adnum was recently
granted a divorce by a Vermont court
on account of the "intolerable sever
ity of Surith, bin wife."
The girls of a Wisconsin town
Ihoughtf ully agreed to do nosliopping
after eight o'clock, so that he could
come earlier and oftener.
A Chicago papor chronicled tho
eloction of officers of tho St. Louis
Board of Trade under the head of
"Miscellaneous crinfW" i
Aiikaksas knows it has one pol
itician who is beyond suspicion, be
cause tho proof against him is too
positive to ntlmit a doubt.
A CI LPIUT in a Chicago polico court
began an address to the Justice with
"Now, jest look'eo here, old Bliuky,"
and got ten days lor contempt,
Jonh Billiugs nay: "There aiut
ennything that will konipletely kuro
lflzynen, though a second wife haH
been known to hurry it some."
A II EN stnppod a train on a Ponn-
The people,' who are so earnestly
laboring for reform, should not for
get the character of (ho enemy with
whom they are contending. Monop
olies iilwaVs attach to there service
men who are crafty, subtle and skill
ed in every art of cunning villainy.
Such men, alone, are useful in the
councils of those who worship at no
other shrine than that of Mammon.
Those who aid the monopolist to car
ray out his designs in a frank, bold
manner are simply dupes. The ene
mies of the reform the people1 aro
striving to inaugurate may, therefore,
bo classed in three groups, viz: First,
the monopolists, or, to distinguish
them by a more comprehensive title,
the licensed, public marauders.
Second their satelites, the knaves
and third, the fools. Let ub illus-
Mr. Holladay, with his sub-
built with other
people's money, porsonates the suc
cessful financial buccaneer. Mr.
John Hippie and the ring of bribers
in Portland represent the sleek, foxy
knaves, and every loud mouthed ad
vocate and defender of these two
classes, met with any where, may
safely be ranked at the tail of the
column as wanting both self respect
find common sense.
This is the material of which the army
opposing reform is composed. Like
the hosts of Pharaoh they swarm on
the people's track, and unloss their
progress is soon checkod it will ro
quire an interposition as miraculous
as the Bed Sea delugo to preserve a
single vestige of Bepublicail freedom
as it was understood when the gov
ernment was under purer political
TV'e have cited the Ring of eomip-
tiomsts in Oregon as an example be
cause our readers are acquainted with
their disgraceful acts. The same
class of men control every Depart
ment of the National Government.--The
fountain of publio virtue is
poisoned and tho deadly vims per
meates every channel of the National
service. Those who should bo tho
servants of tho people have become
their masters. Witness tho refresh
ing boldness with which members of
Congress declare the popular indig
nation, caused by tho' salary steal,
only "the clamor of an irresponsible
rabble." It is true that Congress bus
responded to that "clamor" by re
pealing the obnoxious law, buj they
made a clear profit of sixteen hun
dred thousand dollars in tho transaction.
The boldness, of Grant and his sup
porters in Washington has inspir
ed the loaders of the liopublican par
ly everywhere with an audacity that
would bo startling to tho friends of
free government wore it not that
their faith is still strong in the pur
pose and power of the people to ro
Sirica Congress has 'repealed the
baok pay steal, so far as it relate to
themselves, it is surely only justice
that tho salary of the President should
likewise be reduced to what it was
lilt t.VOH i:tvM.
The Granger's choras: 'Try-rural,
Farmers' Granges are springingup
all over Kentucky. . ,
Granges are being organized in In-
pacihc coasters. . I contractors with it to employ moon
A shipyard is being started ai As-1 eyed innocents. ' But they have'arriv-
betore the grab; hut if the loyalty of I Jlana at th3 ral of "taut twenty live 1
Boise City now hasa great religious
The Sticke?n mines excitement is
the Republicans in Congress will hot
permit them to do this, then let them,
at least, go to work at tho reduction
of the President's "Contingent Fund,"
iwhich Mr. Dawos estimates to be$70,-
000 a year, and which is generally con
coded to be as much as $50,000, thus
making tho President's actual pay
nearly half a million for a term of tour
yours. .Let tuo other more remote
perquisites of tho Exocutivo, not iu-
clutled in regular Contingent Fund,
bo subjected to an inspection, and
when found unnecessary or excossivo,
let them be. wiped out or cut down.
For instance, one of the President's
military secretaries some months ago
accepted a position in private life, and
it was supposed that he bad retired
from publio office. Now the state
ment is made that his resignation has
never been accepted. It is tho duly
of Congresa to ascertain whether he
has drawn his pay as an army officer
and military secretary. Another in
stance: Mr. Fred. Grant, a son ot the
President, hold tho rauk of lieuten
ant in the army. lie is a recentgrad
uate of the Military School and has
never done any real servicoin the army,
Yet ho was given the rank and pay of
Lieutenant Colonel on the protence
that Gen. Sheridan wanted him on his
staff. Young Grant having been re
called to Washington on recruiting
service, ho is permitted to hold the
rank and pay of Lieutenant Colonel,
Let tho work of roduction begin at
the top by cutting oft' tho useless and
extravagant prcquisitcs of tho Presi
dent's personal and official families.
If tho President is henceforth to receive
$50,000 a year instead of $25,000, it is
proper tor Congress to inquire wheth
er no cannot Dispense wuli a largo"
portion of tho $7(!,0U0 a year appropri
ated for his 'contingent" expenses.
a week,
SllOW is 11 font (loon 111 lllO TTlamnlli
IUs announced that tho National ; baslll an(1 8touk is d ir)fr
Grange has 3O0,(!OO on deposit in- Counterfeit ouartcrs and half-dollar
New York.
Tennessee has 215 Granges.' Ore
gon and Washington now have about
00 Granges.
The Iowa State Grange has ?10,
ylvania railroad, her body striking deem tho honor of tho nation, now
tho trigger that put on tho air brakes,
bat she will never stop another.
Tuk City Treasurer of the now city
of Holyoke, added to his oath of of
fice: "And I swear that if I see any
more stealing going on I will expose
Pools, chanco tables, rouge-et-uoir,
and real estate nifties were part of
the innocent amusements of a church
fair just concluded at Burlington,
In Richmond county, 8. C, last
year, 20,000 acres of land worn for
feited for non-payment of taxes, more
than a'fith uf tho total area of the
Miss Bates of Indianapolis has
t left $10,000 to Uiu poor of that city.
Her will ta said to bo unaccompanied
by any written conditions or directions
aa to the distribution.
It is never politic to overstate the
age of a lady. Goorgo Warwick did
it in Cleveland, and is now in jail, Ho
wanted to man y a girl of sixteen, and
lo get a license ho awore sho was
A Tkoy dan.iing party is to include
a deacon from eaeh of tho churches in
tho city. They think that nobody
will do wrong id such oompany, and
that daning will be immeusely clova
led In tone.
A liajky horse in a double team
may always be skirted by tying his
tail to tho whifllotree and starting tho
other horse. So said Georgo M.
Pullman, of Pullman car notojioty,
some twenty years ago.
The Rev. Mr. Drake und his wifo,
of Lagnmgo county, Indiana, who
died suddenly and were buried to
gether a short timo siucu, were poi
soned by tearing green paper from tho
walls of a room, preparatory to re-papering.
Bv the aiiuexntiou uf Dorchester,
Itoxbury, West Roxlmry, Brighton,
and ChivrlestowMi, the Cbaimou Coun
cil of Bostua. is now composed of
Eovcuty-four members, and consti
tute a body nearly twice us hirge as
the Senate of Mussttehtisi'lU'.
i A young mau in Indiana sued his
father for loaned money, which the
father claims was his own prnp rly.
Tho hitter's counsul, iu summing up
the ease of his client, reinarkod:- -"Twice
ha the prodigal returned to
his fuihtr's house; twice hau he been
received with open arms; twice for
him bus the fatted calf been killed:
iitid now lo cities, back and wants I
the old cow." I
tarnished by its highest represents
The people of Oregon will soon be
called upon to express their opinion
regarding tho shameful nets of Grant
and his subservient followers. ICvery
art that unscrupulous villainy can do
viso will be resorted to for the pur
pose of deceiving the people and se
curing control of our Stalo govern
ment. Thoro is but one hope of suc
cessful opposition to tho corrupt
combination seeking to forage upon
the substance of tho people, and that
is iu the triumph of the Democratic
party. Whilo wo regard that hop'o
equal to a certuinty we cannot refrain
from wishing to see a majority rollod
up against the corrnptionists of such
magnitude as shall carry demoraliza
tion into their ranks from which they
cannot again rocovcr. Let honest
men of whatever past political faith
remember that the issue before tho
people of Oregon at tho approaching
election will bo Democratic success
and an honest State government, or
Republican succoss with a repetition
of tho disgraceful history of Sam.
May and Georgo L, Woods.
The highest rate of faro on any
railroad iu the country is ten cents a
mile, and there nra but few Htage
linos Unit charge that rato. Vet Con
gress allows its members twenty cents
for every mile of travel, What
would a merchant think of an agent
who should charge double his travel
ing expenses? Such a man would be
dismissed as a swindler. Iu the days
of homes and stage coaches tho rato
of twenty cents a mile was excusa
bk, but with railroads penotratiug to
vory inhabited corner of tho land
tho allowance is absurd.
How tifE GitANOEits Wor.K. Au ex
cellent illustration of the good ef
focts of tho Grangcrj' systom ,of or
ganization is afforded by their re
ported action in Wisconsin, in foil
ing tho plans of a ring of w heat op
orators. It appears that the ring,
buying wheat to storo in railroad ele
vators, determined to givo no more
than oeventy-oight cents pur bushel.
Thereupon the Grangers promptly
appointed men to travel through the
country where this game was being
played, in tho vicinity of St, Croix,
nifd whenever noccs-tity compelled a
fanner to sell, to pny him ninety
cents por bushel. At ouco tho spec
ulators offered ninety-live couts, and
their nefarious attempt to swindlo
tho farmers out of about twenty per
oont. of the valuo of their grain fell
through hopelessly. No such cor
rupt practices can succeed where the
combined strength of tho Granges
oan bo brouglit to bear for tho pro
tection of tho farmers.
Common Sexsk. Au editorial arti
cle in tho Orcyonittn of last Monday
contninod the following sentenco:
"We Ivlleve In oblivion In everv way pni
bin on tbeHiiblei't of the elvll war, lor' we Int.
ll-'Vii Jls we nlwil.VH belb'VeU that both allies
went prompted by what they respectively
ileeined lo be Justice, anil Dial one aide wtt'a
abolit tin ciiimeletitloim aa the other,"
Now, wo want to givo tlie Oregon
inn credit for all the sincerity which
it claims, but we can't holp wonder
ing why its editor wasn't thrust into
Fort' Aleiitraz or some other Federal
bastilo during tho war for entertain
ing secession sympathies, if the
above wero his sentiments then.
Well, tlie Oreyonhln takos a common
sense view of this matter now, and
it is a good indication of returning
roii'iou to tho followers, of Radical
ism when one of their oldost jour
nals dare acknowledge that tho
Southern pcoplo wero conscientious
iu their rebellion,
000 in its treasury, and an honest sen
tinel at the door.
Granges composed wholly of col
ored persons are to be formed in Ar
kansas and Mississippi.
Tho first lodge of Grangers was
organized in Dakota Territory, at
Bismarck, a short time since.
John H. Smith, County Deputv,
last Saturday week organized a Grange
of ii members, at Condra School
House, six miles northeast of Ilarris
burg, with F. M. KizerusMasterand
J. B. Wygle, Secretary. .
Judgo Haley, Master of Peoria
Grange, writes us that last Saturday
his Grange conferred the fourth de
gree on a class of ten candidates,
and partook of a "harvest feast,"
and had a good timo generally. Tho
Grange accepts of the agency of A.
J. Dufur.
On tho 20th ultimo Doputy Wm.
Cyrus, assisted by R. A. Irvino, or
ganized a Grange at tho residence of
Z. B. Moss, in Sweet Home Precinct,
with Win. Philpot as Master and . 55.
B. Moss as Secretary. Thus "Old
Linn" hits a Grange in almost every
nook and corner of the county.
Tho State Grange of Indiana has
endeavored to fix the standard V just
how much farming a man must do to
be entitled to membership, and have
finally decided that he should rely
more upon tho products of the farm
for his income than any, other occu
pation. It appears that this will bo
a difficult measuro to determino, but
tho uocessity for some rule seems so
imperative that it is likely this will bo
generally approved.
The recont Sluio Convention of the
Farmers' Association of Illinois adop
ted the following preamblo and reso
lution: Whereas, President Grant was
guilty of using his oilidal position lo
secure the passago of tho infamous
salary-grab law, umf did, at the close
of his first term, tifti.x his signature
to the sumo, thereby making it tho
law of the hind; therefore, , ,
Jlfiulonl, That this convention of
tho fartnerj of Illinois, with sorrow,
but in till candor, an in duty bound,
do deprerafo such dcirrcdatiou of the
exalted position of president of thcao
United States.
Tho following very important reso
lution explains itself:
'iiKiti:,s; Certain plow manufacto
ries in tho Stalo of Illinois have com
bined and resolved not to sell plows
w larmet'ii ciiidb, ii ranges'.
arc circulating in San Jose,
Seventy-nine men arc employed at
the Gilroy tobacco Factory.
I "My Mary Aim'' is sunk in Clear
: T l,,. ri..l ! i..
I iaiv, wti, ,jiie wua ii vacut
"Oriental Order of Humility" is the
name of a new order at Denver.
One Mrs. Wilkes js the pastoress of
a Unitarian Church in Colorado.
I The She-roosters hold a Convention
at Portland to-day and to morrow.
The Astoricm lias been changed into
n weekly paper with a patent out
side. The Watkinson murder ease is
again on trial at Fairfield,. Solano
JNo cattle liavo died this winter in
Eastern Oregon from severity of
The Sacramento river, on the 20th,
was nearly twenty feet above low-water
A Nevada editor wants ''a now
hell." Hadn't ho better wait till ho
gets through witn the old one?
Clement Zeros, of Cab, fooled with
a loaded gun. Only about half of his
head was buried with the body.
Salem is to have two more daily pa
pers, ono right away and tho other by
and by just before the election.
Kui eka, Nevada, employs her con
victed thieves and vagrants on the
streets shoveling mud and snow.
It took forty bosses and two work
ingmen to get a dray-horso out of the
mud in Sacramento, the other day.
Twenty-seven vessels have left Port
land, Oregon, since tho ico blockade!"
seventeen of which wero for Europe
A Portland youth played with a
can of powder. His mother only rec
ognized him by a mole on his left
Just as the steamer arrived at Port
land last Tuesday a passenger named
Moses B. Almy died suddenly of apo
plexy. Thcro aro ono hundred and twenty
men residing in six counties in Cali
fornia who own own 3,140,000 acres
of land. '
Tom. Merry has recovered hishealth
and come back to tho editorial rudder
of the Coos Bay Neios, whereat we
are tickled.
Storey county, Nevada, now has
thirty-tiino boarders iwcnty-fivo in
the County Hospital and fourteen in
tho County Jail.
George A. Hinsdale, formerly Gov
ernor ot Colorado, died recnlly in
Pueblo, Col., and the Pcplc liiourus
all over for him
The winter term of the Baker Cily
ed-"-oiily sixtyin one batch that 'sail.
And what is more astonishing, ,thcy
were landed in Santa Cruz by day
sary by the testimony given before
tho Militaiy t'ommittca to the effect
that there were already too many sol
diers in the Indinti country, though
the proposed reduction is expected
to fall mainly on the army in the
East andSouth. Felix Brunot, Major
Powell, of the Colorado! Exploring
Hon. J. L. Pennington, the present!. ,.:. n,i fieorae W. Inmills;
Governor ot Dakota, was an nppren the iat(.er 0 WDOm acted as Special
tico boy in the old Raleigh Sar oflice; Commissioner to investigate Indian
thirty-three years ago. Ex-Covernor j Affairs in South-eastern California
HolL was foreman in the office XX1
the time.
An old man named Martin, whilo
being hanged for murder, at Martinez,
Cal., last week, had hin head jerked
from his body by the fall of the "drop."
The head rolled off several yards from
the lifeless body.
Placerville, El Dorado county, ha3
a water-power sausage machine, capa
ble of griuding out these conundrums
at the rato of 58 pounds in twenty
minutes. That town is surely a sick
ly place for dorgs. ,
A petition is being circulated in
Eastern Oregon for the establishment
of a tri-weekly mail route between
Baker City and Canyon City, via Au
burn and Prairie City. It will supply
a large scope of country.
A truckee man tried to pass off a
number of copper for gold slugs.
The first man he tried the dodge ou
larruped him so badly that he won't
be able to do any more business In his
peculiar hue for some time.
. Tho Supreme Court, in tho case of
the State of Oregon vs. C. G. Glass,
has affirmed the verdict of the Circuit
Court, and consequently the defen
dant is compelled to servo out his
sentence, unless reprieved by the Gov
A large number of cattle in Honey
Lake and Y Valleys, Nevada, are
lying from starvation. Cold weath
er and tho deep snow in those valleys
is the cause of it. Many of tho ranch
ers are killing their cattle to save their
Tho people of Pleasanton, Califor
nia, h.iyo plenty of water but no bread
to cast on it. They are on short al
lowance of bread, high wator in tie
creeks and had roads cutting them off
from communication with tho outside
Eugene Barrett, tho Atlantic and
Pacific telegraph operator at I allsade,
shot himself through tho heart Wed
nesday night. It is supposed that it
was done accidentally, as no one was
in the room at tho time and the pistol
was found lying by his side.
At Auburn, Placer county, on tho
13th instant, George Tracy ivas tried
for burglcry. Tho jury failed to
agree, eleven standing for convictiou
and ono for acquittal, and wero dis
charged, alter which the attorney fur
Mut his oninion is shared by promin
ent ranchers, stock-raisers and property-owners
in Nevada, with whom
he conversed freely upon the subject,
and who unanimously agree that the
presence of troops among the Indians
in that State is productive of
A Chicago dispatch of the 3d says
the trouble between the Central and
Union Pacific Railroad and their con
nections, in regard to freight rates,
continue. The Contral Pacific seems
willing to-subruit to the demands of
tho other roads, allowing them pro
rata rates, but the Union Pacific
Railroad still resists. J. C. Stubbs,
General Freight Agent of the Cen
tral Pacific, was to arrive in Chicago
on tho 4th or 5th, and hold a private
consulation with the General Freight
Agents of the Chicago, Burlington
and Quiucy, Chicago, Rock Island
and Pacific, and the Chicago and
North-western roads, with the view
of affectino. a satisfactory arrange
ment. The roads to Chicago are
firm in their determination to submit
to nothing short of pro rata rates.
claiming to bo entitled to tho same
consideration and bavins just as
much expense as the Pacific roads.
One conseouence of trouble has been
the ordorins bv Chicago merchants
of lame ouantities of goods, coffee.
tea, etc., to be - shipped from San
Francisco by the fiicihc Aluil steam
ers to New York and thence to Chi-cago.
ill iitulcrsi;riiuil him tills il:iy aeon appointed
by the County l.:ourt of I.lnn county, Oregon,
Administrator of the ostat" of (i ore P. Van
Nosti'in. deceased. All irrsnns ba ill - claims
a;;aiast saitl cMate nr - her 'by r. tpiird to pre
sent, theiti, with the propfr vouchers, to the un-
di-rsi .ineu, al ins r'Siuence in jmrrrNmnc, in
saitl cnuiiiy. within six inonllis from the date
hereof. J. 1'. HtvMHUX,
Feb. 4, 1S71. 27wl. Administrator.
tl Main has been aiinoint"ii by the County
Court, of .Inn county. ore:;oit. Artniirilslra'.or
of tlie ttcof ..tiru!ie H. I;lain, deceased, late
of I. inn county Oregon ; and all persons having
Claims nzuinsl suni estate are ner'liy rcnireu
to present th"in to the undersigned, duly vri
Ib'd, at his plac of IilmIiicws, iu Albany, ;ilro
fion, williin sU mouths Irom f lu- date Iter of.
i,. r;. iti.Ai.s, Aum f.
Albany, Or., Fob. 12, 1KTJ. 27v.-t.
Si II .11 .fl OS St.
In the Circuit Court for Zirm Coun
ty, Nine ' Urcfott.
inciter, plain, iu, va. panics lincxer.
, K. .
i uc
! Suit, in I 'l'iUy fnrillvorrs'1.
lo J. is. i.iv.KtT, the ii ijuvi'-wi inert cttMcndnnt :
In tit" nnim !' Hut Hi;t!.i uf Civm : on
nri' ln.-rebv mimr tl lo hi- mul jippt urin ilw
nil,. n- fiitiilt'd i'imi'1 :iii'.! .-t'ihWi-rllif(!ini)tai'it
i' tli-"1 tu nv! ii fi oi (.! jihtiot iir, ni'w mi lili with
tin1 Vl-rk of wit'! ijnur;, liy inc ;nsl tiny of tlie
t Tin of siiiil (.:ui:r; i'.U'udn,.; i hf expiration of
t!K' llrni-' f .('!, I ! rl t y )!( oMr nf tlut JlhIj:
oi c.;iu Omrt liU'lfH.1 nMI'iillon nf Iiiis fiiiii
iimris, tn-'t i;, : l.y t;i.; J kI liny of Ajircli, 1S7J :
y-iii will tiike m.Ur lliat it you i-t! to appiv.r
the defendant withdrew tho plea oflTOVtVtWIri
i ti" coinpiauti, it-vi'll : loraoeer-' ul
Of Oi lOP Aet.lotoe el.tiool no l'tl.'.f .Tin 50
A ...:..! i u....:. i: ..ii-.. .i '
itio luuuuu null tci, tit, jihs ILa'.l i .i.i.... .. .
laving lino u Manuals ill uui'iiuuucu
tluin ever before.
retail prices, therefore., Thai tho Central Council
of Patrons of Husbandry, for Linn ! M'ss Carrie Anderson is under ar-
county rccoiniriona m uio l'alroiis , rest in irginui Lity lor luting a
tif the State that they purchase no oliiink out of a man's nose. She has
piuw or oinor Agricultural lmmo-
icnt manufactured by these compa
llcsi'lmtl, That the Willniiii'ke Far
mer ami olher papers friendly to tho
farmers' movement bo retpiejtsd to
publish this resolution.
A caucus of members of tho Legis
lature, who uro iiluo Grangers, was
held at Jefferson. City, Missouri. It
is understood that they resolved to
demand retrenchment and reform in
all departments of the State Govern
ment; declared that railroads have,
no vosted rights, and that corpora
tions must Biibmit to tho sumo laws
that govern individuals; that the Nu-
tpieer taste, anyhow.
Thos. Hart, aged 95 years, died in
Polk county last week. Ho was an
Oregon pioneer of'-iS, and was a sol
dier iu the war of 1X12.
From Mount Lincoln, Colorado
Territory, 200 peaks can be counted of
13,000 feet and over. Tho highest
has an elevation ot H,200 feet.
Gov. Grover delivered a lecture at
Trinity Church, in Salem, last Tues
doy evening. Subject: "Land and
Labor in England Joseph Arch."
Tho population of Colorado is 100,
8G0, half of w hom would bewillingto Bank law should be repealed; i 8erve 08 8c,lat0,'s. if the Territory
that the Government should issue its
own currency w ithout tho interven
tion of corporate bodies. Another
could be raised to tho rank of a Slato.
lion A. J. Dufur, who has been
appointed Grange Agent for the Stato,
Tho economical authorities of Graf
ton, Me., refrain from arresting
Mosoa Tvnney, who recently murder
ed his wife, on Iho grouud that his
age auil infirmities rentier it "ouito
probablo that in tho course of nature
his inisnmblo existence may lie ended
by death bofoix) ho w ill bo arraigned
in our courts." ' ''
Noma that .Schuyler Dolfax wns
present! with a buggy on Christmas
ly by tit Studebaker "Wagon Com
pany f S,mth Jipnd, the Klkhourt
Vrmomvt auvs that when ho runs for
Conf;nts8 rt; uiu h K; solemnly affirm-
that no one ever rata 1ti,n
buggy, nor the print-mid urt 0f
l;rgy, nor a ivuU worth of interest
in a buggy,, nor a UmtU partof a
cent. So St I lelak-r w ill do wi11 fit
lave other evidence of the f;l,'t thui
a lucre ineiitir:indiiiu.
Tun now Governor ot Ohio, Wil
liam Allen, or "Old Bill Allen," us he
is familiarly styled, is a Democrat of
the old school, who has never swerved
from his devotion to principles or his
allegiance to party. Ho represented
Ohio iu tho United States Somite moro
than a quarter of a century ago, ami
ainoe that time has lived Iu retirement
upon his farm. Hit owns 1,400 acres
of hind within sight of Chiliootho, and
has beeu a great breeder of lino cattle,
lie is an original Cianger, und since
his election has been busy shipping
his cattle to Baltimore, unil soiling
them direct, for ho will have nothing
to do with middlemen, lie is regard
ed aa the personification of political
and personal honesty, and is looked
upon by his neighbors with esteem
and respect, which almost approaches
As inquiring sort of man has been
looking into, tho building of tliu new
water luiui! in Chicago, lfo found
at each of the throo slmt'u Hvo oily iu
expected a Legislative Grange will bo
organized. It is stated that tho
Grunge members will act as a unit
on all questions of financial policy and
political reforms, without regard to
former political association. They
will introduce a bill providing for
cltoapor railroad rates und for tho
Heiui-aunual paynieut of taxes. They
also proposo to establish Grangers'
Blinks at St, Louis and other cities
of the Stale, and pack their own hogs
next season.
Tho following card in tho Peters
burg Woo gives a hopeful Recount
of Grange matters in Virginia:
"Since tho organization of the
State Grange and the election to of
fice of Ftvnio of Virginia's truest and
bent sons, it-t success cannot bo iinv
lonper doubted or its pumoso qnes- (
tinned. While it is true tliat it has'
met with opposition from sonic of the j
lending newspapers of the State, its
progress has i-een onward. o
confidently believe that iu twelve
months from this timo every county
in tho State of Virginia will' bo rep
resented in tho St;ito Grange, and m
many comities nearly every township.
And even then we" can rnrtidentlr
meeting will bo held, at which it is! opening his Oflice at Portland and
will Uc rcaily tor business by .March
1st. !
Steamers can at present navigato
the San Joaquin without detention or
interruption from shallow water,
saud bai'S or the roof of ono story
The Denver and Rio Grando Rail
road has the grading ot its road com
pleted to the Huerfano river, aud cars
will probably bo running to Trinidad
by next May.
Los Angeles county owes for go
pher and pquiriel scalps the sum of
SIO.SOI, and yet the varmints are as
thick as ever SOG.tlST have been cap
tured and scalped.
Tho prospects for resuming work
at an early day on the Salt Lake, Sevi
er Valley and Piocho Railroad are
favorable, arrangement having been
made fur a supply of iron.
James llendi ieks has had two dwell-
r liit.ions elntiiiK Is'tic
I'l t.iitilT. anil lor ihe coils and dis-
not guilty as charged in the indict
P. F. Gallardo, formerly ot Inyo
county, has preferred charges before
the Supremo Court against Patrick
JAeuuy, lor connuct unbecoming a . , , T1 ,,r j
member of the bar, in having attempt. DAiU U IjJj E. YOUNG,
v-tii r.r.rt t'n
.1. W. t..U,IAVi, Att'yf..rPl';r.
l'uMh'i'H! t y nrrtiT of H. . Boiihnm, Jurt:
of s-titi t'Diirl, b.-irinc ilat" IVbni;iry oih, Is,
lor m iiiynrlfi in Hii ".S;,:i HI:;Ma jjVinoi'ruf.,
t h1 p.-i ;ocr tr kinjLt"u as tU(' lill'iinl r::tn rr
Linn county, i )i on. ' nTwil.
Of th,Pacific Coast,
larro. Ertrrhteat. Moat Comprehen
,Ivo, moat KeiiabL, Moat Entertain
' in all Btapcct. the Boat
WMkly Papor r Iaued th Bide
of tho Bocliy Woontaija, and tho
forod to Subacribcra at tho low rato or
$4 a Year.
U Copim o one n.l.lrei...... 9iia
10 Vopl... 0 I --0 C-opl............WO
v.Aiid i' n copy Sltur "f .L'u '
Each Subscriber Will ItecelTO
'f,w-Wortli 11- at Retail in tho East.
This Eleicsut nnl Useful Sonv
eir. lnlriusically h"?
fii.t.s the ol- the Meekly
Chronicle for oiif year. In u;
most valuable present ever ml
by any imbiber to their U
.j.u. .,.., mti-iming vuo wor 01 , mV tlmt nt , Bli.,llU,s, iVrMtcV
aoveu workmen. I lie fifteen Innpeo- will be had with the politics of the
tors were tlrawimi un aggregate of : country. Wo have for our object
ingner anus nun nonier purposes
tho moral and Boeiai elevation of our
people. Wo have united together in
a common brotherhood for our ihti
tutil protective interest and advance
ment, and this wo have done without
the slightest infringement upon the
rights of other, and by tho help of
Cod and our own Ktromr arm, we ex
prct to go on till wo kiui'.lo a tiamc
of brotherly love and bind together
under one coinuiou banner the for
mers, of Virginia."
fiO a day, aud the workmen fl'-i.
Tiikiie is said to bo a prisoner in
the Oswego jail who is charged with
burglary, bigamy, arson, drunken
ness, pocket picking, bullot-sttitling
aud highway robbery. That fellow
ought to be sent ont to Oregon, from
vWieneo Lo would probablv lie sent to
the l S. Senate.
I A unow plow oh the Pacillo Kail
road wvigln oT.OUO lbs.
ed to bribo a Justice of the Peace,
and alsochalinedconip'ainnnt lo fight
a duel. The Court took Gallardo's
application under advisement.
M. Jos. Dolby, of Kyo Valley, in
forms the Uaker Cily Democrat that
Frans it Co. aro taking out mighty
rich quartz rock from their ledge.
The snow in tho valley is irom twelve
to eighteen inches deep, and on the
surrounding mountains from two to
four feet deep. Present appearances
indicate plenty of water and a good
mining season" in Rye Valley and sur
rounding mining camps. The health
of tho valley is good.
TlXKUIt ll'lltO OLliA.-.lXGS.
M. Buflett has been re-olected
President of tho Freueh Assembly.
It is reported that Mr. Gladstone
has sent his resignation to the
Queen. ,
Dispatches from PeuuDg report
that the cholera is decreasing in
' Edwin Booth, the actor, has filed
a petition in bankruptcy. Among
tho secured liabilities is a claim on !
Oakes Ames' estate for f 100,W0. .
By a collision on the Great Wes
tern llailroad, near West Drayton
Station (England), on the evening of
the lith, several persons were killed
and many wounded.
John W. Davis was hanged at
W'estmiustor (Md.), and Wm. H.
McCottler, at Cambridge in the same
Btate, ou the Cth; the former for the
murder of Abraham Lynn, and tho
latter for the murder of Robert Iusley.
According to tho latost dispatch,
J81metnhei 8 of Parliament have been
returned, of whom 2-5 are Conserva
tives and 221) Liberals The Conser
vatives replace 71 Liberals, and the
latter have ousted 27 Conservatives.
A Philadelphia dispatch of the Gth '
says: ool is advancing, with
hrmerteudeucy. Ktocfcscarce. Col
. (.Successor to Klain, Younf,' & Co.,)
Whohsa'a and Uotail Dealer in.
nriil all hinds of 'arming Implements.
New WiNon Setting It2ncltncs,
frunmrtri-d to bi rqual lk uny, and to onrt from
lutoij lcsi thaa cth-r ilrst-cliiss maclui.c
WfU cf.nmiii HIXTV-FOUR COLUMNS of tho
sit'ol 'tho HAIIiV CHHOMflJfl, an niuouut
cqlmltouvilum,of 1-OUIt nUNUUKJJ lA-(il-.S,
printed tnm STlfiKKOl I'tt i'LAll'-H,
anil couHe(ii.'nny having tlw rti-urnpfti and
buuuty oi l'M'E IS KVEUV ictotL.
Tho News of the Wcolr,
Cnrpfully mtilffd and odltcd from thfl Col
unmsoi tliii IJAIIA' CHHUMC1.K. Will pro
stnit clearly thfiinformatiou received by telo
LTiiiih, special corri'spondence, or throtiRh oth
er chiimu ls, concerning noteworthy ovonts la
all puru oi Uw iilbe.
Karliot Reports,
A list of tho prices of all products of thfa
Count. In the Han 1-Yun Cisco, Kusteni and Euro
pt'un markets; tho x tent aapvalu oi lniporti
anil i.viitirf;- th ' fill nf HViL'ht, lOf 1T1XH. and
otliirsiftUftlc;il lnlnrmatlon belonslntr to this
dejianmuut, will boaiVaturo oi' the llrsf. lm
portaiico by their accuracy and comprohon-slvcucss.
IViimn News.
This department will be t'lven especial prom-
Editorials aud Contributed Articles
From able anMiors, on live topics and tho
events of th11 day, vigorous, original, and lud
P"tnitnt hi their tone, but iree irom all secta
rian I'lltenicwf, parly Bplte, or malicious per
.wmnlifr. will nceum a fair share of tho bducs
or tho Weekly uhkomcle.
Agricultural Interests. -
Will bo accorded th: prcntcut consideration.
This depnrt meijt wili be placed under tho ex
clusive control of a nentleninn of experifneo
and culture, who will inalin it more completn
and valuable to ncricultiirists than that o any
pup'T hitherto oifered for their approval. All
ilie. ifitrst news of Interest to the Patkunb or
HvsHASDHV. concerninir the crowth of their
order, t he achievement of the measures of m
i'nnn for which their oranizution has own In
slii.iiied. in. tl Icirnlp'd topics, will bo found in
Was 02s, OO.A Fcllowfi, T,c& men, Bra
ids, tons oi Acmpcrauce,
And membi'Binf other secret societies will flnrf
In thecolui.iisor tlie WEf KI,V CHHONICLE'
cnreiully collected and oripnal information
riuntr vie condition aim donms ox tholp
several Urd.-rs-,.
nfilifrlous News,
trinpMof all yecrarinn bins, mid treating all
etioininationa witli euual oiirt"s.vand losfifce..
will cnibu:.ij.L' a nut unimiioriuut depurt mt'Ut.
Xiriiant L'ci-'cl Hovels, Short Stories
aud Choice Poetry,
(trhinal nod sei' cted will givo to the WEEK-
,i uiu'.Mi.i ii n ni;aj m-erary cnaracier,
ueli as will r'tider U a weicniiiu Is! tor to cv-
lerylnmie wiutj Intel iigiUieo and rciiiifmOut
A C hicr en's Dopartmcnt,
Fill"d with juvenile storlfs, jnizles, charades
lUKi pmies, will bf pi. nj) lor tint nmiisitment
ot" tin' httie ioli-s, helping l.o brinhten tho Jov
i of youth itnd lend aaother happintiM to the
I lionn! ilreskic.
Kortsfieeer's ReciT)cs, Uyfrionic ta- j
frmatioit, and bcicr.tiEc rietos.
Will tind in the WEEKLY C11UONICLE tho
jiroini:u!;ice wiiE-ii thfiriuiporUiuc'descrvos.
Artistic, Dramatic and Musical Intel
licence. Will bo accorded such spaco rrn 1(r interest and
tin-ta'h ot the majority of the readers of tho
WEEKLY (.'UliiiNU'LE may seem to require.
will la under a brilliant mil. x of the life of tho
land, wliltli it sliail aim to ko represent as to
win respc and ad;niration wherever it goes.
Specimen Cojtin trnt free. Send' yonr .nrf- -,
dreM. yet mmpfo copy, nml neeor ymineJ if
it iUutartiptfiv t nnif nthtr weekly pr.
Affantt Wanted in every City and
Town on tlio Pacific Coast, o whom
liberal commissions will be given.
tlvCllll llllii Sff. Al thn nl.l Ba.i
aii . - l
ii. irj7m;J.
I' 'If,L fAY Till? MARKET PliirE IN
l nsli nt all tlini'Mor W lu-nt unil Onl
OilLf at Ciurk M jutfs, All."
' l'uri'llusliiaAn.'iit.
FAJf!fnFoM!3IC DnnT tnvn
I MUlllUlt.lJLL UUUI liliUlLllij
P1i'.T,iRw?Am-B AN'n W17!K WAR. !
i nif i !'. ;i r"": wro"'i-tiy und sin,!," ;
" imilt-tf ,.
H '
irg liousi'S on Ivlirkitnt l'liiirio, W. T.,
with all (lm cunU'tiU, btii noil within a
iew ilnvs iasl. It is pretty wll asccr-1 Cnliloruiu
a I o,m,nt. the not,.. iiI,rt-i;inW3u?,hy?'H:
tlrm UwuniiiKilii) .nrtv f th, ,i i v
tlw, tli.-y must tie iii,l. ., , ':r'
orn la Wttsheil, 2"-.:Wo. : unwasliea, I Mi!tiu-mi4 em
-..V' 'u., rum tinu uici ittu huih'u, r. t;. St'Hl'Vl Fn
5l'o. : Xo 1 fiii.l superfine pulled. """c of J-1'- Voo.teWta;-.
C0UALL1S, FaiUAr EYE., FEB. 20, 1S74'
ivr.nnr.K .
M. V. l-.Ku N
j k. M.wuit.
a7(ir S0o.
tiiint'tl tlmt llie iticeiiiiiai cs wero Ituli
Tlio Sioux Imlian in Dakota, umler
Silting Hull, lali'ly ritwiveJ Irom their
Hjji'Ht eevernl liutiJ red sacks of Hour,
which they threw in tlio river. They
were angry because they (liJu'l get
A m:in it) Unho fetl a fine hiooilej
pig Bn'eet milk last week, ami in two
hours afterwards it died. Hereafter,
ho will leed his tour mills to pi:;s, aud
(lie sweet to sewing niauhiuo and book
The Santa Cr Narrow Gauge
Company mado great din of old pans
l. IUi.1..
Teas lino and medium. t.J.'!'.W.s."1-"M')N-
'lexaa coarse, Hii2oc.;; ! n.? m.i th, i' ina i,, , ,'.' '1,5 , - S- "'.'Itr.---
,i,n-n i ll,: . " Miini d: v ii.. n 1 ., .n , :l" 'ii " ii..
, ; 11. ttj;i,f ,,,,nn .j-flarV w""t I'f-
, iisv u. i,K,ni1 at tli..!,l ,, 'f -l '
A Washington special savs tbat tie .... J. i'. iK,.":1;1. -t-
, ..-..Albany,
1 ..Salrm,
..J miction.
lirift 'loin.
uier.tbera of the Senate Judtcary Com
mittee are disinclined to give out fur
publication a letter which Attorney
JF.S.KslM-:.i'Ki'r" Kom-liurit,
Jam ks va v 1 1 m Uin
f v.-. hamh-'rv"
' . fW'EFTtOS COMMtrntH-
n A. tnrsnv
"-OOB AVAOeit?
IrtillAr.ll Wiliinnw tirto trmtton ll.n ( III tC CilVtlit l,trt , jf . r. .
; : v of)
cotnimttfo ivmplBiuica' alont the in-' we;jint, tor t.he (W,i; nf I ,
OtiUitive nature of the inTesti-ation ., :::':',,.';bulllvu-lllal""ir.v.Ji'.iinSuiiiv'. ! t'.Vlil-pjc,
mado into his character and acts' t m iti!tjr m, aiwrft. ' j ' &Pauiek!
while his oomination for Chief Justice ! i I a,n ' i''i;1"' : - , ' ,T'r"TR hiis mmt .. M- Willi-i, .Kl flu t,..i. i. , : ."' ''lMn:
...... I ..... i1Umo I, uum.f. j - - il . , 1 1 w an,i misirrr ti , ' VJnftr-,
4 IK. IllKKI.fl,
stiuiil to he xilliniT lo lt hi lt(.,. ' . i'o !:'.'! -1"
got into priut. but the committe., i !:?!,'ilS,t!X0X,,:- i ' XTuT'' THvfftS:
whom it pretty sharply criticises, : i- '.". tTZJ '!; .?KShd Joh,
deem it a confidential communication i'Sffi ' I ih'ri? rf'tS?,.
and prefer to keep-ru exact content-; - Z j WC:,
The House Committee on Appro- ti. ZT'ZT XonJay, tlU 2,1 jJ VnrrK , ,
priaUoua have beer, confirmed in : 1,.?
I v emiiaiiy niauu a ure-iiuiu ui tun wi i u,eir conclusions tllttt tllfl Dlenrut lititiiii. JinIl-- ..V .r.T I. "J" '! lion 1L K. 7?i: -n H. In tt.rr2VZ
The S.dcin city UcMryiin fund j. I about its not employinj, or slioa ing , force of the Army it- linger tiuumttw . v, ':" "mVfjiK ij";Mt LI.'d'JK'S "s."i"n'ti
' ' ' "' ,'''lniir .Attorn"!, , i uu i-1 ,n,-mif.