The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 02, 1874, Image 1

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    TE RIGHTS MltfOfiRAT I - mT - i ui'xn & two .KiAjt'MaeiS'ivMl .vzv?zirjs;ti I ifc-;' L
fobliibid nm today, r CV ' , - 'f' i" 1 B ' p l 1 8 ran w4 jJ. '''''"' ,,r'
ART. V. BROWN. -JJJ JJ03'43t4' T" J- :vn'Za J m 4
-,...,;.,... .,nr.r,MTTRT. ' - ! RQOOO VIZll ' -' ' " ' ! ' ' . 1 '. ii i ' i ij ni uii lill
1 " " I WM w w IM iimmi.ii rivr-v r-- ! ' " T7 . 1 : : . ...-uuw.u
MS, in iDTAKcx ! One year, $3 ; Sii
rally havo an unwholesome comblua-
tho two at thlB soason. They ponetrato
n and Intogumonti and affect the mus
planular and nervous organizations,
tng rheumatism, neuralgia, chills and
ind whore there Is a tendency to dyspop-
llver complaint, 'provoklnp; anlfifitu
iRestlon or bUlouanoBS. The best advice
n tw Klven under such circumstances is
n the external surface f the body wnrm
" hcd. and to keoptho Internal orgiins in
. .na working order with t he most whole
rt and genial of all tonics, Hostotter's
h Bitters, Gradually but constantly
mnim invlffoMnt Ib BunerRedinc the
; t liquors of' eoinmateej paB-nwdlriw
itrv- It VIII Bo h -tiaTTpyflny for tim
1 .'. and it will surely come, when this
storative shall have taken the place of
-rits ah a stimulant in all our public and
. hospitals. It is not, however, merely a
. as substitute for tho fiery stimulants
.o- Jts stimulating proprietors. are not
fmerlts, although in this reKarditsur
M.U tho unmedioated products of the still,
- He or Imported. The powerful Influence
ispI over the torpid and toneless stoin-
4ttfiml8Td liver, ihoonipatd hyw
; UKwlwd iHirvu,x-;iMicr it a noKiiKe
. in dysppsia, liver complaint, intcRlt-'
construction, nervous weakness, hypo-
ifim, rheumatism and sleeplessnesB. All
-mo complaints are aggravated by a cold,
atmosphere, and It IsthercXoItLpartieu
. necessary for those who aro-allllfcwd-wil h
tMittsof this nature, whatever their tyjie
be, to meet this predisposing cause of
. -as with a wholesome antidote. Hos--4
Rtt.tcrii should bo taken dally at this
'! ttUSfon 1iiH!: underhronlsJ
rts that tend to waken the syHtem. ,
Manhattan, Kan., April 8, 1878. .
Jl. v. IIfrce, Puffalo, N. Y. :
Of r Hnt Your Favorite Prescription nag
sV.t- my wife a world of good. Bho has taken
t'-'. ivtwo bottles and has felt better the past
tw. wki than at any time in the past two
. :, io more periodical imlns; none of that
t.' back or dragons sensation In horstornr
n-n "he has been accustomed to for several
,.. T hrx-A in miiph nnnrhit'tiCG In tt that I
wiHiii he perfectly willinR to warrant to oertain
i-u-' osiers 01 oura wiiu wuuiu uc
h'U'i of reller at any expense, i ijt frwa
v Pati'nt Medicines, but never iiadauy-oc-cuj-..u
to oxtol one before. f,' J
Very truly yours, ' -
Wm. RU-DALT, Metropolis,. JU., writes;' Janf
1 It. VtPIercc-7Wy jlstJr'isiisfng iho Fa-
Uttftorlpl inn with great benefit."
y Aun FiusBiff. rjehaht, Pa., writes May
7. RirlWWUatlhAWKhflvs tafeen.
atiftedaelnhiteljf'i-ioftino btmwlt ti
Lithe County Court for Linn Cjbuq
tyt mate oj uregon,
H. Althouse, J. F. Backensto and W. M.
.'hvtchum partners In the business ormanu-
'Ui.CundeC the flnSl lULifte and strlAof
AJ'i'UUUtiG & CO, lTffs. 1 Action At law'
vs. I to roc over
W, J. nil.TAlUDDI.E, Deft.) money.
In tho name of tho State of Oregon : To the
nomcd rlpfpnant W. 3. Hlltabiddle. You
at - hereby required tft-appear-O-aHfiwex-AjMt-Ll
omunHilU oirine u(vo unuicu yuxiuniiv, m
in- above entitled suit, now on n nfrsJnst you
t ii h the Clerk of nald Coint;' wlthm, fen days
i )-,,,-! tho rinirftirfche service Jortkixtimmons
nr.nii vou. Ifjserved in lilnn-Couuty ; but If
(. t ved in a'nyj other county ithln Ui State of
t Mr;;on, then Within twenty twya Irani tho date
i ho servicejof thls-ftuinmon upon jou; and
If wrved by pubneatjon, thdw-wt-theIrst day
of a term of said (Viurt, to be begun and held
on i ue first Monday tho 21 day of February,
i.-i;andvniiardflifiher prtflttefl that If you
f to nns'wej aa above required, Uw-plain tiffs
r. f want tUefeof will take Judgineiil airainst
vu for the irtrHf .$IW 25 with interest, to
(V ther with the cosUndl1shmnonts of this
AuUoutobetaxod. JJLKJjW
tl r AU'yforPllT's.
vorfterof irbm K. N; TaiKly,
Oourtj, which ordrt bmirs dnte,
V ' - r fcrBirf. CI
wis .1 win fhnkLnn'pTWl (if Alui estate: of Eltsiia
: .:tith,deceiBecl, has filed with -UrtJlerJr, of
- County CburPoC Mnn Caoirtjtriuiie wrat
.. i hit anal acfiuint fnr ftct t.lpmeiit. am
vt tne Hoi. Ii N. Tandy. Judira of said
;.-irt, on thefaot h day of eceniterfc lff73, made
iH order appointing ''jj
Tuesday. Aefyi ojlru, 1873.
iMhe hour oil o'cloT-k, p. mot i.Uat dny, at
i t 'nnrt. hnilsR In Hip or Albauv. in fluid Coun-
f for the hearing of object irsas to such Unal ac-i
. -uut and in sutticraen: ut,reM. x-
H. J. C. AVEHILA, Admitrator.
JOHKS A JopKSi AW'ys. t
In Ote CouMy Cbttrt fbXfn:Couniy,
V. Houek and Henry Never, partners In tho
t ioopertne and other business, unuur mo rm
name and stylo of
110UCK A MKYEtt, 1
- the above named defendant!
in tho name of the state of Oregon, yon ore
? robv required to appearand answer l no cow
Unt of the plaintiff In the above entitled ac-
i now on file against you in tho above, en-
led Court, within U.-u days from thedato o.
i -t service of this summons tiiKn you, if
- rved In Linn county, Oregon : but if served in
i. ivnl.hnrootint.v within this State, then with
i f twenty dnvs from date of such service utton
u; and if served by nobltefttton.then by tho
- -t day of the February-term olthe BahlJ')uru.
v utch will bo rjmjuo wi held on lhr thyrt Moir
' .y, the secondtfctbf' Kefcruapy', 14, and-iik
Jiks anal more irom tints nny.:. r - I f "
AndJVrtute nntHhnW.hni II you fnH appear
. td answer thl eomplnlntng herein required,
e pliilnCJflf' V(I1 tal( jodtftnent against you
r th MOJ ftf VWT a5-witji interest, costs and
.iHiNnmcnhi This -Mt mm ons Is itublinhcd
order of th(f Ilorr. E. N. Tandy, Judjre of
(I Uourt.hrhieh'wraer bears date December 19,
;a. UEO. R. HKLM,
nlOwO Att'y forPl'ff.
there Is, probably, no way in which we can
.ixofit .iir roadpra more than bv recommend-
i Ktothem for general use John sen 'o Ano
.vna Liniment. Jt is adapted to almost all the
'Mirposeaol a f amily meaicine; opu iwnrim:
ii(lo for coughs, colds, whooping; sough, re-
mss oi tne enen, iame siomuun, nifunmni
.ittinir of blood, and all lui'.dim-iltUkit
i(u no equal that ever wo sal? uif bearo. (
The propriety of etvinff crtnril1iloTit rtiedtrlne
o horses, cattle ndUcnw'wadtfrtisl' an
,lmitted by many of the Attricuftural Sc-firs
.hpm.ffhnntihn hi ni ,it Fall, and We) balieve
attat In every case but onfi They decided In fa
vor oi anenuan a ijivpfry opiwinuu iuu(
v , ; , , ,., i)iii.ii' vmk.
, ! VifiNN A,rAustria, Aug. 20, 1873. .
W a Wiltnn. President Wilmn Sew
ing Machine Company, Cleveland,
Tk wiior,n Rnwlnir Maebino receiv
ed the GRAND i'lifzli! s0.?fi4 (?5
tieing the Best Sewing Jlivchine, and a
a'urid Ji'to" Vmetlalof "iSlffibr) wsi's''
iwartfed to Ihe IVtlsotf Sflwlrig W''
. hino Co. for manufacturing sewing
machines In the best manner, from the
.est material, and by the best known
uechanieal principles. These eelubra?
ed machines are now on exhibition
uid for sale at the store of ,
BLA1N, YOUNG & Cftf,
" TLi statistlca from sworn returns of
ihe Sales of Sewing .Machine In 18T2,
(reported In 1873), show that the Sing
er Manufacturing Company sold, last
more machines than any other Com:
)ny, and over one-quarter of ail ma
hinea sold-during, tt ypar.,TNinp
ut of Un or said Singer MachinW were
or FAMILY use proving the great
popularity of Uie.BIngcr in the house
hold. Anutxc6jWtf ,to'$tlp f-. dif
' :ret makers:
.. HtmfT Ihnlta'i C. iolil ia,-1
,Ml. r Wilson M IK I ii .old J..1"
wt- Murhlnr (ml lllllH.r:..m " l"1
.vv,-r A llaki-r 8. M. C'o..-W..JU.-J " ('.-
" ii'jn
- l . M. Co
!i t Olbln S. M. Cu.....
'n 8. M. Co - --
. r. B. II. o. a M. Co..
1 Mlt.lalH. M. Co.
, oc . iV t'oj:...ii-.J
2 ? '
U ,1 n " -i A i. a"i 1 T i ! .1 I' J HI :a I I I J W V-' i i . , . .
M.B !L ! P-i) ? 1 tl M ' B -'J ! U. 1. . - A.-J-J V ....... , . . trimhg.-. -...i
'-'0' '' ''A(rtk, Anwmy,
,.Ilkind30 IMrbUM KmUm lot If
... I - li "uv J"-"-- 1 ;,-"-'',,.' .
I ' ' -k-r ttt k inr w 1 nur i .'1 .... -KT" . rvi,
1Y r nr - , , ALBANY. OiiUUm JWAJti :0Ai1UAlU, 10 4. Xf
ii i i I fiAM mm & a r r v .? n ,n i i .. - m - i i .
. H R E 3 H II I- 71 If Will 111 11 L -U. " ' rr.Tiv:' r : r
Li n i zi tti m w t 1 . t.. B.-T -. - it-tt- ' i
H I i". I.i 6 Ii '! I l t . ! 1
Here we are, with our delectable, !
inviting, gushing, pensive half-sheet
agaiu, and we can't lielp it! Our new
type ia probably on tho steamer
Oriflainme which was expected to ar-jS-VDiil
Oportland last evening, and if so ;
wo will make extraordinary exertions
to get out ft paper in full bloom next !
week. . !
At Lebanon. We had tho pleasure
nf hoiiir nrcsent ni thcr-nbliff install-.
iientef the oOIoci i)'iajaii(ltu.lfl J
No. 44, A. F. & A. M., last Saturday
evening, and seldom have we enjoyed
rare. a. season of "refreshment."
VorehipftiHirother Geo. Humphrey,
Past Master of Corinthian Lodge JNo.
17, assisted by M. V. Brown conducted,
tJta IntMiatioW 4(jrempniaV?tbe:'
close of which a bhorc but Tnteresliug
address was delivered by Bro. Geo. R.
Helm. Tho neat and spacious hall was
crowded witli the Brethren and their
families, all of whom viewed the
ancient and impressive of
The fUflpQlVLspread in the lower hail,
was partaken of with a zest which,
amply attested its appreciation by
those In attendance. It yfasiyw tpQfi
excellent collation. A.4iuV.'e for ttie
ygmifipr. ( portlpu. ,t)w 'ipi'csent,
coinlfrred tlio TestrVitied' the even
fug . i'oldwngvVcrelthe officers in-
:-nW)j-t:I'.!assoml W. M.; R.
ppeafltefg. AV.; E. Keebler, J. W.;
Oi H. ciaughton, Treas.; Jas. Lu Cow
an, Sec'y; W. S. Elltins, S. D.j C. F.
Moist, J. P.; R. McCulIy and Geo.
Feebler, Stewards, W. B. Donica,
Monthly Magazine is issued, and a
remarkably good magazino It is, when
we consider that it contains 100 pages
of reading matter, and is only 51,50
per year, or 15 cents single copies.
heap.a.sthls is send to
eacli Bitbicrlbdr JTpriltiy Ixttlo chomb;,.
one of the neatest pictures out, so
sweet that ladies will bo delighted
.milULiUa.cojitEJltaof.iji0 January
number.f Ballou's consist pf a New"
Tear's story of great interest, several
ixcelleiit short stories, sonife remark
able poetry1, tho commencement of a
Hltory foV cliildren, more f "An Un
fortunate Match," and tb pniling of
the thrilling novelette,, 'OTs Ghost of
Ilendeij'jan," a romance that has
pleased very one. iicra s yaneiy
nnnncrh touit most anv. taste, so we
do nofi.weiaef at the poriularity of
Ballou's Magaatne, as it JujjS what the
peojile Jvant aiuJ'ill hy'c. Address
Tbojrie afjalbplii 35 BrojffeId Street,
BostonW 'TheiptibU8hors;eiiploy no
;rav)alirjg4geritB j -
The t!oj'jBUKjBf tijafijKi,T fob
JANUA&, "lS74.-il1itW'e1fih yolume
of the Overland b.el!:witli b brilliant
anu unusuajjy vfiwi nuini. ui mcic
ftre seventeen cditCrjJf uiou 3 to the
body of the magrfilne, to I eighteen
different topics in thoditfcr al depart
ments. The leading "article "Stony
Bar Store, and itsj-pustoners" by
Prentice Mulford, is (H perf ict photo
graph of an old-tin miijing-camp,
and ItsTrtiaractBis are ekgtchcd from
life with much dry humor. "Poeti
cal Self-mutilation," by S. M. Quincy,
isajiistcriticijittuconithoi changes
not for the ueue,r,.w'cn ponmar xdcib
Rnnifftiihes makeWr the text 'of -boems
longfamiliarA'iNulncrouy articles of
Ueeided medkMlOVlaroons wiucn w?
uoti slorle'Jtegeuds, histories, po
emfy atcj ta made up of timely articles,
iitcludi'iigamong other things, copious
Siiiiiitifio and Art Notes, and an
appreciative tribute to Prof. Agassiz.
Tho book notices are numerous and
readable, and conclude a number which
will recommend itself to every lover of
good magazine literature. $4 per
annum. JoJiOr-H- Carmauy.A .C'o
The OvtiUfR. ii;B;.;Jss. Next
WShf fi present municipal ofilcers
ef oqr eity .will "retire fronl the the
ari(u'ous--public duties which have
acyplVtfdupon them for the past year,
ia lio succeeded by these recently elect
ed. As is usual in sucll cases, some
things may have been done in the past
year by our city officials which might
have been left undone, but we believe
they have each and all faithfully
and conscientiously discharged their
duties under their oaths. Many im
provements of public utility have been
made, and we are of the opinion the
IHifeH ifuod Uav, en expended
carefully nu-joaioKMMHj.
twlive he ojutfioiufi pfJJcf w ought to be
mmt to
by the good wishes and hearty thanks
of a gretef&SWdufcilftllly.P JI'W
ofilcers rirejioubtlfssf iOi ,lss .con
oieiOJu.0ia.tUp oldaba wt ask for
btip! tle, fuJKst eriBo'uragement In the
pcVWrmaflee of their respective duties
wcfl and faithfully.
To Farmers. Howell, Harper &
Co. have for sale the Statesman Urain
Drill, the only reliable force feed grain
on the Coast. Those imported by them
are made with many improvements
which adapt them to the jieculiarities
fit this Coast. The hoes can be changed
from a straight line to a ig-zag. We
would say to those desirous of purchas
in goof ij&ibariU,'ii&.idtt tail Itb
see the "Statesman.'' as tticy guarantee
it to be second to none now offered to
fli fcufcHui rrviuT&w wlieat rye
oaU, barley, timothy, 'and clover seed,
and is quickly regulated to sow any
uuoutity to the acre that may be desir-
'4d.r'ThetiMW named firm also have
' feed cuting boxee and fanning mills of
i the latest and most Improved styles;
! in fact the farmers will do well to go
',' ,.uariic. " ', "; ' ''
i"" J'.rf?WH p&tanV.'
Couksb of Lectures. Elder 0. H.
tttafct0onfi,tho Baator. "rf Ui J?lrat1
p4tiA CliBioli ot mi itjskW M
hextSabbtth evening (Jan. 4,) com
mence a series of lectures on the Polity
lud Faith if tfie'tfaWKSrom his
bosition and standing in the denoml
tation ,and hiB Jpng, id Intimate
Is eminently fitted to present the same
learly and correctly,. and those who
littend will doubtless get many valu
able ideas relative To"one of our largest
find most respectable religious coirl-
Inunlties. "Their manner of doing
fmsiness, or theburoji-jjovcrnment of
he Baptists," will be the subject v be
brlen neiSbba'VenMH!!',
OppoblTtN' 8to"AMiMe KlNE.X
Col. Teal Infornls4 us 'ttt within Hb
hext week the first steamer of abj
)pposition line between San Franaiscb
md Portland will arrive at the latter
place These VWels.Tlthough not
iwned bv B. Goldsmith & Co., will
rim1HcC0!rnSi6tf HVItti1 thetfllhol W
AVillamette River Boats. The inaugura
tion of this line will be a rare blessing
to our neoti:.-. and wo hail Its advent
fWith joy and delight
tng To FAI)Bf.A'NbT. Our friend
feUofWoeitizgnnitl. be liffidtarts
In a iew days for Bavaria, Germany, to
epend a year or two among the friends
and scenes of his nativity. Mr. Sox
has for many yeacs .pastbeen one
Albany's most popular and successful
IWjQhnnts,.n,di the .tea(riwlshes,rSpfJ
bcores of fendt)wtU mid MM' In h
Iwanderings among the classio scsn
bf the Old World. Bon voyage, Lea
I Lebanon Gbanqe. Following are-
tthe newly electtW oiacl of Lebanon
Grange: It. A. Irvine, M.: J. Was-
Jrange: It. A. Irvine. M.; J. Was-
B. E. Keebler, A. B.; J. JN. MclJon-
tald, C; J. B. Smith, Treas.; -G. F.
ttJurkhart, Scc'y; W. M. Smith, G. IC;
(Mrs. J. N. McDonald, C.i Miss Mary
'Wassom, F.i MMEiletf Cheadle, P.;
Miss Bettie BurHhar.t, L. A-LasJ;
Vlassofl8 candidates and 'now nuui-
hofirs about 50 members,
(VfiCSH OF.iloNKS-rSberiff Pkr
Informs usthat... ha has no trouble
whatever ItMSolfel taxes this S"
;evciybodjeemrng Jvell suppliedItll
'readv, 4SBi!S3At Solo he cqIIucMJ
SS,200; n 'Arownsvillo, $4,85b;Jat)
IHSftev. 3,900. "Tkl is much Uetter l
... M .... ... -Al-
than any collector nas evqr, oeei..uia
;to d In tlie county Jjeforei j The; jyly
of AlbauyhrtOue "paa overne-fifth , of
the taxes of the"cuiinty. I v
Ll i fci'i ; m t, ,
ner leacncir m riwuwiitm ireiiu-
..l.t!? Ml Jit
Clllt, Will UICIIUO UX1133 jV '-wnw
comga re-
he taught in
Wiljametto University and brings
hi jh recoWlWHBIflatlyns from Predent
Oaten of tfffUniigtytion. '
GoDY for 1874 ughprs itself in 'sight
in brilliant oress ana supero style.
or instructive number of that in
valuable lady's companion. The new
chromo, "Trueatof "Nature," hasn't
come to our table yet, but it is claim
e tdtc B05 attractW linmiuriv; to
subscribers for lff4i'J'i
Notice to Farmers. Now is
inie to no to Howell, Harper
and put in youVoKJer1 1 for threshiul
machines,, reapers, mowers, headers,.
thing else that you may Svant next
t next
harvest very cheap. They-will P
iyour orders and guarantee satisfaction
-for a small copfrmesipp. -SEED.-Hpwell,
.Harper, & Co, have
ichoice articles of wliciA "fbt ' setrd, such
as Fall or White Winter, Click, Chill
Club, Sonora, etc.; also a lot of Orchard
Ornsa nnd Tiiliothv.fiec.lL all of which
Ithey will dlspos' ottiy1 exchanging for
otjie.gqediqu, gthct..tprmsJ jyilcu
will sufcba ,aUt(Stl t.uu A iei-j-i
Peterson's Magazine for January,
1874, waltzes Into our sanctum in its
summerry, charming.stylo and Is
perfect gem of "goodies" lor
hoiidniro. farailv and home circle.. T!
is Ihe'Lest 'mftBUjiiQfpi;ille( prtco e'vor
luunoit "
Attention Squad! We are - re
quested by A. gJPpweJIj agent, to in
form those interested that the tniru
asspssuiont,QntJip. stpcIvofho.Asfpria
and AlliMtf F8piiers'.)paiix now
rlnA ami miwl. bn nniil immediately.
Mr. Powell will receive and receipt fVr
, - .
the same at the store or uiain, ounMorgauizing o County ,Me4iiLc0cjnty
4 Co. in Albany
Wheeler's Column.-Ih pMr.euergeiia aod pWfging
pbtod-wtrl n 'faqiid -tUo uew ailnmll
adv. of that enterprising liberal brick,
Mr. A. Wheeler, of Shedd, who knows
how to sell goods faster than anybody
else and kee'p ug-thj bpjt stocksin the
1873, one B'iu file 'containing bills andy
envelopes with notes and school orders.
Several papers are of no value to any
one but me. The finder will be liber
ally rewarded bjretiimingthesameto
improved pumW now in use being
tlie cheapest and most durable for
sale at Howell, Harper & Co's estab
lishment. : k
Cheap PLow.j-Howell, .Harper. &
Co. hsvc'lurtt recefveir'a ! large lotV
Collins Cast Cast Btcll and the ce
bratcd Star Mollne Flown, wliich they
are selling at great ly reduced prices
HowEl.1. Habpeb & Co. want
buy all the oats in Oregon.
P! VlTTT!nrfBtiI-'fV Albany
Il'grrtt(Mfiitby oiHnw-mwlay,
IXc. 14. U. K. WARREN, red.
u . V (. IDUntlL
A Happy New Yearl
,lfowfum1)er rltr;i.ifT '
Stewart's' egg-ndgg was ricii a'ud
.Jimi'i ir iw.r. . ') ( -J v... K !.!
are.' -
Goodbyt;t)lTdafli3r6wre ybu,
New ! 0;M 101 fiiiml ito xUac:nm i;r; mil
Qrange, Secretary's, ..blipka at .fuip,
office7. J ' ' " "
Col. Teal oam un.fje.G0jerapn-J
JBnf6wBs1i!CRte"ttt-Jiugene ny
UrowningtnJS ia MtiUrort. eoibtiXJ
Everybody is squaring accounto for-
llie old year. , , .,, . . ,C i'1.' . V
Nat. iana'a new steameu la running
pn Cbos Bay, ."'
. HtoiVXiJ Vineyard, of Polk, caJJed
luring the week, ,Wf.'.'ijtt
The Old Year.. Wfliit, 6Ut-batIied in
gnouT Porker collects taxes at Jtiar
rlsburg'riext Monday
Our prlntistical friend, Wallace
MauzeC Igt( 9TJS5 WfflfU
.Fred, Graf Ja, bunaing,lft..fumitur9.;
khop near AlthoUBe's Planing mill.
I ,WhctiLLl.v1iruopl,.Us Si IUubs.
Ihe Iffgliestitlias Ei'e'ji this Season.
5,GpblGfljt ftttiIrtAy-elctisAatgjd
f ia, spent sol tlfW m-$ui city fast
The Sali Diego flvr has beeifary for
live 'yraife. I Jt llnffitl)e i pefDrmod
Itoper. - ,ai5oB
K Ten vessels arriveamt rortianji i.asi
j eeK!fiiullir SUwc'r't(i c'ayi!''liaa"ii; to
w it if saiu, Wfli ue. ju w.qnk'WMI w
Ing vessel, Virgiuius, Bank on her way
;fo New York.
'f-iMany Albany hunters now slay the
tBix couples, at .lit. Biiagin, tai.,
verp, mflr9(l'i0!ip. ,day .hwt, .w.eeHcr.
Httppy haginl' J '' "i '"i '"" ' '
Our youug musicalli-ieud, Erpf. Jake
BrenBcr,'tmlIed-yestetday wlliie"bn a
brief visit frpm PprtJaid, .
Postmaster itayniond kept a water
njibp6n;ti'l,ychrlstnia afid;)he'n tiatd
us and the rest of his friends.
'.Dm Bois airlyteclird''hll!iseir'In'
I the1 supper.fpt fjlie; IVfeoien, )Hnrlit.
.We heard it. immensely, pjaised. tJ
A severe distemper prevails among
the horses ' different (arts'!;'6f'J this
jcouuty Bpveal. cases have .-jiroved
IDal.la3,,Pri.oe ,bj, quif,e ,. suqcessfnlii,n
. TT ..1- IH .l.n.ttJM.
: uiuuh. "k"v
mink in his trapa iieafc 'till '. city: last'
tttondftyi- -L n r-.rU
A- HonJt J. 6tilei,ue Comb'
llntendentof SchoT)9,"i9 atf'ni
no! A
ty Suir-
SchoT)9,':i8 atf present at
tending the State Teacher's Institute
at Sato. OI' U'WII 'J.UT
The position of medical advisers to
the Tulare indlSnVoT "California is
vacaHtr.HVtisn opwilua- fct Dr,.
(fhpm4 J ') fi jl 1 I
Mr. H. J. Butler, of Independence,
gave us a pleasant all last Tuesday,
and reports his bailiwick. as flourishlug
"md'BWftJuAj YH 1'ifi Ssi I iit'ijl
The curiosity In literature now
wduffl ')Pbhiani! lfiicl
Jldh't contain3 the wordl "ybfi Ho'' lii
a dozen places.
Hon. Jas Shields, our OouuvsTreaS'
urer,rednfty nialie oVe$i,()tK)vf$k.the
school fund in two transactions.
is most coinme'ndabre';''
toy 'munj
Swearoff now.
2 rfu,Iarz?I.ion'rC:K1We or.ffl ttt&iqtfrhtilM to
Syracuse Grange, on last baturday, Mr khttri BarYeifand David" Lewis
Horace Farwell: WaiS- elected Master
and,CP,A..JIUlpr,,$pri'tary,., .,.,, ,,T
OurelftgantyouilgifTiendj peOt Fo;
gave a party of iiis .friends.. i suporb
gnlftt'iV ijU Co'smoiioiltan Itestiiiraut
last evening. It was a rare affair,
AnWAr aowtieHt ffli-4hr W;".R. T.
Co's line will be finished by Jan. 15th.
Her fUst trip Willi . probably be from
Albany to Astoria on an "excursh."
Lord among us?" We don't see why
that paper wants "16 Inquire Into mat
tcrrwhich (ioot at all ajuctt.
Tfluiiks toV. HrOearVarC of Uo
keeps a first class market and never
falls Wijieaso fii's numerous cus'ternrs.
Prof. Parrish,,the veil known Port
land danclngtina'l'f:,!;' Mti'WflMt'
dinsV'o? tlie 'fiast'Poi'ifiWaljBnd, came
up last eveni rig" to fa& y for the firemen's
ball; fo'f I r.s nsri pterin
0.ur yttjng ,friend, Ji)ac.,.C)iui last
i.l' 1. .1.. l f A Ikol
evening urunw iwtt ;wn "
by.s falrlkuliterSMlSs'Alylra BiyWlii;
We wish' tlieui tUoueaiid . Hajipy
New 'Yenrs: ,: .ix.'-ui'
AciJl.hiis bepri Issued fpf 'i,'. jjiectrng
of thfe,tysicritlisl'tff litmi' Cbnnty
jamIary 4( 1874,-fi the purpose of
WTl tlttlrtlty."
Tirownsvilie asent. O. P. Coshow, Esii.,
for valaiftTtiifWrneS''BM Woshow.
realizes that now.ja.jt good tlmo to
help the printer.
presents on the 1 lulsey Christmas Tree, I
and a fine time:'was' enjtiycd. Judge
Baldwin; ;airivred .nuttftj aiijlftn-!
.uropriati! addreaSv, . . . ; - '
4lr. Be'lIlngcrT ot the Star IJrewery.l
liurig a most excellent keg of . 'pre-1
mlum lnsr on our family Christinas'
Trpp, wliich te why we think he ja..
festive Old SanUv Klaus,. ,,,". m ;
Iu-eousequenuo of several grievous'
erirtt (Btwrjrrlnj :iut'-wetle-- hi -Jho
orfuliui H9.m. 'tbere)l the Granger's!
Hotm?," we' Wgsih ' aprofJuee -ii -iW
week, properly ;coroeiii.
k) ur l-ivt objigipg uiyt 11 llAle f !?nt
and M-;. It Km &3 VI iia"'"
last 1 oA'fpy' sejit br. iP'r herift
Jiio. Pitrlt welcome wpir "f l'ij:re
for wiiicH vteeMin& ttfittltx. ' ,
, V iluIu'tkpoww.yere mw .vwjr.
ACn ir.unia Eiiwt Moras ! "?A M m
the Six- of tb-AlNniy (
3,frft.' Www 'v iuVntf )' YS r Uutnl
o"1- -
the Fixeraaus Balh last nigbUwe oo
huMi Mislead Minute aud' i Hattis:
Sliarke, the daugliters of Mr. S. A.
li.Tke, of the Salem Statesman.
S essi...Mgrt, T Wadaworth, and
Parks fcWedbli'e ITfflost excellent Job
lof cnlnemlnlncr on our lato burnt-out
&fn""TIiesitgenireh)biJ ptf thorough
UiCtai'aiuK.workmy-and Should. b
liberally patronized.
I Mr. J.tB;y7iti'q th4flrra oT Wy-
tttt fc Clarke or tins city, yesteruay
jshippedf480 tons of wljont fofflewett
cb. GfifS. Sli'illisori,' riihuifger Of the FaN
er'B Warohdusojs.shippiug immense
mounts of grain at present.
That r, wa a rare - occaMpn - at if r.
ieo JTox's parting supper" last night.
ome 80 ladies-anogeutlmau partook
Jite ipiineelY hospitolity.rC)Bir.
jpagne and merriihetlt 'ra'ft;freeiy 'nhd
toasts were offered jtnd responded to
hy various ladies and gentlemen pres
ent. . ' anr. at :mt
. Bj;v, I?t. Jl. ,Cf IUU,,who has been ji,
klid Eastern StutesJotisbteral .Mouths:
past, has arrived in Cal.ifprnia on his
iway home but will,tanyjn,tiial ,fjtatp
Iforj), jfjjjir iVeeks .visiting friends; ; .-Itis
;many-fri'eiuls in this Stats will be glad
jliealtb. '
Mr. JoufaSoa.A Hbfflahdbdtclier and
ptock) dealer, jrccenth:- punthased. ou
ilttinared andiuty neoa oi.uonoounueiu
tattle from A. Haekleman of this city;
ffho cattle apeboing well fed at Miller's
StaWdn'andlbe -shipped 'toPoft
lland by the cars as -fast as needed In
'tho' markets -pf.Uiav city, j f
As we wont to press a uay eurnur
thari'usiial wkcah give ho itccouuf of
Ithe gra,nd Jfew ;'ear;' Ey.Ball of the
Firemen wuichj was tb liave oouiei , oil
lisi.VUiUisJay) ' tight;' .'.-.Esteiislve'
lrparatioii8 were being made 'tyr tho
several Cooiroittces, and nd
festive time was anticipated. -t '
I rBentpTcpupty's. ,uios,t, . exemplary.
ana ellWlcnt nernr, assistea uy jup.
S. Montgomery, ofUils city, last Bun
day toeb-aaiobntroperoas .inauor man
to the State Asylum. -He had punch
od out all. tho . windows ia Corvnllls
with a pitch-fork and was In search bf
other world's to "conquer when over
hauled by Sheriff rahncr. - , . m
le 'Weoniah on Christmas day.
waa the largest daily ever printed on
tol.p'ast'rjft'.Spiita.iQed 56 columns,
42 of which. werOjdevotcd to newBi edt
tori'ais. selections,' etc., making It i
very entertairiitig sheet.' The size of
the paper was 48 by 72 inches, it was
piluje'4,by1 Cherriin ou pnd 'o
lioe ana uo s largo pyunuer prcsseB.
Thc.paily. Francisco Chronicle
is nowthe leading Newspaper ot the
Pacific coast.- It (loes tho largest
nrU'iMUiniv.-busiiiMs. and- hasi-v un-
que3tlohably,y the largest circulation.
Qn Jauwary Jstr mil,, we- wocKiy
Ohmnicle will be commenced. It will
bo $4 ayear, including the. gift of a
luindspmo Map of the United States.
' Constable Douglas, 'of Harrisburg,
camVigwn" jtp"; this .city: last Sunday
with a crazy man named Win. Wind
ham, but theman managed to:'olide
higi keeper, and, getting little start),
made iueh" a! viorpiis .requisition ,o
I to gct..away, ..eiuuo.,wuen
notiiliig 'fiashcei) heard of him.' He It
a pqwsi'ful manj 11(1; Ji1 his Jnsapo
moods is mosttlangeioua and difficult
to manaRfe.
for a barrel of dellpious sweet cider.
We don't see why folks shouldn't be
happy with barrel of elder on the
tap, a keg of lager oh the epek, a Now
Yar'ffgoosopuhe spit and 500 de
linquent wihscrlbers Ml drawn up" in
line in WaSf1"'AiV'loffl(Sj!:Wttng
their turii'pay 10 ;' $k!pld alld
renew fof lhe,Now iear
,fjt,. dill I, ,1 .i .1 y J 1
.GrtlMES-WALliEU.In- Ilairuburic Deo.
ii, una, at thcmntili'iu'O ot thn brlUu'ii. fUir,
IjVKot: KlIjKh- Wnita-r, Mir. :nft M,rnr
mid MIB baba ,ci Wai.kbu all Oi UilM
county. r y&t .. )f
Tho cnmpllmdiMof 'the (8on, In Uio imno
pf UieUmlifhty ,I)oluuvopmi! with ho'n)"vo
inatlai, aiul in rntnrn W13 watt the happy cotipfn
a "Morrjr Clirltmns" and a lisppy opunublifl
,- .1:
A 'B8c?ifiM. !PJ5W.Jl.i
Knocli.MUltrf yvday ..itiilked Oivj
jstically iiitip bur oflle, ''earryinlrn,
latge and flaojit I)pauUfu(ry ornament!
kebearlnititlWinltlatfl ''M. Vi B.j?j
tjittefully baited In varied oolow on lHc
rnirfoce of . tlu cjikp, TJilhaudaoiiib,
prp -ont was acepmpaniud by tile nntiiex
oWM. Rosette Jflller, Miw'Karrlatto
Jipior and Miss Iluijriittrt Millerjl to
till oTwhom we bow our most gfatoful
acit)iowlcdg6mc''n taltintl earnestly ' wlnti
the fair donors a "nappy New Year1'
and many returns Of. the name. ! U
i, l t f r. ' i 'i I
DnowNKJ). ThoW. n. T. C(fk
Bteoiner Shoshone oij'jie? ijlj I(tn
Inst Sunday, got aground, and In afr-j
leijjtjng; pi a.l4t again she lost
man out of the life boat, who Wits
drbwtietl befdrc lie corild recei Vo assist-!
aiico.' ila and th mate wcra attempt-;
ing tQ rrryj Uioi) ajiore, wheni be
fell, out. pf, the boat, and , the cable
catching liliui by tho leg, drbwned'tlioi
poor fellow whilo he was floundering1
in the -water,-Ho as a young man
about' 5 yearjj p.t jigc, and had no fain-i
rPTMro TnxBitWe t rcfijoted
toStatethst Itin; Albert Brtrtseh will
arriv ln.thto,'0ity pn next . Monday ,!
and .will, remain tor aeveral, dava ,yr
the pnrpose of tuning piauoa, i.
('f Jin Palba Jiepiillican isout If itli a
patent, .inside last week. That is,
ther9,wan't.njtJiing;p,riptc4 on it
iut plain wliitp4 Jt was easily, read.
Tho JIa-aU Bpeoial ay that tlifi
resignation of General Sickles aij
17oitd States Minister hi been
officially accepted. i
Tlili AMI TUB NliW.
The clock slrikos twelvo, and
gray-haired old man, leauing upon a
jataff, passes out into the dark cold
inight, never to return. Who can toll
jhow many (ondor regrets, how many
mournful memories linger around
him. Aslio passes out to tako his
placo among his predocesaors, the
jnow-born child of Timo comeB bound
ing in, and with a merry srailo and
Ringing laugh, scattei'B broadcast his
merry gTeetingy,''!lAthaxlaWrifng Of
a now year
r tnany god resolutions
'will bo fbf m'
ko be brokeS,; many , who greet the
uewcomer to-hight sS1 jbvYitliy'frinia
scenes of mirth and revelry, will, ore
hotnkes his denarture, havo passed
khe, changes whioh will have taken
folios in ovory homo, some for the
If T:- 1 , ' ' . 'u...i.J.,...r.. JLJJ
Deuor, some . mrv fimi:urau,juuj
inow on the downward oourso, awakou-
lad ere iotfiialoy wift aatti thair ,iopS
land tke tho straight and narrow way;
0tfSer8,)'ltttied" fiy liHeniptfir',j)wHl:
jtread the path whioh seems linod with
oljl Knosoa shall have recorded an
ohej year, thj jrfillolooXjbiqV" 0
blighted lives and blasted hopes.
Dark. judoQ are thongos tho old
yar lil writtaUj. M Uomuilaaditdciu-.
lato. ' True, wo have this yoar been
iriared,ft iTcpntitjoj jrfIjoM t-errlp,
scenes ot last year, wuon minions upon
millions wore tlh great oljflajgra-
tions, winch !n a" single night Vodiiced
to a mass oa)ape1oas ruipflgi;andnd.
imposing ediiioosl wiiiob, beforo tlieir
fall, stood monuments of decanoe
lid erandour. Yet this ycar-s Ufsas-
tersTiave boon 110 less fow in number
nor sad Wotli igur Jff
sick as we turn n-om iuio jcai o tvjuuiw
of bbi rors on land and Boa, and our
oyes rnoirftcniwitii Joara ai 'tlioy 'Stll
upon thenow-mado graves of some of
our best and ablest men anu purest
womeu. ; V
now year tuay-woi oo;uiBKeno nj-
irianyjcenes of horror and of crime,
ai have onaraoiemea tne past; way
there bo no record of Spanish butch
cries and of ghastly bodios laid low
in martyr craves; fewer homes made
desolato by remorsoloss contagion';
fower lives sacrificed to tliojuggornaut
of the railway; fower bodios consign
ed t tho cold bosom of old ocean;
fewer brutal murders, aud loss of
critno in pvery sliupo;' Mid upon tho
register of that wingsd spirit, who 1&
scribes our good and evil deeds, may
be awardod tho praiso, "Well dono,
ojooij and faithful servant."
MIT1UU. fElsewhcro will be found tho call lor
tbe meoliug of tho Democratic State
Central Committee at Portland, on
thp 22nd inst. This is later than usualj
for ;lho iMoffitodf ihfrpfcffilnitteo,!
bajlve beirovVrIt 'is4, eaflf 'ttioughJ
Heretofore, in consoquonco of tho
meeting tiling iu midi jHto, , wljan1
tfce ,C8lunAraVSs blocfaWoTwrtu lco,
thp counties of Eastern Oregon havo
been almost wUolljfc purepreaentod.j
It is fiopod howovor, that tho dato for
lias liiootinp; will allow tho raomborsl
J!ttit i)UJjeSiiloIU3ms auf,p)oriaonjr
to attend, It is now desircable and.
expected the Democracy of thoaovor-j
id douDtics in llio Slate will go aolive-j
ly'tb work, perfecting tliolt orgauiisa-
tion and preparing for the approach-j
ing political campaign. Wo have al
w'iloy and unpriuciplod foe to oontond
with ouo that will not spare any
Hiibtorfuge or trick to bbtain a victory,
Alttiongh weakened by intornal dis
sensions and fostoring-to-tbe very oorel
witb corruption arid rpttoniicsB, yet
the Jladioal party of Orogon will next
Juno make one desporato final effort
to regain its ascendency and to again:
attijn a position whoro it can plunder)
and rob tho peoplo; aud to gain this
end no trick will bo too low and no!
knavery too moan to resort to. Tha
peoplo must bo prbparod for this
emergency aud must unito undor onoj
oommoB baaaer i nravcntnucU
catastjfojiholp WfeaUvcir hiai bo iaid1,
oi omcr movemcnia to purity pontic
and preyef flup)i pajrey J .AVjod
and May from again securing tlie rein
ofoor t$fa.tfl .GvnnioBty and , a , i Ijlju-
plo trom roprosonliiig our young coin
monwcalth in tho national Congress,
wo know of no organization now suf
ficiently potent and, powerful ,to ac
complish sucB a purpose aavo- hat o!
the Domocrtiey. "The pcoploVoxperi-
ence and ltnowledgo of our proBcuj
able and efficient Slate administrationj
is a sufliciont proof that the Domoo
racy rosy safely he trusted with ibei
alfaira of our Slate and that its rep
resentatives may safely be relied on
ascapablo, vigilant, economical, nml
In ifoff);ct5anif VoW4oally .aik
tbebonost pooplo of all parties to
ponder well Uipie'tUiogi sod wo lavd
no fear of tho ultimate result of their
reflections. Tho party which has so)
well served tlio people in tho past can
not fill to be again entrusted with tlii
administration of affairs. j
mltteeofthe State of Oregon, Is horo-
bv requested to1 rrleef ttt' th City' of
tt'ortlaua bWnmrsdfty, th 22d. day ,'flf
LTanuaryj lJij)a S', o'cWck,, j... ',iii,'ti , pf
teaid day for the purpose of; designating
the. tiui audi manner "of 'holding.
jDemoeratio 'atatS CoiiVehtiori,1 ao'-'
kordance with'the usage bt Hie' party,
and otM'Aa?'iWnBW9to other, , bufunes
as may j)rpirly .wu elpre sniu epnii
mittee. SaM Committee Is ompoaed
'. fell. ..MOW Itmw ua B'Ult. I n HX.llIll: '
nenjnmin. ttfiymonil,...-.
A. itiwJA..;u..v.'i.,u.liMi.
W. ll..laokitU.
Win. 'l'li-lw'iiorr..,.s--m!n,f,w,nrrV'!,",lrW
A. lj. WHiuruu
J. C. Avery . bonton
J. 11. HlUlklLniUlLu.....i'.h'.l..lMi.;M....'jA.t.l.l'lll(l
J, J. Walton, Jr.,...w...,........MM... .liim
O. W.Uruyv. ...Miirlnn
ii. m;vvHofftici.H.;..ii..'...i:.i.,u.i..;.,..(ii..i..I,iik
W. L. While .T....7..... Cluckiimas
W. A. MiiMKriivo HColllnibla
A. Vnn lluson vv,..v..m.Vu.w.i....Clut80tt
W. II. Knnwtt u:...V:.T.........I."."....ZTIllninoik
J. M. llLti.-rjMi!..u.-w:AUi.Juj.M.iiWjiten
II. (J.l'nliio Umatilla
A. C. Ornlg .....s ,.....'.,..v.,.iJnlon
I. Il.IInln.i..V.i...........V.'.:....'...,..'W.'.,-l...JBlil''r
J. W. naUhvin..-t.i..i.n....M.,uo.a.M.ii-oil.Wliult
Shouldsaay vaoancieahave -ooeurred
In any of '.'the ' counties; "the 'CbUiity
Comihlttees , are recommciHled tq. ,011
such vueancies,, '.'.' A UH atfeudaupe, pf
tho Committee is oarnostly -requested;
"' Vf . In' WHITE,1
TQuXMaXDtm. Slu Central Com.
iOeegen, City.TDeo., aotb, -1878 1 i ' ')
JqwUlo V'-'l i'.ii-I 10 0')l''iii fill ii.
ami valdi?. Vmt ltit ni'OUivr Kiji''.'.
-evriq lo Wi Wi;rti:(Ij -if ).'
Veitma jirt ,
7c, T .w.i' ;! .I'v'Vi'a""
Ami attains unfold. ,
At water? wicel"
i1i.-JJihI ihoiiltt nil) titimburi 0'rfMMi'"'
. . '. i -" ' : Jl '- i ''''
,,-vt,,.. !r'7'V ptmltg m only niitw,h,!i;ii -i -o! ; :
We oomoiUi io gmte of the tend Wd Year,
And' stand by thetfoirih of tho New, f 'J',
7 ijat us iiay tho trlbutoofn slnglo toar j...
it .:To the Old, then tildlttcUou. i.m -,t- '
... ) I'lj. in ,,-'i.
Tot tlie'tllirit f g6jto','lty hopos and foan
Have fled beyond rtcall,, ...-f t i...i
.Jo.tho mlsty'ri'iipn of burlej years i.' ,t
a'i. i Let the aoaldUig tear dropa Call, ... . i. ,(! ,
t ui sll'aat'i for still down ilia lading auoni, ' !i
u. .ot'llmemayljetOBrdaKiundi !.- n
1'ls the nuillled iH-nt of the.bputmun's oar ,
.Taalwresetornalboundjjijjj,.;.. ;.s :. .';.,.-
'And uiinfy o'er th'o rocodlng tldo -. .;':, ! ,''
-May ba saan a happy throng - .
., Ulideinrtod frUuuU an tluty Iwlrtly glldo :
" Ai.X lu. IwmrA IIia lii.iitiiinn'Niioiiir. '
lie slnsa In a low,' oli.'niollnvr (train, ',
bt Joys that bifore tbum llo ;
And the Joyons'Mirong ohi the awoet refrain,
.M KhJiftWimlnjiUngwayesrfiayt.'jiaA.l'i
More faintly are hoard thono swelling notes,
rr Mofa dlnly-i!lOAe iopfiia aro aoollr i fTOT
- They nroKone-i no snuw-whlta ixlrioa: floats
"i5EV mnP '"'W tjiij aaye ljiii, n,.,i 'i i
l,,nej'ittudu,4(ipiirli!(l Uirpii"')'ir,-,1 1
1-arewell to tho dt-aa liia! xoar,!ii.u tILl'l"
n 'nriiwell to tile boiitlpon lent and slrong ;r
'jriie mornliig bcoina i)ipoar'. ; , , . ..
jnid now while buns rrf'roseatc llht ,', " 2'i
' 'tJlarnldUionowora.yoarLif.
--LaL-uaXuriiAvltUu-uuMr bawUsbau-brlgbt. .
And sonf spf goodly olieor.);.;-; :
- fUrPUIJHias u "forward marp!r;T;"
.Hofore u )lda tho; fisld u , j , 5 fl J.,;f
OVr the.wjst Js spread Uod's 0inlig arcbr
' ,j(('.bv'tiiiit aui Bhl(ild. hh ,'.,,','; v
1 jiieiV baft' U tlio year Just ushered in '.',1 !
1 Hull lo the rich and tho pool! -l n-ri '
I ffnit U tho weary ehtfdof.Mq,".
ltfiiv hn I'm, tuidiMln no ihuDO.
.'ilali, )lta to urlKliil'oxpectant youtil (
-HHlltoroobteitrqmtjllllBqiro;'- '
Tr theAtTTitaj-endh' hope prove fraaerr'd trutli
lit Arkl rrtsj inbsrln tkatrnih -airgage.'' 1
, TlmR rushes Qrllilie'th'o cnirlo's "Ighfi , n
' 'flio yp'uiil; ifjll senn'ltto olft :'' ' T,.,f:
' S'piifeKatd spliUel ihay nli'jfiu f.ljp rlut',,,
;;,'l,1l'o,wuurtiicrpwn of jq'ju , (oi!, "xhi.h,
'''tfl'i.'bnoh'ls'resorviU'PirS.liiJse awioi'!,,'i,,:,. i
.J.Wbasbaroln tlio duad'lj:.Ktrire,
Ji;oJirJornafoe Trptlyl) tflfijll I
AH tney inareu o er liiu puna in inu,
rvr- 1 1 ,.'.: - . i..r-r. ;..! Wlfl
fijncli Int Uiero nm on'overy sfdiJ -' ' ''. ; 1 ' - f
(''. In Choreh.'lu wtitp and mart,',. , ,,'L';
' 'ifui the foulest of all am tiw ftioa thai lilila .
-In WieerwrmborBrrf the heartr-" " "r:
Iliefc strrkr! irltkl'rt pre yWloM wllrou't i
Atihiiiip WDho li(.bglnil '. j t-l
BolfKMaiHuuluas'aJid haUMU4 doubi.
Are tho vilest forms of sin.
Tho purest gold Is doepest found
Ilrni'Hth l.he nmililv lr-vnl.
And henntol lliyp aud rulli'iiiuilij '''j
tMMhi aiit rf I fiit ftl
cftbdr stranger, friend or brother. "
A score of virtues may exalt,
Ueu these j o'erlook tho other;
May eaeh tat out In Ufo auow ., - -i .
And stuiO U bo bettar . & i .'U ' .' '. 'L .
Then reformation flrin and true
.OurnatlolisluUIunlelter. " ' t,t. ) Y "r t,
tho Parson feed Ills hungry fold i i .' 1
. onpnrei'Uospolruiioiifi, -',. j- ',,
Aiiffnot jiruclaltu Jod wo(tl jjor go.ld(
Nor Indian Itescn'fttlons. 1 ' ,1 - ,' '':
IM Inwyvf too' slrbPM sean his brief
X Wltb vlfwsalwvw rtl Piels:i( k'jr.i
Taxpayers theft would Ud relief '
From costly cfrctilt dockots,,.
Boctori. Wfrb deal nut potent pills
And kill "secunUam artum,"
Should, by their conscience, square their bills
And surfer nuugbt to part them
' im'.a ft..tllb-ltrl-With seeifir tlle
i lit:
lli , 81J0HH ntltriM n 'irstsii.nor (iniiio, j r,
If Fortune deign not them to smile ' .).'.,
Let him Join "Old Dcrtand Illpplo." 1 '
Mi febfuiui, fh tut'n, should honest be
..' Ihontry.oliarfcoand debit,.; ii '
And cnnAirrnars should all agree ' f ' f : t
' To not abuse their cri-'dtt ,
T .1, ..i. t i '!.! :. i i'','; '.
Tho farmers aH shoulrl Join the Clraugo
And rule this mlghtynatlon ;' " . f
-Then tu clie power thuy gala to change'. ' -..TlwraUispf
traosportativn-. .M . ,
! . . . , . . . .... -
. ;Thl ham 1 snng In worilsof truth.
If not of ryfhmle Iwauty,
And pointed out (0 Age nnd Yoffllf
.5110 tfolden mln of duly; '-
'if wfnng, I'll wliniiiffysuhinir" '''
To rlgtit whakifre l.lie abuse Is ;
If any fuel tiat tliey are "lilty"
lit thein send In thefr cxeuses,
, i , --.i . J.,, .1'
I II mnlee my weekly flslis still; , (
fn spite of ffaiiiiui and ashes, , . i, N
nd if yon owoaprlutrr's bill, ' '',.'
Wbyiheut cnino."help Hie, CAari-is."-' I
) ,, ., . i .. CUUtKSVK JS. VAVIAHli.;,
(- ii . . , .... ..
Tt. (!. Ht-iwl, cilitor u( Junior Vcnio
cWi'f, called lust nlfflit.- "'' ' '
3 Ull I i(l"l H IHt 1ft l
" i oo 1 t ini ia im" iff 'Mi
: tin i mi is on 22 ii
' f no U si) in no !? mi
o no u on to
1J 00 18 00 1 30 00 .48 OH
00- 2d 00 40 0i AO 00
,10 00 10 00 01) 00.1100 00.
hjenti per Ma, taop Mwrtitm, -;,i
Hf legal aaa.tninsient uuvernHrni.-rw dh
Ipw ii4r f li Ifnef, for bt fiwt imwrUnn,
and $1 ill fwiquara Sot eapU ii0Btiiuet. ir .
.Brtioil. . '. '
IPll'jTllllJCBItAjrjC'Sf tHAMCBHI' ('.
j1 Fr'dm tire cfidfof or latest' 1tfo-
Ipratits it is baTdly probable f'lal - VV"!!:'
jliams will bp confirmed as Chief Jus-1
tibe? Tjfisl'Monda' threiji wTtfiesscs
iweA eiiainfried liy Hlieenntc JudK
Iciary Committee in relation lo eharge
dgafcilt Williamsj lo-wifrfc'AsifistSnt
Attorney-iGorieral! Hill.I.AI ;3i i-'allaj
jdiiof ithe; Department -.of
Justice, and Heptcaent ati voNcs ,
'pf'Orogirt ti laet named Vitb rofcri
lencB to ndveraq telegrama fmniJlliaf
'Statell Whilpr Born Senators Ihink
tWn6miifdtidnmnynIiima!tolyU cot
'firmed, others are ot the bpiriibn thai
iffSfftfafo W the Commitfeb. ( Not-
witlistaridlrir tliei (Slafn'orS rof tlie"' W
Spectable and'inflrietiiiai Knilioal or'
gans,who aredisgustod with Williams'
tiSrhinatibltjTrdsidentGrliiif sttiliborn
ly WfusWtb''wltli(1raw hls'nafrie'r '"' I
UI,It fassorterj that mkm6 fffiii
to receive coiifirmatioh itwr Cliit-f Jus-
tioolieViil resign Iitj bfKee'of AttV
hey G(oiie.;'',It' seems' tiy'ns ' that
gotid taslo and' deceky" woiild1 nave
sug'gdsted to hint tlio- 'propniHy' m
resigning the Attorney Geuoi ars ofliufl
aa soon as ins name -wa'-6ei u io
Seriate by the Presiaent fbi; 'conBrirfa
tion as Chief Justice.1 -dj' '
Frora-in Atlantai.' n Deo.
31th, the. fojlowiug m. -telpgrapbed;
'A Beriaatipn:; was' 'pfodutieil , at
Bionvillo; South Carolina; mat weeitj
hi the ftrreet-' ol'the- Bfndeil family
of mrftderers ntBeviOavjllej i .this
corjnt,b9ui)ve?piUes froui town.
iyery ope--wiu foinoiuuui im. jub
BxPiKmPntbroduMd bribe dlafuvSr ,
of 8ie'w3io,lesaIo(iirnrat'8 '-eonnnitted
by tb!f Bender family -.itw iv.mauU
1'be ; bodie of yrotimsi were, fuuud
buried, ;ai)d the Uender fuiuily - ail
ninfle good tbeir escape bef ro ,th.'oir,
clittioB were" 'diBcovered." The hiad
o! tho family, llioma Webb, aa ld
imad neorjy selenty yeari.ufi jfftcSi boil
Uvea at rfliionviKe. ifx (efu-utfU tuaa
this man Webb, a shoemaker by ti,
formerly lived near Bienville,' and
moVed WobI about seVeli years' ago.
The name of Uendpr must h.tvo bet
asgumod; by them wben thpy 'innvt'
XVesjii as the old mot) aud. ( jus, ..wife
nipved back to this country 'ii ' sliWt
timo silioo' tind settled-ln'.'tho oiioigil
borhood in which they fornorly livwh,
without any suspicion, beitjg fouiem
bored by the: name of Vebb(,l)y,.iiotup
6f tho old 'citizens' 'who! ktlo'w ilmh
many ye'ars' agd'.' ' ' ' ' '',u;'-'9
tOMfM '..J.LMI.LLLl.-.,-ii -.0 fr'l.-
i VBH1F fcAWttW Nii.W.S.';ii i
fbfeigri papors coiititlii ''Wlejjra'iiiii
from-tiibpraltor, annonnciiijriho total
Joss ' of the, atoamor JinA:lair;J ot
Nqwcastle, England.!' Otip lii'Jii only
savod but of a cfew 61' : (wWitjf-tlireb
Callb. CusiiitiA; suocbeds IJaii. Sirkcs
as Minister to Spain. "l" ; -' , J"
"Tho-lEivanal'rizo Coint has' corf-
. . 1 I : 1 ... I ... I r
demned tho steamer V irmius Hsr-to
" AtlbtHer stcamor'fi'om b.mtmjti llu
Cuba Arrived -on tno'28th!,',briBjing
the i iiitcllifieu'cb; that JCdlplf lftHer,
flio'iriissing btn'rospomlent oHbe'Kyw
Tbfk!2W6Mfif),J'ls supposed ' to1 Ji
fallon' overboard ifora! 'tlie1 Jllifluvlf
Cieiiubgys of) bor lost it ip- - il-'T
;ilA'i,WaBhiug'tOriJspoolal laayi Alho
Oregon.' 6ppbnonta of "the couliriaa-
irfr'of "Wiliaml arc fcttewirig their
eftWti diiriig'recess;' 'Q'boji bay not
'('yet fildd kaf i additlunal mliuVgus,
bbo lloplare thill bis rejeotiiin is cer
tain: IThoi'o -is bnt' little dooht that
be'will rotlre from the Cabinet ill
the event of bis rojeotion..'?1'ou'
- rt: Havana dlspacth of tho tSih snp:
Tfcrj ttjEHrgolJtjsfy ofi. 'tljV lirl iiistnnli
tiling within raaoh. They mot with
a repulso beforo Fort Diamout, am!
ro a, subsequent attact .on a deiach-
ft) pf it Of tlio CiVil Guards Tost seroral
ill killed. ". Latilst "roporls .ty ,'tliey
are now iii full rotroat, " piirsiied by
Spanish troops.
I ia "the way tlie AVashington
bwrespondent of tlio Brookly Argus
States It:, ''It ' pleased tbq .Jijccutivo
thlnd to 'tnako Jfr, and Mrs. AVil
liains the caridldato for the CJnef Jus-
ticoslilp at onoo, jLet not any nnso
fihlsticatod soul Supposa thnt 'tlie
Judfo' would bo 'any whero' ever! on
tho Supreme Bench, without bis. com
plimont. Mrs. W. says 'wo' when shtf
montiona the Cabinets Thoreforo. trn
the Supremo 'llonoh -still, wc7 it
A spiritual paper poblisbod in tb
East scj'tf tbe spirit of Capt. Jack ha
been communicating with, the(, world
tbrougb tbo medium of a lira. J. H.
Conant. Kow will Jack just lull it
doubling world in what prcrt of tho"
body Mencbam was- refill sbott and
will Sooncbin's spirit ' come forward
and toll us how many times Meacbini
killed him before Gen. Davis baugSuV
him to tbe juniper hushes? These
things would fill an important void
In the unwritten history of the' Modou
'"N- ' "' ' '
"8r,i:BAofthaEaslarn jiiiiicrs ,)V
iimato strongly that Grant wss 1 kissf. ,
iuto tha appointment of ,WillW.ii is
Chief ' Justice.". Weri,' ilio woman
who wpuld do that, oven for nieli a
valuable reward, lias strong appvlit
tor thi fitmca pf gin and tobaoo..' ,
VI ..