The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 22, 1873, Image 3

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...At'OrNT22, 1873,
Iwiao Miller,
0. P, t'onhow,
AV. It. Prlvett.
U J. lliiguewood,
..W. J. illarnlltor),
......Dtiv. Hailisrty.
' 'f..
I nil-
" i. vvuicon, jr.
Mnttliovtr Fountain.
.''im. MuyAB. H. Holt
J. Jt, Moixan,
F. L. Craniili:
J. It. Neil.
3. it. Italston.
I- j, McA Jomas.
A. W. Wright.
j L. Bamuel.
I. N. Smith.
it... .
Hi ton ,,
j.,!"...9-.'.,...,...J. H.-Turnei'.
i ,..A. A. Fink.
I- 11 , Al.WUeeler.
. IH19. Gulx& (ico. Olirlbtle.
," J-,. H. F.Brown.
!.... J .lirulKofarmer.
!),Jil.....i..Jt. - W, fWuson.
lltfaA N. T. Caton.
Uli'MiKT E. P. Bovlea.
ft thablmf, if ,llt ,mmt Ci
'uuntiea within tha
Kpneral election held on the
A. ft. WM, tha lion. Jowph
; (I, V liiinnnjtily elcotoa Unprasmitatlvo of
ibe H atom son In tbo Forty TWrJ Con.
I fronwHthiUiillwlBtalraiaiid'
f "mm, the said eicction.'imld offteo
J mi lMoiBiuit by tire Heath of raid lncutai
1 H'ntnw
, Wmu; By provision' of tho Constitution
-'ms miltwl StiA.-s, and (he laws of thlsHtatf ,
f t. tyt-fjmn III duty of the lnferuQr thereof
- writ or election to 1111 such vacancy;'. Urover. Uovernor of
M of Oretron. do hereby command von
I .vh lit von to nol.lf'v Mutrwtri,l .mlirpt, inf
r oil Within and for vour several enmities.
d A soeelal .election of-Uenresnntfttivn In
f ress to All tho vacancy aforesaid, on Men-
I the (13) thirteenth day of October, 187.1,
that vou cause all oroner notices to bo
' (ltittereof aocordlnu-to law.
ven under my hand and the- Seal of th
I jo of Oreiron. ut.Balcm. this tenth dav of
I v. A. 1). 1873.
ISKAJ.1 ' !,' , f ' Ii F. QTtOVKH.
IM'$t, : 9. F. CnAnwiCK, Secretary of Htate,
Li Pox Excitement. On last
th our oity, was thrown Into ;a
Hurry by a flying rumor that our
aster, Ki Eaymonil, wastlown
small pox, haying caught it by
ling mail matter.- As absurd as
itory would naturally appear, It
d ready credence among a large
of persons,,,, and consequently
jli uneasiness and anxiety was op-
Infr among tho people. It Was soon
tiverjed , tluit Sir, Bay raond was re
j ill, "-btrt'soerat persons had the
gthought to iimmadintely liiteview
k; JtiCe, his 'physician, from whom
oey learner), th.atfliis.sjckness was only
fcniforary, caused by a cold or some--B
lug of that sort, and that lie had not
a single symptom.of. small, pox, , ' But,
in the meantime, while- things were
getting straightened out in this satis
' factory shape in one quarter, some very
indiscreet peopW'wcro in ' other quar
ters spreading the sensational 1 report,
,and lMonday morning-tlie people of
this. vicinity,, for jnilca around, ,wero
infotmeil that wo hM small-pox in Al
lanyaveTaginjj frpin'; one to; twenty
"ciles! Tho consequence was that dur
1'4 the current week but few country
joplu haye been in the city, and our
feets have been almost as deserted as
Wfruihs of Pompoii: In the mean-'
Tfr TJvmnml la nn n,wl nhmtf
Tl) pending tS his mail bags, as usual.
well enough for tho people to bo
V ided and careful, and' to warn the
i ihlic when any real danger from this
1 "khy othcr'contagton exists, but there
no necessity of going oft "half cock
( F-f 'h '-'W8 ffi?tarice, j and alarming
: -l-Hfjf' ole' community and damaging
Jfty f interest, uselc8syj I V
i. 1 '. I Interview with the attending'
j : 'ian or friends of the alleged pa-
(rencrally iavo all this oonfur
d scjiiisational-humbuggery. ,
jhty Bear IIuntebs, Wo un
irid that will lo Itev. Mr. Carfip
p jtfoninouth, and several other
12- emen.' wero ret
TEYrsrVake, they w
ono tlay'arlfWWfMi ,a; '
omen,' were recently rusticating
went out for a hunt
ay antrcrwMi a- oear. jjero was
indeed a "go.!' 'Ijhey had been look
ing.fpr smaller game than bear; in fact
a chipmunk had hithertOE :been thei
Jieightof their Nimrodlcal ambition.
,"they wbie brave, fearless pioneers
gilt .! 'Far, . jrest,',' and-, of course im-
iiat(!ly'ar6seJtt) the' emei'gdncy of
prJcasion, and as Mr. Bruin was up
thev, the better to observe nis
" letivers and secure a fuller view of
Iayful!conduct,"lmnicdin'tety re
m3 to othei' trees-, and qulciay aye,
(lost Impetuoitslyfispemicd .'each
ST his tree. ' From thtir exalted
relies they severally and collectively
nened ouieudly'flre on Bruin, until he
umbled fo,m the tree and lay" prone
pon tlw fcround. liven then they kept
p vollejL of riflery upon him until
their aminunition ;was .nearly exhaust
ed, by which time they ventured down
from their roosts and oautiously ap-
prprtched liim In "close order'! with ri
les cocKCuanu uimeu, uviviyiipvi, '
lot were ;only "possuming" and ' at
tempted tq so for tliem,. to "die.togeth
cr and fill & common grave,'T,', But, h
jjwas deadjojact his body -was perfor
lftfTItTi as many , holes as an old
fashioned cullender,, so'that thero1' was
Scarcely enough solid meat left for a
taste aij lafn Xo picture Rro.Camp
bell's joy .(rt-hovkff 0' braA'elyi "man
fully and strategically "gotten away"
With that bear would be a greater task
than- this-pen. Is eapablo, ofr. v He y s
1'rof. Fowler Btruck it just right when
he told bim that he had a great .head
for bear hunting .: . t., ,., i u u
A ivRESTBD."-rA soldier oametl , iWo
tabe last week deserted from Camp
Jarncy, taking with him a Govern
ment horse, and made his way across
the Cascade-Mountain TFagon Rood 'to
this county." .Ob the way, however,-to
more certainly avoid detection, he
trailed3lioriwiv-)tl sonje on",n after
nrrivlrlg Be 'solil the horse," and equip
ments to John "VValton, of this Hy.
jbnday Bheriil rancor, or mis
It, received ft letter from the Sber-
m 'lif Wasco, stating these facts and
ai'klnii-Ptt' be on Uie look out for
IteC&he. Accordingly our vigilant
jm-5iLi-i ft'lioum got on the
'ft.eut," anaT-tyllowIng It "!. found
f ! fl',c dwerter ftt WiirK on the Buntlam
L ' Canal near lhi.- city, a'.i.(i on Wednes
day took him over to 'n;uvor where
n U to be tried bv onltl of the Depai t-
lnent Commander.
-AH formers
in this community luiviug
store or sell will tmi it to thsi
JlWUko & ll be- ,
tsitre to cali on
p-, rmmpletlng their arr ins"ict'
1 1 miii.i a lriiAHv.
Editor bemocrat: . '. . !
Would you be ho kind an to (rive tliese
few suggestions wplaoe In your valuiif
bl'epaper? , , " " ' ' ') J
.To tha FailniM who conttitutc tin!
Board of MnimgrrH 0! 'tho Albany Far
mers! . Ware h ouse c mil Wharf :;( !(J cut
tlempiih-Xopsl'tt"ye;,bee;n fety jdillgont
In securing a line location for the Com
pany's warehouses, and liaye put In
computeht mn!to lontrol ih&i lulerest
of the Company, which Is giving good
satisfaction piitside'. "j-, M
Gentlemen Dlreelors, ivriuld it not be
well to.Juava a Wharf ., cptistructed as
soon us possible ?, r WbUtt the water is
at a low stage Is a very good ti me to
put it In, and I would therefore suggest
that tus soon a harveut Is over this
work be dduc, as wb farmers'would like
to have 'our up freight landed at pur
warehouse.' If tt wharf were (o be con
structed at the warehouse it would be
the priniipal landlng place for the W.
R'. T. Co's boats, and would attract bus-
Inessand eventually be of vastvln:-
portauce to those Interested In that
part of tlie city, and also to the farmers
who-own these warehouses and valua
ble river front. - . ..i ,.,.t"
, . ' ' A PATBON df "JUSBANDIiy.
AlbaiiyJ;Aug2(lS73. . ...X '
roJtDa op Praise. Sere Is tha way
a few o our exohanges greet'the Dem
ocitA upon Its ninth birthday : V,
Tha Slate ItiaMt Democrat has- lust
clOseuj i(s eighth volume. It Is due of
tne pestTrapqrs Jn .tlio State. Bvmon
Democrat n. , ''.. . - -.,
The Albany Democrdi lids entered
its ninth volume, and is a live, apicy
paper. M&n.y, - Brown,' editor and
publisher, is a jovial, whole-souled cove
aud, aside from his politics, we fwish
him ftbundant success. QorvaUit Gaz
ette. ,., ,., -.
The Albany Democrat commences its
ninth volume this week. It Is now the
liveliest and best Democratic paper In
the-Stato,' Eugene Joiirnah - -
Too Albany Democrat has. entered
itsnihth volume. Itisa good paper,
sound in politics, and deserves the lib
eral support which it Is receiving.
may our rnonu Brown ever prosper
and the Democrat loner flourish IS our
sincere wwn. uregon vug enterprise.
The State Bights Democrat enters
upon its ninth volume It is the, old
est Democratic paper in the State, and
its editor, M. V. Brown, is a live
country editor. ComeHus Progression
ist. , -..., .,. .
The Hawk-eye, News, Oregonian and
Bulletin also said sonie nice, compli
mentary things .about us, but we have
mislaid the papers and cannot , quote
them. ; We are truly grateful for these
kind words of cheer and fraterhal ex
pressions from our brethren of the pro
fession, and hope to always merit their
good-will and esteem. ' ',r
TAf lob's Entertainment, last
Friday night, was a decided sucoess.
Pacific Opera House vi as well filled
with, the beauty -and fashion of our
city, and all, manifested;, tho high
est, appreciation of , the .different; fea
tures of -the) program me; -The- Panto
mime was well put upon the stage and
its tricks apd mysteries were generally
fully performed. The songs by .Mrs.
Matt. .Taylor and the Hart Family
were palpable hits and were each
rapturously encored. .Mart. Taylor and
arry Watson Were up to their usual
ly Successful standard In the delinea
tion of character. '. The .Misses Gore
and Messrs. States, Willoughby' and
Royal, each acqiUttedthernseJv with
decided credit. We can discern a
creditable improvement In ourAlbany
Amateurs at each performance, and
may reasonably hope In time to see
them excel in their several roles. We
are much pleased toaee our citizens so
thoroughly appreciate their efforts in
the Thespian line, as it Is much better
to encourage our home talent and thus
keep pur money among us than, to
lavish It upon those strolling com
panies who- so frequently abuse our
patronage by swindling our printers
and hotel keepers and slandering bur
citizens as soon as they are well out of
the townf;.; ! ':' r ''';'' "''. -.' "
been prowling about town for some
weeks, last Friday evening, while pass
Ing the Star Brewery, seized a carpet
bag jusfc'inslde tho door and struck out
on the. keen run. But our French
frlendl'M. Bellinger,'(whb weighs 250
lbs) saW bim start off and was im
mediately out after him; and, notwith
standing his great weight and phleg
matic make-up he overhauled the
thief In a race of less than a block, and
escorted him with true.French pojite
nessj back to the Brewery, Where1 he
was shortly turned over to policeman
Brown. " While they were cn route for
the lock-up he quickly squared off and
gave the officer a "diff" which nearly
placed hlra hors de eombat,i but (the
riext moment he found himself doubled
up on the sidewalk by a blow from the
polioemam's. saline elm club. '.t Such
conduct as those on the part of Billy
soon convinced, hint. that submission
would be the better part of valor, so he
quietly walked off to prison, .where, a
fetf days of meditation" and the most
diligent nursing of a sore head, afford
ed him ample opportunity for reflec
tion' upon the vanities and perplexi
ties pf Mils ungrateful world. 'J j f
Agricultural College. The fall
session of the Cbryallis College will
open on the 2d proximo, under more
favorable auspices than ever before.
The advertisement which Wo publiBh
elsewhere,' shows that1 a very able
faculty has been secured, comprising
six in number. -The Professor of Lan
guages, Ml-. "Hawthorne, Just arrived
this ,wrek from Tennessee,-where he
had attained tho highest distinction
as a linguist and whore he resigned
an eminent position In an educational
institution to 'cdme west." . Presldenl
Arnold and Prof. Einci-y have already
established a reputation among us as
first class teachers, ?nd the other mem
bers: of- the Jaculiy anTMfd t.t be
fully "up" In their several branches.
This Is ode'of the largest aiiil best (Son'
ducted educational institutions im the
North Pacific coast, and parents Can
do no tetter than to give their chil
dren, tha benefit of its teachings, i
TnE"Bt;CK EAn. Z. B. Mom has
otwnof a store at Pilgrim's Camp, on
pAme K!roi'lt,'in Sweet Home Valley,
ou tlM-Viafi leading from tills city to
01 hoi I and announce that ho will
II," ut Al'utiy pilcis. This will
1,0 a r I 1 r'i,,"' " t,f;" aU"'
A BltMI' AND "SlUA, M,.ff
TuoMilay, whlloft lpcomotiyrj'was. en-
gaged in tmciting up a iragnt car 111
Fdi. tt'r's mill, In this cltyjthe traiiigot
under such rapid heaUway, oil the
dojV n grade next to thenlll, as to ren
dar futllo (ho atieljiptB of the btake
mmVto cbecttl It, and consequently (he
box car struck the corner of the mill
at the end of tho track, with terrific
force, nearly turning; the oar Into the
mill-race and shivering its castings In.
to tit! sorts of pieces. The.Jbi'ce of the
flocIc shook the stalwarfold mlllfrora
turret to foundation, causing the in
mates to start for terra firma to escape
the, horrors of a- supposed earthquake,
Toe oar still stands there, almost a
complete wreck, and we .understand
the tonder of the locomotive was alsp
badly injured. 'V!i(' ' I
.ttoka OuT.-r-Let every friend o( re
form attend the Dohiocratlo prlmirles
to-morrow, no matter what his' past
affiliations have been. If he pledges
himself to support the nominee of! the
State Convention, (provided that nom
inee be placed noon a Reform platform)
he will find ready admittance to the
Democratic fold, Let every Democrat
come out and assist In sending pure,
Incorruptible and Intelligent delegates
to the 'Convent)tn,', ITever did our par
ty have a better prospect , of victory
than now, .provided a true and -able
champion of tho people's interests is
put forward, and a bold, aggressive,
patriotic platform of principles enun
ciated. ' Don't forgot that the Prima
ries Will be held at 3 o'clock to-morrow,
and don't fall to be present. ;
A-iDisgcsted CuB--rtPeters & Spei-
dei's 'blacksmith shop has a new cub
named George H -k, and he ,last
Tuesday had to keep up a Are over a
pyramid of 27 wagon Urea that had to
be. set. - The thermometer at Other pla
ces was only 99 degrees In the shade,
but where George had to . work, over
that fiery pyramid, it was about 990
degrees hotter than Fiddlers' Green.
George now says he only wants to live
long enough to get his diploma as a
boss workman, own a blacksmith shop
and have a cub. He thinks after he
works that cub over a wagon-tire fire
through one boated terra he Will con
sider himself even with this World and
will be willing to die. '
The ' Balloon ' Ascension.' The
Jacksoryille Sentinel says: "The bal
loon ascension that accompanies 'Wil
son's Circus is deserving of more than
ordinary mention. : It is far from being
a humbug, as we had supposed upon
readipg tl;e bills. , We confess our sur
prise when we saw a large canvas bal
loon ascend, with Prof. Lee in it, to
the height of a mile', and then float off
with the current' and gradually . de
scend. In the air it Is a beautiful sight,
and well worth the price for admission
into; the,' circus.'.' , The ascension will
positively take place in fills city on
next .Monday afternoon.. .
Api'REOiATED.4-The effort being
made by the managers of the Farmers'
Union Warehouse, at Bhedd, to plaoe
the grain trade on an Independent ba
sis so that parties wishing to purchase
will have an Inducement to bid; on
grain is meeting with a fair degree of
success, notwithstanding, the opposi
tion, open or covert, of a large portion
of their competitors in the trade, Far
mers, who appreciate, the proposed
change at its true vilue, and deslrd to
consult their cwn interests, should sus
tain with a liberal patronage this, ef;
fort to f(4yahce their Interests, j' -iJ 3
). :., ., 1 . ' 1 r -- 1 !,!(.,,
Will Push it ThRouoh. The Di
rectors of the' Albany .and Santlam
Canal Company held a nieetlng last
Tuesday and resolved to pushing work!
to completion as fast as possible. They
expect to have the Canal opened to
this city before the winter ralqs sotjii.
Our citizens should be truly grateful
for the pluck and enterprise' displayed
by this Company and assist In render
ing the Canul a paying cpncetn 'af,; as
early a day as possible. ; w nww
The .Whsat Market. The price of
wheat has steadily advanced since' our
last issue. Qur last quotations aro :12s
9d per oental in Liverpool ; $1.26 per
bushel In San Francisco, and 75 cents
in our Albany market. This is a much
better figure than was offered this time
last year, and the Indications are favor
able for a further advance.
Stolen and Recovered. A watch
was last Saturday stolen from . John
Circle, of this city. Suspecting who
the thief was, Mr. 0. called. upon blju
next day, when, by dint of threats of
legal punishment, he prevailed upon
the nimble-figured gent to fork over,
Mr. P. declines to prosecute the lar-
cenlous cuss.
Item. A team ran away In this city
last .Monday, and the wagon .maker
only had to fill three wheels, make a
new coupling-pole and hounds and put
In a tongue. Aside from this the dam
age is not worth mentioning. ,
Those Beauties, Col..'Peter "Soxe
has now , on . exhibition , at - jlfoiit
gomery's stable, In this city, a couple
of those supertj buns of Which' We
spoke in our paper lost week. - Don't
forget to go and see them. ca-O',7
At a ineotal meeting of tho Brownsville
Lodire. 1. O. O. T., Hunday. Anmnrt 8. 173, tho
following Preamble aad lieAoluUuu,. wfiB
unanimously aiofod i. 1 . . .
his mysterious provfHMie,-to retnovo from our
midst, by tho hand of D-iath, our beloved ma
ter, MltS, IOAHEI-JiA BBiKTS, lUld
T'TI krbah, Wi; deslril to Kfvo some tfxproiifllon
towhowwir sorrow at our loss, therefore, bo u
HKB0I.V80, That wo deeply dejilore the loss
of oar ststw, and satrty-intss hr irom our soci
ety. We loved her for her virtues, and feel that
wo have.iost-a sincere friend, and helpers but
though hefi iileusnnficomrtAiiionshlp J -lost to
us forever on earth, her Influence will live, and'
the sweet memory of hor vlrtiuis sliU-,e,vc b
whehkab, 11 tins oionsoo Aimicniy i,no, in
KfM,VKiv. -ffnas wniii wb endeavor eo now
In meek subm sslon to tho dceroc whleh. has
called her hence, wo deeply mourn her death.
yet not without hope t for we truly bcileva.Uwit
uoiiKh her life has closed on earth, her Uu-
-,lrlt dwenrth In tho "Anii-f:l lind
Rsr,i'V0 ,r,t.1t by this sad event we are adr
moulsiied nit w. ,ha" ""!!n.' . V1
labors, and If wb would .l-wra, isn an.vmiujj
for the cause In whlcn we am eS.'lstcO, we nun
,..i,,-. . -,.v the weseut.
'knmtCvua. .Tliat. we olfer to" Um lelaliM of
the d..-;-yi',T the syinmihlea wiiu Wi,..-". wr
hearu ar hti, auri trust, that Ho who "r.-'-peri-th
the wiinl to the shorn lamb." will (m
the little ones she has lell, ornulorttheahtl'-fced
latter and husband, and", and when
this life of death is o'er, will reunite- trfft Ihras
of love now severed on earth,
Kbwh.ved. That, these resolutions', be sprena
ujwtn the reeonls of tho Lodtre,
with motimlnir bonh, d that aeopy ot fliera
be sent to the Albany tinners for pulillrelmo,
and also to the faoiiij. Ll our lamt-nted touw
Iitabella Hassett. V &
4. U-H1T.BFRT.
J li. '1 il'i-IIWRC.
I , m. r. i- -ihh.
n'Kty lure v, v
' nr. 1
rsA Coratnit
A'Kt' Curr v. 8
lU'l hot.' ' " ' " ': ' ' " '
Sickness Increasing, j .
Too hot for scaiiilal. (
"Clrcu next Jonday. t-.n n nj.
Heat, sweat and dust.
No butter in market.
Hill's (roda Is. delicious.- f
Primaries to-morrow at S P. w.
JUarshal Cartwright Is going after the
dog'tjixir f (".-)'ffjf :
It's a boy, and Jno. Brlggs and wife
are Jubilant
.' Qoy. Graver and family have gdne
to the seashore.
Thanks for numerous soda favors
from Carothere'. I. -r ( "J
Bro. Du Bois engineers theSt. Charles
-in elegant style.
Wheat is rolling in. Hard, times
will soon hoover;
Dr., Geary looks remarkably , well
after his trip to the East, ,
Bauui has gone to 'Frisco for a
smashing big stock of goods. !
House flies have taken charge of af
fairs now, servant girl and all.
Albanians are how browslngon green
pears and Siberian crab, apples.
Nothing so nice as the Star Brevrery
lager rluring this Intense neatness.
It. N. Armstrong looks positively
obese since his return from rusticity.
Our County Fair comes 011 apace.
Get your iotas and your pretty babies
J. T. Gilmore and wife, of Center
Preclnctt have it this time a girl,
we mean. '
. Looney Bond and wife, of Waits
burg, are visiting friends in this
neighborhood, , -t- - . u 1 1
We last Tuesday received a pleasant
call from our esteemed friend, Rev. Jos.
Emery, of Cbrvallis.
Democratic Primary I'd Albanj" Pre
cinct will be held at the Court ; House,
at 3 p. M. to-morrow. , ,
Kuhn'e ""Jewholloper" stood 99 de
grees in the shade last Saturday and
132 degrees in the sun. a, t
Saxe's bulls, nowon exhibition at
Jlfontgomery's statue, 'ae a";1'a0
tlon to men of botnSBxes. 1 VC"'
L. Senders, Ij. Kline, .Ii. Fox," and
others of our merchants; goby next
steamer to 'Frisco for new goods.
There is very little "spooning" these
hot nights at least so folks say who
are most likely to know about it,' i
We observe that most of the returned
rustioators bring home specimens of
the burnt district on their noses. .
O. Pi Tompkins, of Harrisburg, has
just returned from a ramble up the
Columbia aud down to Clatsop Beach.
Let parents remember that Albany
Collegiate Institute reopens' on Sept.
1st, with an able and complete Fac
ulty: " " ' ;
; Paxton's plctufeSfare dally growing
in popularity. He uses all the modern
chemicals and appliances In his pro-
iession. 1 ' ... ; ., ., , .
It was not a son, but a daughter, that
was born to the wife of A. L. Brldgd
farmer, last week. Quite a difference,
to be sure! '. -.: .,,-,,;, ,:.,!A
Don't be diskouraged if your mus-
tash don't gro. It sometlmen happens
whare a mustasli duz the best nothing
else das so well.. ,
If any man attempts to prevent, you
from paying your subscription to this
paper, shoot him on the spot. He is
bought with British gold. ' .' i, "
Mr. Senders, of Junction, afforded us
a pleasant chat last Wednesday. Of
course he had to renew "his subscrlp-,
tlon to this rip-roaring shejefc V
Andy Carothers has returned, from
the itnonntains. ' Yon ought -to -' hear
sonie of his fish stories. Whew! 1J0
nab'i wbalo Wasn't a huckleberry
In anticipation of the aerial ascen
sion at tho -Circus next Aonday, the
song of the hoodlums 'is t!Un,, in a
baloonj-boys, up in a bal(hio)loon!"
We tender the ' gratitude." of an over
flowing heart nd ,a . fullstomach to
Wrn, jlcBride, Esq., for a sack, of the'
finest ''murphies" we hare seen- 'this
seasofi.. -.',.',. 1' vr.'- !V, : .-" ;-i" -T -j -. i-
An Albany yotmg mm. has come out
in a bran new salt, consisting ot a pa
per collar and a pair of Oxford-tie
shoes;1. ' He is the observed of .all .'ob
servers.; ,!'"'-: ,' '";,;;1 '', ;''',. .;'
.During this boiling weather, Caroth
ers & Co. are disposing" of about 1,000,
000,000,000 bottles of soda per day; be
sides 4,large' quantity of something a
little thicker than soda.
, Mrs) DejLavohtia E. tuper! announ
ces to the world, through this paper,
that she intends to run "business her
after dn her (wn book; in otlierworde,
paddle her own water draft.
' The wife of Mr. Henkle, iriirchant
of CGrvallis, died in that city yester
day, of measles," -Deceased "wtts for
merly Mm Fannie Kendall, a gradu
ate of Corvallls College In 1871, ; , " , ',
Columbia Conference of the M. ,E.
Church, South, begins at Brownsvlllb,
In this county, on September 3d.iBlsh
op Doggettv of Richmond,ys(.n will
arrive In this city in a few daysi
, Ell Carter is receiving and distribu
tes to subscribers those superb life
size pictures of the great Confederate
captairS, : Robert . E. ; Lee. ' Mealey
frames the pictures In elegant style.
';Our young friend,'; J: Hi' Brenner,'
was director of the grand musical eon
cert given at Portland in aid of the fire
sufforersi'; Prof. Brenner is fast becora
deservedly popular in the Metropolis.
The occupation of a "passel". of laisy
Indians who now infest our pity seems
to be about equally divided tjctween
playing bean poker lo pur alleys ttnd
reading the pictures on the new circus
bin.., , r,rr ;i ,'ATpTTO f n
I klwus did admire the malice 0 the
mule. If a freak ov fortune had made
me az miefortuiiate among ma az the
mule la amung animals; I would'Belrln
tew let drjve at .tljlngs a fae a
nun uil.
That suave atid'bewltchlng siren', Re
corder Hannon, has reveled copiously
during the past Ww Bt hls dally Wf
inecn with the obstreperous law break
ers, whom ho beguiles out of; muirt
filthy lucre.. ,, , -5
Itev. W. It. "Butclier, of this city,
and Xlcv. P. 8 Knight of Salem;, each
slow their maiden deer in the Cali
poola moCttains last week. They af
now for above ,.thd ' 'yailer-legged"
Chicken business. . , . . . .
Thu Broliiic crop ol clog-fclincl which
liiirrowii.over and interlaced itsuK
rmrosHf tho railroad switch In this city,
is said to have been the malif reason
why the brakemen could not; jrrevent
thr train from running lrto 'fester's
mill last Tuesday,
slipped along over the
greased lightning. ' -There
was a desire 01 tho pari ..
the teacher to make a scholar uiik'f -
stand what conscience Is. Bho
" What makes you feel bad after
have done wrong." "My pap," sid
the youth feelingly. Ij 1
It is rumored that another one of tie
pretty girls of Jefferson Is soon to le
coupled to a railroad man. Tho boyi
down there think these railroad goby
biers are becoming most too numer
ously miscellaneous,
Col. Baxe. at present soiournlng
, , , ,, , , , rt a
tills City, Is brother of John G. Saxe,
the Vermont poet and humorist. The
uoionei is also a very intelligent, unu
scholarly gentleman, besides being 0
Pemocrat oftlie true grit. H 1
Iu consequence of the fact that 'wo
are now fairly in the midst of Jthe
cucumber arid" green corn season1 we
would most earnestly urge everybody
toget vaccinated. The very air is Sug
gestive of cholera morbus.
'All persons who have possession, of
memorials to(1Cpngress for signatures
infijegard to th improvement of 'the
li'IIlamette river and tributaries, are
ifXHiested to forward tns same 10 a,
GoWsmith, Portland, Oregon..
jVn Arkansas editor i down on operl
behind or back door shirt He can't
see the utility in having his olothes
split up clear-to the poll of his caput)
besides having to stand with his back
to the mirror to button his shirt collar.
Our citizens-'1 talk ofglving Mm,
Mart. Taylor, a complimentary- benefit
at an early 'day. No slarly Is more
deserving' of favors at our hands, nor
is there one who would more thorough
ly and gratefully appreciate them.
By'all means let the benefit be tender
ed. " ,;?" f-r-:
Our friend E. tl. Head,-.the live edi
tor of the Behton Democrat, In com
pany with his wife, called upon us last
Wednesday. Mr. .Head Is one of the
best country newspaper editors In the
State, and we predict that he will make
the iemocrat""bile" during the Im
pending campaign. . '.
Col. Saxe has gone below to receive
20 head of extra fine merino bucks
which;: were expected to arrive at
Portland- yesterday by steamer. Ho
will bring n portion of them to this
oity. They areeut here by his sons
who are extensive stock dealers in
California, ee the adv. elsewhere.
Eelioiods. J3!der W. Stephen
son, of Portland, will preach In the
Court House, In this city, on to-morrow
(Saturdayevening, at 7 o'clock,.
and on Sabbath at 3 P. Ji.f. and at 7
P. M.
Wanted. Westlake
want the farmers of thisi vicinity to
know that 'they want to bfjy, or store
at their warehouse in this city,- 100,000
bushels of oats and barley . .
Pkesto, Chanoe! Ca. Teal has
removed his find blooded sheep from
Benton county to his farm near Har
risburg, in this county, 'i s H , ,
Grand diplomas off, honor have
been awarded to Americans at Vienna
namely, to-the United States Gov
ernment for display ol cotton rind
products, to the National Bureau of
Education, t(S the State of Massa
chusetts, to the'City of Boston, land
to the Smithsonian' 'Institute ;' at
Washington., 4T0 these four tfor
eToellenee in methods and nroL'ress
of education and schools.!
HARPER. In this cltv. on tho 17tb Inst., of
onolera lnrantum, UAKK01.1, u., only son 01 r.
c. and Aunla iiarper, aged u mpntns aau a aaya.
The strtokon parents have our warmest sym
pathy In their Irreparable loss. . f
A Wonder bt Modlcnl Helentje, " may
well be applied to pR. Wibtak'b Balsam op
Wild Cherry. 'It is nenrlv half a conturv
sinoe this remarkable remedy was introduoed
to the public, and yet the lmifledlate and envi
able repntatfon which It gained by Its wonder,
ful cures of coughs, colds, whoop tng-counh-soro
throat, influenza, consumption:, and all
bronchial complaint, is to this day, fully sus
tained. V''"
.A great many people have asked us of late,
'How do vn kefto your hnrse lof.klnit mo ilU
mni hIjsav t"V M e tell them It's the easiest
thinsr in th wrmd ; fflve ShftrJiran's Cavalry
Condition Powdew two or three Umes a week.
A srentleman In the Eastern' Dart of the State.
who was have his log amputated on
account of it being bent at light angles and
and stiff at the knee, heard of Johnson's Ano
dyne Liniment. After using it a short time Ills
leg oeeame straigntana is uuw as servioeauie
a8 the other. t,' ?
The Career ot a Great Remedy,
Twenty summers Have elapsed since it was
briefly announced that a neve vegetable tonic
and alterative, bearing the name of Hostctter's
Stomach Bitters, had been addc A to the list of
preventive and restorative medicines. The
modest advertisement which invited attention
to the preparation stated that it bad been used
with groat success In private practice as a cure
for dyspepsia, billions complaint! constipation
and Intermittent fever. It was soon discovered
that the article possessed extraordinary prop
erties. The people, of every class, tested Its
merits as a tonic, stimulant, corrective and ro-
storattve, and found'ihat Its effects more than
fulfilled their hopes. and expectations. From
that time to the present its course has been
upwwrd and onward? and it stands to-day at
the' head of all medicines of (ts olass, Ameri
can or Imported, in the magnitude of its sales
and it reputation as a safe, agreeable and no.
tent-Jpvigorant and restorative, For languor
and debility, lackjof nppetlte ftnd gastric dis
turbances so common during f the summer
moutbs It Is so absolutely iniaiiibio. indiges
tion, bullous disorders, constipation, nervous
ness jwrlod leal fevers, and all the ordinary
complaints generated by a vitiated and humid
Htmosiherc, vanish hnder Its renovating and
n-tculaJing influence Tills is its record,
avouched by vohitnef of intelligent tcatimoiiy,
exiendlng over a period of a tilth of a century,
and oornprehs'ndlng the names of thousands
of well known citizens belonging to vry
clam and calling- in Europe It le thought a
great thing to obtain ttie paironnge of royalty
for a "patent medicine," but HostrtteTa ItiUfrs
htwi been spontaneously approved by millions
of mdopendont sovereign , and Its patent Hn
sists in their endorsement. i
Folloffinir ar. tbo prices paid for wroduoo. and
th prises at wbicli othor articles are foiling in
this market:
WHEAT White, $ bushel 85.
OATS busbel, 371 ots. .
POTATOES- bushel, t .60; '
ONIONS bushel, $1 1 SO.
Fl.OUlt T 60.
BEANS White, lb, 45 ets,
DRIED FRUIT Apples, lb, It cents;
Pcachos, f lb, K,J eta.; Plums, $ D), 16o.j
Onrrents, m B,tlle.' (-.
BL'T'fEH f lb, fresh roll 12()!oc.
,U(lis ots. - a
:cHI0Kto'B Bdown. $S HO. ;
"B0(IAI1 OrusTiod, $ lb, 16 ets.i ' i.ianif, 'A
lb,llffiil:l ets.) Sun Vrciscu lturinol.
Tftl lb, 13J cts.
TEA younir Hy',n, lb, $ Jo , ,ir,a
f !, ?4c(5ji Oil i liiaok, s,H(mtl ill
COfFGi 2.125 oentl.
8 ALT ., oil.
BY UUP Heavy (lolden, W ko, l 40.
Es. Henvj Ooldon, gall.,tl KS.
DACOX limns, '1 lb, hr.U; fiidol, 8cU ;
Shonlilers, 7cts.
I, ARK In tins lb, 11 ots.; In kc, lOuts,
OIL leroo's rCernori, li jn"oh, 70 ets.,
y W MB, 9 fU.1 "0 I inie Uilrr: 'H
(all.. SI 2:; Liaseyil lil, bujlod, B Jl!.,
1 u,.
izain, 'e
ut the o. ,.!;,
and publicly ertK.
the year 1K7.I, am. AVV ,'
valuation, deserlpto.0t V. '
lots, or other property, , ..a
that they have been wron i- are Id ai.iwnr lit the liinu find place above
appointed. J.TJHDIU',
riolwl. Assessor. Linn County.
rmnm UNDKitaioNEn okfrrs for hai.b
M. one span of fine large mules, KIM hands
high. Also another fine span of 4-year-old
mi,., ir.u hn.i.Ia lilirh Altm one vouiur and
lnsiikciy 'horse, 1S! hands high. As 1 wnnt to
Ueave the country I will sell these animals
,,ean for cash, and wilt wait lor tho raonoy
j 'lalof tobc w.l.yantis.
1 1 ( happed Hands aud Fact,
lore Llpn, Drynras of the Skin,
". .. Ac, Ac,
Ciroil at onee by IlEOKMAN't' CAMPHOR
ltK WITH (iLYCEltlWK. It Keeps tne Bands
sot in all weather. See hot .Vou get HEIiE
M;jTS. Sold by all Druggists, only 25 oents.
Matufaotnred only by IIiiobuak A Co., Cheni
istssnd Uruggiits, New Vark. , lanl.V7)yl
rarted. Repairing prtiraptry and satisfac
torily dtno at shortest notice.
vSn39yl. .
7"Workwarrantod tnjrlve satlsfaction.Ta
t v8n35tf,
riDiiPniPTo f DflTUCPAPirQ
UI1UUUI0I0 nnu ni uuibuniiiku,
tlrucsand medicines fresh and pure." Prompt
attention given to country orders ana ;niysl
clnns' prescriptions. . Koda water fresh from
the Arctic rejrlons.
etore on muta street, opposite uonner s oaiia.
vsasstr... ., ,, B. 0. HILL & BON.
ComDADYi Lund . Denartmont. Portlaod.
Orocon. Aora fi. leZ.--NDUBa w liereby fiven.
that a vtgorons prosooution will to instittfted
agninst any nnd every person who troespassea
upon any Railrond Land, by cutting and re
moving timber therefrom before the same is
JWUttHT of the Uompany AiNU jfAii jfun.
All vacant Land m odd numuered sections.
whether (urTDyod or uiiflurreyed,nithin dis-
tenca ot tbirty miles irom tne line ot tne road
belong to tbu Company, ; j ; T ,
1. iv. Aiuuitfia,
v7n36tf. ', , Land Agent.
- , .1 -. !!.!. II,- - , --.
, ; J. M. METZLER,
flavinc moved his Shot, to Jefferson and avail
ed himself of tbe waror-power at that place, is
nJw prepared to furnish his eolubrated
in any quantity nnd in any shape.
pkr lie will still keep a large stock of chairs
at his old stand1, either ready fori use or in
pieces for shipment, W. D. Beldiug is bis
agent at this place, vvnoltf.
"', ARD
-' . AND ' .
Particular attention (riven to tho adjudication
Cn lcdl, rms mndn in fill Dnrts or the HtatP.
01Uco next door above the Bee-Hive btoro.
. vnau.
North Portland Precinct.
Bofereboe- by permission to the following
gentlemen ;
His Honor Philip WoBserman, Mayor of tbe
City of Portland; Hon. fcugoue beuiple; Ur. J.
A. Chnnmaa: Dr. J. C. Hawthorne; Dr. I. A
Davenport; i. B. Kosenbaum k 0o.! Knapp,
Burrotl & Co.; E. J. Jelfriesj Clarke,' Hender
son ft Cook) 8. Q.; E. Martin Co;
A. B. Riohardson t Co.; MiUara a vanionyver.
OfrTCWI Washingtan Street, ' otween
jriret and Second. , , . Tvnsiit,
601 Eeamcy Streot, cor., of Sacramento,
nP Btaira, ,7
l';has ntAarcisco 1 "
Hay Im pnvatnly and oonfldRntlnlly consulted,
either personally or by lotir, for the euro of
dlsf-nsMR of tho (Jcnurfttlvo OrKans, Nervous
Debility, (rUiiTinatorrliiea or Hcmlnal Wcak
noss, Hypbilts, Uonorrho'a, Htrlcture of tho
Urethra mid Uleet, or resulting from youthful
Indiscretion, or other pi t'disposlng causes,
IH. TilOMAH advc'ctiscs with the aIw of
lnformlh sulfcrers where they may consult a
skillful medical man who can give them proof
or having punned through such a course of pro
fessional Htiidliis and examinations as to enti
tle him tothu ful lent eon Ark1 nee,
8jmrmatorrhna orHemlnal Dnblllty. As of
ail diSHasos of the human system, this is tho
most, to bo guarded against; so, if once con
tracted, should Its treatment be most jwliclmiB,
The relatioimhlp, or nluMle deiwudency oxt
ing tMJtween the C'erebro Wpmul system of
nnrvf-a and the procroatlve organs is such as to
require on the part of the pbyHlylan an inti
mate knowleugo of Their anatomical and
physical structure, for when once tho laws of
nature have been violated, the beautiful bal
ance which naturally exists between the ner
vouh and muscular Byst'im is overthniwn, and
a vitiated condition of th mind anl body dls-
1lays Itself in an array of morbid symptoms,
iol,h nervous and pbyslcnl, irom M'hich the pa
tient can only hope to be permanently cured
by the scientific research of the true physiolo
gist, i ' '
Jjk. THOMAS stmngly advises those suffop
ing from the above diseases to place themsel ves
under his orofeKHlonalcare atonce. aiidn:..niiri
them that bis treatment la uniformly suochmn
fUl, and patients wlio have lost every hopo may
resort to him with tbe full assurance of a rapid
I)ft. THOMAH' Kuropean and Ctonial ope
rb'iice liaMiflxtended ovvr twenty-five years.
Ho studied at tho Westminster IInsn',al and
Ht, George Medical Hehool, London, and was
formerly surgeon to tho HoutU West London
Kxamlnatlons passed ifv Pf- Thomas. Mern-b'-ror
tho itoyui College of Hurgeons, JOngland,
Wi Moontlate of the itoyal tiollcge of J'hysi
elans, England, IHWi ; Licentiate In Midwifery
Koyai College of Kurgeons, England, 1NH;
Dftr of Medicine, University of Glesflen,
(Jennany; Gold Medalist, , ilcdicttl College,
Uloonifcbiirg, fxmdon, 1WH.
Ml. THOMAM may also bo confidentially
Consulted In dlweases incidental to females.
Patients unahleUi consult pi-rMonally, may do
so by WK stating symptoms, ago and sex.- km by letter, true.
Personal corisiiltiulon from 0 A, M. till 0 p. u.
Sundays Inetuslv.,
Cam-aof medicine forwarded so as to defy
obijervaUot., ut all rarls of tbw inierlor.
ieHiUnoolals from patients, the Medical pro
fes!or ami pntss.
i-lit(riat from the "Hebrew" newspaper, San
Franei8CM,.Iiilyi!r, 1H7.1i
"LJt.THOMAH.-The medical force of oMrcity
has r.i'fdvcd a very valiuibie addition by (,he re
lent arrival of Dr. Thoinaw, who, ait-'f a liiowt
sueci'ssl'iil career in Europe and tho P-ngiinh
Colonies, has concluded to make Han Frimejii.
co his perinunent hrjmc Dr. Tliomas' stlidtes
have been purNtied uri'li-r the first Kuroix-an
pbyNlclaiiH, Jufhiit bis proteHrtlonul eiireer ho
hit pasmd bis exanilrHiUfm. at I.iehliz'S eelo-
brtltd tjrilversity, GlesMen, 'iermany, as Doo-
wr fit Meoieliie, with the highest honors; alff.
of the H,val College of riiyideiiiris and Hur
jreorin, England ; wi" have een bis V'ivrTnity
IeKree aiMl OortifleaU's. A beaul'.rul Dlyionia
preiteiitwl to the lwv;tor by the Gnler of Free
Mar.otifihow that hi X-liliiable s'-rvlee-i uie
oeknowiedKed by sucii a venTitbio hotly In the
ab(,ve, noumd Order, 'i ho nflio of Uf. 'ni(fma
is tm-ateyl n( dyt Kenm-v Mrwr,, un fj.lrs, cn-
C .
?2 8
09 X
The new and we 11 -arranged warehouso of
wftli intOToycd efeanlnir anaraf us of amnio a-
pAeity, is now prepared to receive grain tor tho
HARVEST - OF i 1873,
Farmers wishing to
will find it to their advantage to wto me bofbre
soiling elsewhere. All will bo furrrit'd sacks
w fiiuvu ii(Bii jjruiu uy caning on mo. , 'j no
will b paid for boBt at all tlmea.. " .
an old citizen nf Alban v. of A'vrtoltf-nk fiiialnnH
qualiflcatlons, lias taken charge of the ware-
nouati anu win superinuma me receiving una
delivering of all grain passing through It.
Albatiy, July 38, M78.-nO0tf. . . , , . . ,
The Lrgoit Stock of rin Oandiai
eror Diongut td Albany! . ,
OOOda 111 OUr KhA Imnnrtn,! In np.ln. at mt.n.
est nnsslblft notion.
yTho;iIy n!oo In town trhpm A- ijtir.
oood nt.jAu can tio obtaliinu.
Call and aeu;
.1 ;.
DR. . w. v.axr,
coni.Tof First and Kvrry hbi-si.ts. (MlUso
r.ours from a U o'cjwk A. 3l uu.t Ifom 1 to 6
o'clock v. M.
Corner Fifth anil Ff rf j- streets.
, vIMMtfc . ; ' -
JSStsH,k",S wviluyl Ain-nts -wontfiil
All elawnei of workiutriwo-
ple, of either sex. jKiung or old, make more
money at, work lot iih in their nnnrw mt
or all the time, than at aiiythinn: M:t- i asiicu-
illg ubil-. fa-sUm-i
V K v i Portland,
9" A I
P rHFfV "5a ,- 1 1 n
tfKo. 619 Sacramento Streot, corj f;;
of J.eideFilorlt tttreut, (a few doursJ i f
below What Cheer House, f
1 private Entranco ou ' ' ,
liOidosdorffstreot, ' ;,t
. . ;Ban Francifleorf ,
E$iabtihed txprttttv ii afford th aJfliaUd aotmd
, and leitnrtjio meaicttt aid in the treafntnt
and cure o ait Prtvai and Chrowf ,,
ic DUeatet,cae of Seer-
, I :i cy and nil Sexual ; '
eKTthfluka to his numerous pat loots foi
their p- vronage, and would take this opportu
nity to vmlnd tliem that lie continues to coiw
suit at h Institute for the cure of chronic dls
eases of i he f.ungs, Ilver, Kidney's, Digestivo
aud Urinary Organs, and all prlvato, viz ; byphilts in all Its forms and sta
ge, Hetnliml Weakness, and all the horrid con
sequeuees of seif-abuso, Gonorrhoea, (ileet,
Htrictures, Nocturnal and Diurnal emissions.
Hernial Debility, Diseases of the Back and
LOIils, Inflammation of the Hlftdder and Kld
neysj etc., etc.. and he hopes that his long ex
perience and successful practice will continue
to insure htm a share of public patronage. By
the practice of many years in Europe and tha
United States, he is enabled to apply tho most
efficient and successful remedies against dis
eases of all kinds. 1 He cures without mersnry,
charges moderate, treats his patients in a eor
recfc and honorable Way, and has references of
unquestionable veracity from men of known
respectabiiity and high standing in society.
All parties consulting him by letter or other
wise, will receive tho best and gentlest treaty
ment, and implicit secrecy.
'! ! " ' To Tonittlcs''1"
When ft female is enervated", or afflicted with? -disease,
as weakness of the bade nnd limb,,
pain in the head, dimness of sight, lorn or
muscular power, palpitation of tho heart, irr-
Mllty, nervousness, extreme urinary difflcul
ties), derangement of digestive functions, gen
eral debility, vaginitis, all diseases 'of tht
womb, hysterlo, sterility', and all other dlse
sea peculiar to females ; she should go of wnto
atonce to the celebrated female doctor, Vi'. K,
Doheriy, at Ms Medical Institute and efnnl6
him about her troubles and disease. -The Doc- .
tor is effecting more cures than any other phyfc
iclan in the Htate of California, it no fals
dolicaey prevent you, but apply immediately
and saveyonrsplf from painful sufferings and
Sremature death. All Marrlod. Jjadtes whose
elieate health of other circumstances prevent
an increase in their families, should write or
call at Dr. W. K. poherty'fl Medical Instituie.
and they will reoeivo', every pwsihle reUof and
help, k-sV-I sm tt;i U;.t Ui.f
To Correspoudenis. ' 1
' Patients ipsirtlng,in iny part, of the country,.
however distant, who may desire the opinlen
and advlee of Ot. Donerty in their respecttvo
oases, and who think propeT to submit a writ
ten statement of such, in preference to holding;
a personal interview, are respectfully assured
that their communications will bo held most
sacred. The Doctor Is regular graduate and
may be consulted with every confidence. t
if tbe case bo fully and candidly describe?,,
personal communication will be unnecessary,
as instructions for diet, regimen, and the gen
eral ireax.mem.oi ine case (incniaing ine remo
dies), will be forwarded without delay, and in
such a manner as to convey no Idea of tho
purport, oi tnu lutier or puroei so transmnivea.
Should your condition requlro Immediate at
tention, send ten dollars in cbiii (orthnfc valuu
in currency) by mail, or Wefls Kartno A CoVa
Express, and a package of medicine will be
seht to your' address' with the necessary instruc
tions for use. Consultation bi' letter or other
wise, FiiEBr Permanent euro guaranteed or uo
pay. 1
Address, V. K. DOHKRTY, M. D
' rt n :-. f 'r: ;,; Man Francisco, CaU
u 1 Spermatorrhoea. . , r
Dr. ftoherty has lust published an important
pamphlet onjbodylnjr his own-views and expo
rienceti in relation to Impotence or Virility, be
ing a short treatise on Spermatorrhoea or 8em
inal Weakneaa, Nervous and Pliysloal Debility
ofiusequent on this atrectiou, and other disea
ses of the Sexual Organs. : . .
This little work contains information of tho
utmost value to nil, whether married or single,
and will bo sent KHKK bv mail on receipt ot
bix oems in postage sramps ior return postage.
Add res
w jv. uunuiivrx, m. it.. .
Han mnciseo, Cal.
" ' I CisAjr FltAN'ciecO.
JOHN. Ill K15I)IMaTON..i...i..i,...,...imf.rti.
CiliO. il. HOWAKU.. ..........Vluo
CHAK. R. blOKY Hocnturr.
N. K. KDDV MarLnu ttccwtHi-y.
II. H. UWKIJW ,...i,Clonorul AJaiiautr.
)). MAOLKAY, !
Albany ,
.1.....L,. r . til(lvl.JIi.
Lowiin..,1.......;....,.............J. LOWK.NUUUU
EM CAIITIJB, tucai Agent,
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Ariotti iamiary 1, 1&73, over -
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rifty honsnnd Dollars Deposited1 iit .
a oraw reaanror, in uonipn- k
nco with thoUwi of iho ' '
. Etato if Qtog'on '
l.oss.o " thirty Adjuhtcd a a't
J'' 1 kk-Oiiij)t!y Settled t V ' : .
J' -A: r.'WMEELCIfi,
l" :' :BO.'tf. AKAN. MaiutK .t-
ii. o. r.onnios.
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