Wkt democrat. FRIDAY. .DEEMBER 13. 18T2. AGENTS FOR THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. Ashland... Brownsville Corvallis Canyon City Colfax. V. T East lortlatul Eugene ...... .. Isaac Miller. J. M. Morgan. ...-W. It. Privttt. I. J. Hairuewooil. V. J. liatullton. ...... Dav. Ilafterty. ..J. J. Walton, Jr. ..Matthew Fountain. Albany Collegiate Institute,- It was our pleasure to spetid last Frl- ,day afternodn in visiting' Albany Col legiate Institute and interviewing"' If several ntinrtniiMits. President j Warren exerts himself to the fullest tot irive hia visitors a complete Insight iii-F, 'to' the conduct of the institution, as well as to observe the efficiency of the (student9. The winter term was Inaug-j u rated last week with something over. one hundred students, which is a grati fying evidence of the institution's pop-. iularity as well as of its prosperity. President Warren's discipline is thor ough, yet not severe, ami his able fac- llarrisburg Sam. May & B. K. Holt. Jafnrn Hanlev Waterman. Jacksonville J- Ai'i'-P, T uKnnn J. K. KuIStOll.fl . JV. VM Law -.- - mm . a. . , , TAOnuide E. S. .VeComas.fcuity seems to runy panane or tue au Newnort -A. Wrlfflit.Kniirabio spirit which ho has infused Portland- -1 baniuel .Ki,lto tjw school, of inciting the stu reoria " jr""lu,il..nt v..1 nlhnr hv at Imnlntlmr' ti.nJUtAn J. II. Turner.! - J - e, Rowbur than by verity of, Khedd Al. Wheeler.Pcommands. We doubt if any other Sclo Dan. Gaby & Geo. Christ$e.goducatIonai institution In theStateha 11 V ltnnun H ?h.Ywi AV! Feriruson.K more correct, careful and able corp. Woii. vii x. t. i:aton.coi instructors man is comoinoa in mc Yakima. V. T. E. P. Bovles.BfaCulty of Albany Collegiate Institute, Heomnoseil of President Tl'arreu. Prof, FCSERAT, OF N. II. CRANOK. LastnSoK , T.m.lsa, Klmiwin. ..!., ; ,Tfy,'-fr"- y.,ii . is I Written for the Democrat.! TOLL FOR TUR GIFTED 1)KAD. LINKS UPOX TUB DEATH OT HOW. S. U. CHAKOR. Toll, O boll of solemn tnton Toll for thi gined deads i Toll until thy echoes stMsm Uko lonr above him shed. Mourn, O men, thy bitter loss Mourn for tho nobto-heurted t Mourn the vacant place unMlud O, mourn thy groat departed. Weep, O nature, at tho loan Weep for tho woeful ban s Woop Md tears of dewy grief " ' Above thy nobleman. Toll, O mourning bell, with throbbing woe i Mourn, O men, for him by you loved so Weep, O nature, tear for hlin laid low. L. HO MIC AND AUUOAU. Wheat. 65 cent. - '- Loop Year IIa.ll to-night. Gii. Lnyton has holiday good. Remarkably ttue winter weather. Iap Year I on It lul leg ;o look out, girl ! Moonlight night now, ami lover coo guh- incly. ' Ilivrrtsburg correspondence too late for thi week. Dr. Alexander ha moved Into town for the winter. Victt'S Floral Guide. We are InJNE W . mnnlnt. nf Vilu Lao nti fill ntid Vftlnal.h.W publication from James Vick.of Roch-l'(Jlti! rUllIV! 1' ;1UJ "ester, K Y, Mr. V's seeds have NI3W ADVERTISEMENTS. world-wide reputation, and his liberal- Ity with the printing fraternity Is fully .mountain HALM. We refer our Lreaders to the advertisement of this. excellent cough mixture. Although Its manufacture has but recently b?en' commenced, Its excellencies have al ready become widely known. Give It a trial. ' hi u christian mkssknoek is a Kiirst class family Journal, and will be sont to any address until Jan. 1, 187 1, for $2.00. Address Wells Drury, pub lisher, Monmouth, Oregon. - , ' Cheap Heading Matter. You can secure almost any of tho leading magazines or papers at publishers club K rates including tne jjemochat, ny Kjleavlng your names and money at the Ejl'ostoOlce atBhedd, any time between SWA NT ALL THIS OOOV ItRK I CAN OET, i..llvriul In Albany, lor whlon I will imy Mm hl(;lieitt price In cau that 'nf ;t win Albany, Nov. z, iT3 niau , SUSINES8 DIRECTORY Of PORTLAND, OREGON, y Puulisiiu hjf L.. Samuel, FLAXSEED! FLAXSEED! EllCKKlttf AN'K lOLLAIC MUUlti:, M .' No. , I'lkei'f HTKEKT. pfinpiirttr and Jublor of Vunry U "!, Tori PUSICAL INSTRUMESTS GOOD CLKAN HEED FUKMMHfcW AK innr for (owing. . IIIIIIOST CASH PIK mid on all eontraet mnd prior to January 1, K7:t. l-'artnnrit have choice -of 'i-il erdliii t'lo Uiiti-of conlrHct. lrlnt;d Inwlriietloim, re- Kurdlnirthe iir'-piirutliin of soli, hiikhhh to ui" hit-, avcniiio yield, Ai, furnlnh'-rl to all 'applicant. WEHTl-AKE HIMIHON. f lW. 6, 1N7J. n!7w. Hole AlfBiil. IlAiS. KJ. 1) j l l 1I4 11, -w. . M WSOtl!At Sookseiler a IV. Ll V t N OHTO.V K 1 H A VU CA. K The Adventure of a in out Adventurous Life. The Stanley-Livingstone Expeditloi iuw.mj wM.Rt:,rcl.u..J g xnis uisiiiuiion nas mree wen organ-sj J(hI, chmeer1 irrooery ha a finely arrang-ed Ing In Albany, our citizens oeing en-giZed literary societies, two of whom&tnd howy show-window. gaged as a unit m paying ine last ino-Ehave tastefully furnished meeting ute of respect to the remains or ttH'BroolU3 which are a credit and a source lamented rf. II. Cranor. on uonfiaywof Drllie to our cltv. Soft vieldiutf evening the legal fraternity of the citygoarpeta of beautiful figure cover tht held a meeting at the Court House, atgfloors, comfortable chairs and la?.y- which J. C. Powell, Esq., presided anlHlooking lounges are conveniently ar- S. A. Johns, Esq., acted as Secretary, Pranged throughout the rooms, sym ..... - 1 J and resolved to attend me lunerai in anu,trical marble-top tables of neat de-HAlbany Chop iioue now. Thi l omcihliivrticnl aire, there must he real merit at body. They also appointed a commit-Bsign a(jj gruce anu elegance to ' thegnew under the un in Albany. Kthe foundation. This Is found In the' . 1 J. I .il . .. A. A.. V8 K3 fin. a M...K Ma. TiimbiImv iiaiuinrt.M tee 10 nran resolutions 01 respect "'Kfunartments. while various other orna-B "" "" ,"' . 7 T. EN'ew U'Hh,i, Kewlnir Mnnhtn. It' . ' a r.,i k.iir n tt ,, iitn nnirtna rt rut tut in nnnnrc -w " . . - - be reported at a subsequent meeting. gment8 and furnlshinirs go to make upfe .,.,fc , .. v ,r , v, Fstea.lv irrowth In iionular favor swaks wnine same evening uie .'i.wr wu-pa K8nrtl at once invitinc and lUXUri0U.W Thme ntlemcn who cntemnlate orcnl louder in its behalf than cutiri 4 Omckery, OUmwam nml Plated War. ,A '" lieu, Flrit it.. bittwaii 0k and Vine. l Krylhlii)r nct. B. L. Lnicfcilluw, Prop. si 1 frl&UafHrZ4' That everlntlnir meaiiaae crowd out our market report and inont everything cite. J. It. n-rren want to know why somebody loeant brlnj home hi acalcS and cleaver. Vi' dunuo. . . i i Ell Carter. Esq.. I ready to attend to all bul- nnu In the linn of real catulo trauater, noWrj' Jbulnea nnd ol lift loan. Only 35 cent for a Rood wjuare meal at the K Ixm)K OtiT.Chas. Afealey has now a rmost superior supply of furniture on nanu, ami is constantly manufacturing tne very uesi or an kiiiiis.. xoung iwople Just entering Into the murrlugi tate can And here anything ruquiredfl In their ieculiar line. Somkthi.nu New. There Is nothing like success; and to win It In this prac- bin, citizens a.u who conducted the arrangements and performed the rite:' of burial. The vast assemblage crowd- i the !onrt House to its fullest eaniw-P ,1ns a new anrlety are H!iueted to meet at their Shall on Saturday evening at 7 o'clock p. m By ord'-r of th Urand Zlpee. We are triad to hear that Jimmy llalrd. whi.W wa fore'd to quit school In consequence of II gsmoothly venea a special meeting 01 uie wn.The Sigma Phi (or younggeutlemans)E mori CbunciL the proceedings of whlchPK.Iety ha3 much the arge8ta,u problE will be round eisewnere in tms paper.gay at preseut the most completely fur Other societies held meetings at tiuKnisr,el of the two rooms: but tho Ero- aame time; and at the hour aprKIntetitleiphiau (or young ladies') Society for tne funeral on luesuay mere -gmust In the very nature of thing formed tne largest procession """Keventually ecijpse the other lit tasteful peruapstne ei,oepuou 01 mm, u gturuishing and elegance of arrauge-Sniom). beinz a i-mion of the taxe due the peonies within the reach of all attended tne remains or me ianjenitHimollts However, this is no dispurage-gtate from thi euunty for the current year. pKM IXIazon Smith ever witnessed m Ai-Elall. t(. tua a m,,. i,.. ,i.,..n Wall paper of the mot neautuui ait:n anus k.nr n, nnW nf tlw nmm'SKion WteB-.i.i- ... ' ... . Kmont exw llent manufacture, at Kuhn Ji Co. -" 1 dioKiv in uuiu.r uu. ui, ir rent exiieiipe.i' as follows: 1st, the coffined remainsgsuch neatj pieant and inviting quar- of deceased; d, tne mourners anu rei-gter We elljoyed the pleasure of visi- atives; 3d, Ills iiouor juage uonnaniatlng the Erodelphian'a meeting last and members of tne Albany oar, n.BFrlday and o witnessing their cxer thp Aiavor and uommon council: oin.F Albany Fira Company li Africa, f jnr wtnvo volume, lust lwuoU. ((.'oiitmii IneideiiU of the Wondsrful Career of me urai 1 rnvcier, uie i.minu-.v, miiiiihib, .- live, lliuilliiif, etc. l'ull account of tul iuimI iiiU'rostiiii; nurt of the uIOIjc. V AIo, to oll our new work. GILL, STEEL & BANCROFT, j No. 75 and 77,' Flrt Street, Portland. OregoaJ ! B r"ai tb only direct i in porter wt C'Iuiii'ms, IJLM "or. front A Wiliinirton streeu. md .Stationer, LAtiGEHT STOCK Itf POKTL AND. PLAIN HOME TALK k ptlh HLmU AMD MKD1CAL t'OSSDN SKHMkV Vo com m-tll toil. Thei. never wa a iiook niifc- llshed like II. Full particular by mull. the book wanted. A. l. Banrrolt A i'o.f nl(lw7. Hon Francisco, Cal- N'o.J'O Pnint and So. i Washington Street. S KCK, WILLIAM HOX, 120 Front .treet, b Initwirrers and Uealer in U.UN3. niFXCS AND BrOZ.VEBS ttf Vur ilasii'rit.l tim M kl'll;lf, Tackle Faney Owod. Beadi, Bird Ca-M pai Kaliet. t'r'ituet liniues, t )ily Carriage m nnl f -r tb "Cnlifernia Powder Work;" six, iior tlie "Whseler It Wilson Ktwinz Mackln' ek, John A., 12V Front si., practical Wnteb anker A Jeweler. Work di f r tfae rrle. 'ivAr-siitPntiiiitilS. If IMF'S A IIACflKMJKR, VS Krenl 8l. '!I t'JS cises, and were agreeably surprised at admirable order, jiarliameiitiary .. . , .it T.. Tk- "t ail esconeu oy Aiuany iuge -Kbehavior anl sti.ior culture display- wno conuueieu tne iuneraife- , . v thp mm. f ... institution !i "'T.'.' "21.7.7. I - aance in ifit; luni'rai rv"i" w u xin We tender the Society gs. uriim-: M courtesies extended tofcw- l''raUoDbi XTijs Libble Ilalbrook, the President presides with much grace and dignity, If and the vounz ladies of the sotietv arc ity, to listen to the able and appropri-ft w.ell UD , lmrliarnentarv UiUlJ J ' .I ts 1 1 T. T li " a , Geary. Agreeably to the order of thcS tlmnk- fo; Common Uouncil, every business nousegUjJ durBg our visiL in the city was closed during the hour- - occupied in the funeral rites, and a sol-S Fire. The residence of Perry Wat- einn satiuess pervaaeu me enure com-p - , v-..., sp,wlal meeting of u,e Common Council oi m - - . m mZ-i 1 ft . 1 S V..f. mm a . T 1 . ... tela ..11 . S munity. All seemed to feel tliat .Mr.S".' " -w""; , uear iihecny of Aitony. Ive.9. wri rr'.Ulhmi iMiMio eilnmltT.EOf the furniture and the family's elotll-a IYeM-nt : Mayor SI. V. I!rrn and Council- in-' T ip Stnlixnirin unvn tUa vnmwr.innien Itill. iimng, tvunn any words of ours. It Is simple, easy to op erate, makes the lock stitch, does all kinds of sewing, runs llifhtly and It binds, gathers, tucks,' if.nlth li f..e hm.v'0rlf. nnd will noon be ab!e3f..tl.. I. ....... I ...... i.i.. . t fc-......., . - ....... ...... ,7,...ina iii'iiin. nnu urniun utrLLtrr l nu Hiorhttudl.'andNtmrxllculrWBi:aln. E. .,,... ,,,, i.i.. , ...,fl r., Khl,.ki. our Countr Twrnuwr. liwlW" ... y,.a week took down to the rtte Trc-aury olx.ulUnil any oilier Iirsl class inacniiie, first, H'llw.ii Machine with all the1 llwufstft!-! littif(iUimiitd r l, la,l If... m.-at lUIIHWl uivutn V.UU UV lltt'l ' " i3 $.mM)0. ft splendid article for a ChrUt-3 mas present. To bo had at IJlaln Young and C'o's, wholesale and retail dealers In general merchandise, Al bany Oregtyi. HOOTS AND SHOES. . isiiutn tins just received a new ami large stock of the bent kind of, boot and shHs, and will sell them, with his large stM-k of clothing, cheap er than any house In the city. Give him a call before you purchase le- where and you can save money. hardware nlore. It l oln-reu at cheapest rut. .j Kx-herlir Irvine, of thi county, ha own upixduted Chief Marshal for the- next Mtat. j Katr. A better nelectiou could not have b,i! nade. j The Register of last week say Jack Atphln's. boy briko hi neck. The tittle rooster ask d to correct that staU-ment, or he'll br-ak some body elw' ni-ek. Tho liremen pncnU-d an elegant apjwar- BQCK HIVBR FAFBE GO 5jl f Cheapest Furniture Ho in l''.ril.l. nPARDETC- UIMII LIU u i H G SHEATHING, PlasteriEE, E00FIB0, DEAFENING CARPET ZXZTZZVGr BsmplrsimlClrrtt lst s ut In by it. o. uonniss, - S.Srfc Orrn, Woliine tou sod I.islto. rciruKC, ottcsa. vinllf. I p; 1 Jj 7 T l,,rUu ll,.il.ru,n A f,...l HI A H?. f KJ Ueir in lry Oood. Faoey Millini WALTER BROS, 8 & Front Street. S3 Firt st cry, At, Koeefeld. US Ff.-iit it. t'oionii.tioi, Hi 1hn A ; V Metebant A dealer is Or. Jt Cnh prodae Kg 1 on sis. J die. 1 IS., Msnufsriorer A Itealrr bad Harness A Bxldlwry Il'r.lw'r. 98 F'nt st g 1urnr. W. Jit Cw 103 Front ttreet. Mrelanl J Tailor A Cnthi, r. Hat. FainUbiay Qmuii. Lasbmutt A Osimsn. 92 Front t. Real . lata Agent. ui"uey b.sne.l, boaars rvnled. II. Wo.rsrd A Co.. 1 Frent street. DRUGGISTS C. H Wpodard 4e Co.. 101 Front Street. Foreman Webber Is popular with tho boy aiuij can always turn out the full streiijfth of the 'Company, Followinc are the newly elected oftlo-r o( llarrubtin:: Mayor. T. J. Mtlte; Itcconler. J. anthal. W. Knott; Tacasurer, U. nburi; ; Counctlmen, I. Ih,ulai, . C Itevl. II. IL Holt. Job Wlilte, 14. U, Wood ljury and L. F. Hhtptey. (UO.VOH TO TUE ISTI.til'IHED DEAD., I mr tl.trn Toward wl',1 U' paid by the proprie. lor of Ir. Iti-rtn-'s (iolden Mr.linil l,isc-n lor a medicine that will etiual U In curtm: (v. r,- and liiic rii.i Coughs, Ivoucbitl and at! IIKB. '. UI iuo lungs. ,!f ol!otvyM I1IU nod Ointtnent.- 1tiimI.i nnd alt tnnamitiatory dieaw tvl' Id to a dlll'-i.t use of this pow.-nul pr pursi Jtton. lu the foot, hand and m-ek. their ap tpriiach should be chi-ckea at on If supte-ra. !lu ensu.-s. danger Is Inimlnct. and the kulf. Jftiiin. Ik-mi.l.iv.1 K iihiMii )iwrdlynK' III-. STIiis Miilm-iii will r-inove the disortW. with :t cuttlnu. pain or peril. jeenl p-r box or I. THE GREAT DEMOCRATIC JOURNH. THE NEW YORK (WEEKLY NEWS. IiL.J. WOOD, Editor and Proprietor. A mammetb Elgbt Par Saaat, rifty- Sia Columns f Reading Matter. 'irdcr from any poriiuu of the Sttor Terrilo ries c.rsiully tiled by uiatl urea. f , uiil, I,os.rnlsin dCo. Furottawaod csrj): dealers store from Lit to U lint su I I uipluyincut Agency. J. K. Withrell, . J Front st. Farnisbes ail kino of belp. IB" sriiiiig A lieebe. lu Front si. C..i.issiunS Merehsntssnd deslers in domestic prodaee. If ."lashtwn Liver llHie,eor. First A Salmon. 1. '1 Corbett Pr .mmI turn-out slwjrs oa boil f I I J II,.Kr,V .... I'.r.l 1 W.Ibm.,..!. Iealcr A manufse. clo'biug. faea'g foods' Contain alt the new, forljrn. domestic, pn Mllllral and iptm-rul. with futl and f-llaole mar- k-i r-.rts. ucu iiumwrsuo H.ism v .ral tirt strics. anu a Kr-l aiiety oi lltera ry, HtfDeultural and ..-i-i.tiile maiur, "-le., etc., consitlutiui:. II l conudenlly awft'd, ll.e most eompictv weealy newspaper in tliis Ltuiiiry. TERMS, 82 A YE All I'onsd at lssf 1 A n-me.lv thnt n onH f,r"lwvc, but run s that en-ty of mankltul. i otisuiutitlon, as w-ll as lh iuio-rns nll it-s wl.u i, involve arr,itnd It lr th sliniw oi 'ouuli. colds, bninrhll Is, son- ttirons. Itil.i-, ,, 4r. riie rented v w nllu.l.- to Is IK. U' The Ureal IMetorlal Annaal. L U.l...as a I .s. . . and all felt like sharing in the griefs oft;'"!,'. nieofmniy8 tne ?nr$"n2Z .... H..t olill.l U wuu r....w..l fPnn l..ti'""''"""""" Ills mourning lainity. ft. ' ' .!. : " ""fl Tbe Mayor, in a short address to the Hoard . S1 tne ceiling or the bcd-rooingof Ald,rmcn . ifWmcd them that the pre,m TnE OVERLAXD MONTHLY. ' 'llja.l fallen ill Upon the foot Of the bel,j,n.-1lne u called In eonnuenee of th. the December number closes the ninthgauj tne bej clothes were in a blaze. d-ath of our lau Mayor and rcspecu-d f-Uo volume of this periodical, and its brightgir Waton lost all hia papers. .xilt.etint Hon. N. H. Cranor, and uiseti that pages now before us give promise thatiio is estimated to between So Japproprlate measur.-. be taken by the Council j. . . iu f,i,!, Ji:if, ciH isumaieu to octwteil v-,.i IO pay the fullest tribute of rict U,hU mem there is no lack of that peculiarly fresh g..nJ &S.mx on which there was an Iti-fS and interesting reading matter .. wliIehBaurailcc for in the phot.ux Iu. councilman Youne off ml the fnin5 n..2ir"r' b cnaractenzed mis magazine iroru ies'uraIlee Watson waa for mallvS"Iu,lnn wh,cn ' unanimously auopn-a firsWsIn the present issue wefimlTeryS,. ac.Ui;en of A,oanv. and anvtS n Btive Dauers. and we cannot UOW ... ...in .... i. !.,3'ir. sr lo b obrrwl m Twaaay. liec. iuh.3 Hoxftti'r 1 nitml Ktates Atmnnne for 1H3. . . . Jj"'""""1". ullB MW1 '-"' ""."J lCi, at I o'cl.wk f. M.: Tlu-refor-. I? It Cfor uiinbution. urntls. tlin..i.-Uoui the lnlu-.i m pieaeuj. a s) iropw Jl' ''loSS. m Itenolved. by the Common .uncil or lt-fc,?iBle, an.l nil en iil.il eouf,trt- ef the W.-st- enntnt- MI of thp Artinynnx n EJ ki liyoi Aiiain.v, mi in r loini- miniin'Tii ii.-niniw-PM now pti'iiMi.-u atl'l reniij j Si Vrr-f f.ni-VTPUB Vlmrn-I Pelf. .V" th di1inciiUh"d d-ad, the pMprt-p,r oiir d ver, In the l-.tii;IUIi, t.. rmnn, Fr.-tiel, IV:" "The Northern California In-H oLTt.i. simro.i 1 net .ilhP s.v-ral iuiiies hot of thi city b? r-fN.rw i:iaii, WHsh. .swe.iish. Jloiiami, Ik.i,.- ,. . ,r , . .S brought into town the Other dav. to beKMU,-ted to close their estatdtshrnents irom th'-P rolnn nl .Mnlsh Unsung, s, and all win. dians, 2o. I" one of the, beat S . . . ' . , , 3 ' fehimrsof IJ to 4 oclk .of aaldoay. fewish to understand the tru phtl..,phy oi historical papers; "Lof'-a Wt!HollSh,PPed MJ IaC aCk,8" COUn-j The Marshal Itructed to clrcultegh',lu K'MIoVlon'lul' story; " spholel"-poetrA-; "Legend!'' a pair of thorough bred Cheater throuShout the city printed coptc of the foremb,VwJ., "TZtt mr.s...,- r, -.,.. " . -i K IKliite vs. one about six weeks old Eifulne resolution. fen.n and cure of m ereaariety r di-a., H tne JiomecuooraiHj-ine, .vruug ,.,.. II Cnuuritmm Hill .n-ered thmMUmtoettoM"? ''.-amount taf.matton luter- T itfrtni-f and TVfIrp-" iOrit?iiiiau" "l"er w,ufc li,rte' w u,e" wertfP., L. J . ,. a t K uiinn to tne m.-r-nani. tne mecnanle, the ml literature anu ijOe-ire. vngiii,. lltloa which was ununlmouslv adopted : w,..-r i... i..m...r n... .., .. r. , wived. That in cotwxiuenc-e of (Kir hltthKmnn : and the ealeulntlon have bwn mad .. ......I i . 1..., ,,. hi. ..,..,..,.-.- ... P'stiilaMe fr a airreet sml Nitmiii I'.i Brtrirf I'l'ltt'O IVti OTi V II A TV CII A trt -, , , , BAIbanv: will attend his loneml obscoule. In a Margaret" ixetr'; "Ultrawa: Baylal a3 "?"lbiy. ' Coast, No. Ill," abounds in expuisiteg"1' ,or u,e BOUS- 18 raising On motion the Recorder waa Instructed to ir,ru! , if-,i'iuite a stock of these superior hogs.tfurnUhcopie.of the proceedine of thu meet-. uvevi ipMouga -aa v.o S - a .v- a -"tia Indneemeut to Club. Klvo eoplfs, one year I 9 00 Ten o.l--s. one year, and an cstrm copy Ut the aenuer... V 00 Twi-nly eopli s, one year. aid an extra copy to the wnd-T 25 00 Fifty etiples. one year, aud n eslra copy Pi tne -iii. r...... ......... ................... o vi artls sendlnir rltib a above, may r-tlu SI per .nt. nt the money received by them, a CMlOOllSSloll. IVrsous d'-sirlne to act a aeettta supplied Willi s-clmen l.undli . Hiieclmef, capU'S sent iree to any addrcsa. All U-tlers should be di rected to NEW YORK M KEK1.V NEW, Utx a,uj, NEW YKK lul- OFFICE. vknlTwU. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE. Ib lr;,t Uuii Hm oa tb Ct. TEINWAY pianos, O. Xm DePBAIVS, Maiiji oi Agency for I bo j fitIlrt-s 4iM-iif" Tt arlii nr. Agnt wanted. ZX W -7".. tZ. -aJ(2a 72 2fo -tf-tr? Lf "V (11 WTH OR WITHOUT FORCE FEED. mas f Successful &(Z6frw7Zc6Hrtse u ro 8 S 8 I I aetiene k, Sn tunic Sr-cer and I-aiel k. Pal " kinds of Heeds, cor. ?"irst sol Mi t 1 1 f smliOTgcr. IS., 133 Firtt IoirtTer yl f J dealer in Htsple Faaey I ry HmU. MilU'ry en lro. l. II., Fnetograpnie Artist, . w.eor. tirt a Morrison. Ct ild J'ict. speoialty of our Antiquities; Hace in a double e-ire:" "urigini - tjtioa wt " "Winning thef truy as flne spwiuieua of the iwr-Q lut sense;" "Livin-cine quadrupeds as we ever saw. They? Pliaple ton Hthe clvllii whlel with each succeeding issue, and we; and sells them at the reasonable price SlOB to the city paper for publication. aurmise that new and well-defineedgof a a I,air- tv;r' rarmer ouS' 5 : , - , ."cultivate these !hester IP'hite "crun, 'tcrs.1 pswholoRical views will be revealed in the further development of this; idealistic romance; "The Building of. the Uuiversitv" specially prepared by Prof. D. C. Oilman from his inaug ural address as President of the Uni versity of California. 'The "Etc." and "Current Literature" departments are; full and varied. The new year and the new volume should bring thousands of additional subscribers to this worthy magazine. John H. Carta any & Co., Publishers, 409 Washington Street, San Francisco. New City Hall. Our energetic fellow citizen, David Froman, is deter mined that Albany shall not long be flourishing village, without a public hall, and has already let the contract for building one on Second street, between Ferry and Broadalbin, just east of Cannon's sta ble. The hall is to be built of wood, 40 feet wide. 80 feet leng, and 16 feet from floor to ceiling. Mr. Froman de signs procuring a supply of roller. skates and turning the hall into skating rink for 'at least a time, al . though it will be arranged so as to be used for theaters, shows, balls, etc., at anytime when required. This is an institution which our city has long' needed and is one which will doubtless, pay a handsome diyidend on the mon ey invested in its erection. nrie.:1 . " motion Council adjourned to meet at 12 X, 1 - -T- , 1 . ,., I- 1 .f e. m. uu Aucsuuy, v ... 'i i. ...... J. It IIERHEN. City Itecorder. From Yakima. E. P. Boyles, ou agent at Yakima City, W. T., in a let Iter bearing a very recent date informs1 'us that there is no snow in that val ley, and the weather is very fine and calkx-s aanlta-n Ler. tln-S PRIVATE MEDICAL All). II Unricbsa, L. 0. A Co.. I0V Firt t. Mseu faet'r i dealer io Jewelry. Watcbe. Ac f f ibbard, li. I.., 98 I ro ut St., wb'.lensl dealerlj 11 in brecerte, Vuon. Wagon JalriU 11" AX 9 THE JCSTLf CBLKBRATBD PEORIA PREMIUM -PLOW, feo well and favorably known throughout the West and Paoiflo blope. Improved especially for the season of 1872-3, with patent concave, steel high landside, Scotch clevis and high standard. Sole Agents tor Coi'xtt Court Pboceedisoh Vkc. Tar. Claim allowed : Milton Hal", intercut on note.; Phillip Baltimore. 10; Mr. Mary ;nrr,wn. boardlne onuper. f 14. Kherlff Parker 'was allowed the following fee for BhertlT uu ;tl-: eiherlfT fee, tii: postlnir election no tice, ti.l; Ktate v Davldon, lt(t.65; Ktate v X L- . . I SI.MtOA. ... k... In w h.w l(tfl&. - , , ... . , - , KivrwJUri., , n.i ... i(-... ... .i - l''""'- v-aitic urc uxv i uUn.K eu, . (:rouBO ,3. bpfelnK wltnec before rand beef buyers are recommended to Jyrand jury, H27.ao ; sutv. Myer.Ks state .' fgive that country a call. Various im-KAiiphin. 17; mate v. Iioseer. n-. sua v. C ivoment rA crnimr nn at. Vnkimn &Rrown. 11.30 ; hunting; v. Iirown. .8Ja; ex a . ... . , , trpeniie huntlnic Crown and Reld, tU: portlnK e new flouring mill of Barker Bros.,,. 8tate VfcLutz; MM-fau .is in good runningorner. V. W. UooiJ-i?v. u,,nr,n. tu rn-, arresting a. rteid. i.tsjo: ar- wln is fitting up a hall for the organi-r retlng J. Simon, J. II. Hackleinan zation of Masons, Odd Fellowa ands,"" ,BCT: . , , , , , , . fTAc.. tllO; drawinirand flllnR county order and Good Templars. Yakima City Is Unamlatot tmMl c,,.rk., , Kin road case, t-13.75; sundry fee. $58; attend .. " .... l-anee on County Court, October and November LsEHuY AsD Ir LUCK. 1 lie pUOIISb-fS. malctree ))oI1 boofc. m,a ers of Ballon a Monthly Magazine wereScierk' fee in state ca-, tvn.m-, utt-ndanc burnt out by the great Are at BostOn.Son County Court, 119. J. H. Wahburne, per; Tn Im than twntv-frttir hntira nff.PP.dlem and milage, Wm. Cyru, per diem mici ucowwjrcu t-ucjH Wm lston Richard Cheadle and Wm. rhad purchased a new offica and wereGorc appointed to view a road petitioned for by hard at work on the January number.KWm. A. Peteron and other; nme viuwr to t w ' mem - f.Kih ...in l.o taaA ot i tMvlew road petitioned for or w. a. uiison ana and sent to subscribers. We like eucha w c Balr u Habrook and Wm. B. Smith evidence or piucK ana we nice JSauou'sKto view road petitioned for by Wm. Mcllargue I w. I , ' f. ti. tH , u r . i. , ... u.. uuf;usnc niBUt tox ti. is - sui iiiv ui iut5.",,u . innnnrfnf .h whole nnmmnnilv. PI Feter Fowell, lloau Bupervior, autnonxea K) l 1 , Y.-Ar,.a n..ss Tn mllfrtn dnlf ' ,,.uv. . .v.h-. - . rt h Arainl v ti nn v fnrlviRt nf material to cover tame. Wm. Cochran, A. W. Stannrd and Harmon Swank to view road petitioned for by 3. B. Rob ert and others. I h nnture. and eslraonllnnrv ry, eff'-eta of llostetu-r's Moniach IlltU' tome ami alterative ,r more than hull lilted world, are fully nt lorth In it pa ileh are also lntriiered with nietirinl siiiistrntlons. Valuable r-el-s for the house, hold and larm, humorou anecdotes, and rfh .-r instnietivc and amusing n-adtiie motu-r. oriiTinnl and selected. Amone the Annuals to appear with the opening of the year, this will ij: a.t.m. uw.ui. nut. inn. w. iim. lftrH WUi'nk!iic. The proprieUrs, Messrs. llosltrtUTa x iiniin, i.nsourt;, rs., f,n reeeiH, oi a two wnt stamp, will forward copy by mall to any person wno cannra euri, one in hi nclttli ixirhood. The Hitters are sold In everv oitv town and villntre, and are extensively used throughout the entire clvlllzi-d world. Oil. V. K. UOIIEKTY'N PP.IVATDtiEOICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE happed Hand and Fare, More Llpa, Orjarmi of the Mkln, Ac, dr., r-uredat one by IIKOKMAN'S CAMPHOR ICKWITIHiI.VCERI.NE. It kc the bsnd- eft in all weathar. enat you vet llKlit MAN'S. 6old by all IlruKKist. only 2i oeuU. Mannfaoturad only by Ukokhah A Co., Chem ist and l)rusciK, Ns? York. janI3'71yl jfyNo. &19 Sacramento Street, cumai of liio,.l..ia Mrcct, (a lew doo below What Cbeer lluuss. Private Eutranc so LeidcdorB" street, 8u Frsocisco. Eilablisktd tjcprtmmly to afford (A afflicfd msw' cisntiie Mic aid l (rsatssswl and tmrtof all Pritattaud Ckrvn . e i'a, easrs of .SVcrs- rj and all .Vex sal Uorderm. Ac odge, Calef A Co., Si 7 Front l., wholesale de!er in l ru.tr, I'atuU, Oils, Olass, Ac.l 1 1 I" 8e.-tng Maebina, ttraigbt 1 1 VJll 11 A under fced.and "lock titeb." Couipetiiion -challenged. O.W. Tr- jr. Agent, lli froot ttrett. il Wutebisun, W., watchmaker. Burner First i IIJL Miu St. AU work done at San Fraa 'eu priret and warranted. 1 1 Vurren A (Shindi-nr, No. Kid to 172 First t. il Iutboner of Fc.rnitur. Beddini;, Ae, leraalional Hotel, eor. Front aud Xurrima. lludolpb, l'r. Free Buss attend (learnar D' SPECIAL NOTICES. Base Thikveby. gome wretch JdSta Sunday night stole a quarter of beefj and several bushels of apples from the , residence of Mrs. Jary Brown, In tis city. A person who could thus delib erately steal the winter's supply of food; from a white-haired widow, bordering: on her three-score and ten, who is try ing to earn an honest livelihood by her own time wrinkled hands, would rob his own starving child of its last crust! and munch the crumbs in erinniue satisfaction ; while witnessing , the child's, death struggles. , If this wretch ehoufd be caught the State neverought to be put to the expense of trying him. ( A lamp post and a shallow-grave should be his portion. , T Got it. Hebe's Your Pbksexts. Ed. Free- land's book store is in receipt of a full 'stock of books, albums, stationery, .etc., for the holiday trade. Some of tne most richly bound books ever brought to this market are there to be seen, as well as albums of rarest design gand most convenient pattern. There are also some new-fangled contrivan ces in the way of envelope, openers' pencil and ink erasers, etc. - Don't for get to make an early call there. A. WHEELER, MIIEI)I, OR. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER-I CIIANT. AS D DEALER IS MERCHANDISE AND PRODUCE A cood assortment of all kind of cood al ways in ure at lowest market rates. Agent for alo of WAGONS, GRAIN. DRILLS, CHURNS, CIDER MILLS, ETC. Caah paid for wheat, Out, Pork, Butter, Ejjg and 1'oultry. - A Chaxoe. The Portland Bulletins has passed out of the hands of Holla- day and is now an independent Ite- publican paper, with H. W. bcott asj editor andSain. Simpson (the poet) as! assistant quill-driver. O'JUeara- Is kicked out. Of course this is a change from the bad to the good, and we now welcome tha Bulletin to the field of re us your Ik! ARCTIC SODA. mHANKINO THE PUPLIC FOR PAST I ' putrotinire, we would innouoee tbat we are! nuw prepared, with greatly improved facilities, to dispeuie this bealtoiul beverage to every on in unlimited quantitie. BOTTLED SODA AND SARSAPARILLA duliverect throughout the city. Dealer supplied on liberal term. n3tf. A. CAKOTHERS CO. A BeAutifui. PIACE. The Jewelry establishment of Titus Bro's. with itsKspectable journalism. Send new stock of gems for the holidays, sogdaily in exchange, Bro. Scott. tastefully and elegantly displayed, is ' EW OoorX-R.Cheadle is in re attracting great attention in our cityg.int, of . frpsth ,nvo,ft of omla from Persons desiring to makebejowr( among lch lfj some fine plat. -It is currently reported that lyoung friend, Perry Raymond, has Secured the appointment of postmaster at this city, vice Frealand, resigned, Hat present. M . . . . . ... sstneir wives, sisters or somebody else's, sisters presents should not fail to call Uy-tne-way, Titus .two's have a newi advertisement in to-day's paper, to Iwhich we call attention. Tlieir watch- es and wares are all of tho best and purest manufacture. Professional. We direct the at- ed ware of a superior manufacture and superb pattern. Call early and examine his new goodsi Remember also, that Cheadle. offers the highest cash price for oats. Mr.. R. is a thor ough business man,, and means just what he says, every pop. As Hon.' N. II. Cranor and" Judge HEMORRHOIDS. A.. CAROTHBRS A CO'S "PILE PILLS AM' OINTMENT" have now become one of the standard preparation of the day: il pre pared and reeouimoadod for Pile only (whether ahronie or recent). Kuilerer may depend upon 'it. that thi remedy will give thorn permanent roller from thi troublesome and damaging com ola'mt. . I Sent postpaid to any address (within tbo Uni- jted States) upon receipt or prion, $1.50. ; . f A. UAK0T1IEKS A CO., n40yl : " " Albany, Linn Co., Oregon. SHERIFF'S SA1E. TO THE AFFLICTED. ' R. W. K. D0IIERTY RETURNS HIS SIN cere thanks to hi numerous patient foi ibeir patronage, and would take th'. unporKimt) to remind tbem tbat bo continue to consult at hi Institote fur tbe cure of cbronio dUease of the Lung, Liver, Kidney, Digestive and Uenito-l'ri-nary Organs, and all private diaease. vi . Syph ilis in all it form and tjre, Seminal Weakncst aud all tbe horrid eonaequeace'of self-abuse. Uon-j orrbwa, Uleet, Strictures. Nocturnal and Diurnal emissions, Sexual Debility, Disease uf tbe Back and Loin, Inflammation of tbe Bladder and Kid neys.ete., etc., and be hope that bis long experi ence and successful practice will continue to insure him a share of public patronage. Ity tbe practice of many year in Europe and the United Status, u is enabled to apply the most efficient and no- ceful remedies against diseases ofall kinds. II. cures without mercury, charges moderate, treats bir niiticnu in a correct and honorable way, and h references of unquestionable veracity from men of known respectability and bigb standing in soci oty. All parties consulting him by letter orotbor wire, will receive the toi ana gentlest treatment, and iuiplioit secrecy To Female. Wben a female is in trouhle, or afflicted witl. disease, a weakness of tue back and limb, pain in the bead' dimueas of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, irritability, ner vousness, extreme urinary difficulties, derange ment of digestive lunotions, genorel debility, va ginitls, all diseases ot tbe womb, hysteria, sterili ty, and all other diseases peculiar to females: sheE' tahould go or writ at once to the celebrated female doctor, W. K. Dohcrty, at his , Medical Institute and consult hint about ber troubles and disease. Tbe Doctor is effecting more cures than any otberfc pbysiciun in the State of California. Let no faUeK delicacy prevent you, hut apply immediately and uv. vmirsnlf from nuinful aurTurinir sn.l nm.n Stu re death. Ail Married Ladies whose delicate ... health or otner circumstances prevent an increase in their fnuilies, should write or call at Dr. W. K. Doberty'a Medical Institute, aud they will receive every posible relief and help, - ,The Doctor's offi ces are so arranged that he can be consulted, with out fear of observation. To Correapoiidents. Patients residing in auy part of tbe State, how ever distant, who nay desire tbe opinion and ad vide of Dr. Doherty in tbolr respective eases, and Rwbo tbink proper to submit a written statement ofg msucd, in preiorenoe io nomiog a personal Interview MITCHELL -FJJRZ "vVAQOJST. WITH Patent Uoiadi as Ini M 1 XV. retail dealer in S ne Clothing, Furn'st tiood. I f aiwn Doree Rextaorant, private room A.r 'Jl lamiliemeor. 1st A Flue it. Q. o..s rr fl srtin. K. A Co, w bulessle dealers in wine s9 IXT JL Liquor, 0. 8. X. Co' block and an J- rsu few A Sobmeer, lit Front St., W'hulesalc if JL ni1 Retail Coa fnetioners. 11 iller, Jobn It., Vi First St. Watchmaker 'XTX and Jeweler, otl'cr to tbe publie a fine a- l...riicnt oi natebea. Clock and Jewelry. M Jortbrup, A Tbompou,IIaruware, Iron, Stool,' llutis, pote, Hardwood 'i kecidental lloloi, eur. First A .Mormon sis. I J Smith A Cook, Proprietors. I " Jarrisb, Watkim 4 Cornell, Real Estate Agnts ! L cor. r rout aua Mark Ma. 1 tt 'ir- . JTv, . uellcr A Co., cruiit, bear V at., dealer in native and foreign Wines, Liquors A Cigars BEACH. S03ETCIXG SEW. WITH Patent ROLLER BRAKE! 500 SOLD LAST YEAR! " wui' ivrrrfyu fir tit a nr-r m, m a us s a.s i mill rrauwi.lt NOW ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL TO BE THE BEST WAGON OX TBE PACIFIC COAST Send for Descriptive Circular. TO TOE FARMERS o. PJIOTOtiltAFlIIC tiOOtS. 11. WUODAUD A CO.. 101 Front btrect J. il. riLKIXGTO.N, Si. D., OCULIST & AUIIIST,B! Office. No. 73, First Sr., Holmes' Buildinc 3rd doer from Laud's Bank, treat all diseases of tbo EYE, EAR, T CROAT & LUNGS. T1 louter, Paul, IDS First t., Importer of Bcr- ;XtL ln wooden er.rvings, Parlor Oroaments, Ac ft 1 osenbaum, I. S. A Co., Tobacconists, A iui 11 p'orlors of Foreign and Domestic Liquor. u House, Front st. Uu First Class Prin cipal. Tbo. ltyan, Proprietor. 11 B O berlock, S., nl Front A 63 First sts., dealer iu that they have strengthened and added to the; .same, erected new works entire ; that they now Efnave two A No. 1 Cleaner, with large tleva tors complete ; nave put in new uouer ana ja- k'tue, and are now prepared to take In anu handle1 ; - . j, - . WHEAT & OATS. verr ranldlv and conveniently. We would also call the attention of the far mers to the fact, that our facilities for shipping to a Forelpn Market are very complete, auo mr. irwtv win nnu i.ininwniiv.niAm ui roil at mrrofhee for further information as to oarn : acuities ana terms oi storage. larness, Saddlery, and .Saddlery Hardware. Simon, J., 68 Front st., dealer in Doors, Sash and Blind, Window and Plate Glass. ' ' TOTICB IS HEREBY UIVEJf THAT II w virtue or an execution Issued- Out of Mr. E. has been reefctnd' deputy forltention of the public to the profeS8ion-Boilham ;chot,lmate8 ..Jn- the several years past, and is well versed in the business of the efflcei. He has our : personal - congratulations. But, where oh where is the leetle wee felleriphysician ttftheBeauiter. il sri;;Ji; 1' :' ' ft A BEXTY.'rLe Bon Ton, the mostj AoESTs maj learn something great-8tyiish and elegant fashion journal of! ly to tneir aavaniage ana ootain speci-Rthe period, is on our taWe for Decern jnena aad full particulars- free, by ad-Ker. It i published by 8.' F. Taylor, dressing nooa e viierary ana lrtgaio roatiway ss 44 Jtue Bt. Jlacyt Xewburgh, 2f. Y. - J .'. KAnae,Pai?i8rFra.nce. Price, ?6 per year. a,t taiu x. 11, iiOllia iir IU11ICI1S.1 . 11 i T..JI... nolumnj The Ttnotor ia alnxuiv wellEl8 .uia i.aug Dyne, m xuuiaua, establisked in the practice atthisplace,Ian1 he warmest personal friends for ana nas an envauaoie reputation as ag more than a quarter of a century,, tne .latter adiourned Circuit Court In Salem during the first of tlie week and came uj to attend Mr. Cranor's funeral. His Last -wobdsw Hon. N.. H, -cjranor'B last words were:. "Ulve- me fa lift help me over the preeielce. , and 11 wui soon oe nome." , r . , . BY the Circuit Court of the State of Oreiron. for Linn county, to me directed and delivered, in favor or h. m. renninRton, plalntllT. an ftCalnst J. W. Mack and Helen M, Mack, defendants, fori the sum of $28:1.85 In TT..R. Bold coin, Judfcmont and cost of suit, I have this 20th day of No-I vember, A. D. 1872. levind upon the followlne describee property, to-wit : All of the plttniut mill and machlowry, wifh the lot on which it. stands, and twenty-horta power of water, situ ated In the town of Waterloo, Linn county, Or egon, and, on Saturday', the 28lh day of J)ea.t 1372,: between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. jr., tb-wlt : at' II' o'clock A. M. of said day, In front of the Court House door, in the iittyof Albany, Linn county; Orepon, I will sel? Ithe above described nronerty.,for cash In hand. Rat public outcry totne jne-nest mriner:. Sheriff, Linn Co., Orepon; . By GEO. HUMPHKEY, . Deputy, Dated November 29, l8T2.r-nlfrtr4. waranasasnemanaBi O TOS K, U. I... 107 Front Street.! O Watchmaker and Manufacturine Jeweler, Hi liiipomted airent for the M a thorn, Elirin. K. How- lara A Vo., V. H. jReot, and tbe Cal. TTatohes aisu, iur an io urouuciioos ana imports oi to nllf. T 1 o ti : - e 1 r.. J m. 1 .T . ' j w"'r uu,u"n"'t'n eireuler. Watches repaired in the very best O insheimer.H, 1 57 First St., Importer of Pian ij os. Organs, Sheet fitusin, Musical Instrmnts O kidmore, fc. U., O Apothcoarr. !..ud Toilet Articles, 123 First st , Druggist and$l A large stock of. Perfumer) Smith A Davis, 71 Front ft., wholesale drujrs Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Perfumery, Ac Onow A Rood. 73 Firrt st.. Pictures, Flames, ij Moldings, Artiat's Mat'l. Dr'wng Instr'rontP .r H. mith. Put, liroker, 9U Front st., dealer in Le -Hi 13 R1 Tenders. Oovcrnm'nt Bonds A Gold Dustnf will beJield most sacred . If tuoase be fully and candidly deseribed, per sbnal communication will be unnecessary, as -in structions for diet, regimen, and the eenerol treat ment ot tne case (including tne remedios), will be forwarded without delay, and in such a manner as to oonvey no idea of tbe purport of the letter or! S! parcel so transmitted. . Consultation by letter or otherwise, prkb. rermauent cure guaranteed orl no pay. Address, W. K. DOHERTY, M. I).. . 1 Bun Frsnoiiso, California, Spermatorrhoea. Tn. Dobeiitv has just published an lmnortant pamphlet embodying bis own views and experiences' in reietion to impotence or Vrrilitv. beine a short treatise on Spermatorrhooa or Seminal Weakness! Nervous and Physical Debilvty exinseqnent nn tbisj affectum, ana other diseases ef tbe Sexual Organs. This little work contain iafnrmation of the ut most value to 1T, whether married or single, andt will be sent FAKE by mail' on receipt of fix centri iw postage stomp rar retanr postage. Address, 4 s W. K. DOHERTY, M. v., T8n3Stf i, . - - Frane.if, Cal. manner and Warranted my. to give sntisfaotion . b!r ileriy Bros, 178 First st, Alanufaetwrer and :delrs in Furniture, Bedding, Carpets, Ae LINN AND BENTON COUNTIES ESrfsfii"ft pe'iyl Agent wanted I S?ef IU9 sm If All classes of working pew Ipie, ot eitner sex, young or old. maite mora money at work tor us in their spare momenta, r all the time, than at anything else. Particu lars tree. Address U. SUnsoa A Co. Portland, Maine. l i S.OvMljL rwrsTTP TT-vnirweifHrFTi tvnrTj n TtFSPF.r-r I JL fully announce tbat they have enUrely re-M modeled and renovated their larec. comiuodl-fl sous ana suustantiai . . WAREHOUSE, THREE. FINE RESIDENCES I AND OTHER TOWN LOTS FOR "SALE IN ALBANY r (Iur Facilities for Storage at are such that we can shin from this warehouse! tkjot any time to prevent overerowoing k, - v8nStf. W. S. NKW'DnT,.Agent. rsnHEL'XDERSIGXID OFFERS FOR BALK M. the loilowing described property. aKuate4 in the city of Albany, to-wit : one nneiy.nnisnea ana eoramodloo reel. once, and 6 lots, a Kood barn and other out. houses, grounds well arranged and filled with beautitnl shrubberr. alarce varietv of bearinr 1 ru it trees, etc., etc. Also, one house and two lots, in the business u,H i.in ..f t,.. ... 1,,,- 1 1 1 1 , . I v.-... v.. iutj vii.l, VilC .iw wvii suiHjueq with got! fruit and fine shrubbery. The house : lure ana eommooious. - aiso, a House ana tot in a very desirable to it ion, with suitable lamily convenience. AlSO. the tWO lota unin whlrh fnrmrlv stAAif he I'aeifio Hotel, oh th eopnf-S rtf RiKVfcwrf anal W'ashiiKtou streets. Also 7 or 8 unimnroned river lnta Ivlnsr alnns? 'the railroad switch. I also have tor sale a fine new Plasa. nf HsJ. SBlet'S tnAnilfaM,IM Ik. 1..., in .h. mawlrat rortlailfii A" the above mentioned property will be soia on me most reasonable terms, in I act i Will give extras li.dnr.in.HtA tn. numlisvn fxs I desire to ebanue uty loeUtv and remova -w ....... AV.., 1 UUUMlk . . vsnuu. II JOB WAGON- . AVINQ PURCHASED THE IXTERES1 ef U. W, Young iu the DELIVERY BUSINESS, I sin prepared tn da any any and all kinds oil ii.bs on sbrt notice sn with nuiek disoateh. EsTernis reasonable. Packages delivered to au part of the etty. Look out lor tbe 6ry team and Jot rraena. v7n22tf. A. N. ARNOLD, FIREMAN'S FUND IRSORANCE C0.r OF SA3T FRANCISCO. . ... : t - v - , - i " ESTABLISHED' m 18631 i CANT HELP BUYINS AT TBE fAuetaV XaBAnary X. 1872 ever $S5G,- uuu, in uoio. Fifty Thevaand Dollars Deposited witt ana orate a reasnrer. ia campu j ... , ace with the law of the- Stcrto of Orcg-on. Ine VJloilui.K htoro, 1 13 front street. Cloth inar, Furnishing Goods, .Boots and Shoes (Harris A Prnjrer. . : uttfe, II H, 142 and 144 Front at. It Deal? in Wajjons and Agricultural Implements. ' GASH STORE! m.TOW IF YOTJ READ THIS KOTICE YC:! x may wish to call at the Cassis Store-of K.B Cheadle. and if you do you wUl not fro awayi without buylnc something. The prices would! ou so wen mat tney wouhi compel you to inse. I wtsn-aii woo reauv tms to unaer-i stand thnt I mean business. My goods are for rpjne, El), n. w, cor First Oak sts, dealer m&isaie lor Cr,sh or Produce. All kinds of produce I i fine Braudies. Wines, English Ale A P'orterfcitaken in exchantre for goods,. Cash paid lbrj V,H7'illi8ms A Myers, 5 Central Bloolt, Front st , I If Commission Merch'nts A deal's in Prodnee!1 1 IZhnlley A Fcohheimer, Attorney A Solicit i w J ors in Bankruptcy. Cffioe in tbe Odd NFellows' Temple. ' Efrjrs at the CASH &XOKE. niiws. R. CHEADLE. FIXES V" FURS ! FURS! 3fHHE HIGHEST PRICE PAID IN" CASH . for alt kind nf Fries, hv . -v.. . -. :STOCK-IIEJi:S ELECTION. i SmsTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX : THAT THKi U Annual Klecdon oC tue Lrna Co. Agricui-S t,..! leeaainrian warlMi t-.A UaLs w l,s, r.s-l wHousa nn,1iieitda.TthA 2d rinv nf Jn.niiis.rv. 1KV:t. FIRE AISTD MARINE SUSANCE I Losses Fairly Adjusted , An Promptly Settled , , A, F. WHEBLEK,, AGENT, ALBA N Y, CTMEGON", "V " CEO. P.-GBAVMT, 9EaIuaresr, nUmS. , . . Portland, Oregon ut 1 o'clock P. St., lor the puspose of eleetinK) a .-.. u.i uiwi 9 j ac row un? j i m , suu fcu, M.'ir. react such business aa may come betore.tae 1 By order of . . &SIONTOOMEHT. (9 Attest-: VlcaEKsifjrut. S3 A- T. AAKCtim, nKrt. .cash PAii- Fotr'i:r:.":b. twin pat iinsr '"leiasrtfrsis" ycxn- r price, in east, for al) ciriaurouirht lou- vrt- tabMshrcept, in Ai'janr