FRIDAY t.... FEBRUARY 8, 1874., AGENTS FOR THt- SiAtI- RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. At"" ' Ash land... j.-.,....,., brownsvllle , CorVBlUs.;:.,,;;; Canyon City Coirax, W, T....... pal Ins ... East Portland , KliKlUL.,H.. .". HurrtaFurg.. Hal but ....... .., , ij,..PnniT Atlntr, ,., .........Isaac Miller; O. P. Coshow. .,,.,....;.,;;; E. Holgate. ,;; 1.3, UneuewcHHl. fc W. 3. Hamilton, J. H. Iwi8, ...Da v. Kafferty. ....J.J. Waium, Jr. Sm!'Wuy and B. It. Holt. liiUfpeiraVnce T.".7.....Ur. Pavitlson. jacKsonviiic, Ibanon , jiii umniii E. S, MoUoinu. Stephen .Stautfl. ' .......Geo. P. Rowell A Co. Col. White. L. Sumuol, I. N. Smith. , ...J. H. Turrn?r. Ashtir Marks, ...Thos, Iloyoo. Al.Wlif-Her. Monmouth u New Vork City Omjn tnty I'urtlundw. 1'oorla Pendleton. .. Rose burg Han Kranclsoo Nhedd HClO.... ..Geo. Christie. Hulimi H. I'. Brown. .W. R. Uilson. A. L. BrlJeefiirmer A. W. Ferguson. Lewis Slim son. , N. T. Caton. I. T. J. Lucy. fjndavlllu Tangent Tho Italics tlnlon Flat, W.T... nviilla Walla, W. T, A Weston lYakinia, W. T.......... E, P. Boy Iks. LINN COUNTY DEBOCMTIC COA'VESTION. A Ppmocrntlo Convention for tlnn county, OreRon, will be held lit tho Court Huusp, lu Al bany, on SATURDAY, MAKL'H 7, 1K71, lit 1 o'clock P. M,, for tin' inirposoof sulcctlnjc twelve (12) delegate! to attend the Duinocrnlio Htulo Convention, to bo held at Albuhy, on March 18, 1874. r The various Precincts In the county will hold their Prluiarloi on SATURDAY, VfcHUUAUY fll, at 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing: delegates to the County Convention. The Pre. ji: ris shall bv entitle. to rcpresvntutloa as fol- Albany.- H ,,., 0 Orleans ,, 2 Hnlsey , 4 Wnrrlsburjr , 1) Brownsville 0 llrush Creek 'J flweet Hornet 2 Waterloo ... 2 Tjpbnnnn .... 8 Snntlum 8 Franklin Butte 4 Brio , 5 Bynlcuse .. 8 Center. 8 Total,... U By order of the Linn County Democratic Cen tral Committee. maht v. rtrtmVx.i HAM. MAY. A. W. H'i'ANARD, ) ) committee. I Death of an Octooenaiuan. IVm. McBride, senior, of Orleans Pre cinct, this county, died at the residence of his son, William, last Monday, aged 87 years. Deceased was born in North Carolina, from whence in the prime of taanhood he removed to Indiana, In Which State he resided several years, after which he, still following the "Star of Empire," emigrated to Iowa when that now prosperous and popu ; Ipus State was a howling wilderness. There he lived for many years, rearing large family and making for himself f a. pleasant homo. There also in due t,ime he laid the beloved companion of his life beneath the prairie sod, and sincere ly mourned her to the day of his death.. In the year 1864, although nearly four icore years had passed over his then , hpary locks, the aged patriarch accom- - pknied his sons to Oregon, enduring the hardships and privations of the long journey across the plains with the fortitude and philosophy which had ever marked bis life and ' which was OB inspiriting example to the younger members of the company. Since his i arrival in Oregon he has lived among his children now well advanced lu years themselves and has ever been a welcome and honored guest under the family roof tree. Uncle Billy was a Democrat of the old school, it having often been his boast that from Jefferson down to tho present day lie had never dotted an "i" nor crossed a "t" on a Democratic ticket. He was ft great reader and a close observer of men and measures, and was always an honored Nestor in the councils of his party. He was a life-time Christian a consis tent and upright member of the United Presbyterian Church and his steady, ' neVer Wavering faith in Heaven's promises was the solace of his declining years and the prop of his dying hours. fcncle Billy has fallen asleep. He was the valued, revered friend of the editor of this paper, and our readers will not be surprised at us for devoting this little space in our columns to his memory. In the fullness of time he has gone to his reward. We can only hope that the lives and deaths of many others may be like his. ' No Mo tie. Game. We trust our Inlghty Jiiuirods will take heed to the fact the game law is now in force, and no more can they chase the wild duck o'er the plain or wound the feathered deer with impunity. The game law inakeB it unlawful to kill or 'iflet for sale any deir, moose or elk during the months of February, March, April, May and June. It is unlawful to kill or offer for sale any wild swan, milliard duck, summer or wood duck, widgeon duck, sprig-tail duck, teal duck, spoon-bill duck, or black duck, during the months of April, May, June and July; except that farmers are permitted to kill geese or ducks in said months if necessary to protect their growing crops. It is unlawful to kill or ofler for sale any grousei pheasant or sage hen during the months of April, May, and prior to tho of June of each year; or any quail or partridge during tho months of April, May, June and July. It is iiiso unlawful to take or kill, at any time, any elk or deer for the sole ' purpose of.obtainlng the horns or skin p( the same. After the 1st iBst. it will font twenty dollars to kill a deer, monae or elk for the first offense, to be 'doubled for each .subsequent offense. It is also contrary to law to put any poi'cin, charrA or drug In any of the Wa( rs of Oregon for the purpose of Vsalchlng or killing fish. To Farmers. Howell, Harper fc fco. have for sale the Statesman Grain Brill, the only reliable force feed drill on (he Coast. Those imported by tlieia are made with many improvements which adapt them to the peculiarities of ti; i$ Coast. The hoes can be changed from a straight line to a zig-zag. We would say to those desirous of purchas ing a good grain drill, do not fail to see the "Statesman." as they guarantee it to be second to none now offered to the public. It will sow wheat, rye, bats, barley, timothy, and clorefsettl', and is quickly regulated to sow any fjuanllty to the acre that may be desir ed. The above named firm also have feed outing boxes and funning mills of the liitest and most improved stylos; In tm-t the farmers will do well to go and Kei them if they'desire to purchase anything from a wheel-barrow to. a .strain engine. Wood Pumps. The best and most Improved pumps now in use being the cheapest and most durable for m'p at Howell, Harper A Co'i etb- 1, oBt. Taken im by 6habpeh3. There are a gang of men traveling through the "cow copntles" of this State Belling goods in large parcels at figures which they declare are one hundred per cent, less than the same articles can be purchased for at our retail stores. They claim to have purchased the goods from a bankrupt factory in England, at ridiculously low prices, and to have engineered them through the custom houses of this country under the "40 per cent, discount rem nant act" whatever that may bo and thus are enabled to almost give them away. By this species of arranfc hum buggery they have succeeded in "sniping" many ot our substantial farmers Into purchasing from $150 to $400 worth at one trade which ought to be enough goods to sturt a retail country store. The sorrowful sequel to these'trades is that, when the purchas er has compared these goods and the prices with those of our stores he finds that he has been grossly swindled that the same goods can be- purchased for much lesst from . our home , mer chants. This should teach the people to avoid dealing with theso traveling peddlers and hucksters, and to. patron Izo. legitimate establishments that are conducted by honorable, reliable, substantial business men. ( Ballou's Magazine. The Feb ruary number of Ballou's Magazine Is remarks ble for its vajjety, and the amount of reading matter which it affords for tho low price of 15 cents single copies and only 51,50 per year. Some of the best stories of the season are to be found in this really merito rious magazine. It gives so much for the money that we do not wonder its circulation now exceeds 50,000 per mouth, so we have the satisfaction o knowing that the public really npre ciate good literary merit.' A nice little Chromo Is given to "each sub scriber of Ballou's Magaziuo, and no one has to wait months for the picture, as sometimes happens. Here is a list of content for the February number. Just see what a treat is in store for the reader: "The English Prince and Itussian Princess; A Curious Bird; French Shepherds; The Wanderer; Captain Alick's Legacy; The Angel of the Wilderness; The Valentine: Curiosities of Superstition; Surprised by Manuhoos, Cedarwald; An Unfor tunate Match; The New Test of Chivalry; By the Sad Sea Waves; Our Young People's Story-Teller Leila Grey: or, Twice an Orphan; Going to tho Circus; Buthven's Puzzle Page; Curious Matters; The House keeper; Facts and Fancies; The Counterfeit Scrip (Humorous Pic tures.) Address Thomes & Talbot, 36 Brom field Street, Boston, Mass. Presto Chancie! Within the next few days a general removal and stam pede to new quarters will be on the tapis among our business men. Cheo dle will move from his brick building into his corner frama now occupied by Gearhart's butcher shop; Baum will move into Clicadle's brick, and Twee dale emigrates into Baum's present quarters. .Gradwohl will move into Burkhart's brick, recently occupied by Turrell, and Montgomery & Heed will open a saloon In Gradwrml's old stantl. The latter firm have purchased one of Tally's billiard tables, and wo are In formed that Tally will resume the liquor traffic all of which will let out our "temperance billiard saloon." We hear of several other contemplated changes in business oircles, prominent among which Is the withdrawal of a partner from one of our most popular mercantile firms and his removal to San Francisco. We will leave these matters, however, to future develop ment. Tub Willamette Chief, accord ing to the Oregonian, is rapidly ap proaching completion and will soon be ready for the trial .trip. Painters are busily engraged, and the work of up holstering, furnishing etc., the cabin will soon be commenced. Already the boiler has been lowered to its proper position and is ready for the steam fit tings, etc. Some little delay is incur red in consequence of the engines not being completed. However, the work on this portion of the machinery is being crowded through, and even this will soon be finished. While at Port land a few days ago Col. Teal showed us through the boat, and we cau safely assert that no prettier craft or more commodious one, has ever plied the Oregon rivers. Her cabins are excellont- ly arranged for the accommodation of passengers, and will be finely furnished and upholstered throughout. Dissolved. By rei'erenco to the proper column it will be seen that the old and popular firm of Messrs. Blain, Young & Co. has dissolved, Messrs. Blain and Barrows retiring. Mr. 8. E. Young will conduct the business here after on a strict cash or ready-pay svsteni. Mr. Y. is one of our most popular and successful business men, and we cannot doubt that the mantle of the eld firm will still rest upon his shoulders as popularly and satisfactori ly to the publio as in days past. He will have new ads. in'next week. We have not learned the designs of the retiring members of the firm, but most sincerely wish them the most un bounded success in their future fields of action. ; ' ;' iNTERESTIXa PREACHING AT IlAR- BlsBUKG. Rev. J. A.i Campbell and Elder Andrew Gregg, by mutual agreement, will preach In the Chris tian Church, on Sunday, Feb, loth the former at 11 o'clock A. M., and the latter at 3 o'clock P. M. from the fol lowing text: "Behold I and the children which God hath given me. Forasmuoh then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, thut is the devil; and deliver them who through fear of death wers all their lifetime Bubject to bondage." Paul to the Hebrews, chapter II; 13, 11, and 16. . Goldex SoxoKA. Howell, Harrier & Co. have for sale the Golden Sonora wheat for seed. (Pure and unmixed with other wheat); also seven varieties of Club. A!l warranted pure seed whgit. v, v, HOSIB ANM ABROAli .....''' Chinese New Year. County Court woek. Game law in full force. Many strangers In towm Joseph gets fresh fish daily now. I Seething the political fjauldron. , Candidates are child-like anJ bland. Corinthian Lodge to-morrow night. Council nieetihg next Tdcsday night. Recorder Herrcn is assessing the city. The contest for Supervisors runs high.' . ' D. P. Mason, the'' Nasby of Sclo, Is In town. See dissolution notice of J. Beard & Son, of Tangent. . ' Considerable talk of new buildings the coming season. Mumps is what's the matter with the children of our schools. We are now in favor of back pay and trout pay on subscription. .. , The Democrat for the campaign four mouths for one dollar. Tif A tavnn.ln,. la elr.tvH, hut mnlatt. oily gaining strength and corpulency. The Grover came down from Harris burg last Saturday with 125 tons of freight. James Orchard has just completed a popular term of writing school at Mill er's Station. ' ' " The W. R. T. CS's boats are to make regular trips hereafter between Port land and Eugene. J. L. Cowan, our wide-awake mer chant friend from Lebanon, smole upon us during the week. It is rumored that Vivian will appear again at Pacific Opera House, lu this city, next Monday evening. St. alentines Day comes on apace, and Foshay is provided with a full sup ply of the little Cupldical billets. Carey McLaln is tenderly scraping up the;mud and ridging it up like a long grave in the middle of First street. Mart Taylor gave an entertainment at Syracuse school house, one evening last week, to an appreciative audience.' Dr. Hendrix, one of Linn's old Dem ocratic wheel horses, was down from Harrlsburg the front part of the week. Articles of incorporation of the Alba ny Manufacturing Company were filed last week. Capital SliO.OOO; shares $200. Our, talented young friend, J. K. P. Weatherford, of Brow, nsville, has re sumed the study of law with Judge Baldwin, in this city! The average Albany hoodlum now makes the day unpleasant and night hideous with a constant rehearsal of Vivian's latest songs. "Hiram Smith, ot Harrisburg, was in the city during the week. Wo don't know whether or not he wa3 a candi date for Road Supervisor. N. Baum will shortly move into Cheadle's brick, where he will have more commodious quarters for his large stock of merchandise. It is Dave Spangler's wagon shon at Tangent, which ho wants to rent or lease, and not his blacksmith shop as many have supposed. Remember this. Several deluded Individuals now sigh regretfully for a sight, of of those siren voiced "furriners" who huckstered bankrupt, goods through this region recently. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Thurston Hackleman, a law student under Geo. R. Helm's tutorage, is making most oommendffblo progress in his studies. Many men have this week been wres ted from the shades of obscurity and clothed with the bright garb of official preferment, by being appointed Road Supervisors. Jesse Irvine, Johnny Morris, J. A. Pennabaker, D. F. Craig and hos(,s of other citizens of "The Forks" are In the city. Wo don't know which one ot the boys was appointed. Our old Wtemocratio friends, H. L. Brown, L. C. Illoe, H. J. C. Averllland J. H. Washburn, of Brownsville, let the light of their countenances shine on us during tho week. A young lady acquaintance of ours says if her "feller doesn't send her a valentine she will get us to name him right out in the paper." We therefore give him fair warning. Why are these things thus? No weddings or births this week. Is there a settled and preconcerted determina tion upon the part of this publio to euchre tho local press out of legitimate items? Parties having more greenbacks than they know what to do with can swap them at this office for big eight-page newspapers, even up and no questions asked as to how they got the green bucks. Prof. ipiCaw has opened a school in the city for teaching the art of short hand writing, and will shortly turn out a class of expert Bohemians. Two or three of tho Democrat corps are get ting it bad Elder Mattoon, of the Baptist Church of this city, Iu6t Sabbath administered the rite of baptism to a young man. A large concourse of people assembled on the banks of the Willamette to witness the sacred and impressive ceremony. Three persons whose united ages number 270 years (an average of 90 years each) have been buried in the cemetry at Wiflamette Church In Or leans Precinct, this county. They were respectively Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Judklns and Wm. McBride. Sen. ' It isn't so: the Shertz family who were mixed in the late Sweet Home tradegy don't live in Sweet Home proper, but on the other side of the Sontlam from there. We make this stai'ement in deference to the wishes of many respectable and order-loving clti zens of Sweet Honle Valley. A Des Moines druggist sent his clerk out to drum for sales of oil. He called upon a tradesman and tossed a card upon the counter, saying that he rep resented that establishement . The tradesman picked it up, gave it a steady look, and saiddt was a fine es tablishment, and was informed by the clerk that he had represented it about three years, whereupon he remarked to the youth that he supposed he would soon be a partner. The youth said be would be pleased to sell him some coal oil, and that his establishment handled more oil than any other in Des Moines. The tradesman took another look at the card, and asked the boy if be was not mistaken. He blushingly guessed he aas ai ba returned the young lady's picture to bis picket. Hales of tut Venr. . Tho statistics from sworn returns of the Sales of Sewing Aachincs in 18i2, (reported In 1873), show that the Sing er Manufacturing Company sold, last year, over F0RTY-FIVETH0U8AND mora machines than any other Com pany, and over one-quarter of all ma chines sold during that year. ' Nine out of ten of said Singer Machines were for FAMILY use proving the great popularity of the Singer in the house hold. Annexed are the Sales of dlf feret makers: - ' ' ' : The Klnirer Blanufac'tT Co. sold Slfl.TSS Wheeler Ji Wilson SI 'IB Co Sold 174.1WO llowe Machine Co, (ebtlumtuUl " 146.WJO Urover A Baker 8. M, Co. " 52.1KIO Domestic S. M. Co ...., " Weed S. M. Co 43,441 Wlloox&UlbbsS.M. Co Wilson S. M. Co Si, Amur. 13. II. I). & S. M. Co " IB, Hold MhdalM. M. Co " 17.SW Florence S. M. Co " lo,a) VITUS, BOlRUAHDUs) CO., Agents, Albany, Oregou. Also, all kinds of Machine Needles for sale Gone Below". Our iellovr1 towns man, Mr. W. E. Howell, departed during thS week on the Ajax for San Francisco, whither he goes to look after the interests of his agency for agricultural machinery and imple ments, and attend to other important matters relating to the grain and arehouse business of Messrs. Howell, Harper & Co. Farmers would probably llud it to their interests to "keep their eyes peeled" for his return and1 be ready to take adtaiitage of the oppor tunity for securing advantages which he Will doubtless be able to afford them. Talked of.-' We are informed that It is the desire Of the proprietdrs of the Jefferstin Hosiery Factory to remove that institution to this city provided a reasonable aiuount of tangible enT couragement is offered by our citizens which mentis, we suppose, subscrip tions of cash or its equivalent. This would be a valuable addifiou to the industrial and manufacturing interests of Albany, and we Would like much to see our citizens take the matter In hand and assist in inducing Its estab lishment here. Musical. There nro at present residing in our city four members of the once' popular Philharmonic Society of Portland, viz: Mr. and Mrs, Wyatt, Prof. R. K. Warren and H. C. Clem ent. With this talent for a nucleus, and other talent which might be de veloped, why cannot our city form a Musical Society? Somebody who is good at conundrums of this sort is called upon to solve our question. At Lebanon. Messrs. E. L. Bryan & Co. have opened a harness and saddlery shop at Lebanon, where they propose to manufacture and keep on hand every articlo in their line of trade. They are young mechanics, just em barking in business, and will make every effort to satisfy those who may be pleased to patronize them. Read their card elsewhere, and remember them when you go to Lebanon. Serious Accident. Mn Joseph Ileusuker's team run away with him a few days since, two miles east of Harrisburg, throwing him from the wagon. One wheel passed over both legs, breaking the fistula in one, and both bones of the other, producing an oblique comminuted fracture of tho tibia. Tho fractured bones were ad justed by Dr. Heudrix and the unfor tunate man is doing well. , . Hoodlum Thieves. We are told that a couple of young roosters of Soap Creek have recently been practicing their light-fingered art upon the property of some of the citizens of that neighborhood, and nothing but a re gard for their relatives has kept the young devils from getting into serious ttouble. They had better quit their mischief while there is yet grace left. , . Will Soon he Opened. Mi" Rockwell, of tho Pacific gun-shop, will shortly open his establishment in more oommodious quarters on First street, where he will keep on hand a full sup ply of fire-arms and sportsmen's fixtures of all sorts, including guns, pistols, fishing tackle, etc. Look out for his ad. lu a week or two. Notice to Farmers. Now is your time to go to Howell, Harper & Co., and put in your orders for threshing machines, reapers; mowers, headers, and portable steam engines, jr any thing else that you may want next harvest very cheap. They will fill your orders and guarantee satisfaction for a small commission. The Vivian Troupe performed at Pacific Opera House, In( this city, last Prldayand Saturday nights, to full houses. Vivian was fully up to his eminent standard and kept the house in a continual roar of laughter and applause by his drolleries and songs. We are promised another visit from him in the near future. Seed. Howell, Harper & Co. have choice articles of wheat for seed, such as Fall or White Winter, flick, Chill Club, iS'onora, etc. ; also a lqt of Orchard Grass and Timothy seed, all of which they will dispose of by exchanging for other seed, or on other terms which will suit. Oodey'b Lady's Book for February is a brilliant number, fully sustaining the reputation'of that most popular of the ladies' periodicals. Iiemember that to every subscriber to Oodcjj for 1874 a very valuable and handsome chromo will be given as a premium. SwtfET Home. John Fronk, of Sweet Home Valley, is. In the city. He informs us that Mrs, Matlock, of that Valley, died suddenly last week. Dr. Simons Is also at the point of death, and several other serious cases of illness exist. Musical Eeview This is a monthly journal, published by Messrs. Sherman & Hyde, of San Francisco, at the nominal figure of $1 per annum. It is a neat periodical, each number well stored with choice literature and the latest music. Gbais Uuyer, Mr. II. C. Xewby, at the store of Clark (t Wyatt, in this city, wants to buy wheat and oats for which he proposes to pay the market price in cash. See his adv. elsewhere. Howeix, Harper k Co. 'want to boy all the oa- in Oregon. Cheap Plows. HoHvell, Harper & Co. have just received a large lot of Collins Cost Cast Stetl and the cele brated Star Moline .Plows, which they are selling at greatly reduced prices Elder J. M. Stephenson's Sunday evening lectures at the Court House are still well attended. The subject for next Sabbath evening is, "The prophetlo history of the Bible," Buildino Material. Lime, plas ter, cement and lathing, at Howell, Harper & Co's. Vnny people, partlriilnrry children, suffer with the enr ache ; and for the henellt of such we (five a sure but simple remedy, Putin two or three drops of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment, stop tho ear with undressed wool, bullte the feet in warm water before irolnjr to bed, and keep the head warm at night. ' Capt. Charles Hairer, who keeps a superb stock of livery horses In Portland, Me., Inlorin ed us that he uses Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders regularly j,, his stables, itnd that, the -stepwise is more than offset by the di minished amount of-e;rn!n necessary to keep his horses always In Kood order. ' " SCIENTIFIC-AND "SAFE TREATMENT. When applied with Dr. Pierce's Nnsnl IVnieho and accompanied with Dr. Pierce's Unldeu Medleal Discovery us constitutional treatment. Dr. Shko's Catarrh Remedy produces perfect cures of the worst cases of Catarrh and Osama of many venrs'standluir. Thtlhorouc;ticourso of medication constitutes the only scientific, rational, safe and successful manner, of treat Inn this odious disease that has ever boen otrere ed to the alllieted. Ho successtnl has it proven that the proprietor hus loni! olfered a standing reward of KhH) for a ouse of Catarrh which he cannot cure. INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE! Thos. S. Bishop, of South Brooklyn, N, Y.. writes that bis wife had suffered since n child with Catarrh until it had resulted in what emi nent physicians lu-onounced Consumption: tluit she has used Dr. Hajxe's Catarrh Remedy with J. Pierce's .ublden Medical DIscoTery. aud they have worked wonders with her case. STEALING OUR THUNDER. People should bewaro of those ltnK)stoVs who noi only try to instate Dr. Pierce's Family Medlclues but tilflo copy his original style of advertising by oirerlny: various slued rewards for easese of Cntar'rli and other dlseasos whleh they can not cure.. Those who do not possess Bulllelent Intelligence to enable them to write original advertisement of their own, but hoive to steal those of others, am.not likely to have made irreat and valuable discoveries lu Medi cine: Look out lor them. Precautions Afralnst Sickness. The a'biuty of the human body to resist the. crtMcs of disease' depends upon Its vigor aud upon the regularity with which tho soveral or gans peform their Junctions. Ill the winter the most prolific sources of sickness nre damp and cold, and It Is therefore wise and prudent toforltrythe system against thorn by whole, some stimulation. Hence It Is that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters prove such an admirable safe guard ngalnst tho complaints most oommon at this season. The Ingredients of this powerful vegetable invigorant comprise three essential medicinal olepients which net simultaneously upon tho digestion, the circulation, the secre tions, and the nerves, infusing strength mid reg ulralty into all. In thisway the Bitters put the bidy In the best possible condition toesenponn attaok of rheumatism, or Intormlttont fever, or indigestion, or biliousness, or of pulmonary disease. Cold and damp aro vory depressing i almost as much so as excessive heat, and a pro tective medicine Is quite ns needful In winter as in summer. The commercial stimulants so unwisely taken in the form or drams to "keep out the cold," have u precisely oyniosite effect to that produced hv Hostetter's Bitters. Tho first result. Is succeeded by u reaction whum devital ises and prostrates the system ; whve, on the other hand, the tonle and vitalizing operation operation of the groat vegetable invigorant, is not only immediate but permanent. There is no revulsion, no reverse nervous action. Tho phvsliiue Is strengthened, the rippetlte, inereas ed.'the bowols regulated, the stomach reinforc ed rH l.heMecnmlltionacnntlnue. lfdvsnepsln or rheumatism, or blllousnes, or Intermittent fovor, or general ueuiniy, or nervous weaaness, Is present in the svst"m, expel It with this pure and harmless antidote, whleh Is notnnly Inval uable as a preventive of sickness, but alsu a remedy for n large clsss of disorders. SPECIAL NOTICES.; A. WHEEL KB C. P. 1IOGU1E. C. R. WIXEELER. A. WHEELER A CO., SHED, OBEGOIS1 FORWARDING AND COMNISSION rVfERCHANTS. Denlers In Merchandise nnd Produce. A good assortment of all kinds of Uuods always In store at lowest market rates. Agents for sale ot w agons, uratn urius, d dur Mills, Churns, 4c., e. CASH paid lor WHEAT, OATS, PORK, BUTTER, EUUS and POULTRY. vOnUyl. w.'r. nms, ' SADDLE, HARNESS & SADDLE TREE MANUFACTURER. Tim undrslpnf!d bcgn 1o to to Rtinnunoo to his ninny friomis Hint pntrnng, unci tho j 11 1,110 imiurrtlly, that lu Is now prenurt'il to nlft-r at minced rutt'B HhiIiIIl-k, Hurni'Ks, fto nuinufnc tiird from tho best inft,t'rtai tho JHnik',t, f fonla. lit' ulso tondors his tlmj k.sor tl juit romiffo which has bfon bt?fitoui on htm h'TO- (.1, ana wm emirnvor ot. fin nnm w k'v ..HcUon tocnuJoint-rs. tirAntrerri, Farmer?, lull oMK-ra wlwhltiL' a (ioof) itrtluiu ur, u reiLSdiiablc prlco will consult, t heir own tntort'Nt. by hlse.fftnlmiUoii stm-kiiJidloiiriiUiKthe prices before liurchuBiiiir eisuwhiT''. w. k. ituwcf, iiitfina, Brownvlll(',4tirCi :on ADVKRTISKMKNTS. WM. RICHTER & CO. FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER I ALBANY, OltEttdlS. I JUICER UEAHONABT.E AND WORK WAR. muted. Repiilrtng wroiuptly and satisfac torily dono at shortest notice tf. E. L. liltYCE A CO i , LEBANON, OREGON, PKAIiEHS IN LEATHER, SADDLERY & HARNESS. ALWAYS ON HANI) A PUr.T, ASSOItT mont, all of which wUl be sold at Albany prices. naimO. Willamette River Trausjior tutiou Co.'s STEAMERS ' wir.i, i.eav ' FLANDERS' TVHAKP at 0 o'clock, A. M. As follows : ron ronvATxm ani itvteh m kdi a t'k POINTM M.nday, Wednesday nnd l-'rlday. FOIl Al.llANY AND INTIiKMUDlATK POINTS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 'rhiirstttiv and Krldny. FOR DAYTON AND MtHlNN VIIJ.K-Bilt- urday and Monday. Pnsair to Corvnllls 3 00 PUKNgs to Allmny 1 HO Pusw.U'n to Milieu. . 1 00 1'ussuuo to MeMllilivllle 1 UO li. UOI.UN9I1TU, PrslIflL. CHAIRS AND TURNING! J. M. METZLER, Having moved h1 Shop to J r Hereon and avail eti himself of tho wtirer-poVr ut ttint place, la now preparod U furnieb hit oulobrated vlfrAW-HIDE BOTTOMED CHAIRS id anv Quantity ana in any nan. pirtta will ntill fcucp a large eVvk of cliaim at hit old utend, either run-dy fat tie or in Die con fjf (liii.infjfjt. W. h. Bold in ft li bis uKcNt ftt thu place. . v 7 1,5 lit. STOCK FARM FOR SALE I THE ITNDRRfilGNED OPKEItS TOR ftAL a farm of 800 ACRES! situated 7 miles enst of PrownsvlUe, fjnneoun ty. It Is a sph-nd'-d iek rnuche, adopted to ralstnr; (.n hi r s)i'-'-p or CHltl", 1 MI NT MULL and nvmn. Terras ro markably low. Kr particulars either eall on meat Monro ronton (Woiitv,or oil M, V' Lnow.f. of the TlloiiMillV.r'AtKH. Monroe, Benton county, Oj;n. vHiiiliyL - j. .oi.m:v, - MERCHANT TAILOR, Has opened a firtit-clss tailor shop in Albtr y, and wnnts cutornf rh. Cas,Mmi r'S, C4ot h, Ac , Kveediiy mad? Into softs ut the )UK ityles. ADVERTISEMENT; EMPLOYMENT WANTED; fjtMPlrOYMENT WANTED FOft A MAN J HntUils wliit. Tho worn tin will tnkp charge til a IioUnd, ur UBnlst lu tho huumwrk. The in mi (kslrea ab'tuiy employment on ft farm.- Hatislaotory rt'turunoes will b- k1v'. . AUUrvii A. WIIKrtLBH A COw,. n$iw HheUil, Otolith: , FARM I'OK HALl:. TUrt ITNDF.RHIGNEl) OFFKK8 KORSfLK li fnrm, sltiuvt-'H thrwe mile from Harris burs, )!iUiinlnic" fterttR, well improved 126 belt.; in cultivation, and all ffixxi wheat Ian!, It ivntiilns H tC"Oil residence, barn,' orchard h toe it watfr, it ml nil other conveninnoe. TefmRensy, Inqtilruof B. It. Holt, Jlitrris-bui-fc, Oregon, orut JAMR8 WHKKIaANV it&tl. Walla Walla, W.T, Hot to Make Mo KCl ney Eaty! I'lKht nnd healthy occtt Ivw fcUtiun, with from V to ila per day, Ileal- dent OAN pADlf AI VAUBEUH wanted la "wri I I AU every City, Town and Villnffe. on tlm Fuel Ilo DCOIIlDCn partleulara ttJL M U I fXlLU given by mtdresyim: Lock Box HI. Hun Francisco. Cal., with references from either the Po-strnfistcr, b -county oJlloial or hoiiio prominent citizen. Takes on alht. n'J5wU, . DR STEELE, Proprietor, t Cur&i Khmimatlsm, Ncnmfglnr Coldi, Tooth ache, Kar-iielte, Lame Hack, Atfue. rtpralna, aud all put ns. and regulates the. Uver aud pu rities thu lilood.. All dniKKiats hrop it. nifiiiii. 1 CITY., MEAT IVIARKET ! W1. tu HEXDENHALt, Prop." "VSTIM, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND 11 thfl beat meat the market affords, and will always bo found rendv to koooiu modulo thow who may favor him wit h u cull. , ftlllgliest mnrletft price paid for pork.H vn ist.f. Oil, YES! , r THE BAY TEAM STILL LIVES! AND IS RUNNING ON TIME! THANKFUL TOR PAST FAV0H8, AND l still deRlrous of continillnir to meet tho Bume, the proprietor la always ready and easily found at all timet,. Passengers and batae carried to nnd Irom the ears to any hurt of tho city at reasonable rates. A. N. ARNOLD, Albany, oreuou, iTopnutor, v8n23tf. NOTICE TO FARMERS. I am prepared to fill orders for nil kindi of AGRICULTURAL MACpERY!! at prices that murt plve entiro aatisfactlon. Como on witii your orders aud hnvo them li Hod AT LOW ItATES FOR CASH OR PRODUCE ..I also have the ' ' ' BAIN W-A-O-OXT for sain to sullt all wishing to lmy. v7nf. U. CCEADLE, SHEATHING, ' PlasteriEi EOOFINQ, DEAFENING . CARPET HMIMG Samplessudfflren. lsrs stut fruo by II. C. KOttntOK, Sola Aicnlfoc Otprou, WflHhing- luu and Iduho, PORTLAND OREGON, vfinlHtf, til P Z. BEARD & CO., TANGENT. OREGON, Porwarding and Gominissioa Meiohants AMD PEAL ICRS IS-r- MERCHANDISE AND PRODUCE! A good assortment of all kinds of STAPLE GOODS always in store at lowest market rates. Wo arc prepared to fill orders for alt kinds of ACUtHUIYiritAI, MACHINERY iJTprioea that must givo entiro Hatlfifnctlnn. l omi) dn with your orders aud havothum tilled jit low hi ten locasn, B"AllUndw ot produce) taken In cxehanjio for K"odH, - f vnnzoii. i SUMMONS. In tht I'ivcuif Court of the State oj In th HWhVri eaon, IW JAixn Urntnty, lurtaT. Hhrlver, plaintltf, vs. lieoriro Bhri- Vor, defendant. Knit furihi! dissolution of mnrriaire contract. To (Jeortfe. Hhrlver, defaudant above-named : in tno name ot me- nuiiu oi in-n"'" "u are hereby required to appear and aiiHwer the Coii, plaint In Hie above entitled mill, now on fllu with tho cleric of wild court, by lhellrtday of the term of aaid court following the expira tion of the Mine prescribed by the order of the judiroof Huid coin for. tho publication of Hits funiimmH, to-witlllr the iffkl day of March, lr(74, attd If you nlllTio to annwer, the plaintiff above-named will apply to uie court inr too re lief demanded In t he comprint, to wit : for a decree diriHolvinK the marrlufo eon t met exist hiic between you and thu pluiriUfr. You are no tified that on the I7t.ii day of January, ItfN, tho Hon. II. F. llonham, Judo of the mild Court, marie un ordrr that Hervlno of tho mi mm on n In Mil eaurie he made by publication of thu Name for tho period of six consecutive weeks in tho "Nlutu Wights Democrat," U newspaper pub- iiKiH-a ntbuiu li tin county. nilwH. , K. TANDY, Att'y for Pl'lf. ' SIJMMONr"'" In the County Court for JJnn Coun ty t tStatc of Orcyon, H. H. AH house, J. F. Iluckennto and W. Sf. Kctehuiit narlnerH 111 tin btiKlnegH of iniilill- fiietiirliiir HaNh. Ilhndti. Door. etc.. at Albiinv. Ori-L'o'n, under the Unit name and Ntylu of aLTUOL'HK A CO, I'VITH. J Action at law vs. i to recover W. T. H!ITAUIDDLE, Deft.) money. In the inline of the Htaio or Oregon : To the nbovo named defeniint W. J. HlltaL'ddIn, You are hereby required to appear and annwer tin; complaint of the above named plaintiff, In the above entitle d suit, now on llle aifuimityoti with the Cleric of wild Court, within ten tluyn from the date of the Hervieo of thlH summons upon you, if nerved in Mint County; but If nerved In any other county within tho Htate of Oregon, then within twenty days irom (lie dale or the service of thin summons uxu you ; and if served by publication, then on tho first day of a term of mud Court, lu lie bi'Kun and held on the first Monday, th ft I day of February, 1X74 ; and you am further untitled that If you mil to anttwer as ahovo required, lite plalntlffM for want thereof wilt take Judgment HKnlnit you for (he sum of $170 itf with interest, lo U t her with Die cosW uuU dlnlnirumf ntM of this action to bo taxed. 0 1C . K, HICLM, Att'y for Plff's. Published hv order of Hon. K, N. Tandy, Judge of said Court, Which order bears dUj, December ;W, 1K73. vtnulwti. SHERItr'8 SALU, murncR ib hkukhy, oivk.v that by 1 virtue of an exucutl m indued out of the Circuit Court, of Linn count, Hlato of On-Koti, to me directed and d"llveretl, In ruvorof Jen tile tirubb and apiinsl C, W. irubb, tor the sum of fll W dumaK's, coMs and disburNemenls of suit, with inU'VKl irom the iith day of April, IW., and til iiaueruincoiitK, und the costs of and iiKn this writ, which ludicment was en rolled ami docketed In tlic ( Jerk's office of said Cmrt nn ,f !H h ilav of Aorll. A. D. itii-i. I have levied upon at! (lie rlfeht and title to Me) lUl'li vlth'd two-third interest of C. W,lrubb to tlie nn'-flfth part of the real property of Johu firubb, deceased, to-wlt f The North-west quain ter and the WetH half of tho Northeast quar ter, and the Nort h-went qimrtiT of Die Boiillir cast rpiarter, and tlie Nf rlh-eastqutirtr or Uib rVatt It-west quarter of Heel Ion I, TowM.hlp li, Houth, Itiirtco 4 W-st, find contains mftlrW n,Ti- the SVf'Hl half to John (rubh and tlie Kjist half to Nancy A. in:lli, his wife, toth do cased ; also fortv tuvn of tho Nnrth-vst cor ner of tho Houlh-weht quarter of Hf-tion 1, Townhin II, fVajfh, KunK' West, the Htaith half ot the Hou!h-euL iitarter of H- ri,ll TownMtlp 14, Houlh, wmu:e 4 Wesff WlllamHte Meridian, Uuu county, tetate of Oregon, and, on : ' " ' Saturday, the 2tt fay of Feb., W7!h bff wen the hours of 9 o'clock A. m, and 4 o'clo;k p. . of said day, to-wit : o'elot-U y, n. HttheCairt ItouwMloorln thi City of Albany, I Jim eoiint" Oregon , I will seitthe undivided two-third Interest of C, W, ' irutil) In titw above riefTitj.d real Prf-l-ertV. Wit ll all the HIHiiirHT- nitfs ih.-retint hflontlmt or In anv wine appfrtamim,', for easb in hand, at pub lii auo aixen PAnKr;n, rhnff, I, mn Co., Oingoa. Jan. 21.171. ; d;w. iillii; 1ft tl It advertisements: FOUNDED IK 1833 o. 519 Sacramoatd Street, tor. oi' liidesdurtf titrect, (it few Uuir bulow Whut L'betir House. -Private Entrance uu Leidcsdorffstroet, , " San 1'runcl-eif. , ' " ; 1 EHabtithctl xrNy U afford fA afftitttd od unit taenhjie msdicai am n ia iriaiwuii and emn of ail Prat rtd Okro- J . . it JjU4a$t,ca$en q1 .Vcr . ' cy and all Sexual . , . pitordw, r f TO THE AFFLICTED. vwTL. W. K TMlHRUTY RETURN8 HIS SIN- IVr cere thanks to his numerous patlentit 'for their patronage, an would take tills opporui- llliy lO reminu ilium turn, un iwiiuiiws m milt, nt his liiHtltnto for the cure of chronic din- eases of the Limn, Diver, Kidneys; Digestive and uimito-urinary urKana, mm mi private diseases, viz : MVpntns tu ait us iormn ana am Kcs, Seminal Weakness, and all the horrid con sequences of ueli-abusu, (jonorrhaia, Ulfot, rtineiures, iociurnui hiiu i'iuun i'ihimuhis. Sexual Debility, Diseases of the riflck and Ifllns, Iniiatnuiatlon of the HlaUdot find Hid nevs. etc.. etc., and he hones that hta long ex perience and successful practice will continue to Insure htm a share of publio patmnane. By th praetlcv of many year In Europe, and the United Htatcs, he Is enabled to apply the most omcient and success tui remeutes acainsi ais cuses of till kinds. He cuifs without mercury, eimrirfM moderate, treats his natients In a Cor rect and honorable way, and baa references of unquestionable veracity from men of -Irftown respectability and hiKli standing In Roelety, All parties ooimultlnH him by letter o otlier- wise, wut reueivti mo ww. uuu ji uhui. muu,1 ment, aud Implicit secrecy. To Female. disease, as wftaKness oi tno usciv ana 'lTmus, muscular power, palpitation of tho heart, ifrl tUbllitv, nervousness, extreme urinary dlflUml ties, derannement of ditjestive functions, gen oral debtlitv, vflirinitifl, all diseases of the womu, nystena, Bieriuty, miu iu uhut uiwi. ses peculiar lo leinnies ; huh miiooiu ao ur vtinv nt ntuHi It. lin celebrati'd female doctor. W. K. Doherty( at his Medical Institute aud consult Iliai HUOUb lior mm uiwam-. itv. j- tor Is ttlfectinir more cures than any otltfr, phys Mrifi in the Htate of California. IiCt ffn.falsr delicacy prevent you, but apply ImmedlaMy and save yourself from natnlul sunerlnB8 and nrematitrc death. All Married ladles whoso delicate health orotherelreurriitaneea pfi'vent an itlefease In their families, should writ) or call at Dr. W. K. Doherty's Menicai inmnme, and thuy will rucolvu every possible relief and net p. .i To CorretiponlentH - PnhfMm MiHldlnir tn anv nart. of the eohntrv. howitver illaUmt. who miiv desire iho oDinlon and advloo of Dr. Doherty in their respective cases, anu wno inma prtqwrio suumu. a writ ten stflU'tnent of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, nni rvsp'ctfully assured that tliolr communications will he i,rld most sacred. The Doctor is regular Rrad.iate and may bo consulted with every commence. If the oust! ho fully and candidly described, personal communlcaHon will bo unnecessary, ns instructions for diet, roRlmen, and the jren eral treatmontof the case (including the remo dleR, M'Hl lie forwarded without delay, and in HuVhanianncrns to convoy no Idea or tho purport of the letter or paroel so transmitted. Khouldyoiir condition reipilrn Immediate at tention, send ten dollars in coin (or that value Incurnmcv) by mall, or WellKorno 4 Co.'s Kxpress, apd.a packaun of medicine will be Mont to vntirtvihlress wlth thoneeeHsary instruc tions for uue. Consultation hy letter or other wise, khiJI:. Pormanvnt euro guaranteed or no m Address, W. K. DftTlKHTY, M. !., " Vmu Francisco, Cal. Dr. Doherty has Just published niti fmportant pninphiet embodying liJs own views aim exiw rlences In relation tx Impotence Wr Virility, be Inir a short treatise on rtporuiutorrhnm br Hem inal Weakness, Nervous and I'hrdcl fh'bility consequent on this alfetft-lon, .and other disea ses of the Hexual Orpins. This little work contains Information of the utmost vulno to all, whether married or single, nnd will he sent KUKK by maU on rooclpt ot six cents in rwHtiu,'0 stamps for Return hostage. Address, W, K. JXHIKKTY, M. D.. vJinlWtf. Han Kranclsco, Cal. NEW GOODS ! LATEST FASHIONS t at tliostoTuof l. KimE e co. WE HAVK Jt'ST KECRIVRD FrtOM BAN Kmncisoo Ilia vory Intust stylo, of lioyi' and Uouts' FA8IIIO..4BLf: CLOTIIINU 1 1 LADIES' AND MISSES' DBBSS OOODS 1 nnd everything else to lv found In FIRST CLASS RETAIL STORE! BEST QUALITY OF GOODS " i , LOWEST TRICES ron CASH Oil PItODUCE. irVNrt Uoor nlMvo Postofflco, Albnnv, Ore gon, vliuniii. IOTfli;. OREGON A ttAMFOltNIA RAII.HOAb Company, Land Do part men t, 1'crtlaftd, Urugen, April 5, 1872. Notice is hereby friren', tbnt a viforous prosecution will bo lustittttod agsinst any and every person who traptmsssoi upon out Railroad Land, by cutting and ro niuvln nmbcr tliercfrtua befera tlie ame' Is UOi'UHT of the Couipnny AND I'AIU FOIL All tdJsnLftnd In odd numborctt Hotioui, wliutlitr stsnryed or unmirveyt'd, within a dis tance of tlih-iy inilai frmn th Hue of tho road beleugl to the Uunipaoy, I, K. MOpHKS, W7n26tf. lstnl Atrent. r OllllHOIDS. I . TAHOTHKRH A CO'S "PILH PILLS Ati'l) OINTMl.N'f" have dow booutna ano of tho standard nfuparaUuris of tlie dayt Is pro. pared and rooeairaundHd for Pliei only (whettmr chronic or rM;mt). ttuBurers amy doptmd upon it, that tli is remmiy will gv 1110111 permanent rtilivl froia this truubloiouie and Utttf.agiug com plaint. ' ' font postpaid to any address (within th Unl Ud HtLs) upon receipt of pries, 61-&0. A. CAKOTItKltH A CO., nyl Aliiany, ttnn Co., Ore-wn. MEAT r3ARICET ! ,W. O. PALMER, l'rop. ( , Willie KKfP CONSTANTLY OV HANP lh. tj'i.t thrt market afford., and will alwa.v. bfi f.-und r'fidy to amimraod.ita (how. who may lavor him with a rail. market jtk. raid for pork.l ' yflnlrfs A bVERTISfe'ltfiRlTS; MACIHwi' SHOPS I . . , y A.: P. CHESd; Proprietor, ' , .-.'AfcaiXi'. .kEoo,.;: I Munnftctiiroii , SU'tsra ' Eolne I ! FUU'rV AND S MAf, Mtll KftCH Nt R T ( Agricultural ; Machinery, T ....... . i - - ALL AT SAN FRAKCISCO PRICES. Aim SBMit for TUfWlson, Merism 4b Co',, Tnj t go'i.n4II. a Smith', ,. ,., ,. PlTEXt WOOD-WOkklliiB ilUSEII!. ; . ,( "-f.. .: 'j',V t-i.'. ! , r. Also Manuftotnrar of, Degroit'j y PATENT : IROIV 'fBIfClK M:.m BRASS :CASpS! ' Of ill Kind,, Mads to Order I ' , ..!,' 1 "... I.-. , . , ;j, i Ronnirlrtc: all kiudt of msonlnsry dono on ihrl.t Mm. A. . CUEBKY. -tr?4(t ,. f. : .'t .- j'-' ;i . CITY DRLJCi StOftll x K.1 giLTvaasB. A.,CAROTIIERS&"0., DROGGiStS AND APOTHECARIES' FOSTER'S BLOCK,' FJRs1.To jilBANT, OREGON.' DKUGS; CHEMICALSi , , . . patent medicines;1;;;; PAlNTsJpYl-ST.OtFOlLS, ' rOILET GOODS, ' Froncli and Atnernn Cologne, Halidkerckiet jSxirabts, ; v CONFECTIONERY ' Pure Winci and Liquors (or Mfdiciual Hies. FINE TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, '", 1 '' ',.'''"" 7 ". "' ' Tamily Eo'cljieji aij .Pijsio V'i Proscip ' , ., tiona Oomttndo$M' v , ', Dm30'T0-t"jiM. A. CAROTHHRS CO. MUTUAL INSURAfjCE fcOMPANY; OF AN FR.NCI8CO. i.: -.1 li; H FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. ' 4 ' ') CAPITA!. $1,000,000, ,1 ' .' r ; t .,' JOHN.H.'i rtEPT)INOTON.J. .......rreildent; Oi'Jl. II. IlOWAlU) j...:...;...Vloa PreBldrnt. CJIAM. Hi HTUHY.;.......; .- Jkretar. 11. KI.I)Y H,.,....H..,Murlnr tjecrotary. H. H, UlUEUJW Uenuml Alauatfur. I' ! DIRECTORS OREGON BCAfiCHi P. VAHHERlHAN, O. H. l.KWIM, Portland f UOI.DHM ITH, I.LUVD HIltXIKK; gnlpm....: ; I. okiivkh: ,UUiuy ..-..J. A. CUAWFOltl). ;......d. ml fukscH. .i. . itAMILlOX ftOHDl i AGENT FOR 0REG01 4 W"nlnGT0N TERR I EM CARTER, Local Ajenf a'HIjan oaiSbH.',-,? vKn.llltf . .. ' i ' - a rr. : t: ' ; ALBANY BOOKSTORE! joiin foshay; DBA LllR 1H UISCELLINEOI'S AND STANDARD BOOKS, IlLAi-VKMOOKS! i SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY I. CHOICE HAVAXS.I, , CARS t , ' AMD TOBACCOS. , ; Tbo tnrg oit Steele of Tine Candi.f ever brought to Albany! nnnti tn nnr tlno Imimrtnd a oritur at Ihort-' put. nnHNlld.' ilotltM. , P"Thonly plncn tn town whew A ftKAli OooncWAHCHii bo obtntuod. Cull und Ici, THE OLD STOVE DEPOlV COOK, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES ! ., 9fthe Do.t Tatterni, , ..... , TIN. SHEET-IRON AND COPPER-WARE! And tho usual assortment of lumiwhiDg good fuuuct in a Tlo Gtuio. Kaoaira ftoatly . aSProinj!tfy Exooutell ! , ,, , , , On Rwionalo Terra j. , , . JtecknnintiM Make Long Friends I" fl0!W-SI., ALBANY, . ":' ; Nit Dool1 - to P. C, Harper A Co', Btoio T).i-.5T4ni(itf .toiin Jinrflns. GENERAL BUSINESS COLLECTION.' , .... ..Ann : , ' mfuiRANCE Kvmhxt , ,; NOTARY PUBLIC.' ' rartlcnlnr attention glvpn to thu adjndlcatlon Of ft.tOUlt. ' . ' . ., rvilh--tUirifl mndo In nil pnrtunf tlif tnln. 'tJtn noit door almvi" lliu lloii-Hivo Storr. vBnttJU,. ,. f , , II. V. Ill jjLi A MKY., ! .. druggists km apothecaries; ALBAMT, OBBOOM, . Dntcsand mUJrrlflfa frcnh htt) pai. Vrnmr'f. attention Klifii to country onl-ra and jihyn ilnii' f rt neriiiilonn, tfcxia wattir fri'sh from tlie Artto r'i:iius. rLri' unMulu Btrutjt,ommflt"r;nnntr,sPnTil. vHn;imf. it. c. litu, it hu: OBSTACLES TO MAEL Happy relief Tir young mn frmu tic of 1'nrjin and Ai'USi'f in early ItM. Mn h - .ri Restored. Imp'dtirt-nf.s to Mar.Mp' n" mvert New mfiiifwl of tr uitn"it- -N,w h,1d n'ttisrh able remwIK'S. r.vird cinMl irt s-'t't tr In ""aif i envejopds. Adilr". IM.WA!ui A) ftCHJlATlON. No. Ji, AotifhMnth raUii phifl, r.,au InrfUuhoo hs vtnj; a bn re tstion fw lvnoraHa cw.duet, auti ru-.'o'., Rill. .- XWL