The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 04, 1873, Image 2

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    lu democrat:
.JULY4, 1873.
G&axt wipes his dirty boots on
tbo beards of all proteslants against
the Credit mobilier bnbe and too snl
ary grab, by appointing John A.- Bing
ham minister to Japan. .
The Maine Standard considers But
ler the corning man in Massachusetts.
It adds:- lie didn't entrineer Grant's
salary scheme thrpugKCongrcss with
out a purpose and ho is going to have
his reward. -
Two 'of the Guerilla Mosby's offi
cers, have recently been appointed
postal mail clerks at a salary of $1,200.
Slosby is securing all the appoint
ments he deBires in Virginia, much to
tho disgust of the Republicans of
that Slate, s i
The Nashua Gazette finds a'simi
ilarity between the parties of 1830
and thoso ; of to day the 'Federal
patty being represented by the. Radi
cal party, and the Democratio parly
being identical with the Democratic
Republican party of ihe olden time.
The majoriiy of public sentiment
in Oregon is Republican and politi
cally Mr. Mitchell represents it. Reg
ister. .
Is that true? And to judge by the
Registers apology for his crimes one
tronld suppose that Mitchell also rep
resents the moral scutiment of the
Republicans of Oregon, s
Deughtfcl place is Danville, N.
H. People in search of felicity are
flocking there this summer. There is
not a lawyer, doctor, lightning-rod
man, sewing-machine agent nor hotel
clerk in tho place, whilo more than
lour hundred beautiful, long-haired,
l-osv-i-heeteil. bri?ht-eved maidens.
- . o w
with natural teeth and White dresses,
meander through the streets at even
tide, chewing gum aud smiling on the
few young men about.
It is true the exposures relative to
his early life will in a measure restrict
his influence, but it will not destroy
it. Register. ,
No, because the party there in pow
er is so far steeped in crime and has
been so constantly upheld and en
dorsed by, its constituents as to cease
longer to look npon these moral de
linquencies an a bar to public trust.
The town ot Northwood, N. II.,
advances its claim to superiority over
the Western country in the matter of
agricultural advantages on the ground
that its formers earned over $100,000
last year by shoe-making. And yet
it etrikes us that if a cobbler' without
custom at his own trade in Oregon
were to raise a profitable crop of
1... . 11 i.. t- .:c 1 -
gram lie uuuiu Miarceiv ue jusuueu iu
calling Oregon the best place in the
world for boot-makers. . .
We prefer him, with his influence,
backed by a noble determination to
strnggle in tho path of a pure life to
as far as possible atone for the sins of
bis early years, to the humiliation of
being represented in the United States
by a Democrat. Register.'- '
There is no danger of you being
represented in the U. S. Senate by a
Democrat. .Democrats doirt repre
sent men who apologize,- paliate and
endorse crimes such' as would make
the cheek of modesty blush to name.
"Dead-Heading", is becoming un
popular in the west. -The Farmers'
Convention of McHenry County, III.,
recently resolved that "we, being en
tirely opposed to . the system of free
passes in the hands of oar public offi
cers, do request the person elected to
the office of Circnii Judge. in" this
district, who may , hold such passes,
to return the same. And further,
that he will not accept or nse any
snch pass or other favors from rail
roads during his continuance in snch
office." . , ... . .,
!i ?
Democracy asd Radicalism.
The Democratic party reveres the
Constitution as the sole anchor of
popular liberty, and the. surest con
servator of ' public prosperity. The
Republican partyvon the other, hand,
ignores . the axioms established as
fundamental by the experience of the
past, and disposes ot all questions ac
cording to the. counsuls of ; its own
arbitrary will.; The moral ? ideas
which Were so loudly proclaimed' by
that organization are now openly re-
nnrfintpl- nnril liiKt. fur tifiu-or h-ia tutpn
4 ." T - I " '
the place of lore of principle. And
its moral professions have come to be
regarded as but the part of hypocraey,
since so many of its bright lights have
been detected in -ways that are dark
and tricks that are vain.. .-. ; ,
.Is" its defense of Mitchell, last
week, the Register saul : ; ' '''
"Politically he is right; and in the
promotion of the material interests of
Oregon in the Senate, his influence
will be worth more to the Slate than
any five Democrats it were possible
for Governor" Grovcr to appoint to
succeed him." . ' ' : ,.' ' .
This admission i n. sad nommpntarv
npon the degeneracy of modern states
manship. To say' that a man whois
guilty of nearly every crime in 'the
catalogue would havemore influence
in the councils of - the nation, because
he belongs to the majority party, than
fivf nnrn mpn who hamipn in fiiflfpr
1 , 7 r, r 7" .
politically with that majority, r is to
acknowledge that right and justice no
longer are recognized in those coun
cils," The'' Register either admits hi
this statement more .than it intended"
to, or its editor is lost to all sense of
partiscn shame. - : - ,
Since the development of the
Mitchell-Hippie scandal the Radical
papers oi the State hav( studiously
avoided its discussion, most of them
scarcely alluding to it; and the few
who did do so, approached the nasty
subject gingerly and cautiously, as
though fearful of being thought apol
ogists of Mitchell, and yet not daring
to outrage the party proprieties by
denouncing his disgraceful career,
The wiser journals, as the Bulletin,
knew the party could not afford to
champion, or even apologize for him;
and the "weaker-vessels"' ol Radical
journalism, taking their cue from that
paper, maintained an equally reticent
position upon the qnestiou.V But tho
well settled poetical axiom that "Fools
rush in 'where angels fear to tread,"
has another verification in the case of
tho Register of ' this city, which ap
peared last week with a most abject,
humiliating and disgraceful apology
for Mitchell's moral delinquencies.
This is the more astonishing when we
remember that tho editor olhe i?e$r-
ister is a minister of the gospel one
whose duty it is rather to -warn the
world against crime then to apologize
for it. ' "': ' ":. .
. That we may not bo accused of
misrepresenting tho Register, wo
qnote a portion ot its article, leaving
out only that part which speaks of
the papers that do not approve of
Mitchell's conduct as "newspaper as-
einains," "low-down cess-pool scaven
gers," and accompanying chaste and
christian like epithets. After exhaust
ing bis stock of billingsgate upon
Mitchell's denouncers, our eminently
pious neighbor thus disposes of the
case:" . - . ,
"And now let us ask, what has the
character of John H. Mitchell, of Ore-
iron, to do with the character of John
M. Hippie, or I'eniisyivaniaT-. ine mi
ter, with his forsaken wife; his report
ed lrief season of debituch witlt an
llicit companion: his changed name:
his great sins airainst the laws of God
ami society, 1 in the past! Years ago,
a besetting sin, a propensity which
baa clouded the private lives of many
of our public men, entailing untold
misery upon them aud their families,
caused him to yield the behests of his
better Judgement to the instincts of a
depraved passion, and he fell. (Sad
that it was mo. Hud that in the way of
sins one evil crowd upon another that
no power seems able to rescue. But in
the ersou of John II. Mitchell, of
Oregon we do not recognize these sins.
We see-a man of generous ..npuleHj
of warm frieHilsh.' jw; ot unimpeached
integrity. IKe see a courteous and
able lawyer; an ambitious and success
ful politician. AVe see a citizeu of
Oregon, who has, during a residence
of many years among her people, so
lived and acted in every relation as to
succeed in commanding their friend
ship and confidence. In the character
of John . Mitchell, as has been daily
wrought out among us in Oregon, the
people are not tlis-p-accd in the Senate !
of the United States."
4 Leaving out the fact of the clerical
character and profession of the writer
ot the foregoing paragraph, is it , not
astonishing that a man can so far for-1
get his dnty to his fellow citizens and
his pride for his State as to utter such
heinous sentiments? .We cannot be
lieve that onr neighbor reflects the
true ; sentiments of bis heart in
these outrageous nlterances, and we
are equally persuaded that the virln-
ons, enlightened, moral portion of his
party, as well as of his church, cannot
endorse his apology for 60 black a
catalogue of crimes.
True as our neighbor says olher
men have erred, other men have
been guilty of crime, other men
have fallen victims to their own
I usts. But does that palliate' the
enormity of John ; Hippie Mitchell's
crimes? Because the world is full of
crime is that a reason why we of Ore
gon shonld elevate to trust and honor
the chiefest of criminals? If the per
petrator of those grave offenses of
which Senator Mitchell has; ' been
gnilty is to go unpunished yea, even
lionized by his blind followers, are
we not offering a premium for crime?
Mitchell the debauchee, the seducer,
the adulterer and the bigamist fin
thoUnited States Senate is presumed
to reflect the moral standard of his
constituency, especially so if that con
stituency, not only apologize for his
crimes but honor those crimes in re
taining him in office. ,,, t; . , ;
. . Can the people of Oregon afford to
bo thus misrepresented in the person
and character of John H.' Mitchell?
Can they afford to endorse his crimes
by retaining him jn the distinguished
position which he now occupies? Can
the .Methodist ' Church of Oregon
of' which our Reverend neighbor, is
an ordained mouth-piece afford . to
uphold .this man Mitchell in bis great
offenses against Christianity, and thus
place itself upon the record as the
defender of those crimes which the
Bible so plainly interdicts? .Can jtho
Republican party of Oregon ' afford to
hold up the, hands of this moral leper
and parade him to the world as an
embodiment of the virlne,, the purity
and the : moral excellencies of ; that
party? Dare they go before the peo
ple next year and . ask them for an
endorsement of John Hippie Mitchell
and his infamous career? The rett
cence of "the , wiser journal's of the
party indicates' that they cannot,. af
ford to stand by ; Mitchell, while the
Register with less judgements if not
less self-respecf gi'es - proof that at
least a class of partisans will ' contin
ue to honor him, no matter how black
his crltnei."''; 'i..W; ':'rV
" The Republican', party is tlie party
of progress. Oregonian. - , H
- Most aseuredly t -The Credit Mo
bilier thieving, theback salary steal,
the election of a bnll-pup ' President,
and the thousand and ne other equal-"
ly " progressive acts of t ha - party
sufficiently prove tbia assertion of
the Oregonian. ; . !:., ssjz. . . -; ; .,t
" A terrible explosion of nitro-glycer-ine
occurod at Virginia City, Nevada,
last Monday, whereby vten persons
are knqwn to have been . killed , and
several Others bruised and wounded.
Great damage was douf o buildings!
Six can r of the .iittro-glycerine ., ex
ploded without any apparent 'cause,
and their cqocussion exploded 150
pounds of giant powder. The fol
lowing buildings were shattered and
partly thrown to the ground: Bank
of California and the buildings to the
rear of it; Kennyo Mallon'a
grocery store; .Douglass Tbuilding,
used in the upper part as a lodging
bouse; Daley s saloon; and Armory
Hall. 'The number of persons now
known to be killed is ten, n among
whom is Major General., Jacob; L
Van Bokkelen, J, , P. . Smith, , hard
ware merchant; ,Wm. Davis, clerk
with J. P. Smith; Ben. Mandell, dry
goods merchant: Charles 'H. Knox.
oi aan l-rancisco; Jobn JUevineMrs.
Emily O'Connor, formerly, of the
International Hotel in this city ; Mrs.
Ed. Deane and daughter, eight years
olBge,,of Uold Hill.- -
is stated that tho estate of the late
Chief Justice Chase is not worth more
than $200,000, probably a good deal
less. ' He was worth fully that amount
when he took charge of the Treasury
Department under Mr. Lincoln, and in
this day of official greed, it is worthy
of note that,' although' during the
Organization of national banks and the
issuing of millions ot greenbacks, he
could have easily secured for him
self the largest personal fortune in the
United States, he nevertheless, retired
from thn Cabinet no richer than when
he entered it. But a reputation so
nnsnllied is of more value " co his
family and his country than all the
greenbacks and bonds issued under
his direction, and all the gold in Cali
fornia. There are few reputations
like it in the public service, and mores
the pity. . ,.',;'
Wars of ma Beasts or Pret.
The Radical party is most naturally
much troubled by the discord that
takes place in its own ranks in the
wrangling over spoils which are ac
quired by fraud and outrage. ' Noth
ing could be more natural. The sor
did motives of the carpet-baggers and
the scalawags who marshal the ne
groes in their war for pillage and
booty inevitably fill their minds with
violent and lawks dispositions.
Like beasts of prey, 'when they have
by a combined attack run down their
prey, they immediately fall to fight
ing over it with a ferocity more keen
than that of their attack npon tho i
game. In Every Southern State this
bitter family war has burst out with
violence proportioned to tho strength
of the parties and the amount of booty
to be shared anion;; them."
Here is General Grant's speech at
Galena 111., in full: "Although it is
probable that I never will live among
yon, but in the future be only a Visi
tor, as I am at present, yet I hope to
spend some days with yon 'every year
and remain longer than I - have been
able this lime, and I expect to casj
my vote here always. I repeat my
thanks for this cordial reception.'
Disrespectful newspapers in the West
are inquiring whether there is any
provision of the Constitution which
gives the President, more 'lhan vany
other man, the right to vote where he
doesn't live. When a man gets car
ried away with his own eloquence it
is unjust to hold him, to the 'literal
meaning of his words. t ; ,
TaeIndianapolis Journal says . the
Democratic candidate or Mayor in
that city was chosen at the recent
election because not less- than 600
Pepublicans voted for him. It gives
many reasons for this defection, and
sums np ' with this piece ofadvice:
"Objectionable men must not be put
forward, however competent,, unless
defeat is desired," which means' that
the efficacy of the party whip Has de
parted, and (hat the old lines cannot
be kept from wavering eveu in the
home of Senator Morton. ..-All ot
which is very gratifying. u ,
The following notice is of interest
to whom it may concern : . 1 r.
: Office State 8jpr. Fern. iwsTnircTioif.'l ,.
- i - " JU2IE28, 1878.
Thettrnt regular Sehil-Annual Boanfon or th
fttate Board of Examination will be held at
Hitlem at the office ot the HnixrintendPiit of
Public Instruct inn . on the 7th day of July,
lS7;i, beglnlriK at W o'clock A. M. Candldutc
lor l.H Iipkmas, Htate Diploma and btnte
Cnrtiflcatus, wilt then be cxamiod in . the
tudiea heretofore agreed urjou and announced
by Ihe Ktato iioard. - ' - . - -i
Applicant muot report to the State Superin
tendent promptly at the hour named.
An thin will tie the only Btnte Examination
held this year, all teacher who are deftlrou of
observing State Certificate of any grade will
do weil to avail themselves of this opportunity
of doing so. .
, , v ; 8YCC. SIMPSON,
, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. '
Ben Holladay and hi Private Secretary took
their departure by the teamer E. H. Cook for
Clatsop, last eveuinK-Portland paper, y j j ,
Jfow this is jvery'f inportant news.
How could we get along if we were not
informed of so , important an event?
If Ben Hofladay and his private secre
tary should ; go'-' to Clatsop and the
Portland dailies should fail to inform
us of the fact it would be regarded as &
public calamity," ' ' ; :v,r" -
. Brown has the faculty of uslnjr a little to as
pood an advantage as any one we know of
Register, , ( - T- - : :i
It would be a relief to thf few readers
of the Register if its editor, even pos-:
sessed that single faculty. j, , '"
An old woman in Maine crossed
over a bridge, that was marked "dans
gerons'', without seeing the signV . Cff
bemrf informed,. of the fact on the
other side she turned about in great
alarm and., re crossed it.' .1 '-.
" ' pacific coASJTEna.
All over Oregon: "Independence
- 'Cspt.v Jack Is said to Love $800 ? in
a Yreka bank.
' The Walla Walla peach crop has
been frosted out. ,
The State University edilloo is
looming skyward.
- Gov. Orover will deliver the ora
tion at Portland to-day.
The Corvallis and Yaquina lJay
wngon road is finished.
, Rev. W. R. Stewart .Tjill make the
eagle screech at Salem to day.
; Utah is to have a prodigiolin grain
crop.- The wife crop is also forward.
Croquet and accompanying' silver-
plated garters are the rage at Eu
gene. '. "
i The Gazelle of last week contains a
glowing account of a '. cock fight r in
Corvallia.' ;! "'" ' ,:" ' -r T'!
' D. Lower, a merchant of Portland,
died in that city, of small-pox last
Saturday. !. , . .
There is Dot o woman in the Oregon
Penitentiary and yet Mrs. Duniway
clamors for a larger "spero" for tbem !
. A Port Townsend cat scratched a
box of matches. The London &
Globe Insurance Company lose $20,-
ooo. . , V '
: The 'Frisco sewers are all to be
flushed. Now if our readers know
what "flushed" means tbey are even
wiser than we. ,
.The Dalles last week sent two stu
dents to the State Penitentiary one
for a four years' and the other for 1 a
two years' term. '
At the Jefferson celebration to-day
Mart. V. Brown is Orator, C. B.
Roland Reader of Declaration, and
Jesse Parrish Marshal.
An oak tree at Forest Grove was
shivered, by lightning hrst week. -
Many houses escaped injury by being
too faraway for tbe tre to fall upon.
-Miss Minnie Lock wood, of San
Francisco,, couldn't finish herself
with poison because a meddlesome
doctor planted a stomach pump ' into
her mouth. . : '
' A couple of Walla Walla "shiireree-
ers' carried off a lot of pigeon shot
in their legs and the newly wedded
couple were'nt bothered any more
that night. ,
George Mulligan, of Livne coun
ty, now at Oclioco, writes discourag-
ingly about t!ie new mines, . and ad
vises bis friends not to be in a hurry
about starting.'
California is cultivating fisb. It
has made such au outrageous failure
in tbe Chinese business tbt it ought
to quit trying to improve any other
sort of species!
, A Dutchman named Greener was
greener'n anybody at Virginia, Ne
vada. He stepped off of a running
train, and will have to be supplied
with two wooden legs. , '
The editor of the Salt Lake Trib
une says be beard a young girl .say to
a companion recently:. "My opinion
is, that a Mormon is a little better
than a Gentile if anvthing."
A sensitive San Francisco belle
habitually carries a whalebone switch
to whale beauin' young' gentlemen,
and they say it only heightens the
previous switcbery of her manner.
Rev. Mr. Eaton,' a Congregational
preacher of the Dalles, has caused a
flutter in the religious . world by
preaching sermon in favor of danc
ing and other healthy ammosements.
, Defiance, a California horse, is the
fastest pacer in the world, having
. 1 ' a. -V .1.1 ... 11. . it n
maoe at vatiana me otner uay . ine
remarkable time of a mile in 2 :1G,
beating Dan. Torbees, a New York
horse. ,';."'" ..' ,' '." . ,'; ,'
The ''Pioneers'' of ; Portland last
Saturday went to Salem to play the
College Base Ball Club of tbe latter
place. ' The "Pioneers" returned to
the metropolis next day without any
laurels to speak of. : . r ;
. ' That veteran patriot Gen.' Joseph
Lane, orates at Myrtle Creek, Doug
las county, to-day. To hear him
would be almost like standing face to
face with the sages of the nation who
have' long since fallen asleep. - ;
A Dalles husband . was , last week
made happy, after-, the .birth of . a
child,1 bjr bis wife saying to him:
"Remember, now, dear, you' are a
father." He said he thought 'so be
fore, but that chincbed tb6 matter.
. An animal known as the Fa ton ay ;
or Armadillo, has 'been discovered
near-Yancpuver. : It will answer for
our national bird ; after, to-day the
eagle won't be fit for anything but - a
barn-yard fowl to slosh around home
with. ; ; : '' I tC;; : ' '
I Marsh French of the -Dalles bos
just returned from the Ochoco mines
and says that none of the '-miners
have yet got their claims opened for
washing and that the min8 may be
good or t hey mayi not, j no one ican
tell yet. : ..; .;.;7"'..i--.'-ij.7 v,'A:;--
Two young lads were, ' caught last
week at the Dalles, on their 'way '".to
on Indian ranch with several, bottles
of i whiskey t. in their pocketsr sup-:
posed to: beJ for 'pobr Lo." The
whiskey was canficated and the' boys
were'spanked." "yllu V; ,',r ;.
7 1 A Portland gentleman of color be
came ",too 'intimate i with 1 a ; sable
brother's wife;" and he now carries " a
bullet in his cheek, while the out
raged husband lies in jail to answer
at court for defending the . honor,,. of
his household;1) ! fi'-H v i ji-a v;
Te pallesjboasts
actuevement of .baving the champion
"cussing boy" of ' the coast. ' If it
were not ' that we despise the' en-
couragemant of profanity we .would
pus inat uoy aner some of our de
linquent patrons." - ' , 1
, The borse of Dr. Jessup, of Salem,
last week won .fame by overturning
the buggy and dumping his precious
load in tbe middle of the ."street.
The cargo consisted of Dr. and Mrs,
Jessup and and Mrs. W. W. Martin,
all of whom were more . or less
injured. ?
Isaao Ilenshaw, of Polk, who tried
to freeze to death Jastwinter.butcame
back home with only his feet frozen.
has at last succeeded in making ' way
with himself. He last week threw
himself into a creek near bis home
and was drowned. '"' He was doubt
less crazy, , .
Frank Powers, of Springfield, last
week sheared 800 head of half-breed
cotswold sheep, the whole lot averag
ing over 8J pounds per' head.; Fif
teen averaged 12 pounds a piece;
thirty one averaged 11 pounds; forty
six averaged 10 pounds: .sixty-seven,
'0 pounds. : . , j..- '' -
A California man lost a valuable
sheep by a prowling bear eating it,
and to get even on the bear lie spread
some strychnine about the place. He
has not since heard of tho bear, but
bis grief at the death of a favorite
dog who a(o the poison, is almost
greater than he can bear. .
A Colusa (Cal.) Sun prepared an
obituary for a man who was reported
dead, but before tbe paper appeared
the reported dead man heard , of it
and walked into tbe sanctum armed
with a revolver and black snake whip,
and asked that the article bo left out.
The editor cheerfully complied with
the modest request.
Eleven of the worst Modocs, in
cluding Captain Jack, are .securely
ironed and confined in a blockhooe,
while the others are kept in barracks
enclosed by pickets 23 feet high. A
strong guard is kept op, night and
day. Tbe commission is not yet or
ganized; cause too much red tape.
No fault, however, of Gen. Davis.
Washington ' county school chil
dren have refreshing amusements. A
few days ago a she bear and a cub
made their appearance on the , play-;
ground of a school boose, about four!
miles from Cornelius. The boys of
tbe school turned out and, aided by i
the teacher, succeeded in capturing
and killing the cub and running tbe
old bear off.
An execrable Idaho editor ' tbos
(danders an Oregon minister: "Near
tbo close of the day of a camp-meet
ing in Oregon, a short time ago, tbe
local preacher said, alludiog to tbe
moeting to be held next day: 'I
hope all the congregation will be
here by 10 o'clock, for precisely at
that boor we will pass to the creek,
wbere I shall baptise four adults and
six adultresses,"' , '
The Salem folks are trying to im
prove on that Goddess of Justice, by
adorning her buxom person with a
paper cap, a set of hoop skirts and a
mammoth cock , baby. ' . The baby
seemed to be a natural sequence to
ber known ''high up" condition, but
tbe taper cap and hoop skirts were
considered wholly unnatural to one
who evidently ought to be in bed for
at least a few days y et. , , t - -
The thunder last week, at Forest
Grove, ' created " qnite' a sensation
Tbe Independent says the cocduct of
some of the Oregon raised boys who
bad never beard thunder before was
truly amusing One urchin about
twelve years old,' was out fisbin
when tbe storm began.' He hurried
homej but was dead certain that, the
thunder: was in every house be pass
ed, and several times ran away from
them.' ; ":;
A Sacramento editor received an
invitation to a fashonable party,
having on his bottom of the card the
customary R. S. V. P." (Heipondez
s'il voua plait.) He sent back bis
card with the initials, D. , S. C; C,4
chuckling to himself, "I an not edu
cated, but when it comes to tone, I
am there." . The recipient of bis
note was horrified to learn that the
initials of regret, : translated, . were,
"D d sorry can't come."
- A pastor not a thousand miles
from Coos County, recently, in dis
coursing to his ; hearers: upon the
subject of Jonah and the whale, por
trayed in ' bold ;' imagery the ' whole
scene. V He said: "I , seem to see
Jonah passing along the road to
Nineveh; I seem to see him entering
the ticket office, buy his ticket " and
pay for it; I seem to see llim ' walk
Upon the vessel; I seem to see them
lift their anchor and the stately ship
move grandly; out -upon the' broad
Atlantic.' ! : ; ' 5 -. - V; : n' U : ?. ' V'.;
; A Portland pea coptain, who ' has
been absent from home: some :, eight
years, arrived the other day.? Call
ing upon' a7 "lady friend Booh after bis
arrival he was paiued. to see what he
supposed .to be the ". result of sotne
terrible in jury to the ''.spine!,.,, He'del
icately. questioned her upon the sub
ject, but she-was apparently at a loss
to comprehend his meaning. Final
ly, after muehf conversing ' at cross
purposes, the lady' discovered ; that
the old salt seriously supposed her
panier to be a tumor ; or some un
sightly excrescence, caused ' by dis
ease of the spine. - ,' ;k'"f
. ,'!: - nv,y'-jr 'ri . '
The LadieV . Sewing", -.'Society ' of
WhitefieIdt N.' .H.bas : bought five
sares of land, for a .cemetry, ,so that
when' any, pbor girl breaks her baek
over a sewing-machine at fifty cents a
day she may be sure of burial at cor
responding rate-" v, ; "
The Great Eastern arrived, at
Heart's Content with tbo. new cable
on the 27th. ; " : ': ifi '
Eight deaths are reportedi at Kash-
on the 25th, at Nashville, of which
li were white persons.
Wagoner, the Isle of Shoals mur
derer, and two others have escaped
from Alfred Jail, Maine.
News has been received of the un
conditional surrender of the Khan, of
Khivato the Russians, rjj 7
Hiram Powers, the American sculp
tor, died on the 28th, at Florence,
after a lingering illness. u
The New Hampshire, Honso has
passed resolutions censuring the last
Congress for the back-pay steal.
' Some progress has been mado by
the English Government toward the
paymeut of the Geneva arbitration
award. ':i-t'.-"- '.-"' v;
Lewis Wagoner, the Isle of Shoals
murderer, was arrested by a farmer in
Farmingion, New , Hampshire, last
Saturday. ' ' -,
. Albert II. Smith was. executed on
tho 27 th for the murder of Charles H.
Sackett, at Westfield,, Massachusetts,
in November last. , ,i; . :
A dispatch from the Great Eas
tern, ' says: , "We hope - to be at
Heart's content on Saturday. Up to
Wednesday noon, 1,533 nautical
miles were paid out. ; -
According to the Tribune advices
IJiitf'.T will bo nomiuoled for the
SlaMsachuselts Governorship, through
tho aid of the Administration and
party machinery.
Italian citizens have petitioned the
President aud Governor Dix for laws
to put down tho infamous truflio in
children at present carried on between
Italy and this country.
Th Courl instructed tho jury in
the WoodhuII case, that the papers
complained of were not obsceiio with
in the Act of J8J. 1 hey Recording-
Jy returned a verdict of not guilty.
A Bermuda letter in the Express,
says a family named Know'eH. con
itio of father, mother and two
daughters, were murdered in llauiil
ton, June 10th. and tbe hoiMe robbed
of all its valuables.
At Salem. Indiana, a mob of mask
ed men broke into the jail, shot and
wounded a prisoner named Ilenron,
confined there for murder, and then
took him out and hanged him to the
railroad bridge, near town. '
In the Criminal Court, at Baltimore,
James Wet (colored) has bten con
victed of the murder of Anna Gibson:
and Levin llinr (colored) has been
convicted of rape on a while girl.
Both were sentenced to be hanged.
Jesse R. Grant, father of the Presi
dent, died of general debility, at his
residence in Covington, Kentucky, ou
the 2Sih. The President, though ex
pected in a special train, had not ar
rived at the lime of bin death, which
had been hourly expected for several
A violent thunder , storm, Sunday
night, flooded the exhibition ground,
at Vk'iina, ami did much injury. The
American department ami German
gallery were badly damaged. The
roof on the Chicago Restaurant was
driven in and the building and con
tents ruined.
A Washington special says that the
Mexican Border Communion have
lodged their final report with the State
Department. Four hundred cases
have been examined, ajrregating itri
amount only elevem millions of dol
lars, and . not fifty millions, as has been
Lieutenant-Colonel Carter, with
tbe Northern Pacific surveying expe
dition,' reporta a second attack by
Sioux, June 19th, on Beaver Dam
Creek, - with a loss 'of one scout
wounded. The Siorx loss was two
killed, and it is stated that several
were carried off wounded. 1 -
A vasnington special says it is
staled that the Secretary of War,
under tbe advice of the Attorney
General, has decided to commence a
suit against General O. O. ' Howard
for a certain amount' of money for
which he failed to account as Com
missioner of tbe Freedmen's Bureau.'
Tbe defence in the Walworth case,
which is now progressing, is that the
prisoner did not fire until bis father
placed his hand to bis breast, as if to
draw a pistol, which bis son knew be
always carried, . and' which be bad
reason to suppose he would fire in
consequence of his numerous threats.
The Boechcr-Bowen . scandal . is to
be investigated. F. We6t has . made
specific charges against Bowen, and
the , lalter's expulsion- is called for.
The reporters have been denied a
copy .of '.the, charges. . They are un
derstood to re(er to utterances made
lv Bowen at the house , of Victoria
Voodhull.'.., ; ., . .j ;
It is said that a company of Amer
icans has been organized, who propose
to purchase from the Government of
Mexico, two or three of the Mexican
States, with a view to developing
their mineral resources. The States
alleged to be held in v view : by these
parties, is Chihuahua, Sonora and
Tamaulipas. -";:;. u ?V- v. J
; Charles-Baker, aged. 14,' was shot
dead Sunday afternoon,' at thoreni
dence of Henry Schellhans,' No. 40,
Leadenhall streot, Baltimore. Schell
haas and his ' son George, aged -14,
were arrested. . The two boys had
been playing, and it is probable that
Baker was accidontly shot.; A piRtol
was found in the cellar of the -house.
5A strange mystery, involving the
alleged disappearance of eighteen help
less children who had been committ
ed as infant paupers V to public insti
tutions on Black well'j Island, is being
investigated by the Commissioners of
Charities. The little' creatures, it is
said, were farmed out to h lady, and
she seems to be unable to tell' wheth
er they ire living or dead. ?
. A Washington dispatch of thu 2Cth
instant gives the following as, the re
port, of the wheat crop:. - Winter
wheat is mostly harvested,. ,' Of 758
counties from which reports have
been received, . 202, are about the
average;' 168 average, and 381 below
the.' average, - Of , 300 v counting
Spring.wheat are above the average;
115 . average,' and 68 , below the
average. . The average of ; Winter
wheat is somewhat increased, though
many fields have been". Winter-killed
and plowed up for Spring wheat and
other crops. " The average of Spring
ville from cholera ou ine pstn, ; ana
fourteen at Cincinnati. , j4t-j
""There were 25 deaths from cholera:
wheat is yery largely increased, and
especially in the Northwest it is un
usually prbn) ti ng, f h e ind icatio n s
of- the erop of; ,le73.are considered at
leas'; equal tpjthogeof June, 1872,
wheti tbeiDeparkneht estimated the
prcmpectite crop at 2'2Q ,000,000 bush
fls. ' Subnequently the condition of
growing raised the ffrss estimate of
the year. Tbe annual report of 1873
is notyetpnblished.bnt the aggregate
is 219,907,020 bushels. With equal
ly favorable conditions the yield this
year may bo safely set down at 230,
tOO.OUO bushels. Insect ravages,
however,: rtre teported In Spring
wheat) indicating a serious loss in
some localities. - . ;
The President's proclamation has
been prepared to be Ssiiiicd on the lit
ot July, announcing the going into
enept on'that day of Articles' 18th
and 25th, incliwive. of the Treat y of
Washington, the necessary legislation
having been adopted on the, part of
the Imperial Parliament of Great
Britain, tho Legislatures of Prince
Edward's lslHiid and- of Canada on
one sine, anu uy lite congress oi tue
United States on ihe other. t ,
otrong shocks ot earthquake were
felt in Northern Italy at 5 o'clock
Sunday morning. The motion was
severe in Venice and Verona, and
caused a panic. There were several
accidents in moe cities, tiui no
serious damage was done to persons
or property; ' At , other u points the
shocks were more .violent' and the
efl'ect disastrous. A difpatch from
Trcviso reports that at' Felleto, near
"Jonegliaiio, a church wan destroyed
by the eanhquaVe , and , thi.iy-eight
persons killed. In four villages near
Victoria fourteen persons were' killed
and injured. Great damage was nl
done in the town of Belluno, on the
River Piva, fifty " miles north 1
Venice. , . . .'
- The Irih papers contain particu
lars of a terrible rict at the- fire in
Dub. in on the uiht of the 7ib of
June. Within an hour after the fire
commenced, from 20,0-0 to 30,0U
people bad asnembled in the nei.
borb'jod, wbone object teemt-d to be
the plunder of Iioukch. Soon after
the arrival of the fire engines, the
principal water-pipe burs", when tLe
mob tore the boe from the bvdntn'J
which they xiimshed. Captain Iagn.-
bum then bad the street torn up andl
a street engine put in, which wor. ed i
in waste water from the main. The
fire spread and the police wre po-
er e t- maintain order. The ut h
tore off tbe roof of the hous of tie I
Mahouey, a wjne uiercliHUf . auu
pillaged it, carrying wine cases to
the roof wbere tLey drank bo much
that some of theiu rolled off. Tbe
police were stcned, and some of
them diHitbled. Several priests who
tried to check disordi r, were beiitu
aud the win. lows of their chapes
smashed. Four companies of in
fantry with drajoom wtie culled out,
aud at length restored order. TLrte
firemen aiitl Btveral Holdiers were
disabled, The m jb threw brick an'd '
stones from houses upon the ko! f
diem, and fought them ith blud-;
geouM. loi tv-hevau rio er were iu
jured, ruanv of theia berioualy.
A Kansas City mother lately flogged
a young man for marrying her daugh
ter. The lady admirers of Pere Hya
ciuthe have - presented him with a
silver chalice. '
A Princerton, III., girl actually
diel of grief been ue her new spring
hat fell into the river and was ruined.
Mies Maltie McClellan Brown is on
her way to England as the accredited
representative of the Good Templars
of Ohio.
An affectionate father, at Peoria
had his nine-year -old boy arresed
for stealing ten cent's worth of to
bacco from him. -
The 13th of September is named
as the t'nie when the Brittish Gov
ernment will pay the Geneva award
of $15,50J,000.
Tbe man who puts on bis linen
coat and 'finds one hundred dollars
left in a pocket last year is bein
passed around.
"My lad," 6aid a lady to a bov.
carryiug newspapers, "are you the
mail boy?" :'You doesn't think I'ze
a female boy; duz ye!" ""' a "
A convict in the Maine State Pris
on gives as a reason why Executive
clemency should be exercised in bis
behalf, the fact that he is a Repub
lican.. - - ? ' - v ,
A Missouri lover called his girl a
Mo. duck, in response to w hich mis
understood compliment the lass lilted
a handful of hair from the top : ot his
head a modified scalping operation.
j- A Jriiuadeipnia mantuamaker im
prudently announces that sho makes
her dresses .fireproof, not realizing
that her customers wish toilettes to
a tt ract ' rather than to I repel j their
flames. . ; ', ' ' " ' , '
1 undersipned, Admistratrlx of the estate oi
W'm. L. Kendall, deceased, has filed with the
Clerk of the County Court of Linn County, in
the State ol Oregon, her. nnal account lor aet
tlement, and that the Hon. K. X, landv, Judee
of siild Court, on the 2odday of June, 1873, made
an order appointing - . . . . , v . t
Monday, the ,4th day ojrAugustrJStS,
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of that day. at the
Court Hous) in the city .of Albany, In said
county lor the hearlnu of objections to such
final account and th settlement tbervof.
8. A. Johns, Att'yTw
1 - y i .... ' ' j - r .
,-: s...- -i-DCJttER iJf - '
The Larg-ett Stock or Fine Candies
' ever brought to Albany!
Goods In our line Imported to order at short
est noeslblo notice. . i
BOThe only place in town- where a rea!
good cif) cau be obtained. -Call and see. -
vsuastf . ... . . '--
.-: : . -NOTICE.
was levied on sill th$ Capital Stock of- the
Compa iy, on June 21, 1878, payable JuJy 1st,
1S73. lrompt payment is required. - ,
' ; . i , . G. W. VKRNOKT,-
4wX . l-resldent.
young men who d''ii;n attending the Com
rnreial llollfgo (iurirxr thP omlnft wimmer,
full or winter, for lull particulars, Jlr(ss, at
one?, lw.AwH.Mirrr oatman,
n lTjinn. ltcal Ktate Agents, Fprtlnndi
Popular Distribution 6
w .A- rr c u e
f V
Hew York & Eerlia Watch Association!
On n nytctii thufr will lnnnru to tvrry tickot-hiMt-t
a Oola or Silver Watch, worth not-itm
than IU, urof any value up to J at uni
furin price of -. . .,-..,
($10) TEN DOLLARS, ($10)
to ck! th" Ulvf"' IWZfTM worth, nacrlflced
at a iractkMD oi th'-lr coxt to fn-i-t advances
mado on thf-m, Thl not bf-lng pift enters
nris5 or imiU-ry, th r ore no blank, but every
ticket drawn an eleianfr watch of one" of tho
following movetnrit at a coot of only $10:
lio1d and Hdvf hronometer. Implex, Hjm
Winding, Ir-tachel Ievir, Vertical ana liort
sontal Watch'-.
-1 -MfM Ut draw arty of tho above nt on m
celfitof 't Cbsth. A tleicet describing each
watch Is ilaced In ft sealed envelope On re
ceipt of '2a cr-M mv Is Indlseriminatr.-ly drawri
from the whole, which are well mixed. Vou
will know th valui; of the watch your ticket
demand heforn paying for It. The watch
named will i" delivered to the ticket-bolder oi
payment of $19.
Prist" ar! i mined lately sent to .any address1'
by exprexo or by mnll.
"A marvellous ehrne and fair dealing: cer
tain." Tirne.) "An honorable and satisfac
tory drawinsr." Ae;vete.I "A thoroughly re
iwA eon.-em." f(oricr.i 1 "No gilt enter'
firivt humtm;." (Il'-rald.J ...
We ar ; p"rinlttfd to rler to th following
wno nav drawn ioabl watelv-s for $M
Miss Ada l:at, OulWrord, tt'rt cold watch.
Amos linnton. ViMtm, I1t wateji. "Wm.
irimmond, tt. ruis, o gold Watch. lr.
M. Janson, Mllwatiki", i gold watch. Emily
Gordon, ICiehmond, IIJ cold watch,
Klv tickts will b" forwarded for $1.00; 11 for
tZ: for S-l; l fort". -. IV) for $15. Circulars
will BiwiintmTiy the tk-ket. - To wry purchas
er or l' tkrket w w lil s-nd a Handsome Hil ver
iluntinc ( a W'afeii which no bo nsel as
sK-im'-n, and wiill'-nd lo a lare and proflta
bli liusines. 'hir nstrons can depend on fair
A"uins. 'Ihr ; are tut blanks, every ticket
drawinsr a wnl Ji.
Arnu wanted, to whom wi offer liberal In
ductnetiw and ronr;intJ-e tlfaeton.
Addr-ss, KOOn, t CfK,
li JOiiX i. SI par I low J,ew i ork. i
Beware cf Counterfeits I
JOB r30SESV82I155f?i
Arm oaWir(cif MJMi I tU. MM(llimUi
nlmr lotUlhs nauu to make grtmUr eaU.
2Z?m"lnLl' "
pmrJmg, AU vKtrt arm uUtieat iwxuuumm - To
utmvixt PJj u ajiUiini la th on of atf them
ennttitm is Kt)E. Tutw moAmt tUmnLTrm '
od ear il npptowua of tbo ihdm whooesMod
f.ZTfZLtJlY"11 ArtTQ- to tbo Bock
aad i Umb, Viugw on statht eiortwn, Fhl-jtUXta
eoroirtiea II oUwr tsoscs bMolstiod. andaJUxxvti "
orr pooorf ol, oootais i..r aonlil to tuo -AelirsioeoasutcUoii..
Circular ia Kw.nh Oormsa aa4 Trench, arcsnot
2 bt. cirt. (nil diioeuno sad 6-rxL
If Jor dnoat casaot soppir too nrwoaSi mot
bo pomixlod to oceopt aor cnnoicrfoM or bora . '
tKlo botaond On U-AUr to toe nio prnorieToc. J Ik
of oxpronoeico ot rntaeh ran wiU MllbrtteMd?
aco. wd o b.tilo of tbo 0KsrrxK Paio ooeareiraa4
tSef pociod in pUa trtMpm 01 bo ooat hf nram
rwro (,i-ob, f yi.rii. rruM, BKRxcKms. Son
Tmw Hoamwbh, lnma:i.-t Kxxatbuki,
cinasT Ounsoitrrwrn axo Uma bmum. jnxrrl
novo aoUMo of medieino, and any eiuid will toko . -
IBon. ThMm.ri. h.u . . i . . l .L . - -
bad Oon p). T(uw-ii; neo in hundreds,
os. Ak for B kTAJV'8 FCLM ON f p W ruSS. ;
m a tm wi n't r l v VTm BtAIdi I I III IM
I-rnior-d bj. J. GARAXflKEE. "'
ho 111 Rao Lombard. Pani - J
ThM pfFl art. mrhlr rocommndol brtlia oatfre
Medical VaenStrof rnr aa tbo very Vtat rraody
Weak bsrtoo: Iteponia m tbe Crue: Nomas Itmt
from Abas and Socrot Babiu. -Thmf cmwaosTail
ether romo4iaa fad. mad ' ' tn itr 1 1 Titth ian oiioh
tia miot br too lowtiiw rrooch FbrocHos donaf
tbo U rean. ParopSlet of Ad two la each boz.
or wiU bo amt tree toast addmos. friee SI per
VOX. boot br mail, mmrrly tmit frvw. all
C-SCAB i. 1IU.SKS. U'uoarrutxDx bIArr VoasJ
gJUJjecetaiAcsatfar Amenrfc -V
..... w ;..t A. I ban y.
oa7j 1.
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