The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 26, 1873, Image 1

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    RAILS Oi" ADV1 lll-i.t-
1 W 1 M M M
I i vit.
I (null.
. hi
. " "'-
'mart. v. brown.
''ER.Mfl, in ahvaiic-! Ono year, 13 i Eix
itts, 12 j Throe months, $1 ; One month, 50
.ts; Singlo Ctlpies, 121 cents. . r
ttomsMnacnt writing over assumed slgna
j or anonymously, must make known their
. -r ams t'l.tlio Editor, or no attention wdl
iVon to tlioir oeraniunicattons.
4 cnuoWKTU. - I. SMITH.
arvallis. ' tinnCo.
Corvallis, Oregon.
. JT-OmcB at the Court Home. Ton-T
and Notary Public. "
f'-.Mial attentions glvon to collections,
n.-rica Dp stairs in ParrUh's Briok.
' tony, Oregon. v3n.33tf.
? iWOfflce In the Court House."
ti iTWork warranted to eivo satisfaction. "W
DKALEn IN ' ' ;
Tobacco, Cigars and Yankee Notions,
1 wMstrtvoinikeoponMndsthe bcst of ov
ingiamy Un anil to inertt public pat-
NO. 20
2 In.
3 In.
4 In.
I, CM.
1 Ooi:
1 CoL
I til) ii 00 5 tin
3 on 5oo i on
8 00 t 10 10 00
4 Oil 7 00 12 60
ft 00 5 00 15 00
7 60 2 00 Hi 00
in on is no in oo
15 00 20 00 40 00
8 Oil
12 00
15 III)
18 00
25 on
30 00
40 on
60 t
IK V,ii
11 (10
27 00
nr. 00
4H 00
All 00
loo oo
Business notices !n tiio l.taal Columns, 29
cents per line, each Insertion. i- i
. For legal and transient adrertiflfimt-nls W 50
por square of 13 lines, for the first insertion,
and $1 00 per square for each subsequent -sertion
42.4 14
. 22,i
tallied. Revolting promptry and Bat. fac
torily dono at shortest notice, vsniijyi.
.-r . -
Office on Main, street, between Ferry and
r.madalbln. jlti-Kldi-nce on Thlril strcirt, two
l,liks east, of buUiw, tho MotUodlst C(mrcu.
j f vonl3tf.
v!ll prnctlee in all Uio Courtn In tlio 2d, 8d
.il 4tn Juillpial lilslrlrta; In the tjiimjOH!
. ,- i.-t and Orciilt ( 'onrt. ( llliea upstairs in front
I . m In rurrUIl's UrlCK diock, r im .
DB. E. O, SMITH, ;'
oFFICE-Two doors oust of Conner's Bank,
i vltiilltf. V... 4
! , NEU f fill MPUS! !
kalva of LnstYenr
itio ofnHuftna frnin UAvriM1 mf 1 1 VII a fif
the Sales of Sewing JlfacWnes in 1822,
renorted In 1M78). show that tho Sfhir-
r Manufantnrhii? Comnanv sold., last
more machines than any other uom
niinv. nnd nvpr one-nuarttr of all ma-
chiues aold(luring that year. Nine
nur. nf tpn nr an in fsinirir ivmp.n men were
for FAMILY use proving tup great
popiuartt oi tne oaier in xno "ouho
hold; -Annexed are the "Sal os of dif-
feret makers:
Thn 1Ih0 irnnnAirV Pn. flnlfl 319. T5R
WhOKlor A Wllum M'ig l SolU 174.1WS
(invi'rJt nakorH.M. Co. " ftiw
uonii'suc a. in. uo.
Woi'dS. M. Co "
WIIcmjx & (ilbtis S. M. Co "
Wilson B. M. Co.,... "
Amt'M?,H.O.AB. M. Co... i.sti
Hold MlHtrtl H. M. CO..... "
Fluronco ti. M. Co - "
Agents, Albaiiy, OreffOn,
' Also, all kinds of Machine' Needlea for salo'
.H-, i i- 'ly WORLD'S FAIR H ' '.
. Vtrnna. Aimfria. Auir. 20. 1873,
Wl Wllori, president Wilmn Sew
ing juacmne vompemy, vicvcumu:
Ohta: '
Tim WUann KAwincr Mfinliln Wflfilv-
ed the GRAND PRTZE3 paAL for
being the sest wewing juacmneanu u
rifn.l Ti.t.,, r' nf 'limmrf WflH
awarded to; the ' Tfiison Sewing Jla-r-l.inp
A. . mannftinturiiiir sewine
niaehlnes In the best manner, from the
best material, and by the best known
mechanical principles These ceieora
ted machines are now on exhibition
and for sale at the store of
V A JWaiiual oi'Hcallh. j
' .J!llAn nfhntiirnAn ri t no i. r.,1 tVit mill lnn
of copia of a very useful work Is now ready for
gratuitous distribution, and can bo nad for tlio
asking at any drug store In the United States,
the British Colonies, Spanish America or Bra
zil. The work referred to Is Hostetter'a Alma-
VtUn vnrlnnu n , I in.Ml f.K fo wllidh lllO hlllliaD S.VS-
crtles of Hostetter'a stoniacn isnters tno pur
est anu DCSl ionic at. prL-scnt ruuwh-ub
servaUvo of health and strength, and as ft rem
edy for debility and disease. Tho Almanac Is
'printed in nil tlio principal languages of the
ni..iii.nli nnd mnohON a lartrtr number of
families and Individuals than any other medi
cal trcatue that ever lssuea Jrom tne press. o
man or woman wlio has a due regard for that
ohoIcHst tf heaven's blessings, bodily "vigor,
ShOUla lall Winn pmin, snupio mniwimiiwiifi
artlclos whieh tills truly practical! publication
contains. Ino miscellaneous twitter is varied,
Instructive and amusing, nnd the calendar de
partment copious andcomprehenslve. Hostet-
. k l.. 1B 1., elinrt n 'hrMlonh Aid Onil-
wnlencpl ailauted to the uso of Ml classes and
caumgf, ' jnBPiuim!i,u'c'Mi'."" .........
the nu rehiut, the mechanic, fh laborer, the
nroietjsiomii man, nil iiccuil; hiju w iuvimiub
: of botli smxpr t is literally an article of prime
wnder so'mftny'mwUcal trcniisus intended for
popular use uninH'uiKi'Mf in i-hj i m-i.w '
: All is clear, exnlieit, forcible, and reconcilable
vyjtn reason ami uuuiwiuM ni-ii.
Tho pronrieiors, Messrs. iuwtua iv.-nm.u
,'TIOP.NEY And counselor at law
Wll prat-tioe'in all Wo Coilrfi of tnU Btato.
j Nov. 11, 1870.
w. HAnnis. H. J. BotoiITON.
i r Offlce on Main stroet, over A. Oarotliorj'
irp llr Harris's residence, on tourtli street,
. ,1 blocks west of Court House. Ur. BouKh
srostiumco.on Fourth, street, opposite : l)r.
. 1 ', i vllnllti.
TTopa n mitli r linjTsheet lltralii!
Biit it Is tho best we can possibly do
until our new material arrives, which
we will do in. aween or two.
Anil then.'" vou' know "it is Hoiiilay
times, when folks can't do much work
anyway. Spare us cefitjure and we will
give you a better paper than ever as
soon as we get in full blast again.
Plt,tNbtirti'fi'u.,oireoelitf ntwo cent slump.
will lorwara a copy ny iuku i ......
cannot procure one in his neighborhood.
State of Oregon, Comity of Linn, S. S.
M. Iiik 4 miles northi-aist of HarrlSburc, I.lnn
Kunoosf-d to be'sycurs old: marked with an
.underblt in each ear und hranded letter
- Appmised by tile undcrRlprned 1 at 4w, this 18th
naowl. '' ' Justice of the Peace,
County Arjrioull.liml Association. r I hPM
win oo. il it"'"" ; i
opera House, lu.-u'miiy, ijiuu eu4in.j,
Ttumiflmi. the 1st dan of Jan., 1S7A,
Tat me notir ot i ii ci.h.-k i-. jm., ...
nl7w3 tiee'y. l'rosidcnt.
"his house is the most cominodious in the
1. Table supplied with tho best the market
ti-iIs. 1'ree coach to the hoimo. Safe for
iuables. Ufflco of Corvailis Stage Company.
ruccist and Apothetary
I Paints, Window Glaw, Byestuffs, Liijaorsj
icy Soaps, Brush., Perl'umerioaj io. , : .
frcscriptions Carefully Compounded.
ill articles nd Drugs in our liae irananted
ihe bost quality.-.1 ' ' ; ' ' , ,.
irst street, Post Offlee building, Albany.
....t..-.- - ' jutl5v5n48yl
ML that by virtue of an orUr made by the
County Court, within and fortiio County of Linn
llarn l'arrier, ueceaseu, '., ij. Jwulliu"' '
minimniwrui mu emwui uo o
win on , . .
Mnnrin i: Hit, uh da ii of Jarmami X874,
in said county of Linn, at tlio hour of one
o'clock In tho al ternoon of that day, sell at
eslato, belonKinir to said estate and situated in
tho town of Harrisbiox, in said county, to-wit :
Lot fio. six and seven In Iilock So. throe
Terms of sala I l-'or U. 8. eold coin, one-half in
hand, and one-half in Hhree months from
premises. L. O. E1J11LEMAN,
Atty'sfor AdiuT. nl7wl.
. .. - p .i A:.:.nn. f Alhanvand vi-
IU1IJ iniuriu iu. win..-".. ,. ,
ty that he has taken charge of this tatablish-
it, and, by keeping eiean roeiu. ry w
iot attention to business, expects to suit all
e who way favor.hira with their patronage,
wingieretofore eariod on nothing but
First-OIasa Kalr Dressing Saloons,
.inoeU to live entire satinfaction to all.
J in force reiaiin i wic-...i.-...i'... ...
all taxes are required to be paid within thirty
(lays ail'T M1U UIIJB - ...u. .- r
tax-payers In tho several preeeincts, and all
J?... ....... ...i,i. in ihut limn are liiible Lo
costs as upon execution and thflt Is one dol
lar and mree per mn. in,m n..-,.
I will, tru-relore, in rmrsnancet of law, meet
. , F T Inn mnnlu .t their rPSOt'CU
I III UU'J ljl....".n...j ......- . .
Ive places of voting. In oach precinct, on the
following days. Uwit: . L
Hiirrisburg, Wcrnesttay and Thursday Dec.,
10-Ui llalsey. f'rlduy Dee. U ; Orloans, fcauir
day. Deo. Yi ; Kyracust, Monday, I'0. 1? ; Solo.
T.,..ulv and Wednefdav. Uec. 1IH7; Iranklin
Tiiilte. 'fhuralav. Dec. 18; Fanllaur. Ti( ay,
exnoeU to give entire satmaciion w "inutte, Thursday, Dec. 18: faniiaur, n j,
f--Childiei and Ladies' Hair neatly eat Dec. 10; Lebanon, Satimley, Dec. 211; WntoWJ
g shampooed.
IIl. . XV. C1BAY,
oornerof FUat ondVKerry street. V
wrs from 8 to a o'clock A. jc, and from 1 to. 5
''lock I M. ,
Iteaidonoei Comer Fin h and Ferry atnieu.
North Portland Precinct. ' , .
'Scferaiee ty permiition to the following
gentietnea :
' llnnor Philip WMseraian, Mayor of the
y of Portland; lion. Eugene Semple; !'
,....n.nn. ibr j.i' iiwtnnrao: III. 1- "
IHC.lw; limnoii,wiiiuJ,'' - -
. ..... -kt. un..,d. II....,. TneulMV. IK-C
a : Brush Creek, 'Wednesday. IMc.,IH : Browns-
vlllo, 1 nnrsaay aau enoiiy, j'i-c. r--., . - '
.,f..n.,.- lip, -n- Albiinv: Mrmilav and J ut-s-
aay.ueo. -n. , i'i"-' 1" 'u ;: , . V n
Alia IIIX lOtll-lTLOl l-Jl .Jll.1. w.
Albany, ov. 17, la. nlotd.
II iind.rsiened, Almon Wheelernnd Amanda
A. Wheeler, Executor and fcxeeutrlx oi lire
Inst will and testament anu esmw, k.. -
W heeler, n mri.,u wu-.. .
deceased. In pursuance of un order of the Coun
r. . ... 1....1.... llrt-imn. made at
the May term thereof, 17:), and in pursuauceof
the directions given iu the last will and testa
ment of saldiu ceasi d. will sell at public auc
tion, at the conn iioiiM-u.n, ....... """.
(, all tin- rieht, til le and inu.-r.-st of the
f.illowing descrlbi-d rrfmo at the time of his
death, uwwlts A Cenain trait of land, heejn-.
ningfortv chains South and eiKhiren chains
and tw?f and one-half links ; U ol 11
South-west corner of Nathaniel Oark s Dona
tion Ijind Claim, No. 51, Notilieatlon No. -,
In Linn enmity, Oroayin -. running thence ivitrt
Eillileen Is) chains and twelve and one-half
IT ') links; tli.-m-e (i.uth forty (111) chains,
thenr Wi-rt clghtwn (W) chain and twelve
and one-half 12 links, thenco North forty
HII tliain. HI UH- (illin: .11 - ----
tng 7'-' .-iou arrws, more or lose ui the hignesi
OKldPT, Oil
entertainment given by the Sigma
Phi anil .Esthetic Societies pi Aioany
Collegiate Institute, last. Tuesday
night, was well attended by the intel
Iisrent. refined and critical portion of
our community, and the "affair passed
oil with intlnito credit 1,0 an concerneii.
The "roll call" was a new and unique
featurejind was fully appreciated. The
anthem, bv both Societies, was rarely
rendered. The Salutatory, by J. Ew
ing Hannon, was, carefully delivered,
though hardly loud enough for the cars
of the entire audience. ; The recitation,
by Miss G. Olive s Canon, was ex
cellently rendered, and by Its beauty
and pathos, brought tears to the eyes
of many of the audience. The solo,
by Miss Alice Griflin, was spirited,
and took well with' tlie audience, as
did also two. or three other .. musical
treats rendered by her during the
evening. She is undoubtedly a cultured
musician as well as a finished vocalist.
An essay, by T. JiiOp Tate, was beauti
fully written and. ' well read. The
charade, "Foot-Prints," was very -fair
and one of two of tho characters most
excellently represented especially
those sustained by Misses E. L, Ketch-,
um and E. M. Cowan. Miss H. L.
Thompson recited HPeace anoVWar"
quite creditably. The triumph of the
evening Was a-olo, rendered In Ger
man, by a sweet little Tyroleon war
bler named Martha' Korthour. She
w.n mnsf. vehemontlv encored. An
oration, by O. H. Irvine, was almost
n. failure for want cfnrbiier study and
nmnamtion: but in tho charade of
"Petroleum"' Master Irvirie more tnau
inpil liis lost, laurels, keemnas the
house in a perpetual roar of laughter
by his- odd expressions ana antic
maneuvers-A an actor he is a do-
nirlMl supcess. The "naner" Wag: a
worse farce tian our burnc out nan
sheet. A 'lliiqt, by Miss Tliouipson
and Alexander, was beautifully render
ed, as was also a piano solo by Maggie
Foater. The recitation of Will Carle-
toii's poem, "Betsey and I are Out,',
by Bobert poster, was fairly delivered,
though rather too ' rapidly; and Its
answer, by Miss B. L. Ketdlmm,' was
really good. I A quartette '.'Itemember
the Poor," by Misses Griiliin and Bt-own
aud Messrs.', Clement and Warren,
was beautiful and -touching. Chroni
cles, by C. P. Davis, was excellent and
laughable. "Gambler's Warning,"
was only indlilerently done. Miss
Belle Monteith was superb in her
character ia the charade. An oration,
by Prof. Sox,.Bhowed great care ill Its
nrrnno-olllpn t. and was faultlessly de
livered. The calesthenic exercises by
tlie young ladles of the jiistnetic socie
ty were beautiful. The comic recita
H..n "Tlfiw Chiiroh Oriran." bv J. W.
Poster, brought down tne House, as
does everything brought forth by
itmmv The. nnno- of t.lio Old Sexton
iu character, by H. C. Clemont, was a
masterly effort aud highly appreclateu,
Tho Vnlp-ilintorv. liv Miss E. M. Tur-
jjroll, closed the exercises, and was one
of the crowning successes of tne even
ino-. Mia Turrell is a careful reader, I
distinct sneaker . and a i fjuished
rhetorician. ' ' '
Tite Ann-Certain neriods of time
i.o nhnrnnttirlzed as "the ago." For
instance, we have had "the age of
miracles"; (we do not take them chro
nologically, but just as we happen to
f fhoml. nnd "the age of won-
.1.-. 11 ih. "Anoustan ago" and "the
i.i.i'Ur, .o-p.'i tho "aae ot fable," and
the "age of chivalry;" the "ago of
reason," and the "age of romance, and
of song;" the "age of invention,'' 'and
the. "aire of improvement." But this
norinii throuizh which wearonowp
lug we should call the "age of bun
dies." for go whera you will, you
nnnnnnl.T mat... O Winn. WntTinn Or C1T11U
without a bundle in huna, so uusny is
every one engaged in laying in sup
rtllpn for flip, lldl iilns. On the street
you are constantly jostled by the bear-
oi-a nf laro-e bund eS. IAS you cuius
fem a alinn lndun down with bundles,
ydumect (ome' bne having' a ,few
f -.f-,4il( ' Alt this
more 01 uiw eamo nw... ----
-roh. tvpII fnr both seller and buyer.
It shows prosperity in trade, that the
buyer has met with sucn success iu am
line, that he is able to expenu money
ir. .tinn anma Iipnrt triad with &
f!ln.itmnnor Ne YeAr's gift' and thus,
II Ira mpr-OV. "It is twice blessed, it
.,toaoth him that rrives and him that
takes." And so we say, "Long live
the age ofbundies! - May its shadow
never grow less!"
AT)jCSTEt. Our losses by the receut
fire have been promptly aujusieu riy
lb TTnme Mutual Insurance Company
and the losses paid. Our only loss
- nnd nlinvn the insurance, is by the
suspension of our joti department until
our new material can arrive anu mo
damage to office furniture which wgs
not covered by insurance. Eli Carter,
Esq., is local Bgeut for the Home
'Christmas Eve' in the CiTY.r
Ijiist evening the members and friends
of the United Presbyterian aud Congre
gational Churches had a gay time in the
latter chapel,here an impromptu Con
cert and a "miscellaneous"- sociable
were the features of the occasion. The
folks present turned themselves" loose
for fun and merriment and it need
only be said that -they 'ivere United
Presbyterians to prove to tlie world
that they had their fun. " ' '-'
The teachers of the M. E. Sabbath
School last night gave a free supper
and festival to their Sabbath School
Scholars at Pacific "Opera House, at
which there was a full attendance of
youngsters, who by their merry faces
and ripplkig laughter fully demon
strrted their enjoy ment of tho occasion.
The supper was most exceiteni aim
bountiful, and was partaken of with . a
zest which showed the fullest appre
ciation.,. Great credit is due tlie friends
of this large and popular Sabbath
School , for thoir liberality .in tins
affair.- ' v " ; ; :v
Satunliu. the .lit dan ot Jan., 187 i,
.vnr.iM.ri: I. S. Kocnbaura Co.; Roapp, between tlr hours of 8 n'clock, a. . a. .
,,l i Co K J Jtiirn-i; Clarke, llcnder-1 n'lnek r. M. of said day. Terms of sal" 'J "
rtj R i Bkiinn V Martin Co: 1 "-In of the V. 8.. ono-half In hand, the tolane.
OFVICE-iIi l"alingtin , Sticel, ltn
.taaJ Second. v7ui;U.
K,ile ,,.1 Inlt-rM al ll Uf I TC-nt pir n-
nuum. At.MuN WHKKf.KK, Kxi-rutor.
. AMANDAA. WIIKLl-tlt, Htn.lnl.
n!7wl. --r r.r
The Fireman's BALL.--Let all our
Terpsichorean devotees remember the
grand kail of the Albany Onestera on
New Year's Eve. This will undoubt
edly be the most recherche and enjoy
able affair ever witnessed, in our city.
T-t every public (minted citizen buy
s tii-ket and ifive the boys a benefit
hclher he wants to attend or not
!'rt,A Firn,tnn - .hZArv nil' tho. Ctll-
coiiiagflinirit'wlik-ii a generous public
jean Uoslow ojwn tnem. , . , ,
To Farmers. Howell, Harper &
Co- have for sale-the Statesman Grain
Drill, tlie-only reliable force feed grain
on the Coast. Those imported by them
are made. with many .improvements
which adapt them to the peculiarities
of this Coast. Tho hoes can be Changed
from a straight line to a zig-zag.1 We
would say to those desirous of purchas
ing a good grain drill, do not fail to
tho "Statesman." as they guarantee
it to be second to none now ottered to
the public. It will. sow wheat,) rye,
oats, barley, timothy, and clover seed,
and is quickly regulated to sow any
nimiititv tn Hie acre that mnv be desir-
orl Tho fthtive named Arm also have
feed cuting boxes and fanning mills of
the latest arid most improved styles;
In fact the farmers will do well to go
and see them if they ileslre to purchase
anything'from a wheel-barrow to a
steam engine. -' " " '" ' "
"A Talk About Insurance".
We've tried it, it is good in Lifo In-
siirace. equally valuable In Fire! but,
it is a dutv every man owes to his
family or relatives depending on him
in rnlto nut n life nolir-v. The Conti
nental is the most substantial company
on the coast, is fully represented in our
county and State by thorough business
men, - MrA Jeda C,- Butler: : Tlios.
Thorn and H. F. Say rs" are the repre
sontatlve aa-entsof this county. This
company during the years 1870-71 took
mom linlinvs Btwordintr to statistics
exhibited to us, than any company in
the world. ' . , , .
i .
At t.p.iia vim. That was a rare time
nr. T.ohminn Inst Fridav n!irlit. on the
occasion of tho Brass Band Concert
and benefit. Some 200 people were
nresnnt. and the conoert was : most
oxp.Hllent. A superior collation was
ar.rur.rl at the close of the concert, of
lulrioh nil Tmrtnnk most bountifully.
We congratulate the Band boys, on
their eminent success. .i,
Afjonniin T,nat Saturday evening
the following officers were elected for
f.ho (Haul mr Masonic vear by Corin
thian Lodge No. 17, A. F. & A. M., of
tiitanitv! D. From an, W-M.J W v.
rtenwn. s: W.: D. B. Rice. J. W. ; Jno
Biiggs, Treas.; W. W. Parrish, Seo'y;
ir ri tit r'ar-tof. Tvlnr. The installa
tion will take place to-ulglit and Will
be private. - i
Wr.-r Hiiir.ii Read the Bcnerous
aHvpt.laoniBntof the Pioneer Oil Com
noriv in fhln wop.k's naner. The facts
set forth there are sufficient to satisfy
nv nno nf the advantages or nax cul
ture ovejr even that of wheat and other
cereals. Mr. Holman Informs us that
the Oil Mills are running night aid
day. . , .-j t
Ttni'mvn IZflnl. "'Teal bijoughi tlio
Grover to tho Albany wharf last Satur
dayher second trip for the - season.-
She also came up again last jHonuay
night. Therivoris still on the nso,
and we may reasonatiiy expect mat
the river navigation Will snoniy do ju
full blast.
Notice to Farmers. Now is your
im fai n-n tn Howell. Harper & Co.,
and put in your ordere for threshing
:p,lnpfl. reapers, mowers, neauera,
and portable steam engines, , or any
thimr else that you mav want next
harvest very cheap. They , will fill
your orders ond guarantee satisiaction
-for a small commission.
, . 7. -
" tT-roil. Hnrner & Co.- have
clioice articles of wheat for seed, such
as Fall or Whito Ifinter, Click, Chill
Club, A'onora, etc.; also alotoi urciia
Grass and Timothy seed, all of which
they will dispose of by exchanging for
other seed, Or on other terms which
will suit.
a m TrsmY'a HitTTB. A j?av and
gorgeous Christmas Tree was unveiled
ot vnntis KutlB M- li. tnurcn mot
i.t.1 nn whloh occasion an address
was delfvered by Mart. V. Brown, and
other exercises bad. Ihore were m
,.r ir.,u..i,l on the tree, besides
a fni drnaaed turkey for -the "under
Bigned." '-" - . " , .
Teach Ena. There
will ha a nn Win examination of teach
ers heM in Albany District School
House, on Saturday, JOoe. w, v
o'clock A. M. - -XJ-STITEH '
,, ,, t Co. Bchool Bupt. -j
,. ft- - : ' , ;
, r. Howell. Harper 4
Co, liavejust received a large lot of
Collins Cast Cast felon auu me cei"
bratei) Ktar Mollno lows, which they
are selling at greatly reduced prices
TTnwt-.f.r. Harpeb & Co. want lo
buy all the oat in Oregon.
. ;Thb Wistkb Tkuu of Albany
Ciilligiatc Institute opens Monday,
Dec. 1st K. K. WAHBEN, i'rt
Itiver rising. . .
Streets Sloppy. ' ' !
A merry Christmas!
Firo crackers arc ripe. , ,
King Santa Klause feigns;
limit, (irav. of Astoria, is in the city;
-Can it rain soft Water when It rains
hard?. :-: .. ; ' s '; .
Don't bother an editor when no is
busy. . , . 1
Our first twenty years are the
longest. ,', .... - f. ! ; . '
Tliomasand Jeremiah are now in
the city. .
Judge Burnett was in the city last
Sunday. c - - ,. ;
Holiday bails and parties are on the
rampage. '
Our bosom friend, Jas, L. Cowan,
gaVe us a call on Tuesday. - - - -,
Henry Meyer has our tuauits ior
Christmas rememberances.
Subscribe for the Democrat and bo
happy these, long winter evenings.'
j The hoarse, discordant goume of, me
turkey is now heard on the earth. j
Last- year the horses had tne cpi-
zooty. This year the banks have It.
TVhnle had better not get too near
horses lu the street, or they will have
their clothes soiled.
We tru to press a day earlier than
neual so as to let our cilice folks have
a Christmas romp. - - -
On wpitk davs vou buy your music
by tlie sheet; on Sunday you can have
it by the choir for nothing.
MUico pies and pumpkin pies are the
ruling delicacies in the pastry , line
lust now with sich as can afford them.
Don't crumble if you are without a
tnrkpv to-dav. but thank I'rovmcuce
with a grateful heart for what you
have. '
If vou see two rows of big -buttons
mar-nhlno- rinwn 'thft Btreet. don't be
alarmed for there Is a woman behind
thorn. . . .. f - .
A- new necktie for tho ladles tne
Windsor, but whether named after
palace, hotel or soap, no one appears to
know. ' - - ' '''.' -,V ,
Tlmnksclvlnff came on Thursday; so
does Christmas and New Years, and so
did our late fire. ' Well, how can ' we
help it, anyway? - .'",'''""'
. Singing and spelling schools, hog
raffles, turkey hustles, and old time
frolics are now the rage iu our old
home In 'America." , ( , ;, ,; '" ' '
BpfnrB bustles came into fashion
there was a chance for aewspapora to
display enterprise; but now all are be
hind in their maka-up. . i i
Mr. Woolen Davis, of this county,
has nn 18year old cat which oan. still
get away with his regular rations of
mice and night howling.
A nleiisant dancing party was, in
dulged in by the Lebanon youngsters,
at the residence or our menu, j. jm.
Cnwnn. last Friday night.
.The Orcgonlan says our nan sneet
loat. wopk contained more news wan
manv oMfcs big eiglit-page exchanges,
Thttnlvs for the compliment.
Thanks to Hon. J. 11. Binitn, dkcitj-
l. nflhn Rlntn Grano-e. for a list of
all the Masters and Secretaries or tne
various State Granges In the union.
The opposition line of steamers, in
cluding the -Grover, Shoshone" and
Tlonxrpp.' ' liavn dailv lammed their
annuls ntraiust our wharves this week
A carrier will bo promptly .on oanu
with hts New -Years' Address' next
Thuraiinv. Don't forifot to hand him
remembrance in the way or a nan or
ouarter .
- Jas. Harris yesterday Killed a oeei,
raised bv Jno. Crawford, on Soap
Creek, which tieighed about 800 lbs,
noaf a orl fmnl Mllli-ll WO got B nUB
roast. ThankS. ;i ' . ,!i '
The weather-w'iso are now prophe
sying a wet winter.- A little while ago
it. was to be an open winter. We don1
believe they know which ono of the
winters it is to be anyway. - "
; The Beedsburg (Wis.) -Free Prem
employs women exclusively. ; ji says.
"Wnr have a calico 'foreman,' two
dimity 'oompositors,' and the sweetest
littlo 'devil' in pink muslin to bo found
anywhere." , . , .
. iipippt(l. delocted and elected,"
oxclaimod a sorrowful looking 'young
man.up town the other evenlnlg, after
holno- oil nut of a house - t.V an oio
gentleman to whose daughter he had
linen makllKr love. ' V "
A-frlendwantto know;wny wivos
display unusual affection for their
husbands Just before holiday timo.
rinpua it. mnat bn all owlnirto the fact
that that Is the sourco from which all
Clirlatmas presents flow.
B. W.-CunilliranuaiiBS uooeris wore
married by Rev. Jos. Emery, In 'this
nid. inat. Wnhliatli morning. and
Immediately departed on the Portland
train. We extend to tne nappy ooupie
nnr mnal: fiillcltouB blessings. '
We sincerely hope that every little
render of the DEMOCRAT Will Have B.U
armful of Christmas prcscuts. , If we
were Old Santa Klaus not ono oi mem
ahnnlil be Bllirhted nnlcss It might be
A,.o with iiilacrntilv dirty face.
X). A. Lancaster, of the tlrm or
far.tin . c.n.. of Portland and San
Francisco, was in the city, during tho
week. He la ohe of tne most energetic,
niBtllnir business men whom we know,
and never falls to mak a whirl-wind
rrh.n lio MintH nmUIld-
f ior ilovll la stiniuiuted to persevcro
In liis trade since he has learned that
Wirt hvkos. tlie silent partner of Olive
T ji,.an wusnnea a noor printer boy.
but by gemot, itmuswy, anu tact, "
becaino tlie hUBbaml of a woman who
can earn $aX)'a night by delivering
Everybody i throwing money
around proniiscnmwly now. , ThlBlsn't
just riglit. Tlie best plan to provide
for hard times is to live savingly In
prosperous seasons. -' Wilful waste
uofnl uatitj tlf riltirn thrH 'lit-
lln Hirmon docan't iricliHlc advice
against paying llie priitler.
nniH-u lur.ii. i,iiinui:n.i
i ., ., i. n..-l... l
jvnen uvm n aval an itct.n..
. BY IV. A, M.
'hewr lc Ihe flranrrar's homo.-- -
TI,n roillav I Jrnria.'r-'x hniililf where the herds on u thousand htlhj
Wander ainons; the baliounir, 1 ilia , i ;
That Aeek Columbia's foalllT
Nn. Tha (iramrers Are lithe and freo :
Ho lives by tho golden suneot aca, Jf, i
But that la not tho Granger's homo.
lin.n-n .linn I. t h. llranrrar. homo.
The honest, sun-orowneu unuiger uoiuu j
idU-.wbaMlhn Mtsalsslnnl flows !
To tho olinio where the fragrant mango grows
And ts heard the uulf stream a moan t
No. Tim ramrer toils in thoso sunny news
And wealth Jo his sovereign labor yiolde,
But that Is not tne uraugera nouiu.
oh wham is tha Grancor'a homo.
The stiUwnrt, sinewy Granger's homot
Is it where Potomac's watera lavo
A they seek Atlantic's hrlny wave
in me mini ........ . , . ,
Nri. Tho Granger, in an ;ns ajtir, anu piure,
lfclvea In those rcgious rair wioo,
But that is not tho Urongorf homo. ,, j
Where aluill ho .found tho tlrangort homo,
Tho prudent, hopeful Grunger-s homo;
It 1b whero rocky ramparts guuru
Chill New England's outmost ward,
That, meets aurora's irloomT
No. The Granircr tills tho stony lands
Where trained tho Narrngnnsctt bauds
But. that Is not tlio Granger uoiuo.
Toll mo of the Granger' home
llnnu ha aver onward roam? 1
Tin. i.D nltehr.,1 bla tent ill tho frlCidNnith
Whero lurid lights iroin tno roio uurai. iuiu
A ...I all.l l.he Iceberg's dome? . - .
No. The Granger la (roe as tho wind that
,, blows v ."
O'or tropio sen or polar snows,
But you ha vo not named ills homo,
Wouiii'st hear of tho Granger's homo
You who under oppression gi-oanf
Wherever rl nlowShafO tufUS UlO SOll.
A n.i n farvnnt nrnver asoonds to UMi :
There will ho found tho Granger's homo.
Whom avarice olaims exclusion right.
Soon shall bo felt his power and might
Ami Justice Bhallslt ontnroncu.
SVUAcnsB OKANan, llco. !li.
An affidavit lias been filod in tlio
3rd Auditor's Office, Treasury De
partment, Washington, D. C.j by
Thomas J. O'Neal of the county of
Fresno, California, which states that
he is the bwner of a certain o'aim
aaaiiiat the United States for the use
of ft paak train" in tho Oregon In
dian War of 1855-50; that tlie
amount .due is about five thousand
dollars; that ori or about the 29th
day of November, 1871, B. F. Dowell,
of Jacksonville, Oregon, fraudulently
represented the deponent to be dead,
and applied to the Probate Courc of
Jackson oounty, Oregon, for letters of
administration to issue lo him, tlie
said Dowell, upon the said deponent's
estate: farther falsely rbpfesontinir
that the said deponent had left assets
in Oregon amounting to the sum
ot 885 75. i That upon said false
representations, made bv the said B,
F. Dowell, the Probate Court of
JaCksdh county, upon Alius of a bond
in the Bum ot $200 issued to the said
Dowell letters of administration upon
the said deponent's estate.' That the
said ' deponent is informed and verily
believes that the said Dowell turther
affirmed before the said Probate
Court and addressed persons outside
of said ooui t that the said deponent
had , died in ualllorma in tne year
1809i that ho. the said Bdwell, pe
titioned said court for letters ot ad
ministration at the request of said de
nonent's father, whom the said Dow
ell alleged he had seen at Saoramento,
California : all of which allegations,
representations aud affirmations : 1st
that the said doponent died in Cali
ifornia in 18C9 ; 2d that he loft as
sets in the Stato of Oregon amount
ing to the sum of 885 75; and Sd
Wa sand rrBetinrr a "Merry Christ-
' TO o -
maB" to all our frionds and patrons,
for altliouch the Uhnstmas sun wm - ,... j
Un Lol.. ,1,;. . nf the DEM- I"" he- thfl aid D0W0"' P"t'tlOn0d
m,,.. ..... tha said court for lottors to issue
OCKAT meets a U subscnuors, yet its - . . ,
UW1 ' : . . . .... hm at the reauost of deponents
1 eht will be re looted ior many uy --. - - .
8 " , ... ,. , ,';,, father, are wholly and utterly false in,for like all great festivals, m.,0 bvllie
Christmas lasts an oelave at least. r . ,".;,
Indeed, festivities are not considered '
' i hii iflvna inr inn hiiih nm nuBrj auu iu
endod, tiU Twelfth m?ht comes the , g oJ
s x h ot January. Anaso wo op- m;mstl.Bliol) of the gaid WB
'a happy Christmas to you all lor from
Chnstmas eoracs all joy Unit d States as aforesaid, Und there-
in memory of that holy child at Beth- d . in gaid
lehem, who, though equal with God Baid a .
condescended to come to Ihis world . n.nnkv in
TT' ,. I II If II L U1CU IU HUH 1VW .- r
and take our hature upon wira. , .. n ,.
In the Incarnation human nature is i.iwiHt wilK
- . . TT.t- nn IOUK 1IU BUUUIl RUIIIII1IOV.-W. "
K orinod, Decouso mo itoiy uubm- . , .P
8 ' ... . mo-ni-ii tn tho protended assets ot
sumed that nature. In the image ot , . . , . , n,
, , , rnt J85 75, but ho did ettompt to oolloct
God man was created. That gave . 1 .
. . .... i. from the United States the said sum
UIUUIIVVU l.o u.wu b" Jl.
Christ assumed the form of a roan,
that glory was increased. What a
thought this -is to inspiro lis in our
aims aftor true manliness, true noma
iv? Let fallen naturo be ever to
y? Let lailcn Jf ponent has never empWyed the said
low, lot . man so -degrade bmwlfbj P 8n auoriiby, tlbr in
gross aud animal passion, a. to be on , . ; m
a level witn 1 10 oruie oreauon, mere r , , . .u. m 1rt (U Uel
!, still tins thought tlia may .ure . ea8ry Depalltheiil
.n t,t7r:aStV.:, on..egUited States doL. to know
jurist i. lhB flLll..otor 0f those whom. It per
ingit;; let my manhooa, w.roiow, coeoiiom and lo act
raise itself up to a higher, .nobler prosecution of claim.
loniina lit. " '" .
. :. Wnreit
, . i .... l . .. , -1..:..! ...... nvent,nr l
AUU lilts IS our Vliuomino giv.'S
The above is not tho most elcennt
linnilinrr in tho world, but it is emi
nently suggestive of the sulject under
consideration. ,
Tiiatantinr Wfl flrri nreilililv intorrri-
ed that the 0. & C. Kaijroacl Compa
nv have recently in several instances
absolutely taken from tlie steamer ar
riving at Portland oonsignrrietittl of
freights designed for' tiiiif oity, ami for
which tho Wiilamotto lliircr Trans
portation Company (opp'osiiidn) .hut
bills of lading, and brought them up
by railroad thus defrauding the steam
boat line of that to which they word
legitimately entitled aud for1 wblc'H
they had cdritrac'ted. dt'eonrso. IIol
laday'e 'railroad line and Uolladay's
steamship line have a common interest j
wluon Will account ior tne mummi iu
which this outrageous proceeding was
manipulated so successfully.
The nublio can easily seo what a!
leverage this gives the railroad ovet
the steamboat line. .
Another Instance: - About two
weeks aaro 1 a rumor was current on
ourstfeetB that 'Teal, Goldsmith &
Co. had sold out their steamboat lino
to Ilolladav. and the rumor was said
to have odme tro'h. tho railroad tele
graph office in this city; where bucIi a
dispatob! was said to have been reddiv-
ed. Of course there was noining in
the rumor, bdt it gained currency and
oredonoo with every passing breeze,
aud for a tiriie rtiariy df 6ur citiccns
were quite unoasy: ; .
Such proceedings as thuso can not
be too severely condemned, and cor
porations that resort to silcli mcaiis tii
secure art advantage over a rival
should be utterly contemned and Uis
oountenanoed. , ' -'
The now line of steamers are aoujig
in good faith with the people, and ou
ly ask a liberal patronage to iiisuru
their continuance in trade, i lie peo
ple cannot afford to lot tho lino y
down, and there b no danger of such
a oatastrophe as long as" they do their
duty by it: h. ' .' '"- ' ' .' ....
of five thousand dollars. That the
deponent came to the knowledge of
tha said DowelT. action In those pre
mises only upon learning of said
claim. " , " That tlio eaia ae-
nnii mil' Christmas nrcaohmont' We
flattor ourselves that its greatest Vir
ginia its brevity. But it was writ
ten for abalf shoot, you know.
ISIcnotll. Tuos. 3. O'NBAIi
Ruhnoribetl and sworn lo this 28lli
day of Ootoberj ltnUi ' 1
,-, t t ' ' JJUUiVI-lV, .
Sitth Township, FroBno county, State
oi uainorma.
AcoomDanviuor is also a copy of lot-
tors of adrainstrtibn granted Dowell
Tub United States Senators, whose
term, expire on March 4, 1875, are
Am a, Miaaiaainn! : Bavard. Dela
ware : Boromfln. West Virginia; bv ProWo Court.
T' nVntin.ifin Ttiilrlnnrhnm. t - "
nnnl !,!i fWantor. Wisconsin : becomino BBAUTiifiJiJ..- -.ns.
il. Var- Flaxbrake's ohanoes' for Qonlirmtt-
iiibuuici, a..v..iB.. 1 1 . . . ' ,
mout; Fenton,- New lork; iana- uon as unioi jushoo uiu uuny uvum-
gan, Texas; Gilbert, Florida; Hamil- lug beautifully less. Uur latest dis-
ton, Maryland; Ramsey, Minnesotta; patchos irom asumgton state ii
tini,.. Miaan.!. Ranti ' Vnnnavl. tlio Rnnato's adioummont for- tho
nlUUUl, HOBIVUU, n-vww-l V I " U
v&mn; Sprague, Rhode Island; Stew- holidays witlioiit acting ott Wlllams
.n iv KiAnunii w nur . .mnv nam il niinii in uiiiinuun v. u.a"" "
Bri, imiia.) "wun.v., ..v
Sumner, Massachusetts; Thurman, oauso the voto would cortftlnly have
Ohio, and. Tipton) Nebraska; twenty- been pronsod il confirmation nan oeon
five, of whom fifteen are recognized as probablo. Hi. frionds outside, how
supporters of Grant's Administration evor, still fool confident that the Preg-
; . iionf. will not wuuuraw tno uuui-
The N. Y. Tvttcs, the most prChu , ., .. .. . . ... ...
, ,, . . . ri....t. mation ana tuai me wmu.w
nent and able .upportof o Grant s
Administration, says Of w imams.- Committee ae-
'Lawers everywhere reuret the nom- . . ... . ...j. -
. . . : . ... ., . i. tivo V SllPPOri uis nomination.
inatton, and the genera, pum.e v mn .
a much .Wr one might bae been LJBcJ wbo hav.
made, vve cannot, as a lauuiui rep- . ,
rosontative ot publio opinion, refrain ' .' v.
., 1 . . ,. . ,w t hat W ams' argumont in the Credit
from expressing the wish that tho -
're dent would reconsider his nomi- Jlluu"'l,r "'
, , . ,i weak as to bo a subject ior auverso
nation and send in another name wo " ... .
-V". . . , ...... comment, If a now nomination be
VVhi e General urant always nssiirro- ' , . . . -.r
, . . .. mado, Edwards Piorrpont, of Now
noss to adhere to any determination . ' , , "
' . . . Vn.V I lis innit nrnminent now.
which, So hi. opinion, n founded on ' " '
right and jus'.ioo, he has also shown a I w f tQ menlion iBt -$ok
wise naa proper ri.-Bai ui fu" tliat our typographical friend,' W, Jr.
opinion, and in this Instance might Cortl0uinag hocomo half prdpri6tor
make a graceful concession to that Qf th(j Mer wtb Col Thompson.
Anininaa nflrluinlv without iinilCr llinif . . ..-. a il . . ..
j , -j.jj,. Jg . emoie,,i ttHU nuie paruiur-
a pubho interest. ,., hin. and we iSndict a .ifcccssfut ca
, s - ! - rccr for that paper nudor iu present
Jso. RTAK, one ol theJortlaud m M.
fceatcrs, is sentenced to one year in , , ,.
.1 . 1 1 . . . - . Ij.t-n . 1 .1. . . 1.' .. .n.nlin. In laurel i.un nloAtail
tne A eiiiioiHiarj, juajur tfunii.nn, i-uui gviiiiaii. iu v n ..v w.wvu"
lalo hotel keeper at Corvaflii, is at women for coftnly Kohool ouporlnletitl-
i:..i: r.n ni..,n f.f Ant. 'PliA niiiii w lin rfnii !ini list A lib V
piUBUlil. Ill .nail vnn vii wiu (.uaiu w. ...n. - - o
procuring illegal voting in Portland, Gifibrd for that office, and received
Verily, the way of the Radical trans- eight vole, to her two thousand, con-
grt-ssor is being hard in these latter eludes Unit this is au off) tar in pyli-
.i . t ii.-.i il. ...... in ...,! h
Uiiys,, i HO SHI UIU. Kn...
It will be recolleotod that whorl
the DKMolonAi itnd other papers of .
Oregon urged upon the last Legisla
ture the duty of regulating Ireights
and tariff on railroad. In this' Slate;
the Bulletin and the lesser light, of
Radical journalism sent up a most
dismal howl atrainst such "unt'i iendly
legislation," a. well as argued that
fjo etfoh right oxmted in any -itiiio
Logislattiro; :, . . ' 1 ' '. "
Wo are now glad to note that two
recent decision, of the Supremo Court,'
of the United States have vindicated
our position and sottleu beyond tur-,
ther cavil this . question. . Iu a lata
oase which was appealed from tho Sti-i
promo Court of Ipwa, it was, decided ,
by tlie U. S. Supremo Court tliat a
State has the right to regulate and
flit rates of transportation of passen
ger, and freights on all railroads with-.,
in it. bordersi arid on Vednesdiir .of
.r ..'a. . . . 1.1 ' . ...
last week the Supreme Court dccidud
In the case of- Nubraska against, the"
Union .Fadiiio Railroad .Company,.
emphatically Busiammg jne rignt oi
the State to tai the Pacific Railroad.
This praotioally deoidos the California
oaao against the Central Pabifle Rail-,
road: ., , !...
iu tho light oi those decisions our
people nbed no ldnator hesitate to ap
ply the remedy" for the railroad oxao
tions which now throateri lo impose
burdens of great weight upon them.
Let tho voter, sob to it that, men are
nominated and elooted to the Legisla-.
tiire who are kaowA to be in favor of
legislation upon this subject, not
"unfriendly legislation" to railroads,
but the enactment of just laws for the
protection of tlie people1 against the
extravagant exaction's' of au unfetter
ed monopoly.
With a bravo oxooutive to uauK
uuh ertaftttuouts with bis ollicial signa
ture, our people will shortly experi
ence the effect, of auoh wholesome legislation.
Tinrvm Klkctkd.Gov. Booth was' .
last week elected U. 9. Senator froni
California tor the long term, aftor five
days balloting;. Tin. is a triumph tur
the Dumoorat.' and anti-monopolists
over the railroad rinc which has so
long hold ouj sister State under its
iron hool, The inonds ol the . pcopio
o'vbry where may fuel happy over this
victory, and may confidently oxpool'
that it i. only the beginning of tlie
end.' Those twin oppressor, of tlio
peoplo Radicalism and Monopoly
roust go down together .' ,
Wood ruwil'S. The best ami most
inlprtfyed pumps now in use being .
the cheopest and most mirauie ior
Bale at Howell, Harper 4 Ca's calaV
Ushn'iont. . .
Now is the time to advertlso.' Work
off your goods as fast as possible, fur
tliere is a probability ofa slashing a
duutinn of tlie prices of all manu
factured articles.
Wo have only room to say Hint -in of
ProfT,rayliir's students prewiited will,
a $.0 meerschaum pip j-eslt'itlu..