aMass satis 1EW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. jA.DVERTISEMEMTS. .'ADVERTISEMENTS.. ADVERTISEMENTS. BBi FRIDAY..-. JANUARY 10, 1873. cissoRnres. - . Carpets bought toy tha yard art worn oat by the foot. .. . ' 1 . A hindrance to marriage GoTern ment tax on matches. , . V . Consolation for the ladies The world abounds with him-perfections. To Drunkard Th pawnbroker's is not the proper place to take the An Irish editor congratulates him self that "half the lies told about him ain't true." , . . Don't take to much interest in the afiairs of your neighbors. Six per cent, will do , ; , , v A party hearing of a do? af ler Landseer, wanted to know' what he was after him for. A piscatorial party is what they call it now, When we were - boy they called it goin' a fishing." ;jy There is a widow in England who enjoys an income of 1250.UCX) af year She has no other incumbrancer. , . The Louisville Courier-Jqarncii, speaks of a well-known liewspapsr man as assistant idiot on the . . "We cannot complain of 'women's extraraganoe now. She wears her dresses long enough, goodness knows. . . . .- . ; . . A printer recently made "Be Te Therefore Steadfast," the text of a minister's sermon, "Be Ye There for Breakfast" A Maine alderman, invited to at tend a centennial jubilee, replied, "I can't attend this one ba t, I'll go next time." . ' s , . v "The earth is the Lord's." "Lost 40x60 for $250," were adjoining inscriptions at the Sea Cliffs camp meeting grounds." " V This is a western item: "Kemp's 1 'it mn ssv - urewerj, wiui $oa,iruu oi prosenpuve lager, went up in a fiaxy chariot at Dubuque last week. - "' 7 When a couple of young people strongly devoted to etvoh other, com mence to eat onions, it is safe to pro nounce them engaged. A Leavenworth edit -or sat down in a reserved seat already occupied by a hornet. He eta nds up when scissoring his editorials now. Two newspaper editors in Mon tana Territory bei their offices, good will and all, on a Congressional election in a certain district. , . "There, now," :ried little Bessie the other day, rummaging, a drawer in the bureau, "grandpa bas gone to heaven without his spectacles." The Bondout 'limes bas been victi mized by a traveling "jour", printer, who is describe 1 as "a short, scraw ny individual, '.villi more jaw than' a government mule." A man who had invented a new receipt for cleaning clothes, parades it on his acivertisments under the standing head of "Every Man His Own Washer-woman F -..-. A Western girl who has been well brought up, knocks down every man that kisses her, and she is so pretty that half the married and all the sin gle .men in town have black eyes. . Miss Ida Winslow, of Stillwater, j Minn., received a very valuable gold 1 ring at a county Fair lately, having j been voted by the male attendants the handsomest lady on the grounds. This is a personal item in the most approved style of the Western - pa pers: Jacob Bungander blew into the muzzle of his gun to see if it was loaded. It was. A funeral on Sun day. . A few years since, at the celebra tion of our national anniversary, a pedler who was present, being called upou for a toast, offered the follow ing: "Here is health to poverty; it sticks to a man when all his friends forsake him." .; ' A lady friend, . writing from the White Mountains, says, - "It rains here' three weeks at a time none of your drizzling, misty, dewy . rains, but a genuine storm that comes down as if it loved to, and had plenty of water to carry on the business." . . An old carpenter who had been employed at job work by an old lady, was asked why people of his trade always charged more in proportion for coffins t'aan they did for chairs and tables. "Well, you see, ma'am i i. 1 T .1 . iL s just ue cause people won c Dnng coffins back to be repaired." A clergyman created quite a mer riment the other day on one - of our steamers, going over to lay out a new camp-meeting resort, by the inquiry: "What positive proof is there that King David and his son Solomon were tailors?" No one in the crowd could answer, and the humorous divine quoted the familiar passage: "And Solomon mended the breaches which David his father, had made." A German marble-cutter of Albany has instituted a suit against a well known dealer for payment of wages. The workman was instructed to cut upon a tombstone, "Let her soul rest in peace,",, but being cramped for want of space be abbreviated the sentence thus: "Let her soul r. i. p." The person who ordered the stone would not, and it was. re turned to the owner. ; , : v Laws of thk state of Oregon. AST ACT KELATIKO TO THK RIGHTS OF VABBIXD ' woarEic. .' Be it enacted by Ike Legielatioe A f entity of tie - State of Oregon s - r ' , -, Bsc. L That the property, either real or per sonal, acquired-by any married woman during coverture, by her own labor, shall not be liable for the debts, contracts or liabilities of her bus band ; but shall in all respects be subject to the same exemptions and liabilities as property owned at the time of her marriage or after wards acquired by gift, devise or inheritance. Sec. 2. When any married man residing in this State shall abandon his wile without mak ing suitable provision for her support, and ab sent himself from this State for a period of one year, the County Court of the county -in which such wife shall reside, may, upon her petition' setting up the facts of such abandonment, ver ified by her own oath, summarily proceed to hear the said petition, add adjudge the fact as to such abandonment, which adjudication shall be conclusive as to such fact as to third persons; and if such abandonment shall be adjudged thereupon, such married woman, during the absence of her husband, may In all resfapct contract in relation to, sell, convey and deal with her separate property, real and personal, in the same manner as if she were a fenime sole, and may In her own name, with out being joined with her own husband, sue and be sued in relation to her separate prop erty, on any contract made by her alter such adjudication and before the return of her hus band. - bKC. 3. Nosait or action wherein a married woman shall be a party, under the provisions Of this act, shall be abated on the return of her husband into this State, but he may, on his ap plication, be admitted to prosecute or defend mitcb suit or Action Jointly wita her.-" Approved October 15, 1874.- oiaet : a. K. Chadwick,- ' fceetMarr oi Stat. GREAT EXCITEMENT HARRISBURC ! X ARCADE SALiO ON i ON FIRE ! with enthusiasm, because the proprietor, LEWIS BROWNE, . Is ssllinf out his One stock of WIXE8 AIVB LIQUORS, - CIGARS AND CANDIES, BELOW COST SAHPI12 PRICES: r Best brands of whisky, TS eta. per quart. Pure Port Wine, f 1 per quart. ' ' Other stock In proportion. Cigars of the very best manufacture, being both genuine Havanna and Domestic brands. Remember to eaU at the .A. K C -A- ID JE2 BILLIARD SALOON, IIARBISBUBG, OBECOX. LEWIS BROWNE, Proprietor. n21w4. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT! JOHN BRIGGS, DCALBK IX I COOK, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES I Of the Best Pattens, TIM, SHEET-IRON ANO COPPER-WARE I And the asual assortment of tarnishing goods found in a Tin Store. Beo&in Heatly and Promptlj Executed! On Seasonable Terms. ' Short Reckoning Make Long Friend " - TROXT-ST, ALBANY, , Next Door to P. C. Harper k Co's Store Dee.ST4nltf - JOHX BRIGGS. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS and Oils, Glass and Pnttv, sold by WHEELER at KHEDD. . KOTICE TO FABMEttS. I am prepared to nil orders for all kinds, of , A6RICULTU3AL ; MACHINEIY 1 1 at prices that must give entire satisfsetion Come on with your orders and have tbem filled AT LOW RATES FOR CASH Oil FRO0UCK V , I ALSO HAVE THE -i WAGOIT or sale to soit all wisbing to boy. -TT3ttf.,.'-,f.. R. CHEADLE. WILLAMETTE transporta FROM AND AFTER DATE UNTIL FUR tber notice, the Company wiil dispatch a boat from Albany te Cervallis on TUESDAY and FRIDAY of each week. , : ' , , .,, . Also will dispatch a boat from Albany for Portland and intermediate places on same days, leaving Comctock k Co's wharf. ' Fsre at reduced rates. J. D. BILES, " Dee. 18, 1871. Agent. . COAL OXL. 1 v?nl5tf " ByBXrMlYOTJrOCO SOAP-KANE'S CONDENSED. THOMAS Coot Water, Bleaching, snd other kinds sold by WHEELER , at SIIEDD. CHAIRS AND TURNING! Haviog moved bis Shop to Jefferson and avail ed huaself of the water-power at that place, is now prepared to furnish bis celebrated RAW-RIDE BOTTOMED CHAIRS! in any quantity and in any shape.- - rHe will stiU keep a large stock of chairs at his old stand, either ready for use or in pieces' for shipment.. W. D. : Beldinz.. is bis gent at this place.: , i ; , 7n51tf. HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES, Plows, and all kind of Agricultural Im plements sold by WHEELER. at SHEDO. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. mTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT I C. . Klee nas een duly appointed by the Coun ty Court of Lin county, Oregon, as Executor of the last will and testament of John A., ui nmu county, aeceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present tbem to me, with the proper vouchers, within six months of the date hmytr mi. mv KMlilaniu. r i . . of Brownsville, in said county of Linn. ' muij, ill., mua, executor. 8. A. Atfy for Sxeeutor. aWw4. THE "COMMERCIAL REPORTER," Issued every week. ' An Invaluable Paper for Faimers, Merchants and Manufacturers. tOnly 8 per year. Bend for sniple eoploa to VMS J. JAB. ft. FARRI8H. Prop,, Portland, Orenon. n21w. E9TRAY NOTICE. State of Oregon, County of Linn, SS. TAKEN UP BY W. W. CLOVER, LIVINO 7 miles east of Itarrlsuurg. Linn county, Oreprn, One Small Iron Urny Mare, about 13 hands blffb, supposed to be 9 years old. No marks or brands cercelvable. Appraised at iSby, J. 8. GRIMES, J. P. ESTBAY NOTICE. , State of Oregon, County ofZinn, SS. TAKEN UP BY WM. HAWK, LIVINO sis miles south of Brownsville, Linn Co., Oregon, One Day Horse, about ten years old, la bands hhtb, small white spot In the forehead, with some saddle marks t no otht-r marks or brands perceptible. Appraised at f JO. At the same time and place. One Light Chestnut for rel Mare, about 14 hands high, with the lea bind foot white to the pastern Joint, some saddle marks, with small white spot In the forehead, and branded on the right shoulder with the letters "H" and "D ;" no other marks or brands perceptible. Appraised by the undersigned at t-W. bald horses came to my premises about the middle of June, 1S72. Dated this 23d day of December. 17?. , E. THOMPSON. 3. P. - NOTICE TO CREDITORS. mjOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY Im order of the County Court, made at the November term thereof, 1H72, the undersigned was appointed by said Court, In accordance with the will, the Executor of the last will and testament of lUrhard Evans, deceased, late of said county. Therefore all persons having claims against said estate are notified to pre sent the same, properly vouched for, to the Ex ecutor, at his place of business at H alary, Linn county, Oregon, within Mx months from date hereof. " JACOB THOMPMON, Executor. Dated Nor., 1ST! Oso.K.UiXM.Att'y for the Estate. nlSwi. ; .. NOTICB TO CREDITORS. Estate of N. II. Cranor, deceased. WTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 undersigned, having; filed his bonds In the sum of twenty-four thousand dollars, as re quired by law, and having been, by order of in county court, or Linn county, Oregon, made and entered of record December IB, lrfTi, appointed Administrator of the estate of N. II. Cranor, deceased, late of said Linn county. Or egon, therefore all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same to me, properly verified, at my office In Albany, Oregon, within the time and upon the terms provided by law. GEO. It HELM, Aaminuxroior oi me uuu oi st. ti. cranor. Dated Deo. Irt. lhTi And all persons Indebted to said estate are notified to come forward and settle sueh In debtedness. UtO. It. HELM. Admr. Dec IS. 1S72. nl&wt. GUARDIAN'S MALE. BY VIRTUE OP A LICENSE OF THE County Court of the fetate of Oregon for the County of Umatilla, bearing date July. 1st, 1ST3. the undersigned, sole guardian of the4 es tate and person of Fanny Keea, a minor, will, on Saturday, the 4th day of January. 1473. at the hour of two o'clock f. at. of that day, at the Court House door in the city of Albany, county of l inn, and Mate of Oregon, oifi-r for sale and sell at public auction, for cash in U. e. gold coin, all the real esuite belonging to Kanny Keea, a minor, of, In, and to the following de scribed premises, and being one-sixth Interest therein, to-wH: The undivided one-.lxth of the west half of donation land claim No. Ilif, In Township No. 11 and li, Boutn Range No. 2, West. Willamette Meridian containing three hundred and twenty acres of land mure or leas. Ha Id premises will be sold for gold coin, paya- oic on aeuvnry oi mo aceti. Itatcd Lc. lu, W7X JOSEPH GREER, eJole Guardian of Estate and Person of Kakxy Kick, a minor. Geo. A. La Dow, AU'y for Guard'n. ntswt ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. WnUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY -GIVEN MT that by virtue of an tmk-r made by the County Court within and fur the County of I Jnn, Htate of Oregon, on the Mb day of x-to-ber, IKTi, in the matter of the estate of Wm. Farrier, late of said county, deceased, 1, 1. G. Eddleman. Administrator of the estate of the said W m. Farrier, will, on Friday, the 10th day of Jan., 1873, at the court house donr In the etty of Albany, In said county of Linn, between the hours of o'clock In the morning and 4 o'clock In the evening of that day, u wit : at the hour of I o'clock p. n, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate or tract ( land, belonging to said estate and situate In said county, to-wtt : The east half of the north west quarter, and the west half of the north east quarter of Section No. S4, In Township No. 14, Hoot It of Range. S west containing IMU acres. Terms: The above land will be sold for f old or silver coin, nne-h If to be paid down on be day of sale, and the remaining half In six months, secured by mortgage on tli premises. t A v.f.f.rtt.r ..i 8. A. Jonxn, Atty.- nliiwL CITATION. In the County Court of the County of Mtnn. Mate of Urenon. In the matter of the estate of John Robnett, Oeceasea. To Nancy Carey. Raehael Moore. Knrah See- ly. Lucinda Mac kail, Mary Way, Aduna ltob. nett. Aim Ira Robnett, John Robnett, William Robnett. Noah Robnett, Moses Robnett, heirs Of said estate. In the name of the Mate of Oregon : You and each of you are hereby cited to be and ap pear In the County Court of the County of unn, roaieoi uregon, at the court j louse in the City of Albany, in said county, on Tuesday, the 4th day of February, 1K73, at the hour of 1 o'clock In the afternoon of said day. then and there to show cause. If any exist, why an order assigning dower to the widow of said deceased, as prayed for In her petition on file herein. snouiu not oe granua. Br order of said Court. la witness whereof, I, J.H. Haekleman, Clerk of said urt, have hereunto set my . ,'1 hand and affixed the seal of aald I Omrt. at office this vth day of Decent' bcr, 187. J. H. HACKLEMAN. nl8w4. Clerk of County Court. The stnndaru iciunuy for Cooorhs, ' Inflnnu, Hore Throat, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, liron chltis. Bleeding of the Icings, and ev ery affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, Including CohhVm itiow . Wistars's Balsam of Wild Cherry does not dry up a Cough, but loosens It, cleanses the luugs, and allays Irritation, thus removing the cause of the com plaint. None genuine unless signed I. ! Butts. Prepared by Beth W, Fowls A Hons, Boston. Bold by Kkddikoton, Hobtetter Co., Han Francisco, and - by dealers generally. - . . ,., : , v8n7yl. . " ? Beware of Counterfeits 1 JOB HOSES' 81 VOTbSMI . ars ssteariesfy oonsrssrsiTSD. Dlthonut Drvf fUU tndravor to tl the eounteretu lomakerrur vrifiu. The twnhmim the nam Jo nleses ontmehraekuge. Allot lure are toorthlen imitation?. Tha sssciss Plils in anndlingln tbs ears of sll those psinfal snd dsngrroas disesMS to which tbs fsmsls eonstitaUon is sabjaet. Thar modersts sll excesses and femora all obstructions, from what t w.esnn T.inntR ' ' ' t- , they ars partionlwly suilC TbeywiU is S short time bring on the inontbly period with regtusrityt and although very powsrfuL.contain nothing hnrtj fal to the constitation. Za ail esaea of Marjotu snd Spinal AtfoeHons, Pains In the Back and Limbs, - figne on slirht exertion, Pslpitetioa of tbs Heart. : Hysterics snTWhit,they will effect a core when all other meani haveailed. Toe circulars around each pttKagsrive fail dirotioos and sdrice, or will ba sent free to all writing lot them, sealed from observation. ' . . N. B-In sU cases where the mxtnm esnnot bs ' obtained, One Dollar enclosed to the Bole Propris tw, JOB HUSES, M Cortlandt flu Nsw York, will insure a bottls of the genuine, containing fifty ills, by retnm mail, ssetwsiy teoled from any knowledge of its contents. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BJBTA1PB PCXMOKIO WAVESB ' Core Cocoas, Colds, asthma, Bsosobitis, bobs Tbsoat, Hoassssbsb, DirriooLT BssATatao, Ia oinbbt OoastiMFTios aid Lusa Bissasss. They have no taste of medicine, snd any child will take tbem. Thnasnds have been restored to health that . had before despaired. Testimony (riven in hundreds Aak for UKXAH B jruLiMurjiu rr aisss. Priee 33 cents per box. JOBUOSXS.Propris. tor. 11 uonisnat Btreei, new iom. THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY. No. (14 Ras Lombard, Paris. ' ' . Thsse wtHs are highly recommendod by the entire Medical Faculty of francs as the vary beat remedy in all cues of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weak neoa: Nightly. Daily or Prssuuurs Bmissionss Bex nsl weakness or Impotent ; Weakness srUingfrom 8eeret HabiU snd Sexnal Exeesees ; Relazationofthe Genital Organs; Weak Spine : Deposits in the Urine, snd U the ghastly trsin of Diseases ariaing from OTenueorZzceafes. 1 hey cure when all other rem edies fall, pamphlet of Advice in sseh box, or will be sent free to sny sddreas. Price SI per Box. Bent by mail, eeeurtlyeeuledfron all otttreaxion on roeeiptofiriee. 08CABG. MOSES, I8Costlas CT, haw Xosk, Solo General Agent for America. - v8n7yL --- -- - CASH PAID FOR EGS. I WILL PAY THE ' HIGHEST 'MARKET . F.rioe ln cash, for all eggs brought to my es tablishment, n Albany. . stSst. B. CHZASLK. GROCERIES AND PKOVISIOIV WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COR. FIKST A BR0ADALDIN-6T8. AtBANT, onnaoN, A. O. LAYTOIM, Proprietor. - X have alwsji In store m full and COMPLETE 8UPPLY .:: : of- : " S T -A. 3P L E u - AND - ;": ': FANCY GROCERIES! PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AIVD CIG ARS, Which I will sail for cash. Si low as tbs lowest. or sxohsngs for all kinds of tosrohanlsbla Country Produee. ; Received and In store a large quantity ef ISLAND SALT, which I will sell cheaper thsn ever before offer ed In Uiis market v7nttf. A. C. LAYTOJT. 7: 3 H e 5 Z TI 2 s e e m n 5 5 1 2 5 12 M s S M s a o s C9 9 i B v O IS O 2 w o 3 5 3 si zr O O 3E HOLLOWAY'S Ererr Man Ills own Physician CAUTION.'4' fllK Immense d era an 4 for HOLLOWAyS riLLtt and OINTMENT ass tempted nnprinelpM parties toeeaatcrfett these vsia. able mhonee. la arder U eroteet the pablle sa4 ooneleas. w bsve tmnti a new " Trade Mark," soasfcM. tayof as KsTpttaa eirrle of a serpent, with tbe letter II (a the centre. Krerr boa of w ntne Hoixowst's Pills and Oistmkvt will ha this trade mark on it; acme ars nanine vitboutlt. N. Y. CintiCAL Co., Sole Proprietora, ' 71 iUiOea Laos, Maw York. Cass k Bbiobam. Baa r'ranetseo, Csl. Sola A gen Is for tha Pacific Coast. v7n24vl. ALBANY FOUNDRY ; AXD ,1IACIIIE 8IIOP8 I A. P. CHERRY, Proprietor, , ALBAS Y. OBECiOX. nanafketurea Steam Englnea t X . FLOUR AND SUV MILL MACHINERY! Agricultural Machinery, ALL AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. Also agent far Richardson, Merlam k Co'f, Fay k Co's. and 11. B. Smith's PATEM W00D-W0BK1NG MACIIIXEBT " ' Alio Manufacturer of Degroat'l - PATEJXT IROIV FJExCE. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS Of All Kinds, Mad to Order I ' Repairing all kind of maclilocry done on snortest notice. A. if. C11EKKY. ' V7n46tf. , - v.' CHAS. IVIEALEY, dbaleb in- FURNITURE iAND CABINET WARE -.'. . (Corntr of First and Broad alb in itreetfi. , avt old itand of C. Mca.ej k Co.) - ' . . ' , i V- . - v -- ALB AN Y, ORE GO N TT EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL J assortmect of everything In his line that trade requires or an enterprising public demands. FURNITURE r Of All Kinds and Descriptions - BEDS AND BEDDING, &C. Particular attention will be paid to orders for UNDERTAKING! And all other orders in my line will ba promptly , i : : Attended to. , ', , Sattef action Guaranteed and Work Warranted I ' '' '' y ' CHAS. MEALET. Albanyi July 6, 1889 v4n4rtf. PEOPLE FURNISHING SHOULD CALL - and see TnrrcU'lt large stock of Car pets, vii uotns, iJiinuf, jasgs, sis.jjjrnisa am is I teBfaig vtryehfiflg, 1 W. H; KUHN & CO., ' ;.:--: DIALERS IN ; ;'i IIROlsr Sc STEEL 1 Spring., Allen, Thimble Sktlni, etc. Also, a well tslootad stock of Waffon Timber! Spoke, JIubt', Sent Rimi, SliajU, . , IWet, Hickory Jxlet, &c. FARMERS' and MECHANICS' TOOLS . consisting or . ANVILS. VICES, BELLOWS. HAMMERS. HATCH ETS. SLEDGES. SAWS. PLANES, CROSS-CUT AND MILI, IAWM I Together with a largs Assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WAftE. X2B" Store in Mnnteith's Fire-Proof brick. nsxt door to Main, Youngs k Co. W. It. Ktlllll at WU. Albany, Jan. 13, 1871 n22jl. BLACUSSIlTniXG GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. THE UNDERSIGNED If AVINQ RE tornsd to Albany, and taken bis old: shun on tbseoroer of Kllswortb and tieeond streets, annouuocs bis rsaainsas to attend to all kinds of BLACK8MITHIN0, MILL k MACHINE FORGING, ETC, Also has on band and for sals, tbe COQUIXLAIXD WAQOli, Strayer rorce-fbed GRAIN SKXXX, star mouira, CASTSTE1X, and tkr PLOW, wblob ba will fsll on the most reasonable terms. GIVE HE A CALL. All work entrusted to ms wilt receive prompt attention, and be assented la tbe best possible manner, wttb gaud material. A share of public paironar is soiictteii. jiff Shop en earner ElUwsrth sod Second streets, opposite 1'osrcs Ferry. vTalstf. r. WOOD. A. 15. ilIORRIS. General Commlsslen 4S0 FORWARDING MERCHANT JIavlag Uased R. CHEADLrTS Urge WAItEI IOUSE at tbe foot of Broadalbia street, oa ths bank of lbs Wulsmetta river, I am prepared to BUY, SELL, STORE OR FORWARD WHEAT OR OATS . la anlimlted qnso titles. -be nishrst nrket Prlee Paid la Causb tor Whemt at net OsilM, Parties wisblor to stars rraia eaa make sr- ranKements to get all tbe sacks Deeded. ursio ster.4 atd forwarded at lowest rates. A liberal share of patreaage Is solicited. A. B MOKHIS. Albsoy, July 28. 1672-vToiOtf. READ, AC1 W1SLY D SAVE MONEY! Tat. O. Hill Sc Son, THE OLDEST DRUO HOUSE IN LINN COUNTY, after than klue their numerous friends and patrons for past favors, dere to merit a continuance of patronage by ' keeping constantly on band a full supply of Drag!, Ptttnt Medicines, Perfumery, Oili, Faints, Dye-Stnffi, Brashes, Trusses, etc. Agents for Dr. D. Jaynes k Sons' line of med Iclnes, tbe celobrsud t7ak Wm4 Bomady or Ore con Rheumatio Core. As., Ao. Constantly on band, a good supply of Positive and negative rowders. 9-Pbviicians' Prescriptions carefully Com. pounded, la etlner tbe Cngltsb or Usrman Ian gUSIO. t We an also acenU for the HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE one of tbe best Family Machines in use. Call and see vs and satisfy yourselves. ' K. v. 1ULT. m ova, ;,. . i 'voaltf . : JOHN CONNER'S BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, 'ALBANY, OREGON. DEPOSITES RECEIVED, SUBJECT TO CHECK AT 6IGIIT. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits in Coin EXCHANGE ON PORTLAND, SAN FRAN CISCO, and NEW YORK, for sab at lowest rates. , . , . i : iu i . ..... i. , ... .... .. !' COLLECTIONS MADE ANO PROMPTLY REMITTED : SJ-Donlting boors, 8 A. at. to 4 r. M."ot Refer to ' H. IT. CORBETT, ' I r 1 ; HENRY FAILING,' Feb. 1, 1871-yl . W. S. LADD. -pLOTHINQ AND BOOTS AND SHOES J a One assortment vary low by WHEELER THE JUSTLY ' CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON JECOGKIZED EVERYWHERE AS A FIRST CLASS FARM WAGON No other Wagon has a Homo reputation equal to "Bain" make, snd it Is the only wagon that nas been teetea and known to stand tots climate. In 'a word It is made of the beet materials and is tbe best finished wagon that comes to this mar ket. ; -. - - . We have different style of Hounds and Reach, latent do. (so called) inoludod ' : ., . - BLAIN, YOUNG k CO. , v8n43 ' Agents at Albany CORVALUiS COLLEGE THE FALL, TERItl ' .... .. OPENS ox WED.NESDAT, JSEPTEMBEB m, ,1872. FOR INFORMATION. - SEND FOR CATALOGUE B.L. ARFOLD, FsMtafeat Thrttf.. VlaMarstr Bl ttera are not m vile Fancy Drink, made of Poor Rum, Whisk v, Froof rtplrlts and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste, called "Tonics." "AFPetliers," "Restorers," Ae.. j that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but ars a true Modi nine, made from . the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulant. They are the Great Blood partner and a Llfe-frivlng Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invlgor - atur ol the System, carrrln off all poiaonoos . matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching; It. refreshing and uv . vlffotstlng both mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt In their ac tion, certain In their results, sale and reU , able In all forms of disease. He Perssn can take) theee Bit ter according to directions, and remain ' Ion unwell, provided their bones are not ' destroyed try mineral poison or other means, . sod the vital organs wasted beyond too point of repair. Dyapepelat or India; est ion, Head' ache, Palo In the Shoulders, Concha, Tight ness of tha Chest, Ulzzlnesa, Hour Eructa- . tlons of the Stomach, Had Taste In the Month, Billons Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Longs, Pain to the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings : of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better a-usrsutee of Its merits than lengthy ad vertisement. . for I'enasle Csmaplatlsits. in yoang er old, married or sins' le, at the dawn of , .-womanhood, or the torn of We, these Toole , Bitters display so decided an Influence that marked Improvement Is soon perceptible. Vetr laflaMUBBMStetrr ana Clsrsnale nhenmaliim and Coat, ityspepsla or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Inter tnltient Pevers, Diseases of tbe Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters bar been most successful. Hueh Ittsease arc caused by Vitiated Blood, which Is generally produced by derangement of the LtgesUva Organs. isr Mela Diswaaea, Eruptions, Tet ter, INUt Bheum. Blotches, Bpots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, celd-Ue4, Bore Eyes, Kryslpetas, itch, Bcurnt, inscolorsilons of the nkln, linmors and lnseases of the Hkin. of whatever name or nature, are literally dug np and earrted out of the system In a short tune by the use of these Bitters. One bottle In such casea will convince the most Incredulous of Uuir curative effects. C-leaaeo t bet Vitiated Blood when ever you find lu impunues bursting through tbe skin in Pimples. Eruptions. or Bores: cleanse It when yon And It obstructed and sluggish in tbe veins ; cleanse It when It Is foul; your feeling will tell you when. Keep the Mood pure, and the health of the system will follow. ta. Tap aassl art her Weyrwae, lurking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. B a distinguished phystologtst : There kt scarcely an individual on the face of the earth whoa body is exempt from the pres ence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy drpoalta that breed these living monsters of disease. 9o system of medlctna, no vermifuge, no sniheimmuica. win froa tha system from worms Use these Bitters. Mecaaatcal Disease. Persons en gaged in Pamu and Mineral. oca as Plumbers, Typesetters, Gold-beaters and Miners, as they advance In Ute, are subject to paralysla of tbe Bowels. To guard against this, take a dos of Wauixb' Yimou Brr Tsas twice a week. Hi Ilea, taensltteat and later asllleat rover, which are so prevalent la the valleys of oar great nver throogh eal tbe tailed States, especially those of the Mlaataaippl, Ohio, Missouri. Illinois, Teanes- see, Cumoertaad. Arkansas. Red, Colorado. , Hrazoa, Bio Oraode, Pearl, Alabama. Mobile. Bavanaah, Hnofce, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through out oar entire country during the Bummer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual beat and dryness, are In variably accompanied bf extensive de rangements of the stomach and Urer, and other abdominal vktcera. In thetr treat ment, a purgative, exerung a powerful in fluence upon these various organs, is essen tially necessary. There Is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. i. WsLiea'a Vixc caa BrrrXB. as they wlU speedily remove the dark -coiu red vtarld matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and general; restoring the healthy functions of the dhreative organs. crwfalat, r Klmgs) Kvll, VThlte ftwellur. I'loers, Erysipelas, Swelled neck. Goitre, Bcrofuloos Inflammations, Indolent InfistamaUoua, Merconal Affections, Old iyres, Erapuuns of the Skin, Bore Eyes, etc, etc In these, as In all other eonstltu tionai IHseases, Waliss's Vixsoaa Brr Tsaa have shown their great eurative pow ers ln the most obsUnai and Intractable Dr. Walker' Callfarala Tlne fratr Rlltere act on all these cases in a similar manner. - By purifying the Blood they remove tha cause, and by resolving way the effect of the tnflammatioa (the tubercular deposit.) the affected parts re ceive health, and a permanent cure la effected. Thm A perl eat and nuld Laxative properties of Us. Walkb's Vixkoab biy Tsas are the best sale-guard in cases of erup tions and malignant fevers. Then balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative prop en tea allay pain In the nervous system, stomach and bowels, either from Inrtamma. tioa. wind, col to, cramps, etc IWractfan. Take of tbe Bitters on going to bed at night from a half to one and one-half wlne-siaMful. Eat good nourishing food, such as beef-steak, mutton chop, veni son, roast beet, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely vegetable ingredients, ami contain no spirit. B. H. WfcDOX AXD CO Drngglsts A Gen. Ajrt., San Pranelaoo. CaL, A cor. W'aalilnctoo and Chariton sua, K.Y. BOLD BT ALL DBC001STS k DEALERS. ' ' . ; -8n8yL : - . ' , ; " SAN FRAXCISCO , :. i 'i i ; ' J ----- ; , . . i , , t FURNITURE STORE! 1EW GOODS REDUCED PRICES ! E. D. WHITLOW & CO., Importepi and Dealers ln . . ' FURNITURE! . i First St., 8 doors below Conner's Bank, ALBANY, OREGON, ' Keeps constantly on hand for sale ' Black Walnut Parlor and Chamber Sets! Painted Chamber Sets! " t. . .. n i Dining" Room Furniture ! Kitchen Furniture of All Sinds! ' 80FA, --f"'; ", ' ! " ;:' ' V- v: r-: , . louxoks, . - i-:..s - bPUING MATRERRES, s i, 1'ULU & El'lUCKA BEDS, f BEDSTEADS. v ' : - .. ' KOCKIKO CHAIRS, BUREAUS, - : . WHATNOTS. , BRACKETS, t BOOKCASES, - , ' , SECRETARIES, ' 1 ' Ex6,. ETC. . , ! UPHOLSTERING In all Its branches. Orders filled with prompt- ( ness ana aisrmtcn. . COFFINS; MADE TO ORDER I Repairing and . Blannlactnrins Doneto Order; ; - ; VAll our work warrantesyvai Give us an Early Call and Enmine ' our Stock. -v yOoode delivered to any part of the dty.-fa vanOtf, Ji. u. wiiiiiAJW co. HARNESS SHOP AT SHEDD, OREGON, ' T. rORTIlER, . Manufacturer of, and Dealer ln HARNESS and BAiWL.1!.- A good arucie lor a lair price, Vtolttf, , . . R. R. R. MWs Really Relief CUBES TBE WORST PIUS . TJi nou. on to twehtt icanrxxs. NOT ONE HOUR Aaar faatlag tkto asrsrttK ataayeM BDPPXB WITH PAIK. RADYAY'8 READY RELIEF is a cuax vo xvcar f aim. . Bwaalh.BntaSki TEE 0ULY PAIIf EZHEDT Taat tmbnKly a ft. avw4 wradaUas yl., all.rl hbamUm. a, l.,SUrakwB, iwsii , m eihm wwpW) y erne M rtOH OKI TO TWrSTT atlNOTts. jr. snuar awr tartar aerattaOa ta. pata Ute kHKIJMATIO, BM-tUtoa. haras CriyfUd, ima, a.ialgU, r fcfMlral.a wits aliMia awr ttn, RADYAY'8 READY RELIEF , WILL AVrtntD INBTAHT CASK. IHrXAJCMATIOS or TMC s row Era, iwrtAaiMATioK or ruk itADura, IlfvXABllaATXlM Of THK BOWEIJ), coxokstio or THZ UTS OS, ORB THROAT, ClffK LLT SktATHINM. armaics, CRotr, fit-mtiikki a, ' ' CATAKkJVurn.ur.jrzA, HXAOACHB, TOOTH ACHB, COLD CHILLS, AOUS CHILLS. , ... , TWarrllMltoaat Ik. BEAOT BELIKF I. ta. ' sartw aarki wWr. ta. saaa et AMBaaltjr riaH WlU aSorS mm aaS mmtun, TnUftmn hair atoataUrrf waUrwfTl la anr. aowum CKAMrS, Of AH Ml, SOLB STOMACH, , fell.'K HKADAC'HK, MKAfcTBtlKN, WARKHEA, aYBEMTeK.r, COLIC. WiMV lit THK BVWCLS. . a.4 aU istlkaal r A 1.1 a. . . . Traratm iSmIS alvajra aarrr UUU et BtoA- wsr's itsr H.IUf vltS ikfla. A trm r wkm win .rt tunumm ptm ha caaasaaf as.. U M Mu ikaa I nak Bnm6f m mum m a (UaMtaaa, FCVCR AND AOUC, rCTC AND AODCranS 1m Mr TWr f SM a ri.niMJ unl I. Um wmne ul ,I4 an ViP mm Acaa, a aU Mkar MatarMa, Btllm, UtmrfU Inkill, V.lknr, aaS mUtmt Imt aMrf U HAD WAV'S SILLS) a. sates RAfWAt RKAOY rki.i tr. r.r u r- auu. aa ay bwaiwia, HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STROKO A MO mt. RICH RtyiOO INCRCASB Of rLH AMD WRIUHT CLKAR SKIN A!D ' sAAt'Iiilil, tOAtl-LfcXIO SSCl'RRO TO AU. Dr. XLADWATTO SarsaiaiiHiim HesolTent HAS MADE THE MOST AffTOWMHIRa CCRM; S'Xil.ll K.lf) RAflif AtteTHtCHAKfttSTHE ROL-r L-RPKRUOICS, t'MlKRTHE IStiXlHr.. tit THIS TkL'LK WtOftiaLL siia.K;iK, , THAT ....... -., 17 Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PLRIFiER. Rnrr f SARSAPARILUAJt RESOLV. KMT lawna U RtoW, S1, Vrtmm, mm mtkm mm mUm ml ta. tya is. vimw mt Ufa, fcr R riilia ta. vataai mt la wltk aaw aa, awala,SrrUla,Cll ialn,OIa- Aalar at LWl. Ik. Tknaa, Mia, Taaaan, Rasas la M, aa alSar ftmMmlUm tf a, 1 ,H tyaa, SaraaaaM tw 1 1 a 1 a 1 1 Saaa la. Ears, aa la. want tmrmt ml Bate atiMi,,, R,aariaaa, Vawar lina. Seal H, Rns-Wana, SaU Rl Br Stat .. Wrnmt a Ik. ri,Tai Rlt Smau, Um mt Srana, aa all waau. mt la lit, mrtmttrU, m. wVUm ta. Mir, nrm. mt IM. w met ailwOnl Ir.aaSafcwAaira'aw)! mrmrm aaaay awaaa awa R aw altaw a th.i. (mm ml alii,,. U ta. mlUmt, imy 1 1 1 all, ntmtm ay aw .Mil sa iiaia f nulla taaa la Miiaiiaaallf ,aaianlac taw. mm ta aTCalu II wawi.,. m4 rmwa la. rnir . am w aalafi.J ana t. trmmt Waatar tfi a ..j aa Ik. BAfcSArAKILUaM w.U aa mm !M mmlf aaa la. .aaraauaxia. ' all aawwa 11 1.1 IUJ ajH. la la m. wT Caraala, SimiIi n, CMMUal, aa aaat ateaaaaaf aaas la. aaiy 1 1 .11.. am Um KIDNET AXD BLADDER COMPlAUfTfl, Prtaary aa WaaaS Siaaawn, flrawat. DlawjtM, Pf.ii, Siaar. 1 Waaw, laaniaaa mi trim., Rrtfal't bw aa. Al maarla, aa ai all mmmm mmmm tmmm mm niia 1 1 1 inwa, ar ta. watar fc lUra, mmty. aaUW am aaiataarwi iia. la. wkia. mi aa aav, m lai li im. waiaia.wyt, a . aawaaa.arfc, aJwaaa aiiaar.. a,n. aa wawa li i.i a anca- la.awala.BSaaataala.t in rnM,$La. WO&XS. ' TW aa. fcawwa aa aar. R I 1 1 ta. WORMS FIR, Tail, aaa. ' Tumor of 12 Tear Growth Caw-af Off IlmAwmy't Beoolvent. Dr. HADWA70 Perfect PnrptiTB Pills, irainll. Im. AgawU. I i.l I J wMt awaat naa, a-nr, nfaiaJa, aiwil.. rl.a.1. aa atraarUMau a araf. rliu, aw ifc. , ml aU mt Iwllwiil, Lin.. R.w,l,. RiSawa, Rlataw, Rama. IHimai. iliaart.. f.aatl.lna. r.ill.ia,,,, Vym- twWwa, nua, I tama taa a.akiai aw, aU o aa. aaata mmt aaa. SOLD BV DKI '-OIKTS. aUO-fiUt Ann TRl'E." aa RAI1WAV A CO- Ka. Sf Warn. SaM, RawYara. Iiliaai iHi t i wans l.i'.imli will aa aw aXn&yL. CITY DRUG STORE. A CAROTSBRS. a. t ALTRARIB , A. CAROTHERS & CO., DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, FOSTER'S BLOCK. FIRST ST.. ALBANY. OREGON DEALERS IS DRUGS, CHEMICALS PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, OILS .GLASS, rOILET GOODS, French and American Colognes. . Handkerchief Extracts, CONFECTIO NERY Pare finei and Liquors for Medicinal rut. FINE TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. Family Eecipes and Physician's Fiescip i ; . . turns Compounded. Dec3070-v8n.O. A.CAR0THEKS4 CO. WAGON AND CARRIAGE FACTORY war. PETERS . " KARrrrACTFRBR OF CARRIAGES, Hacks and Wagons ; " ; OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 1 4 Ferry St., beta First snd Second ALBANY, OREGON. LTA a r riages, hacks and wagons J of all Styles Manufactured to Order, at ss rsssonsble rates as tba nse of good msterial snd nrst-elass work will justify. REPAIRING OF A LI. KINDS Neatly snd expeditiouslj done, at Low Bates. Albsny May 28, 1S72. BZtf : AT NORTH BROWNSVILLE. KIRK, HUME & CO. Still nil Dry Goods, Clothlnir. Boots and Snoes, u a raw Are, oro eerie, Notions, of which they keep on hand A full stock, snd are able to sell, aa usual, at tha lowest rates for l v CASH OR. PRODUCE! ' TTUl also be able to buy and sell Grain sf aU kinds, or attend to Storing- or Forwarding on commission at .their Warehouse In Ilalsey. Givs us a trsU. KIRK, 11 CMS k CO. , Brownsville, July &. - - Tn4Itf , 7;,;:IOTICE TkREGON k CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Company, Land Department, Portland Orecon. Anril 9. 1872. Notice ia hereby given that a vigorous prosecution will bs instituted aeainst anv aiatl ererv nerson who tresspasses npoa any Railroad Land, by cuttisg and re- moving timber taerefrom before toe ssbm- h UOUUHT of the Company AND PAID FOR. AM vacant Land ia odd numbered sections, whether surveyed or nnsnrveyed, within a dis tance-of thirty miles from the line, or tae roaa belongs to tbs LomDaoT, . 1.1. M00RES." v7n3Stf-' landAgsn. mU ail li 1 1 s mi la. laawaal rnaai a. n a i,an i , Mm. nnn .aalaala. .II flag a. a'tii, aaaaarala, a aa aarV.a. mrmgu A a. awaai af RADWATS FIUS will frM tw I lail Sl.ta. Pttaa. 9S S. K4 mm. baaar P. a HARPER & CO WE BEO LEAVE TO CALI. THE AT tentkin of the publid in our largs and WELL SELECTED ' 8YOCK ! ENERAL MERCHANDISE! ' - ' Consisting of tbs latest and MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, XsACE COLIsARS, , , EMBROIDERY, . SHAWLS, IsACESy And FANCY NOTIONS ! IN THE GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT! We offer tb latest styles ia Clothing ; tbs bsst in underwear ; tb nobbiest t aaa scarfs i tb aierst gloves sad ' Crsnntlets, and tba ' "Ton" ia Boots ad fbee. - OUR SILK HATS ABE Alia THE BACSE X W keep constantly on band a FULL ASSORTMENT Shot Guns, Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks, Gun Tabes. Shot Self s, 4 Powder,, Shot, Caps, la fact evsrytbing ia tbs banter's lina. GBOCEP.IES, CROCKERT, GLASS WARE, POCKET A5D TABLE CUTLERY, NAILS. IKME.STIC SOODR. TO BACCOS. FECIT JABS, WOOE AXD W1L LX WARE. ABE ALL COMPLETE. . . " The stock of Mirrors and Pietar Frames rj brarss all rise and styles. Call and examine tnr stock ia Foster's bn3d iog. First 6t, Albany, Oregon. v7n3Stf. P. C. HABPER k CO. HERE-S YOUR CHANCE! A MOST DESIRABLE FARt7I FOR SALE! THK CNDERSIGXED OFFERS FOR SALS a farm consisting of &X acre, all fenced In and cross-fenced (new plank). There are 13S acre in finest cultivation, any part of which ta suited for fail plowing and susceptible of tba hipheut culture. The land is rich, high and ivihui;. ire uauuiir ua mc siano ta aa iwHuia land of th vitt best kind. Tbe farm i well pnitected from the north and west winds by timber, which also affords ample firewood. There is on the place an orchard of choicest varieties of fruit tbe orchard being in ranch better condition than is even usually seen in this "land of big red apples.' The farm ia abundantly supplied with pure water. LOCATION. .- , The farm Is situate three mile north-west of Shedd's Railroad Station -. two and a half miles soutb-westof Tangent Station; seven miles from Corvallis, and tea miles south of Albany. i TERMS OF SALE. I offer the farm for sale at the extraordinarily low price of fc&5U per acre, and wiil glv tba purchaser aecommodatin g and easy terms. Or, I will take H.0UU bushels of wheat for taa arm, oimnira to on pain down ana ine Das' lance to be paid in two (annual itnstallmentat, with ten percent, interest, also paid ba wneal. The place is generally recognised by all what have a knowledge of It as being the BEST FARM IN UNN COUNTY. . I have raised wheat upon It this year, with orhinary cultivation, on aa average of ihirtt- riVK BUgRKLS PER ACRK. For further terms and particulars Inquire as W. U YANTltS, . rgntmS. Albany. Oregon. J ATSES It. CO AVAIV, - (scccessob or A. cowsa co.) LEBANON, OKEGON, t ;. DEALER IK - GEXERAL MERCnAKDISE X X WILL KEEP ALWAYS N HAND A FUlt: STOCK . or ... -'. id at-x-: goods; ( - - . . - GROCERIES I ' Boots saTad Sboen J . All for Sal at the Lowest Prioes for CASE? or PRODUCE. ... All persons owing A. Cowan k Co. eaa ssttlsv by ealling oa m at Lebanon. ' - ' v7n24tf. , . JAMES Lv wOWAJIv ' : NEW FAMILY GROCERY .t ' AND ' ' . ... PEO VISION STORE! JOHN SCIIKIEEI Cor. rirst &. ZMlawerlb Stav Albauty, Ox., Keeps constantly oa band a eomplets assort men4 of , . . . Groceries) tutd eg'etaUea! , lYeach and Jmacy Caadias! Wines and Canaed rvnita ! ; -' - Ciifar Fiytf and Tokaeeo And everything els to be found in first elass Retail Family Oroeery snd Istion Estoblisb' tent. "Live and let live," is fay motto, ancS shall be the aim ef my ataaaetef dealing with customers. Call and see an-. v7n27y L ? J t H 8 C-KSEE. FOR DBES3 GOODfl, TBIiaillTCS; Gloves, Hosiery, ete4 g le X'9sl.'a. JiCaEirMW