The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 31, 1873, Image 3

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    jy..A.....' 0CT0BEB31, 1873.
, 1. .
S '
ft land......
,: . Knm'l Aflnlr.
Isaac Miller.
u 0. 1. Ooshow.
,1. J. HafruowooU.
..W.J. Jliunlllon.
,u J. U. LrtfWltd
" t" i W)i itoii. Jr.
tt. Hm. May
'"J."" ""'i)ti JJavltlHou.
i',',,co-""" .:.J. n. Nia.
"10: "".'.'.!".J. it'll""-
... Col. w hits.
... ........m, - g,im)u,li
1 - T- N. Hmtth.
1L. mrner.
" V . Ashor Marks.
s " " ' 'A'hofl. lloyce.
uieo "'"'" " Al. WhOTlOT.
' , Ueo. Christie.
" H. V. llrowu.
' " v. K. Uilson.
' "X'.'l. ItrldEefariiiiT,
-t. ..................A. W. Ferguson.
...:.U)W1S rsuinstm.
N. T. Caton.
T. J.-XJicy.
K. 1". tfoylos.
,rk Cliy.-.v
City V...
.it, W. T ,
. alia, W.T....
. W. T...
I TormlnatlcIiTofa Day'. jSport. (
,nt terrible tragedy oecurrcd at
-ft.nii Htore. In Sweet Home
vln Mils county, on- uat..6atui'-
About twenty of the citizens of
motion of the county had1 assem-
,it the "Buck-Head," to, -engage
.hootlng-match, which is aavor
.nusement of the hardy pioneers
,,& TJiniroda'of that remotd .'and
I wl section. Among others of the
.Ht-yiU for the prizes of tet match
a young man named Van Erner
aged about. years,' and three
fa named respectively
rs. Hiram and Joseph. Shortly
the shooting-match began an
.ltarnntlon took place - between
cs aiierts and Van Emerson, which
immediately followed by a scuffle
i,ih hnth men fell to the ground,
T..tu. aiierraniinermost. At this
lure Mr. Jolin Fronk, a spectator,
forward and attempted to sepa-
41m combatants, when Hiram
is ran up with a drawn club, some
ft in length, and torn air.- uu.
-.. oti-il.R hitn.
ana away or ue wuu. -
F. saw that he was in earnest, and
mltngly stepped back. He had
cely done so when the combatants
.tig to their feet and James Suerts
ted bffln a swift run, Van Emer
fcloicty pursuing nTro with a drawn
,ting knife gleaming in his hand.
;r running a few yards and finding
t, ho could not overtake James
,,(..'.' F.mnrson stopped, and . had
.-eely" done so before Hiram Shorts
iti ton w
ith him and struck him on
back of the head or neck with, the
ie club which he had drown on Mr.
,!- "Emerson staggered forward,
nij! around, and., ftruck. , Hiram
jrts with the knife in the eft breast,
Hmr.hl'm to the heart. - Notwith-
iiding the deadly wound .which, he
i received', Hiram 'raised.' the' club
1 again struck Emerson a violent
w thn hoad or neck, and Joseph
,.ri.-a dtUl younger brotlier, liurled
ock at Emerson striking him just
dcr the right ear. Emerson stag
red, reeled and fell backward upon
3 ground, the blood -spirting from his
uth and nose in copious quantities.
livmlr sunnier forward, lifted ..his
ad upon his breast, and while hold
; him in that position iiram Shorts
ttifi pressed forward with the uplift
club and would have again struck
in but for the fact that Eronk plead
ii.Ii him to desist further violence, as
.h-.,A alreadv killed Emerson. Hi-
... Hhorta then turned and walked off
f oBuck-i'ead store, a distance of
me forty yards, where ue.ieii.ami tu
ost Instantly expired. In the mean
mo Emerson had . breatlied . out Ins
st breath in the arms of Mr. Fronk.
tins here were scarcely three minutes
2tween the death of the two men, and
oni'the time James Shorts and Emer
n lirst grappled with each ..other to
Iei)rpment at which Hiram fell dead
i front of the Buck-Head, not, more i ven minutes had elapsed". , The
ftv,,v proceeded so swiftly and culmio-
,.d , suddenly that Uie; bystanders
, ul ii . time ti 'interfere -aid! separate
he di adly combatants.
On Sunday last Beparate . inquests
h ip hold upon the remains of the two
!. 1 1 i of tnw suooKiuir j'"" ' " ,
h (..i awitigvesuit:
. " - WUIkAmShfpts:- ,- .., !
"Mr of Oregon, County of IAnn. '
Wt' thcjurV, nmmohed to inquire
:ntothecauseVthe death of tfiram
,V . , ivhose body is lying before us,
... ... ,iw. ,i.., is named Hiram
- h ; that his death was caused by a
woiu.dln the left breast, piercing the
!,.r, , ,,,.. ni,. ii! (lie heart, caused by a
Mow with a knife in the hands of one
Van i merson, hi Sweet Home Valley,
f;. w nmoifl iraiiev
.! near the bridge across Ames's
.on Saturday, yet. ,
A. 1?. Nve, G. IV. Klum,
i MtcCully, Jesse Barr, J.. A. Mc
fiU J no. Howes. - ' . '
. k-I lead Store, Oct. 26, A. D., 1873.
i ' of Van Emkrsou : "
o Oregon, (bunty of Linn:
the jury summoned to inquire
he cause of the death of the per'-
- hose b6ily ncs beiore us, uim,
ii ing the body of deceased, and
iiB the eyidence of the witnesses,
i lie deceased is named Van Em
Hut he was killed by blows up-
eherMaiHl-neck; 1'racturing aud
-ating the neck and producing
tMHlOIl 0 f the brain; that the blows
iiitlicted on the person of the de
.! by Hirum Sherts and Jos.
aaudJasSferierts-, 'that the- ini
itc cause of death was a blow from
Is, striking th right side of the
and neck of the deceased, said
being inllietca ny jos. pueiio.
and Joseph Sherls,. and oil Jonuayj
last a preliminary examination
held before I.Ih Honor; " E. N.
Tandy, County . Judge,, where ,th
facts as above etateu were ruciu'u- "
Joseph Sherts wns held to hail in the
sum of H V'i' ge
slaughter. Being unahio to procure
hall, he was remanded to the county
jail where he now is. Jamea Sherts
volintvrlly appeareu ueroro
Carothers, plead guilty to assault anu
battery upon Van Emerson, and was
fined $10 and costs. In the preliminary
examination of Joseph Sherts Messrs.
Johns & Jones appeared on behalf of
the State and Jlessrs. Powell & Flinn
for the defendant. ., . ...
A Falsehood Corrected. The
Bulletin of last Monday morning con
tains what purports to bo a statement
of the caning-.of Mr. Frank Myers,
editor of the Forest Grove Independ
ent, bv Col.' Wm. Thompson,' of- the
Mereurif y .. In the Bulletin' a statement
the charge is made that Mart. V.
Brown, the editor of the ' Democrat,
and two other persons, participated in
Thompson's assault upon Myers, and
that the four brutally beat aud aousea
him. This charge is wholly false, and
the Bulletin editor, who was in pos
session of tle facts, knew It when he
penned It. No one save Col. Thomp
son had anvthing whatever to do with
the assault upon Myers. The editor oi
the Democrat, who has long been t
warm oersonal friend of Col. Thomp
son, accompanied him to s orest uruve
only ater the most urgent solicitation,
and neither of them had the most re
mote idea that any one else would ap
pear on the scene. The Bulletin has In
this case, as has been usual while a cer
tain renegade Democrat has controlled
it, permitted its political bias and per
sonal malice to overcome all regard for
truth and fairness, and has fulminated
a base falsehood; It is not expected
that the writer of the falsehood will
have the manhood to correct It.
It Is but simple justice to H. W.
Scott, Esq., who has been for some
time connected witB the Bulletin, to
state that he was absent at San Fran
cisco when this outrageous falsehood
was published in the Bulletin. In our
extensive knowledge of his journalistic
career we haye never known him to
resort to such base uses to manufacture
politioal capital. .' :
She Wants to .Maury. We
received a poetical effusion from "An
Old Muld," telling her grievances in
plaintive verse and pouring out ner
virgin sighs in rhapsodical rhyme.
We are not in the habit or puDiisning
anonymous contributions, but in this
case it is hardly, right to permit siich
glowing and beauteous thoughts as
hers to be consigned to the eternal
irloom and obscurity of the waste bas
ket.: wh therefore give them to the
world, and that they 'may lose noth
ing pf their primative beauty by the
mars aud scars of severe punctuation., them to appear in their
nrio-iiial stvle and manner. TVe tear-
fniiir sk the sympathetic reader to
read and weep:. .
I WANT to marry. .
I wish my bow would come again,
but goodness how he loves to tarry,
It soems to bo the low ambition of a man,
to never want to marry.
And it to be sure is verry hard
for us poor iflrls to bare :
to take a good looking man at his word .
syid never find him there.
Beware young girls beware for a man ,
oven if he seems ever so true- '
be will fool you 0 out of 10 timos he can
and at last bid you adoo.
The Overland Monthly or No
vember This certainly w
superior number, and so far as fresh
geographical information is concerned,
we are. at a loss to designate any umer
similar publication that gives an equal-
amount. . Of this: character mb-iub
Gravel Ranges of the Gold Belt; Ten
Hours in Holland, by Prentice Mul
ford; Seeking the Golden Fleece!," An
Tnorikt Rleie-h-ride: Tale of a Tooth,
hvfhorese "Yelverton;. Mount Whit
ney; and the Etc.. department, which
abouuds-ih -Contributions to rnysicai
Geography. , This .number ; also conr,
tains' two excellent stories, character
istic of the soil and magazine Zanie,
hv Mrs. Cooper, and the Judge's Story,
by Lovell Whitf.iThe plaintive poet
ic inspiration of JMiss uooiorim
forth in One Touch of Nature; ' Other
.articles ara The Rose of Sirtema, The
Haunted Rock of Santa Barbara, our
rwmnn finnain. and Ultrawa. The
book review are unusually good and
choice. r . John H. Carmany, & Co.,
Publishers,- 409 Washington St., -San
Francisco. $4 per annum.
" Statistics of Lisn CotJNW.-For:-lowlng
are statistics of Linn county, as
furnished by the assessment of this
jrear: I 3 U '-i V "'A I
' Tot'afnuniber of acres, 434,233; value,
$2,331,055; value pf lots, . 5471,753;
value "of merchandise, tc $804,785;
oi,,onf n!onev notes and accounts,
-.i .i,-. nf Block. $863f795; house-
H.UU nnuiio - . . .
hM furniture. Aft. 5227,530. , ... .
Number of horsW, 6,360; value, 9271,-
61. ,i!-;TJ ! IS) i'Ml. :i ' :
Number of cattle, - H,oaJi. .
;,umberof sheep.ana goats,
value, $81,272. " t - . '
Numbct of swine, 7,010; value, 91 f
238. 1 -,, 1 '
Gross value of property, 5a,4,Bi.
Indebtedness, Sl.006,8-53: exemption,
$380,512; total value of taxable proper
ty, $3,801,253.
Cold mornings. , , .
U'eddlngs are looking up.
Only a mouth till our city election.
No change iu the market since our
last report. ' '
About Astoria the voices of myriads
of clams are heard iu the land.
Thanks to Sam. Jay, ourHarrisburg
agent, for remittances of cash.
Corinthian Lodge to-morrow night.
Bayiey Chapter next Thursday night.
Hons. Geo. R. Helm aud N. B.
Humphrey have gone to Yamhill a
Oourting. ' '
See ad. of Demmitt's Cough Balsam
else where. It is said to be a "doadner"
on coughs.
Our typographical friend, Mr. Wm.
Morgan, Is at present slinging quads in
the HegMer office.
Thanks to our obliging County Clerk
J. H. Hackleman, and his efficient
deputy "If. H. Queener, for favors.
1 Dan. Gaby, formerly of Bcio, nas re
moved to Napa City, Cal., and the
good people of "The Forks" will know
him no more forever. ,
Mlaa Delpha Keiser, of Salem, and
Miss Veno Caton, of Walla Walla, are
at present visiting the family of Mt.
J. R. Herren in this city.
We are much pleased to learn that
D.r. Alexander's friends are hopeful of
his recovery. At last advices was
believed to be convalescent.
Wm. E. Bimmons has formed a co
partnership with Mr. Heusley, on the
Santiam, and the boys will nave a
popular resort for travelers and tourists
next year.
Prof. F. if. Day will organize a danc
ing sohool at Pacific Opera .House to
morrow night. He is said to be au
eminent master of the elegant art of
Terpsichore. , ... ,
Last Monday night the Albany urass
Band drove some six miles into the
country to serenade Mr. ; Sylyauder
Dawson and his fair bride. . They were
treated gorgeous. , :
Mr. Charles Simpson, of this city,
has )ust received the sad Intelligence
ot the death of his brother, Samuel W.
Simpson, at Glascow, Nova Scotia, on
the 11th inst., aged 38 years.
Dr. Golden aud family will start for
California next Monday, to pats the
the winter in that State. We very
much regret to lose the Doctor and his
estimlable family from ourcommunity.
Two voung ladies of La Crosse were
standing by the side of a ditch thirteen
feet wide, which they didn't know now
to cross, when their escort said
"snakes," and they cleared it at a
7on. H. U. Gilfry, Private Secretary
to .His Excellency Governor Grover,
has been in this city two or three days
looking after the interests of the State.
Mr. Gilfry Is an efficient official and a
very clever gentleman.
When a burglar gets hurt iu climb
ing through the scuttle of a Louisville
house the charitable Inmates take him
in, nurse him tenderly, make out the
papers carefully, and when he gets well,
tuck him away tidily in the peniten
Zt"ugh Small, traveling corresponacnt
for the San Francisco Bulletin, gave
11s a call during the week. Mr. Small
is an able writer and does Oregon full
Justice in his letters which is some-.
thing remarkable Tor a Ualitornia
Yesterday Drs. Rice, Houghton and
Ziarris, of this city, were summoned to
appear forthwith before the Grand
Jurv of Multnomah county to give evi
dence iu a case upon which they have
recently held a post mortem exami'
The Boston Bulletin makes this ma
levolent Inquiry: "Why can'tareport-
er write a paragraph concerning the
return of a man whose wife, supposing
hifn dead, has married In his absence,
without lugging in Enoch Ardentwoor
three times?"
Coll. Vancleve and family have gone
to Baker City. We understand the
family design remaining through the
winter, but Coll, will shortly return to
his iournalistic labors. " In the mean
time Billy ilorgan dishes up the litera
ture of the Jlegiater.
. The Council talk of making two new
cisterns. They should order at least
half a dozen. Our firemen have been
hampered and annoyed at almost every
fire for want of water, and we nlay.any
day lose the price of twenty cisterns In
some1 disastrous conflagration, f ' ' '
The lollowlhg" tender' missive was
nicked up In the' ladies' sitting-room
oi ,-aitrna.l rtenot: "Dear Cha8. do
vou love me as much as you did at
nuartcr to twelve last night? Say you
do, dearest,' and it will give me spirit 10
go down and tackle those 'cold beans
left over from yesterday." . Probably
by next Week Mr. Loadwick Will be
prepared to give Charles' answerwhleh
will undoubtedly runeomewhat Ir; this
wise: "Dear Susan, I do. Tackle
them beans."
We take the annexed account of the
. . . nr.
sad death of a beloved sister o. .
Wm. Benjamin, of this city, from the
Walla Walla Statesman. '
. Book OREBK, W. T., Sept. 32. '
EnrroB Btathssian : A sad accident, with
ratal termination, occurred ia our
few days since, that lias casv
the entire community. Mr. Klcnaro. """"":
his wife and little daughter, in
Missrs. John Courtney and P. H. Bonney bad
teen to your city with freight, and were re urn
ing. as b the custom for our settlers to do, .load
ed with supplies. They had made their trip,
both ways, on what Is known as the "new road,
via Colfax ferry; and. by the exercise ot due
care and oaution, had avoided any accident of
a serious cast, until within twelve miles of homo,
when a terrible calamity Dcieu .- "
road is new, and ha. had very little travel un
til this summer, when it fell Into good repute
on aceountoflts freedom fronnobstruotion, and,
being a more direct route to your city, Such a
throng of travel passing daily over It lias caus
ed Its unpacked bed to be badly out up with
what are commonly called chuck holes, and,
being hard to discover In the heavy dust, cause
frequent disasters. Into one of these, in the vl
olnity of Garden Lawroncc-J ranoh, on Pine
creek, Mr. Benjamin had his team vlo ently
While driving along, and without
a warning of the danger ; the wagon Wnt i
completesomcrsault.aiiQourymn .......,
and daughter, beneath the ruins. 1 he horses
by some peculiar move, beoomeentangled.and
J , . .ml. mads, (r Rniin.
stood fairly on tne top m ... -
ey being immediately In the rear, checked up
and rushed to their assistance 1 noticing, as he
reaohed tho wagon, a nervous twitching of one
ot the little girl's legs, that protruded from tho
niv iim of life she ever exhlblted-
orovln her spirit to have fled with scarcely a,
struggle- Mrs. B. was completely hidden In tne
debris and dust, while her husband, more tot
tunate, having his head free, was enabled with
ret urningonnsclousness, bv superhuman efforts,
to extricate hlnislf. The two then worked, us.
ing the broken "reach" as a naaspme, am. ...
ten minutes freod tho little girl from the ruins,
a crushed and lifeless corpse. Mrs. u.. au
limn, lav burled a foot in tho alkali 'dust, con
scious of her situation, nearly suffocated In ber
oonflned position, and so remained until forty
h.rt elanned before they succeeded In
releasing her, Her injuries were found to be of
a sorious nature, the right side and limbs being
badly bruised and crushed, out sirens" "
no bones broken. The sad affair ooourred on
Saturday, the'20tb ult., at 4 r. M., and the late-
ness of the hour provenwju t-" "
being brought home until the next morning,
when they were convoyed thither under Mr.
Hnnnevs care. The funeral of the little child
took place on Monday at U M-, the remains be
ing Interred at the little graveyara, a
tance from Hines's ranch. Short and lmpres
.ivBBervleos were held at the parents- au
when the cortege departed, slowly wending Us
way to the burial spot. Upon the arrival sever
al hymns were sung, a prayer offered by Mr.
Hnhert Do Shiels. a last look taken at the little
face so sweet In death, and poor Minnie's earth-
lv clav was consigned to its last resting place.
riio concourse were present, all deeply sym
pathizing with the sorrowful family In their
n..,.,.,,m uttle Minnie was seven
years of age, a bright and mirthful ohild, and
thn wens aunbeam of the household : her de.
mise leaves a void at tne iamuy w
worlds cannot All nor time erase. Mr. Ben
jamin became a resident of this county last
November, moving here irom uiui""'i.
ogon. He has been most unfortunate in all ho
has undertaken nere, nut mis -
him the most deeply of all, and obliterates aU
former trials. It is a great consolation, howev
er, to know that ho is in no way culpable In the
sad affair. Those who bore him company no
tify that he Is ono of the most cautious of dri
vers, always having Mrs. a. ana tne cnim
in unsafe places. The accident was unavoida
ble, for there was no Intimation of danger
ahead, and the most of the road had been pass
ed over. Mrs. Benjamin's case is hopeful,: al
though It iB not yet known what internal inju
ries she may have sustained. Her right side Is
oomptetely paralyzed, but her sufferings have
somewhat abated. , VE14ITAS.
Vienna, Austria, Aug. 20, 187S.
If. O. Wilson, President Wilson Seio
inn Machine Company, Cleveland,
Ohio: , -
The Wilson Sewing Machine receiv
being the Best Sewing Machine, and
Orand Prize (medal of honor) was
awarded to the Wilson Sewing -Ma
chine Co. for manufacturing sewing
machinesln the best manner, from tne
beat material, and by the best known
mechanical principles. These coieora-
ted machines are now on exnioition
and for sale at the store or
1 r . -XJW
Festival. The Erodelphian Society
of Albany Collegiate Institute will
o-lve an oyster supper and ioe cream
fontlval at Paciflo Opera House next
Friday evening, for the benefit of their
library. We bespeak for the fair
Erodelphians a orowded house and a
full exchequer after the festivities are
over. ,
Seed. Howell, Harper & Co. have
choice articles of wheat for seed, suota
as Fall or White Winter, Click, Chili
Club, fibnora, etc. also a lot of Orchard NEW
. j m!-n,litf cdiI nil nt which
ura m u , ,, Boltt, ' Plow.
tney w.u u.. " ------ - WMO. A'1'"""""
other seea, or ou umc. .0.". implenunM-a nn
will suit.
Btoeaoe. A little room again
available in the Farmers' Union Ware-
. .cu.1.i Whn .nannirers have
made arrangements which they trust . , . . , N jK W
will enable them to a.m- - 0oodrorlBn mu Dome
.ioi,inntnr there. Oats and bar- "r ti"
ley wanted In exchange for coin.
. - tt.t.hijh n tUa ORt.h Inst..
Butte. by'Rcvriirs. Oakes Ma. BYI-VAND
Dawson ana xviia o. ...
Silk ud DrcM Good.
ir.LER.-At Tangent, Oct., W, 1873,01 con-
sumution. Mahy Jane, wliora irame,
agea oy years, iu u,u..."-
Broche. Ptala, Blripeti. iu
or "li.u ..... :.- ,h. ,..lhle dls-
eaSrumpt on T)o not hesitate a moment
bTprevidc yofirself with tbl cure which ha.
s;. niohiB i-ftuutution lor nearly nau a
century. .
. .iA tirhnthpr thore Is
tomosrairpuo,"srandi the best pain do
sLroyer that can be used. .
a -,b- iBon have frpouently
told us that they have seen very " Red, White, Ora,
rrom g ving Sheridan's Cayalry Condit on Pow- MUed !
ders to cows ana swniu uwno w..v.
dron their voung. The powders put them In
good condition, and giv.fl.em strength to care
Snd Drovide for th i sm k ings.
Fire. Wednesday last a stable be
longing to J. D. Hurd, iu the Jiastern
part of the city, containing about four
tons of hay, and a "rica - 01, urau.
twenty tons adjoining the barn, were
totally destroyV'd by fire, 'me nay ue
longed to Messrs. Hurd & Crouse and
Involves a oss of some 3UU. xne uaru
u n. loss to Mr. Hurd of about $300.
The fire boys were promptly on hand
and afforded efficient service in saving
adjoining property. .T
To Sportsmen. Messrs. Parker
Brothers manufacture the celebrated
breech-loading, double-barreled shot
gun, and claim that they are the best
In the world. Those who nave useu
thom nv that for durability, neatness
of finish, convenience in loading and
accuracy In shooting, they cannot De
surpassed, and we know of a gentleman
who has used a Parker gun ior years,
and who would not part with it.
Quincy (IU.) Daily Whig. ,
Thanks. We extend our warmest
thanks to Hon. W. D. Hare, D. C. Ire-
land. J.: C. Coe, Col. Taylor, Bam'l
Anir nm! manv other citizens of
Astoria for favors and courtesies ex
tended us d'uring our sojourn there last
week. Bro. Arigonl, the eminent and
popular hotelist of that city, also
merits and receives the warmest grati
tude of our over-charged heart.
iMinwi,,,, .re the price, paid for produce, and Hate ud t'epe lor Me nd Beye,
the prioos at which other articles are selling in
una market:
WHEAT White, W on'
OATS it bushel. '30 ots.
POTATOES $ bushel, t .i0.
ONIONS $ bushel, ll SO.
FLOUR bW, $6 60.
T.K-.XTQ u-hi,n Wl th. 4l7a5 ots.
DHIBD FRUIT-Apples, 19 . "tol
l'eachos, lb, IB9 Ots-J Plums, lb, lOo.j
Cnrrantl, W . "" .
Bl'TTElt lb, fresh roll 1620o.
EHUS Vi dozen, 25 Ota.
..r,.I.-T..XTQ Jn.Bn .1 nn.
SUOAR-Craslied, lb, 15 ots.i Island, f
tb,tll13 ots.j Sn Kranoiwo Kenned,
m-lf i....:. u.nn M lb. 1 50, Japan
n lb, ?oel 00 i Black, 1 . ?6c' s0
COFFEE Tt ID, zd(aau oouib,
bit oaH. nt.
SYRUP Heavy Golden, $ kg, t M
ninnNIIms. 5 lb. 12oti Sides, lOoti;
ghoulders, Sots. ,
LARD-1.1 tins lb, 11 ots.i In "''
n,r r. . irn-,..nn.. VI trillion. 76 ots.,
3ft oan, 5 gill., 3 0 I Linseed Oil, raw,
gall., $1 2oi Linseoa uu, oe", n a-
1 37i.
5 1
jj m
no Rarramentl Street, aai.
of Leidesdorff Street, ta lew aoora
below What Cheer liuuso.
Frtvats Entranoe an
. Leidesdortl street,
. San I'rancisoo.
p.,Jlli.l.J .wr.Hu to afford aJUieUd-aotkwd
aad mmnio mo.
OMloroaHi'noeonoI CTiw
iZKwm.eatf otfr- ,
: cyatirf altSexuai
II . , i.i. nnmnNHii patients lor
Ir patronage, ana wouiu
oases or too uinga, i.ivi-r, ""yK,,Zr tl
and Oenlto-Urlnary Organs, and all pnvato
diseases, vis i Bypbill" In all its forms and sta-
Stricture., Nocturnal and Clurnal emissions
2r.i irwMiitv. Diseases of- tho Back and
uauu. - , Dl.n ai.H Kid-
he practloo of many year, in Europe and 1th.
United SUtes, he Is enabled to "Pply the most
emolent anu suoeesoiw. ."Y
Me nurii.s'wlthoiit mercury,
" '.r-... ,.l. hi. ruttlents in a oor-
0iiBrg.u"r,-.."-..--- of
itiquestionable vorBclty from men of known
resDootablllty and high standing In society.
KaXsS.nsultlng hlm by letter or otn.r-
wum, will reoelvo the best and gentlest treat
ment, and Implicit sooreey.
To Female. '
(. ...n-RlMl nr afflicted with
disease, as weakness of the baok and "mbs.
. . .. itimB(t nr aliTnt. lull OI
muscular powor, palpitation of the heart. Irri
tability, nervousness, extremo urinary dllllaul
ties' derangement or digestive funcUons, gen
erai debllfty. vaginitis, all diseases of The
womb, hvstena, sterui.y, auu u ...
sesculinr U. fnal.-s ; she should go or wrtte
. tt,a .iKi-utni fit mu.1 n doctor. . W. H
Doherty.athls Medical Institute and opnsult
him about her troubles and disease. The Doc
tor is efteotlng more cures than any other phys
ician in tho Stnto of California. Let no falsj
delloaoy prevent u, .nut ; y '1 'Td
mmaturo death. All ilarrlal Ladles whow
k-oitk n.ntl.n. ..itwiimainocs prevent
an increase in their families, anauld write or
cell at l)r. w. k.. uoneny s -:"---!
and they will receive every possiblo relief and
hOip, , r . .
To Correspondent.
i- Bnv nMrf. At tbei eountrr.
.. veilre the opinion
and advice of l)'r. Ilohorty In their respective
casos, and wno tnina pruir iu """ -
ton statement of snob, In preference holding
i it.I,Uiii am miinrI.fllllV rXHBUrOa
that their communloBtlons will 1)9 hold most
saored. The Doctor is regular graduate and
may be consilium wnn every
If the case be fully and candidly described,
personal communication will bo unnecessary,
t..r Hut. nvlrnen. and the gen-
ilnolndlnir the reme
dies), will be forwarded without aely, and tn
suon a manner as va wj; ,' r'uiaV
lurppa of the loiter or pHroui iw
ilmiild vour condition require lmmed ate at
tention, send ten dollars In coin lor that vaiua
In currency! by moil. or Wolls.J'argo 4 CJOjl
Kxpress, ana a puww" " , " ::r
sent to vour address with the necessary instruc
tions for use. Consultation ny
wise, VBE1D. rerinaueui. u Bu.- - ...
coo: Ar:o job
Mi Die,
. .-1 TlT!Tl."lP!Tl A
al job work, men
Bali ticket,'
Letter Head,
, Brlela,
.... . J ...lliwl
For our groat pictorial wont, jusi issuuu,
SketoheB of Life in tho Golden Btato.
By the late Con. Albkbt S. Evahs.
a ino..iifiii nrtnvo. Snlondldly Ilhhtrated.-
Vivid Pen Paintings of Lifo in
California, etc., etc.
Agents also wanted for the
A most lnvnluable work for every American
CItiOTn. Octavo, DM p;fcs.r AiU"V(TimT
ini: bookf ' A.'I SaScKOPT "Co.r
ing books. ' SA'N FRANCISCO, OAL.
Han Franotsoo, Cal,
Dr. Dohcrty ho lint publl.hed an Important
pamphlotembbdylng hl own views and mi
I. , riu,in ij lmnotenae or Virility, bo-
lliff a snort ireaiiHo on n n- ..'"v". - "-
;L, u, swwin, iluA Physical Debility
consequent on this alfectlon,, U,d otb dls-
Trhls little work conlalns information-' of tht
utmost value to an, wnewier .,,,.
and will bo'aent KKHK by mall on rooelpt ol
six cents, in postage stamps ft,r return postaga.
Address, w. . ."in;... ..
v8niwtr. Ban Hanclsco, Oal.
Plain and Figured Opera Flan-
i,o .lunti. nf il..npttMi'd waa aidi
,.ii'a nnnn tlin loft side 'of the netk
nail fioro a club in the ljaricla of
a hlicrts, and tuo blows uiwu uw
y Jus Sherts, , We .further find
to believe that a
ir lina been comuiitteil In the
r of ik'coused, Jos. Sherts being
ineiiial and Hirnm Bherts and
Khorta..anfsaories thereto; that
,ita urftM prtnunitted in Bweet
Valley, near the western end of
tiridge across Ames s trei-n, vn ..."
iniitui valley oi ujH.-aiiu
Wuirmi Road, at ashootinjj-iilatcli,
e.,thof Oct., A. 1H73, bc-
,i t he h nore of 1 and 2 o'clock P. M.
icd tleo. IK. Kluni, J. A. Mo
lit, Robert McCully, A. 1'. Nye,
ilarf, A. Itr Hreedeu.
tho r. -.Idence of Wm. Plckeus, in
... Home Vallry, Out. iiti, A. P.,
1- t. B. .UONTAOUE, J. 1'.,
and acting Cbroncr.
1. puty yhrriil'sHiimiihrej-and rar-
h,T proceeded to the scene of the dilll-
Albanj Poll No I.
Albany, Poll No 1,
Ilrusn creew, ,
ijeiianon, m -Waterloo,
... ,
Santiam, ' . '
l-'rankuu Butte,
SCIO, -, ;
Ibweet llome, - :
"i Hvob 0B. P. C. Harper & Co.
have this week the biggest d. that
vr nnneared in " the ' DEMOCRAT.
jr.,M-f.r. it is no more huge than their
stock of goods nor than the heart of
.u-- mdmhara nf that nrm.
They have one of the finest stocks of
goods ever brought to this valley, ana
are offering them at exceptlotiably low
barzaius. , A failure to patronize them
at the present time will be a great mis
take. .
Hesers. 7bwe'll. Zfarper & Co. also
have something to say fhbout their
establishment in the same connection.
Don't forget to read all about it. .
Died. At the residence of Dr. Glass,
in Tortland, on the SKtli inst., Miss
Marv E. ianlmau, aged 19 years 8
months and 24 days. She was brought
to this city on .Monday, and burled at
etiitj rn Sunday and arrested James j Lebanon on Tuesday-.'
104 1 "
, 70 .
' SO
. . IK
i s
. , ., 10
- 13
- r
: an
1 Nesmltb'f mnlcttty. 4M '
The total nihnber of rotes cast was
1284. In 1872 there were ziu voujb
rnnai. In this counts, of which Burnett
received 1179, and Wilson received 928.
Ut la rrenprallV UD tTT SnUfT, and
can rr.ake music enough to keep a
in-M .nnnranl nn toeeiaeT. xxe IS
Editor of.tbe Albany Dkmocrt, and
his paper has been In full sympathy 1
with the farmers' movement from first
to last, and ougni io De uotmuj iy
roni.ed by people at both, ends df the
route. totorian.
Thanks, Bro. Ireland. It aflords us
extreme pleasure to reciprocate your
good wishes and to commend your
valuable paper to the laruicrs ana pro
ducers of Oregon. Being published at
the commercial entrepot of the Buite
every business man should have it, and
every producer and shipper should en
courage its maintenance.
Serenade. We extend our"" warm
est thanks to the Albany Brass Band
for a delightful serenade last Monday
evening after our return from Astoria,
Reed's Panorama. This panorama
of scenes in the Great North-fl est will
exhibit in this city, at the Paclllo
Opera House, this (Friday) evening.
This is certainly the llnest panorama
ever exhibited in this State, and this
is the last chance to see it, as H will he
i,on tn f h F.astorn States as soon as
a tour through Oregon is completed.
Card. I hereby tender my heartfelt
thanks to Albany Fire Co. No 1, and
to those citizens who by their prompt
and earnest exertions succeeded so
nobly In controlling the fire last
uadnpsdar afternoon, which other
wise must have destroyed my property.
D. B..1UVK.
Albany, Oct. 80, 1873. , .
' Oi'F for the Mountains.' Last
Wednesday .Messrs. If. A. McPherson
.T. H. Ward, Jno. Thompson and J. S.
Fenn all of the classic region of
"Bovine Pouch" started on a hunting
excursion to the Calapoola Mountains.
This eminent quartette of. Nlmrods
have promised us a winter's supply of
yenison on their return. .
To T. 3. I.iof H'eston. Your com
munication Is excellent, but hardly in
o-jn ainc the election is over, there
fore we trust you will pardon us for
f..nintn nublisllit. ItWIllKeepnow
.,i ml,r. be of use hereafter. We
gladly and gratefully accci.i. i jm..
assistance as agent for Iht Democrat
at your place.
limDed Iluude and Face.
Kore M, Drynena of the Skin,
.. Ac., c.,
Cured at ono. by HEGliMAN'S CAMPHOR
soft In all weather. Seohat jrou got HLGK-
If IMifl U.AA hv nil IlriliriIBLH. UI1IY v viw
Manufaotarodonly by llitoaiiiil Co., Chem-
l.u Drairir s . Bow lor. !"
Clothing-Men and Cloth-
ng area
CandleU nd Coal Oil.
Fufr-Ladlen' and lilldren'sTIp
pete, Jiuu, iwh, iso.
601 Kearney Street, opr. of Baoramento
, , - up wain,
- . ... 1 1 u. ul
Mar bo privately ana oonnaenuniij
;;,.;.r.niit n l,v Totter, for the cure of
legal Blank,
Vitlting Cards,
and every kind of tMter-Prwi prlntlnir
ana .v.rjr oouinetllloo.
lilseasis of tho Oonnratlvo owans,- ervuu.
Debility, wnermaiurrinea or c,......
,ol eXvoKllla. Uonorrlmia, Btrleture of tha
Ilavlnf Just received a
is I- .
....t.. w.m New York, wfl
liavlnn paswdtliroiiKhs.iohwoonrje'Ot pro. f?! "arZhi oirwo''of that kind la
ri-7j.';,rt ii'leiit. oi resultinir from youthful
Indlsoretion, or oiner m.nii...e - -
1UR. THOMAS ftdvorttses with the tin of
informlnir sutferoro where they roy, consult a
skillful modloal man who oaii gl ve tluem proor tn from New York-,
of having nasseu uiroi.a" ""'" , j:,., can now turn out wont oi mat
foMlonal slucjlos and wajnlnatloii. a. to full. ,nU ,t ,,,, flgunrs.
Bpermatorrhoja or BonniiHi inuuw.
oil diseases of thn human system, tills Is the
most to bo guarded against I so, if onoe Boa
I.i..h .i,,Vi,l ll treatment bo moBt Judicious.
The relationship, or relatllo dependeney exist
ing between the Ccrobro Bplnal system of
Natural Decay Protect the Sy
tern. Tho i,man bodv Is a machine, and thorefore
..nnd endure forever; but, like a watch or a
sewing machine, it will last much longer If
properly regulated and duly repaired, than If
do pains wore taken to koop It ln.order. Tho
t.ohlnctof overy one who desires a long
and healthy life should be to put his body In a
.,m r.-sisi tho life-threatening Influen
ces by which we are all more or less surround
ed i and no Invlgorant and corrective at present
known so effectively answers this purpose
.hn vitalizing elixir which, under tho unpre
tending name of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters,
has been for more than twenty years tho stan
dard tonlo of America. In crowded cities,
where the atmosphere bf contaminated wftb.
the cflluvla inseverable from low popu ations ;
IS marshy regions, when- the sobk.v soil reeka
with miasma on the prairies and In tho for
est" where "-wry roll the air is tainted with ex
halations rrom rotting we.'ds and grasses or
Sros-ja sis
, TiTindlce.' rhouniallsm, and all disease.
waU-r, or sucKlen changes of umiporat,.iro, may
I".. .ir,.,.il,i.iiiriii- anil n-gulntlngthe
ivsU-m in advance with IIostottr'B lUWrs.-;
Ay, tuSn Is always aseason of peril, edaj f
to week, MMO'iit h e organlBBtlons. hven tM
mvm v gorous are Bptto ba In ,u,e. ineasar;
. .h humt.! nlnuisohere. Inatb-d
?l,rrenovatlon and regulation ,of th "vtnr
machine i peculiarly lioiortant. and the rhu
tors i-ould therefore no miten uanjr r .....
Sewlne lMaehlnen and Needle
great variety.
Crockery and laware-tamp,
Catfned lood-a great warlety.
S. w . Til. J " ...nn. I. .un.h as to I
nerves ana me itooiw.o ..... . ," i
require on the part of the pliyslolan an Inti
J.?.7Z , ...l.,u . r unatoin cal and
anco wlilon naturany mism
vous and muscular system Ii overthrown, and
a vltlatiid condition of the mind and body dis
plays Itself in an army of morbid symirtoms,
Coin nervous and physical, from which the pa
.u... niv hniM, to bo permanently oured
by tbe sclentlllo rusouroh of the true p
g Lit. THOMAS strongly advises those suffer
JC, ... ni..rii..iuw,li,n aoe themselves
under h U prnfossional care at onoe, and assures
them that his tniBlnwnt Is unirormly suoaiss-
ful.anil paiieins wno navn ,.,.!-.!. .j '",'."'"":',
resort tn him with tuo iuu assurauoo u. - .."
and pernianont recovery. , , j. ny" has Just tieen received al tins V"1"'"
mrTHOMAH'KiimpeantindOntonlal now b!.n, worked up In the latest stylo of
More Comiso.-C.)I. Baxe has or
rered to this State forty head of Eng
lish aad Kentucky bred CbUw.oul
sheep1. ' they will arrive In two or
three weeks, when the breeders o. hub
sheep will have an opportunity of buy
ing rmc of the finest ewes ever im
ported. They are mostly breeding
'Frank H'oou'has a new ady. ir. to
day's paper, iclsone of oiir most
nopular dealers In farm and agricultur
al implements, ami we advise our
farmer friends to give him a call.
z. n. COZAD, n. D.,
fjraanate et Iowa tato University
7"'t- HEREAfTRn PrtAfrriCK hi ph-
W -f-lou in tnismr .ie.."... - -
flea and rooms are at tbe bt. Charles IWjUl
,..!. 4avs from their native element.
we ran furnish the "hoalwater Flay. the N
S";,!..nt,l v. at price, d-fylw onmrrt'tlon.
i?uVmcr can rely upon regular tri weekly
aui ' Ss, either In .un.hlne or .trm-wo never
?". srjnsi tfrsft co.
. .ufi.nfv.Ave vears.
none" ......- ,-"r.-;",,,...,i,,.l iMi
Bt Oeorgo Medleal Bohool; linflon, and was
Srmerty iurgeonto tho Houth West London
... I,, n, Thomas? Mem-
iH-r " the Itoyal liollog.. .if Miimion., Kngland.
im; Ween Mat.. M"""'"-?
White and i'olored BlanhU-a
great rsrwij.
r'oMr1eis--ompleU Aaaortment
. .
Boot and Mhoee.
.... Jl.Mhftnn iu tha ladles
v.l.ilii. rV. WllliiO'T..
s"'' toouruewstyHof
YlSitlrlC CARDS.
A 1irm stock of the ntm-nt-iDe ""w-w
the art. Ally person wishing anyin.iig .u ...
line Is reaueiftd to call and exauilM spool-
tna if it our prices.
KcWXlElnen ?i'
Germany l Onld Medium,
UI,T.7"S. '.; iin he oonfldenllally
ennsulbid In diseases incidental to fomales.
Pattintsiinnhlcloeonsult personally, may do
obv letter, stating sympUims, ago and sol. oy i.-lw-i, . - j ,.j -, , i
Personal consultation from 9 A. H. till 9 f. M.
ounuays ii.oiu.ivn. - - . . i
Oases of niedlolne forwarded so as to dory
Observation, to ail partBo. n 7"'"'. ,
Testimonials iron. pauuMrt, .uu t..-
fesslon, nnd press. . '
Editorial from the "Hebrew" newspaper, Ban
DK.TMOMAH.JTIinVedlealforoeof oilrdty
h n verv valuable addition by the pa
oeut arrival of Dr. Thomas, who, a'l timet
successful career lit Kurope'and tha Jngllsh
Colonies, haipcludl to make tan .ymiMils-.
oo Us permanerit niime. Dr. Thomaa' studies
have Iwen pursued under the tlrst European
physicians, llurlilg his professional career he
hriiinl lliilvi rtitr. Ulesseii. Oermany,- as Iloiv-
tor of Medicine, with tho highest honors; also, I
of the rioyal College of Physicians and tiur-
goons, Kuglanu i we have seen his u invorsu.j.1
v. ... i i . a s t 1 l.,a .it tfn 1 1 kl A I
r,' .... '. I .,. rf
.ou.n thfiuvklhnt h VHluablP VrVWA.AlW
AtxivA nomcJ onhir. 'ibe ftW! of- urTnmiMi
in located at M K'-arny iirM!y. up ' hhii, o.b-
trance Bftcramcnto utroet, ban 'ttIl01A .
WnalkokaAnoii band m Urn quftntilf rf
floely axeoutvd
W. H. OEABHABT, Proprietor.
Having permanenlly located In Albany, In
i.?,',h.. iiii,ii,nr. on I he corner olVlrst
and HroiulBltiln streets. 1 will be happy to ao.
comtniHlnte all my old customers and as many
new ones as may see tit to give me call. I
will keep all kinds of cholso utcata-lnset, mat-
on. veai, ana uoioaua.. ,.J.
1 .Hr't'"
cotnisTiso or
' ETC, ETC.,'
wtfieh will to sold , Ansr' kind tw;l .
Blanks BOon bmm wm oih." . -manlike
manner on abort aeUoe.
, . . . ...., f