m KKIPAY.... ....OCTOBER 31, 1878. SCISSOTUNU9. Honoy bees are winged merchants. They cell their honey. When you have reached your bot tom dollar, let it alone. None 1ut the contemptible are ap prehensive of contempt. At what season did Eve eat the . apple? Early iu the fall. . , .. ,, Toho1pman who 1 won't help iiiinsou is to liolp ins ruin. A companion game to parlor cro quet Cricket on the hearth Custom may lead ft man into many 4ui u jusuues nont. , Ko man was ever so maoh deceiv- cd by another as by himself. A man that ought to" be re-nominated A one-legged soldier. Our homes should bo as holy as cur churches, to say the least. Why is a sword like beer? Be cause it is of no use till drawn. , To-mbh-ow'ia the flay-on which idle men woyk and fools reform, f me clothes-pin factory at Kala mazoo," Michigan, (employs forty bands. A female minister out West kisses the bridegroom when she marries a couple. : Dixon, 111., is to have a truss bridge, iu place of the . ruptured structure. - t 1 - Negligence is the parent of disor der and the offspring of habits of in temperance. AVhat does a grocer do with all his "things before he sells them? Gives thorn a weigh. By trying to kill cal umny it is kept uvo; leuve it 10 useu ana lc wm aie a natural death. vvnataiu a Diina wood sawyer into io restore ms signty tie took his horse and saw.. To milk a kicking cow Stand off obont eighteen feet and yell, "So, you darned old skinflint.'' Though wo travel the world over to hnd the beautiful, we must carry it wuu us, or we una it not. An indirect spirit is like an unseal ed letter, which every one may read, Jbufc which is seldom worth reading. 'ihe father who gives his children nauus oi industry, provides lor them better, than giving them a fortune. In Ireland, with loss than C.40O, OOO inhabitants,, the -two shillings license duty was paid 'on 290,790 dogs. Whon a younr Ittdv. frets a letter she carries it in her" hand, but a couple of pounds - of sausogo she manages to squeeze into her pocket. A Western parson dolicately be gan a funeral discourse by alluding to the lact that he had oiheiatcd at the hanging of the father of the de ceased. "My dear doctor, , "said on Irish man, ''it's no use your giving me an emetic. I tried it twice in Dublin, and it would not Btay on my stomach five minutos." Western editor's statement, Wo ore living at this moment under ab solute despotism," is attributed by liis contemporaries to Jhe faot that ho lias just been marriod. . nememoer mat a word or gossip would bo prevented, 'if it , wan only remembered that a person who tells you of the faults of others, intends to ten otners ot your faults. 'N hat s the reason you have the wong side of your stocking turned out?" said Jim to Pat the other day. "Ths reason is it," Baid Pat. "Cause thore's a hole t'other Bido av it." , , , .. .. A good man who has seen much of the world, and is not tired of it, says "The grand essentials to happiness in this mo, are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, editress of Codey's Lady's Book, is a Bprightly widow of 85. Her spooial qualifica tions is that she takes a livelier in xerest in the latest tauhtons tliau any other girl of the period. ;v , Thera hi'0 three women candidates lor the ofiioe of School Superintend ent in Cass county, JLi.,; Sovonteon qualified voters, have already been talked to death, and the campaign will Boon begin in earnest. ' A BATTLE IN THE A lit. j "A most rerrible battle between two birds," Bays the Virginia (Nevada) Mountain, of the 14th, "occurred be tween twft large brown eagles in the vicinity of the Jakes above Virginia on last Wednesday evening. When first noticed the birds were soaring one above another, at an altitude of perhaps threcr-foui'ths of a mile, and seemed on a sail for pleasure. Pres. ently the uppermost bird dosing his wings shot down like a meteor for two at three hundred feet, and with a wild piercing scream, lit fairly upon the oacK oi tne other uird. Turning with the rapidity of lightning, the victim clutched its adversary with talons and Deatc, and a horce struffsrle ensued The savage yells, the striking of the huge wings, the showers of falling luainors, gave unmistakable evidence ol the ferocity with which the contest was waged. , t , As they fought they foil earthwards, ana wnen ouu leet lrom the ground they became disentangled and each swooped upwards again. Now fol lowed an interesting trial as to which should first gain a sufficient altitude to make another nlunse. The circlini? of the Binallor was rapid and close, while that of its antagonist was made with greater limits, and his ascension was quickest accomnlished. The largest eagle was soon lully ono half inuu uign, ana some Hundreds ot leet above bis victim. Hoverinir in mid- air for a moment, as if making sure of uis Bini ne again darted down upon his enemy as before, with a force that seemed sufficient to kill of itself. Again they grappled and lought like winged demons whirling, falling and striking furiously for the space ol two or throe minutes. Thev wars now near the largest of the lakes and grad ually descended to the water. Tho struggles of the smaller became less and less horce; he was gotting weak, auu was neany vanquished, while his more powerful aggressor seemed to wage tho battle with increased vig- ADVEItTISEMENTS. NEW GOODS! LATEST ' FASHIONS at the Mora of L. KLINE CO. WE HAVE JI-BT ItRORIVED FROM SAN t mni'lftcn t hujjj.ru lnt.iut ,..... r.r r. . FASUIOXABU3 i ClOTBIXfi 1 1 LADIES'-AND MISSES; DRESS aOODSl and everything else to be found In a FIRST CLASS RETAIL STORE BESTIALITY OF GOODS LOWEST PRICES CASH OR 'PRODUCE. 7"Next door above PoBtamen Aihnnn- n-. Son. .Km ADVERTISEMENTS. GO TO THE t , " ft: s in i . , to? 4T r ..,, 'jm. ill : "Anothor moment and the conquer ing monarch loosed his hold, and with an exultant shout of victory, soared .. . 1 rni. i j . . . ujjwmu. j. ne oattio was ended his prisoner, limp and lifeless, fell into the water ot the lake with a splash and floated on the surface without a strug gle. Wo, with our companions, tried to got the dead eagle, but wero unable to do so without swimming for it. uom uirus wero oi very large size, the largest, measuring we think, fullv twelve feet from tip to tip. The spoo taole was excitiua in the extrome and the victory tragically complote. The Dame had likely commenced befor wo discovered them, as it doos not seem possible lor ono to kill tlm mlmr in so,short a time although llio fight ing was terrific." CLOSlKG;0UTfi, BEE-HIVE STORE GBOCERIES, : PROVISIONS ;; NOTIONS, ETC., CHEAP FOR CASH! COUNTRY PROOUCE BOUGHT FOB MERCHANDISE OR CASH ! - ( . THIS 18 THE . CHEAPEST PLACE IN ALBANY ! S7Pnrt.lrM will aiu.v. ,in wn n Anii i I thcmsulvts befuro conuumntlnK thffr trudeB YHnmr- Pint St., Albany. THE" GREAT DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS. A DVEETI8EMEMTS. SAN FRANCISCO FURNITURE STORE! 1 NEW GOODS REDUCED PRICES ! E. D. WHITLOW & CO., Importers and Dealen In I FURNITUEE! AdTetTsEMENTS. rADVBimBKMKHT '11110 Kll'liKllK.VCI!. Meet a fellow-man when the ther mometer is up among tho nineties, and you see him mopping the swoat from his face, digging the dust from liis eyes; his paper collar wilted, his linen coat stroaked with sweat, and he exclaims; '.'Hotl Whyr I . never saw such weather I" Ho tells you how the rubber ,in bissuapendr.,Jias melted ael run :, togothcrt' i'ft i could wrin pints of water from his clothiug;: how he has lost ten pounds ol llesh in 1cu days; how thu snu baa ori)ed his boots and ruined his . eyesight; and ho starts Off with . the remark, "Never saw anything like at." Now, meet a lady, and what do you see? Clean white dress, dainty collar, jaunty tie, hair nicely combed, eyes bright and smiling, no dust everything as tkly aud wdorly as if tho weather was October. She doesn't hurry a bit, stops now and then right iu the bum, cuts the uir with hor parasol as if she had no use for it, and always manages to just escape the furious cloud of dust com ing up or down, the ,, stroot, , There ore no inquiries about tho Btate of the thermometer, no longing, looks at soda' vMef utfh infliqp vfkgwi and no application of tho" liaudkor- ohief. Sho does not hurry, does not dash for the shado of a six-foot awn ing and bang to the spot waiting for a cloud to pass over the, nup, nd when she takes a car it seems to mat ter little whether all the windows are up or whether they are dowrtVi How on earth do they manage it? De (rpit'Fix'e l'resa. . A WONDIfllt'Ulj KTOKY. The Oudt) (India) Excelsior prints the following story: "Very reoentlv a native having ornaments on her per son worth about 400 or 500 rupees, accompanied by hor daughtor, who also wore ornaments worth about 200 rupees, alighted from the train at Hiir dui, and birod an ekka to convey them iu uittir viuage. un arriving at a lonely spot about six miles from Hur dni, there being no village within miles, the ekka drew up at the sido of the road, and tho driver suddenly deman ded tho whole of tho iowelrv to be given up to him. On being refused, he tied the woman and the girl up to tho ekka and coolly divested tlrein of every article. Ho then drew a knife, with tho intention of murderim? them. hut in tho excitement of the moment let tho weapon full into a ditch about three foot deep. Ho jumped down, and was just in tho nut of clutching at tho knifo whon a black suuko darted from a bolo and fixed its tangs in his iiaim; Knowing the snano to be an ex tremely venomous one, ho fell down almost senseless with terror, and died iu a fuw minutes.! Tho woman and girl remained thoro about two hours, when seeing some villnges at a dis tance,, they saroamed. lor assistance. and, on boing roloasod, gavo informa tion at tho nearost thannnh. Tho corpse of tho okka-dnver, and snake sun more. j.no corpse was taken to tho nearest station for an innuest to be iioiu; tno suuko was blocked in iu hole with a laree ston6 as the notice bad not tho courage to kill it. The ornaments wore found tied up in the Mimiueouna ol the corpse, aud were restorod to their owners. The fore going facts wero related to us by ono whose veracity wo have no reaaoa to doubt." GEORGE TURRELL V t . .. In now clolD out die wUolo of Ids lock ot KY GOODS, 1 CLOTHING,...-.; i.jM , HARDWARE, , j GROCERIES, ETC',. : At leBsthnn omit priaci for CASH OR PRODUCE. HIGHEST riUCR PAID IN CASH ffOR EGUB r '- t ,..vnztr. . 'e A Tennessee lady is getting dis couraR;(l, Slioldoes not mention how old she now is, but when she first "came out',' in society sbo made up Lor wiiul that she could only marry an Episcopalian, being herself of that denomination, rinding not tho man, she modified her views, and concluded to marry no one who yea n not a Christian. All she is look ing Svr now is a wan who (Joes .not driui whiidty. , i Villi NMAU, llOV OV TllB PbUIOU. Wlioro tho road between Jfornwl aud Suelling crosses the Merced Uiv- cr that stream is about two hundred yards in width, and even at this sea son of tho vear, when the water is quite low, it iooks iiko a dangerous and deep stream ''to cross. Lust Tuesday, a uuii'iH-iuuuiujuu ugeni, traveling no hursobaok through that section, uumo to tho river and hesitated iu attemnt- ing to ford it as he saw tho wido ex paiiso of rushing waters. Thoro is on bridgo any where along thore, so nltor Bomo iudouision ho concluded to swim his horse across. Spying a boy, fishing, iu a small punt tied to tho bank, ho said: . ' . . , 'Hollo, buhl' . 'Hollo, yorselfl1 ' . van l got von -to take my clothes cross the river in your boati" 'I ickiu you kin, if you've got any soap., . . . .... -i 'All right. I'll g'tvo you a quarter to tako over my clothes and this carpet sack to tho opposite shore.' To this he nodded assent, tho stran- gor disorbod, turuod ovor tho oarpot sack and habiliments to the juvenile, ,wno pauuiou out into tno stream, and mounted his horso, prciinrod to enjoy the luxury of A bath. With a splash at evorr movement, the horse stepped into the stream, and walked across tho water was nowhoro more than eighteen Inohes deep. To say that the medioine man, perched on tho bank of his horse, was a man of iniquity for tne spaoo oi nan an hour would hard ly do justice to the occasion, Thore wore enough "duuis" along tho Mor oed that alleniooa to supply a hundred mill-sites. Stockton ( CaL) Ouzttte. Our sorrows are like thunder clouds, which seora blaok in the dis tance, but grow lighter as thev od- proaoh. . . FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE CO., . U OF BAN FRANCISCOi '"' f ESTABLISHED JN 18G3 ! i ) : Assets, January 1, 1872, ovor $050.. 000, in Gold. r-' ' i " rilty Thomand Dollars Dcpoiitod with . unamo Ai-Daanrer, in compli- fc aaca with tho laws of tho " Stata of Oregon. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE I BEU WOOD, Editor and Proprietor. A Mammoth Eight Paffo Sheet, Fifty- Six Columns of Reading Matter. Contain; nil tlw news, forHpn. dompstlo, po Itlciil ftiid KOfif-ml, Wjth full and ri'liaido mar- nrt, i.'(KrLM. r,(icn nmnufraiso contains nev oral short, nt,orif;s, and a fjrwit variety or litora ry, itffrlcnltiirai and hcIimiMIo matter, etc., etc., ooriKtitutinK. H is eonlidently asHrted, tho most complete wooJtly newspaper la this oountry, TERMS, $2 A YEAR Inducements to Clnbss Five COtilOH. nrtfl vnnr a nn Tun copies, one year, and an extra copy to the Hf-nder 15 00 iwuut.v wiiih, one year, ana au extra copy to the wndor 25 00 Fifty copies, onp your, and an extra copy to tho Hondt-r 55 00 rartles BRndin clul8 as anovo, may retain 20 per cent, at the moneys received hy them as coni mission. l'erBonsdfirlnjr to act as Agents supplied with specimen bundles. Rpecimen copies sent rrw to any address. All lcttera should bo di rected to NITVV YORK WEEKLY EWS, Iiox ,7i, JfljIW YOUIC l'OBT OFFICE. Flrit St., 8 doors below Connor's Bank, ALBANY, OREGON, Keeps constantly on hand or salo Black Walnut Parlor and Chamber Sets! Painted Chamber Sett! Dining Room Fnrnitnro Kitchen Furniture of All Kinds! ' SOFAS, LOUNGES, BI'ltlNO MATOESSKS, PULV & EUHEKA BEDS, TABI.EH, , ... BEDSTEADS, STANDS, . " BUKEAr S, WHATNOTS, BRACKETS, . BOOK CASES, SECKETAniES, DESKS, ETC,. ETC. . UPHOLSTERING In all Its branches. Orders filled with promnt- COFFINS MADE TO ORDER I Repairing and Manufacturing Done to Order. CITY DRUG STORE. A CABOTHtBI. a. liLTMiasa '-A.CARO.fHERS&O., DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES. FOSTER'S BLOCK, FIRS r ST,. ALBANY. OREGON. DltLSBS 1 DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, ' PAINTS, DYE-STUFfS, OILS, GLASS, TOILET GOODS, . French and American Colognes, Handkerchief Extraots, CONFECTIO NEEY Pare ffinei aid Liquors for Medicinal Uics, FINE TOBACCOSAND CIGARS. Eamily Becipes md PhysioWi PreBoip- tioa3 uomponnaea. Dc30'70-v6n!0. A. CAHOTHBRS CO. 7"AH our work warrantedtn Glvo st an Early Call and Examine our Stock. '"Oomis delivered to any part of tho clty.m i'.. v. naiii.uw & uu. FOR SALE! Lohhci Fairly Adjured , i Promptly Settled I And THE CELEnitATED W. A. WOOD'S HAMS' HEADERS (Wood Imnrtoill ! COUUIUAUD'S INDIANA FARM WAGON ! RuNMcll and Vibrator ThrcHlicrsl (Host Machine ou tho Goast.J Statesman Torce Feed Grain Drill, Star Plows, and othor Machines. FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE! Tho now and well-arranged warehouse of IS. CHEADLEj With imnravtxl clonnlnn- nnnrnfio rr arni pacity, is now prepareif to receive grain for the HARVEST OF 1873, Farmers wishing to .STORE OR SELL WHEAT will And It to their advantage to boo me before selllnKelewheri). All will bo furnished saolss uy L-uiiiiigon me. The HIGHEST CASH PRICE will bo paid for wheat at all times. E. s. meerillJ - an old citizen of Albany, of excellent business quiillflcAtlons, has taken charge of the ware, house and will superintend the receiving and delivering of all grain passing through IC . . .... II. CUEADI.E. 3 A. 1 WHEEI.ER, AGENT, ALBANY,' OREGON. OEO. F. GRANT, MannVer, nllmli'ii! ' Port land (Wmm'! f all anil see the machines and get prices and terms helore buying elsewhere. ' Call Ht IIIV IttllfkMlllllh Mhi. nn ihn u. mi uuu uiiswuriu tareeiH. Albany, tire- EUREKA 1 1 THE PEACE TO GO FOB YOJJiV- TURNOUTS! MONTGOMERY & GORE'S LIVERY STABLE KEEPS THE . V8nl2tf. VUANK WOOD. I 1 J El U ' r it t s o h i: s s ? - h tin i ..'3 9 . S U 2-3 J 5 i h 1 r . r. o -a " rm i Ls" two H h i a , r , E lj IB n B o -i o GOOD NEWS InIeDANON. SHEATHING, Plastering, E00HHQ, DEAFENING CAKrET XsXITIIIGr Samples antlfflrcn. Ism sent frtu by it. o. mohhioe, Bala Aml for OrrRon, Wnshlns tou and Idulio. PORTLAND, OREQON, v8nltf, ! A Hi Py EJ R FASTEST MORSES AND TUB STOCK FARM FOR SALE! HANDSOMEST BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES They take special pains to keep overythlne; in the best repair and furnish tho most complete satisfaction to customers. Memeniber all this nm-ii j.iu Wuii,a insi, or a eotnrortable, or a safe ride. MUNTdOMEKY & GoAr. Cor. Hooond and Washington Bts Albany. vOnffltf. Marshal O'Uonuoll. when on liin dying bod, boing nuked by. the priest if lie forgave bin eneiniea, faiutly re plied; "I haven't anv: shot them all." .HIOH'TAGO: & McClXLY Mysjuitriioevedand oiuiiei)outa f, MAMMOTH STOCK i -or GENERAL MERCHANDISE, - .tWNSnrrisu or 3 - ' .1. ; but goods. tatot i:kii:!. II AltOfV A It I', ETC., the whole comprising ono or the choicest retail sbm-B In Oregon. They exis'el to win publle favor nml public pnlnmagi' hy pnunpt intention tn nul.umn .u nuwuauw liner m gisius. rjlHE rNnRRSIUNED OFI-'EllS FOR SALE M. alarm of 7 800 ACRES! situated 7 miles east of llrownsvlllc, Mnn coun ty. Itisosplended stock ranehe, adopted to raising either sheep or call le. ' 1 MVHV null niut sell soon. Terms ro markah v low. l'orpartleiihirsoil.hercaHo.n mRi jionroe, penloii eouiii v, or on Al. V. lluuws, ol the l)KMO(!HATl)lllee. . THOMAS RERPRR. ainnroe, rtenton county, Ogn. vKnWyl. Oil, YES! THE BAY TEAM STILL LIVES AND IS RUNNING ON TIME! 'sII.ll;1''!,I' 0a PAST FAVORS, AND "I II deslrtHis of contlnulnir to meet the carried lo and from the oorslo any iwrl, ol' tho il . . . V. A. Al . AiteiUl.Il, EMPIRE BAKERY ... AND , PROVISION STORE! JOIIX SCIIMEER, Cor. First &. Ellsworth Sts. Albany, Or,, Keeps oonstantly oa band a oomplete assort ment of . ; Grocoriei and Vofstablos! rronch and rancy CandiesI Wines and Canned Fruiti! Cicars, Pipes and Tobacco And everything Diss to be found In a first class iveiaiunniuy urocery ted Notion Establish ment. "Live and let live," is my motto, and un uiu uu in my manner of aealiag with ouKiuniers. van and see me. V7n27yl. JOHN SCnMEEB, ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE iiilTOPtt A. F. CHEERY, Proprietor, ALDAXY, OREGON. Manuflsctureia Steam Engines!! ' FLOUR AND S1W KILL MACHINERY! Agricultural Machinery, ALL AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. Also oirent for RictinrriNnn rA-inn. t r. Fay i Co's, and II. D. Smith's ' PATE5T WOOD-WOBKISG MAlIDiEEY ! W. H. KUHN &CO., -DEALERS IN HARDWARE IH03ST Sc STEEL I Springs, Axled, ThimMc Skeins, ete. Also, a well selected stock of Wag-bn Timber! Sinka, Hubs, Sent Bim, Skajtt, Poles, Ilickory Axles, de. FARMERS' and MECHANICS' TOOLS CONSISTINO or ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, HAMMERS, HATCH ETS. SLEDGES. SAWS. PLANES, CROSS-CUT AND MILL SAWS Together with a Urge Assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARD, Store in Montoith's Fire-Proof brick, next aoor to uiaia, lounge & Co. W. H. KUHN i CO. Albany, Jan. 13, 1871 n22yl. ADVERTISEMENTS criA& AotfnrjABDn. . tn THUS, BOURGARDES & GO. SEALERS IN - I WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELR SILVER AND PLATED WARE, - ' ' AND i. DIAMOND SPECTACLES : also -PISTOLS AND CABTBIDOEl SINGER SEWING MACHINES, ' And all kinda of Sewimg Machins Heedle REPAIRING A SPECIALS All Oosds old and Work Warranted. Next door to Hill's Drug Store, In J0bn Os, ir's old stand, Albany, Oregon. T1TUB, MUUKUAKDEB 4 CO. tor1 V8nf. HOME MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPAN OF SAN FIWNCISCO. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. CAPITAL $1,000,000. JUHNU. KEDD1NGTON President. OEU h. M'WABD Vlee PresldeSt CHAS. R. WTOBV Secretary H. H. BIOEUW General ilanacer DIRECTORS OREGON BCANCH Salem..., Albany.. Dulles.... P. WASSERMAN, O. H. LEWIS, B. GOLDSMITH, D. MAOLEAY, LLOYD BROOKE U r. UKUVEK, A. UHAWKOlt D. M. FRKVPI ...J. LOWENBUKO HAMILTON BOYD, AGENT FOR OREGON & WASHINGTON TERR'Y, ELI CABTEK, -Local Agrent, ALBANY, OREGON. vSn.TOtf Also Manufacturer of Degroat's I ATEIWT IRON FENCE, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS Of All Kinds, Made lo Ordsrl Benairinir all kinds nf mnhinn ..i.t.. umm A. i. CHERRY Vjn48tf. vSniltf. l'ronrleuir. A. HKMOniUIOIDS. It. C. HSLL X, SOX, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, ALBANY, OREGON. Imics and medlelnes fresh and mire. IVnnint. Hll.'iui..n ulven ti eunnlry nnlrrs and ulivsl. ("fWl-bmi. s,Kla aur rresli iiim tlie Aretlo rt'Klons. N1'"!'.V;"M"1 oi'llte dinner's Rank. vKiisUU, ll. c 11114, A su.s. 'AB JOB SALE. rmWK I1NKKRMKINK1I OKKKKN FOR SALE n .n..,.. B.,,,,,,,, tun.,, nuKi mnn itiurri. mnr. eomalmus wn liui.n.ve.l-liB Men In niluvathin, ami all ,1 wlieal land. IteimtnliiH a UihhI n-Kl.li.ii.v iu.p. ...h..-.i tHk Hater, and all oilier convenient-fit. 1','rml nisy. llmnlroof It. It. Iltti.r. Ilnrvi.. litin:. Ort'Ktm, orof Ja.mkh wkkki.s. Walla ttulin, W.V, CAHOT11KRS A CO'S "Pn.R PIT.r a A.nu unT.MKNT"bave now beoeiue sua of tha staRttard praiutratiunt ef the dy is prs- ,. .uvu,.,HIDHt.u Il)r ruoi lwutber ehrenlt orreeeiit). SulTerors mat denen.l ........ it, that this remedy will Kiv than permanent ,..t t,ui tut- uouoiosouio ana Juiusgier com plaint, . Sent poslpaid to any address (within ths Pal- v oimtMj uyuu reeuipt ot price, Sl.otl. ' A. CAKOTllliKS A CO., ntOyl Albany, Liuu Co., Oregon, TO THE FARMERS nnd all in WAKT OP STORAGE CB. COMNTOCK Jt CO. IIAVK THOR. n "fv'y r"'""1"'11 ""' streiiKthened thelr ersniMleun liandle'all smiu Unit euines wjth solely and tleeiatetk. ,i.v are prvuurea o rurnisn all tho tacks nettled. i not ne mirntenen bv the nM m tw n.. K-"t",nJ'.'- a,,H and sw lortvuurselves. nitire araln than weean store. Cnll r air ueanng will win. BOOTS MADE TO ORDER AT A80AB1.K RATKH AT IlEiUlY l LIXDT SSIIOI. ALBANY, OREGON. i'Wurk warrante.1 to ulve satlsfnetlon." ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. ALBANY, OREGON. First Term of next Collegiate Year, oni, on Monday, Srptrmber 1, 1SJS. I'or iartleula,rs addres, IL K. Y.VRRKX, ,8S"' ITtahlcnU WF. WII.Lt'ONTltACT'TtlHTOHK WHEAT .. . Khr, either at Albany, l'oitiatid or - .w.v. v.t.u.pt., ( - . , . L-MHIE AMOUNT OK HAX SEED Wanted, for which wewlll pay the hktheat market price in onuh. from Unjttf to time. .resent tluotntlons : For ('tun m. m Volunteer, V m. " extra line and clean, fi is i Ida, ,. n, COMSTOI'K A (Y Aug. IS, 1871-nltf. , W. a NtfRsHsr. CHAIRS AND TURNING ! J. M. METZLER, ItATirjt moTtd ht Shop to JetTrrtoB &n,l .v.il. A btuiir of th water-powor t tht plan, it RAW-HIDE BOTTOMED CHAIRS! la any quantity and in any shape,. JMT-Ue will still keep a larga sleek of skaira at bis eld staad, eitber ready for ase r ia pieces for shipment. Y. I). EsldiDg Is kis sjent at ibis flats. linvltf. WAGON AND CARRIAGE FACTOR PETERS & SPUIDEL, sunn ctuRiaa or , CARRIAGES, Hacks and Wagons 0P EVERY DESCRIPTION, Ferry St., bet. Firrt and Second ALBANY, OREGON (1AKRIAGES. HACKS ASD WAGONS ) of all Styles Manufactured tn nnl.. . as rsasenablo rates as ths use of good material and nrst-olasa work will justify. . REPAIRING O' All KIXDS Neatly and ejpeditlouslj dona, at Low Rates. aiusut may 20, taJ. n42tf THE PARKER CUM." SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S WEST MERIDEN.CT. KOTICfi TO FARMERS. I am prepared to all orders for all kinda ef AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY ! I at prices that most (tea entire satisfaction. Coma oa with your orders and bar. them ailed AT LOW RATES . FOR CASH OR PROOl'CE I ALSO HAVB THB BAJCXT W-A.Q03KT fir salt to salt all wishinf to buy. "" B. CHEADUt. ALBANY BOOKSTORE! JOHN FOSHAY, DKALBR IJf MISCELLANEOUS AM STANDARD BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! CHOICE IIAVAN1VA nnina AND TODACCOS. Th Largest Stock of Fine Candies ovor brought to Albany! es?lbleo;i1,np0rte,toonle' " swTbeonlv man. i t . OoonciOARmiiirni,,ir;.T' T a rf-AI. vdnlliltf. " v" see. JAMES L. COWAN, (scccusos or a. coitar a oo.) - LEBANONr OREGON DEALER IN . I GENERAL MERCHANDISE WILL KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL STOCJ GROCERIES! Roots and Shoe I ! t All for Sale at tha Lowest Prises for CASH or PRODUCE. All persons owing A. Cowan A Co. can ssltli by sailing; on ine at Lebanon. , v7n24tf. JAMES L. COffAW. ! JOHN CONNER'S BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, ALBANY, OBEGON. DEPOSITES RECEIVED, SUBJECT TO CHECK AT SIGHT; Interest Allowed on Time Depositi in; oil,' EXCHANGE ON PORTLAND, SAN FRAN. vtotiu, anu new iukk, for salt at lowest rates. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTED - -Banking boars, 8 A. m. to 4 r. R.- ' Kf 'o H. W. CORBETT, i r v . .... . HENRY FAIMNO, f Feb. 1, WI-yl w. S. LADD. v THE OLD STOVE DEPOT I i JOHN BRIGCIS. . 7 DBALBR Ilf-- COOK, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES 1 1 Of the Bart Pattont, TIN, SHEET-IRON AND CuPPFR.wiwi And tbs ureal assortment of furnisblna goods fmiml is T: Da ao s s. a iu oHin. Baoain Hoatly and Promptly Exaontedl On Reasonable Terms. in Short Reckonings Male Long friends!" FRONT-ST.. ALBANY Next Door to P. C. narner A Co'. Si- Dee.6v4nl8tf jonw BBInna UEJ1KI F. SAYIO, GENERAL BUSINESS COLLFHTinM i- . w IV It j Ann IXStRAXCE AGENCY, AlfD NOTARY PUBLIC. PartlculnentiJn.tnn t .. . of aecounts. w me adjudloatlon 2 m."?e ln " Bt of the Stat VOme, next door jjgytb. Bee-Hor.. W. R, T. CD'S STEAMlRj" "GOV. CROVER," Will leave All.... r... " DAY and KltlUAV- and t7S'S!"TTVEB' WEDNEHDAV .nV Ki.ftr""'"" every are tne freight and pas'nee, .1: . """ Mllwankle.. Oswego OreBon City Butteville...... ." Champoeg ..,.'.' niiiiiq,. ..$ 85 Wheatland.. Lincoln Sftlem... Kola ' 1 00 1 IJO 8 IW S 00 ' S 00 25 8 25 8 50 IndennnHeni.' ? . Ankenys Landing.'.'.'. 4 so "Sb,::f;;;.r-J JOS. JREiLLY. CONSTABLE AXMEJiEBAL COLLECTOR North Portland Product, n.f ..e..0o. oy p. ..ion to tbe following A. th.pmMt cr. j. c. HawthoraeTS', T f ' Davenport; I. 8. Rosonbaam A o , w Burrell Co.: K. J. Jeail"? r.,..?0-' "PP. 'anscnyvs. OFFICHes W..1.1 First ai gMd. ;-o estwasn ' t ,M"Hs NOTICE. i bREOOS A CAI.tBnnwr. F Comnanv. ff. n "Ai1'R0AD Orbge..Ap,,li.187J.K'rb..rrtJ"J- IBai a VII-OrOBB DrOMnentinn -! I against any ,nd , M ' "" ...jurue. prosoeutien will be i;.J, . : .nn l "eel - iresipssses moving Umber tberela b.fo .k BOUOHT f lh, c' f .am. U All v.ntUndta odd 7Z?lu r.') tanes o u,,rty nil., 1- '-"; a an. belongs to tbe Company. road . Agent. W LLi.H ETTK TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, 7R0M AND AFTER DATE nv-e., 1 tber .li ... "a 1K ""Til. IPl beatffea Albany t. CotVsJH.. ilf a and FRIDAY of aaeh week! " IlJSSDAI Alto will dUptttch a Ka. c Portlwd aad "tami." plS0.AIUo' leaving Cemk 4 Co', wb.T "" w.MieiseM rates. f n i, im. D- BIlss. "pat. UpFrt. DownFrt. Fan, Grain, Flonr anap 50 1 00 1 00 2(10 9 00 2 50 8 50 9 50 2 75 2 75 800 8 00 I 00 8 75 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 t 85 85 100 1 00. 1 00. 1 oa 1M 1 00 1 2& 1 25, 1 25. is ISO. 3 00 too 2 00 3 00 151) Bpeolol oontractsfor' 'silt limn 00 . " haagrJeulturallmniLmeViu"'6' n,et- " B. ClOLDSMlTH "ALU n FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE I ALBANY, OREGON, ..resora.-.; FURIVITURE! OfAUKInd.ai,dDe80ription BEDS ASD BEDDMCI,U ' Partieular attention will b. n.. .. UNDERTAKING1: AaaJl.U.rori. I, ..... Mended to. '"PU y, Jnlyl, 18Wv4n4Hf. cash Ub PAiiTfR-is. r2:Vneh.fl?ri,W,''"WT MARKKT ii-bment, ln Aio bro,lht oju, H. CVEADMt