FBIDAY......;:....OCTOBERS, 1873. G(NI8F0R THE STATE MGHTSDEMQ5RAT. Ashland.. Isaa0 Millnr. Brownsville i'..".... ......... .O P. Oxbow. Corvallij.;;.,,.,:. W."B. Prlvett tanyoB City?. I. J. - Haguewood. Colfa, W. K .:-V. J. Hamilton. East Portland..,... Dav. RaUorty, Eugene..... J. J.-Walton, Jr. Gasburg.r... .1.-.. Matthew Fountain. Harrisburg.....Sam. May & B. It. Holt. Hal8ey.v........i...-..J-M- Mown.; JefIersot- i...V.-' i 9."" ' Jacksonville: j M... J. B. Neil. Lebanon, (..,.,.,.... J. B. Ralston. Ta Grande......'.:... ..E. S. Arcriomas. Newport,.....,J.4t.;..A. W. Wright Portland.;w...-....-- Bamuel. Peoria I. N. Smith. , enileton...iU..4,.iU.m.f,i. H. Turner. Jtoseburg A. A. Fink. foloiiS JlDaiMGaby,'& Geo. Christie, alem .B. F. Brown. .Tallin t....(i. A. ,L. Bridgefarmer.; The ralleS...:;'..W:;.i..A. W. Ferguson. .Walla Walla N. T. Caton. Yakima. W. T .'....E. P. Bovles. - WRIT Op SPECIAL IXHCTIOSfc ( V las Slurift of tht mcral Counlicf nfrtin V ,.Vf.if o Oreyon : " vWBHMicAda, At Kpneral election held on the third day of June, A. D. 1872, the Hon. Joseph tl. Wilson fuss duly elected Representative of the SUM of Ureson In the Forty ;Tulrd Con Kro8 of the United StRtee ; and , WHKRKAayHlnee the said election, said office nas become vacant by the death of said lnoum- Wherbas, By provision of the Constitution of the illnlted States, and the laws of this State, Jt has become tlia duty of the .overnor thereof to Issue his writ of eloctlon to nil such vacancy : Now, therefore, I, L. t'. Orover, Governor of the Btt of Oregon, do hereby command you tod aachx( you to notify the several Judges of lection within and Tor your several counties, to hold a special election of Representative In Congress to fill the vacancy aforesaid, on Mon day, the (18 thirteenth day of October, 1H73, :and that you cause all proper notices to be given thereof according to law. Given under my band and the seal of the tat of Oregon, Salem, this tenth day of ;-wKottojrB. Attest i S. F. Cbadwick, Secretary of State. Over and Gone. The Fair, with alUtsattendant duet, dirt, .iitee and ceaseless confusion, is over, and the people who made it a; scene of revelry have departed to their several, habita tions.'' The Faif can scarcely be called success.. The ladles' department pre sented a much smaller appearance than we ever remember to have seen It al-fhoqgh-th various articles on exhibi tion were generally 'superior to those heretofore displayed, ) j Tb floral de partment was especially meagre, and is ivCtbJnk ihexausaljly o,1 for tfiere are enough flowers in our oity alone to have made that'large Pavilion appear as one vast conservatory. The display of cereals was better than, usual -8: the vegetable department was extremey mntroil IHa m.ihnn lp'n.1 ilpna.rr.mpnr,. W r ..r i save In the line of agricultural ma chineryi Va41juoat:a blank,, and in the department of wines there was on Jj One 6o(Jf-not enough to 'in around "with tlie premi u m com m i ttee of which Joe. Kick Was "cheerman.1 TbSrS was no enough joultry on exhibition, to f&nish one meai for a Metllodist Ish- . op. . The swine,; sheep and cattle ciass s were quite fully represented with Very "superior1 'grailea; ' There were searoely any ;hores entered, save for speed,. In which department the Fair wasupto its OSual starirlard and at tracted almost every body from the. of h- "-er features of the exposition. The at tendance 'of people was fully one thin) less than, last year, and finan cially, the Society have come out at the little diitj of the, born their expenses exceeding their receipts by something near pne thousand dollars. Oh behalf of the manugere 'ahd: stockholders we a-egret this very much, for they are en terprising, liberal aud public-spirited jentjtmeii whp deserve thejAilest en couragement in their untiring efforts benefit to the people and-the country. -Bio bBSEs.-Durlng the early part of the week our citizens were afforded a view of the biggest horses ever seen In this country. ' There were twelve of them, owned by W; C 'lMyers, of TaokoAn nniinltr who mi nn hla wo v with them to the State Fair and stop ped at aiirshall' stable for a couple of days to afford the Albanians a sight' of the animals, , Tbey pre -jof-j full-blood Percheron Stock, imported from i ranee, are all, save one, of a white or gray color. The full grown ones will meas ure 17 hands high and weigh from 1700 to 1900 lbs. ; There is a four months' colt among the lot which Is almost as large ,s s,n ordinary horse. , Their necks are decorated with long. Wavy white mages, and their limbs, though massive, are of the most perfect pro portions... ' ;' - ' ' The State Grajjoe.-Mt. E Fan ning, of Tangent, informs us that the meeting of the State Grange at Salem last week was largely attended, even lady delegates having come all the way from Eastern Oregon to he in at tendance; :. When, the farmers' wives take so much Interest In an affair as to Heave their homes to share in its labors na"dutleswe must certainly attribute to it more than ordinary merit. Some thing over 45 Granges were represent edi The State G"!!6 was permanently eraanixed by the election of Daniel .dark, rMarisrijlfttster; fH- Srahh ' of Linn, Secretary; Anthony Simp' son, of Benton, Chaplain. Mr. Fan iilng could not remember the names of the o;her pOloers, i peputies ror each county iu the jurisdiction will be ap pointed In a few days.' 1 ' ' ; ."' A Postmaster in Danger. Thurs day and Frlday'nighte of last' week Bt Smith chartered Wilson's Circus and several drinking stands at the Fair, and turned about one hundred of ,Hhe boys" loose, to run the machine, free of charge. It is due to Hiram to say that he made a full hand iu the ca ntuse Qitnself. The spree is sold to have cost the God-and-morality can didate shout $300- k U Hiram runs an V This way much longer the BadScal of flee holism will have to meet In : (in vention and "endorse" him to prevent him from being kicked otrtf his iar risburg postofrlce., ,'. Such " indiscre tions" and "perturbations" cannot go On without being endorsed, . From Coos. Nat II. Lane writes us from Cat county that Ne" is away ahead down there. Nat. says he au't do without the Democrat, and yet he doesn't realize what bereulran effort Rev. Dr. Geary Is making to squelch as oat completely1. If this rlpmarious' she;;t Is .forced to' Suspend .Nat ilj Sittow ths meoo. , -,., We STri.1, LivE.-Mr. W. K. Cald well, of Bosebnrg, writes ue that "Nes mlth will carry Douglas county by a very handsome majority oiue of the rarikest Republicans in the county de claring they will support !hlm.";jMr. Caldwell encloses us a post, office order for jgnough n-overmneut. iirotnises-to-pay fprrpt full fledged subscription to this paper and says be can't get along, without the tarnal thing. Yet we almost feet a though we ought, to re turn his money to him, since we have no assurance that Mr.. Geary will "let up',' ID his efforts to squelch us out If he should Bet any more subscribers to throw off on us we are quite at a loss to know what we would do to make the mersheen grind! Since our issue cf last week, containing the excoriation of the Rev. Doctor,' we have lost two subscribers (the Doctor and a near rel ative of his) and have gained seven. At this rate how long 0! Jerusalem! howiong will our journalistic mersheen continue to scour? , We, leave the co- nundrum to the Doctor. ,., , , ,jv The Overland Mostolt foe October is espeoially attractive oh ao- coiint of Its many heavy articles among'', which we may," enumer ate '-The Late Chief Justice Chase," by .Hon. Justice Field; .The "Engliih as a Universal . Language;" "Aboriginal Shell money;" and "Jtfusti Can and Should Money be Taxed." These are allfvery valuable papers, and throw much) light on the,; subjects treated. The article on "Prison Life In China," reveals a heart-rending condition of affairs in the Celestial Kingdom. In the second paper on ','Seeking the Gol den. Fleece," ' Dr.; f?tillmah gives a very graphio description of the flood of 1850, at Sacramento, Cal., a most try ing period in the early history of this coast, .-,. - . The Amende Honorable.- Sever al Items have recently, appeared' in this paper inadvertantly which might be construed as an attempt upon our part to Injure Dr. Smith, of Jefferson.: So far as the editor of the Democrat, or any one connected with this establish ment Is concerned, such a result Is furthest from our intentions. We have never heard Dr. Smith spoken of in any other manner than creditable both to bis personal chare cter and profession al reputation. He Is said to be an ex cellent physician and a gentleman In every sense ot the term. We trust he and his friends will believe us sincere when we 'say we have never had any occasion to regard the Doctor in any other than the kindest light. Bringing Them In. The Fairgam biers and roughs ended their harvest last Saturday night with a free fight and then "lit out" for Salem and Portland. Warrants for their arrest were imme diately Issued by 'Squire Carotliers and almost everyday during the present week installments of the delinquents haye- been arriving here' under the charge of Sheriff Parker and his vigi lant, deputies, John Parker and Oeo. Humphrey. . Two of them were arres ted in Salem, and the others, num bering three or four, were returned from Portland. They severally plead guilty to the charge of gambling, and were, fined by Justice Carotliers $20 and Boats. Friend Carothers is the man to get after these slippery gents. . Couldn't See It. irhile Hiram Smith was paying the admittance of the! crowd to the circus last " Friday night, Mr. John Evans, of Eastern Oregon, was ordered by ffiram to "go in with the rest of the boys who (were going to vote for Old Hi." ' Mr. .Ev ans promptly refused to go In on any such terms, saying .Vd "be d d If he would vote for such a cnan to get Into all the circuses this side o.' el-ena 1" John Wilson, the proprietor f)f the cir cus, Immediately turned to Mr. Evans and told him to go in free he shouldn't "fail to see the show because of his in dependence." And he went in. ' , Premium . Plows. A., Ellison, . of Salem, took premiums on every one of his plows at our Fair last week, in cluding the gang plow, sulky plow and walking or single plow. Mr, Ellison is largely engaged in the manufacture of these plow s at Salem, and has ap pointed If. H. JifcFarland agent for their sale at Albany. We last Spring gave an extended notice of these plows, and can now only add that they are the most popular lnplements of the kind on the Coast.. Mr. E. will short ly have an advertisement of them In this papr, . The Addresses, at the Fair, by Hons. Jno. H. Smith and A. J. Dufur, are both most highly commended by those who heard them. The speakers advanced many practical ideas and theories for the advancement of the interests of agriculture, and gave much wholesome advice to young men who desert the farm for the less honorable and less lucrative professions. We would much like to secure coplesof the addresses for publication. That Excursion. Afr. Jlfercer has about 50 names of persons pledged to Astoria on the 20th Inst. This is a rare offer to our citzens who desire to make a cheap and agreeable pleasure trip. Only $12 for the round trip, exclusive of meals. Full particulars can be gained by calling at this office, where parties can have an opportunity of signing an agreement to take part in the excur sion. 1 . Mr. A. S. MmacEB of Astoria, last Wednesday addressed the farmers, at the Court Bouse, on the question of Direct and Cheap Transportation of Wheat, and kindred .subject". lie showed up in a plain, practical way, the p'artlcipuf ei (lie Farmers' excursion to benefits to be derived by our valley farmers la staring their grain at Asto ria, and made many converts to the re cent movement among the farmers looking to that consummation. The pinqer. This retmwsed Sew ing Machine took the first premium at j the County Fair last week, as it usually does on such occasions. Remember I that Titos, Bouritardes & Co., are agents j for Its sale In thiscity. They also keep ion hands a full assortment of all kinds infsewliig machine needles. , ;i' WTBD.-lIowell, Harper Co. 'wttiiftlie farmers' of this vicinity to kuow Uiattliey wmil'to, buy, or store ,at their warehouse In this city, 1W.000 ) bushels of oats and barley. " HOME AND ABROAD. Melons are a drug In this market ; Corinthian Lodge to-morrow night. ..y jpump froze up at' Lebanon last Sunday. !i sj i , ; 1 ' .".: ''' Everybody goes to, the (State Fair next week. ;- Z "i Mrs. Wheeler has opened a millinery establishment at Lebanon."""--. , V Marriages are monotonously scarce just now, and cake nowhar! ,,; '.,' The Infant child of Stroud aud faltna Price was buried last Saturday. ' Qua. Wheeler has gone to Salem to reside. , Cur best wishes follow him. We hear of lots of folks who are going on the Farmer'sexcursion to As-1 torla..-: ..'.I', ....::..i.:v-- We this week received a pleasant call from our friend, Bev. Dr, Dawne, of SaJem. , ,,.'' 1 '.V-'-',""' ' ; j Cal. Burkhart got away with the ten dollar premium for "sweet . 'taters," offered by Dr. Alexander., " I 1 ' The Santiam Ditch office has been put on trucks and moved across the street, by Geo. Patterson et al. , ' Frank Wood had a beautiful ?ulky Plow at the Fair which took the first premium for finish and lightness. . The account of the last days fair Is on our first page. We are Indebted toilr. WL A. JlfcPherson, correspondent of the Oregonian, for tlie Items. ' ; John H. Irvine son of the ex-Sheriff, this year raised, with his own work alone, 1,876 bushels of wheat. He says this beats his father and "Lige." W. F. Boss is building up a good trade in the saddlery line at Browns ville. ' He deserves all the patronage which may be bestowed upon him. Last .Friday and Saturday the wind danced around at a terrific rate, shaking up. the sign boards, scattering papers, elevating dry goods and raising h eaps of dust.'.;, .".;. .",':',' ....'.'..; v ,; J. Norcross and wife are at present visiting their numerous friends in this county. They seem much improved in health by their residence in Eastern Oregon. v ; Corinthian Lodge A. F. O. A. M. of this city, has voted to go in tt body to Salem next Wednesday, to assist In laying the Corner Stone of the Stato ciipitoi. , v . ; , ,: ;,.'"':.''', Joe BeiJJy, OonstaWe of Portland, ape cXal detective, deputy TJ.'.S. Jlarshajand good feffow generaHy, caiied upon us during the week. We weren't the man he was after. ! A donation party will be given at the .Methodist parsonage in this city to night, for the benefit of the new pastor, Bev. Mr. Wilson. The publio is cordi ally invited. ;!, , W. H. OdeJZ, BepubHcan Surveyor Generaf, who keeps his piace through Hvple, yiU harangue the Hi. Smlth ers at the Court ZTotise, in this city, next .Monday night - iV. BUrry Budd's mammoth Cotswold ram was the observed of all observers at the Fair. He carried away two blue rib bons, one for the most wool and the other for best mutton. ' ' Lewis Cox has returned to his home in this county from an extended frlp through Iowa, Illinois and Indiana. He is looking exceedingly well, but Is glad to get back to his valley home. Uncle George Hughes has placed on out table four Egg Plums which are absolutely mammoth in proportion. They are as large as any peach we ever saw, and most delicious to the taste. A young nwn of Albany last Sunday night got the mitten at the Baptist Church because he caught aynung lady by the bustle and pulled her back to ask her company home. He is advised to try some other "holt" next time. The harvest is past, the summer is ended, money has been paid in for your products, and yet some of you have, al most forgotten the poor printer who has waited patiently for his pittance from your now plethoric purses. ..Why is this thing thus unwisely? ; Abe ZTackleman bought two bull c.ttves from the herd of cattle which 'ei;'art of Yamhill, had on exhibition at bur ?a'r 'a8' week, and has sent them to' 1'8 Ochoco ranche. They were beaui.'le'' of the thorough bred Short Horn bi'ee.1. ' - '' The Albany yoi.'ti."ter who last .Fri day took his morni.V 8lory to the circus and saw her sh.orUy after led out by the "old man" ni?:' ""y8 he shall watch and bray till he rets cash enough ahead to run off with tile per secuted dew drop. , The Statesman parades the astonish ing fact in print that seventeen wagons were seen in a line in Salem last Mon day, waiting to unload wheat! In this city on Monday we could have counted thirty or forty at almost any of the six warehouses and it was a poor day for wheat wagons, too. Col. Saxe has "just furnished the State Agricultural College with a couple of fine Cotswold sheep a buck and ewe. By the way, the Colonel's two sons have just arrived in Portland with a consignment of ten Kentucky bulls and a large number of Merino and Cbtswold sheep. The Eegiuter sums up a million and a quarter bushels of wheat, 300,000 bushels of flax and 500,000 bustiers of oats as the surplus product of Linn county during the present year. For this we will receive about two million dollars. This might appear like Ml figuring to people abroad, hut It is sarce fy an exaggeration of the facts. . ; Intolerably dusty.; . llrlng us wood on account. H Night cool enough for at least two In a bed. Moonlight pnd Its attendant spionlshness now. i Henry Pllndt has. an elegant new rOSldeDce under way Howell, Harper A Co' warehouse contains alrr-Ady over 50,000 bo. grain. Thanks to Hon. L. F, Xane tor a greenback savrbuok on subscription. Rev. Joseph Emory will preach si the Court Houss next Hablmth at tl a. M. ", l We hav'nt "chucked" off on the Jacksonville Times not soy cbuclb Cant do without tt, We received proceedings of the State Orange too late for tbts Issue. They will appear next week. A Linn county farmer boasts a wife jrho can sling wheat sickti Into the wagon with 1R tet tstman on th Job. ' A. Whel.r, F.nq., .h entftrplTl! merchant nnd whol-siwil'-d v"ru"r, of tthedd, smoit: us a nw-wt smll" during r,h wwli. . , I at wwfc our city nwarmod with Portland sharps whosouyht to 4tnk- In" the farm-. 'I h-y left more tuonf-y h-r- than they got away with. The FnlrhHKt'wl nnov a krf of the "bo?" Dust- Ina- waurmeloiMi over each othBr's Sunday ckrth'-s. We notice tliat -veral plus hr-, have' rM-n laid aside ever sioos that wau?rrnehm spr. "TJt7'i:jZ3lJZJla special cases and for special reasons AllNuivlnst Monday stub his ton and torn-up irifftAnt.-r. An he ot up sod l)mo"d off we hf-M him niutfr sonii-thlog about "oeftwiir sll(Wlk and d n Citjr CouncUf" Wbateror 4i4 he ro.4ri f " ALBANY AND SANTIAM CANAL. The Albany and Santiam Canal' Co. would respectfully call the attention of the public, and especially the capital ist, and those desiring , to. ' engage .in manufacturing, to their gigantic wafer power and water privilege. Sixteen thousand cubic feet constantly flowing every minute, equal to 800 horse pow er, with from 8 to SO feet fall, sufficient for the most extensive, machinery, with ground on which to erect the nec essary buildings, etc. The Company Jocm If. hiir. nrnner that the . Dublio should know more fully the looafity of this great water power, its raciiities and surroundings, in order that those unacquainted may lorm soma, estimate of its value. - . , ; i i The city of Albany Is the county seat of Linn county, located on the south-east bank of the Willamette riv er, about 100 miles south' of Portland, by river, and 81 miles by railroad ; south of Salem 45 miles by river and 28 by railroad, aud north of Eugene City 45 miles. Albany is located in a prairie of the same name, which is the great agricul tural oeuter of the Willamette Valleyj and it is believed that upward of 600, 000 bushels of surplus wheat will be re ceived at that point, the present season. The most of it will find Its way to for eign markets, either by boats or rath road, to Portland, and from thence up on the ocean. The Willamette river is navigated by several beautiful steam ers, carrying from 80 to 300 . tons, run ning as far up as Albany some ten months in the year. Also, the O. & C. E. B., with its beautiful locomotives, is nassiiic throiiL'h the city daily; The oity of Albany is located ubDn a high, rolling prairie, witn tne oaiapooia, a beautiful creek, flowing into the Wil lamette river oh the west, the water of which is used in driving two large flouring mills, situated on the bank of the Willamette river. The oity is about one mile In length,' running east and west, and from one-half to three fourths of a mile in width, and is laid Off with streets of good width. - The Canal, -wtiieh is tne suujeei ana object of this communication, receives its waters from the South Santiam riv er, which heads in the great Cascade mountains, some 7o miles east oi Al bany; thence running westerly through a valley of the same name, to Leba non, a village located on the west bank of said river, 18 miles east of Albany. The Ctaial receives the waters from the Santiam river at that point, thence running west to its terminus at ai fianv. The main Santiam flows north ward arid empties its mountain waters into the Willamette river 10 miles north-east of Albany. The Canal is brought from Lebanon through a beau tiful prairie for a distance of 12 miles, and empties Into the Willamette river, forming on its way, and in the city, some of the finest (Water . powers for manufacturing purposes found on tlie Pacifio coast.. There are butifew, if any, points in the State which now sur pass Albany tor manuiacturing raciii- ties. . Cheap water power and easy p access, and convenient transportation, either by water or railroad, and the lo cation beautiful and healthy. ' ' The Canal Company otters liberal in ducements to persons desiring to en gage in the business of manufacturing, and will furnish water power upon the most reasonable terms. Manufacturing of all kinds is needed in Oregon, and could be made profitable. The Canal Company will agree to furnish, within sixty days, any water power needed, from a button factory to that of a loco motive. Immigrants and others are earnestly invited and requested to visit Albany and examine for themselves. Beal rirnivrtv nan vet be obtained orr very reasonable terms, both in and out of tliBcitv. Our neoole comnare favor ably with the rest of mankind, mor ally, socially, politically and financial; lv. Published by order of the Board of V rectors, Sept. stn, uns. , L. ELKINS, , D. Mansfield, President. Secretary. TEXT BOOKS ADOPTED. Officii of Sofbrintbndfnt of Public I Instruction, Salem, Ohkuon, Sept. tt, ltni). To T. J. Stiles, School Superintendent Linn Count, Oregon. V : V. I have the honor to announce that the first five readers and the speller of the Paciflo Coast Series, with Hopkins' Manual of American Ideas in lieu of a Sixth Header, have been duly adopted by voteof the County Superintendents, for use Iri the publio schools of Oregon for the four years ending Oct. 1st 1877, The votes of the Superintendents were cast as follows For first live readers and speller of Paclflo ' Coast Series, - Supt's, Means, of Baker; Brown of Benton; Noltner, of Clackamas; Hamilton, of Columbia; Hacker, of Coos; Canfield,' of Curry; Todtl, of Douglas; Holmes, -of Grant Adams, of Josephine Hehdricks, of Lane; Knight, of Marion, Grubbs, of Polk; Tripp, of Tllamook;; Ingle, of Umatilla; White, of Union; andBobb, of yamhiii-i6. i ; 5 -: :;: I 1 1 For first five readers of Harper's U. g. series; Supt's. Fennay, of Clatsopj Stanly, of Jackson; Btites, or unn and Eliot, of Multnomah-4. For flrSL flve readers or wiison-s Rr,hool and Family Series. Bupt's. Stevenson,; of W80 and Anderosn, of Washington 2. i For Wilson's Sneller; E?upt's. Fennay, of Clatsop; Eliot, of jititnomah and Anderson, of Washlngton--8. For Saunders' New Speller: oupt. Stltes, of Linn 1. 1 i. i : For Webster's Speller: Supt. Htepuen- pon, of Wasco 1. For .Henderson's Test Words; Bupt. Stanley, of Jackson 1. r For Hopkins' Manual of American Ideas In lieu of Sixth .Reader; Supt's. Jeans, of Baker; Brown of Benton; Noltner, of Clackamas; .Hamilton, of Columbia; Canfleld, of Curry; Todd of Douglas; Holmes of Grant; Adams, of Josephine; Stanley, of Jackson; Stltes, of Linn; Knight, Of Marlon;-Eliot of Multnomah; -Grubbs, of .Polk Tripp, of Tillamook; Ingle, of Umatilla; White of Union and Stephenson, of Wasco -17. I For Hooklns' Manual,.butnot in Ilea of Sixth Beadef: Supt. Hacker,1 of Coos 1. - - For A nderson's U.' 8. Historical Bea def in Sixth Beader; Supt. Hendricks of Lane 1. ., .. - , , - , . ' For Harpers' V. 8. Sixth.' Header Sunt. Fen.oay, of Clatsop-i ' ' . ' For WHI.'on'a 83ctn Beader: Supt. Anderson of Washington 1 For no SlJith Beader: Supt. Bobb, ff Yauihill-1, As soon as a supply of the books can be orocttred It Is expected the schools will begin to Introduce them and that. thev will continue Until all are fully i ntrbduced, after which' the use of other books In their stead wilt be positively forbidden. InterdocUon roust be com pleUd bibe id at .Varcb, BT4; rules upou direct application m jMMni 01 Fjltication further time is granted. ' Th custorosry Introditetory rates wfll be given by the publishers on" llifc' books. being adopted,1 1 , ' .' .I I Though .Hopkins' .Manual of Amerl- rah Ideas has been adopted in lieu of a Sixth Header, it is expected that it will be used not merely as a reader but as a book for the reo-tilar Instruction of nu pils in tiie important study of the sci ence of government. It is recommen ded that It be studied in all publio schools, If possible, whether they would otherwise use a Sixth Beader or not. Syl. C. Simpson. Bupt. of Public Instruction. Detained by Sickness. Ex- Sheriff B. A. Irvine, Chief Marshal of the State .Fair, should have gone to Salem last Monday, but the severe illness of his wife prevented him from doing so. Yesterday, however, Mft. Irvine was considerably better, arid Mjv rvine expected to go down tills morning. He regrets this delay very much, but was unable to prevent It.jj tolbH'rSwiNOtr-A "rough" last Sat urday at the Fair stepped up tq-'a young girl, whom he had never seen, and raising his hat, asked her to take a 6wlng with him. Her father hap pened to be standing by, and in a Jiffy the toe of his No. 10 boot was propell ing the 'Impudent puppy across the road; He won't swing with that man's daughter, you better guess, ; The Price ojf Wheat. Since our last report there has been no material change in the -wheat market, from all parts of the Old World come the news of the shortness of the cereal crop, and In some section's it is a total failure. In this view of the case we may surely look for at least a continu ance of the present price, or more like ly an advance. 5, - The Rosedals Dramatic Troupe is the best company that ever appeared in Albany. They won golden laurels during their appearance at the Pacific Opera House last week and when they departed for Portland on Sunday they bore away with them the kindest wishes of many new friends whom they met In Albany. The "Bosedales" will ap pear at the State Fair, j' , FroMUmatjlia. Ourold frtendand former citizen of Linn, Mr. 8. M. Pen nington, is down from his home in Umatilla county and paid us a visit during the week. He says the Democ racy win vfully support Nesmith In Eastern Oregon, while Hi. Smith will fall very far short of receiving the Be publican vote of that region. . ( The Fabm&bs' Warehouse In this city is literally full and running over with wheat. It Is estlmatedVthat It contains now one hundred and twenty- live thousand bushels of wheats-more than its registered" capacity. The Fanners' Company are arranging with Beach & Jionteith to store the balance of the grain which they have promised to receive. , . . . Carpet Bao Lost.-Z. B. M6m, of Lebanon, a few days ago' lost an 611 cloth carpet bag (or satchel) off ,1118 wagon on the road between Lebanon and Albany. It contained about $20 worth of-clothlnpj. Ahy one leaving It at this office or returning it to Mr. .Moss will be suitably rewarded. i n Eesiqjjed. BevjJDr. Geary last R&hhath nreanhed his farewell sermon to his congregation In thiscity, baling resigned bis pastorate 7 here. This leaves both the Congregational and Presbyterian churches iof this city without pastors. p.. Attention, Farmers.--AH farmers In this" community having grain to store or sell will find It to their advan taee to call on Howell, -Harper A Co, before completing their arrangements for storing, i Judqcs of Election. The judges of election appointed In 1872, hold that office for two years, and will of course, act as such at the coming speolal elect ion. Still The! Oome. Another large Invoice of goods for A Wheeler A Co. of Shedd arrived by the last steamer. They are troubled for room to storo them. m v DIED: J WOOD Near Waterloo. Linn county. Orn- eon. bent. 171873. liMELiNK, wireoiJarae V. Wood, aged yean. Uta(e paper please Yon cannot afford to nccleet a oold. It will fanten Its iron hand upon the strongest consti tution, unions attemlud to In time 1r. Wta tah'h Balm ah or WildChkhry will cure It in every change, lrom the early cough to oon aumptlou ltBulf, Thpro is no dlseane n8h ii heir to more troubloenme to manaRe than rhr.'tnatism. It oorrttti when you leant expect u, ana gtmerauy remains till it getftroudy togo away. The most conspicuous remedy for tho eoutpfalnt Is John son's Anodyne Uutment. i " Two or three doses of Sheridan's Cavalry Condition .powders jwlll cure a horse of any common cough or cold, and the very worst cases may b cured tu a few weeks. Wa know this from experience. , N(nral Decay---Protwet tho Hf , ' , fern. i. .j, Tho bnman body M a machine, and therefore cannot endure forever i but, lib a watch or a AW'tDK machine, tt will last 'much longer if nronorly reiulated ana amy rennirea, tnan ir nn natna were taken to liocp It In. order. The great object nf ewjr on who desires a long and healthy Ihfl snonia uo to pui. nis oooy u m nnIIUon to resist " llio-inroatening innuon. ceabywhlchweartflllmoroor less surround ed; and no invlgorant "d corrective at prewmt known so effectively answers mis purpose as the vitalising elUtr arhlch, under the unpre tending name of Hostetter'i Htomaoh Bikers, has been for mora than twenty years vne stan dard tonlo of America. In crowded cities, h.a,h. .imMnhi'ffi Is eontnm1nnU!d with thoemuvla Itisnpenio10 from '"rK" polatlon ; In miirshy regions, where the soggy soil rocks with mlasoia; on the pralrlos and in the for ests, wh-re overy fell the air Is tainted with t hiiUttions from rotting wewls and grasses" or dpcomp'islng leaves in snort, in v:ry iuci.mij wliim malaria exjsts, this poworful vegetahlo antidote Uurgi-nfly iieeUod. Kevcr and ague, bilious fevers, dysentery, congestion of the liv er, jaundice, rheumatism, and alt dlseaae which are genemud by InfccWid air, impure watt-r or siiodfn changes of tmjicraturo, may be averted by Btrength'-nlng and regulating the system In advance with HostctUr's lllltnrs. Autumn Is always a season of peril, eseclalty ... ,- ....,,il,A n,i,unlullil. Kven the more vigorous are apt to bo In some measure depressed by the humid atmosphere, loaded with deleterious gases prodtiot'd by vegMalile decay. The fall is a period of tho year when the renovation and regulation of tho living maeMoa issKwillarly )ii4ulnt, and tttalllt li n man Utoraiaro botake daily al this crlt- cal season. A'DVKRTISKMKNfH.' jFRANKLlN fJlEAT MARKET I . B. AtRRESf, Prop. WIT.Ti KKEP 'CONHTAyTf.Y OX HAND the boat mtt the markrt affords, and will alwuys be found rady to a'omniodate lh-ir- who may favor him with a rail. fJigbfi.Mrkt prio paid for po.'ta VtfWtf. ,'S- rJ! ADVERTI81SMENT8. NOTICE. 08 fife90N A CALIFORNIA RAILROAD 'oKVpanr, Lend DenaTliuent, Portluiri, OregOD, April & 187St Notioe is hereby viven. .tbftt ft vicoroaii proneoution will be instiiiitnd AgmDt any nnd every person wtm treenpnati upou any WMirona Lana. ry puitiog na m (i? lag timber tbetfrino befnrn the'inme In BOlKaiJ1 of tb Company AND PAID FOR. 'Alt VMftnt Land fit odd numbered itctiom whether lurveyed or ausurvjyd,withiu a dm- tanoe of thirty milef from the lice of the road belong! to the Company. 1. It. T7i35tf, T V , Land ARent. HEMOEEHOlBS. A-a CAROTHERS CO'S "PILB PILLS AflU OllNiMisiaT" nare now Decome pum mi the standard preparations of tbe day ; is , pre pared and reoummended for Piles oay (whether chronic or reoent). Sufferers may depend upon it, that this remody will give tliem permanent relief from tats troublesome and damaging com plaint. Seat nostnaid to anv address (within the Uni ted States) upon receipt of price, $1.50. a. UAttuinnivo tu., ndOjl Albany, Linn Co., Oregon. CHAIRS AND TURNING! J. M. METZLER, n1n moved hla Shot, to Jefferson and tM- ed Himself of the water-power t that plsos, it' new prepared to furnish his celebrated , RAW-HIDE BOTTOMED CHAIRS I in any quantity and in any shape. i&ar-Ha will still keen a larva stoek of chairs at his old stand, either ready fer u or in pieces for shipment. W. D. fielding ! his agent at this place. . 1 7nSitf. UEJfltl P. SAYBS, GENERAL BUSINESS., COLLECTION, INSURANCE AGENCY,' ' ' A5D 1 NOTARY PUBLIC. Particular attention liven to the adjudication of accounts. , D. , , Collections maoe in an prnxa 01 mn oww. fcrOtrioB next door above the Boe-Uive Store. vSnSltf. JOS. JREILLV, CONSTABLE AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, North Portland Precinct. . Refcrenoe by permission to the following eentlemen : His lienor Philip Wasserman, Mayor of the City of Portland; Hon. Eugene Seinplej Dr. J. A. Chaoman: lr. J.u. xtawtoornei m. 1. a. Davonportt I. S. Rosenbaum A Co.; Knapp, Rnrrall A Co.! E. J. Jeffries: Clarke, Hender son A Cook; S. O. Skidmore; E. Martin i Co; A. B. Richardson Co.; Millard a Vanscuyver. OFFICE 25 Washiultton. Stmt, betweel First and Seoond. ... -. vTadTtC STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE CORVALLIS, OttEaON. Will Open September ad, 1873. FACULTY: B t. ARNOIjD, Professor of Chemistry and ' Moral Philosophy. B. C. HAWTHORNE, Professor of Languages. JOS. EMERY. PrvOfcssor or Mathematics. Misa IRENE SMITH, rrlncloai or rrimary department. ! MISS VIOLA BRIGGS, Toacher of Music. CAPT. D. B. BOSWELL, Military Instructor. so-as thi Agricultural Deportment Is not yet filled, youths who di-slre admission can secure appmntmeut o, TO THE FARMERS WAUTT OF STORAGE! T B. COIHSTOCK dl CO. HAVE THOR V' oufrhly repntred and BlronKthened their Albany Warehouse, and have two good clean ers and can ImmUo all grain that oomoi with safety and dPBpaUh, They are prepared to furnlih all (he laoki tfifrifil. Do not be frlRhtened by the old cry that we are tteitinir more cram innn wo van aturw. tKii and ioe for youfsolves. "Fair dealing, will win. t2T READ. READ .1 MITTF, Wir.L CONTRACT T08TOHK WHEAT W FUKE, either at Albany, Portland or Halney, buihel. IF" FLAX SEED. .-3 A LARGE AMOUNT OP FLAX, SEED Wanted, for which we will pay the highest markol price in casn, irotn umu to time. Present quotations : For Common Volunteer, He V lb. " extra fine and clean, 2 26 to lbs. C. B, OOMBTOOK A CO., Aug. Ifi, WT8.--tlltri , . SW. 6), NlWBKBBT. SEASONABLE ADVICE TO SUFFERERS! DR. THOrt" AS, DOCTOR Or MEDICINE, PHYflrCIAlT A SURG BOW, 601 Kearney Street, oor. of Saoramento, V,' - v up WWItt . , HAN FKAMCISCO. May be privately and conrtdentlally consulted,' iiiwr ncrtinfinltv or bv Itittor. for the cure of dlsoass of the (Jenerftttve Organs, Nervous lability, MpirmaiornKBa or rwnimm wuiiit iiush, Hyphflls, Uonorrhoa, stricture , of the llrt'thra and Uleet, or resulting from youthful Indiscretion, or othr pri'U Issuing causus. . H- TIIOMAB adv.TtlH.'fi wild the view Of Informing suirrors wrmro tney may consult a Bklllful medical man who can give them proof r paHtwa inrougn muvn a oouu oi iro fusslonal studies and examinations a to ontl- Ill Ijithn fullofft. wmfltlf'i.fiP. BennatorrhaiaorM!minal J!bility. As of all diseases of the human system, this Is the most to bo (tuardfid against t so, If onoe m- traeUNl, should its treatment be most juuloious. Tin. cutuiiiiiiuhiii. nr rcliil.ll (ifirtinderic'V exist ing between the C'entbro Hpluat system of nerves and the procreaiivo ornns is such as to require on the part of the physician an Intl mm., knnwifiltfn of tlitilr atiHtotnlcal and physical structure, for when once the laws of nature have own vioiateu, mo ixiautnui um ance which naturally exists (jetween the ner vous and muscular syMern Is overthrown, and vtiiMts-ri nurulltlon of the mind and body dis lays ltsnlf in an array of morbid symptoms, both nervous and, physical, from which the t wn wmcn uie va rmatiMittly cufci t I'tit inn on v no oe to do ucn by th gist. the soientldc research of th the true physlolo- itit tttomah stronnlv advises those smTpr- Ing from the above diseases to placuthemsolvas under his brofessloital oare at oaoe, and assures them that tils treatment is unilormly suecess- ful, and patients who Im'vp lost every hope may resort Ui him with the full assurance of a rapid ml surrimtif-nt nivrrv. llt. TIltMAH' Kunmenn and, Colonial expe Hence has extended over twenty flw years. He studied at the Wnstmlnntor Hospital and Ht.Oeorge Medical fichool. London, and was formerly surgeon to tho Bouth West Ixmdou JJOIIHHU. ..iMtainfttinns mssmI bv Dr. Thomas. Mem ber of tlie Itoyal Colli ge of Burgeons, Kngiand, HTM. l.ltf,liLlaLAlif IhO tta-iVal.ColltlatU Of I'llVSl' int,m itvuriund. IHM Linenltnta In .Mldwilery Itoyal College of tturgeons, Kngland. 1MM Ikxfotr of Medicine, University oi uiessen, tjprmany, (iold Medalist, Medical College, I... rw fssnrijin IHIU. . I 1.11 'riuiVfAM may ti I mo be oonfldentlallv consulted In diseavs Incidental lo femnhts. I'atleuts unable to oniult personally, may do so by letter, stating symptoms, ago and sex. Consultation ny inwr, iret?, rVraonal consultnlloii from 9 4- till 9 F. U. Cases of metllcine forwarded m M to defy 0ervatlon, to all parts of the Interior . - 'Jestlmonlals lrom patients, tho Medloal pro fession, and press. ' tutorial from the "Hebrew" newspaper, San ITanoisco, jtiiyw, w-t; "la.TMOMA.--'fheniedlealfoiwcrroreity' has nwtved a very valuable addition by the re emit arrival of Ir. Thomas, who, after a most sucwsaful career In Kuropa and tli Kng'ish Colonies, has wtncluded U mak; Raa Kranelg. fo his permanent home. iJr. Thomas' studies hwinen puifued under the first Kuropean phTTelBU. Ouriag his prolessionat rnrtHtr he haa uaxsed his ftxaiMnnlloris at Mn big's cle- braU-d Cnfvelty, H"ssen, (iermany, as lfe tor of Medteine, wfUHhr: hVhst honors; also, of th Itoynl Collega f . I'hvsietfina and frnt geons, fcnifiand ; We have t'n his Vlilversity. Ji(rr and ''rttfi!li'S. A leautlfiil Iiplna, presented to tlie LxxsUn by th ()rder of Kiw VtseV)us, shows that his valitahte S"rvioes are aaiMiwleriifed hy mioh a venrabt body a the above nomed Order. Th otl.ee of Itt. Thomas ItvatM at Wl Kearney street, tip stairs, co-tn-nc Sacramento streK ftan Prannvlsoo ADVERTISEMENTS. !? I P3 a 71 CO trj VI FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE! The new and well-arranged warehouse of , with Improved cleaning aparatus nf amnio ca pacity, hf now prepared to receive grain for the HARVEST 6p 1873, Farmer wishing to STORE OR SELL WHEAT will And It to thetr advantage to tee me bofbre selling elaowhero. All will be furnished sacks to move their grain h$ calling on me. The cash rnlcc will be paid for wheat at all timet. ' ' ' E. S. MEEBILL, an old eltlsen of Albany, of exoellsnt business quail neat Ions, has taken oharge of the ware- nouse anu win siiponiitenu wiu reurivniK ana aeuvenug oi au gram passing innmcn u, , . . . B. CI1EAUUB. Albh, July 28, ltfT3.-nfc0tf. ALBANY BOOKSTOREI JOHN FOSIIAY, . . uaatia i JIlSCElLANEliL'S- M STA.VDAED BOOKS, m,A.K BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY I CHOICE HAYAKSA CICIARS t AND TOBACCO.' Th tarjeit atock f flni .Oandiei var brongbt to Albaayl OotkIs In our Una Imported to order t short est nnsslble notl'W.' W"Theonijr place In town whore A RKAX, ooonfitriAH can bs obtained. Call and seu. vHnail.f. 1K. . W. ALBANY, OREGON. r kFFirK IP? PItRIWI'8 BHICK hwck, F corner of First and; Ferry streets. Office hours twin H to U o'clock A, M,, and from 1 to 6 o'clock f. M, Uusldeuoe t, Corner Fifth and Ferry streets, v8n.Htf. A DWELMNCJ IIOUNK AND LOT I OB 4L. SITVATKD ON THK KtJHTH-KAUT COR nerof Fourth and Vine streets.. The house contains voomrnodlous rooms nd. is tn good repmr. n m veil oi gooo. water anu ,s ntimD. Tliere is ah. t nrw h nldeon tha nrtm. )S';s, The house, is most conveniently located and has all t.ie modern laiprowiuijnts nuces sarv ofjinfort. Possession tflveil Immediate- lv. Title kntarrintm-d. Terms moyePat. Ad- ply for furtitvr information on the jiremlse to mi ivu roic baiu. fflHF tJNDKnKHlNKDOFFIttS FOR BAXF M one span of fine large null as,- tH hands high. Also another nuu spun ot 4-year-olii mules, VtH haiuls high.' Am one yoking nnd likely horse, lff hands hitch.. An I want to in&vn tiiv caiintrv I will sett these animals ohenp fw en, an wttl wait for the money until uw un h ucwouf r. - . uMtV, W.L. YA5JTIS f5to$20 AirJswoTitM .of either sx. mimic or old. make mow rrinnnv nt work fnr im In t.htlr tiara moments. or all the time, than at anything else, rtirtieu nrrt. AddrvMQ. Skinsnn Co., Portlnnd, A DVERTISl'.MKM TS. -w.C'.iV mil, .... a HI ft ti ji W . . ! j t-'.ti FOUNDED IN 1S53, TTTsNo. 619 Sacramento Strcot, our. of Leideidorif' Street, (a few doort below What uheer ileuia. . Private. Kutrance va . i Iruideidortl street. Ban Francis). 1 Jttablited txprtuhj to a ford the ajflieted wtmnd and tcitnixjic medicnl aid in th rreafmsnl 1 ' and curt of all Prwale and Chnm' , cy mid all Sexual ' Ditordtrt, TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. W. K. DOHERTY RETUHN8 HI8 SIN", cere thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage, and would take this opportuv nity to remind them that he continues to con sult at his Institute lor the cure of chronic dis eases of the lyings, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive and Oenllo-UrJnary Organs, and all private diseases, viz i Syphilis in all its forms and sta gen, Bern inn 1 Weakness, and ull the horrid con sooumioes df- selfwibuse. Oonorrhcea. Oloet. Suxudl Debility, Diseases of the Back and" Loins, jnnamuiauon oi tne niaauer anu &ia neys, etc. etc., and he hopes that his long exi perlence and successful practloo will continue to Insure him a share of public patronay. by the practice of many years in Europe and the - V, n a J imitea Btaies, no in Bimuieu v oi'v m ujv. eillclent and successful remedies against dis eases of all kinds. He cures without mercury, charges moderate, treats his patients in a cor rect and honorable way, and has references of unquestionable veracity from men of known respectability and high standing in society. All parties consulting him by letter on other wise, will reoeive the best and gentlest treat ment, and Implicit secrecy. To Females. When a female Is enervntod, or affllotetl-wtth disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain In the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation ot tho heart,' irri r7 lability, nervousness, extreme urinary dnTtoO . l tie's, derangement of digestive function. gn v oral debility, vaginitis, all diseases of the womb, hysteria, sterility, and all other diswa ses peculiar to females ; she should go or write at once to the celebrated female, doctor, W. K, Doherty, at his Medieal Institute and c-insult him about her troubles and disease. T he Doc tor is effecting more cures than any other phys ician In the State of Cnliiornin, Let. no lalrt delicacy prevent you, but apply Immediately and save yourself from painful sufferings and premature death. Ail Worried Ladles whoso delicate hwuith or other ctrcumrtanens prevent an Increase In their families, should write or , call at Dr. W. K. Doherty Medieal Institute and they will receive every possible relief aud help, ' ( ; To Correspondent. Patients residing In nny part of the country, however distant, who may desire the opinion and advice or Dr. Doherty In their respective eases, and who think proper to submit a writ ten statement oi suco, in preierenco to noining a personal interview, ao respectfully assured thnttheircommunlcattons will be held most sacred. The Doctor is regular graduate ana may be consulted with every confidence.. If the case be fully and cnndldly described,, personal communication will bo I'lvoccessary as Instructions for diet, regimen, and the gen eral treatmontof tho enso (including tho reme dies), will bo forwarded without delay, and ln such a manner as to convoy no Idea of the gurport of tlie letter or parcel so transmitted. houldyonr condition require immediate at tention, sena ten aoimrs in eoin (orwiai. vmuw In currency) by mail, or Wells. argo & Co.'j Express, and a package of medicine will m sent to your address with the nencssary instruc tions for use. Consultation by letter or other wise, fiisio. t'ermanont cure guaranteea or no pay. Address, W. K. DOHFRTY, M. D 1 . San Francisco, CaL Spcrmatorrhtra. - , . , Dr. Dohcrtv has lust mibltshed an important pamphlet embodying his own views and expo rlonoes in relation to Impotence or Virility, be ing a short treatise on Sperm ntorrhena or Sem inal Weakness, Nervous and Physical Debility consequent, on this affection, and other disea ses of the Sexual Organs. r This little work contains Information of th utmost value to nU, whether married or single: and m be sent FlUOKby mall on .receipt or six cents In postage sthmm for return noStage. Address. v8nMtr. Sun Francisco, Cal. K OME MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF BAN FRANCISCO. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE, OAPITAK . $1,000,000. JOim B.1 REDniNQTO!?.. ....I.-Vrasldent. OKO. H. UUWAliU viae rrosiacnc CHA8. M. HTOHY Scorftarjr. N. rl. r.lJIJY - w. ivturiuo aeoret.nrr. H. H. UiUELOW Uuuoral Manugur. DIRECTORS ORFGON BCANCH P. WASRFrtMA!,'' 0. II. LEWIS, Portland , f iomwm rTH, LLOYD IIIIOOKE. gnlern L. r. IH()Vi;ii. Albany , ,J. A. uruiw r uni;. DalH-s'. D. M. 1'HKNCH.. Lewlston....,.,. J. LOWENBURO IIAtUI.IOK IIOKD,' AGENT FOR OREGON & WASHINGTON TERR Y.' EE.I CAtlT:n, Local Agent; Albany, oregon. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE CO., OF BAN FRANCISCO. ; ESTABLISHED IN 1863!- Aantik' Jfannnry 1, 1872, nu $SBfJ, .000, iu tloM. Fifty Thonsnnd Dollaro Dcposltod witt th Stat Treasurer, in Compli un wfith tho laws sf tbe Etata ef Oregon. FIRE-AND MARINE INSURANCE 1; Loiiici Fairly Adjusted Ant rrOuiptly Settled I AGENT, ALBANY, OREGON." OBO. V. GRANT, Jlsaspr, nlltrts. Portland, Orocon. tum & RICHTER, : FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKERS!1 AtBASt," OHECOSI. fRICK RFVANONAm E ANT) WOBKWAR-: rauUxl. Itopalrlim nromiitry an.t sntlsfao. torlly dnno at shortest notioe. verwayl. It. C. HILL & Sd.., DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES ' ALBANY, osrao'?.' Prtigs and modlPlnns fri.h snd pure. Pfint pt at.til.lfi Klvpn to counfry orders and (tivt. plans' ,.mfrtr.tloris. aoda water mh Icom th Arctic rfltrlobs, - , 43W. .. . iT r. Kit s. Pv!H