' C5f. ra .. .. .. t FRIDAY .AriilL 2o, 1873. SOXtEBODV ALWAYS IlfclKPOXSIBLH. Contemplating the liorror9 of. the Atlantic" steamship ami other disas ter which are almost daily occurring, el b which human life is being sac ri6ced in appalling numbers, the thought of personal responsibility for these Accidents naturally recurs to tbo thinking' public. That each and every person is responsible for some thing, of greater or less extent, there in probably no question. This fact should be tirmly impressed upon the mind of every person who has to do with the lives or welfare of the travel ling public Upon every railroad en gineer, conductor, or train man; every steamship or steamboat captain, sub ordinate officer, or deck hand ; even the Jehu who swings his coach-and-four around the village corner, there rests a.-responsiMity, measured in ex tent by the positions they occupy. Yet. how. very few of either ot the above named, generally speaking, ro stlize tho extent of the trust resting upon them. By long usage and fre quent contact with scenes of danger they are liable to become hardened to them, and thus much of the finer sense is blunted. Of course there are ex ceptions to this, but in . the1 general sense, there is loo much of the "devil a care"' spirit among men. THE CIVIL. SERVICE FIZZLE. The man Grant who is running the President's office for the benefit of himself ami his relations, has created huge, though tardy, disgust in the minds of the more decent Radicals by his recent Federal appointments. The Christian Ci(,Beecher's paper, is moved to discourse thus : The friends of civil service reform are not a little discouraged in view of some of the President's recent nomina tions. It looks as if the rules, so care lully and elaborately framed by the civil service commission, were like ly to be swept away as so many chips by the swelling tide of political and party influence. The renomination of Casey, the President's brother-in-law, as collector of the port of New Or leans, alter "the exposures made by a congressional committee of his very objectionable conduct in Louisiana affairs, was a nauseous pill for the Senate to swallow. lVkn iKn n, . nA T press throughout the country declared I Grant's professions of civil service re form to be mere clap-trap and hum bug, designed to gull the unwary, the administration organs steadily denied the soft impeachment and classed it among ''the slanders of the campaign." y ow, the swindle has become so pal pable that Beecher has to acknowledge it, and Curtis tenders, his resignation I in disgust and despair. THE dispatches tell us thnt last I Sunday nightin Plymonth Chorch. j Brookl-n, "Ilenry Ward Beecher in voked the Father of all mankind to remember in mercy the ' children of the torcst,' whose pent-up wrongs had driven them to bloodshed and diabol ical murder." It is just such canting hypocrites as this Beecher, with bis sanctimonious bawls about the "pent-! wrongs" of the "children of the forest," that has fostered and encour aged the vaciiiiating and cowardly Peace policy which has murdered our settlers, and is depopulating our fron tier. The Government ought to muz zle these Beecher sentimentalists at least until Generals Crook and Gillem ! cet through with their little Indian! christianizing business. Sisce tho assassination of the Peace Commission. President Grant makes a show of virtuous indignation and says the " Modocs must be exter minated !n And yet while the stark bodies of those fifteen murdered set tlers were weltering in their clotted gore, and their mourning wives and crying babes were Seeing from their burning homes, the President and his officials were abjectly suing for peace at the hands of these red-handed mur derers. We doubt if Grant's very tardy assumption of indignation will satisfy the friends of those murdered settlers whose lives were not thought of sufficient importance to ven stir the Government to the simplest act of justice upon their mnrderers. . . The dispatches tell us that a lot of canting sentimentalists in the East are besieging President Grant with peti tions, praying ' him to adhere to bis criminal Peace. . Policy and treat the jioor Lo"s with the broadest ' philan tlirophy. In the light of recent un fortunate -.-events it might, be , welj.to fiend a few of those sanctimonious lea'jc howlers as Peace Commission ers to the Modocs. If any of them hou!d succeed in' getting away with a full head ot hair they might revolu tionize public sentiment in the East on the Indian question. Miss WiLKIXSOX, of Connecticut, lias secured a judgment of $25,000 Against Erick Pomeroy, for breach of promise. The next thing will be for her to get the money from the impe cunious Brick. . - Eastekx religious fanatics are still trying to . get God in , the Constitu tion. It seeras t eg tliev oucht to be satisfied .with having already got the Devil iu that once revered instru ment - v , (r i i- Tn- . iv. :i... i . .1. .juu ii.w iiwii5 tn cnaiauicr vi . ieuanui, oy caiuj-r mm a urema lure Cugressinsn. . fak?1e;w and vn.E& toade. High freights and low prices for produce, have brought farmers to tho necessity of considering their situa tion, and this consideration has result ed in many cases in revealing to fur mers some truths which they ought to have known and profilted by long ago. In Illinois especially, where the far mers seem to be more thoroughly aroused, they have found out that high tariffs are not couducive to far mers' interests, and realizing' this fact they pass at their farmers' meeting snch resolutions as the following, which was adopted, rtmong others equally sensible and significant, at a farmers' . moeting ; held at Ponliac, Livingston county, Illinois, ou the 27th ultimo: Jlcsolved, That wlulo tho sufferings among the farmers of Illinois and the west, from the want of cheap transpor tation, are palpable and alarming, and the freight upon corn to the sea coast is greater than its price at market, and while wo are anxiously looking to any and all of the proposed methods of relief, we believe that our interests and , those of tho whole country re quire absolute free trade in all the materials which are used in the con struction of radroads, engines, cars and steamships, and that all laws pro hibiting ns from buying in the cheap est, and selliug in the dearest markets, should be at once repealed. 1 In this resolution the farmers go to the bottom of the evil which produces the existing state cf things. Kail road companies have a good excuse to charge high freights when they can point out to farmers and others the fact that they are not allowed to pur chase a piece of rail, nor a spike to keep rails in place, without paying a heavy duty besides the original or first cost of these railroad necessaries; and when they can point to their lo comotives and cars, and show that every atom of material of which they are made is subject to a heavy impost duty. It is true enough that this ought not to, and does not account for all the extortion put upon the pub lic by railroad companies, but it is used as a pretext, and a good one it is, for most if not all of it. This pre text ought to be done away with, and railroad material and supplies of everv kind allowed to come into the couu- j trv, if not absolutely duty free, at !, . , , , i j least at such a low duty as to be no j serious impediiueut to the purchase of ; such material 111 the cheapest market, j To this end should every effort of far- iiiei?, mutt iuu.tii uiiu t;uiivi;ti en , uci. , . t . .i .t ' J i ftir tho enlrntice bv llio ea-'er tliroti". directed. Nothing much short of j l,ut the Washington and Ktuinl-i I ore he would carve up K. B. Need free trade will put the farmers of the ; Guards, asistcd by the l'olice, speedi-1 ham and Xeedhaui finished him with west in a position to belter their con-' ly checkl the ruh. and the vast mul-1 t,js s10t gun. .i !.. ........... .i r! dilion. Not oalv free trade in rail- f """, P"? S- -"" , . , , ,. , - fin and viewed tor tho last time the road material and supply, but free f mortaj rctna5Ml )t lhc oM sollk.rt who trade iu ship building material, is nec-; -joy !! wari..r taking hir-:. . . . ! With hi manial cloa anaind lilm." essary to secure cheap transportations j . , , , , ' , . ., i A circle of neatly ami most bpauti- oflheprductsofthewestandespecial.y!fil.,v arr.wQil Loquets of fragrant of the Pacific Coas', to the consumer s . flower., in the center of which was the market. ! letter "C,,r was placed upon his lileless j breast, and on either Hide of the cof- the coAsvusiup to a?iot. fin hiirf? a wrcith of beautiful flowers. The' telegraph announces tho fact j 1 lhak il is sa!e 10 "X that five thon ..,,, , , , Ssaml persons passed 111 and out of the .1-..- T T II 1 - e T-.l 1 i in China the position that bis Honor, Judge Denny, declined to accept. At first we were disposed to regard this announcement as little less than a practical joke on Denny for having refused to accept the same, but upon enquiry we learned that the rumor is too true to make a jest of. And while we are charitably disposed to wards all aspiring young men, we con- fess lhat thl9 appointment pleases us liule too much, for surely it is about the cheekiest thing that has come under our observation for a long time. Henderson is said to have fallen off a fence when young and sus tained mental injuries from which be has never fully recovered, hence we are constrained to say that the mate rial for Evoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary must be exceedingly scarce in tho Grant party, for surely the newly fledged Consul is a star of very dim magnitude. The appointment of Judge Denny gave the position some dignity, which how ever vanishes into air like an April cloud, by substituting the name of Henderson. TELKGKAPH1C COUKSPO.NDEXCEE. On April ISth, Gov. Grovcr re ceived from the manging editor of the New York World, the following dis patch: - New Vokk, April IS, Wft. Gov. OnOVEa-'Witl you KCfaUy oblige us and our Eastern friends by indicating Immedi ately to-day, in a brief telegram, the feeling of Oregon in regard to Modoc assatgination, and the policy prescribed by your judgment toward hostile Indians. JACOli H. Ml'lLIBON, Managing Editor of tho "World." ; To which tho Governor made the following reply : 'L PobtlAkd, Oregon, April 18, 1873. To the Xew York "World f The feeling of Oregon in regard to the Modoc assassination is mat or the deepest sorrow and of intense thirst for swift retribution. The cold blooded murder of eighteen of our citizen, caused us to expect this tragedy. There is not a hostile Modoc who Is not guilty of murder un provoked. Those who survive the impending battle, should bo apprehended and delivered for civil trial and punishment, fchort of this, will enU.:l lurthcr massacres. . I. F. G ROVER. Ox the Right Tback. The Far mers' State Convention 'of Illinois, re cently held in Springfield, Illinois, passed a resolution of censure upon President Grant for not yetoing the great Congressional and Presidential Balary steal. , . .; Farmers' Cluba that are now or- anized, or may be orcranized br the pecond Tuesday in June next, are - j earnestly requested to foward to J. H. Brown, the Secretary of the State i convention at Salem nama nt i,,u I , .A-UJLt, f-. '. . , . , .. . J- county in wdicu it is organized nam - , ufc ixacrc: f 1JL11T. - 1 ner or c nh : nn,i i..- ' . . , .1 r. 1 1 1 1. 1 J s.iAf. ...... .... 0 1 ,1... . V- tnas o. xienuerson, h i ortiau.., ; j., jur;Kg llw (jlv At 4 oV,0cb lhe (son of Rev. J. II. D. Henderson, Ex-iCoHin was pl:iccl hi tho hf.imv and 31. C. from this State) has been ap- j wa taken to ICast Portland, followed pointed Consul to the Port of Amor,! " a large concourse t-f citizens, and OVrt PORTLAND LETTISH. ' POKTEi.VXl), Or., April 1C, '73. Editor Democrat: ' , Although , our ' local papers have published a detailed account of the funeral ceremonies of tho lamented Gen. Canby, I however, have con cluded to furnish n few thoughts con cerning the sad and and long-to-be-remembered event, believing r that your numerous readers will appreci ate the same. The remains of the martyred Veteran reached Portland on the lSlh inst., at 4 o'clock A. M., in a tolerable state of preservation. The corps was at once placed in a inctalio cofliu which was prepared for the oc casion, and wan conveyed to his late residence, where none but the imme diate friends of the deceased and tho clergy of tho city wero in attendance. The Rev, Mr. Izer, Pastor of tho Methodist Episcopal Church, of this city, conducted the funeral services in his usual abto manner. The extrcmo debility, however, of tho bereaved and stricken widow of Gen. Canby, whom it is thought cannot long survive the terrible shock, caused Mr. Izer to dis patch the services as speedily as pos sible. At about 12 o'clock the funer al cortege moved slowly from tho residence to Armory Hall, led on tho right and up even with the hearse by His Kxcellency. Gov. (trover, closely followed by Judge Dcady, .ludge Upton, Judge Denny, 15en. Ilolladay, Henry Failing, and the ministry of the city. Quite a number of the army officers from Fort Vancouver, follow eil immediately in the rear of tho hearse.- A few minutes after 12 o'clock the procession arrived at Ar mory Hall, where had collected a very large number of anxious specta tors, eager and intent ou ' getting a farewell glimpse of the manly form of the fallen hero. J. II. Lappuus, Chief ol Police, assisted by LapUins Uran non and Wiley, placed a goodly num ber of the Police force near the hall to disperse the crowd, which by this time reached a thousand in number. The side walk beinn cleared and or der restored, the pall bearers, conM.st ing of two Washington and two Emmet Guards respectively, bore the coffin to the center of the hall and placed it on a suitable platform, where the body lay in state until -1 o'clock 1. M. Armory Hull was draped in mourning. Over the entrance of the door hung the Stars and Stripes at half mast. That proud old flflsr.lhat he ":,( T, riu l, Tl i 1 victory, but whose folds he had ijazcd nj)on ,or lhe jast tsni0 ncver lo InCt KvemcJ go grand as upon that occa- had so oltcn led to liatllo and to won. . When the doors of the II.i'l were opened a simultaneous rush was tn.-ulo , I'v.o-'.... ..... ..v 1139 ti;ii;i:ii ill i l'iiu .iiiil, it. aniiib the arrival of Col. Hawkins, brother-in-law of (en. Canby, wlm, I am in formed, - intends taking the remains Bust lor final interment. I hid an interview' with an intimate friend ot Gen. Cailby, and who was one of the first to arrive at the scene of the terrible massacre. He informed me that the General was couscous that their fato was sealed for at least ten minutes prior to the killing, for Riddle's wife (the Indian interpreter,) plead with Opt. Jack for some min utes to desist from his murderous de- signs, but all to no avail, for when the the signal, Snd true to his treacherous and savage instincts, deliberately fired and instnntlv killed one whose whole life had been spent iu the service of his country, fue gentleman express ed a wish that the correspondence be tween Gen. Canby and the authorities at Washington would be published to the world, for in that event, the Gen eral's skirts wonid be cleared from having any faith or sympathy in the miserable farce known as the Peace Commission; but Gen. Canby was a soldier, bred to tho profession of arms, and like a true soldier ho marched out to meet his death in obe dience to the command of his superi ors at Washington, who should be held to answer before the law for be ing accessory to the murder of the Comissioncrs. The Peace Commis sion was born of jealous', and we have seen its fruits, Thcro would have been as much consistency in al lowing tJ5 Magrouder murderers in I'Tl.lO ierntOrV .fhO eiiviimstlnnoe , J - VMVUUn,MIVl.H of which I presume are familiar to most of your readersr to havo gone unpunished, as to have purchased peaco with tne treacherous Jnodocs. Ignorance cannot be attributed , to President Grant for the suicidal pol icy, for he had lived and cohabited with the Indians on this coast long enough and knew enough of their sneaking, cowardly, treacherous pro clivities to have warranted him in recognizing even for one moment, any peace policy. About the only excuse that can bo offered for Grant in pur suing this course is the fear that he might havo entertained lhat .some of his numerous half-breed children might be sacrificed in the attempt to conquer a peace. But the dread tragedy is ended, and Capt'Jack has doubtless sealed his own fate. I am crediby informed that Judge jjenny nas declined to accept the consulship to China, and all with whom I have conversed concerning the Judge's intentions to remain in Portland expresseil themselves highly ueiigniea. mo Judges nne social qualities, his gentlemanly bearing, and strict integrity, have won hira a host ot mends here m Portland. ' Tiroes continue hard, and business dull, but it is hoped that when ' the "larraers ot jast Portland gather, in their "craps," that times will liven up. Sonjojfl it bet - IJefpectfulIv, ' . PACIFIC COASTERS. " J udge Thayer is recovering. ' Epizooty raging in California. Jacksonville: open well dead cow. Mrs. Duniway is jawing tho Aeto rians. Strawberries in 'Frisco market. Islph! J. J. Murphy hangs at Stockton to-day. ' Jesse Grant, son of the President, is in 'Frisco. The Roseburg lime beats tho Cali fornia article Over 1,200 horses are sick in 'Frisco with the "epizootics." Safembusinessmenkeep themselves awake by running foot races. Many soldiers deserted before the recent light in tho lava beds. Shaguasty Jim was the Modoc killed in place of Scar-Faced Charley. The two-tailed calf is now in Baker county and is owned by John Stowart. Gen. Crook killed over 200 Apaches during his lust campaign in Arizona. A Coos county man is minus a nose, and Dr. Perry, who bit it off, is iu jail. f A Polk couutyite last week paid $20 for converting dear meat into venison. It is now positively known, that Meachant killed Schonchin at the niaxsacre. A Nevada man has boon arrested for living in criminal intimacy with bis own niece. Silk culture in California is under a cloud, the worms Laving struck for higher wages. Gen. Joseph Lane was among the visitors at Gen. Canby's bier at Ro.so burg last week. J. G. Mcserve has turned up miss ing at Portland, and lots of duped creditors aro cussing. The President left St. Louis yester day, with a party of friends, on a visit to Idaho Springs, Colorado. A prostitute named Kate Hess shot Harry Huberts in a bouso of illfame at Nevada, Cal., last Sunday. Gen. Crook has cooked tho gooso i of the ApachoB iu Arizona and tho ; Indian war there is xquelched. T" T If... 1....... .1 T 1 ! j. o. iicnueraou, vi i uruauu, nan ; been appointed Consul to Amoy, China, vux O.X. Donny. rcsi-ncd. . .. . . Horses aro doxvn with tho epizootic in the Modoc country, and it in diffi- cult to sct courier news "from that point. John LudwigofShellburn, Xevada, ped his wife tea dollars worth lat , oriMi ' s . bis nose for five days. , , Pitching quoits and foot-raciog are said to be tho means by which Eu-, gene merchants and clerks now secure their highest earthly bliss. Ambrosio Cerreano last Friday assasssnatetl too wiuow ol uon lialeal ' Garcia, at San Rafeal, Cal. No causo j known for tho 3Iodocy act. iue iiiiiuuiw x orbs 1 recinct Fanners club is formed, with It. B. Cochran, President: F. M. Wilkena. IHL. i e ' 1 1 .1- t.-. t- " il, Sec'y; F. J. Vaughn, Treai. Hillsboro baa bad a recent elope ment sensation, and the enraged par-j ent of the girl pledges himself td "make it hot" for somebody. Tho franchise of tho Fugeno and Ilumbolt wagon road has been sold to a California Company for $250,000. Pretty dear sheep trail, tbat. Luther King, of Benton county, won't run away with another "sweet sixtcener" for a year, because Bill Watkins takes charge of bim for tbat time. C. C. Stiles, of Clark County, W. T., has a cow that gives 34 pounda cf milk at a milking, and she doesn't put her calf out to a wet nurse to do it, either. A Nevada man undertook to split a log with a powder blast. Ilia friends buried all of the pieces of bis body wbicb could be found in that Territory. "Sweftt Alice" and "Bon Bolt" are tbo poetical names of two tug boats on the Columbia river. Sweet Alice shows a clean pair of heels to Ben in every race. The Warm Spring Indians wer the star fighters against the Modocs, and got away with five scalps. Scar- Faced Charley and Sconchin surren dered tbeir "bar." G. W. Sleeper, the Sheriff of Coos county, i3 accused of being a default er to the amount of twenty-one hun dred dollars, and he is now in jail in default of bail. A Montana editor jerks bis latin dictionary on a brother quill and de nounces him as a quid pro quo. . The other returns the shot by calling bim E Pluribun d d liar!.. B. T. Miller, late Associate Justice of Idaho, died at Silver City on the 11th inst., of apoplexy. He was forty-five years of age and leaves a wife and two children. They have bard-headed miners up in Montana. An Indian fired at one a few days ago and the bullet lodged kerslap in bis head and tho man ' fell to the ground. Of course the Indian thought he bad killed bim and ekee daddled: but in a -half minute .the miner was sitting : quietly on bis bunkers, scratching his head with A German at "Virginia City lant . vVnn also indicted for perjurr, and in ! ""' BWulurc, en-defeated, but j - stv-r.' week run out of money and tbougbt . n0w in durance vile awaiting hit trial. l''r0 ns 1,0 "J l,ftfi .S" S"" I y'T-rii HKZ he could find more credit IU the next ThinTS look li litms for tht Ul.l . -' , - , ' , inom y at w..r tor la th- ir ir.- moments. ,, ... . , t iUin0S IOOK U.itOUS lor UJal i.aiJ.1. p)n.0. fi) bnrncadca Wt-rtv Btori.ied oral! tn- Urn-. Ilun at anviliiiilfia. Irticu- WOl'lJ. 1 LStOl. A ..:i :.. ... i:. .1 ! , . 1 - . :i,r. -r-.- A..,.n-uli.l-lil,s.i:..; I'.,. l'..r:h.rii a nun. w nun j'l-iiiiih;; in mw .-.iii j nuti tne i:tgren i:iv-n into tue j ' ----- -- - . lil. Keuuedy, of Portland, whip-' Francisco courts, in which Helen C. rCourt-i otisf, nnd the asHai'aiits, be-; tbo bullet fired at him by the Indian, which he picked from hi skull as flat as a smooth shilling. The frontiersman remarked: "Wal that rod devil split his bullet anyhow." An amorous Portland youth tried to ravish a young and buxom girl, but she put such a lively head on him that ho was compelled to haul off for repairs at a doctor shop. "Ohmyl" And then to think of a Bozeman young lady fainting, sim ply because a little dog was tearing up a few Heralds, North-Wests and Couriers just behind her. "My yoke is easy and my burden is light," as a Harrisburg youth said when his girl was sitting on his lap with her arms around his neck. He wos a patieut young ox, anyhow. The President directs that General Canby's remains be transported to Indianapolis, at public expense. Major Hawkins has been ordered from Detroit to Portland to escort them. Fellows who want to receive gush ing letters from their Los Angeles sweetnesses will now have to sond them good lickable postage stamps, as the Los Angeles postmaster has been out of that commodity for weeks pltst. Portland society in hightonod. "W-h-y, y-o-u o l d s -a-r-d-i-n e! Is that you?" is the way one fuir one saluted another ou the street recently, and the angel in bustles and high heels meekly and poetically respond ed, "You bet!" t Markham, last week convicted of arson nt Lafayette, tried to kill . him self in jail with a jack knife last Sun day. One or two digs in the ribs with it persuaded hi in that the pro cess was too painful for Sunday amusement, and he let up. Mrs. Wilkins, of Stockton, went into court and swore that her daugh ter committed adultery with G. Ben nett, and her daughter makes it a standoff by swearing that her mother was the one who did the adulterous business with 3Irj Dennett, eoeni Bennett did it anyhow So it Two young ladica of Silver City ; . . aro to run a loot raco lor a wat-r, hhortIv. Hoop-akirtu, chignoiin and bustles are to be ruled out and the j fair raceressen will appear in bloomer cotuniCH Tho winner of that stake can get a constant iiosisu on tho staff; of a certain Oregon militia officer. Audrew J. Ludd was last week in dieted by the Grand Jurv of Benton I , , ! county for the murder of Chas. Lingo, j by poisoning, itouie 6 yenrs ago. lie j Frozer buch J. W. Thrift for $'13 C0oMn" us'"le to "!Sst them, Bt. fire to .1 , 1 -t 1 i the Court-Uouff, and as soon as the uiuu.K,.. pcrpctrowu upon ner uumcu j ,,izzara L. LifJ filiIuro to co,npl.. wilb matrimonial promisf s. Cruel Thrift! ! he oti"lit to bare Helen mom too' ! : Two men named Dennis and Pratt, ; ,, , , , . , , , 1 of Tehama. Cal., lat Saturday got into a fbjbt, when Pratt cut DeunLs abdomcu open until Lis bowels pro-! truded.and DcnoUbhot Pratt through ; the heart. The latter was an inslan-1 , laneous corps ami tne lormcr has ail ; tbp symptoms of one. "-J ! Durin tho lialtl last weak n TntinT . . . . . . . i 3Iodoc named Watchatatc, picked up a shell just after it had fallen in the lava bed to see what it was. From tho little hair and a few ounces -of meat of that Indian that wero aftcr- wards fouud in the neighborhood it is thontflit lin nirir r.nll' t-now i-linr nt was. J A bright little boy of Sacramento, bearing his father say that a man "ought to Btick to bis business," emptied a bottle of mucilage in the old gentleman's office chair. The old man says be baa not been stuck so badly since 1837, and awarded bis offspring by taking bim on a whaling trip to the back cellar. A high spirited waiter girl at the St Charles hotel, Mason City, went to ber bed room on Tuesday ni'ot and found t man "where, , nae man j d bfl T(J & go for liis heart's blood was the work of an instant, when lo! it was April fool's day and the man "a thing of thread and patches." Last Monday, at Comstock's mills, Douglas county, a man named Dennis Tracy playfully pointed bis gun at I his friend, Poland, when it went off, the ball entering Poland's breast and mortally wounding him. Tratfy, in despair and grief at bis foolish act, walked off a short distance and shot himself through the head, producing instant death. . A printer in Bozeman, Montana, is accused of participating in hanging two men one night recently, and the courier says: "Toe accused was busy in the office until a late hour on the night of the tragedy, and we have no hesitation in saying that the re port is a falsehood, and the wretch who circulated the same, in an un qualified liar." A Hamburg grain buyer, says the Times, April 1st, drove nine miles in the country to secure a large crop of corn, which he beard a farmer had to dispose of. He found the farmer and asked to see the - corn. "I will show it to you," said he, and pulling off a No. 14 cowhide and gunny-sack, be displayed a two ounce corn: on the dirtiest kind of a great toe. Said he, "As it is the first day of April T concluded I'd get rid of the dogoned FIIOSX THIS MODOC WAIL Sine mir liirt Issuo tho Modocs hnve ticen routed from tho lnvit bed ami nro nt tflrgu in the artjnerfit country, A dlinl-ch from the 1 ivn bed, tinted In!. .Monday, ;iy i (Vl. AInson hn tnovi! hU eiuiip up Inf'i Unpt. 3ovi' lair, and hold it now. 'I'll" lava bed rrwrits n horrible spectacle. Podlos nn- tit'lneclintwivered In tho rrlvlee mid from under licurw of rot-It a nlcki-Mliii; tn(!ti eximU, llHini; tho air with k'H"iilii!i Klor. Ther must hiive been tunny killed ami wounded tbat w know JkImIiijj of. Our Inn wan II killed and 12 wounded. Wo have evidence of the death of I" Modoc. Their wounded inunt be In ft tsrenu-r rutin than hum, for the MliIU tore yi"in up iiwfnlij. Tho croitnd U lllerullv covered with iriemunts of broken ti"IU. 'I'hri'O shell fell in the main rnvlne, In the center of their camp. iei!terlnsr them to tlin wliiils. Mot of their women una children wcm r-inovd bef-iD the miuMiirre of the Piftcr Commissioner. Tliert? were about Mn, women mid ehll'lr-'ii, of whom could llht. I'rohnbly 15 warrior wero ln In In tin; three diiyV flifiit. l,AVA.iKim (Cnl.i, Anl 21. Tlit tmelitrnln on 1-nvliiK the crimp for Colonel Mil vMi'x-iimji lit tho lnv-bed, under f'xoort of l.t"iiteiinrit Howe urn! twenty men, wt iitlu'-kod ywtcrday nt nljoiit ten n. M. I'rlor.to thin mi excort from Mimon'it crimp, coming U meet It, wiiHiittneked nt tin; h'-itd tf ii louf cave, lleuletiniit lenry mid men tm:;ht nh'-P'-r btditnd tho rocloi nud drove dm Modoc l.iiek. When Lli iil-imiit Howe crime neiir thein I hey (tho Modien) nt trii'ketl them, but were iijtuln driven bnck' i .l'ii'-"in nt M-iiry lot on" until, l n tmin nr-riv-d mile hut wim tlr'd on when he enc r-dtlia Irivii.lii d, nnd e K"l ii on hl return. When re turning, on Hie Hide of th" citve, Howe wn roiln nltiick"d by .Modoc, who followed him to eiiuip, llrlr.i; on hi t"iim' They ciime up In within one hundred yurd, firing nt the iilekeM mid ciit it volley through cimp. Major I'honi'i nt it aheil Into their mliUt, which Mepttojt il thein. Thi n' Wi re eleven III Inn nt tneklnic p-irty. Arm were distributed to all in emiip, Kiel we weri reittly for tlieiu, but they wmn ll-d Into the roe!:. Tli W'nrui Kprlna will be nrmed Itwlny, nnd tnrl Ui hunt tin- MoiIik-m out. They or- i-nlier-etl In ftiniilJ j.tirtle, and It will bo tlllUeull to follow them. Tim roiidt ur" turf. nfe tt YreliH. Tlio coun try I In a cr'-tit ferment. Air, Irwin t-esriiidix from Vrt kn, 22d lnt Ut Oov. trover: Jiiillnn or" leevel to be lo. cnletl In tlie Iiivb li"il nlmut four nilh- oulh of o'vi NtroiiKhold. Nunitertif lntilnn klll-tl, I. Tln-y cini lenve the lnvit leil nt any time they t-:iK.-nnd mid iiui liie in tll. r. The trnvel er nud tll r r In ilnwt of helms iiinn cretl. The i fi.i..-ctit of cloning the wrtii are vury Kjt,r. TIlK MIIWMN V TKOtJJI.i:. The telegraph gives the following account of the Louiniaua trouble which -laHt week culminated in the death of one hundred negroes: "The trouble in the Grant parish aroHo out of the destruction of pnriwh officers. The Lynch Returning 1'uurd ignoied all tifuccrs ebcted by tbo people of tho parish, and Gover nor Kellogg lillt-d the places with his appointees. Th':s failed to fiuallifv, and the Governor then ordered th pnrties origirmlly elected to aHKuii.e office. A liir"e force of i iieirruts inslinted, it is haid, bv ccvt-ral whitfl infcii, mcir-burn of tho ,, i , , .i i Ktllo;'-' legislature nr:nci tueni-j H:ifs anu look pt)feHion or the Court houKC at Colfux. They erect ed barricades, from wliich they issu ed, plui,d-rii) plantatioiiH, ttop piiiff htcaiuboutJ ftr itip;ly of ;ro viKKions. fcJc. Mc-fiiitiu.e the whites (.,,'. (J,lsi1,P what to ,1... Thv ..r t. ...-.:..t. i i ..u.. - were joined by the whites of tho aur- rotii-ilii-tr ti'irisln-K nntl bv S lturtlav ' the -ro -re wbiteK -ntatnptd arouii i tho Court-house at Colfax, in which tre nevera! iidtulred ii't;ro(;8, most of tiiein urniftl with Ivtifield rifles. The v, hito kudr of dhe lie- j grot's t.!ejpt on boar' I a punning f k a i . . i - - i . : i . i Hirairif-r on liwai efiiiii-uuu ciil I... V-.... f-l...' .... . r .1. w...t. .t l , Vi., ' 7 V t "MwVibi,;;;;.-.:-;.;- Il.tfli't-r. 1 lirst flllt OCClirri'd On ! u b-ni.ut 7 yi aroU. and hana ma!l .a-iol Sun.lav. The whiten. tm;natided I ,hi"1'" ","1.r5i V" '"L''?'! ?!'"''!? ,,N7 "IT? by lladnot, n ruetubr-r of the Fus- ra ,mt hJjf )t j ou0 , . , ' ' " d're 1. ?;Iatiy w-re wounded nnl the rest -sfni d. T!if whites Ids', onlv i kU' u-l. ier iltalir. Several were wounded. . l ...u;,... ,. n i.t 1. LtC i:, tbe -it i'uiiy of Colfux." -T.VtZ.TTTTZV I THLKfii: A lil JIT RLIC IM. GS. (Jen. Shenuan urges tho exterm ination of the whole M.tdoc trile. 1 At a riot in Colfax Louisiana, last we-k. nearly 100 negroes were killed. Fifiei-n jn-rsonK were killed by a een person were 'a-uilro-id ux-cident iu llhode Island t.- : 1 1. nu n . Henry Frolick wns bunged at Syra ure. N. Y. List FiiJav. It was ' bin aat Frolick. A call has been issued for a National Convention of 1 trod nee ra and cou- umifra in th United States to be held in New York May, Ctb. to pro mote by co-operation the interest of producers and consumers; a'so to consider what can bn done to reduce the cost of transportation by rail and water between the West and the seaboard. The senate Committee on transportation routes propose to be present in person or by delegate. During the past few days teleflauis and letters have poured into the bite House bogging tho President not to allow tho clamor of the un goldy pres1: or passionate reasoning of those around bim to 6wervo bim I from nis philanthropic peace policy toward the Indians, lue l'resiuent 6ays calmly that the Modocs must be exterminated not as a passionate revenge for their treacherous murders but as ait act of justice as well as protection to peaceful settlers in that part of the country. An old Indian priest is roaming among the Eastern Oregon Indians predicting the resurrection of all their Head wariiors for combat with the whites. ' It is reported that there are over two thousand Indians congrega ted at Priest's Rapids on the Upper Columbia, followers of this dreamer, Smokehollow. The story of Christ s resurrection having been preached to these Indians, they don t see why there slfouldn t be a general resur rection of their own people. WEEKLY PRICES CURRENT. COKBECTED WEEKLY BT V. C. HARPER 4 CO Fullowine are tho prices paid for produce, anil the prices at which other articles are selling in tli i inarkot: WHEAT White, bunhol 75. OATS "ft liuihtsl, 68 ct?. - POTATOES- bushel. $ .Ml. ONION'S B bunhel, SI t 50. V 1.0 UK V bbl. $8 50. REANS White, lb, 45 etn. DRIEO Villi IT Annies, "ift th. ecnts Peaches, W Yt, 16j eta. j Plums, ft, 10o.; Cnrrants, lb, 10c. BUTTER tt, fresb roll 1525o. EUOS 4H dozen. 18 ots. . CIIICKKXS dosen. $3 00. HVOAIt Crushed, tfi Jt, 15 ots.: Island, S lb, 41113 cts.; Sun Frnuoisoo KofineJ, lb. 14 ots. TK A Ynaua Hyson, 'j lb-. 51 50 ; Jspiin tb, 7c$I 0 ! IHttek, lb, 7ac$l 60 " COFFEE IS lb. satso oeuis. SALT B, lj2icts. SYRUP Heavy Golden, keg. f4 50. Ex. Heavy Gulden. Kll., $1 25. BACON Hums, lb, 12cts Bides, lOcts Shoulder. Rots. i LARD In tins B, H ots.; in kegs, lfrets, OIL Devoc's Kerosene, gallon, 75 cts. Ml ean. 5 call.. 3 00 : Linseed Oil, raw, frail., SI 2i;' Linseed Oil, lioilea, "p gn.lk. ' DIED: HILT.. On tho 10th lnt., near r.rownv!lU, l-liiii cminty, .tin 1'oT.t.T Hu.v, wiio of Hi-a-coo Clulboruu Hill, a-jfid M yuar and 13 day. I.TTPKlt. On Tucsdiy, April 22, of typhoid fever, .V)jiM0i0HE, only aan of John Lii-r. Halt. AJ.baj.-t KiitB Co. Sft. 1, t x April Ml, 1873.1 At it mcetinif of A!ffny flr.s Compa.iy f.'o. J, held at their Hail on Hntarday evening, the llnh lnt., the following resolutloiiK were ailopu-tl : Kenolvcd, That we lenrn with nnfelttnetl re gret of the deeth f t'llARl.ru 1!oookh, one of our rnot eilicient Piemijer. and In who lo wo leel the absence of a comrade who wo ever ready at the tap of tho bell to render hi aid to tho unfurl utiiite victim of fire, or In clmr Ity tho llott U renjioiid j uoble, true and brave, he wn In II a tir'-miiu. l'j-olvcd, '1 hat whilst we mot, deep'y dcploro hi lo, we muri yet bow ill lillllibln ubml Bion to that t-iiiiremo Killer who will call each ot u to take tne tsmrie Journey of .death. I t the kimkI tiinlitii;(ttf ourdecvaicd comrado be ever belorw u. Hevdved, '1 hat to h! family wo tender our ytiijiiitliy in thl thidr hourol trouble and ai lliet.'tiii. i l(-Holvcd, That to the Ilvlne Kul'T of tho iinlvcmi we cive the lly f tair cutcemed ctimrinle the Mpirit In hit. hunt!, Itewdved, That wo hope ail to profit by M hlmine, bt'oevolence, una many good tiiiiill tle, and ! prcpar-d Vj i.e et our iialiur In the Minm pint of p'-HC". nt.sm v. MAVi'x.i A. X. AHN''iU, ! Co:mn!(tec. W.M. I.il.l), ) fU'KClAL 0TIC1.S. iiuir Alive. It I a nd thlnK to pa through life only half alive. Yet there ore thoiiftamU whov; habitual condil ion U one of lanisuor and debility. They complain of no K.-cilic dlneae; they auffer no loit!vc pain ; but tht-y have no rt-IUh ft any thing wlileli afford mental or cnuou lea ure to their more robuirt and energetic fellow be'.nifi. In nine rae out of ten thl ufnte ef lawltatle and ItirjKir ri' Irom a innriild ktotnaeh. In tl!etit,ii dentroy the ejeTKy of both mlntl and Ijotiy. When the wale t.f natur" I not up pllfd by a due and regular anniinllntlon of tho lootl, every oraii I fclarved, evtrry f ururtlon In-t--rrupt.ti. No', what doe common '-n UK!sett umlT th-iT i:ireumtiiiioi of tit pre!on 7 The y- i t'-m need roietlius ami tr.--iiKtht'nliis: ut merely ftr an hour or two, to luk nlterward Into a'niore pi!liilt; coiitllllon than cvt-r (a it nmirei:y would do If an ordinary olct.liolie kllriiulmit wsi rwrt d to), but radicHiiy and lt rnutiifiitiy. How 1 tiii denim ble objWt to bo iicetim pliMhetl ! The amtwt-r to th' !lti' tlon, founded on tne unvarying exjerieiice of a quarter of a century. I ennily piven. lnfiiKt- new vlrt.r lnU the iirf oilve.raii by a t-inir'! of Host U' r'n r-uini !i liltter. Im ;iot waste time in h!iiiIu hiteriin; t'-miKimry r-mt dif, but wake the y-t'-m up by reeu-r;ttlus tne fountain h'-ad of piiymt a! strenirth and energy, the j;n-at trj:nn n. ii which all tho other cr'ar, il ;er.d for tlieir tiurture and MijeK.rl. liy the II iiiu that a dost ttw of the groat vegetable tnilc ami Invlirorant tmv ljeen ta ken. tn-feeble rn.xw trie lyix-jic will (fill !' f"-l it t nl;rn lnflii"iice. Apjftite will be cr-uti d. cnti wim oi-oetite the rniiacitv t llset -what H tTav . vr'vt-re until tile cure i coie.pni uniii le-asiuitti mooti. mviv ni liuit. rtiil of f!"rii!!l niuM-lc, lne and nerve a",'1, '.""""V ,nVV!'B'-,h.,'hI,ln.''lU.ah cuiation. ln-ndof the watery pabulum with whu-n tlu-y havt her-llor u.-t.n imyt-rftctiy fiourif-le-d ! X K W A J V K II T I S JC I E X T S XOTHE. Mil. I' 1U-MI'HUEV' IX l:K'Jl-F.STEri TO eall and w Lie. Jl.'l.lLiS JOM'II. TO THK Pl'ItUC. -(T1cn IS HKKEHV ;:VEN" THAT MY 1 (laughter, Klla H. Maxwell, l.avintr left ber home wii bout my !:nowld;;e or itinmiit, all iit-rtm u.y acct.iiiii, a i wi:i pay tin iiaoiiittes of ln-re..!.irne!:u-. I. MAXWM.L ish'iid, i inn county, Oregon, April i, ls;i. i:iTRiy voTiii;. State o f Ort ijon, County o f JJnn, SS. TAICEN t'P I1Y Till" Ht IiSItI!'.EH, !.!V. inz in irlfnHSprirlnet oii'-hall iiiii:araith , ,,. ,,.,k j, i,fM,i u.,.,,,. tn Ii,r.et So. :ai I t ....... i.i l ,ii.i I ' .. . iij s. V. Md y. J. I. JoilN i. wiwjx," kessi sn if I 1 1 55 Her toe o NEW ADVEUT1SEMKN TS a. wni-.Ei.En. c.'p. uoavr.. c. r. wiitntB. A. WHEELER a CO., " OREGOW, KOKWAKDISO AXD COJIMI8SIOX MEU , . CIIAXTH. ASJ) DEA I.KR3 IX MERCHANDISE AND PRODUCE ! A ttood aanortmcnt of all kind of goods al way in aUiru at lowest market rate. , AsonUfomaleof WAGONS, GRAIN DRILLS, CHURNS, iCIDER MILLS, ETC. Cah paid for Wheat, Oat, Pork, Euttcr. E's; and Poultry. CASH PAID FOR KiAiiH. IWILTi PAY TTTK IIIGnEffT MARKET prJc, In cah, for all egg brought to my e tabliNhment, in Albany, n'ftf. It. CHEADI.E. ADMINISTHATOR'S KOTICD. THE ITXIJEKSIUXED UAVIXO T.EEXOX the lith day if April, 1K7-'I, appointed by the t.'otinty Ctnirtof Linn county, Oregon, Ad mlnitrritorof thn cxtate of Kamucl Crowley, latj of Linn county, deceased, notice is hereby (riven reiiulrin all perwtn having claim aeainrt aid ttate to precnt the same to rnc, with the propr vraicher, within aix months from thl dale, at tny reltlencc, seven mile South-east of Hcio, in said count v. n;wl. WJI. CV'ltt'H, Adm'r. imoticb cr nrjaL settlement. Ktate ot Jonathan Brattalit, Oeeid. IfAUI. liltATTAIX, EXECfTOIl OF T1IK estate, of Jonathan llraitaln, deeeaat-d, hnvlnc filed hi final account for the final set tlement In the dainty O.urt of Unn county, Ori-Kon, by orderof the court, notice is hereby given that , - - - Tuesday, tlie 3d day of June, 1873, at 1 o'clock y. x.. Is set for hearing objections Ut said account, if any there be, in open court, at the Court iioue in the city of Albany, la JJnn county, Oregon. PAL'i. liltATTAIX,' iiStwl. , Executor. HKMOliilHOIIS. , CAKOTHEP.S k CO'S "PILE PILLS A.M OlXTilKN'T" bare now bseome aoe of the itandnrJ nrt-.paratiuni of the dni: it are. pared and reouiroen l d fur Piles only (wbetber tbr'inii or recent). Potferem my dt-ueDd opon it. tbat tbu remedy will sire thrm permanent relief from iUi truubleioiiiC anil dsmagiDg coin liaiiit. heat poetnaul to any address (witbin the Uni ted Suimj upon recript of price, $1.60. A. CABOTllfcltS A CO., niOjl Afbaay, Lion Co., Oregon. GENERAL EUSIKES3 COLLECTION, AID IXSUK.IXCE AGEXCY, Ann NOTARY PUBLIC. Particular attention given to the adjudication of nrfiMinw. i v.li -t lm rawii In all part of th Ktnt. jl.rtto! next door nlxiv.r t he liw-UWe Wom. VHtlXXf. THE PARKER GUH. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEN.CT. ' v8n.",!tr. The foilowiag rotes of frplfjlit will be charged on tbu OREGON STE13SEIP CO.'S S7E1U20.1TS :- Between AI.L ALL U P DOWN FUEIGIIT. FUEIGIIT.. J'MLl-1 rni I'D IBS. Scvi.t.i. ioSItil- ". 5 4 - 5 4 " VI 1 6 " - 6 ; 10 6 U " 6 i " 6 13 " 9 " 12 " " 11 " 6 " 11 " tl 15 a 15 " 9 15 0 " Id l: 13 " . 10 IS 11 -1 " 11 " H " 11 " 20 l- 22 ' 15 22 " 15 " J 5 Ji " 15 25 17 " POKT1.AXD nil Ofiwci MilWHllKl.- t)r--eoa "ity Putt--villi. st flair.. Imyton ljiviu... Mc.Mlnnvlile MVcton ., Knirri!.i Wheat land I.iucoln..MWM l'nny's. .. Sa 1( m Ei!n.. I:id'-5-ndruoe. : .-iiik-'iij ! Huiia Visla. j AHmi;y i orvnllis.... Pria I. Bi-nd Molirrv Harrisburg ix-nions .... AH Frcictt Eelivcred in tho Same Condition as Received. AM fn-leht enrried br this line is by ACTUAL. WEIGHT (not nnnsurin"nt), and nil frvieht " dIiverrd free of wharfage and timyaf e to con sicii'H's in the city of Portland. Lime, plaster, ci-mnt and salt at r.-KluR-d rr.trs. . JrJassa!re on this Une nominal. J. 1. lill-ES. Agent. Portland. Mareh 26.1ST3 -SnSltf. FOR .THL HARVEST OF ISii. 1 ne i't. A -. is Hi u i ir.i auu hvh juvwer or Keir-Kalto lteaper in the country. It possvsses not only Ai.1, the aclvantaj;ts of everv other improved machine, but has that ' which no other has a Patent Doable Motion, by which, (simply on moving a leyer at th hand of the driver,) either a fust or slow speed " may be Riven the knives or sickles In a mo- '' mi nt, and without in the least disturbing the ordinary gait of the team. , Treadwell & Co's list of Har vesting Machines, embrace the Standard Improved Machines of the country, lresh lrom tho luanulaetory this year. -- - - ETNA MOWERS. AND SELF-RAKE REAPERS I ir IVPS' TIPATil7t iTtnr l nnnop i vro IIOAHLY'S ENGINES, PITT'S' IIOIUSU 1WER8, HUSSEI-LPEPARATOltS, WUlXEWATEll VAGOXS. Klrny mid MrConnlcU MoiTem and Reap ers, Huaaell Horse Powers, Cultivators, -Header Tracks, Hay Presses, Barley Forks, liny Cutters, Victor Hay Forks, Hbnd Rakes, Scythes, Saal ha, nnd every descrip tion .if Iti, ,-( v.m4 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! . ,,..; and a Fresh ltpck of ."-' ' sWOur Headers are built this season, and have alt the improvements for 1173, with also the Donne Patent Adjustable Beel. Our Ilussell isoparators have I tie Lanfenberff Pat ent End-$hake felloe when desired. sVPleaae send for circulars and prices. TREADWELL & CO., At tub I 1 Cob. Mark ft Fbemojtt St.. Old STAKfLJ HAN FRANCISCO -if-' . Observe!.; 4 one band while in the other he bold thing to day SI 37i. marunuitna