Situ democrat. FRIDAY.. M AIICH 14. lo73. OUIl LETTIilMiOX ABOCT COLCMBXA CITY. Tangent, March 8, IS73. Editor Democrat : I eee by the last Willamette Ihrmcr that other parties are Interested in the farmers' move that Columbia City offers favorable Inducements. I would recommend that If any one wants to know about that place let them go and aee for thtmselves. If committees send them they will want their expen ses paid ; let them bear their own ex penses as I did. So doubt the anchorage t Odumbla City Is ood, for I was told that at their wharf they have 14 feet of water. Sow suppose a vessel drawing 25 feet and having a cargo of 2,300 tons to be safely anchored there ; nothing but a freshet like '62 would move her. There Is only 11 feet of water at low tide at tlie .Hog's Back, about 5 miles south east of Astoria. A vessel drawing 12 feet of water can't get out of sight of Astoria coming up at low title. Six .hundred tons of wheat was put on board of the vessel "Zouave" at Asto ria before she went to sea. We would like Columbia City to form a Farmers' Club ; they will find our Constitution and by-laws in this isue of the Democrat. All the cities should form Farmers' Clubs, as in the cities is an excel lent, place to plow. I don't suppose the houses and barns would be much more in the way than stumps, and you can elevate your header a little to pass over obstruc tions. Philip Low. OCR JEFFERSON BECfLAR. Jf.fff.rsox, March 10, 1S73. Editor Democrat i As I have a few leisure moments this evening to d-vote to terrestrial afiatrs, I concluded to inform you that I had again arrived at Jefferson the land of niy birth; or, if not exactly that spot, ( j flui nlint iv h !( thnt iiiinortant a fv a 1 v f -- v - - - - - - & event iu our nation's history would have trauspired if I could only have had my own way about it ; and noth ing could give me greater pleasure than the privileg? of laying down my valuable life in defence of its sacred institutions its "gum-sucks" in par ticular. Thes:; rrrj social entertain ments are, I believe, a Jefferson spe ciality ; or, at most, they appear to be obsolete in other places, unless per haps in some remote corner of the backwoods. Tln-re is naught under the starry "canopy of heaven" that will seud the life blood of us "stove loafers" coursing through our veins with such lightning velocity as the mention of that one word " gum suck." irhatathtiU of icstatie bliss in anticipation ; what dreams of vol uptuous pleasure and delightful enjoy ment its comprehensive syllables call forth. irell, I was mistaken when I btated that the season for these rare enter tainments was over, for we have had two since then, but the first didn't "pan out" very well. The last, how- and it drew eijual to a "pitch pine plaster;" but I couldn't attend as I had no clean shirt with opt?n back to wear, and as the reports about the af fair are somewhat conflicting I will drop the subject, but will mention an other which might be termed a "socia ble," that occurred the same night in a thicket above town, wherein multi tudes of bottles of Hostetter's bitters and alcohol, together with a countless number of eggs and chickens, are re ported as having "mysteriously disap peared." This reminds us that our new druggist has fully and satisfacto rily demonstrated that the qualities of the above-mentioned beverages are equal to the finest "rot-gut ;" and that thev are nossessed of the same rowdv- Ureemng. peace-disturbing elements. ,He nas been driving a very lively trade in this peculiar branch of his business, selliog indiscriminately to old "topers" and , young ruffians, whether drunk or sober, thus defraud ing the more honest whisky dealers of other towns, and swindling our city out of the price of licenses which had just as well be grant2d to some more respectable doggery. And this "moral leper" purposes continuing this busi ness, unmindful alike of the entreaties end remonstrances of citizens and the tears and supplications of wives and m6thewr Vrho are directly interested, " because, forsooth, he is protected by the quibbles of the law (What about the higher law, brother W. ?). Yet this specimen of the scum from the lowest vaults in the regions of the damned has the Unparalleled effront ery to occupy a front seat in a building dedicated to the worship' of almighty GosJ as a follower of the meek aud lowly Jesus. The name he bears has already been immortalized through the columns of the Democrat, and we now leayf him with the nattering as surance that his putrescent carcass will never be disturbed by buzzards nor worms after nor np 1 ho have any fears of ever disgracing the realms beyond the mythical river Styx, for his soul is tco small to be discernible, -even through the most powerful mi croscope in the possession of His Sa- J. s r" a. tauic ijiajesiy. n Enough for the present. Alpha. Again. We this week republish the articles of Incorporation of the Astoria and Albany Farmers' Company, so that our new subscribers can all under stand fully the objects of that corpora tion. It Is to be hoped that every far mer in the State will take an interest in the erection of a stupendous ware house; at Astoria during the present year. On:y $25 per share, and you get your money back in storage. Then what are you to lose by giving your encouragement to thi3 important en terprise ? , . Insane. A young: man who has for some time been in the employ of one of bur farmers, was yesterday adjudged Insane by the County Court, and sent ' to the Asylum. ; He was raving mad. He is said to have been in love with a young lady who recently married an other man, and disappointment at los ing her is said to have caused his In sanity. . . . - - The Centennial Celebration. A large audience greeted Hon A. J. Dufur, at the Court House, last U'ednes day evening, on the. occasion of his address upon the objects and aims of the Centennial Exposition of 1876 the one hundredth birth-day of American freedom. Under the act of Congress, providing for the appointment of Com missioners from each State to devise ways' and means for carrying out this Important event to a successful termi nation, His Excellency, Gov. Grover, appointed Mr. Dufur as the Commis sioner for Oregon, and that gentleman is now canvassing the State for the purpose of laying before our people the plans of the enterprise and soliciting their aid In Its acomplishmenr. A pro rata of funds is expected to be furnish ed by the inhabitants of each State, the share of each subscriber being placed at $10 two dollars of which is to bo paid down at the time of. sub scribing and tho balance in install ments of $2 at a time, to be levied In the shape of an assessment from time to time as the Board of Commissioners may require the money for carrying on the euterprise. Assessments are not to be made oftener than once in three months. These easy terms place the shares within the reach of tho poorest people in the land, as there Is hardly any one but what can a fiord to invest $2 per quarter, in greenbacks, for the furtherance of this olJtet. Each share holder is entitled to all the privileges of the Exposition during the time it Is being held, without additional cost, and he is also entitled to his propor tion of the net receipts of the Exposi tion. So there Is very little doubt but that he will receive his $10 back, with a liberal interest, after the enterprise Is over and its affairs settled. Mr. Dufur gave a glowing and eloquent descrip tion of the great benefits to accrue to our country from this great National Jubilee. It will, during the year 1S7C, lie the attractive feature of the whole civilized world, ami will br'ng together peoples and nations from every quar ter of the globe. Oregon, as well as all other .States of the Union and other countries of the world, is exjHK't ed to be represented there by her min eral, agricultural, mechanical and manufacturing industries all of whii h must greatly assist iu making her ad vantages known to the world and In enticing hither a useful and beneficial population from other countries. Jr. Dufur seems to have .met, thus far, with flattering success in securing subscriptions of stock. T.iere are about 2,000 shares allotted to Oregon, something near 300 of which are ex pected to be taken In Linn county. At the conclusion of Mr. Dufur's address, on Wednesday evening, an Executive Committee, consisting of I lev. Dr. Hoary, C. i IJurt;hart, Martin Payne, Jno. Harrows, ami Mart. V. Drown, were chosen by the audience to devi.-w measures for securing the amount of subscriptions expecteJ from Liun county. This Committee has appoint ed, sub-committees, consisting of two persons at each town in the county to solicit subscriptions in their respective localities. Let every body take hold of this matter, and we will give "Old Linn" the proud distinction of being the first county in the State to make up her pro rata of stock subscriptions. P'oliowing are the sub-committees : AtScio J B. Irvine. G. B. Christie; Lebanon S. 11. Claughton, C. B. Joti tauc; Brownsville J. II. Uashourn, IK R. Kirk; Jarrisburg E. 7oult, Hiram Smith ; alsey Jacob Thorn p sonr Caleb Gray; Shedd C. I Hogue. Frank fshetld. Subscription books will be furnished these sub-committees at an early day, and any other informa tion may be obtained by communicat ing with the Executive Committee in Albany. Dr. Geary and other mem bers of the Executive Committee will visit the different towns of the county in a few days and more fully explain this important enterprise. A Monopolist in Jaiu Last Sat urday forenoon a boisterous individual, with too much benzine in his stomach, was hustled into the calaboose by .Mar shal CVirtwright, and .ater In the day a notheT imbiber got "on the road to Baltimore" and was also "toted" ofl to the lock-up an I put into the same stall with the other inmate. Tins didn't suit No. 1 at all. lie said he was a gentleman and didn't want any man to intrude upon his domain unin vited. He said he was in his own cas tle and proposed to exercise an exclu sive monopoly of it until he and the City Recorder should be able to nego tiate other terms. So he "went for" the intruder with fist and foot, and knocked him down and kicked and cuffed him about until the Jarshal was attracted by the unusual noise and went in and extricated the fellow from the grasping monopolist's clutches. When he was brought out into the open air his clothes looked like he had been thrown through an Osage orange grove, and his face as though he had been food for a threshing machine dur ing a summer's run. His friends were only able to recognize him by the unu sual dimensions of his pedal extremi ties. Wnv They Couldn't Cojje. XTal sey has a Jl-thodist preacher who is slightly on the German order. He was last Sabbath preaching from the text of the parable of the mail who gave a great supper and sent his ser vants out to invite the folks iu to par take. In elaborating upon the account of the parable our Dutch divine said : "And when tem servants tey go out to invite te freints In, one he say he can't come pe'eause he pin pought some lant und must go und see it ; nudher man he don't can come for he pin pought a yoke of shteer3 und he must dry tem; und te oder veller he can't don't come to supper pecause he haf yust pin mar ried and he haf to dry 'em, doo." The gravity of that meeting was not a prominent feature for a few minutes after this eminent attempt at expound ing Holy Writ. , ; Thus they Come. We received quite a number of new subscribers af ter the adjournment of the Convention last Saturday, as also during the cur- at week.- Many of our new patrons are Republicans who patronize usr not for cur politics,- but for our defense- of the farmers' cause. Thanks, gentle Fotfin DYING. IFo aro informed that on Friday morning of last week an old gentleman named Samuel Crowley, about 81 years of age, whose home has been for several years in the Forks of the Santiam, left the house, of his grandson, Mr. John Gaines, a few miles above Solo, to go to his son-in-law's, Willis Gaines,, about a mile dis tant ; but it 'was ascertained during the day that he had not reached his destination, and the alarm being given, tho neighbors turned out and made search for the missing man. About 3 o'clock In the afternoon of that day one of the Gaines, while passing along the path which the old gentleman was supposed to have taken in going from one house to the other, heard a groan Iu the bushes hard by, and on going Into them, found the missing man re clining upon a bed of brush which ho had evidently made for himself; he was gasping for breath and was already In the last stages of dissolution. Help was summoned and the dying man was conveyed to the bouse of Willis Gaines, where he remained In an unconscious state until about 11 o'clock at night, when his lalorlng heart ceased to beat and the vital spark fled from his time scarred Imm ly. 1 Mr. Samuel Gain.;, grandwon of the deceased, informs us that the old gen tleman was In this city last' week, when, it Is ascertained that a man an swering his description purchased from Star Jealey, clerk at Settlemler'sdrug store, a 2-ox. vial of laudanum, and It is feared by his friends that tho aged veteran has, In a fit of mental abstrac tion, taken his own life by tho aid of tlds deadly sopotitto. Capt. Shields, our County Treasurer, was a son-in-law of the deceased, and tells us that he was aged 81 j'ears, 8 months and 1" days. He was a veter an of the war of 1312, and was also ., i uni.i trii.knrv'a" l.r.iv.. tuiva one or uki iiicKor s irao oo who held that little "peace parley" 1 wiui me iiiuriieriMi v reeK jiiuiuus 11 1 TohoiH-ka on the memorable 27th otfj .Marcn, uii, wnere mere was naruiy a redskiu left to tell the story of lMC,!Ndu slaughter. Ho was a man of varied experiences and much general Infor mation. He was for many years a res. ident of Andrew county. Mo., of which . "fijintlam hllicci onetimejf n.uurupyoure i.tloueroL vuii a man of i Klv.-roulof ban county, we believe, he was at Probate Judge. 7e was a jtei considerable property at the time of his death. His friends liave our sin cerest sympathy in their sad afilictlon. Probable Cases ok Epizootic J. R. McClure, Esq., of this county, in forms us that he lias under his care at the present timt two nick horses, both of whom are u 111 it-ted with exactly the same symptoms of ii.-ea!o. He d ."criln's the dNese as follows : At the ,1rt apjH-arance of the hicknexa the c-yes and lips of the hor-vo took on a pale ml color, and the animal seemed to bo suCering with shortueM of! breath, ami by Incl.Iii liim he would ' J t ramble as dues a person with the ague. J From that on for three or four dayn the J horse would utand about uttipldiy and I , , , . . . . , . partake of food LTit sparingly ; at the , expiration f thl time he bparl coiiKlung and awellin a little under the throat. Hat h of thetw horacs about the ninth day begun discharging mat- ! ter of a greeiih-yellow color frotn the i IjOW. Mr. McClure ad viae, pcinoosj who find their hortttn similarly affllvt-'",nt ed to place them in a warm dry ahel- ttr, especially uuring the damp atrfl rainy season. As the other istagca Xi t?li4 ill 4ltlkH Muvulim f Iwciu-K-..- r McClure promises us further report of tho cases under hU charge. He is known as a skillful veterinary Bur geon. If this is the epizootic our far mers should take every precaution against permitting a spread of the con tagion. Don't allow your horses to run at large or remain In pastures with other herds. "ViirtK He (Jot 'em." Last week we published the fol.owing squib among the "Home and A broads :" lr. i'iuminr-r ha hlp-d three black-tailed d'-.T lo n trcjid iu lilionl. Thee will orna ment a tiar on the "Orand ralr)c' of the! eucKer eUiU-. And now a brace of Inquisitive co veys, writing from Salem, Interro gates us as follows : ri--ae Mat where he got 'em. P1-n be particular. You say they wer.s black-tnih'd. ow our i:tK-t exehaiica say they w.-ra wh iv.-d. 't'n jKlnt at lu ' are trt'-refore, "Wher he cot 'cm," a:.o tho "tale." I'icase define your pouh. , ours In diKtr". 1!. F. :W.V. UEt. W. HICIIAHDS. None o' yer darnation business ! You just keep yer nose our, o' ou black-tailed business and there won't be no pint at ishew no how. Organization of a Militia Cost pany. In accordance with a petitionA signed by forty-five persons, Brig. Gen. M. V. Brown ha issued an order for the organization of a Volunteer Mili tia Company at Yaqulna Bay, Benton county. Dr. C. M. Carter, f Newton, has been designated to organize and muster in the company. The people o('er there aro not entirely satisfied that the Indians don't mean devil ment, and they are bound to bo pre pared for the sneaking cusses. Butte Creek Cmtb. Last Friday the farmers who reside In the neigh bbrhood of the 3organ School i7ouse, met at that place and organized the Butte Creek Farmers' Club, by the election of the following officers : M. Morgan, President; A. Brandon, Vice President ; A. D. Michael, Secretary ; W. P. Anderson, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer. The regular meetings of the Club will bo held on the second Saturday in each month, at 1 o'clock p. m. We aro Indebted to Secretary AfcMichael for these items. ' The Santiam Ditch. This im portant enterprise is now a fixed fact, Next week we will advertise for pro posals for the contract of construct! n, the work, which Is certain to be com pjeted during the current year. It has been ascertained that the amount of the original capital stock is not Buffl--cient to complete the work, so the Di rectors have decided to increase the Btock SlOOOOmaklng it $40,000 In stead of $30,000. i ; .J ' - anufactoby at Shedd. -Mr. IT. Stroeder has established a willow ware mautifactory at Shedd, where he is prepared to make all articles of that ware, including clothes baskets, chil dren's chairs, etc. Read his card elsewhere. Business CiiANdri. Prof. John Fo shuy has purchased of Raymond A Wheeler the Post oflico book store, and flings his banner to tho breeze through the column of tho Democrat. He will make It his aim to keep on hand a flrstcliiss catalogue of books and sup piles of stationary of every dlscrlptlon. Cigars for the smoker and candies for tho sweet tooth of a baby may also he found hero in fullest varieties.' We bespeak for Prof. Foshay a liberal pat ronage. Read Ids ad. A "Saving" Ohmxance. Now our frlcndHneedn'tbrliig us any morechlck ens we've got tho thing all fixed. Tho Council has before It an ordinance, which will pass, making chickens running at large tho property of tho first person who nips 'em. HVveJust got our eye on about 300 that mako an aviary of bur bovine plaza (cow lot 1), and now that the law Is to bo on our side tho "Slaughter of tho Innocents" will shortly begin. O, no! guess not! Chicken meat won't become monoto nous at our house, much. That Exhibition. Remember the College Entertainment to-night. A rare feast may be expected, as tho tal ented students of that superior Institu tion are making every effort to render this affair a completd success. Tab leaux, colloquys, cHHiiys, declamation), orations and iiiuhIc will comprise the programme of the entertainment. In tho demand fr Aitri.-ulturnl Implement1 the coming harvest, ny tin' "Hurul lr-iui," I likely to corri'riil with the Incrcnwil number of acM tinitr-r cultivation, ther will be lively tttii-n nmonstti" Hun Frftrieiwo d'-nlrln nurli lriiii-iin ntt during the --. Hrvnml Drum, It In ui!(J,rtoo'l. hnvo Hntl'lMit'i1 iIiI-iIi'ii.kiuI, itml li!vi' ifnri-il tti-iu -Ivi-n invorili)tly by curly Mmciit. L Ik mittt thnt one ulncl" tlrni, I Tr uit- -II A Co. who Mill occupy tln-lr old mill wi ll knou n ntnti'l.) hiivooiilrm-t'il for iiIhhiI iwi'iily-llni enr lumJ of Ih'-lr iiw hur. vcMIiir nim-lilii'H. thin iirly In th" "non, to ft't'ur-. low riit'-o, I-mi!" a lnrg niuoimt ol HniHlli-r Imiil-ni'-nt. !l would "-ni at till riiti. with wtiul fth!!iiii"ftt,- Itit-v iimtmlflv linvw 'r '"" " nroiitiu lit" iioru. ami wun u. K.kf ot h-r i.ou-, timt tu-r ouuhi to r""". u.kmi )nia- in u.- uitt r. how-v. r-r, mi:i pr -Hit mm 1110 tupi'ly will not inuul i:v iliiiiuuu. ilUn, Ireil beef cattle were ship- . f hu,,,, to Puiret Sound during the week. HUME A NO A U ROAD. Jr-vm gnu jrrw all round, now. We have l-lU.r irom Iowa in 11 lyt. lien It'll been for a year. cUlaJti ni; tho Council 1 aftor U and UU on tUo upward slntit. Juilgo Curnit. of Denton, called durlcf th W.-ek. Hen. II., w received your "Llneolo acatj.' Ilttnky. Jack AUphtn la running hotel at Corvalll on the you-rfi-.n plan. Win. II. r.rown i appointed elty night watch man for the current y-r. Mr. Mncrut U doing thu fiactt painting aver "I ri-trnl'M" l:i AH.utiy. Wiicnt in Liverpool. Ij, 6.J ; In Han Krancl. co, ILUI; In All.ony, O. Uur form -r f i-Honf-cIt!- n, Jcrr trice, U on a it from I'uci Houi d. Warranty and CJulM'liilin Uwd and Mort for aiilc al thl oflio. t'tiari'-y llors-Tn. wi ri-grH to u ulU III " " '" m in"eny- . th c are tumUis nut the ulct job work la the bt,inc. tail and aperimona. jkj.aic" i what an Alonny man thought lh' ma" "r i,h hu "w ,n1 w'k- The whiter term of AlUw.y Cotli-ea closed ylMay Therwi.i u-aw'-k of vu. y.. m. urey t th roud father or a festive. W- Wo u Mow fcu-rtiinr;, tut u tho other ki:"1- Il-v. Mr. licmry win preaen in lh t.ourt ; It Hiv at 11 a. x.. and la lh i evening, on next j.-.hBih. ft arly fnrta-rljht pok-l hi clalc no In ur,n lh" "tek- 1,"k, "a JIa!ju. 1 u;y, c,mns rton fc,r hot wot.r, ,!rvd i "! ho rntinaul locomotive by th hoouimn i njfiiKt m. Tim very. able communication from Tlo- n cr" of Alo."i. arrived too late for this luc. Will apKr In on r next. Ijt wet-k ix f. Stlu- waa laid up with neu ralgia, and hi p, ipi l had a chance to j;et their back well lor thk ' ek' boetlllllea. f 'lay Kuhn t"ll ua that he and hi family bad a pleasant vlalt among th Iolk countylte Iiu4. week. Crop aa 1 Kfaa am qulto forward ov-r there. V.'e weep (fljuraUe 'ly apeaklnRl tear of irratltud on the neck 01 lion, fc. K. ctoma of Ijx tjrnnd", for a "ten dollar acab off . tho txxly jilltlc." An obntrcpcmu flshtlnfr hd tir nntn rained on ill phi lit Hatu rday. In this city, and at lal account ha wtu ' hunllns for the man that struck William Fat. On the oulide of this t r our fanner friend will find Col. Taylor at le letter to the Farmer, a alxo the Constitution "t"1 of the Farmer' Club of District No. . Dr. D. M. Jones starts In a few Uays for a health-seeking trip up the Columbia Ho will extend hi Journey to Walla Walla. he como back rejuvenated and rcf rlgcraUx. ' Y Sir. I'hlllp Low and other farmer of i hl re gion will attend tho llurrrlsbur Farmers 'Club to morrow, for thi numo"! of soliciting . wo L scription of stock to tho warehouse entcrpr. During the Into cold snap dumsels at TVP I ) Hi (itnum-d thernselvc by sliding down hi!.' r in tin pans. J ney ni-id tiie pan clone tiehlnd ; them, took a short run, sat down, and let 'cr yieoot I We noticed our old friend, ex-fcherirr It. A. f Irvine, among tho farmer at the Convention 1 lflkf kahinluv III, ! . fw.r. W nnt . I I iUn f.w. mors' cnusa and will bo no trilling auxllllory to their phalanx. Itugh Kinall, traveling correspondent of the einn F'ranclnco "i;ulliln," was a rfrt''r at tho Farmers' Convention last Saturday and wrote up a full account of the proceeding for tho pa per wiich ho represents, Tho "Or;'jonlan" says Kaoney has already been Indicted by tho Grand Jury of Linn coun ty. Considering the fact that the Urand Jury bas never been in sesxlon slnca the liurrlsburg fracaa, this Is pr.-tty good. Uur friend, Frank Wadsworth bos put spring suushlno into our stomach by presenting us with a nice supply of "garden boss," such as lettuce, onion tops, etc. Frank Is the earliest produoX-r who lias made his "debut" so far this year. , Philip Low, Esq., has kindly consented to speak a good word for tno Dsxocbat In his travels over the county, and ho Is duly authorized to receive moneys and receipt for subscription to this paper. . Ho is after subscriber to the Asto ria and Albany Farmers' Warehouse enter prise. . " 8am Colver, tho Modoc, wants to know, "If It costs the Government CUO.OuO to teach one Indi an to say u d d n, bow much will It cost to teach a whole tribe the Lord's prayer?" Well, if they're- generally as Ignorant as Sam Colver the Government better give up tho conundrum In hopeless disgust. ' A squallng fellow with cars like the boirnty. of Providence and A mouth like tho Mammoth Cave. ha. been standing about or, our street corners during the past week, selilnf- a "pain ay ' V on taking it i, o., it gives you such pain of its! n mat, you rorj-etall your other ills. X Tha flraf nirnllnw nut lr c.n Tho nrst swallow put In na appeaninco at our WnitnliKllnv. Tin rnvaho . 1. a a n I ORlee last Wednesday. He (or she, as tho c aso may be.) immediately began patching up one of the old nests' Just above our window, and if some little cuss of a hoodlum dont molest or make them afraid the bird manufoetory will br-gjngrindingthcroinafew days. Welcome, Ifllrice welcome, gallus little swallow tho first bar binger of returning spring,- ' , Lizzie Rogers, of WrTHauoBport,'. Pa. , is said to be tbe best female bookkeeper in - the - United States Treasury at Washington. She has been made eligible to an 81,800 clerk ship. She was taught bookkeeping by her father. - AltTICLBS OB" INCOJIPOHATIOM or ' ' ' Tho Aatorla it Albany Farmr' .iy, Mnrtln Mo-t,3. vCTuVMw, V. H. I'ownll, I'hlllp Uw.yi, W. Vernon, K. fc. fniilii,!. f, UurKiiart, nnil U. II. Unijer. their HHsoriut... anil MuvC'iKHorN, do ln r"ljy ineurpKnil" tin-m. c1vm uiiilcr and by virtue of t li" provision f tlie Act or 1 tin J-alilutlvp AawhiUly of tltu Htuteof Or'uou, eiiiitled "Aii Act providing lor 1'rlviil.) liieorpnmlloiiK, pniw'il and pivxl telidi.r II, lJ," with timiinjiiilinnnttliemti, Mim:tii I, I'h" nniiit) of thin corimmtloii nlmll lie "I'liu AlUany Axluriu I'uriiurH' Coin. pany." hkc. The cnnltnl titock of till Incorpora tion Nlutll bo Klily '1 hi'iiiiiid lolliir. Km , Tim iviiioiuil of eiwh hra of copltal stM'k Hlmll m 'J'weiity.ffvo lollnr. Hwi. 4. Tho Iim1iii. for which thla norpori. t Ion In formed uliull hn to coiiNtruct, liulld. oiiili mill run Nt-iunlxiiitK, bnrtffit, and all Kitiuitoi wiiu-r criittd, nnu itjo Name mi wpenwi unoii tint Wlllnmetcn Itlver. In I lie Hf'itn of Or- ion, iroin IU 111011U1 to tho hend thereof, nd no tnr n th mime Im, tnny, or nliall 1', iiiivIkh- iiiii luKciii'T wan it trlliiiluneiii ami hiko nie Cohiiiibln Ulver Irom IU mouth to 11 lieitd, or no tnr Ui! HHine U, tuny, or nhnll oe, navlita ble, together Willi H trltiutiirh-n, In trnnn)rt 1 ii U u ix m mild Wlllutnettn and Coluinlila river mid Liii-lr trlbuljirio", and upon tho Ii It'll u, up ami down and iiMn the untno, pn4cnKcr, Iri li;ht, or ot her thlnn, I done by eoiiiinoti enrrlem. A lo, to build, own, ami linvw ware. hoiiKcii and all und liny kind or klndu of utorn tioimi'M, wluiru. (i(M-l and Ixmt liitidliiic, and reeeive. More, and truunport any and nil kltulN of lthIii. produce, or other tlilnr miMN'iitliiie of xtoniu"' mid trmiMHirlitlloii, and to chnruo llu relor In any munuer not uoujrury to law; Pi piircluiice, lake, iic.iilre, and hold IhihU, iiioueyii, or outer pro-rty, r -ai ami eroniii, und to cj, eneuiiilii-r. niortitnife. or convey th- mime, or any purl thereof to the u of the corirnllon. Wd.'. 0. Ill" termlnntlon or th" cnli-rprlan mid wop" ot the l.tiH. 11 -mm of th corporation halt l eexlcnilv with tiie Htntn of Oregon, and It mivluiitlon of lh lr -aina In thean 11 n I- cl iiientloiied n hiil I le. Irom the mouth of the Miluiiiulii Ulver In mild Htuteof Or th head therfHif, with lt trlhultirt'-d, mid Irom th mouth of th" WlllnmettH I'.lver, In theHliik, of reeon. to tho head thereof, toetliur with Ita trliitnrlci. hw. . The prinelpnl plneo tif ImalneM and oftleeof the corporuuon alio 1 1 te. nt ih city of Albany, In th County of I.I1111, H-iteof Oi-irori. In wltti" wher -ot we Imve her Minio et our hand and Benin thl 11 day of March, A. IJ. ISM. ltieorMirntor: MAltri; f.ffFn, 3. It. M'" fl.PHK. V. H. 1'llWH.I,, 1'IIII.IH Uiw, o. W. VUIHOW, K. K. J. ASMJU, ('. 1', llt-UKMAMT, U. II. lUUCM. N. It. JIUMrilHKYJ Th followlns; named p-r'ri wr appointed to open Uxik and r -lve nlcrlptloii: J. 15, MftNiire, I'lillii, tjtw, tJ. W. Vernon, Y. H. 1'owell and 1-:. ('.. I iiiinlii. DIED: fftOWf KY nlh 7lh lnt.,nt th rMnc f Willi liiiln", n'-ur Kt-lo, )raou, Jrix.k HAMffct. 1'uowi.KV, forwrly or Aielp-w coun ty. Mo., B!X-d Ml year. M month and lidiiji. MlMourl pup-r pleaw; copy. N K W AHV i; IIT IS i: M K N T S J A. V, C. P. llnOCE. C. It. WllEtLKtt. A. VKEELER t CO., lli:tl'ft hTATIO.V, ORIIUOV, KOUWAIiDINCi AND rOMMlHHlON M-It- C1IAXTH. All PKALtlt IS MERCHANDISE AND PRODUCE! A cood rtmnt of all kind of goods al ways In stomal lowest market mus. Agent for sale of WAGONS, GRAIN D RILLS, CHURNS, CIDER MILLS, ETC. Cah paid for Wheat, Oats, Tori-. Cutter. S and l'oultry. iii:moiuuioiis. As CAK OTHKf'.S A COS "PII.K PILLS A.N.. ijIXT.'KNT" to aw becta on ol lu U!i'lar. pre, oration" f the day; if fr- p""l and rcei.uui-.'',"l i"f rile (wbetber rbroi.i orr.-ent). Pu.Tirrer may depend UD"D it. that th'n remedy will Jiv tiieoi pernifinrtit r!ief from tbi lruab!efe sod ilsrosirij -plutit. lcat pt:pid I sny sMrct (within the Cnl Ud Klsief ) udB receipt of prie,tl.30. A. CAUOTllEUS A CO.. oiO-l Al)iiy( Lies Co., Or(B, A -11 1 ASA If uv r "s - u a2T -No. 519 Sacrament Street, eer. f LeidoderQ Mrn.t.(afw dvor blw Wbat Cbeer llent. Prirata Kntranea ea lidodorfl itrMt. to Francbcu. ftaiifief trjtrntlg In affurd 'A mfflicUd mm a f f itific metiitnl aid in tkt trtatmtnt omd curt of all Private and Ckrmm- te X of ,N cr cy onif all Srxuat Disorder). TO TIIE AFFLICTED. iTkR. W. K. DOHEHTY RETURNS HIS RI' m.w ri-re thanks to III numerou patients for their pal ruling", and would lake ml opjMirtu rilty to r-miiid tlviu that ho continues to con sult At Id iiiMltuti; lor the cure ot chronic dls- use of III I.iiiik. Liver, Kidneys, Digestive ,. -d Uenito-Urlnury Drrms, and alt private dik ea. , viz : Nyplillta in all It form and KUi -Lri rvni ini nniKnr-n, anu uu ine iiorTiiicon. ,m --lie a ii -"n-itijii--, . ,.,iiti, riiu'n, J-', rut 'ire. Noeiurnal and IHurnnl emlsitlifna. Hexua - "Uiii. i'ien"s oi inn -tinea and A Ixlns . nnammaiion or tne i(ialii"r and Kiu- f V,. etc mill lie titlM I Iml hl limn av. iwrl"'nee . l,"l sueecsful inietlco will continue to Infcur I. "ii n shitrenf public patronage. I'.y the pmctlcA - many year In Euron and the United eilatt ' enabled to apply the most efficient and successful remedies against dis eases of all kt tl- -e cures wltliout mercury, charge moden, te, trnU 111 patient In a cor rect and honoral'le way, and has references of uniitiestlonitblovt Tacit jr Irom men of known Itmpectablllty and .Ugh standing In society. All iwirtles commit In. thlm by letter or ot her wl, will receive the b,'rt H,,d gi'ntlost treat ment, and Implicit exc. To Fca'lW' When A female 1 in troit.Mi. -ir nfllleted with a u-nalrncaa nf IkA bOl'K Hnd limb. pain In the head, dimness .? e'lj?ht. loss of muscular power, palpitation 04 lhr nenn, trrt tjulilllty, nervousnesK, extreme -.rinnry diincul ai, drnnt:erunt or digestive t. 'met Ions, gen eral debility, vaginitis, all dlsi '''' t"n womb, hysteria, sterility, and all other disea ses eculiiir to female ; she should or,,wt,, at once to the celebrated femnlo docU.r. Doherty, at his Medical Institute iiuo. consult him about her troubles and disease. T'ho Doc tor is effecting more cures than any otho." phys ician in tho Ktute or cniliornla. lt no iiiisc delicacy jire vent you, but apply immediately ana save yourii irom pniniut sutrerings a uu prematura death. All Alarri'-d Indies wlio.'Hi delicate health or oth"r circumstances preven.' an Increase In their families, should write or call at Dr. W. K. DohTty's Medical Institute, and they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's offices aro so arranged that ho can be consulted without fear of observation To Correspondents. Pntlent resldlne in nnv tiart of the Stale. ihowever distnnt, who may desire (he opinion feano jten statement of such, in prefnrenon to lioldlnc Ia ivwinai intorview, are ruspfot.iully asaured I that tholr communications will bo held, most I Bn itntA If tliecnsebe fully and candidly described. personal omnmuiuraiuuu win uo unnreesaiirj'i llliniii "r uni, ri'Hilin-il, linu llio -nil. Prni treat ment of tho ease (lnclud'tii- the reiue. .,..V nrlll ha fA.aro..Uri ...Ulmt. f..l.... 1 I dies), will be forwarded without delay, and in uiifh a mnrinei o.s In erinvev no tHim ef th. purport of the lottor or parcel so transmitted. (nsiiltiitlon by li'tter or otherwise, i'BKS. l'ermnneiit cufo guarnntfed or no pay. Address, W. iC DOHERTY, M. D., tsun Francisco, Cal. Spermatorrhoea. Dr. Doliorty has lust published an Important! pnmphli-t embodying his own view and expe. riences in relation to Impotence or Virility, bo ing a short treatise on HprTmntorrhoa or fifra lnal Weakness, Nprvnu and Fhysienl Debility consequent on this affection, and othcr-disoa-se of tho Sexual Orsans. This Uttlo work contain lnformatlo-tf f the utmost valae to nil, whether married or single, and will bo sent FKEG by mall m reeetpt of six cents in postage stumps for return poHCage, . ArWreas, W. K. DOUERTY, M. D v8n3Stf. Sail. Francisco, (Tal. A D V K 11 TISK M K N T 8 BUSINlSS DIRECTORY Of PORTUfJO, OREGON, 'iiSIU1ii1 by I Knmnv), General Adturtiiiiii A'jml, 3 Front .SVi-. A K i: II M X Ik 'H iVUl. I.AUSROKIi &. 1U. FIB ST 8TKKET. Iioporler and 3Mmt of Fani-y tiic, Toy, Cruokery, OlaKinr nud I'lnled U'n1. .4 ater IIi.n. Firnt t. Iietween Onk and tin J Kverytlilnir neiit. 11. L. l.entifulln I'rep. books, station: AJ(I IKT. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS! GILL, STEEL & BANCROFT, SoTS and 77, Flrnt Strwt. rortland, Ortgtm. Baruiao, tlir only dime! Importer f Clotb'as, c, cr. Front h WBliiiton Btreett, CHAS. C. BAHItETT, " WROLCIALS Ifookscllcr and Slatiouer, LARGEST STOCK IS V0R TLA AD. No. 7 Frnnt and Xo, J Wafhlr.jrt.oa StrU. B'KCKl WTI.UAM 4 K0X, 129 Front .treet, Imp'-rlerf and l)nler in . uns, nines and nvoVERs of evry ilem ripii .n. l'inhlnir Tackle Fancy (Iih.iU. ;-'l, Bird C jtea, Ukt. Croquet linmcii, A llaly Crrigr(. Agent f"r tti "CHlifernla l'uwder Work;" alfo f..r the "tVheeli-r WIUn Macliiin-f." 1 eck. J eh 11 A., )2V Front t.. practical Wairb- maker weler. M'erk den fr tli trail. ii o li1" s i j o J iii 1 x r Kiiff. IlIMKft llACIIKMtF.K. Fn.nt St. no aiiRn. . A.. . a. cor. J-t c lve.r tit. Cneapviit Fiirnilnm Iloa-e in r-irtli d. piRpPTQ WALTER BROS, It Anr 1 1 0 SS Front Btreet. ' tlliVrkr. Iloii.lerf.iii A I' k r Fir.t t. J lelc-r in Iry Ofoil. Fancy Millinery, A. tluhn A Homnfvld, 1-18 Fn.utt. CoramlHioa J Meichantf t dealer in Or. A Cal. prudoc. onuie, J. II., Mamitartorer A Scaler in Had- dlr, llarni-m A Kaddlery Il'rdw'r. 9(1 F'nt ft. tlnrrier. W. A 103 Front t J Tailor t Clothier. Hat. Fan nt. Mcrslisot arniabias Good. at Atcntf. m nry loenrd, hen- rented. C, V. WiK.ilsrd A Co., Ifil Front treet. Oriiert fruw Miy mrtiou .f tbe fctaleor Trril r.e criully Oiled by mail or xpre. I ."I mi!, Lnwentlein AC. rorDitoresnd earjst J dealer jluret from 124 t l-'iS Firt t. topi AA V" uyiuent Ageriry, J. It. W i.erll, 80 runt ft. rurni-licf all kind nf help. 1,1 v.r.lini: t li J Mercbnntu lie be. Iu Friit ft. C"iuuiiti"B nd ilealer in l"tnitte tiredoe. bion Livery First A tfalmu. orbctt Vr. txe d turn-. uia twsra hsad I.)i bel A It'iberts' cr. Fir-t A Wbipj-'B ts. Dealer A ronufa. elo'btn;. fara'g (). GRAY'S MUSIC STORE. Tk Urfetl y fl Heat ea t Csssl. STEINWAY PLVNOS, Dt'RDETT ORGANS, O. . DcriZ MSr SSgj-ar. ol Agency jfor (h llovrc" Setrin; Machine. r A-;ai wsniea. fc; 1 11 scueusv A M.ine. r err and lralrs la alt kio'l of St-filf. cor. Ftrtt n l Main st. 11 toburxnr, II., I.'i l Fint t., Imp-mer and l?r!fr'',? irTu..K...iii rr. Hi i. II., t'butegiapbic Artit, I. w.eor. :rt A M'.rrifn. 1 tu'.iff I'iet. -rM-eisltT., L. C. A C.. 108 F.r-t ft. ilns fart'rn A i!ea!rf in -elry. Watcbr, c., u. L., 3 Fr.iat t., wbnletsle dealer i) tlrweri. Donr. Wsgno Mstertal, Ac, niMigm Caie! A Co , ilf Frout ft-, wbeicfsla d in I'rujf, Paint. Oil. Piau, Ae. 1 jf fcATl dewing Msehine. straight IlUiTaLJ- neilc. ondrfed,nd-lock liieli." Cioipeuti"n eh;lmjJ. O. W. Trsf r. Agent. 112 Front itrt. natebuiea. W., watcbtaaker, corner First A Min St. All work dun al t?aa Fra ckii pri( and warranted. norcren A t-hin.ller. No. 146 to 172 First, luiperter of Furniture, Keddiaj;, Ae. M. Kodnlph. Pr. Free Hu. ntten-lf -tenner. T'' bn, J. A Co., VI Frnl l , wbulesaia A V retail tl-ulerin fine ('ltliin-r, FornV tiood. Maifun Diirt lU'iurni, private fvr fmilie,eor. I ft A Pinet. Q. Vuo Pr Martin. K. A t'e. wboleiale dealer in wines A Liquor. 0. S. X. Co' lileek and Ssa FraB. Meier A Sebtnecr, 1 1 1 Front St., Wbolttal and Uctsil Cenfeetioners. Miller, Juho B-, 93 Fir-t st. Watehmaker and Jeweler. otTer to th public a Bne -Surtmrnt of V,'atebef, Clock and Jewelry. T oeller A Co., Frtn.t, near t., draler in XtJL native andforeijn Wine. Liquor A Cijrart "kTurthrup. A Thurnpton,lIardware. Iron, Steel, Hob, Spol e. Ilardwoud Lnruber. Ae. -fKrridental Hotel, enr. Firm A Morrifon iu. 5mith A Conk, Proprietor . jarrifh. VVmkin A t'ornrll. Ileal Estate Agnu eor. Front and Stark ft. I'iIOTOJICAIlll: CiOODS. 11. WUODAUD A CO.. 101 Front Street J. II. l-IMLI.GTOX, H. D., OCULIST & AURIST, Offlee, Xo. 73. First S, Ilnlmei' BoUuin-;, 3rd door from Ladd's Bunk, treats all dUeas of the , -TE, En, THROAT & LUNGS. R iehter, Psul, 105 First ., Xuiporter of Ber lin wooden en rvingx, l'arlor Oroaments, Ae. R o-enbaum, I. S A Co., Tobaooonist. A Im - porters of Foreifrn and Douicstio Liquor. R tifs Huuif. Front il. Un First Clan Frin- eipal. Tho. Ryan, Proprietor. O ht-rlock, S., Al Front A 62 Fir t its., dealer ia Harness, Saddlery . and Saddlery Hardware. Shnon. J., 56 Front St., dealer in Doors, Sasb. and Blind. W ndnw and Plate Cila . 1 inslieimer.ll, 167 First at.. Importer of Ptaa J os, Orsns, Sliuot Mufie, Muicl laxtruints Skidniore, S. Ii., 123 First st , Druggist and Apotheeary. A large atoek of Perfumery ud Toilet Article. . s mitli A Davis, 71 Front tt., wholesale drujri, Pnint, Oils, Window Glaaa, Perfumery, Ao. s new & Itoos, 73 Firi-t St., Picture-, Fismea, Moldings, Artist's Mat'ls. Dr'wog Inatr'uints O tnith. Put, broker, 90 Front at., dealer in Le 11 jfitl Tender. Uorernin'nt Botidn A Gold Dot CITOX I.J ll! L,., 107 Front Street, ) )'uttti milker and Maoufuoturing Jeweler,' i appoin. d agent for tho Wslthnro, Elgin. K. How ard A C C. E. Jacot, and the Cal. Watches rIro, f. r all the productions and itn-'irts tif the California Jowelry Co., Sun Franoiseo. Send for a eiroular. Watobe repaired in. tbe very bett manner and Warranted to jrive ntifetion. T Terty lirog, ) 78 Firit at, Mauuiatturers and deal rs In Farnttnre, liertdtng. Garpet. Ae. flllie Ctothig Store, 1 13 Front street. Cloteh J log, Fumishuig Goods, Boot and Shoea, Harris A Prnger. I- ft. - flluttlo. II li, 142 and 144 Front t. Dealar J. in Wagon and Aericnltnral Implement : Tyne. K D, n. w. enr First A Oak ats, dealer in fiio Brandiet. Wines, English Ale A Porter Williams A Myers. & Central Uloek. Front it. ConimisioD Mereh'nt- A deal in Produce Whallcy A Feehheirner. Attorneys A Solicit or iu Bankroptoy. Cffio ia the Odd Fellow' Temple. . - - HARNESS m? ATSHEDD, OREGON. , T. FOUTIIfEU, MnnitfnrtTrerof. and Dealer innAUyEaSund KAIsDLKtj. A a'lod BSttolo le.r alulr priii , .: nluir. ' ... i i I my 111 -ii - no muii,.4h . 1 1 mmimii!Wry.jhjx -6 -r W -fa- tufa, Wfftt VITH OB WITHOUT F0f.CE FiED. 2 ' im ' I ' irn Titt jrmTfriTrn PEORIA PREMIUM PLOW, So well and favorably known throughout the West and Paeiflo jylope. Improved especially patent concave, steel high landside, Scotch clevis and high standard. Solo Agents lor ' litc:b: jtuul -w.QOsr. WITH Patent Xlonads R.2-A.CC, SOIETfilXG JEW. THE 2ZZXCHZ2LL "w"AGOT. SOW ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL TO EE THE BEST WAGOX OK THE PACIFIC COAST Send for Descriptive Circular. BflCKRIVERPAFERCQ. SKEATi.nG, PlasleriDf, EOOriEG, DEAFENING C-RPET IsXITIKC- Samples snd Cirm lr sent five by H. 0. K033I3S, nfbr OifRon, Vtwblnc- ton and IJtho. KITtAKD, CCCa. vSulStf. . t t 0 t u i i a WATCHES AND JT E WELHY! nrH CNDEIWO'ED tlEIlEBT ANXOCTf M. oes to tho Citftens t Albany and sur rounding country that he has just opened a, JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT ! ; at Albany, at the piace known as 1 1 Jolm CJ outer's Sliop, ' I shall keep on band and for sale ALL "GOODS PERTAINING TO TK1S Llf. AT THE LOWEST LIVING, RATES ! - Especial attention paid to -. REPAIRING FiNE TIME PIECES, wherein an experience of nwusy years enables me, J trust, to give - - f PERFECT SATISFACTIOX. All Coed Soli and TCCrV Cone Warranted. 'CHARLES EOCROARDES. Albany, Jan. 28. 1S73. n25tf. OATS ! OATS ! IS . ILt PAT THK IIIGIIEST MATtKEI prion in cash for nil Oats ilniiver-'d at mj ro. eiaeKa luriiint-u. - viir.AiJii&. , up LTT 1 7 7 72c for the season cf 1872-3, with Tatcnt ROLLER "ERAH t SCO O T. TTI LAST YEAR! FIREMAN'S FL'ND INSURANCE CO., OF RAX FRANCISCO. ESTABLISDED IN 1863 ! Assets, Jaanfry 1. 1872, ovtt $Ct5, 000, ia. Gold. Fifty Tho-js-ird Dollars deposited wit the State Trer-sircr, ia CompIi aace with the laws of tho Sttate of Oregon. FIRE AND MAEINE INSURANCE I Losses falrljr Adjusted PrCuiptI j Settled 1 Abd A. F. ".VlIEEtEil . AGENT, ALBAK'Y, OREGONf. GEO. F. CBA5T, Manager, nltmt. . - : Portland, Oregon. ' JOS. KEILEiY, COXSTABLE ISD GEXEEiL CCLLlCtCE, Roiti Fortland Precinct. Refercne ty ticrmiH.i n to tbe following f'iitl iien : Ills Honor Philip Wasserman. Mayer rf tJ City of Portland; Hon. Euj-vre Peinplt ; Ir. J. A. Chapman; Dr. 3. C. Ilawtli urn: !r I. A. Davenport- t. S. nl.nuui A Co j Kn-.p, Eurretl A Co ; K J- efTritf; flarl. llinder sin A Co-k; t-:. O. Skiilmi.T..: E Mnrtin A C A. V. Richurdsua C Millard A Varfscayvcr. OFFICE 35 Wustinsioh Street. 1 etwee Plmt snd Seend. - l"n47tf. ' Oil, YES ! -THE BAY TEAM STILL LIVES? AND IS RUNNING CN TIME ! THAXKFTJt. FOR PAST FAVORS. AND still ricsirous of fffntir.uin. to rrnt tho Hrai, the proprietor is always r ady and easily .oundntaii timfs. Iltastiir rs r.nd bn(.r(-n(rr ftrrii d to and irom th" cars to any t art ot ttisr eit y ot lasoiiabl-- rates. A- . AH N OI T, Alliuuy, Oregon.-, iToprictor. I WANT TO- T.CY A PAIR OP WHTTE tuild d uTi" also 1'0 nmai- hlack-tail'-il Ji-er. I would tmy a lair rice lor the skl 'tot it a whit-'-tailoU Uuck. Addrsa in at Alt sny, nH J. - - . O. P. B. PLU.MMER. CASH .PAID rOK ECS. ST WITT. PAY THE inIirST JfARKFI rrio". in cash, for all evrsss.broui;hto my ts- f.itiiehniftnf III ilir..' . ' "