iaitl)AY....;.....,:CT5EftV18M! A- VOPL'LAK TlHtllPlt, fi6 efcctfoti u-hicli has just passed ovei1, i one of tho most remarkable litiil struggles ever known.- With n vote of more than forty per cent, be low that polled at any general eleo tion ol the last six years'it has result' ed in the largest majority on record in favor of the people "against cor)o- ,' rations. Au independent journal, published in one of the coast counties, ; said, several weeks ago, that '.' the peo ple are always honest, generally right and never unpopular," and Iho late. , eloction has abundantly proven the forco of the assertion. It was unlike the great popular unprising of Call ; fornia in September: becauso Call fornia resorted to ' an independent movement, knowing that the corpora ' tions endeavored to move within party linos. In Oregon, the victory was on a strictly Democratic basis tho right ;. of tho people to govern the people. " more withering rebuke was never Lefore heaped upon a bloated mush- room-aristocrat and his hireling satol jv Iitcs; a more vehement outburst of popular indignatiou never beforo ! crushed down a heartless demagogue j who cared not how soon his party was , burjed in the ruins his own hands had dragged down npon them. : Hol- laday and Mitchell are entombed in a common grave by the honest yeo i manry of Oregon. ' All that most on ... i . . l . "uuicd piny nu uggies, was sunic in the wretched ambition to foroo down the throats of honest Republican voters men who were sincere in their convictions and did not espouse Radi calism in t.llrt Tinrta n Jnnrln v mtiuui ai, ell- dorsement of a heartless bigamist. llie Jiepublican convention professed to deal with the "Bluff Harry" of uregon, merely as an Oregon man, sinking his antecedents in the Eastern . States; so the voters of Oregon took them at their word and reproved the Convention that aBked them to en dorse the brevet Mormon. This proves that no matter how corrupt rtiay be tho leaders of tho Republican parly, the masses of that party havo yet somo honesty. They refused to inarch in a procession headed by a . renegado secessionist, harnessed to a Kadical plunder-cart. They refused to endorse bigamy, seduotion and em bezzlemont, believing that to do it was equivalent to giving their money to the blacklegs, their daughters to soaucers, their wives to the brothel A-copers ana their nouls to tho dovil. Another remarkable feature of the election was this: Corporations al ways Jiave their own creatures, and tneir Hireling newspapers- ring the charges on "discarding old partv uckb ana selecting " men fresh from tho people." They put up just such a wan as this to, bear tho standard of tho railroad oohorts, and ho was beat en into, if possible, worse obscurity than that whenco he emerged at ihoir dictation. Iu spito of tho corpora- lion organs whining about "profes sional politicians," the peoplo of Ore gon have given- their fargest recorded majority to a "professional politician,'! iti tho most expansive sense of the term. By this wa mean not an ob scure wire-puller vlio " controls half the votes of some ward whoi o grog vercomcs prejudioos; not a smooth, bland manipulator of dark-lnfttorn cau oubsos in tho upper stories of disroput able groceries; but a man who has made the science ot popular govern ment the study of a life-timo and- who' thoroughly knows the Wants of his constituents, and how to, realize their expectaiona. In fact, General JsTosinilb is not so much a lawyer as a law maker ; and the very highest authori ties in tho laud such men as J rum bull, Fossonden, and ,Chiof .Justice Chase have paid cheerful tribute to his cardinal ability as a'legislator. ' " If Mr. Ilolladay and Senator Miloh cll are not of that class of nien vjio "forget nothing through magnanimi ty and learn nothing by oxporioiioo,'' they will meditate well upon 'tl)e wholesome lesson dealt out to them b'y tho plain, unpretentious men of Ore., got). The, latter is not so oulpable, because he feared expulsion Irom tho Senate, and an -emlorisomoiit by the peoplo (which ho failed to Receive) was his only hope of sal'Jionl The former deserves no- pity. Had lie contented himself with developing tho resources of Oregon with his rail roads, ho could have had almost any; kind of favorable legislation from i-ilhor political party. As he has Been fit to mako his house an asylum for all tho political mendicants of tho Radical party; his railroad-building a soliemo of colonising eleotions and defeating the popular will; and his wealth (?) a source of social corruption, we ques tion if the sober and sensible portion of tho oommunity regret his lminilia lion. To sunt up tho situation; 'tho people are masters of tho fluid and the corporations thoroughly rebuked tor their oppressive insolcnoo. A victory tmbonght by corruption and unstained by the taint of bloodshed, it affords a stronger evidence than ever of the power of men who know tho obliga tions of citizenship and falter not in their just performance thereof. THE ASJTOtllA EXCURSION. Tho farmers' excursion from 'Al bany to Astoria, last week, was one of (he most pleasant and satisfactory af fairs of he kind which has over oo ourred in Oregon. True,' the party was not so numerous as was expected, but it comprised a goodly, number of our most prominent and extensive ag riculturists and their wives, and' was just expansive enough to be comfort able and sociable. These are they : C. . P. .Burkhart and wife, Jason Wheeler and wife, S. Montgomery and wife, Milton Houston and wife, Albert Bales and wife, Martin Lnpor and wife, Lewis Luper and wile, Geo. Simpson, Blevins Bros., Oliver Bush nel,, Newton Houston, George W. Cline, W. B. Westlake, Thoi. Mon teith and son, Stephen Powell, and the editor of the Democrat. Starting from this city, by special train, on Tuesday morning, and re maining oyer Tuesday night at Port land, we arrived at Astoria, by the aid of tho staunch steamer "Annie Stew art," on Wednesday evening, whore the citizens received us with wild cheers and other manifestations, of hilarious, enthusiasm. Here is what the Astorian says about our conduct while there: "Tho uhmv iMenlvM TinrA liv fVtl .Tmpn Tnv. nr, General Adair, Air. T. P. Powers, ftnd other citizens, ftnd were mailt; to feel theiillT'lvelt "at homo" so fur bk iiosnIoIo by nil. Thumlay mornlnif they nroeeoded to Orimj Dlwipiioliit iwlit, nod. Ft, Hfephonn, by tho stoam tun Varu mi.iit nneliof which placOHtheywonjcntcrtaln ed and Khown around by MitJ. Frank U. Bmlth, I.lrut. Moom, Mr. and Mrs. MuiiHon, nt tho t'Hpo, and Motors. Mooro nnd Allen, ana I.k-ut. iA-iu-y at Fort Htenhens Col. Miller being ali sent from homo. Returning to Astoria the steamer took tho party up to tho Farmers' wharf, whore any who wished to do so had tho privilege of driving a spike or so In this very desirable improvement. Nono accepted this projKjsltlon ofOapt. dray with more spirit than Airs. M, I.uper, of Albany, an event which was perhaps tho Jlrst practical demonstration of tho synipatniesor mo oppjaisito sex In tills move nicnt. if not tho llrst in any like enterprise on tho coast, where woman has taken up tho sledge in support of her better hair In his ef forts to secure for himself and ber that iirnt.ee. lion from tho now producing classes that will lighten bis burdens of taxation and place him more certainly on tho road to prosperity, The iiiumeiii. was ncnruiy tippiauucu," On Thursday evening a largo gath ering of citizens mot our oxcursionistB at tho court house, where speeches were made by Col. Taylor, W. D. Hare, M. V. Brown, D. C. Ireland, A. S. Mercer, Jason Wheeler, C, P. Burkhart, and- several others, upon the subject of tonnage and tho im portance of securing dirtict transporta tion from Oregon to the great mar kots of tho world. Friday wbb spent in visiting the distinguishing points of interest about the city, in "yanking" tom-cods" from their watery beds and in chasing clams, oysters, etc, about tljo streets. The writer hereof caught up with a largo herd of clams at the rosidonoe of Mr. J. C. Coo, and now tho places that formerly know thoso clams know them no more ior-over-ahl Friday Might a grand ball was given in honor of tho excursionists, at Spir itual Hull, - at which tho chivalry of Astoria vied with each other in rondariugspooial attention aud oourte sies to their Linn county guoBls. At a meeting of tho excursionists, held at the rooms of tho Astoria Far mers' Company, on Friday, tho fol lowing preamble and resolutions wore presented by M. V. Brown and unani mously adopted : WiirmnAH. Wo. the ritlzons of Linn 'county. Oregon, have Just completed on examination of the harbor aud surroundings of Astoria, anil am eon vtnoetl beyond a reasonable doubt ol the following named fat'bl :. therefore, , . 1 Hiwoi.vr.h. That In our nulnjoh there are p,-nod harbor fauUltles for tho largest class of sea-going vessels nr, Astoria, ItMHor.vFn, That, the distil of water on tho Columbia llivor Har f-24 feet at the lowest. and HI feet at. high tide) Is siillielenl to admit the largest unci more profitable ulass of grain ves sels. ... Unsolved, That tho cost per ton, freight, on heal, or other commodities from Astoria In r.lveriKiol should not bo greater than irom pan raneiseo to ine same puioi. Kichoi.vki), That tho true policy of the wheat producers of Oregon MuttHM '', end Is, lo place tneir A PEftSONAt MATTER. It WiiV be observed that the Ore- gonian and Statesman, the leading Republican papers of the. State, have no word of censure to cast upon the editor of this paper for his part in the Forest Grove affair. : The JiuUetin is alone in its vindictive attack upon us. It may appear like egotism npoa our part to parade the following article from the Evening News belore our readers, but as it sets forth some mat ters in a proper light we herewith re produce it: The llulletln' finally Justifies Mr. Thompson in caning Myers ; but at the same time, as if to compensate Itself for the correction that it Is compelled to make In Thompson's case, it attacks Mr. M. V. llrown with Increased and characteristic niftlgnancy. To show the ridicu lous extremo to which personal hatred of Mr. llrowft carries tho Jiullctin editor, It is only necessary to state thatthc paper, alter virtually Justifying Thompson In performing; the act, and mildly censuring Blodsoe and Trotter, who went unsolicited by Mr, Thompson or Drown and without tholr knowledge "lo see tho fun," by saylnji that they acted "outrageously Im proper," it proceeds to borate Mr. iirown, who went at Thompson's urgent solicitation, with tho most piireniiled vlndictlveness. Of course there Is an explanation of all this. The Bulletin editor and Mr. Hrown are personal enemies. There were hostilities between them through their respective papers In times past, In which the former found that ho hart caught a tartar. Matters wentfarthcr: the llulletlnehargetl Mr. Brown, with gross misconduct In his ollice as Htate Printing Kxpert. Jn the KeptibJIcan Legislature which followed, an investigation was Instituted. Mr. llrown passed through the hands of his enemies unscathed triumphant. Tho discomfited Bulletin editor blS been smitten with maniacal fury toward his victori ous opponent ever since. It, Is not necessary for tfs to state that no man stands higher In tho. esteem of his feliow cltlzens than Mr. Brown, He is a man and a irentleuTan in every Instinct of his nature ;enerous in ms intercourse Willi nis leiiows iri honorable and fearless In thi discharge of his duty. The rage of tho loreacu mm. "Bulletin" Is Impotent "An Iowa Unioh Man," publishes a card iu the ' Bulletin in which he makes some allusions to the political record of the editor ot this paper during tho lato war. The card is da ted at Ilillsboro, in this State. The writer undertakes to make 'specific charges and even goes so far as to quote tho exact language which ho protends was used by us somo twelve years ago (when we were about oight oeu years old). Really, it is flattering to us to know that we aro of so much consequence to any one that he should take pains to remember language used by us when a boy: Such an incident is certainly calculated to feed ono's vanity if tho incident wero foundod on facts ; but iu this instance. there is no such foundation, aud even tho Jiul lctin wns so ashamed of the lie which it hao eyidently concocted, that it placed it In an obscure corner oh the fourth page, among the commercial news and advertisements. ; A person can't bo expeoted to reply to all tho lies which aro daily cooked up in that JiuUetin establishment, but this is such a glaring fraud upon truth that wo take occasion to allude to it. Of ootirso the Jiullctin penned the lie in its own office, or elso it would have given the name of the "Iowa Union Man" (so-called) so as to. lend some semblance of truth'to tho statement. If tho Jiullctin will furnish tho public with tho namo of its "Iowa Union Mau" wo will exonerate its editor from the ohargo of having invented tho falsehoods contained in tho card, otherwiso he oannot ovado tho patent fact that tho card spokou of was in vented in his sanctum. ISMliC'I'ION KLl l I1NH. The following counties arc oflicial: grain at the water wlthln'tht-lr own 8tate UtU'llSl-H. . HKSoi.vrm. That tho press of Oregon bo ro- quested to publish these resolutions. The excursionists returned homo entertaining tho warmest fooling to wards ', ', Astoria and jis, : cilhteua. and, thoroughly convinced, that the oourlesy' and hospitality 1 of tho pooplo of that city cannot be ex oollod. To 'our, party every latch string was outside aud every liand extended to givo us a cordial, wel come Indeed, the most lavish hospi tality wAaehoworod, upon us by every bodyrand ow .parly await eagerly the timo when- they may again have tho opportunity of throwing' ;thi'tiiselves iuto tho- ontstrotohod arm's of , tho courteous Astoriaiis, . , " The Jslarian truthfully says : t, This excursion wits only preliminary to an- cmo nir Ibis winter on eomnli if tin) i'rtrniers wharf and t he opening of Isislness, At that llue It Is proposed ,!,,,., I, .mi n strong: a 1 t in way nv steam from Al ban v. ami the mimn doai. win ui-u'g uio nt.hi 11 if lor Isislness, III lirli'gtlie the Albany wiirehoiiseslii the Astoria doolt, ready lorcx- IMirt direct to s.umpe. i ' Mj:s Dlxiwa applies to General Nosniith the title Of "the Unpnr olmsttblo Woman." Is that a tacit ad- sion that the editress .iuo ' mil : in otherwise f. Tub Bitllclin thitika lVhe Governor. ought lo revoke our cotiimission aa Brigadier General beoausb' we ac companied Out Thompson tp Forest GVovo aiiitsaw him cau o Myew,wjtU- out iutoiforiing anil .preventing it. Now, really, we trust Ilia Exoellonoy will pay no attontion to Jimmy O'Mcura's domaud for a littlo .while. We havo taken the matter under aorious advisement since reading tile bulletin's article and are almost per-' auaded tlint it is our fluty to "resign. If Jimmy will not pruss the thing too to we may be couviuced that' it ia our duty to resign ia his favor aad thus-ha' may Beoure through the mngnauimity of a foe what he lias never been .able to do by the aid. of friends an ofllce. ' ' a Benton ,- (.'biekamus., Columbia.,,, lacusoti Lane Linn Marlon Multnomah I'old ;. Tillamook... 'Cinallllii Wilson Tamhlll..., i'otub.. Tho following RM1TII. NEMMtTII. .... i75 f)3 , WHI ma ; ii! ..,.. mut HUH a 71 inn HII Wiistllngtot ... , 1711 ,..., mill A Hoodlum , VAmuirroRV. As an Illustration of the, character of tho man. whom Col. Thompson cautid the other day,, we give below the brief valedictory which he published iu the Forest Grovo Jmliaukt last week: 'Slaving sold out, my connection with the Forest Grovo lndepeitdtnt peai't'S with this immo-'-Riid 1 am d d i-lnd of it.'.' . . - ' .urn majorities are portod : ; . , . i For SmithClatsop, U, : For Nesmith Baker, 110; Coos, 50; Douglas, 310; Josephino, C5; Union, JIUi Nosmith's majority iu the six counties, 637 making his to tal majority in the Slate 2,005, " THE Salem Statesman very fuirly Btatcs the truth in the following ex planation whiuh appears iu its columns last Wednesday 1 '- - " i '.' Siiieo wo havo oxprosscd our opin ion of thfl late 'personal unpleasantness betwoon UK Will, Thnmpanu, of S-' leai, and,' Mr,', Frank F. Myers, ' of Fcresf Groveit is perhaps but just Iq say that Mr. ,T. was not responsi ble for the presenco at tho rencontre of tVi'D of the iutllvltluals named as the "orowd" liy which ho was surrounded. lie. stales that ho went to l orest liiovo With, only Mr. M. V. llrown and that tho other persons followed without ins privity and against lus . , ' - reipit'Ht. j ' Ol'B Kl:i'itiwi!NTATiv. By a pr valo note fiphi t'ol.' Nesmith, Ore gon's nowly-eloctod Kqiroscntalive in Cbngi ess, we learn that he will Btart lor Washington City about the 7lh of a. ovombcr, to -take his seat in Congress. Gel. JTosmitli close's his note by say ing: ."Bcloro leaving I desire tore turn you my very sincere thank for the ablo and efficient support which you gave me in tho lato canvass, and which is so thoroughly evinced by the returns from 'Old Limi.' " 1 Hon. S, F, Chadwiuk. Besides ttulivering two Masunio adtlresses in j!,astoi'ri' Oregon, week bcloro last. Judge Chadwiuk deliverod,by special invilatii.ii, tliu aniiiKil nddresa- at the Union, i County Fair. Wo learn from parties who were present and heard the address that It was a most able aud practical effort, (fnd was uni versally commended by tlto fiiouds and patrons of. agrioullure iu that re '" ' t , By coinpaiiug the returns of the recent election with tho reports of the California State Fair, it will ke Been that Whipple's llambletonians aro capable of makins; much better races than Holiday's Hippletoniaus. PACIFIC COASTER!). The State University has been roof ed, ... ';. : . ... Work on the State Capitol is sus pended for this year. A small riot at Ogden laid up ten men for repairs last week. Matheny, & murderer is to behaged at Hamilton, Nevada, Deo. 19th. Weston, Umatilja county, is to have a paper called the Granger, Los Angeles will havo an artesian well hung up in fVdnt of its post of fice. Jno. C. Heenan, the "Benecia, Boy" of pugilistic fame, died in Utah last week. Salem has the lengthiest family in Oregon itstringsoutfive generations now living.- A little son of Wiley Winkle, of Benton, was last week accidentally burned to death. Bro. Noltner, of the Oregon City Enterprise, has returned home from a visit to the East. S. W. Jackson of Benton, last week had bis foot mangled by a wag. on running over it. Lieut. Fred. Grant, son of Ulysess, ia now in Salt Lake cultivating the bamts and baintesses. A lad named John Moore was thrown from a horse at Roseburg last week and had his leg broken. A Walla Walla man "busted young rooster in the ear" who gave his daughter a drink of whisky. The State Agricultural College at Corvallis has nearly 300 students, and is in a most flourishing condition. Gunn is the name ofaPugot Sound man who gets up dances. There is no doubt but his little affairs "go off" nicely. Our old-time friend, Ira Mayfield, has purchased a half interest in the Walla Walla Spirit. Success to you, old boy. A 'Frisco bell-bangerrigged apistol to kill any burglar who should open his door, and now he is one brother-in-law less. Mrs. E. Morgan, of Olympia, has been elected Enrolling Clerk in the present Legislature of Washington Territory. Mr. Robert Mays is Master and Mr. E. L. Perham is Secretary of the new Grange that was lately organized at the Dalles. Mr. R. Gibbons has been appoin ted County Clerk of Wasco to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. A. Holland. Last week about one hundred dol" lar's worth of chemicals were added tho the labratory of the Agricultural Collego at Corvallis. A Virginia City doctor, who was driving fast to reach a patient with a broken leg, was arrested and fined $10 for violating the ordinance. Two 'Frisco men attempted to kill each other with whisky glasses last week. They could sueoeed quicker by using the whisky instead of the glOHSOS. Tho number of votes cast in Wasco county at the last election was ?03. Mr. Nesmith roceieed 293 while Mr. Smith received liO. Nesmith'a ma jority 153. R. C, Kinney & Co., of Salem millH, are now doing an immensebus- iness, grinding 45 tons of flour a day, and receiving daily thousands ofbush- ols of wheat. , , Goo. Hare, of Sacramento, fell in love with a blooming waiter girl. She failed to rospond and the un happy youth now laguishes in the in sano asylum. Somo of tho ladies have been circu lating potitions in Olympia, praying for the Legislature to strike out the word "male" in the statutes regulat ing the qualifications of voters. A Salt Lake woman gets mad, or temporarily insane, occaaionaly, and during One of her spells she tore down, a partition, demolished a stove and smashed all the windows in the house. ' i A foot pad stopped a Sacramento man on the street and wanted mon ey or bruius, The gentleman stretch ed his arm . softly forward and the foot-pad is now uuder the prison doc tor's oaro. , There is a woman in Yamhill coun ty who is said to know what it is to be the mothor of twouty-four children. Her husband is under the impression that it is possible for a woman to know too mu-jh. Prof. Lay, the San Fraucisco bal loouist.is evidently anxious to get rid of marrying a young lady to whom he is afiiancod, aa we soe that he will take her up in a balloon shortly. That's certainly a dangerous Lay. A man named Hanxhu'rst stabbed to death one Drost, at Tillamook last Friday. Drost was jealous of Huux hurst's attentions to his wife, and tried to kill him, but Hanxhurst out him to pieces in the melee. Hanx hurst had A preliminary examination and whs discharged from custody. Ho has already served one term in the Penitentiary for killing a man. i Dr. E. J. Dawuo, of Salem, has just received a letter Btaung that a party of emigrants, consisting of eleven families, had started from near Memphis, in Tennessee, for Oregon. Dr. Dawne is corresponding continu ally with parlies iu the States, upon Oregon, its resources and progress, and has induced a large number, of families, these among others, to come to our young State aud asist in swell ing her population, developing ber resources and eventually to place her in thd Iront rank in the great- manu facturing and commercial interests of the nation. ' ; ? The Eugene Guard of last Saturday has this: "Judge Prim has rendered hit opinion on the demurrers to the complaints in the railroad cases ar gued before Hm here last. spring. He sustained the demurrer, holding that the contract on which these cases are founded is void, as being against public policy. These suits were brought by Mr. Holladay to recover subscription to the railroad subsidy." This is the way Tom Merry puts it up: ' An Oregon Museum has been established in Portland, under the management of Thof. A. Wood. We have not seen a programme of the outfit, but presume that when be gets the thing fairly under way, that he will have Sam Clarke for the Living Skeleton, Upton for the Giant, and Scott, of the Northwest, for the Bearded Woman. . His 'wacks-fig-gers' will probably consist of a group representing an allegorical tableau composed of Bishop Morris, Pink Henderson and Old Boyakin, under the suggestive title of 'the World, the Flesh and the Devil." On the 17th inst. the new Masonic Hall of Baker City was dedicated, says the Democrat, by Grand Master T. McF. Patton, in accordance with the ancient rites and ceremonies of the Craft on such , occasion. After which Hon. S. F. Chadwick deliver ed ah appropriate and interesting ad dress, which was listened to with marked attention by the members of the Fraternity, as well as by a large number of our citizens who were present to witness the dedication cer emonies. Mr. Chadwick is an easy, pleasant speaker, and fully qualified to do this or any other subject jus tice. The audience were well pleas ed with the address, and were only sorry that it was so brief. NEW ADVEET1S E MENTS Direct Importer, and KS"J'YZ& tVtTwam the corner ot Front .. ,; CRANE & RICHTER, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKERS ALBANY, OBECOIV. n.,mnTi! asb womt war- I ranted. Kopairlnir prilmptry al satlsfao- lonry qono at snortcm uuwu. ---- SHORT HORN BULLS. - THE SAXB BEO'S , ' y HAVEM.EVKN' ' ' KENTUCKY-BR. ED BULLS for sale at the Capital Stablos in Ralem. most ly Ked. ami lioans. Prices reasonable and terms convenient. The very ue.f .toon i ui- fc-red all pure bred ana at reai osis. A fascinating young lady, at one of the resorts, on being asked, re cently if she had ever read Shak speare, tossed her pretty beacLwith the answer, "Shakspeare? Of course I have; I read that when it first came out." Mark Twain, a few months after his first baby was born, was holding it on his knee. His wife said' "Now, confess, Samuel, that you love the child!" "I can't do that," he re plied, "but I am willing to admit I respeot the little thing for its father's sake." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS YV. JAtKSON & 0., Importers and Wholesale Dealer, ia Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Lampstock Coal OH, Etc. No. 80 Front Street, Portland, Oregon, FOR SALE. GOOD PAVING BUSINESS, WELL ES- xm. tabiisneti, a large STOCK OF LUMBER! on hand. Enquire of- CHA8. MEAT.EY, nlltf, Albany, Oregon. ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL KItUMLIES A GILBERT, Architect! to the Board of Capitol . - Commissioners. PATENT 0FTI0E DRAWINGS, ETC. Office In Croe's Building; Portland, Oregon. - vUnlltf. DR STEELE, Proprietor, r-nroe nwinmjit.ljm. Npiimlfria. Colds. Tooth ache, Ear-aclio, Lnme Hack, Aue, Sprains, nnd all pulris. and regulates the Livt-r and pu rines uie mooa. ah umsBiBUi Rt-L-jj u nllU. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. WTOTICB 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 111 underslxnod was on tho 3d day of October, 1K73, duly appointed by the County Court of tiinn county, uregon, r.ii:cuirui m mon wm and testament of Mosea Uland, deceased r thnrefore all persons having claims against said f Rtate are required to present them with tne proper voucners, wiunri bix humimih num me uaie nereoi, lhb uiiu'Ti,ut-u, u uw icar dence, uearijouanon, m saiu county, GEO. H. BLAND, Executor. S. A. Johns, Att'y for Executor. October 0, 17(i3.-nt)w4. . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE iK undersigned has been duly npnolnted, by tho County Court or Linn county, State of Ore gon, Administrator of the estate of John B. Dawson, deceased. All persons having claims against said Pstate are hereby required to pre sent them, with proper vouchers, to the under signed, at tne late residence 01 tne ueeeuBeu, near Albany, Linn county, Oregon, wiihin six months ol Uiouate nereoi. . BYLVANDEB A. DAWSON, S. A. Johns, Att'y for Adm'r. Oct. 15, 187tf.-nl0wl. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . mTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 IU undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the County of Linn, State of Oregon, Administrator of and upon the es tate of Richard Tanner, deceused, late of said county, All persons having claims against the estate of said decensod ara hereby required to present the same to me, with proper vouchers, wnnin six muiiuiH iroin iiki ume nereoi, ul my residence, four miles south-east, of Sclo, In said county or j,inn. vv. w. muiiAiuwu.N, Oct. 24, lm-Hwli Administrator. DIMMITT'S COUGH BALSAM! Is the NEWIORT, the CHEAPEST and the HUNTtliliiK In the market for oil dls- ciwpb oi tne l,ungs una Tliroat. DAVIS dt SCHUYLER, Portland, Oregon, Wholesale Agent.. Hl2m2. DRILLS PLOWS Having a largo lot of the celebrated ; ' STATESMAN F0E0E FEED ' GUJXJsT DRILLS, dtreet from the factory, I can offer better in- uuccinems 10 larmers than ever. ALSO THE PAOLTIO DOUBLE SHAKE PAN MILL, for grading wheat, cloning flax, etc, , PLOWS, OF DIFFERENT PATTERNS, FEED CUTTERS, WAGONS, and a variety of other machinery. Those in want of such articles will find it to tneir advantage to enil at my Hiai-ksmlth Shop, comer of Hecohd and Ellsworth streets, (oppo site Pierce's Ferry), Albany, Oregon. Orders from u distance promptly attended to. vauttf. 1'KaK'K woo ix NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT. T()TIOE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE i muU'nslgm'U, administratrix of the estate of Henjamin K. Carter, late of Linn county, de ceased, has illed her final account in thu Coun ty Court of dald Linn county, Oregon, lit the matter of said estate, and by an order of said Court, , . Tuesday, (he 2nd day of J)ec.t 2873, at thn hour of 1 o'clock, p. v., 1 appointed for the hearing of objections to such final account aud the settlement thereof. I.umw CAKTEU, Administratrix. IMC I VI I : It & IIIWOERS V c 5 -t: mi m SI -tell . -- (is l ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. 71JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT THE 1 undersigned has -been duly appointed, by the County Court of the County of fjnn, State oi uregon, Administrator oi una upon tne es tate of John J. Hilars, deceased, lain of said county. All persuits having claims against liiu psmip oi siiia uecenw'u are nereny retpnrea to present the siime, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date hereof, at my residence, 12 miles east of Brownsville in said county or Unn. J, A. Kllilia, Adm'r, October 2-1, 1873. nllwJ.. ADMINISTRATOR'S SAL3. PUBLIC NOTICE IS IIEUEBY OIVEN That bv virtue of an order mndn bv tho County Court., within and for the County of Linn, In.tbe Stato of Oregon, on the 4th day of December, 1872, in the matter of the Estate of j. a. uuston, tate oi sniu county, i, John Hus ton, administrator of tho estate of the said de ceased, will, on . Thursday, the 27th day of Nov., 1878 at the Court House. door, in the city of Albany. in said county of Linn, at the hour of 1 o'clock In tho nlternoou ol that day. sell at uuullu auc tion, the follow! tic described real nnntert.v belonging to said estate and situated In said county, to-wlt: Tho Houth-east quarter of sec tion 'M The North-east quarter of the Houth west quarter of section 83, and the following . Beclniilnir at the North-west corner of lh South-west quarter of section 33, and running thence Bouth 80 rods; thence East 80 rods; thenco North 80 rods -thence West 80 rods, to the place of beginning) all In T. P, No. 14 South of Kange a West, in Linn county, Ore gon, containing 240 neres. Terms of sale; for u. o. goiu ooin, one tmra in nana ; one-third in tnree montns,anaone-tmra in nine months. to be secured by mortgage on the premises. Joiins a Jone9, Atty's, vDuilwl. iu:iiu v fcJKUA i ua DISSOLUTION NOTICE. mnjTtt'E IS HEltEBY OIVEV THAT THE Lm coartnersh!p heretofore existing between iib under IhA riiitno uml atvln r llrlo.n .h I'an- ter. Is this day dissolved bv mutual miisitut : ' and the btHtkit placed in the hands of Mevars. jTwcii t runn ur neinement. ELI CAUTER, New Firm, Eu Caktrh. dward II. M. Cartkh. E. OABTER Sc CO. Having letuod Mr. Prlggs Interest In the Planing .llllrtiidlHh and,lHor Fuettffy, her- iwon uix'nucti uv iingts t rartr. ana ihip. EXECUTOR'S SALE. MTOTICE 18 HEHEIIY GIVEN THAT THE x unuersiKnea. da A. Wheeler, Executor and Executrix of the last will and testament and estate of E. E, Wheeler, late of Marion oountv. now deee.-merl. In pursuance of an order of the Oonnt.v Ctmrt. ui iuariunonumj', uregoa, maae at tne wa' term thereof. 1H78. and In mirsuance of the fl reetions given in the last will and testament nf snta aeceasra, win sell at public auction, at-the Court Houne door, In Unn county, Oregon, all the right, title and interest of tho, said E. E. wneeier. aeeeaseu. in and to the to nn nv scribed premises at thu time of his death, to wlt : A certuln tract of land, beginning forty uiiuiuo diiiihi aim fiyiiu'en enams nnu twelve and onehulf lintgs East of the Mouth-west, enr ner of Nathaniel Crank's Donation Ind Claim, No 61, Nofitieatton No: 6l8. in Unn county, OrRgoui rmuiinir thence East (Wl eignieen eniuns, twelve and a half links; nieiu-e iiwirn inny cnains ; iiifinco west eight een Chains and twelve and a Imlf llitka- thnnM Bouth forty chains, to tho place of beginning coutntntng 7a !i-Wt) acres. - Also the follow ing : liloek No. 113 In the City of Sclo. In Linn county, Oregon ; Lots No. 35, 3, 19 and a) In the City of Bcio, in Linn county, Oregon.! Also lots No. 21 and '1 in the City of Hoio, in Linn county, Oregon. Also the following : Beginning at a point on the section Hue sixty feet North of and on a line with tho East side of Wheeler street, and opposite the North-west orner of Lot No. (iffi) ninety-five, In the City ol Scio, in Unn county, Oregon ; running thenee East along the section line thirteen" I U) rods and two leet; thence North (12) rods.and three feet; thence west (18 thirteen rods and two feet; thence south U'J) twelve rods and three feet to the place of beginnlng--contalnlng one acre, more or less. Also t he following : Reirtnninw at a point on a line between section 17 and 18 in i.inn emimy, urt'gon, (w m-uni) chains youth oi me iortn-wei corner or Bectlon 17, Town ship 10 South, Itange 1 nest, iu liinn county, Oregon ; running thenee Houth ten chains to the center of Thomas Creek ; thence following the course or said stream East seven (7) chatns and Hity links; thence North torty-flve de grees East, eight chains; thenco North thirty Blx degreiw west, six chains ; thenco west four chains; thence South sixty-nine degrees west, Hvo chains, to the pluoe of beginning contJiln-; lng It) U7-1W Hcrep, more or lss, save nnd xecf4 j a tract of nlMMit tlm-e acres heretolore conveyed to Win. MeKinney and It. L Turner, April 12,! im, by E. K. Wheeler, deoea e!. Also the fol lowing right of way, belonging to said describ ed tract of 10 acres of la lid, as an amwr-i tenance thereto, a follows; Beginning at the northern boundary of said described tract of 10 tfT-wo acres ot land, and running thenoe in a north-westerly itirecUon near the timber, so as to cross the mill race at the most practicable wan ir onuging, ui jno west side of l tie ut ises owned and occupied bv the said E. H DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! ! Embracing tie most j . - ' ' '';!' k' FASHIONABLE STYLES OF DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING-IU PABT OF FINE SILKS. ENGLISH VELOCBS AKD DIAGONAL SEROES IN THE NEW COLORS, ALPACAS, . ".! , ' j PLAIDS, : , , . EMPRESS CLOTHS, LACE COLLARS, . ' EMBROID'RY, . , r SIIJC FRINGES, - GIMPS,'" : , . LACES, CLOTHING, FANCY NOTIONS, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING -AND- F U JZ NISHING O t) O 1) S ! ntig r .. rn L) TT.V HATS AND CAPS, BOOrfS AND SHOES, j . , wall paper;- .' ,;. ! picture cord, TASSELS, . ,". . MIRRORS, -' PICTURE FRAMES, ; - . . BROCIIE SHAWLS, ' . - . MISSION SHAWLS, j-'J .Z A LADIE'S FURS, , - ...CASSIMERE,sv. ',:.- .blankets;," ! '.:a .j. v ,' ';?::.::r;f CHILDREN'S FURS, . . . : : DOMESTIC GOODS, CROCKERY, " . GLASSWARE, . POCKET CUTLERY, TABLE CUTLERY, ""' ' . WOOD-WA UK, .. , , - i . , WILLOW WARE,'" i GROCERIES- ' n TOBACCOS, " - ' .V. - FLANNELS, .. , . HOSIERY, IKS ALSOTHE CELEBRATED BREECH-LOADING PyVc AMINATED .'STEEL SHOT CUNS i PLAIN SHOT GUNS, ' - " 'a'-ryr1 shot pouches, " ; POWDER, ; ; ; ; shot; i : CAPS, powder flasks;. GUN WADS. mint for bridging, l thn west side of the iirem ses owned and oocmsiod bv the km id fe. R Whevler.au his dwelling hntiso. tn thn vtr 1K2, to-wlt: I-ots No, le, 11 and 13 In the City or Seto, Unn county, Oregon, said rtent of way beinc oue rod Ui widttu Also the fullowiDR de aoritNdlmct: The .North half of UtnuUon ljnd Claim of Euphronlim K. Whwler nnd A. U WhttKr, his Nulitloation ariO, be ing jarta ot Swlions Al, Jl and -jy, in Towshlnsn IU, 8outh, Hftngv 1 West, In l.tnn county, .iv ipn oontalaiUK iW&i-hH arv. Aim the fol lowing: Tin' fitmlhast quarter of tho South west quarter of Sk-cthm twwnty-one (21) Town ship It), iHHith, KuniD 1 Wii,t, In. Linn cvhjjiia-Un-gou, to the highest bidder, on Saturday the 23d day of Xov.t IS73 reiwwn the hours of 9 o'clock 'A. m. and i chased his lutmst lu thu turner on hand, and o'eluck P. M. of said day. Terms of Hitlo: oold now having mil (HMitntl of saKi Kartory, whl coin, one-hair cah in hand, the 1-nUnew on a contlmm ttm tmsinoss aa tt'r'Ui.ror, aud hyjemtitof twelve rtumths, with aprtrovrd smiri strU'l attention to tusim's, and syuare dealing tx auU-lateivt at twivc nortvut. pt-r annum with onr customers. howu mvru aconllnu- ALMOX W11KKI.FR, Knvinoi aiu-Pof tnmHKt.. iiWeusacail. AMANDA WUKEUUt, xntrix! We will pay the 1 1 HIGHEST MARKET PRICE POR . DRESSED AND UNDRESSED DEER SKINS, v, -cow hides, etc; " - For ready cash, or to . . indueemente. Don't farf l J., t, we offer extii vmi mm purchasing elsewere. exauune our stock before-' i) tr . f f to i N1 ir b in . e Bl f ie m ro ir b lit ia at 'B lo v c m Hi lii be (a to BO in la T Im ft (