Tntmlnr fitxterifnt nm! Afmirn't of Itpporla of l.rict Clerka of Una Couutjr (or 13. Auunv, March 17. 1S73. Ed. Democrat Tlie following tnb lilar statement is compiled from tlie annual reports of District Clerks for the year ending March 3, 1S73. Every district 1ms reported and every one Is entitled to a portion of the pub lic fund. By reference to tltf table it will be Feeu that tliere are fifty more person over the age of four and under twenty, than ' were reported lust year, while our average tlailv attendance in the county is 1S7.J. nsainst 1412 for last year, which shows that interest la the ) B 3 3r ls7-. I.s,.i. -l M. 21 11 4: 4". 41 l'.i St! 4:: 4.J 44' 207, 2:ts 7t 4o: sl f. 41; 4; IKK 65 v 3 1S Hi 5s! 47 3T 4! 61. 8.S, i! 1I S- 20! ail 3( 2! 4Sj 43 42 130 4;li IS) 2(l! 2't 47; 15i lli 2 as is 20 ill 4. W 5(( 113 7 31 " M ll Si SI 3tl -' fill 7H 5 71 47 4A Sii 4!ii Mil .V 4". M 3. Si! 2 4.-I 21 3t S3 SI 1 l-'l ! 4li es 4i Ksj i7l .14 . l;i! l VI 41 4 4S hi 4' 3" lit 1.1 2i ."s 2:! 51 2l! i: s' ISSi 2i PS! is;i S2 ; 7s a7 4 4 4-:i 88 4M 2ui 4 4' 41' 47 ( 1 3ul l-i ' 4S1 4i! ft.-. ail 50 51 ei iv ST 1-' 17 2:; S2 !t 13 Si! l.ii li'7i .V. s 1 37 31I 1". .Vj 2si 31 &-J 5-; 0 151 in 2.1: 1 1 47 Sii 4-.i .'M! 42 i 32j 3-i 4ii 3 Si h 4.H V 4S Kij 67 1 68i 17i is! l:t! 2.1 i.-.! lsj it' IT 31: 17j lill 1:1 4.-1 l.i IS llv 21 is! ! 1 I'1! 2!i K2i 4s! H 4,t 2.H 2s i Vi Si, "! 11 4-ii 437S 2200 ill A D V E 11 T 1 S B 31 K X T S . GREAT BARGAINS! I GEORGE 7URRELL WILL SELL IIIS LARGE AXD EXTENSIVE STOCK! DRY GOODS ! HARDTTAHE !l CLOTHING, ETC., at exceedingly low rates for cash. He begs to call attention to his lare stock of 3IEX AXD EOT'S CX.OTIIIXG,' which ho is determined to sell at a lower price; than ever. i Pleaw call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. BS?" Highest price given for Country Produce. Eemembcr the address : GEO. TCBSELi, ! First St., Albany. vRn22tf. 39 o HI MJ1 e H-1 o l-i $ o o 1j n d xn a ts o to tj o T3 0 'A pi Q 1 P3 O U to J O o o T3 CO a a s 3 3 " 5s S CD rri CO CD o o - m 9 POST OFFICE BOOK STORE! JOHN FOSHAY, . DEALER IS MISCELLANEOUS AXD STANDARD COOES. SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! CHOICE KATANXA CIGARS! ASD TOBACCOS. ! Tio Largest Stock of Fine Candies ever brought to Albany! Goods in our line Imported to order at short-; est possi Die notice. i sJThe only place in town where A REAL good cigar can oe obtained. Call and see. V8n23tf. SEALED PEOPOSALS. 2EALED PROPOSALS WILL IE RECKIV- fd nt the office of the Albany & Bantinmi'pieces for Bbipment. W. D. Beldins? is hi Water Ditch orCanal Company up to the LOthi day of April, 1873, for duTping; liuminsr and conuHpting said ditch or canal. No bids will; l" t in I nnlnca fTnm ivcttfincllilo nartlAcanrf' the trpcise sort irtn of thn rannl Rtftfcd for whirhil the bid is mad. There are eleven sections andii"1 the contract will be let in sections of one mile or brss m mrym nn m . . ,imam m ssffsssssab? s&MEATV PtlARICET ! day or jNovemtjer, lsra. The Company reserve! the right to reject any or ail bids. Plans, specifications and terms of payment: wiil be found in the office of the Company Ini Aioany. Aiun mna nr. I !n n i- n I m 1 ...ill . ....,, .. ..... . .. .., .. . wu-. ; ii.UUU ri"HUy IO OCCOmniOO&tA ana piitcr- tor OPiivenn-r iim.iuki toot of proori red! those who may favor him with a call or yellow fir InmlHT. L. EIJCINsS, l'rusicient. irIlighcst market. irlee paid for nortecs D. WAS sriRiJ), Secretary. . n32tf. jl vSnibtf. - . .. - ii .' " V'! '-! : A . progress of our public schools Is In creasing. ... The public fund for the present year is more than twice as much as it whs Inst venr, so that all, or nearly nil; of the districts In the county will le en able! to have six mouths' whool dur-, lug tlie year. The lollowtng is a statement of the funds received from the various sources providiHl by law : . From the two mill tax. coin, $S,774 S3 1'i-oim ssile estrays, tines " '213 (H do do lo do cur. 325 UO do Int. on Irredttc Fd do. 2.425 10 do do do do coin 2.401) 10 Total.. .$14,131 2? ft?2 v.. pi e s j S 3 m t n i" 5.3 U 2 it - a1 3ti 7 1 IS a I'a 2 S 2 1 1 n 2 1 1 1 1', a i 2 2 1 " 1 1 2 3 1 ''I 2:i! ul 4U, KS i.ii 124 01 5C 81 00 Clo 00 i.ia 00 14 00 8 00! 71 W 7t on UK) W 2ii 1H 2 i:w 061 21! 27i32 M 21 2ti 34 ! 73 23 7ll n VI 73 llrt KI 7o ' o 00 llCI i 4 S SOl ! 7. 2il U'-i Ul! I 32 CO (X) 2 50 CO 00 8 IS 1:12 00; 31 IWi .'.7 .Mli 2-.I 2d; 112 ."lO 33 Ui i 77 r. 3 a.- &33 ft". I'M 3V 4 IO 837 72 2 V l (X 2n 133 W iil .VI. 50 ev 731 01 73 140 13 1(3 00 (ll 1S3 SO 0O s i JO 00 4.-M M Ml (K) I'.KI Oil tr: 00 .Ml Ail 1 23 30 00 2tl0 00 1:15 R3 MSI 3: 12 OOl 131 .'Ml X Wl 111 IK' M i 47 30 4i it; 73 00 43 00 2'i 1.4 '.II 01 1. 12li 3S 4.S 2 1 1 1 4:1 lit 2o! SS 90 01 lo 2"! 2 r. 3 3 1 1 :i 3 I 3: 1 W DO lot .Ml 2C4 00 3 l-.l 32 2.1 1C1 iio mil 73 00! 7 " iO 2i 4-'l Oil 1 !i 2 2!5 M 12 30 JOKI (HI l-'t Oil 45 00 2:KI ' Mi 00 7 H ls Ull i i 30 IKI, Ni 31 is 4U ir IJ. Ik 100 OOl I 50 72 01H 4 S 00 .VI 21 30 So i 1: 1-iS 23 Oil 3 tw( H3 001 fi 3 !"Ml IK 7KI Wl S.1 00 120 00 73 mi 1 I'll (411 IX Mi 7' 4 "Wl I: - 'i i;l : 00; 23 I" 112 lo 23 13 M tu 11 i7 Oil 31 3i on) 5 00 2 22 11 i 8l M 37 1 1 l5. 23i 11s cs; IIS (3 41 t! 4 2", 122 JW! 1 1 1 o I 1 1 1 I 1 71 13 .VJ 7 3 S 3H l'! :i7 43 Ml! 12 ooj 107 M lio oo u7 AOi s ooi I 4rt 00 70 lo 23 uul 1.1 21 It J4i Ls; 54 00; SI 71 V 7.1 27 5. 63 t2 113 3 00 77 .VJ 34 3 100 1S73 JTSU SS 43230 SX'jiH.1 03 U2S 3 7113 74 ADVE11TISEM EN TS CHAS. IV1EALEY, DEALER IS ! FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE!! (Comer of First mni Eroia!bin trec(, at old etand of C. ilea tj 1 Co.) ALBANY, OltEGON. KEEPS COXSTAXTLT OX ITAXD A FCLI. ; assortment of crcrytliin io bi lino that ! txauc requires or an enterf .rising public dt-iuanUa. ! FURNITURE! Of All Kinds and Descriptions! BEDS AXD DCDCIXC, &C. ' I Particular aftcntion w!!l be paid to orders for" UNDERTAaNG! j i And alt other order in my Hoe will be promptly jj attended to. 1 Satitfactton Guaranteed and Work Warranted! CHAS. MEALET. Albany, JulyG, 18C3 T4n47tf. READ, ACT WISLY, AXD SAVE MOKEY! Xfc. C. Hill Sc Son, -i ' rfHE OLDEST DECG HOUSE I3T LI2fXi i! a COCNTY. after thankinfr their nnmerom ,! j'friends and patrons for pant firom, dexire to iiDerit a continuance of patronnee by fceepinz constantly on band a full supply of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Oils, Paints, Bj-e-Stnffs, Brushes, Trusses, etc. Agents for Dr. D. Javneg k Poni line of med icines, the celebrated DnJc Weed Remedy or Oregon Rheumatic Cure. Ac. As. I Constantly on band, a good supply of Poitire ,and Xepative Powders. l 2TPbvsicians' Prescriptions carefully Com--pounded, in either the Eoliiu or German lan- We are ale a?ents for the HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE one of the best Family Machines in use. Call and sec us and satisfy youreelves. II. C. HILL k SON. rCnltf JOHN CONNER'S BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, ALBANY, OREGON. DEPOSiTES RECEIVED, SUBJECT TO CHECK AT SIGHT. interest Allowed on Time Deposits in oin. EXCHANGE ON PORTLAND, SAN FRAN I CISCO, and NEW YORK, for sale at lowest rates. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTED S?Bankin3 hours, 8 a. m. to 4 p. jr.-tfc Kcfer to JI. W. C0R.BETT, HENRY FAILING, Feb. 1, 1871-yl XT. 8. LADD. CHAIRS AND TURNING! J.-M.METZLER:-.: IlaTing moved his Shop to Jefferson and avail led himself of the water-power at that place, is now prepared to furnUh his celebrated jRAW-HIDE BOTTOMED CHAIRS i jin any quantity and in any shape. '. ' ".. j ?He will still keep a large stock of chairs at his bid stand, either ready for nse or in agent at this place. 7n51f FRANKLIN J. K. HEBBES, Prop. iL KEEP CONSTAXTT.v nv tta x-r the bt;st meat the narket Rtfords, and II !i ii f t i The text books In general use are "Webster and Senders' spellers, Wil son's Renders, Davles' Arithmetic, rinneos and Clark's Grammars Mon teltliVGeographies, Wilson and Qtmck enlws' Histories, Clerks desiring copies of the lata School Law, can be supplied by apply ing nt this olllop. Orders In fHvor of Clerks, for funds, are In tho hands of the County Treasurer. T. J. STITES, Co.. School Supt. Is C 2 O 3 3 a s 3 lKT'J. Tsfa. 200 10.1 23 171 in filKI l.'M 10 203 tw 131 04 14:t? S3 220 m an no Mi 73 w 00 113 m 220 hi 10U 8-J J 33 31 ,A fl23 2i 13 Wl HU (Ml 2KI ; 2S1 i 100 13 1 HI .'s 104 73 220 i 2211 3.1 131 HI I3M v'7 101 Vl 1s7 31 143 33 MICI IV 113 33 133 04 mi .vi 113 is I MO MS 233 7H 1W l4 3i;i 77; ;lo 47 107 ms 12! 2-ii 1-..7 ul H7 21, 1.1 HI I HI 2 177 ir. ltNl .37! I W 313 til 1.1 37 Ui) I'ni .37, 23 " 7; 101 .Vl 71 KC 1.1 HI Ion . I 27 mi .v in 113 31 2sl 2i US 2 lis ftn IMS 2 110 AI 21-.4 j: V 04. 400 fa 00 114 33 IV fi'.H 2. 04 2 Stioo! luo oon llKKli I.'UI lo .i7 00 .'IKI I'.IMl! lUlj 400 600 70 a 103 S3 4ii 30 130 00 C,2 K3 4IHI loo 2 xi 104 .V. Jiil 73 liS H'l 03 73 2Vi H.7 00 4S Oil Ml HO aoo 3 10 SOU 3:10 Imi 430 200 ti'Hl 400 2oo 4C 50 KH 1M 73 33 00 50 00 30 00 12S 00 07 3". 4S out HO H3 i2 73 40 .30 113 73 01 33 r, no1 100O IO00 114 73 7M .11 mi 73 ll 731 3.i .VI ml 1:,' hvm 300 4i'i 4ui (iOO AOO 07 .V. H 7 ' 4'l 401 1.7 .V.I til H3i i-i 2i! .11 .v; a-. 1.37 CM 71 siii !A Mis Hi 73! 112 13 til 33! 31 30 iv 21! .30 !l' H.1 7 tj 71 "'.! A H3i 4 K3i 107 7.i 4U .Vil 70 S3: S.3 3H 1 W 2 V 77 73. CS Si .Vi 001 Wl IVxi .VI .Vl 22 Vi 2 Vi 2V .V e3 00 20 00 3W 1.UH 4KI 3UO 50 Ool 200 liK 3O0 10 00 lo tXMO.L.79 50 318 31 1 1 131 . A D V K 11 T 1 S K M ENTS, PACIFIC "WATCHES ! Mascfactured and Adjusted lepeciaUj i! ran tiik PACIFIC COAST, , . r run iiiTinim pi net 'iiri-rnit nn 11 M I lUilAL tLbhi YYA I 111 UU., rtciN, ituwoia ! Facifir, California 1 San Francitr o Watch. . We confidently rwrnmr-nd th-m to the pub. 11: nm n i.jmtwiiis llllin' COfKl flini.llia lor the j.rit-t' than any Ui-r wulfh In the inarkj I. We also keep nil other brands of ELGIN, AV A LTHAM, And SWISS WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY ! SILVER AND PLATED WARE, jixn DIAMOND SPECTACLES ! which we offer at the lowest possible rates. Cnepnlring a specloity, and all work war- n"- . J HUM JJIIUB. v8nlf. THE GREAT DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS. BUJ. WOOD, Editor and Proprietor. A Mammoth Sight Pa?a Sheet, Fifty Six Column! of Reading Matter. Contains all the news, foreign, domestic, po litical and general, with full and reliable mar ket reiMjrts. Each number also contains sev eral short stories, and a preat variety of litera ry, agricultural and scientific matter, etc., etc, coiistitutiiii;, it is confidently asserted, tho most complete weekly newspaper In this country. TERMS, $2 A YEAR InIncemrnts to CInl i Five copies, one year... ...................... 9 00 Ten copies, one year, and an extra copy 1 to the sender IS 00 Twenty copies, one year, and an uxtra copy to the sender 25 00 Fifty copies, one year, and an extra copy to the sender G5 .00 Parties sendlnK clubs as above, may retain 20 per cent, of the moneys received by them, as commission. Persons desiring to act as afjents supplied with specimen bundles. Specimen copies sent tree to any address. All letters should be di rected to NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, KOX a, T5, NEW YORK POST OFFICE. . -8nl8wU. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT! JOHN BRIGGS, "DEALER IS , COOK, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES ! . Of the Best Pattern, TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER-WARE! And the usual assortment of hirniehing goods found in a lin Store. Beoairs Neatly and Promptly Executed ! On Reasonable Terms.' u Short Reckonings Make Long Friend's!" V FRONT-ST., ALBANY, Next Door to P. C. Harper Co's Store Dee.5v4nI6tr JOUN BR1GGS. BLAIN, YOUNG A CO. IS I HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR FURS! Store in Monteith's Briok ' rirst Street, Albany, Oregon. A I) V K 11 T 1 8 JK M Ji H T 8 . SAN vnxxvisvo FURNITURE STORE I i " ivi2v noons Adtl ItEDUCED ntlCES ! E. D. WHITLOW & CO., Impfjrteni and Iiealcr In FUIlNITUItE! AWJ) J'lrst Ht., 8 doors linlow Conner's Piink, ALDAHV, OZlVCtON, Keep constantly on lmnd for sulo Brnrk Walnut Parlor nmt Clianikr Sell! Faintod Chamber Sets! DlnlDj Room rnrnitnre 2 Kitchen rnrnitnre of All Kinds ! HOKAH, UCNOEH, M'HINU MATrtlWMKH, VVl.V. A 1eXilh.KV.Zm, tai:i.i:h, l;fc.lMTFAIIM. ..., IdMJKl.NU CIIAIltH, ULHEAI'H, WilATNOTM, HHAtlvirTH, JHJIJK TAWKH, hliA.I'.l-n AUIIW, U1K, Kit',. ETC. UPHOLSTERING In lt IU branch-. Ort'm niUui with jrriiipt- COFFINS MADE TO ORDER ! RcpalrlMS atul .Itaiiiinx-tarlnie louc lo OrtXcr. J" All our work wiirraiit'-d"X aivo e an Early Call and Examine onr Stock. S"!'km!ii Urn vi rol to nn v pur! of tlx p!tv."Ji vsnwf. K. 1j. SVUUIJNV A 0. ALU ANY FOUNDRY AND ilIACIIIIVi; SHOPS ! A. F. CHERRY, Proprietor, nannntrturris Ntrnm i:uj;luri ! ! FLOUR AND SW KILL MACCIKERY ! Agricultural .ISachinrry, ALL AT SAN FRAKCISCO PRICES. A) sent ff,r P.i-hsr.!nn. Mcrism i Cot, sy A fo. and II. II. fonib PATEST VO0D-l OHKIXC 3IiK!SrEY ! Alto Mntjf&ctur?r of Dcr'.t' patk.t iko. i IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS! Of All Kindt. Ksda to Order I Krpslr'mr all kitail tit innetilnrrT '!on on ikunr.1 ngiice. A. K. CJlEltlir. 7o4'5ir. The stAndnru u' lor t'ouglf, Inflnonsa, Corn 1 hnnil, W l.,.ini; OiiikIi. ( rinip. Uvcr Cinilninl, I ron ctiliU. Uli-otliiiK .if ih l,unt.'s, jiml -v-ry mfiTtlon of tlm 'J liroiit. Luris nj l,"ht, Iriclmlltc CoNJtfMITIojt. H'l.un'. Italaam of Wild Cherry do-s not dry up a i'oush. but .vii n It, rli-nniu-s tlin lunirs, unJ nlliiy I rri Wl Inn, thus removing the cnuv tit the com jiliilnt. Noin Ri'iiultn- tinU'sn slcnrcl I. lsi'TTH. I'ri-jmr-l by jsrth V. Fwi.h A HOKH, IVxiton. IVllil by ItF.HHINOTO, ItoMTrrTKRA Co., Hun f'ranclsco, nd by Uialirn gcnorally. Bu7yl. EMPIRE BAKERY AKD PROVISION STORE! JOIIIV SCIIMEER, Cor. rirst A. Ellsworth Stt . Albany, Or., Keeps constantly on band a compMe assort ment of Groceries and Vegetables! French and Taney Candios! Wines and Canned Frnits ! Cigars, Pipes and Tobacco And ererything else to bo found in a first class Hetail Family Grocery and Notion Establish ment. "Live and let live," is my motto, and ball be the aim of my manner of deuiing with customers. Call and see me. T7n27yl. JOHN SCIIMEER,. EUREKA ! ! THE PJLACE TO GO pon YOUR TURNOUTS ! MERRICK & MONTGOMERY'S LIVERY STABLE KEEPS THE FASTEST HORSES AND THE HANDSOMEST BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES IN ALBANY. "Thpy tak special pains to keen ovprvthtnfr In the best repair and lurnlsh the most complete SHi.iHinci.ioii mj cuMwimers. iwmem uer all this when you want a fast, or a comfortable, or a safe ride. MKBIUCK MONTOOMEKY. Cor. Second and wash 1 rig ton fcts Albany. v8niWtf. Cbapped Hands and Face, Sore Lips, Dryness of the Skin, i tc, &C, 1 .... Cured at once by HEGEMAN'S CAMPHOR ICE WITH GLYCERINE. It keeps the hands soft in all weather. See hat yon get HEGE MAN'S. Sold by all Druggists, only 25 cents. Manufactured only by IIkobmak A Co., Chem ists and DrussisU, Now York. ianl3'71yl A P) V K 11 T I 8 K M K H T 8 , Vlncg-nr Flitters are not a vile Fancy Think, iiiikIi) tit I'lxir I'.uin. Wlilskr, Froof Hplrltsand Itffiiso Llnnors, docUjiwi, snlcMt. mid kwwUtiimI to plcaw the taste, called "Tonlrs," "Apprtlaurs," ' JlffstorBTS," Ac, that li'iul the tlppUir on to tfninkeiinfiSM ana ruin, but are a true Medicine, iiiiuIb from the nttlve roots and lirlm of Cullfornla, free from all Alcxjhollc Bllmulnnls. 1 tier are the inal lilmxl piirtfl'-r ami s Mlc-glvlng 1'rlni'lplo, a Perfect Ilciiovator and Jiivlifnr aUjr ol Die Hyslcrn, carry Inv on" all polffoiioiis Jnatu-r, anl rcshirlnit the IiI'kwI to a healthy . conilltlon, eniichltiK It, rcrrwhlntr and In vlanrailiiir txitli mlml ari'l l'Iy. They are easy of MlnilnlHtration, prompt In their ac tion, certain In Ihelr rcnulut, safo and relt ttliln In all forms of illncaw. 1 No I'frMin run Ink thtmrt Bit trr aicorillntt to illrwtlniix. and remain lonst unwell, provided their Ixmes aro not dextrored by mineral mjIhi orolh'-r meaits, end tho vital organs wasted beyond lira point of repBlr, Dyaprnwlit or IntllRmtton, Itesd aebe, 1'ulli In Hie Hhoulilem, CoiiKliM. Tight. Iieiw of the ;h'st, lilr.zlnem. Hour Kruela tlons of the itumar.h. Had Tiwte In the Mouth, liillons Atlueks, I'aliiltatlon of tlio Heart, Influtnmatlon of the LonKK, Pain In the rt'irlon of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the oifxprlnits of lnieMia. In lhe complaints It has no c iiiul, and ono liilo will prove a tietter Kuarantee of u merits than a lengthy ad-vt-niwinirnt. For IVmald Complaint, In ymnir or old, married or hi nun;, at th dawn of womanhood, or the torn of lii, these Tonic Hitters dinpUy so decided an Influetico that S marked improvement la soon percept Mile. Per Infliimniatiiryand ( hronlc nhenmatlam and .'Mit. Uyiipepitia, or IndlKeaii'in, l;illni, lUinltu nt and Inter mittent Fevers. Uhwanesof the Wood. Liver, Kidneys and Madder, there I'.ltu-rs bave been most satwasful. rineh lihieascs are caused by lllnt'I Klood, wbleh Is trencrally ptwlneed by deraiieminit of the lilgosuve uriranji. lor HU In Diwaair-s, Eruptions, Tet ter, halt Jthenni, liiolcliea, hjxiW, Pimples, Piixtuhn. Itonn, Car1incl'-. UliiK-worms, Heald llead, Wore Kjres. Krystp'-Ua. Itch. Hrtirfs, lUM'oloruilim of tin: hKIn, llnmors and iJiM-anea of the M;ln. of whatever name or nature, are literally dnir cp arid carried out of tlie sTBUnn In a Miort lime by the uw of theoo luiter. ono tciitlo in such canes will eonvinre the bvmi lucrtiluious of their curative erfeels. I Irnnui the VUlntnl Illood wlicn cver you Ciidlislmpurlih-ii burxiuitf thntutrtt the skin In Pimple. Krupiioh. or hour ; chiamw it when you Und it oiwtructed and tluiriruh In the veins ; cleanse It when It Is foul ; your f-cllnirs will tell you when. K-p the blood pure, and the bealtb of the sjf b-m will follow. I'ln, Tape ft nil otSirr Woium, lurkiuir In tlw.- system of many tuouoaiiila, are effectually destroyed and removed. hiaysaaiMUiicuuhed ptayrftolofflst Tliere is an iiulividual on the tare of the carta he body Is exempt from the pres ence of worm. It la hot upon the healthy Clements of the body that worms cxlrt, but ujkjo the diseased humors and aiiray depoiMts thathre.-l tifae living wonater of dueaae. So system of medicine, ho vcrmlmifcK. no nntbeimiiilUi-jt. will tree the yumi from worms like tiiese Hittpra. 5lrcliunirnl I)l-nw. I'rrnor:!! en raed In Palms and Minerals, such as numbers. Teetiers, Uold-bealcra anil Miners, an tin y advanre In life, are subject to pa rely uw of the liowcls. To iruard atrainict this, take a dose of IValkkk's imuiab Hit ters twice a )!. Itlltona. Itemlltent and Inter tttlllrnt l evera, which are wj prevalent lu tlie valleys if our great nvers throuirh out Uie I uitel .HtalfH. cpechUly those of the MwslMdppl, (Jblo. Misun. lilltiots, Tennes see, t'u:iilerland. ArkamiaK. lu-d, Colorado. Krazos, lUotlrande. Pearl, Alabama. Mobile, havanhah. ltoanoke. James, and many others, wlih their vat tributaries, tlirouKh oal our enure country during the Rummer and Autumn, and rciuarktb:y tut dur.uit ea sons of unu-'nal heal and ilryneiM. are In variably accompanied by estemuve de ransreuients of the stomal h aud liver, and other atxlomlnal. vtxeera. lu their treat ment, a liurcattve, exerunz a powerful In nuenonuMin thene vsrtout urKaas. Is nMi tially n-(,rary. There ts no cathartic for the purje equal to l a. J. Walk kh's Vinb ' 04a IsirrtiM, a they will Fpecdiiy remove the darltHulrel vl id ma!;. r wuh which the bowels are luaili d. at the same time UmalatliiK the secreiiuns of the liver, and freneraliy resionng the bcaltby functions of the du,'.-!lvo oriiaus. Scrofula, or Klngr f.rlU tVTilto Pwrillbjr, llcera, Erp!a. h welled nerk, tiotire, tM-rofuious Inr.amniailons. Indolent lunammailona. Mercurial Affections, Old bores, Eruptions of the Kkln, Sore, tc, etc lu Ibcue. as in all 01 tier cocsuiu Uonal Ulnca-ws. Wai.sek's Vimwak Bit tkbs bave shown their rrcat curative pow ers In tho most obniuiate and lutracUible case. Ir. xralhrr'a California Vlne ar Ilitterw act on all thee cases In a similar manmr. by purirylusr the IHood they remove tho miw, and by resulvtnK away the effects of tlie inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the affected parts re ceive health, and a permanent cure is effected. The Ajwrlent and mlM Laxative properties of Im. Walkek's Vikeosr Hit Tas are the bet .ife-cuard In cases ofenip tlonsand mallimant fevers. Their balsamic healinK. and soothing properU pnmt-itho bumorsof the fanctw. Their Sedative prop erties allay paw la the nervous system, stomach and bowels, ruber from tntlamnia tlon. wind, colic, cramps, etc IHrttct ion. Taku of the Tllttera on poind to bed at night from a half to one and one-half wlne-tilaNitful. tat (rood nourtsliinir food, such as becftealc. muiwm chop, veni son, roast beef, and vi-jre tables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely vegetable Ingredients, and contain nu spirit. II. II. 5IcD05AI.D . CO Drntnrt A Cen. Aria., San Francisco. Cs., A cor. WasbltMrlon and Charlton 8uv., N.Y. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS A DEALERS. VStlSyl. W. II. KU11N & CO., DEALERS IN" IOIT Sc STEEL 1 Springs, kiln, Thimble Skeins, etc. Also, a well selected stock of "Waisroix rJT i in bcr! Spokes, Hubs, Bent Mms, SliaJU, Poles, Hickory Axles, tf-e. FARMERS' and MECHAI1TCS' TOOLS consist! xa or ANVILS. VICES. BELLOWS. HAMMERS. HATCH ETS. SLEDGES. SAWS. PLANES, f ROSS-CUT AXD MIXL SAWS ! Together with a large Assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARt Store In Mnntoith's Fira-Proof brick, next door to Main, Youngs i, Co. W. . KUI1N i CO. Albany, Jan. 13, 181 n22yl. A. 15. HI ORRIS,' General Commission AND . FORWARDING MERCHANT Having leased R. CltEADLE'S large W-AJRISIIOTJSIII at the font of T!rnndalliin street, on the bank of the Willamette river, I am prepared to BUY, SELL, STORE OR FORWARD W H EAT O R OATS in unlimited quantities. i . ' '4 he Highest Market Price Paid iu Cash for Wheat and Oats. Partios wishing to store grain can make ar rangements to pot all the sacks needed. ' Grain stored acd forwarded at lowest rates. A liberal share of patronage is solicited, s : A. B SI01UUS. Albany, July 26, is:2-vrn50tf. ADVEIIT1SEMENTS. R. R. R. Ll CCBES THE WORST PAWS TS FE0M OmE TO I WKTY TOSVTSB, NOT ONE HOUR BUFFEE WITH PAIS. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CVM KR cvcbt rsin. it tlx em mi x THE ONLY PAIN' REMEDY Tint (s-Wmtlf tf th4 mot ffMractaUnff pintf Umjrt lrntf(, tnuimmh, bowi m vUm jiIm4 r raM, ttj m pyiicatkrn, Ul WHOM Ont TO TWtJfTT MfWUTM. It fntfr (kfw vfolecrtr HeraeiMiir tt Mt fh KHRUMATlOf ttmtfUkimn tmbrm, CripUt, NcrvjUt Jvanitc, r ir(MtrU4 with ! turny tmiUf, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AVKMO INSTAMT CASE, IKSUkMMATION Or THE KIDMKTS, imlammati'jn or niic bladdcs.. INrLAMMATlOM OK TDK MWMS, ;JMIWTMJ or THE LUSUS, SOKE TIIROAT, VlrrH IUI.T HhJ.ATIII.VO, r-ALMTATION Or TH HEART. HYSTBRICS, CH0UJ-, ljIPMTIIKkIA, cATAuut. mrvvtaizA, HEADACHE, TOOTHArnie, MCI RA Ull A, RHEUMATISM, COLD CHILLS, AO UK CHILLS. TkoprllMtlaaaf ib HKA0T RKLIEF U Ckm fttw fmlU Imt. II). la m 4iSbcmltf nialm will Bttmn nS mnbrrU T-mty drftb. w bslf . lmtW of wiUot will fa tiw nW nr. CI1A MM, SfAAMS, IViLK STOMACH, W'.K HKAIJACHK, IlKAKTKl. ll.N, blAKKHKA, llVnKM'J fcKy, I OI.IC, WINU lit THE SOMJU4, MS .11 IMTEKMAi. fAlMS. Tr.f l.r. hml4 .1 t.v rrf koto. f Rm4 war's M4r M'ltrf wilh Ittmm. A few 4".f to w.Ur will ifMI Ha.nH bls. rHD cfaw.(. of water, llHklW tmmuVmtm Ura-4jr r Sllten -.huhImi, FEVER AND AGUE. rmtl At AtlUr.inm tar flr nmu. TWr. f M mwllil "l In M.I. worlS Ami will tutrt ... Aitm, n4 mil tw.r MaImImm, IMIIa., Swlow Irph:, V.llnw, m4 Mbf (I4 if KAir UAr rii.ut) " m jaaias kkadt KKUKr. Hhf mnu ya WnlW. SnIS kjr twurxwu. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STKOJIO AD FIT BE Rlfll BIJOO l"(RrA"lE or rLKMI AXU WKI..IIT CLEAR SKIM ASK BtALllKLL COMJLKXIOM SLCUKEU 70 ALL. Dr. RADWAY'S HAS MAlrE THE MOST ASTOISHI!0 Ct'RRSi rVJLIcS.JVj RAPIU AHKTHKCHA.OOKSTlie BOIr CNUKKUOES, l .MiKHTIIK IMI.I.OI.X or Tins tuvLt WtijxarL'L Mtuicist, 1 HAT . Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. TOE GRE.IT BLOOD PURIFIER. KMT mmmmtMM thnmk thm bloi, nwmtr Urbt, h4 Hlir i4 avtvt jaitw mf k fwUm IW viftw f Ufa, Urn It tmpmin hm VsHm f tM My with mw am mi mtrL ftsTrvfulB, hrf'.)U CtmrnmylUm, tilmm 4lr 4imm t lrrt l Um Tbnmt, Hwmik. Twin. Iu4m UUm .1v4 m4 hr prU 4 U ryiUtn, firw EyM, iSmnmmt iMww-h-irrw 1rvm tb Fat. m4 tl rt Mil -f, Zntpty, rt thnm, fti4 Hwm4t fc Wsrrm. Mil kimwm, Voykyilm. Am. Vurk Wwm la tW riM, Tmmmn, Caww fta tU Wmh am4 Mil wMkaittf mmd fmimlnl iftdurrM, JVifttt sUt Ui 4 fr-rm. mm4 mil wM mi tW Ills 9rt-M-pto, mtm wl4t tW mmi rmrf mi tmM m 4 t4 Hrtf ChmiUry, W irw 4mf' mm UJ frmwm Wm Mf fwrmm twtnx It Urn rUkr mt Umm faw mt iirr If Um pllt, A-JIt h-xmmif 9Ami hy tW HtM aswl 4mvtpmiUam Ihmi U iMii fr mm c4 rUnf Uma uiM, ) rrymir Um ff hi mriim r malsrrta nttAm frtsm kJUgT It mni Uka tX f A K A I' A iUi.Ll A V will mm! sjV mrt. i mf wl. tm NtbsAtAiiiMJa He'!. Btrr nl mil kwrmm rroMt.Ul wuu im um emrm mt Chmtttc, ftt4Ustv, V9mMU-mi, wmvm hm Amtma.; mmt m im IM mmlf fmUim tmtm In KID5EYAND t LADD EE COMPLAIXT8, Vntcty mm4 Wa1. timw. Grmvrl, triaiMrtm, tW. mHopfmgm arf Wttsr. Ittufla mi L'n, hi, git ix -, A.l-mia-r-r, mud im mil mm ihmwm mm kruisut s-yi-iU, mt thm mmimw Is Uck, irso4. msimM with tsUUK Umu hr -rati mi mm ft, mt Ur-tvl hmm mkitm i, mt imw 1 imM, stark, lrii-ow ayasw.!, kit mmmMmti tWyna.1, a4 aUi imm k a pnek-b-r. -fs'I aaAilsa mmmm f-twsnac rwr, it4 taua ttt l mm.mll mi lm km c4 aktbf U Lmm. Inc, W0EM3. TV .1t ww us aara taaw, far WORMS HV, TAJ-E, ate. Tumor of 12 Yearn Growth Cuml by Jladiray't Jirmnlrrnt. Dr. RADWAY'S Perfect PnrgaliYe Pills, mrUtlj ttiM, f!-mi-tif hu4 vHk rtm r9. foC, rzv.i, ctstM, m1 ttrmrtWrn. fc-- it. iur (L cvr frf tui shsnolfri W iUacl, Lr, Htrwsrt. fc.wdy, HlmmAmr, ,mn Itrtjw, Mwtotfcf, t'rtl4Uo, CWtivrsw. tfkdicv-twk, fM. ife;ioMs4w, tkisocai fttrvvr. InflautMaMka of tW s"S iiiM, m-4 . lrMprtcta at Uks Ibu-timJ nrm, H arruiM to flrt a fmmiUa rurm. ymrmij rtim ttruff. A ! 4m mf It A T WAT'S m.L5 will tlW mrimm. itmm mil lb sa:n.M 4if4m. Pnoa. nu f-mr Wi. f-.JlJ BY L-ltl' .';iftTH. kit-AO " ML-K AM IRL'tL Sn4 trttr tamp to KADU AY A Co , N.2? Hrr. Htlvt. ITwrk. lr.hw&4lkra arsnil IMtrm arOi W Ml CITY DRUG STORE. A CAKOTIIECS. R. SALTKABSB. A. CAROTHERS & CO., DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES. FOSTER'S DLOCIC. FIRS F ST.. ALBANY. OREGON. HEALERS IX DEUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, OILS, GLASS, fOILET GOODS, French and American Colognes, Handkerchief Extracts, COXFECTIO NEI.Y rnre Wines and Liquors for medicinal Uses. FINE TOBACCOSAND CIGARS. Family Eocipes and Physician's Prescip tions Compounded. Dec3070-v8n!0. A. CAROTHERS A CO. WAGON AND CARRIAGE FACTORY PETERS & SPEf DEL., MANCFACTUKKRS OP CARRIAGES,. Hacks aiitl Watrons OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Ferry St., bet. First and Second, ALBANY, OREGON. CARRIAGES. HACKS AXD WAGONS J of all Styles Alannfactured to Order, at as reasonable rates as the n?e of good material and first-class work will justify. REPAIRING OF ALL UIXDS Neatly and expeditiously doue, at Low Rates. Albany May 2S, 1S72. n42tf AT NORTH BROWNSVILLE. KIRK, IIUME & CO. Still cll Dry Goods,, CIotMngr. Dooti and snoes, Hardware, Gro ceries, Notions, &.c of which they keep on hand full stock, and are able to sell, as usual, at the lowest rates for CASH GR PRODUCE I Will also be able to buy and sell Grain of all kinds, or attend to Storing or Forwarding on coinniisMon at- their Warehouse in Halsey. Give us a trial. KIRK, UCME 4 CO. ' Brownsville, July 5. - Y7n47tf. .NOTICE., OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Company,- Land Department. Portland, Oregon, April 5, lS72.-Notiee is hereby given, that a vigorous prosecution' will be instituted against any and every person who tresspasses upon any Railroad Land, by cutting and re moving timber therefrom before the same is BOUGHT of the Company AND PAID FOR. All vacant Land in odd numbered sections, whether surveyed or unsurreyed, within a dis tance of thirty miles from the line of the road belongs to the Company. . X. Ii. MUVKI.S, vJnSStf. Land AzenU ' ADVERTISEMENTS. P. C. HAKPEE, & CO WE BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE AT tention of the public to our large and Well selected stock! GENERAL MERCHANDISE! j Consisting of the latest and MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, LACE COLLARS, EMBROIDERY, SHAWLS, LACES; And FANCY NOTIONS ! . I.N THE GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT I W offer the latest styles in Clothing ; the fcesf in underwear? the nobMeft ties and scarfs; the nicest cloves aad Gauntlets, and the "TW in Boots aod Shoes. OTJTR, SILK HATS ARE ALLTIIE RACE! We keep constantly oa hand a FULL ASSORTMENT. Shot (lun, Shot Pouches, Powder Flanks, ft cm Tubes, Shot Belts, Powder, Shot, Caps, la fact rrerytlriDX in tbs kootev's lin. GROCERIES, CROCK ERT. GLA5S WARr, P0CKET AND TABLE CTTLEItV, KAILS. IJOJIEFTIC GOODS, TO BACCOS, FkCIT JARS, WOCr AXD W1L LX WARE. ARE ALL COMPLETE. The stock of Mirrors and Fief wre Frames em braces all sizes and :t1c. Call and examine onr stock in Foster's Wild ing, First St., Albany. Oregon. vrn3tf. P. C' HARPER CO. HERE-S YOUR CHANCE! A HOST DESIEABLE FARM FOR SALE ! THE rXDEnf-TJXED OFFETW FOR SATJ5 a farm consisting of S3) acres, ail fenced In and cross-traced (n-w plank). There are 159 acres in finovt cultivation, any part of which i suifd lor fall plowing and suscetib! ol the hich.-Kl culture. The land is rieu, hlph and ix.Utnir. The balance of the farm is in pasturer land of the very best kind. Tbf farm is well protected from the north and west winds by tlmbiT, which also atfords ample firewood. 1 here is on the place an orchard of choicest varii-ties of frait the orchard twine In much) better condition than is een nsunllv arrn in this "land of big rvd ppis." The larm Is abundantly supplied with pure water. LOCATION. The farm to sltnnte three mite aortbrest of Shedd Railroad JMation ; two and a half miles south-wpst of Taneent Station; seven miles from Corvallis, and ten mirt-s south of Albany. TERMS OF SALE. I offer the farm for sale at the eitrsiordinartlT low price of t&M per acre, and will plva thV purchaser accomniodatine and easy terms. Or, I will take-lt.UUU bushels or wheat for the farm, one-third to be paid down and the bal lanca to be paid in two annual entailments, with ten percent, lntert-st. also paid in wheat. The place is generally recognized by all whw have a knowledge of It as being the BEST mfH IN LINN COUNTY. I have raised wheat upon it this year, with orhlnary cultivation, on an average of thibtt. nv Brsnixs per acre. For further terms and particulars Innnira t . . W. U YANT1S. TSn4m6. Albany, Oregon. JAUIES JL. OWAl, (srecsssoB OF A. C0WAX A CO.) LEBAN O N , ORE GON. DEALER IX . GENERAL, MERCHANDISE! WILL KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL STOCK I3Iw"3r GOODS ! GROCERIES! Boots and Shoes ! All for Pale at the Lowest Prioes for CAS If or PRODUCE. a All persons owing A. Cowan & Co. can settle by calling on me at Lebanon. v7n24tf. JAMES L. COWAN. NOTICE TO FARMERS. I am prepared to fill orders for all kinds of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY 1 1 at prioes that mast give entire satisfaction. Come oa with yonr orders and bave tbem tiled AT LOW HATES . FOR CASH OR PRODCC12 I ALSO HAVE THE BATNT -W-A.C3rQlSr or sale to suit all wishing to bay. vTn39tf. ' R. CHEADLE. .WIILAMETTE. TRANSPORTATION ; COPPANY ER0M AND AFTER DATE TJISTIL FURv ther notice, ike Company wiil dispateh s ' boat from Albany te Cervailia oa TCESDAYT and FRIDAY of saoh week. Also will dispatch a boat from Albany for Portland and intermediate placeaon tame days leaving Comstock i Co's wharf. , Fare at reduced rates. J. St. UJLLfc?, Dee. 16, IS71. AfeaU