The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 28, 1873, Image 3

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..MARCH 28, 1ST3.
Jsit Safb? An Iowa gentleman
writes U8 to know how far the hostile
Jodocs are from Albany, and wants to
know if It would be Atfo for himself
and his family in our city. 111-11, as
near as we cau ascertain, the theater
of the Jtodoc war Is about four hun
dred miles from here, ou the other side
of four ranges of impassable moun
tains and about a dozen unfordablo riv
ers. The only means of communica
tion between hero and tho Jbdoe
coufitry is either by the way of Yreka,
California, or across the Eugene and
Eastern 'Oregon, wagon road, or on
Ben Holladay's railroad. 2Cow if the
Jodocs should undertake to come by
Yreka they would starve death :
they couldn't come across the Eugene
trail, because a coyote "would be una
ble to make that trip successfully ; and
yery few white men, and not a solita
ry Indian, ever had money enough to
come by the way of Holladay's rail
road. So our Iowa friend will at onue
perceive that his top-knot would Be
eminently safe from Jodoo scalping
knives in this bailiwick. Let him
come ou.
A Cohrectiox. Since our last pub
lication we have been requested to
make some important corrections in
the article about the "Onrvallis war," of
which we gave an account, said ac
count being just as we received it from
"Dr. Smith", of this city. He are now
informed that the torpedo was not
thrown into the ball room at a!!, but
only laid on the threshold for fun, and
removed again before it exploded ; also
that the row between Peyton and Ray
burn was not caused by the torpedo
matter, but was the sequel to a quarrel
in regard to a question of veracity be
tween the belligerents themselves.
TFe are also told that Mr. IVytou is a
quiet Christian youth, and was not
the agrcssor in any respect whatever.
The College boys were not armed as
stated and did not earrv weapons for
the punKse of having a row. H'e
cheerfully give place to these corrcc- i
tions, as thsvrenort as we trt received j
it was anything but complimentary to j
the College students.
rT . . .
LookOut! If our c;t:zens desiro to
, ,, . ,i
phenomenon they will arise at about I
half-r!ist tlin n'i!nct novt. Tnnlir i
morning, and, procuring a piece of j True P.kpextance. Here's what's
smoked glass, gaze through, it cart- ;he matter with a gentleman that can't
fu:!y, and with closest scrutin, in tiie do without this rantankerous pajH-r:
immediate neighborhood but a little i Scio, Jarch ID, 1S7.1.
to the right of the morning star. If. S J?ll'or Dn uK-rot :
nfter looking carefully through the j J'rl
glass for about three minutes you fail ; dNro:itim;ed ; andtincc it Hpjil I
to discern anything remarkable, re-! have been smarting tinder a remorse
verse the glass and look through from ',f conscience, and night-mares have
k .,. - ,ji i . . , . ; bH.-n robbing me of feleep. Therefore,
theotaer side, always remembering j in ()r:(t.r t my f jrmt.r peaco t
that many of the most beautiful and j mind, I t-mbrace this early opportuni
remarkable phenomena of the heav- J ty of orilering the State Riuiit.s
ens can only be teen after the most pa- I 1?emocisat for another year. .Scud it
tient and continued research. If,jifter i 1 'c" """""'yours in d Kress
ail these elforts, you fail to see this re- j Jas. P. Ckaiituek.
markable object, call at our oiiice at j All right, Mr. Ciabtree; here ytu
about 9 o'clock A. M. of that moraing i
and we will give you further informa-
ZTakr rsrii," r.G O ism e nci a t. Cor.i.GE. !
Last week, while at Jarrisbur. we i
visited Jart. Taylor's Commercial Co'.- !
lepe and found a lanre number of u-!
dents busi
ly engaged in the laudable j
icouire a conndete business '
efforts to ac
Mart, is the finest chirog
raphic in the State, and as a
jyj. I
keener he has no equal. Some of his j
students already have Specimens of!
their own book-keer
ok-keepin-r-both sin-Ie
and double entrj- which would do
credit to a first-class mercantile estab
lishment. Prof. Taj-Ior's charges are
of the most reasonable kind, boarding
in 7arrisburg is cheap, and we believe
there is no institution in the State
where a student caii acquire a Cnislied
business education upon as reasonable
terms as at the Ha'rrisburg Commer
cial College.
Tiie Overland FOS April. We
express renewed satisfaction, as we
turn over the interesting pages of this
truly American periodical, the April
number of which has just reached us.
If we do not always render it the full
and complete praise we are willing to
bestow on such issues as the one before
us, it is because the "flavor of the Pa
cific Coast" is not as pungent; but,
take it for all in all, its devotion to the
development of the country, or, in oth
er wor is, the solid, "pork and beans"
element, always asserts itself, and
more so in thi3 number than has been
the case for sometime past. Send your
orders to John H. Carmany & Co ,
Publishers, 409 Washington St., San
Francisco. Only $4 per annum.
OES--Mrs. .Butier will acccpNTf JVi'frf the chromo "Cute"
litest bow for pastry favors in which they give away to every sub-
our nolirif. liow for TMistrv
tliewayof a delicious cream cake.-
Our boys devoured it between gasps for
the fair presenter's health and felicity,
. Ave are indebted to Bra. v ancleve,
of the Register, for valuable fayors.
Van, call on us at at any time for a
reciprocity. . .
To O. P. Coshow, our obliging
Brownsville agent, we are indebted for
an installment of 'filthy lucre.
Pacific Opeka House. Froman's
new building, to be used as a theater,
concert, music and city hall generally,
is now. fully under way, with Isaac
tonn as" master architect. It will
probably be completed in about eight
.weeks, and will be an elegant and
commodious structure. It is a much
needed institution in our city, and will
doubtless be a paying investment 1 on
the part of Mr. Froman.'
Te jtpekaxce Billiauo Hall.
Wm. Tally has just opened his elegant
new billiard rooms, in- which he has
placed a couple of Strahl's -first-class
three-quarter carom tables and. a com
plete set of fixtures to match. TZe -will
also is a day or two have opeed a
large stock of cigars and tobacco of
superior brands. He promises us an
advertisement for ftext week.
" Begttlar Tbips. It will be; seen
by reference to advertisement else
where that the opposition steamer,
"Gov. Grover" will leave Albany for
Corvallis every Tuesday and Friday,
and for Portland every Wednesday and
Saturday. Remember this and govern
yourself accordingly.
WI.Q. .
WauaWaua, V. T.,
March 19, 1S73. .
Eilitor Democrat:
, According to promise I write you a
few lines. This evening finds mo in
the great city of H'alla IPalla. I have
had a very pleasant trip from Albany
to this city. Tho Cblumbla river to
the Dalles indicates the mighty power
of God. From the Dalles to ttalluhi
the land is apparently so barren that
it is not sufficient to support the na
tives of tho country; but I presume It
was made for a purpose for what jntr
poso I know it.
,11'alhila is certainly a God-forsaken
city. Language la to insignificant to
describe it and tho adjoining country.
Uut it may be possiblo that tho con
stant decay of tho sngo brush, and the
wear of those clumsy rocks will im
part more fertility to the soil ; if not,
then that city and tho country adja
cent is going to the devil.
H'alla H'alla City, and the country
for some distance around, indicate
wealth and industry. I find tho citi
zens very pleasant, intelligent anil in
dependent ; to-morrow I will see far
ther. In Portland, I stopped at tho Ft.
Charles Hotel ; at the Dalles, at the
Umatilla House; the next night on
the steamer "Owyhee;" to-night at
the St. Louis 7otel. I found them all
to ba "excellent good houses," and the
proprietors accommodating; also n
great deal of adcommodatioiiaud kind
ness UKu the boats.
Mr. and Mrs. Ciaypool . got off the
boat at Umatilla. Mrs. "Clay pool a
health appears to be very much im
proved. '
Mrs. ArowelI left the stage this even
ing three miles from this place. Her
health is gradually improving.
The contrast between the climate of
this i-ountry and that of ITi-bfoof is
astonishing. The air is light ami pure,
the ground dry, and the sun has t-hone
brilliantly ever since I left the Dalles.
! In this valley the t;rass is green, and I
I it is everywhere between this
place ami the Dalles, if any grows, but
sage brush, as far as I could s-c, was
the predominant production. I would
say in conclusion that we have plenty
to eat, and our digestive organs tk-
, , .
maud and appreciate it.
Yours fraternally.
are! an i hereafter ma v angels of lizht ;
guard your rest, and only the sweetest j
! visions visit your slumbrous hours.
Tun Daily Guathic lias been rcn-
,!crMl Poetic
ble enterprise by cer-
fain tHw processes by which wood en-
SV"X entirely uisivused with, and
tl,e art5st U thu permitted to deal di
rect!' with the public and engrave his
own work. These, new processes, in
vwzraVny, nave
made it possible to print -pictures of
vcnv as ral'ia:J' a tIl occurrence can
lie related in type. Of course the pos
sibilities of the invention are enor
mous; it is susceptible of application
to an immense variety of purposes in
regard to the publications of the day.
It is no wonder that the public, who
have been waiting the issue of the
Daily Graphic with great curiosity
and interest, have welcomed with
hearty unanimity the handsome daily
paper which literally "" all
public events.
JrsTYoc T.kt JlF.n lip..' Martin Van Rurn
Iirown, the irixrfy Mlitor of th Albnny liuo.
crat, has Hoin-'thlTi lunny to x:iy nixmt the
Jaekwinvtlle school tinvin a Nail. Thin is U
inform th frisky editor aforesaid that It Id
iioneof his busincKR whether the Jacksonville
8Chorl has lackK, nails, vpikcK, or wliaHmU.
liir-iw we've a njlit In h;iv a Nail If we
want one. Just you let our Nail be .'Jackson
ville feenlinclj.
Pshaw, now! We didn't know you
had got so sweet on that young peda-
goguess, Ero. Kelly and you got a
wife, too! First thing you;kuow your
top hair won't be as safe there under
your own vine and cow-shed as it was
out among the lava beds of the Jo-
docs. Don't you drive that nail too
Xot Oves-Estimated. We have
received from the publishers of Our
Jcrib r to the!r weekly. We had read
fmuch of the beauty of this pictura be
iore seeing it, ana we now say with
pleasure that its value and beauty has
not been over-estimated ; " we find it as
good us represented. Our Fireside
Friend has successfully reached its
third volume and is already highly
prized and widely known throughout
the Union.
Postponed. An Iowa youth was
prancing around with delight one day
... . . .
last month because he was to be mar
ried at 3 o'clock p. m. At 2 p. M. he
was called into court as a juror, and t
accommodate' the court he was com
pelled to postpone his wedding for 2 :
hours. If this incident had occurrei I
here in Linn county we could, hav $
confidently deposed that Deputy Sher
iff Humphrey had put up that job
the matrimonial candidate,
Another. Paper. TFe bave receiv
ed the .initial number, of tho Forest
Grove Independent, published . by
Wheeler & Myers. It is a neat paper
and its first issue presents a large
amount of well written and carefully
selected matter. We present our fist
to its pubs, and wish them abundant
success. ' -
Improved. That sterling Demo
cratic paper, the Oregon City Enter
prise, was issued last week in a new
dress "from top to toe'," presenting a
neat and tasty appearance. TFe pre
sent our congratulations to Bro. Nolt
ner on the new make-up of his Enter
prise, and wish him abundant euccess
in his future career.
Circuit Couiit FjioCKKtutias. Circuit Court
for Linn county Ht Honor, Judo IVmhiuu,
prt'sldliiK convened limt Monday, and up to
tho hour of U M. yusterdHy tho following bual.
vms had beon triiitictid i
E. Fox A tiro's, v. W. W. Wnllon and Ktlca.
tw-th Walton. Judgment by tli-inult. Ueo. it.
Hi'lin lor pl'if.
K. Fox 4t Uro'n. vn. X. Morri. Judgment by
drinuli. itcliii lor iil'lf.
Unrtlett t'url V. J. K. rvnllpy unit Thnmna
Winn. JiuliiiiiPiit bv di-fmilt. Helm for jrif.
U. CuiiiiiiUik v. Ullxnlieth H'ti-, ct. nl. In-.
cre of correction of deed entered. Helm. lor
Wm. M. fcmtth v. It. R and Unialllfi Polly,
tfc-exee if foreclosure, ordered. Helm lor pl'if.
A. Wheeler 't. nl. v. All red O. Hinllh and
Uuth A. Htnlth. lii-creo of foreclosure mid
JuiimiMit ordered. Powell A Kltnn lor pt'IT.
Ailolpli Mender va. K. 0. Npmiiioua. t'onflr
nutlioii ordered. Powi'U A 1' linn lor pl'ir.
. Ktuto of dropin vk. J, HlmoiiM. Jury trtnl ;
found polity mul tlned ttM. Humphrey tor
si.'itnj Helm lor deft.
Hmn vs. Httimirl MnnnnVld. I'lenil (jullty
and it nod tlW. Humphrey lor Htiitu; Helm
iSttino v. Sum". Plend Kullty nml lined f 10.
Iliimphri'y lorMlntei lllui ffrd"f1,
Hntnn vs. John Mumpd-r. I'lpml (jullty nml
flui1 Mil and coU. lluiniilircy-for Btutu,
Joltni lor di'lt.
T. J. And'rion v. TVneh ft Montflth. JikIk
mont for prirs I'owoll A PUnn lor pl'irj Jolum
n1 H. loi ford.Tl.
Altmiiy nml Sunt lino Wntcr IHtoh or I'liiml
Coiupnuy John Hotlloi'l. nl. Ulht of wny
gritulud. '
Ruikhart has received a letter from R.
Goldsmith, President of tho V. It. T.
Co., to tlio etlcct that tho Bteamcr,
"Gov. G rover,', will leave this city on
tho morning- of tho Farmers' State
Convention, carrying delegates to Sa
lem free of charge. This Is Indeed lib
eral. Mr. Rurkhart asks that dele
gates will forward their names to him,
at Albany, so that he can havo their
passes filled out by tho transportation
company. In t every delegate send in
his name. '
Pkhsontal. Wo observed tho fol
lowing limbs of the law in attendance
upon Circuit burt In this city this
week : 11. Williums, Judge RromuiKh
J. Gaston, of Portland ; II. P. Roie,
of Polk ; Judges Riirnett, Strahan,
Kelsay and Chenoucth, of C'orvallis;
ami Jessrs. Geo. K. Helm, J. W. Ralil-
wiiii Whitney & Drydcn, Powell &
Kltnn, X. R. Humphrey', Judge Tan
dy, S. A. Johns, A. C. Jones, Jos. .Han
non and M. A. Raker of tho local bur.
R KT r It X K I . S. VI Young, Esq.,
the firm of Rlaln, ioum & Co., re
turneil from San Francisco on the las
steamer, bavin? laid in a liiammotlf
stock of dry goods, clothing, groceries,
hardware, queensware, etc. His se
lections have been made with iqiecial
care and are all eminently atmronriato
to this market. Don't forget to call
ami see the new goods, a large lot of
which have already arrived.
HofsEJiot.n FtKxtTfitK. Mr. V..
K. Howell, of this city, has for -alo a
full supply of household llxture-, from fl,r n,K.Jtb work j,r,I)S on your Work
a line-tooth comb up through all theUVw do , work trUfc Wl,rk utul
trradations of tire-shovel, what-not, ! t.ju.aj,
center table, dining table, carpets, j JwQ Strahan nnli (.Vt.rai
bed, etc., to a bureau and other j w,hl.r Uvlh.H nvA ...t:,.,,,,,, f L'orval
ladispensab.e articles of a ueil ar-,,s wU, ,.Urt 1)dvk yM M: tt vilt
ranged domicil Ho will h .! cheap in j , a fvW M Uk.u U f.h
ots to suit purcnasers. Apply to J-ii vWt n u.e b(:m of .,AuIil i,.,
-rM- yue."
Job I'uistixo. We have rective.l Many of our friends throughout the
a number of specimens of job printing county have en I led uimn us duVing the
from thl-olKce of .1art. V. Rrown, Al-j past week, and all hpeak in l.otx-fnl
buny, which for neatness and display j terms of the of unusually
of artistic skill we have ncldom seen ', heavy crops of cereals In the coming
equaled. Mr. Rrown Is prepared to harvest.
execute all orders in this lino with Rev. Mr. Shaw, of the M. K. Church,
promptness and beauty at reasonable will next Hublmth evening tell bis
rates. lirnton Jk-nntcrtt. j hearers "I low to Choose n Companion
N. Raum, our fashionable clothing
merchant, has just returned from San
Francisco with the laretit fctock of j ' , " , ,
, . , , , ., , .1 Kline and . Raum have return-
metis, boys' and children's clothing,; , ,, ,
... r!iel from San Iramlsco. The latter,
and the latest styles of furnishing and, . , , ., .. ... .. ..
tst sty
fancy gofuls. You will do well to give j
him a call before purchasing elsewhere
as he oilers to sell at very low prices.!
J m i
Tnn iLLtsTHATtu Pkess.Xo. 3 j
of this superb periodical, published in !
San Francisco, is oji our table. We j
believe this is the pioneer illustrated i
magazine of the Pacific Coast, and we
are mnch puzzled to know how its
managers can aUbrd such a superior
publication for the small sum of f 2 ier
The BulMin Job Oflice ha the only
(ilohe press north of San Francisco.
Bulletin, '2ith hut.
Guess not! This office has a quarter
medium Globe press which turns out
as fine work as any press in the State,
taking Into consideration our limited
supply of material.
The "Gov. Guoveb" brought up 50
l . f i 1 1. 1 m . I
ion hi assorteu luercuanuise lor mis
city last Jbnday. Tl'e are pleased to
see that Albany merchants are alive to
their own interests and the interests
of the people in thus liberally patron
izing the opposition line.
Cobiiespoxdence. An able com
munication from J. IT., of Astoria, ar
rived too late for this issue, but will
appear in our next. IFe direct the at
tention of our farmers to the commu
nication on our first page. ' It speaks
to the point.
Notary Public We are pleased to
see that His Excellency, Gov. Grover,
has commissioned our elegant young
friend, . F. Bayrs, Esq., a Notary
Public for Linn county. His business
card may be found among our new
ads to-day.
Fairaxd Festival. The mem
bers of phe Erodelphian Society will
hold an apron and fancy fair, with re
freshments, at Vancleve's Iall, on
Friday evening, April 4. Admission,
25 cents. All are invited to attend.
The Jacksonville Sentinel strikes oar
key-note when it says: Parties intend
inniX "kiCk ' -l16 bU?t't" , f 1
rinl lfAn" nr nnmmir anv ntluii m latin II
meanor, are hereby informed that it When' a hen lays an egg she cock
would be better to have such things oc- tes- Ifc is hen-nature. When a man
cur early in the week, as this thing of fcets a new stock of goods it is human
stopping the press for such foolishness Ifor him to crow over it. When the
is about played out. Parties will covern
themselyes accordingly. f
The ugliest girl in Illinois has just
got married; but It was because, she
worked in a printing ofiice and "learn
ed a thing or two." Now you ordina
ry looking girls needn't all come to
learn the trade we have only use for
a couple of girt compositors.' '
Deputy Commander Winnie made
an official visit to-Diamond Encamp
ment, Champions of the lied Cross, in
this city, during ttie past week. He
conferred the Fourth Degree upon the
members of thi3 Encampment.
Wheat has declined to 12s1. in Liver
pool. We have no change to note in
our local markets. ,
Circuit .Court. 1 ' , ,
Fruit trees putting out blossoms.
Hurry up your mnrilagesl Cako is
itwful "skass."
Col. Thompson, of the Mercury, was
in our city during tho week.
No moro groiiso tdiootlng after next
Jbnday. Ko tho game law cays.
Tho prlng time's come, Gentle Au
nio now eleivji up ytmr back yard.
We hab 'ad a bad code Id our 'Oad
ebber ski wo wed od do excurslod lasd
O. HI Pltto(;k, of tho Orrgrmiren, put
in an appearance at our sanctum last
Tuesday, ,
Meeting of tho stockholders of Hantl
am Ditch to-morrow. Ri.. of moment
uousiiesH. Rilngon your horso bills, if you
want them neatly printed and properly
Ren. Uolladay nrrlvcd at Portland
last Sunday and had tho brass baud
hired to serenade him.
Jr. Gerst. of HarrlsUirg, called on
us yesterday with a small amount of
the "lever that moves tho world."
Remember the school meeting on
the first Jonday In April. See notice
elsewhere of A. N. Arnold, Clerk of
District No. 5.
Reverend J. M. Lovell, of the M. E.
Church, South, will preach in the
Court iouse, in this city, on next Sab
bath at 11 o'clock A. M.
Our hoodlums catch lots of "chuckle
heads" in tho Calipoula now. Fre
quently those piscatorial nmhlguosi
tics are found ou both ends of tho lin-.
The nice weather has caused croquet
to grow HisititHiicously hereabout.
(N. R. This was written several days
ago, before tho nice weather was forced
Into bankruptcy.
Mr. Philip Jowe has returned from
his canvassing tour up the valley, and
rejMirts the most Hutu-ring encourage
ment In favor of the Farmers' H'ure-
Tin. it if ,.lwwl I
..w v........ it .. t.yj ill 4JIII1I
county number I,""!. The .school
mmi'v f.r the year amounts to$ll.-
131 H. See Superintendent Ktite's ru-fl
rt ur fourth page.
HV are indebted to our friend, J.
CYoust, Jvsq., for a fine lot of fresh
clams, futli from the "briny chores of
jo1,1 ocean-" Cbnseqm-ntly, clam
; chowders Is what ails our "eorporosl-
We have Just received a complete
font of combination Isirdcrers and two
1 fonts of "lo-'i.t vih-m" fi.hc latest n-'oliv)
'for Life." Unfortunately for some
folks, IhLs valuable iitformutioii comes
Albany's fashionable clotlder, tells the
.'public through our columns that he
now ha) the largest kUxk of clothing
, ,
ever brought to this market.
His Honor, Judge Ronhnn, Is nish-
im? business through the Circuit Court
as fast as possible, so as to allow the
farmers In attendance to return to their
spring work as soon as circumstances
will jiermit.
Tl'e have just found out why we have
recently had so many application
from boys to learn the printing trade.
One of the publishers of the Ixtudon
7'imen was recently married to an
Karl's daughter!
Harrisburg is to bave a warehouse
which will LoM 100,003 bushels of
13ob. Head, of tho Jimton Dem
ocrat, flaxed around our city last
,v jr new ware10uRe. ati
- - F
uarnsDurg, wm hold xw.vvv uusu-i
bh of cram.
ix " ... .
Pacific Opera House wul uo com
pleted in time for a Slay-Day ball.
Tho "Onesters" will occupy it.
Everybody who receives new goods
toot their horns througb'the columns
of the Democbat "if they don't sell
a clam."
Some people act as if their news
paper debts were like coffee, and
would settle themselves by long
What news carrier had the biggest
route to traverse? Noah's dove,
(We have secured tlio copyright ol
this original counundrum.)
This delicate item is from an
Olympia paper: To-day about two
P. M., a young and beautiful dusky
maiden of the forest, of rich but
honest parents, was discovered on
one of the back streets sunning her
self, with about an ordinary bucket
full of whisky concealed in her stom
ach. She was loaded on a dray and
oS to jail.
hen cackles, people know that she
has laid in some fresh stock, and
feels rather proud of it. When the
merchant opens hi3 new styles, and
blows his trumpet in the newspapers,
people know that he has something
on hand that is worth advertising.
Blow your own trumpet once in a
while. It won't hurt you or the
trumpet either.
r. WUtar's Balinnt of Wild Cherry- is
"a combination nnd a lorm Indeed" lor heal
ing and curing diseases or tiie thront, lung"
andcliest. H cures a coukIi by loosening rim!
cleansing tho li(ngs, and allaying irritation
thus removing tlio cause, instead of dryiug rip
tho cough and leaving tiie diueasp behind.
6&l'rf-Ti'&fft PTdny! Agent wanted!
PClltl All classes of working peo
ple, of mtlu;r stx, youni; or old, make more
money at work lor us in their spare moments,
or ail the time, than at nnything else, l'lirtjcti'
lnrs tree, AcUlneas Lr. fcSUuson A Co., Port land,
Maine, " vauSyl. ,
1 tuiiiiiitl ''lii'l nmt'tlni; of NWiool lHxtrirl,
So. n, Unit i-ounty, i ir'-;;uii, vill lu hold at lltt
liUtrlct Huhool HotiH.) on
Monday, the 7th th of April, S73,
nl 1 o'clock ! M lor tint i.r of r'ctlni;
one lHn-i tor for tlir-i ycur, una on" -1 ' r for
olio yenr; nUo to levy n. lux lor tlio tiporl, of
svlioiilx lor i iiMiiinir ycur, mid to li-vy u tux
to repair Mi" hi-hoot Iioiihh mill fi Hi" (troiimin
of miiIiI niHlrict, ii 'nl Mich oilirr huilin'M ha
limy coiitu bi'ioro tho incill'nt.
A. S. AI'.NOMi,
liaOWJ. Clerk of rtchof l'it. No. 8.
A I)lcn m Hl It TlioimniKl Nyiitptom.
I)ynji'p:ilii Is tlio mont perph-Nltip; of nil liu
iiiiiu ii 1 1 1 1 1 ! if in. JIh Mytiiplonm nn-uliriOMt Infill. In their viirlely, nml the torlorn nml di-njMin.
dent vlel ltiiH of the dlHi-uxe often fmu-y llininscl
v tho prey, In turn, of every known initlmly.
'J'Iiih U due, In purt, Id tll eloMcnympi'Miy cxUt-
1 1 (-T between tim Ntomiiuh nml Ihu brnln, and in
purl alxo to tlio fnirt Hint any (ll'itiirlmneit of tin;
dllfCHt.lve function li'-ceiiiiirily dhsonlem tho liv
er, I lie bowel noil the liervoim ny ai-iu, nml ol-f"i-l,to
koiim) e.'itei,l,t.Iii"ipiiillly of I lie blood. A
mi ill. 'Inn tliui, like llorflcttcr'M i'.ill rx, not only
toiii-H the Rtoiniieh, but lit llm muiie coo
Iroln the liver, priiihic -o it r j;iiliir li'iliiief li'i-Jy,
brm-i M ih" ni rvi', purin e l!ulii nml "ioiii
Inl'Ta In n inliul iIIh h. d," in thcr.ijnr. the true
mi l only Kpei Ine toreiironlc Imll mlon. Hneii
l tin- op rulloii of Hum liiiii'm vi jt 'liiiile rnlo
rutlve. It nol curei i!ypeui, i,ui iiIkoiiII
e.iiieoinltiiiilH mul coine(iieiiire. .Unr mh t, ji
In In vu lint hie n preventive of IihII-m ton, .".'o
one who chom tolnke liulf a wni"(. lii!liil of
IIiIh it'trecMbli; nielivr mul MoiiuMlile luil.llu
iilly tnr-e Unien u ilny will ever In- In. ui,1. i! with
opprcKnl.iii inter eiit in::, ii' im-n, wmr i rm lii
lliiox, ir nny other lieiieiiMoii 01 n wjinl of vl
or In the illifi'niive or iniHlinlliil liiir oruium. The
debility mul :ui;;ie.r nil rlmliieivi hv hot wvntie
Vf lire llllllli illul' ly Hlnl p'TlllllllellilV rellevell
by the i"itt..r. nml p.-rin. woo nr.l citintltu.
tlolllllly lliclllleil lo lixii: llll 111.' "n I 'i r-i it: Ii
n l!l darkly," will ! p(. u tulut n brl;:lit -r
mul moce iioi fnt vl-w oi th" Munition uml-r
the K' liithienuj of thhl whol"oiii) iiicill
clinil Mlmuhiiit. "
ritMirc KT'-K-!t"i-i;:!s ok tiii: ausavy
m. v fmil iiim Wiii.-r li.tfii or I'mml :om.
.imy nr- r. iu..t-il !o m..-t a- I h.-ir i.nliv In tn..
eily of Albany .-i Huiurany, tif- ilitd ilny of
;inrrh. Ih7 i, at 1 ii'clm K p. in., lor l,i,t puriXMxi
or mi rca-lii- Hi" enplliil hIim-U of out.! fom
puny, nml iilii rnllnu u rn. r 'nnjiortoiit Imi.i
iii lor tin; ii,iu;,i..iy. A lull nfi. ni uni " U r-
in-t- d. 1 Ki.kl.VS, l r. f.l.P nt.
Dowaro of Countorfoits I
0r stentreiy crrT1liHtiTl. ituhuntmt JTUt
fiif endtnvor to U tfut counterfeit lomttkf greater
prtilt&. Tfi etnuin hav iffwutmtof Jt to
pnaach packa. AttotHsrt arm otirihtti tmttutvtM.
Tli oiaty l'ilt mtm unUltUtx in tiia curm ul bit
thM iMiniul t'i Uanifr'Mi. dU U IU lUm
Uml9 contitutinn Uubjwi. Tur tnl'-nn ail
vscewti and tvuiuvo U obtructluu, ttuux uU
thiyr n'iu-Hiuir uit.l. 1uf U In unort
lin.o irin mi th iiwiiial r""' w'l(1 iUritrt
nl lil...ucli rr powerful, cuioln nOiln bortj
ul loUi-f'iiiitull'm. la all r- of Konuiii mil
fflnai All. Hn;n. rin in th Hack ti'l Limb,
r'tuwun nileit ), Ia!i.utionof tholtnrt.
lriTlc ml Whtu. lh,y wilt lt-t duo whoa
11 uUior mn hviil'-'l. Tn cirmiUr rouutl
tvb pukiro rivo fu.i Chelan od HrlT, -will
bi oni frso U ait rUug tit lUtui, maioi
rti-u ohrvtlutl
N. B.-li U pi"i 5im thciC7ainnntb4
cSuln-'l. Oti IlolUrtrnciiwd to Ida I-foprl-U,
JOU MO.-.CJ, I Hu N Vorklll
In.tinp tottlo of th genuim. conilnli)C Fifl?
fWXt, ly r"im mall, tecurtljf $cuU4 Uvm any
knowlfr rf luv-,ninu.
firn t'utum. C'nt.on. A.TUat. Itxiicnitu. Sola
Titoir, llni.!ii.ii. Innu'ii.T Usunrniao. 1
cirincT CsirTii ad Lro liutum.
Lv no Ikata of mxilrlna. klKl Mir rliift Irtll Uk
tbm. TbiUftRiia hT txMin mUrl In li-ith Out
bvl bforo dtwiFu. Tt-iti"! flti In hunrlfJt
.fru Ak iT UKYA.V'S 1-t'LVtOMi: VTAtUHH.
I'rlr .1 eenf vrr h. JOU UO JtJS. 1-toiirW.
l"T. 4f-rllaliiH fiurmt. Sw j'trlL.
l'rIMlt-4 ir J. OAUAM IfcHt,
No. 1U linn lxnMtl. Kuit.
Yhftn fl'.Unr liir'ilr tecommeoaodtiy th ntlr
Mo-. l-l I'culir t Vstia vt lu ' rml
In c.r rr;:-'"rrl, r. or IVmiri! Wk
Urtt ; .lientlT. Dullror frtme'urt t!ol.l'.t.;
mil Wri knur Impoirnry: tMikneM uri.inr ffm
fMcrot II utuarx! Kia-t; Aeoiorton ol ii
Ooltuir ; Wtiti'iiioo: lpclulith Uno,
Bnd alt Hi rXwtly trn of lnacw arl'ina frona
Ororaoxorl Thmr boaJloUwrrin-
tUa fall. V wnpbUit of A'll- In tmrh bo. or will
, Bt Kr. u"r tvl'iri. l-rk'tll iwrlUi.
Kot br toail, m nytv!4f attettrTatton oil
r-lptot prlr. Of.CAKW. MOfKK. I l-oati.5
HtKs Voa. lo bml A(tillur Aoiarluu
It. '. Hilt & ft-n, At,' 'fit at Ail-any.
"7 '3-'
rvn"; , xx ''Tip.- -"- -r
i TV i jujaiiuu uil J Vi
N". 19 Saciamento Strcot, cor-
vi i.eiarJoru Mrcet. (a lew dour
below What Clu-cr Jlouio.
I'rivle i:utrunco on
Li-i-kt'lorl! troct,
Siaa X rnncUco.
J?fof,fiaaf trpremmtjf in njjurtltht nfllirttil f uma
und cintijic tomfcuf itiU in the tfulwcut
and rare onlt t'rirttlettud CUrun
i Liurm, ci- vf Secre
cy mid oil Scjrual
DIL Y. JC. IllKJtTY KlM l'KN.S II l KIS-cti-tlntnka
to lui iiumi-roini uiwiil for
lliflr iMitrnituui', mid would t;ik tlux n)Kinii
nliy l r.-inlnd tln-iit t hut In cuntiniii-ii t cn
ultnt IiIm insttttita for tlio rwv of fliMnlc dlM-rni-
nl tho l.itm:, l.lvcr, Kldm-ys, lilK-stivn
nnd Ui'iuio-Urinnry Orinn, hihj nil prlvnti-dlarriiai-r,
vlr. : 1-yphllls in nil IIk forniM nml stn-K'-M,
H-ii.l:i;tl Vcnl(ii- s, nud nil tin? horrid con--ii(-u!'S
of at-lf.iiliui-, tlonorrlinoi, oli-t,
Strl!tur'. NocturiiHl ami Iilurnnl i'inHioii.
rVxual liobiiity, IXhoiuu- of th! llnt-fc nnd
Ixilmi, Iiitlniiiiniitinii of 4hn lllnddi-r und Kld-ni-ya,
-t, ot.-., nnd lio ho' thnt Mk lonj; ..
M-rl-nc nnd snwjwliil rnotlce will umtinnn
tn InKuri him a Khari) of i:bllo jMitronno. liy
tin- prnctlci! of many yearn In Kuroio nnd th
t'nlli'd Htntos, h Ik -nabl-d to npiiiy tiu mint
i-fnc-ii-nt and siii-CiiKMriil ri-iiifilli-a iiirivlnxb 61s-i-iisok
of oil klmlK. He cnriM without mercury,
charRpn modt-rsitt', treiiin liin pntloiiU In u co'r-ri-ct
and hoiiorilli wiiy, itml ri liTc:uM of
uniiu'sl loimbli' vi mi-lty lroin iui-n of known
r"'H'i-tnbillty nnd IiIkIi Ktaiidlni; In so;iity.
All )frtli- t-omiulfliii; him by li-lter or other
wl, will ivcelve tho bi-Kt naid K litlcst truut
luent, und liujtlic-it secrecy.
To IiihIcs.
Vhin a fomnln Is In troulik', or nftllef-d with
dlm-am-, ns wukiu-ns of tho Imok and limbs,
pain in tho head, dimnesM of Klht, Ioks of
miiKciilnr iwer, palpitation of (ho heart, irrl
tabillty, nervoiiNiieKa, extreme urinary diill'-ul-tle8,
derangement of dlcestivo funetionH, gen
eral debility, viuilnltls, nil OUi'iises of thu
womb, liystiTin, Hterllity, and nil other disea
ses peculiar to female ; nhe Htiould (to or wrlto
lit once to the celebrated female doctor, ". IC.
lioherly, at his. Medical IiikIKuIj- and concult
111 til liin ut her troubles ami disease. Tho Iloe-
tor is eirectlnn mora cures than any other phys
ician in i ne ptaio oi i iiuiiirnia. ia'I no Inlse
didlcucy prevent you, but apply immedinti.-ly
and savn yourself Irom painful sutTerinya and
premature death. All Married Ijulies whono
delicate health or other circumstances prevent
nn lncrensn In their families, should write or
call at Dr. V. K. Hohorty's Medl'ml Insiiuiti
nnu tney win receive every jiossiuin reliei nnd
help. 'J ho Doctor's ofilces are ko ni-ransed that
ho can bo consulted without fear of observat ion
To Correspondents.
TatlenU residing in any part of tho Slntp,
however distant, who may desire tho opinion
and ndviee, of Dr. Doherty in thelf rnsnor-tivn
cases, nnd who think proper to submit a writ
ten statement oi suun, in preiorene," to hoklliifr
a poi-sonnl interview, are respectftjlly assured
that their communications will be held most
If tho case bo fully nnd candidly described,
personal communication will be tinhecessnrv.
ns instructions lor diet, regimen, and the gen
eral treatment of the case (including tho reme
dies), will be forwarded without deliiv, and in
such a manner as to convey no idea of tho
purport oi tne letter or parcel so transmitted.
I 'onsultatlon by letter or otherwise, FEEK.
Permanent euro guaranteed or no pay.
Address, W. IC DOIIKKTY, M. p.,
. Ban Francisco, Ctil.
Dr. Doherty has Just published an Important
pamphlet embodyinfr his own views nnd expo
rlonces in relation to Impotence or Virility, be
Iiir a short treutise on Spermnttirrhrta or Sem
inal Weakness, Nervous and Physical Debility
consequent on this affection, and other disea
ses of the Sexual Organs.
This little work contains Information of tho
utmost vniuo to all, whether married or single,
nnd will he sent FKEE by mail on receipt, of
six cents in jiostaw stamps for return postage.
Address, W. K. IXJHEIITY, M. J.. ,:
v3uSStf. ' . ban Kruuclsco, C 1.
ti:L!l3i-(! y It. Nuimic,
Ocimi'iit AUtwrltaiii; A'j-nl, U3 I'iiihI Strtel.
a, !"., FiKs'f stbkkt;
Iiuperliirn mul Ji.lbei i,f I'nwy tiuvlii, Toy.
Cmokery, Ulmrwnre nnd J'iatcl Ware.
A "tor llinino, Kimtrt., Ii-twecn Oiik sn'l l'in
Kvrrylhlnjr neiit. JI, I,. I,nncfiillnw, Jrni.
. An
?'". ?' nml Tt, Klrxt Wreet, rortlnnil, Dfnpui,
B arum n, tin-only ilinxt Importer 'it Cloth'sa,
Ai-.. i-ar. Kraut k Wonhinnton trH.-i.
CI IAS. G. UAltRE'irr,
Hoo2.Nt'Ucr and Sttxtioizvr,
. 79 Trant ami Xo. 6 VarhU.g.,n trl.
! IX'K, WII.UAM A HOS, )?! front .trent,
lnip 'rKrrn anil Ii ili-r in
of vvi-ry iluiKripliiiiri.
I'ii-l.ln To!l. Fu'i-,r tiiioiU. IIoikU, ISir.l C
Ki, li inkc-tn. ( firing i.miih, & lial.y Ciiri!iiK:a.
Aii iil f ir tho OM'.irtiia I'owdirr VVorku;" li-i.
for ins "Vnok-r A Wilmm Ki.siii(( Mui liinct."
BeoU. John A l2uVrmt rt.. .r-tii:l Wiltnbl
iiniki-r A Jwl.-r. Work lomi for the trails.
IllMKS A HACflKMiKK. !:; Front Hf.
"j Jf iv niian. U . A., a. w. cor. I t A i nyb-r
p l'iirniliir II .uc In
bhr.rt I O y y ro.-it Btreet.
(Hnrk-r. Ilnii.i'-rmn A Cook. Kl A 3 Firt"f.
J I)i-lt r In I'ry iool, Vaney iMilliix ry, Ao.
(1uiin A Ho .en fell!. I til Kraut . f-iminiii'n
J M-irhnl A ilr.tttii' In Or. A f'. pro-tiro.
(lonifle, J. It., Mnmifiii'lurrr A I'rali-r iiiml
J ill". Ilnrii'aa A Hntl't'.i-rj H'rlr'r. K'nt t.
(1nrriT. W. A I'ii 111 ! f'roiii fr-i . .Mf ri-l ant
J Talm A Clotlia-M. lft, i'urnti-liin oo!.
B l.n-l.muii A Oaiinmi. VI r'roiit t. lii'l K
tnt Aifi-iit. in vy l"n!t, tioaira rnt"i.
ii:tai. uoo US.
f. If. WiH.ilnr.l A To,, llil Front friyt.
nPIIPPIQIQ vJo(irii fc Co.'
Onb r from nny f-rtiou of the f:tieor Terrilo
rir mroiiilly filled by u. uil or exprcM.
171 mi!, l, .wi i,ii hi J Co. Kurnimrt- nrI rarpel
J (.! r ..!.. from 134 to :!H K.r-t nt.
J" iiinlo,iii. at Aom-y. J. 11. Wiijieri-ll, SO
J Front at. I'urnil.c all Uin-U of kcl(..
f7 -.nlii.if A Ke u J-f.nt t. '.-omiw.n
J fi?ribat.lHioi il-iili r in liomi-.tir tirfMlior.
ff.'".i!iion i.ivKry Stable. -or. Kirt A ."allnou. t,
i t'orbrlt l'r. lo'.l lurn-oul ulwayaon hand
fli.brl A Itolniria'ror. Kirl A Wa.biist n i.
M lilr A ttiif'iifa''. rb.'hiojj. forn's; wMm.
Tli Ir'ct ytat'.c Iui tin tte Coat.
Sole Agciit-jf for the
"STowc" tiewins "achixsc
Kiwiity A hu uitnv. 'ircrit aini l.U-r in
15 kind of f-V-i, ror. Firm and Main t.
15 am', II., ;s:s I'trft t., Insi-r'cr od
i !jj r in J'laplfl Fancy Vrr ie..d. Jlillt'rT.
B J cd. I). II., Iijotojjr(jlii; Artirt, w. ton
i J 1'irit A Morri'n. CluW" I'ict. tpreialty.
i f vurtrk.en, 1 0. A Co., icy. j jr.t SJaUii
2 t'w A- !ealcr in Jewelry, VitcWi, Ac.
Hii.bar4. tj. L., Sis Front et., im!e,i!o dca!r
ia HtM'ctjrt. boors, IVnji.n MatcrtaU, Ac.
! u-irt. C!i-f A Co., 0? Front t wboleaale
1 tl!i;r in Drncr, J'aint. Oi!, 0!a, Ac.
J3tliI 1 Machine. traigiit
1 X.itl. flU needle, under feed, and -lock
uu:li." CMaK'tit ion challenged. U. W. Tratf
m. Arc.t. 112 Front itriwt.
HnvJ.ic. W., wu-buakcr, cornrr Firl 1
Um Ms. All work dun t San Fran
km:o (Ttorand w i4t ran tod.
Uarct-rJt A hbindier. Km. 1GU to 173 First st.
luipoT;r of Furniture, Ucddins, Ae.
1utcrna(ial Hotel, "r. Front and MorrUon.
ii. 2tJetyii, l'r. Free Husk attvnda aleatners.
"IT" n, i. A Co., VI Front l, wliolesaU A
JLV. '"ail eler In 6ne Clotliinc, FurnV tinods.
Maisua l)rce lUtaumtii, private rootna fr
famWies.cor. 1st A l'ioets. Q. Vnos. Pr.
Msrtie, K. A Co, wbnuala i
I.tqori. 0. S. . Co' llli
dealer in wine A
k and San Fran.
"ft f eiw-A Schmrer. Ill Front at., Wholesale
mjtd Retail Confectioners.
" ff iller. John B., "3 Firt at. Watcbtnaker
IT A. "nd Jewrler, o9r to the nnlilic Cue a
ontaMito Watrbei, Cloeks and Jewelrv.
Mocller A Co.. Front, near t at., dealers in
native and foreign Winn. Liquors 1 Ciears
"JVTortlirup. ATbompnoti.IIardware, Iron, SlucI,
iinus, po
1 e. Hardwood Lutuber, Ae.
kfcidental Hotel, eor. Firsl A Alurnson au.
Pinith A Cook, Proprii-tors.
Ijlirrinii. Wdtkioj A Cornell, Kusl Entate AgnU
cor. Front and Stark F-ta.
Y ji oToci it 'apii iiriiioas.
C. II. W0OUARD A CO.. 101 Front Street.
J. ii. i'lLUI.VilTON, 3i. !.,
Ofllco, Xo. 73. First 8,, Holmes' Bnilding,
3rd door from Ladd's Lank, treats all diseases
of the .
"J j iehtcr, Paul, 105 First St., Importer of Ber
JLtti lin woodon carvings, Parlor Ornaments, Atf.
Mosenbmnn, I. S. A Co., Tobaoooniat, A Im
porters of Foreign afld Domestic Liquors.
Kue Houne, Front st, Da First Class Prin
cipal. Thos. Ryan,Tripr!etor.
bcrlock, S., 61 Front A G2 First sts.. ilealurin
Iurnefs,iuddlary,and Saddlery Hardware.
iuion. J.,-.ri0 Front St., denier in Doors, SaSb,
and Blinds. Window and Plate Ulass., 167 First st., Importer of Pian
os, Organs, iShect Music, Musical Instrtnnts
O kiiimore, 6. G., 123 First, st , Drucgist and
IO Apotheeary. A lurgfl
stook of Perfumery
and Tuilet Articles.
O with A Davis, 71 Front tt., wbolecale drugs,
t KJ 1 aints, Oils, Window Glass, Porfumory, Ae,
O now A ltoos, 73 Fint st.. Pictures, Fvames,
O Moldiugs, Artist's Mat'ls. Dr'wng Instr'nmts
O inith, Put, Broker, VU Front St., dealer in Le-
k3 Kn' Tenders. Governui'nt Bonds A tlold Dust
DTO.Vi;, It. Li., 107 t rout Street,
O Watchmaker and Manufacturing Jeweler, is
appointed agent for the Walthara, Elgin, E. How
ard A Co., U. E. Jaoot, and toe Cat. Watches :
also, for all the productions and imports of the
California Jewelry Co., San Francisco. Send for
a circular. Watches repaired in the very best
manner and Warranted togivo satisfaction.
f Ilerry liros, 178 Firt st, Manufa-turers and
JL denli-rs in Furniture, Beddinfr, Carpets. Ao.
rglhe Clothiitir Rtor, 3 Front street. Cloteh-
J inp, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes,,
jiarris A lrager.
i'luttle, II II, 142 nnd 144 Front st. Dealer
X in Wagons and Agricultural Implements :
f ffyne, E D, n. w. cor First & Oak sts, dealer in
. ft. fine Brandies, Wines, English Ale A Porter
Williams A Central Block, Front st.
Commission Merch'nts A deal's in Produce.
Whalley A Feehheimer. Attorneys A Solicit
nr in Bankruptcy. Cffioe in the Odd
Fellows' Temple. .
. -.V : T.'.p6TIIER,:.-;
Wnnnfnotnrcrof, nnd Inler InllARXKSRand
,SAL)i)I Jiii. A good iirt-l for nlnir priuc
uummr aumfc.
Sxctzisive; Safe zk OTTtyjrlze
So well and favorably known throughout the West and Pacific
Slope. Improved especially for the season of 1872-3, with
patent concave, steel high landside, Scotch clevis and high
standard. Sole Agents for
tcnt Ilonnds 4
- - - .
Send for Descriptivo Circular.
Samples and Ctrra
lara tttit free by
Sol Acatlur
On-Ron, vrhlng-
ton and Idabo.
J 33 W 3U 3L. 12. Y I
coa to th Citizens f Albany and sur
rounding country thut he bos just opened a
at Albany, at the place known s.-i
John GantCr'shop,
I shall keep tin hand ahd for aalo
At teE
K?Jeclni attontlo-n paid to .
wherein nn experience of many yearn enables
All Goods. Sold ani Work Eono
Albany, Jan. 28. 1873. n35tf.
price in ca-sli for iA Oats il-livpd lit my
stor. Kncks lumislM d.. ; J. CJ llvil'I.t..
1 i
r 2'--'JYiJ "' 1 ii i f i' ai mi- ihm aaiii Kjur. n'ai'uiim'iiy
- di - V SOLD
Acsett, Jannary X. IB 72, over $86,
000, in Gold,
rifly Thonsacd I'cUars SepcsitcA with
no acate Treasurer la Compli
ance with the laws of the
! State of Oregon.
Losses Fairly Adjust ca Ana
Promptly Settled I
GEO. K ClSAXT, Mana-t-r,
nl4m3. Portland, Oregon.
. JOS.;RI21X.Kii:,
Kox-th Pcrt3aad Precinct.
. BcfurcBco by TK-rmissioa to tb following
His llounr Thilip Wasseruian, Marnr cf
City of VortlnnUj lion. Kugoa Soiuyle; Pr. J.
A. Chapman ; Ir. J. C llawthorue; Dr. I. A.
Davunport; t. S. lloi niauiu &, Co.; Koapp,
Uurroll t Co. ; K. J. Jeffries; Clarke-, Ilcuiit-r-son
A Cok; S, O. Skidmnra: K. Martin t Ou;
A. B. KioUardau & Co.; iiiilard A VanstuyvtT.
OFFICE-25 7asUiston Street. lietwe
First and .SeconiT. vTn47tf.
Oil, YES !
stiJl desirous of continuing to meot th
same, the irpriot(jr-is r.lways f-ady and ensily
lotind nt all tinifs.- PaK-nrers nnd bfrgn-'
enrriod to and from the cars to nny part of tuor
city nt reasonable rate. A. X. AUXOI J,
Albany, Oregon, Proprietor,
rriet'. In cash, for all egga brought to uiy i-s-tablishiuentr
in Aiauy. -niti.
K, ?KAnr.T3.
rgiJiB ACctriiT ov KicfiAr.n m. row-
Jl ors aiHlAVin. W.-lioiij.imn, blaeksruith.
-flf lo iouad tii t fi oftkv of tit- iinut-rsieii',
ftcxt t!Mr ti hove lb Kh..Hivo Store. P.-moii
uiU('bl- ai "rtiti' .Ucl to cull and wttlt wrtn
Ut iurtUci no... :. . - -it; V. S.IW.-